(Asce) MT 1943-5533 0003942
(Asce) MT 1943-5533 0003942
(Asce) MT 1943-5533 0003942
Abstract: Geopolymers, known as the next generation binder, are gaining the interest of contemporary researchers due to their superior
strength and durability properties compared with ordinary portland cement (OPC). The current investigation aims to develop a greener
geopolymer concrete (GC) containing waste materials as a replacement to fine and coarse aggregates. Waste foundry sand (WFS), an
industrial waste, has been used as partial replacement to normal sand, whereas natural coarse aggregates were partially to fully replaced
by recycled concrete aggregates (RCA). In addition, indigenously synthesized graphene oxide (GO), in the laboratory, was added to GC by a
small proportion of 0.05% by weight of binder to compensate for the performance loss in GC due to addition of waste materials. The strength
and durability properties were studied up to 90 days of curing age. The microstructure was also studied by conducting scanning electron
microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) to support the strength and durability
results. The test results are promising and indicate enhanced performance of GC produced using waste materials with GO addition.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003942. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Geopolymer concrete (GC); Waste foundry sand (WFS); Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA); Graphene oxide (GO);
Fly ash; Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS).
NS sheets.
80 FT-IR was obtained using a Perkin Elmer Spectrum RX-I
70 Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, Wal-
% Passing
Fig. 2. Stages of graphene oxide preparation: (a) after completion of reaction; (b) GO suspension; (c) precipitated GO after 24 h; (d) residue GO after
filtration; and (e) vacuum oven-dried GO powder.
Fig. 3. SEM image and EDX spectra: (a) graphite powder; and (b) synthesized GO.
The total water to geopolymer solid ratio was kept constant as 0.35 RCA were finalized based on already reported studies (Arora and
for all mixes. Superplasticizer, mixed in extra water, was added Singh 2018, 2019). As reported in previous studies, a small pro-
after 50% of mixing of GC was done. It was added 1% by weight portion of GO (0.01–0.08) has been found to enhance strength sig-
of the powdered binder. nificantly, durability as well as microstructure of concretes (Devi
The control mix constituted only natural aggregates as coarse and Khan 2019; Lu and Ouyang 2017). Based on these studies,
and fine aggregate. WFS was added as a partial replacement to as well as, keeping the economy of concrete in mind, an in-between
regular sand, 40% by weight, and RCA replaced NCA by two pro- proportion was chosen i.e., 0.05% of weight of binder (FA
portions, i.e., 50% and 100%, by weight. Two replacement levels of +GGBS). The mix proportions of different GC mixes are presented
in Table 4.
Activator solutions of desired quantity were prepared and mixed
Table 3. Chemical composition of graphite powder and synthesised GO about 24 h before mixing in the solution. This was done in refer-
ence to previous studies so that the solution cools down to room
Weight (%)
temperature beforehand and also to enhance its reactivity (Nath and
Element Graphite GO Sarker 2014). Coarse and fine aggregates, prepared in saturated
C 97.32 52.72 surface-dry condition, were mixed first in rotary pan mixer for
O 2.68 40.44 2 min. Powdered binder, thoroughly mixed beforehand until a uni-
S 0 4.84 form color was obtained, was then added in the aggregates and
N 0 1.58 mixed for another 2 min.
Mn 0 0.42 After that, premixed alkaline activator solution was poured
Total 100 100
gradually. When about 50% mixing was done, then superplasticizer
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0 20 40 60 80
(a) (b) Shift, cm-1
Fig. 4. Synthesized GO: (a) XRD spectra; and (b) FT-IR spectra.
mixed in extra water was added. In case of GO mixes, aqueous GO and 200-mm height were used to assess the split tensile strength of
dispersion was prepared simultaneously in half of the extra water GC mixes. Compressive strength and split tensile strength tests
along with the dosage of superplasticizer and stirred with the help were performed on automatic compression testing machine (CTM)
of high-speed magnetic stirrer for 1 h for each mix and then added with a load capacity of 3,000 kN as per Indian standards IS 516
in concrete along with the remaining extra water. Mixing was con- (BIS 1959b) and IS 5816 (BIS 1999), respectively. Flexural
tinued for another few minutes until a uniform mix was obtained. strength of concrete beams was assessed by four-point bending us-
Slump cone testing was performed, as per Indian standard IS 1199 ing flexure testing machine as per Indian standard IS 516. An aver-
(BIS 1959a), immediately after mixing. Concrete was then poured age of three samples were tested to obtain the strength value at a
in the specified concrete molds and compacted with the help of a particular age, for all mixes.
table vibrator. After 24 h of casting, all specimens were demolded Sorptivity testing as per ASTM standard [ASTM C1585-04
and then kept in the laboratory for dry ambient curing [temperature (ASTM 2004)], was performed on cylindrical discs of size 100-mm
30°C 5°C and relative humidity (RH) = 80% 10%] until testing diameter and 50-mm thickness cut from cast cylinders of size
ages of 28, 56, and 90 days. 100-mm diameter and 200-mm height. Three disks were cut from
each cylinder for testing, and average of three values was used for
each curing age. Before testing, the samples were conditioned and
Tests Performed prepared as per the procedure given in the mentioned standards.
Workability of the fresh GC mixes was assessed by performing The bulk electrical resistivity of GC samples was calculated by us-
slump cone test according to Indian standard IS 1199 (BIS ing Wenner’s four-probe method. For the test, cubes of size 100 mm
1959a). Tests on hardened concretes were performed at the age were cast with copper strips of size 1.5 × 15 × 60 mm embedded
of 28, 56, and 90 days. Cube specimens of size 100 × 100 × up to 50 mm in the fresh concrete immediately after leveling the
100 mm were cast to test compressive strength, whereas beam surface of concrete.
specimens of size 100 × 100 × 500 mm were used for testing Concrete pieces taken from the fractured cube samples of age
flexural strength, and cylinder specimens of size 100-mm diameter 28 days were also studied for their microstructure. SEM imaging
divergence slit of size 0.2177°, generator settings at 40 mA and replacement of NCA by RCA in the mixes, there is not much
45 kV, and measurement temperature of 25°C. Analytical range strength loss in the mixes. This could be attributed to unhydrated
was between 5° and 80° (2θ) with a step of 0.008° for one single residual binder on RCA that would have activated amid the blend-
continuous measurement for each sample. The crystalline phases ing progression and brought the enhanced strength. Additionally, it
present in the materials were identified by comparison with the has been reported in the literature that GC forms good bond with
standard powder diffraction files of International Centre for Dif- RCA as well as with steel, compared with its counterpart OPC con-
fraction Data. The FT-IR data were obtained using a Perkin Elmer crete, owing to its denser interfacial transition zone (ITZ) (Shaikh
Spectrum RX-I Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (Per- 2016; Shi et al. 2012). This could also be credited to outstanding
kin Elmer, Waltham, Massachusetts). synergistic effect of FA and GGBS on the mechanical performance
of GC with recycled aggregates (Xie et al. 2019a). Presence of
GGBS in GC also improves the compactness of the GC matrix
Results and Discussion (Xie et al. 2019b). Additionally, this could be due to presence
of finer WFS particles, which might have also assisted in compact-
Workability ing the matrix.
Alkaline solutions, due to the high viscosity, produced sticky and
cohesive concrete mixes of thick consistency. Presence of finer slag Durability Properties
also supplemented in gaining cohesiveness. The mixes were able to
flow under the effect of gravity. Because the rheology of GC is not Fig. 6(a) shows the variation of the average initial rate of absorption
similar to conventional OPC concrete, the workability tests such as (IRA) of considered GC mixes. It can be observed that similar to
slump and flow test results of GC do not impart the same level of strength results, replacement of NS by WFS by 40% reduced the
workability as OPC concrete mixes (Nath and Sarker 2014). How- IRA values of GC at all ages. Replacement by 50% RCA led to
ever, the results do provide an adequate idea regarding their work- increase in IRA value in the range of 5.29%–5.73% in Mix
ability (Nath and Sarker 2014). To improve the workability of G40W50R at all ages. Whereas 100% RCA replacement led
mixes in current research, extra water and superplasticizer were to further rise in IRA in the range of 17.46%–18.23% in Mix
added to achieve the workability of concrete mixes in the desired G40W100R at all ages. It can be observed from the figures that
range (75–100 mm). Because RCA was used in saturated surface 0.05% GO addition helped in decreasing the IRA in GC mixes.
dry condition, increasing in its proportion had no adverse effect on Mix G40W50R* achieved significantly lower IRA than the control
the workability of GC mixes. mix, i.e., in the range of 19.79%–21.69% less than the control mix.
Furthermore, Mix G40W100R* with 100% RCA content achieved
higher IRA than the control mix, but it showed lower IRA in
Strength Properties comparison with its respective mixes without GO, i.e., G40W100R,
Low-calcium GC has one drawback of delayed setting when cured in the range of 12.33%–12.95%, at all ages.
in ambient temperature (Nath and Sarker 2014). Available literature It can be observed that regardless of high replacement of normal
on geopolymer concrete mostly constitutes studies on its properties coarse aggregates by RCA in the mixes, there is not much signifi-
when cured under elevated temperatures (Singh et al. 2015). Never- cant rise in IRA in the mixes attributed to the presence of finer WFS
theless, under elevated-temperature curing conditions, GC shows particles, which helped in filling up the pores. Fig. 6(b) shows the
better performance, but application of heat curing limits its use correlation between average IRA value of mixes and compressive
to precast purposes only. So, in the current study, GGBS has been strength at all ages. The sorptivity values linearly decreased with
used as source material along with FA to achieve early initial setting increase in compressive strength, with a R2 value more than 0.95 at
at ambient temperature. all ages.
Fig. 5 depicts the results of strength tests performed on GC The electrical resistance of concrete is a volumetric property of
mixes at 28, 56, and 90 days of curing age. An average of three concrete that points out the capability to transport an electrical
values was taken to get the average strength values of mixes at all charge through the material (Andrade 2014). The concrete having
ages. From strength values, it can be observed that the replacement fewer interconnected pores with a more tortuous path will have
of 40% NS by WFS led to an increase in compressive strength of a higher electrical resistivity because it would be more difficult
GC in the range of 4.77%–6.65% with respect to the control mix. for ions to move across these kinds of pore networks. Even though
However, the replacement of NCA by RCA in two proportions, the pore network connectivity, as well as the moisture content in
i.e., 50% and 100%, decreased the strength. the pore network, are the major factors influencing the electrical
Replacement by 50% RCA led to strength loss in the range of resistivity of concrete, nevertheless, the existence and motion of
1.75%–4.46% in Mix G40W50R at all ages. Whereas 100% RCA ions such as Naþ ; Kþ , and OH− in the pore solution should also
replacement led to further strength loss in the range of 12.89%– be considered. In concrete, electrolytic conduction is the main phe-
17.77% in Mix G40W100R at all ages. It can be observed from nomenon of electricity transport because aggregates’ conductivity
the figures that 0.05% GO addition helped in covering up the is very low (Palacky 1988). The alkali contents present in the pore
10.00 90D 90D
0.00 0.00
Flexural Strength, N/mm 2
2.00 28D
(c) Mixes
Fig. 5. (a) Compressive strength; (b) split tensile strength; and (c) flexural strength results of GC mixes.
0.0240 0.0240
0.0220 0.0220
Average IRA, mm/Sec 1/2
0.0180 R2=0.99
0.0180 28D
0.0160 56D,
56D R2=0.98
90D 0.0140
0.0140 0.0120
25.00 35.00 45.00 55.00
Compressive Strength, N/mm 2
Fig. 6. (a) Average IRA values of GC mixes; and (b) correlation with compressive strength results.
12.00 12.01
Electrical Resistivity, k cm
Electrical Resistivity, k
10.00 10.01
8.00 8.01
6.00 28D,
6.01 R2=0.99
4.00 56D,
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2.01 90D,
25.00 35.00 45.00 55.00
28D 56D 90D
Compressive Strength, N/mm2
(a) Mixes (b)
Fig. 7. (a) Electrical resistivity of GC mixes; and (b) correlation with compressive strength results.
solution of the concrete mainly influence the electrical resistance Perhaps, the most distinguishing difference in the microstructure
values. GC is produced with highly alkaline components as acti- was an increase in the number of pores in GC containing WFS with
vators. Therefore, lower resistance values are obtained for GC the increase in RCA content. Presence of some porous RCA ad-
due to the high alkali species (NAþ and Kþ ) in the pore solution hered mortar can also be identified in mixes containing RCA at
of concrete. some places.
Browner (1982) previously studied the relationship between In the current study, coarser gel, which is typical of geopolymer
corrosion rate and electrical resistivity of concrete and found gel (aluminosilicate gel) was observed at some places but most of
that the concrete resistivity must be kept above the range of the matrix of geopolymer was fairly even. This can be attributed to
5–10 kΩ-cm to prevent corrosion of reinforcement steel. Gonzalez GGBS, which typically helped in accelerating the reaction but also
et al. (1993) suggested that the corrosion rate was negligible when helped in consuming unreacted FA particles by increasing the re-
concrete resistivity was higher than 10 kΩ-cm. Fig. 7(a) presents activity of FA. Besides, surface microcracking due to stress built up
the electrical resistivity values of GC mixes at all ages. It can be in the matrix, which is characteristic of high-slag-content matrices
observed that all GC mixes depicted low electrical resistivity val- like alkali-activated slags (AAS), was not observed in the micro-
ues. Electrical resistivity of concretes increased as the curing age structure of geopolymer mixes (Bhardwaj and Kumar 2019).
increased. The key reaction product of low-calcium FA–based geo-
With WFS addition, there was increase in resistivity values at all polymer, which is rich in Si and Al, is N-A-S-H gel (Na2 O-Al2 O3 -
ages. The rate of increase in resistivity value in all mixes was found SiO2 -H2 O) with a three-dimensional (3D) framework of SiO4 and
to be higher at later ages, i.e., 56–90 days (10%–41%) compared AlO4 tetrahedra linked through shared oxygen atoms (Hardjito
with the initial age i.e., from 28 to 56 days (10% to 29%). This et al. 2004). However, the addition of GGBS in FA-based
could be due to an increase in the degree of geopolymerization geopolymer results in coexistence of C-S-H gel (CaO-SiO2 -
and formation of a denser microstructure at later ages, which would H2 O) with a low Ca/Si ratio along with the N-A-S-H gel (Criado
result in a disconnected pore structure and reduction in ions or et al. 2016).
electrons flow. Graphene oxide was not identified in the SEM images of GC
GO addition helped in increasing the electrical resistivity of GC, matrix. This could be due to the fact that it has been added in very
which is in line with the strength and sorptivity results (Qureshi and low content; also, the size of dispersed GO will be in the nanoscale,
Panesar 2019). With GO addition, electrical resistivity of mixes making it difficult to identify it in concrete matrix. Liu et al. (2020)
with 50% and 100% RCA increased by 53% and 23%, respectively, studied the microstructure of FA-based GO-geopolymer composite
when compared with their respective mixes without GO at a curing and confirmed that GO promotes geopolymerization. The amor-
age of 90 days. Fig. 7(b) shows relation between compressive phous phases in FA are dissolved rapidly in the alkaline solution
strength and electrical resistivity of GC mixes, which depicts that and participate in the early geopolymerization process. However,
results had good correlation at later ages. the crystals are stable, and they are difficult to be dissolved in alkali
solution, so there are a large number of crystals exposed on the
surface of FA microspheres. GO is adsorbed on the surface of
Microstructure FA microspheres or it gets embed in the crack of GC matrix and
a large number of crystal particles and pores are formed in its
SEM and EDX Study vicinity (Fig. 9). GO on contact with the crystal nucleus probably
There was no significant difference in the SEM images of the GC facilitates the growth of a zeolitelike phase and induces the forma-
mixes, as can be seen in Fig. 8. Mix G00W00R has a very compact tion of monocrystalline layer. This way GO promotes the dissolu-
microstructure, as is visible. Presence of unreacted silica and some tion of FA and the formation of zeolite crystals, resulting in changes
FA particles can be seen in all mixes containing WFS. Because for in the pore diameter distribution of the geopolymer (Liu et al.
SEM, study samples were taken from fractured cube specimens, 2020).
cracks can be seen on the SEM samples, which are due to stress In contrast, there is coexistence of C-S-H gel in the GC matrix
caused in the matrix due to application of axial load; it could be due due to addition of GGBS as binder. GO nanosheets act as nucle-
to mechanical damage caused during the preparation of samples. ation agents for C-S-H gels and participate in the hydration
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 8. SEM images of GC mixes: (a) G00W00R; (b) G40W00R; (c) G40W50R; (d) G40W100R; (e) G40W50R*; and (f) G40W100R*.
reaction. This consequently increases the polymerization degree of effects of inclusion of GO were evident in the strength as well
C-S-H gels. With GO sheets filled in the gel pores of C-S-H gels, as durability study of the GC mixes in the current investigation.
the microstructure becomes compact and the cohesive forces within Two mechanisms have been identified behind the action of GO.
the matrix improves (Sharma and Kothiyal 2016).The positive First is chemical action of GO, i.e., the highly dispersed GO
Fig. 9. Adhesion of GO to geopolymer matrix and FA microspheres. (Reprinted from Construction and Building Materials, X. Liu, Y. Wu, M. Li,
J. Jiang, L. Guo, W. Wang, W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and P. Duan, “Effects of graphene oxide on microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene
oxide-geopolymer composites,” pp. 118544, © 2020, with permission from Elsevier.)
can enhance the geopolymerization of aluminosilicate precursors. scale. GGBS is mostly amorphous, as evident from the broad spec-
Second is the physical action, namely that GO can act as a micro- trum in the range of 2θ values of 20°–40°. Besides, the XRD
pore or crack filler with a bridging effect (Guo et al. 2020; Muthu of FA depicts a vitreous phase shown by the broad hump recorded
et al. 2021a). between 2θ values of 17°–30°. This amorphous nature of the
precursor materials accelerates the geopolymerization process be-
XRD Spectrum Analysis cause it is easy to dissolve in an alkaline solution like sodium or
Fig. 10 shows X-ray diffractograms of precursor source materials potassium silicate (Panda et al. 2018). In addition to amorphous
used for preparation of GC i.e., GGBS and FA, plotted on same phases, FA also constitutes crystalline phases of quartz, mullite,
and hematite.
Fig. 11 shows X-ray diffractograms, plotted on same scale, for
the developed GC mixes. In all mixes a broad hump is observed
(a) Fly Ash Q= Quartz between 2θ values of 20°–38°, which is a characteristic of
M= Mullite geopolymer material. The reaction products between 2θ values
Q H= Hematite of 21°–26°, 27°–29°, and 29°–36° depict relatively smaller inten-
A= Akermanite
sities, which indicate a nearly complete amorphous structure. It
G= Gehlenite
can be visualized from the diffractograms that the main geopoly-
Intensity (Counts)
meric structure comprises amorphous/semicrystalline, as well as
M Q crystalline, phases. On comparing the XRD peaks of precursor
source materials and GCs, it can be observed that many of the crys-
(b) GGBS talline phases prevailing in the FA (quartz and mullite, among
A others) have not been apparently altered by the activation reactions
A but shifted slightly to lower angles by very small degree.
It is interesting to see that peaks of quartz and mullite were not
decreased but slightly increased with the addition of GGBS. This
might indicate increases in the reaction degree of FA when used in
conjunction with GGBS. Increased reactions led to more exposure
0 20 40 60 80 of the crystallization forms from inside the FA and therefore their
easier detection by XRD (Xie et al. 2019a). Besides, these strong
diffraction peaks of quartz could also be due presence of sand par-
Fig. 10. XRD spectrum of (a) FA; and (b) GGBS used in the study.
ticles in the samples (Fernández-Jiménez and Palomo 2005a).
GO mixes which would have helped in gaining additional strength of zeolites (Fernández-Jiménez and Palomo 2005a). These are
in theses mixes (Kürklü 2016; Paliwal and Marua 2017). Besides, known as secondary building units and the fragments of alumino-
along with this, there was rise in peak of calcite in Mix G40W50R*, silicate system. These bands (500–800 cm−1 ) are characteristic of
which could be the reason for the highest strength gain. Phases of the double or single rings (depending on the structure of the
calcite, sodalite, and silimanite increased in mixes with 40% WFS material) and/or the TO4 (T represents Si and Al) tetrahedral bonds.
and 50% RCA. The variations in the number, shape, and position of the bands in
this region of spectrum are induced by the changes caused by for-
FTIR Spectrum Analysis mation of a 3D structure by the ring interconnections (Fernández-
In a geopolymer, the reaction zones of Si-O and Al-O can be ex- Jiménez and Palomo 2005b).
amined in order to recognize the formation of reaction products as The peak at ∼1,000 cm−1 is the main fingerprint for the
well as the degree of geopolymerization (Ryu et al. 2013). Fig. 12 geopolymer matrix representing the fusion of both Al-O and Si-O
plots the FT-IR results of GC mixes after 28 days of ambient curing. asymmetric stretching (Ortego et al. 1991), and the drop in the
The band located at 900–1,200 cm−1 i.e., ∼1,000 cm−1 , is attrib- energy of the peak or its transmittance can signify the degree of
uted to the asymmetric stretching vibration of X-O (X represents Si polysialation or aluminum incorporation. High transmittance at a
or Al) present in the hydrated sodium aluminosilicate gel, i.e., the frequency signifies the presence of fewer bonds to absorb that light
characteristic or fingerprint of geopolymerization (N-A-S-H gel, in the sample, whereas low transmittance indicates high strength of
Q4 units) (Chindaprasirt et al. 2011; Criado et al. 2016). The band bonds having vibrational energies similar to the incident light. It
around 990 cm−1 may be due to the formation of C-S-H gel can be seen that replacement of NS by WFS by 40% lead to in-
(Q2 and Q1 units) (Criado et al. 2016). Q1 and Q2 Si forms a chain crease in intensity of IR peaks at ∼1,000 cm−1 , indicating greater
structure (e.g., C-S-H), whereas Q3 and Q4 Si form a network struc- polymerization. Besides, the increase in intensity of band located at
ture (e.g., N-A-S-H) (Xu et al. 2018). The magnitude of the band is ∼440 cm−1 suggests the formation of greater number of Si-O-Si
mainly attributed to the amorphous nature of the material, as well as units. It can be observed that GO addition might have led to in-
the short-range ordering of Si and Al tetrahedron. crease in polymerization, which is evident from the decrease in
The bands between 1,600 and 1,650 cm−1 correspond to the transmittance at ∼1,000 cm−1 .
bending vibration of the -OH groups, and the bands assigned Furthermore, an increase in the dip of bands amid 1,420–
between 3,350 and 3,450 cm−1 correspond to the stretching vibra- 1,460 cm−1 signifies an increase in atmospheric carbonation, lead-
tions of H-O-H bonds of the hydrated reaction products associated ing to the formation of calcite. The peaks decreased with the
with water, present in the hydrated sodium aluminosilicate gel addition of WFS but increased to some extent with addition of
(Nath and Kumar 2013). These bands, associated with water, GO. The calcite formation helps in decreasing the porosity by
indicate the geopolymerization reaction and do not exist in the filling up the pores of concrete (Yazdi et al. 2018). The effect of
unreacted FA and GGBS samples, i.e., the precursor materials used atmospheric carbonation is fairly evident, and this could be due to
in the study (Somna et al. 2011). the dry ambient curing of the samples in laboratory.
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green concrete utilizing waste materials in large proportions in con-
crete, such as aggregates, without compromising with the quality of
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