Salt Analysis

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Basic radicals

For Salt+NaOH(pellets) smell of NH3 NH4+ May be

Zerogp present
For 1 gp Salt solution(O.S) + Dil HCl White Ppt First gp.
For 2 gp Above sol. +pass H2S gas Black ppt.--may be Cu+2 Second gp.
Yellow ppt.-- As+3 present
For 3 gp Salt solution(O.S) +Dil.HCl White gelatinousPPT.— Third gp.
+NH4Cl+NH4OH (+HNO3 Al+3 present
FOR colored salt) Green ppt which turns
For 4 gp Above sol. +H2S gas Black ppt –Ni+2,Co+2 IV gp. present
Dirty White—Zn+2
Buff colored—Mn+2
For 5 gp. Salt solution(O.S) +Dil.HCl White ppt— V gp. present
+NH4Cl+NH4OH+(NH4)2CO3 Ba+2,Sr+2,Ca+2
For 6 gp. White ppt.Mg+2 VI gp. present
Above soln + amm.
Hydrogen phosphate

Confirmatory test:
1). Gp. 0- salt + NaOH + Nessler’s reagent-brown ppt. (NH4+)

2). Gp. 1- salt+ water+ potassium chromate/KI – yellow ppt. (Pb+2)

3). Gp.2-a) salt+ water+ acetic acid + potassium ferrocyanide – chocolate brown ppt. (Cu+2)
(when black ppt comes)

4). Gp.3- a) salt+ water + blue litmus sol.-blue lake (Al+3), cobalt nitrate test- blue mass

b). ppt+HNO3+potassium ferrocyanide - deep blue (Fe+3)

5). Gp.4-a) ppt + HCl+ potassium ferrocyanide - bluish white ppt (Zn+2),

cobalt nitrate test- green mass

b).ppt + NaOH-white ppt on standing brown (Mn+2)

c). ppt+ water+ NaOH-blue color, on adding HCl-original pink (Co+2)

d). ppt + NH4OH+ DMG-pink color (Ni+2)

6). Gp. 5. ppt. + acetic acid, divide into three parts a) to one part add k2CrO4 yellow ppt.Ba+2

b) Second part adds amm. Sulphate-white ppt.Sr+2 c) Third part –add amm.oxalate-white
ppt.Ca+2 Flame test- Ba+2 apple green,Sr+2 –crimson red and Ca+2 – brick red

7. For Mg+2 : cobalt nitrate test-pink mass.

Acidic radicals

Dil. H2SO4 Gp.

1)salt + dil. H2SO4 Brisk effervescence CO3-2

2)salt + dil. H2SO4 Smell like rotten eggs S-2

3) Salt + dil. . . . H2SO4 Pungent and suffocating SO3-2

Conc. . . H2SO4 Gp.

1) Salt + conc. . H2SO4 Pungent smell Cl-

2) Salt + conc. . H2SO4 Reddish brown gas Br-

3) Salt + conc. . H2SO4 Violet color I-

4) salt + conc. . H2SO4 Brown colored gas NO3-

5) Salt + conc. . H2SO4 Vinegar smell CH3COO-

For SO4-2

Salt sol. + BaCl2 White ppt. SO4-2

For PO4-3

Salt sol. + conc. HNO3 + Canary yellow PO4-3

Amm. molybdate
Confirmatory test:
For CO3-2---

1) salt + phenolphthalein--- pink color

2) Salt + dil. H2SO4 + lime water ----milky
For S-2---

1) Salt + dil. H2SO4 + lead acetate paper ---black

2) Salt + sodiumnitroprusside ---Violet

For SO3- ----

1) Salt + pot. Dichromate paper turns orange to green

For Cl- ---

Salt sol. + AgNO3 gives white ppt., soluble in NH4OH

For Br- ---

Salt sol. + AgNO3 gives pale yellow ppt. ,. partially soluble in NH4OH

For I- ---

Salt sol. + AgNO3 gives yellow ppt. ,. Insoluble in NH4OH

Organic layer test for confirmatory test of Br- and I-

O.S. + CCl4 + Chlorine water Reddish brown confirms Br-

O.S. + CCl4 + Chlorine water violet layer confirms I-

For NO3- --

Salt + FeSO4 + conc. H2SO4 gives black brown ring (ring test)

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