Wen-Long Chin - Principles of Verilog Digital Design-CRC Press (2022)

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Principles of Verilog

Digital Design
Principles of Verilog
Digital Design

Wen-Long Chin
First edition published 2022
by CRC Press
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DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196

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Acknowledgments.................................................................................................... xv

Chapter 1 Introduction .....................................................................................1

1.1 Integrated Circuit Industry......................................................1
1.2 Digital Era...............................................................................2
1.2.1 A/D and D/A Conversion...........................................2
1.2.2 Digital Systems and Digital Logic.............................3
1.3 Boolean Algebra and Logic Design........................................5
1.4 Computer-Aided Design .........................................................7
1.5 ASIC Design Flow..................................................................8
1.6 Hardware Description Language .......................................... 12
1.7 Design Entry Based on Register-Transfer Level .................. 14
1.8 Functional Verification.......................................................... 18
1.9 Logic Synthesis..................................................................... 21
1.10 Timing Verification ............................................................... 22
1.10.1 Dynamic Timing Analysis ....................................... 22
1.10.2 Static Timing Analysis............................................. 23
1.11 Physical Design .................................................................... 25
1.11.1 Design Implementation............................................ 25
1.12 More on Design Flow ........................................................... 26
1.13 Further Reading .................................................................... 27
Problems ........................................................................................ 28

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Verilog................................................................ 29

2.1 Introduction to Verilog HDL ................................................ 29
2.2 Module and Port ................................................................... 30
2.3 Number Representation of Verilog ....................................... 37
2.4 Data Type.............................................................................. 39
2.4.1 Nets .......................................................................... 39
2.4.2 Registers................................................................... 40
2.4.3 Parameters................................................................ 42
2.4.4 Choosing Data Types for Ports ................................ 42
2.5 Continuous Assignment........................................................ 43
2.6 Procedural Construct ............................................................ 44
2.6.1 Initial Block ............................................................. 44

vi Contents

2.6.2 Always Block...........................................................47

2.6.3 Named Block of Procedural Construct ....................51
2.7 Verilog Primitives .................................................................52
2.8 Expression.............................................................................54
2.8.1 2’s Complement Number .........................................54
2.8.2 Operand....................................................................56
2.8.3 Operators..................................................................58 Arithmetic Operators ...............................59 Sign Operators .........................................61 Relational Operators................................61 Equality and Inequality Operators...........61 Logical Comparison Operators................62 Logical Bit-Wise Operators.....................63 Shift Operators.........................................63 Concatenation and Replication
Operators .................................................64 Reduction Operators................................65 Conditional Operator ...............................65
2.9 Simulation Environment .......................................................66
2.10 Further Reading ....................................................................70
Problems ........................................................................................71

Chapter 3 Advanced Verilog Topics...............................................................75

3.1 Abstract Levels .....................................................................75
3.2 If-Else Statement ..................................................................75
3.3 Case, Casez, and Casex Statements ......................................80
3.4 For Loop Statement ..............................................................84
3.5 Function and Task.................................................................87
3.6 Parameterized Design ...........................................................90
3.7 Delay in Circuits ...................................................................91
3.7.1 Load Reduction by Buffer .......................................93
3.7.2 Delay Modeling .......................................................94 Delay Characterization ............................98
3.7.3 Delay Control.........................................................100
3.7.4 Path Delay ..............................................................102
3.8 Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments .........................102
3.9 Some Useful System Tasks.................................................110
3.9.1 Simulation ..............................................................110
3.9.2 I/O ..........................................................................110
3.9.3 Timing Check.........................................................110
3.9.4 Data Conversion.....................................................113
3.10 Advanced Verilog Simulation.............................................113
3.10.1 Compiler Directive.................................................113
3.10.2 Timing Simulation .................................................115
Contents vii

3.11 Advanced Verilog Features.................................................116

3.11.1 ANSIC-C Style Port Declaration ...........................116
3.11.2 Generate Statement ................................................116
3.12 Further Reading ..................................................................117
Problems ......................................................................................118

Chapter 4 Number Representation ...............................................................129

4.1 Precision and Resolution of a Number Representation ......129
4.2 Fixed-Point Numbers..........................................................130
4.2.1 Representation........................................................130 Binary to Decimal Number Conversion 130 Decimal to Binary Number Conversion 135 Digital Signal Processing Applications .137
4.2.2 Operations ..............................................................139 Addition Operation ................................139 Multiplication Operation .......................140 Signal Processing...................................141
4.3 Floating-Point Numbers......................................................144
4.4 Other Binary Numbers........................................................145
4.5 Further Reading ..................................................................146
Problems ......................................................................................147

Chapter 5 Combinational Circuits................................................................149

5.1 Dataflow Description ..........................................................149
5.2 Behavioral Description .......................................................152
5.3 Structural Description.........................................................158
5.4 Combinational Loop ...........................................................158
5.5 Basic Building Blocks of Combinational Circuits: Logic
5.5.1 Multiplexer.............................................................160
5.5.2 Demultiplexer.........................................................161
5.5.3 Comparator ............................................................162
5.5.4 Shifter and Rotator.................................................163
5.5.5 Encoder ..................................................................164
5.5.6 Priority Encoder .....................................................167
5.5.7 Decoder ..................................................................168
5.5.8 Bubble Sorting .......................................................172
5.6 Basic Building Blocks of Combinational Circuits:
Arithmetic Units .................................................................174
5.6.1 Half Adder .............................................................174
5.6.2 Full Adder ..............................................................176
5.6.3 Signed Arithmetic ..................................................179 Fundamentals of Addition and
Subtraction Using 2’s Complement.......181
viii Contents Addition and Subtraction in 2’s

Complement Using Verilog ...................183 Multiplication in 2’s Complement
Using Verilog.........................................186 Bit Width Design ...................................187 More on Overflow Detection .................188 Bit Width Design of Digital Signal
Processing System .................................194
5.6.4 Arithmetic Logic Unit............................................195
5.6.5 Carry Look-Ahead Adder ......................................196
5.6.6 Complex Multiplier................................................197
5.6.7 More on Sizing and Signing ..................................201
5.7 Further Reading ..................................................................202
Problems ......................................................................................204

Chapter 6 Sequential Circuits.......................................................................209

6.1 Introduction to Sequential Circuits.....................................209
6.1.1 Latch ......................................................................210
6.1.2 Flip-Flop ................................................................214
6.1.3 Setup and Hold Times of Flip-Flops......................217
6.1.4 Master-Slave Flip-Flop ..........................................220
6.1.5 Latch vs. Flip-Flop.................................................221
6.2 Behavioral Description .......................................................221
6.3 Structural Description.........................................................225
6.4 Basic Building Blocks of Sequential Circuits ....................225
6.4.1 Registers.................................................................225
6.4.2 Shift Registers........................................................226
6.4.3 Register Files .........................................................228
6.4.4 State Machine.........................................................230 State Reduction......................................230 State Assignment ...................................231
6.4.5 Counter...................................................................233 Synchronous Counter ............................233 Asynchronous Counter ..........................235
6.4.6 FIFO.......................................................................239
6.4.7 Problems When Interacting with Signals from
Different Procedural Blocks...................................243
6.5 Further Reading ..................................................................246
Problems ......................................................................................247

Chapter 7 Digital System Designs ...............................................................255

7.1 System-Level Design: Moving from the Virtual to the
Real .....................................................................................255
7.1.1 Pipelined Design ....................................................259
Contents ix

7.1.2 FIFO for Buffering Data ........................................263

7.1.3 Arbiter ....................................................................265
7.1.4 Interconnect............................................................267 Buses......................................................268 Crossbar Switches .................................278 Interconnect Networks...........................284
7.2 System-Level Design: Memory System .............................285
7.2.1 Static Random-Access Memory ............................286 More on Bidirectional Bus ....................296 Asynchronous SRAM............................297
7.2.2 Read-Only Memory ...............................................303
7.3 Architecture Design and Timing Diagram..........................306
7.3.1 Complex Multiplier................................................307
7.3.2 Two Additions........................................................312
7.3.3 Finite Impulse Response Filter ..............................314
7.4 Digital Design of Huffman Coding ....................................319
7.4.1 Block Diagram and Interface .................................324
7.4.2 Algorithm Design...................................................325
7.4.3 RTL Design............................................................328
7.5 Further Reading ..................................................................336
Problems ......................................................................................337

Chapter 8 Advanced System Designs ..........................................................361

8.1 Dynamic Random-Access Memory....................................361
8.2 Flash Memory.....................................................................363
8.3 Synchronizer Design...........................................................363
8.3.1 Synchronization Failure .........................................363
8.3.2 Metastability ..........................................................364
8.3.3 Probability of Entering an Illegal State..................369
8.3.4 Simple Synchronizer..............................................370
8.3.5 Deterministic Multi-Bit Synchronizer ...................376
8.3.6 Nondeterministic Multi-Bit Synchronizer Using
FIFO without Flow Control ...................................380
8.3.7 Nondeterministic Multi-Bit Synchronizer Using
FIFO with Flow Control ........................................387
8.4 Computer Organization.......................................................391
8.4.1 Embedded Processor..............................................391
8.4.2 Instructions and Data .............................................394
8.4.3 Crypto Processor....................................................394 AES Algorithm ......................................395 Processor Design ...................................399 RTL Design ...........................................403 AES in Assembly ..................................414
8.5 Digital Design of Component Labeling Engine .................418
x Contents

8.5.1 Block Diagram and Interface .................................419

8.5.2 Algorithm Design...................................................419
8.5.3 RTL Design............................................................425
8.6 Further Reading ..................................................................433
Problems ......................................................................................435

Chapter 9 I/O Interface.................................................................................441

9.1 I/O Controller......................................................................441
9.1.1 Simple Processor....................................................445 RTL Design ...........................................446 I/O Control Program in Assembly.........451
9.2 Buses...................................................................................453
9.2.1 Multiplexed Buses..................................................453
9.2.2 Tristate Buses.........................................................454
9.2.3 Open-Drain Buses..................................................455
9.3 Serial Transmission Techniques .........................................456
9.3.1 Serial Transmission Protocols................................456
9.3.2 Timing Synchronization.........................................458
9.4 I/O Interface of Embedded Software ..................................460
9.4.1 Polling ....................................................................460
9.4.2 Interrupts ................................................................461 Simple Processor with Interrupt ............462 Keypad I/O Controller with Interrupt ....464 Program with Interrupt in Assembly
for Two I/O Controls .............................466
9.4.3 Timer ......................................................................468
9.5 Accelerators ........................................................................470
9.6 Further Reading ..................................................................488
Problems ......................................................................................489

Chapter 10 Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler .......................................491

10.1 Design for Synthesis ...........................................................491
10.2 Design Flow Considering Synthesis ...................................493
10.2.1 Design Objects .......................................................494
10.2.2 Reading Design......................................................495
10.2.3 Describing Design Environment............................496
10.2.4 Reporting and Analyzing Design...........................499 Design Report........................................499 Timing Report........................................500 Area Report ...........................................503 Power Report .........................................504
10.2.5 Saving Design ........................................................505
10.3 Setting Design Constraints .................................................506
10.3.1 Optimization Constraints .......................................506
Contents xi Creating Clock.......................................506 Clock Latency........................................507 Clock Transition ....................................508 Clock Uncertainty..................................509 Impacts of Clock Tree Modeling...........510 More on Impacts of Clock Tree
Modeling................................................512 Derived Clock........................................513 Multiple Clock Design ..........................515 Propagated Clock after CTS..................516 Maximum Delay of a Combinational
Circuit ....................................................517 Timing Exceptions.................................518
10.3.2 Design Rule Constraints ........................................520
10.4 Compiling Design...............................................................520
10.4.1 Timing Optimization..............................................520
10.4.2 Area Optimization..................................................522
10.4.3 Power Optimization ...............................................523 Power Model..........................................523 Clock Gating..........................................525 Dynamic Power Optimization ...............527 Power Analysis ......................................529
10.4.4 Mapping Effort.......................................................530
10.4.5 Solving Setup Time Violations ..............................531
10.4.6 Solving Hold Time Violations ...............................532
10.4.7 Solving Multiple Port Nets ....................................532
10.4.8 Solving Large For Loops .......................................534
10.4.9 Solving Naming Rules ...........................................536
10.5 Adaptive Threshold Engine ................................................536
10.6 Further Reading ..................................................................540
Problems ......................................................................................541

Appendix A Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives .........................545

A.1 Basic Logic Gates ...............................................................545
A.2 User Defined Primitives......................................................553
A.3 Further Reading ..................................................................557

Appendix B Non-Synthesizable Constructs.....................................................559

B.1 Non-Synthesizable Verilog Statements...............................559
B.2 Further Reading ..................................................................562
xii Contents

Appendix C Advanced Net Data Types ...........................................................563

C.1 Examples.............................................................................563
C.2 Further Reading ..................................................................565

Appendix D Signed Multipliers .......................................................................567

D.1 Synthesis of Signed Multipliers..........................................567
D.2 Further Reading ..................................................................570

Appendix E Design Principles and Guidelines................................................571

E.1 Basic Principles ..................................................................571
E.2 Design Guidelines...............................................................573
E.3 Other Coding and Naming Styles .......................................582
E.4 Further Reading ..................................................................584

Modern digital circuits are described using a hardware description language based
on the semi-custom design methodology. A logic gate schematic is then synthesized
by the use of a standard cell library, and the physical layout can subsequently be
implemented. Therefore, several electronic design automation tools, especially the
synthesizer, should be learned early as a design counterpart.
Key components of computer organization, such as interconnect, memory sys-
tem, arbiter, I/O controller, embedded processor, first-in-first-out, and accelerator,
together with their register-transfer level (RTL) codes, are presented in this book.
An embedded co-processor for the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is il-
lustrated. Moreover, assembly codes to drive the co-processor are introduced so that
readers can fully understand the way every instruction is performed in a processor.
Several application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designs are completely pro-
vided in this book. Major digital signal processing (DSP) techniques, such as digi-
tal filters, fast Fourier transform transformation, source coding, and image process-
ing, will be implemented in RTL designs as well. We also demonstrate step-by-step
instructions for a fixed-point DSP design in this book.
In addition to the theoretical background, such as the probability of a synchro-
nizer entering an illegal state, the system-level design for the synchronization of sig-
nals across different clock domains is comprehensively presented via three sections:
single-bit synchronizer, deterministic multi-bit synchronizer, and nondeterministic
multi-bit synchronizer (with and without flow control).
There are ten chapters and five appendices in this book. For your easy reference,
they are listed below:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Verilog
Chapter 3 Advanced Verilog Topics
Chapter 4 Number Representation
Chapter 5 Combinational Circuits
Chapter 6 Sequential Circuits
Chapter 7 Digital System Designs
Chapter 8 Advanced System Designs
Chapter 9 I/O Interface
Chapter 10 Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler
Appendix A Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives
Appendix B Non-Synthesizable Constructs
Appendix C Advanced Net Data Types
Appendix D Signed Multipliers
Appendix E Design Principles and Guidelines

Wen-Long Chin

I would like to express my gratitude to my students who contributed to this book,
particularly to David Chen and Vivian Pan, who drew illustrations and verified RTL
codes used in this book; to Gabriella Williams, my Editor at Taylor & Francis Group;
and to the Taylor & Francis publishing staff for their support during this publication

1 Introduction
The design methodologies for digital and analog circuits, with an emphasis on the
application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design flow, are introduced. You will
be able to gain a clear picture of what the modern register-transfer level (RTL) de-
sign is and the requirements of a workable chip. Timing constraints of setup time
and hold time are briefly presented. Further, you can understand the terminology in
ASIC design, such as functional verification, logic synthesis, timing verification, and
physical implementation in this chapter.


Modern integrated-circuit (IC) technology enables the ability to put millions of semi-
conductor devices on the surface of a small piece of silicon, i.e., chip. Digital and
analog ICs are manufactured using semiconductor material. The semiconductor in-
dustry is the collection of companies engaged in the design and manufacturing of
semiconductor devices, including IC design, mask, fabrication, package, wafer and
final IC test, and lead frame and many chemistries, as shown in Figure 1.1. Through
the IC layout, the IC mask represents the planar geometric shapes of the patterns
of metal, oxide, or semiconductor layers that make up the transistors in the IC. The
IC fabrication contains multiple steps of photolithographic and chemical processing
guided by the IC mask to gradually create the devices on a wafer. The IC packaging
is the final stage of semiconductor fabrication used to encapsulate the die in a sup-
porting case to prevent physical damage or corrosion. The IC testing guarantees that
the device works as specified in its design specifications.
The demand of advanced electronic products, such as the high-performance mi-
croprocessors and mobile phones, leads to the rapid development in semiconductor
industry. Transistors are manufactured by placing layers of semiconductor and in-
sulating materials in rectangular and polygonal shapes on the chip surface. Metals,
separated by insulating layers, are formed by putting metal on top of transistors.
Consequently, semiconductor device shrinking has plenty of advantages, including
the increase in the number of transistors per unit area, decrease in the channel length
and threshold voltage of transistors, decrease in the supply voltage, and the increase
in wiring layers.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-1 1
2 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.1: Semiconductor industry.


The purposes of digital and analog circuits are used to process digital and analog sig-
nals, respectively. Typical digital circuits are designed based on logic gates, includ-
ing AND, OR, NOT gates, etc., while analog circuits inherently compose of passive
components, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and active components, such
as transistors and diodes. Though logic gates are made up of transistors as well, they
are essentially digital circuits that operate on digital signals. Digital logic circuits
respond to two separate voltage levels that represent a binary variable equal to logic
one (1) or logic zero (0).
A digital system represents the discrete-time digital signal as a stream of quan-
tized discrete values sampled from the continuous-time analog signal at discrete
points in time, as shown in Figure 1.2. Each sample represents an approximation
to the analog signal at a given time instant. According to the sampling theorem, a
band-limited continuous-time analog signal can be completely reconstructed by the
discrete-time samples if the minimum-sampling rate has been satisfied. However, the
quantization process will introduce a quantization error or noise. Despite this, the
quantization error can be reduced by increasing the number of bits used to represent
the discrete-time samples.
Digital circuits process in the digital realm and are generally easier to design.
Therefore, current trend is toward the digital signal processing (DSP), which manip-
ulates digitized analog signals via an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) if necessary,
or vice versa through an digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Digital circuits operate
quantized and discrete-time signals, which are easy to manipulate and store. Each
bit of digital signals is assigned two different voltages as two different logic levels: a
high voltage (usually the supply voltage VDD ) represents logic one and a low voltage
(usually 0 V) represents logic zero.
By contrast, analog circuits are much more difficult to design and sensitive to
disturbances, such as noise and variation in the signal or supply voltage VDD . Small
changes in the voltage level of a continuous-time analog signal may produce sig-
nificant functional errors. In a modern system, analog circuits are limited to the in-
terface of a system to our nature or a few circuits with special functionality, such
Introduction 3


Figure 1.2: Analog and digital signals.

as conversion from analog to digital and vice versa, voltage regulator, phase-locked
loop (PLL), and processing of ultra high-speed signals.


Digital systems have such a prominent role in everyday life that we refer to the
modernization of information and communication processes as the digital era. Dig-
ital systems are designed to store, process, and communicate information in digital
form. Examples of digital systems are mobile phones, computers, online gaming,
multimedia equipment, and many more.
After the A/D conversion, one promising characteristic of digital systems is their
ability to represent and manipulate discrete elements of information. A digital system
is an interconnection of digital modules. There may be various components that make
up a digital system. For example, a computer has a central processing unit, a hard
drive, keyboard, mouse, display, etc. The digital systems have following advantages.

• Performance: they have higher accuracy, cost efficiency, and lower power
• Reliability: they are less affected by ageing, noise, and variations in tem-
perature and environment.
• Flexibility: they have memory and easier to design. Information and data
can be easily stored, processed, and communicate. These systems are more
versatile and can achieve highly complicated functions. Moreover, system
operation can be changed by interacting with the software.

Digital electronics are the main foundation for the digitized world. To understand
the function of each digital module, it is necessary to have fundamental knowledge of
digital circuits and their logical operation. Almost every electronics where transistors
are used as a switch applies the basic concepts of digital technique. The first family of
digital logic gaining widespread use was the transistor–transistor logic (TTL) family
4 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

within which the logic gates are formed by bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). The
electrical properties of these devices led to design standards that still influence logic
design practice nowaday.
In more recent times, TTL components have been largely replaced by those us-
ing complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuits, which are based
on both n-channel and p-channel field-effect transistors (FETs). For example, the
simplest CMOS logic gate is the inverter (or NOT gate in logic design) consisting of
one n-channel and one p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors
(MOSFETs) shown in Figure 1.3. The FETs can be viewed as switches controlled by
the input A. For n-channel MOSFETs (NMOS), they turn on (or off) when input A is
logic 1 (or logic 0), while, for p-channel MOSFETs (PMOS), the situation reverses.
For example, as displayed in Figure 1.3(c), when input A is logic 1, Q2 turns off and
Q1 turns on, and hence, Y gets logic 0. In Figure 1.3(d), when input A is logic 0,
Q2 turns on and Q1 turns off, which leads to logic 1 of Y . So that, ideally, no static
power is consumed from VDD to ground in CMOS logic gates except the leakage
power. However, dynamic power is unavoidable and it is consumed during the signal
The most commonly used logic is the positive or active-high logic. In which, a
low logic level represents the false condition while a high logic level represents the
true condition. In contrast, the negative or active-low logic is used in the reverse
condition, particularly for situations that some digital circuits are able to sink more
current than drive. Many control signals in electronics are active-low signals, such
as reset signal of flip-flops, chip-select signal and so on. Logic families such as TTL
can sink more current than they can source, so fanout and noise immunity increase.
Active-high and active-low logic are typically mixed: for example, a memory IC may
have a chip-select and output-enable signals that are active-low, while the data and
address signals are typically active-high.
One of the salient feature of digital logic is the noise margin for possible fluctua-
tion or disturbance induced on the input signals, as shown in Figure 1.4. The output
low/high voltage is lower/higher than the input low/high voltage so that disturbance
induced on the input signals of a logic gate does not affect its logic function. The
symbols for the voltage thresholds are listed below.

• VOL : output low voltage – a component must drive a signal with a voltage
below this threshold to establish a low level at the output.
• VOH : output high voltage – a component must drive a signal with a voltage
above this threshold to establish a high level at the output.
• VIL : input low voltage – a component receiving a signal with a voltage below
this threshold will be represented as a logic low at the input.
• VIH : input high voltage – a component receiving a signal with a voltage
above this threshold will be represented as a logic high at the input.

With these thresholds, noise margin exists and signals could not be misinterpreted.
For example, in Figure 1.4, the signal with noise is assumed to be the output signal
of a logic gate. When the output is logic 0, its voltage level under the effects of noise
Introduction 5

Figure 1.3: CMOS inverter: (a) symbol, (b) transistor-level schematic, (c) operation
when the input A is logic 1, and (d) operation when the input A is logic 0.

is lower than VOL , and certainly lower than VIL of the input of another logic gate
it drives as well. Therefore, the disturbance will not cause misinterpretation on the
input of another logic gate it drives.


Sometimes, digital circuit design also refers to the logic design. A digital function
can be generally expressed by the Boolean equation. Boolean algebra is an alge-
bra that deals with binary variables and logic operations. For example, the Boolean
equation of the output Y is written as

Y = A · B · C̄ + Ā · B · C̄ + C (1.1)
6 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.4: Thresholds of logic level.

where (·), ·, and + denote the logical bitwise NOT, AND, and OR operations, respec-
tively. Sometimes, the AND operation is omitted for clarity. The Boolean equation
of Y can be visualized using the truth table, as shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: Truth table of Y .

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
To optimize the logic function, the Karnaugh map (K-map) is a method of simpli-
fying Boolean algebra expressions, as displayed below.
00 01 11 10
0 0 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1

Based on the K-map, the Boolean equation can be reduced to

Y = B + C. (1.2)
Introduction 7

Figure 1.5: Moore’s law and the trend in transistor count of Intel processors.

This is not surprising because, according to Boolean algebra,

Y = A · B · C̄ + Ā · B · C̄ + C
= B · C̄ + C
= B · C̄ + (B + 1) ·C
= B + C. (1.3)
However, the optimization of traditional design method is done by hand, which is
not suitable for modern IC design. Instead, current designs rely much on the com-
puter tools, introduced below.


The advances of IC technology obey the Moore’s law, named after Gordon Moore,
the co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, for several decades since 1965.
Moore’s law, which has been used in the semiconductor industry to guide long-term
planning, is the observation that the number of transistors in an IC doubles about ev-
ery two years, as shown in Figure 1.5. Moore’s law has been quoted by Intel executive
David House as “chip performance would double every 18 months (being a combi-
nation of the effects of denser and faster transistors)”. Notice that, the 1965 paper of
Gordon Moore described a doubling every year in the number of components per IC.
He revised the forecast to doubling every two years in 1975.
The same trend exists in the dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) capacity,
as shown in Figure 1.6.
In the beginning, the designers manually built their circuits on the breadboard,
and the IC layout, arrangement of location and connection of circuit components,
8 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.6: Moore’s law and the trend in DRAM capacity.

was done on paper or by hand on a graphic computer terminal. However, the physi-
cal properties of the IC are determined by many important operating characteristics,
including switching speed between low and high voltages, which is affected by the
current driven and sinked, and the minimum size of each transistor, i.e., the minimum
feature size. In addition, according to the Moore’s law, rapid and continuous devel-
opment of IC technology called for effective electronic design automation (EDA)
Computer-aided design (CAD) is a paradigm shift for design automation to in-
crease the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, ease commu-
nications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD
tools are computer programs that help manage one or more aspects of the design
process. Modern systems with high complexity are usually impossible to develop
and verify without the aids of CAD. The CAD software is the use of computers
(or workstations) to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a
design. Its output is often in the form of electronic files for print, machining, or other
manufacturing operations. Nowadays, chip designers are using CAD tools, such as
simulation, verification, and physical implementation tools, to handle the complexity
of their circuits and speed up the design process.


It’s not uncommon to see a mixture of analog and digital components in a mixed-
mode circuit to save the system cost and printed circuit board (PCB) area. However,
Introduction 9

Figure 1.7: Design methodologies.

analog and digital circuits are designed using totally different methodologies and
tools. Cares should be given to integrate them into a single chip.
There are two different IC design methodologies, that is, full-custom and semi-
custom designs, as shown in Figure 1.7. Full-custom design fully specifies the
transistor size, placement of each transistor, and their interconnections manually.
Full-custom designs offer the highest performance and smallest die size with the
disadvantages of increased design time, complexity, and risk. Small or high-speed
analog and digital circuits requiring custom optimization adopt the full-custom
design. Traditional microprocessors were exclusively full-custom designs, but en-
gineers are turning to semi-custom designs in this field too.
Semi-custom or cell-based design describes the behavior of digital circuits us-
ing a high-level language, i.e., the hardware description language (HDL), which is
widely adopted for modern digital ASIC designs. Depending on suitable software
tools, logic gate schematic is then synthesized by the use of a standard cell library,
and physical layout can subsequently be implemented. A standard cell library is a
collection of characterized logic gates that can be used by the logic synthesis tool to
realize the design described by a hardware description language. The library needs
to update when technology advances.
Digital design based on cells or logic gates thus becomes an easier task with-
out needing to consider physical and detailed information of semiconductor devices.
Though cells themselves are developed using the full-custom design. All mask layers
are still customized and optimized for placements of logic gates and their intercon-
nects without needing to care about the physical details within cells themselves. Ow-
ing to advantages in the cell-based design, it has become the de facto design method
for digital circuits.
We introduce the ASIC design flow here. In general, as the design flow progresses
toward a physically realizable form, the design database becomes progressively more
laden with technology-specific information. After the stage of system specification,
where the leader confirms the design feasibility, decides which components take the
10 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.8: ASIC design flow.

in-house or outsourcing solutions, and then partitions the (digital and analog) designs
into several blocks including interface definition, the design stage is kicked off.
As presented in Figure 1.8, the ASIC design flow mainly has three stages: ASIC
design, synthesis, and layout. Frontend phase of ASIC design (or cell-based design)
using standard cell generally ends at the synthesis stage. Once the synthesis tool
has mapped the HDL description into a gate netlist, the netlist is passed off to the
backend phase, where HDLs do not play a significant role.
In the design stage, the RTL simulation uses the behavioral models of analog cir-
cuits and silicon intellectual properties (IPs) to verify the functions of digital designs.
In the synthesis stage, the timing models of analog circuits and silicon IPs are read in
by the synthesizer ignoring any timing constructs in RTL codes, and then, together
with the synthesis constraints, they apply to optimize the digital circuits. The physi-
cal layouts of sub-blocks, including digital, analog, and outsourcing IPs, are merged
and verified for design rules of semiconductor process in the layout stage. Digital and
analog circuits are separately developed by digital and analog teams. Owing to the
sensitivity to disturbances in analog circuits, new analog circuits are verified through
measurements by test chip in addition to SPICE simulation.
To cut down the design time, traditional pre-layout simulation (pre-sim) with
delay annotation, which is used to validate the constraints used for synthesis, can
be skipped if designers have enough confidence in their synthesis constraints. For
instance, the clock schemes of design are simple, or the design is not or has just been
slightly modified for maintenance and its constraints had been verified in its previous
version. Annotated with exact standard delay format (SDF) file, the post-layout sim-
ulation (post-sim) is very time consuming for a large design. Therefore, designers
only select and simulate a few normal patterns. Simulation with SDF annotation is
a sort of timing analysis. To differentiate it from the timing analysis based on the
design constraints, the post-sim is also named dynamic timing analysis. By contrast,
the timing analysis based on the design constraints is very fast, and directly performs
on the characterized delays of logic gates. The analysis is also called static timing
analysis (STA) to emphasize that the analysis relying on the design constraints does
not need time-consuming simulations and dynamic simulation patterns. Finally, the
design database is taped-out for masking and fabrication.
Introduction 11

ASIC can be manufactured using standard cell or gate array. Gate array is a pre-
fabricated silicon chip with most transistors having no predetermined function. Com-
ponents in a gate array are later interconnected to fulfill the desired functionality.
Shared masks can save the cost for advanced semiconductor process.
To give an idea what will fit on a typical ASIC, Table 1.2 lists the number of gate
counts for typical digital building blocks. The gate count of a specific component is
assessed base on its area relative to that of a 2-input NAND gate. The area size is
subject to the processing technology while gate count is not. To evaluate the size of
a circuit, we often convert the area to equivalent gate count. Consequently, a gate
count equivalent is the 2-input NAND gate composed of four transistors.

Table 1.2: Gate counts of IC components.

Component Equivalent Gate Count
1-bit of DRAM 0.05
1-bit of ROM 0.25
2-input NAND gate 1
1-bit of SRAM 1.5
Latch 2.5
2-to-1 multiplexer 4
2-input XOR 4
3-input XOR 6
D flip-flop 6
D flip-flop with reset (or set) 8
4-input XOR 9
2-bit carry-save adder 9
D flip-flop with reset and clock enable 12
1-bit full adder 12.5
64-bit carry-lookahead adder 750
32-bit multiplier 7500

Example 1.1. Estimate the total amount of gate counts occupied by the eight-tap
finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The output y(n), where n denotes the sampling
index, is calculated as follows:
y(n) = ∑ hm x(n − m).

We assume that all 8 inputs x(n − m) and 8 weights hm , m = 0, 1, ..., 7, are 32-bit
wide. The operands of multipliers and adders are all 32 bits as well.
Solution: There are 8 multipliers and 7 adders in the circuit. Therefore, based on
the gate counts of multipliers and adders listed in the previous table,

The total gate count of multipliers (Am ) = 8 × 7500 = 6 × 104 gate counts,
The total gate count of adders (Aa ) = 7 × 750 = 5.25 × 103 gate counts.
12 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

To get the total gate count, AFIR , we sum the gate counts of each components. The
gate count of a FIR filter is dominated by the multipliers as

AFIR = Am + Aa = 6.525 × 104 gate counts = 65.25 K gates

where K= 103 .

Example 1.2. Estimate how many FIR filters of the previous example will, in 2019,
fit into the area of a single FIR filter implemented in 2015.
Solution: Based on the Moore’s Law, the number of transistors in an IC doubles
about every two years, which leads to the following increase N in FIR filter density:

N = 2(2019−2015)/2 = 4.0.


Besides CAD tools, the HDL forms an integral part of EDA systems. HDL can con-
veniently represent the function of digital logic independent of physical devices.
Specifically, in computer engineering, HDL is a specialized computer language used
to describe the behavioral and structure of electronic circuits, and most commonly,
digital logic circuits, before they are created physically, as shown in Figure 1.9,
where functional blocks, including control unit, buffer, and arithmetic and logic
unit (ALU), will be described using the HDL. Finally, the foundry produces the
IC according to the layout.
Due to the exploding complexity of electronic circuits in the late 1960s, circuit
designers needed standard digital logic descriptions to be performed at a high level
while reducing the risk of producing a flawed design. There are two major hardware
description languages: Verilog and VHDL. As design shifted to very-large-scale in-
tegration (VLSI), the first modern HDL, Verilog, was originated and introduced by
Gateway Design Automation in 1983 and 1985, respectively. Later, the VHDL was
respectively initiated and standardized by IEEE in 1983 and 1987 under contract
from DARPA. Cadence Design Systems acquired the rights to Verilog in 1990 and
then released it to public domain in 1991.
During 1995, Verilog HDL was ratified by IEEE as the IEEE 1364–1995 standard,
later revised as 1364–2001 (also called Verilog-2001) and 1364–2005 standards.
Over the years, much effort has been invested in improving the Verilog HDL, par-
ticularly in its verification capability. The latest version of Verilog, formally known
as IEEE 1800–2005 SystemVerilog, introduces many new features (classes, random
variables, and properties/assertions) to address the growing need for better testbench
randomization, design hierarchy, and reuse. Today, Verilog language is commonly
Introduction 13

Figure 1.9: From design concept to physical layout: (a) circuit interface, (b) block
diagram and its implementation described by HDL, (c) a portion of synthesized logic
gates in the circuit, and (d) layout of the inverter.

used by system architects, ASIC and field programmable gate array (FPGA) design-
ers, verification engineers, and model developers.
Prototype ICs are too expensive and time consuming to build, so all modern de-
signs rely on HDL to describe, design, and test a circuit in software before it finally
goes into the manufacturing stage. The HDL enables a precise, formal description
of an electronic circuit that allows for the automated analysis and simulation of an
electronic circuit.
The Verilog HDL had become the popular standard of HDLs and the choice of
many design teams. The Verilog HDL simulator, Verilog-XL, developed by Cadence
Design Systems quickly gained acceptance from design engineers. The advent of
logic synthesis in the late 1980s also radically changed the methodology of digi-
tal designs to cell-based design. The Verilog HDL description is synthesized into a
netlist (a specification of physical electronic components and how they are connected
together), as shown in Figure 1.10, which can then be placed and routed to produce
the set of masks used to create an IC. The gate-level netlist describes the logic gate
As a documentation language, an HDL is used to represent digital systems in
a self-documenting form that can be read by both humans and computers. The lan-
guage content can be stored, retrieved, edited, exchanged, and transmitted easily. The
HDL needs not to be tied to a specific semiconductor technology, such as CMOS or
14 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.10: (a) Gate-level netlist. (b) Logic gate schematic.

BJT, in an early stage. Therefore, the designs are usually engineered at a higher
level of abstraction than transistor or logic gate levels. However, HDL still supports
four kinds of descriptions: behavioral, dataflow, gate (or structural), and transistor
(or switch) descriptions.
In contrast to the sequential nature in software languages (like C language), the
HDL allows the designers to model the concurrency of processes found in hard-
ware elements, such as flip-flops (FFs) and adders, without needing to consider their
electrical characteristics. The HDL can be used to represent truth tables, Boolean
expressions, and even complex behavioral abstractions of a digital design. One way
to view an HDL is to understand the relationship between input and output signals
of a circuit that it describes.
HDLs can be processed by different computer softwares efficiently and can also
be used in major steps of the traditional design flow, such as design entry, functional
simulation, logic synthesis, timing verification, and fault simulation. Timing verifi-
cation is assessed by both timing analysis and timing simulation. Fault simulation
is used to confirm the testability for the mass production of an IC. They will be
introduced in the following sections.
An HDL looks much like a high-level programming language, such as C, includ-
ing a textual description consisting of expressions, statements, and control struc-
tures. Another vital difference between most programming languages and HDLs is
that HDLs explicitly include the notion of time, which is a distinctive attribute of
hardware. An HDL supports the co-simulation of digital and analog circuits. In a
cell-based design, digital circuits can be designed in different abstract levels, while
analog circuits are designed and simulated in the transistor level because detailed
electrical characteristics of the circuit is essential for an analog circuit. Behavior
models of analog circuits are mainly used to verify the digital circuits. Owing to the
complexity in analog circuits, digital and analog circuits are designed and verified
separately. Physical analog circuits will be merged into the whole chip in a later
design stage.


The modern semi-custom digital design of choice is the RTL. By contrast, the design
entry is the transistor level for full-custom analog circuit and it is also the entry for
Introduction 15

Figure 1.11: Register-transfer level: the transfer of information among registers.

a few digital designs. Operations of modern digital circuits are designed based on
clocks and synchronous to the edges of them. The term RTL refers to the fact that
it focuses on describing the flow of signals between registers, as presented in Figure
1.11. RTL describes the model in terms of cycles, based on a defined clock. The flow
of data in RTL modeling is based on a clock. The result of an operation transfers con-
tents from one register to another through combinational circuits, and then replaces
the contents of registers. An RTL model must be accurate at the boundary of every
clocked element. Therefore, the timing of the registers (or sequential D flip-flops),
such as setup time and hold time, should be guaranteed.
The binary information in a digital circuit must have a physical component for
storing individual bits. A binary sequential cell is such a device that is capable of
storing one bit of information, i.e., one of two stable states, 0 or 1. A register is
a group of binary sequential cells. The Verilog HDL simulation enables engineers
to work at a higher level of abstraction than simulation at the schematic level, and
thus tremendously increases design capacity. It is mainly used to implement RTL
abstraction for the functional model of synchronous digital circuits in terms of the
data (signals) flows between hardware registers and the logical operations performed
on those data (signals), and timing modeling of a circuit as well.
There are several salient features of RTL designs compared to traditional
schematic designs.

• Easy-to-design: a concise representation of the RTL design is comprehen-

sive and easy to design and modify. Designers can focus on the architectural
exploration until a cost-effective implementation meeting the desired func-
tionality is determined. By contrast, the functionality of gate-level schemat-
ics is hard to understand and design. Moreover, a complex system can be
partitioned into smaller pieces of RTL designs and, for simulation purpose,
a portion of the system can be written in behavioral models using all ab-
straction levels. Those designs described by their behavioral models can be
simultaneously developed by in-house or outsourcing design teams. Design-
ers for ultimate high-speed microprocessors preferred gate-level description
because the netlists derived by the logic synthesis may not be optimal. How-
ever, owing to the maturity in EDA techniques, RTL designs are also becom-
ing more and more popular for contemporary timing-critical designs, such
as ARM processor.
16 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

• Easy-to-debug: the functional verification of designs described and simu-

lated at the RTL can be done early in the design cycle, which can greatly
cut down the design time and risk. A bug found at a later stage, such as the
gate-level netlist or physical layout, may necessitate returning to an earlier
stage to fix it. However, no matter how long simulation runs, only a por-
tion of possible design behavior will be exercised that might hide serious
bugs. Consequently, formal verification and assertion checking techniques
have emerged. The advantage of formal verification is quite clear: it can
exhaustively analyze a design via mathematical analysis rather than simula-
tion tests. The formal verification relies on assertions about intended design
functionality and constraints to keep the analysis restricted to legal behav-
ior. Bugs can be found by violating the input rules or protocols for which
the chip was designed. Equivalence checking is formal verification and it is
used to check the equivalence between RTL, gate-level, and transistor-level
netlists. Assertion checking can also be used to confirm the code coverage
by simulation patterns. Furthermore, the programmable language interface
(PLI) allows the users to customize their Verilog simulators through inter-
acting with the internal data structures of Verilog.
• Portability: designs can be implemented using Verilog constructs without
pertaining to a specific fabrication technology. A gate-level netlist can be
optimized and mapped to the target technology without changing the Ver-
ilog HDL design. Moreover, the same HDL design can be used for different
physical implementations, including ASIC or FPGA. Notably, opposite to
standard electronic components bought from off-the-shelf ICs, which are
designed for a broad range of use, an ASIC is an IC made for specific
applications or purposes, i.e., a custom made chip. Most ICs belong to
ASICs. The ASIC and standard ICs are designed in exactly the same way by
using the same technologies, libraries, and design tools. However, a FPGA
is an IC designed to be configured or programmed by a designer after man-
ufacturing. The same HDL files can be used for both ASIC and FPGA deign
• Integrability: circuits can be designed at various abstract levels, including
RTL, gate level, a mixture of RTL and gate levels. The system-level design
can be quickly integrated via designs implemented by themselves or silicon
IP (macro cell or megacell) in all abstract levels sold by vendors. For simu-
lation purposes, behavioral codes and even switch level can be co-simulated
using the same HDL.
• Tool-chain support: various CAD tools, including the verification tools,
simulator, design-for-testability (DFT), and formal verification, logic syn-
thesis and layout tools, support Verilog. Also, all vendors of standard cell
libraries provide Verilog HDL libraries for various wafer foundries. The
productivity advantage inherited from the RTL design and the complete tool
chain soon displaced manually-crafted digital schematic.
Introduction 17

Figure 1.12: Half adder with registered output: (a) a glance at the RTL design (b)

As displayed in Figure 1.12, a synchronous circuit designed in RTL consists

of two kinds of elements: registers (sequential logic, usually implemented by D
flip-flops) and combinational logic. The circuit operation is synchronized to the
edges of the clock signal by registers having memory attributes. The synchronous
design can reduce the design complexity; meanwhile, it can also improve the de-
sign performance via skills like pipelining. Combinational logic only consists of
logic gates and performs all the logical functions in the circuit. The designer simply
declares the outputs of registers and combinational logic similar to variables in tradi-
tional programming languages. Then, describe the registers and combinational logic
by using constructs similar to assignment, and if-then-else and arithmetic operations
in programming languages as well, as shown in Figure 1.12. In the model, it simply
describes the function that “at every positive edge of clock, latch (or register or cap-
ture or sample or copy) the result of a + b into sequential cells, with a 2-bit output
named c including sum and carry”. Since a and b are 1-bit, the code fragment clearly
specifies a half adder. The output c[1 : 0] is the output of sequential cells with their
inputs connected to the outputs of the half adder.
Modern RTL code definition is “any code that is synthesizable”. Consequently,
there are three kinds of RTL descriptions: (synthesizable) behavioral, dataflow, and
structural descriptions. For clarity, in this book, we will call RTL designs using be-
havioral and dataflow descriptions as high-level RTL designs, while designs illus-
trated in structural description are referred to as low-level RTL designs, as presented
in Figure 1.13. It must be emphasized that only a portion of behavioral constructs
in Verilog HDL are synthesizable. In addition to dataflow description, synthesizable
behavioral description is classified as the high-level RTL in this book.
The performances of digital circuits, in terms of speed, area, and power consump-
tion, have increased rapidly. As well as the demand to integrate all sorts of circuits
into a single chip. Designers have responded to involved complexity by designing at
higher level of abstraction. Consequently, designers pay much attention to the func-
tionality, while EDA tools take care of implementation details. With designer’s aids,
the timing closure is guaranteed by the sophisticated algorithms of EDA tools.
18 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.13: The role of RTL in four levels of abstraction.


In addition to timing, the function validation is another crucial factor for a digital
system. A successful verification plan can shorten the design cycle and tells whether
verification is complete with enough confidence. Threefold functional verification
plan, i.e., the verification methodology, must consider what sub-blocks of the design
will be verified, what functionality needs to be verified, and how verification will
First, the blocks under verification depend on the hierarchical partition of the
system. Each designer must guarantee sub-blocks they design meet their functional
requirements. Therefore, this gives a bottom-up verification strategy.
Second, at the system level, a well-written verification plan is of paramount im-
portance to ensure what the system is supposed to do. However, the functionality of
the whole system and the interactions between sub-blocks become much more com-
plex. Thus, it is relatively harder to verify the whole system that meets functional
requirements under all circumstances.
Third, there are a number of simulation-based techniques to fulfill the verification

• Code coverage: coverage refers to the proportion of functionality that has

been verified. Traditionally, the code coverage is a metric that can help you
understand the portion of your HDL source codes that has been tested at
least once. The code coverage is easy to measure. It can also evaluate the
Introduction 19

quality of codes written. It can check the flow of different paths in the HDL
source and ensure that whether those path are tested or not as well. However,
it does not give a reliable indication that all of the required functionality has
been implemented correctly.
• Functional coverage: besides code coverage, we can use the functional
coverage, even though it is more difficult to quantify. The functional cov-
erage should identify the operations and the sequences of operations that
have been verified, the range of data values that has been applied, and the
proportion of states of registers and state machines that have been visited.
• Direct testing: it uses particular test cases to apply to the design under test
(DUT) and then validates the outputs of each case. This approach is very
effective for small sub-blocks which implement fairly simple functions.
• Constrained random testing: for a complex system, achieving significant
function coverage is not feasible by direct testing because it is becom-
ing impossible to simulate all the possible scenarios using traditional test-
benches. Hence, the constrained random testing starts gaining attraction.
This involves a test pattern generator that can randomly generate input data,
subject to constraints specified for the inputs. Specialized verification lan-
guages, such as Vera and SystemVerilog, include features for specifying
constraints and random generation of data values to be used as stimulus.
The constrained random testing allows the user to generate random test pat-
terns in a way of exercising the DUT with more combinations of inputs in
less simulation time.

The verification plan also requires a testbench to generate the test patterns or
vectors for each applied test case. Then, the outputs of DUT are compared to the
golden results, which could be produced offline by other behavioral models written in
different programming languages, or produced online by a behavioral model written
in Verilog HDL, as shown in Figure 1.14. The checker might make any adjustments
for timing differences if necessary.

Example 1.3. Timing diagram is crucial for the functional verification. In Figure
1.15, a pipelined design with 3 pipeline stages implements y = f (a), where the com-
binational function f (·) can be decomposed into 2 functions f1 (·) and f2 (·), i.e.,
f (·) = f2 ( f1 (·)). As can be seen, the pipelined design best suits the RTL design.
Without considering gate delays of combinational circuits and timing constraints of
flip-flops, plot the timing diagram of the pipelined design.
Solution: In a synchronous digital circuit, processing data are supposed to ad-
vance one stage triggered by the synchronous clock edge. This is achieved by syn-
chronizing sequential elements such as flip-flops by simply copying their input to
output guided by a clock. For RTL behavioral modeling, the gate delays of combi-
national circuits are all assumed to be 0. Consequently, the timing diagram can be
displayed as that shown in Figure 1.16. As displayed, when stage 3 is processing a1
in clock cycle 3 leading to the data value of f2 f1 (a1 ) in signal c, stage 2 can concur-
rently process a2 leading to the data value of f1 (a2 ) in signal b. A pipelined design
20 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.14: A testbench that can automatically compare outputs of behavioral model
and its RTL implementation.

Figure 1.15: A pipelined design with 3 pipeline stages.

Figure 1.16: Timing diagram of the 3-stage pipelined design without considering the
logic gate delay.

can give an output every clock cycle. Consequently, the throughput can be enhanced
by the pipelining technique even though the design has a latency of 3 cycles.

The problem with simulation-based verification is that it is not feasible to achieve

100% coverage, because the combination of possible input cases and sequences is
Introduction 21

too large for exhaustive simulation. On the other hand, formal verification does not
require simulations and allows complete verification whether a design meets its spec-
ification. System-level verification is more difficult for embedded systems. Efficient
co-simulation of software and hardware is a challenge we are facing. Before fulfilling
the hardware design, the software team can use an instruction set simulator (ISS) and
the hardware behavioral model to start software development. System performance
can therefore be evaluated at an early stage.
Simulating a circuit in the presence of faults is known as the fault simulation. Fault
simulation is used to verify the fault coverage and effectiveness of the test patterns,
and guide the test pattern generator program. The test patterns are automatically gen-
erated using the tool, automatic test pattern generator (ATPG). To reduce the use of
expensive test equipments, testing time should be saved. For a digital circuit, the scan
chain is a popular test technique that can make the input signals “controllable” and
output signals “observable”, including internal input and output signals of combina-
tional and sequential circuits.


Synthesis tools compile HDL source files into a netlist description in terms of gates
and interconnections. Writing synthesizable RTL codes is a practice and discipline
in modern digital designs. Borrowed from traditional high-level languages, like C,
“compiling” often refers to logical synthesis for HDLs in CAD terminology. The
tool then infers hardware components for the model by analyzing wire and variable
declarations, analyzing expressions and assignments to identify combinational cir-
cuits, and analyzing always blocks to identify sequential or combinational circuits.
After RTL design and its verification, the next stage in the design flow is synthesis.
That is, the RTL design is going to be transformed into a gate-level netlist. Using the
proper subset of HDL, a program called the synthesizer, or logic synthesis tool, can
infer hardware logic operations from the HDL statements and produce an equivalent
netlist of target library or device to implement the specified functional behavioral.
Synthesizer generally ignores the expression of any timing information in the HDL
sources. Digital logic synthesizers generally use clock edges as the way to constrain
the circuit.
As shown in Figure 1.17, the synthesis tool performs three major steps: translation
(to Boolean equation), logic optimization (in terms of area, speed, and power), and
mapping (to target library or device). Synthesizer is constraint driven. You set the
goals, and synthesizer optimizes design toward goals. For example, two alternative
circuit structures might implement the required functionality inferred from the same
RTL codes: one with fewer gates connected in a deeper logic depth, which leads to
a longer propagation delay; and the other with more gates connected less deeply,
which leads to a shorter propagation delay. If our synthesis constraints target at the
minimal area, the tool would choose the former implementation. By contrast, if our
synthesis constraints target at the minimal overall delay, the tool would choose the
later implementation.
Typically, the constraints are set by a given timing specification with the minimal
area requirement. Since, in addition to the functionality, the timing specification is
22 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.17: Three major steps of logic synthesis.

another essential factor for a workable design. That is, it must be guaranteed. There-
fore, the synthesis tool will give priority to optimize the delay of our design. Then the
area recovery is performed to reduce the area while attaining the timing specification.
A synthesis tool would start by analyzing and checking the conformability of
the model to its style requirements, such as checking design rules, like discover-
ing unconnected outputs, undriven inputs, and multiple drives leading to unresolved
signals. Undriven inputs and multiple drives are errors that must be resolved, while
unconnected outputs are warning and can be waived by designers. At this stage, the
tool uses a simple wire load model to determine the average wire length and its load-
ing, since at this stage the actual layout and wiring has not been done.
Using an EDA tool for synthesis, HDL description can usually be directly trans-
lated to an equivalent hardware netlist file for an ASIC or FPGA. Compared to
FPGA, ASIC requires long design cycle, and is less flexible and suitable for larger-
scale production to reduce its price. From the high-level representation of a circuit,
actual wiring and components can be eventually derived.


Dynamic timing analysis is carried out by the gate-level simulation with delays and
timing checks of logic gates back-annotated using the standard delay format file.
There are two kinds of gate-level simulations, i.e., pre-layout gate-level simulation
and post-layout gate-level simulation whose standard delay format files are generated
by the synthesis tool and layout tool (or RC extraction tool), respectively. Pre-layout
gate-level simulation is used to verify the implementation of a RTL design produced
by the synthesis tool, while post-layout gate-level simulation is used to verify the
implementation of a gate-level netlist produced by the layout tool.
The gate-level simulation allows us to verify functional requirements of a de-
sign, together by taking into account physical delays and timing constraints of logic
gates produced by synthesis or layout tools. Since gate-level simulations are time-
consuming, it is necessary to perform a few normal test cases. Remember that the
functionality of a design has been totally assured by the functional verification in
Introduction 23

the abstract behavioral level. Gate-level simulation can also validate the timing con-
straints and mismatches between RTL and gate-level netlists or layout. For example,
when a signal is wrongly omitted in an always block for a combinational circuit, the
simulation results of RTL designs would differ those of gate-level or layout designs.
However, such a typo can be easily found by looking into the synthesis report. There-
fore, in modern design flow, a design with high confidence can skip the pre-layout
gate-level simulation to reduce the design cycle.
On the contrary, the post-layout gate-level simulation must be performed as a
final verification for the functional and timing requirements of a physical design,
including the confirmation of the high-fanout network, such as the clock and reset
nets. Modern design flow also adopts the formal equivalence check between RTL
and gate-level designs, and timing verification is done mainly by the STA introduced
below to save the design cycle.


Static timing analysis is a method for analyzing the expected timing of a digital
circuit in an input-independent manner, i.e., without requiring dynamic simulations
of the full circuit by various test patterns. Synchronous digital ICs are characterized
by the clock frequency they operate. The higher the clock frequency, the faster an
IC can achieve. Therefore, to meet the design specification, it is essential to measure
and optimize the propagation delay of a signal through each path during the design
process, such as the timing optimization of logic synthesis, timing-driven layout and
in-place optimizations, etc.
In a synchronous digital circuit, sequential elements such as flip-flops simply copy
their input to output at every synchronous clock edges. Beyond that, the operation
of flip-flops must meet their setup time and hold time requirements. Consequently,
there are two kinds of typical timing errors:

• Max time violation: when a signal arrives too late before a clock’s edge,
setup time violation occurs.
• Min time violation: when an input signal changes too soon after a clock’s
edge, hold time violation occurs.

The computational efficiency of the STA has resulted in its widespread use, and
it is linear in the number of paths in a circuit. Therefore, the worst-case or best-
case delay of the combinational circuit over all possible input combinations can be
quickly identified using the STA. Owing to process, voltage, and temperature (PVT)
variations, the propagation delay of a signal can vary. Three corners including worst,
typical, and best corners are commonly investigated. The STA can consider the clock
skew in the synthesis and identify the clock skew after the layout. The clock jitter
can be considered as well.

Example 1.4. Considering gate delays of combinational circuits, and setup time and
hold time constraints of flip-flops, plot the timing diagram of the pipelined design
24 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 1.18: Timing diagram of the 3-stage pipelined design considering the logic
gate delay.

in Figure 1.15 and explain the relations between gate delay, timing constraints, and
clock period.
Solution: The timing diagram is displayed in Figure 1.18, where T , T1 , and T2 are
assumed to denote the clock period, delay of combinational circuit f1 (·), and delay
of combinational circuit f2 (·), respectively, and we assume that T2 > T1 . Compared
to Figure 1.16, where gate delays of combinational circuits and timing constraints
of flip-flops are ignored, the outputs in Figure 1.18 synchronized by flip-flops are
the same. Therefore, delays are commonly neglected for functional verification. A
pipelined design considering timing information can still give an output every clock
cycle. Besides, the throughput can be enhanced by the pipelining technique even
though the design has a latency of 3 cycles.
Assuming that the setup time and hold time constraints are TS and TH , respectively.
To guarantee that the setup time constraints of all flip-flops are satisfied, since T2 >
T1 , the requirement of the setup time constraint is
TS < T − T2 .

Or, equivalently,
T > T2 + TS .

That is, the clock period must be larger than the max delay (or critical path delay) of
combinational circuits plus the setup time.
To guarantee that the hold time constraint of the 2nd flip-flop is satisfied, the
requirement of its hold time constraint is
T1 > TH .

That is, the delay of combinational circuit must be larger than the hold time.
Introduction 25

The STA calculates the delays and verifies whether the setup time constraint is
satisfied under user-specified clock period requirement. The hold time constraint can
also be verified by the STA. If, unfortunately, the setup time violation happens in
a real chip, the clock period can be extended to solve this issue. However, the sys-
tem performance lowers accordingly. If the hold time violation unfortunately occurs,
since the delay of logics and timing constraint are fixed in a certain operating condi-
tion, it is generally a fatal error and cannot be solved.


The final stage in the design flow is physical design, in which the gate-level design is
arranged as physical components in an ASIC, or configured as physical components
in an FPGA through a programming file. Design stages are similar for the two kinds
of implementations but differences exist in the techniques used for their physical
We enter physical design until functional design and synthesis are done. Physical
design information can be brought into the synthesis stage to achieve the timing clo-
sure so that the design cycle can be fairly reduced. Based on physical information,
such as the placement and routing, that significantly affect area and timing of the cir-
cuits, much more accurate timing and area of circuits can be calculated. As such, the
synthesis tool can choose among alternative structures that best suit the layout tool.
It’s better to understand how physical design issues affect the quality of it. Therefore,
we are able to make good design trade-offs early in the design flow. The synthesis
adds details to the current state of the design. The verification tool, such as the formal
equivalence check, checks whether a synthesis step has left the specification intact.
The analysis tool provides data on the quality of the design (speed, area, power, etc.).


The physical synthesis (or layout) has two major steps: 1) The floorplanning & place-
ment fix the relative positions of the sub-blocks, and 2) the routing generates the
interconnection wires between blocks. A large portion of delay and power of mod-
ern designs is incurred from the wires connecting logic gates, instead of the gates
themselves. Managing the floorplanning & placement step is important to ensure that
critical paths only travel short distances so that high performance (and low power)
can be achieved. A good floorplanning & placement can also reduce the possibility
of routing congestion.
Physical design for ASICs mainly consists of floorplanning, placement, and rout-
ing. Obtaining a good floorplan is very challenging and important for placement and
routing. The EDA tool provides a graphical interface to help us arrange the floorplan
and figure out its pros and cons, including the feasibility analysis suggested by the
global routing. Aspect ratio of a chip is determined by the designer. Square chips are
26 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

easier for floorplanning and packaging than rectangular ones. The first step, floor-
planning, decides the locations on the chip for each blocks in the partitioned design,
particularly for the hard macro cells. Intuitively, to reduce wiring congestion and
wire length, connected blocks should be placed closely, and blocks that sink/drive
external signals should be placed near the I/O pins of the chip. Pin assignment, in-
cluding the arrangement of power supply and ground pins, is therefore also affected
by the block location, and vice versa.
The second step, placement and detailed routing, decides the location of each
component, i.e., placement, and the routing channel for each interconnection wire,
i.e., detailed routing. Due to a large amount of details involved, this step is automated
by EDA tools by considering critical paths and area minimization, and other signal
integrity issues. If not feasible, the floorplan might be adjusted or we might even go
back to the frontend, such as synthesis or even design exploration. Based on phys-
ical layout, detailed timing information can be produced for post-layout gate-level
simulation. Finally, the chip can be taped-out to the foundry for fabrication.
Physical design for FPGAs consists of synthesis, floorplanning, placement, and
routing as well. It implements the design using the resources of a programmable chip
which was prefabricated. For FPGAs, the synthesis tool maps the design into logic
blocks, look-up tables, or input/output (I/O) blocks in an FPGA. By contrast, the
synthesis tool maps the design into cells in a technology library for ASICs. Given
a large amount of details involved, the physical design of FPGA is automatically
generated by the vendor’s EDA tools. Many design issues for FPGA implementation
are similar to those of ASICs. However, the problem is much more constrained for
the FPGA because its implementation is not customized like an ASIC. The same RTL
design implemented by an FPGA typically runs slower than ASIC implementation. If
the timing constraints of FPGA implementations are not satisfied, we might guide the
floorplanning, specify constraints on placement and routing, or use a larger FPGA to
reduce the resource utilization. Finally, a bit stream file is generated to program the
FPGA. Based on the netlist and timing information derived from the physical design
of an FPGA, we can also verify the timing constraints through post-layout gate-level


The largest portion of design modifications are due to functional errors unaware at the
RTL design stage. Thus, in addition to rapid prototyping, the FPGAs are often used
to emulate the design in a real environment to efficiently find out bugs in a design.
The hardware emulation is therefore complementary to functional simulation, which
is easy, cycle accurate, flexible, and low cost without any customized hardware for
the system being developed. However, functional simulation is often so slow for a
large design to complete all test cases. In addition, the application software cannot be
developed concurrently. Moreover, manmade test patterns are often too simplistic to
reflect complex stimuli that might happen in the physical world. The emulator can be
inserted into the system-level design to replace the ASIC being developed. Thus, the
Introduction 27

whole system, including the RTL codes and embedded software, can be debugged
and designed with real data through the use of emulators.
As the more number of wafers integrated in the same package, the more com-
plex its structure is. The difficulty in finding individual bad wafers as well as the
compatibility and interconnection between devices can impact the reliability of IC
products. In addition, the cost issue and a shortened time-to-market cycle have urged
the evolution of conventional test methods. As such, the importance of the final test
has been reduced by the wafer level test.
Improving the controllability and observability of signals from the design point
of view, i.e., design for test, will also be enhanced by the concept of test for design.
Test for design emphasizes the collection of data generated by the test process, and
analysis and feedback of them to the design side to adjust design specifications. In
the future, design, fabrication, packaging, and testing will no longer be a step-by-step
procedure, but a process with continuously optimized loop.


• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• M. J. S. Smith, Application-specific integrated circuits, Addison-Wesley,
• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• Vaibbhav Taraate, Digital logic design using Verilog: coding and RTL syn-
thesis, Springer, 2016.
• William J. Dally and R. Curtis Harting, Digital design: a systems approach,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
• Zainalabedin Navabi, Verilog digital system design: RT level synthesis, test-
bench, and verification, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
28 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1. Assume that four accidents (A, B, C, D) might occur, where logic 1 and logic 0
denote that an accident occurs and not occurs, respectively. Alarm is activated
when (1) more than three accidents occur or (2) the fourth accident D comes
together with other accidents. Please design and optimize the Boolean equation
of output alarm.
2. A seven-segment decoder that can display the binary-coded decimal (BCD) is a
combinational circuit with a binary-coded decimal digit as its input and seven
outputs a, b, c, d, e, f , and g for displaying the decimal digit. The seven out-
puts of the decoder select and light up the corresponding segments in the display
as shown in Figure 1.19. Design the BCD-to-seven-segment decoder circuit and
derive the Boolean equations for the outputs a, b, c, d, e, f , and g.

Figure 1.19: BCD-to-seven-segment decoder.

3. Digital circuits are easier to fabricate using NAND and NOR gates than AND
and OR gates, which require NAND and NOR gates together with NOT gates.
Convert the function

Y = A · B +C· D (1.4)

into an equivalent NAND implementation.

4. The eight-tap FIR filter in Example 1.1 is implemented using the architecture in
Figure 1.20, where D, ⊕, and ⊗ denote the D-type flip-flop, adder, and multiplier,
respectively. We assume that inputs x(n − m) and weights hm , m = 0, 1, ..., 7, are
32-bit wide. The operands of multipliers and adders are all 32 bits as well. Please
estimate its equivalent gate count.

Figure 1.20: The architecture of eight-tap FIR filter.

2 Fundamentals of Verilog
The basic hierarchical modeling concepts in digital designs can be fulfilled using
Verilog hardware description language. This chapter introduces Verilog basics, in-
cluding module, port, data type, four value logic, number representation, primitive,
expression, operator, and operand. In addition to the syntaxes of continuous as-
signment and procedural (initial and always) statement, the way of inferring com-
binational circuits using continuous assignment, always block, and function, and
the approach of deriving sequential circuits using an always block are emphasized.
Moreover, you will be able to learn how to write a simple testbench to verify the


Verilog is used to describe the hardware, and therefore, it is different from software
languages. Verilog hardware description language has the capability to describe the
propagation delay time of signals and sensitivity of circuits. Consequently, it has the
following features.

• Continuous assignment is the most basic assignment in the dataflow model-

ing. The continuous assignment is suitable for a combinational circuit that
can be written as a equation, including the Boolean equation.
• Procedural constructs are the most basic statements in the behavioral mod-
eling. The procedural construct can contain conditional, if-else, case, and
looping statements.
• Concurrent (parallel) and sequential execution of statements are supported.
• Arithmetic, logical, bit-wise, and reduction operations can be used in an
• Timing control (introduced in the next chapter) for simulating the delay of
a signal produced by a physical circuit.
• Delayed assignment and delayed evaluation (introduced in the next chapter)
for modeling the behavior of circuits.
• Blocking and non-blocking assignments (introduced in the next chapter)
used to model the combinational and sequential logics, respectively.

Though Verilog HDL is a high-level language, remember that its purpose is to

describe the behavior or function of a circuit. Do not learn or write Verilog codes like
traditional software programming mindset. Particularly, Verilog HDL is a concurrent
language while traditional programming language is basically a sequential language.
Identifier represents an identifiable object you define, such as module name, port
name, instance name, and signal name. The first character of an identifier must use a
letter, and other characters can use letter, number, underscore, or dollar sign. Verilog
is case sensitive, so upper case and lower case letters are different in Verilog.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-2 29
30 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Keywords, which are marked in boldface in this chapter, are reserved identi-
fiers by Verilog that a user cannot use, such as module, endmodule, input, output,
inout, etc. Keywords define the language constructs and all are in lower case. Verilog
keywords are listed in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Verilog keywords.

always and assign begin buf bufif0
bufif1 case casex casez cmos deassign
default defparam disable edge else end
endcase endmodule endfunction endprimitive endspecify endtable
endtask event for force forever function
highz0 highz1 if ifnone initial inout
input integer join large macromodule medium
module nand negedge nmos nor not
notif0 notif1 or output parameter pmos
posedge primitive pull0 pull1 pullup pulldown
rcmos real realtime reg release repeat
mmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 scalared
small specify specparam strong0 strong1 supply0
supply1 table task time tran tranif0
tranif1 tri tri0 tri1 triand trior
trireg vectored wait wand weak0 weak1
while wire wor xnor xor

There are two kinds of comments in Verilog to describe or document a source


1 // A single line with comments


3 /* Multiple lines
4 containing comments */

You can use white space to enhance the readability and the organization of codes.
The Verilog language ignores these characters.


As displayed in Figure 2.1, designers usually carry out a complete system from con-
cept to physical design (or transistor-level schematic). The algorithm development
and architecture exploration usually adopt the behavioral description. Behavioral
modeling enables you to describe the system at a high level of abstraction. At this
level, implementation is not as important as the overall functionality of the system.
The high-level RTL design uses the synthesizable behavioral and dataflow descrip-
tions, and the low-level RTL design uses the structural description. Going down to
Fundamentals of Verilog 31

the RTL and transistor level increases detailed circuit characteristics and complexity,
and going up to system-level concept tends to be more abstract behavioral model.

Figure 2.1: A complete system is carried out from concept to transistor-level


An important aspect of architecture exploration is partitioning of operations into

components of a system. Partitioning is essentially a divide-and-conquer method for
the system design. We can decompose each component into sub-blocks that satisfy
design constraints, until we have reached a level of complexity that is manageable.
We then design and verify low-level sub-blocks. Finally, we integrate all of them
through a bottom-up approach and verify the design at the system level.
The logical partitioning should take the physical components into account. For
example, as presented in Figure 2.2(a), a small embedded system is presented. The
system design should consider which components, such as processor core, accelera-
tor, memory or I/O controller, should be included and which tasks should be imple-
mented by which components. As presented in Figure 2.2(b), if our system involves
a number of sequential processing steps, we can divide our system into a number of
components, each of which performs one of the processing step. Different steps can
be simply pipelined to improve the system performance.
Architecture exploration is usually guided by several objective functions that we
seek to optimize, such as cost, operating speed, power consumption, or reliability.
Therefore, there exists a large space of potential designs that can meet the require-
ments and design specifications. It is clear that we cannot go through the complete
design process for every candidate to derive the optimum design. Instead, we only
need to use the spreadsheet for an abstract-level candidate to identify enough infor-
mation, such as the number of registers, arithmetic and logic units, required memory
space, etc. As such, we are able to roughly estimate relevant properties of potential
32 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 2.2: (a) Partition A: an embedded system. (b) Partition B: a system consisting
of a number of processing steps.

designs, allowing us to compare and select among them.

Before we discuss the details of the Verilog HDL, we must first introduce basic
hierarchical modeling concepts in digital designs. To obtain an efficient design, the
whole circuit is typically partitioned into several blocks (or components), as pre-
sented in Figure 2.3. The design has 3 sub-blocks, and each sub-block has 2 basic
Each block may also consist of multiple sub-blocks. Therefore, we can adopt
either top-down design or bottom-up design strategies, as presented in Figure 2.4.
The top-down design strategy is typically applied, while, for few designs, the bottom-
up design strategy is adopted when some blocks have been readily available.
Digital systems described by Verilog HDL adopt the modular design approach.
Modules that encapsulate the functionality are basic building blocks in the design
hierarchy of Verilog HDL. Hierarchy can be established to manage the whole design.
A module can be nested to any depth. You place the descriptions of the logic being
modeled inside modules. The modules define (or design) the functionality of those
blocks or sub-blocks whether they are written in RTL designs (for digital circuits) or
behavioral models (for simulation purpose).

Figure 2.3: Hierarchical Verilog design.

Fundamentals of Verilog 33

Figure 2.4: (a) Top-down design and (b) bottom-up design.

Ports are I/O signals or interconnections of a module. Module ports are equivalent
to pins in hardware. To connect to other modules, all modules have ports except the
testbench. The testbench, which will be introduced later, is the top module used to
test the device under test and it will not be instantiated in another module. A module
hides details in it and enables reusability by instantiation. You can create a larger
system or component by listing instances of other modules and connecting those
instances by their ports. This allows designers to modify internal functionality of
a module without affecting the rest of the design provided that the I/O ports are not
changed. Instantiating a module is not the same as calling a subroutine. Each instance
is a complete, independent, and concurrently physical realization of the module.
34 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The format of a module is presented below.

1 // Module definition
2 module module_name ( port_name );
3 port declaration

4 data type declaration

5 functionality description
6 endmodule

A module needs a module (or design) name and is defined between the keyword
pair: module and endmodule. The module name is an identifier named by a designer.
Modules communicate with the outside world through ports. All port names are listed
in parentheses. The port declaration can be keyword: input, output, or inout. The
inout port declaration is used to model a bidirectional port. Basic data types, which
will be introduced later, in Verilog are wire and reg. Also, wire is a net used to
connect components, and reg is an “abstract” data storage element. The design of
the circuit is described in the functionality description area.
To illustrate how to use the module to describe a circuit, we design a 2-to-1 multi-
plexer. The multiplexer is basically a selector. The truth table of it is written in Table

Table 2.2: Truth table of 2-to-1 multiplexer.

mux_in[0] mux_in[1] sel mux_out
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
The multiplexer is very commonly used so that it is provided as a logic cell (or gate)
by the library provider. The circuit symbol and schematic of a 2-to-1 multiplexer are
displayed in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: (a) Circuit symbol. (b) Schematic of a 2-to-1 multiplexer.

Fundamentals of Verilog 35

A sample Verilog code describing the schematic of a 2-to-1 multiplexer is dis-

played below, where mux2to1 is the module name, mux_out is the output port, sel
is an input port, mux_in is a 2-bit input port, sel_inv is a wire declaration, and_out
is a 2-bit wire declaration, keywords not, and, or are Verilog primitives, and there
are four instances with instance names u0, u1, u2, and u3. The structural descrip-
tion clearly shows what components (primitives) are involved and how they are con-
nected. Notice that ports are default wire data type, so they need not be declared as
wire. The semicolon “;” is used to separate each statement.

1 // Structural description of the 2 - to -1 multiplexer

2 module mux2to1 ( mux_out , sel , mux_in );
3 output mux_out ; // Output port declaration
4 input sel ; // Input port declaration
5 input [1 : 0] mux_in ; // 2 - bit input port declaration

6 wire sel_inv ; // Wire data type declaration

7 wire [1 : 0] and_out ; // 2 - bit wire data type declaration

8 // Verilog primitives describing the functionality

9 // They are connected as the schematic .

10 not u0 ( sel_inv , sel );

11 and u1 ( and_out [0] , mux_in [0] , sel_inv );

12 and u2 ( and_out [1] , mux_in [1] , sel );

13 or u3 ( mux_out , and_out [0] , and_out [1]);

14 endmodule

Verilog allows a multi-bit wide (or 1-D array) declaration, which is called a vector
or bus, for both port and data type declarations. While the 2-D array declaration is
permitted in data type declaration, it is not allowed for the port declaration.
Verilog primitives are basic logic elements (or gates), which are synthesizable,
and are structural description used for the low-level RTL (or gate-level) design. A
structural model in Verilog represents a schematic that is created using existing com-
ponents. Since Verilog primitives are synthesizable, actual realization of the muti-
plexer is determined and optimized by the synthesis tool. You can create a larger
system by listing instances (instantiation) of other modules or primitives, and con-
necting those instances by their ports. There are one not, two and’s, and one or
instances in this module. The first port on the port list of Verilog primitives is an
output port. In this example, the ports of Verilog primitives are connected in order
(or by position association). For example, the wires sel_inv and sel connect to the
output and input ports of not gate, respectively.
To build up a 4-to-1 multiplexer based on the 2-to-1 multiplexer through the
bottom-up design, we introduce its function table first. When sel[1 : 0] is “00” (i.e.,
sel[0] is 0 and sel[1] is 0), mux_in[0] is selected as the output mux_out; when
sel[1 : 0] is “01” (i.e., sel[0] is 1 and sel[1] is 0), mux_in[1] is selected as the output
mux_out, and so on.
36 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Table 2.3: Function table of 4-to-1 multiplexer.

sel[1] sel[0] mux_out
0 0 mux_in[0]
0 1 mux_in[1]
1 0 mux_in[2]
1 1 mux_in[3]

The circuit symbol of 4-to-1 multiplexer is presented in Figure 2.6(a). Its hierar-
chical modeling is realized by the bottom-up design strategy using 3 2-to-1 multi-
plexers named u0, u1, and u2, as shown in Figure 2.6(b). The same instance name
(and signal name) can be used in different hierarchies of a design.

Figure 2.6: Hierarchical modeling of a 4-to-1 multiplexer based on 3 2-to-1 multi-

plexers: (a) circuit symbol and (b) schematic.

The Verilog codes are written below. The 4-to-1 multiplexer has 3 submodules of
2-to-1 multiplexer that demonstrates the hierarchical design. The module mux2to1 is
instantiated 3 times as u0, u1, and u2. Notice that instance names (u0, u1, and u2) in
different hierarchies can be the same. When sel[1 : 0] is 2’b00, which denotes that 2
bits in the binary format are 00, i.e., sel[0] is 0 and sel[1] is 0, mux_in[0] is selected;
when sel[1 : 0] is 2’b01, i.e., sel[0] is 1 and sel[1] is 0, mux_in[1] is selected, and
so on. Notice that the wires, mux1_out and mux2_out, are concatenated using the {}
operator to form a 2-bit wire connecting to the input port, mux_in, of u2.

1 // Bottom - up design of the 4 - to -1 multiplexer

2 module mux4to1 ( mux_out , sel , mux_in );
3 output mux_out ; // Output port declaration
4 input [1 : 0] sel ; // 2 - bit input port declaration
5 input [3 : 0] mux_in ; // 4 - bit input port declaration

6 wire mux1_out , mux2_out ; // Wire data type declaration

7 // Three instances of mux2to1
Fundamentals of Verilog 37

8 // They are connected as the schematic .

9 mux2to1 u0 (. mux_out ( mux1_out ) , . sel ( sel [0]) ,
10 . mux_in ( mux_in [1 : 0]));
11 mux2to1 u1 (. mux_out ( mux2_out ) , . sel ( sel [0]) ,

12 . mux_in ( mux_in [3 : 2]));

13 mux2to1 u2 (. mux_out ( mux_out ) , . sel ( sel [1]) ,

14 . mux_in ({ mux2_out , mux1_out }));

15 endmodule

There are two kinds of port mapping: by name or by position (or in order). In the
above example, the ports of the design, mux2to1, are connected by name association.
It’s a good practice to adopt the port mapping by name, which needs not worry
about the actual port positions (that may change in different design versions) in the
instantiated modules. Otherwise, functional errors may occur when ports are wrongly
connected. Unfortunately, these errors might not be pointed out by a simulator unless
a test pattern fails.
A module written in RTL is usually saved in a Verilog file with filename extension
“.v”. Though a file can consist of more than one module designs (or definitions),
it is strongly recommended that a file should contain a module definition and the
filename is the same as the module name in it. Doing so makes the management of
your designs easier.


The logic in Verilog has four kinds of values: 0 (logic 0), 1 (logic 1), x or X (unknown
logic value), and z or Z (high-impedance), as shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7: Four value logic.

In a physical circuit, a logic actually has three kinds of states: 0, 1, and Z. In

Verilog, a wire that is not being driven to logic 0 or 1 is denoted with a Z symbol. A
net is in high-impedance state when the outputs of other circuits connected to the net
are physically isolated from the net.
The unknown logic, X, is used for verification (simulation) purpose. When a net
has multiple drivers or a timing violation happens, the logic becomes unknown to
highlight that something wrong in circuits (either functionality or timing). Another
case is that, when timing violation of a sequential cell occurs, its output becomes
unknown, X, because it is neither logic 0 nor logic 1. Consequently, actual state for
38 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

an unknown X may be neither logic 0 nor logic 1 depending on the driving strength
in physical circuits or the convergence time owing to timing violation. Either way,
an uncertain logic will most likely cause the circuit to fail and requires to draw the
engineer’s attention to solve it in an early design stage. Unknown logic is displayed
in red color on a waveform.
In Verilog, numbers are integer or real constants. Integer constants are expressed


A number may be sized or unsized, as presented in Figure 2.8. An unsized number is

32 bits. The base format indicates the type of number: decimal (d or D), hexadecimal
(h or H), octal (o or O), or binary (b or B). The default base is decimal. The base and
value fields are case insensitive.

Figure 2.8: Examples of (a) sized and (b) unsized number representations.

Notice that, in Figure 2.8, underscore can be used to separate the number digit
for readability, and it is ignored by Verilog. More examples are presented here: the
most significant bits (MSBs) of the number 6’hCA are truncated to a binary string of
001010 instead of the original number represented by the binary string of 11001010;
6’hA becomes 001010, which is filled (or padded) with two 0’s on the MSBs; 16’bz
becomes zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz filled with 15 z’s on the MSBs. To represent a negative
number, the negative sign should be put before the <size>. For example, to express
−3 in decimal, we should use −8’d3 instead of 8’d−3. Finally, real number can be
represented in decimal or scientific format.

Example 2.1. We need to design an electronic instrument to measure the time

interval between two random events in one week, with a resolution of nanosecond
(1 ns = 10−9 second). How many bits are needed to represent the time interval as a
number in the resolution of nanosecond?
Fundamentals of Verilog 39

Solution: There are 7 × 24 × 60 × 60 = 604800 seconds per week. So, the largest
number we need to represent is 604800 sec = 6.048 × 1014. Therefore, the required
10−9 sec
number of bits is

⌈log2 (6.048 × 1014)⌉ = 50 (2.1)

where ⌈·⌉ denotes the ceiling function.


There are three data types: nets (physical connections between components), regis-
ters (abstract storage devices), and parameters (run-time constants). By default, net
and register are one-bit wide, i.e., a scalar.

2.4.1 NETS
Nets are connections between structural components, as shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9: Nets are connections.

They must be continuously driven by continuous assignment, module, gate instan-

tiation, function (introduced later), etc. Default initial value for a net is “Z”. Verilog
automatically propagates a new value onto a net when the drivers on the net change
values. This means that whatever value is on the output of a gate will be automati-
cally driven onto the net it connects.
There are various net types including wire, tri, wand, wor, supply0, supply1,
etc., as shown in Table 2.4. Among them, wire and tri data types are used most fre-
quently. Other seldom used net types are discussed in Appendix. Multiple driving is
not allowed, except for those wires declared as tri, wand, and wor. The nets supply0
and supply1 are wires tied to logic 0 (ground) and logic 1 (VDD ), respectively. Nets
wire, tri, wand, wor, supply0, and supply1 are synthesizable, while others are non-
synthesizable. Undeclared signals are default wires.
40 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Table 2.4: Net types of Verilog.

Net Types Description
wire Standard interconnection wires (default)
tri Tristate wires
wor, trior Multiple-driven (tristate) wires that are wire-ORed
wand, triand Multiple-driven (tristate) wires that are wire-ANDed
tri1 Tristate wires with pull up
tri0 Tristate wires with pull down
supply0 Wires for ground rails
supply1 Wires for power supply rails

Truth tables of y, declared as wire/tri, wand/triand, or wor/trior nets and driven

by a and b with various logic values, are shown in Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10: Truth tables of y driven by a and b, when y is declared as: (a) wire/tri,
(b) wand/triand, and (c) wor/trior.

There are four register types: reg, integer, real, and time, as displayed in Table 2.5.
Notice that integer is most commonly used for the index of a for loop (introduced
later), while real and time are non-synthesizable.

Table 2.5: Register types of Verilog.

Register Types Description
reg Unsigned integer variable with varying bit width
integer 32-bit signed integer variable
real Signed floating-point variable with double precision
time 64-bit unsigned integer variable
Fundamentals of Verilog 41

Registers represent abstract data storage elements. Hold its value until a new
value is assigned to it. Registers are used extensively in behavioral modeling and
in applying stimuli. We assign values to registers from procedural blocks. Default
initial value for a register is “X”. Verilog allows you to assign the value of a reg data
type only within an initial block, an always block or function. In Verilog, a time
variable is a 64-bit variable used to represent the simulation time typically used with
the $time system task, which will be introduced later.
Since reg is mostly used in Verilog, below are some declarations for it. Though
the 2-D array declaration is permitted in data type declaration, it is not allowed for
the port declaration.

1 // Examples of reg declaration

2 reg a ; // A scalar register
3 reg [3 : 0] b , c ; // Two 4 - bit vector registers
4 reg [7 : 0] byte_reg ; // An 8 - bit vector register

5 reg signed [31 : 0] byte_reg ; // A 32 - bit signed register

6 // An array of 256 8 - bit registers

7 // Address index is 0~255.

8 reg [7 : 0] memory_block [0 : 255];

Originally, you can access individual register of a 2-D memory, but you cannot
access individual bits of register directly. To do that, you must read a word in the
2-D memory. Then, you can access desired bits in that word. For example,

1 // Read an element at an address 120.

2 byte_reg = memory_block [120];
3 bit = byte_reg [7]; // Access desired bit

After Verilog-2001, we can access individual bits of 2-D memory. Besides, high-
dimensional array with variable addresses is synthesizable as shown below.

1 reg [7 : 0] address1 , address2 ;

2 // 256 x256x8 bits memory
3 reg [7 : 0] memory_block [0 : 255][0 : 255];

4 // Read an element at an address

5 // indexed by address1 and address2 .

6 out_data = memory_block [ address1 ][ address2 ];

In digital designs, hardware (or physical) registers represent memory elements

and require a clock to operate and update their states on edges of a clock. They
are clocked concurrently. However, a register (reg declared) in Verilog, which just
means a variable that can hold a value, should not be confused with the hardware
register. Verilog registers don’t necessarily need a clock and don’t need to be driven
like a net in Verilog. Values of Verilog registers can change anytime in a simulation
by assigning a new value to the register.
42 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

You can use a parameter anywhere that you have to use a literal (constant). For
example, the following module demonstrates a parameterized design.

1 // Parameterized design
2 module param_test ( port_name );
3 parameter m1 =8; // Parameter declaration
4 wire [ m1 : 0] w1 ; // Wire with m1 +1 bits

5 ...

6 endmodule

Parameterized design is a good coding style. Parameterization increases re-usability.

For example, w1 can be set as a (n + 1)-bit wire if we change m1 to n (i.e., if m1 = 10,
w1 becomes a 11-bit wire; if m1 = 4, w1 becomes a 5-bit wire). Parameters can be
overwritten when the parameterized module is instantiated. As shown below, the
parameter m1 is changed to 10 by instantiation.

1 // Parameter m1 is changed to 10 by instantiation .

2 param_test #(10) param_test (...);

Parameters are local, known only to the module in which they are defined, and they
can be signed and sized. In you need a global parameter, you can use the ‘define
compiler directive’.
You can define a parameter, m3, by other parameters, m1 and m2, as follows.

1 // Parameter defined by other parameters

2 parameter m1 =8; parameter m2 =10; parameter m3 = m1 + m2 ;


An input and output port can both be driven by a net or a register, while an inout
port can only be driven by a net. All of input, output, and inout ports can only drive
nets in a module, as shown in Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11: Choosing the correct data types for ports.

Fundamentals of Verilog 43

Finally, before leaving this section, we exemplify some common mistakes of dec-
laration below.

1 // Ports driven by various data types

2 module top ( out , in );
3 output out ;

4 input in ;

5 reg in ; // Wrong ! Declare input ports as wire .

6 reg sum ; // Wrong ! Declare nets connected to output ports
7 // as wire .
8 reg op1 ; // Correct ! Declare variables in procedural

9 // blocks as reg .
10 wire op2 ; // Wrong ! Declare variables in procedural

11 // blocks as reg .
12 wire out ; // Correct ! Declare variables in continuous

13 // assignments as wire .
14 adder add0 (. s ( sum ) , . c ( cout ) , . a (. op1 ) , . b ( op2 ));

15 initial op1 =1;

16 always @ (*) op2 = in ;

17 assign out = sum ;

18 ...

19 endmodule

20 module adder (s , c , a , b ); // Full adder definition

21 output s , c ;

22 input a , b ;

23 ...

24 endmodule


The continuous assignment is the basic assignment in dataflow modeling with the
keyword assign. For traditional programming languages, an assignment only per-
forms once, while, for Verilog HDL, an assignment for hard-wired circuits is evalu-
ated whenever its inputs change. An example is described below where the operator
“|” is the binary OR operation.

1 // y changes whenever a or b change

2 wire [7 : 0] y , a , b ;
3 assign y = a | b ;

In addition to using gates and interconnect nets, you can model combinational
circuit with continuous assignments. The continuous assignment is used to represent
a combinational logic circuit that can be conveniently represented by an equation
or Boolean equation. During simulations, continuous assignments execute whenever
their expressions on the right-hand side change. As its name implies, the execution is
44 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

immediate and its effect is that the output, y, on the left-hand side of the expression is
updated promptly once inputs, a and/or b, change. The y on the left-hand side of the
continuous assignment is the output of the combinational circuit, and hence, it must
be declared as wire. The variables, a and b, are inputs of the combinational circuit.
Because the assignment is continuous, the output updates simultaneously with any
input change; therefore, combinational logic is implied.
Alternatively, the continuous assignment can be implicitly put into the declaration
for shorthand as follows.

1 // A shorthand for both declaration and

2 // continuous assignment
3 wire [7 : 0] y = a | b ;


Block statement is a way of syntactically grouping several statements into a single
statement. Procedural blocks are delimited by the keywords begin and end. If a
circuit has multiple outputs or assignments, we can include multiple assignments
using a begin-end block. These begin-end pairs are commonly used in conjunction
with if, case, and for statements to group several statements. The procedural blocks,
initial and always blocks, that contain more than one statement require a begin-
end pair to group the statements. Instead, the procedural block containing only one
statement shall get rid of the begin-end pair.
Procedural blocks have the following components:

• Procedural assignment statements to describe the data flow within the block.
• High-level constructs, such as loops and conditional statements, to describe
the functional operation of the block.
• Timing controls to control the execution of the block and the statements in

Assignments made inside procedural blocks are called procedural assignments. If a

signal is assigned a value from a procedural block, it MUST be declared as a reg.
The right-hand-side of a procedural assignment can be any valid expression with
operands of unrestricted data types.
Procedural blocks are enabled at the beginning of a simulation. Any number of
initial and always statements can appear within a module, and they all execute in


The initial procedural block statement is activated only once, starting at the begin-
ning of the simulation. The statements inside an initial block are executed sequen-
tially. For example,
Fundamentals of Verilog 45

1 // Statements in initial blocks execute sequentially .

2 reg b , c ;
3 initial begin

4 b=a;
5 c=b;
6 end

where “=” is the blocking assignment. The assignments are performed sequentially.
Eventually, c will have the same value of a. Notably, those variables on the left side
of an assignment in procedural blocks should be declared as reg representing abstract
data storage elements. Initial block is non-synthesizable. It is only used in testbench.
If you write codes like this.

1 // Initial blocks start at time 0.

2 // Two initial blocks assign different values to a .
3 // The result is unpredictable .

4 initial

5 a =0;
6 initial

7 a =1;

The value of a is nondeterministic depending on how the assignments are scheduled.

If you change the codes to be

1 initial
2 a =0;
3 initial

4 // Statements with delay control will be scheduled

5 // at the end of event queue .

6 #0 a =1;

The pound sign character, #, is used for the delay control, and denotes the delay spec-
ification for procedural statements and gate instances, but not for module instances.
Adding zero delay control will ensure the statement to be executed and placed last
in the event queue of Verilog. If you write a code like this, a will eventually be 1.
However, “#0” is a bad coding style and shall be discouraged.
The functional verification is used to ensure that the design performs required
operations correctly. To this, we can develop a testbench model that generates input
signals to the DUT and checks its outputs, as shown below. You can put all Verilog
constructs into a testbench whether they are synthesizable or not. The simplest way
to produce the input signal, input_a, is using the initial block, which specifies input
signals sequentially after the reset activation (rst_n from 0 to 1) and the edges of a
clock signal, clk. The wait statement halts the execution until its argument becomes
46 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // After reset completes , the input is assigned a

2 // new value at every rising edge of clock .
3 initial begin

4 wait (! rst_n ); // Wait for assertion of reset signal

5 wait ( rst_n ); // Wait for de - assertion of reset signal
6 @ ( posedge clk ) input_a =0; // First input signal
7 @ ( posedge clk ) input_a =1; // Second input signal
8 end

A testbench used to test the module mux2to1, which is a combinational circuit, is

described here.

1 // A simple testbench
2 module testbench ;
3 reg sel ;

4 reg [1 : 0] mux_in ;

5 // Module instantiation by name association

6 mux2to1 u0 (. mux_out ( mux1_out ) , . sel ( sel ) ,

7 . mux_in ( mux_in [1 : 0]));

8 // Input patterns exhaustively generated
9 initial begin

10 #10 sel =0; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b00 ; // First input signal

11 #10 sel =0; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b01 ; // Second input signal
12 #10 sel =0; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b10 ; // Third input signal
13 #10 sel =0; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b11 ; // Fourth input signal
14 #10 sel =1; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b00 ; // Fifth input signal
15 #10 sel =1; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b01 ; // Sixth input signal
16 #10 sel =1; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b10 ; // Seventh input signal
17 #10 sel =1; mux_in [1 : 0]=2 ’ b11 ; // Eighth input signal
18 end

19 // Display results whenever monitored signals change

20 initial

21 $monitor ( $stime , " out =% b , sel =% b , in =% b " ,

22 mux1_out , sel , mux_in );
23 endmodule

The DUT, u0, is an instance of the Verilog module, mux2to1, that describes the whole
design. The testbench is also a Verilog model that, owing to its purpose, without any
input and output signals. The testbench is not intended to describe the circuit that we
are developing. Rather, its purpose is to apply a sequence of signal values, called test
cases or test patterns, to the inputs of DUT, and to monitor its outputs (by $monitor
system task) to ensure that correct output signals are produced. In the testbench,
the $monitor system task displays the values of monitored signals whenever they
change in a binary format as indicated by %b. The $stime system task returns current
time as a 32-bit unsigned integer value to notify the event time of occurrence. A
Fundamentals of Verilog 47

simulator executes the DUT and testbench models that assign values to nets and
variables indicated by the testbench and DUT with a notion of the progress of time,
as presented in Figure 2.12.

Figure 2.12: Overview of a testbench.

We often investigate the behavior of a circuit depending on the evolution of signals

over time using a timing diagram, as shown in Figure 2.13. The signal transition is
assumed to be ideal so that it changes suddenly. It can be seen that the timing diagram
clearly demonstrates the relation between inputs and outputs.

Figure 2.13: Timing diagram of mux2to1 in the testbench.


Always blocks and initial blocks are both procedural blocks that contain sequential
statements. However, initial blocks you have already met in the testbench execute
just once. Instead, always blocks are always available for execution like what hard-
ware does. The statements inside an always block are executed up until the closing
end keyword. But then they can be executed again.
An always block can imply latches (introduced in the next chapter) or flip-flops,
or it can specify purely combinational logic. In describing synthesizable designs, an
always block can contain logic triggered in response to a change in a level (asyn-
chronous triggers) or the rising or falling edge of a signal (synchronous triggers).
The syntax of an always block for combinational circuits is
48 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Syntax for combinational logics

2 always @ ( sensitivity list ) begin
3 statements
4 end

The sensitivity list controls the way an always block executes. To describe a com-
binational circuit, the sensitivity list consists of one or more signals. When at least
one of these signals changes, the always block executes through to the end keyword.
Then, it can be triggered again when the condition meets what you specified in the
sensitivity list. For example, a combinational circuit output, x, has three inputs, a, b,
and c. When at least one of a, b, or c changes, the output x must respond to it. That’s
our sensitivity list. The statements inside the always block describe the functionality
of the design.
Completely specify the sensitivity list to avoid mismatches between RTL and
gate-level netlists, as shown below. If the sensitivity list is incomplete without signal
c, the synthesized netlist will still be a 3-input OR gate but the result of gate-level
simulation will differ from that of its RTL model.

1 // A simple combinational logic of a 3 - input OR gate

2 // The sensitivity list must be completely specified .
3 reg x ;

4 always @ ( a or b or c )

5 x=a|b|c;

Notably, those variables on the left side of an assignment in procedural blocks should
be declared as reg representing abstract data storage elements. An always block is
evaluated whenever the sensitivity list is triggered. In this example, x is recalculated
as soon as any input (a or b or c) has a level transition (0 to 1 or 1 to 0). This behavior
equals the functionality of a combinational circuit. So, x will be synthesized to be the
output of a combinational circuit.
Verilog-2001 introduced additional syntax for describing sensitivity lists.

1 // Different ways to describe the sensitivity list of

2 // a combinationa l logic .
3 always @ ( a , b , c , d ) // Syntax 1

4 always @ (*) // Syntax 2

5 always @ * // Syntax 3

Some synthesis tools consider incomplete sensitivity list illegal. You can use (*)
to represent all inputs in Verilog-2001. That is, all variables on the right-hand side
of all expressions in an always block are treated as signals in the sensitivity list. For
example, the above example can be rewritten as
Fundamentals of Verilog 49

1 // A combinational logic uses (*) in the

2 // sensitivity list to represent all inputs .
3 reg x ;

4 always @ (*) begin

5 x=a|b|c;
6 end

The always block can be used to describe a complex expression that needs multi-
ple assignments. For example,

1 // A complex expression described by multiple assignments ,

2 // which are executed sequentially
3 always @ ( a or b or c or d or e ) begin

4 y1 = a + b ;
5 y2 = c * d + e ;
6 y = y1 * y2 ;
7 end

In this example, the equation y = (a + b) × (c × d + e) is obtained because the block-

ing assignments in a procedural block execute sequentially. Notably, the “+” and
“*” respectively represent the addition and multiplication. The multiplication has a
higher operator precedence than an addition.
The syntax of an always block for synchronous (sequential) circuits is

1 // Syntax for synchronous ( sequential ) logics

2 always @ ([ posedge or negedge ] events ) begin
3 statements
4 end

Sequential circuits are storage units. Rising edge (or positive edge) and falling edge
(or negative edge) are represented by posedge and negedge, respectively, as shown
in Figure 2.14. It must be emphasized that the sensitivity list of posedge and negedge
for sequential circuits cannot be replaced with (*).

Figure 2.14: Rising and falling edges.

50 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

For example,

1 // A simple circuit describing both sequential

2 // ( register x ) and combinational (+) logics concurrently
3 reg x ;

4 always @ ( posedge clk )

5 x <= a + b ;

Notably, the non-blocking assignment “<=” will be introduced in the next chapter.
For the time being, you can treat it as the blocking assignment “=”. In this example, x
is recalculated as soon as clk changes from 0 to 1 (or at every positive edge of signal
clk). This behavior equals the functionality of a hardware storage element. So, x will
be synthesized to a true hardware storage element. Using both posedge and negedge
in the same sensitivity list, as shown below, is not permitted for synthesizable codes.

1 // Error digital circuit using both posedge and negedge

2 // of clk
3 reg x ;

4 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge clk )

5 x <= a + b ;

If you opt to do this, the same functionality can be achieved by using a clock clk2x
with double frequency of clk and rewrite the codes as follows.

1 // Correct digital circuit using a clock clk2x

2 // with double frequency
3 reg x ;

4 always @ ( posedge clk2x )

5 x <= a + b ;

Furthermore, to write synthesizable RTL codes, never separate the description

of an output. For example, the following RTL codes, which separate the reset and
normal functions for both a and b, should be avoided.

1 // Wrong codes that separate reset and normal functions

2 always @ ( negedge rst_n )
3 if (! rst_n )
4 begin
5 a <=5 ’ d0 ;
6 b <=3 ’ d0 ;
7 end
8 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

9 if ( b ==3 ’ d4 ) a <= a + b ;
Fundamentals of Verilog 51

10 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

11 b <= b +1;

Codes should be rewritten below. The functionality of a variable described using

always block should be completely contained in one always block.

1 // Describe complete functionality in one always block

2 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )
3 if (! rst_n ) a <=5 ’ d0 ;
4 else if ( b ==3 ’ d4 ) a <= a + b ;
5 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

6 if (! rst_n ) b <=3 ’ d0 ;
7 else b <= b +1;

To summarize, logic is combinational if its outputs, at any time, are determined

directly from the present combination of inputs without clock control. By contrast,
if the output needs to keep its value, it will be synthesized into a sequential cell.
Logic is sequential if it implies storage. If outputs cannot be determined at any given
moment by the state of inputs, storage is implied. When outputs are determined under
the posedge or negedge clock control, sequential flip-flops are inferred. Otherwise,
latches are implied.


We can declare variables (reg, integer, and parameter) locally within a named block
but not in an unnamed block. A named block is enclosed by the begin-end pair as
shown below. The named block is not commonly used except for the situation that
the dummy variables of indices used in for loops (introduced in the next chapter)
may coincide.

1 // Syntax of a named block

2 begin : block_name // Identifier of the named block
3 reg local_varia bl e _1 ;
4 integer local_vari ab le _ 2 ;
5 parameter local_vari ab le _ 3 ;
6 statements
7 end

For example, each of the following two always blocks contains a for loop in it.
The index i can be used for both for loops by the named blocks.
52 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Example of named blocks

2 always @ (...)
3 begin : loop1 // Identifier of the named block
4 integer i ; // Local variable
5 for ( i =0; i <8; i = i +1)
6 ...
7 end

8 always @ (...)

9 begin : loop2 // Identifier of the named block

10 integer i ; // Local variable
11 for ( i =0; i <32; i = i +1)
12 ...
13 end


Verilog primitives provide a means of gate and switch modeling, as shown in Table
2.6. All primitives are simulatable, but not all are synthesizable. Only those combi-
national logic and tristate gates are synthesizable. The number of pins for a primitive
is defined by the number of nets connected to it. All gates (except not and buf) can
have a variable number of inputs, but only one output. The not and buf gates can
have a variable number of outputs, but only one input. Also, the output and bidi-
rectional ports always come first in the port list, followed by the input ports. You
can define your own user defined primitive (UDP) to augment the set of predefined
primitive elements.

Table 2.6: Verilog primitives.

Combinational Tristate MOS CMOS Bi-directional Pull
Logic Transistor Gate Gate
and bufif0 nmos cmos tran pullup
nand bufif1 pmos rcmos tranif0 pulldown
or notif0 rnmos tranif1
nor notif1 rpmos rtran
xor rtranif0
xnor rtranif1
Fundamentals of Verilog 53

We can design an array of NOR gates, as shown in Figure 2.15.

Figure 2.15: Array of NOR gates.

We can intuitively instantiate them in an one-by-one manner using the

structural level description, as shown below. You must specify outputs before
inputs. The instance name of a primitive is optional.

1 // A module with 8 NOR gates

2 module array_of_nor (y , a , b );
3 output [7 : 0] y ;

4 input [7 : 0] a , b ;

5 // Array of instantiati on s

6 nor nor_g0 ( y [0] , a [0] , b [0]);

7 nor nor_g1 ( y [1] , a [1] , b [1]);

8 nor nor_g2 ( y [2] , a [2] , b [2]);

9 nor nor_g3 ( y [3] , a [3] , b [3]);

10 nor nor_g4 ( y [4] , a [4] , b [4]);

11 nor nor_g5 ( y [5] , a [5] , b [5]);

12 nor nor_g6 ( y [6] , a [6] , b [6]);

13 nor nor_g7 ( y [7] , a [7] , b [7]);

14 endmodule

To quickly instantiate them, Verilog supports that similar to the use of a vector as

1 // A module with 8 NOR gates

2 module array_of_nor (y , a , b );
3 output [7 : 0] y ;

4 input [7 : 0] a , b ;
5 // Instantiation using vectorized instance name
54 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

6 nor nor_g [7 : 0]( y , a , b );

7 endmodule

Verilog has four types of conditional primitives: bufif0, bufif1, notif0, and notif1,
as shown in Figure 2.16. They all have three pins: output y, input x, and enable e.
For example, bufif0 is a conditional buffer. It is enabled so that output y is driven
by input x when enable pin, e, is 0. Otherwise, y has high impedance because it is
isolated (or disconnected) from x and has no drivers.

Figure 2.16: Conditional buffers: (a) bufif0, (b) bufif1, (c) notif0, and (d) notif1.

An expression comprises of operators and operands. For example. the expression

w = x+y−z (2.2)

where x, y, and z are operands, and + and − are operators.


Before introducing arithmetic operations, we present the 2’s complement number
here. For an n-bit binary number, x = {xn−1 , xn−2 , ..., x0 }, its 2’s complement number
y = {yn−1, yn−2 , ..., y0 } satisfies

x + y = 2n . (2.3)
Fundamentals of Verilog 55

For example, the 2’s complement number y of 3-bit binary number x = 0012 is y =
1112 because 0012 (110 ) + 1112 (710 ) = 23 (10002 = 810 ). Alternatively, you can
obtain the 2’s complement number of x by “inverting every bits of x and then adding
1 to the result”. For example, after inverting every bits of x, you got 1102 . Then, add
1 to the result, you got 1112 as well.
The two’s-complement number system encodes 2’s complement of x as its neg-
ative number in a binary number representation. Therefore, in a two’s-complement
number system, the 2’s complement number y = 1112 of x = 0012 is treated as −110
instead of +710.
Yet another viewpoint, an n-bit unsigned binary number, x = {xn−1 , xn−2 , ..., x0 },
is represented in a weighted sum of powers of two by

x = xn−1 × 2n−1 + xn−2 × 2n−2 + ... + x0 × 20 . (2.4)

When xn−1 = xn−2 = ... = x0 = 0, the smallest positive number that can be repre-
sented is 0. Likewise, when xn−1 = xn−2 = ... = x0 = 1, the largest positive number
is 2n − 1. Hence, the dynamic range of an n-bit unsigned binary number is

0 ≤ x ≤ 2n − 1. (2.5)

A signed number is represented in 2’s complement form in a similar way to

unsigned binary representation. The difference is that, for an n-bit signed number,
x = {xn−1, xn−2 , ..., x0 }, the weight of the left-most bit, xn−1 , is −2n−1 and negative,
so that

x = −xn−1 × 2n−1 + xn−2 × 2n−2 + ... + x0 × 20. (2.6)

When xn−1 = 1 and xm = 0, ∀m 6= n − 1, the most negative number that can be

represented is −2n−1. Likewise, when xn−1 = 0 and xm = 1, ∀m 6= n − 1, the most
positive number is 2n−1 − 1. Hence, the dynamic range of an n-bit signed binary
number is

−2n−1 ≤ x ≤ 2n−1 − 1. (2.7)

If xn−1 is 1, the number represented is negative, since the sum of all the powers of 2
with positive weights is less than 2n−1 . Likewise, if xn−1 is 0, the represented number
is positive. Thus, xn−1 is well known to serve as a sign bit.

Example 2.2. What values are represented by the 8-bit 2’s complement unsigned
numbers 00100101 and 10110001?
Solution: The first number is

1 × 25 + 1 × 22 + 1 × 20 = 37.

The second number is

1 × 27 + 1 × 25 + 1 × 24 + 1 × 20 = 177.
56 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Example 2.3. What values are represented by the 8-bit 2’s complement signed num-
bers 00100101 and 10110001 in the previous example?
Solution: The first number is
1 × 25 + 1 × 22 + 1 × 20 = 37.
The second number is
−1 × 27 + 1 × 25 + 1 × 24 + 1 × 20 = −79.

From above examples, the same binary number may be interpreted differently by
different number representations. Therefore, it is important that one should know the
number representations of all variables when they are described using Verilog RTL

There are four data objects that can form the operands of an expression, as shown in
Table 2.7.

Table 2.7: Verilog operands.

Operands Description
Identifiers User specified signal names.
Literals Integer and real numbers, and bit and character strings.
Index & slice names A portion of user specified signal names.
Function call Output of a function.
The following example demonstrates identifier, string literal, and numeric literal

1 // An example presenting identifier , string literal ,

2 // and numeric literal operands
3 module test_literal s ( y1 , y2 , sel1 , sel2 );

4 output [4 : 0] y1 , y2 ;

5 input [1 : 0] sel1 ;

6 input sel2 ;

7 reg [4 : 0] y1 , y2 ;

8 parameter CONST1 =5 ’ b11010 , CONST2 =10;

9 /* sel1 , sel2 , y1 , y2 , CONST1 , and CONST2 are

10 identifiers */
11 always @ ( sel1 )

12 // 5 ’ b0000 is a bit string literal //

13 if ( sel1 ==2 ’ b00 ) y1 =5 ’ b0000 ;
14 else if ( sel1 ==2 ’ b01 ) y1 = CONST1 ;
Fundamentals of Verilog 57

15 // 5 ’ h0A is a character string literal //

16 else y1 =5 ’ h0A ;
17 always @ ( sel2 )

18 // 10 and 20 are numerical integer literals

19 if (! sel2 ) y2 =10;
20 else y2 = CONST2 +20;
21 endmodule

The following example illustrates index and slice operands. Index operand spec-
ifies a single element of a vector and slice operand specifies a segment of elements
within a vector.

1 // An example presenting index and slice operands

2 module test_index_ s li ce (y , a );
3 output [3 : 0] y ;

4 input [2 : 0] a ;

5 reg [3 : 0] y ;

6 always @ ( a ) begin

7 y [0]= a [1]& a [0]; // Index operand

8 y [3 : 1]= a [2 : 0]; // Slice operand
9 end

10 endmodule

The function is delimited by the keywords function and endfunction. The fol-
lowing example illustrates function call operands. Function calls, which must reside
in an expression, are operands. The single value returned from a function is the
operand value used in the expression.

1 // An example presenting function call operand

2 module test_function (y , a , b , c );
3 output [3 : 0] y ;

4 input [2 : 0] a , b , c ;

5 reg [3 : 0] y ;

6 always @ ( a or b or c )

7 y = add_func (a , b ) - c ; // Function call operand

8 function [3 : 0] add_func ; // Function call definition

9 input [2 : 0] i1 , i2 ;

10 add_func = i1 + i2 ;
11 endfunction

12 endmodule

In the above module, a−b is realized by a+“2’s complement of b” in 2’s complement

arithmetic. Overflow happens when the result can not be represented because the
value is too large or too small. Provided that there exists no overflow, there are two
58 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

conditions on the results: 1) a carry out is generated. In this condition, the result is
positive. Dropping the carry out, remaining part is the final result; 2) a carry out is not
generated. In this condition, the result is negative. Remaining part is the final result.
For example, 210 − 110 = 110 . In binary representation, 0102 + 1112 = 10012. A carry
out is generated. So, the final result is 0012 = 110 . Another case, 110 − 310 = −210.
In binary representation, 0012 + 1012 = 1102. A carry out is not generated. So, the
final result is 1102 = −210 .

Operators, shown in Table 2.8, perform an operation on one or more operands within
an expression. An expression combines operands with appropriate operators to pro-
duce the desired function expression.

Table 2.8: List of Verilog operators.

Name Operator
bit- or part-select []
parenthesis ()
Arithmetic Operators
multiplication *
division /
addition +
subtraction −
modulus %
Sign Operators
unary (sign) plus +
unary (sign) minus −
Relational Operators
less than <
less than or equal to <=
greater than >
greater than or equal to >=
Equality Operators
logic equality ==
logic inequality !=
case equality ===
case inequality !==
Logical Comparison Operators
AND &&
OR ||
Logical Bit-wise Operators
Fundamentals of Verilog 59

unitary negation NOT ∼

binary AND &
binary OR |
binary XOR ∧

binary XNOR ∼∧ or ∧ ∼
Shift Operators
logical shift left ≪
logical shift right ≫
arithmetic shift left ≪
arithmetic shift right ≫
Concatenation & Replication Operators
concatenation {}
replication {{}}
Reduction Operators
OR |
NOR ∼|

XNOR ∼∧ or ∧ ∼
Conditional Operators
conditional ?: Arithmetic Operators

The following example illustrates arithmetic operators, “+”, “−”, “*”, “/”, and “%”.
The arithmetic operators are all synthesizable. The evaluation of the Verilog codes is
left as an exercise.

1 // A module presenting arithmetic operators ,

2 // + , -, * , / , and %
3 module test_arithm et ic ( y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 , a , b );

4 output [3 : 0] y1 , y2 ;

5 output [4 : 0] y3 ;

6 output [2 : 0] y4 , y5 ;

7 input [2 : 0] a , b ;

8 reg [3 : 0] y1 , y2 ;

9 reg [5 : 0] y3 ;

10 reg [2 : 0] y4 , y5 ;

11 always @ ( a or b ) begin

12 y1 = a + b ; // Synthesizabl e
13 y2 =a - b ; // Synthesizabl e
60 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

14 y3 = a * b ; // Synthesizable
15 y4 = a / b ; // Synthesizable
16 y5 = a % b ; // Synthesizable
17 end

18 endmodule

To prevent overflow, one more bit of the result than the operand is required for the ad-
dition and subtraction. This can be proved using the dynamic ranges of n-bit operands
and (n + 1)-bit result. The dynamic range of (n + 1)-bit result is larger than the value
of the sum of two n-bit operands.
Similarly, the product of two n-bit operands should have 2n bits to prevent over-
flow. The complexity of a multiplier is much larger than that of an adder because the
multiplication needs several adders. As shown in Figure 2.17, the multiplication of
two 4-bit operands, M and Q, requires 3 4-bit adders and the product P has 8 bits.
One vacant bit exists in the MSB of the first adder. It is padded with 0 because of the
unsigned multiplication.

Figure 2.17: Multiplication of two 4-bit operands.

In the above module, if y1 is declared as [5 : 0], two more bits than necessary, the
operands a and b will pad 2’b00 on the left-most two MSBs to produce the result.
On the contrary, if y1 is declared as [1 : 0], two fewer bits than necessary, the 4-bit
result of a + b will be truncated (or discarded) on the left-most two MSBs.
The Verilog introduced power operator, ∗∗. The x ∗ ∗y, for example, means x to
the power of y. The most common use of power operator would be 2 to the power
of N, i.e., 2N . The power operator is non-synthesizable except for x = 2 or y = 2.
When x = 2, it represents the shift operator introduced later. When y = 2, it equals
the multiplication.
Fundamentals of Verilog 61 Sign Operators

The following example illustrates sign operators, “+” and “−”. The evaluation of
the Verilog codes is left as an exercise.

1 // A module presenting sign operators

2 module test_sign ( y1 , y2 , a , b );
3 output [3 : 0] y1 ;

4 output [2 : 0] y2 ;

5 input [2 : 0] a , b ;

6 reg [3 : 0] y1 ;

7 reg [2 : 0] y2 ;

8 always @ ( a or b )

9 y1 = a + - b ; // The same as a - b
10 always @ ( a )

11 y2 = - a ; // Negate a
12 endmodule Relational Operators

The following example illustrates relational operators, “>”, “>=”, “<”, and “<=”.
The evaluation of the Verilog codes is left as an exercise.

1 // A module presenting relational operators

2 module test_relation (y , a , b );
3 output [3 : 0] y ;

4 input [2 : 0] a ;

5 input [2 : 0] b ;

6 reg [3 : 0] y ;

7 always @ ( a or b ) begin

8 // y [0] is the result of comparison : a is greater than b

9 y [0]= a > b ;
10 y [1]= a >= b ;
11 y [2]= a < b ;
12 y [3]= a <= b ;
13 end

14 endmodule Equality and Inequality Operators

The following example illustrates equality and inequality operators, “==”, “!=”,
“===”, and “!==”. The evaluation of the Verilog codes is left as an exercise.
62 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // A module presenting equality and inequality operators

2 module test_equalit y (y , a , b );
3 output [3 : 0] y ;

4 input [2 : 0] a ;

5 input [2 : 0] b ;

6 reg [3 : 0] y ;

7 always @ ( a or b ) begin

8 // y [0] is the result of comparison : a is not equal to b

9 y [0]= a != b ;
10 y [1]= a == b ;
11 y [2]= a !==3 ’ b1X0 ; // Non - synthesizable
12 y [3]= b ===3 ’ bZZZ ; // Non - synthesizable
13 end

14 endmodule

Notably, “===” and “!==” can compare high impedance Z and unknown X, but only
applicable for simulation. You cannot build digital hardware to operate on unknown
or high impedance. Thus, the comparisons, “a!==3’b1X0” and “b===3’bZZZ”, are
non-synthesizable. Logical Comparison Operators

The following example illustrates logical comparison operators, “!” (logical NOT),
“&&” (logical AND), and “||” (logical OR). They are commonly used in the if-else
statement. Notably, the operations in a parenthesis are performed first. The logical
value of a multi-bit bus a is false only when all bits of a are zero; otherwise, it is true.
Therefore, !a equals the comparison a == 0. The evaluation of the Verilog codes is
left as an exercise.

1 // A module presenting logical comparison operators

2 module test_compar i so n (y , sel , a );
3 output [1 : 0] y ;

4 input sel ;

5 input [2 : 0] a ;

6 reg [1 : 0] y ;

7 always @ ( sel or a )

8 if (( sel ==1)&&( a >4))

9 y =2 ’ b00 ;
10 else if ( sel ==1)
11 y =2 ’ b01 ;
12 else if (! a )
13 y =2 ’ b10 ;
14 else
15 y =2 ’ b11 ;
16 endmodule
Fundamentals of Verilog 63 Logical Bit-Wise Operators

The following example illustrates logical bit-wise operators, “∼” (unary NOT), “&”
(binary AND), “|” (binary OR), “∧ ” (binary XOR), and “∼∧ ” (or “∧ ∼”, binary
XNOR). The evaluation of the Verilog codes is left as an exercise.

1 // A module presenting logical bit - wise operators

2 module test_bitwise ( y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 , a , b );
3 output [2 : 0] y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 ;

4 input [2 : 0] a ;

5 input [2 : 0] b ;

6 reg [2 : 0] y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 ;

7 always @ ( a or b ) begin

8 y1 =~ a ;
9 y2 = a & b ;
10 y3 = a | b ;
11 y4 = a ^ b ;
12 y5 = a ^~ b ;
13 end

14 endmodule

About the bit-wise operator, “∼”, the above statement y1=∼ a is a shorthand of
the following codes.

1 // Expanding the bit - wise operator

2 y1 [0]=~ a [0];
3 y1 [1]=~ a [1];

4 y1 [2]=~ a [2];

Similarly, y2= a&b is a shorthand of the following codes.

1 // Expanding the bit - wise operator

2 y2 [0]= a [0]& b [0];
3 y2 [1]= a [1]& b [1];

4 y2 [2]= a [2]& b [2]; Shift Operators

The following example illustrates logical shift operators, “≪” (left shift) and “≫”
(right shift). The evaluation of the Verilog codes is left as an exercise.
64 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // A module presenting logical shift operators

2 module test_shift (y , sel , a );
3 output [2 : 0] y ;

4 input sel ;

5 input [2 : 0] a ;

6 reg [2 : 0] y ;

7 parameter B =1;

8 always @ ( sel or a )

9 if ( sel ) y =a < < B ;

10 else y = a > >2;
11 endmodule

In the above module, when SEL is true, y is the result of left shift a by one bit. Vacant
bits will be padded with 0. Therefore, it is a shorthand of the following codes.

1 // Expanding the left shift by one bit

2 y [0]=1 ’ b0 ;
3 y [1]= a [0];

4 y [2]= a [1];

When SEL is false, y is the result of right shift a by two bits. Vacant bits will be
padded with 0. Therefore, it is a shorthand of the following codes.

1 // Expanding the right shift by two bits

2 y [0]= a [2];
3 y [1]=1 ’ b0 ;

4 y [2]=1 ’ b0 ;

Multiplication and division by powers of 2 can be implemented using left shift

and right shift, respectively. For example, a × 8 = a ≪ 3 and a/4 = a ≫ 2. Also,
a × 5 = a × 4 + a = (a ≪ 2) + a.
The arithmetic right shift operator, “≫”, shift the sign bit in instead of 0. For
example, if you write 8’b1100_0110≫2, you got 8’b1111_0001. Notice that signed
binary numbers 8’b1100_0110 and 8’b1111_0001 have decimal values of −58 and
−15, respectively. Therefore, the arithmetic right shift maintains the sign of the orig-
inal value, and shifting right by 2 positions got the rounding of original value divided
by 4. By contrast, the arithmetic left shift operator, “≪”, is similar to the logical left
shift operator. If you want to keep the sign bit, you must extend it to enough length. Concatenation and Replication Operators

The following example illustrates concatenation and replication operators, “{}”
(concatenation) and “{{}}” (replication). In the example, a is replicated twice by
Fundamentals of Verilog 65

{2{a}}, which is the same as {a, a}, and b, {2{a}}, and c are concatenated to form
a vector and then assigned to y. The evaluation of the Verilog codes is left as an

1 // A module presenting concatenation and

2 // replication operators
3 module test_conca t _r ep l ic (y , a , b );

4 output [10 : 0] y ;

5 input [2 : 0] a , b ;

6 reg [10 : 0] y ;

7 parameter C =2 ’ b01 ;

8 always @ ( a or b )

9 y ={ b , {2{ a }} , C };
10 endmodule Reduction Operators

The following example illustrates reduction operators, “&” (AND reduction), “|”
(OR reduction), “∼ &” (NAND reduction), “∼ |” (NOR reduction), “∧ ” (XOR re-
duction), and “∼∧ ” (XNOR reduction). In contrast to bit-wise operators with two
operands, the reduction operation only has one operand and performs the same opera-
tion on every bits of the operand. For example, &a is a shorthand of a[0]&a[1]&a[2].
The evaluation of the Verilog codes is left as an exercise.

1 // A module presenting reduction operators

2 module test_reducti on (y , a );
3 output [5 : 0] y ;

4 input [2 : 0] a ;

5 reg [5 : 0] y ;

6 always @ ( a ) begin

7 y [0]=& a ;
8 y [1]=| a ;
9 y [2]=~& a ;
10 y [3]=~| a ;
11 y [4]=^ a ; // XOR , odd parity
12 y [5]=~^ a ; // XNOR , even parity
13 end

14 endmodule Conditional Operator

The following example illustrates conditional operator, “?:”. When the logic before
“?” is true, the result before “:” will be selected; otherwise, the result after “:” will be
selected. Therefore, when sel is true, a + b is selected and assigned to y; otherwise,
a − b is selected. The evaluation of the Verilog codes is left as an exercise.
66 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // A module presenting conditional operator

2 module test_condit io n (y , sel , a , b );
3 output [3 : 0] y ;

4 input sel ;

5 input [2 : 0] a , b ;

6 reg [3 : 0] y ;

7 always @ ( sel or a or b )

8 y =( sel ==1)? a + b :a - b ;
9 endmodule


A top-level simulation environment, also called a testbench (shown in Figure 2.18),
for a synchronous design contains an instantiation of the top module of designs,
pin/signal declarations for the connections of the I/O of top design model, and clock
and reset waveforms. Instantiation of behavioral models for the generation of stim-
ulus, which is also called the input pattern, is optional. The main purposes of a test-
bench are pattern generation (used to model interface transactions) and output mon-
itoring of the DUT. To verify the logic function of DUT, the testbench allows the
user to stop and finish the simulation at any time, log and monitor simulation data of
interest, and output (or dump) waveforms for debugging. After a simulation, users
can use a graphical user interface (GUI) debugging tool to see the waveform where
signals progress with time.

Figure 2.18: Testbench.

We need to design a 3-to-8 decoder with enable control and its testbench. The
truth table of 3-to-8 decoder with enable control is displayed in Table 2.10.
Fundamentals of Verilog 67

Table 2.10: Truth table of 3-to-8 decoder with enable control.

en x[2] x[1] x[0] y[7] y[6] y[5] y[4] y[3] y[2] y[1] y[0]
0 X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Its gate-level netlist is presented in Figure 2.19.

Figure 2.19: Gate-level schematic of the 3-to-8 decoder with enable control.

A testbench for the decoder can be written below. The ‘timescale declares the
time unit and its precision, which are significant for the delay modeling. The syntax
of ‘timescale is
‘timescale <time_unit> / <time_precision>

For example, ‘timescale 10 ns/1 ns declares that the time unit is 10 ns and time pre-
cision is 1 ns. Only use timescale in the top (testbench) module, and it is inherited
to all sub-modules. If upper module has no timescale but its submodule has, an er-
ror occurs. The submodule with timescale will overwrite the timescale of its upper
68 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Testbench for the 3 - to -8 decoder with enable control

2 ‘timescale 10 ns /1 ns
3 module testbench ;

4 reg enable ;

5 reg [2 : 0] in ;

6 wire [7 : 0] out ;

7 // Module instantiation

8 decoder dec (. en ( enable ) , . x ( in ) , . y ( out ));

9 // Stimulus

10 initial begin

11 #0 enable =0; in =3 ’ b000 ;

12 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b000 ;
13 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b001 ;
14 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b010 ;
15 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b011 ;
16 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b100 ;
17 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b101 ;
18 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b110 ;
19 #10 enable =1; in =3 ’ b111 ;
20 end

21 // Dump waveform for debugging

22 initial begin

23 $dumpfile ( " decoder . vcd " );

24 $dumpvars ();
25 end

26 endmodule

The time unit is 10 ns, so #10 delays 10 time units, i.e., 100 ns. As another example,
#10.75 delays 10.75 time units, i.e., 108 ns. The testbench is simple that it gener-
ates stimulus exhaustively. However, when the system is large enough, exhaustive
testing strategy is typically not achievable. In this condition, partial testing strategy
is adopted. Some kinds of randomness must be introduced into the verification pro-
cess. Assertion checking then leverages the confidence level of the test patterns.
Functional simulation for 3-to-8 decoder can dump the waveform for functional
verification using the $dumpfile and $dumpvars system tasks, as shown in Figure
2.20. Verilog provides a set of system tasks to record signal value changes in the
standard value change dump (VCD) format. Most wave display tools read this for-
mat, among others. The $dumpfile system task specifies which file is to be dumped,
and $dumpvars system task specifies which variables are to be dumped.
Fundamentals of Verilog 69

Figure 2.20: Functional simulation.

You can specify the levels and scope arguments to $dumpvars using the following

1 // Syntax of system task $dumpvars

2 $dumpvars ( < levels > , < scope >);

The scope arguments are indicated by the hierarical names of the modules. We as-
sume that the instance, top, has three instances u1, u2, and u3 within it. When level
is 0, such as $dumpvars(0, top), it specifies all signals in top and below are dumped.
This is the most commonly used case. When level is 1, $dumpvars(1, top) specifies
the signals in the hierarchy of top are dumped, not including those signals in u1, u2,
u3, and below. When n is not 0 and 1, the level n specifies the signals within the n − 1
levels below the scope arguments to be dumped. For example, $dumpvars(3, top.u1,
top.u2) specifies the signals within the 2 levels below the scopes, top.u1 and top.u2,
are to be dumped.
Timing simulation (pre-sim or post-sim) of gate-level netlist with SDF back an-
notation for the 3-to-8 decoder can dump the waveform for both function and timing
verification, as shown in Figure 2.21. Owing to different gate delays, the path delays
from different inputs to output are generally different.
70 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 2.21: Timing simulation with delay annotation.


• Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis, 2nd
Ed., Pearson, 2011.
• Zainalabedin Navabi, Verilog digital system design: RT level synthesis, test-
bench, and verification, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
• Joseph Cavanagh, Verilog HDL: digital design and modeling, CRC Press,
• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer ar-
chitecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby, The Verilog hardware description
language, 5th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
• Joseph Cavanagh, Computer arithmetic and Verilog HDL fundamentals,
CRC Press, 2010.
• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• M. J. S. Smith, Application-specific integrated circuits, Addison-Wesley,
• Vaibbhav Taraate, Digital logic design using Verilog: coding and RTL syn-
thesis, Springer, 2016.
• John Michael Williams, Digital VLSI design with Verilog: a textbook from
Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2014.
• Ronald W. Mehler, Digital integrated circuit design using Verilog and Sys-
temverilog, Elsevier, 2014.
Fundamentals of Verilog 71

1. Let a =4’b1011, b = 4’b0010, c = 8’b00000100, d = 8’b00001111, and
e =4’b0000, find the results of following expressions.

Table 2.11: Outputs of Verilog expressions.

Expressions Outputs
a && b
2. For the following time scales, find the actual delays of Verilog Model:

Table 2.12: Delays of Verilog Model.

Timescale Delays
‘timescale 10 ns/1 ns, #5
‘timescale 10 ns/1 ns, #5.738
‘timescale 10 ns/100 ps, #5.738
3. A design called dispatcher has three instantiated sub-blocks in it: rxFIFO, tx-
FIFO0, and txFIFO1. The design names of rxFIFO, and txFIFO0 (and txFIFO1)
are rx_FIFO and tx_FIFO, respectively. The sub-block, rxFIFO, also contains
an instantiated sub-block rxCRC (design name is rx_CRC). Please describe the
above design by module and endmodule without considering their I/O port con-
4. Please declare:
a. an 8-bit wire, a_in.
b. a 32-bit register, address, and assign 3 to it.
c. an integer, count.
d. an 8-bit memory with 1024 elements, membyte.
e. a parameter, cache_size, with a value of 512.
5. Find the following simulation results.
a. latch=4’d12;
72 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

$display("The current value of latch = %b",latch);

b. #0 in_reg = 3’d2;
#5 in_reg = 3’d4;
$monitor($time,"In register value = %b", in_reg[2:0]);
c. ‘define MEM_SIZE 1024
$display("The maximum memory size is %h", ‘MEM_SIZE);
6. Find the declaration bugs in the Verilog codes. After fixing those bugs, evaluate
the simulation result.

1 module SRAM ( dout , clk , ce , we , oe , addr , din );

2 output [7 : 0] dout ;
3 input clk , ce , we , oe ;

4 input [15 : 0] addr ;

5 input [7 : 0] din ;
6 reg [7 : 0] mem [0 : 65535];

7 wire [7 : 0] tempQ , dout ;

8 always @ ( posedge clk )

9 if ( ce & we )
10 mem [ addr ] <= din ;
11 always @ ( oe or ce )

12 if ( ce & oe )
13 tempQ = mem [ addr ];
14 else
15 tempQ =8 ’ hzz ;
16 always @ ( posedge clk )

17 dout <= tempQ ;

18 endmodule

7. Redesign and optimize the alarm function obtained in Problem 1 of Chapter 1.

a. Using Verilog primitives;
b. Using an always block. Optimization is done by tools.
8. Verilog number.
a. Convert unsigned hexadecimal B2EF to decimal.
b. Convert unsigned decimal 4256 to binary.
c. Convert signed binary 8’b0110_1001 to decimal.
d. Convert signed binary 8’b1110_1001 to decimal.
9. Using the continuous assignment to describe the following Boolean functions.

Out1 = (C + B) · (Ā + D),


where +, (·), and · denote the bitwise OR, NOT, and AND operations, re-
Fundamentals of Verilog 73


Out2 = C · (A · D + B) + B · Ā,

10. A majority logic function is defined below.

1, if the majority of the input IN[3 : 0] are 1’s
Out = . (2.10)
0, Otherwise

Design a Verilog module that implements a four-bit majority function.

11. Design a combinational circuit whose output Out[3 : 0] is two greater than the
input In[2 : 0] when In[2 : 0] is 0, 1, 2, or 3. When In[2 : 0] is 4, 5, 6, or 7,
Out[3 : 0] is twice of the input.
12. Develop a testbench for the above design.
13. Express the following decimal numbers in 8-bit unsigned binary format: 9, 88,
and 213.
14. Express the following decimal numbers in 8-bit signed binary format: −9, −88,
and −213.
15. What decimal numbers are represented by the following 8-bit unsigned binary
numbers: 11100101 and 11001100?
16. How many bits would be required to represent an angle in a precision of 0.1
degree between 0° and 360°?
17. Express the following unsigned binary numbers in octal: 101010101, 00000000,
and 1111111111.
18. Express the following unsigned binary numbers in hexadecimal: 11100101,
11111101, and 010010111.
19. Perform the following unsigned binary additions and verify them using Verilog.
Find the required number of bits for each case.
a. 01010001 + 01010110.
b. 11010001 + 01110101.
c. 10101010 + 00000001.
20. Write a Verilog code that adds three 8-bit unsigned binary numbers to produce
a 9-bit result with no overflow detection.
21. Perform the following unsigned binary multiplication to form a 16-bit result:
11101001 × 01010100.
22. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_literals.
23. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_index_slice.
24. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_function.
25. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_arithmetic.
26. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_sign.
27. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_relation.
28. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_equality.
29. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_comparison.
30. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_bitwise.
74 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

31. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_shift.

32. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_concat_replic.
33. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_reduction.
34. Write a testbench to evaluate the Verilog module, test_condition.
35. a. Write a behavioral model for the packet generator, as displayed in Figure
2.22, with format: destination identification (DI) (1 Byte), source identifi-
cation (SI) (1 Byte), priority (P) (high and low, 1 Byte), random data (DA)
(16∼32 Bytes), and 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) (4 Bytes). Differ-
ent packets are separated by 2 clock cycles. Randomly generate packets with
and without CRC error.

Figure 2.22: (a) Block diagram of packet generator and receiver. (b) Timing diagram
of the interface.

b. Write a behavior model of the packet receiver. Check CRC of received pack-
ets and obtain the data statistics for the numbers of high and low packets, and
CRC error packets.
3 Advanced Verilog Topics
In this chapter, advanced Verilog statements, such as if-else, case, for loop, function
and task, are introduced. We emphasize design guidelines for inferring combina-
tional and sequential logics. The timing of a circuit is as important as its function-
ality. Therefore, accurate delay modeling is the key to the success of an ASIC. The
differences between inter-assignment and intra-assignment delays, and blocking and
non-blocking assignments are identified. Finally, the system tasks, approach of tim-
ing simulation, and several advanced Verilog features are presented as well. Notably,
keywords will be marked in boldface in this chapter.


The Verilog hardware description language allows four kinds of descriptions: be-
havioral description (always block, initial block, while, wait, for, if-else, etc.),
dataflow description (continuous assignment), structural (or gate-level) description,
and switch-level (or transistor-level) description. Which kind of description is used
depends on the level of abstraction, as shown in Figure 3.1. High-level register-
transfer level design includes synthesizable behavioral and dataflow descriptions.
Among these abstract levels, the transistor level and the initial block of the behav-
ioral description are non-synthesizable.


One of the most important and commonly used statement in RTL design is the if
statement, which is followed by a statement or block of statements enclosed by begin
and end.

1 // Syntax of if - else statement

2 if ( expression ) begin
3 statements
4 end

5 [ else begin

6 statements
7 end ]

If the value of the expression is nonzero, then the expression is true and the state-
ment block that follows if will be executed. If the value of the expression is zero, the
expression is false and the statement block following else is executed. If-else state-
ments can cause synthesis of latches, which are not suitable for synchronous design
and static timing analysis. In the following example, if the signal en is logic one,

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-3 75
76 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 3.1: Levels of abstraction: (a) non-synthesizable behavioral level (initial

block), (b) high-level RTL (synthesizable always block of behavioral description and
dataflow description), (c) low-level RTL (gate or structural level description), and (d)
transistor level (non-synthesizable switch-level description).

the output signal, out, will be assigned the result of in1 + in2. Otherwise, out will be
assigned in1.

1 // A module illustrating if - else statement

2 module if_else ( out , in1 , in2 , en );
3 output [1 : 0] out ;

4 input in1 , in2 , en ;

5 reg [1 : 0] out ;

6 always @ ( in1 or in2 or en ) begin

7 // Completely specified if - else

8 if ( en ==1) out = in1 + in2 ;
9 else out = in1 ;
10 end

11 endmodule

The (output) port declaration and data type (reg) declaration can be combined
as follows. Since the output port has a default wire data type. It’s not necessary to
combine an output port with wire data type. Moreover, input ports all have default
wire data types. It’s not necessary to combine an input port with wire data type as
Advanced Verilog Topics 77

1 // Combining port and data type declarations

2 module if_else ( out , in1 , in2 , en );
3 output reg [1 : 0] out ;

4 input in1 , in2 , en ;

5 always @ ( in1 or in2 or en ) begin

6 // Completely specified if - else

7 if ( en ==1) out = in1 + in2 ;
8 else out = in1 ;
9 end

10 endmodule

To prevent latches, the outputs MUST be fully specified. This is a basic rule of
combinational circuits. If the outputs are not fully specified, latches in Figure 3.2
will be induced because outputs will keep their original states for all unspecified
conditions, which coincide with the functionality of latches. Latches are sequential
circuits and can be used as memory elements.

Figure 3.2: Latch: (a) symbol and (b) function table.

In the following example, the else condition is not specified, so latches are in-

1 // A module inferring latches due to unspecified

2 // else condition
3 module latch ( out , in , enable );

4 output [3 : 0] out ;

5 input enable ;

6 input [3 : 0] in ;

7 always @ ( in or enable )

8 begin

9 // Else condition is not specified ,

10 // so latches are inferred .
11 if ( enable ) out = in ;
12 end

13 endmodule
78 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

In the following example, signal out is implicitly assigned a default value. If the
signal enable is false, the default value will be assigned to out. Therefore, out is fully
specified, and no latches are inferred.

1 // An example without inferring latches by assigning

2 // default value
3 always @ ( in or enable ) begin

4 out =0; // Default value

5 if ( enable )
6 out = in ;
7 end

If a vector is directly used as an expression, for example, in the if(out) statement,

where signal out is a 4-bit vector, any logic 1 bit in out makes the expression true.
Be especially careful when using such an expression.
Finally, the following code segment infers a priority-encoded multiplexer, as
shown in Figure 3.3.

1 // An example of priority - encoded multiplexer

2 always @ ( sel or a or b or c or d )
3 if ( sel [3]==1 ’ b1 ) // sel is 1 XXX
4 out = a ;
5 else if ( sel [2]==1 ’ b1 ) // sel is 01 XX
6 out = b ;
7 else if ( sel [1]==1 ’ b1 ) // sel is 001 X
8 out = c ;
9 else if ( sel [0]==1 ’ b1 ) // sel is 0001
10 out = d ;
11 else // sel is 0000
12 out = e ;

Though the function of an if-else statement is similar to that of a conditional

operator, they may differ in their resource sharing abilities. Resource sharing can
assign similar operations to a common netlist cell, and may reduce hardware and
degrade performance (due to additional multiplexers). Resource sharing must be kept
within the same always block and may not be permissible for a conditional operator,
as shown in the following example.

1 // Resource sharing may not be done for

2 // conditional operator
3 assign z = sel ? a + t : b + t ;

It may infer the circuit in Figure 3.4, where ⊕ represents an adder.

Advanced Verilog Topics 79

Figure 3.3: The if-else-if statement implies priority-encoded multiplexers.

Figure 3.4: Resource sharing may not be performed by a conditional operator.

Rather, the following always block infers the circuit in Figure 3.5. The adder is
shared for either case of the select signal, sel, by multiplexing the operand of the
adder. The multiplexer may degrade performance.

1 // Resource sharing in the same always block can be done

2 always @ ( sel or a or b or t )
3 if ( sel ) z = a + t ;
4 else z = b + t ;
80 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 3.5: Resource sharing must be performed in the same always block.

However, if “z = b +t” is changed to “z = b −t”, will resource sharing be enabled

for the adder and subtractor? Even the answer is yes, this is still not a good method.
It is always better to do resource sharing explicitly using the following method.

1 // Explicit resource sharing on our own

2 assign op1 = sel ? a : b ;
3 assign op2 = t ; // Or ‘‘op2 = sel ? t :~ t +1 ’ b1 ’ ’ for subtraction

4 assign z = op1 + op2 ;


The case statement is a special multiway conditional statement that tests whether an
expression matches one of a number of items and then branches accordingly. A case
statement consists of the keyword case, followed by an expression in parentheses. It
must be enclosed by the keyword endcase, and there can be one or more case items
(and associated statements) to be executed. A case item consists of an expression
(usually a simple constant) or a list of expressions separated by commas, followed
by a colon (:). The default statement is optional and is executed when none of the
items match the expression. If default is not specified and there are no matching
items, Verilog takes no action.

1 // Syntax of case statement

2 case ( expression )
3 case_item 1 :
4 begin
5 statements
6 end
7 case_item 2 :
8 begin
9 statements
10 end
11 ...
Advanced Verilog Topics 81

12 default :
13 begin
14 statements
15 end
16 endcase

The following example is a decoder with full case.

1 // A decoder module with full case

2 module full_case ( out , in );
3 output [3 : 0] out ;

4 input [1 : 0] in ;

5 reg [3 : 0] out ;

6 always @ ( in )

7 case ( in )
8 2 ’ b00 : out =4 ’ b0001 ;
9 2 ’ b01 : out =4 ’ b0010 ;
10 2 ’ b10 : out =4 ’ b0100 ;
11 2 ’ b11 : out =4 ’ b1000 ;
12 endcase
13 endmodule

The following example is a decoder without full case.

1 // A decoder module without full case

2 module not_full_case ( out , in );
3 output [3 : 0] out ;

4 input [1 : 0] in ;

5 reg [3 : 0] out ;

6 always @ ( in )

7 // Not full - case , latches are inferred

8 case ( in )
9 2 ’ b00 : out =4 ’ b0001 ;
10 2 ’ b01 : out =4 ’ b0010 ;
11 2 ’ b10 : out =4 ’ b0100 ;
12 endcase
13 endmodule

When signal in=2’b11, the condition is not specified, and just as we saw in if-else
statements, a latch will be inferred. To avoid such a mistake, it is always a good idea
to use a default-case-item fore all conditions to ensure that no latch is implied, as
shown below.
82 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // A decoder module with full case by default - case - item

2 case ( in )
3 2 ’ b00 : out =4 ’ b0001 ;
4 2 ’ b01 : out =4 ’ b0010 ;
5 2 ’ b10 : out =4 ’ b0100 ;
6 default : out =4 ’ b1000 ;
7 endcase

If you are using Synopsys Design Compiler (DC) as your synthesis tool, you can
prevent lathes by “synopsys full_case” directive to specify all possible branches for
if and case statements provided that you know the other branches will never occur.
Additionally, if DC cannot determine that case branches are parallel, a priority de-
coder will be synthesized. By contrast, you can declare a case statement as parallel
case with the “synopsys parallel_case” directive, as shown below.

1 // Using Synopsys directives to prevent latches

2 always @ ( in )
3 case ( in ) // synopsys parallel_cas e full_case
4 2 ’ b00 : out =4 ’ b0001 ;
5 2 ’ b01 : out =4 ’ b0010 ;
6 2 ’ b10 : out =4 ’ b0100 ;
7 endcase

In a short summary, we MUST completely specify all clauses and all outputs
for every clause in case and if statements. Failure to do so will cause latches to be
If the conditional expression used is parallel and the functional outputs are the
same, as shown in the following two RTL codes, then the hardware synthesized will
be identical, as shown in Figure 3.6. However, it is always preferable to use a case
statement instead of an if-else-if statement to save simulation time and explicitly
infer the parallel multiplexer.

1 // Example of parallel case using case statement

2 always @ ( sel or a or b or c or d )
3 case ( sel )
4 2 ’ b00 : out = a ;
5 2 ’ b01 : out = b ;
6 2 ’ b10 : out = c ;
7 default : out = d ;
8 endcase
Advanced Verilog Topics 83

1 // Example of parallel case using if - else - if statement

2 always @ ( sel or a or b or c or d )
3 if ( sel ==2 ’ b00 )
4 out = a ;
5 else if ( sel ==2 ’ b01 )
6 out = b ;
7 else if ( sel ==2 ’ b10 )
8 out = c ;
9 else
10 out = d ;

Figure 3.6: Mutually exclusive conditional expressions are synthesized to the same
parallel multiplexer.

The case statements consist of the keywords, casez and casex, which can use (Z
or ?) and (Z, X, or ?) in their case items, respectively. Hence, casex statements are
more commonly used than casez statements. The character ? represents logic 0 or
1. For example, the case item 4’b001? contains 4’b0010 and 4’b0011, and the case
item 4’b01?? contains 4’b0100, 4’b0101, 4’b0110, and 4’b0111. For synthesis, the
characters, Z and X, should be treated as don’t case, i.e., logic 0 or 1, as shown

1 // Example of casex statement

2 always @ ( in ) begin
3 casex ( in )
4 4 ’ b0001 : out =2 ’ b00 ;
5 4 ’ b001 ? : out =2 ’ b01 ; // 4 ’ b0010 and 4 ’ b0011
6 4 ’ b01 ?? : out =2 ’ b10 ; // 4 ’ b0100 , 4 ’ b0101 , 4 ’ b0110 ,
7 // and 4 ’ b0111
8 default : out =2 ’ b11 ;
9 endcase
10 end
84 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The priority-encoded multiplexers in Figure 3.3 can be described using casex as


1 // Another example of casex statement for the

2 // priority - encoded multiplexers
3 always @ ( sel or a or b or c or d or e ) begin

4 casex ( sel )
5 4 ’ b1XXX : out = a ; // sel is 1 XXX
6 4 ’ b01XX : out = b ; // sel is 01 XX
7 4 ’ b001X : out = c ; // sel is 001 X
8 4 ’ b0001 : out = d ; // sel is 0001
9 4 ’ b0000 : out = e ; // sel is 0000
10 default : out = a ;
11 endcase
12 end

Although in the above Verilog codes casex statement is used, it is still intuitively
not parallel because, for example, 1XXX contains 8 items, including 1000, 1001,
1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, and 1111, while 0000 contains only 1 item. If your
goal is to minimize the circuit area, the priority-encoded multiplexers in Figure 3.3
suffices. By contrast, if you want to minimize the path delay and maintain a modest
circuit area, the circuit in Figure 3.7 might be synthesized. In Figure 3.7, the path
delays from all inputs, including sel, a, b, c, d, and e, to the output, out, are balanced
as much as possible. However, the circuit area of Figure 3.7 is obviously larger than
that of Figure 3.3.


The for loop repeatedly executes a single statement or block of statements. The rep-
etitions are performed over a range determined by the range expressions assigned to
an index. Two range expressions appear in each for loop: low_range and high_range.
In the syntax lines that follow, the high_range expressions will be greater than or
equal to the low_range ones. The HDL Compiler recognizes both incrementing and
decrementing loops, and the statements which are to be repeated will be bracketed
by begin-end pair. In the following for loops, indices, high_range, low_range, and
step are usually represented by integers.

1 // Syntax of for loop statement

2 for ( index = low_range ; index < high_range ; index = index + step )
3 for ( index = high_range ; index > low_range ; index = index - step )

4 for ( index = low_range ; index <= high_range ; index = index + step )

5 for ( index = high_range ; index >= low_range ; index = index - step )

An example is given below.

Advanced Verilog Topics 85

1 // Example of for loop

2 integer i ;
3 always @ ( a or b )

4 for ( i =0; i <=4; i = i +1)

5 out [ i ]= a [ i ]& b [4 - i ];

A for loop is “unrolled” as follows. Therefore, even the variable i is declared as an

integer, it is dummy and does not represent any hardware components.

1 // A for loop is unrolled .

2 out [0]= a [0]& b [4];
3 out [1]= a [1]& b [3];

4 out [2]= a [2]& b [2];

5 out [3]= a [3]& b [1];

6 out [4]= a [4]& b [0];

All of the elements are then synthesized in the manner shown in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.7: Another implementation of the multiplexers described using casex state-
86 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 3.8: The for loop is unrolled and synthesized to five AND gates.

To make the for loop synthesizable (and unrollable), the low_range, high_range
and step must be constants rather than variables. Therefore, the index becomes pre-
dictable so that a fixed number of repeated circuits can be inferred.
The maximum iteration limit of a for loop for synthesis is 4096. If your design
contains a for loop with iteration of 16384, you may separate one big for loop into
several smaller for loops.
When there are many for loops in your codes, the dummy variables of indices used
in for loops may coincide. You should declare different indices for the for loops in
different always blocks. Otherwise, you can declare the same index, say i, used in all
for loops using the named block as follows.

1 // Use named blocks to declare local variables .

2 always @ (*) begin : y1
3 integer i ; // Local variable
4 parameter I1 =8 // Local variable
5 for ( i =0; i < I1 ; i = i +1)
6 y1 [ i ]= a [ i ]& b [ i ];
7 end

8 always @ (*) begin : y2

9 integer i ; // Local variable

10 parameter I1 =16 // Local variable
11 for ( i =0; i < I1 ; i = i +1)
12 y2 [ i ]= a [ i ]| b [ i ];
13 end
Advanced Verilog Topics 87


A Verilog function begins with the keyword function and ends with the keyword
endfunction. The function allows designers to write more reusable and maintainable
codes. Its syntax is given below. The 2-D array declaration is not allowed for the input
port (and output port) declaration.

1 // Syntax of function
2 function [ range ] name_of_fun ct io n ;
3 input declaration
4 statements
5 endfunction

Range defines the width of the return value of the function (default is 1 bit). The in-
put declaration specifies the input signals for a function, and the output of a function
is assigned to the function name. For example, the following module demonstrates
three different ways to implement the combinational circuit of an adder, including
continuous assignment, always block, and function. You can call function in an al-
ways block.

1 // Three ways to describe the combinationa l circuit of

2 // an adder
3 wire [3 : 0] a , b ;

4 reg [4 : 0] c1 , c2 ;

5 wire [4 : 0] c3 ;

6 function [4 : 0] fn1 ;

7 input [3 : 0] a ;
8 input [3 : 0] b ;
9 fn1 = a + b ; // Like C language
10 endfunction

11 always @ ( a or b )

12 c1 = fn1 (a , b ); // Call function in an always block

13 always @ ( a or b )

14 c2 = a + b ;
15 assign c3 = a + b ;

Functions are defined in the module in which they are used, and they cannot contain
The concatenation operation is used to bundle several values for multi-outputs of
a function. These outputs are then separated, also using the concatenation operation.
Function can contain one or more procedural assignment statements (enclosed inside
a begin-end pair). Function is also a procedural block. Therefore, the left side of an
assignment in a function can contain only reg and integer variables. You can also call
function in a continuous assignment. In the following example, it should be noted
that y1 and y2 may overflow.
88 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Example for multi - outputs of a function

2 function [9 : 0] fn1 ;
3 input [3 : 0] f1 , f2 ;

4 reg [4 : 0] y1_1 , y2_1 ;

5 begin

6 y1_1 = f1 + f2 +5;
7 y2_1 = f1 + f2 +2;
8 // Concatenate multi - outputs to a single output
9 fn1 ={ y1_1 , y2_1 };
10 end

11 endfunction

12 // Separate a single output to multi - outputs using

13 // the concatenatio n again

14 assign { y1 , y2 }= fn1 (a , b );

A function can also be nested, that is, a function can contain another function, as
shown in the following example. Consequently, you can call a function in another
function. Notably, Fn1 may overflow.

1 // Example for nested function

2 function [4 : 0] fn2 ;
3 input [3 : 0] f1 , f2 ;

4 fn2 = f1 + f2 ;
5 endfunction

6 function [4 : 0] fn1 ;

7 input [3 : 0] f1 , f2 ;

8 fn1 = fn2 ( f1 , f2 )+2;

9 endfunction

A Verilog Task begins with keyword task and ends with keyword endtask. It is
the section of a Verilog code that allows the designer to write more reusable, easier
to read codes. When tasks are placed within a testbench, they can be very handy
because tasks can include time delays. This is one of the main differences between
tasks and functions: functions do not allow time delays. Tasks without timing con-
trols are like functions. However, tasks with timing controls are non-synthesizable,
and therefore, they are typically used in a testbench. The syntax of a task is dis-
played below. The 2-D array declaration is not allowed for the input and output ports
Advanced Verilog Topics 89

1 // Syntax of task
2 task name_of_task ;
3 input declaration

4 output and inout declaration

5 statements

6 endtask

The input declaration specifies the input signals for a task. A task can have no inputs.
The output and inout declaration will be similar to that in a module. A task can also
have no outputs, although a task can include multiple output, input, and inout ports
and/or delays. You can call tasks in an always block or other tasks.
A task used to generate the out signal at clock edges using a sequence of 10101010
or 10100110 selected by the sel signal is shown below. The Verilog code “@posedge
clk” in the task is used for the timing control.

1 // Example : use task with timing control in testbench

2 reg out , sel , clk ;
3 initial begin

4 clk =0; out =0; sel =0;

5 #200; sel =0; seq_gen ( sel , out );
6 #200; sel =1; seq_gen ( sel , out );
7 end

8 always #5 clk =~ clk ;

9 task seq_gen ;

10 input sel ;

11 output out ;

12 begin

13 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?1 : 1;

14 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?0 : 0;
15 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?1 : 1;
16 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?0 : 0;
17 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?0 : 1;
18 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?1 : 0;
19 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?1 : 1;
20 @ ( posedge clk ) out = sel ?0 : 0;
21 end

22 endtask

The differences between function and task are listed in Table 3.1. Notably, both
functions and tasks can only contain procedural assignment statements. Always
blocks are not allowed in either function or task.
90 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Table 3.1: Comparison of function and task.

Function Task
A function can contain another A task can contain other tasks
function but not task. and functions.
A function always executes in A task can execute in non-zero
0 simulation time. simulation time.
A function cannot contain delay, A task can contain delay, event,
event, or timing control. or timing control.
A function must have at least one A task can have zero or more
or more input arguments. arguments of type input, output,
or inout.
A function returns a single value, A task can return multiple values
i.e., the function name itself. through output and inout


Parameterized design increases the re-usability of your design. The following mod-
ule has 3 parameters: WIDTH, HEIGHT, and LENGTH. You can change the values
of these parameters by modifying their parameter definitions.

1 // A module with parameters

2 module test (d , a , b , c );
3 output [ WIDTH : 0] d ;

4 input [ WIDTH -1 : 0] a ;

5 input [ HEIGHT -1 : 0] b ;

6 input [ LENGTH -1 : 0] c ;

7 parameter WIDTH =8;

8 parameter HEIGHT =8;
9 parameter LENGTH =8;
10 assign d = a + b + c ;

11 endmodule

Otherwise, you can change the values of these parameters when instantiating
the module. For example, the following module overrides those values of param-
eters when the above test module is instantiated as WIDTH=5, HEIGHT=4, and
LENGTH=4. Therefore, the parameterized test module does not need to be modi-
fied and is easy to maintain. In this way, you need to specify all parameters and no
parameters can be omitted.
Advanced Verilog Topics 91

1 // Instantiate parameterize d module by overwriting

2 // its parameters .
3 module param_1 (d , a , b , c );

4 output [5 : 0] d ;

5 input [4 : 0] a ;

6 input [3 : 0] b ;

7 input [3 : 0] c ;

8 test #(5 ,4 ,4) u0 (. a ( a ) , . b ( b ) , . c ( c ) , . d ( d ));

9 endmodule

Another way to configure the parameters of a design is through the keyword,

defparam, in testbench. In such a case, the parameter values are overridden during
compilation. To specify an object of a submodule in a higher-hierarchical module,
such as test_bench, its hierarchical instance name is used and a period (“.”) is used
to specify the parameters in a different design hierarchy. You can use locaparam if
you wish to define parameters that cannot be overridden by defparam.

1 // Overriding parameters by defparam in testbench

2 module testbench ;
3 defparam u0 . WIDTH =5;

4 defparam u0 . HEIGHT =4;

5 defparam u0 . LENGTH =4;

6 test u0 (. a ( a ) , . b ( b ) , . c ( c ) , . d ( d ));

7 endmodule


Regarding the use of a circuit delay, a question may arise, “Where does gate delay
come from?” This can be created using a buffer containing two inverters, as shown in
Figure 3.9. An inverter is implemented using a p-channel MOSFET and an n-channel
The capacitor shown in Figure 3.10 is charged via the PMOS and discharged via
the NMOS of the first inverter. That is, PMOS and NMOS operate in a comple-
mentary manner. When the input is low, in the first inverter, its PMOS turns on and
NMOS turns off, and vice versa.
92 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 3.9: (a) A buffer with two inverters. (b) Capacitive effect inside a buffer, where
VX , VA , and VY are voltages at nodes X, A, and Y , respectively. The capacitive effect,
C, at node A is due to the high-frequency parasitic capacitor in the second inverter.

Figure 3.10: (a) The current flow when input voltage, VX , changes from 0 to VDD V.
The charge on the capacitor, C, is sinked through the NMOS. (b) The current flow
when input voltage, VX , changes from VDD to 0 V. The charge on the capacitor, C, is
driven through the PMOS.

When VX changes from VDD to 0 V, the voltage at node A, VA , transitions from 0 to

VDD volts as a result of charging through the PMOS. The capacitive effect, shown in
Figure 3.11, causes a propagation delay in the first inverter; this is the time it takes for
VA to transition from 0 to VDD /2 V. There is also a propagation delay in the second
inverter as it discharges through the output capacitor (not shown in the figure) during
the transition of VY from VDD to 0 V. Similarly, when VX changes from 0 to VDD V, VA
discharges through the NMOS leading to a transition from VDD to 0 volts. Due to the
different charging and discharging paths, rising time and falling time are different,
as are the rising and falling propagation delays.
Continuing with this model, we can now introduce dynamic (or switching) power
consumption. Through the use of PMOS, as shown in Figure 3.11, when the signal
Advanced Verilog Topics 93

Figure 3.11: Rising time, falling time, and propagation delay of an inverter.

switches once from 0 to VDD volts, energy is consumed by

1 2
E= q(t)dVA(t) = CVA (t)dVA (t) = CVDD . (3.1)
0 0 2
The same energy, 21 CVDD 2 , is consumed by NMOS through the discharging path. If

the signal switches at a frequency of f = 1/T Hz, the consumed dynamic power is
E 1 2
P= = fCVDD . (3.2)
T 2
There are two main sources of power consumption, i.e., dynamic and static. Static
power, which is needed for analog ICs, may be generated when the direct current is
drawn from the power supply to ground. Ideally, during a steady state, as shown
in Figure 3.10, the static power of digital circuits should be 0 because there is no
direct path between VDD and GND (0 V) when either PMOS or NMOS switches
off. However, advanced semiconductor devices may have a non-negligible leakage
of current when they are in a steady state and not completely turned off because of
their low threshold voltage.


It might seem unnecessary to waste circuit area and power on a component, such
as the buffer, which has no impact on the logic function. However, when taking the
capacitive loads of outputs into consideration, it becomes clear that buffers are useful
for a given output to drive the many inputs of the next stage to the necessary logic
levels, as shown in Figure 3.12. In cases such as this, the output is referred to as
a high fanout net. Overloaded outputs use extrapolation of cell library information
to characterize the gate delay, which, of course, can be inaccurate and lead to an
94 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

unreliable circuit. By inserting buffers between the output and the inputs of the next
stage, each buffer output is now driving a fraction of the load of the original output.
This separates the loading on the output and each buffer now drives four components
in Figure 3.12.









Figure 3.12: Using buffers to reduce loading on the output of a component. Notice
that the component marked Sx is the source component, and the component marked
Dx is the driven component.

Similarly, when the number of inputs which must be driven for the next stage is
very large, such as the clock and reset networks, we can repeatedly insert buffers
to the output of another buffer, like a buffer tree. As shown in Figure 3.13, such
as fanout is limited to 4. A two-level buffer tree stemming from the original output
drives the original inputs of the next stage using four inserted buffers. Increasing
the level of a buffer tree exponentially improves the possible number of inputs that
can be driven. To achieve a synchronous design, the delays of each branch must be
balanced so that the clock skew can be reduced as much as possible. Hence, buffers
are inserted, spaced evenly over the chip area.


In addition to preserving functionality, designers must make sure that the timing of
circuits conform to the desired specifications. Accurate delay modeling is the key to
timing verification. Delays can be modeled in three ways, as shown in Figure 3.14:

• Delay can be lumped onto the last gate driving the output. Lumped delay is
easy but does not allow for different delays if there is more than one path to
a single output.
Advanced Verilog Topics 95

Figure 3.13: Using a balanced buffer tree to reduce loading on a high fanout output,
such as a clock network, while keeping the clock skew to a minimum.

• Distributed delays are positioned across the gates. Distributed delays are
more accurate than a lumped delay scheme, but may not allow for different
delays if there is more than one path to a single output. For example, pins A
and B to E have the same path delay, while C to E has a different path delay.
• Specify module path delays in a specify block. Module path delays are easy
to model, and allow different delays for different paths.

A gate delay is also called an inertial or intrinsic delay. The physical behavioral
of a signal transition is said to have an inertial, because every conducting path has
capacitance, as well as resistance, which means that its charge cannot be quickly
changed. If the input signal width is less than the inertial delay, the pulse will not
propagate through the gate.

Figure 3.14: Three different delay models.

96 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Delay modeling can be accomplished in several different ways. Firstly, we can

overwrite the delay parameters of a Verilog primitive when it is instantiated. We can
specify three delays for Verilog primitives as

1 // Syntax of delay
2 #( delay1 , delay2 , delay3 ).

If all are specified, the first delay, delay1, refers to the output rising delay (transition
to 1), the second delay, delay2, refers to the output falling delay (transition to 0), and
the last delay, delay3, refers to the output turn-off (transition to Z) delay. When no
delay specifications are given, the default gate delay is zero. When only one delay
specification is given, the output rising, falling, and turn-off delays are specified by
the same delay. When two delays are given, delay1 and delay2 represent the output
rising and falling delays, respectively. The turn-off delay is the minimum of delay1
and delay2.
In the following Verilog codes, if the timescale is defined by ‘timescale 10 ns/1 ns,
the above delays of NOT, OR, and AND gates will be 20, 25, and 36 ns, respectively.
If a new in[2] is activated at the 10th ns, the simulated output out will be generated
at the 91th ns. If a new in[3] is activated at the 2nd ns, the simulated output out will
be generated at the 63rd ns. Delays are ignored by synthesis.

1 // NOT gate has a delay of 2 time units

2 not #(2) u1 ( temp [2] , in [2]);
3 // OR gate has a delay of 2.54 time units

4 or #(2.54) u2 ( temp [1] , temp [2] , in [3]);

5 // AND gate has a delay of 3.55 time units

6 and #(3.55) u3 ( out , temp [0] , temp [1]);

The delay of a circuit depends on the operating condition of process (P), voltage
(V), and temperature (T). The higher the voltage and the lower the temperature, the
lower the delay, and vice versa. A situation with the extremely worst process, lowest
voltage, and highest temperature is the worst-case operating condition. A situation
with the extremely best process, highest voltage, and lowest temperature is the best-
case operating condition. Therefore, the clock period constraint is the most stringent
in the worst case, while the hold time constraint is the most stringent in the best case.
A situation between the best and worst cases with a common operating condition
is called the typical-case operating condition. Taking the various PVT factors that
can influence the delays (including input rising and falling time) into consideration,
the minimum, typical, and maximum values for each delay can be more precisely
modeled and separated by colons, as shown below.
Advanced Verilog Topics 97

1 // NOT gate has a ( min : typ : max ) delay of

2 // (1:2:4) time units
3 not #(1 : 2 : 4) u1 ( temp [2] , in [2]);

4 // OR gate has a ( min : typ : max ) rising delay of

5 // (1.52:2.54: 4. 30 ) time units and falling

6 // delay of (1.22:2.1:4 .1 7 ) time units
7 or #(1.52 : 2.54 : 4.30 , 1.22 : 2.1 : 4.17)

8 u2 ( temp [1] , temp [2] , in [3]);

Secondly, delays can be modeled and timing constraints can be checked by using
the specify block indicated by the keywords specify and endspecify. A specify block
adds timing specifications to the paths in a module. Parameters can be declared in a
specify block using the specparam keywords. Tasks which are typically performed
within a specify block are giving descriptions of the (state-dependent) path delays
and (conditional) timing checks. An example is shown below, with further explana-
tion given in the comments. If timing constraints have been violated, for example,
$setup(in1, posedge clk, tS) of the setup time check, the output q of the flip-flop will
become X (unknown) and display in red color on the waveform. Besides, some texts
used to notify the timing violation will be shown in the simulation window as well.

1 // A module with specify block

2 module buffer_cntl ( out , q , q1 , in1 , in2 , in3 , in4 , a , b ,
3 rst_n , clk );
4 output [2 : 0] out ;

5 output q , q1 ;

6 input in1 , in2 , in3 , in4 , rst_n , clk ;

7 input [2 : 0] a ;

8 input [5 : 0] b ;

9 reg [2 : 0] out ;

10 reg q , q1 ;

11 always @ (*)

12 case ({ in2 , in1 })

13 2 ’ b00 : out = a ;
14 2 ’ b01 : out ={& b ,| b ,^ b };
15 default : out ={ in3 & in4 , in3 | in4 , in3 ^ in4 };
16 endcase
17 always @ ( posedge clk )

18 q <= in1 ;
19 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

20 if (! rst_n ) q1 <= 0;
21 else q1 <= in2 ;
22 specify

23 // Parameters of clock - to - Q rising and falling delays

24 specparam tCQ_Rise =4 , tCQ_Fall =6;
98 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

25 // Parameter of setup time requirement

26 specparam tS =2;
27 // Clock - to - Q path delay
28 ( clk = > q )=( tCQ_Rise , tCQ_Fall );
29 // Setup time check
30 $setup ( in1 , posedge clk , tS );
31 // Conditional setup time check
32 $setup ( in2 , posedge clk &&& rst_n , tS );
33 endspecify

34 specify

35 // Pin - by - pin specify

36 // 9 and 10 are rising and falling delays , respectively
37 ( in1 = > out [0])=(9 , 10);
38 ( in2 = > out [0])=(9 , 10);
39 // 11 is used for both rising and falling delays
40 ( in3 = > out [0])=11;
41 // State - dependent path delay
42 if ( in1 ) ( in4 = > out [0])=8;
43 if (! in1 ) ( in4 = > out [0])=6;
44 endspecify

45 specify

46 // Vector , parallel connection

47 ( a = > out )=5; // a and out are 3 bits
48 // The same as pin - by - pin specify
49 /* ( a [0] = > out [0])=5;
50 ( a [1] = > out [1])=5;
51 ( a [2] = > out [2])=5; */
52 endspecify

53 specify

54 /* b is 6 bits , out is 3 bits ,

55 their connection is fully mesh */
56 ( b * > out )=9;
57 endspecify

58 endmodule Delay Characterization

A more accurate physical delay than delay modeling can be decided following the
execution of the synthesis process. A precise physical delay is only possible after the
layout has been completed. A physical delay is dependent on the VLSI technology
and cell library (e.g., 0.25 um, 0.18 um, and 0.13 um,...). There are only three kinds of
delays, i.e., min/typ/max delays, among which to choose, depending on the specific
type of PVT. After synthesis, a statement such as #3.55, which is used for simulation,
becomes useless. Timescales are also used for simulation purposes, not for the actual
physical circuit.
Circuits generated by a synthesis tool have propagation delays determined by their
internal gates. The length of delay depends on the particular technology library used
Advanced Verilog Topics 99

and the final placement and routing. The gate delays are specified using SDF charac-
terized by the synthesis or layout tool used for timing simulations. The SDF provides
a tool-independent and uniform way to represent timing information, including (con-
ditional and unconditional) module path delays, device delays, interconnect delays,
port delays, timing checks, and path and net timing constraints.
Cell delays are calculated using the tables in the technology library. The tables
are commonly indexed by input transition versus output load, as shown in Table 3.2.
When the input transition is 0.5 and output capacitance is 0.2, the delay is 0.678.
Table 3.2: Delay table.
Input transition
0 0.5 1
Output 0.1 0.345 0.567 0.89
capacitance 0.2 0.456 0.678 0.987

Cell output transition can also be calculated using a table indexed by input transition
and output load (however, it is omitted here).
In advanced technology, wire delays resulting from parasitic capacitance and in-
ductance can be significant, and may take up a relatively large portion of the overall
path delay in modern systems. Minimizing the impacts of wire delays by various
means, such as shortening wire lengths, is an important task of layout tools. Inter-
connect delays or input port delays cannot be specified in a specify block. To simulate
using an interconnect delay, you must annotate the timing using SDF.
None of the delays that we specify in the Verilog code has any effect on the syn-
thesized circuit. A synthesis tool will ignore the delay in the assignment, or perhaps
issue a warning. We usually only write assignments with delays in testbench models
for stimulus generation. Or, for some designs that interact with macros to impose
specific timing constraints and checks. For example, in Figure 3.15, the interface
timing diagram of the read-only memory (ROM) is presented, where ren, addr, and
data denote the read enable, read address, and read data, respectively.

Figure 3.15: Interface timing diagram of ROM.

The timing constraints of both ren and addr require a setup time of 2 time unit and
a hold time of 1 time unit. They are checked using the specify block in the behavior
model of ROM as follows.
100 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // A specify block in the ROM model

2 specify
3 $setup ( ren , posedge clock , 2);
4 $hold ( posedge clock , ren , 1);
5 $setup ( addr , posedge clock , 2);
6 $hold ( posedge clock , addr , 1);
7 endspecify

The setup and hold times can be checked together using the system task
$setuphold, as shown below.

1 // A specify block in the ROM model

2 specify
3 $setuphold ( posedge clock , ren , 2 , 1 , notifier );
4 $setuphold ( posedge clock , addr , 2 , 1 , notifier );
5 endspecify

Since the design is synchronous with the rising edge of clk, if there is no delay
for ren and addr signals, they will violate the hold time constraints. Therefore, at
the RTL simulation stage, we need to add delays using the delay control (introduced
in the next section) to ren and addr signals as follows, where ren_i and addr_i are
internal read enable and read address that are synchronous to clk. At the synthesis
stage, the delays will be ignored and the hold times will be fixed and ensured by
inserting buffers to those paths with hold time violations.

1 // Add delays to fix the hold time violations

2 // at the RTL simulation stage
3 assign #1 ren = ren_i ;

4 assign #1 addr = addr_i ;


The symbol “#” is used to indicate delay control. You can specify minimum, typical,
and maximum values for the rising and falling delays in continuous assignments, as
can be seen in the following. In this example, the (minimum : typical : maximum)
delays for the rising delay are (1 : 2 : 3), the (minimum : typical : maximum) delays
for the falling delay are (2 : 3 : 5), and the (minimum : typical : maximum) delays
for the turn-off delay are (3 : 4 : 5).

1 // ( minimum : typical : maximum ) delays can be specified

2 // for rising , falling , and turn - off delays
3 assign #(1 : 2 : 3 , 2 : 3 : 4 , 3 : 4 : 5) a =~ b ;
Advanced Verilog Topics 101

Only the (minimum : typical : maximum) delays of a single delay can be specified
in procedural assignments as follows. In the sequel, the rising, falling, and turn-off
delays must be the same.

1 // ( minimum : typical : maximum ) delays must be the same

2 // for rising , falling , and turn - off delays
3 always @ ( posedge clk )

4 #(1 : 2 : 3) a =~ b ;

There are two kinds of assignment delays: an inter-assignment (or regular) delay
and an intra-assignment delay. The inter-assignment delay is typically used in the
testbench. In the following initial block, Verilog codes are executed sequentially.
When executing the delay control #2, two time units must be delayed. After the
delay, a + b can be performed, after which, the result will be known as c. Therefore,
it looks like that, at time unit 2, c will become (be assigned) 3. In this manner, the
inter-assignment delay can be simply interpreted: “the delayed execution of c = a + b
by 2 units”. This is also called a delayed evaluation.

1 // An example of inter - assignment delay

2 initial begin
3 a =1;
4 b =2;
5 #2 c = a + b ;
6 end

Alternatively, the intra-assignment delay for the code “c =#2 a + b” in the follow-
ing initial block takes several steps in Verilog. Firstly, the temp= a + b is executed
“at time 0”. That is, there is an implicit temporary storage, temp, for each right-hand-
side expression. Secondly, the result of temp, i.e., 3, will be assigned to c (c =temp)
until 2 units of time have elapsed. Put another way, the result of c is not affected by
the change of a and b until 2 time units have passed. Therefore, at time unit 2, c will
become (be assigned) 3. This is also called the delayed assignment.

1 // An example of intra - assignment delay

2 initial begin
3 a =1;
4 b =2;
5 c =#2 a + b ;
6 end

In the above two code segments, essentially, the same results are produced. That
is, at time unit 2, c will become 3. However, if there is another initial block shown
102 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

below, the additional initial block will cause the value of b to change to 4 at time unit
1, which means that the results of inter assignment and intra assignment will be dif-
ferent. Based on their different operations, the inter-assignment and intra-assignment
delays will be 5 and 3, respectively.

1 // Additional initial block that may affect

2 // the result of inter - assignment delay
3 initial

4 #1 b =4;


Figure 3.16 displays the gate delays and transistor counts of typical logic gates. The
area of a gate is proportional to its transistor count.
Path delays, by definition, are the delays from all inputs to outputs through all
connecting paths. Among all paths, the one that has the longest (worst) delay is
called the critical path; it is this delay which limits the clock rate for synchronous
designs. The full adder in Figure 3.17 is an example.
The longest path delays from each input to output are summarized in Table 3.3.
From the table, the delay of the critical path is 6.6 ns. In Figure 3.16, we can also
see an AND gate which has 6 transistors and an XOR gate with 14 transistors. The
full adder has a total of 46 transistors.
Figure 3.18 is another equivalent implementation of a full adder using simple
NAND and OR gates.
Its delay of the critical path can be found to be 4.4 ns. The implementation has a
total of 36 transistors.
Comparing two equivalent implementations, the second one, even though it has a
higher number of gates, is apparently superior to the first one because of its smaller
critical path delay and total area. Despite this result, the area and path delay are
usually properties that need to be traded-off.


There are two kinds of procedural assignments: blocking and non-blocking. Block-
ing assignments (=) are order sensitive, and non-blocking assignments (<=) are order
independent. Blocking assignments are executed sequentially in the order that they
are listed in a procedural block. When they are executed, they have an immediate
effect on the contents of the abstract reg, which must be carried out before the next
assignment can be executed. Non-blocking assignments are executed concurrently
by evaluating the expressions on the right-hand side of each statement in a proce-
dural block before making the assignment to the left-hand-side abstract reg. As a
result of the properties of non-blocking assignments, there is no interaction between
assignments and the evaluations of expressions.
Advanced Verilog Topics 103

Figure 3.16: Gate delays and transistor counts of several logic gates.

As can be seen in the example below, the blocking assignments in a begin-

end block operate sequentially and hence are order sensitive. By contrast,
non-blocking assignments are executed in parallel and are therefore independent of
their order.
104 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 3.17: Schematic of a full adder. The numbers on the logic gates are the gate
delays in ns.

Table 3.3: Longest path delays from each input to output.

Path Longest delay (ns)
ci to ci+1 2.4
ci to si 3.3
xi and yi to ci+1 5.7
xi and yi to si 6.6

Figure 3.18: Schematic of another equivalent implementation of full adder.

1 // Blocking assignment executes sequentially .

2 initial begin
3 a =#12 1;
4 b =#3 0;
5 c =#2 3;
6 end

7 // Non - blocking assignment executes in parallel .

8 initial begin

9 d <=#12 1;
10 e <=#3 0;
11 f <=#2 3;
12 end

The difference between them is shown in the timing diagram in Figure 3.19.
Advanced Verilog Topics 105

Figure 3.19: Comparison of blocking and non-blocking assignments.

Note: “<=” also means less than or equal for relational operators. To distinguish
a relational operator from a non-blocking assignment, the relational operator can be
interpreted as a comparative when it is found in logic statements, such as if-else,
conditional operator, etc.
Figure 3.20 is another example of the differences between blocking and
non-blocking assignments. The key information is displayed in the comments.
Again, changing the order of the statements using the blocking assignment got a
different result, while changing the order of the statements using the non-blocking
assignment did not. So, the blocking assignment is order sensitive while the non-
blocking assignment is order independent.

Figure 3.20: Comparison of blocking and non-blocking assignments: another exam-

106 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Combinational circuits are described by both blocking and non-blocking assign-

ments in Figure 3.21.

Figure 3.21: Combinational circuits described by both blocking and non-blocking


In the example shown, we can intuitively grasp how a blocking assignment works
in combinational circuits. For the always block with blocking assignments, the sensi-
tivity list of the always block contains all the inputs, a, b, c, and d, of a combinational
circuit. Each time the inputs change, the always block, and hence, the output out,
must be reevaluated. The statements in an always block are sequentially executed.
The up-to-date values of inputs are used to determine t1 and t2, and finally, new t1
and t2 are used to calculate out.
In an always block with non-blocking assignments, the statements are executed
concurrently. Therefore, when the inputs that trigger the always block change, the out
will use the old values of t1 and t2 because their new values are not yet available. To
ensure the same behavior in a combinational circuit, internal signals of the circuit, t1
and t2, should also be put in the sensitivity list in addition to the circuitâĂŹs inputs.
This will re-trigger (reentry) the always block each time the values of t1 and t2 are
updated, enabling output out to finally be able to assess its new value. However, this
model is relatively complex and can potentially be confusing, as the description of
combinational circuits only uses the blocking assignment.
As another example, sequential circuits (triggered by keywords posedge or
negedge) are described by both the blocking and non-blocking assignments in Figure
Advanced Verilog Topics 107

Figure 3.22: Sequential circuits described by both blocking and non-blocking assign-

To understand what circuits these codes describe, we must analyze their behav-
iors. For the always block with blocking assignments, at every posedge of clk, three
assignments are executed sequentially. Hence, t1 is updated using the values of a
and b at posedge of clk, then t2 is updated using the new value of t1 and the value
of c at posedge of clk. Finally, out is evaluated using the new values of t1 and t2. As
can be seen, t1 and t2 are only used for temporary storage to conveniently partition a
complex expression; they do not represent true hardware register outputs and might
even be optimized away. Notably, the combinational circuit has been optimized in
that out = t1&t2 = (a&b)&(t1&c) = (a&b)&(a&b&c) = a&b&c = t1&c = t2.
For the always block with non-blocking assignments, at every posedge of clk,
three assignments are concurrently executed: (1) t1 is updated by the values of a and
b at posedge of clk, (2) concurrently t2 is updated using the old value (its new value
is not available at this moment) of t1 and the value of c at posedge of clk, and (3)
concurrently out is evaluated using the old values (their new values are not available
at this moment) of t1 and t2.
As shown, blocking and non-blocking assignments describe quite different se-
quential circuits. Based on the behaviors of blocking and non-blocking assignments,
they indicate one and three flip-flops, respectively. That is, when t1 and t2 are
described using blocking assignments, they are combinational outputs rather than
sequential outputs. Therefore, this model can be quite confusing so that the descrip-
tion of sequential circuits only uses the non-blocking assignment.
Yet another example is shown in Figure 3.23. As displayed above, it is clear that if
we use blocking assignments to describe sequential circuits, the order of assignments
produces different behaviors, and hence, different circuits. So, blocking assignment
is order sensitive. If we change the assignments to non-blocking, the order of assign-
ments does not affect the designated circuits. That is, non-blocking assignment is
order independent.
To ensure synchronous operations in RTL design and a match between an HDL
model and its synthesized circuit, non-blocking assignments must be used for all
variables that are assigned values with an edge sensitive behavior, i.e., always
clocked. The non-blocking behavior that appears in an edge sensitive always block
108 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 3.23: Sequential circuits described by blocking assignments using different


models the behavior of the synchronous sequential circuit accurately. Moreover,

non-blocking assignments store values until the end of the time slice, thereby avoid-
ing simulation race conditions or ambiguous results.
In conclusion, the required procedure for describing combinational and sequen-
tial circuits demands that, you must know which signals are outputs of combinational
circuits and which are outputs of sequential circuits. Most importantly, blocking and
non-blocking assignments can be used to describe combinational and sequential cir-
cuits (including FFs and latches), respectively. Mixing blocking and non-blocking
assignments in an always block, as shown below, is not allowed and must scrupu-
lously be avoided.

1 // Avoid mixing blocking and non - blocking assignments

2 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )
3 if (! rst_n ) a =0; // Blocking assignment
4 else a <= b ; // Non - blocking assignment

Finally, let us examine the combination of different assignments and delay con-
trols, such as those shown in Figure 3.24. It can be seen that the inter-assignment
delays and blocking assignments have higher priority than event triggers. Therefore,
the always block can be triggered again until the non-blocking assignment with inter-
assignment delay (signal b), blocking assignment with intra-assignment delay (signal
c), and blocking assignment with inter-assignment delay (signal d) have been com-
pleted. It can be seen that reentrance is not allowed for blocking assignments and
inter-assignment delays.
Advanced Verilog Topics 109

Figure 3.24: Combination of different assignments and delay controls.

It can be observed that the always block with the non-blocking assignment and
intra-assignment delay (signal a) does not miss any events triggered by the input
signal named in. Also, the continuous assignment with an inter-assignment delay
does not miss any events triggered by the input signal in. Therefore, to model the
output delay of an always block with sensitivity list of (posedge clk), we typically
use the intra-assignment delay to model the clock-to-Q delays of sequential circuits.
To model the output delay of a combinational circuit described using the continuous
assignment, the inter-assignment delay is usually adopted.
110 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


The commonly used system tasks for simulation are listed in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4: Simulation system tasks.

Tasks Description
$stop Suspend the simulation and puts a simulator in an interactive mode
$finish Finish a simulation and exits the simulation process
$time Return the current simulation time as a 64-bit integer value
$stime Return the current simulation time as a 32-bit unsigned integer value
$realtime Return the current simulation time as a real number
$random Return a 32-bit random signed integer number

The statement of a random system task modulus by s, i.e., $random %s, generates
a random number in the range [(−s + 1)∼(s − 1)]. If you require a positive number,
you must add a pair of braces, i.e., {}, as follows.

1 integer a , b , c ;
2 a = $random %60; // -59 <= a <=59
3 b ={ $random }%60; // 0 <= b <=59
4 c ={ $random }%60+40; // 40 <= c <=99

3.9.2 I/O
The commonly used system tasks for I/O are listed in Table 3.5.
To open a file, you can use the following codes.

1 // Method to open a file

2 integer file_id ;
3 initial file_id = $fopen ( " in_data_file " );


Hardware registers have setup time and hold time requirements. Clock and reset pins
have a minimum width requirement. They are shown in Figure 3.25.
Advanced Verilog Topics 111

Table 3.5: I/O system tasks.

Tasks Description
$dumpfile Specify which file is to be dumped.
$dumpvars Specify which variables are to be dumped.
$dumpon Enable dumping signals.
$dumpoff Disable dumping signals.
$display Display information.
$monitor Display the values of monitored signals whenever they change.
$monitoron Enable monitoring signals.
$monitoroff Disable monitoring signals.
$strobe Display the values of monitored signals on every time steps of
the clock.
$write Display information without a new line.
$fopen Open a disk file for writing.
$fclose Close a disk file.
$fdisplay Display information in a file.
$fmonitor Display the values of monitored signals whenever they change
in a file.
$fstrobe Display the values of monitored signals on every time steps of
the clock in a file.
$fwrite Display information without a new line in a file.
$readmemb Read binary data.
$readmemh Read hexadecimal data.

A timing check is performed using the specify block. The system tasks $setup,
$hold, and $width can check the setup time, hold time, and signal width, respectively.

1 // Specify block for $setup , $hold , and $width

2 // timing checks
3 specify

4 $setup ( data , posedge clock , 3);

5 $hold ( posedge clock , data , 2);
6 $width ( reset , 6);
7 endspecify

Figure 3.25: Timing checks: (a) setup time and hold time and (b) width.
112 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Considering the setup time requirement, its impact can be written as:

critical path delay + setup time < clock period

This causes the clock period to increase, which lowers the clock rate. In such a case,
we say that the registers are all clocked synchronously on each clock edge. The
combinational circuits perform their operations in the interval between one clock
edge and the next, a period called a clock cycle. The clocked synchronous timing
design helps us ensure that operations are completed by combinational circuits before
the time their results are clocked by the registers. This simplifies composition of a
whole RTL design via pipelined (registered) stages.
Considering the hold time requirement, its impact can be written as:

path delay > hold time

A delay between flip-flops has a minimum value. Hold time requirements are
often violated when flip-flops are connected back-to-back. To counteract this, buffers
should be inserted into the paths which do not have a long enough delay. This will
increase the chip area but will have no impact on the critical path or clock period
because the delays of those critical paths are already too large.
To ensure the reliability of the chip, it is imperative that whatever operating condi-
tion it is in, the chip must be able to function well. Hence, the setup time requirement
MUST be verified for the worst case operating condition using the maximum delay,
while the hold time requirement MUST be verified in the best case operating con-
dition using the minimum delay. Provided these timing constraints are met, it will
then be possible to use the timing abstraction of synchronous designs. If a setup time
error occurred during chip testing, it may still be possible to resolve the problem by
extending the clock period or lowering the clock frequency. However, if the chip had
a hold time error, it must be considered a fatal error, indicating that your chip may
fail at some point.
The system task, $recovery, checks the recovery time from deassertion of an asyn-
chronous control signal of sequential circuits, such as a reset, to next valid occurrence
of a clock edge, as shown in Figure 3.26. The recovery time, trec , specifies the amount
of time which must be provided for the deassertion of an asynchronous control sig-
nal to recover the normal function of clocked sequential circuits. The system task,
$removal, checks the removal time of an asynchronous control signal of sequential
circuits after a clock edge, as shown in Figure 3.26. Given that a clock edge has
occurred, the removal time, trem , specifies the time relative to that particular clock
edge which must be provided for the deassertion of an asynchronous control signal.
When trec /trem for the deassertion of an asynchronous control signal is smaller than a
clock period, trec /trem resembles the setup/hold time of the flip-flop input.
Timing information is annotated by the system task, $sdf_annotate, using an ini-
tial block, as demonstrated in the following. The SDF file is chip.sdf, and the scope
at which to perform annotation is chip.
Advanced Verilog Topics 113

Figure 3.26: Recovery and removal time limits, where the reset signal is active high.

1 // Back annotate a SDF file for timing simulations .

2 initial
3 $sdf_annotate ( " chip . sdf " , chip );


The commonly used system tasks for data conversion are listed in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Data conversion system tasks.

Tasks Description
$realtobits Convert a real number to a 64-bit representation
$bitstoreal Convert the bit value to a real number
$rtoi Convert a real-number to an integer value by truncation
$itor Convert an integer to a real-number value


Directive is only intended to be used by a compiler; it is not an actual design function.
We can direct conditional compilation (‘ifdef), define text macros (‘define), and hide
a piece of codes (‘include) in testbench as follows. The word size of in and the clock
cycle of clk can simply be changed for various test patterns. Also, the conditional
compilation can shape the Verilog codes in testbench for testing different conditions.
The directive also allows you to include the entire contents of another Verilog file,
say decode.v, during compilation.

1 // A testbench with compiler directives

2 ‘define WORD_SIZE 3
3 ‘define CLOCK_CYCLE 10
4 ‘define TEST_CONDIT IO N1

5 module test_bench ;

6 reg [ ‘WORD_SIZE -1 : 0] in ;

7 reg en ;
114 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

8 reg clk ;
9 ‘include decode . v
10 initial clk = 0;

11 always # ‘CLOCK_CYCLE /2 clk =~ clk ;

12 initial begin

13 ‘ifdef TEST_CONDIT I ON 1

14 en =1;
15 ‘else

16 en =0;
17 ‘endif

18 end

19 endmodule

The decode.v contains a piece of codes that you don’t want to show in the testbench,
such as the instantiation of the decoder module shown below.

1 // Verilog codes saved in decode . v

2 decoder dec (. y ( out ) , . en ( en ) , . x ( in ));

The decoder module is defined below.

1 // Dataflow description : decoder

2 module decoder (y , en , x );
3 output [7 : 0] y ;

4 input en ;

5 input [2 : 0] x ;

6 assign y = en ?1 ’ b1 < < x : 8 ’ h0 ;

7 endmodule

The text macro can also be defined using the simulation command option by
“+define TEST_CONDITION1”.
We can define a new macro using the (‘define) directive. For example, the follow-
ing defined macro, CLOG2, returns the ceiling function of the log2 (x), the logarithm
to the base 2 of x.

1 // Defined macro
2 // Ceiling function of log2 ( x )
3 ‘define CLOG2 ( x ) (x <=2)?1 : ( x <=4)?2 : (x <=8)?3 : (x <=16)?4 :

4 ( x <=32)?5 : (x <=64)?6 : (x <=128)?7 : (x <=256)?8 :

5 ( x <=512)?9 : (x <=1024)?10 : (x <=2048)?11 : -1;}

When depth= 1024, bit_number is 10.

Advanced Verilog Topics 115

1 wire depth =1024;

2 wire bit_number = ‘CLOG2 ( depth );

If you are using Synopsys Design Compiler as your synthesis tool, you can con-
trol code segments that do or do not need to be translated by DC using “synopsys
translate_on” and “synopsys translate_off”, respectively. Such a handy control en-
ables you to build behavioral codes or assertions into your design in a way that can
monitor the design functionality, as follows.

1 // Behavioral codes not for synthesis

2 // synopsys translate_of f
3 always @ ( rd_en or wr_en )

4 // Assertion for write and read at the same time

5 if ( rd_en && wr_en ) begin
6 $display ( $stime , " Error !! " );
7 $stop ;
8 end
9 // synopsys translate_on


Two kinds of timing simulation can be used with SDF: pre-sim and post-sim. To
perform gate-level timing simulations, several steps must be followed.
• First, successfully synthesize your RTL codes, and then write out your gate-
level netlist and SDF files.
• Use the system task $sdf_annotate in testbench to back annotate the timing
• Perform a gate-level timing simulation. For simulations with SDF back an-
notation, the min/typ/max delay used in the timing simulation is specified in
the argument of the simulator command. For example, run Verilog through
the following command. The Verilog files test.v is the testbench, chip.vg
is the gate-level netlist of your design, and library.v is the technology simu-
lation model.

verilog test.v chip.vg –v library.v +typdelays (or +mindelays or


Or, you can simulate using NC-Verilog as follows.

ncverilog test.v chip.vg –v library.v +typdelays (or +mindelays or

+maxdelays) +access+r.

If you do not want to check the timing during the RTL simulation, you can
disable it by:
116 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

verilog test.v chip.vg –v library.v +notimingchecks.


You can use ANSIC-C style declarations for module ports in Verilog 2001 as fol-

1 module module_v2001 #( parameter width =8)(

2 input rd_en , wr_en ;
3 input [ width -1 : 0] data_in ;

4 );

5 ...

6 endmodule

In Verilog 1995, you must declare as follows.

1 module module_v1995 ( rd_en , wr_en , data_in );

2 input rd_en , wr_en ;
3 input [ width -1 : 0] data_in ;

4 parameter width =8;

5 ...

6 endmodule


Verilog 2001 supports a generate statement that can produce an array of instances as
follows. This is especially useful for a design with a variable and large number of
instances. As shown below, the module has a parameterized number of 8 instances.

1 // Generate 1 - D array architecture

2 module top #( parameter PE_NUM =8)(
3 input [ PE_NUM -1 : 0] a , b ;

4 output [ PE_NUM -1 : 0] y ;

5 );

6 genvar i ;

7 generate

8 for ( i =0; i < PE_NUM ; i = i +1)

9 PE ProcessElem en t U (. a ( a [ i ]) , . b ( b [ i ]) , . y ( y [ i ]));
10 endgenerate

11 endmodule

The I/O ports of module ProcessElement are defined below.

Advanced Verilog Topics 117

1 module ProcessEleme nt (
2 input a , b ;
3 output y ;

4 );

5 ...

6 endmodule

As a result, 8 instances, PE[0].U, PE[1].U,..., PE[7].U, are produced with reference

names, PE_0, PE_1,..., PE_7, respectively.


• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer ar-
chitecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby, The Verilog hardware description
language, 5th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
• John Michael Williams, Digital VLSI design with Verilog: a textbook from
Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2014.
• Joseph Cavanagh, Verilog HDL: digital design and modeling, CRC Press,
• Joseph Cavanagh, Computer arithmetic and Verilog HDL fundamentals,
CRC Press, 2010.
• M. J. S. Smith, Application-specific integrated circuits, Addison-Wesley,
• Ronald W. Mehler, Digital integrated circuit design using Verilog and Sys-
temverilog, Elsevier, 2014.
• Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis, 2nd
Ed., Pearson, 2011.
• Zainalabedin Navabi, Verilog digital system design: RT level synthesis, test-
bench, and verification, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
118 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1. The following RTL design implements an accumulator that can add 16 8-bit in-
puts which are given one at a time. Assert a valid signal when the result is ready.
(a) Find all of the bugs and fix them. (b) Verify the design using a functional

1 module acc ( out_valid , sum , in_valid , in_data ,

2 clk , reset );
3 output out_valid ;

4 output [11 : 0] sum ;

5 input in_valid ;

6 input [7 : 0] in_data ;

7 input clk , reset ;

8 wire [11 : 0] sum ;

9 wire [7 : 0] in_data ;

10 wire [3 : 0] data_count ;

11 initial begin

12 out_valid =0;
13 sum =0;
14 data_count =0;
15 end

16 always @ ( posedge clk )

17 if ( in_valid ) begin
18 data_count = data_count +1;
19 sum = sum + in_data ;
20 end
21 always @ ( posedge clk )

22 if ( in_valid && data_count ==15) out_valid =1 ’ b1 ;

23 else out_valid =1 ’ b0 ;
24 endmodule

2. Design a 4-to-1 multiplexer. The bit width of each input and output must be
configurable or parameterized. Bit width has default value of 8 bits.
a. Using an always block.
b. Using a continuous assignment.
3. Design a 4-to-2 encoder using the case statement. The input A[3 : 0] is a one-hot
signal. That is, only one single bit can be 1 at a time. When A is 4’b0001, output
Y [1 : 0] is 2’d0; when A is 4’b0010, output Y [1 : 0] is 2’d1, and so on. Since
your conditions are not fully specified, you must use the default to specify other
conditions. For the default condition, just output Y [1 : 0] as 2’d0.
4. Design a 4-to-2 priority encoder using a casez or casex statement, together with
a valid output to indicate the conditions that either bits of input A is logic 1. The
truth table is displayed below, where X denotes the “don’t care”.
Advanced Verilog Topics 119

Table 3.7: Truth table of 4-to-2 priority encoder.

A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] Y [1] Y [0] Valid
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 X 0 1 1
0 1 X X 1 0 1
1 X X X 1 1 1
5. Design a 3-to-6 decoder without inferring latches.
6. Design the overflow detection for the following Verilog statement, where w is a
2-bit unsigned number.

1 x << w ;

a. Assume that x is a 3-bit unsigned number.

b. Assume that x is a 3-bit signed number.
7. Plot the architecture of the following piece of code.

1 reg out ;
2 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin
3 if ( sel )
4 out <= a ;
5 else
6 out <= b ;
7 end

8. Plot the architecture of the following piece of code.

1 reg [7 : 0] counter ;
2 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) begin
3 if (! rst_n )
4 counter <=0;
5 else
6 counter <= counter +1;
7 end

9. Plot the architecture of the following piece of code. Please note that this is a bad
design that incurs a combinational loop.

1 reg [7 : 0] counter ;
2 always @ (*) begin
3 if (! rst_n )
120 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

4 counter =0;
5 else
6 counter = counter +1;
7 end

10. Considering the resource sharing, plot the architectures for the following RTL
a. RTL code 1: We assume that the adders are not shared.

1 module noshare (z , v , w , x , k );
2 output [3 : 0] z ;
3 input [2 : 0] k , v , w ;

4 input x ;

5 wire [3 : 0] y ;

7 assign y = x ? k + w : k + v ;
8 assign z = x ? y + w : y + v ;
9 endmodule

b. RTL code 2: We assume that the adders in the same always block can be

1 module share (z , v , w , k );
2 output [3 : 0] z ;
3 input [2 : 0] k , v , w ;

4 input x ;

5 reg [3 : 0] y , z ;

7 always @ ( x or k or v or w ) begin
8 if ( x ) y = k + w ;
9 else y = k + v ;
10 end

11 always @ ( y or x or w or v ) begin

12 if ( x ) z = y + w ;
13 else z = y + v ;
14 end

15 endmodule

11. A piece of Verilog codes is displayed below.

1 integer i ;
2 for ( i =0; i <=31; i = i +1) begin
3 s [ i ]= a [ i ]^ b [ i ]^ carry ;
Advanced Verilog Topics 121

4 carry =( a [ i ]& b [ i ])|( a [ i ]& carry )|( b [ i ]& carry );

5 end

a. Guess what the purpose of the codes is.

b. Unroll the for loop.
c. Plot the gate-level netlist of the for loop.
12. We want to sort four unsigned numbers, a, b, c, and d, and then output the
maximum number. The module is shown below.

1 module for_loop ( out , a , b , c , d );

2 output [3 : 0] out ;
3 input [3 : 0] a , b , c , d ;

4 reg [3 : 0] temp [3 : 0];

5 reg [3 : 0] buffer , out ;

6 integer i , j ;

7 always @ ( a or b or c or d ) begin

8 temp [0]= a ;
9 temp [1]= b ;
10 temp [2]= c ;
11 temp [3]= d ;
12 for ( i =2; i >=0; i =i -1)
13 for ( j =0; j <= i ; j = j +1)
14 if ( temp [ j ] > temp [ j +1]) begin
15 buffer = temp [ j +1];
16 temp [ j +1]= temp [ j ];
17 temp [ j ]= buffer ;
18 end
19 out = temp [3];
20 end

21 endmodule

a. How many comparisons are needed to sort 4 numbers?

b. How are sorting results arranged or assigned? That is, what is the maximum
number, second highest number, and so on?

c. Plot the architecture of the module by unrolling for loops in terms of a

comparison-and-swap unit, as shown below.

1 function comp_swap (a , b );
2 input [3 : 0] a , b ;
3 // Larger no is placed at the MSBs

4 if (a > b ) comp_swap ={ b , a };
122 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

5 else comp_swap ={ a , b };
6 endfunction

d. Find the critical path in your architecture.

e. Write down your complete RTL code and verify it using Modelsim. Bit
widths are programmable and assumed to be 3 bits. Write the testbench and
prepare patterns to verify your design.
13. Modeling delay for the logic circuit in Figure 3.14.
a. Use a lumped delay of 3 time units for all paths.
b. Use a distributed delay to model a delay of 2 time units for both A and B to
D, and a delay of 1 time unit for both D and C to E.
c. Use a specify block to model a delay of 3 time units from A to E, and a delay
of 4 time units from B to E, and a delay of 2 time units from C to E.
14. Modeling delay for the logic circuit in Figure 3.14.
a. Describe the circuit using a continuous assignment. Then model a lumped
delay of 3 time units for all paths.
b. Describe the circuit using two always blocks with outputs D and E. Use the
distributed delay to model a delay of 2 time units for both A and B to D, and
a delay of 1 time unit for both D and C to E.
c. Describe the circuit using two always blocks with outputs D and E. Use a
specify block to model a delay of 3 time units from A to E, and a delay of 4
time units from B to E, and a delay of 2 time units from C to E.
15. Plot the inferred circuits.
a. RTL code 1.

1 module rtl_1 ( regb , data , clk );

2 output regb ;
3 input data , clk ;

4 reg rega , regb ;

5 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

6 rega = data ;
7 regb = rega ;
8 end

9 endmodule

b. RTL code 2.

1 module rtl ( regc , regd , data , clk );

2 output regc , regd ;
3 input data , clk ;

4 reg regc , regd ;

5 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

Advanced Verilog Topics 123

6 regc <= data ;

7 regd <= regc ;
8 end

9 endmodule

16. Plot the inferred circuits.

a. RTL code 1.

1 module latch_if2 ( out , en , A , B , C );

2 output out ;
3 input en , A , B , C ;

4 reg K , out ;

5 always @ ( en or A or B or C )

6 if ( en ) begin
7 K <=!( A & B );
8 out <=!( K | C );
9 end
10 endmodule

b. RTL code 2.

1 module latch_if3 ( out , en , A , B , C );

2 output out ;
3 input en , A , B , C ;

4 reg K , out ;

5 always @ ( en or A or B or C )

6 if ( en ) begin
7 K =!( A & B );
8 out =!( K | C );
9 end
10 endmodule

17. Plot the inferred circuits.

a. RTL code 1.

1 module test3 ( Clock , Data , YA , YB );

2 input Clock , Data ;
3 output [3 : 0] YA ;

4 reg [3 : 0] YA ; reg [3 : 0] PA ;

5 integer N ;

7 always @ ( posedge Clock ) begin

8 for ( N =3; N >=1; N =N -1)
124 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

9 PA [ N ] <= PA [ N -1];
10 PA [0] <= Data ;
11 YA <= PA ;
12 end

13 endmodule

b. RTL code 2.

1 module test1 ( Clock , Data , YA , YB );

2 input Clock , Data ;
3 output [3 : 0] YA ;

4 reg [3 : 0] YA , PA ;

5 integer N ;

6 always @ ( posedge Clock ) begin

7 for ( N =1; N <=3; N = N +1)

8 PA [ N ]= PA [N -1];
9 PA [0]= Data ;
10 YA = PA ;
11 end

12 endmodule

c. RTL code 3.

1 module test2 ( Clock , Data , YA , YB );

2 input Clock , Data ;
3 output [3 : 0] YA ;

4 reg [3 : 0] YA , PA ;

5 integer N ;

6 always @ ( posedge Clock ) begin

7 for ( N =3; N >=1; N =N -1)

8 PA [ N ]= PA [N -1];
9 PA [0]= Data ;
10 YA = PA ;
11 end

12 endmodule

18. There are six different design pieces below. Please plot their waveforms us-
ing the behaviors of blocking and non-blocking assignments. Then, verify your
waveforms using simulation results. Signals a, b, c, and d are 5 bits; E is 1 bit;
out is 7 bits; and e and f are 6 bits. What design pieces have the same function-
ality? Among them, identify those that obey the RTL coding guidelines.
Advanced Verilog Topics 125

a. RTL code 1.

1 always @ ( posedge clk )

2 if ( E )
3 out <=( a + b )+( c + d );

b. RTL code 2.

1 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

2 e=a+b;
3 f=c+d;
4 if ( E )
5 out <= e + f ;
6 end

c. RTL code 3.

1 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

2 e <= a + b ;
3 f <= c + d ;
4 if ( E )
5 out <= e + f ;
6 end

d. RTL code 4.

1 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

2 e=a+b;
3 f=c+d;
4 if ( E )
5 out = e + f ;
6 end

e. RTL code 5.

1 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

2 e <= a + b ;
3 f <= c + d ;
4 if ( E )
5 out = e + f ;
6 end
126 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

f. RTL code 6.

1 always @ ( a or b or c or d ) begin
2 e=a+b;
3 f=c+d;
4 end

5 always @ ( posedge clk )

6 if ( E )
7 out <= e + f ;

19. Timing analysis: Assume that the clock is synchronous without any skew. The
full adder, FA, is implemented using that in Figure 3.18. According to the speci-
fication, the input signals have an input delay of 2 time units. The output signals
have an output delay of 3 time units. The flip-flops have setup time and hold
time of 2.2 and 0.8 time units, respectively. (a) Please identify all paths and find
their path delays in the RTL design. Notice that the registered output, result_r,
and the non-registered output, result, are both the outputs of the module, adder.
(b) Find the critical path and maximum allowable clock frequency.

1 module adder ( result , result_r , op1 , op2 , clk , reset );

2 output [2 : 0] result , result_r ;
3 input [1 : 0] op1 , op2 ;

4 input clk , reset ;

6 wire [2 : 0] result ;
7 reg [2 : 0] result_r ;

9 FA FA0 (. s_out ( result [0]) , . c_out ( carry ) ,

10 . x_in ( op1 [0]) , . y_in ( op2 [0]) , . c_in (1 ’ b0 ));
11 FA FA1 (. s_out ( result [1]) , . c_out ( result [2]) ,

12 . x_in ( op1 [1]) , . y_in ( op2 [1]) , . c_in ( carry ));


14 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

15 if ( reset ) result_r <=0;
16 else result_r <= result ;

18 endmodule

20 module FA ( s_out , c_out , x_in , y_in , c_in );

21 output s_out ; // Sum
22 output c_out ; // Carry out

23 input x_in ; // Operand 1

24 input y_in ; // Operand 2

25 input c_in ; // Carry in

26 ...

27 endmodule
Advanced Verilog Topics 127

20. What is the value of E in each HDL block, assuming that R = 1?

a. RTL code 1.

1 R =R -1;
2 if ( R ==0) E =1;
3 else E =0;

b. RTL code 2.

1 R <= R -1;
2 if ( R ==0) E <=1;
3 else E <=0;

21. Draw a block diagram of the following always block. Does the always block
contain unnecessary codes? If yes, please remove them.

1 always @ ( posedge CLK ) begin

2 if ( sel1 ) R1 <= R1 + R2 ;
3 else if ( sel2 ) R1 <= R2 +1;
4 else R1 <= R1 ;
5 end

22. If the clock period of a design is 2 ns, the minimum width, recovery time, and
removal time for the reset of sequential circuits in the design are 7, 5, and 9 ns,
respectively. Please design the reset signal and an enable signal for the normal
function that will obey the timing specifications.
4 Number Representation
Application-specific integrated circuits are used to process binary information. How-
ever, in many situations, integers without a fraction cannot meet our needs. For ex-
ample, integers cannot distinguish a fraction, say 0.567, from 0.123. From the above
reason, we will introduce the binary point, which is similar to the decimal point. Sub-
sequently, the fixed-point binary numbers and their operations used in most ASIC
designs will be introduced. To understand the fixed-point number representation, the
conversion between binary and decimal values of fixed-point numbers is what we
must know. Fixed-point number designs, including the bit width and precision (or
resolution) design of fixed-point numbers, for digital signal processing applications
are presented. Dynamic range of fixed-point numbers is the key to fixed-point design
if we want to avoid the overflow. In other situations, we may want to represent data
with a very large dynamic range. Hence, the floating-point binary numbers will be
briefly introduced as well.


In a digital system, we represent a number, x, as a bit string through a quantization
function, Q(·). The absolute error of x is given by

ea (x) = |Q(x) − x| (4.1)

and the error percentage of x is

ea (x)
e p (x) = . (4.2)

The quality of a number representation is given by the precision (or accuracy), i.e.,
the maximum error over all inputs x within its range X. Thus, the absolute precision
is given by

pa = max ea (x) (4.3)


and the precision percentage is

p p = max e p (x). (4.4)


Note that the error and precision percentages are not defined near x = 0.
When we want to represent numbers with a given absolute precision, fixed-point
binary numbers are often used. By contrast, when a given precision percentage is
required, floating-point numbers are more adequate.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-4 129

130 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

For example, suppose we represent real numbers over the range X = [0, 100] as
7-bit binary integers by representing each real number with the nearest integer. Pick-
ing the nearest integer to a real number is often referred to as rounding or trunca-
tion. Rounding may require an addition (or increment) while truncation does not. We
would then represent 45.678 as 46 or 1011102 using rounding, and the absolute error
of representing this number by rounding is ea (45.678) = |45.678 − 46| = 0.322. The
absolute precision over the entire range can be found to be pa = 0.5 since a value
halfway between two integers, e.g., 45.500, has the maximum error whether it is
rounded up or down. If the truncation is adopted, ea (45.678) = 0.678 and pa = 1.
We should clarify the difference between precision and resolution. The resolution
of both the rounding and truncation representations discussed above is 1.0 because
integers are uniformly spaced one unit apart. However, the precision of rounding is
0.5, and the precision of truncation is 1.0. Note that the smaller the precision is, the
better the number representation is.


4.2.1 REPRESENTATION Binary to Decimal Number Conversion
A given number can be interpreted as several different values depending on where
the binary point is assumed to be. To make design simpler, we generally use a fixed
binary point throughout an algorithm.
An n-bit unsigned fixed-point binary number with p-bit integer and f -bit frac-
tion is a representation of the binary number {a p−1, a p−2 , ..., a0 . a−1 , ..., a− f +1 , a− f },
| {z } | {z }
p f
where a single “.” denotes the position of the binary point, n = p + f , p denotes the
bit width of the integral part, and f denotes the bit width of the fractional part. The
decimal value of the fixed-point binary number is given by

i=0 ai− f 2
i n−1

= ∑ ai− f 2i− f . (4.5)

As you can see, the first bit position to the right (left) of the binary point has a weight
of 2−1 = 0.5 (20 = 1), the second bit position to the right (left) of the binary point
has a weight of 2−2 = 0.25 (21 = 2), and so on. Additionally, the weights of all bits
have positive values.
We use the format u(p. f ) to refer to the unsigned fixed-point binary number. Us-
ing this shorthand, the system with n = 4 and p = 1 is an u(1.3) fixed-point system.
An example of u(1.2) fixed-point binary numbers and their decimal values is listed in
Table 4.1. In this table, the integer values are the binary numbers without considering
the binary point.
Number Representation 131

Table 4.1: Three-bit u(1.2) fixed-point binary numbers.

Binary Integer Decimal
3’b1.11 7 7/4 = 1.75
3’b1.10 6 6/4 = 1.50
3’b1.01 5 5/4 = 1.25
3’b1.00 4 4/4 = 1.00
3’b0.11 3 3/4 = 0.75
3’b0.10 2 2/4 = 0.50
3’b0.01 1 1/4 = 0.25
3’b0.00 0 0/4 = 0.00

Unfortunately, Verilog does not support the data type of fixed-point representa-
tion. To designate an unsigned fixed-point binary number, it can be declared as a[(p−
1) : − f ] in Verilog. For example, an u(1.3) wire, a[0 : −3], is declared as follows. The
negative index clearly indicates the position of the binary point, and the number of
bits to the left and right of the binary point. Even so, Verilog treats the variable a[0 :
−3] as integer. That is, if a[0 : −3] =4’b1001, you will display it on a waveform or
screen as 4’d9 (in decimal) instead of the real fixed-point number 1.125 (in decimal).

1 // Unsigned fixed - point binary number declaration

2 // The binary point is self - documented .
3 wire [0 : -3] a ; // u (1.3) fixed - point wire

Of course, you can also declare the u(1.3) wire as a[3 : 0] below. However, the
position of the binary point is not self-documented using this declaration. Notice
that a number declared as [0 : −3] and [3 : 0] are interpreted by Verilog as the same
value. It just has a negative index. The index range of [0 : −3] is used to document
the fixed-point number with 1-bit integral and 3-bit fractional parts.

1 // Another unsigned fixed - point binary number declaration

2 // The binary point is not self - documented .
3 wire [3 : 0] a ; // u (1.3) fixed - point wire

If we add an additional sign bit to the left of the integral bits, we will refer to the
n-bit signed fixed-point binary number with p-bit integer (including one bit allocated
for the sign bit) and f -bit fraction, as a s(p. f ) format, where n = p + f . Like integers,
we use 2’s complement numbers in s(p. f ) systems. Similar to unsigned numbers, an
n-bit signed fixed-point binary number is a representation where the value of the
number {a p−1, a p−2 , ..., a0 . a−1 , ..., a− f +1 , a− f } is given by
| {z } | {z }
p f

−a p−12n−1 + ∑n−2
i=0 ai− f 2
i n−2
= −a p−12n−1− f + ∑ ai− f 2i− f (4.6)
2 i=0
132 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

where a p−1 is the sign bit. As you can see, similar to the unsigned numbers, the
first bit position to the right (left) of the binary point has a weight of 2−1 = 0.5
(20 = 1), the second bit position to the right (left) of the binary point has a weight of
2−2 = 0.25 (21 = 2), and so on. However, the weight of the sign bit a p−1 is negative
with a value of −2 p−1, and the weights of other bits still have positive values.
An example of s(1.2) fixed-point binary numbers and their decimal values is listed
in Table 4.2. In this table, the integer values are the binary numbers without consid-
ering the binary point. It can be observed that when the sign bit a p−1 of a binary
number is 1, its decimal value is negative.

Table 4.2: Three-bit s(1.2) fixed-point binary numbers.

Binary Integer Decimal
3’b0.11 +3 +3/4 = +0.75
3’b0.10 +2 +2/4 = +0.50
3’b0.01 +1 +1/4 = +0.25
3’b0.00 +0 +0/4 = +0.00
3’b1.11 −1 −1/4 = −0.25
3’b1.10 −2 −2/4 = −0.50
3’b1.01 −3 −3/4 = −0.75
3’b1.00 −4 −4/4 = −1.00
We can represent fixed-point numbers in Verilog using a multi-bit wire or register.
When we use a multi-bit register for integers, we have consistently declared them
with index values corresponding to the binary formats. Consequently, the signed
fixed-point binary number can be declared as a[(p − 1) : − f ] in Verilog. For example,
a s(1.3) wire, a[0 : −3], is declared as follows. The declaration specifies that there is
1-bit integer (including one sign bit) and 3-bit fraction in the number. Therefore, the
number a is merely a signed fractional number.

1 // Signed fixed - point binary number declaration

2 // The binary point is self - documented .
3 wire [0 : -3] a ; // s (1.3) fixed - point wire

Example 4.1. Assuming that the binary point is four places from the right. What
number is represented by the 8-bit unsigned u(4.4) fixed-point binary number,
01010010? That is, 0101.0010.
Solution: The number is
0101.00102 = 22 + 20 + 2−3
= 5.125.
Or, since the binary point is four places from the right, you can obtain the result from
the integer by 82/16 = 5.125.
Number Representation 133

Example 4.2. As you can see, the implied binary point is not specified in the hard-
ware. The designer needs to consider an appropriate scaling factor to correctly inter-
pret the result of the calculations. Assuming that the binary point is six places from
the right. What number is represented by the 8-bit unsigned u(2.6) fixed-point binary
number, 01010010, in the previous example? That is, 01.010010.
Solution: The number is

01.0100102 = 20 + 2−2 + 2−5

= 1.28125.

Or, since the binary point is two places left to that in the previous example, you can
obtain the result directly from that in the previous example by 5.125/4 = 1.28125.

Example 4.3. Assuming that the binary point is four places from the right. What
number is represented by the 6-bit signed s(2.4) fixed-point binary number, 101101?
That is, 10.1101.
Solution: The number is

10.11012 = −21 + 2−1 + 2−2 + 2−4

= −1.187510.

The number of fractional bits, f , determines the resolution of a number system

for both unsigned and signed fixed-point systems. The resolution, or the smallest
interval we can distinguish, is r = 2− f . In other words, the resolution is the distance
between neighboring fixed-point numbers and is fixed. By contrast, the resolution
of floating-point numbers is variable and is smaller toward 0 than away from 0. For
example, our u(1.3) fixed-point system with f = 3 has a resolution of 2−3 = 1/8, or
0.125. Each increment of the binary number changes the value represented by 1/8.
This applies for the signed fixed-point numbers.
For unsigned u(p. f ) fixed-point number a, the largest number we can represent is
2 p − r which is given by when a p−1 = a p−2 = ... = a− f +1 = a− f = 1 because their
weights are all positive. The smallest number is 0 when a p−1 = a p−2 = ... = a− f +1 =
a− f = 0. Consequently, an u(p. f ) fixed-point number a is in the following range,

0 ≤ a ≤ 2 p − r.

The dynamic range of n-bit unsigned integer b is

0 ≤ b ≤ 2n − 1.

The dynamic range of the n-bit unsigned fixed-point number a can also be derived
from the range of n-bit unsigned integer by multiply it with the resolution r as
0 2n − 1
0= f
≤a≤ = r × (2n − 1) = 2 p − r.
2 2f
134 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

For signed s(p. f ) fixed-point number a, the largest number we can represent is
2 p−1 − r when a p−1 = 0 and a p−2 = ... = a− f +1 = a− f = 1 because all of their
weights are positive except that of the sign bit a p−1 . The smallest or most negative
number is −2 p−1 when a p−1 = 1 and a p−2 = ... = a− f +1 = a− f = 0. Therefore, a
s(p. f ) fixed-point number a is in the following range,

−2 p−1 ≤ a ≤ 2 p−1 − r.

The dynamic range of n-bit signed integer b is

−2n−1 ≤ b ≤ 2n−1 − 1.

The dynamic range of the n-bit unsigned fixed-point number a can also be derived
from the range of n-bit unsigned integer by multiply it with the resolution r as

−2n−1 2n−1 − 1
−2 p−1 = ≤ a ≤ = r × (2n−1 − 1) = 2 p−1 − r.
2f 2f
The decimal value of a fixed-point binary number can be easily obtained from that
without the binary point using the resolution. We can rewrite the value of an n-bit
unsigned fixed-point binary number as

i=0 ai− f 2
n−1 n−1

= 2 ∑ ai− f 2i = r ∑ ai− f 2i . (4.7)
i=0 i=0
| {z }
integer value
Likewise, we can rewrite the value of an n-bit signed fixed-point binary number as
−a p−12n−1 + ∑n−2
i=0 ai− f 2
= r −a p−12 + ∑ ai− f 2 . (4.8)
2f i=0
| {z }
integer value
Consequently, to convert a fixed-point binary number to its decimal value, we just
• Step 1: convert it to an integer,
• Step 2: multiply the result by r.

More examples are displayed in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Conversion of fixed-point binary numbers to decimal numbers.

Format Binary r Integer Decimal
u(4.4) 0111.0010 0.0625 114 7.125 (114/16)
s(2.4) 10.1101 0.0625 –19 –1.1875 (–19/16)
u(1.3) 1.001 0.125 9 1.125 (9/8)
s(2.3) 01.001 0.125 9 1.125 (9/8)
u(2.4) 10.1111 0.0625 47 2.9375 (47/16)
Number Representation 135

Example 4.4. Write a Verilog behavioral model to convert a s(2.3) fixed-point num-
ber to its decimal number.
Solution: To derive the decimal value of a fixed-point number a, we can declare
a variable with real type to store the decimal representation of a fixed-point number
by scaling the fixed-point number using the resolution of operands by r = 2− f . In the
following Verilog codes, the symbol, ∗∗, is the power operator. For example, x ∗ ∗y
means x to the power of y, i.e., xy .
The system task, $itor, converts an integer (or signed reg) to a real-number value.
The signed declaration will be introduced in the next chapter. The Verilog does not
support a fixed-point data type, and hence, a[p − 1 : − f ] declared as signed reg is
treated as an integer. For example, if fixed-point number a[1 : −3] is 10.101, $itor(a)
will return −1.1 × 101 (−11) instead of −11/8 = −1.375 because a[1 : −3] and
a[4 : 0] are treated the same except that their indices are different. For a[1 : −3], bit
0 of it is called a[−3], bit 1 of it is called a[−2], and so on.
Therefore, the result of $itor needs to be scaled by the resolution r = 2−3 = 1/8 =
0.125 to obtain exact real value of the fixed-point number a[1 : −3], i.e., −11/8 =

1 // Behavioral model converting fixed - point number to

2 // decimal number
3 // s (2.3) format

4 parameter n =5; parameter p =2; parameter f =3;

5 // Resolution

6 real r =1/(2** f );

7 wire signed [p -1 : -f ] a ; // Original fixed - point version

8 real a_r ; // Final real - value version

9 assign a_r = r * $itor ( a ); // Final or exact real value of a Decimal to Binary Number Conversion

Conversely, to convert a decimal number to fixed-point binary number, the easiest
approach is to

• Step 1: multiply the decimal number by 1r = 2 f ,

• Step 2: round the resulting product to the nearest integer,
• Step 3: convert the resulting decimal integer to a binary integer,
• Step 4: multiply the binary integer by r = 2− f (in decimal), i.e., shift left
the binary point by f bits.

Step 1 obtains the scaling version of the decimal number by dividing r = 2− f or mul-
tiplying it with 1r = 2 f , which right shifts the binary point of the binary representa-
tion of original decimal number by f positions. Step 2 obtains the integer value of the
scaling version of the decimal number by rounding the scaling version of the decimal
136 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

number to the nearest integer to reduce the conversion error. Step 3 just converts the
integer value of the scaling version of the decimal number to a binary format, which
is much simpler than directly converting a decimal number (with fraction part) to its
fixed-point format. Step 4 scales the rounded integer to the fixed-point binary number
by shifting the binary point of the binary format to the left by f positions.
The basic principle of the decimal number (with fraction) to fixed-point binary
number conversion relies on the integer to binary number conversion. To this, it is
therefore multiplied by 1r = 2 f (Step 1) and then rounded to an integer (Step 2). The
conversion of an integer to binary number is relatively simple (Step 3). For example,
if an unsigned integer 87 is to be converted to binary number, it can be simply ex-
pressed by 87 = 64 + 16 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 26 + 24 + 22 + 21 + 20 = (1010111)2. Finally,
it is scaled back to its (approximate) fixed-point binary number by multiplying the
binary integer by r = 2− f (Step 4).
Suppose we want to convert 1.816 to our u(1.3) fixed-point format. We first mul-
tiply 1.816 by 2 f = 23 = 8, giving 14.528. Then, we round 14.528 to integer 15. We
then convert it to a binary integer 11112. Finally, we multiply it by r = 2− f = 1/8 (in
decimal) or shift left its binary point by f = 3 bits, giving 1.1112, which represents
1.875. The absolute error, ea (1.816) = |1.816 − 1.875| = 0.059. It can be shown that
the precision is r/2, or 0.0625 in this case.

Example 4.5. Write a Verilog behavioral model to convert a (decimal) real number
to the s(2.3) fixed-point format.
Solution: To derive the fixed-point format of a decimal number, we can declare
a variable a[p − 1, − f ] with signed reg type to store the fixed-point representation
of a decimal number by scaling the real number using the resolution of operands by
r = 2− f .
In the following Verilog codes, the system task, $rtoi, converts a real to an integer
or signed reg value by “truncation”. To round a decimal number, its fractional part of
the scaled version, a_r_scaled_f, is obtained and compared to 0.5 to see if rounding
is needed.
The Verilog does not support a fixed-point data type, and hence, a[p − 1 : − f ]
declared as signed reg is treated as an integer. Therefore, the rounded (and scaled)
result, a_r_round_i, is the final fixed-point version of the decimal number.
For your convenience, the real-value of the final fixed-point version, which is an
integer or signed reg, is also obtained by scaling the fixed-point version using the
resolution r.

1 // Behavioral model converting decimal number to

2 // fixed - point number
3 // s (2.3) format

4 parameter n =5; parameter p =2; parameter f =3;

5 // Resolution

6 real r =1/(2** f );

7 real a_r ; // Original real - value number

Number Representation 137

8 // All parts of scaled real - value version

9 real a_r_scaled ;
10 // Integral part of scaled real - value version

11 real a_r_scaled_i ;

12 // Fractional part of scaled real - value version

13 real a_r_scaled_f ;

14 // Integral part of scaled and rounded real - value version

15 real a_r_round_i ;

16 wire signed [p -1 : -f ] a ; // Final fixed - point version

17 real a_r_round ; // Final real - value of fixed - point

18 // version
19 // All parts of scaled version

20 assign a_r_scaled = a_r / r ;

21 // Integral part of scaled version

22 assign a_r_scaled_i = $rtoi ( a_r_scaled );

23 // Fractional part of scaled version

24 assign a_r_scaled_f = a_r_scaled - a_r_scaled_i ;

25 // Rounding

26 assign a_r_round_i =( a_r_scaled_f >=0.5)? a_r_scaled_i +1 :

27 a_r_scaled_i ;
28 assign a = a_r_round_i ; // Final fixed - point version

29 assign a_r_round = a * r ; // Final real - value of fixed - point

30 // version if needed Digital Signal Processing Applications

Fixed-point representation allows us to use fractional numbers on low-cost integer
hardware. Most importantly, the arithmetic operations of fixed-point representation
are similar to those of integer representation. Hence, fixed-point numbers are popu-
lar in signal processing applications. In these applications, the range and precision
of original data must be known. The bit width and the binary point can then be de-
termined so that the full range of the data values is covered while eliminating (or
minimizing) the possibility of the quantization error and overflow.
Typically, the values are scaled so they fall between −1 and 1. That is, they can
be represented in a s(1. f ) format. For most signal processing applications, 16 bits
suffice and a s(1.15) format is used. An advantage of the s(1.15) format is that the
product z of the multiplication of two numbers, x and y, using s(1.15) format may
require s(1.30) format, instead of s(2.30) format, provided that the maximum value
of z, i.e., +1, can be ignored. That is, for −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 − 2−15 and −1 ≤ y ≤ 1 − 2−15,
we have −(1 − 2−15) ≤ z = xy ≤ +1. Only the maximum value of z in s(2.30) format,
i.e., +1 (obtained by x = y = −1), cannot be represented by s(1.30) in the range [−1,
1 − 2−30 ]. If x and y are uniformly distributed, the probability of x = y = −1 for
s(1.30) format is 2131 × 2131 = 2162 ≈ 2.1684 × 10−19, which is quite low.
138 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

To decide the fixed-point format, in addition to the dynamic range, its resolution
should also be high enough. In the above example, the resolution of the adopted
s(1.30) is r = 2−30 , which equals that of the ideal format, s(2.30).
To decide the fixed-number format of an application, we need to consider two
main factors:

• The largest number that we need to represent in a given algorithm. This

specifies how many bits must be used for the integral part.
• The tolerable precision or resolution of the algorithm. This determines the
length of the fractional part.

Consider an example of representing a voltage between 0 and 5 V with 10 mV

precision. To use the fewest number of bits to represent the voltage, it is clear
that we will need 3 bits to the left of the binary point to represent the integral
part, 5. To achieve 10 mV precision, if rounding is adopted, we will need r = 20
mV= 0.02 V resolution. Since ⌊log2 0.02⌋ ≈ ⌊−5.6439⌋ = −6, we need 6 bits for
the fractional part which gives us a resolution of 2−6 = 0.015625 and a precision of
2−7 = 0.0078125. Thus, an u(3.6) fixed-point format requires ten bits, which corre-
sponds to the dynamic range [0, 2 p − r]=[0, 23 − 2−6]=[0, 7.984375] V.
An alternative representation would be to use a scaled number. If we scale this
range by 20 mV, i.e., a count of 1 corresponds to 20 mV, we can use a 8-bit binary
number ranging from 0 to 255, corresponding to [0, 5.100] V, to cover the dynamic
range. This number system has 10 mV precision with just 8 bits, i.e., u(8.0) fixed-
point format. Compared to the previous u(3.6) fixed-point format, one bit is saved
because the dynamic range of the scaled u(8.0) fixed-point format is less than that of
u(3.6) fixed-point format.

Example 4.6. Write a Verilog module for a code converter that has an input repre-
senting an unsigned number in the range 0 to 24 with a precision of at least 0.01, and
an output representing a signed number in the range −50 to 50 with a precision of at
least 0.01.
Solution: For the input, we need 5 bits before the binary point, since ⌈log2 24⌉ =
5. We need a precision that is smaller than 0.01, so that the required resolution is
0.02 for rounding. Since ⌊log2 0.02⌋ ≈ ⌊−5.6439⌋ = −6, we need 6 bits for the
fractional part which gives us a resolution of 2−6 = 0.015625 and a precision of
2−7 = 0.0078125. That is, the input is u(5.6) format.
For the output, ⌈log2 50⌉ = 6, so we need 6 bits, plus one for the sign bit, giving
7 bits before the binary point. To give an output with a precision of at least 0.01, we
also need 6 bits for the fractional part. That is, the output is s(7.6) format.
From above, we just need to extend the 5 integral bits of input with 2 zero bits
to get the 7 integral bits of output. Two vacant bits are padded with 00 because the
input is unsigned. Since we need the same output precision as the input, we need the
same number of fractional bits, 6. Verilog codes are given below.
Number Representation 139

1 // An example for converting u (5.6) to s (7.6) format

2 module fixed_conve rt er ( out , in );
3 output signed [6 : -6] out ; // s (7.6) fixed - point number

4 input [4 : -6] in ; // u (5.6) fixed - point number

5 assign out ={2 ’ b0 , in };

6 endmodule

4.2.2 OPERATIONS Addition Operation
We can perform the basic operations on fixed-point binary numbers just as if they
were integers. The position of the binary point must be kept in mind before/after the
operation. For examples, adding two u(p. f ) fixed-point binary numbers gives a result
of u((p + 1). f ) fixed-point number. Therefore, 1 more bit is required if 2 numbers
are added. An example is presented in Figure 4.1, where, to get rid of overflow, two
u(2.3) fixed-point binary numbers are added leading to the sum of u(3.3) fixed-point
format. Generally, if there are M numbers to be added, we should increase ⌈log2 (M)⌉

Figure 4.1: Adding two u(2.3) fixed-point binary numbers. The sum requires one
more bit which gives us u(3.3) fixed-point format.

The Verilog codes can be written below.

1 // An example for addition of fixed - point binary numbers

2 // with the same format
3 wire [1 : -3] op1 , op2 ; // u (2.3) fixed - point number

4 wire [2 : -3] sum ; // u (3.3) fixed - point number

5 assign sum = op1 + op2 ; // Sign extension performed by

6 // Verilog

To add two fixed-point numbers with different representations, it is necessary to

align the binary points of the two numbers. This is most often achieved by con-
verting both numbers to a fixed-point representation that has both p and f large
enough to overlap both representations. For example, as shown below, consider
140 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

adding the u(2.3) format number A =11.101 to the u(4.2) format number B =1111.01
without incurring an overflow. As shown in Figure 4.2, we first align the binary
point of u(4.2) to u(4.3), and then add Y = A + B =11.101 + 1111.010, which gives
Y =10010.111.

Figure 4.2: Adding u(2.3) number to the u(4.2) number. You need to align the binary
point. The sum requires one more bit which gives us u(5.3) fixed-point format.

Generally, addition of u(p1 . f1 ) and u(p2. f2 ) fixed-point numbers results in

u(p. f ) fixed-point number, where p =max(p1,p2 ) +1 (one more bit is required),
f =max( f1, f2 ), and max(A,B) returns the maximum number of A and B.
Verilog codes are given below. In addition to the alignment of binary point, we still
need to sign extend the operands to the bit width of sum. Sign extension can expand
the bit width of a number without affecting its value. For example, an u(2.3) number,
01010 (1.25 in decimal), can be changed to an u(5.3) number, 00001010 (1.25 in
decimal), without affecting its value. Similarly, a s(2.3) number, 11010 (−0.75 in
decimal), can be changed to an s(5.3) number, 11111010 (−0.75 in decimal), without
affecting its value. Therefore, to expand the bit width of a number, its sign bit should
be extended so that its original value can be maintained.

1 // An example for addition of fixed - point binary numbers

2 // with different formats
3 module fixed_add (Y , A , B );

4 output [4 : -3] Y ; // u (5.3) fixed - point number

5 input [1 : -3] A ; // u (2.3) fixed - point number

6 input [3 : -2] B ; // u (4.2) fixed - point number
7 wire [4 : -3] A_ext , B_ext ;

8 // Sign extend to bit width , 8 , of sum

9 assign A_ext ={3 ’ b0 , A };

10 // Sign extend to bit width , 8 , of sum

11 // Need to align the binary point

12 assign B_ext ={1 ’ b0 , B , 1 ’ b0 };

13 // u (5.3) fixed - point number

14 assign Y = A_ext + B_ext ;

15 endmodule Multiplication Operation

When we multiply two unsigned fixed-point numbers, the result needs total bits on
both sides of the binary point of inputs. For example, if we multiply two u(2.3)
fixed-point numbers, the result will be u(4.6) format, as that shown in Figure 4.3.
Number Representation 141


u  u X 


Figure 4.3: Multiplying two u(2.3) fixed-point binary numbers. The product requires
the total bits of two operands, which gives us u(4.6) fixed-point format.

Generally, a multiplication with its operands of u(p1 . f1 ) and u(p2 . f2 ) (or s(p1 . f1 )
and s(p2 . f2 )) formats, its product is an u(p1 + p2 . f1 + f2 ) (or s(p1 + p2 . f1 + f2 ))
fixed-point format without any overflow.
Therefore, the operands need to be sign extended to the bit number of product, as
shown below.

1 // An example for multiplicatio n of fixed - point binary

2 // numbers
3 module fixed_mul (Y , A , B );

4 output [3 : -6] Y ; // u (4.6) fixed - point number

5 input [1 : -3] A ; // u (2.3) fixed - point number

6 input [1 : -3] B ; // u (2.3) fixed - point number
7 wire [6 : -3] A_ext , B_ext ;

8 // Sign extend to bit number , 10 , of product

9 assign A_ext ={5 ’ b0 , A };

10 // Sign extend to bit number , 10 , of product

11 assign B_ext ={5 ’ b0 , B };

12 // u (4.6) fixed - point number

13 assign Y = A_ext * B_ext ;

14 endmodule Signal Processing

Many signal processors scale numbers to a u(0.16) format for unsigned numbers
or s(1.15) for signed numbers. Multiplying two u(0.16) numbers gives an u(0.32)
number, and multiplying two s(1.15) numbers gives a s(1.30) number. To allow this
operation to take place with no loss of precision, many popular signal processors
have 40-bit accumulators. They accumulate up to 256 u(0.32) multiplication results,
giving a sum in u(8.32) format. For signed numbers, the result is in s(9.30) format.
In most cases, a result calculated using a high precision eventually must be scaled
142 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

and rounded to the original precision. This sum is then usually scaled and rounded to
get a final result back in u(0.16) format for unsigned numbers or s(1.15) for signed

Example 4.7. The inputs x(n), coefficients hm , m = 0, 1, ..., 7, and y(n) of the eight-
tap FIR filter in Figure 4.4 are all s(1.15) numbers. Determine the bit widths and
fixed-point number formats of intermediate variables such that no quantization errors

Figure 4.4: Eight-tap FIR filter.

Solution: The bit widths and fixed-point number formats of all signals are la-
beled in Figure 4.5. The block Q quantizes input using the truncation. Product of
two s(1.15) numbers needs the s(1.30) format. Accumulation of 8 s(1.30) numbers
requires the s(4.30) format, in which ⌈log2 (8)⌉ = 3 more bits are added. Finally, the
block Q quantizes input with s(4.30) format into s(1.15) format by dropping unnec-
essary bits using truncation without overflow detection.

Figure 4.5: Bit width design of the eight-tap FIR filter.

Example 4.8. Write down the RTL codes of the eight-tap FIR filter.
Solution: After designing the fixed-point system, it is straightforward to write
down its RTL codes as follows. In the Verilog codes, x0, x1,..., and x7 respectively
represent x(n − 7), x(n − 6),..., and x(n).
Number Representation 143

1 // RTL design of eight - tap FIR filter

2 module FIR (y , x , h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 , h7 , clk );
3 output signed [0 : -15] y ;

4 input signed [0 : -15] x ;

5 input signed [0 : -15] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 , h7 ;

6 reg signed [0 : -15] x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 ;

7 wire signed [0 : -15] x7 = x ;

8 reg signed [3 : -30] tmp_y ;

9 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

10 x6 <= x7 ; x5 <= x6 ; x4 <= x5 ; x3 <= x4 ;

11 x2 <= x3 ; x1 <= x2 ; x0 <= x1 ;
12 end

13 always @ (*)

14 tmp_y = x7 * h0 + x6 * h1 + x5 * h2 + x4 * h3 +
15 x3 * h4 + x2 * h5 + x1 * h6 + x0 * h7 ;
16 assign y = tmp_y [0 : -15];

17 endmodule

To verify the digital design of the eight-tap FIR filter, a behavioral model of the
eight-tap FIR filter using the real numbers are developed to check the results of fixed-
point design. It must be emphasized here that the behavioral model as the gold design
should do the same things as the fixed-point design, such as the quantization, so that
they can perfectly match.
Verilog does not provide a data type for fixed-point numbers. To evaluate the
value of the result of fixed-point number operation, we can declare a variable with
real type to store the decimal representation of a fixed-point number by scaling the
fixed-point number using the resolution of operands by r = 2−15 , as shown below.
The scaling is required, since our actual interpretation of the variable is a fixed-point
value with a fraction instead of an integer. Real variables are actually represented
using floating-point format. Then, operations are performed on these real variables,
as shown below, where x0, x1,..., x7 respectively represent x(n − 7), x(n − 6),..., x(n).
In the Verilog codes, the signed declaration is very handy for the signed number
arithmetic because sign extension can be automatically performed by Verilog and
synthesis tool.

1 // Behavioral model of the eight - tap FIR filter

2 // Real number version
3 parameter p =1; parameter f =15; parameter n=p+f;
4 // Resolution of s (1.15)

5 real r =1/(2** f );

6 real x0_r , x1_r , x2_r , x3_r , x4_r , x5_r , x6_r , x7_r ;

7 real h0_r , h1_r , h2_r , h3_r , h4_r , h5_r , h6_r , h7_r ;
144 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

8 real tmp_y_r ;
9 // s (1.15) fixed - point number version
10 wire signed [p -1 : -f ] x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 ;

11 wire signed [p -1 : -f ] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 , h7 ;

12 // Scaled by the resolution of x and h , r =2^( -15)

13 assign x0_r = $itor ( x0 )* r ; assign x1_r = $itor ( x1 )* r ;

14 assign x2_r = $itor ( x2 )* r ; assign x3_r = $itor ( x3 )* r ;

15 assign x4_r = $itor ( x4 )* r ; assign x5_r = $itor ( x5 )* r ;

16 assign x6_r = $itor ( x6 )* r ; assign x7_r = $itor ( x7 )* r ;

17 assign h0_r = $itor ( h0 )* r ; assign h1_r = $itor ( h1 )* r ;

18 assign h2_r = $itor ( h2 )* r ; assign h3_r = $itor ( h3 )* r ;

19 assign h4_r = $itor ( h4 )* r ; assign h5_r = $itor ( h5 )* r ;

20 assign h6_r = $itor ( h6 )* r ; assign h7_r = $itor ( h7 )* r ;

21 // FIR filter calculated using real numbers

22 assign tmp_y_r = x7_r * h0_r + x6_r * h1_r + x5_r * h2_r + x4_r * h3_r +

23 x3_r * h4_r + x2_r * h5_r + x1_r * h6_r + x0_r * h7_r ;

Then, the quantization of real number also needs to be taken. It is performed by

truncating the fixed-point number version of the FIR filter output from s(4.30) to
s(1.15). The input of quantization is converted back to integer using the fixed-point
format by scaling the input using its resolution, i.e., r1 = 2−30 . Finally, the quantized
fixed-point number, y_i_q, is the gold result.

1 // Behavioral model of quantization

2 // s (4.30) format
3 parameter p1 =4; parameter f1 =30; parameter n1 = p1 + f1 ;

4 // Resolution

5 real r1 =1/(2** f1 );

6 // Integer version of y

7 wire [ p1 -1 : - f1 ] tmp_y_i ; // s (4.30) fixed - point number

8 // version
9 // Gold result : integer version of quantized y

10 wire [p -1 : -f ] y_i_q ; // s (1.15) fixed - point number

11 // version
12 // Scaled by the resolution r1 of tmp_y_r
13 assign tmp_y_i = $rtoi ( tmp_y_r / r1 );

14 // Quantize y_i

15 assign y_i_q = tmp_y_i [p -1 : -f ];


Numbers with high dynamic range are often represented in floating-point format.
In particular, a floating-point format is efficient for representing a number when we
need a fixed precision percentage instead of absolute precision. Compared to fixed-
point numbers, the position of the binary point for floating-point numbers may vary.
Number Representation 145

A floating-point number has two components: the exponent e and mantissa m. The
value represented by a floating-point number is given by

v = m × 2e−x (4.9)

where m is a binary fraction, e is a binary integer, and x is a bias on the exponent that
is used to center the dynamic range. The mantissa, m, is a fraction which means that
the binary point is on the left of the most significant bit (MSB) of m. The exponent,
e, is an integer. If the bits of m are {mn−1 , ..., m0 } and the bits of e are {ek−1 , ..., e0 },
the value of the floating-point number is given by
n−1 k−1 k
v= ∑ mi 2i−n × 2∑i=0 ei 2 −x . (4.10)

We refer to a floating-point number system with an a-bit mantissa and a b-bit

exponent as an aEb format. For example, a system with a 5-bit mantissa and a 3-bit
exponent is a 5E3 system.
We will also use the “E” notation to write numbers. For example, the 5E3 number
with a mantissa of 10110 and an exponent of 010 is 10110E010. Assuming zero
bias, this number has a value of v = 22 25
× 22 = 22/32 × 4 = 2.75. Most floating-
point number systems normalize the mantissa by shifting it left until either there
is a 1 in the MSB of the mantissa or the exponent is 0. With normalized numbers,
we can quickly check for equality by simply comparing two numbers bit-by-bit. If
numbers are un-normalized, they must be normalized (or at least aligned) before they
can be compared. Some number systems take another advantage of normalization by
omitting the MSB of the mantissa, since it is almost always 1. Typically, when a
floating-point number is stored, the exponent is stored to the left of the mantissa. For
example, 10110E010 would be stored in eight bits as 01010110. Storing the exponent
to the left allows integer comparison to work on floating-point numbers as long as
numbers are normalized.
If we want to represent signed values, we typically add a sign bit to the left of
the exponent. For example, in eight bits we can represent an S4E3 number which,
from left to right, would contain a sign bit, a three-bit exponent, and then a four-bit
mantissa (SEEEMMMM). In this representation, the bit string 11010110 represents
−6E5 or (with zero bias) −6 24
× 25 = −12.


The best-known methods of extending the binary numeral system to represent signed
numbers are: signed magnitude, one’s complement, and two’s complement. For the
signed magnitude number, a number’s sign is represented with a sign bit: setting
that bit (often the most significant bit) to 0 for a positive number or positive zero,
and setting it to 1 for a negative number or negative zero. The remaining bits in the
number indicate the magnitude (or absolute value).
146 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer ar-
chitecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby, The Verilog hardware description
language, 5th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
• Joseph Cavanagh, Computer arithmetic and Verilog HDL fundamentals,
CRC Press, 2010.
• M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, Digital design, 4th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2006.
• Peter J. Ashenden, Digital design: an embedded systems approach using
Verilog, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• William J. Dally and R. Curtis Harting, Digital design: a systems approach,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Number Representation 147

1. Convert decimal 67 to u(7.0) fixed-point binary format.
2. Convert decimal 0.375 to u(1.3) fixed-point binary format.
3. Convert decimal 67.75 to u(7.2) fixed-point binary format.
4. Convert u(5.2) unsigned fixed-point binary format, 10110.11, to decimal.
5. Convert the number 4.23 into each the following fix-point formats, and then
convert it back to decimal. Obtain the absolute error and error percentage of
each representation.
a. u(4.1);
b. s(5.2);
c. s(5.5);
6. Designing a fixed-point system. The number ranges from 0 to 31 with a precision
of 0.05.
7. Designing a floating-point system to represent a measurement of 1 × 10−6 to
1 × 107 with 2.5% precision. Represent the value 4.5 in this format.
8. Perform the following unsigned binary additions to produce 8-bit results. In each
case, does the addition overflow or not?
a. 00110010 + 10010100.
b. 11110000 + 00110010.
c. 11001100 + 10001111.
9. Write a Verilog code that adds four 12-bit unsigned binary numbers to produce
a 12-bit result with overflow detection.
10. Perform the following unsigned binary subtractions to produce 8-bit results. In
each case, does the subtraction overflows or not?
a. 10111000 − 01010000.
b. 01110000 − 00110010.
c. 01111100 − 10000111.
11. What numbers are represented by the following unsigned u(4.3) fixed-point
binary numbers, 1001001 and 0011110?
12. What is the range and precision of each of the following unsigned fixed-point
a. 12 bits, with p = 5 and f = 7.
b. 10 bits, with p = 0 and f = 10.
c. 8 bits, with p = 8 and f = 0.
13. How many integral and fractional bits would be required to represent numbers
in the range from 0.0 to 12.0 with a precision of 0.002?
14. Assuming the signed s(5.3) fixed-point binary numbers. What decimal numbers
are represented by the following binary numbers: 00101100 and 11111101?
15. How many integral and fractional bits would be required to represent numbers
in the range from −5.0 to +5.0 with a precision of 0.01?
16. Prove that the sign extension does not affect the original value of a fixed-point
148 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

17. The architecture for 8-point decimation-in-time (DIT) fast Fourier transform
(FFT) is shown in Figure 4.6. The complex inputs and outputs are parallel-in and
parallel-out, respectively. That is, the input data in a block, x[n], n = 0, 1, , 7, and
output blocks, X[k], k = 0, 1, ..., 7, are available in every clock cycle. The real
and imaginary parts of all inputs, outputs, and twiddle factors WNi = e− j2π i/N ,
i = 0, 1, 2, 3, are represented by s(1,15) fixed-point numbers. Please design a pure
combinational circuit for the feed-forward DIT FFT. Determine the bit widths of
intermediate variables such that no quantization errors occur. The final outputs,
X[k], are quantized by the rounding such that they can be represented by s(1,15)
fixed-point numbers.

Figure 4.6: DIT FFT.

5 Combinational Circuits
Combinational and sequential logics are two essential components for the RTL
design. A combinational circuit consists of logic gates whose outputs at any time are
determined directly from the present combination of inputs without regard to previ-
ous inputs and/or outputs, as shown in Figure 5.1. Therefore, there is no notion of
storage of information or dependence on values at previous times. There is no clock
control as well. Many sophisticated logical functions are realized by combinational

Figure 5.1: Combinational circuits.

First, dataflow, behavioral, and structural descriptions of combinational circuits

are presented in this chapter. Next, basic building blocks of combinational circuits,
such as arithmetic and logic units, together with their RTL codes, are introduced.
The logic units include multiplexer, demultiplexer, comparator, shifter and rotator,
encoder, priority encoder, decoder, and bubble sorting, and arithmetic units consist
of half adder, full adder, arithmetic logic unit, carry look-ahead adder, and complex
multiplier. Finally, several design issues, including overflow detection, bit width de-
sign, and saturation arithmetic, are discussed thoroughly.


Continuous assignment is the most fundamental construct to describe a combina-
tional logic. The continuous assignment is used to represent a combinational logic
circuit that can be conveniently represented by an equation or Boolean equation.
During simulations, continuous assignments execute whenever their expressions on
the right-hand side change. As its name implies, the execution is immediate and its
effect is that the output on the left-hand side of the expression is updated promptly
once inputs change. Such a behavior is like that of the combinational circuit. For

1 // Continuous assignment : simple combinational circuit

2 assign out =( a & b )| c ;

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-5 149

150 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The bit-wise operators in the RTL codes represent straightforward logic gates shown
in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Logic gates for bit-wise operators.

In the Verilog codes, if a, b, c, and out are declared as 2-bit vectors with index
[1 : 0], the logic gates become that shown in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: Logic gates for 2-bit bit-wise operators.

Arithmetic operators are interpreted in terms of arithmetic hardware blocks avail-

able to the tool. For example,

1 // Continuous assignment : full adder

2 assign { c_out , sum }= a + b + c_in ;

Depending on the synthesis tool and design constraints, the arithmetic operator in
the RTL codes may be implemented using logic gates shown in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4: Logic gates of the full adder.

A 3-bit adder is described below. The sum of 3-bit number addition requires 4-bit,
so that there exists no overflow.
Combinational Circuits 151

1 // Continuous assignment : 3 - bit adder

2 wire [2 : 0] a , b ;
3 wire [3 : 0] sum ;

4 assign sum = a + b ;

The adder might be synthesized to the ripple-carry adder in Figure 5.5, where the full
adder might also be implemented by the logic gates in Figure 5.4. About the ripple-
carry adder, the carry in of the first full adder is tied to a constant 1’b0, the carry out
of the first full adder, c_out[0], is connected to the carry in of the second full adder,
and then the carry out of the second full adder, c_out[1], is connected to the carry in
of the third full adder. As a result, the carry propagates from the least significant bit
to the most significant bit just like a ripple in water. Consequently, such an adder is
named the ripple-carry adder.

Figure 5.5: A 3-bit ripple-carry adder.

A conditional operator infers a multiplexer. For example,

1 // Continuous assignment : multiplexer

2 assign out = s ? i1 : i0 ;

The conditional operator in the RTL codes may be implemented using logic gates
shown in Figure 5.6 or a multiplexer gate in a cell library.

Figure 5.6: Logic gates for the conditional operator.

You can specify minimum, typical, and maximum values for the rising and falling
delays in continuous assignments, as can be seen in the following. In this example,
152 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

the (minimum : typical : maximum) delays for the rising delay are (1 : 2 : 3), the
(minimum : typical : maximum) delays for the falling delay are (2 : 3 : 4), and the
(minimum : typical : maximum) delays for the turn-off delay are (3 : 4 : 5).

1 // Modeling delays in continuous assignments

2 // ( minimum : typical : maximum ) delays can be specified
3 // for rising , falling , and turn - off delays .

4 assign #(1 : 2 : 3 , 2 : 3 : 4 , 3 : 4 : 5) out = s ? i1 : i0 ;


The always statement is often used to describe the behavior of combinational circuits
as well. The sensitivity list controls the way an always block executes. To describe
a combinational circuit, the inputs of it should be specified in the sensitivity list.
Whenever inputs change, the always block is triggered, and then its output will be
evaluated immediately. Such a behavior also emulates that of the combinational cir-
cuit. For example,

1 // Always block : full adder

2 reg c_out , sum ;
3 always @ ( a or b or c_in )

4 { c_out , sum }= a + b + c_in ;

To this, all inputs on the right-hand side (RHS) of expressions in a combinational

circuit must appear in the sensitivity list of an always block. To prevent from inad-
vertently ignoring some inputs, you can use (*) to represent all inputs as follows.

1 // Always block : full adder

2 always @ (*)
3 { c_out , sum }= a + b + c_in ;

Moreover, according to the requirement of Verilog, those variables on the left-hand

side (LHS) of expressions in always blocks must be declared as reg. It must be em-
phasized here that, even declared as reg for the left-hand-side variables, they are
still combinational outputs, and there exists no physical hardware registers. Conse-
quently, the datatype reg should not be confused with hardware registers. Such a
misleading often bothers beginners.
The assignments in an always block for combinational circuits, which are exe-
cuted sequentially, must be blocking.
Combinational Circuits 153

1 // Always block : combinational circuit described

2 // using multiple blocking assignments
3 always @ ( a or b or c or d ) begin

4 sum1 = a + b ;
5 sum2 = c + d ;
6 sum = sum1 + sum2 ;
7 end

The calculation of sum is divided into sum1 and sum2. Therefore, sum1 and sum2
must be available before determining sum. This necessitates that the RTL codes
should be executed in order using the blocking assignment.
Single if-else statement also infers a multiplexer. For example,

1 // Always block : multiplexer

2 always @ ( s or i0 or i1 )
3 if ( s ) out = i1 ;
4 else out = i0 ;

However, multiple if-else-if statements do not synthesize to large multiplexers. They

infer priority multiplexers. Besides, the case statement also can be used to infer a
multiplexer. Large case statements may synthesize large multiplexers.

1 // Always block : large multiplexer

2 always @ ( s or i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 )
3 case ( s )
4 2 ’ b00 : out = i0 ;
5 2 ’ b01 : out = i1 ;
6 2 ’ b10 : out = i2 ;
7 2 ’ b11 : out = i3 ;
8 endcase

For loops are unrolled and can build a cascaded or parallel combinational logic.
Therefore, the index of a for loop commonly declared as integer data type is dummy
and dose not cost any hardware resources. For example, the (cascaded) 8-bit ripple-
carry adder is displayed below.

1 // Always block : 8 - bit ripple - carry adder described by a

2 // for loop
3 always @ ( a or b or c_in ) begin

4 c = c_in ;
154 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

5 for ( i =0; i <=7; i = i +1)

6 {c , sum [ i ]}= a [ i ]+ b [ i ]+ c ;
7 c_out = c ;
8 end

In the preceding example, the variable c is used for all full adders, which is quite
confusing. Moreover, it is also misleading that, for each full adder, c is a carry in
(carry out of previous full adder) and carry out of current full adder. It’s better to
declare c[i − 1] and c[i] as carry in and carry out of full adder i, respectively, as shown
below. Such a description coincides with the physical connection of a multiple-bit

1 // Always block : 8 - bit ripple - carry adder described by a

2 // for loop using different carry in and carry out
3 always @ ( a or b or c_in ) begin

4 c [ -1]= c_in ;
5 for ( i =0; i <=7; i = i +1)
6 { c [ i ] , sum [ i ]}= a [ i ]+ b [ i ]+ c [i -1];
7 c_out = c [7];
8 end

Another example, the parallel XOR gate is presented below.

1 // Always block : parallel XOR described by a for loop

2 always @ ( a or b )
3 for ( i =0; i <=31; i = i +1)
4 s [ i ]= a [ i ]^ b [ i ];

Functions are synthesized to combinational blocks with one output. For example,

1 // Function : a reusable combinationa l block

2 function [1 : 0] sum3 ;
3 input a , b , c_in ;
4 sum3 = a + b + c_in ;
5 endfunction

Function contains procedural statements and is also a behavioral description. Func-

tion call is a simple combinational circuit which can be reused. Calling a function
once essentially instantiates one combinational circuit. However, if the function was
called in the if-else or case statement, only one combinational circuit may be intro-
duced because the synthesis tool knows that only one function call in all mutually-
exclusive case items is executed at a time, as shown below.
Combinational Circuits 155

1 // Calling a function using different case items

2 // Resources are shared .
3 wire [1 : 0] sel ;

4 wire [3 : 0] a , b , c ;

5 reg [1 : 0] out ;

6 always @ ( sel or a or b or c ) begin

7 case ( sel [1 : 0])

8 2 ’ b00 : out = sum3 ( a [0] , b [0] , c [0]);
9 2 ’ b01 : out = sum3 ( a [1] , b [1] , c [1]);
10 2 ’ b10 : out = sum3 ( a [2] , b [2] , c [2]);
11 default : out = sum3 ( a [3] , b [3] , c [3]);
12 endcase
13 end

The synthesized circuit is presented in Figure 5.7. Therefore, the synthesis tool infers
one circuit of sum3 and uses a multiplexer to select different inputs.

Figure 5.7: The number of function is optimized by selecting input operands.

Even so, it’s still better to explicitly infer the multiplexer used to select different
inputs, and one combinational circuit of sum3 as follows.
156 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Selecting different inputs according to different

2 // case items before calling a function
3 wire [1 : 0] sel ;

4 wire [3 : 0] a , b , c ;

5 reg a_sel , b_sel , c_sel ;

6 wire [1 : 0] out ;

7 always @ ( sel or a or b or c ) begin

8 case ( sel [1 : 0])

9 2 ’ b00 : begin
10 a_sel = a [0];
11 b_sel = b [0];
12 c_sel = c [0];
13 end
14 2 ’ b01 : begin
15 a_sel = a [1];
16 b_sel = b [1];
17 c_sel = c [1];
18 end
19 2 ’ b10 : begin
20 a_sel = a [2];
21 b_sel = b [2];
22 c_sel = c [2];
23 end
24 default : begin
25 a_sel = a [3];
26 b_sel = b [3];
27 c_sel = c [3];
28 end
29 endcase
30 end

31 assign out = sum3 ( a_sel , b_sel , c_sel );

As another example, to find the maximum among 4 inputs, a, b, c, and d, three

comparisons are required, as shown below.

1 // Not balanced design

2 always @ ( a or b or c or d ) begin
3 if (a >= b ) out1 = a ;
4 else out1 = b ;
5 if ( out1 >= c ) out2 = out1 ;
6 else out2 = c ;
7 if ( out2 >= d ) out = out2 ;
8 else out = d ;
9 end

Another RTL codes with the same function are written below.
Combinational Circuits 157

1 // Balanced design
2 always @ ( a or b or c or d ) begin
3 if (a >= b ) out1 = a ;
4 else out1 = b ;
5 if (c >= d ) out2 = c ;
6 else out2 = d ;
7 if ( out1 >= out2 ) out = out1 ;
8 else out = out2 ;
9 end

Though the above two pieces of codes achieve the same functionality, they infer
different structures as shown in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8: Different structures for finding the maximum of 4 inputs: (a) sequential
comparison and (b) parallel comparison.

Regarding the critical path of two structures, it is clear that a balanced design is
good for timing.
Only the (minimum : typical : maximum) delays of a single delay can be specified
in procedural assignments. Therefore, the rising, falling, and turn-off delays must be
the same. In the following example, if s is true, the (minimum : typical : maximum)
delays of assigning i1 to out is (1 : 2 : 3) time units; and if s is false, the (minimum :
typical : maximum) delays of assigning i0 to out is (2 : 3 : 4) time units.

1 // Modeling delays in always blocks

2 always @ ( s or i0 or i1 )
3 if ( s ) #(1 : 2 : 3) out = i1 ;
4 else #(2 : 3 : 4) out = i0 ;
158 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


Structural description for combinational circuits is quite simple and straightforward.
It just intuitively describes the cell instances and connections among them based on
the gate-level netlist. Verilog primitives are synthesizable. Therefore, it is a good
practice to use Verilog primitives instead of instantiating logic cells in a cell library,
which are not portable for different technology nodes. For example, we can use Ver-
ilog primitives to implement the full adder as follows. Notice that the instance names
of Verilog primitives can be omitted.

1 // Structural description : fill adder

2 module fulladder (
3 output sum ,
4 output c_out ,
5 input a ,
6 input b ,
7 input c_in );
8 wire tmp , tmp1 , tmp2 ;
9 xor ( tmp , a , b );
10 xor ( sum , tmp , c_in );
11 and ( tmp1 , tmp , c_in );
12 and ( tmp2 , a , b );
13 or ( c_out , tmp1 , tmp2 );
14 endmodule

The delays of Verilog primitives can be modeled when they are instantiated.

1 // Modeling delays of Verilog primitives

2 or #(1 : 2 : 3 , 2 : 3 : 4 , 3 : 4 : 5) ( c_out , tmp1 , tmp2 );


Combinational loop is not allowed. For example, the increment of a number is shown

1 // Combinational loop
2 always @ ( a )
3 a = a +1;

The always block infers the following combinational circuit with a feedback loop, as
shown in Figure 5.9, where ⊕ represents an adder.
Combinational Circuits 159

Figure 5.9: Combinational loop for the increment of a number.

Three serious problems exist in the combinational loop. 1) If a suddenly changes

from one number to another, what result do you expect? The increment may perform
once, twice, or more times within a given time interval. So, actually, the result will
be unpredictable. 2) Timing loop is infinite. Timing analysis is impossible. 3) Your
simulation will hang, because an infinite loop occurs.
A remedy to solve this problem can change the codes to those below.

1 // No combinational loop
2 always @ ( a )
3 b = a +1;

In Figure 5.10, a combinational loop does not exist, and b is the result of increment.

Figure 5.10: Increment without a combinational loop.

To avoid the combinational loop, you can also break the feedback path by using
the sequential circuits, which can store or memorize the previous result.

1 // No combinational loop
2 always @ ( posedge clk )
3 a <= a +1;

This leads to the circuit in Figure 5.11.

Figure 5.11: Breaking the combinational loop using sequential circuits.

160 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Continuous assignment using a conditional operator with feedback may introduce

a combinational loop as well, as shown in the following example. When CS_b is 0
and WE_b is 1, data_out=data_out is executed and the combinational loop occurs.

1 // Combinational loop produced by continuous assignment

2 assign data_out =( CS_b ==0)?
3 (( WE_b ==0)? data_in : data_out ) :
4 1 ’ bz ;

If a careless combinational loop exists in a design, Design compiler (synthesis

tool) will automatically break feedback loops. Without disabling the combinational
feedback loop, the static timing analysis cannot resolve or analyze the path timing.


For an n-to-1 multiplexer (or mux), there are ⌈log2 (n)⌉-bit select lines used to select
n multiplexer inputs. The structural, dataflow, and behavioral descriptions are given

1 // Structural description : multiplexer

2 not ( sel_inv , sel );
3 and ( and_out [0] , sel_inv , mux_in [0]);

4 and ( and_out [1] , sel , mux_in [1]);

5 or ( mux_out , and_out [0] , and_out [1]);

6 // Dataflow description : multiplexer

7 assign mux_out1 = sel ? mux_in [1] : mux_in [0];

8 // Behavioral description : multiplexer

9 always @ ( sel or mux_in )

10 if ( sel )
11 mux_out2 = mux_in [1];
12 else
13 mux_out2 = mux_in [0];

For logic circuits that are naturally described with a table, they can be designed
using a case or casex statement to infer the multiplexer. The following example de-
scribes a 8 × 16 table.

1 // Behavioral description : 8 x16 table

2 reg [15 : 0] tab [0 : 7] , out ;
3 wire [2 : 0] addr ;

4 always @ ( addr or tab )

Combinational Circuits 161

5 case ( addr )
6 3 ’ d0 : out = tab [0];
7 3 ’ d1 : out = tab [1];
8 3 ’ d2 : out = tab [2];
9 3 ’ d3 : out = tab [3];
10 3 ’ d4 : out = tab [4];
11 3 ’ d5 : out = tab [5];
12 3 ’ d6 : out = tab [6];
13 default : out = tab [7];
14 endcase

The demultiplexer (or demux) is the reverse of the multiplexer. A demultiplexer is a
component that takes a single input line and routes it to one of several output lines
according to the select lines, which are used to select which output line to send the
input. A demultiplexer is also called a data distributor. By setting the input to true,
the demux behaves as a decoder.
The following example shows an 1-to-4 demultiplexer using 2 select lines (sel[1 :
0]) to determine which one of the 4 outputs (demux_out[3 : 0]) is routed from the
input (demux_in). Its characteristics can be described using the truth table in Table

Table 5.1: Truth table of demux_out.

sel[1] sel[0] demux_out[3] demux_out[2] demux_out[1] demux_out[0]
0 0 0 0 0 demux_in
0 1 0 0 demux_in 0
1 0 0 demux_in 0 0
1 1 demux_in 0 0 0

The symbol and schematic of the demultiplexer are presented in Figure 5.12.

Figure 5.12: (a) Symbol. (b) Schematic of the demultiplexer.

162 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The structural, dataflow, and behavioral descriptions of the 1-to-2 demultiplexer

are given below.

1 // Structural description : demultiplexer

2 not ( sel_inv , sel );
3 and ( demux_out [0] , sel_inv , demux_in );

4 and ( demux_out [1] , sel , demux_in );

5 // Dataflow description : demultiplexe r

6 assign demux_out1 [0]=~ sel & demux_in ;

7 assign demux_out1 [1]= sel & demux_in ;

8 // Behavioral description : demultiplexer

9 always @ ( sel or demux_in ) begin

10 demux_out2 =2 ’ b00 ;
11 case ( sel )
12 1 ’ b0 : demux_out2 [0]= demux_in ;
13 1 ’ b1 : demux_out2 [1]= demux_in ;
14 endcase
15 end

The truth table for the comparison of two 1-bit binary numbers is displayed in Table
5.2. Compared with b, the comparator determines whether a is greater than, less
than, equal, or not equal to it using outputs y1, y2, y3, and y4, respectively. Notably,
y4 = a ⊕ b = a · b̄ + ā · b can be used to decide whether 2 bits are different, where ⊕,
·, (·), and + denote the bitwise XOR, AND, NOT, and OR operators, respectively.
Similarly, y3 = a ⊕ b = ā · b̄ + a · b can be used to decide whether 2 bits are the same.
In this book, ⊕ symbol in a Boolean equation represents the bitwise XOR; otherwise,
it represents an adder.

Table 5.2: Truth table of the comparator.

a b y1 y2 y3 y4
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1 0

Its schematic is presented in Figure 5.13.

The structural, dataflow, and behavioral descriptions for the comparators of two
1-bit numbers are given below.
Combinational Circuits 163

Figure 5.13: Schematic of the comparator.

1 // Structural description : comparators

2 not ( b_inv , b );
3 and ( y1 , b_inv , a );

4 not ( a_inv , a );

5 and ( y2 , a_inv , b );

6 xnor ( y3 , a , b );

7 xor ( y4 , a , b );

8 // Dataflow description : comparators

9 assign y1_1 =a > b ;

10 assign y2_1 =a < b ;

11 assign y3_1 = a == b ;

12 assign y4_1 = a != b ;

13 // Behavioral description : comparators

14 always @ ( a or b ) begin

15 if (a > b ) y1_2 =1 ’ b1 ;
16 else y1_2 =1 ’ b0 ;
17 if (a < b ) y2_2 =1 ’ b1 ;
18 else y2_2 =1 ’ b0 ;
19 if ( a == b ) y3_2 =1 ’ b1 ;
20 else y3_2 =1 ’ b0 ;
21 if ( a != b ) y4_2 =1 ’ b1 ;
22 else y4_2 =1 ’ b0 ;
23 end


The shift operators ≪ and ≫ shift your input and pad with zeros. Left shift and
right shift do not necessitate any digital circuits. Instead, only wiring is needed. For
example, a[2 : 0] = b[2 : 0] ≪ 1 equals connecting a[0] with logic 0, a[1] with b[0],
and a[2] with b[1]. The structural, dataflow, and behavioral descriptions of the shifter
are given below.
164 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Structural description : shifter

2 assign a [0]=1 ’ b0 ;
3 buf ( a [1] , b [0]);

4 buf ( a [2] , b [1]);

5 // Dataflow description : shifter

6 assign a1 [2 : 0]= b [2 : 0] < <1;

7 // Behavioral description : shifter

8 always @ ( b )

9 a2 [2 : 0]= b [2 : 0] < <1;

The left rotator and right rotator rotate your input circularly. The left rotator by 1
bit simply connects a[0] with b[2], a[1] with b[0], and a[2] with b[1], as shown below.

1 // Structural description : rotator

2 buf ( a [0] , b [2]);
3 buf ( a [1] , b [0]);

4 buf ( a [2] , b [1]);

5 // Dataflow description : rotator

6 assign a1 [2 : 0]={ b [1 : 0] , b [2]};

7 // Behavioral description : rotator

8 always @ ( b ) begin

9 { carry , a [2 : 0]}= b [2 : 0] < <1;

10 a2 [0]= carry ;
11 end

If we write the Verilog codes below, where b is a variable, we got the barrel shifter,
which has a layer corresponding to each bit-of-shift.

1 // Dataflow description : barrel shifter

2 assign y = a < < b ;

Consequently, an 8-bit barrel shifter needs 3 bits to indicate how many bits to shift,
and hence 3 layers of multiplexers, as shown in Figure 5.14.

The truth table for the 4-to-2 encoder is displayed in Table 5.3. When {a, b, c, d}=
0001, the output encodes it using y = 00, and {a, b, c, d}= 0010, the output encodes
it using y = 01, and so on.
Combinational Circuits 165

Figure 5.14: Barrel shifter.

Table 5.3: Truth table of the encoder.

a b c d y[1:0]
0 0 0 1 00
0 0 1 0 01
0 1 0 0 10
1 0 0 0 11
166 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Its schematic is presented in Figure 5.15.

Figure 5.15: Schematic of the encoder.

The structural, dataflow, and behavioral descriptions of the 4-to-2 encoder are
given below.

1 // Structural description : encoder

2 not ( a_inv , a );
3 not ( b_inv , b );

4 not ( c_inv , c );

5 not ( d_inv , d );

6 and ( and_out [0] , b_inv , a_inv );

7 and ( and_out [1] , d_inv , c );

8 and ( and_out [2] , b_inv , a );

9 and ( and_out [3] , d_inv , c_inv );

10 and ( and_out [4] , b , a_inv );

11 and ( and_out1 [0] , and_out [0] , and_out [1]);

12 and ( and_out1 [1] , and_out [2] , and_out [3]);

13 and ( and_out1 [2] , and_out [4] , and_out [3]);

14 or ( y [0] , and_out1 [1] , and_out1 [0]);

15 or ( y [1] , and_out1 [2] , and_out1 [1]);

16 // Dataflow description : encoder

17 assign all ={ a , b , c , d };

18 assign y1 [0]=( all ==4 ’ b0010 )|( all ==4 ’ b1000 );

19 assign y1 [1]=( all ==4 ’ b0100 )|( all ==4 ’ b1000 );

20 // Behavioral description : encoder

21 always @ ( all )

22 case ( all )
23 4 ’ b0001 : y2 =2 ’ b00 ;
24 4 ’ b0010 : y2 =2 ’ b01 ;
25 4 ’ b0100 : y2 =2 ’ b10 ;
26 4 ’ b1000 : y2 =2 ’ b11 ;
Combinational Circuits 167

27 default : y2 =2 ’ b00 ;
28 endcase


The truth table for the 4-to-2 priority encoder is displayed in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4: Truth table of 4-to-2 priority encoder.

d c b a y[1] y[0]
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 x 0 1
0 1 x x 1 0
1 x x x 1 1
Its schematic is presented in Figure 5.16. Notably, according to the Karnaugh map,
the output y does not depend on input a.

Figure 5.16: Schematic of the priority encoder.

The structural, dataflow, and behavioral descriptions of the 4-to-2 priority encoder
are given below.

1 // Structural description : priority encoder

2 not ( c_inv , c );
3 and ( and_out , c_inv , b );

4 or ( y [0] , d , and_out );

5 or ( y [1] , c , d );

6 // Dataflow description : priority encoder

7 assign all ={ d , c , b , a };

8 assign y1 [0]=( all [1]&~ all [2])|( all [3]);

9 assign y1 [1]=( all [2])|( all [3]);

10 // Behavioral description : priority encoder

168 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

11 always @ ( all ) begin

12 casex ( all )
13 4 ’ b0000 : y2 =2 ’ b00 ;
14 4 ’ b0001 : y2 =2 ’ b00 ;
15 4 ’ b001x : y2 =2 ’ b01 ;
16 4 ’ b01xx : y2 =2 ’ b10 ;
17 4 ’ b1xxx : y2 =2 ’ b11 ;
18 default : y2 =2 ’ b00 ;
19 endcase
20 end

We present another behavioral description of the priority encoder using the if-else-
if statement below. As presented, the decoder has priority for d. Also, it’s apparent
that the output y3 is not related to a.

1 // Behavioral description #1: priority encoder

2 always @ (*) begin
3 if ( d ) y3 =2 ’ b11 ;
4 else if ( c ) y3 =2 ’ b10 ;
5 else if ( b ) y3 =2 ’ b01 ;
6 else y3 =2 ’ b00 ;
7 end

The truth table of 3-to-8 decoder with enable control is displayed in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Truth table of 3-to-8 decoder with enable control.

e x[2] x[1] x[0] y[7] y[6] y[5] y[4] y[3] y[2] y[1] y[0]
0 X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Its gate-level netlist is presented in Figure 5.17.

Combinational Circuits 169

Figure 5.17: Gate-level netlist of the 3-to-8 decoder with enable control.

The structural description of the decoder is shown below.

1 // Structural description : decoder

2 module decoder_stru ct (y , e , x );
3 output [7 : 0] y ;

4 input e ;

5 input [2 : 0] x ;

6 wire [7 : 0] y ;

7 wire tmp0 , tmp1 , tmp2 ;

8 not u0 ( tmp0 , x [0]);

9 not u1 ( tmp1 , x [1]);

10 not u2 ( tmp2 , x [2]);

11 and u3 ( y [0] , e , tmp0 , tmp1 , tmp2 );

12 and u4 ( y [1] , e , x [0] , tmp1 , tmp2 );

13 and u5 ( y [2] , e , tmp0 , x [1] , tmp2 );

14 and u6 ( y [3] , e , x [0] , x [1] , tmp2 );

15 and u7 ( y [4] , e , tmp0 , tmp1 , x [2]);

16 and u8 ( y [5] , e , x [0] , tmp1 , x [2]);

17 and u9 ( y [6] , e , tmp0 , x [1] , x [2]);

18 and u10 ( y [7] , e , x [0] , x [1] , x [2]);

19 endmodule

The dataflow description of the decoder is shown below.

170 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Dataflow description : decoder

2 module decoder_da ta f lo w ( y1 , e , x );
3 output [7 : 0] y1 ;

4 input e ;

5 input [2 : 0] x ;

6 assign y1 = e ?1 ’ b1 < < x : 8 ’ h0 ;

7 endmodule

The behavioral description of the decoder is shown below, which directly realizes
the logic of truth table.

1 // Behavioral description : decoder

2 module decoder_be ha v io r ( y2 , e , x );
3 output [7 : 0] y2 ;

4 input e;
5 input [2 : 0] x ;

6 reg [7 : 0] y2 ;

7 always @ ( e or x )

8 if (! e ) y2 =8 ’ h00 ;
9 else
10 case ( x )
11 3 ’ b000 : y2 = 8 ’ h01 ;
12 3 ’ b001 : y2 = 8 ’ h02 ;
13 3 ’ b010 : y2 = 8 ’ h04 ;
14 3 ’ b011 : y2 = 8 ’ h08 ;
15 3 ’ b100 : y2 = 8 ’ h10 ;
16 3 ’ b101 : y2 = 8 ’ h20 ;
17 3 ’ b110 : y2 = 8 ’ h40 ;
18 default : y2 = 8 ’ h80 ; // 3 ’ b111
19 endcase
20 endmodule

The hierarchical design of the 3-to-8 decoder based on the 2-to-4 decoder is shown
in Figure 5.18.
Combinational Circuits 171

Figure 5.18: Hierarchical design of the 3-to-8 decoder.

Its RTL codes are written below.

1 // Structural description : bottom - up design of

2 // 3 - to -8 decoder
3 module decode_3_8 (e , x , y );

4 output [7 : 0] y ;

5 input e ;

6 input [2 : 0] x ;

7 wire e1 , g1 , g2 ;

8 not u0 ( e1 , x [2]);

9 and u1 ( g1 , e , x [2]);

10 and u2 ( g2 , e , e1 );

11 decoder_2_4 u0 ( y [7 : 4] , g1 , x [1 : 0]);
12 decoder_2_4 u1 ( y [3 : 0] , g2 , x [1 : 0]);
13 endmodule

In the above module, the 2-to-4 decoder is defined below.

1 // Dataflow description : 2 - to -4 decoder

2 module decoder_2_4 (y , e , x );
3 output [3 : 0] y ;

4 input e ;

5 input [1 : 0] x ;
172 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

6 assign y = e ?1 ’ b1 < < x : 4 ’ h0 ;

7 endmodule


We want to sort four unsigned numbers, a, b, c, and d, using a combinational circuit.
After sorting, the maximum value is stored in max1, the second maximum value is
stored in max2, and so on.
To decide the maximum value, 3 comparisons are needed; 2 comparisons are
needed to decide the second maximum value; and 1 comparison is needed to decide
the third and fourth maximum value. Therefore, total 6 comparisons are required to
sort 4 unsigned numbers.
The sorting circuit is described using a function. We use two for loops to imple-
ment the algorithm as shown below. The first for loop sequentially finds the maxi-
mum value, then the second maximum value, and finally the third and fourth maxi-
mum value. The second for loop makes the 3, 2, and 1 comparisons for determining
the maximum value, the second maximum value, and the third (and fourth) maxi-
mum value, respectively.

1 // Combinational circuit of bubble sorting

2 wire [7 : 0] max1 , max2 , max3 , max4 ;
3 assign { max1 , max2 , max3 , max4 }= sort (a , b , c , d );

4 function [31 : 0] sort (a , b , c , d );

5 input [7 : 0] a , b , c , d ;

6 reg [7 : 0] temp [0 : 3];

7 reg [7 : 0] buffer ;

8 integer i , j ;

9 begin

10 // Store sorted numbers into a 2 - D array ,

11 // so that 2 - D array can be indexed by for loops .

12 temp [3]= a ;
13 temp [2]= b ;
14 temp [1]= c ;
15 temp [0]= d ;
16 for ( i =2; i >=0; i =i -1)
17 for ( j =0; j <= i ; j = j +1)
18 if ( temp [ j ] > temp [ j +1]) begin
19 // Swapping is needed .
20 buffer = temp [ j +1];
21 temp [ j +1]= temp [ j ];
22 temp [ j ]= buffer ;
23 end
24 sort ={ temp [3] , temp [2] , temp [1] , temp [0]};
25 end

26 endfunction
Combinational Circuits 173

The basic unit used to swap 2 numbers, say x and y, is the statements in the begin-
end pair of the if statement, and its schematic is displayed below,

Figure 5.19: Basic unit of swapping 2 numbers.

The overall architecture of bubble sorting circuit is presented below, and the in-
dices, i/ j, of the first/second for loops are displayed. As shown, the critical path of the
bubble sorting consists of 5 swapping units, which grows linearly with the number
of sorting numbers.

Figure 5.20: Architecture of bubble sorting circuit.

174 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


The RTL codes in this section are all synthesized and optimized by tools.


The RTL design gives designers lots of freedom to achieve their goals. We use the
half adder as an example. The truth table of the half adder is displayed in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6: Truth table of half adder.

b a c_out sum
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0

The Boolean equations of sum and c_out are presented below.

sum = a ⊕ b
c_out = a · b (5.1)

We got the schematic design.

Figure 5.21: Half adder.

The functionality of the half adder can be implemented using the structural

1 // Structural description : half adder

2 module add_half ( sum , c_out , a , b );
3 output sum , c_out ;

4 input a , b ;

5 wire c_out_bar ;

6 xor u0 ( sum , a , b );

7 nand u1 ( c_out_bar , a , b );
Combinational Circuits 175

8 not u2 ( c_out , c_out_bar );

9 endmodule

The functionality of the half adder can also be implemented using the dataflow

1 // Dataflow description : half adder

2 module add_half ( sum , c_out , a , b );
3 output sum , c_out ;

4 input a , b ;

5 assign { c_out , sum }= a + b ;

6 endmodule

Or, the behavioral description #1

1 // Behavioral description : half adder #1

2 module add_half ( sum , c_out , a , b );
3 output sum , c_out ;

4 input a , b ;

5 reg sum , c_out ;

6 always @ ( a or b ) begin

7 sum = a ^ b ;
8 c_out = a & b ;
9 end

10 endmodule

Another behavioral description #2 is displayed below, which directly implements the

function based on its truth table.

1 // Behavioral description : half adder #2

2 module add_half ( sum , c_out , a , b );
3 output sum , c_out ;

4 input a , b ;

5 reg sum , c_out ;

6 always @ ( a or b ) begin

7 case ({ a , b })
8 2 ’ b00 : begin
9 sum = 0; c_out = 0;
10 end
11 2 ’ b01 : begin
12 sum = 1; c_out = 0;
13 end
14 2 ’ b10 : begin
15 sum = 1; c_out = 0;
176 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

16 end
17 default : begin // 2 ’ b11
18 sum = 0; c_out = 1;
19 end
20 endcase
21 end

22 endmodule


We then use the full adder as another example. The truth table of the full adder is
displayed in Table 5.7.

Table 5.7: Truth table of the full adder.

a b c_in c_out sum
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1

The Boolean equation can be shown to be the following.

sum = (a ⊕ b) ⊕ c_in,
c_out = a · b + (a ⊕ b) · c_in (5.2)

The functionality of the full adder can be implemented using the dataflow descrip-

1 // Dataflow description : full adder

2 module add_full ( sum , c_out , a , b , c_in );
3 output sum , c_out ;

4 input a , b , c_in ;

5 reg sum , c_out ;

7 assign { c_out , sum }= a + b + c_in ;

8 // You can try the behavioral description ,
9 // which realizes the boolean equation .

10 /* always @ ( a or b or c_in ) begin

11 sum =( a ^ b )^ c_in ;
12 c_out =( a & b )|(( a ^ b )& c_in );
Combinational Circuits 177

13 end */
14 endmodule

Or, you can use the module add_half to build up the bottom-up design, as shown in
Figure 5.22.

Figure 5.22: Bottom-up full adder design.

The RTL codes are

1 // Structural description : bottom - up design of full adder

2 module add_full ( sum , c_out , a , b , c_in );
3 output sum , c_out ;

4 input a , b , c_in ;

5 wire w1 , w2 , w3 ;

7 add_half u0 ( w1 , w2 , a , b ); // In - order port mapping

8 add_half u1 ( sum , w3 , c_in , w1 );
9 or u2 ( c_out , w2 , w3 );

10 endmodule

We then design a 4-bit adder, as shown in Figure 5.23.

Figure 5.23: 4-bit adder.

Its RTL codes can be simply written as

178 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Dataflow description : full adder

2 module adder_4_RTL ( sum , c_out , a , b , c_in );
3 output [3 : 0] sum ;

4 output c_out ;

5 input [3 : 0] a , b ;

6 input c_in ;

7 assign { c_out , sum }= a + b + c_in ;

8 endmodule

Comparing the 4-bit adder to the previous (1-bit) full adder designed using the
dataflow description, their RTL codes are almost the same except the bit width dec-
laration. Hence, the RTL codes designed based on the one-bit scalar can be simply
extended to that based on the multi-bit vector. The synthesized circuit is dependent
on the tool you use (might be ripple-carry adder, carry-lookahead, or other adders).
Of course, you can build up the bottom-up design of the 4-bit adder, as shown in
Figure 5.24.

Figure 5.24: Bottom-up 4-bit adder.

This structure is a ripple-carry adder with the following RTL codes.

1 // Structural description : bottom - up design of full adder

2 module add_rca_4 ( sum , c_out , a , b , c_in );
3 output [3 : 0] sum ;

4 output c_out ;

5 input [3 : 0] a , b ;

6 input c_in ;

7 wire [2 : 0] c_out ;

8 add_full u1 ( sum [0] , c_out [0] , a [0] , b [0] , c_in );

9 add_full u2 ( sum [1] , c_out [1] , a [1] , b [1] , c_out [0]);

10 add_full u3 ( sum [2] , c_out [2] , a [2] , b [2] , c_out [1]);

11 add_full u4 ( sum [3] , c_out , a [3] , b [3] , c_out [2]);

12 endmodule
Combinational Circuits 179


Before introducing signed arithmetic operations, we present the 1’s complement
number here. For an n-bit binary number, x = {xn−1 , xn−2 , ..., x0 }, its 1’s comple-
ment number y = {yn−1 , yn−2 , ..., y0 } satisfies

x + y = 2n − 1. (5.3)

For example, the 1’s complement number y of 4-bit binary number x = 00012 is
y = 11102 because 00012 (110 ) + 11102 (1410 ) = 24 − 1 = 15 (11112 = 1510). Alter-
natively, you can obtain the 1’s complement number of x by “inverting every bits of
x”. For example, after inverting every bits of x, you got 11102. The one’s-complement
number system encodes 1’s complement of x as its negative number in a binary num-
ber representation. Therefore, in an one’s-complement number system, the 1’s com-
plement number y = 11102 of x = 00012 is treated as −110 instead of +1410.
There are three popular signed number representations for a 4-bit integer,
{x3 x2 x1 x0 }, as shown in Table 5.8, within which x3 is the sign bit. There are two
zeros for the signed-magnitude and 1’s complement representations.

Table 5.8: Signed number representation.

x3 x2 x1 x0 Signed-magnitude 1’s complement 2’s complement
0111 +7 +7 +7
0110 +6 +6 +6
0101 +5 +5 +5
0100 +4 +4 +4
0011 +3 +3 +3
0010 +2 +2 +2
0001 +1 +1 +1
0000 +0 +0 +0
1000 −0 −7 −8
1001 −1 −6 −7
1010 −2 −5 −6
1011 −3 −4 −5
1100 −4 −3 −4
1101 −5 −2 −3
1110 −6 −1 −2
1111 −7 −0 −1

The properties of different representations are summarized below.

• Signed-magnitude representation: easy to understand but not suitable for

use in computers. You need to process the sign bits and magnitudes sepa-
• 1’s complement representation: converting between negative and positive
numbers by simply complementing each bit.
180 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

• 2’s complement representation: converting between negative and positive

numbers by simply adding 1 to its 1’s complement. An n-bit unsigned num-
ber x can represent values in the range: 0 ≤ x ≤ 2n − 1. An n-bit signed
number x can represent values in the range: −2n−1 ≤ x ≤ 2n−1 − 1.

Addition of positive numbers is the same for three representations, but different
when operands have opposite signs. Under the condition that there is no overflow,
the differences among them are listed below.

• Addition of signed-magnitude: it is necessary to subtract smaller number

from larger one. This means that comparator and subtractor are needed.
• Addition of 1’s complement: a negative number is generated simply. Cor-
rection is needed when there is a carry, as shown in Figure 5.25.
• Addition of 2’s complement: correction is not needed by simply ignoring
the carry, as shown in Figure 5.25.

Figure 5.25: Additions of 1’s complement and 2’s complement.

Combinational Circuits 181 Fundamentals of Addition and Subtraction Using 2’s Complement

Subtraction of 2’s complement is done by finding the 2’s complement of the subtra-
hend and then performing the addition, as shown in Figure 5.26.

Figure 5.26: Subtraction of 2’s complement.

Adding 1 in the least-significant bit position of an adder can be done by setting

the carry-in bit to 1. Hence, no extra hardware is needed for the 2’s complement
conversion of subtraction. Correction is not needed by simply ignoring the carry-out
bit, as shown in Figure 5.27, where Add/Sub control is a control signal indicates
addition (logic 0) or subtraction (logic 1) operation. When Add/Sub control is logic
0, the output of XOR gates is y = {yn−1 , ..., y1 , y0 }, and the carry-in c−1 = 0. When
Add/Sub control is logic 1, the output of XOR gates is the 1’s complement of y, i.e.,
{yn−1 , ..., y1 , y0 }, and the carry-in c−1 = 1. Therefore, when Add/Sub control is logic
0, “x = {xn−1 , ..., x1 , x0 } adds y” is performed; when Add/Sub control is logic 1, “x
adds the 2’s complement of y”, which results in subtracting y from x. In the sequel,
the same adder circuit can be shared for both addition and subtraction with no extra
hardware except the XOR gates.
182 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 5.27: Addition and subtraction of 2’s complement.

If n bits are used to represent signed numbers, then the result must be in the range
−2n−1 to 2n−1 − 1. Otherwise, overflow occurs. Hence, overflow happens when the
result can not be represented because the value is too large or too small. Intuitively,
overflow occurs only when inputs x and y have the same sign. One way to detect
overflow is to check the sign bit of the sum. If the sign bit of the sum does not match
the sign bits of x and y, then there’s overflow. More specifically, its Boolean can be
written as

overflow = xn−1 · yn−1 · sn−1 + xn−1 · yn−1 · sn−1 . (5.4)

The following table illustrates the sum of 2 3-bit signed numbers for detecting the
overflow using (5.4). For simplicity, the subtrahend, y2 y1 y0 = 001 (+1), is fixed. The
results of other subtrahends can be similarly shown and omitted here.

Table 5.9: Examples for the overflow detection of sum of 2 3-bit signed numbers
using Equation (5.4).
x2 x1 x0 y2 y1 y0 c2 s2 s1 s0 Overflow
011 (+3) 001 (+1) 0 100 (−4) 1
010 (+2) 001 (+1) 0 011 (+3) 0
001 (+1) 001 (+1) 0 010 (+2) 0
000 (+0) 001 (+1) 0 001 (+1) 0
100 (−4) 001 (+1) 0 101 (−3) 0
101 (−3) 001 (+1) 0 110 (−2) 0
110 (−2) 001 (+1) 0 111 (−1) 0
111 (−1) 001 (+1) 1 000 (+0) 0

Another way to detect the overflow is displayed in Figure 5.28.

Combinational Circuits 183

Figure 5.28: Another way to detect the overflow of 2’s complement for addition and
subtraction of 3-bit signed integer.

In the examples, when the carry outs of the 3rd and 4th full adders differ, overflow
occurs. That is, Overflow= c3 · c2 + c3 · c2 = c3 ⊕ c2. Generally, for n-bit numbers,
overflow = cn−1 ⊕ cn−2. (5.5)
How to interpret this result? There are two distinctive cases, as displayed below. Let’s
look at the left-most full adder, FAn−1 , as displayed in Figure 5.29. Case 1: 0 carried
in, and 1 carried out. If a 0 is carried in, then the only way that 1 can be carried out
is if xn−1 = 1 and yn−1 = 1. That way, the sum sn−1 is 0, and the carry out is 1. This
is the case when you add two negative numbers, but the result is positive. Case 2: 1
carried in, and 0 carried out. The only way 0 can be carried out if there’s a 1 carried
in is if xn−1 = 0 and yn−1 = 0. In that case, 0 is carried out, and the sum sn−1 is 1.
This is the case when you add two positive numbers and get a negative result.

Figure 5.29: Yet another way to detect the overflow. Addition and Subtraction in 2’s Complement Using Verilog

Attention should be paid to operations when the result has more bits than the
operands or when you are using different bit-width operands, as shown below.
184 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Result has more bits than the operands

2 wire [2 : 0] a , b ;
3 wire [3 : 0] c ;

4 assign c = a + b ;

5 // Different bit - width operands

6 wire [7 : 0] d ;

7 wire [3 : 0] e ;

8 wire [7 : 0] f ;

9 assign f = d + e ;

In the piece of codes, if a and b are unsigned numbers, no problem happens,

because 0s will be padded to the MSB of operands. But if a and b are signed numbers,
padding 0s on the left makes a and b 4-bit vectors, but the result will be incorrect.
However, if padding is performing by the sign extension, we can obtain the correct

Figure 5.30: Potential errors in 2’s complement operation using Verilog.

Consequently, it is necessary to use a sign-extended version of a and b by c={a[2],

a}+{b[2], b}. It’s simple that just sign extend the operands to the bit number of re-
sults you need! For example, a 5-bit unsigned binary number, 01010 (10 in deci-
mal), can be changed to a 8-bit unsigned number, 00001010 (10 in decimal), without
affecting its value. A 5-bit signed binary number, 11010 (−6 in decimal), can be
changed to a 8-bit signed number, 11111010 (−6 in decimal), without affecting its
value. Therefore, to expand the bit width of a number, its sign bit should be extended
without changing its value.
Similar result happens for f = d + e, where operands have different bit widths. It
is necessary to use a sign-extended version of e by f = d+{{4{e[3]}}, e}.
Combinational Circuits 185

If you do not want to perform the sign extension manually, you can try signed dec-
laration in Verilog-2001. It’s very convenient that synthesis tools can now synthesize
and optimize the signed number arithmetics automatically.

1 // Sign extension is done by signed declaration

2 wire signed [2 : 0] a, b;
3 wire signed [3 : 0] c;
4 wire signed [7 : 0] d;
5 wire signed [3 : 0] e;
6 wire signed [7 : 0] f;
7 assign c = a + b ;

8 assign f = d + e ;

You can also use signed system task in Verilog-2001.

1 // Sign extension is done by signed task

2 wire signed [2 : 0] a , b ;
3 wire signed [3 : 0] c ;

4 wire signed [7 : 0] d ;

5 wire signed [3 : 0] e ;

6 wire signed [7 : 0] f ;

7 c = $signed ( a )+ $signed ( b );

8 f = $signed ( d )+ $signed ( e );

Input and output ports can also be declared as “signed” ports as follows.

1 // Signed port declaration

2 input signed [2 : 0] a , b ;
3 output signed [3 : 0] c ;

In addition to sign extension, addition of signed fixed-point numbers also requires

to align the binary points of operands. After that, you can still use signed declaration
without manual sign extension. As shown in following Verilog codes, a s(2.3) fixed-
point number is added to a s(4.2) fixed-point number. The binary point of s(4.2) must
first be aligned to that of s(2.3), i.e., s(4.3) is derived. After that, the adder can be
inferred using the signed declaration.

1 // Addition of signed fixed - point numbers

2 module fixed_add_s i gn ed (y , a , b );
3 output signed [4 : -3] y ; // s (5.3) fixed - point number

4 input signed [1 : -3] a ; // s (2.3) fixed - point number

5 input signed [3 : -2] b ; // s (4.2) fixed - point number
6 wire signed [3 : -3] b_align ; // s (4.3) fixed - point number
186 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

7 // Only need to align the binary point

8 assign b_align ={ b , 1 ’ b0 };
9 // s (5.3) fixed - point number

10 assign y = a + b_align ;

11 endmodule

In conclusion, it is the most convenient to infer a signed number adder and sub-
tractor in hardware using the signed number declaration. Just declare the original
number of bits in operands and the required number of bits in results. Tools will take
care of the sign extension. You do not have to manually sign extend the operands nor
do you need to implement them in gate level. That is, we only describe the behavior
of adder/subtractor in RTL. Details are left to synthesis. However, the binary point
of fixed-point numbers should still be aligned. Multiplication in 2’s Complement Using Verilog

If you do the signed multiplication, you can also manually sign extend the operands.
In the following example, you describe a 10 bits×10 bits unsigned multiplier. Fortu-
nately, unnecessary bits will be optimized and removed by synthesis tools.

1 // Multiplicati on of unsigned numbers

2 wire [4 : 0] a , b ;
3 wire [9 : 0] c ;

4 assign c ={{5{ a [4]}} , a }*{{5{ b [4]}} , b };

You can also try signed declaration in Verilog-2001.

1 // Multiplicati on of signed numbers

2 // Sign extension is done by signed declaration
3 wire signed [4 : 0] a , b ;

4 wire signed [9 : 0] c ;

5 // 5 bits x 5 bits signed multiplier will be synthesized

6 assign c = a * b ;

Or, try the signed system task in Verilog-2001.

1 // Multiplicati on of signed numbers

2 // Sign extension is done by signed task
3 wire [4 : 0] a , b ;

4 wire [9 : 0] c ;

5 // 5 bits x 5 bits signed multiplier will be synthesized

6 assign c = $signed ( a )* $signed ( b );
Combinational Circuits 187

For the multiplication of signed fixed-point numbers, the alignment of binary

points is not needed. Hence, you can use signed declaration without manual sign
extension, as shown below.

1 // Multiplicatio n of signed fixed - point numbers

2 module fixed_mul_s i gn ed (y , a , b );
3 output signed [5 : -5] y ; // s (6.5) fixed - point number

4 input signed [1 : -3] a ; // s (2.3) fixed - point number

5 input signed [3 : -2] b ; // s (4.2) fixed - point number
6 // s (6.5) fixed - point number

7 assign y = a * b ;

8 endmodule

In conclusion, it is the most convenient to infer a signed number multiplier in

hardware using the signed number declaration. That is, we only describe the behavior
of multiplier in RTL. Details (or sign extension) are left to synthesis. Bit Width Design

To prevent overflow in the addition z = x + y, if a 3-bit unsigned number plus a 3-bit
unsigned number, result should have 4 bits because 0 ≤ x ≤ 7 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 7, leading
to 0 ≤ z ≤ 14, which can be completely represented by a 4-bit unsigned number. The
RTL codes are written as follows.

1 // Addition of unsigned numbers

2 // Padding with 0 is done by tool
3 wire [2 : 0] x , y ;

4 wire [3 : 0] z ;

5 assign z = x + y ;

Similarly, if a 3-bit signed number plus a 3-bit signed number, result should have
4 bits. The RTL codes are written as follows because −4 ≤ x ≤ 3 and −4 ≤ y ≤ 3.
This yields −8 ≤ z ≤ 6, which can be represented by a 4-bit signed number.

1 // Addition of signed numbers

2 // Padding using sign extension is done by tool
3 wire signed [2 : 0] x , y ;

4 wire signed [3 : 0] z ;

5 assign z = x + y ;
188 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

If a 3-bit unsigned number multiplies a 3-bit unsigned number, result should have
6 bits. The RTL codes are written as follows. Because 0 ≤ x ≤ 7 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 7, this
yields 0 ≤ z ≤ 49, which can be represented by a 6-bit unsigned number.

1 // Multiplicati on of unsigned numbers

2 // Padding with 0 is done by tool
3 wire [2 : 0] x , y ;

4 wire [5 : 0] z ;

5 assign z = x * y ;

If a 3-bit signed number multiplies a 3-bit signed number, result should have 6
bits. The RTL codes are written as follows. Because −4 ≤ x ≤ 3 and −4 ≤ y ≤ 3,
this yields −12 ≤ z ≤ 16, which can be represented by a 6-bit signed number.

1 // Multiplicati on of signed numbers

2 // Padding using sign extension is done by tool
3 wire signed [2 : 0] x , y ;

4 wire signed [5 : 0] z ;

5 assign z = x * y ;

From above, if a 3-bit signed number multiplies a 3-bit signed number, result x
should have 6 bits. It the results are then accumulated 8 times, the accumulator output
y needs 6 + 3 = 9 bits (rather than 6 + 7 = 13 bits). This can be explained in Figure
5.31. More on Overflow Detection

Two’s complement numbers can be represented using a circle in Figure 5.32. More-
over, addition and subtraction can be derived by clockwise and counterclockwise
rotation, respectively. For example, for a 4-bit signed integer, if you add 1 (00012) to
7 (01112), you get −8 (10002) (overflow happens). Then, if you add −1 (11112) to
the result (−8 or (10002)), you will get 7 (01112) again. Therefore, an advantage of
2’s complement lies in that its overflow is gracefully treated.
Combinational Circuits 189

Figure 5.31: Bit width for the accumulation of 8 multiplication results produced by
3-bit signed number multiplication.

Figure 5.32: Representation of 4-bit signed integer using a circle.

Overflow is usually an error condition. Adders perform modulo arithmetic on an

overflow condition. For example, if a = 1112 and b = 0102 are 3-bit unsigned num-
190 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

bers, a + b gives 0012 (710 + 210 = 110 (mod 810 )). Even 2’ complement arithmetic is
graceful, i.e., final result can be correct if temporary overflow happens provided that
the final result is guaranteed without an overflow. However, if the final result has an
overflow, a large error may exist. From the above example, the result changes from
910 to 110 .
Therefore, it is typically desirable to have a saturation adder, producing a result
between 2n−1 − 1 and −2n−1 for n-bit signed number in this case on an overflow
condition rather than producing a modular result. To eliminate such a large error of
arithmetic operations, the saturation arithmetic, within which all operations such as
addition and multiplication are limited to a fixed range between a minimum and max-
imum value, is usually adopted. The saturation arithmetic necessitates the overflow
Overflow detection using carry outs in (5.5) is simple and requires only an XOR
gate. However, carry outs are not readily available using the behavioral description
of arithmetic operator, i.e., “+” in Verilog. Therefore, rather than detecting the dif-
ference between carry outs in (5.5), we can detect the difference between sum bits
for overflow as follows,

overflow = sn ⊕ sn−1 (5.6)

where sn and sn−1 are sign bits of the sum of the sign-extended addition before and
after dropping out one bit, respectively, and ⊕ is the bitwise XOR. Intuitively, the
detector output an overflow event when sn is different with sn−1 , i.e., the sign bits are
It can be proved that the detectors in (5.5) and (5.6) are equivalent. Due to sign
extension for obtaining the sum s = x + y, where x and y are n-bit sign numbers, and
s is an (n + 1)-bit sign numbers, we have xn = xn−1 and yn = yn−1 . Therefore,

sn = xn ⊕ yn ⊕ cn−1
= xn−1 ⊕ yn−1 ⊕ cn−1 (5.7)


sn−1 = xn−1 ⊕ yn−1 ⊕ cn−2. (5.8)

Substituting (5.7) and (5.8) into (5.6), we have

overflow = (xn−1 ⊕ yn−1 ⊕ cn−1 ) ⊕ (xn−1 ⊕ yn−1 ⊕ cn−2). (5.9)

According to the commutative property of the XOR operator, A ⊕ B = B ⊕ A, and

A ⊕ A = 0, (5.9) can be rewritten as

overflow = (xn−1 ⊕ yn−1) ⊕ (xn−1 ⊕ yn−1)(⊕cn−1 ⊕ cn−2)

= cn−1 ⊕ cn−2. (5.10)

The proof follows.

Combinational Circuits 191

The following table illustrates the sum of 2 3-bit signed numbers for detecting the
overflow using (5.6), which is the same as that using (5.4) in Table 5.9. For simplicity,
the subtrahend, y2 y1 y0 =001 (+1), is fixed. The results of other subtrahends can be
similarly shown and omitted here.

Table 5.10: Examples for the overflow detection of sum of 2 3-bit signed numbers
using Equation (5.6).
x2 x1 x0 y2 y1 y0 s3 s2 s1 s0 Overflow
011 (+3) 001 (+1) 0 100 (−4) 1
010 (+2) 001 (+1) 0 011 (+3) 0
001 (+1) 001 (+1) 0 010 (+2) 0
000 (+0) 001 (+1) 0 001 (+1) 0
100 (−4) 001 (+1) 1 101 (−3) 0
101 (−3) 001 (+1) 1 110 (−2) 0
110 (−2) 001 (+1) 1 111 (−1) 0
111 (−1) 001 (+1) 0 000 (+0) 0

The overflow detection in (5.6) can be generalized for dropping more than one
bits in other arithmetic operators, e.g., multiplication. This becomes a quantization
problem. That is, if the original result s of an arithmetic operation without overflow
has m bits and it is desired to be truncated by p bits, p ≥ 1, so that sm−1 , sm−2 , ..., sm−p
are dropped, and sm−p−1 is the new sign bit of the truncated result, as shown below,

{sm−1 , sm−2 , ..., sm−p , sm−p−1 , ..., s1 , s0 }.

| {z }| {z }
dropped kept

The overflow probably happens and it can be detected by the Boolean equation as

Overflow = sm−1 ⊕ sm−2 + sm−1 ⊕ sm−3 + ... + sm−1 ⊕ sm−p−1 . (5.11)

To get rid of the overflow, the dropped bits must be unnecessary sign bits such that
sm−1 , sm−2 , ..., and sm−p−1 are the same. In other words, if the sign bit sm−1 of the
original result does not agree with those dropped sign bits, sm−2 , ..., sm−p and the
remaining sign bit sm−p−1 , the overflow occurs.
We often need to separately detect the “positive” and “negative” overflows for
the saturation arithmetic. The positive (negative) overflow is such that the original
result s is larger (smaller) than the maximum positive (minimum negative) number
that the quantized result can represent. The detection of positive overflow can thus
be expressed by the Boolean equation as

Positive overflow = sm−1 · sm−2 + sm−1 · sm−3 + · · · + sm−1 · sm−p−1

= sm−1 · (sm−2 + sm−3 + · · · + sm−p−1). (5.12)
192 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

That is, when s is positive (sm−1 = 0), but any bits of sm−2 , sm−3 ,..., or sm−p−1 are
negative (logic 1), positive overflow occurs. The detection of negative overflow can
similarly be expressed by the Boolean equation as

Negative overflow = sm−1 · (sm−2 + sm−3 + · · · + sm−p−1 ). (5.13)

That is, when s is negative (sm−1 = 1), but any bits of sm−2 , sm−3 ,..., or sm−p−1 are
positive (logic 0), negative overflow occurs.
The following table illustrates the overflow detection for truncating a 5-bit sign
number s to a 3-bit sign number z. Those truncated bits are {s4 , s3 , s2 }. The detection
of positive and negative overflow can be written by the Boolean equations as

Positive overflow = s4 · (s3 + s2 ) (5.14)


Negative overflow = s4 · (s3 + s2 ), (5.15)


Table 5.11: Overflow detection for truncating a 5-bit sign number s to a 3-bit sign
number z.
s4 s3 s2 s1 s0 z2 z1 z0 Overflow
01111 (+15) 111 (−1) 1 (positive)
01110 (+14) 110 (−2) 1 (positive)
01101 (+13) 101 (−3) 1 (positive)
01100 (+12) 100 (−4) 1 (positive)
01011 (+11) 011 (+3) 1 (positive)
01010 (+10) 010 (+2) 1 (positive)
01001 (+9) 001 (+1) 1 (positive)
01000 (+8) 000 (+0) 1 (positive)
00111 (+7) 111 (−1) 1 (positive)
00110 (+6) 110 (−2) 1 (positive)
00101 (+5) 101 (−3) 1 (positive)
00100 (+4) 100 (−4) 1 (positive)
00011 (+3) 011 (+3) 0
00010 (+2) 010 (+2) 0
00001 (+1) 001 (+1) 0
00000 (+0) 000 (+0) 0
10000 (−16) 000 (+0) 1 (negative)
10001 (−15) 001 (+1) 1 (negative)
10010 (−14) 010 (+2) 1 (negative)
10011 (−13) 011 (+3) 1 (negative)
10100 (−12) 100 (−4) 1 (negative)
10101 (−11) 101 (−3) 1 (negative)
10110 (−10) 110 (−2) 1 (negative)
Combinational Circuits 193

10111 (−9) 111 (−1) 1 (negative)

11000 (−8) 000 (+0) 1 (negative)
11001 (−7) 001 (+1) 1 (negative)
11010 (−6) 010 (+2) 1 (negative)
11011 (−5) 011 (+3) 1 (negative)
11100 (−4) 100 (−4) 0
11101 (−3) 101 (−3) 0
11110 (−2) 110 (−2) 0
11111 (−1) 111 (−1) 0

The saturation adder of n-bit unsigned numbers is much simpler than that of
signed numbers by investigating the last carry out of the (n − 1)-th full adder, which
is sn and available using the arithmetic operator “+” in Verilog. You can use n-bit
adder and an n-bit multiplexer to generate the final result, sum_q, as shown below.

1 // Overflow detection using sum of unsigned numbers

2 // Drop one bit
3 wire [2 : 0] x , y ;

4 wire [2 : 0] sum_q ; // Quantized sum

5 wire [3 : 0] sum ; // Original sum

6 assign sum = x + y ;

7 // Select the max output when overflow occurs

8 assign sum_q = sum [3]?3 ’ b111 : sum [2 : 0];

Generally, if we want to truncate an m-bit unsigned arithmetic result, s, by p bits,

p ≥ 1, so that sm−1 , sm−2 , ..., sm−p are dropped, and sm−p−1 is the new sign bit of
the truncated result. The overflow probably happens and it can be detected by the
Boolean equation as

Overflow = sm−1 + sm−2 + · · · + sm−p . (5.16)

That is, any truncated bits that have logic 1 lead to the overflow.

1 // Overflow detection using sum of unsigned numbers

2 // Drop three bit
3 wire [7 : 0] x , y ;

4 wire [5 : 0] sum_q ; // Quantized sum

5 wire [8 : 0] sum ; // Original sum

6 assign sum = x + y ;

7 // Select the max output when overflow occurs

8 assign sum_q =| sum [8 : 6]?6 ’ b11_1111 : sum [5 : 0];
194 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 5.33: A multiply-and-accumulate circuit. Bit Width Design of Digital Signal Processing System

The fixed-point number representation and its declaration in Verilog can be summa-
rized in Table 5.13.

Table 5.13: Fixed-point number representation and its declaration.

Representation Verilog Declaration Example
u(p. f ) a[(p − 1) : − f ] u(8.8)→ a[7 : −8]
s(p. f ) a[(p − 1) : − f ] s(8.8)→ a[7 : −8]

The meaning of the declaration a[(p − 1) : − f ] for both unsigned and signed number
is {a p−1, a p−2 , ..., a0 . a−1 , ..., a− f +1 , a− f }, where p and f denote the numbers of in-
| {z } | {z }
p f
teger and fraction bits, respectively, and “.” denotes the binary point. However, a p−1
is the sign bit of a signed number.
If we want to design the bit width of the digital signal processing system in
Figure 5.33, the fixed-point number representation and its declaration are labeled
in the block diagram. Notice that, to save one bit of the product, the product c is
represented by s(1.30). The block Q quantizes the number using the rounding. The
block S clamps or saturates the result on an overflow to minimize the error. The block
R denotes the register.
Addition of fixed-point numbers must align their binary points. Therefore, 15
zeros are padded in the LSBs of g[0 : −15] (in s(1.15) format) to make it become
s(1.30) format. Besides, the manual sign extension is needed if the number of bits of
a sliced operand, which will be treated as an unsigned number, is not enough for an
arithmetic operation. Moreover, the most positive value of f with s(1.15) format is
0111_1111_1111_11112 or 16’h7fff, and the most negative value of f with s(1.15)
format is 1000_0000_0000_00002 or 16’h8000. According to the fixed-point design
in Figure 5.33, the RTL model is described below.

1 // DSP system : multiply - and - accumulate circuit

2 wire signed [0 : -15] a , b , f ;
3 wire signed [0 : -30] c ;

4 wire signed [1 : -30] d ;

Combinational Circuits 195

5 wire signed [2 : -15] e ;

6 reg signed [0 : -15] g ;
7 assign c = a * b ;

8 // Alignment for g to be s (1.30) is needed .

9 assign d = c +{ g ,15 ’ b0 };

10 // Manual sign extension is needed because slice of d

11 // will be treated as unsigned number

12 assign e ={ d [1] , d [1 : -15]}+ d [ -16];

13 // Overflow detection : of_pos is positive overflow

14 assign of_pos =~ e [2]&( e [1]| e [0]);

15 // Overflow detection : of_neg is negative overflow

16 assign of_neg = e [2]&(~ e [1]|~ e [0]);

17 // Saturation operation
18 assign f = of_pos ?16 ’ h7fff :

19 ( of_neg ?16 ’ h8000 : e [0 : -15]);

20 always @ ( posedge clk )

21 g <= f ;


The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a building block for central-processing unit
(CPU). We want to design an ALU with the functions, as shown in Table 5.14.

Table 5.14: Functions of an ALU.

sel Operation Function Implementation
0000 y=a Transfer a Arithmetic Unit
0001 y = a+1 Increment a Arithmetic Unit
0010 y = a+b Addition Arithmetic Unit
0011 y = b+1 Increment b Arithmetic Unit
0100 y = a + b a plus 1’s complement of b Arithmetic Unit
0101 y = a−b Subtraction Arithmetic Unit
0110 y = a−1 Decrement a Arithmetic Unit
0111 y=b Transfer b Arithmetic Unit
1000 y = a&b Logic AND Logic Unit
1001 y = a|b Logic OR Logic Unit
1010 y = a∧ b Logic XOR Logic Unit
1011 y=a Complement a Logic Unit
1100 y=b Complement b Logic Unit
1101 y=a≫1 Shift right a Logic Unit
1110 y=a≪1 Shift left a Logic Unit
1111 y=0 Transfer 0 Logic Unit

The RTL codes can be written as follows.

196 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Module of arithmetic logic unit

2 module alu (y , sel , a , b );
3 output [7 : 0] y ;

4 input [3 : 0] sel ;
5 input [7 : 0] a , b ;
6 reg [7 : 0] y ;
7 always @ ( sel or a or b )

8 case ( sel )
9 4 ’ b0000 : y = a ;
10 4 ’ b0001 : y = a +1;
11 4 ’ b0010 : y = a + b ;
12 4 ’ b0011 : y = b +1;
13 4 ’ b0100 : y = a +~ b ;
14 4 ’ b0101 : y = a +~ b +1;
15 4 ’ b0110 : y =a -1;
16 4 ’ b0111 : y = b ;
17 4 ’ b1000 : y = a & b ;
18 4 ’ b1001 : y = a | b ;
19 4 ’ b1010 : y = a ^ b ;
20 4 ’ b1011 : y =~ a ;
21 4 ’ b1100 : y =~ b ;
22 4 ’ b1101 : y =a > >1;
23 4 ’ b1110 : y =a < <1;
24 4 ’ b1111 : y =0;
25 default : y =8 ’ bX ;
26 endcase
27 endmodule


The carry look-ahead adder (CLA) is a fast adder we often use. Considering the
circuit of the full adder, we define the carry generate, gi , and the carry propagate, pi ,
of the i-th stage as
pi = ai ⊕ bi ,
gi = ai · bi ,
where ai and bi are operands of the adder. Notably, pi and gi are not related to carry
in of the i-th stage, ci−1 . According to the Boolean equation of the full adder,
si = (ai ⊕ bi ) ⊕ ci−1,
ci = ai · bi + (ai ⊕ bi ) · ci−1 ,
the output sum, si , and carry, ci , of the i-th stage can be expressed as
si = pi ⊕ ci−1,
ci = gi + pi · ci−1 . (5.17)
Combinational Circuits 197

As shown, the carry generate gi produces a carry ci of 1 when both ai and bi are
1, and the carry propagate pi determines whether a carry into stage i, i.e., ci−1 , will
propagate into stage (i + 1) by ci .
The carry out ci in Equation 5.17 is an iterative equation. We now write the carry
output ci of each stage, i = 0, 1, ..., and substitute ci−1 from the previous stage until
reaching the input carry c−1 :

c0 = g0 + p0 · c−1 ,
c1 = g1 + p1 · c0 = g1 + p1 · g0 + p1 · p0 · c−1 ,
c2 = g2 + p2 · c1 = g2 + p2 · g1 + p2 · p1 · g0 + p2 · p1 · p0 · c−1 .

The process can continue until all carries have been expressed by gi , pi , and c−1 .
As presented, ci now depends on g j and p j , j = i, i − 1, ..., 0, and c−1 , and is not
related to ci−1 . The carry of CLA needs not to propagate like that of carry-ripple
adder. Therefore, the CLA is faster than the traditional carry-ripple adder. However,
expanding the iterative equation in Equation 5.17 makes the common term, ci−1 ,
cannot be shared for ci and subsequent carry outs. Hence, the circuit area of the CLA
is larger than that of carry-ripple adder.
Similarly, the output sum si can also be expanded and expressed using gi , pi , and
c−1 below.

s0 = p0 ⊕ c−1,
s1 = p1 ⊕ c0 = p1 ⊕ (g0 + p0 · c−1 ),
s2 = p2 ⊕ c1 = p2 ⊕ (g1 + p1 · g0 + p1 · p0 · c−1 ).

The schematic of the CLA is presented in Figure 5.34. The CLA can add in less
time than carry-ripple adder because c3 does not have to wait for c2 and c1 to prop-
agate. Compared to the carry-ripple adder in Figure 5.5 and the full adder in Figure
5.4, the gain in speed of operation is achieved at the expense of additional hardware


Multiplying two complex numbers x = a + b j and y = c + d j gives

z = x × y = (a + b j) × (c + d j) = (ac − bd) + (bc + da) j (5.18)

where j = −1. Producing the real and imaginary parts of the product requires four
multiplications and two additions, as shown in Figure 5.35, where a, b, c, and d
are represented by s(1.15). The block Q quantizes the number using the rounding.
198 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 5.34: Schematic of the CLA.

The block S clamps or saturates the result on an overflow to minimize the error. Note
that it is also possible to build this circuit using three multipliers for obtaining ad, bc,
and (a − b)(c+ d), but we focus on the intuitive implementation with four multipliers
Our complex multiplier uses an signed s(1.15) fixed-point format, which is
common in many signal processing tasks. To avoid incurring an overflow error
or losing precision until after the final summation, we keep intermediate values
at full bit width. For a signed s(p. f ) fixed-point number a, its dynamic range is
−2 p−1 ≤ a ≤ 2 p−1 − r, where r = 2− f . For example, the dynamic range of a signed
s(1.15) fixed-point number is −1 ≤ a ≤ 1 − 2−15 . Multiplying two s(1.15) numbers,
a and b, gives a dynamic range of −(1 − 2−15) ≤ ab ≤ 1, which requires a signed
s(2.30) fixed-point number c with dynamic range of −2 ≤ c ≤ 2 − 2−30 . However,
if the maximum value 1 of ab, which is obtained by a = −1 and b = −1, can be
ignored, a signed s(1.30) fixed-point number d suffices and it has a dynamic range of
−1 ≤ d ≤ 1−2−30 . Doing so can save one bit in the product of two signed fixed-point
Then, adding two of these products with signed s(1.30) format gives an s(2.30)
result. We then quantize the s(2.30) result, i.e., the real part s_rnd_r and the imagi-
nary part s_rnd_i, using the rounding to s(3.15). The final stage, i.e., limiter, checks
overflow to saturate the s(3.15) result back to an s(1.15) number.
A positive overflow of s_rnd_r has occurred when the sign bit of s_rnd_r[17] is
0 (positive), but it does not agree with that of s_rnd_r[16] (negative) or s_rnd_r[15]
(negative). For example, if a 4-bit signed number, a, in Table 5.8 is to be truncated to
Combinational Circuits

Figure 5.35: Complex multiplier, where x_r, x_i, y_r, y_i, z_r, and z_i are real part (a) of x, imaginary part (b) of x, real part (c) of y,
imaginary part (d) of y, real part of z, and imaginary part of z, respectively.
200 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

a 3-bit signed number, the 4-bit numbers 4’b0100, 4’b0101, 4’b0110, and 4’b0111
are larger than the maximum positive value, 3’b011, that a 3-bit signed number can
represent. In these cases, a positive overflow occurs, which can be detected using
a[3] and a[2] by a[3] · a[2]. Generally, if an m-bit signed number a is desired to be
truncated by p bits, p ≥ 1, the positive overflow can be detected by

a[m − 1] · (a[m − 2] + a[m − 3] + · · ·+ a[m − p − 1]). (5.19)

The negative overflow of a can be similarly detected by

a[m − 1] · (a[m − 2]+ a[m − 3]+ · · · + a[m − p − 1]). (5.20)

The overflow detection of s_rnd_i can be similarly performed. Our complex mul-
tiplier uses the saturation arithmetic to clamp the result on an overflow to minimize
the error.

1 // Module of complex multiplier

2 module complex_mul ( z_r , z_i , x_r , x_i , y_r , y_i );
3 output signed [0 : -15] z_r , z_i ; // s (1.15)
4 input signed [0 : -15] x_r , x_i , y_r , y_i ; // s (1.15)
5 wire signed [0 : -30] p_r1 , p_r2 , p_i1 , p_i2 ; // s (1.30)

6 wire signed [1 : -30] s_r , s_i ; // s (2.30)

7 wire signed [2 : -15] s_rnd_r , s_rnd_i ; // s (3.15)
8 wire of_pos_r , of_neg_r , of_pos_i , of_neg_i ;

9 assign p_r1 = x_r * y_r ;

10 assign p_r2 = x_i * y_i ;

11 assign p_i1 = x_i * y_r ;

12 assign p_i2 = x_r * y_i ;

13 assign s_r = p_r1 - p_r2 ;

14 assign s_i = p_i1 + p_i2 ;

15 // Quantization : Manual sign extension because s_r [1: -15]

16 // will be treated as an unsigned number .
17 assign s_rnd_r ={ s_r [1] , s_r [1 : -15]}+ s_r [ -16];

18 assign s_rnd_i ={ s_i [1] , s_i [1 : -15]}+ s_i [ -16];

19 // Check overflow

20 assign of_pos_r =~ s_rnd_r [2]&( s_rnd_r [1]| s_rnd_r [0]);

21 assign of_neg_r = s_rnd_r [2]&(~ s_rnd_r [1]|~ s_rnd_r [0]);

22 assign of_pos_i =~ s_rnd_i [2]&( s_rnd_i [1]| s_rnd_i [0]);

23 assign of_neg_i = s_rnd_i [2]&(~ s_rnd_i [1]|~ s_rnd_i [0]);

24 // Output of Limiter

25 assign z_r = of_pos_r ? 16 ’ h7fff : (

26 of_neg_r ? 16 ’ h8000 : s_rnd_r [0 : -15);

27 assign z_i = of_pos_i ? 16 ’ h7fff : (

28 of_neg_i ? 16 ’ h8000 : s_rnd_i [0 : -15]);

29 endmodule
Combinational Circuits 201


Regarding assignment of signed and unsigned numbers, constant decimal numbers
(e.g., –12) are treated as signed numbers. But constant based numbers (with or with-
out size) (e.g., –12) are treated as unsigned numbers. For example,

1 // Example : based numbers are treated as unsigned numbers

2 reg [7 : 0] a ;
3 integer int32 ;

4 initial begin

5 a = -4 ’ d6 ;
6 int32 = -4 ’ d6 ;
7 end

In the first assignment, 4-bit unsigned number (10102) is assigned to a 8-bit unsigned
number, −4’d6 is zero extended as 0000_10102, which is a potential problem. In the
second assignment, 4-bit unsigned number (10102) is assigned to a 32-bit signed
number, −4’d6 is sign extended as 1111_..._1111_10102, which is fine for signed-
magnitude representation, but is still not good for 2’s complement representation.
This is quite confusing. Hence, do not use base when you refer to a negative number.
In another example,

1 // Example #1: RHS is sign extended or truncated and

2 // then assigned to LHS
3 reg [3 : 0] a , b ;

4 reg [15 : 0] c ;

5 initial begin

6 a = -1;
7 b =8;
8 c =8;
9 #10 b = b + a ;
10 #10 c = c + a ;
11 end

Firstly, assign −110 to a 4-bit unsigned reg, a, which gives a 4-bit 2’s comple-
ment of −110 , which is 11112. So, a is 11112. Secondly, assign 8 to a 4-bit un-
signed reg, b. So, b is 10002. Thirdly, assign 8 to a 16-bit unsigned reg, c. So,
c is 0000_0000_0000_10002. Fourthly, 4-bit unsigned a and 4-bit unsigned b are
added, the result is assigned to 4-bit unsigned b. The addition result is 1_01112,
which is truncated to 01112 and then assigned to b. Finally, 16-bit unsigned c
and 4-bit unsigned a are added, the result is assigned to 16-bit unsigned c. The
4-bit unsigned a is padded to 0000_0000_0000_11112. So, the addition result is
0000_0000_0001_01112, which is then assigned to c.
In another example,
202 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Example #2: RHS is sign extended or truncated and

2 // then assigned to LHS
3 reg [3 : 0] a ;

4 integer b ; // 32 - bit signed number

5 initial begin

6 b =32 ’ hffff_fff0 ;
7 #10 a = b +1;
8 end

Firstly, b is a 32-bit signed number. So, b is assigned ffff_fff016, which is −1610 in

2’s complement. Then, −1610 + 1 results in −1510, or ffff_fff116. So, the addition
result is truncated to 00012 and assigned to a.
In summary, there are several steps to evaluate an expression.
Step 1: determine the sign of RHS.

• If all RHS operands are signed, the result is signed, regardless of operator.
• If any RHS operand is unsigned, the result is unsigned.
• If RHS operands are constant decimal numbers (e.g., –12), they are treated
as signed numbers. But constant based numbers (e.g., –12) are unsigned.

Step 2: evaluate the RHS expression, producing a result of the type (i.e., sign)
found in Step 1. The result has a size of the largest RHS operand.
Step 3: assign RHS to LHS according to the size of the LHS.

• If the bit width of RHS is smaller than LHS and the result of RHS is signed,
signed number is sign extended.
• If the bit width of RHS is smaller than LHS and the result of RHS is un-
signed, unsigned number is zero extended.
• If the bit width of RHS is larger than LHS, RHS is truncated.


• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and
computer architecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby, The Verilog hardware description
language, 5th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• Joseph Cavanagh, Computer arithmetic and Verilog HDL fundamentals,
CRC Press, 2010.
• M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, Digital design, 4th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2006.
• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
Combinational Circuits 203

• Peter J. Ashenden, Digital design: an embedded systems approach using

Verilog, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
• Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis, 2nd
Ed., Pearson, 2011.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• Stine, James E., Digital computer arithmetic datapath design using Verilog
HDL, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
• Vaibbhav Taraate, Digital logic design using Verilog: coding and RTL syn-
thesis, Springer, 2016.
• William J. Dally and R. Curtis Harting, Digital design: a systems approach,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
• Zainalabedin Navabi, Verilog digital system design: RT level synthesis, test-
bench, and verification, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
204 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1. Design the combinational shifter with the function table in Table 5.15.

Table 5.15: Combinational shifter.

Sel Operation Function
0 Y =A No shift
1 Y =A≪1 Shift left
2 Y =A≫1 Shift right
3 Y =0 Zero output
2. Detect the overflow for the 3-bit result of unsigned addition and subtraction of
3-bit operands.
3. Plot the architecture of the barrel shifter realized by the RTL code, A[7 : 0] ≫
B[2 : 0].
4. Plot the architecture of the RTL codes.

1 wire [4 : 0] a , b ;
2 reg [4 : 0] c ;
3 integer i ;

4 always @ (*)

5 for ( i =0; i <5; i = i +1)

6 c [ i ]= a [ i ]| b [4 - i ];

5. Plot the architecture of the RTL codes.

1 wire a , b , c ;
2 reg d , e ;
3 always @ (*) begin

4 d =( a & b )&( a | c );
5 e=c^d;
6 end

6. Detect the overflow for the 3-bit result of signed addition and subtraction of 3-bit
7. Prove that the sign extension does not affect the original value of both signed
and unsigned integer numbers.
8. We are familiar with addition using signed-magnitude representation. However,
it is most convenient to implement addition using 2’s complement representa-
tion. If we want to design a circuit for calculating

Y = A + B −C (5.21)

where A, B, and C are 3-bit signed-magnitude numbers. A kind of feasible im-

plementation can use the block diagram in Figure 5.36.
Combinational Circuits 205

>@ < <

>@ < $

Figure 5.36: Signed-magnitude operation.

a. The first block converts one signed-magnitude number to one 2’s complement
number. To design the first block, i.e., signed-magnitude to 2’s complement
conversion, write down the one-to-one relation between signed-magnitude
and 2’s complement representations. Based on the relation, write down your
RTL code based on a lookup table. Since the conversion should be instanti-
ated 3 times, please design the first block using a module.
b. A possible implementation of the second block is shown in Figure 5.37. To
prevent overflow, what’s the bit width of Y ? Write down your RTL code in a
module. You are not allowed to use the “signed” declaration. Remember to
do sign extension before the addition.

Figure 5.37: Three-number 2’s complement addition.

c. The third block is the “reverse process” of the first block. Based on the re-
lation of signed-magnitude and 2’s complement representations, write down
your RTL code in a module.
d. Write down your RTL code of the top module by instantiating above 3 mod-
e. Can you reduce the area of the design by combining the conversion of C[2 : 0]
in the first block and negating C[2 : 0] in the second block?
f. Rewrite (a) using a function.
g. Can you design a smaller signed-magnitude to 2’s complement conversion
circuit using an adder instead of lookup table in item a. of this problem?
What’s the advantage of your new design?
9. a. Using the Boolean algebra to prove that

cn−1 · cn−2 = xn−1 · yn−1 · sn−1 (5.22)

where cn−1 and cn−2 are carry outs in (5.4).

206 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

b. Similarly, using the Boolean algebra to prove that

cn−1 · cn−2 = xn−1 · yn−1 · sn−1 . (5.23)

c. From above, prove that the overflow detectors in (5.4) and (5.5) are equiva-
10. Design a 6-bit signed-magnitude comparator.
11. Plot the architecture of the ALU in Table 5.14.
12. Prove that the multiplication of two n-bit numbers gives a product of width less
than or equal to 2n bits.
13. Prove that the additon of one n-bit number and one m-bit number gives a sum of
width less than or equal to n + m bits.
14. Write an RTL behavioral description for adding two 8-bit signed numbers in
signed-magnitude representation and verify it.
15. Please redesign the module complex_mul such that the maximum value 1 of the
product of two s(1.15) numbers cannot be ignored.
16. An approximation for finding the square root of a number about 1 can be found
by computing its Taylor series as

√ (x − 1)2 (x − 1)3
x ≈ x+ + . (5.24)
2 6
Design a Verilog module that computes the approximate square root of x using
the u(1.8) format. The output is also assumed to be an u(1.8) number. Your
design must not suffer any intermediate precision loss. What is the worst case
error for all x between 0.5 and 1.5?
17. Plot the architectures of the following two RTL codes using 2-to-1 multiplexers.
Subsequently, analyze the critical paths of them.
RTL codes 1:

1 always @ (*)
2 if ( sel ==2 ’ b00 ) out = a ;
3 else if ( sel ==2 ’ b01 ) out = b ;
4 else if ( sel ==2 ’ b10 ) out = c ;
5 else out = d ;

RTL codes 2:

1 always @ (*)
2 case ( sel )
3 2 ’ b00 : out = a ;
4 2 ’ b01 : out = b ;
5 2 ’ b10 : out = c ;
6 default : out = d ;
7 endcase
Combinational Circuits 207

18. An approximation for finding the reciprocal of a number between 0.3 and 0.8 is
given by
≈ 1 + (1 − x) + (1 − x)2 + (1 − x)3. (5.25)

a. Plot the error of this approximation for 0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.8.

b. Plot the architecture of the approximation circuit.
c. Design the Verilog module for x using the u(0.4) format. Your design must
not suffer any intermediate precision loss.
19. Design a circuit implementing a 8-bit signed magnitude comparator.
20. Design a serial adder of s(1.4) signed numbers.
21. Design a serial multiplier of s(1.4) signed numbers.
22. Design a serial divider of s(1.4) signed numbers.
23. Please design a circuit used to decode whether the sums of all elements in every
rows and columns of a 4 × 4 matrix, as presented below, can be divided exactly
by 2, where ai j ∈ {0, 1}, i, j = 0, 1, 2, 3.
 
a00 a01 a02 a03
 a10 a11 a12 a13 

 a20 a21 a22 a23 
 (5.26)
a30 a31 a32 a33

The interface of the decoder is displayed below. When all sums of elements in
every rows and columns are divisible by 2, the output r[1 : 0]=2’b00; when there
is only one single element causing one row and one column not to be divisible
by 2, the output r[1 : 0]=2’b01; otherwise, the output r[1 : 0]=2’b10. Besides,
when r[1 : 0]=2’b01, output the row and column indices, i.e., row[1 : 0] and
col[1 : 0], respectively, of the element causing the sums not to be divisible by 2;
when r[1 : 0]6=2’b01, row[1 : 0] and col[1 : 0] are “don’t care”.

Figure 5.38: Interface of the decoder.

a. Design a module, called add4, that can sum four elements in a row or column.
b. Write the RTL codes that can decide if the output of an add4 is divisible
exactly by 2.
208 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

c. Instantiate add4 8 times. Based on the decision results of every rows and
columns, output r[1 : 0], row[1 : 0], and col[1 : 0].
24. For the half adder circuit in Figure 5.21, complete the timing diagrams with
respect to the following timing models.

Figure 5.39: Waveform of the half adder.

a. Gate delays of XOR, NAND, and NOT gates are 2.5, 1.5, 0.5 time units,
b. In the typical-case operating condition, rising time delays of XOR, NAND,
and NOT gates are 2.5, 1.5, 0.5 time units, respectively. Falling time delays
of XOR, NAND, and NOT gates are 2.2, 1.2, 0.4 time units, respectively.
c. In the worst-case operating condition, all delays are 1.6 times those in the
typical-case operating condition.
25. Redesign the fixed-point addition in Section 4.2.2 using the signed declaration.
26. Redesign the fixed-point multiplication in Section 4.2.2 using the signed decla-
6 Sequential Circuits
Versatile and highly complicated functions have been achieved through sequential
circuits. This chapter introduces two sequential circuits, such as asynchronous latch
and synchronous flip-flop. The rationales for timing constraints, including the re-
quirements of setup time, hold time, and clock-to-Q delay, of flip-flops are illustrated
in details. We then give examples of behavioral and structural descriptions of sequen-
tial circuits. Basic but essential building blocks of sequential circuits, such as regis-
ters, shift registers, register files, state machines, (synchronous and asynchronous)
counters, and FIFO buffer (or queue), are presented, together with their RTL codes.
Finally, the way to solve the race condition in Verilog codes is briefly described.


Combinatorial circuits are important because they can implement the main functions
in digital systems. However, almost all digital systems are sequential. In other words,
they more or less contain storage units, allowing output to be determined by both
current and previous inputs. For example, we often need to know the current state of
the system to determine the state of the system in the future.
There are two kinds of sequential circuits: asynchronous (latch) and synchronous
(flip-flop). Latch may change their output states whenever a change in inputs occurs.
By contrast, flip-flops can change their states only at fixed points of time (specified by
the clock signal). Modern digital circuits are synchronous circuits using synchronous
flip-flops, which are easy to design and tool-assisted. Latches should be used only
when smaller area (about half of a flip-flop) and less power than flip-flops are re-
quired. However, flip-flop based design is preferred to latch based design because
flip-flop based design has a fair area and timing, and easier static timing analysis and
design for test (scan test).
Synchronous storage components store data and perform some simple operations.
They can be applied to registers, counters, register files, memories, queues, and
stacks. Synchronous sequential circuit operates on the edges of a clock, which is
periodic signal, as shown in Figure 6.1.


Figure 6.1: Periodic clock waveform.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-6 209

210 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Clock period (usually measured in micro or nanoseconds) is the time between

successive transitions in the same direction (positive or negative edge). Clock fre-
quency (measured in MHz or GHz) is the reciprocal of clock period. Clock width
is the time interval during which clock is equal to logic 1. Duty cycle is the ratio of
the clock width to clock period. The 50% duty cycle is good for a clock waveform.
Though a clock waveform with a non-50% duty cycle is applicable for a digital cir-
cuit provided that the clock width conforms to the device specification, attention
should be paid when the design is complicated that there exists signals across clock
domains or with a mixture of positive and negative edges. Clock signal is active high
if the changes occur at the rising edge (for flip-flops) or during the clock width (for
latches). Otherwise, it is active low.

6.1.1 LATCH
Recall that the output of a combinational circuit depends only on its current inputs.
Also, combinational circuits are acyclic. If we add a feedback path to a combina-
tional circuit, the circuit might become sequential, which allows the circuit to store
information of its past inputs. That is, the output of a sequential circuit can depend
not only on its current inputs, but also rely on its previous inputs. The information
stored on the feedback signals are referred to as the state of a sequential circuit.
Latches are level-sensitive sequential circuits since they respond to input changes
during clock width, as shown in Figure 6.2. Consequently, a latch may change many
times during a clock width. Latches are difficult to work with for this reason.

Figure 6.2: Latches respond to clock width.

All latches are constructed from the SR (set-reset) latch consisting of NOR gates
introduced here, as shown in Figure 6.3, where (·) denotes the bitwise NOT opera-
tion. Set state of the latch output is logic 1, and reset state of the latch output is logic
0. A latch can maintain a binary state indefinitely until directed by an input signal to
switch states.
The truth table of a latch is presented in Table 6.1. Notice that the input, S = 1 and
R = 1, is forbidden because if the next input, S = 0 and R = 0, is applied, the output
Q(t + 1) may oscillate between 0 and 1 states.
Sequential Circuits 211

Figure 6.3: SR latch: (a) symbol and (b) schematic.

Table 6.1: Truth table of latch.

S R Q(t + 1) Q(t + 1)
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 Q(t) Q(t)
1 1 Unpredictable Unpredictable

It can be shown that, according to Figure 6.3(b), the output

Q(t + 1) = R · (S + Q(t)), (6.1)

and its complement

Q(t + 1) = S · (R + Q(t)), (6.2)

are fed back to the inputs as state variables, where · and + denote the bitwise AND
and OR operations, respectively. The equation clearly tells us how to derive the new
state of Q(t + 1) as a function of the input and its old state Q(t). From the equations,
it is easy to see that if R = 1 and S = 0, the Q(t + 1) is reset and Q(t + 1) is set which
is a stable state; if S = 1 and R = 0, Q(t + 1) is set and Q(t + 1) is reset which is also
a stable state; if S = 0 and R = 0, the Q(t + 1) = Q(t) and Q(t + 1) = Q(t) which
stay in whatever states they were in. This is still a stable state; if R = 1 and S = 1,
Q(t + 1) = 0 and Q(t + 1) = 0, which is an unstable state. If then R = 0 and S = 0,
Q(t + 1) and Q(t + 1) may oscillate between 0 and 1.
Figure 6.4 presents the SR latch with enable control. To this, first, the NOR-gate
SR latch is converted to the NAND-gate implementation. Second, u1 and u4 are
merged. So are u2 and u3. Third, an enable signal, E, is added. When E = 1, the SR
latch works as it was. When E = 0, the SR latch stays in whatever states they were
212 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.4: SR latch with enable control implemented by NAND gates.

Its functional table is displayed in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2: Functional table of SR latch with enable control.

E S R Q(t + 1)
0 X X Q(t)
1 0 0 Q(t)
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 Unpredictable

However, the indeterminate state still makes the SR latch difficult to use. To elim-
inate the undesirable condition of the indeterminate state in the SR latch, the D latch
(transparent latch) in Figure 6.5(a) is designed, where S and R pins of SR latch are
connected so that S is directly tied to D pin and R pin is tied to the inverse of D pin,
as shown in Figure 6.5(b).
Its functional table is displayed in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3: Functional table of D latch.

E D Q(t + 1)
0 X Q(t)
1 0 0
1 1 1
Sequential Circuits 213

Figure 6.5: D latch: (a) circuit symbol and (b) schematic.

Its function is simple. When E = 1, output Q is D; otherwise, no change is allowed to

Q. Therefore, the state Q of D latch can continuously change during the interval that
E is true, so D latch is level triggered (or level-sensitive). D latch is also called trans-
parent latch that, during E = 1, the latch behaves like that it is transparent because
output Q is always D.
The level-triggered latch has the instability problem, as shown in Figure 6.6. Since
the time interval of logic 1 for the enable pin remains for a duration, the feedback
path may cause instability problem. That is, multiple transitions might happen during
logic 1 level of the enable pin. Rather, for the edge-triggered flip-flops, the state
transition happens only at the edge of clock pin. So, they eliminate the multiple-
transition problem.


Figure 6.6: Problem of D latch.

The D-latches introduced before use static CMOS gates. CMOS technology,
however, also permits us to construct a D-latch, as shown in Figure 6.7(b), with a
transmission gate, a tristate inverter, and inverters. The tristate inverter is equivalent
to an inverter followed by a transmission gate in Figure 6.7(a), where, when E = 1,
the output Y = A by turning on both NMOS and PMOS in the transmission gate;
when E = 0, the output Y is in tristate by turning off NMOS and PMOS, such that Y
is isolated from A. Most CMOS latches use transmission gates in this style because
this results in a latch that is both smaller and faster than the static CMOS gates.
Compared to the static CMOS D-latch gate in Figure 6.5(b) with 18 transistors, the
D-latch using the transmission gate requires only 12 transistors.
214 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.7: (a) Tristate inverter. (b) CMOS D-latch using transmission gate and tris-
tate inverter.

When enable E is high (and E is low), the transmission gate formed by NMOS m1
and PMOS m2 is on, allowing the value on input D to pass to storage node S. Output
Q follows storage node S buffered by inverter u2 and u4. Thus, when E is high, the
output Q follows input D. When enable E goes low, the transmission gate formed by
m1 and m2 turns off isolating storage node S from the input. At this time, the input
is sampled onto the storage node. Concurrently, tristate inverter u3 turns on, closing
a storage loop from S back to itself through two inverters, u2 and u3. This feedback
loop reenforces the stored value, allowing it to be retained indefinitely.

Flip-flops respond to input changes only during the change in clock signal (the rising
edge or the falling edge). They are easy to work with though more expensive than
latches. The state of edge-triggered flip-flop changes during a clock-pulse transition.
A D-type positive-edge-triggered flip-flop is shown in Figure 6.8. It has three SR
We will utilize the truth table of the last SR latch, as shown in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4: Truth table of the last SR latch.

S R Q(t + 1)
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 Q(t)
0 0 Unpredictable
The functionality of D-type flip-flop is described in Figure 6.9. In addition to sig-
nal waveform, its corresponding signal values with an emphasis on their transitions
are labeled in the schematic for your easy convenience. Notably, the unpredictable
condition of S = R = 0 does not happen.
In summary, the waveform tells us that
• when clk=0, (S,R) = (1,1), so there is no state change according to the truth
table of the last SR latch.
Sequential Circuits 215

• when clk=↑ (rising edge), the state changes once.

• when clk=1, the state holds its old value.

Hence, edge-triggered flip-flops eliminate the feedback problems in sequential

circuits by allowing all flip-flops to make their transition at the same time or
positive edge of clock, which leads to the synchronous design. Consequently, all
flip-flops must make their transitions concurrently. This is an important property of
synchronous digital design.
In Figure 6.10(a), a combinational loop is introduced. By contrast, the flip-flop
with feedback does not induce the loop problem, as shown in Figure 6.10(b). In the
circuit with flip-flop, there are two paths that may affect the D input of D flip-flop.
To guarantee a normal function, the D input just has to be ready before the rising
edge of clock in every clock cycles. Remember that a = a + c in C codes may be
translated into Assembly language like this, r0 = r0 + r1, where r0 and r1 registers
store the variables of a and c, respectively. They indeed operate on registers like that
in Figure 6.10(b).
Continuous assignment using a conditional operator with feedback will synthe-
size into a latch, as shown in the following example. When CS_b is 0 and WE_b
is 1, data_out=data_out is executed. Synthesis tools infer the behavioral of a latch,
because data_out holds its content in this case and timing loop must be broken.

Figure 6.8: D-type positive-edge-triggered flip-flop.

216 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.9: Functionality of D-type positive-edge-triggered flip-flop.

Sequential Circuits 217

Figure 6.10: (a) Combinational loop. (b) Feedback of flip-flop output is not a prob-

1 // Combinational loop produced by continuous assignment

2 assign data_out =( CS_b ==0)?
3 (( WE_b ==0)? data_in : data_out ) :
4 1 ’ bz ;

In a short summary, combinational loop should be avoided in any cases. Moreover,

flip-flops do not introduce any combinational loops.


Considering physical gate delays, an positive edge-triggered flip-flop has setup and
hold times requirement. The setup time is defined as that D input must be maintained
at a constant value prior to the application of the positive-edge clock pulse. As shown
in Figure 6.11, to ensure a successful 0 to 1 transition in Q output at a rising edge
of clk (the 3rd transition), the input D must transits from 0 to 1 (the 2nd transition)
before the rising edge. Therefore, the signal marked by the dashed arrow must be
stable (caused by 0 to 1 transition of D) before the rising edge of clk. Hence, the
rising setup time for 0 to 1 transition in Q is the propagation delay through gates
u4 and u1. Additionally, the clock-to-Q delay, tCQ , is the delay for the Q output to
reflect the D input after the rising edge of clk. The path marked by the solid arrow
represents the rising clock-to-Q delays. Therefore, the rising clock-to-Q delay is the
propagation delay through gates u2 and u5.
Similarly, the falling setup time for 1 to 0 transition in Q is the propagation delay
through gate u4 (marked by the dashed arrow), and the falling clock-to-Q delay is
the propagation delay through gates u3, u6, and u5 (marked by the solid arrow).
218 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.11: Rising setup and clock-to-Q delay times requirement. Signal values with
an emphasis on their transitions for 0 to 1 transition in Q are labeled in the schematic.

Figure 6.12: Falling setup and clock-to-Q delay times requirement. Signal values
with an emphasis on their transitions for 1 to 0 transition in Q are labeled in the
Sequential Circuits 219

Moreover, the hold time is defined as that D input must not change after the appli-
cation of the positive-edge clock pulse (the 2nd transition). As shown in Figure 6.13,
the signal marked by the dashed arrow must be stable before the change of D (the 3rd
transition). Therefore, it is the propagation delay of gate u3, i.e., clock to the internal

Figure 6.13: Hold time requirement. Signal values with an emphasis on their transi-
tions are labeled in the schematic.
The clock-to-Q delay, tCQ , is defined as the delay that it takes for the register output
to be in a stable state after a clock edge occurs. We can use the intra assignment delay
to model clock-to-Q delay, as shown below, where a clock-to-Q delay of 1 time unit
is added. The delay will be removed during synthesis. It can be used to distinguish the
events of clock rising edges and those for the evaluation of the outputs of sequential
circuits. In this example, at rising edges of clk, D input (or A + B) of flip-flops is
evaluated. Then, the result is delayed and finally assigned to Q after 1 time unit.

1 // Modeling clock - to - Q delay

2 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset_n )
3 if (! reset_n ) Q <=#1 0;
4 else Q <=#1 A + B ;

Only the (minimum : typical : maximum) delays of a single delay can be specified
in procedural assignments. Therefore, the rising, falling, and turn-off delays must be
the same. To distinguish the rising and falling delays, the continuous assignment is
used as follows. In the following example, Q models the real output of the flip-flops.
The (minimum : typical : maximum) delays of rising, falling, and turn-off delays are
(1 : 2 : 3), (2 : 3 : 4), and (3 : 4 : 5), respectively.
220 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


Figure 6.14: Master-slave edge-triggered flip-flop.

1 // Modeling rising , falling , and turn - off clock - to - Q

2 // delays
3 // The ( minimum : typical : maximum ) delays of them are also

4 // differentiat ed .

5 assign #(1 : 2 : 3 , 2 : 3 : 4 , 3 : 4 : 5) Q = tmpQ ;

6 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset_n )

7 if (! reset_n ) tmpQ <=0;

8 else tmpQ <= A + B ;

The setup time (2 time units) and hold time (1 time unit) constraints of a flip-flop
are checked by the specify block.

1 // Specify block for setup and hold time check of FF

2 specify
3 $setup ( D , posedge clk , 2);
4 $hold ( posedge clk , D , 1);
5 endspecify


Another popular edge-triggered flip-flop with two D-latches uses the master-slave
structure in Figure 6.14. When clk is low, the master latch is enabled, but the input d
cannot directly influence output q because the slave latch is disabled. Therefore, the
slave latch blocks the input so that the problem of the transparency of D-latches is
At the clock rising edge, the master latch changes from being enabled to disabled,
while the slave latch changes from being disabled to enabled and becomes transpar-
ent. Therefore, the input d is captured by the master latch as p, which then drives the
output q.
The timing diagram of the master-slave edge-triggered flip-flop is displayed in
Figure 6.15. As presented, the master-slave flip-flop is actually edge-triggered.
Sequential Circuits 221

Figure 6.15: Timing diagram of the master-slave edge-triggered flip-flop.


The difference between latch and flip-flop is displayed in Figures 6.16(a) and 6.16(b),
respectively. As presented, the latch output changes multiple times whenever its en-
able signal (connected with clk) is high. Instead, the flip-flop toggles once only at
the positive or negative edge of clk.



Figure 6.16: (a) Level-triggered latch and (b) edge-triggered flip-flop.


Always statement can infer both sequential and combinational logic circuits. For
example, the positive edge-triggered D flip-flops (D-FFs) are inferred by the posedge
in the sensitivity list.
222 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Positive edge - triggered flip - flops inference

2 always @ ( posedge clk )
3 q <= d ;

It infers the D-FF shown in Figure 6.17.

Figure 6.17: D-FF inferred by the always statement.

At every positive edge of clk, q is set as d. Therefore, when the input d changes,
the registered output q reflects (and memorizes) the result of d at the next rising
edge of clk. If we change the posedge to negedge, we get the negative edge-triggered
D-FF. We use the non-blocking assignment to describe the behavior of sequential
circuits. For example, if there are three FFs to be inferred, they can be written in an
always block as follows. The variables, a, b, and c, are outputs of hardware registers
implemented by D-FFs. They are executed concurrently and, hence, order indepen-

1 // Flip - flops inference using non - blocking assignment

2 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin
3 a <= d + e ;
4 b <= f + g ;
5 c <= h + i ;
6 end

The always block can also infer level sensitive latch using the sensitive list similar
to that of a combinational circuit. For example, the output is not fully specified, latch
is inferred.

1 // Latches inference using incomplete if - else pair

2 always @ ( clk or d )
3 if ( clk ) q <= d ;

The positive edge-triggered D-FF with asynchronous active-low reset, reset_n, is

written as follows.
Sequential Circuits 223

1 // Flip - flops inference with asynchronous

2 // active - low reset
3 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset_n )

4 if (! reset_n ) q <=0;
5 else q <= d ;

There are two functions mixed in the always block: reset and normal functions. The
reset is asynchronous because it is put in the sensitivity list. That is, whenever the
negative edge (negedge) of reset_n happens, the output q of FF is cleared (assigned
logic 0) because the reset_n= 0 and has the highest priority than normal function
(assigned d). Hence, the FF responds to asynchronous reset immediately. Otherwise,
the normal function takes action. The above RTL codes exactly describe the behav-
ioral of an edge-triggered D-FF with asynchronous reset in Figure 6.18. The timing
diagram is also presented.

Figure 6.18: D-FF with asynchronous reset: (a) schematic and (b) timing diagram.

Typically, the power-on-reset (POR) and hardware reset (asserted by the reset
push button) are applied using the asynchronous reset, while normal function uses
the synchronous reset to reset (or clear) a block or a portion of the digital circuits.
Specifically, for active-low POR and hardware reset, they are AND-ed to generate
the asynchronous reset, as shown below. The POR can be generated by the voltage
regulator once the supply voltage is stable.
224 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Combine power - on - reset and hardware reset

2 assign reset_n = reset_n_por & reset_n_hard ;

The positive edge-triggered D-FF with synchronous reset is written below.

1 // Flip - flops inference with synchronous reset

2 always @ ( posedge clk )
3 if (! reset_n ) q <=0;
4 else q <= d ;

At every posedge of clk, if reset_n is 0, then reset D flip-flop; if reset_n is 1, then

q = d. Reset happens synchronously to the edge of clk, so this is called synchronous
reset. The normal function is performed when reset_n is not asserted. The syn-
chronous reset works like the select signal of a multiplexer. It infers the D-FF shown
in Figure 6.19. The timing diagram is also presented.

Figure 6.19: D-FF with synchronous reset: (a) schematic and (b) timing diagram.

There are two typical ways to describe the outputs of sequential circuits.
Method 1: one always block combining both combinational and sequential cir-

1 // Combine the description of both combinational and

2 // sequential logics in an always block .
Sequential Circuits 225

3 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset_n )

4 if (! reset_n ) q <=4 ’ d0 ;
5 else q <= a + b ;

Method 2: two always blocks separately describing combinational and sequential

circuits. Doing so emphasizes the roles of combinational and sequential circuits,
particularly when the next state of FFs, i.e., the output of a combinational circuit, is
required for some logic function.

1 // Separate the description of combinationa l and

2 // sequential logics into two always blocks .
3 // Combinational circuits
4 always @ ( a or b )

5 d=a+b;
6 // Sequential circuits
7 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset_n )

8 if (! reset_n ) q <=4 ’ d0 ;
9 else q <= d ;


By feeding back the output Q to the input terminal D, a frequency divider-by-2 is
obtained and shown below, where DFF denotes the D-type flip-flop gate in a cell
library. The clock divider works by toggling the output Q (signal clock_div2) at
every positive edge of clock. It can be seen that, by drawing the timing diagram
(omitted here), the output pulses at Q have a frequency that is exactly one half that
of the input clock.

1 // Instantiate a flip - flop for the frequency divider .

2 DFF u0 (. D ( clock_div2_i nv ) , . Q ( clock_div2 ) ,
3 . QN ( clock_div2_i n v ) , . CLK ( clock ));


A circuit with sequential gates, such as flip-flops, is considered a sequential circuit
even in the absence of combinational gates.

An n-bit register is a group of n binary sequential cells (or flip-flops). A binary se-
quential cell can store one bit of information, or two states: 0 (reset) and 1 (set) state.
The state of a register is an n-tuple of 1’s and 0’s. The registers with synchronous
enable or load are presented below.
226 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // D - FFs with synchronous enable

2 module dff_en (q , enable , d , clk );
3 output [3 : 0] q ;

4 input clk , enable ;

5 input [3 : 0] d ;

6 reg [3 : 0] q ;

7 always @ ( posedge clk )

8 if ( enable ) q <= d ;
9 endmodule

The module infers the registers shown in Figure 6.20.

Figure 6.20: D-FF with enable or load.


A register capable of shifting the binary information held in each cell to its neighbor-
ing cell is called a shift register. This is also called the serial-in to serial-out (SISO)
shifter. The shifting direction can be right- or left-shift. The logical configuration of
a shift register consists of a chain of flip-flops in cascade, as shown in Figure 6.21.
The output of one flip-flop is connected to the input of the next flip-flop. Every clock
pulse activates the shifting of data from one stage to the next.

Figure 6.21: A four-bit shift register.

A digital system is said to operate in serial mode when information is transferred

or manipulated one bit at a time. Information is transferred one bit at a time by
shifting the bits out of the source register and into the destination register. Serial
mode can save the pin counts and wiring complexity. In contrast, the parallel transfer
Sequential Circuits 227

mode transfers all the bits of the register at the same time to achieve a high bit rate
of data transmission.
A serial transfer is demonstrated in Figure 6.22. The transmitter/receiver converts
a parallel/serial input to serial/parallel output.


Figure 6.22: A serial transfer mode with shift control: (a) block diagram and (b)
timing diagram of gated clock.

We assume that the parallel input and output are 4 bits. When PI_VALID is true,
the input PI_A is loaded into register A. When PO_VALID is true, the output PO_B
is output from register B. The serial output (SO) of register A is connected to the
serial input (SI) of register B. That is, registers A and B are transferred in parallel-in
to serial-out (PISO) and serial-in to parallel-out (SIPO) modes, respectively.
The shift control input (shift_en) determines when and how many times the reg-
ister A are loaded or shifted. This is done with an AND gate that allows clock pulses
to pass into the clock terminals of registers only when the shift control signal is high.
Gating the clock signal is called clock gating. This practice may be problematic be-
cause it may influence the clock path of the circuit so that glitches may be produced
on the tx_clk_gated signal. The functionality of the shift register can fail owing to
extra edges on the tx_clk_gated signal. Therefore, the control signal, shift_en, should
be carefully designed so that no glitch can be produced in the gated clock.
The signal, rx_clk_gated, determines how many times the register B are shifted.
When a complete word has been shifted in, the signal PO_VALID becomes true.
The RTL codes are written below.
228 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // ********** ** * ** **
2 // * Transmitter
3 // ********** ** * ** **

4 // Generate gated clock

5 assign tx_clk_gated = clk & shift_en ;

6 // Generate gated clock

7 assign rx_clk_gated = tx_clk_gated &~ PI_VALID ;

8 // Shift register A

9 always @ ( posedge tx_clk_gated ) begin

10 if ( PI_VALID )
11 A_reg <= PI_A ;
12 else begin
13 for ( i =0 :i <=2; i = i +1) A_reg [ i +1] <= A_reg [ i ];
14 end
15 end

16 assign SO_A = A_reg [3];

17 // ********** ** * ** **

18 // * Receiver

19 // ********** ** * ** **

20 // Shift register B

21 always @ ( posedge rx_clk_gated ) begin

22 B_reg [0] <= SO_A ;

23 for ( i =0 : i <=2; i = i +1) B_reg [ i +1] <= B_reg [ i ];
24 end

25 // Counter is used to generate PO_VALID

26 always @ ( posedge rx_clk_gated or negedge rst_n )
27 if (! rst_n ) begin
28 counter <=0;
29 PO_VALID <=0;
30 end
31 else begin
32 if ( counter ==3) begin
33 counter <=0;
34 PO_VALID <=1 ’ b1 ;
35 end
36 else begin
37 counter <= counter +1 ’ b1 ;
38 PO_VALID <=1 ’ b0 ;
39 end
40 end
41 assign PO_B = B_reg ;


A register file is an array of registers in a central processing unit. It can store inter-
mediate results of the CPU, such as arithmetic logic unit & memory management
unit. Though registers can be implemented using a bank of flip-flop registers, static
Sequential Circuits 229

random-access memory (SRAM)-based full-custom register files require less area

and power. Such SRAM-based register files have dedicated read and write ports,
whereas ordinary SRAMs usually have a port that can be read or write. In contrast to
the transparent caches, the register file is visible to the programmer.
Due to the limitation of chip area, past microprocessors had only few registers.
Nowadays, microprocessors have room for a large number of registers. The number
of registers is merely limited by the operand fields, time spent for withdrawing and
depositing program registers on an interrupt or context switching.
The performance of the processor is directly proportional to the access speed of
a register file. Therefore, the register file available to the microprocessor is typically
implemented by the fastest memory. Moreover, the overall performance of CPUs is
usually limited by the speed of the read operation of the register file. Hence, at least
1 write port and 2 read ports need to accommodate a single ALU with 2-operand
instructions. For example, the addition operation, r3 = r2 + r1, requires 2 reads of
registers r1 and r2 and 1 write of register r3.
The behavioral model of a 256 × 32-bit register file is written below. The write
port is implemented using a decoder with enable control, while read ports are imple-
mented using multiplexers.

1 // SRAM - based register files

2 module reg_files ( ren1 , raddr1 , dout1 , ren2 , raddr2 ,
3 dout2 , wen , waddr , din , clk );
4 output [31 : 0] dout1 , dout2 ;

5 input ren1 , ren2 , wen ;

6 input [7 : 0] raddr1 , raddr2 , waddr ;

7 input [31 : 0] din ;

8 input clk ;

9 reg [31 : 0] mem [0 : 255] , tempQ1 , tempQ2 , dout1 , dout2 ;

10 always @ ( posedge clk ) // One write port

11 if ( wen ) mem [ waddr ] <= din ;

12 always @ ( ren1 or raddr1 ) // Read port 1

13 if ( ren1 ) tempQ1 = mem [ raddr1 ];

14 else tempQ1 =8 ’ hzz ;
15 always @ ( posedge clk )

16 dout1 <= tempQ1 ;

17 always @ ( ren2 or raddr2 ) // Read port 2

18 if ( ren2 ) tempQ2 = mem [ raddr2 ];

19 else tempQ2 =8 ’ hzz ;
20 always @ ( posedge clk )

21 dout2 <= tempQ2 ;

22 endmodule
230 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


The finite state machine (FSM) is usually used to generate the control sequence
(or signal) that governs the operation of datapath units. The Mealy FSM, shown
in Figure 6.23, has its outputs depending on inputs and current state. By contrast, the
outputs of Moor state machine depend only on the current state.



Figure 6.23: Finite state machine. State Reduction

Since m flip-flops produce 2m states, a reduction in the number of states may result
in a fewer number of flip-flops. We start with a state transition diagram shown in
Figure 6.24. There are 7 states, a, b, c, d, e, f , g, in the state diagram. The states
marked inside the circles are denoted by letter symbols instead of their binary val-
ues, which can be assigned using different coding techniques described in the next

Figure 6.24: State diagram.

Sequential Circuits 231

Next, it is more convenient to apply the state table for the state reduction shown
in Figure 6.25, where x is the single bit input. Two states are said to be equivalent if,
they depend on the same input, give exactly the same output, and transits to the same
state or equivalent state. When two states are equivalent, such as g and e, and d and f ,
one of them can be removed without altering the input-output relationships. The state
diagram for the reduced table shown in Figure 6.25 finally consists of only five states.
In this example, even the number of flip-flops is not reduced, the combinational logic
still lowers due to a fewer number of states.

Figure 6.25: State table reduction. State Assignment

To design a physical sequential circuit, it is necessary to assign unique coded binary
values to its states. For a circuit with m states, the code must contain n bits, where
2n ≥ m. The simplest way to code five states is to use the first five integers in binary
counting order, as shown in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5: Three possible binary state assignments.

State Binary code Gray code One-hot code
a 000 000 00001
b 001 001 00010
c 010 011 00100
d 011 010 01000
e 100 110 10000
232 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The state machine of the traditional binary encoding is presented below.

1 // State machine : traditional binary encoding

2 reg [2 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;
3 parameter a =3 ’ b000 ; parameter b =3 ’ b001 ;

4 parameter c =3 ’ b010 ; parameter d =3 ’ b011 ;

5 parameter e =3 ’ b100 ;

6 // Combinational logic
7 always @ (*) begin

8 state_ns = state_cs ;
9 case ( state_cs )
10 a : state_ns = x ? b : a ;
11 b : state_ns = x ? d : b ;
12 c : state_ns = x ? d : b ;
13 d : state_ns = x ? d : e ;
14 e : state_ns = x ? d : a ;
15 endcase
16 end

17 // Sequential logic
18 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

19 if (! rst_n ) state_cs <= a ;

20 else state_cs <= state_ns ;

Remember that power is consumed when a bit toggles between 0 and 1. The Gray
code changes one bit between adjacent numbers as shown in Table 6.6. This code
group can be used to save the number of bit transitions. Gray code can also be used
to detect an error or ambiguity during the transition from one number to the next
when multiple numbers of bits change.

Table 6.6: Gray code.

Gray code Decimal equivalent
000 0
001 1
011 2
010 3
110 4
111 5
101 6
100 7

The state machine of the Gray encoding is presented below. Since the RTL codes are
the same as those of the traditional binary encoding, they are omitted here except the
parameter definition.
Sequential Circuits 233

1 // State machine : Gray encoding

2 parameter a =3 ’ b000 ; parameter b =3 ’ b001 ;
3 parameter c =3 ’ b011 ; parameter d =3 ’ b010 ;

4 parameter e =3 ’ b110 ;

Another possible assignment often used in the design of state machines to con-
trol datapath units is the one-hot assignment, which can reduce the critical path
potential in datapath units because the decoder of the state machine can be elimi-
nated. The state machine of the one-hot encoding is presented below. For example,
if we want to determine whether the state state_cs is state a by the Verilog code
“state_cs==a”, it will be optimized by simply “state_cs[0]==1’b1”, and the de-
coder is not needed. Therefore, the one-hot encoding can achieve a faster circuit
because combinational circuits of decoders are not required to generate the control
signals resulted from FSM. However, more registers, which equals the number of
states instead of ⌈log2 (·)⌉ of it, are needed for the one-hot encoding.

1 // State machine : one - hot encoding

2 reg [4 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;
3 parameter a =5 ’ b00001 ; parameter b =5 ’ b00010 ;

4 parameter c =5 ’ b00100 ; parameter d =5 ’ b01000 ;

5 parameter e =5 ’ b10000 ;

A counter is essentially a register that goes through a predetermined sequence of
binary states. The gates in the counter are connected in such a way as to generate the
specified sequence of states. Synchronous Counter

All flip-flops in a synchronous counter receive the same clock pulse and so change
state simultaneously. A synchronous counter is written as below. The counter has a
synchronous reset and counts from 0,1,...,7 then to 0 when enable==1’b1.

1 // Synchronous counter
2 module counter1 ( out , enable , clk , reset );
3 output [2 : 0] out ;

4 input enable , clk , reset ;

5 reg [2 : 0] out ;

6 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

7 if ( reset ) // Synchronous reset

8 out <=3 ’ b0 ;
9 else if ( enable ==1 ’ b1 )
10 out <= out +1 ’ b1 ;
234 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

11 end
12 endmodule

The RTL codes describe the structure in Figure 6.26.

Figure 6.26: Synchronous counter.

If the counter counts till 3’d5, the comparison to 3’d5 is required as follows.

1 // Synchronous counter
2 module counter1 ( out , enable , clk , reset );
3 output [2 : 0] out ;

4 input enable , clk , reset ;

5 reg [2 : 0] out ;

6 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

7 if ( reset ) // Synchronous reset

8 out <=3 ’ b0 ;
9 else if ( enable ==1 ’ b1 ) begin
10 if ( out ==3 ’ d5 ) out <=3 ’ b0 ;
11 else out <= out +1 ’ b1 ;
12 end
13 end

14 endmodule

Example 6.1. A digital alarm clock needs to generate a periodic signal at a frequency
of approximately 500 Hz to drive the speaker for the alarm tone. Use a counter to
divide the system’s master clock signal with a frequency of 1 MHz to derive the 500
Hz alarm tone.
Solution: The RTL codes of the alarm tone is presented below. The counter ticks
every positive edge of master clock until it reaches 1000. When the counter is 1000,
the alarm tone toggles. Consequently, the frequency of the alarm tone is 1/2000 that
of the master clock, i.e., 1 MHz × 1/2000 = 500 Hz.

1 // Alarm generated by a counter

2 reg [9 : 0] counter ;
Sequential Circuits 235

3 always @ ( posedge master_clock or negedge rst_n )

4 if (! rst_n ) begin
5 counter <=0;
6 alarm_tone <=0;
7 end
8 else if ( counter ==10 ’ d999 ) begin
9 counter <=0;
10 alarm_tone <=~ alarm_tone ;
11 end
12 else
13 counter <= counter +1 ’ b1 ; Asynchronous Counter

Asynchronous counter is also called a ripple counter. Flip-flops transitions ripple
through from one flip-flop to the next in sequence until all flip-flops reach a new sta-
ble value (state). Each single flip-flop stage divides the frequency of its input signal
by two. An asynchronous count-down counter is written below. The asynchronous
counter is also called the ripple counter.

1 // Asynchronous counter : period of 16

2 module CNT_ASYNC_ C LK _ DI V 16 ( clk , rst_n , Y );
3 input clk , rst_n ; output Y ;

4 reg div2 , div4 , div8 , div16 , Y ;

5 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) // Divide by 2

6 if (! rst_n ) div2 =0;

7 else div2 =~ div2 ;
8 always @ ( posedge div2 or negedge rst_n ) // Divide by 4

9 if (! rst_n ) div4 =0;

10 else div4 =~ div4 ;
11 always @ ( posedge div4 or negedge rst_n ) // Divide by 8

12 if (! rst_n ) div8 =0;

13 else div8 =~ div8 ;
14 always @ ( posedge div8 or negedge rst_n ) // Divide by 16

15 if (! rst_n ) div16 =0;

16 else div16 =~ div16 ;
17 // Synchronous output
18 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

19 if (! rst_n ) Y =0;
20 else Y = div16 ;
21 endmodule

The RTL codes describe the structure in Figure 6.27.

236 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.27: Asynchronous counter: (a) architecture and (b) timing diagram.

The purpose of register Y at the last stage is to synchronize the output Y to clk.
Each single flip-flop stage divides the frequency of its input signal by two. So, the
asynchronous counter can also be used for the frequency divider. This circuit divides
the clock frequency by 16, and it can be used for a clock divider.
The main advantages of a ripple counter are that it uses much less circuitry in
its implementation (since an increment is not required) and that it consumes less
power. However, an important timing issue arises from the fact that the flip-flops
in a ripple counter are not all clocked together. Each flip-flop has a propagation
delay between a rising edge occurring on its clock input and the outputs changing
values. Since each flip-flop is clocked from the output of the previous flip-flop, the
propagation delays accumulate. The length of the counter should be considered. For
longer counters, there are more flip-flops through which changes have to propagate.
The accumulated delay may exceed the clock period. For shorter counters, the delay
may be acceptable.
The following RTL codes describe a clock divider divided by 13, instead of power
of 2, using an asynchronous (ripple) counter.

1 // Asynchronous counter : period of 13

2 module CNT_ASYNC _ CL K _D I V1 3 ( clk , rst_n , Y );
3 input clk , rst_n ; output Y ;
4 reg div2 , div4 , div8 , div16 , Y , clear ;

5 wire div2_b , div4_b , div8_b , div16_b ;

6 wire [3 : 0] counter ;
Sequential Circuits 237

7 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n

8 or posedge clear )
9 if (! rst_n ) div2 <=0;
10 else if ( clear ) div2 <=0;
11 else div2 <=~ div2 ;
12 assign div2_b =! div2 ;

13 always @ ( posedge div2 or negedge

14 rst_n or posedge clear )

15 if (! rst_n ) div4 <=0;
16 else if ( clear ) div4 <=0;
17 else div4 <=~ div4 ;
18 assign div4_b =! div4 ;

19 always @ ( posedge div4 or negedge

20 rst_n or posedge clear )

21 if (! rst_n ) div8 <=0;
22 else if ( clear ) div8 <=0;
23 else div8 <=~ div8 ;
24 assign div8_b =~ div8 ;

25 always @ ( posedge div8 or negedge

26 rst_n or posedge clear )

27 if (! rst_n ) div16 <=0;
28 else if ( clear ) div16 <=0;
29 else div16 <=~ div16 ;
30 assign div16_b =~ div16 ;

31 assign counter ={ div16_b , div8_b , div4_b , div2_b };

32 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

33 if (! rst_n ) Y <=0;
34 else if ( counter ==11)
35 Y <=1;
36 else Y <=0;
37 always @ ( div16_b or div8_b or div4_b or div2_b )

38 if ( counter ==12)
39 clear =1;
40 else clear =0;
41 endmodule

The RTL simulation derives the waveform in Figure 6.28.

However, the clear signal is a combinational output which may have glitches caus-
ing errors in the clear function. It’s better to change it to a registered output, as shown
below. Two places have been modified: 1. The output Y advances 1 clock cycle; how-
ever, its period is still 13. 2. The clear signal is a registered output by simply latching
Y at the falling edge of clk. Consequently, there is no glitches on the clear signal. No-
tably, mixing posedge and negedge of clocks in sequential circuits is not encouraged,
and it may be problematic for chip testing and should be carefully treated.
238 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.28: Asynchronous count-up counter counts 13 cycles cyclically.

1 // Asynchronous counter : period of 13

2 module CNT_ASYNC _ CL K _D I V1 3 ( clk , rst_n , Y );
3 input clk , rst_n ; output Y ;
4 reg div2 , div4 , div8 , div16 , Y , clear ;

5 wire div2_b , div4_b , div8_b , div16_b ;

6 wire [3 : 0] counter ;

7 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n

8 or posedge clear )
9 if (! rst_n ) div2 <=0;
10 else if ( clear ) div2 <=0;
11 else div2 <=~ div2 ;
12 assign div2_b =! div2 ;

13 always @ ( posedge div2 or negedge

14 rst_n or posedge clear )

15 if (! rst_n ) div4 <=0;
16 else if ( clear ) div4 <=0;
17 else div4 <=~ div4 ;
18 assign div4_b =! div4 ;
Sequential Circuits 239

19 always @ ( posedge div4 or negedge

20 rst_n or posedge clear )
21 if (! rst_n ) div8 <=0;
22 else if ( clear ) div8 <=0;
23 else div8 <=~ div8 ;
24 assign div8_b =~ div8 ;

25 always @ ( posedge div8 or negedge

26 rst_n or posedge clear )

27 if (! rst_n ) div16 <=0;
28 else if ( clear ) div16 <=0;
29 else div16 <=~ div16 ;
30 assign div16_b =~ div16 ;

31 assign counter ={ div16_b , div8_b , div4_b , div2_b };

32 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

33 if (! rst_n ) Y <=0;
34 else if ( counter ==10)
35 Y <=1;
36 else Y <=0;
37 always @ ( negedge clk or negedge rst_n )

38 if (! rst_n ) clear <=0;

39 else clear <= Y ;
40 endmodule

The RTL simulation derives the waveform in Figure 6.29.

6.4.6 FIFO
As shown in Figure 6.30, the first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer can be used to store
elements (or data) when the service is temporarily unavailable. One new element can
arrive at a time, and one element can be served and then depart at a time as well.
The terms FIFO buffer and queue are interchangeable. FIFO is a common term in
hardware, while queue is more common in most programming languages. Queue
and stack terms refer to FIFO and last-in-first-out (LIFO) buffers, respectively.
FIFO finds its applications in many areas of hardware design, such as queue or
synchronizer. A FIFO is typically implemented using a circular buffer structure, as
shown below.
We want to design a 10 × 8 FIFO whose memory is realized using flip-flops. The
I/O interface of the FIFO is presented in Table 6.7. There are a read port and a write
240 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.29: Asynchronous count-up counter counts 13 cycles cyclically without

glitches on the clear signal.

Figure 6.30: FIFO buffer with a depth of 10 elements.

Figure 6.31: FIFO memory with a depth (or address space) of 10 elements: (a) phys-
ical structure and (b) logical circular buffer structure.
Sequential Circuits 241

Table 6.7: I/O interface.

Signal name I/O Description
clk I System clock
rst_n I Active-low reset signal
fifo_full O FIFO full indication
fifo_wr I FIFO write enable of write port
fifo_wdata I FIFO write data of write port
fifo_notempty O FIFO non-empty indication
fifo_rd I FIFO read enable of read port
fifo_rdata O FIFO read data of read port

As presented in Figure 6.32, the FIFO write (or read) pointer, wr_ptr (or rd_ptr),
is the address a new element will be written (or read). Besides read pointer, rd_ptr,
and write pointer, wr_ptr, the queue length is counted by queue_length so that all
entries of the fifo memory can be fully utilized.
As shown below, the FIFO buffer is a parameterized design. The parameter
DEPTH_BITS is the ceiling function of the log2 (DEPTH) defined by the macro,
CLOG2, in Chapter 3, where log2 (x) denotes the logarithm to the base 2 of x. When
the FIFO write (or read) enable, fifo_wr (or fifo_rd), is asserted, an element is writ-
ten (or read) into (or from) the fifo memory indexed by the wr_ptr (or rd_ptr), and
the wr_ptr (or rd_ptr) automatically increments. The fifo memory is implemented
as a circular buffer. Therefore, when wr_ptr (or rd_ptr) reaches the end of the fifo
memory, i.e., 9, it goes back to address 0. When fifo_wr is asserted and fifo_rd is
not, the queue_length increments; when fifo_rd is asserted and fifo_wr is not, the
queue_length decrements; otherwise, the queue_length keeps its value because, in
this situation, either both fifo_wr and fifo_rd are not asserted or both fifo_wr and
fifo_rd are asserted.

Figure 6.32: The FIFO memory is indexed by write and read pointers. (a) When
wr_ptr= 2 and rd_ptr= 8, queue_length= 4. (b) When wr_ptr= 8 and rd_ptr= 2,
queue_length= 6.
242 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // FIFO write pointer , read pointer , and queue length

2 parameter DEPTH =10; parameter BITS =8;
3 parameter DEPTH_BITS = ‘CLOG2 ( DEPTH );
4 reg [ DEPTH_BITS -1 : 0] wr_ptr , rd_ptr ;

5 reg [ DEPTH_BITS -1 : 0] queue_length ;

6 // FIFO write pointer

7 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

8 if (! rst_n )
9 wr_ptr <= 0;
10 else if ( fifo_wr && wr_ptr == DEPTH -1)
11 wr_ptr <= 0;
12 else if ( fifo_wr )
13 wr_ptr <= wr_ptr +1 ’ b1 ;
14 // FIFO read pointer
15 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

16 if (! rst_n )
17 rd_ptr <= 0;
18 else if ( fifo_rd && rd_ptr == DEPTH -1)
19 rd_ptr <= 0;
20 else if ( fifo_rd )
21 rd_ptr <= rd_ptr +1 ’ b1 ;
22 // FIFO length , so that all entries can be fully utilized

23 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

24 if (! rst_n )
25 queue_length <= 0;
26 else if ( fifo_wr && ! fifo_rd )
27 queue_length <= queue_length +1 ’ b1 ;
28 else if ( fifo_rd && ! fifo_wr )
29 queue_length <= queue_length -1 ’ b1 ;

The FIFO status is indicated using fifo_full and fifo_notempty signals. When
fifo_full is true, the fifo_wr signal must not be asserted to prevent FIFO overrun.
Similarly, when fifo_notempty is false, the fifo_rd signal must not be asserted to
prevent FIFO underrun.

1 // FIFO status
2 assign fifo_full = queue_length == DEPTH ;
3 assign fifo_notempt y =~( queue_length ==0);

Finally, the FIFO memory, fifo_mem, is declared as a 2-D array and imple-
mented using flip-flops. At rising edge of clk, if fifo_wr is asserted, the write data,
fifo_wdata, is written into fifo_mem indexed by the write pointer, wr_ptr. The read
data, fifo_rdata, is output through a combinational circuit of multiplexer indexed by
the read pointer, rd_ptr.
Sequential Circuits 243

1 // FIFO write port and read port

2 reg [ BITS -1 : 0] fifo_rdata ;
3 reg [ BITS -1 : 0] fifo_mem [0 : DEPTH -1];

4 // FIFO controller

5 // FIFO write operation

6 always @ ( posedge clk )

7 if ( fifo_wr ) fifo_mem [ wr_ptr ] <= fifo_wdata ;

8 // FIFO read operation

9 always @ (*)

10 fifo_rdata = fifo_mem [ rd_ptr ];

Another popular FIFO controller is realized using only read and write point-
ers without the queue_length counter. When the FIFO is full, wr_ptr and rd_ptr
are the same. Therefore, anther way to detect the FIFO full status is to see if
wr_ptr==rd_ptr. However, when the FIFO is empty, wr_ptr and rd_ptr are also the
same. To differentiate the FIFO full status from the FIFO empty status, the FIFO full
is asserted when the next write pointer equals the current read pointer. That is, the
FIFO full is asserted when rd_ptr==wr_ptr+1 or when rd_ptr is 0 and wr_ptr is 9
(end of the physical structure). In the sequel, doing so intends to leave one element
unoccupied, and a buffer space is wasted.


The Verilog HDL is used to model concurrent hardware components. Therefore, it is
essential that the users can understand what execution order is guaranteed and what
else are indeterministic (not specified by IEEE standard). The Verilog event queue is
logistically separated into five sequential regions.
• Active events: events that occur at the same simulation time can be pro-
cessed in any order. For example, the blocking and continuous assignments,
and evaluation of non-blocking assignments.
• Inactive events: events that occur at the same simulation time but should
be processed after all active events have been processed. For example, an
explicit zero-delay assignment, such as #0 y = x, will be processed after all
active events at the same simulation time are processed.
• Non-blocking assign update events: events that have been evaluated at
some (previous) simulation time but should be assigned after all active
and inactive events have been processed. For example, the assignment of
non-blocking assignment statements.
• Monitor events: events that shall be processed after all active, inactive, and
non-blocking assign update events have been processed. For example, the
$monitor and $strobe system tasks.
• Future events: events that occur at some future simulation time. Future
events are divided into future inactive and future non-blocking assign up-
date events.
244 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

When an event is performed, it may trigger additional events. For example, a

non-blocking assign update or an active event can trigger an active event (described
using an always block or continuous assignment). Activity between non-blocking
assign update (or active) events and active events at the current simulation time con-
tinues to iterate until all events in the event queue have been executed.
Remember that a non-blocking assignment is performed in two steps. First, the ex-
pression of right-hand-side variables is evaluated and stored in a temporary storage.
Second, the result of temporary storage is assigned to the left-hand-side variable,
which will be scheduled as a non-blocking assign update or future non-blocking
assign update event that is written into its corresponding queue region depending on
the delay control.
The freedom to choose an arbitrary order of processing active events is the core
source of nondeterminism in Verilog simulators. For example, if the input x for the
state machine of the traditional binary encoding in Section is generated from
an initial block presented below.

1 initial begin
2 #1 wait (! rst_n ); // Wait for assertion of reset
3 wait ( rst_n ); // Wait for de - assertion of reset
4 @ ( posedge clk ) x =1; // Assert x for one cycle
5 @ ( posedge clk ) x =0;
6 end

However, the race condition might occur leading to different results when the or-
der of statement execution, or specifically, the order of active events, is changed. In
Figure 6.33, we assume that, at the third rising edge of clk, three active events may
be scheduled by the Verilog simulator using the sequence: x = 1, update state_ns due
to change of x, and evaluation of state_cs. That is, first, 1 will be assigned to x; then
the always block of the state machine for determining its (combinational) next state
will be triggered (causing state_ns to be state b), finally, state b will be assigned to
temporary storage of the non-blocking assignment of state_cs.
After processing active events, the non-blocking assign update event causes
state_cs to be state b of temporary storage. The change of state_cs causes an ad-
ditional active event that triggers the update of state_ns due to change of state_cs,
which causes state_ns to become state d when x is 1. Similar events happen at the
fourth edge of clk except that an additional active event is not triggered because
state_cs does not change its value after the non-blocking assign update event.
It’s apparent that the interaction between signals generated by blocking (initial
blocks in testbench) and non-blocking (always blocks triggered by posedge clk in
RTL codes) assignments may produce a wrong result, as displayed in Figure 6.33.
To solve the race condition, we can either assign the primary input x at a time instance
other than clock edges or try to use non-blocking assignments in testbench.
The following example assigns the primary input x at a time instance of 1 time
unit after the clock edges.
Sequential Circuits 245

Figure 6.33: Wrong waveform due to the race condition.

1 initial begin
2 #1 wait (! rst_n ); // Wait for assertion of reset
3 wait ( rst_n ); // Wait for de - assertion of reset
4 @ ( posedge clk ) #1 x =1; // Assert x for one cycle
5 @ ( posedge clk ) #1 x =0;
6 end

The following example produces input x using non-blocking assignments.

1 initial begin
2 #1 wait (! rst_n ); // Wait for assertion of reset
3 wait ( rst_n ); // Wait for de - assertion of reset
4 @ ( posedge clk ) x <=1; // Assert x for one cycle
5 @ ( posedge clk ) x <=0;
6 end

Either way produces the correct waveform presented in Figure 6.34.

246 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.34: Correct waveform without the race condition.


• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer ar-
chitecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby, The Verilog hardware description
language, 5th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• John Michael Williams, Digital VLSI design with Verilog: a textbook from
Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2014.
• Joseph Cavanagh, Computer arithmetic and Verilog HDL fundamentals,
CRC Press, 2010.
• M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, Digital design, 4th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2006.
• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
• Peter J. Ashenden, Digital design: an embedded systems approach using
Verilog, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
• Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis, 2nd
Ed., Pearson, 2011.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• Vaibbhav Taraate, Digital logic design using Verilog: coding and RTL syn-
thesis, Springer, 2016.
• William J. Dally and R. Curtis Harting, Digital design: a systems approach,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
• Zainalabedin Navabi, Verilog digital system design: RT level synthesis, test-
bench, and verification, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Sequential Circuits 247

1. Redesign the bubble sorting problem using only one processing element (PE),
i.e., comparison-and-swap unit, and a suitable state machine.
a. Plot datapath of your architecture.
b. Specify the critical path in your design.
c. Write down your complete RTL codes (including FSM) and verify it. The bit
width is programmable using the parameterized design and it is assumed to
be 3 bits.
2. Design a state machine that can detect the bit sequence "1011". For example, if
input is "0011_1011_0110", the output is "0000_0001_0010".
3. Plot the architecture of the following RTL codes.

1 wire a , b , c ;
2 reg d , e , f ;
3 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

4 d <= a ^ b ;
5 e <= c | d ;
6 f <= d & e ;
7 end

4. Write down the RTL codes for the 1-bit D-FF with asynchronous set.
5. Write down the RTL codes for the 1-bit D-FF with synchronous set.
6. Write down the RTL codes for the 1-bit D-FF with synchronous enable, as shown
in Figure 6.35. That is, when enable is true, x is assigned to y.

Figure 6.35: D-FF with synchronous enable.

7. Write down the RTL codes for the 1-bit D-FF with synchronous load, as shown
in Figure 6.36. That is, when load_en is true, load_data is assigned to y; other-
wise, x is assigned to y.
248 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.36: D-FF with synchronous load.

8. Change the above 1-bit D-FF to 8-bit D-FFs.

9. Plot the schematics of the following RTL codes.

1 module code3 ( Sel , A , B1 , B2 );

2 input Sel ; input [1 : 0] A ;
3 output [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ; reg [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ;

4 always @ ( Sel or A )

5 if ( Sel )
6 if ( A ==1) begin
7 B1 =0; B2 =0;
8 end
9 else begin
10 B1 =1; B2 =1;
11 end
12 else begin
13 B1 =2; B2 =2;
14 end
15 endmodule

10. Plot the schematics of the following RTL codes.

1 module code4 ( Sel , A , B1 , B2 );

2 input Sel ; input [1 : 0] A ;
3 output [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ;

4 reg [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ;

5 always @ ( Sel or A )

6 if ( Sel )
7 if ( A ==1) begin
8 B1 =0; B2 =0;
9 end
10 else
11 B1 =1;
12 else begin
13 B1 =2; B2 =2;
Sequential Circuits 249

14 end
15 endmodule

11. Plot the schematic of the following RTL codes.

1 module code2 ( Sel , A , B1 , B2 );

2 input Sel ; input [1 : 0] A ;
3 output [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ;

4 reg [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ;

5 always @ ( Sel or A )

6 if ( Sel )
7 if ( A ==1) begin
8 B1 =0;
9 B2 =0;
10 end
11 else begin
12 B1 =1;
13 B2 =1;
14 end
15 endmodule

12. Plot the schematic of the following RTL codes.

1 module code1 ( Sel , A , B1 , B2 );

2 input Sel ; input [1 : 0] A ;
3 output [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ;

4 reg [1 : 0] B1 , B2 ;

5 always @ ( Sel or A ) begin

6 if ( Sel ) begin
7 if ( A ==1) begin
8 B1 =0; B2 =0;
9 end
10 else B1 =1;
11 end
12 end

13 endmodule

13. Redesign the synchronous counter.

a. With the load function as shown below, which has a lower priority than Reset
but higher than Enable.
250 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 if ( Load )
2 Out = Data_In ;

b. With the control pin, up_down, to control the counter to count up or count
c. With the control pin, count_mode, to control the counter to count with an
increment or decrement by 1 or 2.
14. Redesign the asynchronous count-down counter as count-up counter.
15. Redesign the asynchronous count-up counter from 0 to 12, such that the clear
signal is a registered output.
16. A counter can be used for the timer. Please use a 1 MHz clock to generate a
pulse every 1 ms.
17. Design a pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) generator, as shown in
Figure 6.37.

Figure 6.37: A 7-bit PRBS sequence generator.

18. Design a left- or right-shift 8-bit register (controlled by signal left_shift_en and
right_shift_en) that can be loaded a 8-bit value by port, load_value[7:0] (loaded
and enabled by load_en).
19. Clock divider problem: it is simple to derive a divide-by-N clock with non 50%
duty cycle, where N is an integer. If N is an even number, it is intuitive to obtain
the derived clock by using the ripple clock. Since clock is a very important sig-
nal, you should guarantee that the derived clock is glitch-free.
a. Design the clock divider for N = 2 using ripple and non-ripple clocks.
b. Design the clock divider for N = 5 using ripple and non-ripple clock. Notice
that, for ripple clock, the clear signal should be the flip-flop output, i.e., glitch-
c. Design the clock divider for N = 1.5 using non-ripple clock. A fractional
clock divider, for N = 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, etc., is not supposed to be obtained di-
rectly using the output of a single flip-flop. In contrast, you can only obtain it
using a combinational circuit with inputs from several flip-flops. The duty cy-
cle of derived clock needs not be 50%. Hint: You can use the combination of
two counters, each having two bits and counting with sequence 2’b00, 2’b01,
Sequential Circuits 251

2’b11, 2’b00, 2’b01,..., etc., i.e., they count three times and then reset. The
intent of the sequence is to avoid unnecessary glitch. These two counters are
triggered by positive edge and negative edge of clock, respectively.
20. Design a register file with 32 64-bit registers using flip-flops with 4 read ports
and 2 write ports.
21. Design the FIFO without the queue_length indicator. In this design, use the
rd_ptr and wr_ptr to determine the fifo_full and fifo_notempty statuses. To accu-
rately indicate the status of queue, an entry of the FIFO could be wasted. What
are the pros and cons of this design compared to that using the queue_length
22. Design the stack by modifying the FIFO module. A stack has only a write
pointer, wr_ptr. Its read pointer is implicitly pointed to by wr_ptr−1.
23. A flip-flop has a clock-to-Q delay, tCQ , of 1-ns delay. What is the delay in a 10-
bit binary ripple counter that uses this type of flip-flop? What is the maximum
frequency the counter can operate on?
24. a. Design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
b. Design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence: 0, 1, 4, 6.
c. Design a 8-bit counter with the following repeated binary sequence: 1, 2, 1,
4, 1, 8, 1, 16, 1, 32, 1, 64, 1, 128.
25. Write a testbench to verify the 10-bit ripple counter.
26. Redesign the edge-triggered flip-flop using the NOR-gate implementation.
27. Please redesign the clock divider divided by 13 such that the clear signal is a
registered output.
28. Write a testbench to verify the 4-bit shift register.
29. We can use two D-latches to establish a flip-flop, as shown in Figure 6.38. We
call it master-slave D flip-flop. The first latch, called the master latch, passes
input d to x (the master is transparent) and output q is not affected by x when clk
is low. When clk goes high, d is sampled to x which is then passed to output q
(the slave is transparent). When clk goes low, x is sampled to q. The slave holds
the value of q when the clock is low.
The gate-level schematic of a master-slave D flip-flop is shown in Figure 6.39.
a. Verify its functionality using the waveform in Figure 6.38(b).
b. The tS (setup time) is just the setup time of the master latch. Determine the
rising setup time of flip-flop.
c. For correct operation of the master-slave flip-flop, it is critical that the output
of the master does not change until tH (hold time) after the slave clock falls.
Determine the hold time of flip-flop.
d. Determine its rising clock-to-Q delay time, tCQ .
252 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.38: A master-slave D flip-flop is constructed from two latches.

Figure 6.39: The gate-level schematic of a master-slave D flip-flop.

30. Repeat the above problem for the master-slave flip-flop shown in Figure 6.40.

Figure 6.40: Another master-slave D flip-flop.

31. Similar to the previous problem, we can calculate the timing constraints of the
CMOS master-slave flip-flop constructed from two CMOS latches, as shown in
Sequential Circuits 253

Figure 6.41. The CMOS master-slave flip-flop can be derived by substituting the
CMOS D-latch in Figure 6.7(b) into the master-slave flip-flop in Figure 6.14.


Figure 6.41: A CMOS master-slave flip-flop constructed from two CMOS latches.

a. Determine its rising setup time.

b. Determine its hold time.
c. Determine its rising clock-to-Q delay time.
32. Complete the timing diagram, showing the operation of a rising-edge triggered
D flip-flop.

Figure 6.42: Timing diagram of a D flip-flop.

33. Develop a sequential circuit with a single data input D and a single output Q.
The output is high when the input value in the current clock cycle is different
from the input value in the previous clock cycle, as shown in Figure 6.43.
34. Write the RTL codes of a circuit for a free-running counter that counts 30 clock
cycles and produce a control signal that is 1 during every 4th, 18th, and 21th
254 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 6.43: Timing diagram of a sequential circuit.

35. Write the RTL codes of a circuit that uses counters to divide a master clock of
20.48 MHz to generate a signal with 50% duty cycle and a frequency of exactly
10 kHz.
36. The schematic in Figure 6.44 shows a ripple counter connected to a decoder.
Plot the outputs of decoder when the ripple counter increments.

Figure 6.44: An (asynchronous) ripple counter connected to a decoder.

37. Please implement a 4-bit Gray code counter.

38. The RTL code of an SRAM with two write ports is presented below. Plot the
circuit architecture that it describes.

1 always @ ( wen1 or wen2 or addr1 or

2 addr2 or din1 or din2 )
3 begin

4 if ( wen1 ) mem [ addr1 ] <= din1 ;

5 if ( wen2 ) mem [ addr2 ] <= din2 ;
6 end

39. Write the Verilog codes of the eight-tap FIR filter in Example 4.7.
7 Digital System Designs
Several important system-level hardware design issues, including the pipelining and
parallelism techniques, FIFO and its use for buffering data, arbiter, interconnect,
and memory system, will be presented in this chapter. To derive an efficient and
robust design, we suggest that readers should plot the architecture and timing dia-
grams of the designs before writing their RTL codes. Several examples following
this guideline are exemplified, such as complex multiplier, two additions, and FIR
filter. The architectural diagram lets you understand what components are required
in the design, and the timing diagram governs the operating sequence of the design
and, if necessary, enables you to fine tune the system performance. Finally, a digital
design of Huffman encoding is illustrated from the algorithm design aspect to its
RTL code.


A complete system usually consists of hardware and software. For a system with
hardware/software co-design, once functionality has been categorized as either hard-
ware or software, development for each can proceed concurrently, as shown in Figure
A general representation of a part of digital hardware design can be seen in Figure
7.2. Sequential circuits contain memory elements. The outputs can depend on inputs,
sequential circuits, or both.
A digital system is a sequential logic system constructed with sequential and com-
binational logic gates. Because of its importance and complexity, it is most compre-
hensively written using the RTL. The RTL is commonly used to represent a combi-
nation of dataflow modeling and behavioral modeling. There are three kinds of RTL
descriptions: behavioral (always block), dataflow, and structural. Verilog is a hard-
ware description language which supports both high-level RTL descriptions using
behavioral (always block) and dataflow constructs and low-level RTL descriptions
which contain the structural construct. Different RTL descriptions can also be mixed
and combined when useful or necessary.
In the following, we will emphasize the relation between Verilog constructs and
their logic gate representation because, to be really proficient in RTL design, it is crit-
ical that the designer views the problems and issues from the perspective of hardware
(circuit centric) rather than with a primary focus on software (Verilog centric). RTL
describes how data are transformed as they are passed from one register to another.
The transformation of the data is performed by the combinational logic that exists be-
tween the registers. When describing combinational logic using always blocks, it is
crucial that sensitivity lists are complete. Continuous assignments are a valid way of
describing designs for RTL synthesis tools. If you want to design a workable circuit

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-7 255

256 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.1: A design methodology for hardware/software co-design.

Figure 7.2: Synchronous digital design.

Digital System Designs 257

Figure 7.3: A modern digital system. An abstract interconnect provides connections

between a number of clients.

that meets your specifications, you must also guarantee the timing of your circuits.
RTL is ideal for this because its descriptions are a natural fit for the type of pipeline
design that inserts additional registers into a critical path to reduce its depth.
Module instances are also examples of synthesizable RTL statements. However,
one reason for using synthesis technology is to take advantage of its ability to de-
scribe the design at a higher level of abstraction than is possible when using a collec-
tion of module instances or low-level binary operators in a continuous assignment.
The most satisfactory approach is to describe what the design does and trust the
synthesis tool to make all of the correct decisions regarding how the design is imple-
mented. This is the first step on the road to successful high-level design.
As mentioned, RTL design contains behavioral (always block), dataflow (contin-
uous assignment), and structural descriptions. Ideally, the output of a system can be
completely specified using a state table. However, the state table for a large digital
system can become huge and unwieldy due to the enormous number of potential
states of current and previous inputs. To overcome this problem, digital systems are
usually designed using a modular approach: the system is partitioned into modular
subsystems, as shown in Figure 7.3, each of which performs some function. Data
are then exchanged using an interconnect, such as a bus. The problem remains to
partition the system at a level in which the design becomes manageable. Once it has
been successfully done, the rest of the task becomes much simpler and relatively
straightforward. Establishing a stable, workable system-level design is one of the
most interesting and challenging aspects of digital design.
The digital design process begins with a specification, as shown in Figure 7.4.
Major steps are listed and described below.

• Specification: the most important step for designing a system is defining

and clearly specifying what you are going to build.
• Partitioning: once the system has been specified, it must be divided into
manageable subsystems or modules. This can be thought of as a divide-and-
conquer process in which a potentially overwhelmingly large and complex
overall system is divided into manageable subsystems which can then be
designed separately. As can easily be imagined, a lot can go wrong if any
errors are made at this point. To ensure that things go smoothly, it is particu-
larly important that the interfaces between subsystems be described in ade-
258 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.4: Design process.

quate detail. When interface specifications are clearly written, it is possible

for individual modules to be developed and verified independently. The in-
terface should allow modules to be modified without adversely affecting the
overall system.
• Design
• Timing design: early in the design of a system, it is important to describe
the timing and sequencing of operations. In particular, as data flow be-
tween modules, the sequencing of which module executes a particular
task in a specific cycle must be precisely established to ensure that the
required data come together at the correct place and time. This timing
design also drives the performance tuning step described below.
• Module design: once the above steps have been worked out, the individ-
ual modules can be designed and verified independently. Often, the exact
performance and timing (e.g., throughput, latency, or pipeline depth) of
a module cannot be known exactly until after the module design is com-
plete. A good system design is one in which the partitioned modules can
be integrated into a working system without excessive reworking and
Digital System Designs 259

Figure 7.5: (a) A combinational circuit composed of 4 subcircuits. (b) Four pipeline
stages containing each subcircuit.

• Performance tuning: once the performance of each module has been

characterized (or at least estimated), the system can be analyzed to see if
it meets its performance specification. If a system falls short of a perfor-
mance goal, the performance might be tuned by increasing parallelism.


Pipeline in a digital system somewhat resembles an assembly line for a process such
as putting together a car. An example is shown in Figure 7.5. In Figure 7.5(a), an
overall task (a combinational circuit) is broken into 4 subtasks (4 combinational
circuits). In Figure 7.5(b), sequential circuits are added after each subcircuits. A
sequential circuit is similar to the station along an assembly line. We then have a
separate unit, called a pipeline stage, which performs each subtask in Figure 7.5(b).
The stages are tied together in a linear manner so that the output of each unit becomes
the input of the subsequent unit similar to stations along an assembly line.
260 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.6: (a) Parallel design. (b) Pipelined design.

The throughput, Θ, of a module is the number of tasks a module can complete per
unit time. For example, if we have an adder that is able to perform one add operation
every 10 ns, we say that the throughput of the adder is 100 MOPS (million operations
per second). The latency, T , of a module is the amount of time it takes the module
to complete one task from beginning to end. For example, if the adder takes 10 ns
to complete an addition from the time the inputs are applied to the time the output
is stable, its latency T is 10 ns. For a simple module, throughput and latency are
reciprocals of one another: Θ = 1/T .
If we accelerate modules through pipelining or parallelism, however, the relation
becomes more complex. For example, suppose we use pipelining or parallelism to
increase the throughput of a module, in which T = 10 ns, Θ = 100 MOPS, by a factor
of 4. If we are using a parallel design, we could build four copies of our module, as
shown in Figure 7.6(a). Modules A-D are identical copies of our original module.
The fork block distributes tasks to the four modules, and the join block combines
the outcomes. Using such a structure, we can start four tasks in parallel. Our latency
is still T = 10 ns because it still takes 10 ns to complete one task. Our throughput,
however, has been increased to Θ = 400 MOPS since we are able to solve four tasks
every 10 ns.
An alternative method of increasing throughput is to pipeline a single copy of the
module, as shown in Figure 7.6(b). Here, we have taken a single module, A, and
divided it into four subtasks, A1, . . . , A4. For this example, we assume that we are
able to partition the tasks evenly so that the delay of each of the four submodules,
Ai, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, is TAi = 2.5 ns. When pipeline registers are between stages, they
hold the result of the preceding submodule, freeing that submodule to begin working
on the next task. Thus, as shown, this pipeline can operate on four tasks at once in
a staggered fashion. As soon as submodule A1 finishes work on problem Task1, it
starts working on Task2, while Task2 continues work on Task1. Each task continues
Digital System Designs 261

Figure 7.7: A design combining parallelism and pipelining techniques.

Figure 7.8: Pipelined design for computing the average value of five inputs, a, b, c,
d, and e.

down the pipeline, advancing one stage each clock cycle, until it is completed by
module A4. If we ignore register overhead, our latency is still T = 2.5 ns×4 stages =
10 ns and our throughput has been increased to 400 MOPS. The system completes a
task every 2.5 ns.
The throughput can be further enhanced by combining the parallelism and pipelin-
ing techniques, as shown below. Independent tasks can be fed into modules A, B,
C, and D in every clock cycle. The submodules Ai , Bi , Ci , and Di , i = 1, 2, 3, 4,
complete each subtask in one cycle. Hence, the overall throughput can now achieve
4 × 400 = 1600 MOPS.

Example 7.1. Design a Verilog model for a pipelined circuit that computes the av-
erage value of five inputs, a, b, c, d, and e, as that shown in Figure 7.8. The pipeline
consists of three stages. The first stage separately adds values of a and b, and c and d
and then register the results. Because the value of e must also be registered, the sec-
ond stage adds the stored value of e and the sums calculated in the first stage. Finally,
in the third stage the results are divided by 5. The inputs and output are all signed
numbers with fixed-point format s(6.8). Please design the circuit such that there is no
overflow in the intermediate results. For your convenience, the fixed-point number
formats are also presented in the figure, where block Q quantizes a number using the
truncation and D denotes the D-type flip-flop.
Solution: Since a multiplication is generally simpler than division, we express the
division by 5 as a multiplication by 1/5 using approximately the binary fixed-point
262 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

s(1.8) number as 9’b000110011, which is 0.19921875 in decimal and, surely, an ap-

proximation of 1/5 = 0.2. The average value of output should not have any overflow
when truncating it into s(6.8) format. The module is defined below. In addition to dat-
apath, simple control signals are also designed. The in_valid and out_valid indicate
the validity of (a, b, c, d, e) and avg, respectively.

1 // A module for computing average value of five inputs

2 module avg_value ( avg , out_valid , in_valid , a , b , c , d , e ,
3 clk );
4 output signed [5 : -8] avg ;

5 output out_valid ;

6 input in_valid ;

7 input signed [5 : -8] a , b , c , d , e ;

8 input clk ;

9 wire signed [6 : -8] a_plus_b , c_plus_d ;

10 wire signed [8 : -8] sum ;

11 wire signed [9 : -16] sum_div_5 ;

12 reg signed [6 : -8] a_plus_b_reg , c_plus_d_reg ;

13 reg signed [5 : -8] e_reg ;

14 reg signed [8 : -8] sum_reg ;

15 reg signed [5 : -8] avg ;

16 reg in_valid_r , in_valid_rr , in_valid_rrr ;

17 parameter const_1over5 =9 ’ b000110011 ;

18 assign a_plus_b = a + b ;

19 assign c_plus_d = c + d ;

20 assign sum = a_plus_b_reg + c_plus_d_reg + e_reg ;

21 assign sum_div_5 = sum_reg * const_1over5 ;

22 assign out_valid = in_valid_rrr ;

23 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin // Pipelining in_valid

24 in_valid_r <= in_valid ;
25 in_valid_rr <= in_valid_r ;
26 in_valid_rrr <= in_valid_rr ;
27 end

28 always @ ( posedge clk )

29 if ( in_valid ) begin // Pipeline register 1

30 a_plus_b_reg <= a_plus_b ;
31 c_plus_d_reg <= c_plus_d ;
32 e_reg <= e ;
33 end
34 always @ ( posedge clk )

35 if ( in_valid_r )
36 sum_reg <= sum ; // Pipeline register 2
37 always @ ( posedge clk )

38 if ( in_valid_rr ) // Pipeline register 3

39 avg <= sum_div_5 [5 : -8];
40 endmodule
Digital System Designs 263

Figure 7.9: (a) Interface for the flow-controlled timing. (b) Timing diagram.


The interfaces between modules can be either always-valid or flow-controlled. Flow-
controlled timing uses a handshaking mechanism through signals, usually called
“valid” and “ready”, to sequence the transfer of data over the interface, as shown
in Figure 7.9. As the names imply, a datum is passed between two modules only
when the sender indicates that the datum is “valid” and the receiver indicates that it
is “ready” to receive it. Once the transfer has been made, the process moves on to the
next one. If either ready or valid signal is not asserted, no transfer takes place. There-
fore, the transfer will stop if the receiver is busy or there is no new data available for
the receiver.
The delay (or execution time) of a pipeline stage needs not always be constant.
However, the upstream stages will be stalled each time a downstream stage takes an
excessive amount of time to process one subtask, as shown in Figure 7.10(a). By
inserting FIFO buffers between pipelined stages, as shown in Figure 7.10(b), varia-
tion in throughput can be eliminated. An upstream pipelined stage inserts results into
the tail of the queue unless it is full, whereas the downstream stage takes a subtask
instance from the head of the queue unless it is empty. The depth of FIFO depends
on the variation in the execution time of the downstream stage. This can achieve a
throughput dependent only on the average throughput of each stage. Specifically, the
overall throughput can achieve the ideal one, i.e., the minimum average throughput
among all stages.
264 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.10: Pipeline under the condition of variable delay: (a) without FIFO and (b)
with FIFO.

The scheduling and timing diagram of the pipeline without FIFO are shown in
Figures 7.11(a) and 7.11(b), respectively. The numbers in parenthesis represent the
task identifications (IDs). As displayed, it takes 16 cycles to finish total 6 tasks in
this case.

Figure 7.11: Pipeline without FIFO: (a) scheduling and (b) timing diagram.
Digital System Designs 265

Figure 7.12: Pipeline with FIFO: (a) scheduling and (b) timing diagram.

The scheduling and timing diagram of the pipeline with FIFO are shown in Fig-
ures 7.12(a) and 7.12(b), respectively. As displayed, the pipeline stage A1 of the
pipeline with FIFO has no stalling issues and A2 always has data to process. Be-
sides, A1 and A2 can operate at their full speeds because the FIFO can temporarily
buffer data from A1 and provide date to A2 when needed. Hence, the processing
proceeds smoothly and the overall time to complete 6 tasks is 15 cycles and reduced.

Sometimes, a resource (bus or slave) may be shared between modules. In such cases,
an arbiter is used to prevent more than one master from occupying the resource at
any given time. At each resource cycle, if the master needs the resource, it sends
a request signal. The arbiter will grant the resource to only one master. A master
266 Principles of Verilog Digital Design





Figure 7.13: Architecture for 4 masters requesting one slave, i.e., the average value

which receives no response must wait for a later cycle. Therefore, the arbiter resolves
the bus contention whenever more than one masters request the bus ownership. To
prevent a master from being starved, a fair arbiter, such as a round-robin arbiter,
should be used. A priority arbiter can also be used if it has been determined that one
master is more critical than the others.

Example 7.2. We want to design a prioritized round-robin arbiter. As shown in

Figure 7.13, there are 4 masters that can request one slave of the average value
module in Example 7.1 through a shared bus. Master 0 has the highest priority, so
requests from master 0 are granted by the arbiter whenever they are made. Requests
from masters 1, 2, and 3 are granted in a round-robin manner.
Solution: The arbiter is implemented using a state machine and designed as de-
scribed below. At each state, the request of master 0 is checked and given precedence.
Remaining requests are examined in a round-robin manner. We assume that the next
master can be granted only when the previous master de-asserts its request.

1 // Arbiter of 4 masters
2 // Master 0 has the highest priority .
3 module arbiter ( gnt , req , clk , rst_n );

4 output [3 : 0] gnt ; // Grant

5 input [3 : 0] req ; // Request

6 input clk ;

7 input rst_n ;

8 reg [3 : 0] gnt ;

9 reg [2 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;

10 parameter ST_IDLE =3 ’ b000 ; parameter ST_M0 =3 ’ b001 ;

11 parameter ST_M1 =3 ’ b011 ; parameter ST_M2 =3 ’ b010 ;
Digital System Designs 267

12 parameter ST_M3 =3 ’ b100 ;

13 always @ (*) begin
14 state_ns = state_cs ;
15 case ( state_cs )
16 ST_IDLE : state_ns = req [0]? ST_M0 :
17 ( req [1]? ST_M1 :
18 ( req [2]? ST_M2 :
19 ( req [3]? ST_M3 : ST_IDLE )));
20 ST_M0 : state_ns =~ req [0]& req [1]? ST_M1 :
21 (~ req [0]& req [2]? ST_M2 :
22 (~ req [0]& req [3]? ST_M3 :
23 ( req [0]? ST_M0 : ST_IDLE )));
24 ST_M1 : state_ns =~ req [1]& req [0]? ST_M0 :
25 (~ req [1]& req [2]? ST_M2 :
26 (~ req [1]& req [3]? ST_M3 :
27 ( req [1]? ST_M1 : ST_IDLE )));
28 ST_M2 : state_ns =~ req [2]& req [0]? ST_M0 :
29 (~ req [2]& req [3]? ST_M3 :
30 (~ req [2]& req [1]? ST_M1 :
31 ( req [2]? ST_M2 : ST_IDLE )));
32 ST_M3 : state_ns =~ req [3]& req [0]? ST_M0 :
33 (~ req [3]& req [1]? ST_M1 :
34 (~ req [3]& req [2]? ST_M2 :
35 ( req [3]? ST_M3 : ST_IDLE )));
36 endcase
37 end

38 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

39 if ( reset ) state_cs <= ST_IDLE ;

40 else state_cs <= state_ns ;
41 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

42 if ( reset ) gnt <=4 ’ b0000 ;

43 else case ( state_ns )
44 ST_IDLE : gnt <=4 ’ b0000 ;
45 ST_M0 : gnt <=4 ’ b0001 ;
46 ST_M1 : gnt <=4 ’ b0010 ;
47 ST_M2 : gnt <=4 ’ b0100 ;
48 ST_M3 : gnt <=4 ’ b1000 ;
49 endcase
50 endmodule

Simple modules are connected with direct point-to-point connections, while a large
and complex system can be more flexibly organized using an interconnect, such as
268 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.14: An abstract interconnect provides connections between 4 clients. The

source client can initiate a transaction or transfer a packet containing the address or
identification of the destination client.

a bus or a network, as shown in Figure 7.14. The links may be parallel or serial-
ized. The flow control mechanism is often required to back pressure the clients when
a contention occurs. The interconnect may or may not permit multiple simultane-
ous operations. To achieve a high throughput, an interconnect that supports multiple
concurrent transactions is required under the situation without any conflicts.
A transaction may be fulfilled using a packet format, including, at minimum, a
destination device address D and a payload P of arbitrary length. Because the inter-
connect has been addressed, any client i can communicate with any client j while
requiring only a single pair of unidirectional links for input and output to each client
module. A packet (D, P) sent from i to j, i.e., D = j, may result in j sending a re-
sponse or reply packet (S, Q), i.e., S = i, with payload Q back to i. The payload may
contain a request type (e.g., read or write), a (memory-mapped) address in D, and
data or other arguments for a remote operation. Buses
A bus interconnect, such as the one shown in Figure 7.15, is a general-purpose in-
terconnect which is widely used in applications that have modest performance re-
quirements. We use the term bus to refer to the collection of signals that form the
interconnect. A bus has the advantages of simplicity, a broadcast nature, and the
ability to serialize and order all transactions. The major disadvantage of a bus is its
performance: it can only allow one transaction to be sent at a time. There are two
masters and two slaves in the system. The master granted by the arbiter connects to
the slave it requests as if they communicate using a point-to-point connection. The
signals from the master/slave are selected by the multiplexer u0/u3 and subsequently
routed to the slave/master by the demultiplexer u1/u2. If there is only a slave, the
demultiplexer u1 and the multiplexer u3 might be saved.
A bus interface can convert the module’s valid-ready flow control to bus arbitra-
tion, as shown in Figure 7.16, where detailed interface signals are displayed. Each
module’s connection to the interface may include device address, data, and read-
Digital System Designs 269

Figure 7.15: Bus constructed by multiplexers and demultiplexers.

/write signals. In Figure 7.16, we assume that there are 4 clients. Notably, the demul-
tiplexers for s_rw, s_wdata0,..., s_wdata3, and m_rdata0,..., m_rdata3 can be saved
because s_rw and s_wdata for a destined slave can be indicated by s_valid. Similarly,
m_rdata for a destined master can be indicated by s_ready.

Figure 7.16: Modules connected to the bus interconnect. A source module arbitrates
for access to the bus and then drives its transaction onto the bus. The destined client
receives or transmits the data to the source client depending upon whether it performs
a write or read transaction.
270 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Each client has two interfaces, one master and one slave. A client uses its mas-
ter interface to communicate with the slave interface of another client on the bus.
The granted master will seem to directly connect to its destined slave through the
interconnect implemented using the multiplexers and demultiplexers.
The bus protocol is defined below. When a client wishes to begin a transaction on
the bus, it inserts the address of the destination client into its address field, m_addr,
the data to be communicated into its data field, m_wdata, the read/write control sig-
nal, m_rw, and asserts the validity of its signal, m_valid. A tristate drive is sometimes
used in an off-chip bus. However, on-chip buses are usually implemented by the mul-
tiplexer and demultiplexer. This type of bus interface connects the valid signal from
the source client to the bus arbiter, which performs an arbitration and sends a grant
signal, arb_gnt, to multiplex the signals of a requesting master, including m_valid,
m_rw, m_addr, and m_wdata. The multiplexed m_valid, m_rw, and m_wdata are
demultiplexed to the corresponding slave through the multiplexed deviceâĂŹs ad-
dress, m_addr. Similarly, the slave signals, s_ready and s_rdata, are multiplexed by
the multiplexed device address, m_addr, and then demultiplexed through the arb_gnt
to the corresponding master, including the signals m_ready and m_rdata.
The Verilog codes for a bus interconnect of 4 clients are shown below.

1 // Interconnect of 4 clients
2 module bus_interc on n ec t (
3 // Master interface

4 m_ready , m_rdata0 , m_rdata1 , m_rdata2 , m_rdata3 ,

5 m_valid , m_rw , m_addr0 , m_addr1 , m_addr2 , m_addr3 ,

6 m_wdata0 , m_wdata1 , m_wdata2 , m_wdata3 ,

7 // Slave interface

8 s_valid , s_rw ,

9 s_wdata0 , s_wdata1 , s_wdata2 , s_wdata3 , s_ready ,

10 s_rdata0 , s_rdata1 , s_rdata2 , s_rdata3 ,

11 clk , rst_n

12 );

13 // Master interface

14 output [3 : 0] m_ready ; //

15 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0 ; //

16 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata1 ; //

17 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata2 ; //

18 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata3 ; //

19 input [3 : 0] m_valid ; //

20 input [3 : 0] m_rw ; //

21 input [1 : 0] m_addr0 ; //

22 input [1 : 0] m_addr1 ; //

23 input [1 : 0] m_addr2 ; //

24 input [1 : 0] m_addr3 ; //

25 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata0 ; //

26 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata1 ; //

Digital System Designs 271

27 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata2 ; //

28 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata3 ; //
29 // Slave interface

30 output [3 : 0] s_valid ; //

31 output [3 : 0] s_rw ; //

32 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0 ; //

33 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata1 ; //

34 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata2 ; //

35 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata3 ; //

36 input [3 : 0] s_ready ; //

37 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata0 ; //

38 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata1 ; //

39 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata2 ; //

40 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata3 ; //

41 input clk , rst_n ;

42 wire [3 : 0] arb_gnt ;

43 parameter DATA_WIDTH =16;

44 // Arbiter interface

45 arbiter arb (. gnt ( arb_gnt ) , . req ( m_valid ) , . clk ( clk ) ,

46 . rst_n ( rst_n ));

47 // Mux and demux interface

48 mux_demux mux_demux (
49 // Master interface

50 . m_ready ( m_ready ) , . m_rdata0 ( m_rdata0 ) ,

51 . m_rdata1 ( m_rdata1 ) , . m_rdata2 ( m_rdata2 ) ,

52 . m_rdata3 ( m_rdata3 ) ,

53 . gnt ( arb_gnt ) , . m_valid ( m_valid ) , . m_rw ( m_rw ) ,

54 . m_addr0 ( m_addr0 ) , . m_addr1 ( m_addr1 ) , . m_addr2 ( m_addr2 ) ,

55 . m_addr3 ( m_addr3 ) ,

56 . m_wdata0 ( m_wdata0 ) , . m_wdata1 ( m_wdata1 ) ,

57 . m_wdata2 ( m_wdata2 ) , . m_wdata3 ( m_wdata3 ) ,

58 // Slave interface

59 . s_valid ( s_valid ) , . s_rw ( s_rw ) , . s_wdata0 ( s_wdata0 ) ,

60 . s_wdata1 ( s_wdata1 ) , . s_wdata2 ( s_wdata2 ) ,

61 . s_wdata3 ( s_wdata3 ) , . s_ready ( s_ready ) ,

62 . s_rdata0 ( s_rdata0 ) , . s_rdata1 ( s_rdata1 ) ,

63 . s_rdata2 ( s_rdata2 ) , s_rdata3 ( s_rdata3 )

64 );

65 endmodule
272 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

A module for the multiplexers and demultiplexers is presented below.

1 // Multiplexers and demultiplexe r s

2 module mux_demux (
3 // Master interface

4 m_ready , m_rdata0 , m_rdata1 , m_rdata2 , m_rdata3 ,

5 gnt , m_valid , m_rw ,

6 m_addr0 , m_addr1 , m_addr2 , m_addr3 ,

7 m_wdata0 , m_wdata1 , m_wdata2 , m_wdata3 ,

8 // Slave interface

9 s_valid , s_rw , s_wdata0 , s_wdata1 , s_wdata2 ,

10 s_wdata3 , s_ready , s_rdata0 , s_rdata1 ,

11 s_rdata2 , s_rdata3

12 );

13 // Master interface

14 output [3 : 0] m_ready ;

15 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0 , m_rdata1 ,

16 m_rdata2 , m_rdata3 ;
17 input [3 : 0] gnt ; // Grant

18 input [3 : 0] m_valid , m_rw , ;

19 input [1 : 0] m_addr0 , m_addr1 , m_addr2 , m_addr3 ;

20 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata0 , m_wdata1 ,

21 m_wdata2 , m_wdata3 ;
22 // Slave interface

23 output [3 : 0] s_valid , s_rw ;

24 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0 , s_wdata1 ,

25 s_wdata2 , s_wdata3 ;
26 input [3 : 0] s_ready ;

27 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata0 , s_rdata1 ,

28 s_rdata2 , s_rdata3 ;
29 reg sel_m_valid ;

30 reg sel_m_rw ;

31 reg [1 : 0] sel_m_addr ;

32 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] sel_m_wdata ;

33 reg [3 : 0] m_ready ;

34 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0 ;

35 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata1 ;

36 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata2 ;

37 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata3 ;

38 reg [3 : 0] s_valid ;

39 reg [3 : 0] s_rw ;

40 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0 ;

41 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata1 ;

42 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata2 ;

43 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata3 ;

44 reg sel_s_ready ;

45 reg [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] sel_s_rdata ;

Digital System Designs 273

46 parameter DATA_WIDTH =16;

47 // mux & demux
48 always @ (*)

49 case ( gnt )
50 4 ’ b0001 : begin
51 sel_m_valid = m_valid [0];
52 sel_m_rw = m_rw [0];
53 sel_m_addr = m_addr0 ;
54 sel_m_wdata = m_wdata0 ;
55 m_ready ={1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 , sel_s_ready };
56 m_rdata0 = sel_s_rdata ;
57 m_rdata1 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
58 m_rdata2 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
59 m_rdata3 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
60 end
61 4 ’ b0010 : begin
62 sel_m_valid = m_valid [1];
63 sel_m_rw = m_rw [1];
64 sel_m_addr = m_addr1 ;
65 sel_m_wdata = m_wdata1 ;
66 m_ready ={1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 , sel_s_ready ,1 ’ b0 };
67 m_rdata0 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
68 m_rdata1 = sel_s_rdata ;
69 m_rdata2 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
70 m_rdata3 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
71 end
72 4 ’ b0100 : begin
73 sel_m_valid = m_valid [2];
74 sel_m_rw = m_rw [2];
75 sel_m_addr = m_addr2 ;
76 sel_m_wdata = m_wdata2 ;
77 m_ready ={1 ’ b0 , sel_s_ready ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 };
78 m_rdata0 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
79 m_rdata1 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
80 m_rdata2 = sel_s_rdata ;
81 m_rdata3 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
82 end
83 default : begin // Also for 4 ’ b1000
84 sel_m_valid = m_valid [3];
85 sel_m_rw = m_rw [3];
86 sel_m_addr = m_addr3 ;
87 sel_m_wdata = m_wdata3 ;
88 m_ready ={ sel_s_ready ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 };
89 m_rdata0 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
90 m_rdata1 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
91 m_rdata2 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
92 m_rdata3 = sel_s_rdata ;
274 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

93 end
94 endcase
95 always @ (*)

96 case ( sel_m_addr )
97 2 ’ b00 : begin
98 sel_s_ready = s_ready [0];
99 sel_s_rdata = s_rdata0 ;
100 s_valid ={1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 , sel_m_valid };
101 s_rw ={1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 , sel_m_rw };
102 s_wdata0 = sel_m_wdata ;
103 s_wdata1 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
104 s_wdata2 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
105 s_wdata3 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
106 end
107 2 ’ b01 : begin
108 sel_s_ready = s_ready [1];
109 sel_s_rdata = s_rdata1 ;
110 s_valid ={1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 , sel_m_valid ,1 ’ b0 };
111 s_rw ={1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 , sel_m_rw ,1 ’ b0 };
112 s_wdata0 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
113 s_wdata1 = sel_m_wdata ;
114 s_wdata2 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
115 s_wdata3 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
116 end
117 2 ’ b10 : begin
118 sel_s_ready = s_ready [2];
119 sel_s_rdata = s_rdata2 ;
120 s_valid ={1 ’ b0 , sel_m_valid ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 };
121 s_rw ={1 ’ b0 , sel_m_rw ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 };
122 s_wdata0 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
123 s_wdata1 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
124 s_wdata2 = sel_m_wdata ;
125 s_wdata3 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
126 end
127 default : begin
128 sel_s_ready = s_ready [3];
129 sel_s_rdata = s_rdata3 ;
130 s_valid ={ sel_m_valid ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 };
131 s_rw ={ sel_m_rw ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 };
132 s_wdata0 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
133 s_wdata1 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
134 s_wdata2 ={ DATA_WIDTH {1 ’ b0 }};
135 s_wdata3 = sel_m_wdata ;
136 end
137 endcase
138 endmodule

Example 7.3. Please design the bus used in Figure 7.13 and integrate arbiter and
avg_value modules.
Digital System Designs 275


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Figure 7.17: Detailed bus interface.

Solution: The bus is implemented using multiplexers for selecting input signals,
a, b, c, d, and e, of the avg_value module, as that shown in Figure 7.17. The gnt
signal produced by the arbiter is used for both select signals of multiplexers and
OR-ed to generate the in_valid signal of the avg_value module. Since there is only a
slave module, the demultiplexers of the master-to-slave bus and multiplexers of the
slave-to-master bus are saved. Besides, the gnt signal can be used to the indicator
of the bus or slave owner, and the demultiplexers of the slave-to-master bus are also
omitted. Therefore, the output signal, avg, of the avg_value module is broadcast to
all masters. The output signal, out_valid, of the avg_value module is not used. Owing
to the 3-stage pipeline of the avg_value module, the master obtains the output result,
avg, 3 cycles later after it is granted.
Assuming that masters 0 and 1 send their requests to the arbiter at the same time
but other masters (not shown) don’t. The timing diagram is demonstrated in Figure
7.18. When gnt[i] of mater i is true, mater i is the bus (or slave) owner and a data
output is valid after 3 cycles. The output data lasts for 2 cycles due to handshaking
overhead when the master is granted; hence, any avg signals in these 2 cycles can be
used. As displayed, the throughput is quite low if the request signal, req, de-asserts 3
cycles later after it is granted. Therefore, the master will occupy the bus (indicated by
the grant signal) by 5 cycles due to the pipelined architecture of avg_value module.

A split transaction is sometimes used to enhance bus performance in a way that

allows the reply (or ready signal) to be transmitted later, after the bus request. Doing
so enables the arbiter to give access to another master without occupying the bus by
a master when waiting for the response of a slave. This can be particularly useful for
a device with long access latency, such as a slow or pipelined device.

Example 7.4. Please modify the bus protocol in Example 7.3 using the split trans-
action to enhance the throughput.

Figure 7.18: Timing diagram of bus protocol 1.

Principles of Verilog Digital Design
Digital System Designs 277

Figure 7.19: Timing diagram of bus protocol 2.

Solution: Assuming that masters 0 and 1 send their requests to the arbiter at the
same time but other masters (not shown) don’t. The request signal de-asserts after
receiving its grant signal instead of waiting for its avg result. Due to the split trans-
action, when the output data is valid, the master’s grant signal has already gone low.
The timing diagram is demonstrated in Figure 7.19. As displayed, a master now
occupies the bus by 2 cycles. The avg signal destined to mater i lasts for 2 cycles
due to handshaking overhead; hence, any avg signals in these 2 cycles can be used.
To receive the first output data for a master, the master must wait 3 cycles after it is

Example 7.5. Please modify the bus protocol in Example 7.4 using the split trans-
action to further enhance the throughput.
Solution: We design a new request signal, req_i, used by the state machine of
the arbiter, as shown below. When gnt[i] is true, it will mask req[i] and the internal
request req_i[i] used by the state machine will become false. Consequently, the bus
can be handed over to the next master earlier than before.

1 // Internal requests used by arbiter

2 assign req_i [0]= req [0]&~ gnt [0];
3 assign req_i [1]= req [0]&~ gnt [1];

4 assign req_i [2]= req [0]&~ gnt [2];

5 assign req_i [3]= req [0]&~ gnt [3];

278 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.20: Timing diagram of bus protocol 3.

The timing diagram is demonstrated in Figure 7.20. Due to the split transaction,
when output data is ready, the master’s grant signal has already gone low. As dis-
played, a master now occupies the bus by 1 cycle because the request signal used by
the state machine of the arbiter shortens by qualifying the grant signal. The pipelined
avg_value module now can process input data of masters at its maximum speed. To
receive the first output data for a master, the master must wait 3 cycles after it is
granted. Crossbar Switches

When an interconnect with a higher performance than a bus is required, and a small
or moderate number of clients is connected, a crossbar (or cross-point) switch is often
a good solution, as shown in Figure 7.21. Similar to the bus interconnect, the mas-
ter provides valid, read/write, device address, and data output signals, while signals
indicating readiness and data input are given by the slave. If there are m transmit-
ting (Tx) masters and n receiving (Rx) slaves, the arbiter considers all m sending
requests and generates a set of grants for those non-conflicting requests and routes
the master’s and slave’s signals to its corresponding slave and master, respectively.
For example, if master i’s request to send a transaction to slave j is granted, the con-
nection between them is established so they can communicate as if using a direct
point-to-point connection. Each row of the request matrix can have at most a single
1 because each master can request no more than one slave at a time. In such an array,
there are n arbiters, one for each column (or slave). To avoid conflicts, each slave is
assigned to only a single master.
Verilog code for a 4 × 4 crossbar switch is shown below. The arbiter in this ex-
ample always gives priority to client 0. Like the bus, the arbitration is pipelined
one cycle ahead of data communication. At most, each master can access one
Digital System Designs 279

Figure 7.21: Interconnect with a crossbar switch.

non-conflicting slave such that the performance can be enhanced fourfold. The mod-
ules, arbiter and mux_demux, reuse those defined in the previous sections. The
throughput of a crossbar can be increased by providing a buffer at the crosspoint,
which decouples input and output scheduling.

1 // Module of crossbar switches

2 module crossbar_ in t e rc o nn e c t (
3 // Master interface

4 m_ready , m_rdata0 , m_rdata1 , m_rdata2 , m_rdata3 ,

5 m_valid , m_rw , m_addr0 , m_addr1 , m_addr2 , m_addr3 ,

6 m_wdata0 , m_wdata1 , m_wdata2 , m_wdata3 ,

7 // Slave interface

8 s_valid , s_rw ,

9 s_wdata0 , s_wdata1 , s_wdata2 , s_wdata3 , s_ready ,

10 s_rdata0 , s_rdata1 , s_rdata2 , s_rdata3 ,

11 clk , rst_n

12 );

13 // Master interface

14 output [3 : 0] m_ready ; //

15 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0 ; //

16 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata1 ; //

17 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata2 ; //

280 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

18 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata3 ; //

19 input [3 : 0] m_valid ; //
20 input [3 : 0] m_rw ; //

21 input [1 : 0] m_addr0 ; //

22 input [1 : 0] m_addr1 ; //

23 input [1 : 0] m_addr2 ; //

24 input [1 : 0] m_addr3 ; //

25 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata0 ; //

26 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata1 ; //

27 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata2 ; //

28 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_wdata3 ; //

29 // Slave interface

30 output [3 : 0] s_valid ; //

31 output [3 : 0] s_rw ; //

32 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0 ; //

33 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata1 ; //

34 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata2 ; //

35 output [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata3 ; //

36 input [3 : 0] s_ready ; //

37 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata0 ; //

38 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata1 ; //

39 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata2 ; //

40 input [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_rdata3 ; //

41 input clk , rst_n ;

42 // Slave 0

43 wire [3 : 0] m_ready_s0 ; //

44 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0_s0 ; //

45 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata1_s0 ; //

46 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata2_s0 ; //

47 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata3_s0 ; //

48 wire [3 : 0] m_valid_s0 ; //

49 wire [3 : 0] s_valid_s0 ; //

50 wire [3 : 0] s_rw_s0 ; //

51 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0_s0 ; //

52 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata1_s0 ; //

53 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata2_s0 ; //

54 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata3_s0 ; //

55 // Slave 1

56 wire [3 : 0] m_ready_s1 ; //

57 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0_s1 ; //

58 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata1_s1 ; //

59 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata2_s1 ; //

60 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata3_s1 ; //

61 wire [3 : 0] m_valid_s1 ; //

62 wire [3 : 0] s_valid_s1 ; //

63 wire [3 : 0] s_rw_s1 ; //

64 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0_s1 ; //

Digital System Designs 281

65 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata1_s1 ; //

66 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata2_s1 ; //
67 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata3_s1 ; //

68 // Slave 2

69 wire [3 : 0] m_ready_s2 ; //

70 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0_s2 ; //

71 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata1_s2 ; //

72 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata2_s2 ; //

73 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata3_s2 ; //

74 wire [3 : 0] m_valid_s2 ; //

75 wire [3 : 0] s_valid_s2 ; //

76 wire [3 : 0] s_rw_s2 ; //

77 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0_s2 ; //

78 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata1_s2 ; //

79 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata2_s2 ; //

80 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata3_s2 ; //

81 // Slave 3

82 wire [3 : 0] m_ready_s3 ; //

83 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata0_s3 ; //

84 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata1_s3 ; //

85 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata2_s3 ; //

86 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] m_rdata3_s3 ; //

87 wire [3 : 0] m_valid_s3 ; //

88 wire [3 : 0] s_valid_s3 ; //

89 wire [3 : 0] s_rw_s3 ; //

90 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata0_s3 ; //

91 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata1_s3 ; //

92 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata2_s3 ; //

93 wire [ DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] s_wdata3_s3 ; //

94 wire [3 : 0] arb_gnt_s0 ;

95 wire [3 : 0] arb_gnt_s1 ;

96 wire [3 : 0] arb_gnt_s2 ;

97 wire [3 : 0] arb_gnt_s3 ;

98 parameter DATA_WIDTH =16;

99 // Arbiter interface

100 // Request matrix

101 assign m_valid_s0 ={ m_valid [3] & ( m_addr3 ==2 ’ d0 ) ,

102 m_valid [2] & ( m_addr2 ==2 ’ d0 ) ,

103 m_valid [1] & ( m_addr1 ==2 ’ d0 ) ,
104 m_valid [0] & ( m_addr0 ==2 ’ d0 )};
105 assign m_valid_s1 ={ m_valid [3] & ( m_addr3 ==2 ’ d1 ) ,

106 m_valid [2] & ( m_addr2 ==2 ’ d1 ) ,

107 m_valid [1] & ( m_addr1 ==2 ’ d1 ) ,
108 m_valid [0] & ( m_addr0 ==2 ’ d1 )};
109 assign m_valid_s2 ={ m_valid [3] & ( m_addr3 ==2 ’ d2 ) ,

110 m_valid [2] & ( m_addr2 ==2 ’ d2 ) ,

111 m_valid [1] & ( m_addr1 ==2 ’ d2 ) ,
282 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

112 m_valid [0] & ( m_addr0 ==2 ’ d2 )};

113 assign m_valid_s3 ={ m_valid [3] & ( m_addr3 ==2 ’ d3 ) ,
114 m_valid [2] & ( m_addr2 ==2 ’ d3 ) ,
115 m_valid [1] & ( m_addr1 ==2 ’ d3 ) ,
116 m_valid [0] & ( m_addr0 ==2 ’ d3 )};
117 arbiter arb0 (. gnt ( arb_gnt_s0 ) , . req ( m_valid_s0 ) ,

118 . clk ( clk ) , . rst_n ( rst_n ));

119 arbiter arb1 (. gnt ( arb_gnt_s1 ) , . req ( m_valid_s1 ) ,

120 . clk ( clk ) , . rst_n ( rst_n ));

121 arbiter arb2 (. gnt ( arb_gnt_s2 ) , . req ( m_valid_s2 ) ,

122 . clk ( clk ) , . rst_n ( rst_n ));

123 arbiter arb3 (. gnt ( arb_gnt_s3 ) , . req ( m_valid_s3 ) ,

124 . clk ( clk ) , . rst_n ( rst_n ));

125 // mux and demux interface

126 assign m_ready = m_ready_s0 | m_ready_s1 | m_ready_s2 |

127 m_ready_s3 ;
128 assign m_rdata0 = m_rdata0_s0 | m_rdata0_s1 |

129 m_rdata0_s2 | m_rdata0_s3 ;

130 assign m_rdata1 = m_rdata1_s0 | m_rdata1_s1 |

131 m_rdata1_s2 | m_rdata1_s3 ;

132 assign m_rdata2 = m_rdata2_s0 | m_rdata2_s1 |

133 m_rdata2_s2 | m_rdata2_s3 ;

134 assign m_rdata3 = m_rdata3_s0 | m_rdata3_s1 |

135 m_rdata3_s2 | m_rdata3_s3 ;

136 assign s_valid = s_valid_s0 | s_valid_s1 | s_valid_s2 |

137 s_valid_s3 ;
138 assign s_rw = s_rw_s0 | s_rw_s1 | s_rw_s2 | s_rw_s3 ;

139 assign s_wdata0 = s_wdata0_s0 | s_wdata0_s1 |

140 s_wdata0_s2 | s_wdata0_s3 ;

141 assign s_wdata1 = s_wdata1_s0 | s_wdata1_s1 |

142 s_wdata1_s2 | s_wdata1_s3 ;

143 assign s_wdata2 = s_wdata2_s0 | s_wdata2_s1 |

144 s_wdata2_s2 | s_wdata2_s3 ;

145 assign s_wdata3 = s_wdata3_s0 | s_wdata3_s1 |

146 s_wdata3_s2 | s_wdata3_s3 ;

147 // mux and demux interface of slave 0

148 mux_demux mux_demux_s0 (

149 // Master interface

150 . m_ready ( m_ready_s0 ) , . m_rdata0 ( m_rdata0_s0 ) ,

151 . m_rdata1 ( m_rdata1_s0 ) , . m_rdata2 ( m_rdata2_s0 ) ,

152 . m_rdata3 ( m_rdata3_s0 ) ,

153 . gnt ( arb_gnt_s0 ) , . m_valid ( m_valid_s0 ) , . m_rw ( m_rw ) ,

154 . m_addr0 ( m_addr0 ) , . m_addr1 ( m_addr1 ) , . m_addr2 ( m_addr2 ) ,

155 . m_addr3 ( m_addr3 ) ,

156 . m_wdata0 ( m_wdata0 ) , . m_wdata1 ( m_wdata1 ) ,

157 . m_wdata2 ( m_wdata2 ) , . m_wdata3 ( m_wdata3 ) ,

158 // Slave interface

Digital System Designs 283

159 . s_valid ( s_valid_s0 ) , . s_rw ( s_rw_s0 ) ,

160 . s_wdata0 ( s_wdata0_s0 ) ,
161 . s_wdata1 ( s_wdata1_s0 ) , . s_wdata2 ( s_wdata2_s0 ) ,

162 . s_wdata3 ( s_wdata3_s0 ) , . s_ready ( s_ready ) ,

163 . s_rdata0 ( s_rdata0 ) , . s_rdata1 ( s_rdata1 ) ,

164 . s_rdata2 ( s_rdata2 ) , . s_rdata3 ( s_rdata3 )

165 );

166 // mux and demux interface of slave 1

167 mux_demux mux_demux_s1 (

168 // Master interface

169 . m_ready ( m_ready_s1 ) , . m_rdata0 ( m_rdata0_s1 ) ,

170 . m_rdata1 ( m_rdata1_s1 ) , . m_rdata2 ( m_rdata2_s1 ) ,

171 . m_rdata3 ( m_rdata3_s1 ) ,

172 . gnt ( arb_gnt_s1 ) , . m_valid ( m_valid_s1 ) , . m_rw ( m_rw ) ,

173 . m_addr0 ( m_addr0 ) , . m_addr1 ( m_addr1 ) , . m_addr2 ( m_addr2 ) ,

174 . m_addr3 ( m_addr3 ) ,

175 . m_wdata0 ( m_wdata0 ) , . m_wdata1 ( m_wdata1 ) ,

176 . m_wdata2 ( m_wdata2 ) , . m_wdata3 ( m_wdata3 ) ,

177 // Slave interface

178 . s_valid ( s_valid_s1 ) , . s_rw ( s_rw_s1 ) ,

179 . s_wdata0 ( s_wdata0_s1 ) ,

180 . s_wdata1 ( s_wdata1_s1 ) , . s_wdata2 ( s_wdata2_s1 ) ,

181 . s_wdata3 ( s_wdata3_s1 ) , . s_ready ( s_ready ) ,

182 . s_rdata0 ( s_rdata0 ) , . s_rdata1 ( s_rdata1 ) ,

183 . s_rdata2 ( s_rdata2 ) , . s_rdata3 ( s_rdata3 )

184 );

185 // mux and demux interface of slave 2

186 mux_demux mux_demux_s2 (

187 // Master interface

188 . m_ready ( m_ready_s2 ) , . m_rdata0 ( m_rdata0_s2 ) ,

189 . m_rdata1 ( m_rdata1_s2 ) , . m_rdata2 ( m_rdata2_s2 ) ,

190 . m_rdata3 ( m_rdata3_s2 ) ,

191 . gnt ( arb_gnt_s2 ) , . m_valid ( m_valid_s2 ) , . m_rw ( m_rw ) ,

192 . m_addr0 ( m_addr0 ) , . m_addr1 ( m_addr1 ) , . m_addr2 ( m_addr2 ) ,

193 . m_addr3 ( m_addr3 ) ,

194 . m_wdata0 ( m_wdata0 ) , . m_wdata1 ( m_wdata1 ) ,

195 . m_wdata2 ( m_wdata2 ) , . m_wdata3 ( m_wdata3 ) ,

196 // Slave interface

197 . s_valid ( s_valid_s2 ) , . s_rw ( s_rw_s2 ) ,

198 . s_wdata0 ( s_wdata0_s2 ) ,

199 . s_wdata1 ( s_wdata1_s2 ) , . s_wdata2 ( s_wdata2_s2 ) ,

200 . s_wdata3 ( s_wdata3_s2 ) , . s_ready ( s_ready ) ,

201 . s_rdata0 ( s_rdata0 ) , . s_rdata1 ( s_rdata1 ) ,

202 . s_rdata2 ( s_rdata2 ) , . s_rdata3 ( s_rdata3 )

203 );

204 // mux and demux interface of slave 3

205 mux_demux mux_demux_s3 (

284 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

206 // Master interface

207 . m_ready ( m_ready_s3 ) , . m_rdata0 ( m_rdata0_s3 ) ,
208 . m_rdata1 ( m_rdata1_s3 ) , . m_rdata2 ( m_rdata2_s3 ) ,

209 . m_rdata3 ( m_rdata3_s3 ) ,

210 . gnt ( arb_gnt_s3 ) , . m_valid ( m_valid_s3 ) , . m_rw ( m_rw ) ,

211 . m_addr0 ( m_addr0 ) , . m_addr1 ( m_addr1 ) , . m_addr2 ( m_addr2 ) ,

212 . m_addr3 ( m_addr3 ) ,

213 . m_wdata0 ( m_wdata0 ) , . m_wdata1 ( m_wdata1 ) ,

214 . m_wdata2 ( m_wdata2 ) , . m_wdata3 ( m_wdata3 ) ,

215 // Slave interface

216 . s_valid ( s_valid_s3 ) , . s_rw ( s_rw_s3 ) ,

217 . s_wdata0 ( s_wdata0_s3 ) ,

218 . s_wdata1 ( s_wdata1_s3 ) , . s_wdata2 ( s_wdata2_s3 ) ,

219 . s_wdata3 ( s_wdata3_s3 ) , . s_ready ( s_ready ) ,

220 . s_rdata0 ( s_rdata0 ) , . s_rdata1 ( s_rdata1 ) ,

221 . s_rdata2 ( s_rdata2 ) , . s_rdata3 ( s_rdata3 )

222 );

223 endmodule Interconnect Networks

When a large (more than 16) clients must be connected, an interconnect network
is usually required to enable communication between the clients. An interconnect
network consists of a set of routers connected by channels and is characterized by a
topology, a routing algorithm, and a flow control mechanism. Figure 7.22 shows an
interconnect network that connects 18 clients using a two-dimensional 3 × 3 mesh
topology with 2 clients per router. The network has 9 routers, each of which has up to
6 bi-directional ports or 12 uni-directional channels. The routing algorithm specifies
a path through this network which goes from a source client to a destination client.
One possible routing algorithm for this network requires a path that travels first in the
x-dimension to the destination column and then switches to the y-dimension where
it proceeds to the destination row, and finally to the designated client port.
The flow control in an interconnect network, as opposed to that of an interface,
deals with the allocation of channels and buffers to packets as they traverse the net-
work. Each channel and buffer is allocated to a particular packet for an interval of
time, after which, it is reallocated to a different packet. So far, we have assumed
the entire packet is delivered in parallel in a single clock cycle. However, as with
the other interconnects, an interconnect network can be serialized so that a packet
is delivered over several cycles across a narrow interface. In a serialized network,
the flow control can either be performed at the level of the whole packet, in which
case routers must have buffers large enough to hold whole packets, or at the level
of flow-control digit, or flit, the amount of information that can be delivered in one
clock cycle. Packet-level flow control is similar to frame-level flow control, while
flit-level flow control is similar to the valid-ready flow control of an interface.
Digital System Designs 285

Figure 7.22: A 3 × 3 interconnect network.


Memory is widely used in digital systems for many different purposes. In a processor,
DRAM chips are used for main memory, while SRAM arrays are used to implement
caches and other internal storage. In an Internet router, memory is used for packet
buffer and routing tables. In a cellphone, memory can be used to buffer video and
audio streaming data.
Memory is characterized by three key parameters: capacity, latency, and through-
put. Capacity is the amount of data that can be stored, latency is the amount of time
required to access the stored data, and throughput is the amount of access that can oc-
cur in a time unit. The advantage of DRAM is the structural simplicity of its memory
cells: only one transistor and one tiny capacitor are required per bit, compared to six
transistors in SRAM. This allows DRAM to reach a very high density that makes it
much cheaper per bit. The capacitor can either be charged or discharged to represent
either of the two states, 0 or 1, of a bit. However, the electric charge on the capacitor
eventually leaks away, so without refreshing, the data on the chip is soon lost. To
prevent this, DRAM requires an external memory refresh circuit which periodically
rewrites the data in the capacitors, restoring them to their original states. This re-
fresh process is the defining characteristic of DRAM, in contrast to SRAM, which
286 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

does not require data to be refreshed. The term “static” (the S of SRAM) indicates
that the stored data persists indefinitely so long as power is applied to the memory
A memory system in a large digital system is often composed of multiple memo-
ries with different characteristics. For example, on-chip SRAM is characterized by its
low latency and high throughput, while DRAM is characterized by its high capacity.
Moreover, DRAM is often external to an ASIC due to a different process technology.
The number of memories used to realize a memory system is governed by its capac-
ity and throughput. If a memory does not have sufficient capacity, multiple memories
must be used, with just one memory being accessible at any given time. Similarly,
if one memory does not have sufficient bandwidth to sustain the required through-
put, multiple memories must be used in parallel. Notably, the memory bandwidth is
usually expressed in units of bits/sec, instead of hertz in communication systems.
The access policy of a memory can be either random access or sequential. Exam-
ples of random-access memories include SRAM, DRAM, ROM, etc. Examples of
sequential access memories include FIFO and stack. Non-volatile memory systems
such as storage disks used for persistent storage lie outside of the scope of this book.
The process of storing information into memory is referred to as a memory write
operation. The process of transferring the stored information out of memory is re-
ferred to as a memory read operation. SRAM and DRAM can perform both write and
read operations, whereas ROM can perform only the read operation. ROM is part of a
programmable logic device (PLD). A PLD is an integrated circuit with internal logic
gates connected through configurable paths. Its contents are written through a pro-
gramming process and are part of a hardware procedure used to specify the bits that
are inserted into the hardware configuration of the device. The programming of ROM
determines the fuses which are to be connected or disconnected. Other PLDs include
programmable logic array (PLA), programmable array logic (PAL), and FPGA.


On-chip SRAM arrays are useful for building small, fast, or dedicated memories in-
tegrated near the logic that produces and consumes the data they store. Typically, the
total capacity of an SRAM array that can be realized on one chip is small compared
to even a single DRAM chip. However, on-chip SRAM can be accessed in a single
clock cycle compared to several tens of cycles required for an off-chip DRAM. By
operating many SRAM arrays in parallel, a very high aggregate bandwidth can be
An SRAM interface consists of a read/write enable signal, an address, a data out-
put, and a data input. An SRAM can have more than one port. Although the majority
of SRAMs have a single port because the cost increases as the square of the num-
ber of ports, dual-port SRAMs with one read and one write port are not uncommon.
Most SRAMs operate synchronously based on a clock, as shown in Figure 7.23. We
call it synchronous SRAM (SSRAM). In this example, the data d0 is written into the
address of 8 at cycle 0. The data at this same address is then read at cycle 1. Accord-
ing to the clock, the read/write enable (ren/wen), read/write address (raddr/waddr),
Digital System Designs 287

Figure 7.23: Timing diagram of a dual-port SSRAM.

Figure 7.24: Timing diagram of a burst read and write.

and write data (wdata) have setup time (tS ) and hold time (tH ) constraints. The read
data (rdata) signal has access time (tA ) constraint. A single SSRAM array typically
operates in one clock cycle.
An SSRAM can be burst read and written. Every cycle, the address (and data for a
write access) can change to a new and random one without incurring any interruption
or overhead, as shown in Figure 7.24.

Example 7.6. The behavior model of a 512×16 single-port SSRAM is written be-
low, where rdata, cen, wen, ren, addr, and wdata are read data, chip enable, write
enable, read enable, address, and data input, respectively. The SSRAM is on-chip so
288 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

that read (rdata) and write (wdata) data buses are separate. For off-chip single-port
SSRAMs, read and write data buses are usually shared, i.e., bidirectional, to save the
pin counts. If cen and ren are true, the read operation is performed; if cen and wen
are true, the write operation is performed. The delayed assignment using the timing
control, #tA , models the access time. The setup time tS and hold time tH are checked
using a specify block.

1 // SSRAM behavior model

2 module SSRAM ( rdata , clk , cen , wen , ren , addr , wdata );
3 output [7 : 0] rdata ;

4 input clk , cen , wen , ren ;

5 input [15 : 0] addr ;

6 input [7 : 0] wdata ;
7 reg [7 : 0] mem [0 : 65535] , tempQ , rdata ;

8 parameter tA =3;

9 always @ ( posedge clk )

10 if ( cen & wen ) mem [ addr ] <= wdata [7 : 0];

11 always @ ( addr or ren or cen )

12 if ( cen & ren ) tempQ = mem [ addr ];

13 else tempQ =8 ’ hzz ;
14 always @ ( posedge clk )

15 rdata <=# tA tempQ ;

16 specify

17 // Parameters of setup time & hold time requirement

18 specparam tS =2; specparam tH =1;
19 // Setup time check
20 $setup ( cen , posedge clk , tS );
21 $setup ( wen , posedge clk , tS );
22 $setup ( ren , posedge clk , tS );
23 $setup ( addr , posedge clk , tS );
24 $setup ( wdata , posedge clk , tS );
25 // Hold time check
26 $hold ( posedge clock , cen , tH );
27 $hold ( posedge clock , wen , tH );
28 $hold ( posedge clock , ren , tH );
29 $hold ( posedge clock , addr , tH );
30 $hold ( posedge clock , wdata , tH );
31 endspecify

32 endmodule

SRAMs are organized as arrays of cells with row decoders and column multiplex-
ers. Depending on the multiplexing factor, various SRAMs with different numbers
of entries and bit widths can be realized. If we need a RAM with a larger capacity or
higher bandwidth, we can combine multiple RAM arrays via bit-slicing or banking.
The bit-slicing technique can be used to design a memory system with a capacity of
Digital System Designs 289

Figure 7.25: Connection of memory components in parallel to form a memory system

with broader data width, and hence, bandwidth.

64 K×32-bit using four 64 K×8-bit memories to broaden the data width, as shown
in Figure 7.25. All 4 memory arrays are all accessed in parallel at a time. If cen is
true and wen is false, the read operation is performed; if cen and wen are true, the
write operation is performed.
The memory space of the RAM arrays using the bit-slicing technique is organized
in Figure 7.26.
We can also adopt the banking technique to design a 64 K×32-bit memory
system using four 16 K×32-bit components to increase the capacity, as shown in
Figure 7.27. A decoder with enable control and a multiplexer are required. When
290 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.26: Memory space of the RAM arrays using the bit-slicing technique.

addr[15:14] is 00, the first memory array (counted from top to bottom) is enabled
via the decoder and its rdata is selected via the multiplexer, and so on. Notably,
addr[15:14] used to select the rdata[31:0] needs to be pipelined because read data
are commonly available one cycle later than the read command.
The memory space of the RAM arrays using the banking technique is organized
in Figure 7.28.
Both configurations have the same capacity (2 Mb) and bandwidth (4 bytes per
cycle). In a bit-sliced memory, all memory arrays must be accessed to complete
an operation, since each provides a portion of the final result. In a banked memory,
however, only one array needs to be accessed such that power can be saved. However,
extra decoder and multiplexer are required using a banked memory.
We can simplify the connection of memory components to form a larger memory
system by using a tristate buffer for each of the data outputs, as shown in Figure 7.29.
To drive the output, the enable signal must be true. If the enable signal is false, the
input of the tristate buffer is effectively isolated from its output and, of course, the
component the output is connected to as well. If we use memory components with
tristate data outputs to construct a larger memory system, the output multiplexers,
such as the one shown in Figure 7.27, can be omitted.
Digital System Designs 291

Figure 7.27: Connection of four 16 K×32-bit components to construct a 64 K×32-bit

memory system with a larger capacity.

Figure 7.28: Memory space of the RAM arrays using the banking technique.
292 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


Figure 7.29: Symbol of the tristate buffer.

Therefore, we can combine both bit-slicing and banking techniques to create the
memory architecture shown in Figure 7.30. Each of the 16 memory units is 16K×8
bits, requiring four memory units (one row) to access 32-bit data at a time, while the

Figure 7.30: Tiling memory arrays into banks of bit-sliced arrays.

Digital System Designs 293

Figure 7.31: Memory space of the RAM arrays using both bit-slicing and banking

other 12 units remain idle to save power. In this manner, the clock speed can also
be increased owing to the smaller size of SRAM chips. Four rows, known as banks,
are needed to give the required memory capacity of 2 Mb. Only the read data bus is
displayed in Figure 7.30. The selected bank (by the decoder) will drive the data bus,
while other non-selected banks will stay in tristate so that they cannot affect the read
data of a selected bank.
The memory space of the RAM arrays using both bit-slicing and banking tech-
niques is organized in Figure 7.31.
Allowing multiple requests to access multiple banks simultaneously with an arbi-
trated crossbar increases the aggregate memory bandwidth from one word per cycle
to min(N, M) words per cycle, where M is the number of requesters and N is the
number of interleaved banks. Each of the multiple instances of memory access for
each bank is decoded based on its memory address. This enables multiple requests
to be granted every cycle. Of course, these banks can be further bit-sliced and/or
banked, however, if two requests require access to the same bank at the same time, a
conflict occurs and one request must be postponed.
294 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.32: FIFO interface.

Example 7.7. On-chip SRAMs are the most popular method to realize a large data
storage because the area size of a bit implemented using an SRAM is much smaller
than that of a flip-flop. For example, we can design a 1 K×8-bit FIFO using a FIFO
controller with a dual-port SSRAM, as shown in Figure 7.32.
Solution: The RTL codes of the FIFO controller are presented below. For sim-
plicity, one port of the SSRAM is dedicated to the write access, while another is
dedicated to the read access. To get rid of any possible timing issues, the output
signals, including wen, waddr, wdata, ren, and raddr, of memory interface are regis-
tered outputs, and input signal, rdata, is directly latched by flip-flops without going
through a combinational circuits. An output signal, fifo_rdata_valid, of the fifo read
interface is added to indicate the validity of fifo_rdata.
The SSRAM interface typically has the hold time constraints, including wen,
waddr, wdata, ren, and raddr signals. Hold time violations will be fixed during the
synthesis stage by inserting buffers on those timing paths.

1 // Large FIFO buffer implemented using SSRAM

2 module fifo_ctrl (
3 // FIFO interface

4 fifo_full , fifo_wr , fifo_wdata ,

5 fifo_notempty , fifo_rdata_valid , fifo_rdata , fifo_rd ,

6 // SSRAM interface

7 wen , waddr , wdata ,

8 ren , raddr , rdata ,

9 clk , rst_n

10 );
Digital System Designs 295

11 // FIFO interface
12 output fifo_full ; //
13 input fifo_wr ; //

14 input [7 : 0] fifo_wdata ; //

15 output fifo_notempty ; //

16 output fifo_rdata_ v al id ; //

17 output [7 : 0] fifo_rdata ; //

18 input fifo_rd ; //

19 // SSRAM interface

20 output wen ; //

21 output [9 : 0] waddr ;

22 output [7 : 0] wdata ;

23 output ren ; //

24 output [9 : 0] raddr ;

25 input [7 : 0] rdata ;

26 input clk , rst_n ;

27 reg [9 : 0] wr_ptr , rd_ptr ;

28 reg [10 : 0] queue_length ;

29 reg fifo_rd_r , fifo_rd_rr ;

30 reg [7 : 0] fifo_rdata ;

31 // FIFO controller

32 assign fifo_full = queue_length ==11 ’ d1024 ;

33 assign fifo_notempty =~( queue_length ==11 ’ d0 );

34 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

35 if (! rst_n )
36 wr_ptr <=0;
37 else if ( fifo_wr )
38 wr_ptr <= wr_ptr +1 ’ b1 ;
39 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

40 if (! rst_n )
41 rd_ptr <=0;
42 else if ( fifo_rd )
43 rd_ptr <= rd_ptr +1 ’ b1 ;
44 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

45 if (! rst_n )
46 queue_length <=0;
47 else if ( fifo_wr &&! fifo_rd )
48 queue_length <= queue_length +1 ’ b1 ;
49 else if ( fifo_rd &&! fifo_wr )
50 queue_length <= queue_length -1 ’ b1 ;
51 // SSRAM controller , write port

52 assign wen = fifo_wr ;

53 assign waddr = wr_ptr ;

54 assign wdata = fifo_wdata ;

55 // SSRAM controller , read port

56 assign ren = fifo_rd ;

57 assign raddr = rd_ptr ;

296 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

58 assign fifo_rdata _v a li d = fifo_rd_rr ;

59 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )
60 if (! rst_n ) begin
61 fifo_rd_r <=1 ’ b0 ;
62 fifo_rd_rr <=1 ’ b0 ;
63 end
64 else begin
65 fifo_rd_r <= fifo_rd ;
66 fifo_rd_rr <= fifo_rd_r ;
67 end
68 always @ ( posedge clk )

69 if ( fifo_rd_r ) fifo_rdata <= rdata ;

70 endmodule More on Bidirectional Bus

To construct a bidirectional bus to save the pin counts of an off-chip memory, we
simply connect the data outputs of the memory components together. When a read
operation is performed, only the data output for the selected memory component is
enabled. The outputs for all of the disabled components remain in a high-impedance
state. A bidirectional bus with tristate data outputs is shown in Figure 7.33. The
designer must ensure that only one component can drive the bidirectional bus at a
time. That is, only one instance of either enable1, enable2, or enable3 can be true at
any given time. Also, to prevent bus conflicts, a turn around period for the next driver
is typically required after disabling the previous bus driver or owner.
The bidirectional bus, named bus, can be modeled using the following primitives.
In which, the bidirectional bus is a tristate signal. It is therefore declared using the
tri data type.

Figure 7.33: Bidirectional data bus.

Digital System Designs 297

1 // Bidirectional bus using Verilog primitives

2 tri bus ;
3 bufif1 u1 ( bus , bus_out1 , enable1 );

4 bufif1 u2 ( bus , bus_out2 , enable2 );

5 bufif1 u3 ( bus , bus_out3 , enable3 );

6 buf u4 ( bus_in1 , bus );

7 buf u5 ( bus_in2 , bus );

8 buf u6 ( bus_in3 , bus );

Continuous assignments can also be used.

1 // Bidirectional bus using continuous assignments

2 tri bus ;
3 assign bus = enable1 ? bus_out1 : 1 ’ bz ;

4 assign bus = enable2 ? bus_out2 : 1 ’ bz ;

5 assign bus = enable3 ? bus_out3 : 1 ’ bz ;

6 assign bus_in1 = bus ;

7 assign bus_in2 = bus ;

8 assign bus_in3 = bus ;

Either approach allows an expanded memory with bidirectional data bus to be

constructed, such as the one shown in Figure 7.34. The data bus, data[31:0], is a
bidirectional bus. For memory components implemented as separate ICs for use on
PCBs, the use of bidirectional connections results in significant cost savings, since
fewer package pins and interconnection wires are required.
However, if a port with a bidirectional data bus is used for both read and write
accesses, attention should be paid to a write after read (WAR) access. In Figure 7.35,
at every rising edge of clk, when wen is 1/0, a write/read access is performed. As
presented, a memory conflict of the data bus happens at cycle 2 because a write
command is issued at that cycle, and concurrently read data is available. Asynchronous SRAM

One of the oldest and simplest forms of memory is asynchronous SRAM, as shown
in Figure 7.36. It is asynchronous because the memory does not rely on a clock for
its timing. SRAM is volatile, meaning that it requires power to maintain the stored
data, and loses the data if power is removed.
The timing of an off-chip asynchronous SRAM for write and read operations is
shown in Figure 7.37, where addr, cen, wen, ren, and data are address, chip enable
(active low), write enable (active low), read enable (active low), and (bidirectional)
data signals. The data are written at the positive edge of wen and have setup (tS )
and hold-time (tH ) constraints. The data are output at the negative edge of ren and
available after a delay (or access time) of tA . The control signals, write and read
enables, have signal width constraints, tW . If the clock period of logic circuits used
298 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.34: A memory system constructed with a bidirectional data bus.

Figure 7.35: Memory conflict for a write after read access.

Digital System Designs 299

Figure 7.36: Interface of an asynchronous SRAM.

Figure 7.37: Timing for write and read operations in an asynchronous SRAM.

to generate signals of memory interface is smaller than the timing constraints, the
signals should be lengthened to meet the specification.

Example 7.8. We want to design a controller in Figure 7.38 for an off-chip 1024×32
bits asynchronous SRAM. Therefore, the data signal is a bidirectional bus to save
the pin counts. For simplicity, the chip enable ties to low so that the asynchronous

Figure 7.38: Interface of the asynchronous SRAM controller.

300 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

SRAM is always enabled. Assuming that tS = 5, tH = 2, tA = 7, and tW = 5 time units

in Figure 7.37. The clock period of SRAM controller is 3 time units. Please design
the SRAM controller such that the SRAM interface timing can be ensured.
The internal command interface of the asynchronous SRAM controller is pre-
sented in Table 7.1. When internal command cmdi=2’b00, no command is issued.
When internal command cmdi=2’b01, the write command is issued, and addri,
wdatai, and cmd_donei are address, write data, and command done, respectively.
When internal command cmdi=2’b10, the read command is issued, and addri, rdatai,
and cmd_donei are address, read data, and command done, respectively. For the
read command, the command done signal, cmd_donei, also indicates the validity
of read data. After an internal command has been done, the next new command can
be issued.

Table 7.1: Internal command interface.

Signal name I/O Description
cmdi I Internal command: 00 (idle), 01 (write), 10 (read)
cmd_donei O Internal command done
addri I Internal address
wdatai I Internal write data
rdatai O Internal read data

Solution: Since tW = 5 time units, the control signals of write and read enables
should last for 2 clock cycles of asynchronous SRAM controller. Similarly, the setup
time tS = 5 and hold time tH = 2 require 2 and 1 clock cycles, respectively. The
timing diagram is presented in Figure 7.39. The state machine used to generate the
control sequence is also presented.
Digital System Designs

Figure 7.39: Timing diagram of the asynchronous SRAM controller.

302 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The RTL codes of the state machine are written below.

1 // State machine : asynchronous SRAM controller

2 reg [3 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;
3 parameter ST_IDLE =4 ’ b0000 ; parameter ST_WR1 =4 ’ b0001 ;
4 parameter ST_WR2 =4 ’ b0011 ; parameter ST_WR3 =4 ’ b0010 ;
5 parameter ST_WR4 =4 ’ b0100 ; parameter ST_RD1 =4 ’ b0101 ;
6 parameter ST_RD2 =4 ’ b0111 ; parameter ST_RD3 =4 ’ b0110 ;
7 parameter ST_RD4 =4 ’ b1000 ; parameter ST_RD5 =4 ’ b1001 ;
8 parameter ST_RD6 =4 ’ b1011 ; parameter ST_RD7 =4 ’ b1010 ;
9 parameter IDLE_CMD =2 ’ b00 ; parameter WR_CMD =2 ’ b01 ;
10 parameter RD_CMD =2 ’ b10 ;
11 // Combinational logic
12 always @ (*) begin

13 state_ns = state_cs ;
14 case ( state_cs )
15 ST_IDLE : state_ns = cmdi == WR_CMD ? ST_WR1 :
16 cmdi == RD_CMD ? ST_RD1 : ST_IDLE ;
17 ST_WR1 : state_ns = ST_WR2 ;
18 ST_WR2 : state_ns = ST_WR3 ;
19 ST_WR3 : state_ns = ST_WR4 ;
20 ST_WR4 : state_ns = cmdi == WR_CMD ? ST_WR1 :
21 cmdi == RD_CMD ? ST_RD1 : ST_IDLE ;
22 ST_RD1 : state_ns = ST_RD2 ;
23 ST_RD2 : state_ns = ST_RD3 ;
24 ST_RD3 : state_ns = ST_RD4 ;
25 ST_RD4 : state_ns = ST_RD5 ;
26 ST_RD5 : state_ns = ST_RD6 ;
27 ST_RD6 : state_ns = ST_RD7 ;
28 ST_RD7 : state_ns = cmdi == WR_CMD ? ST_WR1 :
29 cmdi == RD_CMD ? ST_RD1 : ST_IDLE ;
30 default : ST_IDLE ;
31 endcase
32 end

33 // Sequential logic
34 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

35 if (! rst_n ) state_cs <= ST_IDLE ;

36 else state_cs <= state_ns ;

The RTL codes for generating the signals of asynchronous SRAM and internal
command interfaces are written below.

1 // Interface signals : asynchronous SRAM controller

2 reg wen_n , ren_n , oen_n , cmd_donei ;
3 reg [9 : 0] addr ;

4 tri [31 : 0] data ;

Digital System Designs 303

5 reg [31 : 0] datai ;

6 reg [31 : 0] rdatai ;
7 // asynchronous SRAM interface
8 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

9 if (! rst_n ) wen_n <=1;

10 else if ( state_ns == ST_WR1 ) wen_n <=0;
11 else if ( state_ns == ST_WR3 ) wen_n <=1;
12 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

13 if (! rst_n ) oen_n <=1;

14 else if ( state_ns == ST_WR1 ) oen_n <=0;
15 else if ( state_ns == ST_WR4 ) oen_n <=1;
16 always @ ( posedge clk )

17 if ( state_ns == ST_WR1 | state_ns == ST_RD1 ) addr <= addri ;

18 always @ ( posedge clk )

19 if ( state_ns == ST_WR1 ) datai <= wdatai ;

20 // bidirectional bus
21 assign data =~ oen_n ? datai : 32 ’ bz ;

22 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

23 if (! rst_n ) ren_n <=1;

24 else if ( state_ns == ST_RD3 ) ren_n <=0;
25 else if ( state_ns == ST_RD5 ) ren_n <=1;
26 // Internal command interface

27 always @ ( posedge clk )

28 if ( state_ns == ST_RD6 ) rdatai <= data ;

29 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

30 if (! rst_n ) cmd_donei <=0;

31 else if ( state_ns == ST_WR3 | state_ns == ST_RD6 )
32 cmd_donei <=1;
33 else cmd_donei <=1;


The memory that we have looked at so far can both read and write (or update) the
stored data arbitrarily. In contrast, a read-only memory, or ROM, can only read the
data. This is useful in cases where the data is fixed, so there is no need to update
it. The data is either incorporated into the circuit during its manufacture, or is pro-
grammed into the ROM subsequently.
A simple ROM is a combinational circuit that maps an input address to an output
data with constant value. We could specify the ROM contents in tabular form, with
a row for each address and an entry showing the data value for that address. Such a
table is essentially a truth table, so we could, in principle, implement the mapping
using a combinational circuit. However, ROM circuit structures are generally much
denser than arbitrary logic-based circuits, since each ROM cell needs at most one
304 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Example 7.9. Design a combinational circuit for Table 7.2.

Table 7.2: 512×16 Table implemented using a combinational circuit.

addr[8:0] rdata[15:0]
0 0123
1 4567
2 89AB
... ...
Solution: The RTL codes of the table are presented below.

1 // A module implementing a table lookup

2 module table (
3 rdata ,

4 addr ,

5 );

6 output [15 : 0] rdata ;

7 input [8 : 0] addr ;

8 reg [15 : 0] rdata ;

9 always @ (*)

10 case ( addr )
11 9 ’ d0 : rdata =16 ’ h0123 ;
12 9 ’ d1 : rdata =16 ’ h4567 ;
13 9 ’ d2 : rdata =16 ’ h89AB ;
14 9 ’ d3 : rdata =16 ’ hCDEF ;
15 ...
16 default : rdata =16 ’ h0123 ;
17 endcase
18 endmodule

The behavior model of a 512×16 ROM is written below. We use the $readmemh
or $readmemb system task to load the memory content.

1 // ROM behavior model

2 module ROM ( rdata1 , ren , addr , clk );
3 output [15 : 0] rdata1 ;

4 input ren ;

5 input [8 : 0] addr ;

6 input clk ;

7 reg [15 : 0] data_array [0 : 511];

8 reg [15 : 0] rdata1 ;

9 initial $readmemh ( " rom . data " , data_array );

10 parameter tA =3;
Digital System Designs 305

11 always @ ( posedge clk )

12 if ( ren ) rdata1 <=# tA data_array [ addr ];
13 endmodule

The $readmemh system task expects the content of the named file to be a sequence
of hexadecimal numbers, separated by spaces or line breaks. Thus, the file rom.data
specified in the above example could contain the data:

1 // ROM data
2 0123 4567 89 AB CDEF
3 1009 266 A 3115 5435

4 ...

Values are read from the file, rom.data, into successive elements of the variable,
data_array, until either the end of the file reached or all elements of the variable
are loaded. Similarly, $readmemb expects the file to contain a sequence of binary
The timing diagram of a table implemented using a combinational circuit and
ROM is displayed in Figure 7.40. The table implemented by combinational circuits
typically does not need the read enable, ren, and its output, rdata, is selected through
a combinational logic of multiplexer. By contrast, The table implemented by ROM
usually requires an access time, tA , to obtain the read data, rdata1. Therefore, their
outputs are available in different clock cycles.
The contents of ROMs should not need to be changed over the lifetime of the
product. ROMs tend to be used for applications in which the number of manufactured
parts is high. For some applications, it might be preferable to occasionally be able
to update the ROM contents, especially for low-volume production. To accomplish
this, a programmable ROM (PROM), an off-the-shelf chip with no contents stored
in its memory cells, can be used. The memory contents of PROM are programmed
into the cells after manufacturing, either using a special programming device before

Figure 7.40: Timing diagram of a table implemented using a combinational circuit

and ROM.
306 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

the chip is inserted into the system, or using special programming circuits when the
chip has already been installed.
PROMs come in a number of forms. Early PROMs used fusible links to program
the memory cells. Once a link was fused, it could not be replaced, so programming
could only be done once. These devices are now largely obsolete. They were replaced
by PROMs that could be erased, either with ultraviolet light (so called EPROMs), or
electrically using a higher voltage than a normal one (so-called electrically erasable


The logic design of a digital system can be divided into two distinct parts: datapath
unit and control unit (or control path). The datapath unit is concerned with the design
of the digital circuits that perform the data-processing operations so as to manipulate
data in registers that adhere to the system’s requirements. The datapath contains the
combinational circuits that implement the basic operations and the registers that store
intermediate results. The control path is concerned with the design of the control
circuits that govern the sequence in which the various data-processing operations are
performed. The control unit ensures that the control signals are activated in the right
order and at the right times to enable the datapath to perform the required operations
as the data flow through it. In many cases, the control path makes use of status signals
generated by the datapath.
Therefore, all binary information stored in a digital system can be classified as
either data or control information. Data are discrete signals that are manipulated by
performing arithmetic and/or logic operations. These operations are implemented by
digital components, such as adders, decoders, and multiplexers. Control information
provides signals that coordinate and execute the various operations in the data section
in order to accomplish the desired data-processing tasks. Control information is best
implemented by a state machine.
A hierarchical top-down design approach is represented in Figure 7.41. The ar-
chitecture design is a divide-and-conquer process which is executed until the whole
design becomes manageable. For the architecture of RTL designs, flip-flops should
be explicitly determined and plotted so that the critical path can be clearly identified
or analyzed. Therefore, if you are a (fresh) designer, it is strongly recommended that
you should plot the architectural diagram of, at least, the datapath unit. Doing so can
clearly understand what components are included and where a potential critical path
is in a design.
In addition to physical timing specification, such as the setup time and hold time
constraints of flip-flops, a timing diagram can clearly demonstrate the relation be-
tween inputs and outputs, and the sequence of operations of a pipelined RTL design.
Therefore, it is also strongly recommended to plot the timing diagram of the de-
sign before writing its RTL codes. Doing this can clearly understand the evolution
of signals over time so that right things can be performed at the right times. If a
performance issue raises, some pipeline stages might need to be adjusted.
Digital System Designs 307

Figure 7.41: Hierarchical design and verification.

Example 7.10. There are 2 ways of implementing addition of 4 numbers, a, b, c, and

d, as shown below, where y1 is a purely combinational output and y2 has 2 pipeline
stages in it. The input data are fed into the design like streaming data; and hence,
only datapath is required and control unit is not needed. Please plot their architecture
and timing diagrams.

1 // Two approaches for addition of 4 numbers

2 // Approach 1: purely combinational output
3 assign y1 =( a + b )+( c + d );

4 // Approach 2: 2 pipeline stages

5 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

6 sum_ab <= a + b ;
7 sum_cd <= c + d ;
8 y2 <= sum_ab + sum_cd ;
9 end

Solution: Their architecture and timing diagrams are displayed in Figure 7.42(a) and
7.42(b), respectively. As presented in Figure 7.42(a), the components of y1 requires
3 adders, whereas y2 requires 3 adders and 3 more registers. Additionally, the critical
paths of y1 and y2 have two and one adders, respectively. About the timing in 7.42(b),
the result y1 is available at the same cycle whenever a, b, c, and d are provided.
Rather, y2 is available 2 cycles after giving a, b, c, and d.
However, if inputs are continuously fed into the circuits, one output is available on
both y1 and y2 in every cycle; and therefore, they achieve the same throughput under
the situation of the same clock period. Since the critical path of y2 is half that of y1,
the maximum clock frequency of y2 can ideally be twice that of y1. Consequently,
the throughput of y2 is twice that of y1 at their maximum clock frequencies as well.
From above, the architecture and timing diagrams can give us insights on choos-
ing the most suitable design in terms of area, speed, and even power consumption.
Most importantly, the performance can be assessed in an earlier design stage.


One of the most challenging tasks in digital design is designing a datapath and cor-
responding control unit such that they satisfy the given requirements and constraints.
308 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.42: (a) Architecture and (b) timing diagrams of addition of 4 numbers with
and without pipeline.

There are usually many alternative datapaths capable of meeting the functional re-
quirements of the system, but some will have advantages over others. Choosing
among them usually involves a tradeoff between area and performance.
We demonstrate another example of the complex multiplier designed using the
architecture and timing diagrams here.

Example 7.11. The design of a module, including the datapath and control unit, to
perform a complex multiplication of two complex numbers, is shown in Figure 7.43.
The operands and product are all in Cartesian form. The real and imaginary parts
of the operands are represented as 16-bit signed s(4.12) fixed-point binary numbers.
The real and imaginary parts of the product are represented as 32-bit signed s(8.24)
fixed-point binary numbers.
Solution: The complex multiplication is sequenced by the timing diagram in
Figure 7.44.
Digital System Designs

Figure 7.43: Datapath of a complex multiplier.


Figure 7.44: Timing diagram of a complex multiplier.

Principles of Verilog Digital Design
Digital System Designs 311

The RTL codes are presented below. There √ are two complex operands, op1= a =
ar + jai and op2= b = br + jbi , where j = −1, and the result is the output signal,
prod= a × b = ar br − ai bi + j(ar bi + ai br ). The real and imaginary parts are indicated
by the suffix r and i, respectively. Consequently, the real and imaginary parts of the
result, prod, both require two real multiplications and one real addition/subtraction.
Notably, the real/imaginary parts of op1, i.e., ar /ai , are represented by the signals,
op1_r/op1_i, and the real/imaginary parts of op2, i.e., br /bi , are represented by the
signals, op2_r/op2_i in Figure 7.43.
After plotting the architectural diagram and deriving the fixed-point design, the
datapath unit design is quite straightforward. To guarantee that right operations are
taken at right times, we use a state machine as the control unit to govern the operation
sequence and generate corresponding control signals.

1 // Module of complex multiplier including datapath and

2 // control unit
3 module comp_mul ( out_valid , prod_r , prod_i ,

4 in_valid , op1_r , op1_i ,

5 op2_r , op2_i , clk , rst_n );
6 output out_valid ;

7 output signed [8 : -24] prod_r , prod_i ;

8 input in_valid ;

9 input signed [3 : -12] op1_r , op1_i , op2_r , op2_i ;

10 input clk , rst_n ;

11 reg [2 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;

12 wire is_MUL0_cs , is_MUL1_cs , is_MUL2_cs , is_MUL3_cs ;

13 reg is_MUL3_cs_r ;

14 reg signed [3 : -12] op1_r1 , op1_i1 , op2_r1 , op2_i1 ;

15 wire signed [3 : -12] mul_op1 , mul_op2 ;

16 wire signed [7 : -24] mul_prod , mul_prod_r1 , mul_prod_r2 ;

17 wire signed [7 : -24] sum_op1 , sum_op2 ;

18 wire signed [8 : -24] sum ;

19 reg signed [8 : -24] prod_r , prod_i ;

20 // Control unit

21 parameter ST_IDLE =3 ’ b000 ; parameter ST_MUL0 =3 ’ b001 ;

22 parameter ST_MUL1 =3 ’ b011 ; parameter ST_MUL2 =3 ’ b010 ;
23 parameter ST_MUL3 =3 ’ b100 ;
24 assign is_MUL0_cs = state_cs == ST_MUL0 ;

25 assign is_MUL1_cs = state_cs == ST_MUL1 ;

26 assign is_MUL2_cs = state_cs == ST_MUL2 ;

27 assign is_MUL3_cs = state_cs == ST_MUL3 ;

28 always @ (*) begin

29 state_ns = state_cs ;
30 case ( state_cs )
31 ST_IDLE : state_ns = in_valid ? ST_MUL0 : ST_IDLE ;
32 ST_MUL0 : state_ns = ST_MUL1 ;
33 ST_MUL1 : state_ns = ST_MUL2 ;
312 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

34 ST_MUL2 : state_ns = ST_MUL3 ;

35 ST_MUL3 : state_ns = ST_IDLE ;
36 endcase
37 end

38 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

39 if (! rst_n ) state_cs <= ST_IDLE ;

40 else state_cs <= state_ns ;
41 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

42 if (! rst_n ) is_MUL3_cs_r <=1 ’ b0 ;

43 else is_MUL3_cs_r <= is_MUL3_cs ;
44 // Datapath

45 always @ ( posedge clk )

46 if ( in_valid ) begin
47 op1_r_r <= op1_r ;
48 op1_i_r <= op1_i ;
49 op2_r_r <= op2_r ;
50 op2_i_r <= op2_i ;
51 end
52 assign mul_op1 =( is_MUL0_cs | is_MUL2_cs )? op1_r_r : op1_i_r ;

53 assign mul_op2 =( is_MUL0_cs | is_MUL3_cs )? op2_r_r : op2_i_r ;

54 assign mul_prod = mul_op1 * mul_op1 ;

55 always @ ( posedge clk )

56 if ( is_MUL0_cs | is_MUL2_cs ) begin

57 mul_prod_r1 <= mul_prod ;
58 end
59 always @ ( posedge clk )

60 if ( is_MUL1_cs | is_MUL3_cs )
61 mul_prod_r2 <= mul_prod ;
62 assign sum_op1 = mul_prod_r1 ;

63 assign sum_op2 = is_MUL2_cs ? - mul_prod_r2 : mul_prod_r2 ;

64 assign sum = sum_op1 + sum_op2 ;

65 always @ ( posedge clk )

66 if ( is_MUL2_cs ) prod_r <= sum ;

67 always @ ( posedge clk )

68 if ( is_MUL3_cs_r ) prod_i <= sum ;

69 endmodule


There are two kinds of datapaths used to implement two additions, as shown in Figure
7.45. The bit width design is also displayed.
Notice that, for the folded design, the register stores the 9-bit result of a + b.
Consequently, b needs to be sign extended to 9 bits owing to the bit width of 9 bits
for the addition result of a + b. At first glance, the intuitive implementation using
Digital System Designs 313

Figure 7.45: Unfolding and folding architecture of datapath for two additions.

Figure 7.46: Critical path analysis.

two adders seems to have a higher resource cost (two adders) and higher speed (one
result per clock cycle). By contrast, the folding one using one adder seems to have
a lower resource cost (one adder, ignoring the cost of multiplexers) and lower speed
(one result in two clock cycles).
However, a closer examination of the critical paths gives us a different view, as
shown in Figure 7.46.
The implementation using two adders has a longer critical path, so its clock period
is longer and clock rate is slower. By contrast, the other implementation method,
using one adder, has a shorter critical path, so its clock period is shorter and clock
rate is faster. If the delay of multiplexers (and a little bit wider adder) can be ignored,
314 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.47: Direct-form FIR filter.

the critical path delay of one adder is half that of two adders, so the clock rate of one
adder implementation can be doubled.
The timing diagram is very simple and omitted here. One result of the architecture
using two adders can be produced in one clock cycle. Though only one result of the
architecture using one adder can be produced in two clock cycles, the throughput of
one adder implementation can be comparable to that of two adder implementation,
but with the benefit, mentioned above, of having a lower resource cost than two adder
implementation. Hence, which architecture is better for any specific case should be
carefully analyzed before deciding on its RTL design.


For a finite impulse response filter, each value of the output sequence is a weighted
sum of the most recent input values as
y(n) = ∑ hm x(n − m). (7.1)

Figure 7.47 is an example of a direct-form FIR filter structure.

For a four-tap FIR filter, i.e., M = 4, the first four outputs are

 y(0) = h0 x(0) + h1x(−1) + h2x(−2) + h3x(−3)

y(1) = h0 x(1) + h1x(0) + h2x(−1) + h3x(−2)
. (7.2)

 y(2) = h0 x(2) + h1x(1) + h2x(0) + h3x(−1)

y(3) = h0 x(3) + h1x(2) + h2x(1) + h3x(0)

Notice that x(n) = 0, ∀n < 0.

Here, several architectures are presented to realize the FIR filter.
The first architecture, FIR 1, is displayed in Figure 7.48, where x0, x1, x2, x3,
and y represent x(n − 3), x(n − 2), x(n − 1), x(n), and y(n), respectively. We assume
the tap number is 4. The bit widths of inputs and taps are 8 and 3 bits, respectively.
Notice that the 4 inputs should be available at once. The critical path is one multiplier
plus two adders. The area complexity of the circuit is 4 multipliers and 3 adders.
The RTL codes are written below.
Digital System Designs 315

Figure 7.48: FIR filter 1.

1 // FIR 1
2 module fir1 (y , x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 );
3 output [12 : 0] y ;

4 input [7 : 0] x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ;

5 input [2 : 0] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 ;

6 reg [12 : 0] y ;

7 always @ (*)

8 y = h0 * x3 + h1 * x2 + h2 * x1 + h3 * x0 ;
9 endmodule

Another factor to keep in mind when deciding upon implementation is that the
output is a registered one, so the critical path of this module does not influence those
using the filter output, as shown in FIR 2 below.

1 // FIR 2
2 module fir2 (y , x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , clk );
3 output [12 : 0] y ;

4 input [7 : 0] x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ;

5 input [2 : 0] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 ;

6 input clk ;

7 reg [12 : 0] y ;

8 always @ ( posedge clk )

9 y <= h0 * x3 + h1 * x2 + h2 * x1 + h3 * x0 ;
10 endmodule

The direct-form FIR filter can be constructed by inserting more registers such that
one item of input data enters the filter every clock cycle, which is more suitable for
limited memory access and pin number reduction, as shown in Figure 7.49, where
ports x and y are x(n) and y(n), respectively. The critical path is one multiplier as
316 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.49: FIR filter 3.

well as two adders. The area complexity of the circuit is 4 multipliers, 3 adders, and
5 registers.
RTL codes of FIR 3 are written below. It should be noted that correct results start
after the 5th clock. After that, one output is available per clock cycle.

1 // FIR 3
2 module fir3 (y , x , h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , clk );
3 output [12 : 0] y ;

4 input [7 : 0] x ;

5 input [2 : 0] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 ;

6 input clk ;

7 reg [12 : 0] y ;

8 reg [7 : 0] x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ;

9 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

10 x3 <= x ;
11 x2 <= x3 ;
12 x1 <= x2 ;
13 x0 <= x1 ;
14 y <=( h0 * x3 + h1 * x2 )+( h2 * x1 + h3 * x0 );
15 end

16 endmodule

If we further pipeline the filter, the critical path is further shortened, as shown in
Figure 7.50. Since the complexity of a multiplier is typically much higher than that
of an adder (provided that the coefficients have a non-negligible number of bits), the
critical path is one multiplier. The area complexity of the circuit is 4 multipliers, 3
adders, and 9 registers.
Digital System Designs 317

Figure 7.50: FIR filter 4.

The RTL codes of FIR 4 are written below.

1 // FIR 4
2 module fir4 (y , x , h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , clk );
3 output [12 : 0] y ;

4 input [7 : 0] x ;

5 input [2 : 0] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 ;

6 input clk ;

7 reg [12 : 0] y ;

8 reg [7 : 0] x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ;

9 reg [10 : 0] y0 , y1 , y2 , y3 ;

10 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

11 x3 <= x ;
12 x2 <= x3 ;
13 x1 <= x2 ;
14 x0 <= x1 ;
15 y3 <= h0 * x3 ;
16 y2 <= h1 * x2 ;
17 y1 <= h2 * x1 ;
18 y0 <= h3 * x0 ;
19 y <=( y3 + y2 )+( y1 + y0 );
20 end

21 endmodule

Another equivalent FIR filter structure uses a transposed form that can be con-
structed from the direct-form FIR filter by exchanging the input and output and in-
verting the direction of the signal flow, as shown in Figure 7.51. The critical path
318 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.51: FIR filter 5. Transposed-form FIR filter.

now becomes one adder plus one multiplier. The area complexity of the circuit is 4
multipliers, 3 adders, and 3 registers.
The RTL codes of FIR 5 are written below.

1 // FIR 5
2 module fir5 (y , x , h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , clk );
3 output [12 : 0] y ;

4 input [7 : 0] x ;

5 input [2 : 0] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 ;

6 input clk ;

7 reg [10 : 0] y3 ;

8 reg [11 : 0] y2 ;

9 reg [12 : 0] y1 ;

10 reg [12 : 0] y0 ;

11 reg [10 : 0] y3_r ;

12 reg [11 : 0] y2_r ;

13 reg [12 : 0] y1_r ;

14 assign y = y0 ;

15 always @ (*) begin

16 y3 = h3 * x ;
17 y2 = h2 * x + y3_r ;
18 y1 = h1 * x + y2_r ;
19 y0 = h0 * x + y1_r ;
20 end

21 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

22 y3_r <= y3 ;
23 y2_r <= y2 ;
24 y1_r <= y1 ;
25 end

26 endmodule
Digital System Designs 319

Table 7.3: Summary of different architectures of FIR filter.

FIR filter Critical path Area
1 1⊗+2⊕ 4⊗+3⊕
2 1⊗+2⊕ 4⊗+3⊕+1R
3 1⊗+2⊕ 4⊗+3⊕+5R
4 1⊗ 4⊗+3⊕+9R
5 1⊗+1⊕ 4⊗+3⊕+3R

The results of different architectures of the FIR filter are summarized in Table 7.3,
where ⊗, ⊕, and R represent the multiplier, adder, and register, respectively. When
the number of coefficient taps increases, the advantages of FIR 5 will become clear
that it has a fixed and the (almost) shortest critical path as well as the (almost) small-
est area.
In this section, several architectures which can be used to implement the FIR
filter have been demonstrated, each with its own specific pros and cons. Designers
must take a number of factors into consideration and carefully explore, analyze, and
optimize different architectures before writing their RTL codes.


At the end of this chapter, we demonstrate a complete digital design. Huffman cod-
ing is a kind of variable-length encoding first created by David Albert Huffman in
1952. To reduce the memory requirement of all symbols, the symbols are encoded
according to their probability of occurrence. Shorter codes are given to symbols with
higher probability of occurrence, and vice versa. The net result is data compression;
that is, the codes of symbols are generated by fewer bits than would be required if all
symbols were encoded with the same number of bits. Huffman code is also called an
entropy code. To be able to distinguish short bit strings from the first parts of longer
bit strings, no longer bit string can use a prefix that resembles a shorter bit string.
The Huffman code is illustrated below. It is critical that the probability of occur-
rence of each symbol is known in advance. Knowing the probability of occurrence
of each symbol, the Huffman coding is exemplified below. Suppose that we have 5
symbols, Ai , i = 1, 2, ..., 5, to be encoded, and their probabilities of occurrence, P(Ai ),
are shown in Table 7.4.

Table 7.4: Probability of occurrence of each symbol.

Symbol P(Ai )
A1 0.09
A2 0.02
A3 0.51
A4 0.13
A5 0.25
320 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Huffman codes are generated in three stages: initialization, combination, and

splitting. The initialization stage counts the numbers of occurrence of all symbols
(to determine the probability of occurrence), and then sorts the symbols according to
their projected frequency, as shown in Table 7.5.

Table 7.5: Initialization stage after sorting the probability of occurrence.

P(Ai ) Symbol
0.51 A3
0.25 A5
0.13 A4
0.09 A1
0.02 A2

The combination stage merges the two symbols in Huffman table with the lowest
probabilities of occurrence and adds their probabilities of occurrence, and then sorts
the remaining probabilities of occurrence again, as shown in Figure 7.52. The tree
structure used for the splitting stage introduced later is also displayed. In the merged
symbol set, the symbol, A2 , which has a lower probability of occurrence, is put onto
the left subtree, while the symbol, A1 , with a higher probability of occurrence, is put
onto the right subtree. The sum of the probabilities of occurrence of A1 and A2 is
Similarly, the second round of the combination stage is displayed in Figure 7.53.

Figure 7.52: The first round of the combination stage: (a) table and (b) tree.
Digital System Designs 321

Figure 7.53: The second round of the combination stage: (a) table and (b) tree.

In the newly merged symbol set, the previously merged symbol set, {A1 , A2 }, with
a lower probability of occurrence is put onto the left subtree, while the symbol, A4 ,
which indicates a higher probability of occurrence is put onto the right subtree.
The third and the fourth (final) rounds of the combination stage are presented in
Figure 7.54. After the fourth round, the combination stage has completed.
An overview of the Huffman table is presented in Figure 7.55.
The last stage is the splitting stage, which is used to encode the symbols into the
tree structure, as shown in Figure 7.56. Here, the symbol A3 has a higher probability
of occurrence than the symbol set {A1, A2, A4, A5}, so it is assigned bit 0, while the
symbol set {A1, A2, A4, A5} is assigned bit 1. This means that when reading the MSB
of a code with bit 0, it must be the symbol A3. However, when reading the MSB of
a code with bit 1, it could be any one of the symbols in {A1, A2, A4, A5}. Therefore,
extra bits must be used for decoding so that the correct symbol can be selected. The
process continues until all symbols have been assigned a unique code, as displayed
in Figure 7.56.
The final Huffman codes are shown in Table 7.6.
322 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


Figure 7.54: (a) The third and (b) the fourth (final) rounds of the combination stage.
Digital System Designs 323


Figure 7.55: Complete Huffman table.



Figure 7.56: The splitting stage: (a) table and (b) tree.
324 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Table 7.6: The final Huffman codes.

Symbol P(Ai ) Huffman code
A1 0.09 1110
A2 0.02 1111
A3 0.51 0
A4 0.13 110
A5 0.25 10


The system block diagram is shown in Figure 7.57.
The I/O interface is presented in Table 10.1. The maximum code length for 5
symbols of the Huffman code is 4 bits.


Figure 7.57: System block diagram.

Table 7.7: I/O interface.

Signal name I/O Description
clk I System clock.
reset I Active-high reset signal.
gray_valid I Indicate the validation of gray_data[7 : 0].
The number of valid data is assumed to be 100.
gray_data[7 : 0] I Gray data for Huffman encoding. Valid when
gray_valid is true.
CNT_valid O Indicate the validation of CNT1[6 : 0]∼CNT5[6 : 0].
CNT1[6 : 0]∼CNT5[6 : 0] O Count the numbers of symbols for A1∼A5,
code_valid O Indicate the validation of HC1[3 : 0]∼HC5[3 : 0]
and M1[3 : 0]∼M5[3 : 0].
HC1[3 : 0]∼HC5[3 : 0] O Huffman codes of A1∼A5, respectively.
M1[3 : 0]∼M5[3 : 0] O Bit-valid masks for Huffman codes of
A1∼A5, respectively.
Digital System Designs 325

Huffman coding is a variable length encoder, which uses masks to indicate code
length. For example, if the binary Huffman code of A5 is 10, then HC5 = XX10 and
M5 = 0011, which indicates the least significant two bits of the code, HC5, are valid,
while the most significant two bits are “don’t care”.


To implement the Huffman coding, a state machine like the one shown in Figure 7.58
is used to indicate the counting, sorting, and merging tasks, while the splitting task is
not explicitly needed. In this example, we assume there are 5 symbols which need to
be encoded and the total number of occurrences is 100. Two symbol sets with the two
lowest numbers of occurrence are then merged, one by one. Consequently, there will
be 4 merging states through which all 5 symbols (5 original sets with one symbol in
each) will eventually be merged into one final set.
It should be noted that the number of occurrences, rather than the probabil-
ity of occurrence is used to determine how symbols will be encoded. The initial-
ization stage includes states, ST_CNT and ST_SORT1. The state ST_CNT calcu-
lates the number of occurrences, sym_cnt[i], for the i-th symbol, and then the state
ST_SORT1 sorts the numbers of occurrences. An additional variable, sym_bmap[i],
records the bit mapping of the i-th symbol (set). After sorting, the sym_cnt[0] stores
the maximum number of occurrences and sym_bmap[0] stores its corresponding
symbol set, sym_cnt[1] stores the second maximum number of occurrences and
sym_bmap[1] stores its symbol set, and so on.
During the combination stage, which includes ST_MERG1, ST_SORT2,
ST_MERG2, ST_SORT3, ST_MERG3, ST_SORT4, and ST_MERG4 states, the
Huffman table is constructed, together with the Huffman codes. Therefore, there
is no explicit splitting stage. In the combination stage, sym_cnt and sym_bmap rep-
resent the number of occurrences and the bit mapping of a symbol set, respectively,
and sym_code and sym_mask represent the Huffman symbol code and symbol mask,
In the merging state, the two symbol sets with the two lowest numbers of occur-
rences are merged. Their numbers of occurrences are added and their bit mappings
are OR-ed to record (or merge) all the symbols they contain. Concurrently, among
these two symbol sets, the Huffman symbol codes, sym_code, of all symbols belong-
ing to the symbol set with the lowest number of occurrences are prepended bit 1 at

Figure 7.58: State machine.

326 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

the position left to the left-most bit 1 of the symbol masks sym_mask. Similarly, the
Huffman codes of all symbols belonging to the symbol set with the second lowest
number of occurrences are prepended bit 0. The members of the i-th symbol set are
indicated by its bit mapping, sym_bmap[i]. The position to the left of the left-most
bit 1 of the symbol mask sym_mask can be determined by adding all the bits of the
symbol mask. In addition, to derive a new symbol mask, the symbol masks of the
symbols in the lowest two symbol sets left shift with bit 1 shifted in.
In the sorting state, the numbers of occurrences for all alive symbol sets are sorted
just like the state ST_SORT1, which enables the same sorting circuit to be shared.
The merging and sorting states interleave until only one symbol set remains. Finally,
the state ST_DONE outputs the Huffman codes and their masks.
Figure 7.59 is an example, as that shown in Table 7.4, of the Huffman encoding
performed by the proposed algorithm. In the state, ST_CNT, the numbers of occur-
rences of the 5 symbols are counted and the sym_bmap is initialized for each symbol,
1 at bit 0 for A1, 1 at bit 1 for A2, etc.
In the state, ST_SORT1, the symbols are sorted according to the numbers of
times they occur, i.e., sym_cnt. The bit mappings of them, sym_bmap, are also
reordered accordingly. In the state, ST_MERG1, the two symbol sets, {A1} and
{A2}, which have the two lowest numbers of occurrences, are merged. A new sym-
bol set, {A1, A2}, is then formed and its number of occurrences is calculated by
adding all the occurrences of A1 and A2. Simultaneously, the symbol sets, {A2} and
{A1}, with the lowest and the second lowest numbers of occurrences are respectively
prepended bits 1 and 0 to their Huffman codes, sym_code2 and sym_code1. The
members of the symbol sets with the lowest and the second lowest numbers of oc-
currences are indicated by the bit mappings (after ST_SORT1 state), sym_bmap[4]
and sym_bmap[3], respectively. Accordingly, the symbol masks of the symbols in
the lowest (for sym_mask[1]) and the second lowest (for sym_mask[0]) numbers of
occurrences left shift with bit 1 shifted in.
In the state, ST_SORT2, the symbols are sorted again according to the new
sym_cnt’s. The bit mappings of them, sym_bmap, are also reordered accordingly.
In the state, ST_MERG2, the two symbol sets, {A1, A2} and {A4}, which have
the two lowest numbers of occurrences, are merged. A new symbol set, {A1, A2,
A4}, is then formed and its number of occurrences is calculated by adding all the
occurrences of {A1, A2} and {A4}. Simultaneously, the symbol sets, {A1, A2} and
{A4}, with the lowest and the second lowest numbers of occurrences are respec-
tively prepended bits 1 (for sym_code2 and sym_code1) and 0 (for sym_code4) to
their Huffman codes. The members of the symbol sets with the lowest and the second
lowest numbers of occurrences are indicated by the bit mappings (after ST_SORT2
state), sym_bmap[3] and sym_bmap[2], respectively. Accordingly, the symbol masks
of the symbols in the lowest (for sym_mask[0] and sym_mask[1]) and the second
lowest (for sym_mask[3]) numbers of occurrences left shift with bit 1 shifted in.
This process continues until all symbols have been encoded.
Consequently, the average code length of the Huffman encoding is 4 × 0.09 + 4 ×
0.02 + 1 × 0.51 + 3 × 0.13 + 2 × 0.25 = 1.84 bits. In comparison to a system which
Digital System Designs 327

Figure 7.59: Example 1 of the Huffman encoding.

does not use Huffman encoding, which requires 3 bits for every 5 symbols, the saved
bit width when using the Huffman code for each symbol is 3 − 1.84 = 1.16 bits.
Figure 7.60 presents another example. The average code length of the Huffman
encoding is 2 × 0.2 + 3 × 0.2 + 3 × 0.2 + 2 × 0.2 + 2 × 0.2 = 2.4 bits. Compared to
that without the Huffman encoding, the saved bit width for the Huffman code of each
symbol is 3 − 2.4 = 0.6 bits.
328 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.60: Example 2 of the Huffman encoding.


The timing diagram that governs the Huffman encoding of Example 1 is presented
in Figure 7.61.
The RTL codes of the state machine are illustrated below.
Digital System Designs

Figure 7.61: Timing diagram of the Huffman encoding.

330 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // State machine
2 reg [3 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;
3 parameter ST_IDLE =4 ’ b0000 ; parameter ST_CNT =4 ’ b0001 ;
4 parameter ST_SORT1 =4 ’ b0011 ; parameter ST_MERG1 =4 ’ b0010 ;
5 parameter ST_SORT2 =4 ’ b0110 ; parameter ST_MERG2 =4 ’ b0111 ;
6 parameter ST_SORT3 =4 ’ b0101 ; parameter ST_MERG3 =4 ’ b0100 ;
7 parameter ST_SORT4 =4 ’ b1100 ; parameter ST_MERG4 =4 ’ b1101 ;
8 parameter ST_DONE =4 ’ b1111 ;
9 always @ (*) begin

10 state_ns = state_cs ;
11 case ( state_cs )
12 ST_IDLE : if ( gray_valid ) state_ns = ST_CNT ;
13 ST_CNT : if ( CNT_valid ) state_ns = ST_SORT1 ;
14 ST_SORT1 : state_ns = ST_MERG1 ;
15 ST_MERG1 : state_ns = ST_SORT2 ;
16 ST_SORT2 : state_ns = ST_MERG2 ;
17 ST_MERG2 : state_ns = ST_SORT3 ;
18 ST_SORT3 : state_ns = ST_MERG3 ;
19 ST_MERG3 : state_ns = ST_SORT4 ;
20 ST_SORT4 : state_ns = ST_MERG4 ;
21 ST_MERG4 : state_ns = ST_DONE ;
22 ST_DONE : state_ns = ST_IDLE ;
23 endcase
24 end

25 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

26 if ( reset ) state_cs <= ST_IDLE ;

27 else state_cs <= state_ns ;

The remaining RTL codes when following the state machine precepts and the
using proposed timing diagram are illustrated below. The register, all_cnt, counts
the total number of occurrences until 8’d100 has been reached. When gray_valid
is true, the register, sym_cnt[i], counts the number of occurrences of the i-th sym-
bol. In ST_SORT1 state, the original symbol counts, sym_cnt[i], i = 0, 1, ..., 4, are
sorted and the sorted results, sort_sym_cnt, obtained by the function, sort_result,
are stored in sym_cnt again. Therefore, sym_cnt[0] has the maximum symbol count,
sym_cnt[1] has the second maximum symbol count, and so on. In other sorting states,
sym_cnt latches the sorting results of the merged numbers of occurrences.
To find the maximum value of 5 numbers, sym_cnt[4], sym_cnt[3],...,sym_cnt[0],
the function sort_result compares sym_cnt[4] and sym_cnt[3], and places their max-
imum in sym_cnt[3]; then sort_result compares sym_cnt[3] and sym_cnt[2], and
places their maximum in sym_cnt[2]; then sort_result compares sym_cnt[2] and
sym_cnt[1], and places their maximum in sym_cnt[1]; finally, sort_result compares
sym_cnt[1] and sym_cnt[0], and places their maximum in sym_cnt[0]. Therefore,
the final maximum value is stored in sym_cnt[0]. To find the maximum value of re-
maining 4 numbers, sym_cnt[4], sym_cnt[3],...,sym_cnt[1], similar procedures are
performed and the second maximum value is stored in sym_cnt[1], and so on.
Digital System Designs 331

1 reg [6 : 0] all_cnt ; // Max 100

2 reg [6 : 0] sym_cnt [0 : 4]; // Max 100 even for merging
3 wire CNT_valid ;

4 wire [6 : 0] CNT1 , CNT2 , CNT3 , CNT4 , CNT5 ;

5 integer i ;

6 parameter SYM0_PAT =8 ’ h01 ; parameter SYM1_PAT =8 ’ h02 ;

7 parameter SYM2_PAT =8 ’ h03 ; parameter SYM3_PAT =8 ’ h04 ;
8 parameter SYM4_PAT =8 ’ h05 ;
9 assign CNT_valid = all_cnt ==8 ’ d100 ;

10 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

11 if ( reset )
12 all_cnt <=0;
13 else if ( gray_valid )
14 all_cnt <= all_cnt +1 ’ b1 ;
15 else if ( CNT_valid )
16 all_cnt <=0;
17 assign CNT1 = sym_cnt [0]; assign CNT2 = sym_cnt [1];

18 assign CNT3 = sym_cnt [2]; assign CNT4 = sym_cnt [3];

19 assign CNT5 = sym_cnt [4];

20 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

21 if ( reset )
22 for ( i =0; i <=4; i = i +1)
23 sym_cnt [ i ]=0;
24 else if ( gray_valid )
25 case ( gray_data )
26 SYM0_PAT : // Incrementer can be shared
27 sym_cnt [0] <= sym_cnt [0]+1 ’ b1 ;
28 SYM1_PAT : // Incrementer can be shared
29 sym_cnt [1] <= sym_cnt [1]+1 ’ b1 ;
30 SYM2_PAT : // Incrementer can be shared
31 sym_cnt [2] <= sym_cnt [2]+1 ’ b1 ;
32 SYM3_PAT : // Incrementer can be shared
33 sym_cnt [3] <= sym_cnt [3]+1 ’ b1 ;
34 SYM4_PAT : // Incrementer can be shared
35 sym_cnt [4] <= sym_cnt [4]+1 ’ b1 ;
36 endcase
37 else
38 case ( state_ns )
40 for ( i =0; i <=4; i = i +1)
41 sym_cnt [ i ] <= sort_sym_cnt [ i ];
42 ST_MERG1 : begin
43 // Adder can be shared
44 sym_cnt [3] <= sym_cnt [3]+ sym_cnt [4];
45 sym_cnt [4] <=0;
46 end
332 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

47 ST_MERG2 : begin
48 // Adder can be shared
49 sym_cnt [2] <= sym_cnt [2]+ sym_cnt [3];
50 sym_cnt [3] <=0;
51 end
52 ST_MERG3 : begin
53 // Adder can be shared
54 sym_cnt [1] <= sym_cnt [1]+ sym_cnt [2];
55 sym_cnt [2] <=0;
56 end
57 ST_MERG4 : begin
58 // Adder can be shared
59 sym_cnt [0] <= sym_cnt [0]+ sym_cnt [1];
60 sym_cnt [1] <=0;
61 end
62 endcase
63 function [59 : 0] sort_result ; // Function call definition
64 input [6 : 0] sym_cnt0 , sym_cnt1 , sym_cnt2 , sym_cnt3 ,
65 sym_cnt4 ;
66 input [4 : 0] sym_bmap0 , sym_bmap1 , sym_bmap2 , sym_bmap3 ,
67 sym_bmap4 ;
68 reg [6 : 0] sort_sym_cnt [0 : 4];
69 reg [4 : 0] sort_bmap [0 : 4];
70 reg [6 : 0] tmp_cnt ;
71 reg [4 : 0] tmp_map ;
72 integer i , j ;
73 begin
74 sort_sym_cnt [0]= sym_cnt0 ; sort_sym_cnt [1]= sym_cnt1 ;
75 sort_sym_cnt [2]= sym_cnt2 ; sort_sym_cnt [3]= sym_cnt3 ;
76 sort_sym_cnt [4]= sym_cnt4 ;
77 sort_sym_bmap [0]= sym_bmap0 ;
78 sort_sym_bmap [1]= sym_bmap1 ;
79 sort_sym_bmap [2]= sym_bmap2 ;
80 sort_sym_bmap [3]= sym_bmap3 ;
81 sort_sym_bmap [4]= sym_bmap4 ;
82 for ( i =3; i >=0; i =i -1)
83 for ( j =3; j >=3 - i ; j =j -1)
84 if ( sort_sym_cnt [ j + l ] > sort_sym_cnt [ j ]) begin
85 tmp_cnt = sort_sym_cnt [ j ]; // Sym count swapped
86 sort_sym_cnt [ j ]= sort_sym_cnt [ j +1];
87 sort_sym_cnt [ j +1]= tmp_cnt ;
88 tmp_map = sort_sym_bmap [ j ]; // Bitmap swapped
89 sort_sym_bmap [ j ]= sort_sym_bmap [ j +1];
90 sort_sym_bmap [ j +1]= tmp_map ;
91 end
92 sort_result ={ sort_sym_bmap [0] , sort_sym_bmap [1] ,
93 sort_sym_bmap [2] , sort_sym_bma p [3] , sort_sym_bma p [4] ,
Digital System Designs 333

94 sort_sym_cnt [0] , sort_sym_cnt [1] ,

95 sort_sym_cnt [2] , sort_sym_cnt [3] , sort_sym_cnt [4]};
96 end
97 endfunction

The sorting states, ST_SORT1, ST_SORT2, ST_SORT3, and ST_SORT4, sort the
remaining 5, 4, 3, and 2 symbol sets, respectively. In the sorting states, the bit map-
ping, sym_bmap, of each symbol set is determined according to the sorting results.
That is, if symbol counts are swapped, corresponding bit mappings are swapped
During the merging states, ST_MERG1, ST_MERG2, ST_MERG3, and
ST_MERG4, the symbol sets with the two lowest numbers of occurrence are merged
by adding their number of occurrences and OR-ing their bit maps. Notice that, in
the RTL codes, integer variables in different always blocks should be designated as
different variables; otherwise, local variables of a named block can also be used.

1 reg [4 : 0] sym_bmap [0 : 4];

2 wire [6 : 0] sort_sym_cnt [0 : 4];
3 wire [4 : 0] sort_sym_bma p [0 : 4];

4 integer i1 ;

5 assign

6 { sort_sym_bmap [0] , sort_sym_bmap [1] , sort_sym_bmap [2] ,

7 sort_sym_bmap [3] , sort_sym_bmap [4] ,

8 sort_sym_cnt [0] , sort_sym_cnt [1] , sort_sym_cnt [2] ,

9 sort_sym_cnt [3] , sort_sym_cnt [4]}=

10 sort_result ( sym_cnt , sym_bmap );

11 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

12 if ( reset )
13 for ( i1 =0; i1 <=4; i1 = i1 +1)
14 sym_bmap [ i1 ] <=1 ’ b1 < < i1 ;
15 else
16 case ( state_ns )
18 for ( i1 =0; i1 <=4; i1 = i1 +1)
19 sym_bmap [ i1 ] <= sort_sym_bma p [ i1 ];
20 ST_MERG1 : begin
21 sym_bmap [3] <= sym_bmap [3]| sym_bmap [4];
22 sym_bmap [4] <=0;
23 end
24 ST_MERG2 : begin
25 sym_bmap [2] <= sym_bmap [2]| sym_bmap [3];
26 sym_bmap [3] <=0;
27 end
28 ST_MERG3 : begin
29 sym_bmap [1] <= sym_bmap [1]| sym_bmap [2];
334 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

30 sym_bmap [2] <=0;

31 end
32 ST_MERG4 : begin
33 sym_bmap [0] <= sym_bmap [0]| sym_bmap [1];
34 sym_bmap [1] <=0;
35 end
36 endcase

The Huffman codes, sym_code, of all symbols belonging to the symbol set with
the lowest number of occurrences are prepended 1 at the bit location to the left of the
mask, sym_mask, while the Huffman codes, sym_code, of all symbols belonging to
the symbol set with the second lowest number of occurrences are prepended 0 at the
same bit location. The bit location that is to the left of the first bit with logic 1 of
the mask can be calculated by adding all the bits in the mask, sym_mask. The mask,
sym_mask, then shifts left with one additional 1 shifted in.

1 // 4 bits suffice for the longest code

2 reg [3 : 0] sym_code [0 : 4] , sym_mask [0 : 4];
3 // First zero location of each symbol

4 reg [1 : 0] sym_mask_0_lo c [0 : 4];

5 wire [3 : 0] HC1 , HC2 , HC3 , HC4 , HC5 ;

6 wire [3 : 0] M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 , M5 ;

7 integer i2 , i3 ;

8 assign { HC1 , HC2 , HC3 , HC4 , HC5 }=

9 { sym_code [0] , sym_code [1] , sym_code [2] ,

10 sym_code [3] , sym_code [4]};
11 assign { M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 , M5 }={ sym_mask [0] , sym_mask [1] ,

12 sym_mask [2] , sym_mask [3] , sym_mask [4]};

13 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

14 if ( reset )
15 for ( i2 =0; i2 <=4; i2 = i2 +1)
16 sym_mask [ i2 ] <=0;
17 else
18 case ( state_ns )
19 ST_MERG1 : for ( i2 =0; i2 <=4; i2 = i2 +1) begin
20 if ( sym_bmap [4][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
21 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_l oc [ i2 ]] <=1 ’ b1 ;
22 sym_mask [ i2 ] <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
23 end
24 if ( sym_bmap [3][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
25 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_l oc [ i2 ]] <=1 ’ b0 ;
26 sym_mask [ i2 ] <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
27 end
28 end
29 ST_MERG2 : for ( i2 =0; i2 <=4; i2 = i2 +1) begin
Digital System Designs 335

30 if ( sym_bmap [3][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin

31 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_ lo c [ i2 ]] <=1 ’ b1 ;
32 sym_mask [ i2 ] <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
33 end
34 if ( sym_bmap [2][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
35 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_ lo c [ i2 ]] <=1 ’ b0 ;
36 sym_mask [ i2 ] <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
37 end
38 end
39 ST_MERG3 : for ( i2 =0; i2 <=4; i2 = i2 +1) begin
40 if ( sym_bmap [2][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
41 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_ lo c [ i2 ]]
42 <=1 ’ b1 ;
43 sym_mask [ i2 ]
44 <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
45 end
46 if ( sym_bmap [1][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
47 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_ lo c [ i2 ]]
48 <=1 ’ b0 ;
49 sym_mask [ i2 ]
50 <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
51 end
52 end
53 ST_MERG4 : for ( i2 =0; i2 <=4; i2 = i2 +1) begin
54 if ( sym_bmap [1][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
55 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_ lo c [ i2 ]]
56 <=1 ’ b1 ;
57 sym_mask [ i2 ]
58 <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
59 end
60 if ( sym_bmap [0][ i2 ]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
61 sym_code [ i2 ][ sym_mask_0_ lo c [ i2 ]]
62 <=1 ’ b0 ;
63 sym_mask [ i2 ]
64 <={ sym_mask [ i2 ][2 : 0] ,1 ’ b1 };
65 end
66 end
67 endcase
68 always @ (*)

69 for ( i3 =0; i3 <=4; i3 = i3 +1)

70 sym_mask_0_l oc [ i3 ]= sum_bits ( sym_mask [ i3 ][2 : 0]);
71 function [1 : 0] sum_bits ; // Function call definition

72 input [2 : 0] val ;
73 sum_bits = val [0]+ val [1]+ val [2];
74 endfunction
336 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Finally, code_valid is asserted when the current state, state_cs, equals


1 // Generation of code_valid signal by combinationa l

2 // circuit
3 wire code_valid ;

4 assign code_valid = state_cs == ST_DONE ;

It’s better to have a registered output as follows if timing is a major concern.

1 // Generation of code_valid signal by sequential circuit

2 reg code_valid ;
3 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

4 if ( reset ) code_valid <=0;

5 else if ( state_ns == ST_DONE ) code_valid <=1;
6 else code_valid <=0;


• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer ar-
chitecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• Mark Gordon Arnold, Verilog digital computer design: algorithms into
hardware, Prentice Hall, 1999.
• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
• Peter J. Ashenden, Digital design: an embedded systems approach using
Verilog, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• William J. Dally and R. Curtis Harting, Digital design: a systems approach,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Digital System Designs 337

1. Develop the testbench of Example 7.1 and a behavior model as a gold result to
verify the design output.
2. In Example 7.2, whenever the current state stays in the ST_M0 state, the arbiter
will check the requests of master 1, master 2, and then, master 3. Hence, the
arbitration is not truly equal to masters 1, 2, and 3 in this state because master 0
always has the highest priority. It is best to redesign the arbiter such that a truly
fair arbiter can be obtained.
3. Write the Verilog codes for an arbiter that takes four high-priority requests and
four low-priority requests and outputs the eight grant signals.
a. Write a baseline module that low-priority requests can be starved.
b. Write a module that after 4 cycles of granting high-priority requests will grant
a low-priority request. A static tie-breaking scheme for requests with equal
priority is adopted.
c. Modify the above module to implement a round-robin way for breaking ties
within a class with the same priority. That is, among four requests with the
same priority, each request will be granted sequentially. For example, request
0 has the highest priority until it has been granted, after which request 1 will
have the highest priority, etc.
4. Implement a system with master, slave, and arbiter.
a. Please write a master module that can send a request for calculating the aver-
age of 5 numbers with fixed-point number format s(6.8).
b. Instantiate 4 masters and master 0 has the highest priority. The slave and
arbiter use the designs in Examples 7.1 and 7.2, respectively.
c. Analyze the throughput of your system. Improve the throughput by modi-
fying the handshake protocol and designs if necessary so that the pipelined
slave can be fully utilized in every cycle.
d. Verify the above designs by simulations.
5. Modify the module of the average of 5 numbers, avg_value, by moving the two
additions to the first pipeline stage so that the second pipeline stage has only one
addition. Identify advantages of the new design, and then verify your design.
Then develop a behavioral model for the module of the average of 5 numbers,
avg_value, as the gold result to verify the result of avg_value module.
6. The memory units that follow are specified by the number of words multiplied
by the number of bits per word. How many address lines and input-output data
lines will be needed in each case?
a. 8K×16 bits,
b. 2G×8 bits,
c. 16M×32 bits,
d. 256K×164 bits.
7. Implement a 8 × 16 ROM using a case statement.
8. For the RAM module in Example 7.6,
338 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

a. add the access time, 1.2 time units, of rdata, i.e., the time required for the
rising edge of the clock to output the available data.
b. add the setup time check for 1 time unit and hold time check of 0.2 time units
for all input ports of RAM, including cen, wen, ren, addr, and wdata.
c. write a testbench to verify the above timing constraints.
9. Model a 256 × 16 bits single-port memory array with 4 signals: data bus,
data[15 : 0], address bus, addr[7 : 0], active-low output enable, ren, and active-
low write enable, wen. The memory stores data[15 : 0] on the falling edge of the
wen. The memory should drive the data bus whenever ren is low.
10. For the ROM module in Section 7.2.2,
a. add the access time, 1.2 time units, of data, rdata, i.e., the time required for
the rising edge of the clock to output the available data.
b. add the setup time check for 1 time unit and hold time check of 0.2 time units
for all input ports of ROM, including ren and addr.
c. write a testbench to verify the above timing constraints.
11. Write a Verilog model which can implement the following:
a. A memory of eight bit-sliced arrays, each with 1K×16 bits.
b. A memory of 16 banked arrays, each with 512×128 bits. Only the necessary
bank should be activated.
12. Please design a 50-entry FIFO. Each entry must have 16 bits.
a. Using dual-port SSRAM.
b. Using single-port SSRAM.
c. Please redesign the FIFO using flip-flops. What are the pros and cons for the
implementations using either SSRAM or flip-flops?
13. Please design an interleaved memory system in which M = 8 requesters and
N = 4 memory banks by modifying the crossbar interconnect. Each memory
bank must have 16 K×32 bits.
14. Design a filter that can detect the bit sequence "1011". For example, if the input
is "0011_1011_0110", the output will be "0000_0001_0010".
15. Design a filter that can detect the bit sequence "1011" and its inverse
"0100". For example, if the input is "0100_1011_0110", the output will be
16. Design two filters that can detect the bit sequence "1011" and "1101". For exam-
ple, if the input is "0011_1011_0110", the output will be "0000_0011_0110".
17. Design a module that can add 3 numbers, as shown in Figure 7.62. Two adders
must be implemented to produce one result at a time. Inputs a, b, and e are
signed numbers. No overflow is allowed. We must have flip-flopped (or regis-
tered) output. Datapath typically does not need to be reset. Please add control
signals in_valid and out_valid to start the operation and indicate the valid result,
Digital System Designs 339

Figure 7.62: Three-number addition using two adders.

18. Design another module that can add 3 numbers, as shown in Figure 7.63. One
adder must be implemented to produce one result every 2 cycles. Inputs a, b,
and e are signed numbers. No overflow is allowed. We must have flip-flopped
(or registered) output. Datapath typically does not need to be reset. Please add
control signals in_valid and out_valid to start the operation and indicate the valid
result, respectively.

Figure 7.63: Three-number addition using one adder.

19. Develop a sequential circuit that has a single-bit data input S, and produces an
output Y . The output is 1 whenever S has the same value over three successive
clock cycles; otherwise, output is 0.
20. Use a state machine to design a divide-by-3 pulse width reducer with a single
input in and a single output out. The output is asserted once after every three
(nonconsecutive) cycles that the input has been asserted.
21. Write a Verilog model of a circuit that calculates the average of four 16-bit 2’s
complement signed numbers, without checking for overflow.
22. Design an arithmetic unit to implement 1) when cmd is 0, accumulation of 4
8-bit unsigned numbers, and 2) when cmd is 1, multiplication of two 8-bit un-
signed numbers. When cmd_valid and data_in_valid are asserted (true), cmd
and data_in are valid, respectively. After the command is issued, corresponding
operands are input one at a time. For cmd 0/1, four/two operands take four/two
340 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

cycles to input. When complete, output the result (data_out) and indicate it
through data_out_valid. Both commands share the output data bus data_out. Pad
zeros at the most significant bits if the bit width of the result is less than 16 bits.

Figure 7.64: Arithmetic unit.

23. Develop a testbench model for a sequential multiplier. Verify that the results
computed by the multiplier are the same as those produced using multiplication
with real numbers.
24. Develop a Verilog model of a pipelined circuit that compares the maximum of
corresponding values in three inputs, a, b, and c. The pipeline should have two
stages: the first stage determines the larger of a and b and saves the value of c;
the second stage finds the larger of c and the maximum of a and b. The inputs
and outputs are all 14-bit signed integers.
25. Draw a datapath for a pipelined complex multiplier that takes five cycles to do
each multiplication action; the pipelined multiplier should take just two cycles
for each pair of complex operands: one cycle for the four multiplications and
one cycle for the subtraction and addition. The input streams are also pipelined.
26. If the delays for a multiplier, adder, and register clock-to-Q are 7.3, 2.6, and 1.2
ns, find the critical path delays of the various FIR filters in Section 7.3.3.
27. Typically, the coefficients of FIR filters are symmetric. If the coefficients of fir1
are h3 = h0 and h2 = h1 , redesign the fir1 by minimizing its area.
28. Redesign the FIR filter 5 by inserting a new pipeline such that its critical path
has only one multiplier. Compare your design to FIR filter 4.
29. If we want to save the cost of a FIR filter, the folding technique in Figure 7.65
can be adopted to design a single processing element FIR filter. As displayed,
the multiply-accumulate (MAC) operation is fundamental for DSP. Please write
down its RTL codes.
Digital System Designs 341

Figure 7.65: FIR filter using single processing element.

30. Design a 4-bit SISO shifter as shown in Figure 7.66. This module must be serial
in, serial out. Clear signal is asynchronous. An output valid indicator is needed.

Figure 7.66: SISO shifter.

31. Design a 4-bit SIPO shifter as shown in Figure 7.67. This module is a serial in,
parallel out. Clear signal is asynchronous. An output valid indicator is needed.

Figure 7.67: SIPO shifter.

32. Design a 4-bit PISO shifter. This module must be parallel in, serial out. Clear
signal is asynchronous. The data input should arrive at most every 4 clock cycles.
An output valid indicator is needed.
33. MAC design.
342 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

a. We want to design a MAC whose datapath is the same as that demonstrated

in Figure 7.68.

Figure 7.68: MAC design.

The two operands of the multiplier may not arrive at the same time, which is
indicated by control signals in_valid0 and in_valid1 (not shown in the figure).
The bit widths of the integer operands are 16-bit. When both operands have
arrived, the MAC operation is performed. After 16 MACs are done, the result
is output and the out_valid signal (not shown in the figure) asserts. Please
design the circuit without overflow. Note that the two operands arrive in a
one-to-one manner, so you do not have to buffer the operands.
b. If you want to decrease the critical path by inserting a re-timing D-FF (in-
troducing one more pipeline stage) at the output of the multiplier, it will be
necessary to redesign the circuit.
34. Please implement the matrix multiplication
a11 a12 b11 b12 c11 c12
= (7.3)
a21 a22 b21 b22 c21 c22

using the processing element of a systolic array in Figure 7.69. Determine the
bit width by yourself.

Figure 7.69: Processing element of the matrix multiplication, where R denotes the

35. Suppose a system includes a data source that provides a stream of 16-bit data
values and a processing unit that operates on the stream, as shown in Figure
7.70. The source provides successive values at irregular intervals, sometimes
faster than they can be processed, and sometimes slower. It has a valid output
that is 1 during a clock cycle when a data item is available. The processing unit
Digital System Designs 343

has a “start” control input to initiate processing and a “done” output that is set to
1 for a cycle when a data item is processed. Show how the source and processing
unit can be connected using the FIFO, including any control sequences required.
Assume that if the FIFO is full when a new data item is provided by the source,
the data item is dropped from the stream.

Figure 7.70: FIFO as a data buffer for 2 blocks.

36. Please design a 64-entry stack using dual-port SSRAM. The stack only has a
write pointer that specifies the write address, and the value of the write pointer
minus one indicates the read address. Initially, the pointer addresses the bottom
(address 0) of the stack. The pointer increases or decreases by one automatically
upon the write or read operation, respectively.
37. Please redesign the complex multiplier in Example 7.11 by
a. two real multipliers,
b. four real multipliers.
38. Please redesign the complex multiplier in Example 7.11 for a complex multi-
plication of a complex number and a complex conjugation of another number.
That is, if op1= a = ar + jai and op2= b = br + jbi , the result is prod= a × b∗ =
ar br + ai bi + j(−ar bi + ai br ).
39. Please design the datapath and control unit for two kinds of implementations of
two additions, as displayed in Figure 7.45.
40. Please redesign the complex multiplier in Example 7.11 using 3 real multi-
plications. That is, if op1= a = ar + jai and op2= b = br + jbi , the result
is prod = (prod1 − prod2) + j(prod3 − prod2 − prod1), where prod1= ar br ,
prod2= ai bi , and prod3= (ar + ai )(br + bi).
41. Please redesign the FIR filter 1 using single processing element of MAC and
the coefficients in Table 7.2. In this design, one valid output should be produced
every 4 clock cycles.
42. Please redesign the Huffman encoder for 8 symbols, with 128 as the total number
of occurrences.
43. Please design the Huffman decoder based upon the Huffman code in Table 7.4.
44. Design the Huffman code generator using the table lookup (TLU) based on the
Huffman coding illustrated in this Chapter.
344 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

45. Design the Huffman decoder using the TLU based on the Huffman coding illus-
trated in this Chapter.
46. Rewrite the Verilog codes of Huffman encoder using the named block for all for
47. Design a save-our-soul (SOS) detector of Morse code using a FSM. Morse code
is a method used in telecommunication to encode text characters, like alpha-
bet, numbers, and a few punctuation marks, using on/off signals as standardized
sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes. The SOS
encoded in Morse code is three dots (S), a space, three dashes (O), a space, and
three dots again (the second S). In a symbol, a dot and dash are a short and long
periods of an on signal, respectively. Dots and dashes within a symbol are sep-
arated by short periods of an off signal, while symbols are separated by a space
encoding by a long period of an off signal. We assume that a dot is represented by
the input being high for exactly one cycle, a dash is represented by the input be-
ing high for exactly three cycles, dots and dashes within a symbol are separated
by the input being low for exactly one cycle, and that a space is represented by
the input being low for three or more cycles. Note that the input going either high
or low for exactly two cycles is an illegal condition. When an illegal condition
happens, previously detected characters must be dropped and ignored. With this
set of definitions, one legal SOS string is 101010001110111011100010101000.
48. The architecture for 8-point DIT-FFT is shown in Figure 7.71. The complex in-
puts and outputs are parallel-in and parallel-out, respectively. Please design a
pipelined FFT such that consecutive blocks can be input continuously. That is,
the input data in a block, x[n], n = 0, 1, , 7, and output blocks, X[k], k = 0, 1, ..., 7,

Figure 7.71: DIT FFT.

Digital System Designs 345

Figure 7.72: Simple SoC.

are available in every clock cycle. Input data x[n] and twiddle factors WNi =
e− j2π i/N , i = 0, 1, 2, 3, are all 8-bit numbers. Determine the bit widths of inter-
mediate variables such that no quantization errors occur. Your design must be
correct for all kinds of random input.
49. A block diagram is shown in Figure 7.72. Please finish the design named chip.
The masters are behavioral models, which will be provided together with the
testbench. There are three masters, two slaves (MAC and FFT accelerators),
and one arbiter in the system-on-a-chip (SoC). The data bus, arbitrated by the
arbiter, is shared among all masters and slaves. The timing diagram and interface
protocol are shown in Figure 7.73. The master i, i =0, 1, 2, requests the data
bus and slave j, j =0, 1, by the signals, req[i] and slave_id[i], respectively, to
the arbiter. If slave_id[i]= j, once granted by the arbiter via the signal, gnt[i],
the master can send data via the signal, m_data_out_i, to slave j via the data
bus. Meanwhile, the slave j will be selected by the signal, sel[ j], to receive data.
After the slave finishes receiving data, the operation will start immediately. After
the operation is done, the signal ack[ j] will be asserted until the data has been
transferred to the master i via the signal, s_data_out_ j. After the deassertion of
ack[ j], req[i], gnt[i], and sel[ j] will de-assert, too, after which the next master
will be granted and the above handshake protocol will repeat again.
346 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.73: Timing diagram of SoC.

a. Please design an arbiter with

– Round-robin arbitration

1 parameter IDLE =2 ’ b00 ;

2 parameter M0 =2 ’ b01 ;
3 parameter M1 =2 ’ b10 ;

4 parameter M2 =2 ’ b11 ;

5 always @ (*)

6 begin

7 state_ns = state_cs ;

8 case ( state_cs )

9 IDLE : if ( req [0])

10 state_ns = M0 ;
11 else if ( req [1])
12 state_ns = M1 ;
13 else if ( req [2])
14 state_ns = M2 ;
15 M0 : if ( cmd_done & req [1])
16 state_ns = M1 ;
17 else if ( cmd_done & req [2])
18 state_ns = M2 ;
19 else if ( cmd_done )
20 state_ns = IDLE ;
21 M1 : if ( cmd_done & req [2])
22 state_ns = M2 ;
23 else if ( cmd_done & req [0])
24 state_ns = M0 ;
25 else if ( cmd_done )
26 state_ns = IDLE ;
27 M2 : if ( cmd_done & req [0])
Digital System Designs 347

28 state_ns = M0 ;
29 else if ( cmd_done & req [1])
30 state_ns = M1 ;
31 else if ( cmd_done )
32 state_ns = IDLE ;
33 endcase
34 end
35 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

36 if (! rst_n ) state_cs <= IDLE ;

37 else state_cs <= state_ns ;
38 assign cmd_done =~ ack & ack_r ;

39 always @ ( posedge clk )

40 ack_r <= ack ;

– Prioritized arbitration with master 0 (M0), master 1 (M1), and master 2

(M2) exhibiting the highest, second highest, and lowest priorities.

1 // Only the next state transition is shown here .

2 // Other parts are the same as those of round -
3 // robin arbitration .

4 always @ (*)

5 begin

6 state_ns = state_cs ;

7 case ( state_cs )

8 IDLE : if ( req [0])

9 state_ns = M0 ;
10 else if ( req [1])
11 state_ns = M1 ;
12 else if ( req [2])
13 state_ns = M2 ;
14 M0 : if ( cmd_done & req [1])
15 state_ns = M1 ;
16 else if ( cmd_done & req [2])
17 state_ns = M2 ;
18 else if ( cmd_done )
19 state_ns = IDLE ;
20 M1 : if ( cmd_done & req [0])
21 state_ns = M0 ;
22 else if ( cmd_done & req [2])
23 state_ns = M2 ;
24 else if ( cmd_done )
25 state_ns = IDLE ;
26 M2 : if ( cmd_done & req [0])
27 state_ns = M0 ;
28 else if ( cmd_done & req [1])
29 state_ns = M1 ;
348 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

30 else if ( cmd_done )
31 state_ns = IDLE ;
32 endcase
33 end

b. Please design the interface of slaves conforming to the above handshake pro-
c. Integrate the whole chip using some glue logics shown in the block diagram.

1 casex ({ ack [1 : 0] , gnt [2 : 0]})

2 5 ’ b1x_xxx : data_bus = s_data_out_1 ;
3 5 ’ bx1_xxx : data_bus = s_data_out_0 ;
4 5 ’ b00_100 : data_bus = m_data_out_2 ;
5 5 ’ b00_010 : data_bus = m_data_out_1 ;
6 5 ’ b00_001 : data_bus = m_data_out_0 ;
7 default : data_bus = m_data_out_0 ;
8 endcase

d. How to improve the efficiency of the protocol? Can you improve the effi-
ciency by re-designing the handshake protocol?
50. Design for testability is required for the production of all commercial chips. Its
goal is to make your design controllable and observable. The methodology of
DFT has been well established. To test the digital circuits, all combinations of
possible inputs must be evaluated. For example, to test the two-input NAND
gate shown in Figure 7.74, all possible inputs are “00”, “01”, “10”, “11”, which

Figure 7.74: Circuit requiring the DFT.

Digital System Designs 349

should be controllable. Its corresponding outputs are “1”, “1”, “1”, “0”, which
should be observable. If all results are correct, no defects will be induced in the
NAND gate.
To control the inputs of the NAND and NOT gates, the scan D-FF in Figure 7.75
is required.

Figure 7.75: Scan D-FF.

Besides, all the FFs in the design must be chained together to control the out-
puts of all FFs. The scan input data (scan_data_in), i.e., scan output from the
previous FF of the scan chain, is shifted in the scan chain by the control signal
âĂIJscan_enableâĂİ. That is, the normal function input is bypassed. The reset
signal is not shown here. The clock for the normal function is generated by the
PLL. To control the clock, the scan_clock is selected when scan_mode is as-
serted. Other circuits in Figure 7.74 are unknown. Please manually design the
DFT for the circuits including NAND and NOT gates in the box in Figure 7.74.
You need to replace the D-FF with the scan D-FF and chain all of the FFs. Then,
write the test pattern for the circuits under the test.
51. a. Figure 7.76 shows three different structures for implementing a 5-tap deci-
mation filter with decimation factor M = 2: (a) original, (b) generalized No-
ble identity-derived, and (c) folded FIR structures. Write RTL codes and the
testbench to verify them. What are the pros and cons of the three different
b. Please redesign the above decimation filters using the transposed form.
52. Unknown parameter estimation problem: If received samples, y1 and y2 , are re-
lated to known transmitted data, x1 and x2 , by
y1 x1 x2 a1
y2 x2 x1 a2
x1 x2
= a1 + a2 (7.4)
x2 x1

where ai , xi , and yi , i = 1, 2, are all complex numbers. Known transmitted data,

x1 and x2 , are unity, i.e., |x1 |2 + |x2 |2 = 1. Besides, x1 and x2 are orthogonal,
350 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.76: Different structures for a 5-tap decimation filter.

Digital System Designs 351

i.e., x∗1 x2 + x1 x∗2 = 0, where (·)∗ denotes the complex conjugate. The solution of
unknown parameters, a1 and a2 , can be obtained by
 ∗ ∗  y1  ∗ ∗  x1  ∗ ∗  x2
x1 x2 = a 1 x1 x2 + a 2 x1 x2
y2 x2 x1
 ∗ ∗  y1   x1
⇒ x1 x2 = a1 x∗1 x∗2 (By orthogonality)
y2 x2
⇒ a1 = x∗1 x∗2 = x∗1 y1 + x∗2 y2 . (By unity) (7.5)

Similarly, it can be shown that

a2 = x∗2 x∗1 = x∗2 y1 + x∗1 y2 . (7.6)

The complex multiplication,

x∗ y = (xr + jxi )∗ (yr + jyi ) = (xr yr + xi yi ) + j(xr yi − xi yr ) (7.7)

where xr /yr and xi /yi are respectively real and imaginary parts of x/y, is assumed
to require 4 real multiplications.
a. You can design a circuit using 16 multipliers and obtain the result in one
cycle. Plot your architecture and write down your RTL codes in a module.
Please use parameter to define the bit widths of x and y.
b. Identify the critical path in the above architecture.
c. If our goal is to design a circuit with a small area and satisfactory perfor-
mance, i.e., 4 multipliers, plot your architecture with datapath only. You need
not show the control signals.
d. Identify the critical path using the above architecture.
e. Plot your timing diagram and show how you can obtain the same result using
the first architecture.
f. If our goal is to design a circuit with the smallest area, i.e., one multiplier,
plot your architecture with datapath only. You do not have to show the control
g. Plot the critical path using the above architecture.
h. Plot your timing diagram and show how you can obtain the same result using
the first architecture.
53. Complete the designs in the previous exercise.
a. Please completely show your datapath and control signals (by FSM) using
the 2nd architecture in problem 52 and verify it using Modelsim (by showing
the timing diagram).
b. Please completely show your datapath and control signals (by FSM) using
the 3rd architecture in problem 52 and verify it using Modelsim (by showing
the timing diagram).
352 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

54. Serial-to-parallel cyclic redundant code conversion. The circuit in Figure 7.77
uses serial CRC-4 architecture.

Figure 7.77: Serial CRC-4.

where IN[n] is serial input and C[3 : 0] is the CRC result, n =0,1,2,.... The circuit
can be transformed to one using parallel architecture with 4 inputs, IN[3 : 0], at
a time, as shown in Figure 7.78.

Figure 7.78: Parallel CRC-4.

Based on the serial architecture, we can write

Cn+1 [0] = Cn [1]

Cn+1 [1] = Cn [2]
Cn+1 [2] = IN[n] ⊕ Cn[0] ⊕ Cn [3]
Cn+1 [3] = IN[n] ⊕ Cn[0] (7.8)

where ⊕ denotes the bitwise XOR operation, and the subscript n+1 and n denote
the next and current states, respectively. Let C0 [3 : 0] = C[3 : 0], we have

C1 [0] = C0 [1] = C[1]

C1 [1] = C0 [2] = C[2]
C1 [2] = IN[0] ⊕ C0 [0] ⊕ C0[3] = IN[0] ⊕ C[0] ⊕ C[3]
C1 [3] = IN[0] ⊕ C0 [0] = IN[0] ⊕ C[0]. (7.9)

Similarly, we can express C2 [3 : 0] using C[3 : 0]. Repeat this until C3 [3 : 0] can
be expressed using C[3 : 0].
Digital System Designs 353

a. What XOR network did you obtain?

b. Verify your result using IN[3 : 0]=4’b1011. Assume that C[3 : 0] =4’b1111,
i.e., initial states of D-FFs are set before the CRC calculation starts.
55. Design the square-root approximation (SRA) used to calculate the magnitude
of a complex number √ z = a + b j, where a and b are real and imaginary parts,
respectively, j = −1, as follows:
|z| = a2 + b2 ≈ max (0.875x + 0.5y, x) (7.10)


x = max (|a|, |b|),

y = min (|a|, |b|), (7.11)

min and max must denote minimum and maximum operations, respectively.
56. A sample tree structure is presented below.

Figure 7.79: A tree data structure.

Design a tree distance analyzer that can output the distance of the longest path
of all node pairs in a tree. For example, the tree displayed above has the longest
path between nodes 1 and 7, i.e., 4. The specification of interface timing diagram
is presented below. The information of all nodes, from nodes 1, 2, 3, ..., are
input sequentially. When the signal in_valid is true, the first in_data[6 : 0] is the
parent node of the current node, and following in_data[6 : 0] are children nodes.
For the leaf node, it has no child nodes. When the information of all nodes
are transferred, the signal last is true. After the processing is done, the signal
out_valid becomes true and out_data[6 : 0] represents the longest distance. In
Figure 7.80, there are 3 nodes. Nodes are transmitted sequentially from node 1,
2, to 3. The first node has 3 child nodes, the second node has 0 child nodes, and
the third node has 1 child node. All nodes have only one parent node, and the
parent node of the root node is 0. We assume that the maximum number of nodes
is 100. Each node has a maximum of 3 child nodes.
354 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 7.80: Interface timing diagram.

a. Write your RTL codes to build up a table of the tree data structure and its
child count. In the table of the sample tree, the parent node of node 8 is 0.
Therefore, node 8 is the root node. Sample RTL codes are given below for
your reference.

Figure 7.81: Table of the sample tree data structure together with its child count.

1 parameter MAX_NODE = 100;

2 parameter MAX_CHNODE = 3;
3 reg [6 : 0] ttab_par [1 : MAX_NODE ];

4 reg [6 : 0] ttab_ch1 [1 : MAX_NODE ];

5 reg [6 : 0] ttab_ch2 [1 : MAX_NODE ];

6 reg [6 : 0] ttab_ch3 [1 : MAX_NODE ];

7 reg [1 : 0] ttab_chcnt [1 : MAX_NODE ];

8 reg [6 : 0] ttab_raddr ;

9 reg [1 : 0] ttab_caddr ;

10 reg [6 : 0] root ;

11 reg in_valid_r , last_r ;

12 integer i1 , i2 , i3 ;
Digital System Designs 355

13 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

14 if ( reset )
15 for ( i1 =1; i1 <= MAX_NODE ; i1 = i1 +1) begin
16 ttab_par [ i1 ] <=0; ttab_ch1 [ i1 ] <=0;
17 ttab_ch2 [ i1 ] <=0; ttab_ch3 [ i1 ] <=0;
18 end
19 else if ( in_valid )
20 case ( ttab_caddr )
21 2 ’ d0 : ttab_par [ ttab_raddr ] <= in_data ;
22 2 ’ d1 : ttab_ch1 [ ttab_raddr ] <= in_data ;
23 2 ’ d2 : ttab_ch2 [ ttab_raddr ] <= in_data ;
24 default : ttab_ch3 [ ttab_raddr ] <= in_data ;
25 endcase
26 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

27 if ( reset ) ttab_caddr <=0;

28 else if ( in_valid ) ttab_caddr <= ttab_caddr +1;
29 else ttab_caddr <=0;
30 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

31 if ( reset ) begin
32 ttab_raddr <=1;
33 for ( i2 =1; i2 <= MAX_NODE ; i2 = i2 +1)
34 ttab_chcnt [ i2 ] <=0;
35 end
36 else if (~ in_valid & in_valid_r ) begin
37 ttab_raddr <= ttab_raddr +1;
38 ttab_chcnt [ ttab_raddr ] <= ttab_caddr -1;
39 end
40 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

41 in_valid_r <= in_valid ;

42 last_r <= last ;
43 end

44 always @ (*) begin

45 root =0;
46 for ( i3 =1; i3 <= MAX_NODE ; i3 = i3 +1)
47 if ( ttab_par [ i3 ]==0) root = i3 ;
48 end

49 assign start =~ last & last_r ;

b. For each node, find the top 2 maximum distances between it and its child
nodes. For example, in Figure 7.79, node 1 has no child nodes. Therefore, its
top 2 maximum distances are both 0. Node 2 has 3 child nodes, 5, 3, and 6,
with the maximum distances of 2, 1, and 2, respectively. Therefore, its top 2
maximum distances are both 2. Node 6 has 1 child node. Therefore, its top 1
and top 2 maximum distances are 1 and 0, respectively.
Initiated from the root node, 8, you need to traverse all nodes and find their
top 2 maximum distances, max 1 and max 2, in Figure 7.82. The column
labeled by “child nodes processed” is a set of counters of all nodes used to
356 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

record the number of child nodes that have been processed. The counter of
a specific node increments when one of its child nodes is done (after finding
the top 2 maximum distances of a child node). When all child nodes are
processed, i.e., the counter reaches its maximum value indicated by child_cnt,
the final top 2 maximum distances of the specified node can be determined.
Write your RTL codes to build up the following table. Sample RTL codes are
given below for your reference.

Figure 7.82: Table for the top 2 maximum distances between a node and its child

1 reg [1 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;

2 wire is_IDLE_cs , is_NEXT_cs , is_RETN_cs , is_DONE_cs ,
3 is_IDLE_ns , is_NEXT_ns , is_RETN_ns , is_DONE_ns ;
4 reg [6 : 0] dtab_max1 [1 : MAX_NODE ];

5 reg [6 : 0] dtab_max2 [1 : MAX_NODE ];

6 reg [1 : 0] dtab_chid [1 : MAX_NODE ];

7 reg [6 : 0] cur_node , ch_node ;

8 wire [6 : 0] pa_node , tmp_max ;

9 integer i4 , i5 ;

10 parameter ST_IDLE =2 ’ b00 ; parameter ST_NEXT =2 ’ b01 ;

11 parameter ST_RETN =2 ’ b11 ; parameter ST_DONE =2 ’ b10 ;
12 assign is_IDLE_cs = state_cs == ST_IDLE ;

13 assign is_NEXT_cs = state_cs == ST_NEXT ;

14 assign is_RETN_cs = state_cs == ST_RETN ;

15 assign is_DONE_cs = state_cs == ST_DONE ;

16 assign is_IDLE_ns = state_ns == ST_IDLE ;

17 assign is_NEXT_ns = state_ns == ST_NEXT ;

18 assign is_RETN_ns = state_ns == ST_RETN ;

19 assign is_DONE_ns = state_ns == ST_DONE ;

Digital System Designs 357

20 always @ (*) begin

21 state_ns = state_cs ;
22 case ( state_cs )
23 ST_IDLE : if ( start ) state_ns = ST_NEXT ;
24 ST_NEXT : if ( dtab_chid [ cur_node ]==
25 ttab_chcnt [ cur_node ] &&
26 cur_node == root )
27 state_ns = ST_DONE ;
28 else if ( dtab_chid [ cur_node ]==
29 ttab_chcnt [ cur_node ])
30 state_ns = ST_RETN ;
31 ST_RETN : if ( dtab_chid [ cur_node ]==
32 ttab_chcnt [ cur_node ] &&
33 cur_node == root )
34 state_ns = ST_DONE ;
35 else if ( dtab_chid [ cur_node ]==
36 ttab_chcnt [ cur_node ]
37 state_ns = ST_RETN ;
38 else
39 state_ns = ST_NEXT ;
40 ST_DONE : state_ns = ST_IDLE ;
41 endcase
42 end

43 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

44 if ( reset ) state_cs <= ST_IDLE ;

45 else state_cs <= state_ns ;
46 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

47 if ( reset ) cur_node <=0;

48 else if ( is_NEXT_ns )
49 cur_node <= is_IDLE_cs ? root : ch_node ;
50 else if ( is_RETN_ns ) cur_node <= pa_node ;
51 assign pa_node = ttab_par [ cur_node ];

52 always @ (*)

53 case ( dtab_chid [ cur_node ])

54 2 ’ b00 : ch_node = ttab_ch1 [ cur_node ];
55 2 ’ b01 : ch_node = ttab_ch2 [ cur_node ];
56 2 ’ b10 : ch_node = ttab_ch3 [ cur_node ];
57 default : ch_node =0;
58 endcase
59 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

60 if ( reset )
61 for ( i4 =1; i4 <= MAX_NODE ; i4 = i4 +1) dtab_chid [ i4 ] <=0;
62 else if ( is_RETN_ns )
63 dtab_chid [ pa_node ] <= dtab_chid [ pa_node ]+1;
64 assign tmp_max = dtab_max1 [ cur_node ]+1;

65 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

66 if ( reset )
358 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

67 for ( i5 =1; i5 <= MAX_NODE ; i5 = i5 +1) begin

68 dtab_max1 [ i5 ] <=0; dtab_max2 [ i5 ] <=0;
69 end
70 else if ( is_RETN_ns && dtab_chid [ pa_node ]==0)
71 dtab_max1 [ pa_node ] <= tmp_max ;
72 else if ( is_RETN_ns && dtab_chid [ pa_node ]==1)
73 if ( tmp_max > dtab_max1 [ pa_node ]) begin
74 dtab_max1 [ pa_node ] <= tmp_max ;
75 dtab_max2 [ pa_node ] <= dtab_max1 [ pa_node ];
76 end
77 else dtab_max2 [ pa_node ] <= tmp_max ;
78 else if ( is_RETN_ns ) begin
79 if ( tmp_max > dtab_max1 [ pa_node ]) begin
80 dtab_max1 [ pa_node ] <= tmp_max ;
81 dtab_max2 [ pa_node ] <= dtab_max1 [ pa_node ];
82 end
83 else if ( tmp_max > dtab_max2 [ pa_node ])
84 dtab_max2 [ pa_node ] <= tmp_max ;
85 end

c. According to the top 2 maximum distances of all nodes, the distance of the
longest path beneath a node can be decided, which is max 1+max 2 of the
node. As presented in Figure 7.83, the longest distance beneath node 2 is 4.

Figure 7.83: Distance of the longest path beneath node 2.

The maximum distance of all node pairs in a tree is the distance of the longest
path beneath the root node, which is derived on-the-fly by keeping the maxi-
mum distance of all complete nodes, as shown below.

1 reg [6 : 0] ans ;
2 wire [6 : 0] result , out_data ;
3 assign result = dtab_max1 [ cur_node ]+
Digital System Designs 359

4 dtab_max2 [ cur_node ];
5 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )
6 if ( reset ) ans <=0;
7 else if (( is_RETN_ns | is_DONE_ns ) && result > ans )
8 ans <= result ;
9 assign out_valid = is_DONE_cs ;

10 assign out_data = ans ;

Complete the whole design with the timing diagram shown below, where
dtab_chid denotes the set of counters for the “child nodes processed”, and
dtab_max1 and dtab_max2 denote the top 1 and top 2 maximum distances of
a node (relevant to its child nodes). The timing diagram for establishing the
tree tables, ttab_par, ttab_ch1, ttab_ch2, ttab_ch3, and ttab_chcnt, are omitted
d. For leaf nodes, the memory space for the “max 1”, “max 2”, and “child nodes
processed” in Figure 7.82 are wasted. Please use a stack to store the “max 1”,
“max 2”, and “child nodes processed” to save the chip area.

Figure 7.84: Timing diagram of the tree distance analyzer for the sample tree.
Principles of Verilog Digital Design
8 Advanced System Designs
This chapter discusses several advanced system-level design issues, including
DRAM, flash memory, synchronizer design, and a crypto processor. DRAM chips are
commonly used for main memory. Flash memory is a solid-state non-volatile com-
puter memory storage medium that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.
Synchronizer design is often encountered in ASIC wherever signals need to trans-
fer from one clock domain to another. We will see that violating setup and hold
times may result in the flip-flop entering an illegal unstable state in which its state
variable is neither a logic 1 nor a logic 0. The system-level design for the synchro-
nization of signals across different clock domains is comprehensively presented via
three sections: single-bit synchronizer, deterministic multi-bit synchronizer, and non-
deterministic multi-bit synchronizer (with and without flow control). Embedded co-
processor can offload the main processor. We introduce a specialized crypto proces-
sor for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Finally, a digital design of com-
ponent labeling engine is illustrated from its algorithm to RTL design.


As an off-chip memory, DRAM has the lowest cost per bit. Due to higher capacity
and lower cost, DRAMs are most often used as the main memory of computer sys-
tems. By contrast, the hard disk has a lower cost per bit than DRAM, its speed is too
slow to be used as the main memory. Modern DRAM chips have a capacity of up
to 8 Gb, where G = 109 , significantly higher than that can be realized on an SRAM
chip. However, such a high capacity also leads to a high access latency.
DRAM and SRAM are volatile memories. SRAMs use a storage cell with 6 tran-
sistors (6T) that is similar to the D-type latch. Rather, the storage cell of DRAMs
uses a single transistor and capacitor (1T1C), as that shown in Figure 8.1. Conse-
quently, a DRAM cell is much smaller than that of SRAM. However, the access time
of DRAMs is longer than that of SRAMs due to high capacity. The complexity for
access and control of DRAMs is also higher than SRAMs.
The charge on the DRAM cell determines whether it stores logic 1 or 0. When
the transistor is turned off, the capacitor is separated from the bit line to maintain the
charge on the capacitor. In order to write to the cell, the DRAM control circuit turns
on the transistor through the word line, and then charges and discharges the capacitor
through the bit line. To read the data in a cell, the DRAM control circuit precharges
the bit line to an intermediate voltage level, and then turns on the transistor. Depend-
ing on the charge in the capacitor, the voltage level on the bit line may rise or fall.
A sensor detects and amplifies the change in voltage on the bit line to determine the
logic level stored in the cell.
Since accessing data will destroy the charge stored in the capacitor, the control cir-
cuit needs to restore it before turning off the transistor. This causes the read access

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-8 361

362 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


Figure 8.1: A DRAM cell.

time of a DRAM to be much longer than that of an SRAM. Moreover, when the
DRAM cell is separated from the bit line by turning off the transistor, the charge
stored on the capacitor will still gradually leak. Thus, the control circuit uses a pro-
cess called refreshing to restore the charge on the capacitor before the charge de-
cays too much. Since DRAM cannot be accessed normally during a refreshing, the
refreshing must be interleaved between normal memory accesses. Typically, the re-
freshing is operated periodically, and the DRAM controller treats it as a high-priority
operation than normal memory accesses.
The cells in a DRAM are usually organized into several 2-D arrays, called banks.
A bank consists of several rows and columns. There are three steps to read and write
a specific address in DRAM, including row activation, column access, and precharge.

• Row activation: a specific row of a bank is activated and read into the sense
amplifiers, which destroys the stored charge in capacitors.
• Column access: commands are used to read and write specific columns of
the activated row.
• Precharge: the precharge command writes the row back into the bank.

For multiple reads and writes issued to different columns of the same row and bank,
activation and precharge are not required. Moreover, rows in different banks should
be activated.
As shown in Figure 8.2, an activation command for row 0 of bank 0 is issued in
cycle 1. Second activation command for row 6 of bank 3 is issued at cycle 2. After
a delay of tAC , a column access command to read column 0 of row 0 of bank 0 is
issued in cycle 3. After tRA , data are output in cycle 7, and its burst length is 2. Row
0 of bank 0 must be precharged in cycle 7 before a different row 2 in the same bank
(bank 0) can be accessed. The DRAM controller must wait tPC to allow the precharge
operation of row 0 of bank 0 to complete before performing another row activation
(row 2) on the same bank (bank 0) in cycle 11. If another column in the same row
is accessed, no precharge is necessary. For example, the column access command to
read column 1 of row 6 of bank 3 in cycle 9 follows that of column 2 of row 6 of
bank 3. Accesses of other banks can be interleaved between those of bank 0.
Advanced System Designs 363

Figure 8.2: Timing diagram of a DRAM chip.


Flash memory is a form of electrically erasable programmable ROM that many new
applications use. It is organized into storage blocks (commonly of 16, 64, 128, or
256 K bytes) that can be erased at once, and followed by writing a specific memory
location in a block. Before aging, flash memory usually only allows a limited number
of erasure and programming operations, usually hundreds of thousands of times.
There are two kinds of flash memories, NOR and NAND flash, referring to different
techniques that make up the memory cells. Flash memories must be erased in whole
before being written.
In a NOR flash memory, data can be read (an arbitrary number of times) and
written (once per erasure) in a random order. The NOR flash chip has similar signals
to an SRAM with a comparable read access time, making it suitable for a program
memory of an embedded processor. In a NAND flash memory, on the other hand,
locations are written and read one page typically of 2 K bytes at a time. Read access
to a given address would take several microseconds by reading the page containing
the address, followed by selection of the required data in that address. If all the data
in a page are needed, the sequential reading data in this page is comparable in time to
reading data in SRAM. Erasing a block and writing a page of data are much slower
than writing to SRAM.
Due to the different access behavioral of NAND flash and SRAM, the interface
of NAND flash is different from SRAM interface, and the control circuit of NAND
flash is also much more complicated. The advantage of NAND flash is that it has a
higher density than NOR flash. Thus, NAND flash is better suited to applications that
need to cheaply store a large amount of data, such as the solid-state disks (SSDs) and
universal serial bus (USB) memory sticks.


In this section we investigate the abnormal condition that timing constraints are un-
avoidably violated. For a flip-flop to function properly, its setup time and hold time
constraints must be met. These constraints must be carefully guaranteed for syn-
chronous designs. However, for asynchronous interfaces in digital systems, timing
364 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.3: Synchronizers are needed between asynchronous and synchronous sys-
tems. They are also needed between different clock domains, pclk and mclk.

violations are unavoidable. We will see that violating setup and hold times may re-
sult in the flip-flop entering an illegal unstable state in which its state variable is
neither a logic 1 nor a logic 0. Even worse, it will stay in the metatable state for an
unknown period of time before it finally reaches one of the two stable states (0 or
1). This synchronization failure will cause serious problems in digital systems. If the
unstable state of the flip-flop output is sampled, it will cause an indeterminate result.
The synchronization failure happens in two distinct scenarios, as shown in Figure
8.3. First, input signals come from truly asynchronous signal sources. They must
be synchronized before being used in a synchronous digital system. For example, a
keypad pressed by a human produces an asynchronous signal. However, this signal
can transition at any time.
Second, a synchronous signal may move from one clock domain to another. A
clock domain is simply a set of signals that are all synchronous with respect to a
single clock. For example, in a computer system, the processor may operate in one
clock domain, pclk = 3 GHz, whereas the memory system operates in a different one,
mclk= 800 MHz. These two clocks have different frequencies. Signals generated by
the processor that are synchronous to pclk cannot be directly used in the memory
system synchronous to mclk, and vice versa. They must be synchronized with the
destined clock domain before being used.

After the synchronization failure happens owing to timing constraint violation, most
of the illegal states of flip-flops decay to a legal 0 or 1 state. However, it is possible
that an illegal metastable state might prolong for an arbitrary amount of time before
reaching a legal state.
The CMOS master-slave flip-flop is displayed in Figure 8.4.
After the clock rises, the input transmission gate t1 of the master latch is off and
the feedback tristate inverter u3 is enabled. The master latch thus becomes two back-
to-back inverters. Additionally, the transmission gate t2 of the slave latch is on and
the feedback tristate inverter u5 is disabled. The slave latch thus becomes transparent.
Advanced System Designs 365


Figure 8.4: A CMOS master-slave flip-flop constructed from two CMOS latches.

So that the equivalent circuit of the flip-flop is that of two back-to-back inverters, as
shown in Figure 8.5(a).
Figure 8.5(b) shows the transfer characteristics of the output V2 of the forward
inverter as a function of V1 , i.e., V2 = f (V1 ) (sold line), where f (·) denotes the trans-
fer function of an inverter, and the transfer characteristics of the output V1 of the
feedback tristate inverter as a function of V2 , i.e., V1 = f (V2 ) (dashed line). There are
three intersections of the two transfer characteristics on the figure. In the absence of
disturbances, these points are stable that the voltages V1 and V2 will never change. At
any point other than these three stable points, the circuit quickly converges to one of
the outer two stable points, i.e., ∆V ≡ V1 − V2 = +VDD or ∆V = −VDD .
For example, if we disturb the state slightly from the middle metastable point, the
state will quickly converge to the nearest outer stable point. As presented in Figure
8.6, when V1 slightly increases, it will decay to ∆V = +VDD , i.e., V1 = VDD and V2 = 0
through trace 1. Similarly, when V1 slightly decreases, it will decay to ∆V = −VDD ,
i.e., V1 = 0 and V2 = VDD through trace 2. Yet another case, if we disturb the state
slightly from either of the two outer stable points, the state returns to that stable point
again. A state, like the middle stable state, where a small disturbance causes a system
to leave that state, is called metastable.
The behavior of the metastable state can be presented in Figure 8.7. The ball
would remain on the top of the hill if it were perfectly balanced. Actually, nothing is
perfect, and the ball will eventually roll to one side or the other.
The detailed transistor-level schematic of Figure 8.5(a) is presented in Fig-
ure 8.8. We assume that all n-channel and p-channel FETs are perfectly matched
such that kn = k p , where kn = µnCox WL n denotes the device characteristics of

n-channel FET, k p = µ pCox WL p denotes the device characteristics of p-channel
FET, µn /µ p are the mobilities of electron/hole, Cox is the gate capacitance per unit
366 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.5: (a) When the clock is high, the master latch acts as two back-to-back
inverters, and the slave latch becomes transparent. (b) Transfer characteristics of the
back-to-back inverters.


Figure 8.6: Two kinds of disturbances on the metastable state.

area, WL n / WL p are the aspect ratios of n-channel/p-channel FETs, and the abso-
lute values of the threshold voltage of n-channel FET, Vtn , and the threshold voltage
of p-channel FET, Vt p , are the same, i.e., Vtn = −Vt p = Vt . Also, for simplicity, the
parasitic capacitors of two inverters are the same.
Assuming that the inverters u2 and u3 were initially in the metastable state, i.e.,
V1 = V2 = VDD /2. Suddenly, at the time t = 0, V1 slightly increases owing to some
Advanced System Designs 367

Figure 8.7: A metastable state that is represented by a ball at the top of a hill.

Figure 8.8: Transistor schematic of the master-slave flip-flop when the clock is high.

reason, for example, Ic is produced, so that V2 slightly decreases accordingly. There-

fore, ∆V (0) = V1 − V2 > 0 and ∆V will converge toward +VDD . Moreover, it can be
observed that all transistors are in saturation region. Since I p − In = Ic and Ic = C dV

for u3, we have

k k dV1
(V2 − VDD + Vt )2 − (V2 − Vt )2 = C . (8.1)
2 2 dt
Similarly, for u2, we have
k k dV2
(V1 − VDD + Vt )2 − (V1 − Vt )2 = C . (8.2)
2 2 dt
Subtracting Equation 8.2 from Equation 8.1 yields
kVDD ∆V = C . (8.3)
Hence, the dynamics of the two back-to-back inverters can be expressed by the
following differential equation,
d∆V ∆V
= (8.4)
dt τ
368 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.9: Convergence of ∆V (t) toward a stable state: (a) ∆V (0) > 0 and (b)
∆V (0) < 0.

where τ = kVCDD depending on the characteristics of devices. In other words, the rate
of change of ∆V is directly proportional to its magnitude. Actually, in addition to the
metastable state, the dynamics of the two back-to-back inverters hold whenever the
transistors are in saturation region.
The solution of this differential equation is simply given by
∆V (t) = ∆V (0)exp . (8.5)
As displayed in Figure 8.9, when ∆V (0) > 0, ∆V (t) will converge toward ∆V (t) =
+VDD , where tCOV denotes the convergence time. By contrast, when ∆V (0) < 0, ∆V (t)
will converge toward ∆V (t) = −VDD .
Therefore, given ∆V (0) > 0, the amount of time that a synchronization failure
takes to converge to ∆V = +VDD is given by
∆V (0)
tCOV = −τ log (8.6)

where the natural logarithm, log(·), denotes the logarithm to the base e ≈ 2.71828 of
a number. Likewise, for ∆V (0) ≤ 0, the amount of time that a synchronization failure
takes to converge to ∆V = −VDD can be shown and omitted here. The convergence
time tCOV plotted against ∆V (0) is displayed in Figure 8.10. When ∆V (0) = 0, the flip-
flop is in the metastable state, and the convergence time tCOV = ∞. By contrast, when
∆V (0) = ±VDD , the flip-flop has already been in the stable state, and the convergence
time tCOV = 0.
Assuming that a flip-flop initially has a ∆V (0) uniformly distributed over the
interval (0, +VDD ). Given that the stable state has reached after some time, i.e.,
Advanced System Designs 369

Figure 8.10: Convergence time tCOV plotted against ∆V (0).

∆V (t) = VDD , the probability of state error, PSE , for the convergence time tCOV to the
stable state longer than the waiting time, tw , can be written as

PSE = P(tCOV > tw )

∆V (0) w
= P < exp −
= FU exp − (8.7)
where P(·) denotes the probability and FU (·) is the cumulative distribution function
of a uniform random variable, U = ∆V (0)
VDD . Notice that PSE is the same as the probabil-

ity that U = ∆V (0) tw
VDD < exp − τ . With U being uniformly distributed between 0 and
1, FU (x) = x. Consequently, PSE is thus simply
PSE = exp − . (8.8)
The probability of state error PSE decreases exponentially when the waiting time tw
increases. Therefore, a good way to reduce the probability of state error is to increase
the waiting time.


An asynchronous input signal is sampled by a flip-flop with clock frequency fC ,
setup time tS , and hold time tH . The input of a flip-flop should arrive before the setup
time and arrive after the hold time. In other words, the input cannot change within
the slash area in Figure 8.11, where tC = 1/ fC denotes the clock period.
During the clock period of the sampling flip-flop, suppose that a transition of the
asynchronous input signal is equally likely to occur at any time instance during a
370 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.11: Input signal of a flip-flop cannot change during the slash area due to
setup time and hold time constraints.

cycle, the probability of timing error, PTE , for the setup time or hold time violation
that may cause the sampling flip-flop to enter the unstable state can be written as
tS + tH
PTE = = fC (tS + tH ). (8.9)
If the transition frequency of the asynchronous input signal is fI , the frequency of
timing errors is given by

fTE = fI PTE = fI fC (tS + tH ). (8.10)

Example 8.1. Assuming that a transition of the asynchronous input signal is equally
likely to occur at any time instance during a cycle, what is the frequency of timing
errors for tS = tH = 0.1 ns, tC = 2 ns, and fI = 10 MHz?
0.2 ns
Solution: By putting the values into Equation 8.9, we find PTE = tS +t
tC = 2 ns =

0.1. Thus, according to Equation 8.10, the frequency of timing errors fTE = fI PTE = 10
MHz×0.1=1 MHz, which is relatively high.


We see that, in the previous example, sampling an asynchronous signal might lead
to an unacceptably high timing error rate. A practical solution to the problem of
frequently entering an illegal state is to allow it to decay to one of the two stable
states after a waiting time, tw .
As shown in Figure 8.12, through a combination of waiting for an unstable state
to converge to one of stable states and separating the potentially unstable signals, a
simple synchronizer that can reduce the probability of synchronization failure is thus
designed. Synchronization of single-bit signals is often achieved using the simple
synchronizer. Flip-flop FF1 samples an asynchronous input signal a to produce an
output ar . Signal ar will be unstable because of the high frequency of timing errors,
fTE , with which FF1 will enter the unstable state. To protect remaining parts of a
system from the unsafe signal, we wait one (or more) clock periods for any illegal
Advanced System Designs 371

Figure 8.12: A simple synchronizer consisting of two back-to-back flip-flops.

Figure 8.13: Registered output a crossing clkin domain to clkout domain.

states of FF1 to decay before resampling it with FF2 to produce the synchronized
output arr . As a result, the input signal is sampled by the output clock twice, so
the simple synchronizer is also called the double synchronizer. The double synchro-
nization scheme isolates the unstable signal ar from affecting the clkout domain and
allows (approximately) a clock period of clkout to wait for the unstable signal, ar , to
converge to one of the stable states.
The RTL codes of the double synchronizer are listed below.

1 // Simple or double synchronizer : one - cycle waiting time

2 always @ ( posedge clkout ) begin
3 a_r <= a ;
4 a_rr <= a_r ;
5 end

Figure 8.13 displays the clock domain crossing (CDC) issue. It should be empha-
sized that the input signal a in clock domain clkin must be a registered output so that
there is only one transition in signal a at the clock rising edge, and the instability
issue can be reduced to the minimum. Besides, the frequency of clkout is commonly
higher than that of clkin so that, if the signal a to be synchronized is a strobe signal
with one-cycle high in its clock domain, clkin, the synchronized signal ar r still can
capture the strobe signal.
If the unstable state of ar settles down to the correct/wrong logic of a, the synchro-
nized signal, arr , will appear to have the correct logic value sooner/later, as shown in
Figures 8.14(a)/(b). When ar settles down to the wrong logic of a, at the next rising
372 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.14: (a) The unstable state of ar settles down to the correct logic of a. (b)
The unstable state of ar settles down to the wrong logic of a.

Figure 8.15: Relationship between tw , tCQ , tS , and tC of the double synchronizer.

edge of clkout, it will sample the correct logic of a without any possibility of timing
It is interesting to understand how well the synchronizer works. In other words,
the probability of arr entering an illegal state after a transition on a needs to be
derived. This will happen only if (1) FF1 enters an illegal state and (2) this state has
not converged to one of stable states before ar is resampled by FF2. FF1 enter an
illegal state with probability PTE , and it will remain in this state after a waiting time
tw with probability PSE . Thus, the synchronization error probability of FF2 entering
an illegal state is given by
tS + tH  t 
PE = PTE PSE = exp − . (8.11)
tC τ
The synchronization error frequency of FF2 entering an illegal state is thus

fE = fI PE . (8.12)

In fact, FF1 has a delay tCQ to reflect its output ar . Also, the FF2 captures its input
ar at the time instance tS before the rising edge of clkout. Therefore, the relationship
between tw , tCQ , tS , and tC is presented in Figure 8.15.
Advanced System Designs 373

Figure 8.16: Double synchronizer with N = 2. Flip-flops in clkout domain are en-
abled every 2 clock cycles.

Hence, the waiting time tw is not a complete clock cycle, but rather a clock cycle
subtracting the required overhead:
tw = tC − tS − tCQ (8.13)
where tCQ denotes the clock-to-Q delay.
Example 8.2. If we have tS = tH = tCQ = τ = 0.1 ns, tC = 2 ns, and fI = 10 MHz, find
the probability of FF2 entering an illegal state and the frequency of synchronization
Solution: We have tw = 1.8 ns and the synchronization error probability of FF2
entering an illegal state is thus given by PE = 0.1 ns2 +0.1 ns exp − 1.8 ns  = 1.523×
ns 0.1 ns
10−9 . If signal a has a transition frequency of fI = 10 MHz, then the synchronization
error frequency is given by fE = fI PE = (10 MHz)(1.523 × 10−9) = 0.0152 Hz.

If the synchronization failure probability is not low enough, we can increase the
waiting time to reduce it, because it is inversely proportional to the exponential of
waiting time. It is best to add a clock enable signal to the two flip-flops to accom-
plish this, and the flip-flops are enabled every N clock cycles. Figure 8.16 presents
the double synchronizer with N = 2. The frequency of clk_en is half that of clk-
out. Therefore, flip-flops, FF1 and FF2, in clkout domain are enabled every 2 clock
This can extend the waiting time to tw = NtC − tS − tCQ , such as that of N = 2 in
Figure 8.17. Waiting longer with clock enable is more efficient than using multiple
flip-flops in series. Moreover, in addition to a reduced number of flip-flops, we only
pay the flip-flop overhead tS + tCQ once in the waiting time tw , rather than once per
374 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.17: Relationship between tw , tCQ , tS , and tC for N = 2.

Example 8.3. In our example above, change the simple synchronizer to wait for two
clock cycles through the clock enable signal.
Solution: The waiting time becomes tw = NtC − tS − tCQ = 2 × 2 − 0.1 − 0.1 =
3.8 ns and the synchronization error probability of FF2 entering an illegal state is thus
given by PE = 0.1exp(−38) = 3.1391 × 10−18. The synchronization error frequency
is thus fE = fI PE = (10 MHz)(3.1391 × 10−18) = 3.1391 × 10−11 Hz.

According to Figure 8.16, the RTL codes of the synchronizer with N = 2 and clock
enable are presented below. It should be emphasized that the sampling frequency has
reduced by half. The sampling frequency must be acceptable for the system specifi-

1 // Simple or double synchronizer : two - cycle waiting time

2 // Sampling frequency is reduced by half .
3 module sync ( d_sync , d , clkout , rst_n );

4 output d_sync ;

5 input d , clkout , rst_n ;

6 reg d_r , d_rr , clk_en ;

7 assign d_sync = d_rr ;

8 always @ ( posedge clkout or negedge rst_n )

9 if (! rst_n ) clk_en <=1 ’ b0 ;

10 else clk_en <=~ clk_en ;
11 always @ ( posedge clkout )

12 if ( clk_en ) begin
13 d_r <= d ;
14 d_rr <= d_r ;
15 end
16 endmodule

In another way, we can increase the waiting by connecting flip-flops in series. For
example, the triple synchronization is shown in Figure 8.18.
Advanced System Designs 375

Figure 8.18: Triple synchronization implemented using three flip-flops in series.

Figure 8.19: Relationship between tw , tCQ , tS , and tC for the triple synchronization.

With flip-flops in series, each additional flip-flop adds tC − tS − tCQ to our waiting
time. In that each flip-flop has a clock-to-Q delay, tCQ , and the input voltage sampled
by the flip-flop is the voltage at the setup time, tS , before the clock rising edge.
Therefore, for the synchronization using N flip-flops in series, the waiting time is
N(tC − tS − tCQ ). The waiting time of the triple synchronization is displayed in Figure
Example 8.4. In our example above, change the simple synchronizer to wait for two
clock cycles by using three flip-flops in series.
Solution: We have tw = N(tC − tS − tCQ ) = 2 × (2 − 0.1 − 0.1) = 3.6 ns and the
synchronization error probability of FF2 entering an illegal state is thus given by
PE = 0.1exp(−36) = 2.3195 × 10−17. The synchronization error frequency is fE =
fI PE = (10 MHz)(2.3195 × 10−17) = 2.3195 × 10−10 Hz, which is approximately 10
times that of the previous example.

According to Figure 8.18, the RTL codes of the synchronizer with N = 2, i.e.,
three back-to-back flip-flops, are presented below.

1 // Simple or double synchronizer : two - cycle waiting time

2 // Three back - to - back flip - flops are used .
3 module sync ( d_sync , d , clkout );

4 output d_sync ;
376 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

5 input d , clkout ;
6 reg d_r , d_rr , d_rrr ;
7 assign d_sync = d_rrr ;

8 // Triple synchronizat io n

9 always @ ( posedge clkout )

10 begin

11 d_r <= d ;
12 d_rr <= d_r ;
13 d_rrr <= d_rr ;
14 end

15 endmodule

The mean time between failures (MTBF) can also be expressed as 1/ fE =

exp(k1tw )
k2 f I fC , where k1 and k2 are measured constants for a particular flip-flop. For
those applications in which reliability is a key requirement and there are many asyn-
chronous inputs, we should study the technical data of implementation fabric we
adopt and follow the advice of manufacture on synchronizing inputs. The MTBF is
inversely proportional to the input and sampling clock frequencies. Consequently,
higher frequencies lead to a shorter MTBF, that is, to more frequent synchronization
The synchronization failure probability and MTBF depends on your system and
what it is used for. Generally, we want to make the probability of synchronization
failure significantly smaller than some other system failure or error characteristics.
For example, in a telecommunication system where the bit-error rate of a line is 10−8,
it would suffice to design a synchronizer with a synchronization failure probability
PE of 10−9 or lower.


The simple synchronizer can only synchronize signals with single bit. To synchro-
nize a multi-bit signal with a deterministic sequence, the signal must be ensured
that all neighboring current and next states change one bit at a time. As such, the
synchronization problem of a deterministic multi-bit signal reduces to that of single-
bit signal, so that the double synchronization can be employed; otherwise, a new
synchronizer is required. For example, as shown in Figure 8.20, if there is a 3-bit
counter that counts from 3 (3’b011) to 4 (3’b100), all of the bits of the counter, cnt,
are changing when the clock, clk1, rises. If clk1 and clk2 are asynchronous, 3 bits
of cnt_r may all enter unstable states when clk2 rises. During the next rising of clk2,
3 flip-flops of cnt_rr may sample a wrong value if the unstable state of either bits of
cnt_r has not settled down or has settled down but converged to wrong stable states.
To solve this problem, the value of the counter can be converted using the popular
Gray code sequence that changes one bit at a time for all adjacent states, as shown in
Figure 8.21.
Verilog codes for a 3-bit Gray-coded counter, cnt, that generates this sequence are
shown below.
Advanced System Designs 377

Figure 8.20: Incorrect method of synchronizing a multi-bit signal when multiple bits
in the counter are changing concurrently.

Figure 8.21: Correct method of synchronizing a multi-bit signal when only single bit
in the counter can change at a time.

1 // Converting binary to Gray codes before double

2 // synchronizer
3 reg [2 : 0] cnt , cnt_r , cnt_rr , cnt_gray ;

4 always @ ( posedge clk1 or posedge rst )

5 if ( rst ) cnt <= 3 ’ d0 ;

6 else cnt <= cnt_gray ;
7 always @ (*)

8 case ( cnt )
9 3 ’ b000 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b001 ;
10 3 ’ b001 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b011 ;
11 3 ’ b011 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b010 ;
12 3 ’ b010 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b110 ;
13 3 ’ b110 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b111 ;
14 3 ’ b111 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b101 ;
15 3 ’ b101 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b100 ;
16 default : cnt_gray =3 ’ b000 ;
378 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

17 endcase
18 always @ ( posedge clk2 ) begin
19 cnt_r <= cnt ;
20 cnt_rr <= cnt_r ;
21 end

If a synchronous non-Gray-coded counter is required, say binary counter, the syn-

chronized Gray-coded counter, cnt_rr, can be converted back into a binary counter,
as shown below.

1 // Gray to binary conversion

2 reg [2 : 0] cnt_bin ;
3 always @ (*)

4 case ( cnt_rr )
5 3 ’ b001 : cnt_bin =3 ’ b001 ;
6 3 ’ b011 : cnt_bin =3 ’ b010 ;
7 3 ’ b010 : cnt_bin =3 ’ b011 ;
8 3 ’ b110 : cnt_bin =3 ’ b100 ;
9 3 ’ b111 : cnt_bin =3 ’ b101 ;
10 3 ’ b101 : cnt_bin =3 ’ b110 ;
11 3 ’ b100 : cnt_bin =3 ’ b111 ;
12 default : cnt_bin =3 ’ b000 ;
13 endcase

The n-bit binary-to-Gray-code conversion can be implemented using the Boolean


gray[i] = bin[i + 1] ⊕ bin[i],

where gray[i] denotes the Gray code, bin[i] denotes the binary data, i = 0, 1, ..., n − 1,
and bin[n]=0. The 3-bit binary-to-Gray-code conversion is written in Verilog func-
tion, gray, below.

1 // Functions used to convert binary to Gray

2 function [2 : 0] gray ;
3 input [2 : 0] bin ;
4 begin
5 gray [2]= bin [2];
6 gray [1]= bin [2]^ bin [1];
7 gray [0]= bin [1]^ bin [0];
8 end
9 endfunction
Advanced System Designs 379

Similarly, the n-bit Gray-to-binary-code conversion can be expressed using the

Boolean equation

bin[i] = bin[i + 1] ⊕ gray[i],

where i = 0, 1, ..., n − 1. The 3-bit Gray-to-binary-code conversion is written in Ver-

ilog function, bin, below.

1 // Functions used to convert Gray to binary

2 function [2 : 0] bin ;
3 input [2 : 0] gray ;
4 begin
5 bin [2]= gray [2];
6 bin [1]= bin [2]^ gray [1];
7 bin [0]= bin [1]^ gray [0];
8 end
9 endfunction

It can be seen that the critical path of the Gray-to-binary-code conversion in-
creases linearly with the bit width of Gray code, while the critical path of the binary-
to-Gray-code conversion is a XOR gate and is constant without regarding to the bit
width. The implementation of conversion between binary and Gray codes using the
Boolean equation generally has a longer critical path but smaller area than that using
the case statement when the bit width becomes wider.
It is simple to generate the Gray code with a sequence of 2N numbers, where
N ≥ 1 is an integer. However, the desired number of count may not be a power of
2. If we want a Gray code with a sequence of arbitrary even numbers, it can still be
derived from the original Gray code with a sequence of 2N numbers. For example, a
Gray code with N = 3 is displayed in Figure 8.22. It can be observed that the codes
before and after a pair of adjacent codes with the same LSB, either 1 or 0, i.e., circled
ones, always differ by exactly one bit.
As a result, the circled codes can be removed so that remaining ones still exhibit
the property of a Gray code. For example, if we remove the two circled codes 001
and 011 with the same LSB 1 to have a 6-code sequence, remaining neighboring
codes still differ by only one bit. If we further remove 111 and 101 with the same
LSB 1, we have a 4-code sequence. Consequently, a Gray code with a sequence of
arbitrary even numbers can be eventually obtained. Similar approach can be applied
for circled codes with the same LSB 0.
However, it is impossible to derive a Gray code with arbitrary odd number of
count in a similar way. For practicality, the Gray code with odd number count can be
derived by folding the Gray code with even number count. For example, to determine
a 3-code sequence, if a 6-code sequence is 000, 010, 110, 111, 101, and 100, then
separated-by-3 codes in the 6-code sequence represent the same binary count. That
is, 000 and 111 represent binary 0, 010 and 101 represent binary 1, and 110 and 100
represent binary 2.
380 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.22: A pair of adjacent Gray codes with the same LSB bit.


When data are random, sampled signals can transit from arbitrary current state to
any next state. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that it should be like a counter with
a deterministic sequence where only one bit changes using a Gray code. Hence, we
cannot use a simple synchronizer on arbitrary random signals with multiple bits. The
most common multi-bit synchronizer is the FIFO synchronizer, as shown in Figure
8.23. The key concept behind all of them is moving the synchronization requirement
from the multi-bit datapath to synchronization of control path with either a single bit
or a Gray-coded sequence.
We assume that the FIFO synchronizer uses a set of registers queue[0] to
queue[N − 1] as the FIFO memory. Data are written into the FIFO memory under
control of the input clock, clkin, and read from the FIFO memory under control of
the output clock, clkout. A write pointer, wr_ptr, selects which address in the FIFO
memory is to be written next, and a read pointer, rd_ptr, selects which address is to
be read next. Data are added at the write pointer (or tail) of the FIFO, and removed
from the read pointer (or head) of the FIFO. The read pointer is used to select a
FIFO output data through select pins of the multiplexer. The write pointer is decoded
by the decoder to one-hot to drive the enable signals of registers. Using Gray code
for the counters enables them to be synchronized by simple deterministic multi-bit
synchronizers in the control path.
A timing diagram showing operation of a FIFO synchronizer with four registers
(queue[0] to queue[3]) is shown in Figure 8.24. The input clock, clkin, is commonly
slower than the output clock, clkout. On each rising edge of the input clock, clkin, a
new data on the input port, fifo_wdata, is written to one of the registers selected by
the write pointer, wr_ptr, which repeatedly increments with a Gray-code pattern, 00,
01, 11, 10, 00, in binary. That is, the first data a is written to register queue[0], the
second data b is written to queue[1], c is written to queue[3], and so on. The FIFO
is implemented using the circular buffer. When the last element queue[2] is written,
the next element to be written is the first element, queue[0].
Advanced System Designs 381

Figure 8.23: Datapath of a FIFO synchronizer.

On the output side, each rising edge of clock clkout advances the Gray-coded read
pointer, rd_ptr, to select each register in turn. Initially, rd_ptr is 00, and it selects the
contents a of register queue[0] to drive the output port, fifo_rdata. The second rising
edge of clkout advances rd_ptr to 01, and selects b from queue[1] to appear on the
output. The third edge selects c from queue[3] according to the rd_ptr of 11, and so
on. When the last element queue[2] has been read, the next element to be read is the
first element, queue[0]. It can be seen that the data stored in queue[0] to queue[3]
has been extended to four clock cycles of clkin. By using multiple registers to extend
the valid period of the input data, it is possible to make the FIFO synchronizer read
data without undergoing any unstable or transition state when selecting them on the
output fifo_rdata. Thus, there is no probability of violating setup and hold times in
the datapath of clkout if the read pointer selects the required data when it had been
stable (after its transition). There are even multiple cycles available for reading a
queued data before it is used.
In the FIFO synchronizer, the frequency of clkout is typically higher than that
of clkin. As a result, the frequency of read access is typically higher than that of
write access. Therefore, in such a condition, the FIFO is guaranteed not to overrun.
Consequently, the output and input of FIFO can never be stopped. Otherwise, the
flow control mechanism is needed. The need to synchronize is simply moved to the
control path. There is a wr_ptr in the clkin domain and a rd_ptr in the clkout domain
used for the write access and read access, respectively.

Example 8.5. Please design a FIFO synchronizer without flow control, as shown in
Figure 8.25. Since the flow control is not required, the speed of data output is higher
than or equal to that of the input data. Please write the RTL codes and determine
the worst-case queue depth of the FIFO such that no overrun can occur. The longest
382 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.24: Timing diagram of a FIFO synchronizer with 4 elements (queue[0] to


Figure 8.25: Interface of a FIFO synchronizer.

queue depth is desired when the frequencies of clkin and clkout are the same. Also,
the frequency of read access is assumed to be the same as that of write access.
The output valid signal, out_valid, is used to indicate the nonempty status of the
FIFO queue. The out_valid is true when synchronized wr_ptr (to the clkout domain)
is not the same as the rd_ptr. To synchronize wr_ptr, it is encoded using the Gray
code. Even a properly designed FIFO synchronizer is ensured not to overrun, the
queue depth of the FIFO shall still be large enough because the wr_ptr is double
synchronized from clkin to clkout domain, which may incur (worst) 2 cycles delay
in clkout domain.
Solution: A FIFO with depth of 10 is demonstrated and implemented using a
circular buffer in Figure 8.26. When write pointer, wr_ptr, and read pointer, rd_ptr,
are the same, the FIFO may be empty or full. For example, initial write pointer and
read pointer are displayed in Figure 8.26, assume that there is no write access so that
wr_ptr is fixed. After 4 read accesses, rd_ptr=wr_ptr=2, the FIFO is empty at this
time. As another example, assume that there is no read access so that rd_ptr is fixed.
After 6 write accesses, rd_ptr=wr_ptr=8, the FIFO is full in this case.
Advanced System Designs 383

Figure 8.26: The FIFO memory is indexed by write and read pointers.

To easily distinguish the FIFO empty and full status using only read and write
pointers (without the queue length counter), a space in FIFO is often purposely left
unoccupied. Therefore, when write pointer and read pointer are the same, the FIFO
can be decided to be empty. By contrast, when the “next” write pointer and read
pointer are the same, the FIFO is full because a space in FIFO is not used. Conse-
quently, the out_valid signal is true when write pointer and read pointer are not the
Considering the double synchronization and a burst write, the timing diagram
to assert the latest out_valid (owing to double synchronization of wr_ptr) is the
worst case for the (longest) queue depth and it is shown in Figure 8.27. The double

Figure 8.27: Worst-case timing diagram of a 4-entry FIFO synchronizer for deter-
mining the queue depth. Frequencies of clkin and clkout are the same.
384 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.28: Best-case timing diagram for the queue depth of a 4-entry FIFO syn-
chronizer. Frequencies of clkin and clkout are the same.

synchronization of wr_ptr causes the late allowance of read access indicated by

out_valid. The timing diagram represents two possible situations: (1) There is no
timing violation. Correct “wr_ptr_r= 0” occurs in cycle 3. (2) Timing violation ex-
ists at the 2nd rising edge of clkout, but, unfortunately, the sampled wr_ptr_r settles
down to the wrong logic in cycle 2. Therefore, at the 3rd rising edge of clkout, correct
“wr_ptr= 0” is captured by wr_ptr_r in cycle 3 as well.
As presented, out_valid is first asserted in cycle 5. In this cycle, the last queue[2]
is written and queue[0] is read, and there is still one space left unoccupied. Hence,
to prevent overrun, the longest queue depth should be 4.
The timing diagram to assert the earliest out_valid is the best case for the (short-
est) queue depth and it is shown in Figure 8.28. In this case, the rising edge of clkout
is slightly later than that of clkin, and fortunately, at the 2nd rising edge of clkout,
correct “wr_ptr= 0” is captured by wr_ptr_r. Therefore, out_valid is first asserted in
cycle 4. In this cycle, queue[3] is written and queue[0] is read. Hence, to prevent
overrun, the shortest queue depth should be 3.
Advanced System Designs 385

From above, we will design a FIFO with queue depth of 4 according to the worst-
case design criterion. Similar to the fifo_ctrl in Example 7.7, there is a wr_ptr in clkin
domain used to indicate the write address, and there is a rd_ptr in clkout domain used
to indicate the read address. To reduce the complexity of the synchronizer, only the
Gray coded wr_ptr signal is double synchronized to the clkout domain to indicate
the nonempty (or out_valid) status of the queue.
When the FIFO is full, write pointer and read pointer are the same. However,
when the FIFO is empty, they are also the same. To differentiate the FIFO full status
from the FIFO empty status, the FIFO full is commonly asserted when the next write
pointer equals the current read pointer. Doing so intends to leave one element unoc-
cupied, and a buffer space is wasted. In the sequel, out_valid is asserted whenever
the rd_ptr and the synchronized write pointer, wr_ptr_rr, are not the same. The RTL
codes are written below.

1 // FIFO synchronizer without flow control

2 module fifo_sync ( out_valid , out_data , in_valid , in_data ,
3 clkin , clkout , rst );
4 output out_valid ;

5 output [7 : 0] out_data ;

6 input in_valid ;

7 input [7 : 0] in_data ;

8 input clkin , clkout , rst ;

9 reg [1 : 0] wr_ptr , wr_ptr_r , wr_ptr_rr , rd_ptr ;

10 reg [7 : 0] queue [0 : 3];

11 reg [7 : 0] out_data ;

12 // *********** * ** ** *

13 // * clkin domain

14 // *********** * ** ** *

15 always @ ( posedge clkin or posedge rst )

16 if ( rst ) wr_ptr <=0;

17 else if ( in_valid ) begin
18 case ( wr_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer
19 2 ’ b00 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b01 ;
20 2 ’ b01 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b11 ;
21 2 ’ b11 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b10 ;
22 2 ’ b10 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b00 ;
23 endcase
24 end
25 always @ ( posedge clkin )

26 if ( in_valid ) begin
27 // Case statement can be simply replaced by
28 // queue [ wr_ptr ] <= in_data ;
29 case ( wr_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer
30 2 ’ b00 : queue [0] <= in_data ;
31 2 ’ b01 : queue [1] <= in_data ;
32 2 ’ b11 : queue [3] <= in_data ;
386 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

33 2 ’ b10 : queue [2] <= in_data ;

34 endcase
35 end
36 // ********** ** * ** **

37 // * clkout domain

38 // ********** ** * ** **

39 // Double sync

40 always @ ( posedge clkout or posedge rst )

41 if ( rst ) begin
42 wr_ptr_r <=0;
43 wr_ptr_rr <=0;
44 end
45 else begin
46 wr_ptr_r <= wr_ptr ;
47 wr_ptr_rr <= wr_ptr_r ;
48 end
49 assign out_valid = wr_ptr_rr != rd_ptr ;

50 always @ ( posedge clkout or posedge rst )

51 if ( rst ) rd_ptr <=0;

52 else if ( out_valid ) begin
53 case ( rd_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer
54 2 ’ b00 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b01 ;
55 2 ’ b01 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b11 ;
56 2 ’ b11 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b10 ;
57 2 ’ b10 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b00 ;
58 endcase
59 end
60 always @ (*)

61 // Case statement can be simply replaced by

62 // out_data = queue [ rd_ptr ];
63 case ( rd_ptr )
64 2 ’ b00 : out_data = queue [0];
65 2 ’ b01 : out_data = queue [1];
66 2 ’ b11 : out_data = queue [3];
67 2 ’ b10 : out_data = queue [2];
68 endcase
69 endmodule

Example 8.6. Redesign the above FIFO synchronizer without flow control so that
all FIFO spaces can be fully utilized.
Solution: To fully utilize the FIFO space, the queue_length counter must be
implemented. To easily generate the out_valid signal, the queue_length counter is
located in clkout domain. Since the out_valid signal can be generated using the
queue_length counter, double synchronization is not required for wr_ptr. Rather, we
synchronize one-bit signal, in_valid, to count the queue_length so that the circuit
area can be reduced. The RTL code fragment is written below. Other parts are the
same as those RTL codes in the previous example and omitted here.
Advanced System Designs 387

The synchronized in_valid signal, in_valid_rr, may be too long and span
over several clock cycles of clkout because the frequency of clkin is usually
slower than that of clkout. Therefore, in_valid_rr should qualify in_valid_rrr, i.e.,
in_valid_rr&∼in_valid_rrr, so that an one-cycle input valid indication can be de-

1 // *********** * ** ** *
2 // * clkout domain
3 // *********** * ** ** *

4 reg in_valid_r , in_valid_rr ;

5 reg [2 : 0] queue_length ;

6 // Double sync

7 always @ ( posedge clkout or posedge rst )

8 if ( rst ) begin
9 in_valid_r <=0;
10 in_valid_rr <=0;
11 in_valid_rrr <=0;
12 end
13 else begin
14 in_valid_r <= in_valid ;
15 in_valid_rr <= in_valid_r ;
16 in_valid_rrr <= in_valid_rr ;
17 end
18 assign out_valid = queue_length !=0;

19 assign fifo_wr = in_valid_rr &~ in_valid_rrr ;

20 assign fifo_rd = out_valid ;

21 always @ ( posedge clkout or negedge rst_n )

22 if (! rst_n )
23 queue_length <=0;
24 else if ( fifo_wr &&! fifo_rd )
25 queue_length <= queue_length +1 ’ b1 ;
26 else if ( fifo_rd &&! fifo_wr )
27 queue_length <= queue_length -1 ’ b1 ;


Generally speaking, the FIFO synchronizer is a popular method that can move and
queue multi-bit data from one clock domain to another. When the access speeds of
two clock domains are varying, it is sometimes necessary to implement the flow
control mechanism to prevent temporarily the FIFO overrun, and FIFO underrun as
well. When the write access is faster than the read access, the FIFO will eventually
overrun that data will be lost if they are written when the FIFO is full. To avoid data
loss, we must apply the flow control mechanism in the input interface. Similarly, the
388 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.29: Interface of a FIFO synchronizer with flow control.

output interface should also adopt the flow control to prevent underrun that invalid
data will be provided if they are read when the FIFO is empty.
The interface of the FIFO synchronizer with valid-ready flow control is shown in
Figure 8.29. On both the input and output interfaces, the valid signal is true if the
transmitter has valid data on the data bus, and the ready signal is true if the receiver
is ready to receive new data. A data transfer takes place only when both valid and
ready signals are true.
On the input interface, the in_ready signal indicates the buffer not full status in the
FIFO queue. It is generated by comparing the write and read pointers. Unfortunately,
this comparison is complicated by the fact that write and read pointers are in differ-
ent clock domains, i.e., clkin and clkout, respectively. By the deterministic multi-bit
synchronizer, we generate a synchronized version of read pointer in the clkin do-
main, rd_ptr_rr. Similarly, on the output interface, the out_valid signal indicates the
buffer not empty status in the FIFO queue. It is also generated by comparing the
write and read pointers. By the deterministic multi-bit synchronizer, we generate a
synchronized version of write pointer in the clkout domain, wr_ptr_rr.
Based on the write and read pointers, the in_ready and out_valid signals can be
generated. However, if we allow all FIFO entries to be used, the full and empty sta-
tuses of the FIFO queue are true when both write and read pointers are the same.
Unfortunately, it is hard to discriminate between these two conditions, particularly
when the clock frequencies of clkin and clkout are different. Hence, we simply de-
clare the 4-entry FIFO to be full when the next write pointer, next_wr_ptr, and the
read pointer are the same, i.e., one entry is intentionally left unoccupied, as shown
below. We claim that the FIFO is nonempty when the write and read pointers are not
the same.

1 // Flow control mechanism

2 wire in_ready , out_valid ;
3 reg [1 : 0] next_wr_ptr ;

4 assign in_ready =~( next_wr_ptr == rd_ptr_rr );

5 always @ (*)

6 case ( wr_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer

Advanced System Designs 389

7 2 ’ b00 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b01 ;

8 2 ’ b01 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b11 ;
9 2 ’ b11 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b10 ;
10 2 ’ b10 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b00 ;
11 endcase
12 assign out_valid =~( wr_ptr_rr == rd_ptr );

The synchronization delays the synchronized write and read pointers relative to
their original ones, but this delay does not cause queue overrun and underrun. That
is, the synchronized rd_ptr_rr and wr_ptr_rr cause the late allowance of write access
and read access, respectively. Therefore, the queue full status is relieved later and the
queue nonempty status is reported later as well, which will conservatively stop the
write access and read access in the input and output interfaces, respectively.
The RTL codes of 4-entry nondeterministic FIFO synchronizer with flow con-
trol are written below. Except the flow control mechanism, most parts of the RTL
codes in the FIFO synchronizer with flow control are the same as those in the FIFO
synchronizer without flow control.

1 // FIFO synchronizer with flow control

2 module fifo_sync_fc ( in_valid , in_data , in_ready ,
3 out_valid , out_data , out_ready ,
4 clkin , clkout , rst );
5 // Input interface

6 input in_valid ;

7 input [7 : 0] in_data ;

8 output in_ready ;

9 // Output interface

10 output out_valid ;

11 output [7 : 0] out_data ;

12 input out_ready ;

13 input clkin , clkout , rst ;

14 reg [1 : 0] wr_ptr , rd_ptr , next_wr_ptr ;

15 reg [7 : 0] queue [0 : 3];

16 wire in_wr_en ;

17 reg [1 : 0] wr_ptr_r , wr_ptr_rr ;

18 wire out_rd_en ;

19 reg [1 : 0] rd_ptr_r , rd_ptr_rr ;

20 reg [7 : 0] out_data ;

21 // *********** * ** ** *

22 // * clkin domain

23 // *********** * ** ** *

24 assign in_ready =~( next_wr_ptr == rd_ptr_rr );

25 always @ (*)

26 case ( wr_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer

27 2 ’ b00 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b01 ;
390 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

28 2 ’ b01 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b11 ;

29 2 ’ b11 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b10 ;
30 2 ’ b10 : next_wr_ptr =2 ’ b00 ;
31 endcase
32 // Double sync

33 always @ ( posedge clkin or posedge rst )

34 if ( rst ) begin
35 rd_ptr_r <=0;
36 rd_ptr_rr <=0;
37 end
38 else begin
39 rd_ptr_r <= rd_ptr ;
40 rd_ptr_rr <= rd_ptr_r ;
41 end
42 assign in_wr_en = in_valid & in_ready ;

43 always @ ( posedge clkin or posedge rst )

44 if ( rst ) wr_ptr <=0;

45 else if ( in_wr_en ) begin
46 case ( wr_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer
47 2 ’ b00 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b01 ;
48 2 ’ b01 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b11 ;
49 2 ’ b11 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b10 ;
50 2 ’ b10 : wr_ptr <=2 ’ b00 ;
51 endcase
52 end
53 always @ ( posedge clkin )

54 if ( in_wr_en ) begin
55 case ( wr_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer
56 2 ’ b00 : queue [0] <= in_data ;
57 2 ’ b01 : queue [1] <= in_data ;
58 2 ’ b11 : queue [3] <= in_data ;
59 2 ’ b10 : queue [2] <= in_data ;
60 endcase
61 end
62 // ********** ** * ** **

63 // * clkout domain

64 // ********** ** * ** **

65 assign out_valid =~( wr_ptr_rr == rd_ptr );

66 // Double sync

67 always @ ( posedge clkout or posedge rst )

68 if ( rst ) begin
69 wr_ptr_r <=0;
70 wr_ptr_rr <=0;
71 end
72 else begin
73 wr_ptr_r <= wr_ptr ;
74 wr_ptr_rr <= wr_ptr_r ;
Advanced System Designs 391

75 end
76 assign out_rd_en = out_valid & out_ready ;
77 always @ ( posedge clkout or posedge rst )

78 if ( rst ) rd_ptr <=0;

79 else if ( out_rd_en ) begin
80 case ( rd_ptr ) // Gray coded pointer
81 2 ’ b00 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b01 ;
82 2 ’ b01 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b11 ;
83 2 ’ b11 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b10 ;
84 2 ’ b10 : rd_ptr <=2 ’ b00 ;
85 endcase
86 end
87 always @ (*)

88 case ( rd_ptr )
89 2 ’ b00 : out_data = queue [0];
90 2 ’ b01 : out_data = queue [1];
91 2 ’ b11 : out_data = queue [3];
92 2 ’ b10 : out_data = queue [2];
93 endcase
94 endmodule

The timing diagram of the nondeterministic FIFO synchronizer with flow control
is presented in Figure 8.30. The out_ready signal is assumed to be asserted every 2


Unlike the general-purpose personal computer, a processor in an embedded system
has just those resources required to complete its specialized operation, as shown in
Figure 8.31. A processor executes according to a program, which is encoded in bi-
nary form and stored in the instruction memory. The data upon which the program
operates are stored in the data memory. Instruction memory and data memory in an
embedded system are typically separated, which is often referred to as the Harvard
architecture. We usually store instructions in a ROM or flash memory, and provide
a RAM for the data memory because the instructions in an embedded computer are
usually fixed during the manufacturing of the system and the memory space of in-
structions is known in advance. The I/O controller allows the embedded processor to
input data to be processed from peripherals and to output the results. The accelerator
is a specialized circuit designed to implement specific tasks with higher performance
than that can be achieved using the processor.
The interconnect in an embedded computer can employ a simple bus or complex
crossbar switch. For a high-performance embedded system, there may be separate
buses for connecting the instruction memory, data memory, and the I/O controllers
with the CPU, as shown in Figure 8.32.
Principles of Verilog Digital Design
Figure 8.30: Timing diagram of the nondeterministic FIFO synchronizer with flow control.
Advanced System Designs 393

Figure 8.31: Elements of an embedded computer.

Figure 8.32: A high-performance embedded computer with multiple buses: one for
the instruction memory, one for the data memory and an accelerator, and one for I/O

There are specialized processing elements, named DSPs, optimized for the kinds
of operations involved in dealing with digitized signals, such as audio, video or other
streams of data from sensors. Even though, applications still often need a general-
purpose processor to perform other tasks, such as interacting with the user and overall
coordination of system operation. Hence, DSPs are often combined with CPUs in
heterogeneous multiprocessor systems.
394 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


The function performed by a CPU is specified by a program, which consists of a
sequence of instructions. The repertoire of instructions for a given CPU is called the
instruction set of the CPU. We also use the term instruction set architecture (ISA) to
refer to the combination of the instruction set and registers of the CPU that are visible
to the programmer. The instructions of a program are encoded in binary and stored
in successive locations of the instruction memory. The CPU executes the program by
repeatedly following these steps:

• Fetch the instruction from the instruction memory.

• Decode the instruction to determine the operation to perform.
• Execute the operation.

In order to keep track of which instruction to fetch next, the CPU has a special
register called the program counter, PC, in which the address of the next instruction is
kept. In the fetching step, the CPU uses the content of the PC to do a read access from
the instruction memory, and then automatically increments the PC. In the decoding
step, the CPU determines the resources required to perform the operation specified
by the instruction. The decoding step in a low-end CPU is simple. By contrast, in a
complex CPU, decoding may involve such actions as checking for resource conflicts
and availability of data, and waiting until resources are free. In the execution step, the
CPU activates corresponding resources to perform the operation. This involves using
control signals generated in the decoding step to select required operands, enable the
ALU to perform the required operation, and route the results to destination registers.
In a non-pipelined CPU, these steps are performed in order, and when the instruc-
tion is finished, the CPU starts again with the fetching step of the next instruction.
Modern high-performance CPUs, however, can overlap the steps as if the steps were
performed sequentially. Techniques used within CPUs to execute multiple instruc-
tions concurrently include pipelining and superscalar techniques.


We will design a simple 8-bit crypto processor to implement the encryption algorithm
of the AES. AES has a fixed block size of 128 bits for the plaintext, and a key size
of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The 128-bit plaintext can be represented by the following
two-dimensional array,
 
a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 a0,3
 a1,0 a1,1 a1,2 a1,3 

 a2,0 a2,1 a2,2 a2,3 
 (8.14)
a3,0 a3,1 a3,2 a3,3

where ai, j is an 8-bit binary number, called state in AES, i, j = 0, 1, 2, 3.

Advanced System Designs 395

Figure 8.33: Block diagram and interface of crypto processor.

The block diagram and interface of the crypto processor are shown in Figure
8.33. Detailed design of the control unit and datapath will be presented later. The
program is stored in the instruction memory, which is implemented using a ROM,
while data are stored in the data memory implemented in a RAM. The processor
requires a 256 × 16-bit instruction memory and a 256 × 8-bit data memory. For the
largest key size of 256 bits, we need 15 keys and each key has 128 bits (16 Bytes).
Hence, the maximum required space of data memory is (15 × 16 Bytes (for keys) +
16 Bytes (for plaintext)) = 256 Bytes. The maximum allowed ROM space for the
program is assumed to be 512 Bytes. The one-cycle start signal enables the crypto
processor. When start is true, the signal, klen[1:0], selects the key size of 128, 192,
or 256 bits. The signal, done, is asserted after the ciphertext has been stored into the
data memory. AES Algorithm

The key size used for an AES cipher indicates the number of rounds that convert the
input, i.e., plaintext, into the final output, i.e., ciphertext. The number of rounds is
listed below.
396 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

• 10 rounds for 128-bit key.

• 12 rounds for 192-bit key.
• 14 rounds for 256-bit key.

The overall AES encryption algorithm for 128-bit key is displayed in Figure 8.34.
Typically, an encryption algorithm consists of several rounds to maintain the security
of a cipher: confusion and diffusion. Round keys have been provided and stored in
the data memory so that the key expansion function will be neglected.
Each round consists of several processing steps:

• Initial round key addition: AddRoundKey.

• Remaining 9 (for 128-bit key), 11 (for 192-bit key), or 13 (for 256-bit key)
rounds: SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and AddRoundKey.
• Final round (making 10, 12 or 14 rounds in total): SubBytes, ShiftRows,
and AddRoundKey.

In AddRoundKey, each byte of the state is combined with a round key using bit-
wise XOR; in SubBytes, a non-linear substitution step where each byte is replaced
with another according to a lookup table, called S-box, as shown in Table 8.1; in
ShiftRows, a transposition step where the last three rows of the state are shifted
cyclically a certain number of steps; in MixColumns, a linear mixing operation
which operates on the columns of the state, combining the four bytes in each col-
umn. Based on the initial encryption key, round keys are derived from it using the
key expansion function. AES requires multiple 128-bit keys for each rounds and the
initial round key addition. We assume that all keys, including initial key and round
keys, have been calculated and stored in data memory.
In the SubBytes step, each byte ai, j in the state array is substituted with S(ai, j )
using the 8-bit S-box, as shown in Figure 8.35.
In the ShiftRows step, the states in each row are cyclically shifted by a certain
offset, as shown in Figure 8.36.
In the MixColumns step, each column is transformed using a fixed matrix (matrix
left-multiplied by column gives new value of column in the state), and it can be
written as
 ′    
a0, j 02 03 01 01 a0, j
 a′1, j   01 02 03 01   a1, j 
 ′ =
 a2, j   01 01 02 03   a2, j  , j = 0, 1, 2, 3 (8.15)
 

a′3, j 03 01 01 02 a3, j
Advanced System Designs 397















Figure 8.34: Overall AES encryption algorithm of 128-bit key.

398 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Table 8.1: S-box. The column is determined by the least significant nibble, and the
row by the most significant nibble. For example, the value 0xc7 is converted into
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
00 63 7c 77 7b f2 6b 6f c5 30 01 67 2b fe d7 ab 76
10 ca 82 c9 7d fa 59 47 f0 ad d4 a2 af 9c a4 72 c0
20 b7 fd 93 26 36 3f f7 cc 34 a5 e5 f1 71 d8 31 15
30 04 c7 23 c3 18 96 05 9a 07 12 80 e2 eb 27 b2 75
40 09 83 2c 1a 1b 6e 5a a0 52 3b d6 b3 29 e3 2f 84
50 53 d1 00 ed 20 fc b1 5b 6a cb be 39 4a 4c 58 cf
60 d0 ef aa fb 43 4d 33 85 45 f9 02 7f 50 3c 9f a8
70 51 a3 40 8f 92 9d 38 f5 bc b6 da 21 10 ff f3 d2
80 cd 0c 13 ec 5f 97 44 17 c4 a7 7e 3d 64 5d 19 73
90 60 81 4f dc 22 2a 90 88 46 ee b8 14 de 5e 0b db
a0 e0 32 3a 0a 49 06 24 5c c2 d3 ac 62 91 95 e4 79
b0 e7 c8 37 6d 8d d5 4e a9 6c 56 f4 ea 65 7a ae 08
c0 ba 78 25 2e 1c a6 b4 c6 e8 dd 74 1f 4b bd 8b 8a
d0 70 3e b5 66 48 03 f6 0e 61 35 57 b9 86 c1 1d 9e
e0 e1 f8 98 11 69 d9 8e 94 9b 1e 87 e9 ce 55 28 df
f0 8c a1 89 0d bf e6 42 68 41 99 2d 0f b0 54 bb 16

Figure 8.35: The S-box is looked up using ai, j .

where a′i, j denotes the new state, i = 0, 1, 2, 3, and ai, j denotes the old state. The
multiplication by constant matrix can be reduced. For example,

a′0, j = ({02} · a0, j ) ⊕ ({03} · a1, j) ⊕ a2, j ⊕ a3, j

= xtime(a0, j ) ⊕ a1, j ⊕ xtime(a1, j ) ⊕ a2, j ⊕ a3, j (8.16)

where ⊕ denotes the bitwise XOR operation, and xtime(ai, j ) ≡ {02} · ai, j and
{03} · ai, j = ({01} ⊕ {02}) · ai, j = ai, j ⊕ xtime(ai, j ). The function xtime(·) is the
Advanced System Designs 399

Figure 8.36: States in each row are shifted cyclically to the left. The number of shift
differs in each row.

Figure 8.37: Each column of the states can be viewed as being multiplied with a
fixed matrix or fixed polynomial, where c(x) denotes the polynomial that linearly
combines each columns.

multiplication by 2 in the Galois field and can be derived by

ai, j ≪ 1, if ai, j [7] is 1’b0
xtime(ai, j ) = , (8.17)
(ai, j ≪ 1) ⊕ {8′h1b}, if ai, j [7] is 1’b1

where ≪ denotes the left shift operation. The MixColumns can also be visualized
in Figure 8.37.
In the AddRoundKey step, each byte of the state is added by the corresponding
byte of the subkey (or round) using bitwise XOR, as shown in Figure 8.38. Processor Design

The processor has been optimized for simplicity instead of performance. The in-
structions have two kinds of formats, formats A and B, as shown in Figure 8.39. For
instructions with format A excluding those jump instructions, they have three fields,
opcode, destination register (Rd), and source register (Rs). For jump instructions
(including subroutine call) with format B, they have two fields, opcode and an 8-bit
400 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.38: Each byte of the state is combined with a byte of the round subkey using
the XOR operation.

Figure 8.39: Instruction formats of 8-bit crypto processor.

immediate constant, which represents the jump or subroutine call address. For in-
structions with format A, depending on their opcodes, 6-bit Rd and/or 6-bit Rs fields
may be absent, replaced with a data in the data memory addressed by Ra (address
register of data memory), or simply replaced with a 6-bit immediate constant.
The primary field of an instruction is the 4-bit opcode, short for operation code
that specifies the operation to be performed and, by implication, the layout of the re-
maining fields within the code word. All registers in the processor have 8 bits. There
are general-purpose registers, R0-R31, that can store the 128-bit plaintext and 128-
bit key, two more general-purpose registers, R32 and R33, the program counter, PC,
the address register of data memory, Ra, the read-only status register, Ri, including
E-bit (equivalence bit) in bit 0, P-bit (pause bit) in bit 1, and other bits are reserved,
Advanced System Designs 401

and the read-only round register, Rr = 9, 11, or 13 configured by the key size sig-
nal, klen[1:0], for 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit key, respectively. The stack memory
has only one entry that can support non-nested subroutine call. By keeping the field
layout simple and regular, we make the circuit for the instruction decoder simple.
In a complex processor with a large number of various instructions, to speedup the
instruction decoding, instruction sets are usually encoded by distinct prefix for dif-
ferent categories of instructions.
Based on the AES algorithm, we define the instruction set specialized for it, as
shown in Table 8.2, where Rd denotes the destination register, Rs denotes the source
register, Ra is the address register of data memory, (Ra) denotes the content of Ra,
C represents an 8-bit constant for jmp, jne, and jsb instructions or 6-bit constant for
mvc and adc instructions, Ri is the status register, and PC is the program counter.
Notice that Rd and Rs can be either R0-R33, Ra, PC, Ri, Rk, or Rr. The register,
Rk, is the stack register with only one entry used to save and restore PC upon execut-
ing the instructions, jsb and ret, respectively. However, it is not allowed to manually
update read-only registers, PC, Ri, Rk, and Rr. The instructions, ldm and stm, au-
tomatically increment Ra without explicitly needing another increment instruction.
To reduce the space of instruction memory, we support the subroutine call using
the instruction, jsb. However, nested subroutine call is not allowed to reduce the
space of stack memory as well. The subroutine call automatically saves the (PC+1)
(next to the subroutine call) into the stack memory, and restores the stored PC when
the instruction, ret, has been encountered. The jsb must be used in tandem with ret.
The instruction, wat sets the P-bit in Ri and waits for the start signal that activates
the processor. The instruction, dne, asserts the signal, done.
Address mapping of the processor is listed in Table 8.3.
When the CPU is reset, it clears the PC to 0 to fetch the first instruction from
address 0 in the instruction memory, and starts the fetch-decode-execute steps by
the start signal. The PC automatically increments to fetch instructions sequentially
unless a jump instruction, jne or jsb, is encountered.
The control unit in Figure 8.33 has two blocks: state machine and decoder. The
state machine has 4 states as shown in Figure 8.40. After the assertion of start signal,
the processor begins the fetch-decode-execute steps for each instruction until the wat
instruction is encountered that causes the state machine to transit to the ST_WAIT
state. To continue encryption of the next block of plaintext, the start signal should
be asserted again. The decoder generates control signals to the datapath according to
the opcode.
The timing diagrams of instruction set are presented in Figures 8.41–8.43. Notice
that the timing diagrams of mvc, mul2, and mul3 are similar to that of mvr, and the
timing diagrams of jmp and jne are similar to that of jsb. Whereas, unlike jsb, the
instructions, jmp and jne, do not store the PC into the stack register, Rk.
402 Principles of Verilog Digital Design
Table 8.2: Instruction set.
Instructions Opcode Description
ldm Rd, (Ra) 4’b0000 Load data memory addressed by Ra to Rd. Ra is
automatically incremented.
stm (Ra), Rs 4’b0001 Store Rs to data memory addressed by Ra. Ra is
automatically incremented.
mvr Rd, Rs 4’b0010 Move Rs to Rd.
mvc Rd, C 4’b0011 Move 6-bit constant C to Rd.
cmp Rd, Rs 4’b0100 Compare Rd with Rs. If equal, E-bit in Ri is
adc Rd, C 4’b0101 Add Rd with 6-bit constant C and store the
result into Rd.
sbt Rd 4’b0110 Substitute Rd using the S-box and store the result
into Rd.
ml2 Rd, Rs 4’b0111 Multiply Rs by 2 in GF(2) and store the result
into Rd.
ml3 Rd, Rs 4’b1000 Multiply Rs by 3 in GF(2) and store the result
into Rd.
xor Rd, Rs 4’b1001 XOR Rs with Rd and store the result into Rd.
jmp C 4’b1010 Unconditionally jump to address specified by 8-bit
constant C.
jne C 4’b1011 Jump to address specified by 8-bit constant C when
E-bit is false.
jsb C 4’b1100 Jump to subroutine specified by 8-bit constant C.
PC+1 is automatically saved.
ret 4’b1101 Return from subroutine call. PC is automatically
dne 4’b1110 Program done. Output the done signal.
wat 4’b1111 Wait for the start signal. Set the P-bit in Ri.

Table 8.3: Address mapping.

Register Address Role in AES Algorithm
R0- 6’b000000 (6’d0)- R0-R15: plaintext and ciphertext. R16-R31: key.
R31 6’b011111 (6’d31)
R32 6’b100000 (6’d32) Temporary register used in ShiftRows for
cyclically shifting each row.
R33 6’b100001 (6’d33) Round counter.
Ra 6’b100010 (6’d34) Address of the data memory. Increment
automatically when ldm or stm instruction executes.
PC 6’b100011 (6’d35) Program counter.
Ri 6’b100100 (6’d36) Not explicitly used. Whereas E-bit is used to
determine the end of the algorithm after comparing
R33 and Rr.
Rk 6’b100101 (6’d37) Stack register used for jsb and ret instructions.
Rr 6’b100110 (6’d38) Round number configured by the key size signal.
Advanced System Designs 403

Figure 8.40: State machine of crypto processor.

The detailed datapath in Figure 8.33 is presented in Figure 8.44. RTL Design

In the control unit, the state machine is encoded below.

1 // Control unit : state machine of crypto processor

2 reg [1 : 0] state_cs , state_ns ;
3 parameter ST_WAIT =2 ’ b00 ; parameter ST_FET =2 ’ b01 ;
4 parameter ST_DEC =2 ’ b11 ; parameter ST_EXE =2 ’ b10 ;
5 always @ (*) begin

6 state_ns = state_cs ;
7 case ( state_cs )
8 ST_WAIT : state_ns = start ? ST_FET : ST_WAIT ;
9 ST_FET : state_ns = ST_DEC ;
10 ST_DEC : state_ns = ST_EXE ;
11 ST_EXE : state_ns = inst_dec15_rr ? ST_WAIT : ST_FET ;
12 default : state_ns = state_cs ;
13 endcase
14 end

15 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

16 if ( rst ) state_cs <= ST_WAIT ;

17 else state_cs <= state_ns ;
404 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.41: Timing diagrams of instructions: (a) ldm, (b) stm, (c) mvr, and (d)

In the control unit, the RTL codes of the decoder are described below. During
the state, ST_FET, the PC is incremented; during the state, ST_DEC, the opcode is
decoded to generate instruction enable signals, inst_dec[15 : 0], write enable signals,
wr_en[34 : 0], for Ra and R33-R0, the enable signals to latch operands for the ALU,
op1_en and op2_en. The LSB 4 bits of the register Rr is encoded according to key
size and remaining 4 bits are reserved. The signals, inst_dec[15 : 0] and wr_en[34 : 0],
are pipelined.
Advanced System Designs 405

Figure 8.42: Timing diagrams of instructions (continued): (e) adc, (f) sbt, (g) xor,
and (h) jsb.

Figure 8.43: Timing diagrams of instructions (continued): (i) ret, (j) dne, and (k)
406 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.44: Datapath.

1 // Control unit : decoder of crypto processor

2 wire [3 : 0] opcode ;
3 wire [5 : 0] Rd ;

4 wire inc_PC ;

5 reg [15 : 0] inst_dec , inst_dec_r ;

6 reg [34 : 0] wr_en , wr_en_r , wr_en_rr ;

7 reg op1_en , op2_en , inst_dec0_rr , inst_dec15_rr ;

8 reg [7 : 0] R [0 : 37];

9 integer i ;

10 parameter INST_LDM =4 ’ b0000 ; parameter INST_STM =4 ’ b0001 ;

11 parameter INST_MVR =4 ’ b0010 ; parameter INST_MVC =4 ’ b0011 ;
12 parameter INST_CMP =4 ’ b0100 ; parameter INST_ADC =4 ’ b0101 ;
13 parameter INST_SBT =4 ’ b0110 ; parameter INST_ML2 =4 ’ b0111 ;
14 parameter INST_ML3 =4 ’ b1000 ; parameter INST_XOR =4 ’ b1001 ;
15 parameter INST_JMP =4 ’ b1010 ; parameter INST_JNE =4 ’ b1011 ;
16 parameter INST_JSB =4 ’ b1100 ; parameter INST_RET =4 ’ b1101 ;
17 parameter INST_DNE =4 ’ b1110 ; parameter INST_WAT =4 ’ b1111 ;
18 assign opcode = romq [15 : 12];

19 assign Rd = romq [11 : 6];

Advanced System Designs 407

20 // Increment PC
21 assign inc_PC =( state_ns == ST_FET );
22 always @ (*) begin

23 inst_dec =16 ’ d0 ;
24 wr_en =35 ’ d0 ;
25 op1_en =1 ’ b0 ;
26 op2_en =1 ’ b0 ;
27 if ( state_ns == ST_DEC ) begin
28 case ( opcode )
29 INST_LDM : begin
30 inst_dec [0]=1 ’ b1 ;
31 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
32 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
33 end
34 INST_STM : begin inst_dec [1]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
35 INST_MVR : begin
36 inst_dec [2]=1 ’ b1 ;
37 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
38 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
39 op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
40 end
41 INST_MVC : begin
42 inst_dec [3]=1 ’ b1 ;
43 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
44 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
45 op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
46 end
47 INST_CMP : begin
48 inst_dec [4]=1 ’ b1 ;
49 op1_en =1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
50 end
51 INST_ADC : begin
52 inst_dec [5]=1 ’ b1 ;
53 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
54 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
55 op1_en =1 ’ b1 ;
56 op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
57 end
58 INST_SBT : begin
59 inst_dec [6]=1 ’ b1 ;
60 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
61 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
62 op1_en =1 ’ b1 ;
63 end
64 INST_ML2 : begin
65 inst_dec [7]=1 ’ b1 ;
66 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
408 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

67 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd

68 op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
69 end
70 INST_ML3 : begin
71 inst_dec [8]=1 ’ b1 ;
72 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
73 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
74 op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
75 end
76 INST_XOR : begin
77 inst_dec [9]=1 ’ b1 ;
78 for ( i =0; i <=34; i = i +1)
79 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
80 op1_en =1 ’ b1 ;
81 op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
82 end
83 INST_JMP :begin inst_dec [10]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
84 INST_JNE :begin inst_dec [11]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
85 INST_JSB :begin inst_dec [12]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
86 INST_RET :inst_dec [13]=1 ’ b1 ;
87 INST_DNE :inst_dec [14]=1 ’ b1 ;
88 INST_WAT :inst_dec [15]=1 ’ b1 ;
89 endcase
90 end
91 end

92 // Pipeline control signals

93 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

94 if ( rst ) begin
95 wr_en_r <=35 ’ d0 ;
96 wr_en_rr <=35 ’ d0 ;
97 end
98 else begin
99 wr_en_r <= wr_en ;
100 wr_en_rr <= wr_en_r ;
101 end
102 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

103 if ( rst ) begin

104 inst_dec_r <=16 ’ d0 ;
105 inst_dec0_rr <=1 ’ b0 ;
106 inst_dec15_rr <=1 ’ b0 ;
107 end
108 else begin
109 inst_dec_r <= inst_dec ;
110 // For ldm to latch data mem output
111 inst_dec0_rr <= inst_dec_r [0];
112 inst_dec15_rr <= inst_dec_r [15];
113 end
Advanced System Designs 409

In the datapath, the ROM and RAM interfaces, registers R0-R33, Ra, PC, Ri, and
Rk, and done signal are described below.

1 // Datapath : interface signal generation and

2 // register description
3 wire [7 : 0] Ra , PC , Ri , Rk , roma , rama , ramd ;

4 reg ramwr , done ;

5 integer i1 ;

6 assign Ra = R [34]; assign PC = R [35]; assign Ri = R [36];

7 assign Rk = R [37];

8 assign roma = PC ; assign rama = Ra ; assign ramd = op2 ;

9 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

10 if ( rst ) ramwr <=1 ’ b0 ;

11 else if ( inst_dec [1]) ramwr <=1 ’ b1 ; // stm
12 else ramwr <=1 ’ b0 ;
13 // R0 - R33 : R [0] - R [33] , Ra : R [34] , PC : R [35] , Ri : R [36] ,

14 // Rk : R [37] , Rr : R [38]

15 always @ ( posedge clk )

16 if ( inst_dec0_rr )
17 for ( i1 =0; i1 <=33; i1 = i1 +1)
18 if ( wr_en_rr [ i1 ])
19 R [ i1 ] <= ramq ; // Load mem to R [0]~ R [33]
20 else
21 casex ( inst_dec_r )
22 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_x1x x , 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx _ xx x x_ 1 xx x :
23 for ( i1 =0; i1 <=33; i1 = i1 +1) // Write to R [0]~ R [33]
24 if ( wr_en_r [ i1 ]) R [ i1 ] <= alu_out ;
25 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_xx1x_xxx x , 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx ,
26 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_1xxx_xxx x , 16 ’ bxxxx_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx ,
27 16 ’ bxxxx_xx1 x_ x xx x _x x x x :
28 for ( i1 =0; i1 <=33; i1 = i1 +1) // Write to R [0]~ R [33]
29 if ( wr_en_r [ i1 ]) R [ i1 ] <= alu_out ;
30 endcase
31 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

32 if ( rst ) R [34] <=0;;

33 else if ( inst_dec_r [0]| inst_dec_r [1]) // ldm or stm
34 R [34] <= R [34]+1 ’ b1 ; // Increment Ra
35 else if ( inst_dec0_rr & wr_en_rr [34]) // ldm
36 R [34] <= ramq ; // Load to Ra
37 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

38 if ( rst ) R [35] <=1; // Execute from address 1

39 else if ( inc_PC ) R [35] <= R [35]+1 ’ b1 ; // Increment PC
40 else if ( inst_dec_r [10]| inst_dec_r [12]) // jmp or jsb
41 R [35] <= alu_out ; // Load branch addr
42 else if ( inst_dec_r [11]) // jne
43 R [35] <=~ R [36][0]? alu_out : R [35]; // Branch or not ?
44 else if ( inst_dec_r [13]) // ret
410 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

45 R [35] <= R [37]; // Return by Rk

46 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )
47 if ( rst ) R [36] <=0;;
48 else if ( inst_dec_r [4]) R [36][0] <= alu_out [0]; // E - bit
49 else if ( start ) R [36][1] <=1 ’ b0 ; // Clear P - bit
50 else if ( inst_dec_r [15]) R [36][1] <=1 ’ b1 ; // Set wat
51 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

52 if ( rst ) R [37] <=0;;

53 else if ( inst_dec_r [12]) // jsb
54 R [37] <= R [35];; // Save PC to Rk
55 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

56 if ( rst ) R [38] <=8 ’ d0 ;

57 else if ( start )
58 case ( klen )
59 2 ’ b00 : R [38] <={4 ’ d0 ,4 ’ d9 };
60 2 ’ b01 : R [38] <={4 ’ d0 ,4 ’ d11 };
61 2 ’ b10 : R [38] <={4 ’ d0 ,4 ’ d13 };
62 endcase
63 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

64 if ( rst ) done <=1 ’ b0 ;

65 else if ( inst_dec_r [14]) done <=1 ’ b1 ;
66 else done <=1 ’ b0 ;

In the datapath, the multiplexers used to produce the operands of ALU are de-
scribed below.

1 // Datapath : selection of ALU operands

2 wire [5 : 0] Rs ;
3 wire [7 : 0] C ;

4 reg [7 : 0] op1_sel , op2_sel_tmp , op2_sel , op1 , op2 ;

5 assign Rs = romq [5 : 0];

6 assign C = romq [7 : 0];

7 always @ (*) begin

8 op1_sel =0; // Default value

9 op1_sel = R [ Rd ];
10 end

11 always @ (*) begin

12 op2_sel_tmp =0; // Default value

13 op2_sel_tmp = R [ Rs ];
14 end

15 always @ (*)

16 if ( inst_dec [3]| inst_dec [5]) begin

17 op2_sel [5 : 0]= C [5 : 0];
18 op2_sel [7 : 6]=2 ’ b00 ;
19 end
20 else if ( inst_dec [10]| inst_dec [11]| inst_dec [12])
Advanced System Designs 411

21 op2_sel [7 : 0]= C [7 : 0];

22 else op2_sel [7 : 0]= op2_sel_tmp ;
23 always @ ( posedge clk )

24 if ( op1_en ) op1 <= op1_sel ;

25 always @ ( posedge clk )

26 if ( op2_en ) op2 <= op2_sel ;

In the datapath, the ALU is described below, where the S-box is implemented
using a lookup table.

1 / / D a t a p a t h : ALU
2 reg [7 : 0] alu_out ;
3 a l w a y s @( * ) b e g i n
4 a l u _ o u t = op2 ;
5 casex ( inst_de c_r )
6 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_xxx1 _x xx x :
7 a l u _ o u t ={7 ’ d0 , ( op1 ==op2 ) } ;
8 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_xx1x _x xx x :
9 a l u _ o u t =op1+ op2 ;
10 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_x1xx _x xx x :
11 a l u _ o u t =Sbox ( op1 ) ;
12 16 ’ bxxxx_xxxx_1xxx _x xx x :
13 a l u _ o u t =ml2 ( op2 ) ;
14 16 ’ bxxxx_xxx1_xxxx _x xx x :
15 a l u _ o u t =ml3 ( op2 ) ;
16 16 ’ bxxxx_xx1x_xxxx _x xx x :
17 a l u _ o u t =op1 ^ op2 ;
18 endcase
19 end
20 / / S−Box i m p l e m e n t e d u s i n g t a b l e l o o k u p
21 f u n c t i o n [ 7 : 0 ] Sbox ;
22 i n p u t [7 : 0] i n b y t e ;
23 case ( inbyte )
24 8 ’ h00 : Sbox = 6 3 ; 8 ’ h01 : Sbox =7 c ; 8 ’ h02 : Sbox = 7 7 ; 8 ’ h03 : Sbox =7 b ;
25 8 ’ h04 : Sbox= f 2 ; 8 ’ h05 : Sbox =6 b ; 8 ’ h06 : Sbox =6 f ; 8 ’ h07 : Sbox= c5 ;
26 8 ’ h08 : Sbox = 3 0 ; 8 ’ h09 : Sbox = 0 1 ; 8 ’ h0a : Sbox = 6 7 ; 8 ’ h0b : Sbox =2 b ;
412 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

27 8 ’ h0c : Sbox= f e ; 8 ’ h0d : Sbox =d7 ; 8 ’ h0e : Sbox= ab ; 8 ’ h 0 f : Sbox = 7 6 ;

28 8 ’ h10 : Sbox= c a ; 8 ’ h11 : Sbox = 8 2 ; 8 ’ h12 : Sbox= c9 ; 8 ’ h13 : Sbox =7 d ;
29 8 ’ h14 : Sbox= f a ; 8 ’ h15 : Sbox = 5 9 ; 8 ’ h16 : Sbox = 4 7 ; 8 ’ h17 : Sbox= f 0 ;
30 8 ’ h18 : Sbox= ad ; 8 ’ h19 : Sbox =d4 ; 8 ’ h1a : Sbox= a2 ; 8 ’ h1b : Sbox= a f ;
31 8 ’ h1c : Sbox =9 c ; 8 ’ h1d : Sbox =a4 ; 8 ’ h1e : Sbox = 7 2 ; 8 ’ h 1 f : Sbox= c0 ;
32 8 ’ h20 : Sbox=b7 ; 8 ’ h21 : Sbox = f d ; 8 ’ h22 : Sbox = 9 3 ; 8 ’ h23 : Sbox = 2 6 ;
33 8 ’ h24 : Sbox = 3 6 ; 8 ’ h25 : Sbox =3 f ; 8 ’ h26 : Sbox= f 7 ; 8 ’ h27 : Sbox= c c ;
34 8 ’ h28 : Sbox = 3 4 ; 8 ’ h29 : Sbox =a5 ; 8 ’ h2a : Sbox= e5 ; 8 ’ h2b : Sbox= f 1 ;
35 8 ’ h2c : Sbox = 7 1 ; 8 ’ h2d : Sbox =d8 ; 8 ’ h2e : Sbox = 3 1 ; 8 ’ h 2 f : Sbox = 1 5 ;
36 8 ’ h30 : Sbox = 0 4 ; 8 ’ h31 : Sbox =c7 ; 8 ’ h32 : Sbox = 2 3 ; 8 ’ h33 : Sbox= c3 ;
37 8 ’ h34 : Sbox = 1 8 ; 8 ’ h35 : Sbox = 9 6 ; 8 ’ h36 : Sbox = 0 5 ; 8 ’ h37 : Sbox =9 a ;
38 8 ’ h38 : Sbox = 0 7 ; 8 ’ h39 : Sbox = 1 2 ; 8 ’ h3a : Sbox = 8 0 ; 8 ’ h3b : Sbox= e2 ;
39 8 ’ h3c : Sbox= eb ; 8 ’ h3d : Sbox = 2 7 ; 8 ’ h3e : Sbox=b2 ; 8 ’ h 3 f : Sbox = 7 5 ;
40 8 ’ h40 : Sbox = 0 9 ; 8 ’ h41 : Sbox = 8 3 ; 8 ’ h42 : Sbox =2 c ; 8 ’ h43 : Sbox =1 a ;
41 8 ’ h44 : Sbox =1 b ; 8 ’ h45 : Sbox =6 e ; 8 ’ h46 : Sbox =5 a ; 8 ’ h47 : Sbox= a0 ;
42 8 ’ h48 : Sbox = 5 2 ; 8 ’ h49 : Sbox =3 b ; 8 ’ h4a : Sbox=d6 ; 8 ’ h4b : Sbox=b3 ;
43 8 ’ h4c : Sbox = 2 9 ; 8 ’ h4d : Sbox =e3 ; 8 ’ h4e : Sbox =2 f ; 8 ’ h 4 f : Sbox = 8 4 ;
44 8 ’ h50 : Sbox = 5 3 ; 8 ’ h51 : Sbox =d1 ; 8 ’ h52 : Sbox = 0 0 ; 8 ’ h53 : Sbox= ed ;
45 8 ’ h54 : Sbox = 2 0 ; 8 ’ h55 : Sbox = f c ; 8 ’ h56 : Sbox=b1 ; 8 ’ h57 : Sbox =5 b ;
46 8 ’ h58 : Sbox =6 a ; 8 ’ h59 : Sbox =cb ; 8 ’ h5a : Sbox= be ; 8 ’ h5b : Sbox = 3 9 ;
47 8 ’ h5c : Sbox =4 a ; 8 ’ h5d : Sbox =4 c ; 8 ’ h5e : Sbox = 5 8 ; 8 ’ h 5 f : Sbox= c f ;
48 8 ’ h60 : Sbox=d0 ; 8 ’ h61 : Sbox = e f ; 8 ’ h62 : Sbox= a a ; 8 ’ h63 : Sbox= f b ;
49 8 ’ h64 : Sbox = 4 3 ; 8 ’ h65 : Sbox =4 d ; 8 ’ h66 : Sbox = 3 3 ; 8 ’ h67 : Sbox = 8 5 ;
50 8 ’ h68 : Sbox = 4 5 ; 8 ’ h69 : Sbox = f 9 ; 8 ’ h6a : Sbox = 0 2 ; 8 ’ h6b : Sbox =7 f ;
51 8 ’ h6c : Sbox = 5 0 ; 8 ’ h6d : Sbox =3 c ; 8 ’ h6e : Sbox =9 f ; 8 ’ h 6 f : Sbox= a8 ;
52 8 ’ h70 : Sbox = 5 1 ; 8 ’ h71 : Sbox =a3 ; 8 ’ h72 : Sbox = 4 0 ; 8 ’ h73 : Sbox =8 f ;
53 8 ’ h74 : Sbox = 9 2 ; 8 ’ h75 : Sbox =9 d ; 8 ’ h76 : Sbox = 3 8 ; 8 ’ h77 : Sbox= f 5 ;
54 8 ’ h78 : Sbox= bc ; 8 ’ h79 : Sbox =b6 ; 8 ’ h7a : Sbox= da ; 8 ’ h7b : Sbox = 2 1 ;
55 8 ’ h7c : Sbox = 1 0 ; 8 ’ h7d : Sbox = f f ; 8 ’ h7e : Sbox= f 3 ; 8 ’ h 7 f : Sbox=d2 ;
56 8 ’ h80 : Sbox= cd ; 8 ’ h81 : Sbox =0 c ; 8 ’ h82 : Sbox = 1 3 ; 8 ’ h83 : Sbox= e c ;
57 8 ’ h84 : Sbox =5 f ; 8 ’ h85 : Sbox = 9 7 ; 8 ’ h86 : Sbox = 4 4 ; 8 ’ h87 : Sbox = 1 7 ;
58 8 ’ h88 : Sbox= c4 ; 8 ’ h89 : Sbox =a7 ; 8 ’ h8a : Sbox =7 e ; 8 ’ h8b : Sbox =3 d ;
59 8 ’ h8c : Sbox = 6 4 ; 8 ’ h8d : Sbox =5 d ; 8 ’ h8e : Sbox = 1 9 ; 8 ’ h 8 f : Sbox = 7 3 ;
60 8 ’ h90 : Sbox = 6 0 ; 8 ’ h91 : Sbox = 8 1 ; 8 ’ h92 : Sbox =4 f ; 8 ’ h93 : Sbox= dc ;
61 8 ’ h94 : Sbox = 2 2 ; 8 ’ h95 : Sbox =2 a ; 8 ’ h96 : Sbox = 9 0 ; 8 ’ h97 : Sbox = 8 8 ;
Advanced System Designs 413

62 8 ’ h98 : Sbox = 4 6 ; 8 ’ h99 : Sbox= e e ; 8 ’ h9a : Sbox =b8 ; 8 ’ h9b : Sbox = 1 4 ;

63 8 ’ h9c : Sbox= de ; 8 ’ h9d : Sbox =5 e ; 8 ’ h9e : Sbox =0 b ; 8 ’ h 9 f : Sbox=db ;
64 8 ’ ha0 : Sbox= e0 ; 8 ’ ha1 : Sbox = 3 2 ; 8 ’ ha2 : Sbox =3 a ; 8 ’ ha3 : Sbox =0 a ;
65 8 ’ ha4 : Sbox = 4 9 ; 8 ’ ha5 : Sbox = 0 6 ; 8 ’ ha6 : Sbox = 2 4 ; 8 ’ ha7 : Sbox =5 c ;
66 8 ’ ha8 : Sbox= c2 ; 8 ’ ha9 : Sbox=d3 ; 8 ’ h a a : Sbox = a c ; 8 ’ hab : Sbox = 6 2 ;
67 8 ’ h a c : Sbox = 9 1 ; 8 ’ had : Sbox = 9 5 ; 8 ’ h a e : Sbox = e4 ; 8 ’ h a f : Sbox = 7 9 ;
68 8 ’ hb0 : Sbox= e7 ; 8 ’ hb1 : Sbox= c8 ; 8 ’ hb2 : Sbox = 3 7 ; 8 ’ hb3 : Sbox =6 d ;
69 8 ’ hb4 : Sbox =8 d ; 8 ’ hb5 : Sbox=d5 ; 8 ’ hb6 : Sbox =4 e ; 8 ’ hb7 : Sbox= a9 ;
70 8 ’ hb8 : Sbox =6 c ; 8 ’ hb9 : Sbox = 5 6 ; 8 ’ hba : Sbox = f 4 ; 8 ’ hbb : Sbox= e a ;
71 8 ’ hbc : Sbox = 6 5 ; 8 ’ hbd : Sbox =7 a ; 8 ’ hbe : Sbox = a e ; 8 ’ h b f : Sbox = 0 8 ;
72 8 ’ hc0 : Sbox= ba ; 8 ’ hc1 : Sbox = 7 8 ; 8 ’ hc2 : Sbox = 2 5 ; 8 ’ hc3 : Sbox =2 e ;
73 8 ’ hc4 : Sbox =1 c ; 8 ’ hc5 : Sbox= a6 ; 8 ’ hc6 : Sbox =b4 ; 8 ’ hc7 : Sbox= c6 ;
74 8 ’ hc8 : Sbox= e8 ; 8 ’ hc9 : Sbox=dd ; 8 ’ h c a : Sbox = 7 4 ; 8 ’ hcb : Sbox =1 f ;
75 8 ’ h c c : Sbox =4 b ; 8 ’ hcd : Sbox=bd ; 8 ’ h c e : Sbox =8 b ; 8 ’ h c f : Sbox =8 a ;
76 8 ’ hd0 : Sbox = 7 0 ; 8 ’ hd1 : Sbox =3 e ; 8 ’ hd2 : Sbox =b5 ; 8 ’ hd3 : Sbox = 6 6 ;
77 8 ’ hd4 : Sbox = 4 8 ; 8 ’ hd5 : Sbox = 0 3 ; 8 ’ hd6 : Sbox = f 6 ; 8 ’ hd7 : Sbox =0 e ;
78 8 ’ hd8 : Sbox = 6 1 ; 8 ’ hd9 : Sbox = 3 5 ; 8 ’ hda : Sbox = 5 7 ; 8 ’ hdb : Sbox=b9 ;
79 8 ’ hdc : Sbox = 8 6 ; 8 ’ hdd : Sbox= c1 ; 8 ’ hde : Sbox =1 d ; 8 ’ h d f : Sbox =9 e ;
80 8 ’ he0 : Sbox= e1 ; 8 ’ he1 : Sbox= f 8 ; 8 ’ he2 : Sbox = 9 8 ; 8 ’ he3 : Sbox = 1 1 ;
81 8 ’ he4 : Sbox = 6 9 ; 8 ’ he5 : Sbox=d9 ; 8 ’ he6 : Sbox =8 e ; 8 ’ he7 : Sbox = 9 4 ;
82 8 ’ he8 : Sbox =9 b ; 8 ’ he9 : Sbox =1 e ; 8 ’ h e a : Sbox = 8 7 ; 8 ’ heb : Sbox= e9 ;
83 8 ’ h e c : Sbox= c e ; 8 ’ hed : Sbox = 5 5 ; 8 ’ h e e : Sbox = 2 8 ; 8 ’ h e f : Sbox= d f ;
84 8 ’ h f 0 : Sbox =8 c ; 8 ’ h f 1 : Sbox= a1 ; 8 ’ h f 2 : Sbox = 8 9 ; 8 ’ h f 3 : Sbox =0 d ;
85 8 ’ h f 4 : Sbox= b f ; 8 ’ h f 5 : Sbox= e6 ; 8 ’ h f 6 : Sbox = 4 2 ; 8 ’ h f 7 : Sbox = 6 8 ;
86 8 ’ h f 8 : Sbox = 4 1 ; 8 ’ h f 9 : Sbox = 9 9 ; 8 ’ h f a : Sbox =2 d ; 8 ’ h f b : Sbox =0 f ;
87 8 ’ h f c : Sbox=b0 ; 8 ’ h f d : Sbox = 5 4 ; 8 ’ h f e : Sbox =bb ; 8 ’ h f f : Sbox = 1 6 ;
88 endcase
89 endfunction
90 / / x t i m e o r X2 f u n c t i o n
91 f u n c t i o n [ 7 : 0 ] ml2 ;
92 i n p u t [7 : 0] i n b y t e ;
93 reg [7 : 0] s h i f t o n e ;
94 begin
95 s h i f t o n e = i n b y t e < <1;
96 ml2= s h i f t o n e ^ { 8 ’ h1b &{8{ i n b y t e [ 7 ] } } } ;
414 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

97 end
98 endfunction
99 / / X3 f u n c t i o n by a d d i n g t h e r e s u l t s o f X2 and X1
100 f u n c t i o n [ 7 : 0 ] ml3 ;
101 i n p u t [7 : 0] i n b y t e ;
102 reg [7 : 0] m l 2 _ r e s u l t ;
103 begin
104 m l 2 _ r e s u l t =ml2 ( i n b y t e ) ;
105 ml3= m l 2 _ r e s u l t ^ i n b y t e ;
106 end
107 endfunction AES in Assembly

Programs can be written in assembly language and translated into a sequence of
binary-coded instructions by an assembler. Based on the ISA, the main program of
the AES algorithm in Figure 8.34 is written using assembly language.
The first instruction, wat, waits for the start signal. The plaintext is put in the first
16 Bytes of the data memory. The maximum required space of 15 × 16 = 240 Bytes
allocated for the keys follows the plaintext, as shown in Figure 8.45. The plaintext
is loaded into R0-R15. Then, the subroutine, LoadKey, is called to load the key
into R16-R31. The 16 states of plaintext are stored in addresses 0, 1,..., 15 of the
data memory. Total 13, 15, and 17 keys, including initial key and remaining round
keys, for 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit key size, respectively, are stored in following
Subsequently, the AES algorithm starts and calls the subroutine, AddRoundKey,
to XOR plaintext and key. Next, the 9, 11, and 13 main rounds (specified by Rr)
are performed for 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit key size, respectively. During the

Figure 8.45: Layout of data memory.

Advanced System Designs 415

MainRound, the subroutine calls, SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and Load-

Key and AddRoundKey, are executed. Then, the last round, including subroutine
calls, SubBytes, ShiftRows, and LoadKey and AddRoundKey, is performed.
Finally, the ciphertext in R0-R15 is stored into the data memory starting from
address 0, the done signal is asserted by instruction dne, and jumps to the main
program to wait for the next plaintext.
In following assembly codes, comments start with the “#” character and extend to
the end of the line. Notice that similar and repeated instructions are omitted to save
the space and represented by “...”. We can place a label followed by a colon before an
instruction. The label is the designation for the address of the instruction. We assume
that the assembler can work out the address for us. We can then refer to the label in

# wait for s t a r t si g n al
Main : wat
# load p l a i n t e x t
mvc Ra , 0
ldm R0 , ( Ra )
ldm R1 , ( Ra )
ldm R15 , ( Ra )
# l o a d i n i t i a l key
j s b LoadKey
# xor p l a i n t e x t and i n i t i a l key
j s b AddRoundKey
# r e p e a t 9 r o u n d s f o r 128− b i t key ,
# 11 r o u n d s f o r 192− b i t key , and
# 13 r o u n d s f o r 256− b i t key
mvc R33 , 0
# s u b r o u t i n e : MainRound
# A l o o p t h a t e x e c u t e s Rr t i m e s
MainRound : j sb SubBytes
jsb ShiftRows
j s b MixColumns
j s b LoadKey
j s b AddRoundKey
adc R33 , 1
cmp R33 , Rr
j n e MainRound
LastRo u n d : j sb SubBytes
jsb ShiftRows
j s b LoadKey
j s b AddRoundKey
416 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

# s t o r e c i p h e r t e x t i n t o d a t a memory
mvc Ra , 0
stm ( Ra ) , R0
stm ( Ra ) , R1
stm ( Ra ) , R15
jmp Main

The subroutine, LoadKey, shown below loads the key into R16-R31.

LoadKey : ldm R16 , ( Ra )

ldm R17 , ( Ra )
ldm R31 , ( Ra )

The subroutine, AddRoundKey, shown below XORs the plaintext stored in R0-R15
and the key stored in R16-R31.

AddRoundKey : xor R0 , R16

xor R1 , R17
xor R15 , R31

The subroutine, SubBytes, shown below substitutes the plaintext stored in R0-R15
by S-box.

SubBytes : s b t R0
s b t R1
s b t R15

The subroutine, ShiftRows, shown below left shifts each row of the plaintext stored
in R0-R15 using different steps.
Advanced System Designs 417

# s h i f t 2 nd row
ShiftRows : mvr R32 , R4
mvr R4 , R5
mvr R5 , R6
mvr R6 , R7
mvr R7 , R32
# s h i f t 3 r d row
mvr R32 , R8
mvr R8 , R10
mvr R10 , R32
mvr R32 , R9
mvr R9 , R11
mvr R11 , R32
# s h i f t 4 t h row
mvr R32 , R15
mvr R15 , R14
mvr R14 , R13
mvr R13 , R12
mvr R12 , R32

The subroutine, MixColumns, shown below mixes the elements in each column of
the plaintext stored in R0-R15 using a constant matrix with values 0x01, 0x02, and
0x03. When deriving the new states of the first column (R0, R4, R8, and R12), the
old states of the first column must remain their values. Therefore, the new states of
the first column will be temporarily stored in R16, R20, R24, and R28; the new
states of the second column will be temporarily stored in R17, R21, R25, and R29,
and so on. Finally, after all new states in R16-R31 are available, they will be copied
into R0-R15.

# mix 1 s t column
MixColumns : ml2 R16 , R0 # 1 s t e l e m e n t
ml3 R20 , R4
xor R16 , R20
xor R16 , R8
xor R16 , R12
ml2 R20 , R4 # 2 nd e l e m e n t
ml3 R24 , R8
xor R20 , R0
xor R20 , R24
xor R20 , R12
ml2 R24 , R8 # 3 r d e l e m e n t
418 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

ml3 R28 , R12

xor R24 , R0
xor R24 , R4
xor R24 , R28
ml2 R28 , R12 # 4 t h e l e m e n t
ml3 R0 , R0 # R0 no l o n g e r n e e d e d
xor R28 , R0
xor R28 , R4
xor R28 , R8
# To mix t h e 2 nd ( 3 r d o r 4 t h ) column ,
# c h a n g e R0 t o R1 ( R2 o r R3 ) , R4 t o R5 ( R6 o r R7 ) , . . .
# i n ab o v e c o d e s .
# Move R16~R31 t o R0~R15 , r e s p e c t i v e l y .
mvr R0 , R16
mvr R1 , R17
mvr R15 , R31

Considering the major tasks performed by the assembly codes, SubBytes,

ShiftRows, MixColumns, LoadKey, AddRoundKey, and load and store plain-
text and ciphertext, respectively, the number of instructions to be performed is
slightly more than 771 instructions, which corresponds to 771 × 3 = 2313 cycles.
If the clock frequency is 200 MHz, the throughput of the AES encryption is around
128 bits/(2313 cycles × 5 ns/cycle) ≈ 11 Mbps.


At the end of this chapter, we demonstrate a complete digital design. We want to
design a component labeling engine (CLE) that can identify all the foreground ob-
jects in a 16 × 16 binary image, shown in Figure 8.46, which is stored in a 256 × 8
SSRAM. A single pixel occupies an entry of the SSRAM and has a value of 0 (back-
ground) or 1 (foreground), that is, the stored values are 8’d0 and 8’d1, respectively.
The pixels of the image, from left to right and top to bottom, are arranged in the
SSRAM with a series of addresses ranging from 0 to 255.
Every disjoint objects must be given a unique identification number larger than
zero, as shown in Figure 8.47. The identification numbers do not need to be consec-
utive but must be unique. The identification numbers must finally be stored in the
same SSRAM where the original pixel values are stored.
There are 8 cases in which the central pixel (black one) with foreground value is
determined to be connected to an adjacent object (with foreground value), as shown
in Figure 8.48. Adjacent pixels must be classified as the same object.
Advanced System Designs 419

Figure 8.46: A 16 × 16 binary image.


The system block diagram and the interface of the CLE are displayed in Figure 8.49.


Based on the 8 possible situations in which the central pixel is positioned adjacent
to neighboring pixels when scanning all pixels of an image from left to right and
top to bottom, we use the pattern shown in Figure 8.50 to detect the connectivity
of a pixel (shown as black) to its previous adjacent pixels. Compared to the nine-
square division in Figure 8.48, the adopted pattern in Figure 8.50 uses the pixels
that were available because future pixels have not been read. The pattern in Figure
8.50 will slide from left to right and top to bottom until all pixels of an image have
been scanned. This process continues until all connected neighboring pixels can be
420 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.47: Final object identification numbers of the 16 × 16 binary image.

Figure 8.48: Pixels that are adjacent to the central one.

Advanced System Designs 421

Figure 8.49: Block diagram and interface of the CLE.

Figure 8.50: Pattern used to detect the connectivity of a pixel (marked as black).
Notably, NW, W, N, and NE represent north-west, west, north, and north-east, re-

determined because, using this method, it is known with complete confidence that
the remaining pixels can be used to identify all previously connected pixels.
The SSRAM will store the given identification numbers of all pixels. To detect
the object identification number of the current pixel, the identification numbers of its
neighboring 4 pixels must also be available. Therefore, a FIFO buffer implemented
by (16 + 1) × 8 registers is required to fulfill the algorithm. The FIFO can store the
object identification numbers of all pixels prior to the current pixel up to that of the
north-west one in the previous row. The FIFO advances every clock cycle, so the
following 4 identification numbers in the FIFO are needed: the first, the second, the
third, and the last, which correspond to the NW, W, N, and NE pixels, respectively.
The method only needs to read the original pixels once, reducing the detection time
to the bare minimum.
For these examples, we assume the maximum number of temporarily identifiable
objects to be 254, i.e., from 8’d1 to 8’d254. Notably, the number of temporarily
identifiable objects may be different from the final identified objects because some
can be merged owing to “the late detection of connectivity”, a concept which will be
introduced later. The object identification number, 8’d255, is reserved to represent
the background. The object identification number, 8’d0, is not used for debugging
If the value of the pixel being identified is 0, then its identification number will
be given 8’d255, but if it is 1, there are several different possibilities, as shown in
422 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.51: Three possible cases detected using the pattern in Figure 8.50: (a) no
previously identified objects, (b) one previously identified object, and (c) two previ-
ously identified objects.

Figure 8.51. For case (a) (in Figure 8.51(a)), the pixel is identified as “unconnected
to any previous pixels” because its surrounding identification numbers are all given
by the background one, 8’d255. Hence, it is given a new, temporary, identification
number, 8’d1, for the first new identification number, 8’d2 for the second, and so
on. For case (b), the pixel is identified as “connected to one previous pixel with
identification number 8’d1”. Therefore, the identification number of the previously
identified object is assigned to the pixel. For case (c), the pixel is identified as “con-
nected to two previous, presumably unconnected, pixels with identification numbers
8’d1 and 8’d2.” Hence, the smallest identification number, 8’d1, of the previously
identified object is assumed to be assigned to the pixel. Notably, it can be proven
that the maximum number of previous pixels that had previously been considered to
be unconnected but are now connected due to their relation to the new pixel under
detection is two. This is referred to as “the late detection of connectivity.” These two
previously identified objects with different object numbers need to be merged later.
Using this detection method may result in the late detection of connectivity.
Therefore, a label table (label_tab) needs to be used to record the identification num-
bers, which will need to be merged, owing to newly detected connections. The label
table has 254 entries with addresses ranging from 1 to 254. Its contents are initialized
based upon their corresponding addresses, as shown in Figure 8.52.
The obj_id_cnt counts the temporarily identified objects and points to (or repre-
sents) the new, temporary, identification number. If the pixel value under identifi-
cation is 0, then it is given identification number 8’d255. Hence, the original pixel
value is replaced by 8’d255 and written into the FIFO and the same SSRAM address.
As such, the global picture of the connectivity is saved in the SSRAM, whereas the
FIFO stores the local connectivity. If the pixel under identification is 1, for case (a) (in
Figure 8.51(a)), the pixel under identification is given a new temporary identification
number, obj_id_cnt, and written into the FIFO and the same SSRAM address. Hence,
the original pixel value is replaced by obj_id_cnt. Then, obj_id_cnt increases by 1.
For case (b) (in Figure 8.51(b)), the pixel is identified as “connected to one previous
pixel with identification number 8’d1”. Therefore, the identification number, 8’d1, of
the previously identified object is assigned to the pixel and written into the FIFO and
the same SSRAM address. Thus, the obj_id_cnt keeps the same value. For case (c)
(in Figure 8.51(c)), the smallest identification number, 8’d1, of the previously iden-
Advanced System Designs 423

Figure 8.52: Label table and its initial contents.

Figure 8.53: Recording the information in label_tab for merging two connected ob-
jects with different identification numbers, 8’d1 and 8’d2, later using label_tab.

tified object is assigned to the pixel and written into the FIFO and the same SSRAM
address. Thus, the obj_id_cnt still keeps the same value.
To merge the connected objects with different identification numbers for case (c)
(in Figure 8.51(c)), the content of label_tab addressed by the larger identification
number, 8’d2, is replaced by the smaller one, 8’d1, to indicate that the identification
number, 8’d2, will be merged with the identification number of 8’d1, as shown in
Figure 8.53.
424 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.54: After determining the object identification number for each pixel: (a)
contents of SSRAM and (b) label_tab. Initial contents in label_tab are overwritten
by those object numbers that need to be merged.

Till now, the label_tab has only included objects connected pairwise. That is,
the pattern which has been used to detect the connectivity of pixels only guaran-
tees the connectivity of adjacent pixels, but this does not guarantee that their object
identification numbers are the same. For example, the contents of SSRAM and the la-
bel_tab of the binary image in Figure 8.46 become the ones shown in Figure 8.54(a)
and 8.54(b), respectively. The obj_id_cnt is 12, which means that there are 11 tem-
porarily identified objects.
To merge all connected objects using the same object number, the label_tab shown
in Figure 8.55 must be thoroughly scanned so that a unique identification number can
be used for all connecting objects. To accomplish this, each entry in the label_tab is
scanned from that pointed to by the (obj_id_cnt−1) until the minimum identification
number, i.e., 1, for all connecting objects has reached. When scanning a specific
entry, its content is looked up and compared to its address. If they are not the same,
its content will be used as the next address. This process continues till the entry that
its content and address have the same value. Such an entry represents the unique (and
minimum) identification number that the specific entry must use.
For example, the temporarily identified object number, 8’d11, must be finally
merged with the object number, 8’d8, shown in Figure 8.55(a). This can be achieved
by looking up the content of entry addressed by 8’d11, which indicates that 8’d11
should be merged with object number 8’d9. Then, the content of the entry addressed
by 8’d9 indicates that 8’d9 should be merged with object number 8’d8. Furthermore,
Advanced System Designs 425

Figure 8.55: Merging of (a) temporarily identified object number, 8’d11 and (b) all
temporarily identified objects. The goal is to derive a unified object number for all
connected pixels.

the content of the entry with the address 8’d8 indicates that 8’d8 should be merged
with object number 8’d8. At this time, the scanning for object number 8’d11 stops
when the address and its content become identical. Finally, the entry for the tem-
porarily identified object number, 8’d11, is written into 8’d8, the minimum identifi-
cation number. This process continues until all temporarily identified object numbers
(from obj_id_cnt−1 = 11 to 1) have been merged, as shown in Figure 8.55(b). Even-
tually, the label_tab specifies that object numbers (from 11 to 1), 11, 10, and 9 should
be merged with 8, 8 (the minimum object number itself) should be merged with 8, 7
and 6 should be merged with 4, 5 should be merged with 3, 4 should be merged with
4, and so on.
Finally, the identification numbers stored in SSRAM are remapped to those spec-
ified in the label_tab and the background identification number, 8’d255, is remapped
to 8’d0.


We use a state machine to control the operation of the CLE, as shown in Figure 8.56.
The state machine proceeds through three main stages: scanning all pixels including
states ST_RD_PIX and ST_WR_PIX, merging all identified objects including states
426 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 8.56: State machine.

ST_MG_INI, ST_MG_CHK, ST_SCH_INI, and ST_MG_SCH, and remapping all

objects including states ST_RD_ID and ST_WR_ID. The pixel value is read during
the state ST_RD_PIX, and its corresponding temporary object identification num-
ber is written into the same address as the pixel during the state ST_WR_PIX until
all pixel values have been read and their object numbers identified. Therefore, once
the original pixel has been read and overwritten, its original pixel value is no longer
needed. However, since remaining pixels, particular those in the next row, will use
data related to previous pixels, information regarding previous pixels (their temporar-
ily identified object numbers, not pixel values) should also be stored in a FIFO for
future use.
The stage of merging all identified objects implements the process of finding the
minimum object number for all connected objects (from obj_id_cnt−1 to 1) in Figure
8.55. The process is indeed a two nested loops that, for each temporarily identified
objects (from obj_id_cnt−1 to 1), find its minimum object number till an entry in
lab_tab that has the same content and address.
The stage of remapping all objects is very simple and just remaps all temporarily
identified objects in SSRAM according to the lab_tab.
Using the appropriate algorithm, the architecture of the CLE is displayed in Fig-
ures 8.57–8.58. There are two major components in this design: FIFO buffer for stor-
ing the local connectivity, and the label_tab for recording all identification numbers.
The datapath of the FIFO buffer and SSRAM interface are presented in Figure 8.57.
The FIFO has 4 read ports, FIFO[0], FIFO[1], FIFO[2], and FIFO[DEPTH], where
DEPTH= 16, for the NW, N, NE, and W object numbers. The SSRAM write data
8’d255 (for background object number), obj_id_cnt (for case (a)), and obj_id_min
(for cases (b) and (c)) are used in the state ST_WR_PIX, and write data 8’d0 (for
remapped background object number) and lab_tab[sram_d] (for remapped object
number) are used in the state ST_WR_ID.
The datapath of the label_tab is presented in Figure 8.58.
Advanced System Designs 427

Figure 8.57: Architecture of the datapath: FIFO buffer and SSRAM interface.











Figure 8.58: Architecture of the datapath: label_tab.

428 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The timing diagram that governs the operations of CLE is presented in Figure 8.59
based on the appropriate algorithm, state machine, and architecture. In the timing
diagram, we assume that there are only two temporarily identified objects: 2 and 1.
Also, the label_tab indicates that object 2 needs to be merged with object 1.
The RTL codes of the state machine are illustrated below.

1 // State machine encoding

2 reg [3 : 0] state_cs , state_ns ;
3 parameter ST_IDLE =4 ’ b0000 ; parameter ST_RD_PIX =4 ’ b0001 ;
4 parameter ST_WR_PIX =4 ’ b0011 ; parameter ST_MG_INI =4 ’ b0010 ;
5 parameter ST_MG_CHK =4 ’ b0110 ; parameter ST_SCH_INI =4 ’ b0111 ;
6 parameter ST_MG_SCH =4 ’ b0101 ; parameter ST_RD_ID =4 ’ b0100 ;
7 parameter ST_WR_ID =4 ’ b1100 ; parameter ST_DONE =4 ’ b1101 ;
8 always @ (*) begin

9 state_ns = state_cs ;
10 case ( state_cs )
11 ST_IDLE : state_ns = ST_RD_PIX ;
12 ST_RD_PIX : state_ns = ST_WR_PIX ;
13 ST_WR_PIX : state_ns = pix_end ? ST_MG_INI : ST_RD_PIX ;
14 ST_MG_INI : state_ns = ST_MG_CHK ;
15 ST_MG_CHK : state_ns = id_end ? ST_RD_ID : ST_SCH_INI ;
16 ST_SCH_INI : state_ns = ST_MG_SCH ;
17 ST_MG_SCH : state_ns = sch_end ? ST_MG_CHK : ST_MG_SCH ;
18 ST_RD_ID : state_ns = ST_WR_ID ;
19 ST_WR_ID : state_ns = pix_end ? ST_DONE : ST_RD_ID ;
20 ST_DONE : state_ns = ST_DONE ;
21 endcase
22 end

23 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

24 if ( reset ) state_cs <= ST_IDLE ;

25 else state_cs <= state_ns ;

A pixel counter register, pix_cnt, is used to scan all pixels or remap all objects
according to the label_tab. The pix_cnt is also used as the SSRAM address.

1 // pix_cnt used to generate control signal

2 reg [7 : 0] pix_cnt ;
3 wire pix_end ;

4 assign pix_end = pix_cnt ==8 ’ d255 ;

5 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

6 if ( reset ) pix_cnt <=0;

7 else if ( state_cs == ST_WR_PIX && state_ns == ST_MG_INI )
8 pix_cnt <=0; // Redundant
9 else if ( state_cs == ST_WR_PIX || state_cs == ST_WR_ID )
10 pix_cnt <= pix_cnt +1;
Advanced System Designs

Figure 8.59: Timing diagram of CLE.

430 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The “scanning all pixels” operation reads each original pixel value, determines its
object identification number, and writes the object identification number into both
the SSRAM and FIFO. The temporary identification number is determined using
the shape presented in Figure 8.50. During the state ST_WR_PIX, if the pixel value
under identification is 0, then it is given the identification number 8’d255; if the pixel
under identification is 1, there can be three possible results, which are presented in
Figure 8.51.
During the state ST_WR_ID, the temporary identification number 8’d255, i.e.,
the reserved background object identification number BG_OBJ_ID, is remapped to
8’d0; otherwise, it is remapped according to the label_tab. Therefore, the SSRAM
is written at states ST_WR_PIX and ST_WR_ID. The pix_cnt is also used for the
SSRAM address.

1 // SRAM interface
2 reg sram_wen ;
3 reg [7 : 0] sram_d , obj_id_cnt ;

4 wire [9 : 0] sram_a ;

5 parameter BG_OBJ_ID =8 ’ d255 ;

6 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

7 if ( reset ) sram_wen <=0;

8 else if ( state_ns == ST_WR_PIX || state_ns == ST_WR_ID )
9 sram_wen <=1;
10 else sram_wen <=0;
11 assign sram_a = pix_cnt ;

12 always @ (*)

13 if ( state_cs == ST_WR_PIX && sram_q [0]==1 ’ b0 )

14 sram_d = BG_OBJ_ID ;
15 else if ( state_cs == ST_WR_PIX && sram_q [0]==1 ’ b1 ) begin
16 if ( obj_id_min == BG_OBJ_ID ) // Case ( a )
17 sram_d = obj_id_cnt ;
18 else // Cases ( b ) and ( c )
19 sram_d = obj_id_min ;
20 end
21 else if ( state_cs == ST_WR_ID )
22 sram_d = sram_q == BG_OBJ_ID ?8 ’ d0 :
23 label_tab [ sram_q ];
24 else // Dont care
25 sram_d =8 ’ d0 ;

In state ST_WR_PIX, the four identification numbers, stored in FIFO[0],

FIFO[1], FIFO[2], and FIFO[DEPTH], for the pixels around the pixel under detec-
tion are sorted by the function, SORT, which outputs the sorted objectâĂŹs IDs. The
minimum object ID, obj_id_min, is the first one of the sorted results. The second
minimum value, obj_id_sec_min, that is different from the obj_id_min, is found by
comparing all the sorted results with obj_id_min. It is worth pointing out that for
those pixels under detection in the first column, the identification numbers of the
Advanced System Designs 431

north-western and western pixels are absent and assumed to be BG_OBJ_ID, and
the identification numbers for the northern and north-eastern pixels are respectively
FIFO[1] and FIFO[2], while for those pixels under detection in the last column, the
identification number of the north-eastern pixel is also absent and assumed to be
The register, obj_id_cnt, counts the number of used identifications. If the pixel
value is 1, when obj_id_min is BG_OBJ_ID, i.e., 8’d255, all four identification num-
bers for the pixels around the target pixel are BG_OBJ_ID. Hence, a new identifi-
cation number is used and obj_id_cnt increases by 1. In addition to being written
into the SSRAM, the identification number is also written into the FIFO to store
the local connectivity of remaining pixels. The label_tab stores the locally merged
identification numbers. When obj_id_min and obj_id_sec_min are different and do
not equal BG_OBJ_ID, the larger identification number should be merged with the
smaller one by writing obj_id_min into address obj_id_sec_min of label_tab, which
records this information.

1 // FIFO buffer and label_tab

2 wire is_first_column , is_last_colu mn ;
3 wire [7 : 0] shape_nw , shape_n , shape_ne , shape_w ;

4 wire [31 : 0] shape_all_d at a ;

5 wire [7 : 0] sort_result [0 : 3] , obj_id_min , obj_id_sec_m in ;

6 reg [7 : 0] FIFO [0 : DEPTH ] , label_tab [1 : 254];

7 integer i1 , i2 ;

8 parameter DEPTH =16;

9 assign is_first_co lu mn = pix_cnt [3 : 0]==4 ’ d0 ;

10 assign is_last_colu mn = pix_cnt [3 : 0]==4 ’ d15 ;

11 // Watch out for first and last columns

12 assign shape_nw = is_first_col um n ? BG_OBJ_ID : FIFO [0];

13 assign shape_n = FIFO [1];

14 assign shape_ne = is_last_colum n ? BG_OBJ_ID : FIFO [2];

15 assign shape_w = is_first_c ol um n ? BG_OBJ_ID : FIFO [ DEPTH ];

16 assign shape_all_da ta ={ shape_nw , shape_n , shape_ne ,

17 shape_w };
18 assign { sort_result [0] , sort_result [1] , sort_result [2] ,

19 sort_result [3]}= SORT ( shape_all_d at a );

20 assign obj_id_min = sort_result [0];

21 always @ (*) begin

22 obj_id_sec_mi n = sort_result [0];

23 if ( sort_result [1]!= obj_id_min )
24 obj_id_sec_m in = sort_result [1];
25 else if ( sort_result [2]!= obj_id_min )
26 obj_id_sec_m in = sort_result [2];
27 else if ( sort_result [3]!= obj_id_min )
28 obj_id_sec_m in = sort_result [3];
29 end

30 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

432 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

31 if ( reset )
32 // Object id 0 is not used , 255 is reserved
33 obj_id_cnt <=1;
34 else if ( state_cs == ST_WR_PIX && sram_q [0]==1 ’ b1 &&
35 obj_id_min == BG_OBJ_ID )
36 obj_id_cnt <= obj_id_cnt +1;
37 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

38 if ( reset )
39 for ( i1 =0; i1 <= DEPTH ; i1 = i1 +1)
40 FIFO [ i1 ] <= BG_OBJ_ID ;
41 else if ( state_cs == ST_WR_PIX ) begin
42 for ( i1 =0; i1 <= DEPTH -1; i1 = i1 +1)
43 FIFO [ i1 ] <= FIFO [ i1 +1];
44 FIFO [ DEPTH ] <= sram_d ;
45 end
46 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

47 if ( reset )
48 for ( i2 =1; i2 <=254; i2 = i2 +1)
49 label_tab [ i2 ] <= i2 ;
50 else if ( state_cs == ST_WR_PIX && sram_q [0]==1 ’ b1 &&
51 obj_id_min != BG_OBJ_ID && obj_id_sec_m in != BG_OBJ_ID
52 && obj_id_sec_mi n != obj_id_min )
53 label_tab [ obj_id_sec_m in ] <= obj_id_min ;
54 else if ( state_cs == ST_MG_SCH && state_ns == ST_MG_CHK )
55 label_tab [ mg_obj_id ] <= sch_obj_id ;
56 // Sort the obj ids

57 function [31 : 0] SORT ; // Function call definition

58 input [31 : 0] shape_all_da ta ;

59 reg [7 : 0] temp_data ;
60 reg [7 : 0] data [0 : 3];
61 integer i , j ;
62 begin
63 data [0]= shape_all_dat a [31 : 24];
64 data [1]= shape_all_dat a [23 : 16];
65 data [2]= shape_all_dat a [15 : 8];
66 data [3]= shape_all_dat a [7 : 0];
67 for ( i =3; i >0; i =i -1)
68 for ( j =0; j < i ; j = j +1)
69 if ( data [3 - j ] < data [3 - j -1]) begin
70 temp_data = data [3 - j -1];
71 data [3 - j -1]= data [3 - j ];
72 data [3 - j ]= temp_data ;
73 end
74 SORT ={ data [0] , data [1] , data [2] , data [3]};
75 end
76 endfunction
Advanced System Designs 433

The register, mg_obj_id, stores the current identification number that is being
searched for the minimum identification number that should be used for merging.
At state ST_MG_INI, the identification numbers in the label_tab are checked for
merging using the mg_obj_id initialized based upon the number of identification
numbers, obj_id_cnt−1. The operation progresses in reverse order from the last to
the first identification number. During each transition to ST_MG_CHK, mg_obj_id
decreases by 1 so that the next smaller identification number is checked.
When mg_obj_id reaches the smallest identification number, the merging stops.
For each current identification number being searched to find the minimum
identification number that can be used for merging, the register sch_obj_id loads
the content of the label_tab which it points to, i.e., label_tab[sch_obj_id]. When
sch_obj_id and label_tab[sch_obj_id] are equal, it indicates that the minimum iden-
tification number used for merging has been found and the search stops. Therefore,
the merging process of label_tab actually implements two nested for loops.

1 // Merging of label_tab
2 reg [7 : 0] mg_obj_id , sch_obj_id ;
3 wire id_end , sch_end ;

4 reg finish ;

5 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

6 if ( reset ) mg_obj_id <=0;

7 else if ( state_ns == ST_MG_INI ) mg_obj_id <= obj_id_cnt -1;
8 else if ( state_ns == ST_MG_CHK && state_cs == ST_MG_SCH )
9 mg_obj_id <= mg_obj_id -1;
10 assign id_end = mg_obj_id ==8 ’ d1 ;

11 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

12 if ( reset ) sch_obj_id <=0;

13 else if ( state_ns == ST_SCH_INI ) sch_obj_id <= mg_obj_id ;
14 else if ( state_ns == ST_MG_SCH )
15 sch_obj_id <= label_tab [ sch_obj_id ];
16 assign sch_end = sch_obj_id == label_tab [ sch_obj_id ];

17 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

18 if ( reset ) finish <=1 ’ b0 ;

19 else if ( state_ns == ST_DONE ) finish <=1 ’ b1 ;

Finally, during state ST_WR_ID, the object identification numbers stored in the
SSRAM are remapped based upon the rules specified by the label_tab except that the
identification number, BG_OBJ_ID, is remapped to 8’d0. Also, the control signal,
“finish”, asserts when the state machine enters the state ST_DONE.


• Clive (MAX) Maxfield, How to generate Gray Codes for non-power-of-2
sequences, EDN Network, United States, 2007. Accessed on: June 17, 2021.
[Online]. Available: https://www.edn.com/how-to-generate-gray-codes-for-
434 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer ar-
chitecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• Mark Gordon Arnold, Verilog digital computer design: algorithms into
hardware, Prentice Hall, 1999.
• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
• Peter J. Ashenden, Digital design: an embedded systems approach using
Verilog, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
• Ronald W. Mehler, Digital integrated circuit design using Verilog and Sys-
temverilog, Elsevier, 2014.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• William J. Dally and R. Curtis Harting, Digital design: a systems approach,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Advanced System Designs 435

1. a. If ∆V (0) = e−1VDD , find the time for the circuit to converge to ∆V (t) = VDD .
b. What about ∆V (0) = e−2VDD ?
c. What about ∆V (0) = 0.25VDD ?
2. For the stable states, ∆V (t) = +3VDD or ∆V (t) = −3VDD . What is the smallest
value of ∆V (0) that converges in less than 5τ ?
3. What is the frequency of timing error, fTE , for tS = tH = 0.1 ns, tC = 5 ns, and
fI = 1 MHz?
4. Please verify the functions, bin_to_gray and gray_to_bin, in Section 8.3.5.
5. Calculate the MTBF for a system with fI = 100 kHz, fC = 1 GHz, tS = tH = 50
ps, τ = 100 ps, and tCQ = 80 ps that uses three back-to-back flip-flops for a
6. We want to synchronize a binary sequence from clkin domain to clkout domain.
Please identify the potential problems in the following deterministic multi-bit
synchronizer and fix them.

1 always @ ( posedge clkin or posedge rst )

2 if ( rst ) cnt <=3 ’ d0 ;
3 else cnt <= cnt +1;
4 always @ (*)

5 case ( cnt )
6 3 ’ b000 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b000 ;
7 3 ’ b001 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b001 ;
8 3 ’ b010 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b011 ;
9 3 ’ b011 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b010 ;
10 3 ’ b100 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b110 ;
11 3 ’ b101 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b111 ;
12 3 ’ b110 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b101 ;
13 3 ’ b111 : cnt_gray =3 ’ b100 ;
14 endcase
15 always @ ( posedge clkout ) begin

16 cnt_r <= cnt_gray ;

17 cnt_rr <= cnt_r ;
18 end

7. Please redesign the nondeterministic multi-bit synchronizer using 5-entry FIFO

with flow control.
8. Assume that the FIFO is guaranteed not to overrun. Please redesign the
nondeterministic multi-bit synchronizer using FIFO without flow control.
a. The frequency of clkout is 2 times that of clkin. What’s the queue depth of
your design?
b. The frequency of clkout is 3 times that of clkin. What’s the queue depth of
your design?
436 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

9. Assume that tS = 50 ps, tH = 20 ps, τ = 40 ps, tCQ = 20 ps, fI = 200 MHz, and
fC = 2 GHz. Calculate the MTBF for the following synchronizers.
a. Waiting one cycle for synchronization.
b. Waiting five cycles for synchronization.
c. Using five back-to-back flip-flops for synchronization.
10. When using a two-bit simple synchronizer to transfer a two-bit Gray-coded sig-
nal across clock domains, what is the minimum amount of time that needs to
elapse between bit toggles? That is, what is the maximum clock rate at which
the Gray codes can advance?
11. Consider a FIFO synchronizer that uses simple synchronizers composed of three
back-to-back flip-flops to synchronize the read and write pointers. Assuming
the input and output clocks are running at approximately the same frequency
(±10%), what is the minimum FIFO depth that will support data transport at
full rate?
12. Please design a Gray code sequence with 5 elements.
13. Please verify the 8-bit crypto processor by finishing remaining RTL codes and
assembly codes, and translating the assembly codes into binary machine codes
that can be executed directly by the processor. The binary machine is converted
from the assembly code using the instruction format, opcode, and address map-
ping of registers.
14. The status register, Ri, is updated upon the execution of cmp instruction. Hence,
if the cmp instruction executes in a subroutine, the contents of Ri produced
in the main program become invalid. To restore Ri (or other registers) after a
subroutine, it (or they) must be automatically saved into the stack memory when
jsb instruction executes. Please expand the stack register to 2 entries that can
store and load Ri as well as PC to/from the stack memory when encountering
jsb and ret instructions, respectively.
15. Please redesign the 8-bit crypto processor, including the ISA, RTL codes, and
assembly codes, such that the AES decryption algorithm can be implemented.
16. Please redesign the 8-bit crypto processor, including the assembly codes, and
instruction and data memories if needed, such that the AES operation mode of
cipher block chaining (CBC) for 2 blocks of plaintext can be implemented. The 2
blocks of plaintext are put in the first two 16 Bytes of the data memory. Then, the
16-Byte initial vector follows. The maximum required space of 15 × 16 = 240
Bytes allocated for the keys follows the initial vector.
17. Please redesign the 8-bit crypto processor such that both the AES encryption
and decryption algorithms can be implemented. There are two 256 × 8 ROMs
for encryption and decryption assembly, respectively. There are also two 256 × 8
RAMs for plaintext (to be encrypted) and ciphertext (to be encrypted), respec-
tively. The opcodes of encryption and decryption are shared such that the 8-bit
crypto processor needs not to be extended to 16 bits. To switch between encryp-
tion and decryption, an input signal can select the mode, and required ROM and
Advanced System Designs 437

18. Please redesign and extend the crypto processor to 32 bits such that an instruc-
tion can process 4 states of plaintext at a time. What’s the throughput of your
design? How much performance has been improved?
19. The instruction stages of the original 8-bit crypto processor are not pipelined.
Please redesign a pipelined 8-bit crypto processor such that the fetch-decode-
execute steps can be performed concurrently. What’s the throughput of your
design? How much performance has been improved?
20. Please redesign the 8-bit crypto processor, including the ISA, RTL codes, and
assembly codes, such that the data encryption standard (DES) encryption algo-
rithm can be implemented.
21. Please redesign the CLE such that the temporary identification number of back-
ground can be given by 8’d0.
22. Please redesign the CLE such that a smaller FIFO with 3 × 8 registers that store
the object IDs of NW, N, and W pixels is needed. To this, the memory must
be accessed twice, once for reading the pixel value under detection and once
again for the object ID of the NE pixel. Please compare the new design with the
original CLE using a FIFO of (32 + 1) × 8 registers.
23. Rewrite the Verilog codes of the CLE using the named block for all for loops.
24. Please design an edge decoder that can compute the derivatives of the inten-
sity signal in the x and y directions for detecting abrupt changes in intensity,
particularly at the boundaries of objects. Subsequent analysis should be able to
determine what the objects are. We assume a monochrome image of 480×640
pixels, each of 8 bits. The pixels of an image, from left to right, top to bottom,
are to be stored in a 76800×32 SRAM. Four pixels are in an SRAM address.
Pixel values are interpreted as unsigned integers ranging from 0 (black) to 255
(white). We can use the Sobel edge detector, which approximates the derivative
in each direction for each pixel by a process called convolution. This involves
multiplying 9 adjacent pixels by 9 coefficients, which are often represented by
two 3×3 convolutional masks, Gx and Gy (shown in Figure 8.60), and then sum-
ming the 9 products to form two partial derivatives for the derivative image, Dx
and Dy .

– – –

Figure 8.60: Sobel convolutional masks, Gx and Gy .

438 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The magnitude of the derivative of image pixels can be written as

|D| = D2x + D2y . (8.18)

However, since we are just interested in finding the maxima and minima in the
magnitude, a sufficient approximation is
|D| = |Dx | + |Dy |. (8.19)
Note that the pixels around the edge of the image do not have a complete set of
neighboring pixels, so we need to treat them separately. The simplest approach
is to set the derivative value, |D|, of the edge pixels to 0. A pseudo code is
presented below. Let P[r][c] denote pixel value in the original image, and D[r][c]
denote pixels in the derivative image, where the row index, r, ranges from 0
to 479, and the column index, c, ranges from 0 to 639. Also, let Gx [i][ j] and
Gy [i][ j] denote the convolutional masks for the x and y axes, respectively, where
i, j = −1, 0, +1.

1 // Set the derivative value of the edge pixels to 0

2 r =0; // First row
3 for ( c =0; c <=639; c = c +1) D [ r ][ c ]=0;

4 r =479; // Last row

5 for ( c =0; c <=639; c = c +1) D [ r ][ c ]=0;

6 c =0; // First column

7 for ( r =0; r <=479; r = r +1) D [ r ][ c ]=0;

8 c =639; // Last column

9 for ( r =0; r <=479; r = r +1) D [ r ][ c ]=0;

10 // Other pixels

11 for ( r =1; r <=478; r = r +1) begin

12 for ( c =1; c <=638; c = c +1) begin

13 sum_x =0; sum_y =0;
14 for ( i = -1; i <=1; i = i +1) begin
15 for ( j = -1; j <=1; j = j +1) begin
16 sum_x = sum_x + P [ r + i ][ c + j ]* G_x [ i ][ j ];
17 sum_y = sum_y + P [ r + i ][ c + j ]* G_y [ i ][ j ];
18 end
19 end
20 D [ r ][ c ]= abs ( sum_x )+ abs ( sum_y );
21 end
22 end

a. Determine the bit widths of Dx , Dy , and |D| without any overflow.

b. The derivative values, |D|, are written into the same SRAM with 8 bits for
each derivative. Hence, the derivative value of each pixel is truncated into 8
bits. Like the original pixels, four directive values are stored in each SRAM
address. Please design an edge detector without any constraints on the number
of times memory can be accessed.
Advanced System Designs 439

c. Please redesign the edge detector with a constraint on the number of times
memory can be accessed, such that each memory is only allowed to be read
25. Design and verify the video edge detection based on the Sobel accelerator.
26. Design and verify the video edge detection based on the Sobel accelerator using
a model in which the pixels can only be read once.
9 I/O Interface
The way of transferring information between internal storage and external I/O
devices is called I/O interface. The I/O interface interacts with physical world
through I/O devices, such as the human interfaces of display and keypad.
A bus is a communication system that can transfer data within or between com-
puters. Some buses are used for connecting separate chips on a circuit board. Others
connect separate boards in a system. Bus specifications and protocols vary, depend-
ing on the requirement of their intended use. Off-chip buses use tristate drivers for
signals that have multiple data sources. For example, the PCI bus is used to connect
add-on cards to a computer. On-chip buses are used to connect sub-modules within
an IC. They have separate input and output signals that allow to use multiplexers and
demultiplexers to connect components. Examples include the AMBA buses specified
by ARM, the CoreConnect buses specified by IBM, and the Wishbone bus specified
by the OpenCores organization.
To easily integrate components designed by different teams, a number of com-
mon bus protocols have been specified. Components connected using buses should
conform to the same bus protocol. Otherwise, some interface glue logics may be
required. The specification of a bus protocol includes a signal list for connecting
compliant components, and a description of the operation sequences and signal tim-
ings to implement various bus operations. The address width of a bus determines the
memory space it can address, and the data width of a bus results in different speeds
of transferring data.
This chapter introduces the I/O controller for the keypad. Additionally, an I/O
processor is used to program or control the I/O controller. The multiplexed, tristate,
and open-drain buses, and several serial transmission protocols are presented. The
main difference between the programs in embedded systems and general purpose
computers is that the embedded software must be able to react promptly when an
event occurs. Therefore, we introduce the I/O interfaces of embedded software, such
as polling, interrupt, and timer, for embedded systems. Finally, an accelerator of FFT
processor is illustrated from its algorithm to RTL design.


The I/O controller of a keypad uses switches to detect the pushed buttons, as shown in
Figure 9.1. In order to reduce the number of signals, particularly for a large keypad,
the switches are usually arranged in a matrix form. To scan the closed contacts in the
matrix, the I/O controller drives one row line low at a time. The way the row signals,
row[3 : 0], are generated is that each row is sequentially selected at a time by the
I/O controller. Then, the column signals, col[2 : 0], are latched by the I/O controller
to determine the pushed button. For example, when the second row is selected by
asserting a logic 0 on the signal row[1] and leaving the rest of the row lines logic 1,

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-9 441

442 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 9.1: (a) Keypad switches arranged in a scanned matrix. (b) A keypad ma-
trix with an output register, row register, for driving row lines and an input register,
column register, for latching column lines.

i.e., row[3 : 0] = 4’b1101, if either digit 4, 5, or 6 has been pushed, its corresponding
column signals will be pulled low and detected. When all of the key switches are
open, all column lines are pulled high by the resistors.
The row signal is controlled by a processor through its I/O interface, as shown in
Figure 9.2. The data buses, din[7 : 0] and dout[7 : 0], have 8 bits. When cen is true,
a write (wen = 1’b1) or read (wen = 1’b0) I/O command has been issued. There are
3 I/O ports provided by the controller, and they are decoded by the address signal,
addr[1 : 0]. The port numbers 0, 1, and 2 are used to access the status register, row
register, and column register, respectively. Bit 0 of the status register indicates a valid
column signal, col[2 : 0], that has been sampled. Bits 7 to 1 of the status register are
reserved. Bits 3 to 0 of the row register drive the row signal, row[3 : 0]. Bits 7 to 4
of the row register are reserved. Bits 2 to 0 of the column register stores the valid
column signal, col[2 : 0], and bits 7 to 3 are reserved.
However, a user can push the button or switch at a random time. Even worse, as
the switch closes, the contact may bounce back and forth several times. This may
cause the circuit to open and close several times before finally staying in the stable
and closed position. Hence, the column signals should be synchronized to eliminate
the timing failure and debounced to generate a stable column signal. The minimum
I/O Interface 443

Figure 9.2: I/O interface of the keypad controller.

scanning period for each row is assumed to be 2 ms, and the debouncing interval is
1 ms.
The steps of the processor used to decide the pushed keys are: 1) configure the
row register; 2) wait for a valid and debounced column signal by reading the status
register. Bit 0 of the status register automatically clears after being read; 3) read the
stable column register. Debounced column signal can be obtained by comparing two
column signals separated by 1 ms. If they are the same, a debounced column signal
has been derived; otherwise, additional 1 ms needs to wait for the contact to settle
We develop a Verilog model for the keypad controller that can generate a stable
signal to indicate the status of 12 keys, as shown below. The frequency of system
clock is 50 MHz.

1 // Module of I / O controller
2 module io_ctrl ( row , dout , col , cen , wen , addr , din ,
3 clk_50mhz , rst );
4 output [3 : 0] row ;

5 output [7 : 0] dout ;

6 input [2 : 0] col ;

7 input [1 : 0] addr ;

8 input [7 : 0] din ;

9 input cen , wen , clk_50mhz , rst ;

10 reg [3 : 0] row_reg ;

11 reg [15 : 0] cnt ;

12 wire time_1ms ;

13 reg [2 : 0] col_r , col_rr , col_old , col_reg ;

14 reg [7 : 0] dout ;

15 reg [1 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;

16 reg col_valid ;

17 parameter ST_WAIT =2 ’ b00 ; parameter ST_DET =2 ’ b01 ;

18 parameter ST_DEBD =2 ’ b11 ;
19 always @ (*) begin
444 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

20 state_ns = state_cs ;
21 case ( state_cs )
22 ST_WAIT : state_ns =( cen && wen && addr ==1)?
24 ST_DET : state_ns =( time_1ms && col_old == col_rr )?
26 ST_DEBD : state_ns =( cen &&! wen && addr ==0)?
28 endcase
29 end

30 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

31 if ( rst ) state_cs <= ST_WAIT ;

32 else state_cs <= state_ns ;
33 // Row register

34 assign row = row_reg ;

35 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

36 if ( rst ) row_reg <=0;

37 else if ( state_cs == ST_WAIT && state_ns == ST_DET )
38 row_reg <= din [3 : 0];
39 // Read data

40 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

41 if ( rst ) dout <=0;

42 else if ( cen &&! wen )
43 case ( addr )
44 2 ’ d0 : dout <={7 ’ d0 , col_valid };
45 2 ’ d1 : dout <={4 ’ d0 , row_reg };
46 2 ’ d2 : dout <={5 ’ d0 , col_reg };
47 endcase
48 // Counter for 1 ms

49 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

50 if ( rst ) cnt <=0;

51 else if ( time_1ms ) cnt <=0;
52 else if ( state_cs == ST_DET && state_ns == ST_DET )
53 cnt <= cnt +1;
54 assign time_1ms = cnt ==49999;

55 // Double synch

56 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz )

57 begin

58 col_r <= col ;

59 col_rr <= col_r ;
60 end

61 // Old col signal

62 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz )

63 if ( time_1ms ) col_old <= col_rr ;

64 // Detected col register

65 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

66 if ( rst ) col_reg <=3 ’ b111 ;

I/O Interface 445

67 else if ( state_cs == ST_DET && state_ns == ST_DEBD )

68 col_reg <= col_rr ;
69 // Valid bit for detected col register

70 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

71 if ( rst ) col_valid <=1 ’ b0 ;

72 else if ( state_cs == ST_DET && state_ns == ST_DEBD )
73 col_valid <=1 ’ b1 ;
74 else if ( state_cs == ST_DEBD && state_ns == ST_WAIT )
75 col_valid <=1 ’ b0 ;
76 endmodule


To implement a processor dedicated to the keypad I/O controller, we define the in-
struction set in Table 9.1. Similar to the instruction set defined in Chapter 8, the
instruction set in this section also has two kinds of formats as that shown in Figure
8.39. For instructions with format A excluding those jump instructions, they have
three fields, opcode, destination register (Rd), and source register (Rs). For jump
instructions with format B, they have two fields, opcode and an 8-bit immediate con-
stant, which represents the jump address. For instructions with format A, depending
on their opcodes, 6-bit Rd or 6-bit Rs fields may be simply replaced with a 6-bit
immediate constant. The port number of I/O instructions, out and inp, has 6 bits.
Consequently, the maximum number of ports is 26 = 64.

Table 9.1: Instruction set.

Instructions Opcode Description
mvc Rd, C 4’b0000 Move 6-bit constant C to Rd.
cmpc Rd, C 4’b0001 Compare Rd with 6-bit constant C. If Rd and C are
equal, E-bit in Ri is set; if Rd is larger than C,
P-bit in Ri is set; otherwise, N-bit in Ri is set.
jmp C 4’b0010 Unconditionally jump to address specified by 8-bit
constant C.
jne C 4’b0011 Jump to address specified by 8-bit constant C when
E-bit is false.
jp C 4’b0100 Jump to address specified by 8-bit constant C when
P-bit is true.
jsb C 4’b0101 Jump to subroutine specified by 8-bit constant C.
PC+1 is automatically saved.
ret 4’b0110 Return from subroutine call. PC is automatically
out C, Rs 4’b0111 Output Rs to output port specified by 6-bit constant C.
inp Rd, C 4’b1000 Input port specified by 6-bit constant C to Rd.
446 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The primary field of an instruction is the 4-bit opcode, short for operation code
that specifies the operation to be performed and, by implication, the layout of the
remaining fields within the code word. All registers in the processor have 8 bits.
There are general-purpose registers, R0-R3, the program counter, PC, and the read-
only status register, Ri, for the comparison instruction, including E-bit (equivalence
bit) in bit 0, P-bit (positive bit) in bit 1, N-bit (negative bit) in bit 2, and other bits
are reserved. The stack memory has only one entry, i.e., stack register Rk, that can
support non-nested subroutine call. Notice that Rd and Rs can be either R0-R3, PC,
Ri, or Rk. However, it is not allowed to manually update read-only registers, PC, Ri,
and Rk.
Address mapping of the processor is listed in Table 9.2. The register, Rk, is the
stack register with only one entry used to save and restore PC upon executing the
instructions, jsb and ret, respectively.

Table 9.2: Address mapping.

Register Address Remark
R0-R3 6’b000000 (6’d0)-6’b000011 (6’d3) General purpose registers
PC 6’b000100 (6’d4) Program counter
Ri 6’b000101 (6’d5) Status register
Rk 6’b000110 (6’d6) Stack register used for jsb
and ret instructions

Upon reset, the processor starts the fetch-decode-execute steps from the PC= 0.
The PC automatically increments to fetch instructions sequentially unless a jump
instruction, jmp, jne, jp, or jsb, is encountered.
The timing diagrams of instruction set are presented in Figure 9.3. Notice that the
timing diagrams of jmp, jne, and jp are similar to that of jsb. Whereas jmp, jne,
and jp do not store the PC into the stack register, Rk.
The detailed datapath of the processor is presented in Figure 9.4. RTL Design

In the control unit, the state machine is encoded below. The CPU executes the pro-
gram by repeatedly performing the steps of fetch, decode, and execute.
I/O Interface 447

Figure 9.3: Timing diagrams of instructions: (a) mvc, (b) cmpc, (c) jsb, (d) ret, (e)
out, and (f) inp.

Figure 9.4: Datapath.

448 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // Control unit : state machine

2 reg [1 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;
3 parameter ST_FET =2 ’ b00 ; parameter ST_DEC =2 ’ b01 ;
4 parameter ST_EXE =2 ’ b11 ;
5 always @ (*) begin

6 state_ns = state_cs ;
7 case ( state_cs )
8 ST_FET : state_ns = ST_DEC ;
9 ST_DEC : state_ns = ST_EXE ;
10 ST_EXE : state_ns = ST_FET ;
11 endcase
12 end

13 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

14 if ( rst ) state_cs <= ST_FET ;

15 else state_cs <= state_ns ;

In the control unit, the RTL codes of the decoder are described below. During the
state, ST_FET, the PC is incremented; during the state, ST_DEC, the opcode is
decoded to generate instruction enable signals, inst_dec[8 : 0], write enable signals,
wr_en[3 : 0], for R3-R0, the enable signals to latch operands for the ALU, op1_en
and op2_en. The signals, inst_dec[8 : 0] and wr_en[3 : 0], are pipelined.

1 // Control unit : decoder

2 wire [3 : 0] opcode ;
3 wire [5 : 0] Rd ;

4 wire inc_PC ;

5 reg [8 : 0] inst_dec , inst_dec_r ;

6 reg [3 : 0] wr_en , wr_en_r , wr_en_rr ;

7 reg op1_en , op2_en , inst_dec8_rr ;

8 integer i ;

9 parameter INST_MVC =4 ’ b0000 ; parameter INST_CMPC =4 ’ b0001 ;

10 parameter INST_JMP =4 ’ b0010 ; parameter INST_JNE =4 ’ b0011 ;
11 parameter INST_JP =4 ’ b0100 ; parameter INST_JSB =4 ’ b0101 ;
12 parameter INST_RET =4 ’ b0110 ; parameter INST_OUT =4 ’ b0111 ;
13 parameter INST_INP =4 ’ b1000 ;
14 assign opcode = romq [15 : 12];

15 assign Rd = romq [11 : 6];

16 assign inc_PC =( state_ns == ST_FET ); // Increment PC

17 always @ (*) begin

18 inst_dec =9 ’ d0 ;
19 wr_en =4 ’ d0 ;
20 op1_en =1 ’ b0 ;
21 op2_en =1 ’ b0 ;
22 if ( state_ns == ST_DEC ) begin
23 case ( opcode )
I/O Interface 449

24 INST_MVC : begin
25 inst_dec [0]=1 ’ b1 ;
26 for ( i =0; i <=3; i = i +1)
27 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
28 op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
29 end
30 INST_CMPC : begin
31 inst_dec [1]=1 ’ b1 ;
32 op1_en =1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ;
33 end
34 INST_JMP : begin inst_dec [2]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
35 INST_JNE : begin inst_dec [3]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
36 INST_JP : begin inst_dec [4]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
37 INST_JSB : begin inst_dec [5]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
38 INST_RET : inst_dec [6]=1 ’ b1 ;
39 INST_OUT : begin inst_dec [7]=1 ’ b1 ; op2_en =1 ’ b1 ; end
40 INST_INP : begin
41 inst_dec [8]=1 ’ b1 ;
42 for ( i =0; i <=3; i = i +1)
43 if ( Rd == i ) wr_en [ i ]=1 ’ b1 ; // Update Rd
44 end
45 endcase
46 end
47 end

48 // Pipeline control signals

49 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

50 if ( rst ) begin
51 wr_en_r <=4 ’ d0 ;
52 wr_en_rr <=4 ’ d0 ;
53 end
54 else begin
55 wr_en_r <= wr_en ;
56 wr_en_rr <= wr_en_r ;
57 end
58 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

59 if ( rst ) begin
60 inst_dec_r <=9 ’ d0 ;
61 inst_dec8_rr <=1 ’ b0 ;
62 end
63 else begin
64 inst_dec_r <= inst_dec ;
65 // For inp to latch data from output port
66 inst_dec8_rr <= inst_dec_r [8];
67 end

In the datapath, the ROM and I/O interfaces, registers R0-R3, PC, Ri, and Rk are
described below.
450 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 // ROM and I / O interfaces , and register description

2 // R0 - R3 : R [0] - R [3] , PC : R [4] , Ri : R [5] , Rk : R [6]
3 reg [7 : 0] R [0 : 6];

4 reg [5 : 0] addr ;

5 reg wen , cen ;

6 wire [7 : 0] din ;

7 integer i1 ;

8 assign Rs = romq [5 : 0];

9 assign roma = PC ;

10 assign PC = R [4]; assign Ri = R [5]; assign Rk = R [6];

11 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

12 if ( rst )
13 wen <=1 ’ b0 ;
14 else if ( inst_dec [7]) wen <=1 ’ b1 ; // out
15 else wen <=1 ’ b0 ;
16 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

17 if ( rst )
18 cen <=1 ’ b0 ;
19 else if ( inst_dec [7]| inst_dec [8]) cen <=1 ’ b1 ; // out & inp
20 else cen <=1 ’ b0 ;
21 always @ ( posedge clk )

22 if ( inst_dec [7]) addr <= Rd ; // out

23 else if ( inst_dec [8]) addr <= Rs ; // inp
24 assign din = op2 ;

25 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

26 if ( rst )
27 for ( i1 =4; i1 <=6; i1 = i1 +1) R [ i1 ] <=0;
28 else if ( inc_PC ) R [4] <= R [4]+1 ’ b1 ;
29 else if ( inst_dec8_rr )
30 for ( i1 =0; i1 <=3; i1 = i1 +1)
31 if ( wr_en_rr [ i1 ]) R [ i1 ] <= dout ;
32 else
33 casex ( inst_dec_r )
34 9 ’ bx_xxxx_xxx1 :
35 for ( i1 =0; i1 <=3; i1 = i1 +1)
36 if ( wr_en_r [ i1 ]) R [ i1 ] <= alu_out ;
37 9 ’ bx_xxxx_xx1x : R [5][2 : 0] <= alu_out [2 : 0];
38 9 ’ bx_xxxx_x1xx : R [4] <= alu_out ;
39 9 ’ bx_xxxx_1xxx : R [4] <=~ R [5][0]? alu_out : R [4];
40 9 ’ bx_xxx1_xxxx : R [4] <= R [5][1]? alu_out : R [4];
41 9 ’ bx_xx1x_xxxx : begin
42 R [4] <= alu_out ; R [6] <= R [4];
43 end
44 9 ’ bx_x1xx_xxxx : R [4] <= R [6];
45 9 ’ bx_1xxx_xxxx : ; // No register to update
46 endcase
I/O Interface 451

In the datapath, the multiplexers used to produce the operands of ALU are de-
scribed below.

1 // Operands selection for ALU

2 reg [7 : 0] op1_sel , op2_sel_tmp , op2_sel , op1 , op2 ;
3 wire [7 : 0] C ;

4 assign C = romq [7 : 0];

5 always @ (*) begin

6 op1_sel =0; // Default value

7 op1_sel = R [ Rd [2 : 0]];
8 end

9 always @ (*) begin

10 op2_sel_tmp =0; // Default value

11 op2_sel_tmp = R [ Rs [2 : 0]];
12 end

13 always @ (*)

14 if ( inst_dec [0]| inst_dec [1]) begin

15 op2_sel [5 : 0]= C [5 : 0];
16 op2_sel [7 : 6]=2 ’ b00 ;
17 end
18 else if ( inst_dec [2]| inst_dec [3]| inst_dec [4]|
19 inst_dec [5])
20 op2_sel [7 : 0]= C [7 : 0];
21 else op2_sel [7 : 0]= op2_sel_tmp ;
22 always @ ( posedge clk )

23 if ( op1_en ) op1 <= op1_sel ;

24 always @ ( posedge clk )

25 if ( op2_en ) op2 <= op2_sel ;

In the datapath, the ALU consisting of only a comparator is described below.

1 // ALU
2 reg [7 : 0] alu_out ;
3 always @ (*) begin

4 alu_out = op2 ;
5 casex ( inst_dec_r )
6 9 ’ bx_xxxx_xx1x : alu_out ={5 ’ d0 ,( op1 < op2 ) ,( op1 > op2 ) ,
7 ( op1 == op2 )};
8 endcase
9 end I/O Control Program in Assembly

Programs can be written in assembly language and translated into a sequence of
binary-coded instructions by an assembler. Based on the ISA, the main program of
keypad controller is written in assembly language below. The directive equ is used
452 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

to define a constant. The registers, R0, R1, and R2, store the row register, status
register, and column register of the I/O controller, respectively. Rows are scanned by
configuring the row register in the I/O controller. After a valid and debounced column
register has acquired, R2 can be used to decide the pushed key in corresponding row.
In the assembly codes, comments start with the “#” character and extend to the
end of the line. Notice that similar and repeated instructions are omitted to save the
space and represented by “...”. We can place a label followed by a colon before an
instruction. The label is the designation for the address of the instruction. We assume
that the assembler works out the address for us. We can then refer to the label in

# port address d ef i n i t i o n
ROW_REG equ 1
COL_REG equ 2
Main : mvc R0 , 14 # s e l e c t 1 s t row
o u t ROW_REG, R0
j s b WaitCo lReg
cmpc R2 , 6 # key i n t h e 1 s t column
# has been p r e sse d
cmpc R2 , 5 # key i n t h e 2 nd column
# has been p r e sse d
cmpc R2 , 3 # key i n t h e 3 r d column
# has been p r e sse d
mvc R0 , 13 # s e l e c t 2 nd row
mvc R0 , 11 # s e l e c t 3 r d row
mvc R0 , 7 # s e l e c t 4 t h row
jmp Main # r e p e a t s c a n n i n g a l l r o ws

After setting a row register, the subroutine, WaitColReg, shown below waits until
a valid column register has been detected and indicated by bit 0 of the status register
in I/O controller.

WaitCo lReg : inp R1 , KEY_STATUS

cmpc R1 , 1
jne WaitCo lReg
inp R2 , COL_REG
I/O Interface 453



Figure 9.5: A bus interconnect.

Figure 9.6: Detailed implementation of the bus.

Bus is an interconnect that can move data between components. The most simple bus
we have seen thus far is a point-to-point connection where one component acts as the
source of data and another one acts as the destination. However, in many systems,
it is necessary to use a common interface to connect multiple sources to multiple
destinations, shown conceptually in Figure 9.5. The interconnect carries both data
and control signals to sequence the operations on the bus. Three solutions that can
avoid bus contention are presented below.


Detailed implementation of the bus is presented in Figure 9.6. The arbiter is used to
resolve the conflict when multiple sources want to drive the bus at the same time.
When a source gains the ownership of the bus, its signals to the destination are se-
lected by the multiplexer u0 (whose select pins are controlled by the arbiter), and
then, routed to the destination by the demultiplexer u1 (whose select pins are con-
trolled by the arbiter as well).
454 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


Figure 9.7: Symbol for a tristate driver.


A second solution to establish a bus is to use the tristate buffer, as shown in
Figure 9.7. Driving the enable signal of the tristate driver low can place it in a high-
impedance state. Instead, when the enable input is high, the tristate driver behaves
like an ordinary buffer. Multiple tristate buffers are required for a bus with multiple
One of the main advantages of tristate buses is to reduce the wiring complex-
ity. Also, a component can be plugged into the bus when needed without needing
any glue logic, such as multiplexers and demultiplexers. However, since bus wires
connect all of the source and destination components, they are typically long and
heavily loaded. As a result, the wire delay may be large, making high-speed data
transfer difficult.
The tristate bus still needs an arbiter to resolve the driver conflict. However, it is
difficult to design the control signals that enable the bus driver and disable other non-
drivers. When the data source is changed to another, it might cause bus contention.
There will be an overlapping interval that some bits of the enabled drivers may be
driving opposite logic levels to those of disabled drivers. The overlap will cause
a direct current between power supply and ground, which might even damage the
The control signals must prevent the bus contention by guaranteeing there is only
one driver at any time. That is, it must be ensured that the old bus driver is disabled
and in a high-impedance state before a new driver can be enabled. Consequently, we
need to take into account the timing of the control signals involved in disabling (toff )
and enabling (ton ) drivers, as shown in Figure 9.8. It is better to provide a handover
period (thandover ) between the enabling of different source drivers. A conservative
approach is to defer enabling the new driver until a clock cycle or longer after the
old driver is disabled.
Additionally, a floating bus belonging to an unspecified logic level can cause
switching problems for some designs. The bus signal might float to a voltage around
the switching threshold of the transistors of bus destination inputs. We can avoid the
unspecified logic level on a bus signal by attaching a weak keeper to it, as shown
in Figure 9.9. The bus keeper will maintain the logic level of the bus source driver
after all drivers are disabled and in high-impedance states. The transistors in the bus
keeper are small and have relatively high on-state resistance. The logic is easily over-
ridden by the tristate bus driver because the bus keeper cannot source or sink much
I/O Interface 455

Figure 9.8: Handover period used to prevent the bus contention.

Figure 9.9: A bus keeper used to maintain a valid logic level.

Tristate buffers are synthesizable. However, it is better to use multiplexers instead

of tristate buffers in an on-chip bus when developing the RTL because tristate buffers
are difficult to test. Moreover, not all implementation fabrics, such as many FPGA
devices, provide tristate drivers for internal connections. They only provide tristate
drives for the chip I/O to connect externally with other chips. If we want to design
a circuit implemented in different fabrics with minimal change, it is best to avoid
tristate buses.


A third solution that can avoid bus contention is to use open-drain drivers, as shown
in Figure 9.10. The wand net is obtained by using the open-drain drivers. The driver
connects its drain terminal of a transistor to the bus signal. When all of the transistors
are turned off, the resistor pulls the bus signal high; when any of the transistors turns
on, it pulls the bus signal low. If multiple drivers try to drive a low logic level, their
transistors simply share the sink current from the power supply. Hence, we obtain
the wand logic of inputs, i.e., y = a0 a1 a2 a3 .
456 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 9.10: Open-drain bus.


Parallel transmission gives us the fastest data transfer rate in terms of bits per second.
However, it increases the wiring complexity that can significantly increase circuit
area and make the circuit layout and routing more complicated. As a consequence,
delay has been increased and crosstalk between parallel wires becomes worse as
well. For parallel transmission between chips, it requires more I/O pads and pins,
and larger PCB traces and area. Even worse, there exists an issue of skew between
parallel signals. By contrast, the serial transmission that sends one bit at a time over
a single wire can get grid of the above difficulties in parallel transmission under the
condition of a possibly lower data transfer rate.


We can use shift registers to convert a parallel signal to a serial one, and vice versa.
On the transmitter side, we load the parallel data into a shift register and shift one
bit out at a time. The output bit at one end of the register drives the signal. On the
receiver side, the signal is shifted into a shift register. When all the bits have arrived,
the parallel data is available. Serial transmission can optimize the signal path so that
signal can be transferred at a very high data rate, such as more than 10 gigabits per
second. We use the term serializer/deserializer (serdes) for shift registers used in this

Example 9.1. A 32-bit data is serially transmitted between two sides of a system.
The timing diagram of the transmission scheme is presented in Figure 9.11. Assume
that both transmitter and receiver are in the same clock domain. The strobe signal,
load_en, indicates that a data is ready to transmit. The transmitter outputs the first bit
from the least significant bit bit. When a load_en strobe occurs, the signal, tx_valid,
indicates the serial data valid for 32 cycles to shift the serial data in on the receiver.
After the transmission is complete, the receiver generates a strobe signal, rx_valid.
Solution: The RTL codes of the transmitter are displayed below, within which we
need a 32-bit shift register with parallel load control.
I/O Interface 457

Figure 9.11: Timing diagram of the serial transmission.

1 // Module of 32 - bit serial transmission

2 module TX ( tx_valid , tx_dout , load_en , tx_din , clk , rst );
3 output tx_valid , tx_dout ;

4 input load_en , clk , rst ;

5 input [31 : 0] tx_din ;

6 reg tx_valid ;

7 reg [31 : 0] tx_shift_reg ;

8 reg [4 : 0] tx_cnt ;

9 assign tx_dout = tx_shift_reg [0];

10 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

11 if ( rst ) tx_shift_reg <=0;

12 else if ( load_en ) tx_shift_reg <= tx_din ;
13 else if ( tx_cnt !=0) tx_shift_reg <= tx_shift_reg > >1;
14 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

15 if ( rst ) tx_cnt <=0;

16 else if ( load_en ) tx_cnt <=5 ’ d31 ;
17 else if ( tx_cnt !=0) tx_cnt <= tx_cnt -1;
18 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

19 if ( rst ) tx_valid <=1 ’ b0 ;

20 else if ( load_en ) tx_valid <=1 ’ b1 ;
21 else if ( tx_cnt ==0) tx_valid <=1 ’ b0 ;
22 endmodule

On the receiver side, we also need a 32-bit shift register, as shown below.

1 // Module of 32 - bit serial receiver

2 module RX ( rx_valid , rx_dout , tx_valid , tx_dout , clk ,
3 rst );
4 output rx_valid ;

5 output [31 : 0] rx_dout ;

6 input tx_valid , tx_dout , clk , rst ;

7 reg rx_valid ;

8 reg [31 : 0] rx_shift_reg ;

458 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

9 reg [4 : 0] rx_cnt ;
10 always @ ( posedge clk )
11 if ( tx_valid )
12 rx_shift_reg <={ tx_dout , rx_shift_reg [31 : 1]};
13 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

14 if ( rst ) rx_cnt <=0;

15 else if ( tx_valid ) rx_cnt <= rx_cnt +1;
16 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

17 if ( rst ) rx_valid <=1 ’ b0 ;

18 else if ( rx_cnt ==31) rx_valid <=1 ’ b1 ;
19 else rx_valid <=1 ’ b0 ;
20 endmodule


With a low wiring complexity, the serial transmission still has the timing synchro-
nization problem between the transmitter and receiver. The timing synchronization
acquires the transmission boundary and the sampling time of each incoming bits.
There are three basic ways to synchronize the transmitter and receiver. First, the
clock can be transmitted on a separate signal wire as shown in the previous section.
The second method is that the transmitter signals the beginning of a serial trans-
mission, and the receiver keeps track of the individual bit intervals agreed upon a
predefined standard. The boundary of the transmission is delimited by the start bit
and stop bit that indicate the beginning and end of transmission, respectively. Trans-
mitter and receiver typically have independent clocks several times faster than the
serial bit rate. The sender uses its clock to transmit data, and the receiver uses its
clock to determine the best time instance to sample data after acquiring occurrence
of the start bit, as shown in Figure 9.12, where eight bits are transmitted each time.
The signal waveform adopts the non-return to zero (NRZ) line code. The signal is
held at a high voltage level when there is no data to transmit. The start bit indicates
the beginning of transmission by going low for one bit interval. After that, each data
bits are transmitted for one bit interval with bits 0 and 1 represented by low and high
voltage levels, respectively. Finally, the stop bit indicates the end of transmission by
going low for one bit interval.
At the receiver end, the receiver monitors the voltage level of the signal. When
the receiver detects a low voltage level of the start bit, it prepares to receive the

Figure 9.12: Transmission of NRZ serial data, 00010110.

I/O Interface 459

Figure 9.13: Manchester encoding of the serial data, 00010110.

Figure 9.14: Synchronization of the clocks of transmitter and receiver by a PLL.

data. It waits until the middle of each bit interval and samples the signal into the
receiving shift register. The receiver uses the stop bit to return to the idle state. The
clocks of transmitter and receiver might have slightly different frequencies, i.e., clock
drift, and are not related in phase. The clock drift does not matter provided that each
transmission does not last too long. Historically, computers have a component called
the universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) for serial communications
ports which were popular for the digital modem. The firmware can program the bit
rate and other transmission parameters.
The third scheme is transmitting the clock together with data using the Manchester
encoding. The Manchester line code represents a bit 0 with a transition from low to
high in the middle of the bit interval, and a bit 1 with a transition from high to low,
as shown in Figure 9.13. Since there is an indication of the transition in the middle
of a bit, and hence, the sampling time of each bit, this avoids the need for complex
clock synchronization.
Since the clock information of a transmitter is embedded in the line code, the
receiver must be able to recover the transmitted clock and data from the received
signal. The receiver employs the famous phase-locked-loop (PLL), which is an os-
cillator whose frequency and phase can be adjusted to line up with a reference clock
signal. For the synchronization purpose, the transmitter sends a continuous sequence
of encoded data with bit 1 before sending normal data. The PLL on the receiver side
locks onto the sequence of encoded 1 bits (indicated by the PLL_locked signal) to
give a reference clock that can be used to determine the bit intervals of transmitted
data, as shown in Figure 9.14.
The advantage of Manchester encoding is that it can save a separate clock wire.
The disadvantage is that the bandwidth of Manchester encoding is double that of
conventional NRZ encoding. Manchester encoding has been adopted in numerous
serial transmission standards, including the Ethernet standard.
460 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 9.15: Block diagram of the factory automation system.


After introducing the hardware aspects of I/O, we will turn our attention to the cor-
responding embedded software. The main difference between the programs in em-
bedded systems and general purpose computers is that the embedded software must
be able to react immediately when an event occurs. We focus on several mechanisms
for synchronizing embedded software with I/O events in this section.

Polling of the embedded software is the simplest mechanism for I/O synchronization.
The embedded program uses a busy loop to repeatedly monitor the status input from
a controller to see if an event has occurred. If multiple events occur, the program will
sequentially process the events one at a time.

Example 9.2. In Figure 9.15, a factory automation system monitors two devices in
the system based on the processor with the instruction set in Table 9.1. The system
has a temperature sensor for the first device and a pressure sensor for the second
device. The sensor data are sampled by an I/O controller. The program reads the
temperature of the first device, represented as an 8-bit unsigned integer in ◦ C, from an
input register at address 8 in the I/O controller. For the second device, the processor
monitors its pressure, represented as an 8-bit unsigned number in u(4.4) format, from
an input register at address 9 in the I/O controller. If the temperature of the first device
is higher than 60 ◦ C or the pressure of the second device is larger than 1.5 atm, the
alarm bell is enabled by writing logic 1 to bit 0 of an output register at address 10
in the I/O controller, and writing 0 disables it. Develop an embedded program to
monitor the inputs and activate the alarm bell when any abnormal condition arises.
Solution: The polling loop must repeatedly read the input registers even there is
no abnormal events. The assembly codes are shown below.

# port address d ef i n i t i o n
TEMP_REG equ 8
PRES_REG equ 9
I/O Interface 461

ALAR_REG equ 10
Main : inp R0 , TEMP_REG # p o l l t e m p e r a t u r e
cmpc R0 , 60 # co m p ar e w i t h 60
jp SetAlarm # s e t alarm i f
# l a r g e r t h a n 60
i n p R1 , PRES_REG # p o l l p r e s s u r e
cmpc R1 , 24 # co m p ar e w i t h 1 . 5
# for u ( 4 . 4 ) format
jp SetAlarm # s e t alarm i f
# l a r g e r than 2.0
o u t ALAR_REG , 0 # c l e a r a l a r m
jmp Main # loop

The subroutine, SetAlarm, shown below sets the alarm and jump to the main loop
instead of returning to the instruction next to the subroutine. Doing so sets the alarm
without clearing it until the abnormal condition has been removed.

SetAlarm : out ALAR_REG , 1 # s e t alarm

jmp Main # loop

Polling is so simple that no extra circuits are required except the input and output
registers of the I/O controller. However, the processor must be continuously execut-
ing even there is no events to process. Moreover, if the program is busily processing
another event, it will not be able to respond immediately,

The use of interrupts is the most common way for the I/O synchronization mech-
anism. The processor can execute its normal tasks. When an event occurs, the cor-
responding I/O controller interrupts the processor. The processor stops what it was
doing, then starts executing an interrupt handler, and finally resumes its internal sta-
tus and jumps to the instruction before the occurrence of interrupts. Some processors
provide different priorities to different controllers so that a higher-priority event can
interrupt service of a lower-priority event, but not vice versa.
To implement the interrupt mechanism, the processor has following features.
• The signal, int_req, is generated by wired-AND function of the individual
controllers’ requests that connect to the signal with an open-drain or open-
collector driver.
• The processor must be able to prevent the interrupt while it is executing cer-
tain non-interruptable sequences of instructions. Examples are instructions
that update information shared between an interrupt handler. If the proces-
sor is halfway through updating such information, the interrupt handler will
462 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

see incomplete information. So processors generally have instructions that

can disable interrupts (disi) and enable interrupts (eni).
• The program counter (PC) and status register (Ri) before the interruption
must be automatically saved before going to the interrupt service routine
(ISR) and restored later upon a return from interrupt (reti) instruction. For
simplicity, the nested interrupt is not supported. Hence, the interrupt handler
automatically disables interrupts upon the assertion of int_req and enables
interrupts upon reti.
• For simplicity, the ISR is placed at address 1 in the instruction memory. So,
the instruction at address 0 in the instruction memory is a jump instruction
to the main program.
• To store registers used in the interrupt handler, they must be saved and re-
stored by push and pop instructions, respectively.
• To allow multiple interrupt sources, each controller must provide status in-
formation in a status register that indicates whether it has requested an inter-
rupt. An interrupt is acknowledged and cleared through writing its interrupt
status register. Simple Processor with Interrupt

In addition to the instruction set designed in Section 9.1.1, we provide several in-
structions to support the interrupt, as shown in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3: Instruction set.

Instructions Opcode Description
reti 4’b1001 Return from interrupt. PC and Ri are automatically
disi 4’b1010 Disable interrupt.
eni 4’b1011 Enable interrupt.
push Rs 4’b1100 Push Rs into stack memory.
pop Rd 4’b1101 Pop Rd from stack memory.

Also, as shown in Figure 9.16, a stack memory, stk_mem, with 6 entries are
provided to store the program counter, status register, and other registers used in the
ISR. The stack memory adopts the last-in first-out policy, and has only one pointer,
stk_ptr, that points to the top of the available entry in stack, i.e., the write address
of the stack memory. The pointer automatically increments and decrements upon the
instructions, push and pop, respectively. Initially, the stk_ptr is 0.
The timing diagrams of the instructions in Table 9.3 are shown in Figure 9.17.
A new state ST_INT of the state machine is used to notify that an interrupt event
has happened as indicated by the signal, int_req_g. As a result, the int_dis signal
is set to prevent the nested interrupt, the PC goes to the ISR at address 1 of ROM,
PC and Ri are respectively stored in the addresses, stk_ptr and stk_ptr+1, of the
stk_mem, and the stk_ptr points to the next write address, stk_ptr+2. The ISR is
I/O Interface 463

Figure 9.16: Stack memory and stack pointer.

Figure 9.17: Timing diagrams of instructions: (a) interrupt event occurs, (b) reti, (c)
disi, (d) eni, (e) push, and (f) pop.
464 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

left by the instruction reti, which leads to reverse actions compared to those of an
interrupt event.
The signal, int_req_g, is a gated signal of the original interrupt request, int_req,
and two interrupt disable signals, int_dis and int_dis1, as shown below. Either inter-
rupt disable signals can disable the interrupt. The signal, int_dis, is maintained by
the processor. When an interrupt occurs, int_dis will be set to prevent the nested in-
terrupt; when encountering the instruction reti, it is cleared. By contrast, the signal,
int_dis1, is maintained by the program. It is set upon the instruction disi and cleared
upon the instruction eni. The instructions, disi and eni, appear in tandem.

1 assign int_req_g = int_req &~ int_dis &~ int_dis1 ;

In addition to PC and Ri that should be restored to return to the original inter-

rupted program, extra registers that were used in the ISR can also be saved and
restored using the instructions, push and pop, respectively. The instructions, push
and pop, increments and decrements the stk_ptr, respectively. Keypad I/O Controller with Interrupt

The I/O Controller takes charge of generating the row signal for the keypad and dis-
playing the pushed digit on the 16-segment LED display. You can add an additional
register, char_reg[3 : 0], and a port, led[15 : 0], in the I/O controller. The register is
accessed through the port number 3. The register char_reg[3 : 0] is then decoded to
the signal, led[15 : 0], to drive each segment of the LED.
The interrupt is generated when the state of column register changes. We change
the original status register at port number 0 to the interrupt status register of Keypad
I/O Controller.

1 // I / O controller with interrupt

2 module io_ctrl ( row , dout , led , int_req , col , cen , wen ,
3 addr , din , clk_50mhz , rst );
4 output [3 : 0] row ;

5 output [7 : 0] dout ;

6 output [15 : 0] led ;

7 output int_req ;

8 input [2 : 0] col ;

9 input [1 : 0] addr ;

10 input [7 : 0] din ;

11 input cen , wen , clk_50mhz , rst ;

12 reg [3 : 0] row_reg ;

13 reg [15 : 0] cnt ;

14 wire time_1ms ;

15 reg [2 : 0] col_r , col_rr , col_old , col_reg ,

16 col_reg_old [0 : 3];
I/O Interface 465

17 reg [7 : 0] dout ;
18 reg [1 : 0] state_ns , state_cs ;
19 reg int_req ;

20 reg [15 : 0] led ;

21 parameter ST_WAIT =2 ’ b00 ; parameter ST_DET =2 ’ b01 ;

22 parameter ST_DEBD =2 ’ b11 ; parameter ST_INT =2 ’ b10 ;
23 always @ (*) begin

24 state_ns = state_cs ;
25 case ( state_cs )
26 ST_WAIT : state_ns = ST_DET ;
27 ST_DET : state_ns =( time_1ms && col_old == col_rr )?
29 ST_DEBD : state_ns =
30 ( row_reg ==4 ’ b1110 && col_reg != col_reg_old [0] |
31 row_reg ==4 ’ b1101 && col_reg != col_reg_old [1] |
32 row_reg ==4 ’ b1011 && col_reg != col_reg_old [2] |
33 row_reg ==4 ’ b0111 && col_reg != col_reg_old [3])?
35 ST_INT : state_ns =( cen && wen && addr ==0)
37 endcase
38 end

39 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

40 if ( rst ) state_cs <= ST_WAIT ;

41 else state_cs <= state_ns ;
42 assign row = row_reg ;

43 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

44 if ( rst ) row_reg <=4 ’ b1110 ;

45 else if ( state_cs == ST_WAIT && state_ns == ST_DET )
46 row_reg <={ row_reg [2 : 0] , row_reg [3]};
47 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

48 if ( rst ) char_reg <=4 ’ b0000 ;

49 else if ( cen && wen && addr ==3)
50 char_reg <= din [3;0];
51 // Drive the 16 - segment LED display

52 always @ (*)

53 case ( char_reg )
54 4 ’ d0 : led ={1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b0 ,
55 1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b0 ,
56 1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b0 ,
57 1 ’ b0 ,1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b1 ,1 ’ b1 };
58 ...
59 endcase
60 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

61 if ( rst ) dout <=0;

62 else if ( cen &&! wen )
63 case ( addr )
466 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

64 2 ’ d0 : dout <={7 ’ d0 , int_req };

65 2 ’ d1 : dout <={4 ’ d0 , row_reg };
66 2 ’ d2 : dout <={5 ’ d0 , col_reg };
67 2 ’ d3 : dout <={4 ’ d0 , char_reg };
68 endcase
69 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

70 if ( rst ) cnt <=0;

71 else if ( time_1ms ) cnt <=0;
72 else if ( state_cs == ST_DET && state_ns == ST_DET )
73 cnt <= cnt +1;
74 assign time_1ms = cnt ==49999;

75 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz )

76 begin

77 col_r <= col ;

78 col_rr <= col_r ;
79 end

80 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz )

81 if ( time_1ms ) col_old <= col_rr ;

82 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

83 if ( rst ) col_reg <=3 ’ b111 ;

84 else if ( state_cs == ST_DET && state_ns == ST_DEBD )
85 col_reg <= col_rr ;
86 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz )

87 if ( state_cs == ST_INT && state_ns == ST_WAIT )

88 case ( row_reg )
89 4 ’ b1110 : col_reg_old [0] <= col_reg ;
90 4 ’ b1101 : col_reg_old [1] <= col_reg ;
91 4 ’ b1011 : col_reg_old [2] <= col_reg ;
92 4 ’ b0111 : col_reg_old [3] <= col_reg ;
93 endcase
94 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

95 if ( rst ) int_req <=1 ’ b0 ;

96 else if ( state_cs == ST_DEBD && state_ns == ST_INT )
97 int_req <=1 ’ b1 ;
98 else if ( state_cs == ST_INT && state_ns == ST_WAIT )
99 int_req <=1 ’ b0 ;
100 endmodule Program with Interrupt in Assembly for Two I/O Controls

The I/O controller of factory automation system, as shown in Example 9.2, generates
the interrupt when alarms have been detected in either device. The port number of
the interrupt status register is 11.
As presented in Figure 9.18, based on the processor with interrupt, we want to im-
plement the I/O controllers of the keypad and the above factory automation system.

The assembly codes are written below.

I/O Interface 467

Figure 9.18: Block diagram of the keypad and factory automation system.

INT_STS1 equ 0
ROW_REG equ 1
COL_REG equ 2
CHA_REG equ 3
TEMP_REG equ 8
PRES_REG equ 9
ALAR_REG equ 10
INT_STS2 equ 11
jmp Main
ISR : p u s h R0 # s a v e i n stk_mem
p u s h R1 # s a v e i n stk_mem
p u s h R2 # s a v e i n stk_mem
p u s h R3 # s a v e i n stk_mem
ISR1 : inp R0 , INT_STS1 # r e a d k e y p a d i n t .
cmpc R0 , 1 # check keypad i n t .
jne ISR2 # s e t alarm i f
out INT_STS1 , 0 # clear int .
468 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

inp R1 , ROW_REG # r e a d row r e g .

inp R2 , COL_REG # r e a d column r e g .
... # d e c i d e pushed
# b u t t o n & p u t i n R3
out CHA_REG, R3 # display led
ISR2 : inp R0 , INT_STS2 # r e a d a l a r m i n t .
cmpc R0 , 1 # check alarm i n t .
jne EXITI # exit int .
out INT_STS1 , 0 # clear int .
out ALAR_REG, 1 # s e t alarm
EXITI : pop R3 # r e s t o r e from s t k
pop R2 # r e s t o r e from s t k
pop R1 # r e s t o r e from s t k
pop R0 # r e s t o r e from s t k
reti # r e t u r n from i n t .
Main : ... # normal f u n c t i o n
jmp Main # loop

9.4.3 TIMER
An embedded system often needs to respond at periodic intervals based on a real-
time clock. The programmable timer generates an interrupt to the processor, and
then the interrupt handler performs any required periodic procedures.
Example 9.3. Develop the Verilog model of a real-time clock controller. The con-
troller generates a timer with 20 µ s period derived from a 50 MHz system clock.
The programmable timer is implemented using a down counter loadable with an 8-
bit output register, called the counter value register. Writing to the counter value
register causes the counter to be loaded. After the down counter reaches 0, it reloads
the value from the counter value register and produces an interrupt. The counter has
an interrupt status register. Writing to the interrupt status register clears the inter-
rupt. The controller also has an interrupt mask register. When bit 0 of the register is
1, interrupts from the controller are masked, and when it is 0, they are enabled.
Solution: The Verilog model is displayed below. The interrupt status register,
interrupt mask register, and counter value register are placed at the port numbers, 16,
17, and 18.

1 // Real - time clock controller

2 module rtc_ctrl ( dout , int_req , cen , wen , addr , din ,
I/O Interface 469

3 clk_50mhz , rst );
4 output [7 : 0] dout ;
5 output int_req ;

6 input [4 : 0] addr ;

7 input [7 : 0] din ;

8 input cen , wen , clk_50mhz , rst ;

9 reg [9 : 0] base_cnt ;

10 wire time_20us ;

11 reg [7 : 0] timer_cnt , int_val ;

12 wire time_out ;

13 reg [7 : 0] dout ;

14 reg int_mask ;

15 reg int_req_reg ;

16 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

17 if ( rst ) dout <=0;

18 else if ( cen &&! wen )
19 case ( addr )
20 5 ’ d16 : dout <={7 ’ d0 , int_req };
21 5 ’ d17 : dout <={7 ’ d0 , int_mask };
22 5 ’ d18 : dout <={ int_val };
23 endcase
24 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

25 if ( rst ) base_cnt <=0;

26 else if ( time_20us ) base_cnt <=0;
27 else base_cnt <= base_cnt +1;
28 assign time_20us = base_cnt ==999;

29 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

30 if ( rst ) timer_cnt <=8 ’ hff ;

31 else if ( cen && wen && addr ==5 ’ d18 ) timer_cnt <= din ;
32 else if ( time_out ) timer_cnt <= int_val ;
33 else timer_cnt <= timer_cnt -1;
34 assign time_out = timer_cnt ==0;

35 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

36 if ( rst ) int_val <=8 ’ hff ;

37 else if ( cen && wen && addr ==5 ’ d18 ) int_val <= din ;
38 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

39 if ( rst ) int_mask <=1 ’ b0 ;

40 else if ( cen && wen && addr ==5 ’ d17 ) int_mask <= din [0];
41 assign int_req = int_req_reg &~ int_mask ;

42 always @ ( posedge clk_50mhz or posedge rst )

43 if ( rst ) int_req_reg <=1 ’ b0 ;

44 else if ( time_out ) int_req_reg <=1 ’ b1 ;
45 else if ( cen && wen && addr ==5 ’ d16 ) int_req_reg <=1 ’ b0 ;
46 endmodule
470 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The embedded processor sequentially handles all tasks. However, many time-
consuming or critical tasks can be accelerated by a customized hardware. Doing
so can also offload the load on a processor. The key to the acceleration performance
is parallelism: independent tasks can be performed in parallel.
A processor can benefit from instruction-level parallelism by performing fetching,
decoding and executing stages concurrently. That is, based on the pipelining tech-
nique, when fetching a new instruction, the preceding instruction can be decoded,
and the instruction before the preceding one can be executed at the same time. A
high-end processor might fetch, decode, and execute several instructions at once by
multiple decoding units and ALUs. Even so, the advantage of lower cost still makes
custom hardware accelerators an efficient solution for many critical tasks, particu-
lar for those regularly structured data, such as the video data. The performance of
accelerators is only limited by the data dependencies and the availability of data.
We can quantify the performance gain of an algorithm achieved by accelerating
the kernel, i.e., the critical part that is to be accelerated. Suppose a system takes time
t to execute the algorithm, and that a fraction, f , of that time is spent in executing
the kernel. Executing codes other than the kernel spends a fraction of 1 − f . Hence,
the original execution time can be written as
t = f t + (1 − f )t. (9.1)
If our accelerator speeds up execution of the kernel by a factor α , the total execution
time t ′ with accelerator reduces to
t ′ = + (1 − f )t. (9.2)
The overall speedup s is the ratio of the original execution time to the reduced one as
t f t + (1 − f )t 1
s= ′
= ft = f
. (9.3)
α + (1 − f )t α + (1 − f )
This formula is also called Amdahl’s Law.
Example 9.4. Suppose we have two kernels in an algorithm. One takes 50% of the
execution time and another takes 10%. Using a hardware accelerator, we could speed
up execution of the first kernel by a factor of 2 or the second kernel by a factor of 5.
Which accelerator gives the best overall performance improvement?
Solution: The overall speedup s1 from the first kernel is
s1 = 0.5
≈ 1.33.
2 + (1 − 0.5)
Accelerating the second kernel gives an overall speedup s2 as
s2 = 0.1
≈ 1.09.
5 + (1 − 0.1)
Since s1 > s2 , accelerating the first kernel is more efficient.
I/O Interface 471


Figure 9.19: Three-stage pipelined structure of an accelerator.

There are two major schemes for implementing parallelism. The first technique
is simply duplicating components that perform on different independent data. Com-
pared to that without duplication, the speedup achieved is ideally equal to the number
of components that are replicated.
The second technique for implementing parallelism is to break the overall task
into a sequence of simpler stages where each stage can perform concurrently like a
pipeline, as shown in Figure 9.19 where a three-stage pipelined structure is displayed.
The overall execution time by the pipeline for a given data takes approximately the
same time as that a non-pipelined one. However, if one data can be supplied at ev-
ery clock cycle, the pipeline can complete one data every cycle. Thus, the speedup
compared to the non-pipelined version is ideally equal to the number of stages. This
scheme is suitable for applications that involve complex processing steps that can
be broken into simpler ones. Some applications contain independent complex tasks.
We can replicate the pipeline to obtain the benefits of both parallel and pipelining
Moving data between memory and the accelerator by software is an inefficient
approach. Instead, the accelerator typically contains a direct memory access (DMA)
under software control to transfer data to and from memory automatically by hard-
ware. The software simply configures the DMA through control registers in an ac-
celerator, and then monitors the status register in the accelerator. If the DMA shares
the same bus with the processor for accessing the memory, an arbiter is required to
resolve the access conflicts, as shown in Figure 9.20.

Example 9.5. We want to design an 8-point FFT accelerator. The N-point FFT is a
fast algorithm for the discrete Fourier transform expressed as
X(k) = ∑ WNnk x(n), k = 0, 1, ..., N − 1,

where x(n) and X(k) are time- and frequency-domain data, respectively, j = −1
and WN = e− j2π /N . The structure of the 8-point FFT is shown in Figure 9.21. The
brute-forced discrete Fourier transform algorithm above requires N 2 complex mul-
tiplications, while the FFT algorithm has log2 (N) stages and each stage needs N/2
complex multiplications.
The interface of FFT accelerator is shown in Figure 9.22. The input
data[31 : 0] includes both real (xr ) and imaginary (xi ) parts of x, i.e., data
[31 : 0]={xr [7 : −8], xi [7 : −8]}, where xr and xi have fixed-point representation of
s(8.8). The output fft_di, i = 0, 1, ..., 7, also includes both real (Xr ) and imaginary
472 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


Figure 9.20: A system with an arbiter for the memory bus.

Figure 9.21: Structure of the FFT accelerator.

(Xi ) parts of X, i.e., {Xr [7 : −8], Xi [7 : −8]}, where Xr and Xi have fixed-point repre-
sentation of s(8.8).
The interface timing diagram is displayed in Figure 9.23. The input data are se-
quential input while output data are parallel output.
Solution: The most fundamental unit of FFT is the butterfly operation shown
in Figure 9.24, where (·)∗ denotes the complex conjugate operation. Each butterfly
needs two input data and two output data. The output data simply overwrite the
registers that stores corresponding input data. This is called in-place FFT.
I/O Interface 473

Figure 9.22: Interface of the FFT accelerator.

Figure 9.23: Interface timing diagram.

Our design goal is to process input streaming data using a circuit area as small
as possible. In each stage of FFT, there are 4 butterfly operations. Consequently, the
total number of butterfly operations for a block in 3 stages is 4 × 3 = 12. There are 8
cycles to input a block of FFT data, resulting in 8 cycles to complete the processing
of a FFT block. Therefore, during each cycle, we must complete ⌈12/8⌉ = 2 butterfly
operations, where ⌈·⌉ denotes the ceiling function.
The timing diagram of the circuit with 2 butterflies is presented in Figure 9.25.
As shown, the inputs of two butterflies are scheduled in a regular form such that it is
simpler for the hardware design. We must store 2 blocks of FFT data because, when
the second block has arrived, the first block is still in progress. Therefore, when one
474 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 9.24: Butterfly operation, where a, b, c, d, and WN are complex numbers.

buffer is used for FFT operation, another buffer is receiving input data. The ping
pong buffers used to store 2 blocks (R[0]∼R[7] and R[8]∼R[15]) of FFT data can
overlap the I/O operation with the data processing operation.
The processing of each butterfly is regular and simple. However, if we use a state
machine to control both butterflies, the control unit becomes complicated because

Figure 9.25: Timing diagram of the FFT circuit.

I/O Interface 475

there are too many states for the combination of the operations of two butterflies. By
contrast, it can be seen that the processing of a block for each butterfly is simple. For
butterfly 0, when a new block comes in, it just waits 5 cycles, then starts processing
points (R[0],R[4]) (0 and 4 in Figure 9.25), (R[1],R[5]) (1 and 5 in Figure 9.25),
(R[0],R[2]) (0 and 2 in Figure 9.25), (R[1],R[3]) (1 and 3 in Figure 9.25), (R[0],R[1])
(0 and 1 in Figure 9.25), and finally (R[2],R[3]) (2 and 3 in Figure 9.25) sequentially
in a fixed pattern. For butterfly 1, when a new block comes in, it just waits 6 cycles,
then starts processing points (R[2],R[6]) (2 and 6 in Figure 9.25), (R[3],R[7]) (3 and
7 in Figure 9.25), (R[4],R[6]) (4 and 6 in Figure 9.25), (R[5],R[7]) (5 and 7 in Figure
9.25), (R[4],R[5]) (4 and 5 in Figure 9.25), and finally (R[6],R[7]) (6 and 7 in Figure
9.25) sequentially. Butterflies 0 and 1 parallel execute and the operation of the same
block for butterfly 1 is one cycle later than that of butterfly 0.
The datapath of the FFT accelerator is presented in Figure 9.26(a). To make
things simpler, the input data are stored in a ping pong data buffer (R[0]∼R[7] and
R[8]∼R[15]) implemented using FIFO with 16 entries, i.e., R[0]∼R[15]. In Figure
9.26(b), the FIFO, data_fifo, has a write pointer, data_wr_ptr, but has one read pointer
for each butterfly, i.e., two read pointers, bf0_rd_ptr and bf1_rd_ptr, in total. Hence,
the processing of two butterflies can be decoupled. The proposed architecture can
make two butterflies temporarily process different blocks.
The write pointer, data_wr_ptr, of data FIFO advances when data_valid is true.
The read pointer, bf0_rd_ptr/bf1_rd_ptr, of data FIFO for butterfly 0/1 advances
when a block has been completed by butterfly 0/1. The accomplishment of a block of
butterfly 0 is indicated by bf0_cnt_sel== 11, and, for butterfly 1, it is indicated by
bf1_cnt_sel== 12. Therefore, the time instances that two butterflies accomplish the
same block are different, as shown in the timing diagram. When butterfly 0 is pro-
cessing one block, butterfly 1 can process another using the proposed architecture.
This makes two butterflies seem to independently perform their operations.
Also, we decouple the processing of two butterflies using two additional butterfly
FIFOs, bf0_fifo and bf1_fifo, one for each butterfly. Each FIFO has 2 entries, such as
bf0_cnt[0] and bf0_cnt[1] for butterfly 0, and bf1_cnt[0] and bf1_cnt[1] for butterfly
1. One entry is dedicated to one block, so that the states of two block data of a but-
terfly can be separately recorded and decoupled. Such a design makes the pipelining
of two neighboring blocks easier and more regular. The datum in the butterfly FIFO
is simply an up counter that is enabled when a new block comes in, indicated by
blk_valid, and advances automatically until it counts up to a value that its correspond
butterfly has accomplished its operation, i.e., 11/12 for butterfly 0/1, respectively.
Each butterfly FIFO has one read pointer and one write pointer. The write pointer,
bf_wr_ptr, is the same for both bf0_fifo and bf1_fifo and advances when a new block
has arrived, indicated by blk_valid. The read pointers, bf0_rd_ptr and bf1_rd_ptr, of
butterfly FIFOs are the same as those used for the data FIFO.
After the architecture design, we need to determine the bit widths of every vari-
ables. Both real (WN,r n ) and imaginary (W n ) parts of the twiddle factor, W n =
N,i N
n + jW n , have fixed-point representation of s(2.16). The outputs, c = c + jc
WN,r N,i r i
and d = dr + jdi , can be expressed using inputs, a = ar + jai and b = br + jbi , and
476 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 9.26: Architecture of the circuit: (a) datapath and (b) control unit. The bf0_fifo
contains two entries: bf0_cnt[0] and bf0_cnt[1]. The bf1_fifo contains two entries:
bf1_cnt[0] and bf1_cnt[1].

the twiddle factor, WNn = WN,r

n + jW n , as shown below.
cr = ar + br ,
ci = ai + bi ,
n n
dr = (ar − br )WN,r + (bi − ai )WN,i ,
n n
di = (ar − br )WN,i + (ai − bi )WN,r .
I/O Interface 477

Figure 9.27: Architecture and bit width of the butterfly.

To reduce the quantization error, the fractional part of data registers, R[0]∼R[15],
in the data FIFO should be 16 bits. Hence, the bit width design of the datapath is
planned in Figure 9.27, where the block Q quantizes input using the truncation.
Finally, the RTL codes are written below. It can be observed that, according to the
timing diagram, only half of the next block data have input when the previous block
data are output. Therefore, the optimal number of registers needs only 12 registers,
i.e., R[0]∼R[11]. Consequently, to save the space of data buffer, the ping pong buffer
can be changed to a 12-entry FIFO. The new architecture is left as a problem at the
end of this chapter.

1 // Module of FFT processor

2 module fft ( fft_valid , fft_d0 , fft_d1 , fft_d2 , fft_d3 ,
3 fft_d4 , fft_d5 , fft_d6 , fft_d7 ,
4 data_valid , data , clk , reset );
5 output fft_valid ;

6 output [31 : 0] fft_d0 , fft_d1 , fft_d2 , fft_d3 ;

7 output [31 : 0] fft_d4 , fft_d5 , fft_d6 , fft_d7 ;

8 input data_valid ;

9 input [31 : 0] data ;

10 input clk , reset ;

11 reg fft_valid ;

12 reg [7 : -16] Rr [0 : 15] , Ri [0 : 15];

13 reg [7 : -16] bf0_op1r , bf0_op1i , bf0_op2r , bf0_op2i ;

478 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

14 reg [7 : -16] bf1_op1r , bf1_op1i , bf1_op2r , bf1_op2i ;

15 reg [7 : -16] bf0_wr , bf0_wi , bf1_wr , bf1_wi ;
16 wire [7 : -16] bf0_out1r , bf0_out1i , bf0_out2r , bf0_out2i ;

17 wire [7 : -16] bf1_out1r , bf1_out1i , bf1_out2r , bf1_out2i ;

18 // Data queue

19 reg [7 : -16] data_fifor [0 : 15] , data_fifoi [0 : 15];

20 reg [3 : 0] data_wr_ptr ;

21 // Butterfly queue
22 reg [3 : 0] bf0_cnt [0 : 1] , bf1_cnt [0 : 1];

23 wire [3 : 0] bf0_cnt_sel , bf1_cnt_sel ;

24 wire blk_valid , bf0_blk_end , bf1_blk_end ;

25 reg bf_wr_ptr , bf0_rd_ptr , bf1_rd_ptr ;

26 integer i ;

27 parameter signed [1 : -16] wr0 =18 ’ h10000 , wi0 =18 ’ h00000 ;

28 parameter signed [1 : -16] wr1 =18 ’ h0B504 , wi1 =18 ’ h34AFC ;
29 parameter signed [1 : -16] wr2 =18 ’ h00000 , wi2 =18 ’ h30000 ;
30 parameter signed [1 : -16] wr3 =18 ’ h34AFC , wi3 =18 ’ h34AFC ;
31 // Two butterflies

32 bf bf0 (. cr ( bf0_out1r ) ,. ci ( bf0_out1i ) ,. dr ( bf0_out2r ) ,

33 . di ( bf0_out2i ) ,. ar ( bf0_op1r ) ,. ai ( bf0_op1i ) ,

34 . br ( bf0_op2r ) ,. bi ( bf0_op2i ) ,
35 . wr ( bf0_wr ) ,. wi ( bf0_wi ));
36 bf bf1 (. cr ( bf1_out1r ) ,. ci ( bf1_out1i ) ,. dr ( bf1_out2r ) ,

37 . di ( bf1_out2i ) ,. ar ( bf1_op1r ) ,. ai ( bf1_op1i ) ,

38 . br ( bf1_op2r ) ,. bi ( bf1_op2i ) ,
39 . wr ( bf1_wr ) ,. wi ( bf1_wi ));
40 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

41 if ( reset ) fft_valid <=0;

42 else if ( bf1_blk_end ) fft_valid <=1 ’ b1 ;
43 else fft_valid <=0;
44 // FFT output data selection

45 assign fft_d0 =

46 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [0][7 : -8] : data_fifor [8][7 : -8] ,

47 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [0][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [8][7 : -8]};

48 assign fft_d1 =

49 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [1][7 : -8] : data_fifor [9][7 : -8] ,

50 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [1][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [9][7 : -8]};

51 assign fft_d2 =

52 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [2][7 : -8] : data_fifor [10][7 : -8] ,

53 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [2][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [10][7 : -8]};

54 assign fft_d3 =

55 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [3][7 : -8] : data_fifor [11][7 : -8] ,

56 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [3][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [11][7 : -8]};

57 assign fft_d4 =

58 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [4][7 : -8] : data_fifor [12][7 : -8] ,

59 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [4][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [12][7 : -8]};

60 assign fft_d5 =
I/O Interface 479

61 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [5][7 : -8] : data_fifor [13][7 : -8] ,

62 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [5][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [13][7 : -8]};
63 assign fft_d6 =

64 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [6][7 : -8] : data_fifor [14][7 : -8] ,

65 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [6][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [14][7 : -8]};

66 assign fft_d7 =

67 { bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifor [7][7 : -8] : data_fifor [15][7 : -8] ,

68 bf1_rd_ptr ? data_fifoi [7][7 : -8] : data_fifoi [15][7 : -8]};

69 // Butterfly 0 input data selection

70 always @ (*) begin

71 case ( bf0_cnt_sel )
72 4 ’ d6 : begin
73 bf0_op1r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [8] : Rr [0];
74 bf0_op1i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [8] : Ri [0];
75 bf0_op2r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [12] : Rr [4];
76 bf0_op2i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [12] : Ri [4];
77 bf0_wr = wr0 ; bf0_wi = wi0 ;
78 end
79 4 ’ d7 : begin
80 bf0_op1r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [9] : Rr [1];
81 bf0_op1i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [9] : Ri [1];
82 bf0_op2r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [13] : Rr [5];
83 bf0_op2i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [13] : Ri [5];
84 bf0_wr = wr1 ; bf0_wi = wi1 ;
85 end
86 4 ’ d8 : begin
87 bf0_op1r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [8] : Rr [0];
88 bf0_op1i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [8] : Ri [0];
89 bf0_op2r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [10] : Rr [2];
90 bf0_op2i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [10] : Ri [2];
91 bf0_wr = wr0 ; bf0_wi = wi0 ;
92 end
93 4 ’ d9 : begin
94 bf0_op1r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [9] : Rr [1];
95 bf0_op1i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [9] : Ri [1];
96 bf0_op2r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [11] : Rr [3];
97 bf0_op2i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [11] : Ri [3];
98 bf0_wr = wr2 ; bf0_wi = wi2 ;
99 end
100 4 ’ d10 : begin
101 bf0_op1r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [8] : Rr [0];
102 bf0_op1i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [8] : Ri [0];
103 bf0_op2r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [9] : Rr [1];
104 bf0_op2i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [9] : Ri [1];
105 bf0_wr = wr0 ; bf0_wi = wi0 ;
106 end
107 4 ’ d11 : begin
480 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

108 bf0_op1r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [10] : Rr [2];

109 bf0_op1i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [10] : Ri [2];
110 bf0_op2r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [11] : Rr [3];
111 bf0_op2i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [11] : Ri [3];
112 bf0_wr = wr0 ; bf0_wi = wi0 ;
113 end
114 default : begin
115 bf0_op1r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [8] : Rr [0];
116 bf0_op1i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [8] : Ri [0];
117 bf0_op2r =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Rr [12] : Rr [4];
118 bf0_op2i =( bf0_rd_ptr )? Ri [12] : Ri [4];
119 bf0_wr = wr0 ; bf0_wi = wi0 ;
120 end
121 endcase
122 end

123 // Butterfly 1 input data selection

124 always @ (*) begin

125 case ( bf1_cnt_sel )

126 4 ’ d7 : begin
127 bf1_op1r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [10] : Rr [2];
128 bf1_op1i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [10] : Ri [2];
129 bf1_op2r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [14] : Rr [6];
130 bf1_op2i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [14] : Ri [6];
131 bf1_wr = wr2 ; bf1_wi = wi2 ;
132 end
133 4 ’ d8 : begin
134 bf1_op1r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [11] : Rr [3];
135 bf1_op1i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [11] : Ri [3];
136 bf1_op2r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [15] : Rr [7];
137 bf1_op2i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [15] : Ri [7];
138 bf1_wr = wr3 ; bf1_wi = wi3 ;
139 end
140 4 ’ d9 : begin
141 bf1_op1r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [12] : Rr [4];
142 bf1_op1i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [12] : Ri [4];
143 bf1_op2r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [14] : Rr [6];
144 bf1_op2i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [14] : Ri [6];
145 bf1_wr = wr0 ; bf1_wi = wi0 ;
146 end
147 4 ’ d10 : begin
148 bf1_op1r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [13] : Rr [5];
149 bf1_op1i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [13] : Ri [5];
150 bf1_op2r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [15] : Rr [7];
151 bf1_op2i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [15] : Ri [7];
152 bf1_wr = wr2 ; bf1_wi = wi2 ;
153 end
154 4 ’ d11 : begin
I/O Interface 481

155 bf1_op1r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [12] : Rr [4];

156 bf1_op1i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [12] : Ri [4];
157 bf1_op2r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [13] : Rr [5];
158 bf1_op2i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [13] : Ri [5];
159 bf1_wr = wr0 ; bf1_wi = wi0 ;
160 end
161 4 ’ d12 : begin
162 bf1_op1r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [14] : Rr [6];
163 bf1_op1i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [14] : Ri [6];
164 bf1_op2r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [15] : Rr [7];
165 bf1_op2i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [15] : Ri [7];
166 bf1_wr = wr0 ; bf1_wi = wi0 ;
167 end
168 default : begin
169 bf1_op1r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [10] : Rr [2];
170 bf1_op1i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [10] : Ri [2];
171 bf1_op2r =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Rr [14] : Rr [6];
172 bf1_op2i =( bf1_rd_ptr )? Ri [14] : Ri [6];
173 bf1_wr = wr2 ; bf1_wi = wi2 ;
174 end
175 endcase
176 end

177 // Reformatting data_fifo to R , which is used by the

178 // butterfly input data
179 always @ (*)

180 for ( i =0; i <16; i = i +1) begin

181 Rr [ i ]= data_fifor [ i ];
182 Ri [ i ]= data_fifoi [ i ];
183 end
184 // Write pointer of data_fifo

185 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

186 if ( reset ) data_wr_ptr <=0;

187 else if ( data_valid ) data_wr_ptr <= data_wr_ptr +1 ’ b1 ;
188 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *

189 // Writing of data_fifo

190 // data_fifo needs to store the fft input data and

191 // output of butterflies

192 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *

193 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

194 // data_fifo [0]

195 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==0) begin

196 data_fifor [0] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
197 data_fifoi [0] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
198 end
199 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&&( bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d6 ||
200 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 || bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 )) begin
201 data_fifor [0] <= bf0_out1r ;
482 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

202 data_fifoi [0] <= bf0_out1i ;

203 end
204 // data_fifo [1]

205 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==1) begin

206 data_fifor [1] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
207 data_fifoi [1] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
208 end
209 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&&( bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ||
210 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 )) begin
211 data_fifor [1] <= bf0_out1r ;
212 data_fifoi [1] <= bf0_out1i ;
213 end
214 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 ) begin
215 data_fifor [1] <= bf0_out2r ;
216 data_fifoi [1] <= bf0_out2i ;
217 end
218 // data_fifo [2]

219 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==2) begin

220 data_fifor [2] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
221 data_fifoi [2] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
222 end
223 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 ) begin
224 data_fifor [2] <= bf0_out2r ;
225 data_fifoi [2] <= bf0_out2i ;
226 end
227 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 ) begin
228 data_fifor [2] <= bf0_out1r ;
229 data_fifoi [2] <= bf0_out1i ;
230 end
231 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ) begin
232 data_fifor [2] <= bf1_out1r ;
233 data_fifoi [2] <= bf1_out1i ;
234 end
235 // data_fifo [3]

236 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==3) begin

237 data_fifor [3] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
238 data_fifoi [3] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
239 end
240 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&&( bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 ||
241 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 )) begin
242 data_fifor [3] <= bf0_out2r ;
243 data_fifoi [3] <= bf0_out2i ;
244 end
245 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 ) begin
246 data_fifor [3] <= bf1_out1r ;
247 data_fifoi [3] <= bf1_out1i ;
248 end
I/O Interface 483

249 // data_fifo [4]

250 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==4) begin
251 data_fifor [4] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
252 data_fifoi [4] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
253 end
254 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d6 ) begin
255 data_fifor [4] <= bf0_out2r ;
256 data_fifoi [4] <= bf0_out2i ;
257 end
258 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&&( bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 ||
259 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 )) begin
260 data_fifor [4] <= bf1_out1r ;
261 data_fifoi [4] <= bf1_out1i ;
262 end
263 // data_fifo [5]

264 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==5) begin

265 data_fifor [5] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
266 data_fifoi [5] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
267 end
268 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==0&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ) begin
269 data_fifor [5] <= bf0_out2r ;
270 data_fifoi [5] <= bf0_out2i ;
271 end
272 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 ) begin
273 data_fifor [5] <= bf1_out1r ;
274 data_fifoi [5] <= bf1_out1i ;
275 end
276 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 ) begin
277 data_fifor [5] <= bf1_out2r ;
278 data_fifoi [5] <= bf1_out2i ;
279 end
280 // data_fifo [6]

281 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==6) begin

282 data_fifor [6] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
283 data_fifoi [6] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
284 end
285 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&&( bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ||
286 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 )) begin
287 data_fifor [6] <= bf1_out2r ;
288 data_fifoi [6] <= bf1_out2i ;
289 end
290 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d12 ) begin
291 data_fifor [6] <= bf1_out1r ;
292 data_fifoi [6] <= bf1_out1i ;
293 end
294 // data_fifo [7]

295 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==7) begin

484 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

296 data_fifor [7] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };

297 data_fifoi [7] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
298 end
299 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==0&&( bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 ||
300 bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 || bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d12 )) begin
301 data_fifor [7] <= bf1_out2r ;
302 data_fifoi [7] <= bf1_out2i ;
303 end
304 // data_fifo [8]

305 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==8) begin

306 data_fifor [8] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
307 data_fifoi [8] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
308 end
309 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&&( bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d6 ||
310 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 || bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 )) begin
311 data_fifor [8] <= bf0_out1r ;
312 data_fifoi [8] <= bf0_out1i ;
313 end
314 // data_fifo [9]

315 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==9) begin

316 data_fifor [9] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
317 data_fifoi [9] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
318 end
319 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&&( bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ||
320 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 )) begin
321 data_fifor [9] <= bf0_out1r ;
322 data_fifoi [9] <= bf0_out1i ;
323 end
324 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 ) begin
325 data_fifor [9] <= bf0_out2r ;
326 data_fifoi [9] <= bf0_out2i ;
327 end
328 // data_fifo [10]

329 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==10) begin

330 data_fifor [10] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
331 data_fifoi [10] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
332 end
333 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 ) begin
334 data_fifor [10] <= bf0_out2r ;
335 data_fifoi [10] <= bf0_out2i ;
336 end
337 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 ) begin
338 data_fifor [10] <= bf0_out1r ;
339 data_fifoi [10] <= bf0_out1i ;
340 end
341 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ) begin
342 data_fifor [10] <= bf1_out1r ;
I/O Interface 485

343 data_fifoi [10] <= bf1_out1i ;

344 end
345 // data_fifo [11]

346 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==11) begin

347 data_fifor [11] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
348 data_fifoi [11] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
349 end
350 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&&( bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 ||
351 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 )) begin
352 data_fifor [11] <= bf0_out2r ;
353 data_fifoi [11] <= bf0_out2i ;
354 end
355 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 ) begin
356 data_fifor [11] <= bf1_out1r ;
357 data_fifoi [11] <= bf1_out1i ;
358 end
359 // data_fifo [12]

360 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==12) begin

361 data_fifor [12] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
362 data_fifoi [12] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
363 end
364 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d6 ) begin
365 data_fifor [12] <= bf0_out2r ;
366 data_fifoi [12] <= bf0_out2i ;
367 end
368 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&&( bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 ||
369 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 )) begin
370 data_fifor [12] <= bf1_out1r ;
371 data_fifoi [12] <= bf1_out1i ;
372 end
373 // data_fifo [13]

374 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==13) begin

375 data_fifor [13] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
376 data_fifoi [13] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
377 end
378 else if ( bf0_rd_ptr ==1&& bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ) begin
379 data_fifor [13] <= bf0_out2r ;
380 data_fifoi [13] <= bf0_out2i ;
381 end
382 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 ) begin
383 data_fifor [13] <= bf1_out1r ;
384 data_fifoi [13] <= bf1_out1i ;
385 end
386 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d11 ) begin
387 data_fifor [13] <= bf1_out2r ;
388 data_fifoi [13] <= bf1_out2i ;
389 end
486 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

390 // data_fifo [14]

391 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==14) begin
392 data_fifor [14] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
393 data_fifoi [14] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
394 end
395 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&&( bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d7 ||
396 bf0_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d9 )) begin
397 data_fifor [14] <= bf1_out2r ;
398 data_fifoi [14] <= bf1_out2i ;
399 end
400 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&& bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d12 ) begin
401 data_fifor [14] <= bf1_out1r ;
402 data_fifoi [14] <= bf1_out1i ;
403 end
404 // data_fifo [15]

405 if ( data_valid & data_wr_ptr ==15) begin

406 data_fifor [15] <={ data [31 : 16] ,8 ’ h00 };
407 data_fifoi [15] <={ data [15 : 0] ,8 ’ h00 };
408 end
409 else if ( bf1_rd_ptr ==1&&( bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d8 ||
410 bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d10 || bf1_cnt_sel ==4 ’ d12 )) begin
411 data_fifor [15] <= bf1_out2r ;
412 data_fifoi [15] <= bf1_out2i ;
413 end
414 end

415 // Timing for writing two butterfly queues is the same

416 assign blk_valid = data_valid & data_wr_ptr [2 : 0]==0;

417 // Write pointer of two butterfly queues

418 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

419 if ( reset ) bf_wr_ptr <=0;

420 else if ( blk_valid ) bf_wr_ptr <=~ bf_wr_ptr ;
421 // Processing of a block using butterfly 0 completes
422 assign bf0_blk_end = bf0_cnt_sel ==11;

423 // Processing of a block using butterfly 1 completes

424 assign bf1_blk_end = bf1_cnt_sel ==12;

425 // Read port of butterfly queue of butterfly 0

426 assign bf0_cnt_sel =~ bf0_rd_ptr ? bf0_cnt [0] : bf0_cnt [1];

427 // Read port of butterfly queue of butterfly 1

428 assign bf1_cnt_sel =~ bf1_rd_ptr ? bf1_cnt [0] : bf1_cnt [1];

429 // Read pointer of butterfly queue of butterfly 0

430 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

431 if ( reset ) bf0_rd_ptr <=0;

432 else if ( bf0_blk_end ) bf0_rd_ptr <=~ bf0_rd_ptr ;
433 // Read pointer of butterfly queue of butterfly 1
434 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

435 if ( reset ) bf1_rd_ptr <=0;

436 else if ( bf1_blk_end ) bf1_rd_ptr <=~ bf1_rd_ptr ;
I/O Interface 487

437 // Butterfly queue of butterfly 0

438 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )
439 if ( reset ) begin
440 bf0_cnt [0] <=0;
441 bf0_cnt [1] <=0;
442 end
443 else begin
444 if (( blk_valid && bf_wr_ptr ==0)|| bf0_cnt [0]!=0)
445 bf0_cnt [0] <=( bf0_cnt [0]==11)?0 : ( bf0_cnt [0]+1);
446 if (( blk_valid && bf_wr_ptr ==1)|| bf0_cnt [1]!=0)
447 bf0_cnt [1] <=( bf0_cnt [1]==11)?0 : ( bf0_cnt [1]+1);
448 end
449 // Butterfly queue of butterfly 1
450 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset )

451 if ( reset ) begin

452 bf1_cnt [0] <=0;
453 bf1_cnt [1] <=0;
454 end
455 else begin
456 if (( blk_valid && bf_wr_ptr ==0)|| bf1_cnt [0]!=0)
457 bf1_cnt [0] <=( bf1_cnt [0]==12)?0 : ( bf1_cnt [0]+1);
458 if (( blk_valid && bf_wr_ptr ==1)|| bf1_cnt [1]!=0)
459 bf1_cnt [1] <=( bf1_cnt [1]==12)?0 : ( bf1_cnt [1]+1);
460 end
461 endmodule

462 // Butterfly module

463 module bf ( cr , ci , dr , di , ar , ai , br , bi , wr , wi );

464 output signed [7 : -16] cr , ci , dr , di ;

465 input signed [7 : -16] ar , ai , br , bi , wr , wi ;

466 reg signed [8 : -16] tmp_cr , tmp_ci ;

467 reg signed [11 : -32] tmp_dr , tmp_di ;

468 assign cr = tmp_cr [7 : -16]; assign ci = tmp_ci [7 : -16];

469 assign dr = tmp_dr [7 : -16]; assign di = tmp_di [7 : -16];

470 always @ (*) begin

471 tmp_cr = ar + br ; tmp_ci = ai + bi ;

472 end

473 always @ (*) begin

474 tmp_dr =( ar - br )* wr +( bi - ai )* wi ;
475 tmp_di =( ar - br )* wi +( ai - bi )* wr ;
476 end

477 endmodule
488 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


• David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer ar-
chitecture, 2nd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• Peter J. Ashenden, Digital design: an embedded systems approach using
Verilog, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
I/O Interface 489

1. A 16-segment LED display, shown in Figure 9.28, can display alphabetic and
numeric characters. Extend the keypad I/O controller to display the pushed digit
on the LED display. You can add an additional register, char_reg[3 : 0], and a
port, led[15 : 0], in the I/O controller. The register is accessed through the port
number 3. The register char_reg[3 : 0] is then decoded to the signal, led[15 : 0],
to drive each segment of the LED.

Figure 9.28: A 16-segment LED display.

2. Design the I/O controller for the factory automation system in Section 9.4.1.
3. Design the processor with interrupt using the instruction set in Section 9.4.2.
4. Write down the assembly codes for the keypad controller, alarm controller, and
real-time clock controller. The period of the real-time clock is 2 ms. The main
program starts by initializing controllers and interrupts. The interrupt handler
is located at address 1 of instruction memory. On responding to an interrupt,
it checks the interrupt status registers of each I/O controller to determine the
interrupt source, starting with the real-time clock controller. The handler then
proceeds to check for other interrupt sources before returning to the interrupted
program. The ISR of the real-time clock simply sets a flag rtc_flag which will
then be used by the processor for further real-time processing. After processing,
the processor clears the flag rtc_flag.
5. The original butterfly of FFT accelerator requires 4 real multipliers. Redesign the
butterfly using 3 real multipliers and evaluate the gate count that can be saved.
6. Change the output of 16-point FFT to be serial, which is suitable for SRAM
interface. Redesign the FFT accelerator using the minimum number of data reg-
7. Change the data buffer of 8-point FFT from the ping pong buffer with total of
16 memory space to a 12-entry FIFO.
8. Integrate the FFT accelerator in the previous problem with the simple processor
with interrupts in Section 9.4.2. The processor and the accelerator share the same
256 × 8 data memory as that shown in Figure 9.20. The arbiter gives the highest
490 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

priority to the processor. The accelerator has two output registers for the FFT
processing, including interrupt status register and command register. The inter-
rupt status register has done-field at bit 0, and other bits are reserved. The com-
mand register has start-field at bit 0, and block number-field at bits 7-5. Every
time-domain FFT block needs 16 × 32 bits, i.e., 64 Bytes. Hence, the maximum
block number in a 256-Byte data memory is 4. After the processor has prepared
the time-domain data for the accelerator, the processor programs the acceler-
ator via the command register through the start-field and block number-field.
When the start-field is set, DMA in the accelerator reads data and the FFT starts
processing according to that specified in the block number-field. When the ac-
celerator is done, the done-field of the interrupt status register is set, which then
interrupts the processor. The interrupt is cleared through writing the interrupt
status register. After that, the accelerator can wait for the next FFT calculation.
a. Redesign the timing diagram so that a block can be processed earlier and the
number of registers can be reduced.
b. Redesign the FFT accelerator.
c. Integrate the processor, FFT accelerator, and the data memory.
d. Write done the assembly codes to verify your design.
10 Logic Synthesis with Design
A RTL design described with high-level constructs, such as always block and contin-
uous assignment, allows us to design according to its functionality without consider-
ing too much about the implementation method. Actually, you only need to describe
the circuit function you want without having to worry about how you are going to
implement the design in an early stage. The details, i.e., logic gates and their in-
terconnections, in implementing the circuit function will be determined later using
logic synthesis.
This does not mean that we can arbitrarily use all the constructs of HDL in our
designs. Many Verilog features are only suitable for the high-level behavioral mod-
eling in testbench, and cannot be synthesized into an equivalent gate-level circuit.
Consequently, it requires that the RTL models be written using a subset of Verilog
constructs, and only codes using a template structure can be inferred to its corre-
sponding hardware. For example, the synthesis tool, Synopsys DC, requires that
synchronous registers be expressed using always blocks with either a positive or
negative edge-triggered clock signal. This chapter assumes that you have a synthesis
tool and cell library at hand.
First, this chapter emphasizes design guidelines for synthesis. Next, the steps for
the synthesis methodology of timing, area, and power optimization, including read-
ing design, describing design environment, constraining design, compiling design,
reporting and analyzing design, and saving design, are introduced. Particularly, the
synthesis commands used for the dynamic and static power optimization are pre-
sented. Finally, synthesis skills for solving setup time violations, hold time viola-
tions, multiple port nets, large for loops, and naming rules are exemplified.


To begin, we list the guidelines for synthesizable designs as follows.

• Knowing synthesizable Verilog constructs: synthesizable Verilog constructs

include parameter declaration, wire, tri, wand, wor, reg, input, output, in-
out, continuous assignment, module and gate instantiations, always, func-
tion and task, for loop, if-else, case, casex, casez, etc. Synthesizable Verilog
primitives include and, or, not, namd, nor, xor, xnor, bufif0, bufif1, notif0,
and notif1. Synthesizable Verilog operators include binary bit-wise (∼, &, |,
∧ , ∼∧ ), unary reduction (&, ∼&, |, ∼|, ∧ , ∼∧ ), logical (!, &&, ||), arithmetic

(+, −, *, /, %), relational (>, <, >=, <=), equality (==, !=), logical shift (≪,
≫), arithmetic shift (≪, ≫), concatenation ({}), replication({{}}), con-
ditional (?:) operators, etc.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-10 491

492 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

• Knowing non-synthesizable Verilog constructs: non-synthesizable Verilog

constructs include delay, initial, repeat, wait, fork and join, event, force and
release, user defined primitive (UDP), time, triand, trior, tri1, tri0, trireg,
nmos, pmos, cmos, rnmos, rpmos, rcmos, pullup, pulldown, rtran, tranif0,
tranif1, rtranif0, rtranif1, forever, case equality (===) and case inequality
(!==) operators, modulus operator, etc.
• Understanding wire (including tri, wand, wor) and reg declaration: a wire
declaration is used in continuous assignments, and reg declaration is used in
procedural blocks, such as always blocks and functions. If multiple sources
drive the same net, it must be declared as either tri, wand, or wor net type.
• Combinational logic inference: the reg data type may not be exactly synthe-
sized to a real hardware register. If you do not use the posedge or negedge
keywords in the sensitivity list of an always block, a combinational logic
is implied. You must use blocking assignments within an always block to
infer a combinational logic. A sensitivity list must be specified completely;
otherwise, RTL simulations and gate-level simulations may mismatch. An-
other way to infer a combinational logic is through a continuous assignment
or function.
• Register inference: a register (flip-flop) is implied if you use the @(posedge
clk) or @(negedge clk) in the sensitivity list of an always block. You must
use non-blocking assignments for those outputs of real hardware registers
to infer flip-flops within always blocks.
• Avoiding inferring latches: if a variable assigned within an always block
without @(posedge clk) or @(negedge clk) in the sensitivity list is not fully
specified, a latch is inferred.
• Avoiding inferring combinational loops: the output of a combinational loop
is undetermined and problematic for the static timing analysis.
• For loop statement: in synthesis, for loops with a fixed number of iteration
are unrolled and then synthesized. Therefore, loop index must be of the in-
teger type, and its low_range, high_range and step values must be constant.
• Case and if-else statements, and conditional operator: they can be nested
and provide complex conditional operations. They are usually used to model
• Combinational circuits with registered output: you can write a single al-
ways block with @(posedge clk) or @(negedge clk) in the sensitivity list to
describe combinational circuits together with registered output if the next
state of the register (or combinational output) is not explicitly used. Alter-
natively, you can use two always blocks to separately describe the combi-
national (without @(posedge clk) or @(negedge clk) in the sensitivity list)
and sequential (with @(posedge clk) or @(negedge clk) in the sensitivity
list) circuits. Finite state machines are commonly written in this style.
• Compiler (or synthesis) directives: if you do not specify all possible
branches for if and case statements, to prevent lathes, you can use “syn-
opsys full_case” directive to specify the full case. But you must ensure that
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 493

other branches will never occur. Additionally, if DC cannot determine that

case branches are parallel, a priority multiplexer will be synthesized. By
contrast, you can declare a case statement to enforce a parallel case with the
“synopsys parallel_case” directive.
• DesignWare (DW) library: DesignWare contain many technology-independent
soft macros, such as adders and multipliers, etc., that can be synthesized into
gates using your target library. The DesignWare library enables the user to
synthesize large and complex arithmetic operations by Verilog behavioral
modeling, such as divider and modulus, etc. Each macro, such as an adder,
contains multiple architectures which allow DC to evaluate speed and area
tradeoffs and choose the most suitable implementation. We can invoke De-
signWare components through inference and instantiation (for a complex
function, such as the trigonometric operation).


When the physical design cannot meet our requirements, it must be modified and
optimized. This is a process of making trade-offs of one property for another. There
are three main objective functions, such as timing, area, and power, of a design that
we often seek to optimize through the design constraints. These properties are re-
lated to each other and often conflict with each other. Decisions made early in the
flow, starting with architecture exploration and partitioning, usually have the greatest
impact. For example, if we compare the parallel and pipelining architectures, it can
be expected that the parallel architecture has higher performance, but it will also cost
a greater area. If we want a design with good performance and moderate area, the
pipelined design will probably be the best choice.
If it is found that our design goals are not achievable toward backend implemen-
tation, we may need to go back to an earlier frontend stage, and the previous design
choices need to be revised. When we move to the later stages of the design flow, it
will be difficult to make significant changes to the design. If fine-tuning the design
cannot solve the problem, we have to revisit earlier stages to make more substantial
changes. The actual design flow is often cyclical and non-linear.
An overview of logic synthesis is presented in Figure 10.1. The DesignWare
library contains building blocks such as datapath and intellectual property blocks
that are tightly integrated into the synthesis environment. DC maps Synopsys de-
sign block or generic technology (GTECH) library (without timing information) to
gate-level design with a user specified technology library (with timing information).
Libraries contain three categories of cells: standard cells, I/O cells, and full-custom
hard IP macros. The cell information contained in libraries are denoted as abstrac-
tion, timing model, power model, and logic model.
The steps for synthesis are listed below. All steps are introduced in this section,
except the setting design constraints and design compiling, which will be introduced
in the next section. Notice that the DC commands are written using the tool command
language (Tcl).
494 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.1: Logic synthesis overview.

• Read your design.

• Describe the design environment.
• Constrain the design.
• Compile the design.
• Report and analyze the design.
• Save the design.


Before introducing the synthesis steps, design objects are illustrated first. The mod-
ule, fir2, is written below. The design objects in it are displayed in Figure 10.2 and
listed below.

Figure 10.2: Design objects in fir2.

Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 495

• Design (or reference): a circuit that performs one or more logical functions.
• Cell: an instantiation of a design.
• Port: the input, output, or inout of a design.
• Pin: the input, output, or inout of a cell.
• Net: the wire that connects ports or pins.
• Clock: waveform applied to a port or pin identified as a clock source.

1 module fir2 (y , x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , clk );

2 output [12 : 0] y ;
3 input [7 : 0] x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ;
4 input [2 : 0] h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 ;
5 input clk ;
6 reg [12 : 0] y ;
7 always @ ( posedge clk )

8 y <= ( x3 * h3 + x2 * h2 )+( x1 * h1 + x0 * h0 );
9 endmodule


You can read netlists or other design files into DC as follows.

r e a d _ f i l e − f o r m at v e r i l o g d e s i g n . v

You can read more designs as follows if necessary.

r e a d _ f i l e − f o r m at v e r i l o g d e s i g n 1 . v d e s i g n 2 . v . . .

DC now supports the AutoRead as follows, where design is your top module name
and your_rtl_dir is the directory containing your design files.

r e a d _ f i l e − a u t o r e a d −top d e s i g n − r e c u r s i v e \
{ your_rtl_dir }

Alternatively, instead of directly reading the design, you can analyze the design
that checks Verilog for syntax and synthesizability. Subsequently, you can elaborate
the design to bring it into DC memory using GTECH components. For example, you
can analyze then elaborate your design as follows.
496 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.3: Design Environment.

a n a l y z e − f o r m at v e r i l o g d e s i g n . v
elaborate design −architecture verilog

If there are multiple instances referencing the same design, you must enable the
DC to distinguish among them. Physical designs must each be unique by separating
their components, even they have the same function. Using the following command
will allow multiple distinctive instances referencing the same design for synthesis.



The defaults may not be realistic conditions for your design. You must manually
specify operating environment that can affect the components selected from the tar-
get library and area/timing of your design, as shown in Figure 10.3.
You can specify the operating condition using the following command. In this
command, slow.db/fast.db is used for the maximum/minimum (max/min) delay cal-
culation under the worst/best-case operating condition.

s e t _ o p e r a t i n g _ c o n d i t i o n s − m a x _ l i b r a r y slo w −max slo w \

− m i n _ l i b r a r y f a s t −min f a s t

If your input is driven by an input pad consisting of PDIDGZ in the TSMC 0.18
µ m process, you can set the input driving strength as follows. In this command, pin
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 497

C of input pad, PDIDGZ, in the I/O pad library, tpz973gvwc, drives the input port
named your_input_port_name.

s e t _ d r i v i n g _ c e l l − l i b r a r y t p z 9 7 3 g v w c − l i b _ c e l l PDIDGZ \
−pin {C} [ g e t _ p o r t s y o u r _ i n p u t _ p o r t _ n a m e ]

You can also appoint all primary input ports using [all_inputs] to the same driving
cell as follows.

s e t _ d r i v i n g _ c e l l − l i b r a r y t p z 9 7 3 g v w c − l i b _ c e l l PDIDGZ \
−pin {C} [ a l l _ i n p u t s ]

If your output is loaded using an output pad of PDI16DGZ in TSMC 0.18 µ m

process, you can set the output load as follows. In this command, pin I of output pad,
PDI16DGZ, in I/O pad library, tpz973gvwc, loads the all primary outputs.

s e t _ l o a d [ l o a d _ o f " tp z9 7 3 g v wc / PDI16DGZ / I " ] \

[ all_outputs ]

There are three paths: FF1 to FF2, FF2 to FF3, and FF3 to FF4 of the design illus-
trated in Figure 10.4. Provided that the clock is perfectly synchronous, to guarantee
that all signals are stable before the rising edge of the clocks, the path delay from
FF1 to FF2 will be tCQ + M + N = 1 + 4 + 6 = 11 ns. Considering the setup time,
tS = 0.5 ns, the clock period for FF1 to FF2 must be larger than 11 + 0.5 = 11.5 ns.
From FF2 to FF3, the path delay will be tCQ + X = 1 + 11 = 12 ns. Considering the
setup time, the clock period for FF2 to FF3 must be larger than 12 + 0.5 = 12.5 ns.
From FF3 to FF4, the path delay will be tCQ + S + T = 1 + 3 + 7 = 11 ns. Considering
the setup time, the clock period for FF3 to FF4 must be larger than 11 + 0.5 = 11.5
ns. Taking all three paths into consideration, the minimum clock period will be 12.5
In the above design, to correctly constrain the paths from FF1 to FF2 and FF3 to
FF4, you can specify the input and output max delays for the setup time as follows.

s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck c l k −max 5 [ g e t _ p o r t s i n ]
s e t _ o u t p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck c l k −max 7 . 5 [ g e t _ p o r t s o u t ]

In addition to the setup time, requirements for the hold time must also be satisfied.
For the design in Figure 10.5, to correctly constrain the paths from FF1 and FF2 to
FF3, you can respectively specify the input max and min delays for the setup time
and hold time as follows.
498 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.4: Input and output delays of the design.

Figure 10.5: Max and min input delays of the design. The max input delay is usually
used for the setup time check, and the min input delay is used for the hold time check.

s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck c l k −max 8 . 4 [ g e t _ p o r t s i n ]
s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck c l k −min 4 . 4 [ g e t _ p o r t s i n ]

The wiring of a design also contributes to the load of the outputs. To configure
the wire load, you can specify the wire load model using the following command. In
the command, the wire load model, tsmc18_wl10, in the slow.db library is chosen. It
should be noted that the wire load is determined using the area of your design in the
synthesis stage, which is not so accurate. An accurate wire load is unique for every
wires and can only be obtained after the placement and routing of your design has
been done.

s e t _ w i r e _ l o a d _ m o d e l −name tsm c1 8 _ wl1 0 − l i b r a r y slo w

There are three wire load modes: top, segmented, and enclosed. These are speci-
fied depending upon the area of your design. As shown in Figure 10.6, there is a wire
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 499

Figure 10.6: Wire load modes.

separated into three parts, a, b, and c. Besides, the wire load modes of each modules
according to their circuit areas are also displayed.
The top mode specifies that wires use the wire load model of the top-level design.
For example, if the wire load mode is top, the wire load models of a, b, and c will
all follow 12x12 model of the top-level design. The segmented mode specifies that
wires use the wire load models of the block that encloses each of them. For example,
if the wire load mode is segmented, the wire load models of a, b, and c will be
7x7 (of module2), 9x9 (of module1), and 3x3 (of module3) model, respectively. The
enclosed mode specifies that wires use the wire load model of the block that encloses
all of them. For example, if the wire load mode is enclosed, the wire load models of
a, b, and c will all be 9x9 (of module1). Consequently, the wire load mode of top is
the most conservative and more stringent, whereas the wire load mode of segment is
the most aggressive and less strict.


Before introducing how to report a design, it must be emphasized that all error and
warning messages must be carefully examined. All error messages must be dealt with
and fixed. Some warning messages must also be fixed until it is absolutely clear that
any remaining warning messages do not indicate serious problems and can safely be
waived. Design Report

A design can be reported using the report_design command, through which the op-
erating conditions and wire load model can be carefully checked. You can use re-
port_hierarchy to show the components used in each blocks and their position in the
overall hierarchy. The ports of the design can also be reported using the report_port
-verbose command. The report_port command will check the load as well as the
input and output delay constraints. Clock constraints can be reported using the re-
port_clock command. An example of a clock report is given in Figure 10.7.
500 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.7: There is one external clock, ext_clk, and one generated clock, int_clk in
the clock report.

High fanout nets should be identified and reported in the following manner. The
capacitance of the high fanout nets designated as ideal networks will be shown to be

r e p o r t _ n e t _ f a n o u t −high_fanout

After reading your designs, check_design command reports error and warning
messages that are important and should be carefully analysed. For example, if you
instantiate a module with more ports than its definition, an error message is reported,
while a warning is reported if a port is not connected to any nets. After setting con-
straints, check_timing should be used to verify that there are no unconstrained paths.
Clock gating (introduced later) should be reported as follows.

rep ort_ clock_ gating −gating_elements

An example of a clock gating report is shown in Figure 10.8. Timing Report

Setup time can be reported using the report_timing command as follows. To report
the hold time, you can change the option to “-delay min”.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 501

Figure 10.8: Clock gating report.

r e p o r t _ t i m i n g − d elay max

An example of the setup time report is shown in Figure 10.9. By default, only one
maximum or minimum delay path (depending on the operating condition) of the de-
sign is displayed. The option “-max_paths” is used to show more paths. In this report,
the start point is enable signal and the end point is timer/time_1ms_reg[0]/D. To ana-
lyze another path, specify the starting point using the option “-from” and the ending
point using the option “-to”. The column specified by “Incr” represents the incre-
mental delay of the combined net and cell delays of each component. The column
502 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.9: Setup time report.

specified by “Path” represents the total path delay from the start point to the output
of a specific component. The letter, r or f, behind the path delay indicates rising or
falling transition for the output signal of a component. The SDF file can be referred
to for individual net and cell delays.
In this report, the start point, enable signal, has an input delay of 1 ns. The end
point (D input of flip-flop time_1ms_reg[0] or time_1ms_reg[0]/D) arrives at 4.6145
ns after the clock rising edge. The clock network (introduced later) has a period of 4
ns, a latency of 1 ns, and a clock uncertainty of 0.1 ns. According to the setup time
requirement of time_1ms_reg[0], the data time_1ms_reg[0]/D is required to arrive
at 4.8180 ns. Since the data arrives earlier than required, the timing constraint is
satisfied and the slack= 4.8180 − 4.6145 = 0.2035 is positive (or met).
An example of a hold time report is shown in Figure 10.10. The hold time
can be checked with the minimum delay in the best-case operating condition
using the fast.db library. The report shows a register (time_1ms_reg[1]/CK) to
register (time_1ms_reg[2]/D) path. The end point (time_1ms_reg[2]/D) arrives at
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 503

Figure 10.10: Hold time report.

1.1319 ns after the clock rising edge. According to the hold time requirement of
time_1ms_reg[2], the data time_1ms_reg[2]/D is required to arrive at 1.1016 ns.
Since the data arrives later than required, the timing constraint is satisfied and the
slack= 1.1319 − 1.1016 = 0.0303 is positive (or met).
The following command will generate a timing report that reports only paths
which have setup-time violations. To report only paths with hold-time violations,
change the option to “-min”.

r e p o r t _ c o n s t r a i n t s − a l l _ v i o l −max − v er b o se Area Report

A chip area report can be generated as follows.

r e p o r t _ a r e a −hier
504 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.11: Area report.

In the report shown in Figure 10.11, only the total cell area needs to be considered.
The net interconnect area will not be a problem because it depends on the wire load
model, which cannot yet be determined.
The chip area depends on the semiconductor process. Therefore, it is usually un-
fair to compare the chip areas of two designs fabricated using different processes.
On the contrary, the gate count is independent of the semiconductor process, and
will usually give a good impression on the area size of the circuit. The gate count is
roughly determined by the number of 2-input NAND (NAND2X1) gates, and can be
calculated by

gate count = chip area/NAND2X1 area. (10.1)

The NAND2X1 area can be looked up in the document of the cell library. Power Report

The power consumption can be reported as follows.

r e p o r t _ po wer −hier

An example of a power consumption report is given in Figure 10.12. The report

is calculated using the load of each nets, which mainly depends on the area of your
circuits. Moreover, the switching activity of your design is not known to the synthesis
tool. In the sequel, a more accurate dynamic power must depend on the switching
activity of your design, which can be derived by simulations.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 505

Figure 10.12: Power consumption report.


The new design can be saved to a file before quitting DC. To write the synthesized
gate-level netlist in Verilog format for gate-level simulations, the “write” command
is used. This will output the netlist into the file “design.vg” as follows. The file
extension is specified as “.vg” to emphasize that it is a Verilog gate-level netlist
instead of a Verilog RTL model.

w r i t e − f o r m at v e r i l o g − h i e r a r c h y − o u t p u t d e s i g n . v g

The synthesis constraints can be verified using the pre-sim. You can write the SDF
of your design in “design.sdf” for pre-sim as follows.

w r i t e _ s d f −version 2 .1 −context v e r i l o g d e s i g n . s d f

During the pre-layout phase, by default, the interconnect delays (INTERCONNECT

field in the SDF file) are not to be written out separately in the SDF file. Rather, they
are included as part of the IOPATH delay of each cell because of the fact that the
interconnect delays are calculated according to the wire load model.
By contrast, the interconnect delays after layout are determined based on the
routed design. In the sequel, the interconnect delays should be written out separately
in the post-layout SDF file.
STA tools may be able to take into account path delays which have negative val-
ues, whereas timing simulation tools may have to interpret such negative delays as
zero. Thus, although by using the timing data in the same SDF file, different interpre-
tations may exist between STA and simulation tools and result in small differences in
analysis results. We must pay attention to the warning messages when writing SDF
file or back-annotating SDF file but negative delays are treated as zero. When this
condition happens, timing violations may occur but STA analysis has no negative
slacks. Including the interconnect delay into the cell delay when writing the SDF file
may get rid of such a problem. Otherwise, you may opt to use a simulator that can
back annotate negative delays and checks, such as the Synopsys VCS Verilog sim-
ulator. To annotate the negative delay and check, -negdelay and +neg_tchk options
506 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

must be respectively used as displayed below, where test.v, chip.vg, and library.v
are testbench, gate-level netlist of design, and cell library model, respectively. The
option, -R, enables the VCS to run the executable file immediately after VCS links
together the executable file, and the option, +v2k, enables new Verilog features in
the IEEE 1364-2001 standard.

vcs -R test.v chip.vg -v library.v +typdelays (or +mindelays or +maxdelays)

-negdelay +neg_tchk +v2k

The design constraints of the design can also be written into a script file, i.e.,
Synopsys design constraints (SDC) file for layout tool or STA, as follows.

write_sdc design.sdc


Design constraints are goals that the DC uses to optimize a design for inclusion in the
target technology library. There are two kinds of constraints: design rule constraints
(DRCs) and optimization constraints. Design rule constraints show the technology-
specific restrictions, such as the maximum transition, maximum fanout, and maxi-
mum capacitance. The DRCs are characterized by the library vender and specified in
the library; therefore, we need not specify them in the synthesis script file unless we
want to specify more stringent ones. For example, we can limit the maximum fanout
to 4 to reduce the loading of a high-fanout signal.
Optimization constraints specify design goals and requirements, such as the max-
imum and minimum delay (confined by clock constraints), maximum area, and max-
imum power. The DC attempts to meet all constraints during the compiling step.

In synchronous designs, we need to accurately specify the details of the clock scheme
in the early design stage in order to achieve timing convergence, including the pe-
riod, waveform, uncertainty (or skew+jitter), latency, and input and clock transitions.
Clock jitter refers to a small deviation from true periodicity of a presumably periodic
clock source. All register-to-register paths are simply constrained by clocks. The
following command defines a clock, clk, with a period of 10 ns.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 10 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k ]

The following command defines a clock, clk, with a period of 10 ns and duty cycle
of 40%.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 507

c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 10 −waveform {0 4} \
[ get_ports clk ]

During the synthesis stage, the clock network must be ideal without requiring
the insertion of any buffers to reduce the load of the high-fanout clock net. High
fanout networks, such as clock and reset signals, are solved by inserting buffers
during the layout stage. The ideal network is indicated to the synthesizer via the
set_ideal_network as follows.

set_ideal_network [ get_ports clk ]

Additional, you must tell the synthesizer buffers are not to be inserted into the clock
network as follows.

set_dont_touch_network [ get_ports clk ]

It is best to set the driving of the clock network to infinity to get an ideal clock delay
as follows.

set_drive 0 [ get_ports clk ] Clock Latency

Clock latency is the propagation time from the actual clock origin to the clock pins
of flip-flops in the design. Clock latency includes the source latency and network
latency. The source latency is the delay from the actual clock origin to the clock port,
such as the delay introduced by a phase-locked loop or other clock gating logic, and
the network latency models the clock tree delay, as displayed in Figure 10.13.

Figure 10.13: Clock latency.

508 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

The clock latency in Figure 10.13 can be described below. Notably, the named
clock, ori_clk, is a virtual clock that has been defined but not associated with any
pin/port. The create_generated_clock specifies that clk1 and clk2 be generated using
a virtual clock, ori_clk, but clk1 and clk2 have the same frequency as ori_clk. In this
example, clk1 and clk2 have source latencies of 2 and 0.5 ns, respectively, and they
have clock tree delays of 1 and 1.5 ns, respectively.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k −name o r i _ c l k − p e r i o d 10
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce o r i _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 1 \
[ g et_p or ts clk1 ]
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce o r i _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 1 \
[ g et_p or ts clk2 ]
s e t _ c l o c k _ l a t e n c y − so u r ce 2 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k 1 ]
s e t _ c l o c k _ l a t e n c y − so u r ce 0 . 5 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k 2 ]
set_ clock _latency 1 [ get_ po rts clk1 ]
set_ clock _latency 1 .5 [ get_p or ts clk2 ] Clock Transition

Clock transition refers to the rising and/or falling time of a clock. Knowing the actual
clock transition time enables a more accurate delay estimate. We assume that the
clock transition is displayed in Figure 10.14.
The clock transition can be modeled below.

s e t _ i np u t _t r a ns i t i o n 0 .5 [ get_ports clk ]
se t _cl ock_ tr ans i ti on 0 .1 [ get_ports clk ]

Figure 10.14: Clock transition.

Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 509

Figure 10.15: Clock skew. Clock Uncertainty

The clock uncertainty (or skew+jitter) is the maximum difference either between the
arrival of clock signals at sequential cells in one clock domain or between different
clock domains. During synthesis, clock uncertainty is used to predict the possible
differences between the clock arriving times of adjacent flip-flops. During RTL sim-
ulations, the clocks are assumed to arrive at all flip-flops at the same time. That is, the
clock uncertainty is assumed to be 0. However, after the clock tree synthesis (CTS)
for the high-fanout clock network, there will be some clock skew due to potential
different latencies in all branches of the clock tree. For example, in Figure 10.15, the
clock latencies of the clk for each flip-flop are different: P1 = 0.3 ns, P2 = 0.6 ns,
P3 = 0.4 ns, and P4 = 0.5 ns. Therefore, the clock skew is 0.6 − 0.3 = 0.3 ns. Clock
jitter is the timing variations of a set of clock signal edges from their ideal value, i.e.,
the clock period. If the frequency of a clock source is 25 MHz (or period is 40 ns)
with a jitter of 200 part per million (ppm), it will contribute to the clock uncertainty
of 40 ns × 200 × 10−6=8 ps.
Taking the clock uncertainty after the CTS into consideration, clock uncertainty
incurred from the clock skew and jitter can be added to the clock network as follows.

s et_c lock_unc erta int y 0.308 [ get_ports clk ]

Hence, considering the clock uncertainty, clock-to-Q delay, and the setup time
constraints of a flip-flop, the clock period requirement should be modified as follows.
510 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.16: Steps in physical implementation.

clock-to-Q delay + critical path delay + setup time + clock uncertainty

< clock period.

Likewise, considering the clock uncertainty and clock-to-Q delay, the hold time con-
straint must be modified as follows.

clock-to-Q delay + path delay > hold time + clock uncertainty

The role of CTS in physical implementation is presented in Figure 10.16. The

routing of CTS has a higher priority than that of normal signals. After placement,
CTS is performed to obtain a clock tree with minimum skew by balancing the clock
routing from the source to all FF leaves. When designing the floorplan, the physical
partitions of sub-blocks can be specified using region/group constraints for those
timing-critical paths. Impacts of Clock Tree Modeling

For the circuit in Figure 10.17, assume the clock port, clk, has a source latency of
2 ns, a network latency of 3 ns, and a clock uncertainty of 1 ns. The requirement of
setup time for all flip-flops is 0.5 ns.
The clock can be described as follows.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 10 −waveform {0 5} [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k ]
s e t _ c l o c k _ l a t e n c y −source 2 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k ]
set_clock_latency 3 [ get_ports clk ]
set_clock_uncertainty 1 [ get_ports clk ]
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 511

Figure 10.17: A circuit with clock latency.

Figure 10.18: Specified clock waveform for the setup time constraint.

Figure 10.19: Specified clock waveform for the hold time constraint.

The clock waveform is displayed in Figure 10.18. The worst case for the setup
time of the capturing clock is that it advances an amount of clock uncertainty, i.e.,
1 ns. If the setup time requirement is 0.5 ns, the D input of the capturing FF must
arrive before 13.5 ns.
The worst case for the hold time of the capturing clock is that it lags, producing
an amount of clock uncertainty, i.e., 1 ns. If the hold time requirement is 0.3 ns, the
D input of the capturing FF must arrive after 6.3 ns, as shown in Figure 10.19.
512 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.20: Impact of clock uncertainty. (a) The clock latency of the launching FF
is 0.3 ns shorter than that of the capturing FF. (b) The clock latency of the launching
FF is 0.3 ns longer than that of the capturing FF. More on Impacts of Clock Tree Modeling

The clock skew may impact the setup time and/or hold time constraints. However,
it may still be utilized to solve a few timing critical paths after the CTS, as shown
in Figure 10.20. Figure 10.20(a) displays that the clock latency of the launching FF
is 0.3 ns shorter than that of the capturing FF. Therefore, the effective clock period
of the path is 10.3 ns for a nominal clock period of 10 ns. As a result, the setup
time constraint is less stringent than that for a clock without any skew. By contrast,
the clock latency of the launching FF is 0.3 ns longer than that of the capturing
FF in Figure 10.20(b). Its effective clock period is thus only 9.7 ns. The setup time
constraint is more stringent than that without clock skew.
To sum up, if a clock arriving at the capturing FF is earlier than that at the launch-
ing FF, the positive clock skew (clock latency of launching FF − clock latency of
capturing FF > 0) impacts the clock period constraint. Although not ideal, the nega-
tive clock skew (clock latency of launching FF − clock latency of capturing FF < 0)
can be seen as somewhat helpful, as it may relieve the clock period constraint. It is
unnecessary to employ the clock skew to solve the hold time violations, which can
be simply solved by inserting buffers.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 513

Figure 10.21: A derive clock, int_clk.

Nevertheless, the use of clock skew to solve the setup time problem requires spe-
cial care. It may impact the paths with start point from the capturing FF. Moreover,
the clock skew should be carefully confirmed under all operation modes, such as the
scan mode. Derived Clock

It’s a common practice for a derived clock, int_clk, to be generated by a primary
clock, ext_clk, as shown in Figure 10.21.
The divide-by-2 clock, int_clk, is generated by a 100 MHz primary clock, ext_clk.
This can be specified as follows.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 10 [ g e t _ p o r t s e x t _ c l k ]
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce e x t _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 2 \
[ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u1 /Q]
set_ideal_network [ get_ports ext_clk ]
s e t _ i d e a l _ n e t w o r k [ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u1 /Q]
set_dont_touch_network [ get_ports ext_clk ]
s e t _ d o n t _ t o u c h _ n e t w o r k [ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u1 /Q]
set_drive 0 [ get_ports ext_clk ]
s e t _ d r i v e 0 [ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u1 /Q]

There are often multiple clock sources for a logic as well, as shown in Figure
514 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.22: Multiple clock sources.

These clocks can be specified as follows.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 10 [ g e t _ p o r t s e x t _ c l k ]
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce e x t _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 2 \
[ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u1 / Q]
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce e x t _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 4 \
[ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u2 / Q]
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce e x t _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 8 \
[ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u3 / Q]
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce e x t _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 16 \
[ g e t _ p i n s CLK_GEN / u4 / Q]

To analyze the timing in this case, the most stringent clock is selected for synthesis
as follows.

set_case_analysis 3 [ get_ports clk_sel ]

Sometimes, we prefer to manually instantiate the multiplexer for the clock generator.
In this case, you can tell the DC not to touch the cells you instantiated as follows.

s e t _ d o n t _ t o u c h [ g e t _ c e l l s CLK_GEN / u5 ]

If some cells in the library are not preferred, for instance, the JK flip-flops, they
can be excluded from the synthesis by using the following command.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 515

Figure 10.23: Paths between positive and negative edge clocks.

Figure 10.24: A design with 3 clocks.

s e t _ d o n t _ u s e [ g e t _ c e l l s slo w / JKFF * ]
s e t _ d o n t _ u s e [ g e t _ c e l l s f a s t / JKFF * ]

The paths between positive and negative edge clocks need not be specially indi-
cated, as shown in Figure 10.23. The DC can perform the STA correctly. Derived
negated clocks can be automatically identified by DC as well. You only have to de-
scribe the clock port as follows. Even so, it is still discouraged to use both the positive
and negative edges of a clock source because to do so the clock period must be re-
duced by a factor of 2. Moreover, derived negative-edge triggered FFs are difficult
for chip testing.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 10 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k ]

A derived gated clock (introduced later) can also be automatically identified by

DC. You only have to describe the original clock port. Multiple Clock Design

A design with 3 clocks is described below. It is also shown in Figure 10.24.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 10 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k 1 ]
c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 20 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k 2 ]
c r e a t e _ c l o c k − p e r i o d 25 [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k 3 ]
516 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.25: Clock edges used to check the timing of launching and capturing FFs.

In Figure 10.24, the clocks are synchronous but have different frequencies. To check
the timing, the most stringent clock edges should be selected to guarantee that timing
constraints are met under all circumstances. For example, as displayed in Figure
10.25, from FF1 to FF2, the most critical timing is launched from the 2nd clock edge
of clk1 to the 2nd clock edge of clk2, i.e., 10 ns, instead of from the 1st clock edge
of clk1 to the 2nd clock edge of clk2, i.e., 20 ns. Likewise, the most critical timing
from FF2 to FF3 is 5 ns.
When clocks are asynchronous, the simple or FIFO synchronizer introduced in
Chapter 8 must be used. However, the most stringent clock edges may be extremely
close, making it hard to satisfy the timing constraints. Fortunately, those paths across
different clock domains are false paths that will be introduced later. Propagated Clock after CTS

After the CTS, the real delays of clock buffers and real clock skews can be identified,
and their estimates no longer need to be used. This enables the properties of physical
implementation to be more accurately characterized. For example, suppose that the
clocks and input/output delays listed below had been specified before the CTS. The
clock uncertainty is 0.3 ns composed of a clock jitter of 0.1 ns and an estimated clock
skew of 0.2 ns.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k −name o r i _ c l k − p e r i o d 10
c r e a t e _ g e n e r a t e d _ c l o c k − so u r ce o r i _ c l k − d i v i d e _ b y 1 \
[ get_ports clk ]
set_clock_latency 1 [ get_clocks clk ]
set_clock_uncertainty 0 .3 [ get_clocks clk ]
s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck o r i _ c l k −max 5 −min 4 \
[ get_ports in ]
s e t _ o u t p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck o r i _ c l k −max 7 . 5 −min 6 \
[ get_ports out ]
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 517

After CTS, suppose that the real clock tree latency is found to be around 1.5 ns.
The constraints can now be modified by removing the estimated clock latency, skew,
and input and output delays. The set_propagated_clock uses the real clock skews of
FFs, so only the clock jitter in the clock uncertainty needs to be modeled. A new vir-
tual clock, ori_clk1, can be created to be referenced by the input and output signals.
A clock latency of 1.5 ns can be added to ori_clk1, so that the clock (ori_clk1) of the
input and output signals will be synchronous with that (clk) of the design. Conse-
quently, in addition to those constraints used before the CTS, additional constraints
can be specified as follows.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k −name o r i _ c l k 1 − p e r i o d 10
remove_clock_latency [ get_clocks clk ]
remove_clock_uncertainty [ get_clocks clk ]
remove_input_delay [ get_p or ts in ]
remove_output_delay [ get_p or ts out ]
set_clock_latency 1 .5 ori_clk1
set_clock_uncertainty 0 .1 [ get_clocks clk ]
set_propagated_clock [ get_clocks clk ]
s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck o r i _ c l k 1 −max 5 −min 4 \
[ get_ports in ]
s e t _ o u t p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck o r i _ c l k 1 −max 7 . 5 −min 6 \
[ get_ports out ] Maximum Delay of a Combinational Circuit

A pure combinational circuit has no clocks. Hence, the paths in it can not be con-
strained by the clock specification. To constrain pure combinational circuits, the first
method is to specify the maximum delay for each paths in the combinational circuit
as follows.

s e t _ m a x _ d e l a y 3 −from [ a l l _ i n p u t s ] −to [ a l l _ o u t p u t s ]

Of course, you can use a virtual clock, and input and output delays to constrain a
pure combinational circuit as the second method as follows.

c r e a t e _ c l o c k −name c l k − p e r i o d 5
s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck c l k −max 1 \
[ all_inputs ]
s e t _ o u t p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck c l k −max 1 \
[ all_outputs ]
518 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.26: Multicycle path.

Figure 10.27: False path. Timing Exceptions

In some designs, combinational logic delay between two registers is allowed more
than one clock cycle, as shown in Figure 10.26.
If the path delay of the complex combinational logic in Figure 10.26 is larger than
one clock cycle, the clock period constraint will be violated. However, if a timing
exception is made and it is allowed a multicycle path, the timing violation can be
waived. Suppose that the combinational logic delay is allowed 2 clock cycles; in
such a case the multicycle paths can be set as follows.

s e t _ m u l t i c y c l e _ p a t h 2 −from [ g e t _ p i n s FF1 /CK] \

−to [ g e t _ p i n s FF2 /D]

A false path is also a timing exception that timing constraints along the path will
be ignored. For example, if the timing paths from A, through C, to OUT are false
paths in Figure 10.27, we can set the false paths as follows.

s e t _ f a l s e _ p a t h −from [A] − th r o u g h {C} −to [OUT]

Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 519

Figure 10.28: False path across different clock domains.

The paths across different clock domains are commonly false paths, as shown in
Figure 10.28. The simple or FIFO synchronizer introduced in Chapter 8 guarantees
the functionality of signals crossing different clock domains.
We can set the false paths of all signals from clock domain CLKA to clock domain
CLKB as follows.

s e t _ f a l s e _ p a t h −from [ g e t _ c l o c k s CLKA] \
−to [ g e t _ c l o c k s CLKB]

If there are also signals from clock domain CLKB to clock domain CLKA, we can
set the false paths of all signals from clock domain CLKB to clock domain CLKA
as follows.

s e t _ f a l s e _ p a t h −from [ g e t _ c l o c k s CLKB] \
−to [ g e t _ c l o c k s CLKA]

In asynchronous interfaces, the clock edges of launching and capturing FFs can
become so small that timing violations will eventually happen. However, since the
unstable problem of signals across different clock domains has been solved by the
synchronizer, their timing violations are false alarms. These false alarms are con-
strained by false paths to the synthesis tool.
To eliminate false alarms during gate-level simulations with timing information
back annotated, the first FF (facing the asynchronous clock) in the synchronizer
should be replaced with a cell having the same original functionality but without
timing checks. The models of FFs without timing checks will need to be manually
crafted. Similarly, the cells referring to them in the gate-level netlist will have to be
manually replaced.
520 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.29: Design rule constraints.


Vendors impose design rules that restrict how many cells a cell can be connected to
based on capacitance, transition, and fanout, as shown in Figure 10.29.
More conservative design rules may be applied to accommodate the interface en-
vironment a given block will encounter. This has the advantage of preventing the
cells in a design from operating close to their limits, where performance degrades
rapidly. An example is shown below.

s e t _ m a x _ c a p a c i t a n c e 1 . 2 [ g e t _ p o r t s A /OUT]
s e t _ m a x _ t r a n s i t i o n 0 . 2 [ g e t _ p o r t s A/OUT]
s e t _ m a x _ f a n o u t 6 [ g e t _ p o r t s A/OUT]


During optimization, there exists a constraint priority listed in descending order as
follows. DC tries to meet all constraints but, by default, gives emphasis to design
rule constraints because they are essential requirements for a functional design.
• Design rule constraints.
• Timing constraints.
• Power constraints.
• Area constraints.

The optimization of timing, area, and power to meet their constraints are presented


The purpose of timing optimization is to ensure that a design achieves the necessary
performance constraints or specifications. In other words, the goal is to maximize
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 521

Figure 10.30: Various paths constrained in a synchronous design.

the number of operations per clock period, or, conversely, to minimize the clock pe-
riod per operation. Changes made in the architecture exploration stage of the design
flow will have the greatest impact on the performance, such as the application of
parallelism, which is only limited by the data dependency. Since parallelism requires
additional resources which take up area and consume power, increasing parallelism
is contrary to reducing area and power consumption. By contrast, the pipelining tech-
nique can usually obtain a good performance under the premise of moderate increase
of area and power consumption. Clearly, tradeoffs must be made between parallelism
and pipelining techniques.
We need to estimate the achievable clock frequency because it is part of the perfor-
mance analysis for candidate architectures. In another way that, according to system
requirements, the clock frequency can also be specified in advance. Whatever way
we adopt, the clock period will be used as a design constraint for subsequent stages
of the design flow.
When we move in accordance with the design flow, the emphasis of the design
criteria will shift gradually from performance to timing. In a synchronous design, the
clock period constrains the propagation delay of the combinational circuit between
the registers. This includes paths from input ports through combinational logic to
register inputs, paths from register outputs to register inputs, paths from register out-
puts through combinational logic to output ports, and paths from input ports directly
through combinational logic to output ports, as shown in Figure 10.30.
Especially in cases in which different blocks are designed by different design-
ers, it is important to guarantee that the combined path from a register output in one
block to a register input in another block meets the clock period constraint. One way
to do this is to allocate a timing budget for each block by specifying the maximum
output delay of a path from a register output to its output port in one block, and the
522 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

maximum input delay of a path from an input port to a register input in another block.
Since it is sometimes difficult to accurately estimate the propagation delays of com-
binational circuits, it is a common practice to require that each block has registered
outputs. In a large high-speed design, where the wiring delay across different blocks
may be significant, it may also be appropriate to require that inputs are registered in
each blocks.
Optimizing and analyzing the timing of a design is typically performed using the
static timing analysis. In Figure 10.30, there are 4 kinds of timing paths for the static
timing analysis. The static timing analysis estimates the timing information of each
cells specified in the technology library, together with simple wire load models. A
typical compiling command using the medium effort is displayed below.

c o m p i l e − m a p _ e f f o r t medium

At the synthesis stage, since the design has not been placed and routed, the de-
lays of cells and wires can only be estimated. However, using the estimates will be
sufficient to guide the timing optimization at this stage. To cope with possible mis-
matches between the estimated and real delays, the clock period constraint can be
conservatively configured to 90% of its target. The static timing analysis determines
whether the clock period constraint has been met, and surely you can identify the
critical paths in your design. If necessary, you can then modify your design to reduce
its critical path delay.
In the physical design stage, we can configure the aspect ratio and (area) utiliza-
tion of the design and choose the locations of hard macros and soft designs via floor-
planning. After floorplanning, the interconnect wires between blocks can be globally
routed. If there is no routing congestion, detailed placement and routing can be per-
formed. However, this process is very computationally intensive. When the physical
design has been established, real delay values of components and wires can be ex-
tracted. We can then repeat the static timing analysis using the accurate delays to
verify the timing constraints again.
If the synthesized netlist or physical design do not meet the timing constraints,
we can still fine tune the timing using different synthesis or placement and routing
commands. However, if the constraints still can not be met by the design, there may
be no choice but to revisit earlier stages of the design flow and choose different
architectures at higher levels of abstraction.


The cost of a chip is proportional to the wafer fabrication cost, and hence, the chip
area. Moreover, a chipâĂŹs yield is inversely proportional to the chip area. A larger
chip wastes more area near the wafer edge and dissipates more heat. In addition,
a larger chip usually requires more pins which leads to a costly package. It also
dissipates more heat and needs even more package cost. If a chip has defects, the
cost of its fabrication, testing, and packaging will be completely wasted. Considering
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 523

all factors, the final chip cost is approximately proportional to the square of the chip
area. No doubt, if possible, the smaller the chip area the better.
Similar to the timing of a design, choices made earlier in the design flow affect the
chip area most. At the synthesis stage, we can specify constraints on the area in the
synthesis tool, as shown below. When the delays of the design have been optimized,
cells with smaller area will replace those in non-timing critical paths.

set_max_area 0
c o m p i l e − m a p _ e f f o r t medium

At the physical design stage, the chip area can be optimized through intervention
in the floorplanning, and placement and routing of the circuit. However, only fine
tuning of the chip area will be possible. For a design with simple wiring complex-
ity, a high (area) utilization can be achieved, while, for a design with high wiring
complexity, a low (area) utilization is usually traded-off for timing.


As digital systems continue to become smaller and more complex, power consump-
tion becomes an increasingly important issue. The power consumed by a circuit will
be converted into heat, which needs to be dissipated by the chip and package. Many
of the previously mentioned methods of minimizing the chip area are still useful for
reducing the power consumption. Because a larger chip has more transistors, it will
therefore consume more power. There are still other approaches to reduce the power
consumption, such as identifying the idle period for each block of a system. The
clocks of an idle block can be turned off, and the voltage levels of idle blocks can be
lowered or even switched off. Alternatively, when the performance requirements are
not high, the power management can be achieved by an adjustable clock generator
to control the clock frequency.
Although turning off some blocks in the system can save a lot of power consump-
tion, it is a complicated procedure. In particular, if an active block is connected to the
powered down blocks, the interface signals must be disabled to avoid spurious acti-
vation in the active block. Further, when power is supplied to the block that is turned
off, it takes a considerable amount of clock cycles to restore it to normal operation. Power Model

In a digital system, the dynamic power consumption used for turning on and off
transistors is the main source of power consumption. The greater the fanout load
driven by an output, the higher the power required to transit the load between logic
0 and 1 levels. In a clocked synchronous digital system, a global clock signal needs
to drive many flip-flops. Within them, several transistors switch their states at clock
edges even the outputs of flip-flops do not change. However, these internal transitions
in flip-flops unavoidably consume power.
524 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.31: Power model of a CMOS buffer.

As Figure 10.31 shows, there are two main kinds of power consumption: dynamic
and static. The power model of a CMOS buffer has dynamic power consumption
which includes the dynamic switching power used to charge the output load CL (by
IL ) and internal load CIL (by IIL ) of a cell, and the short-circuit power consumption
(due to Ishort) in a cell. The dynamic switching power used for charging a load C is
characterized by
1 2
PD = α fCVDD , (10.2)
where α represents the toggle rate, f is the clock frequency, C is the capacitive load,
and VDD is the supply voltage. To reduce the dynamic power used to charge the loads,
one can reduce the switching activity, clock frequency, capacitive load, or the supply
voltage. The technique used to adapt to various operating requirements by adjusting
the clock frequency and supply voltage is called dynamic voltage and frequency
scaling (DVFS).
When charging the output or internal loads, both NMOS and PMOS may turn on
for a short period of time leading to a short current Ishort. Consequently, the short-
circuit power consumption occurs and, during the short circuit period, it is character-
ized by
PS = α f IshortVDD . (10.3)
The static power consumption includes the leakage power (due to Ileak ) even when
there is no signal transition. The leakage power is a complex function (and ignored
here) of the supply voltage VDD , the threshold voltage Vt of transistors, and the aspect
ratio WL .
Dynamic power optimization is achieved using clock gating for the RTL codes,
gate-level optimization using the synthesis tool, and the multi-VDD multi-supply
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 525

Figure 10.32: Timing diagram for a flip-flop with a gated clock.

(MVMS) library. Static power optimization reduces power leakage by using the
multi-Vt library, including cells with different threshold voltages. Through the use
of a multi-Vt library, low Vt cells on critical paths can improve their timing, while
high Vt cells on non-critical paths can save power. Hence, the low-leakage and high-
performance design can be achieved together with a multi-Vt library.
Statistically, clock gating can save from 20% to 40% of dynamic power, depend-
ing on your design, while gate-level optimization using the synthesis tool can save
2% to 6% of dynamic power. Reducing the leakage power using the synthesis tool
can save 20% to 80% of static power. Clock Gating

Another common way of reducing the power consumption of CMOS logic is through
clock gating, which involves turning off the clock to a portion of FFs whose stored
values do not need to be updated. We can use a clock-enable signal to control the
activity of a single register. When using clock gating, the components see no clock
transitions when the clock is turned off. As shown in Figure 10.32, the clock is gated
off for two cycles. During that interval, the register consumes no dynamic power
because no signals (including those in a register) need to transition, not even clock
Gating a clock is not as simple as inserting an AND gate in the clock signal. Also,
given the delay in an AND gate, the resulting clock edges will have an offset from
those of the ungated clock and leads to a higher clock skew, making it difficult to
meet timing constraints. Moreover, if a gating control signal is generated through
combinational logic, this approach can cause glitches in the gated clock signal, as
shown in Figure 10.33. The glitch may cause the unwanted triggering of the register.
The solution is to not to express the clock gating in the RTL model of the circuit.
Rather, we should treat clock gating as a part of power optimization to be imple-
mented by clock gating insertion tools during the synthesis. Several synthesis tools
can perform this kind of power optimization.
To optimize power consumption in digital circuits, clock gating can be automat-
ically performed by Power Compiler of Synopsys if your RTL codes obey certain
coding styles. For example, you can use if statements, conditional operators, or case
statements in always blocks, as shown below, to infer the glitch-free clock gating.
One requirement is that the clock to be gated and the clock that generates the enable
526 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.33: Glitch on a gated clock should be avoided.

Figure 10.34: Schematics (a) without clock gating and (b) with clock gating.

signal should be the same.

1 // Three ways to infer the clock gating

2 always @ ( posedge clk )
3 if ( enable ) q1 <= a ^ b ;
4 always @ ( posedge clk )

5 q2 <= enable ? a ^ b : q2 ;
6 always @ ( posedge clk )

7 case ( enable )
8 1 ’ b0 : q3 <= q3 ; // Redundant
9 1 ’ b1 : q3 <= a ^ b ;
10 endcase

The derived circuits with and without clock gating are displayed in Figure 10.34.
In addition to an AND gate, the clock gating uses a latch as well. In Figure 10.35,
the clock gating produces no glitches on the gated clock, gclk.
The script for automatic clock gating is displayed below.


The script can also be written as follows.

Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 527

Figure 10.35: No glitch on a gated clock.

compile −gated_clock

The clock gating can be manually inserted into the RTL codes, although this is gener-
ally discouraged. However, if it is determined that this is the preferable solution, the
following command should be used before compiling to synthesize the gated clock.

r e p l a c e _ c l o c k _ g a t e s −global Dynamic Power Optimization

High switching activity in a design causes an increase in overall dynamic power con-
sumption, making it necessary to implement design features that can reduce the ex-
cessive switching activity. To accurately optimize the switching activity, we need to
determine the most realistic power model for the switching activity. An addition op-
eration may be considered which can be implemented with 3- or 4-stage full adders,
as shown in Figure 10.36. In Figure 10.36(a), the high activity input goes through
three full adders, while, in Figure 10.36(b), the high activity input only goes through
one full adder so that the power consumption can be reduced.
We can optimize the RTL power consumption using the synthesis tool as shown

set_dynamic_optimization true
c o m p i l e − m a p _ e f f o r t medium − a r e a _ e f f o r t low \
−power_effort high

For the design in Figure 10.37 as another example, only one of the arithmetic
operations is required depending on the sel[1 : 0] signal at every clock cycle.
To stop data from feeding into the DW arithmetic components through operand
isolation, the DC can automatically insert activation logic, as the AND gates used
528 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.36: Addition operation to accommodate the switching activity, where FA

denotes the full adder: (a) before optimization and (b) after optimization.

Figure 10.37: A circuit that can adopt the operand isolation.

to isolate the operands of the adder shown in Figure 10.38. However, the operand
isolation might impact the logic depth of the combinational circuit.
The script for the operand isolation is displayed below. For weight=1 of the
set_operand_isolation_slack command, if the timing slack is 0.5 worse than before,
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 529

Figure 10.38: Activation logic inserted.

the operand isolation will be terminated. If weight=0, the tool can decide whether
the operand isolation will be performed.

set do_operand_isolation true

r e a d _ f i l e −f v e r i l o g d e s i g n . v
source d e s i g n _ c o n s t r a i n t s . t c l
s e t _ o p e r a n d _ i s o l a t i o n _ s t y l e −logic a d a p t i v e
# w e i g h t : 0~1
s e t _ o p e r a n d _ i s o l a t i o n _ s l a c k 0 . 5 −weight 1

At the gate-level, we can incrementally optimize the power consumption, as

shown below.

set_dynamic_optimization true
c o m p i l e −inc Power Analysis

Finally, a power analysis tool can estimate the circuit’s power consumption based on
signal transitions. A good way to acquire signal transitions is to monitor the values
of signals during simulation of the netlist of the circuit. To accomplish this, you need
to dump the VCD file during simulation. Then, you can convert the VCD file to the
switching activity interchange format (SAIF) file using the Synopsys vcd2saif utility.
The power analysis tool can then calculate the power consumption from the tech-
nology library together with the wire load model for the interconnecting signals as
follows. The file “design.saif” is the SAIF file.

r e a d _ s a i f −input d e s i g n . s a i f −instance your_design
530 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


There are three effort levels: low, medium, and high, that determine the relative
amount of CPU time spent during the mapping phase of compilation.

• Low: a quicker synthesis that does not perform all algorithms.

• Medium: this is the default setting and is adequate for most designs.
• High: this can perform critical path re-synthesis, but it will use more CPU
time. In some timing critical designs, the compilation may not terminate.

To reduce the synthesis time, multi-core synthesis is supported through the use of the
following command, where 4 CPU cores are available to be used for synthesis.

s e t _ h o s t _ o p t i o n s −max_cores 4

We can also direct the tool to optimize logics across block boundaries.

compile −boundary_optimization

For the cases in Figure 10.39, boundary logics can be optimized.

Figure 10.39: (a) Unconnected output ports are removed, (b) redundant inverters are
optimized, and (c) constants are propagated to reduce logic.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 531

DC-Ultra enables synthesis for timing critical, ultra high-performance designs,

as follows. By default, DC-Ultra will automatically ungroup all modules to obtain
an ultra high-performance design. It is suggested that the netlist generated by DC-
Ultra be carefully verified using formal equivalence checking with its RTL codes,
particular for a very complicated design.


The DC-Ultra has several options including

−scan # for test−ready compile

−no_autoungroup # for turning off the
# ungrouping
−no_boundary_optimization # for turning off the
# boundary o p t i m i z a t i o n


You can opt to perform incremental gate-level optimization without logic level opti-
mization as follows.

compile −incremental_mapping −map_effort high

Alternatively, the design hierarchy of a design can be broken by flattening the design.
The logic flattening allows the compiler to obtain a better optimized design.

ungroup −all − f l a t t e n
compile −incremental_mapping −map_effort high

The implementation shown in Figure 10.40 has several critical constraints: a clock
period of 10 ns, clock-to-Q delay, tCQ , of 1 ns, input delay of 1 ns, and setup time,
tS , of 1 ns as well. If the worst negative slack of your design is still too large, or
there are too many paths with negative slack, it is best to go back and redesign at the
architectural exploration stage.
During the synthesis stage, it is often best to apply the optimize_registers for
retiming of the registers, as shown in Figure 10.41.
The compile or compile_ultra command only optimizes the combinational log-
ics, and does not change the location of registers. There are three commands for the
register retiming which can move registers: optimize_registers, pipeline_registers,
532 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.40: Implementation with a large negative slack.

and balance_registers. In addition to changing the location of registers, the opti-

mize_registers command will optimize the area and incrementally compile the de-
sign as well. Using a different approach, the pipeline_registers command only in-
serts registers for a purely combinational logic. The balance_registers command only
changes the location of registers without optimizing the area or incrementally com-
piling the design.
If the setup time constraint is not met, the clock speed can be lowered to solve the
setup time violation, although the system specification will remain unsatisfied.


A hold time violation is usually considered using the best-case operating condition,
because, in this condition, the delay is minimum, which has the worst negative impact
on the hold time constraint. To perform only hold time fixing and ignore other design
rules, the set_fix_hold command must be specified. After setup time violations have
been corrected, you can then incrementally compile again for hold time fixing as

set_operating_conditions best
c o m p i l e −inc − o n l y _ h o l d _ t i m e

Typically, buffers are inserted in those paths with the hold time violation where
the path delay of combinational logic is too small. If the hold time constraint is not
met, the circuit may fail to operate at any clock speed due to the hold time violation.
Hence, hold time violations must be solved in all situations.


Occasionally designs will occur in which some output ports are driven by the same
net, an output port is driven directly by an input port, or an output port is driven by a
constant value, as shown in Figure 10.42.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 533

Figure 10.41: Retiming using optimize_registers.

534 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.42: Multiple port nets.

In these cases, the written Verilog gate-level netlist may contain assign constructs
as follows.

1 output MUX_OUT_1 , MUX_OUT_2 , OUT , CONST_1 , CONST_2 ,...

2 MUX U1 (. Y ( MUX_OUT_1 ) , . A ( n37 ) , . B ( n58 ));
3 assign MUX_OUT_2 = MUX_OUT_1 ;
4 assign OUT = IN ;
5 assign CONST_1 =1 ’ b0 ;
6 assign CONST_2 =1 ’ b0 ;

Unfortunately, layout tools may not be able to handle assign statements in the Ver-
ilog netlist. To ensure that your netlist does not contain assign statements, you
can separate the multiple port nets during compilation as follows. In the com-
mand, the option “-all” fixes both feedthrough signals and constants and the option
“-buffer_constants” buffers constants instead of duplicating them.

s e t _ f i x _ m u l t i p l e _ p o r t _ n e t s −all − b u f f e r _ c o n s t a n t s \
[ get_designs *]

The synthesized logic is presented in Figure 10.43.


By default, the maximum iteration limit of a for loop for synthesis is 4096. If you are
describing a design with a for loop with iteration of 8192, though the RTL simulation
performs well for a large for loop, the DC will fail and prompt an error message, such
as “Loop exceeded maximum iteration limit”. To solve this problem, you can set the
hdlin_while_loop_iterations variable to a higher number in the synopsys_dc.setup
file as follows
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 535

Figure 10.43: Preventing assign statements in gate-level netlist using buffers.

s e t h d l i n _ w h i l e _ l o o p _ i t e r a t i o n s 8192

Unfortunately, though the iteration limit of a for loop can be extended, it still has
a hard maximum limit of 10000. If your design contains a for loop with iteration of
16384 shift registers shown below, the synthesis will eventually interrupt with the
above error message again.

1 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

2 a [0] <= in ;
3 for ( i =1; i <16384; i = i +1)
4 a [ i ] <= a [i -1];
5 end

To get around this issue, you can separate one big for loop into several smaller for
loops as follows.

1 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

2 a [0] <= in ;
3 for ( i =1; i <4096; i = i +1)
4 a [ i ] <= a [i -1];
5 end

6 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

7 a [4096] <= a [4095];

8 for ( i1 =1; i1 <4096; i1 = i1 +1)
9 a [4096+ i1 ] <= a [4096+ i1 -1];
10 end

11 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

12 a [8192] <= a [8191];

13 for ( i2 =1; i2 <4096; i2 = i2 +1)
536 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

14 a [8192+ i2 ] <= a [8192+ i2 -1];

15 end
16 always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

17 a [12288] <= a [12287];

18 for ( i3 =1; i3 <4096; i3 = i3 +1)
19 a [12288+ i3 ] <= a [12288+ i3 -1];
20 end


Some tools may not accept the naming style of your gate-level netlist. For example,
the bus name, bus[2], may not be accepted. You might need to change it to bus_2_.
In this case, you can set new naming rules as follows.

s e t _ b u s _ i n f e r e n c e _ s t y l e {%s _%d_ }
s e t _ b u s _ n a m i n g _ s t y l e {%s _%d_ }

Then, you can apply new naming rules before writing out your netlist as follows.

ch an g e_ n am es − h i e r a r c h y − r u l e s s c r i p t _ o f _ y o u r _ r u l e s


We want to design an adaptive threshold engine (ATE) to separate the foreground
image from a grayscale one, as shown in Figure 10.44. The threshold is the simplest
way to segment an image. Binary images can be created from grayscale images using
the threshold.
The image is assumed to have 8 × 8 pixels. The threshold is calculated by the
average of the maximum and minimum pixel data, i.e.,
max + min
threshold =
where max and min denote the maximum and minimum pixel data, respectively.


Figure 10.44: Functionality of ATE.

Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 537

Figure 10.45: System block diagram.

Based on the threshold, the data, bin_data, of binary image is determined by the
pixel data, gray_data[7 : 0], of grayscale image as

0, gray_data<threshold
bin_data = . (10.4)
1, gray_data≥threshold

The system block diagram is shown in Figure 10.45

The I/O interface is presented in Table 10.1.

Table 10.1: I/O interface.

Signal name I/O Description
clk I System clock.
reset I Active-high reset signal.
gray_valid I Indicate the validation of gray_data[7 : 0].
The number of valid data is 64.
gray_data[7 : 0] I Gray data for ATE. Valid when gray_valid is true.
bin_valid O Indicate the validation of bin_data and threshold[7 : 0].
bin_data O Binary data of the binary image.
threshold[7 : 0] O Threshold data.

The interface timing diagram is displayed in Figure 10.46. There are 64 grayscale
pixel data, d[i], i = 0, 1, ..., 63, and 64 binary data, b[i], i = 0, 1, ..., 63. Along with
binary data, the threshold is valid for 64 cycles.
Since the threshold can be determined only after 64 pixel data have been received,
64 pixel data must be stored into a FIFO to decide the binary data. The streamline
FIFO does not need flow control. Read access of 64 pixel data from FIFO follows
write access of 64 pixel data, and hence, only one pointer, wrrd_ptr, is required and
it is shared for both read and write accesses. The FIFO is implemented below, where
the macro, CLOG2, is defined in Chapter 3.
538 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.46: Interface timing diagram.

1 // FIFO with one pointer

2 parameter DEPTH =64; parameter BITS =8;
3 parameter DEPTH_BITS = ‘CLOG2 ( DEPTH );
4 reg [ DEPTH_BITS -1 : 0] wrrd_ptr ;

5 reg [ BITS -1 : 0] fifo_rdata ;

6 reg [ BITS -1 : 0] fifo_mem [0 : DEPTH -1];

7 reg gray_valid_r ;

8 wire rd_stb ;

9 // FIFO write & read pointer

10 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

11 if (! rst_n )
12 wrrd_ptr <=0;
13 else if ( gray_valid | bin_valid )
14 wrrd_ptr <= wrrd_ptr +1 ’ b1 ;
15 assign bin_valid =~ gray_valid &( rd_stb |~( wrrd_ptr ==0));

16 assign rd_stb =~ gray_valid & gray_valid_r ;

17 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n )

18 if (! rst_n ) gray_valid_r <=0;

19 else gray_valid_r <= gray_valid ;
20 // FIFO write port and read port

21 // FIFO write operation

22 always @ ( posedge clk )

23 if ( gray_valid ) fifo_mem [ wrrd_ptr ] <= gray_data ;

24 // FIFO read operation
25 always @ (*)

26 fifo_rdata = fifo_mem [ wrrd_ptr ];

The ATE algorithm is implemented below. Notably, the fraction part of thresh-
old is unconditionally truncated. The outputs, bin_valid, bin_data, and threshold
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 539

are combinational outputs. A pipeline stage can be inserted if registered outputs are

1 // ATE algorithm
2 reg [ BITS -1 : 0] max , min ;
3 wire [ BITS : 0] sum ;

4 wire [ BITS -1 : 0] threshold ;

5 reg bin_data ;

6 // Maximum pixel

7 always @ ( posedge clk )

8 if ( gray_valid && wrrd_ptr ==0)

9 max <= gray_data ;
10 else if ( gray_valid &&( gray_data > max ))
11 max <= gray_data ;
12 // Minimum pixel

13 always @ ( posedge clk )

14 if ( gray_valid && wrrd_ptr ==0)

15 min <= gray_data ;
16 else if ( gray_valid &&( gray_data < min ))
17 min <= gray_data ;
18 // Threshold value
19 assign sum = max + min ;

20 assign threshold = sum > >1;

21 // Binary data

22 always @ (*)

23 if ( fifo_rdata < threshold ) bin_data =1 ’ b0 ;

24 else bin_data =1 ’ b1 ;

The synthesis script is written below.

# ## C r e a t e C l o c k ###
s e t c y c l e 10
c r e a t e _ c l o c k −period $ c y c l e [ g e t _ p o r t s c l k ]
set_ideal_network [ get_ports clk ]
set_dont_touch_network [ get_ports clk ]
set_drive 0 [ get_ports clk ]
set_clock_uncertainty 1 [ get_ports clk ]
set_clock_latency 0 [ get_ports clk ]
set_fix_hold [ get_ports clk ]
# ## D e s i g n E n v i r o n m e n t ###
s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck [ g e t _ c l o c k s ] −max 4 \
[ remove_from_collection [ a l l _ in p u t s ] [ get_clocks ]]
s e t _ i n p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck [ g e t _ c l o c k s ] −min 2 \
[ remove_from_collection [ a l l _ in p u t s ] [ get_clocks ]]
540 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

s e t _ o u t p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck [ g e t _ c l o c k s ] −max 4 \
[ all_outputs ]
s e t _ o u t p u t _ d e l a y − clo ck [ g e t _ c l o c k s ] −min 2 \
[ all_outputs ]
s e t _ l o a d [ l o a d _ o f " slo w / INVX1 /A" ] [ a l l _ o u t p u t s ]
s e t _ d r i v i n g _ c e l l − l i b r a r y slo w − l i b _ c e l l INVX1 \
−pin {Y} \
[ remove_from_collection [ a ll _i nputs ] [ get_clocks ]]
s et _ o p er at in g _ c on d i ti o n s −min_library f a s t \
−min f a s t − m a x _ l i b r a r y slo w −max slo w
s e t _ w i r e _ l o a d _ m o d e l −name tsm c1 8 _ wl1 0 − l i b r a r y slo w
# ## Co mp ile D e s i g n ###
c o m p i l e − m a p _ e f f o r t medium


• Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby, The Verilog hardware description
language, 5th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• M. J. S. Smith, Application-specific integrated circuits, Addison-Wesley,
• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
• National Chip Implementation Center, Lecture notes: cell-based digital
integrated-circuit design and implementation, 2015.
• Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis, 2nd
Ed., Pearson, 2011.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• Vaibbhav Taraate, Digital logic design using Verilog: coding and RTL syn-
thesis, Springer, 2016.
• Zainalabedin Navabi, Verilog digital system design: RT level synthesis, test-
bench, and verification, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 541

1. Identify design objects for the circuit in Figure 10.47.
a. Make a list of all the ports in the design.
b. Make a list of all the cells that have the letter “U” in their names.
c. Make a list of all the nets ending with “CLK”.
d. Make a list of all the “Q” pins in the design.
e. Make a list of all the references.

Figure 10.47: A sample circuit.

2. Synthesize the following modules.

a. Specify your constraint file with the maximum delay from all input to all output
of 5 ns. The input delay constraint is 1 ns and the output delay constraint is 1.5
b. Report all timing paths to the output port.
c. Report all timing paths through the module decode_3_8/u0.

1 module decode_3_8 (E , X , Y );
2 output [7 : 0] Y ;
3 input E;
4 input [2 : 0] X ;

5 wire E1 , G1 , G2 ;

6 not u0 ( E1 , X [2]);

7 and u1 ( G1 , E , X [2]);

8 and u2 ( G2 , E , E1 );

9 decoder_2_4 u0 ( G1 , X [1 : 0] , Y [7 : 4]);
10 decoder_2_4 u1 ( G2 , X [1 : 0] , Y [3 : 0]);
11 endmodule

12 module decoder_2_4 (Y , E , X );

13 output [3 : 0] Y ;

14 input E ;
542 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

15 input [1 : 0] X ;
16 assign Y = E ?1 ’ b1 < < X : 4 ’ h0 ;
17 endmodule

3. Synthesize the module, fir2, in Section 7.3.3 using the following steps.
a. Specify your constraint file with a clock frequency of 100 MHz and clock
uncertainty of 0.3 ns. The input delay constraint is 1 ns and the output delay
constraint is 1.5 ns.
b. Analyze your design and constraints by report_design, report_hierarchy, re-
port_port, report_clock, report_net_fanout, and check_timing.
c. Report timing.
d. Report area.
e. Report power.
f. Write Verilog gate-level netlist and SDF.
g. Run the dynamic timing analysis (pre-sim).
h. Use the VCD file to get a better power estimate of the gate-level design than
that of the RTL model.
4. Repeat Problem 3 for the module, fir2. However, the input and output delays
should reference the negative clock edge.
5. Repeat Problem 3 for the module, fir2. However, set the timing exception of false
path to those from the input coefficients of the FIR filter, h0 , h1 , h2 , and h3 , be-
cause they are constants and do not change during the operation.
6. Repeat Problem 3 for the module, fir2, but in this case the clock signal, clk, is
generated by the following clock generator, clk_gen. Suppose that the clock fre-
quencies of clk0, clk1, clk2, clk3 are 100, 200, 300, and 400 MHz, respectively.
a. Integrate modules, fir2 and clk_gen, into a module named chip.
b. Modify your script file to synthesize chip.
c. Run pre-sim to confirm that your design can operate at all clocks without any
timing violations.

1 module clk_gen ( clk0 , clk1 , clk2 , clk3 , sel , clk );

2 output clk ;
3 input clk0 , clk1 , clk2 , clk3 ;

4 input [1 : 0] sel ;

5 always @ (*)

6 case ( sel )
7 2 ’ b00 : clk = clk0 ;
8 2 ’ b01 : clk = clk1 ;
9 2 ’ b10 : clk = clk2 ;
10 2 ’ b11 : clk = clk3 ;
11 default : clk = clk0 ;
12 endcase
13 endmodule
Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler 543

7. Repeat Problem 3 for the module, fir2. However, the clock signal, clk, is gener-
ated by the following clock generator, clk_gen1. The clock, clk1, is a divide-by-2
generated clock from clk. Suppose that the clock frequency of clk0 is 100 MHz.
a. Integrate modules, fir2 and clk_gen1, into a module named chip.
b. Modify your script file to synthesize chip.
c. Run pre-sim to confirm that your design can operate under sel = 0, 1 without
any timing violations.

1 module clk_gen1 ( clk0 , sel , clk , rst_n );

2 output clk ;
3 input clk0 ;

4 input sel ;

5 input rst_n ;

6 reg clk1 ;

7 always @ ( posedge clk0 or negedge rst_n )

8 if (! rst_n ) clk1 <=1 ’ b0 ;

9 else clk1 <=~ clk1 ;
10 always @ (*)

11 case ( sel )
12 1 ’ b0 : clk = clk0 ;
13 1 ’ b1 : clk = clk1 ;
14 default : clk = clk0 ;
15 endcase
16 endmodule

8. Plot the timing diagrams of the circuits with and without clock gating in Figure
10.34. Verify the glitch-free clock gating in Figure 10.34(b).
9. Suppose a clocked synchronous design uses registers with a setup time of 1.2 ns
and a clock-to-Q delay of 0.6 ns. The clock has an uncertainty of 0.3 ns. Three
register-to-register paths in the combinational circuits have propagation delays of
2.6 ns, 1.9 ns, and 3.3 ns.
a. What is the maximum clock frequency at which the datapath can be operated?
b. If the path with a delay of 3.3 ns is optimized so that its delay is reduced to 2.3
ns, what is the maximum clock frequency for the optimized datapath?
10. Suppose a clocked synchronous design in Figure 10.48, in which registers have a
setup time of 200 ps and a clock-to-Q delay of 100 ps, has a timing constraint in
which the clock frequency is 800 MHz. The propagation delays through combi-
national elements in the datapath and control path are displayed in the figure. The
control path uses a Mealy FSM.
544 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure 10.48: A sample circuit.

a. Identify the critical path in the system.

b. Are timing constraints for the clock frequency met?
c. If the FSM were changed to be a Moore FSM, what would the achievable
maximum clock frequency be? Could the critical path change? Could the con-
straints be met?
A Basic Logic Gates and User
Defined Primitives
CMOS logic gates lie at the heart of modern digital designs. This appendix presents
the transistor-level designs of basic logic gates. In addition to built-in gate-level prim-
itives, we can use UDPs to augment the set of predefined primitives.


A well-structured logic circuit must be restoring, so that degraded input levels will
result in restored output levels. To achieve this, the voltage on the output must be
driven by a supply voltage, i.e., positive supply (VDD ) or ground (GND), not by one
of the inputs. A static CMOS gate circuit realizes a logic function f (·) while gen-
erating a restoring output that is compatible with its input as shown in Figure A.1.
When function f (·) is true, a PMOS network connects output terminal Y to the VDD .
When function f (·) is false, an NMOS switch network connects output terminal Y
to the GND. It is important that the functions realized by the PMOS network and
the NMOS network are complements, so that a short circuit from VDD to GND can
be avoided. A short circuit results in a large amount of current, which can cause
permanent damage to the circuit.
The most famous IC digital logic family is the complementary metal-oxide semi-
conductor or CMOS. The digital logic family is characterized by fanin, fanout, prop-
agation delay, power dissipation, and noise margin.
Fanin is the number of inputs available in a gate. Fanout specifies the number of
standard loads that the output of a gate can drive without impairing or overloading
its normal operation. A standard load is usually defined as the amount of current
needed by an input of another similar gate. The fanout depends on the amount of
electric current that a gate can source or sink when driving other gates.
The maximum fanout of a logic gate measures its load driving capability. The
output of one logic gate is connected to the inputs of other logic gates. A logic gate
provides a limited amount of output current, whereas the inputs of logic gates it
drives require a certain amount of input current for normal operation. The maximum
fanout of a logic gate is therefore the maximum number of inputs of other logic
gates that can be connected to the output of it. For example, we assume that the
manufacture’s data sheet specifies a typical input capacitance, Cin of 3 pF. Moreover,
if the AND gate has a maximum propagation delay of 4.0 ns measured with a load
capacitance CL of 30 pF. Hence, the maximum fanout of the AND gate is CL /Cin =
30 pF/3 pF= 10. In practice, other stray capacitance between the output of a gate and
inputs of other gates, such as the wire load, would lower the maximum fanout.
Propagation delay is the average transition delay time for a signal to propagate
from input of a logic gate to its output. For example, if the input of an inverter

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-A 545

546 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure A.1: CMOS gate circuit.

transitions from logic 0 to 1, its output will transition from logic 1 to 0 after the
propagation delay due to the load of the inverter.
Power dissipation is the power consumed by the gate that must be available from
the power supply. There are two main kinds of power consumption: dynamic and
static. The static power contains the leakage power. The dynamic power is consumed
due to signal transitions, including the dynamic switching power and transient short-
circuit power.
Spurious electrical signals can induce undesirable voltages on the connecting
wires due to the inductance between logic gates. These unwanted signals are re-
ferred to as noise. Noise margin is the maximum external noise added to an input of
a logic gate that does not cause an undesirable change in its output.
We briefly introduce several CMOS logic gates here. To understand their oper-
ations, we can know that 1) the NMOS conducts when its gate-to-source voltage
is positive (and larger than its threshold voltage), 2) the PMOS conducts when its
gate-to-source voltage is negative (and smaller than its threshold voltage), 3) either
NMOS or PMOS is turned off if its gate-to-source voltage is zero.

• Inverter
The basic CMOS logic gate is an inverter or NOT gate, which consists of
one PMOS transistor and one NMOS transistor. When the input is low, both
gates of PMOS and NMOS are 0 V. The gate-to-source voltages of NMOS,
Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives 547

Figure A.2: NOT gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and (d)
CMOS schematics.

VGSN , and PMOS, VGSP , are 0 V and −VDD V, respectively. Hence, NMOS
turns off while PMOS turns on. Under this situation, the output voltage
becomes VDD V. When the input is high, the reverse condition occurs, and
the output voltages is 0 V. The net result is the logical NOT function.
• Buffer gate
The buffer is constructed using two back-to-back inverters. Its Boolean
equation is the inverse of a NOT gate. The net result is the logical buffer
function. A buffer can decrease the propagation delay of a logic gate when
the gate is driving a large capacitive load.
• NAND gate
The NAND gate composes of two NMOS transistors connected in series
between GND and the drain-output, and ensures that the drain-output is
only driven low (logical 0) when both gate inputs, A and B, are high (logical
1). The complementary parallel-connection of the two PMOS transistors
between VDD and drain-output ensures that the drain-output is driven high
(logical 1) when one or both gate inputs are low (logical 0). The net result
is the logical NAND function.
• AND gate
The AND gate is constructed using a NAND gate and a NOT gate in series.
Its Boolean equation is the inverse of a NAND gate.
• NOR gate
548 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure A.3: Buffer gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and
(d) CMOS schematics.

The NOR gate composes of parallel-connection of the two NMOS transis-

tors between GND and the drain-output ensures that the drain-output is only
driven low (logical 0) when either gate inputs, A and B, is high (logical 1).
The complementary series-connection of the two PMOS transistors between
VDD and drain-output means that the drain-output is driven high (logical 1)
when both gate inputs are low (logical 0). The net result is the logical NOR
• OR gate
The OR gate is constructed using a NOR gate and a NOT gate in series. Its
Boolean equation is the inverse of a NOR gate.
• Multiplexer gate
The multiplexer (mux) gate is a selector and constructed using an OR gate,
two AND gates, and a NOT gate. When S is logical 1, Y = B; and when S is
logical 0, Y = A.
• XOR gate
The XOR gate composes of parallel-connection of the two NMOS transis-
tors in series between GND and the drain-output, and ensures that the drain-
output is only driven low (logical 0) when the gate inputs, A and B, are both
high (logical 1) or they are both low (logical 0). The PMOS transistors are
connected in a complementary fashion to those of NMOS transistors. The
net result is the logical XOR function.
Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives 549

Figure A.4: NAND gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and
(d) CMOS schematics.

• XNOR gate
The XNOR gate composes of parallel-connection of the two NMOS tran-
sistors in series between GND and the drain-output, and ensures that the
drain-output is only driven low (logical 0) when the gate inputs, A and B,
have reverse logical values. The PMOS transistors are connected in a com-
plementary fashion to those of NMOS transistors. The net result is the log-
ical XNOR function.
• Transmission gate
Transmission gate can enable the bidirectional signal transmission. The
CMOS transmission gate works like a voltage-controlled switch. It consists
of one NMOS and one PMOS transistors with common source and drain
connections. The gates of the two transistors are controlled by E and E, re-
spectively. The idea is that both transistors are non-conducting when E = 1.
Hence, the output Y is in the high-impedance state. On the contrary, both
transistors are conducting when E = 0. In this situation, the output Y is di-
rectly connected to input A. The transmission gate is not a static CMOS gate
because its output is not a restored logic function of its input.
550 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure A.5: AND gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and (d)
CMOS schematics.

A question may arise, “why are there two parallel paths through NMOS and
PMOS concurrently?” First, it is obvious that parallel paths through NMOS
and PMOS can provide a larger current for drawing or sinking the output
load of a transmission gate.
Second, as shown in Figure A.12(a), when E = 0, A = 1, and Y = 0, the
charge passes through NMOS so Y changes from 0 V to VDD V. It must be
emphasized that the MOS, either NMOS or PMOS, used in a transmission
gate is symmetric that its source and drain terminals are interchangeable.
During this occasion, the source and drain terminals of NMOS are on the
right-hand-side and left-hand-side, respectively. The gate-to-source voltage
VGSN gradually decreases as well. However, the NMOS must conduct when
VGSN ≥ VT N , where VT N > 0 denotes the threshold voltage of NMOS. There-
fore, if the transmission gate pulls Y high through the NMOS, Y will be a
weak one because VSN ≤ VGN − VT N = VDD − VT N , which is less than VDD ,
where VSN and VGN are the source voltage and gate voltage of NMOS.
As shown in Figure A.12(b), if the charge passes through PMOS to pull
Y high when E = 0, A = 1, and Y = 0. The source and drain terminals
of PMOS are on the left-hand-side and right-hand-side, respectively. The
Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives 551

Figure A.6: NOR gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and (d)
CMOS schematics.

PMOS must conduct when VGSP ≤ VT P , where VT P < 0 denotes the thresh-
old voltage of PMOS. Since VGSP = 0 − VDD = −VDD ≤ VT P is a constant,
so that PMOS always conducts and the charge will pass through it until Y
reaches VDD , which is a strong one.
Similarly, as shown in Figure A.13(a), when E = 0, A = 0, and Y = 1, the
charge passes through NMOS so Y changes from VDD V to 0 V. During this
occasion, the source and drain terminals of NMOS are on the left-hand-side
and right-hand-side, respectively. The gate-to-source voltage VGSN = VDD is
a constant. Consequently the NMOS will always conduct and the current
flows through it until VY = 0 V, which yields a strong zero. By contrast, as
shown in Figure A.13(b), if the charge passes through PMOS to pull Y low
when E = 0, A = 0, and Y = 1. The source and drain terminals of PMOS
are on the right-hand-side and left-hand-side, respectively. The PMOS must
conduct until its gate-to-source voltage VGSP ≤ VT P . Therefore, Y will be a
weak zero because VSP ≥ VGP −VT P = −VT P > 0, which is higher than 0 V,
where VSP and VGP are the source voltage and gate voltage of PMOS.
In summary, in a transmission gate, the PMOS is good to pass logic 1 and
NMOS is good to pass logic 0. To provide both strong logic 1 and logic 0,
PMOS and NMOS are connected in parallel.
552 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure A.7: OR gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and (d)
CMOS schematics.

• Tristate buffer gate

The tristate buffer is constructed using a buffer and a transmission gate.
In computer engineering, a tristate bus is realized using multiple tristate
buffers. The tristate buffer is not a static CMOS gate because its output is
not a restored logic function of its input. If more than one enable of differ-
ent sources is asserted simultaneously, the bus conflict happens. For exam-
ple, when a source wants to drive the bus logic 1 while another wants to
drive the bus logic 0, a short circuit may cause static current to flow from
the power supply of one gate to the ground of another. The voltage level
of the bus will be undetermined and the power dissipation significantly in-
creases. Even worse, the large current may vaporize metal traces and dam-
age the chip. Because of the potential short circuit, tristate buffers should
be avoided, particularly for those enable signals with a large clock skew. If
there is no choice but to use the tristate buffers, an idle cycle (with all en-
able signals low) is inserted between the assertion of one enable signal and
• D-Type edge-triggered flip-flop

The D-Type edge-triggered flip-flop is constructed using 6 NAND gates, i.e., 3 SR

Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives 553

Figure A.8: Multiplexer gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table,
and (d) schematics.


In Verilog structural modeling, you can use built-in gate-level primitives or your own
UDPs. UDPs are useful for ASIC library cell design as well as small- and medium-
scale chip designs. You can use UDPs to augment the set of predefined primitives.
UDPs are self contained and do not instantiate other modules. You can design your
own combinational and sequential UDPs. You can instantiate a UDP just like you do
for a built-in primitive.
The function of a UDP is described in a truth table. A UDP can have only one
output. If the functionality requires more than one output, then additional primi-
tives need to be connected to the output of the UDP, or several UDPs can be used
together. UDP can have 1 to 10 inputs. All inputs and outputs must be scalar and uni-
directional. The Z logic value is not supported and it will be treated as X. The output
port must be listed first in the port list. To model sequential logic, its output can be
initialized to a known state at the start of simulation using the initial statement. UDPs
are non-synthesizable.
UDP is defined outside of a module. Its output becomes X for any input combi-
nation not described in the table. In each row, the inputs are specified first, and then
the output follows, as shown below. The inputs and output are separated by colon,
“:”. In the table, ? represents 0, 1, or X.
554 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure A.9: XOR gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and (d)
CMOS schematics.

Figure A.10: XNOR gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth table, and
(d) CMOS schematics.
Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives 555

Figure A.11: Transmission gate: (a) symbol, (b) truth table, and (c) CMOS schemat-

Figure A.12: Charging through (a) NMOS and (b) PMOS.

1 primitive multiplexer (o , x , y , s );
2 output o ;
3 input x , y , s ;

4 table

5 // x , y , s : o

6 0 ? 1 : 0;
556 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

7 1 ? 1 : 1;
8 ? 0 0 : 0;
9 ? 1 0 : 1;
10 0 0 x : 0;
11 1 1 x : 1;
12 endtable

13 endprimitive

Figure A.13: Discharging through (a) NMOS and (b) PMOS.

Figure A.14: Tristate buffer gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Verilog, (c) truth
table, and (d) schematics.
Basic Logic Gates and User Defined Primitives 557

Figure A.15: D-Type edge-triggered flip-flop gate: (a) symbol, (b) description in Ver-
ilog, (c) function table, and (d) schematics.


• Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby, The Verilog hardware description
language, 5th Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
• John F. Wakerly, Digital design: principles and practices, 5th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2018.
• John Michael Williams, Digital VLSI design with Verilog: a textbook from
Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2014.
• M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, Digital design, 4th Ed., Prentice
Hall, 2006.
• M. J. S. Smith, Application-specific integrated circuits, Addison-Wesley,
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
B Non-Synthesizable
In addition to those non-synthesizable codes described in the main text, extra non-
synthesizable ones are given in this appendix.


• delay
• initial
• forever
A forever loop executes a statement (or block of statements) until the sim-
ulation ends. The following code segment describes generation of a clock
with period of 20 time units.

1 reg clk ;
2 initial begin
3 clk =0;
4 forever begin
5 #10 clk =1;
6 #10 clk =0;
7 end
8 end

• while
A while loop executes a statement (or block of statements) as long as its
expression is true. Its syntax is shown below.

1 while ( expression ) begin

2 statements
3 end

The following code segment describes the generation of a clock with period
of 20 time units.

1 reg clk ;
2 initial begin
3 clk =0;
4 while (1) begin

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-B 559

560 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

5 #10 clk =1;

6 #10 clk =0;
7 end
8 end

• repeat
A repeat loop executes a statement (or block of statements) a fixed number
of times. Its syntax is shown below. If the iteration_number is a constant,
it can be synthesized. However, it is recommended to use repeat loop in
testbench only.

1 repeat ( iteration_n u mb er ) begin

2 statements
3 end

• wait
In the following example, after the assertion, and then, deassertion of the
active-low reset signal, reset_n, normal function follows.

1 initial begin
2 wait (! reset_n ); // Wait for the assertion of
3 // active - low reset_n
4 wait ( reset_n ); // Wait for the deassertion of
5 // reset_n
6 // Normal function here
7 end

• fork and join

Originally, descriptions inside an initial block are processed sequentially.
However, descriptions inside fork-join pair in an initial block are executed
in parallel. In the following example, a is assigned 1 at the time unit 2, and
b is assigned 2 at the time unit 4, instead of 6.

1 initial
2 fork
3 #2 a =1;
4 #4 b =2;
5 join

• event
You can define your own events and write Verilog codes in an event-driven
style. A named event is a data type that you can then trigger in a procedural
Non-Synthesizable Constructs 561

block to cause an action. It must be declared before you can reference it.
The -> operator is the trigger of the named event. The syntax of the named
event is displayed below.

1 always @ ( event_name ) begin

2 statements
3 end

An example is demonstrated below.

1 event receive_data ;
2 event check_data_ fo r ma t ;
3 always @ ( posedge clk )

4 begin

5 // receive_data and check_data_ fo r ma t events are

6 // generated when last_data_ pa c ke t is true .
7 // Descriptions inside are executed in parallel .
8 if ( last_data_p ac ke t )
9 begin
10 -> receive_data ;
11 -> check_data_ fo r ma t ;
12 end
13 end

14 always @ ( receive_data )

15 begin

16 // Statements to receive data

17 end

18 always @ ( check_data_ f or m at )

19 begin

20 // Statements to check data format

21 end

• force and release

If some condition rarely happens, you can force signal values by the force
statement. The force statement is handy in functional simulations. In the
following example, the first line forces bit 0 of data in the hierarchical in-
stance name, A0.B0, to 1’b1. Then, after 200 time units, the forced value of
bit 0 is released, so its original data is recovered.

1 force A0 . B0 . data [0]=1 ’ b1 ;

2 #200 release A0 . B0 . data [0];

• Verilog primitives: nmos, pmos, etc.

• pullup and pulldown
562 Principles of Verilog Digital Design


• Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
• Ronald W. Mehler, Digital integrated circuit design using Verilog and Sys-
temverilog, Elsevier, 2014.
• Vaibbhav Taraate, Digital logic design using Verilog: coding and RTL syn-
thesis, Springer, 2016.
C Advanced Net Data Types
This appendix presents three advanced net data types, including tri, wand, and wor.
If multiple sources drive the same net, it must be declared as either tri, wand, or wor
net type.

A net can physically have three states: 0, 1, and Z (high impedance). The high-
impedance state is symbolized by Z in Verilog. The high-impedance state is used to
model open circuit, which means that the net connected to an output of a logic gate
with high-impedance state appears to be disconnected, and inputs of other logic gates
connected to the high-impedance net are not affected by it.
The tri data type is used when all variables that drive the tri net must have a value
of high-impedance, Z, except one, which must be ensured by the designer, as shown

1 // Only one driver can drive the tri net

2 module test_tri ( tri_out , condition )
3 output tri_out ;
4 input [1 : 0] condition ;
5 reg a , b , c ;
6 tri tri_out ;
7 assign tri_out = a ;
8 assign tri_out = b ;
9 assign tri_out = c ;
10 always @ ( condition )
11 begin
12 a =1 ’ bz ; b =1 ’ bz ; c =1 ’ bz ; // Default assignments
13 case ( condition )
14 2 ’ b00 : a =1 ’ b1 ;
15 2 ’ b01 : b =1 ’ b1 ;
16 2 ’ b10 : c =1 ’ b1 ;
17 endcase
18 end
19 endmodule

When condition is 2’b00, a, b, and c are 1, Z, and Z, respectively. That is, only
a drives tri_out, and b and c are high impedance (Z). When conditions are 2’b01,
2’b10, and 2’b11, only b, c, and none drive tri_out, respectively. The tristate wire,
tri, with states (0, 1, Z) is implemented using a tristate buffer.
When multiple wires drive the same net, an unknown X happens. As shown below,
wires a and b drive the same wire, w.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-C 563

564 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure C.1: Use case of wand net.

Figure C.2: Open-drain drivers.

1 wire w ;
2 assign w = a ;
3 assign w = b ; // Error exists

The conflict can be resolved by the wand or wor declarations depending on the
drive strengths of drivers. The wand net is used in the following situation.

1 wand w ;
2 assign w = a ;
3 assign w = b ;

Wires a and b are wired as an AND logic exists virtually to generate wire-and w
depending on the drive strengths of a and b, as shown in Figure C.1.
The wand net is also obtained by using the open-drain drivers, as shown in Figure
C.2. The wire w is logic 1 by connecting it to VDD only when both a and b are logic
0. Otherwise, w is logic 0. That is, the net result is the logic w = ab = ab.
The wor net is used in the following situation.

1 wor w ;
2 assign w = a ;
3 assign w = b ;
Advanced Net Data Types 565

Figure C.3: Use case of wor net.

Inputs a and b are wired as an OR logic exists virtually to generate wire-or w de-
pending on the drive strengths of a and b, as shown in Figure C.3.


• John Michael Williams, Digital VLSI design with Verilog: a textbook from
Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2014.
• Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis, 2nd
Ed., Pearson, 2011.
D Signed Multipliers
This appendix is dedicated to the synthesis of unsigned and signed multipliers. The
multiplier is one of the most important arithmetic units in DSP systems. Therefore,
the systolic array structures of unsigned and signed multipliers are presented.


Multiplication of unsigned numbers by hand is the same as that in hardware. When
n-bit number times n-bit number, the result is 2n bits. There exists a rule for unsigned
number multiplication: when number of bits for addition is not enough, just pad (sign
bit) 0, as shown in Figure D.1.
Multiplication of unsigned numbers (4 × 4 multiplier) in hardware uses the sys-
tolic array, as shown in Figure D.2, where PSi,k denotes the k-th bit of the partial
sum, PSi , i = 0, 1, and k = 0, 1, 2, 3. Notably, PSi,0 is Pi+1 . The systolic array can be
simply pipelined. For example, you can insert 2-stage pipeline using registers (at the
dashed lines) to the architecture of the unsigned number multiplication. Attentions
should be paid to P0 and P1 that they also need a 2-stage pipelines, and P2 needs
an 1-stage pipeline. After pipelining, the circuit is much like a systolic array, where
clock resembles the heartbeat.
Figure D.3 illustrates two methods for the multiplication of signed numbers (5 × 5
multiplication) by hand. Method 1 just sign extends to the maximum bit number you
need. By contrast, method 2 uses the partial product and only sign extends when
required. In this example, multiplicand is negative and multiplier is positive. Com-
paring these two methods, method 2 needs only 4 5-bit adders, which is smaller than
method 1. However, the sign extension of method 2 is irregular and not suitable for
hardware implementation.

Figure D.1: Unsigned number multiplication: (a) by hand (b) in hardware.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-D 567

568 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure D.2: Circuits of unsigned number multiplication: (a) structure of the circuit,
(b) schematics for the blocks in the top row, and (c) schematics for the blocks in
remaining rows.

Figure D.4 illustrates method 3 for a regular 5 × 5 signed number multiplier using
the partial product, which is suitable for hardware implementation. As displayed,
method 3 requires 4 6-bit adders for all cases, which is slightly larger than method 2.
It must be emphasized here that when the multiplier is negative ((c) and (d)),
the last adder should be implemented using the subtractor, because multiplier Q is
negative and its sign bit represents a value of −2n−1. When multiplier Q is positive
((a) and (b)), the partial product produced by its sign bit is 0, which can also be
implemented using the subtractor, because subtracting 0 is the same as adding 0.
Hence, from above, the last partial product (produced by the sign bit of multiplier)
should be subtracted regardless of the sign of the multiplier.
Multiplication of signed numbers (5 × 5 multiplier) in hardware uses the systolic
array, as shown in Figure D.5. Schematics for the blocks in the top row and middle
row are the same as those in Figures D.2(b) and D.2(c), respectively. The bottom row
implements the subtractor for the last partial product by inverting every bits of the
last partial product (using the NAND gate) and connecting the carry in of the adder
to logic 1.
Signed Multipliers 569

Figure D.3: Two methods for the signed number multiplication (5 × 5 multiplication)
by hand: (a) sign extending to the maximum bit number you need and (b) sign ex-
tending partial products and partial sums. Multiplicand is negative and multiplier is

Figure D.4: Method 3: regular 5 × 5 signed number multiplier using the partial prod-
uct for hardware implementation. In this example, there are 4 different cases: (a)
positive multiplicand and positive multiplier, (b) negative multiplicand and positive
multiplier, (c) positive multiplicand and negative multiplier, and (d) negative multi-
plicand and negative multiplier.
570 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure D.5: Circuits of signed number multiplication: (a) structure of the circuit and
(b) schematics for the blocks in the bottom row.


• Joseph Cavanagh, Computer arithmetic and Verilog HDL fundamentals,
CRC Press, 2010.
• Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of digital logic with
Verilog design, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
E Design Principles and
It is essential to conform to the design guidelines using a good coding style to de-
scribe the RTL codes for the combinational and sequential logics. These guidelines
will improve the performance, reusability, readability, and testability of your design.
Therefore, we present design guidelines fulfilled using the good Verilog coding style
for synthesizable modules that can ultimately map to physical hardware. The Verilog
sample codes throughout this book follow this style, while a different and free style
can be used in the testbench.
Legal Verilog codes may contain both good and bad coding styles. Therefore, be-
yond legal Verilog codes, we present what good Verilog codes are via design princi-
ples and guidelines. Based on these principles and guidelines, designers can develop
good and maintainable codes. Many design houses adopt their own coding styles to
manage the quality of their digital designs. Some EDA vendors also provide style
checking tools, called lint tools, that verify whether Verilog codes meet a set of cod-
ing rules.
To handle different design versions throughout the design flow, a digital design
project is typically managed using some sort of revision management tools, such as
the Concurrent Version System (CVS). The revision management tool coordinates
the work of team members by maintaining a repository of different code versions.
After a change has been confirmed in his/her own copy of the codes, they can inde-
pendently commit and then integrate the revised codes. Synchronization is achieved
by the tool, and old copies are backed up to the repository automatically.


We list serval fundamental but essential design principles here.

• Hardware mindset: Don’t forget you are designing the hardware. A work-
able digital circuit depends on two essential factors: function and timing.
Thinking about the functions of input and output can help bridge the gap
between concept and its physical realization. In fact, digital circuits are exe-
cuted in parallel. On the contrary, computer programs execute sequentially.
As Verilog is used to describe the behavioral of hardware, don’t treat Verilog
as another “software” language, such as C language.
• Architecture exploration: There exists tradeoffs between designs that
adopt different architectures, such as pipelining or parallelism, which have
different performances and require different hardware resources. Conse-
quently, the timing diagram should be designed accordingly. To this, you
must understand what your module will be synthesized to, analyze which

DOI: 10.1201/9781003187196-E 571

572 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

resources should be shared or optimized, and determine how to implement

a component, for example, using an SRAM or flip-flops as a storage. Expe-
rienced designers can even predict the timing paths of various architectures.
• Architecture design: Once the system has been specified, it must be di-
vided into manageable subsystems or modules. This can be thought of as
a divide-and-conquer process in which a potentially overwhelmingly large
and complex overall system is divided into manageable subsystems which
can then be designed separately. Before writing your RTL modules, in addi-
tion to how to describe them, you must know what kinds of circuits you are
defining, such as a combinational or sequential logics. Doing so can let you
know which signals are respectively outputs of combinational and sequen-
tial logics. Then, using the blocking assignment to describe combinational
logics and the non-blocking assignment to describe sequential logics, such
as flip-flops. This can be achieved by plotting the architecture of your cir-
cuit. Remember that if one cannot clearly determine what circuits are mod-
eled by the Verilog codes, then the CAD tools are unlikely to synthesize a
correct circuit that he/she is trying to obtain. Last but not least, remember
that designs with regularity and simplicity are beautiful.
• Timing diagram: The functionality of designs that can conform to its spec-
ification is of paramount importance. However, it is also critical that the
required tasks are performed in the right time slot. This can be fulfilled by
plotting the timing diagram of the design. After knowing the operation se-
quence, control signals that govern the operations can be designed using,
for example, the finite state machine.
• Verification plan: Through the architectural and timing diagrams of your
design, the responses of the design will be very predictable. After that, think
about how your design will go wrong and try to provide some assertions to
check error conditions in your modules. Besides the verification methodol-
ogy, the verification plan typically consists of a spreadsheet listing all test
patterns for each functionality of the system.
• Synthesis skills: Synthesis tools are constraint-driven. Therefore, we should
know very well how to set correct constraints. Beyond that, we can also
learn to gain an effective design by different synthesis commands or syn-
thesis strategies. Modern logic synthesis tools do a great job of optimiz-
ing combinational logics, including arithmetic and logic circuitry. However,
synthesis tools are still not good at making high-level optimizations, such
as pipelining or parallelism. The capability of synthesis tools in terms of
resource sharing and logic partition still has some limitations. In the sequel,
they should be implicitly described using a good coding style.
• Circuit analysis: When we move in accordance with the design flow, the
emphasis of the design criteria will shift gradually from performance to
timing. The designer should be able to analyze the area, timing, and power
of the derived circuit by the synthesis tool. Much can be learned by gaining
clearer pictures about the RTL model and its gate-level netlist.
Design Principles and Guidelines 573

• Design readability: During the development of a project, a module may be

revised many times. Moreover, a design may be used in different projects
and maintained by other engineers. To make it easy, the readability of the
module is very helpful. The design functionality should be clear and de-
scriptive. Consistent naming rules must be obeyed for comprehensive de-
signs, including module and signal names, and parameter names. Comments
should clarify the purpose of every statements, instead of just duplicating
what the code expresses.


We separately present design guidelines and coding guidelines below.
First, though a file can consist of more than one module designs (or definitions),
it is strongly recommended that a file should contain a module definition and the
filename is the same as the module name in it. Doing so makes the management of
your designs easier.
The top-level module should contain only instantiation and wiring of sub-blocks.
If there exists some glue logics, group them into a module. Therefore, no design
or glue logic should be described in the top-level module so that sub-blocks can be
synthesized separately and the top-level module only has to link them. A module of
clock generator, for example, clk_gen, is dedicated to describe the clock schemes. As
such, the complex clock schemes that may generate various derived clock sources
through multiplexers or frequency dividers can be easily investigated. Similarly, a
module of reset generator, rst_gen, can be used to describe the complex reset schemes
as well.
If you are a (fresh) designer, it is strongly recommended that you should plot the
architectural diagram of, at least, the datapath unit. Doing so can clearly understand
what components are included and where a potential critical path is in a design. In
addition to physical timing specification, such as the setup time and hold time con-
straints of flip-flops, a timing diagram can clearly demonstrate the relation between
inputs and outputs, and the sequence of operations of a pipelined RTL design. There-
fore, it is also strongly recommended to plot the timing diagram of the design before
writing its RTL codes. Doing this can clearly understand the evolution of signals over
time so that right things can be performed at the right times. If a performance issue
raises, some pipeline stages might need to be adjusted.
There are various ways to describe the behavior model of combinational circuits,
including continuous assignment, always block, and function. The function allows
designers to write more reusable and maintainable codes. By contrast, there is only
one way to write the behavior model of sequential circuits, i.e., always block.
It’s a good practice to adopt the port mapping by name, which needs not worry
about the actual port positions (that may change in different design versions) in the
instantiated modules. Otherwise, functional errors may occur when ports are wrongly
A for loop is “unrolled” and the loop index declared as an integer is dummy and
does not represent any hardware components. To make the for loop synthesizable
574 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

(and unrollable), the loop index must be constant rather than variable. The maximum
iteration limit of a for loop for synthesis is 4096. If your design contains a for loop
with iteration of 16384, you may separate one big for loop into several smaller for
Combinational loop is not allowed. You may need to declare different signal
names for the inputs and inputs of a combinational logic. Otherwise, sequential log-
ics can be adopted to break the timing loop.
It’s better to manually optimize the circuits rather than depending too much on
the tool. For example, the following two pieces of codes demonstrate the same func-
tionality. However, it’s a good practice to explicitly select the operands of a function,
sum3, as shown below.

1 wire [1 : 0] sel ;
2 wire [3 : 0] a , b , c ;
3 reg a_sel , b_sel , c_sel ;

4 wire [1 : 0] out ;

5 always @ ( sel or a or b or c ) begin

6 case ( sel [1 : 0])

7 2 ’ b00 : begin
8 a_sel = a [0];
9 b_sel = b [0];
10 c_sel = c [0];
11 end
12 2 ’ b01 : begin
13 a_sel = a [1];
14 b_sel = b [1];
15 c_sel = c [1];
16 end
17 2 ’ b10 : begin
18 a_sel = a [2];
19 b_sel = b [2];
20 c_sel = c [2];
21 end
22 default : begin
23 a_sel = a [3];
24 b_sel = b [3];
25 c_sel = c [3];
26 end
27 endcase
28 end

29 assign out = sum3 ( a_sel , b_sel , c_sel );

Rather, the following piece of codes is optimized by the synthesis tool to derive a
combinational logic, sum3, with its operands selected by the sel signal. Therefore,
the two pieces of codes may infer the same logic. Even so, at the first glance, sum3
seems to be called (or instantiated) 4 times.
Design Principles and Guidelines 575

1 // Optimization depends on the tool

2 wire [1 : 0] sel ;
3 wire [3 : 0] a , b , c ;

4 reg [1 : 0] out ;

5 always @ ( sel or a or b or c ) begin

6 case ( sel [1 : 0])

7 2 ’ b00 : out = sum3 ( a [0] , b [0] , c [0]);
8 2 ’ b01 : out = sum3 ( a [1] , b [1] , c [1]);
9 2 ’ b10 : out = sum3 ( a [2] , b [2] , c [2]);
10 default : out = sum3 ( a [3] , b [3] , c [3]);
11 endcase
12 end

Completely specify the sensitivity list of a combinational logic to avoid mis-

matches between RTL and gate-level netlists. Also, to prevent latches, the outputs of
combinational circuits MUST be fully specified, which is the behavioral of combina-
tional circuits. By contrast, if the outputs are not fully specified, latches are induced
because outputs will keep their original values for those unspecified conditions. This
is the behavioral of latches, which are sequential circuits and can be used as memory
elements. Explicitly specifying full conditions, or implicitly assigning default values
is a good coding style for combinational circuits.
Initial blocks are non-synthesizable and they must not appear in the RTL codes.
The functionality of a variable described using always block should be completely
contained in one always block. For example, the reset and normal functions of a
register should not be separately described using two always blocks.
Typically, the POR and hardware reset (asserted by the reset push button) are
applied using the asynchronous reset, while normal function uses the synchronous
reset to reset (or clear) a block or a portion of the digital circuits. Specifically, for
active-low POR and hardware reset, they are AND-ed to generate the asynchronous
A net cannot have more than one driver unless it is declared as tri, wand, or wor
net types.
It’s a good coding style to separate the next state and current state of a flip-flop,
particularly for inexperienced designers. Doing so makes the inference of combina-
tional circuits and sequential circuits clearly, as shown below. The confusions about
blocking an non-blocking assignments are avoided.

1 assign next_count = clear ?0 : counter +1;

2 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset_n )
3 if (! reset_n ) counter <=0;
4 else counter <= next_count ;

By contrast, the following description hides the next state and the combinational
circuit that produces it.
576 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset_n )

2 if (! reset_n ) counter <=0;
3 else if ( clear ) counter <=0;
4 else counter <= counter +1;

In additional to binary encoding of state machine, the Gray code encoding and
one-hot encoding can be adopted. The Gray code can reduce the dynamic power of
a state machine and one-hot encoding can achieve a faster sequential circuit because
the decoders used to generate the control signals of a state machine are not needed.
Grouping variables with the same control signals together in an always block can
save simulation time and is also a good coding style. For example:

1 always @ ( posedge clk )

2 if (! reset_n ) begin
3 counter1 <=0;
4 counter2 <=0;
5 end
6 else if ( enable ) begin
7 counter1 <= counter1 +1;
8 counter2 <= counter2 +2;
9 end

Instead, put dissimilar variables into different always blocks. For the example in
Figure E.1:
For the example in Figure E.2, we assume that “state_cs==S0” and “enable” are
mutually exclusive. So, variables, a and b, are controlled by different signals and
they should better be described using two always blocks.
For the example in Figure E.3, it’s good to only describe changed conditions,
while unchanged condition is implicitly implied.
The if-else statement and conditional operator imply the multiplexer. Good style
takes advantage of if-else priority that can be commonly shared, as shown in Figure
Sharing common parts of complex expressions using assignments to intermediate
variables is a good style. For example, in the following original codes:

1 assign addr1 =( base1 *256)+( base2 < <4)+ offset1 ;

2 assign addr2 =( base1 *256)+( base2 < <4)+ offset2 ;

It can be observed that the result (base1 × 256) + (base2 ≪ 4) is a common part of
the two expressions. We can declare an additional variable, base, for the common
part and share it in the two expressions as follows:
Design Principles and Guidelines 577

Figure E.1: Coding dissimilar flip-flops, a (with synchronous reset) and b (without
synchronous reset): (a) circuits, (b) bad codes putting dissimilar variables into the
same always block, and (c) good codes putting dissimilar variables into different
always blocks.

Figure E.2: Additional example: (a) bad codes putting dissimilar variables, a and b,
into the same always block and (b) good codes putting dissimilar variables, a and b,
into different always blocks.
578 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure E.3: Another example: (a) bad codes describing unchanged condition first
and (b) good codes describing only changed conditions, while unchanged condition
is implicitly implied.

Figure E.4: Taking advantage of if-else priority.

1 always @ ( base1 , base2 , offset1 , offset2 ) begin

2 base =( base1 *256)+( base2 < <4);
3 addr1 = base + offset1 ;
4 addr2 = base + offset2 ;
5 end

The variable, base, is not an input of the combinational circuit. It is an intermediate

variable, since it is assigned a new variable each time the block is activated. Then,
base is used in subsequent expressions. For this reason, the variable does not need to
be included in the event list. We need to use blocking assignments in the description
of combinational circuits, since we use the assigned values sequentially.
Modern logic synthesis tools are very good at optimizing small combinational
modules. Instead, they do poorly on large modules. Thus, these modules should be
written in the manner that is easiest to synthesize. Keeping modules smaller also lets
them more readable. It is known well what they will be synthesized to as well. Large
Design Principles and Guidelines 579

Figure E.5: Balanced adders.

modules should be structural by instantiations of other modules connected by wires.

There is no doubt what a structural module synthesizes to.
Datapath typically needs not reset to save the area cost. On the contrary, external
and internal control signals MUST be reset. For example, in the following piece of
codes, so_valid is the generated output control signal, cur_st and counter are inter-
nal control signals. They must be reset to prevent unknown conditions. By contrast,
so_data needs not be reset provided that whenever so_valid is true, so_data has a
valid value. This must be ensured by designers.

1 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

2 if ( rst ) counter <=0;
3 else if ( state_cs == S0 ) counter <=0;
4 else if ( state_cs == S1 ) counter <= counter +1;
5 always @ ( posedge clk or posedge rst )

6 if ( rst ) so_valid <=0;

7 else if ( counter ==7) so_valid <=1;
8 always @ ( posedge clk )

9 so_data <= buffer [ counter ];

The case statement implies the multiplexer, and a design with balanced path de-
lays is good for timing. For example, a multiplexer inferred by the parallel case
statement has a more balanced delay (and hence a shorter longest delay) than that
using the if-else-if statement.
Moreover, balanced design using the bracket is good for timing. For example, the
expression Y 1 = (A + B) + (C + D), which has the critical path with two adders, is
better than Y 3 = A + B + C + D, which has the critical path with three adders, as
shown in Figure E.5.
The comparator might be implemented using the XNOR or XOR gates to reduce
the circuit delay. The XNOR and XOR gates compare whether two bit are the same
or different, respectively. In the following example, the signal a[7 : 0] is compared to
a constant 8’hA5 using XNOR.
580 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 assign is_the_same =&( a ~^8 ’ hA5 );

By inserting FIFO buffers between pipelined stages, variation in throughput can

be eliminated. This can achieve a full throughput without stalling the upstream
pipeline stage and starving the downstream pipeline stage. Besides, an FIFO is also
pretty good at decoupling the interactions between pipelined stages. Hence, the FIFO
can simplify a complex design greatly if one can adequately utilize it.
The FIFO controller can be implemented using read and write pointers, and the
queue length counter. Such a FIFO design can fully utilize the FIFO space. Another
popular FIFO controller is realized using only read and write pointers without the
queue length counter. However, when read and write pointers are the same, the FIFO
may be either empty or full. To differentiate the FIFO full status from the FIFO empty
status, the FIFO full is asserted when the next write pointer equals the current read
pointer. Such FIFO design intends to leave one element unoccupied, and a buffer
space is wasted.
Try to use a smaller memory to build up the larger memory with increased band-
width and capacity through both the bit-slicing and banking techniques. A smaller
memory can enhance or reduce the access time of it. Also, disable those memory
banks that are not accessed can save the memory access power. However, too many
hard macros, such as SRAMs, might increase the difficulties in physical implemen-
tation at the layout stage.
About I/O signals of a module, output signals should better be flip-flopped (or
registered) outputs to prevent any timing issues. Important control signals, such as
control signals of a memory interface, for example, write and read enable signals,
should also be flip-flopped (or registered) outputs.
If a low-level RTL (or gate-level) design is desired, instantiate the logic gates
using Verilog primitives instead of those in the cell library. Hence, the design can be
technology independent and portable and can be optimized by the tools.
We typically use the intra-assignment delay to model the clock-to-Q delays of
sequential circuits. To model the output delay of a combinational circuit described
using the continuous assignment, the inter-assignment delay is usually adopted.
Constant decimal numbers (e.g., –12) are treated as signed numbers. But constant
based numbers (with or without size) (e.g., –‘d12) are treated as unsigned numbers.
Hence, do not use base when you refer to a negative number. When assigning RHS
to LHS, if the bit width of RHS is smaller than LHS and the result of RHS is signed,
signed number is sign extended; if the bit width of RHS is smaller than LHS and
the result of RHS is unsigned, unsigned number is zero extended; if the bit width of
RHS is larger than LHS, RHS is truncated.
Scan chains can be inserted by allocating pins for the scan mode (scan_mode),
scan clock (scan_clk), scan enable (scan_en), scan inputs (scan_in), and scan out-
puts (scan_out). If there exists more than one scan chains (to save the test time),
multiple scan inputs and outputs are needed. The numbers of flip-flops in different
scan chains should be balanced. To make the design controllable, the clocks of all
Design Principles and Guidelines 581

Figure E.6: Scan flip-flops.

flip-flops should be triggered by the external scan clock using the multiplexers as

1 // The system has two clock domains , clk1 and clk2 .

2 // For normal function , they are respectively driven by
3 // ori_clk1 and ori_clk2 .

4 // For scan test , they are both driven by the scan_clk .

5 assign clk1 = scan_mode ? scan_clk : ori_clk1 ;

6 assign clk2 = scan_mode ? scan_clk : ori_clk2 ;

For the modules with flip-flops, three additional ports are dedicated to the scan test
as shown below, including scan_en, scan_in, and scan_out, which are used by the
scan chains compiled by the synthesis tool.

1 module scan_test ( scan_out , scan_en , scan_in , ...);

2 output scan_out ;
3 input scan_en , scan_in ;

4 ...

5 endmodule

These three ports will be automatically connected to scan flip-flops in Figure E.6
during the scan chain insertion. When scan_en is true, scan_in is selected. There-
fore, during the scan mode (configured by scan_mode=1), at every positive edge of
scan_clk, the scan_in is latched by the scan flip-flop. For those flip-flops in a scan
chain, their stored data will be shifted in and out at the clock edge. Doing so makes
all data stored in flip-flops controllable.
During the scan mode, when scan_en is false, the normal function input driven
by the output of a combinational logic is selected and captured subsequently at the
clock edge. Since the inputs of a combinational logic are connected to the outputs of
controllable scan flip-flops, the normal function input is predictable and can be used
to confirm if defects exist in combinational and sequential logics or not.
After the placement and routing, the scan chain may be reordered to reduce the
wire lengths according to their physical locations.
582 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

Figure E.7: Clock coding style.


For a synchronous design, mixing positive-edge triggered and negative-edge trig-
gered flip-flops should be avoided. Otherwise, clock period may be reduced. Besides,
it may be problematic for chip testing and should be carefully treated. Clock gating
should also be avoided unless power optimization is needed. Some tools may have
limitations to handle these special designs.
Clocks fed to data inputs of registers directly or indirectly, as shown in Figure E.7,
could lead to timing violations and race conditions. Such a design should be avoided
or carefully treated if you have to do that.
If you are using Synopsys Design Compiler (DC) as your synthesis tool, you
can prevent lathes by “synopsys full_case” directive to specify all possible branches
for if and case statements provided that you know the other branches will never
occur. Besides, you can declare a case statement as parallel case with the “synopsys
parallel_case” directive.
Parameterized design is a good coding style. Parameterization increases re-
usability. For example, w1 can be set as a (n+1)-bit wire if we change m1 to n (i.e.,
if m1=10, w1 becomes a 11-bit wire; if m1=4, w1 becomes a 5-bit wire). Parameters
can be overwritten when the parameterized module is instantiated. As shown below,
the parameter m1 is changed to 10 by instantiation.

1 // Parameter m1 is changed to 10 by instantiation .

2 param_test #(10) param_test (...);

It is much more readable to use symbolic constants. Symbolic names can be con-
nected to constant values as either constants (using Verilog ‘define) or as parameters
(using the parameter statement).

1 ‘define RED_LIGHT_T IM E 9
2 if ( counter == ‘RED_LIGHT_T IM E )
3 ...
Design Principles and Guidelines 583

Often, a long signal is broken into a number of subfields. For example, a 16-
bit instruction may be split into an 4-bit opcode, 2 6-bit addresses. Consider the
following statement:

1 case ( instruction [15 : 12]) ...

This is harder to understand, and there is a danger of getting wrong indices, particu-
larly for a new definition of the opcode subfield. Codes become much more readable
when symbolic names are defined for these subfields. We can declare a new signal,
opcode, as follows.

1 wire [3 : 0] opcode = instruction [15 : 12];

2 case ( opcode ) ...

Naming skill is important for a project. For example, you can use lowercase letters
for all signal names and port names, while uppercase letters for constant names. For
active-low signals, the signal name is suffixed with an underscore followed by a
lowercase character, e.g., rst_n. Your code will be much more readable if your signal
names describe their functionality. Consider, for example, the statement

1 base =( base1 *256)+( base2 < <4);

is much more illustrative than

1 b =( b1 *256)+( b2 < <4);

Statements are easier to understand if they fit in one line. While easily readable,
long names can make code appear cluttered. With an appropriate naming rules and
supporting documents, not-too-short or abbreviated names can still be readable as in
the following, where ba denotes the base address.

1 ba =( ba1 *256)+( ba2 < <4);

Interaction between initial (in the testbench) and always blocks (in the design)
may induce a race condition. To solve the race condition, we can either assign the
primary input of a design at a time instance other than clock edges or try to use
non-blocking assignments in testbench.
Only use timescale in the top (testbench) module, and it is inherited to all sub-
Well-written code should have lots of high-quality comments. Comments should
describe design rationale and goal. Consider the following code fragment:
584 Principles of Verilog Digital Design

1 assign out1 = sel ? a + b : c + d ; // sel ==1 , do a+b;

2 // sel ==0 , do c+d
3 assign out2 = sel ?a - b :c - d ; // sel ==1 , do a-b;
4 // sel ==0 , do c-d

These comments do not convey any information. They just describe the codes and
should be deleted. Also, at the first glance, there are 4 arithmetic units (2 for both
out1 and out2) in the codes. Now, consider the following new codes and comments:

1 // First , the operands , op1 and op2 , are factored

2 // manually and shared for out1 and out2 .
3 // Second , arithmetic units are optimized manually
4 // because some synthesis tools may work badly for
5 // the optimization of continuous assignments .
6 // Consequently , only one adder and one subtractor

7 // are required and explicitly described by codes .

8 assign op1 = sel ? a : c ; // Share common operands for

9 // out1 and out2

10 assign op2 = sel ? b : d ; // Share common operands for

11 // out1 and out2

12 assign out1 = op1 + op2 ; // Only one adder is needed

13 assign out2 = op1 - op2 ; // Only one subtractor is needed

New codes and comments give the big picture view of the codes. First, the operands,
op1 and op2, are factored manually and shared for out1 and out2. Second, arithmetic
units are optimized manually so that only one adder and one subtractor are required.


• William J. Dally and R. Curtis Harting, Digital design: a systems approach,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
adaptive threshold engine (ATE), 536 digital signal processing (DSP), 2, 129,
application-specific integrated circuit 194
(ASIC), 1, 9–11, 13, 16, 22, digital system, 2, 3, 13, 18, 129, 209,
25, 26, 75, 129, 286, 361, 553 226, 255, 257, 259, 285, 286,
cell-based design, 9, 10, 13, 14 306, 363, 364, 523
design flow, 1, 9, 10, 14, 21, 23, 25, dynamic range, 55, 60, 129, 133, 134,
493, 521–523, 571, 572 138, 144, 145, 198
full-custom design, 9, 14, 229, 493 embedded system, 391, 441
semi-custom design, 9, 14 fast Fourier transform (FFT), 148, 344,
arbiter, 255, 265, 266, 268, 270, 274, 345, 441, 471–475
275, 277–279, 453, 454, 471, field programmable gate array (FPGA),
472 13, 16, 22, 25, 26, 286, 455
architectural diagram, 255, 306, 311, 573 finite impulse response (FIR) filter, 11,
architecture design, 306, 475, 572 12, 142–144, 255, 314–319
bit-width design, 129, 130, 137, 140, first-in-first-out (FIFO), 239–243, 255,
142, 149, 178, 183, 184, 189, 263–265, 286, 294, 380–385,
194, 198, 312, 314, 475, 477 387–389, 391, 392, 421–423,
clock gating, 227, 500, 507, 524–527 426, 427, 430, 431, 475, 477,
clock jitter, 516, 517 516, 519, 580
clock latency, 508 fixed-point design, 129, 143, 311
clock skew, 23, 94, 95, 509, 512, 513, fixed-point format, 136, 138–141, 144
516, 517, 525 fixed-point number, 129, 131–135, 137,
clock transition, 508 139, 140, 142–144, 185–187,
clock uncertainty, 502, 509–512, 516, 194, 198, 261
517 functional verification, 1, 16, 18, 22, 24,
combinational loop, 159, 160, 215, 217, 45, 68
492 gate array, 11
complex multiplier, 197 Huffman coding, 319
component labeling engine (CLE), 418 I/O interface
computer organization, 391 interrupt, 441, 461–464, 466, 468
delay model, 67, 75, 94, 95, 98 polling, 441, 460
dynamic timing analysis, 10 timer, 441, 468
static timing analysis (STA), 10, 75, integrated-circuit (IC), 1, 4, 7, 8, 11–14,
160, 209, 492, 522 16, 23, 27, 297, 441, 545
derived clock, 513 analog, 1, 2, 8–10, 14, 93
design for synthesis, 491, 496 automatic test pattern generator (ATPG),
design for test, 27, 209 21
design guideline, 75, 491, 571, 573 design, 1, 7, 9
coding style, 42, 45, 525, 571, 572, digital, 1–5, 8–15, 17, 19, 21, 23,
575, 576, 582 32, 41, 62, 93, 143, 163, 209,
naming style, 536, 573, 583 210, 215, 223, 255–257, 306,
design principle, 571 307, 319, 361, 418, 525, 545,
571, 575

fabrication, 1, 10, 16, 26, 27, 522 register, 15, 17, 19, 31, 41, 107, 110,
layout, 1, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23, 112, 194, 209, 215, 219, 222,
25, 26, 98, 99, 456, 505, 507, 225–229, 233, 236, 255, 257,
534, 580 260, 261, 306, 307, 312, 315,
lead frame, 1 316, 318, 319, 330, 380–382,
mask, 1, 9–11, 13 394, 399–401, 404, 409, 421,
package, 1, 26, 27, 297, 522 428, 431, 433, 442, 443, 445,
scan chain, 21, 580, 581 446, 449, 452, 456, 457, 459–
standard IC, 16 462, 464, 466, 468, 471, 472,
test, 1, 21, 27, 455, 515, 522, 580, 477, 491, 492, 502, 506, 518,
581 521, 522, 525, 531, 532, 535,
wafer, 1, 16, 27, 522 567, 575, 582
intellectual property (IP), 10, 16, 493 sequential, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 29,
interconnect, 257, 268, 270, 278, 284, 49, 51, 75, 77, 106–109, 112,
285, 391, 453 149, 159, 209, 210, 215, 219,
logic gate, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 221, 222, 224, 225, 231, 255,
25, 102–104, 149–151, 255, 259, 492, 509, 553, 571–575,
491, 545–547, 563, 580 580, 581
combinational, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, logic synthesis, 1, 9, 10, 13–16, 21–23,
24, 29, 43, 44, 46–48, 51, 52, 25, 26, 75, 86, 186, 187, 219,
75, 77, 87, 106–109, 112, 149, 294, 491–494, 498, 507, 509,
152–155, 158, 210, 221, 222, 514, 522, 523, 525, 530, 531,
224, 225, 231, 237, 242, 255, 534, 535, 572, 574
259, 294, 303–307, 492, 517, area report, 503
518, 521, 522, 525, 528, 531, clock tree synthesis (CTS), 509,
532, 553, 571–575, 578, 580, 510, 512, 516, 517
581 Design Compiler (DC), 82, 115,
flip-flop (FF), 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 491, 493, 495, 496, 505, 506,
23, 24, 47, 51, 97, 107, 108, 514, 515, 520, 527, 531, 534,
112, 209, 210, 213–217, 219– 582
226, 228, 230, 231, 233, 235, design report, 499
236, 239, 242, 261, 294, 306, design rule constraint (DRC), 506
363–365, 367–371, 373–376, non-synthesizable, 39, 40, 45, 60,
492, 502, 507, 509–517, 519, 62, 75, 76, 88, 492, 553, 559,
523, 525, 552, 557, 572, 573, 575
575, 577, 580–582 power report, 504
gate-level netlist, 14, 16, 21–23, 48, Synopsys design constraints (SDC),
67, 69, 115, 158, 168, 169, 506
505, 519, 534–536, 572, 575 synthesis command, 491, 572
gate-level schematic, 15 synthesis constraint, 10, 21, 505
latch, 47, 51, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 108, synthesis environment, 493
209–215, 219–222, 361, 364– synthesis methodology, 491
366, 492, 526, 552, 575 synthesis report, 23

synthesis script, 506 pipeline, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 31, 112, 255,
synthesis technology, 257 257–261, 263–265, 275, 278,
synthesis tool, 21, 22, 25, 26, 35, 306, 307, 316, 394, 404, 448,
48, 82, 98, 99, 115, 143, 150, 470, 471, 475, 493, 521, 567,
154, 155, 160, 185, 186, 255, 571–573, 580
257, 491, 504, 519, 523–525, post-sim, 10, 69, 115
527, 572, 574, 578, 581, 582 power model, 493, 524, 527
synthesizable, 17, 21, 30, 35, 39, 41, dynamic (switching) power, 4, 92,
45, 47, 50, 52, 59, 75, 86, 158, 93, 491, 504, 523–525, 527,
257, 455, 491, 571, 573 546
timing exception, 518 static power, 4, 93, 491, 524, 525,
timing report, 503 546
master-slave flip-flop (FF), 220, 364 switching activity interchange for-
memory system, 255, 286, 288–291, mat (SAIF), 529
298, 364 pre-sim, 10, 69, 115, 505
asynchronous SRAM, 297, propagated clock, 517
299–302 race condition, 108, 209, 244–246, 582,
dynamic random-access memory 583
(DRAM), 7, 8, 11, 285, 286, register-transfer level (RTL), 1, 14, 15,
361–363 17, 20, 23, 31, 37, 48, 186,
flash memory, 361, 363, 391 187, 255, 455, 491, 527
read-only memory (ROM), 11, 99, high-level RTL, 17, 30, 75, 76, 255
286, 303–305, 391, 395, 409, low-level RTL, 17, 30, 35, 76, 255,
449, 462 580
static random-access memory (SRAM), RTL code, 10, 21, 27, 50, 82, 115,
11, 229, 285, 286, 288, 293, 142, 149–151, 153, 156, 171,
294, 297, 361–363, 572, 580 174, 177, 178, 187, 188, 195,
synchronous SRAM (SSRAM), 286– 209, 223, 227, 232, 234–236,
288, 294, 418, 421–428, 430, 244, 255, 294, 302, 304, 306,
431, 433 311, 314, 316–319, 328, 330,
Moore’s law, 7, 8, 12 333, 371, 374, 375, 381, 385,
overflow, 57, 60, 87, 88, 137, 139–141, 389, 404, 428, 448, 456, 477,
150, 180, 182, 183, 187–191, 524, 525, 527, 531, 571, 573,
193, 194, 198, 200, 261, 262 575
negative overflow, 192, 200 RTL description, 17, 255
overflow detection, 149, 182, 183, RTL design, 15–17, 19, 21–23, 26,
190–193, 200 32, 75, 107, 112, 174, 255,
positive overflow, 191, 192, 198, 257, 306, 314, 361, 441, 573
200 RTL model, 15, 48, 56, 194, 491,
saturation arithmetic, 149, 190, 191, 505, 525, 572
200 RTL netlist, 575
overrun, 381, 382, 384, 387, 389 RTL simulation, 10, 100, 115, 237,
parallelism, 255, 259, 260, 470, 471, 239, 492, 509, 534
521, 571, 572 RTL statement, 257
physical implementation, 1, 8, 16, 510,

standard delay format (SDF), 10, 69, 99, timing verification, 1, 14, 23, 69, 94
112, 115, 502, 505 transistor, 1–3, 5, 7–9, 11, 12, 14, 31, 75,
state machine, 230 76, 102, 103, 213, 285, 303,
synchronizer, 239, 361, 370–372, 374– 361, 362, 367, 368, 454, 455,
376, 380–385, 387–389, 391, 523, 524, 549
392, 516, 519 BJT, 4, 14
clock domain crossing (CDC), 371 CMOS, 4, 5, 13, 52, 213, 364, 365,
system-level design, 16, 26, 255, 257, 524, 525, 545–552, 554, 555
361 FET, 4, 365, 366
testbench, 12, 19, 20, 29, 33, 45–47, 66– MOS, 52, 550
68, 88, 91, 99, 101, 113–115, MOSFET, 4, 91
244, 491, 560, 571, 583 NMOS, 4, 91–93, 213, 214, 524,
threshold voltage, 1, 93, 366, 524, 525, 545–551, 555, 556
546, 550, 551 PMOS, 4, 91–93, 213, 214, 524,
timing constraint, 19, 22–26, 97, 99, 112, 545–551, 555, 556
209, 299, 363, 364, 502, 503, transistor-level netlist, 16
516, 518, 520, 522, 525 transistor-level schematic, 30, 31,
clock-to-Q delay, 109, 209, 217– 365
219, 373, 375, 509, 510, 531, transistor-transistor logic (TTL), 3,
580 4
hold time, 1, 15, 23–25, 96, 99, 100, underrun, 387–389
110–112, 209, 217, 219, 220, value change dump (VCD), 68, 529
287, 288, 294, 300, 306, 363, Verilog hardware description language
364, 369, 370, 381, 491, 497, (HDL), 12, 13, 15–17, 19, 29,
500, 502, 503, 510–512, 532, 32, 43, 243
573 always block, 21, 23, 29, 51, 75,
recovery time, 112 78–80, 86, 87, 89, 106–109,
removal time, 112, 113 152, 158, 222–225, 244, 255,
setup time, 1, 15, 23–25, 97, 99, 257, 333, 491, 492, 525, 573,
110–112, 209, 217, 218, 220, 575–577, 583
287, 288, 297, 300, 306, 363, behavioral description, 17, 30, 75,
364, 369, 370, 375, 381, 491, 154, 160, 162, 163, 166–168,
497, 501, 502, 509–513, 531, 170, 175, 190
532 blocking assignment, 29, 45, 49, 50,
width, 110, 111 75, 102, 103, 105–108, 152,
timing diagram, 19, 20, 23, 24, 47, 99, 153, 243, 244, 492, 572, 575,
104, 220, 221, 223–225, 227, 578
236, 255, 263–265, 275–278, case statement, 80
287, 300, 301, 305–308, 310, continuous assignment, 29, 39, 43,
328–330, 380, 382–384, 391, 44, 75, 87, 100, 109, 149, 151,
392, 401, 404, 405, 428, 429, 160, 215, 219, 243, 244, 255,
446, 447, 456, 457, 462, 463, 257, 297, 491, 492, 573, 580
472–475, 525, 537, 538, 571– dataflow description, 17, 30, 75,
573 169, 175, 176, 178

for loop statement, 84 parameter, 39

function, 39, 57, 87–90, 154, 330, port, 33
378, 379, 491, 492, 573, 574 primitive, 29, 35, 52–54, 96, 158,
if-else statement, 75 296, 491, 553, 561, 580
initial block, 44, 45, 75, 101, 102, reg, 34
112, 244, 560, 575 structural description, 17, 30, 35,
inter-assignment delay, 75, 101, 149, 169, 174, 209, 257
102, 108, 109, 580 system task, 68, 75, 110–113, 115,
intra-assignment delay, 75, 101, 135, 136, 185, 186, 243, 304,
102, 108, 109, 580 305, 491
module, 32 task, 88–90
non-blocking assignment, 29, 50, tri, 39
75, 102, 103, 105–109, 222, wand, 39
243–245, 492, 572, 575, 583 wire, 34
operator, 58 wor, 39

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