U2 - Extra Practice

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2 EXTRA PRACTICE # 1 Name: .........................................................

1 Complete the sentences with the routines below.

do homework  walk the dog  watch TV  have lunch  tidy my room

study with friends  make a snack  have dinner  go home
1 Some students .................................................................. for a meal and others eat at school.
2 We .................................................................. twice a day. His name is Wolf.
3 I rarely .................................................................. , so it’s difficult for me to find things.
4 The girls .................................................................. at 8.00 pm. Their favourite programme is on then.
5 At 5.00 pm, I .................................................................. and eat it in my room.
6 I usually .................................................................. on Thursday evenings. We have a test every Friday.
7 Students .................................................................. after school to practise new material.
8 In the evening, I .................................................................. with my family. We usually have a hot meal.
9 Tom and his friends .................................................................. at 1.00 pm. They usually eat sandwiches.

2 Write the words below next to the correct verb to make six routines.

to bed  up  breakfast  to school  dressed  a shower

............................................... ...............................................
1 get 2 go
............................................... ...............................................

3 have

3 Complete the sentences with the routines in Exercise 2 and the correct times so they are
true for you.
1 I ................................................................. at ................................................................. .
2 I ................................................................. at ................................................................. .
3 I ................................................................. at ................................................................. .
4 I ................................................................. at ................................................................. .
5 I ................................................................. at ................................................................. .
6 I ................................................................. at ................................................................. .


4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple affirmative.
1 My brother ............................................... (watch) TV in his room.
2 I ............................................... (have) breakfast with my mother and father.
3 Pam ............................................... (study) at Westside School.
4 The boys ............................................... (do) homework after school.
5 We ............................................... (get up) late on Sundays.
6 Jason ............................................... (go) to school at 8.45 am.

5 Look at Lily’s profile and complete the sentences about her. Use the Present Simple affirmative.

Lily Timms Profile

Home town: Sydney, Australia
Brother and sister: Robby and Liz Timms
School: Jarrod High School
Class: 7B
Favourite TV series: The Vampire Diaries
Favourite activities: sport, dinner with friends at Lou’s
Pizza Parlour

1 Lily and her family ............................................... (live) in ............................................... , Australia.

2 Lily ............................................... (study) at ............................................... School.
3 She ............................................... (watch) ............................................... .
4 She often ............................................... (do) ............................................... .
5 Lily and her friends often ............................................... (have) a meal at ............................................... .

6 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple affirmative.

I’m Alan and I’m a big Maroon 5 fan. I 1. ............................................... (love) their music and I 2. ............................................... (watch)

all their videos on YouTube. My friend, Jake, 3. ............................................... (look) like the band’s singer, Adam Levine.
Jake’s a good singer, too. He also 4. ............................................... (want) to be famous one day. Jake 5. ...............................................

(sing) in a band. He and his band 6. ............................................... (play) Maroon 5’s music. They sound amazing!


2 EXTRA PRACTICE # 2 Name: .........................................................

1 Find and circle nine school subjects in the puzzle below. Then write the name of the
correct school subject under each picture.
l h i s t o r y m x z m
m i p g s b y b k x r d
a j t w e c d d n l n n
t m k e q o i r k m q z
h a r q r m g e a l p v
s r g g m a s r n m x g
n t m y u d t p a c a n
y r w m s r l u o p e t
d t x p i y j n r r h g
m y d n c p y r v e t y

1 2 3

............................................... ............................................... ...............................................

4 5

............................................... ............................................... ...............................................

7 8 9

............................................... ............................................... ...............................................

2 Complete the sentences with the school subjects.

1 Students sometimes learn to build websites in c ..... ..... p ..... t ..... r t ..... c ..... n ..... l ..... g ..... lessons.
2 My friend wants to learn F ..... ..... n ..... h . He wants to live in France one day.
3 We study biology and chemistry in our s ..... ..... e ..... ..... e lessons.
4 Students often read books by Charles Dickens in l ..... ..... er ..... ..... u ..... e lessons.
5 We sing songs in our m ..... ...... ..... c lessons.
6 We study E ..... ..... l ..... ..... h several times a week. It’s an important subject because it helps us
communicate with people all around the world.


3 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 has lunch / always / at school / Robert


2 geography / study / on Mondays / we


3 her room / twice a week / tidies / Emily


4 study / I / with friends / rarely


5 never / drama / teaches / Ms Black


4 Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency and the time expressions below.

often  at 8.00  every day  never  twice a week

1 Sophie ............................................... walks to school. Her mother drives her.
2 Mr Matthews teaches English ............................................... . On the other days, he teaches French.
3 My brother and I ............................................... watch TV before we go to bed. The Simpsons is our
favourite programme.
4 I have dinner with my family ............................................... . After my mother comes home from work, we eat.
5 I have a shower ............................................... . After that, I get dressed.

5 Rewrite the sentences adding an adverb of frequency and a time expression.

1 People walk their dogs.


2 Teens tidy their rooms.


3 Students do homework.


4 Children go to school.


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