Control Strategy, Selective Control System

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Application Note
Control Strategy: Selective Control Systems


There must be one final control element for each process variable to be controlled in a system. In
many systems however, the process variables to be controlled outnumber the final control
elements. In these applications, the control system must automatically decide how to share the
final control elements. When this is the case, selective controls can be employed to switch easily
and smoothly between the variables to be controlled. The purpose of this Protuner System
Analysis Note is to provide:

1. How the various selective control strategies are properly implemented and configured

2. Guidance on the implementation of external anti-reset windup to insure the unselected

controller integral action is disabled when the controller is unselected

3. Information on potential control problems that might be encountered when the digital control
system, being used to implement the selective control strategy, employs the incremental or
velocity and not the positional form of the PID

4. Protuner control system analysis test techniques to trouble shoot the field equipment and
determine the optimum tuning parameters for the controllers


Selective controls involve the use of signal selectors which choose either the lowest, median, or
highest control signal from two or more signals. Selective controls are employed in five basic
application areas:

• Protection of equipment
• Variable structuring
• Auctioneering
• Redundant instrumentation
• Valve position control

Each of these selective control application types has its own unique implementation, control
equipment requirements, and test procedure for optimization.

Protection of Equipment

In many process control systems, there is a primary process variable that needs to be controlled
along with a second process variable that must not be exceeded for reasons of economy,
efficiency, or safety. The following example illustrates how a typical selective control strategy is

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implemented for the protection of equipment. In this example, the control of the discharge from a
compressor is controlled by manipulating the setpoint of the motor speed controller. The two
variables that require control are the discharge airflow and pressure. The control strategy uses
two separate controllers and a low signal selector to decide which controller output signal will be
used for control of motor speed.

Figure 1 illustrates how the low signal selector is used to select the lower output of either the
pressure or flow controller to manipulate motor speed.

Under normal operating conditions, the discharge pressure is below its setpoint and the flow
controller output is less than the output from the pressure controller, and therefore selected to
change the motor speed to control the discharge flow out of the compressor. Thus the pressure is
allowed to drift below its setpoint during normal or high load conditions. During conditions of low
loads on the compressor, the pressure controller reaches its setpoint and its output becomes
lower than the output of the flow controller, and is allowed to assume control, thereby lowering the
flow and controlling the pressure at its setpoint. Decreasing the motor speed decreases both the
flow and the pressure, use of the low signal selector guards the system against an excess of





Motor Discharge


Figure 1—Motor speed is manipulated by whichever controller has the lower output

Protection Against Windup

When one controller is selected from two or more, the others are in an open loop condition. If the
unselected controllers have integral action, which is often the case, they need to be protected
against windup. If not protected, integral action in the unselected controller will cause its output to
saturate because its output is not able to adjust the final control element to achieve its setpoint.

One solution to the windup problem is to modify the standard PID equation by adding a term that
integrates the difference between the controller output and the output of the signal selector. When
the controller is not selected the controller output, and the output of the signal selector, will be
different and integration occurs. The new term cancels out the normal integral action, in effect
integral action is stopped until the controller resumes control. The output of the signal selector
must be fed back to the modified controller, hence the name external integral feedback.

Unselected controllers can also be protected from windup by setting their internal high and low
limits from the output of the signal selector. The high limit must be biased slightly above the
selected output, and the low limit slightly below, to avoid interference with the selected controller.
Unselected controllers will windup only to the extent of the bias, which may result in a small
overshoot during transition from one controller to another.

If external anti-reset windup is not employed, there will be a large overshoot in the controlled
variable during the transition from one controller to another, which may be unacceptable. It is
therefore necessary to understand how the controllers you are using work so that you can be
sure that external anti-reset windup is correctly installed.

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Digital Algorithm Considerations When Configuring Protective Selective Control

How well the selective control system actually works in the field can be a function of the
methodology that is employed in the implementation of the digital PID algorithm in the controller
brand you are using. (See the Techmation publication: Implementation of PID Algorithms for
more details.) Selective controls are limited to the positional implementation of the PID algorithm.
Selecting a controller, which uses the incremental, or velocity implementation of the PID algorithm
is not equivalent and can lead to serious problems, which may not be easily recognized. This
constitutes a significant limitation in applying the incremental or velocity algorithm rather than the
positional algorithm.

The first problem is associated with the sample intervals of the controllers whose outputs are
compared. If the signal selector samples more often than one of the controllers, it will see a)
output of zero at times when the control algorithm is not being processed. This is actually false
information and causes the system to respond differently to increasing and decreasing signals. In
the case of a low selector, the system will drive down scale at the shortest sample interval of any
of the associated controllers and upscale at the longest interval. Roles are reversed for a high
selector. If your controller uses the velocity or increment form of the PID algorithm, all the
controllers and the signal selectors must sample precisely at the same interval, which is often not
the case. This problem can result in control anomalies that are not easily recognized or

A second problem is associated with noise response. The incremental algorithm (see
Implementation of PID Algorithms) shows that the ∆output responds to changes in deviation
from the last sample, that is, ∆e. Noise on the input signal will produce a ∆e, even in steady-state,
developing a proportional ∆output. The change is even more pronounced with derivative action.
Ordinarily output to the valve simply reflects the noise level, but a signal selector will pass ∆output
of one sign and reject the next ∆output of the opposite sign. As a result, the changes induced by
the noise are rectified by the selector, causing the valve to be driven in the direction preferred by
the selector.

The offset caused by noise on the process variable measurement signal resulting from the noise
rectification when an incremental or velocity controller algorithm is employed, can be estimated
by the following formula:

Ti  Td 
offset = ∆n 1 + 
h  h

Where Ti is the integral time, Td is the derivative time, h is the controller scan rate, and) n is the
peak to peak noise level on the process variable signal. As an example, a controller with 0.1
minute per repeat integral setting, a 1 second scan rate, and a 1 % signal noise on the controller
output will result in an offset from setpoint of 6 %. Offset error can be reduced by reducing both
the I and the D, increasing the sample interval of the controller, or by using process variable
measurement filtering to eliminate the signal noise. However, it remains a fundamental defect of
the incremental or velocity implementation of the PID algorithm, which you need to be aware of
when implementing selective controls.

Dynamic Analysis and Tuning Using the Protuner

To analyze the dynamics of the installed system with the Protuner requires that you test the
system in the proper sequence. The following steps outline the correct test sequence.

1. The first step is to test the system to determine the installed dynamics of the motor speed

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control loop. The motor speed controller case is the inner loop of the cascade system and its
closed loop response must be optimized before the outer loop controllers are tested. Connect
the Protuner to record the PV1 (motor speed) and PD1 (output of SIC to the motor). Place
SIC in manual and record the response of PV1 to a series of step changes in PD1 in
accordance with the open loop test procedure for self-regulating processes as described in
the Protuner Applications Manual. In performing loop analysis of the test data, pay
particular attention to differences in the rate of change of the motor speed to the step
changes in the controller output. Many speed controllers allow the user to adjust the ramp
rate of the output change. You will want to assure yourself that the ramp change rate is not
set too slow, and that it is programmed for the same response for increasing and decreasing
speed changes. If you see that the response is too slow, or there is a difference in the
increasing and decreasing direction, make the appropriate changes and retest the loop. Once
you are convinced the open loop response data is correct, window the test data and use the
Tuning Procedure to determine the optimum tuning parameters for SIC. Enter the tuning
parameters in SIC and place the loop in automatic closed loop control.

2. The second step in the loop analysis procedure is determining the open loop dynamics of the
FIC and PIC controllers. Connect the Protuner to record the loops input and output signals.
The signals you will want to record are the PV2 (pressure signal), PV3 (flow signal), PD2
(output of pressure controller), PD3 output of flow controller, and PD4 (output of the low
signal selector which is the RSP or remote setpoint to the speed controller). With the speed
controller in automatic, record a series of step changes in PD4 in accordance with the test
procedure for self-regulating processes and the response of both the pressure PV2 and the
flow PV3. Use the data to perform two loop analysis tests. The first analysis to determine
tuning parameters for PIC compares the step changes in PD4 to the response in pressure
PV2. The second loop analysis, to determine the tuning parameters for the flow controller
FIC, compares the step changes in PD4 to the flow response PV3. Enter the tuning
parameters into the controller and place the loops in automatic control.

With all loops in automatic control, with the Protuner determined tuning parameters entered in
each controller, record the loop response to a series of step changes in the setpoint of the
selected controller. In analysis of the data, check to be sure that the anti-reset windup is
operating correctly in the unselected controller by seeing that its output signal does not integrate
to 100% output but acts as a P only controller when unselected. If there is noise on the signal,
check to be sure that the noise does not result in an offset in setpoint due to the use of the
incremental or velocity algorithm in the control system.

Note: In some DCS systems, control signals PD2, PD3, and PD4 may be only software signals
and therefore unavailable to be recorded using the Protuner 1600PC from the controller I/O rack.
If this is the case, program the system to temporarily re-transmit the required points to spare

Variable Structuring

Interlocks automatically shutdown control equipment when hazardous conditions exist.

Shutdowns can be avoided by designing the control system to take corrective measures before
the interlock condition is reached and keeping the system running at a sub-optimal level. The
implementation of this type of selective control system is called variable structuring.

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Dynamic Analysis and Tuning Using the Protuner

In this example, the Protuner would be used to test and tune the FIC and LIC controllers
individually. The following outlines the basic testing procedure for the installed system. For more
detail, refer to the Protuner Applications Manual.

First, connect the Protuner to measure PD1 and PV1 (the output and process variable
measurement of the flow loop). Place the loop in manual and record a series of step changes in
the controller output and the response of the flow following the test procedure for self-regulating
processes. Loop analysis of the test data will determine any control or equipment problems and
the optimum tuning parameters for the controller. Enter the tuning parameters into the flow
controller and test the loop in automatic to verify the closed loop response.

The second step is to determine the tuning parameters for the level controller. Connect the
Protuner to measure the level controller output PD2 and the level signal PV2. Place the level
controller in manual and record step changes in the controller output following the test procedure
for integrating processes. The control of a level loop is a mass balance problem. Therefore, for
the level to remain constant the input flow to the system must be equal to the output flow. It is
often the case, when conducting a Protuner loop analysis test on a process, that the degree of
plugging in the tails line is unknown. Therefore, it would seem difficult to determine if the slow,
medium, or fast tuning parameters should be selected to insure an adequate gain and phase
margin in the closed loop system. The best rule to determine which tuning parameters should be
selected is a function of output PD% position of the loop when the system is in balance at the
time of testing. If the output PD% is between 10% and 30% the tails line is unrestricted and you
will want to select the slow tuning parameters to insure adequate gain and phase margins when
the tails line becomes more restricted. If the output is between 30% and 60% the tails line is
already potentially restricted and you would want to select the medium tuning. If the PD% is
between 60% and 90%, to achieve steady state at the time of the testing, you will want to select
the fast tuning parameters.

Auctioneering of Process Variable Measurements

Auctioneering is a term used to describe a control system where a controller selects the highest
process variable measurement from a battery of inputs. An example is the control of the highest
temperature in a reactor. The possibility exists that the location of the highest temperature may
shift. Figure 3 illustrates how a high signal selector is used to control the peak reactor
temperature. In this example, temperatures all along the reactor are compared and the highest
temperature is used for control.






Figure 3—High selector to pick peak temperature

To determine the best possible tuning parameters for the controller that will provide good control
regardless of the temperature transmitter selected, connect the Protuner to measure all three
temperatures as the process variable signals and the output of the temperature controller as the
process demand signal. Follow the Protuner loop analysis test procedure, by first recording the
closed loop response of the system under both steady-state operating conditions, and the

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systems response to small setpoint changes with the as found tuning parameters in the controller.
Then, place the temperature controller in manual and record the open loop response of the
various temperatures to a series of step changes in the controller output. Once the test data is
collected, perform the loop analysis and tuning procedure to calculate the tuning parameters for
the temperature controller for all three temperature transmitters. Compare the results of all three
sets of tuning parameters and choose the PID setting which will assure fast, yet stable, control
regardless which temperature transmitter is selected. If the process dynamics and thus the
optimum tuning parameters vary greatly depending on which transmitter is selected, you may
want to consider a controller which has the option of changing its tuning parameters. In this type
of controller, logic is employed to down load a specific set of tuning parameters based on which
transmitter is selected.

Redundant Instrumentation

Signal selectors are also used to protect a control system from instrument failures by selecting
the valid transmitter signal from among several. In this section, two examples are presented on
how selective controls can be used to provide redundant process variable measurement signals.
Analyzers are generally less reliable than other instruments. Figure 4 illustrates a system that
would allow control to be maintained in the event of downscale failure of either analyzer. An
upscale failure would be allowed, which would shutdown the reactor, but in a safe condition.



Reactor Analyzer Analyzer



Figure 4—High selector prevents analyzer failure from damaging reactor with excessive reagent

If losing a transmitter is considered unacceptable, three transmitters must be provided. Three

outputs are then compared in a median selector, which rejects the lowest and the highest signals.
Figure 5 illustrates the feed control to a reactor where it is critical to keep the feed within very
tight limits.


Median FIC




Reactor Feed

Figure 5—Redundant transmitters to protect against failures

Losing a transmitter would cause the valve to go wide open and exceed some limit. Redundant
transmitters are commonly used in a hostile environment (high temperature or corrosive, dirty, or
vibrating surroundings) where failure rates are high. Three transmitters measure the flow, and the

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median selector chooses the middle one for control. Redundant transmitters or sensors, and the
use of medium selectors, keep the controls working when a transmitter fails, avoiding costly

Loop Analysis Testing

Loop analysis testing of selective control systems, configured to provide redundant measurement,
is conducted following the same procedure as if the control system utilizes only a single
transmitter. The exception is that the Protuner should be connected to measure all the various
process variable signals. On occasion, when recording the Protuner loop analysis test data, a
fault will be found in the transmitter not being currently selected. In analysis of the test data, pay
particular attention to both the static as well as the dynamic response characteristics of the
redundant measurements. A variance in the dynamic response characteristics between the
transmitter can indicate faults in both the setup and installation.

Valve Position Control

In many control systems, there are several controlled variables fed from a single controlled
supply. To minimize energy usage, it is desirable to keep the most-open valve nearly wide open
but still in the controllable range. Figure 6 illustrates an example where a variable speed fan is
used to supply air pressure to two parallel units. Ideally, the variable speed fan should operate at
minimum speed to satisfy both users.


SP=90% FT



Figure 6—High selector and valve-position controller minimize fan speed

The control system configuration illustrated in Figure 6 is designed to accomplish this. The output
of the two flow loop controllers are sent to a high signal selector which passes the highest signal
as the process variable signal to the valve position controller (VPC). With the valve position
controller setpoint set at 90%(or some other preset value), the VPC will slow the fan speed in an
attempt to keep the most open valve at 90% position. This allows the most open valve to still be
in its controllable range and minimizes the power required to pass the flow demanded by the

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Figure 7—VPC system with dividers to improve response and eliminate interaction

Tuning the Control Loops

In tuning the control loops with the Protuner, you must be aware that the control configuration
illustrated in Figure 7 introduces a nonlinearity that needs to be understood in tuning the parallel
flow loops. When valve position is controlled, the process gains of the flow loops varies directly
with flow. That is, if linear valves are used for the flow valves, the installed characteristic will be
equal percentage with a low process gain at low system loads and a high process gain at high
loads. This is not a desirable characteristic for flow control, but an example of how performance is
sacrificed to save energy.

The first step in testing the system is to connect the Protuner to the test points illustrated. Place
the loops in manual and record individual control loop analysis step tests on the two flow control
loops. Use the test data to analyze the static and dynamic characteristics of the individual flow
loops. The results of the Protuner loop analysis on the individual loops calculates a table of slow,
medium, and fast tuning parameters for entry into the individual flow controllers. If at the time of
the testing, the output of the valve position controller is between 0% and 33% you should choose
the fast tuning parameters, if the output is between 33% and 66% you should choose the medium
tuning parameters, and if the output is between 66% and 100% you should choose the slow
tuning parameters. The closed loop control will still be fast at low loads and sluggish or slow at
high loads, but the flow loop tuning parameters will be optimized based on the use of a linear PID

After the flow loops are tuned and in automatic control, the next step is to record the standard
open loop control system analysis step test on the VPC controller. In performing the Protuner
loop analysis of the test data, compare the step changes in drive speed (PD3) to the changes in
valve position (PV3). The Protuner output will again provide a table of slow, medium, and fast
tuning parameters for entry into the controller.

Before choosing the tuning parameters for the controller, an understanding of the closed loop
requirements of the valve position controller is required. First of all, the function of the valve-
position controller is to save energy at steady state. Secondly, any changes in the output of VPC,
to keep the selected controller output at 90% upsets the unselected flow loops. Therefore, you
want the output of the valve-position controller to change its output slowly. Therefore, you will
want to choose the slowest PI tuning parameters from the Protuner loop analysis tuning table or
the equivalent I only tuning parameters if you have the option for an I only controller available. If
you want to use I only control, simply call Units from the Loop Analysis screen and change the
controller algorithm type to Parallel. In the Parallel controller algorithm, the I and D parameters
are independent and the controller gain, the integral setting for the slow PI tuning can be entered
into your I only controller.

Valve Position Control Strategy to Eliminate Interaction

As discussed in the previous section, the use of a valve-position controller results in interaction
between the variable speed fan and the unselected loops, as well as a nonlinearity as a function

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of load on the system. In some applications, where the system demand frequently changes, and
sluggish response at high loads is unacceptable is addressed in the following control strategy.
Figure 7 illustrates a modified valve-position control strategy designed to linearize the flow
control loops and eliminate interaction. To compensate for the loop gain variation, the differential
pressure is measured across each flow control valve. The square root of the differential pressure
is then divided into the actual controller output of each flow controller as the control signal to the
valve. Thus, the denominator of the divider will vary inversely with load just as the loop process
gain varies directly with load. The loop process gain thus remains constant with flow. The
compensator allows fast tuning of the flow loops and speeds up the response of the entire system
by closing the VPC loop without passing through the flow controllers. This allows the selected
valve position to return to setpoint following changes in its flow setpoint, without disturbing the
other flow loop.

This configuration thus compensates for the nonlinearities and eliminates the interaction in the
system. The cost is additional dp transmitters for each flow loop.


The function of a control system is to control what the plant produces. Selective control systems,
when installed, setup, and tuned properly, allow the automatic control system to choose either the
lowest, highest, or medium, control signal from two or more signals switching easily and smoothly
between them.

Optimum control of these types of systems requires more than simply tuning the controllers.
Effective control also requires system analysis testing to determine the dynamics of both the
selected and unselected variables, correct implementation of anti-reset windup protection, and in
the case of digital controllers, the use of the positional controller algorithm. Many of the problems
identified in field testing installed selective control systems, were determined to be associated
with improper setup of the anti-reset windup protection, hard to recognize problems associated
with the use of control systems which employ the incremental or velocity form of the PID
algorithm, equipment problems, and lack of knowledge of the true system dynamics.

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