(Asce) MT 1943-5533 0003092
(Asce) MT 1943-5533 0003092
(Asce) MT 1943-5533 0003092
Abstract: This study experimentally investigates the effects of edge-oxidized graphene oxide (EOGO), which is a low-cost carbon-based
nanomaterial, on fresh and hardened properties of normal portland cement concrete (PCC) and fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). Interestingly,
adding EOGO to normal concrete mixtures improves the workability of concrete. In this regard, EOGOs as an additive were applied to FRCs
in order to improve FRCs’ low workability without losing mechanical enhancement due to EOGOs. Two fiber types of basalt fiber (BF) and
steel fiber (SF) were used in this study. First, 0.05% of EOGO by the cement weight was mixed in basalt FRC (BFRC) mixture, which is 0.1%
of the BF by the concrete volume. Second, considering the results of BFRC, 0.1% of EOGO was employed in steel FRC (SFRC) mixture with
1.0% of SF by the concrete volume. Testing was aimed at investigating the effects of EOGO on the workability and mechanical strengths of
the FRC mixtures. The test results illustrate that the EOGO improves workability more than 100% in the SFRC mixture but about 20% in
the BFRC mixture. The EOGO provides a slight increase of both compressive and flexural strengths for normal concrete and SFRC mixtures.
In contrast, it was observed that the EOGO increases the flexural strength of SFRC in terms of initial crack generation and range of elastic
behavior. The EOGO-SFRC required more than 30% of energy to reach the initial crack point than the SFRC mixture. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)
MT.1943-5533.0003092. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Edge-oxidized graphene oxide (EOGO); Basalt fiber-reinforced concrete (BFRC); Steel fiber reinforced concrete
(SFRC); Workability; Mechanical properties; Flexural behavior.
chanochemical method could achieve cost reduction compared of 7.50% by the weight of cement enhances the concrete flexural
with the conventional GO produced by the Hummers method strength by 34% (Kizilkanat et al. 2015). However, the workability
(Garmor 2015). Hummers method passes through three main steps: of SFRC and basalt FRC (BFRC) have shown reductions for all
oxidation, purification, and exfoliation of graphite, and these proc- cases compared with the normal PCC with possible decreases up to
esses produce high manufacturing cost (Zhao et al. 2017). In 50% or less (Dong et al. 2017; Hasan-Nattaj and Nematzadeh 2017;
contrast, the newly developed mechanochemical method uses a Jiang et al. 2014; jun Li et al. 2017; Kizilkanat et al. 2015).
ball-milling process associated with a non-toxic oxidizing agent In this study, the effects of EOGO on FRC (both BFRC and
to mill the graphite powder, so few layers of EOGO are produced SFRC) properties were studied. A workability test was performed
as a flake shape. Since this mechanochemical method has a low to determine the fresh properties of the FRCs. Compressive and
cost, EOGO nanoflakes can be expected to incorporate practically, flexural strength tests were performed to measure the mechanical
in a large amount, in the concrete industry. The effects of EOGO on properties of the FRCs. In the first step, different percentages of
the fundamental mechanical properties of cement paste and mortar EOGO were mixed in normal PCC. Second, considering the results
mixture have been examined to analyze the microstructure and of the first step, a selected dosage of EOGO was added into the
chemical compositions (Al-Muhit et al. 2015; An et al. 2018a; basalt fiber-reinforced concrete (BFRC). Finally, the EOGO was
Chuah et al. 2018; Gong et al. 2015; Li et al. 2017a, b, c; Lu and mixed in SFRC mixtures with the consideration of the results of
Ouyang 2017; Lv et al. 2013; Mohammed et al. 2016; Mokhtar the first and second steps. In addition, the flexural behavior of
et al. 2017; Pan et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2015, 2017; Yang et al. EOGO mixed SFRC was discussed and associated with the first
2017; Zhao et al. 2017). The results of a preliminary study show crack initiation and its ductility.
that the EOGO improves the workability of the cement concrete;
thus, in the proposed study, the enhanced workability in concrete
due to EOGOs was explored in fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC), Experimental Program
which is a low-workable concrete mixture.
Different kinds of fibers have been commonly used in concrete to
improve the mechanical capabilities of the cementitious materials. It Materials
has widely known that steel fiber (SF) improves the toughness of
cement composites and increases the ductility of the concrete mate- Edge-Oxidized Graphene Oxide
rials but dramatically reduces the workability (Abbass et al. 2018; In this study, EOGO was used as an additive in the cement concrete
Boulekbache et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2018b; Leone et al. 2018; Li mixtures. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of how EOGOs are
and Li 2017; Liang and Wu 2018; Mahmod et al. 2018; Yoo produced through the mechanochemical process with ball milling
et al. 2017). Basalt fiber (BF), which is a relatively new type of fiber and non-toxic oxidizing agent (An et al. 2019). In a custom tank
offering innovative applications in concrete composites, has been re- with a capacity of 1.4 L, stainless steel balls of 6 mm diameter and
ported to improve the concrete mechanical properties, such as com- 1 g weight each are employed to mill the graphite into nanoflakes at
pressive, flexural, and tensile strengths, but to significantly reduce a rate of 700 rpm (Blair et al. 2014), and the non-toxic oxidizing
Fig. 1. Production procedure of EOGO nanomaterial. (Reprinted from Composites Part B: Engineering Vol. 173, J. An, B. H. Nam, Y. Alharbi, B. H.
Cho, and M. Khawaji, “Edge-oxidized graphene oxide (EOGO) in cement composites: Cement hydration and microstructure,” 106795, © 2019, with
permission from Elsevier.)
0.01 0.1 1 10
duced graphite nanoflakes (Garmor 2015). This process provides
(a) Particle size (mm)
EOGO nanoflakes consisting of multiple layers of carbon sheets
(e.g., up to ten layers), and reactive functionalized oxygen groups 100
are attached to the periphery of each layer. These physical and
chemical characteristics of EOGO nanoflakes were investigated 80 High
Fig. 2. Images of EOGO: (a) SEM (reprinted with permission from Alharbi et al. 2018); and (b) TEM (reprinted from Composites Part B:
Engineering Vol. 173, J. An, B. H. Nam, Y. Alharbi, B. H. Cho, and M. Khawaji, “Edge-oxidized graphene oxide (EOGO) in cement composites:
Cement hydration and microstructure,” 106795, © 2019, with permission from Elsevier).
EOGO was then applied to FRC mixtures to compensate for the re-
duced workability due to the fibers to maintain the high mechanical
performance of concrete. BFRC and SFRC were chosen to verify the
efficiency of EOGO in the concrete workability, and the mechanical
strengths were then measured on those FRC mixtures. Second, the
BFRCs were mixed and tested. For the BFRC mixing group, 0.05%
of EOGO (by the cement weight) and 0.10% of basalt fiber (by the
concrete volume) were designed in accordance with the standards
ACI 211.1, ACI 211.3, ACI 318, and ACI 302 (Kosmatka and
Wilson 2011). The 0.05% of EOGO was selected based on the re-
sults of the first test with the normal PCC mixture. Third, the
Fig. 4. Fibers used in this study: (a) BFs; and (b) corrugated SFs. SFRCs were then designed based on the testing results of normal
PCC and BFRC. For the SFRC mixing group, four different con-
crete mixes including normal concrete (Control), EOGO-concrete,
SFRC, and EOGO-SFRC were prepared. The selected percentages
may not be sufficient for predicting the behavior of other types of of EOGO and SF were 0.1% (by the weight of cement) and 1.0%
FRC. BF with a length of 25 mm and a diameter of 10–22 μm was (by the concrete volume), respectively. The 0.1% of EOGO was
used in the BFRC mixtures. The specific gravity was 2.67, and the selected because the study focused more on the enhancement of
water absorption was 11%. In contrast, a SF with corrugated shape workability rather than the improvement o mechanical properties.
was used in this study to prepare the SFRC mixtures. The corru- Tables 4 and 5 show the actual mix design adopted in this study and
gated SF had a length of 25 mm and an aspect ratio of 43 with a present the percentages of EOGO, basalt fiber, and steel fiber used
minimum tensile strength of 345 MPa. The SF meets the physical in the BFRC and SFRC concrete mixtures, respectively.
property requirements of the ASTM A820 standard [ASTM A820
(ASTM 2011)]. Fig. 4 shows the photos of basalt and SFs, and Mixing Procedure
Table 3 provides the physical properties of both fibers. Mixing concrete matrixes followed ASTM C192 (ASTM 2016a),
the standard practice for making and curing concrete test specimens
in the laboratory. Coarse and fine aggregates were first placed in a
Mix Design and Specimen Preparation mixer with a small amount of water to make the aggregates have a
pre-wet condition, and the mixer was started to rotate and cement
Mix Design that was pre-mixed with EOGO and fibers were added in the mixer.
The EOGO was mixed in normal PCC and FRC mixtures to inves- The mixer was rotated until all components were uniformly distrib-
tigate the effects of EOGO on fresh and hardened properties of uted in the mixture by visual inspection. Afterward, water was
the different types of concrete mixtures. The water to cement placed in the mixer, and the mixture was consecutively mixed
(w/c) ratio of 0.5 was used for all cases, and the proportion of for 3 min followed by 3 min rest. Lastly, the mixture was remixed
cement∶sand∶aggregate was 1.0∶2.1∶2.3. The EOGO as a dry pow- for an additional 2 min.
der was manually mixed with the cement prior to the addition of
water. First, a designated amount of EOGO was mixed with 1 kg of Specimen Preparation
cement in a sealed plastic bag by hand for 20 min. Afterward, the Testing specimens were prepared for slump, compressive, and flexu-
dried cement-EOGO mixture was remixed with the whole amount ral strength tests following ASTM C192 (ASTM 2016a). Standard
of cement to be used in a concrete batch by scoop for another cylinder (100 × 200 mm) and beam (100 × 100 × 350 mm) speci-
20 min. This process occurred 1 day before starting the concrete mens were cast to measure the mechanical properties of the hardened
mixing. This dry powder mixing method may give more practical concrete. The concrete cylinder and beam testing specimens satisfy
benefit in the construction field when it can be ensured that the the requirements of ASTM C39 (ASTM 2016b) and ASTM C78
EOGO powder is uniformly distributed in the mixtures. In this re- (ASTM 2018c), respectively. Three (3) samples of each mix ID
gard, one of the previous studies provide indirect information that for both curing ages of 7 and 28 days were prepared for repetitive
Table 5. Mix design used in EOGO and steel fibers concrete mixtures
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Mix ID Cement (kg=m3 ) Water (kg=m3 ) Coarse aggregate (kg=m3 ) Fine aggregate (kg=m3 ) EOGO (g=m3 ) SF (kg=m3 )
CONTROL 384.50 192.25 881 800 0.0 0.0
EOGO 384.50 192.25 881 800 384.50 0.0
SFRC 384.50 192.25 881 800 0.0 78.6
EOGO-SFRC 384.50 192.25 881 800 384.50 78.6
testing. The specimens were demolded after 24 h of casting, and they bottom cube mold is filled by the self-compacted concrete mixture.
were stored and cured in a water bath that had a relative humidity of The excess of concrete remaining above the level of the top of the
100% and a laboratory ambient temperature of 23°C until testing. cube mold is cut off without any artificial compaction. The weight
The compressive and flexural strength tests were performed at the of the bottom cube filled with concrete is recorded as a partially-
ages of 7 and 28 days for all mixtures. compacted concrete weight. Afterward, the bottom cube mold is
fully compacted by a hand vibrator, and the weight of the cube
mold is measured as a fully compacted concrete weight. The com-
Test Procedure paction factor can be computed by Eq. (1). Table 6 could be used to
evaluate the workability of concrete based on the compaction factor
Workability value [BS-1881:Part103 (BSI 1983)]
A slump cone test was performed to evaluate the effect of EOGO
Compaction factor ¼ ðW p − W e Þ=ðW f − W e Þ ð1Þ
on the workability of different concrete mixtures according to the
ASTM C143 standard [ASTM C143 (ASTM 2015c)]. Six consecu- where W p = weight of the cube mold with partially-compacted con-
tive slump readings (for each mix ID) were measured from one crete (kg); W f = weight of the cube mold with fully compacted
batch of the concrete mixture. The mixture materials used for each concrete (kg); and W e = weight of the empty cube mold (kg).
slump test were remixed with the rest of the concrete mixture in the
same batch, and the slump tests were consecutively performed six Strength Tests
times using an identical method. The six consecutive slump tests A universal testing machine (INSTRON-5594-E1-F4-G1) was used
were finished in 30 min after mixing the mixture, and the speci- for compressive and flexural strength tests in accordance with
mens for strength tests were cast using the rest of the mixture. This ASTM C39 (ASTM 2016b) and ASTM C78 (ASTM 2018c),
ensures the quality of the specimens and the consistency between respectively.
the materials for the slump test and specimens for the strength test. Compressive strength tests were performed on the cylinder
By this method, the consecutive slump tests were duplicated and specimens cured for both 7 and 28 days. A four-point loading
averaged for three batches for each mix design (CTRL, EOGO, flexural strength tests were performed on the concrete beam spec-
SFRC, and EOGO-SFRC). imens cured for 7 and 28 days, and the modulus of rupture (R) of
In addition, a compaction factor test [BS 1881 Part 103 (BSI the samples was determined by Eq. (2)
1983) and ACI 211.3 (Neville and Brooks 1987)] was performed
on the SFRC mixtures to investigate their workability under the R ¼ PL=bd2 ð2Þ
construction environment where the reinforced rebars exist. The
compaction factor tests were conducted after the sixth reading of where R = modulus of rupture (MPa); P = maximum applied load
the slump test. The compaction factor test apparatus was custom- (N); L = span length (mm); b = average width of specimen at frac-
ized for this study based on the total energy conservation concept ture (mm); and d = average depth of specimen at fracture (mm).
(equivalent volume of hoppers and dropping height), and the ap-
paratus is shown in Fig. 5(a). Two different cube molds with the
Results and Discussion
same dimensions (150 × 150 × 150 mm) were used to measure
the compaction factor for two different cases: (1) without rebars
and (2) with double-layered #6 rebars, as shown in Fig. 5(b). The Effects of EOGO on Normal PCC
purpose of using two different cube cases is to evaluate the ability
of fresh concrete to flow through rebars as a simulation of actual Workability
concrete pouring conditions in construction fields. Fig. 6 presents the results of the slump test for the EOGO mixed
The compaction factor test is conducted by placing the concrete normal PCC. It shows that the slump value of the concrete increases
to fully fill the upper hopper without artificial compaction. Then, as the EOGO content increases. Adding 0.01% of EOGO could
the gate underneath the upper hopper is opened, so the concrete increase the concrete slump 26% compared to the control mixture.
naturally moves downward to the lower hopper by only the con- Moreover, adding 0.05% and 0.10% of EOGO improves the con-
crete weight. Next, the gate underneath the lower hopper is opened, crete workability by about 36% and 42%, respectively. This in-
and the concrete also drops down only by its weight. Then, the creased slump in concrete due to EOGO is opposite to our previous
Fig. 5. Schematic of compaction factor apparatus customization: (a) hoppers and bottom cube positions; and (b) different cube cases.
Table 6. Relationship between the compaction factor and the degree of 250
concrete workability [BS-1881 (BSI 1983)] 36% 42%
200 26%
Compaction factor value Degree of workability
Slump (mm)
study of EOGO on cement paste and cement mortar (Alharbi et al. CONTROL EOGO-0.01% EOGO-0.05% EOGO-0.10%
2018). More discussion is present in later sections. Mix ID
Compressive and Flexural Strengths Fig. 6. Results of the slump test for EOGO-concrete.
Figs. 7(a and b) show the results of compressive and flexural
strength tests for the EOGO-concrete with 7 and 28 curing days,
respectively. The results show that the EOGO slightly enhances the the 7-day cured samples. In this study, the highest flexural strength
compressive strength for both the 7-day and 28-day cured speci- is shown at 0.05% of EOGO and a decreasing trend is shown,
mens. The improvement by adding the EOGO is clearer in 28 days exhibiting a 16% increment over the control mixture.
than in 7 days. In the 0.1% EOGO mixture, the compressive
strength is improved by about 16% for the 28-day cured specimen, Discussion
while 13% of increment is shown for the 7-day cured samples. Interestingly, the workability of concrete is enhanced by EOGO,
However, the relationship between the amount of EOGO and the which is the opposite of previous studies that show the workability
compressive strength is not clear in the EOGO-reinforced concrete. of cement paste and mortar decreases with an increasing amount of
The results of the flexural strength test show a small improvement EOGO (An et al. 2018b). The only difference between concrete
by adding the EOGO, particularly for the 28-day flexural strength. mixture and cement paste and mortar mixtures is the presence
For the 28-day cured sample, the EOGO gives a beneficial effect on of coarse aggregate. Therefore, it could be logically assumed that
the flexural strength, whereas little enhancement was observed for the coarse aggregate may influence the opposite phenomenon of
Slump (mm)
30 1.08
1.00 1.08
20 20%
0 0
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Mix ID
(a) Mix ID
Fig. 8. Slump test results for EOGO-BFRC mixtures.
7-day 28-day 1.16
Flexural Strength (MPa)
1.00 1.04 illustrating about a 20% increase of the workability at 0.05% of
6 EOGO-BFRC. It is likely due to the high absorption characteristics
1.00 1.04 1.03 1.03 of BFRC in the concrete mixture.
Compressive and Flexural Strength
2 The compressive and flexural strength tests were conducted on
the EOGO-BFRC with the curing of 7 and 28 days. The test results
0 are shown in Figs. 9(a and b). For a given mix design and curing
CONTROL EOGO-0.01% EOGO-0.05% EOGO-0.10% conditions, the BFRC and EOGO-BFRC show similar or lower
(b) Mix ID strength levels for both compressive and flexural strength for the
7-day and 28-day cured specimens, whereas EOGO slightly im-
Fig. 7. Mechanical strength for EOGO-concrete with normalized proves the strengths of normal PCC. In particular, it is interesting
values: (a) compressive strength for 7 and 28 days; and (b) flexural to note that the EOGO-BFRC illustrates even lower compressive
strength for 7 and 28 days. strength than the BFRC. In this aspect, the interaction between
EOGO and BF seems not to positively affect strength.
the workability of the EOGO-concrete mixture compared with Discussion
paste and mortar mixtures. In this regard, it seems that EOGOs Unlike the EOGO-concrete, adding EOGO in the BFRC mixtures
are primarily positioned between coarse aggregates and other parts does not significantly improve the performance of BFRC. This may
of the cement mixture. A possible assumption is that EOGO re- be attributed to the high absorption capacity of BFs (11%). The
duces friction or adhesion between the coarse aggregates and ag- absorption capacity of a typical granite coarse aggregate used in
glomerated cement mortar by coating the coarse aggregates. This this study is 0.6%. This high absorption of BF may absorb the
may result in a relatively smooth movement of the coarse aggre- EOGO with water and limits the dispersion of EOGO inside the
gates within the fresh EOGO-concrete mixture, exhibiting a more BFRC mixtures. Therefore, the EOGO may not work properly
flowable behavior than a normal PCC mixture. This observation of for the BFRC mixtures. Moreover, although all aggregates were
the EOGO-concrete is also in contrast to the workability results that first mixed with BF followed by cement with EOGO, and well
GOs reduce the workability of the cement paste and mortar mixture dispersion of BF in the dry mixture was confirmed, it was some-
without coarse aggregate (An et al. 2018b; Lee et al. 2018a). The what observed that the BF strands were clumped, known as balling
testing results indicate that EOGOs produce minor improvement of of fibers, by adding and mixing the water. It has been reported that
mechanical strength. Although it has been reported that GOs and BF is more susceptible to the balling effect than other types of fiber
EOGOs improve the mechanical properties in cement paste and like SF (Iyer 2014) and thus, it may negatively influence on the
mortar mixtures due to bridging and filling effects (An et al. 2018a; mechanical properties of concrete mixtures (Branston et al. 2016).
Li et al. 2017c), the EOGO seems not highly effective in concrete Based on the fresh and hardened properties of BFRC mixtures, the
mixtures. The possible reason might be the presence of a coarse actual benefit of adding EOGO in BFRC is quite limited. For the
aggregate that results in a more heterogeneous matrix. Despite next step, therefore, a steel fiber with zero water absorption was
overall enhancement in the workability and strength of the EOGO- selected, and the effects of EOGO on SFRC mixtures are investi-
concrete, adding 0.1% of EOGO caused a slight decrease in flexu- gated in aspects of the fresh and hardened properties. The results of
ral strength. Based on the testing results of the EOGO-concrete, the prior two testing tasks indicate that EOGOs mainly contribute
adding 0.05% of EOGO was recommended for the BFRC mix to concrete’s workability but not mechanical properties. Therefore,
design because 0.05% of EOGO provides the best performance in the SFRC design, 0.10% of EOGO was selected to maximize the
considering both workability and strength aspects. workability enhancement benefit of EOGO in the SFRC mixtures.
In addition, sufficient enhancement of mechanical properties can be
Effects of EOGO on BFRC contributed by SFs in the mixture.
Slump (mm)
1.13 1.15
30 100
0 0
CONTROL EOGO BFRC EOGO-BFRC 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
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Load (kN)
1.09 15
0 L/150
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
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(a) Mix ID
Displacement (mm)
7-day 28-day 1.38 Fig. 13. Load-displacement curves for four different concrete mixes.
Flexural Strength (MPa)
1.32 1.22
1.00 1.05
1.00 1.00
4 Table 8. Energy-absorption related parameters derived from the flexural
load-deflection curve
2 Mixture
CONTROL EOGO SFRC EOGO-SFRC P1 (d1 ) 16.91 (0.083) 20.69 (0.101)
(b) Mix ID PP (dP ) 18.66 (0.491) 20.69 (0.101)
d1 0.76 1.00
Fig. 12. Mechanical strength test results of 7 and 28 curing days
600 18.58 18.80
for EOGO-SFRC: (a) compressive strength for 7 and 28 days; and
600 8.16 9.21
(b) flexural strength for 7 and 28 days.
150 14.58 7.41
150 34.80 28.29
cementitious matrix (Li et al. 2017a; Yang et al. 2017). In the SFRC
mixture, the initially hydrated cement component by the nucleation
the concrete, and this process is repeated until failure of the speci-
effect of EOGO helped to increase the compressive strength of the
men (jun Li et al. 2017). In the EOGO-SFRC, however, this
mixture with steel fiber at an early age. However, the results doe not
multiple-peak phenomenon is not clearly observed in that only a
show that the EOGO can improve compressive strength in terms of
single peak is recorded (Fig. 13). This difference could be due
long-term performance from the experimental results. The flexural
to the presence of EOGO in the mixture.
strength test results of the four different mix designs are plotted in
The flexural performance of the SFRC and EOGO-SFRC
Fig. 12(b). The results show a trend that the EOGO slightly enhan-
mixtures were further investigated using the energy-absorption re-
ces the flexural strength of SFRC in comparison with the normal
lated parameters derived from the load-deflection curve (shown in
concrete. About 13% enhancement of the flexural strength of SFRC
Fig. 13) in accordance with ASTM C1609 (ASTM 2005). Toughness
was recorded by mixing with EOGO for 28-day cured specimens.
was determined by calculating the area under the load-deflection
Flexural Behavior of EOGO-SFRC curve. Table 8 summarizes the parameters related to the energy-
The effect of EOGO in the flexural behavior of concrete was absorption capacity of SFRC and EOGO-SFRC, and the parameters
further investigated based on the load-displacement curves of are P1 = first-peak load (kN); d1 = deflection at first-peak load (mm);
the four (4) mixtures (Fig. 13). Distinguishable behaviors are PP = Peak load (kN); dP = deflection at peak load (mm); T D d1 = area
observed in the EOGO-SFRC mixture associated with ductility under the load-deflection curve 0 to d1 (J); PD 600 = residual load at
and/or brittleness, while these behaviors are hardly identified in the deflection of L=600 (kN); T D 600 = area under the load-deflection
EOGO-concrete. The load-displacement curve of the EOGO-SFRC curve 0 to L=600 (J); PD 150 = residual load at deflection of L=150
specimen shows one peak at a maximum loading point, whereas (kN); T D150 = area under the load-deflection curve 0 to L=150 (J);
multiple peaks are shown in the curve of the SFRC specimen that and L = span length (mm).
is well known (Abbass et al. 2018; Hu et al. 2018; Lim et al. 2018; The capability of energy absorption in the range of elastic
Yoo et al. 2015). The single peak trend on the curve could be lim- behavior (T D d1 ) improved by more than 30% by EOGOs in the
ited since the EOGO of only 0.1% was adopted in this experiment, SFRC mixture. EOGO-SFRC also shows about 13% higher tough-
and there are possibilities to change the trend in accordance with ness value than SFRC at the deflection of 0.5 mm (¼ L=600).
different amounts of EOGO. Nonetheless, the trend could be iden- However, the results show that the absorbed energy is rapidly dis-
tified that the roof of the EOGO-SFRC curve almost covers the top sipated in EOGO-SFRC than SFRC after the deflection of L=600.
of the SFRC curve. This infers that the EOGO-SFRC could absorb It could be postulated that the rapid energy dissipation of EOGO-
more energy during the loading stage and extend the elastic range SFRC is related to the fact that more energy was absorbed in
in the mixture. The flexural tests were repeatedly performed with EOGO-SFRC than in the SFRC composite. As more energy is
three (3) samples per mixture ID, and an identical trend was ob- stored, more energy should be dissipated, which could be expressed
served in all cases. The peaks of the load-displacement curves by a phenomenon in which the energy dissipates rapidly at a thresh-
are highly correlated with cracks generation and their propagation. old value of displacement. In this respect, it could be presumed that
The presence of multiple peaks in the SFRC indicates that the steel there is a combination effect of EOGO and SF to play a pivotal role
fibers transfer and redistribute flexural stress after initial cracking in in preventing and delaying initial cracks in the mixture, resulting in
ity of the cement paste at those interfaces seems increased by the corded for 28-day cured EOGO-SFRC samples than SFRC,
presence of EOGO, thus resulting in improved workability. Second, it could be hardly concluded that EOGO provides beneficial
a slight improvement of flexural strength was observed for 28-day effects for the mechanical strengths of SFRC mixture.
cured EOGO-SFRC samples. However, it is barely recognized that • EOGO-SFRC exhibits a 30% higher energy-absorption capabil-
EOGOs significantly improve the overall mechanical properties of ity in the range of elastic behavior under the flexural loading
concrete mixtures for both normal PCC and SFRC. Conventional condition than the SFRC matrix. This can infer that EOGO
GO nanosheets show beneficial effects on the mechanical strength plays a role in delaying the initial crack generation and propa-
of cement paste and mortar mixtures alone not for concrete gation in the nanostructure or microstructure in the SFRC
(Al-Muhit et al. 2015; Chuah et al. 2018; Gong et al. 2015; Li et al. matrix.
2017b; Lu and Ouyang 2017; Lv et al. 2014; Mohammed et al. In conclusion, the beneficial effects of EOGO on the concept of
2016; Mokhtar et al. 2017; Pan et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2015). workability for different types of concrete mixtures are clearly
One of the reasons can be the decreased concentration of function- identified in this study, and this is quite the opposite phenomenon
alized oxygen groups in EOGO (5%–10%) compared with conven- onto cement paste or mortar composites. However, the advantage of
tional GOs (30%) by the Hummers method. It is reported that EOGO on mechanical properties are still controversial and need
oxygen groups promote the process of cement hydration (Li et al. more verification. Nevertheless, considering EOGO’s economic
2017a; Yang et al. 2017). However, the interaction at those inter- competitiveness, it seems to have an important potential as an
faces of GO and other ingredients can be a critical factor in strength additive to improve the workability of cement concrete or low-
development. Lastly, the enhanced resistance of crack generation workable concrete mixtures in the construction industry.
and propagation by EOGOs is an encouraging finding because
the benefit of GOs can be extended to FRC. EOGOs are beneficial
in the SFRC with two mechanisms: (1) to delay the initiation of
cracks, resulting in the extended range of elastic behavior and
Data Availability Statement
(2) to resist slippage of SF from the concrete matrix, increasing the Some or all data, models, or code generated or used during the
maximum loading of the EOGO-SFRC. According to the results of study are available from the corresponding author by request.
the tests, the EOGO contributes to the flexural behavior of concrete
composites, particularly in the range of elastic behavior and in the
range of small deflection after the first crack of the specimen. Acknowledgments
The existing study focused on the effect of EOGO in normal
PCC and FRCs but with a limited scope to workability, strength, The authors gratefully acknowledge Garmor, Inc. for their supply
and flexural behavior. Broader characterizations of EOGO- of EOGO to this research.
reinforced concretes such as durability and long-term performance
are necessary. In addition, further investigation is necessary in the
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