Atoms and Periodic Table - Practice Quiz

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-Ricardo F. Uy Jr.



1.Complete the table below: (9 pts)

Element/ion Atomic Mass # p+ # no # e-

number Number
Ra 88 226 88 138 88
Au 79 197 79 118 79
Sn 50 119 50 69 50
Ni 2+ 28 59 28 31 26
I- 53 127 53 74 54

2. Calculate the natural abundances of the two (2) isotopes of thallium, given the
following information below and the average atomic mass of thallium is 204.4

Mass % Abundance of

Tl-203 202.972320amu 28.69 %

Tl-205 204.974401amu 71.31%

100 %

Tl-203 202.972320amu x
Tl-205 204.974401amu 1-x

204.4 = 202.972320x + 204.974401- 204. 974401x

204. 974401x - 202.972320x = 204.974401 - 204.4
2.002081x = 0.574401
x = 0.2869 x 100 = 28.69 %
1-x = 1- 0.2869 = 0.7131 x 100 = 71.31%
1. Complete the following table below: (18 pts)
Number Magnetic Property Group Period Configuration
of (dia/paramagnetic) No No (a.Expanded
Element/ Z
Valence (0.5pt) (0.5pt) (0.5pt) form b.
Ion ().5pt)
Electrons Abbreviated
(0.5pt) form)
(1pt each)
K a. 1s2 2s2 2p6
19 1 Paramagnetic 1 4 3s2 3p6 4s1
b. [Ar]4s1
Cr3+ a. 1s2 2s2 2p6
24 3 Paramagnetic 6 4 3s2 3p6 3d3
b. [Ar]3d3
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6
Diamagnetic 16 4 3s2 3s6 4s2
Se2- 34 3d10 4p6
b. [Ar] 4s2
3d10 4p6 or
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6
2 Diamagnetic 2 6 3s2 3p6 4s2
3d10 4p6 5s2
Ba2+ 56 4d10 5p6
b. [Kr]5s2 4d10

2. Determine what elements are denoted by the following electron configurations:


a. 1s22s22p63s23p3 Phosphorus
b. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s2 Strontium
c. [Kr] 5s24d105p5 Iodine
d. [Xe] 6s24f145d5 Rhenium
e. [Rn] 7s2 1 Radium

3. Determine which of the following electron configurations are not valid and support
your answer. (8pts)
a. 1s22s22p63s23p64s24d104p5 - Not valid, it should be 3d10 instead of 4d10.
b. 1s22s22p63s33d4 - Not valid, because s-orbital can only hold 2
c. [Ra] 7s25f8 - Not valid, because Ra is not a noble gas.
d. [Kr] 5s24d105p5 - Valid
e. [Ar] - Not valid, abbreviation should follow some

4. Given an element with atomic number 38, provide the following information: (5pts)
a. How many electrons will fill each of the following shells:
1st shell (n=1): 2 electrons 2nd shell (n=2): 8 electrons 3rd shell( n=3): 18
b. Is this element likely to form a cation or anion? cation
c. What charge will the ion formed by this element have? Sr2+

September 12, 2020

5. Arrange each of the following list of elements in order of increasing atomic size:
a. Al, Si, P, Cl, S b. Sr, Ca, Ba, Mg, Be c. O, Br, I, K, Li

Answer: a. Cl, S, P, Si, Al b. Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba c. O, Br, I, Li, K

6. Based on the given sets of elements in # 5, which one has the highest metallic
property? Ionization energy? Support your answer (6pts)

A. Metallic character tends to increase from top to bottom in a group, and tends to
decrease from left to right across a period. In the given sets of elements in #5 K and
Ba have shown considerable metallic character. Based on other consideration
which is the tendency to lose eclectrons, K is the greates among the given
elements. Therefore, metallic character will be highest in Potassium (K) among all
the given elements and also it has more tendency to lose electrons.

B. Oxygen atom is smaller than atom of the given sets of elements in # 5, therefore
the effective nuclear attraction force on the outermost electrons in F is higher than
the others so lesser energy must be provided to remove the outermost electron in
other elements when compared to that with Oxygen which require much more
higher energy. Therefore, Oxygen (O) has a higher ionization energy.

7. Complete the table below: (8pts)

Sublevel N l ml ms
4p3 4 1 1 ½
3s2 3 0 0 -½
7d2 7 2 -1 ½
6p6 6 1 1 -½

8. Which sets of quantum numbers are not/acceptable? Support your answer. (6pts)
a. n = 2, l =-1, ml =0, ms = +1/2
The quantum number set given is not acceptable since there is no such a
negative azimuthal quantum number.
b. n = 4, l =-2, ml =1, ms = -1/2
The quantum number set given is not acceptable since there is no such a
negative azimuthal quantum number.

c. n = 5, l =4, ml = 3, ms = +1/2
The quantum number set given are valid and describes an electron
➢ that is located on the 5th energy level → n= 5
➢ located in the 5g-subshell → l=4
➢ located in the 5g8 orbital → ml=3
➢ that has spin-up → ms= +1/2.

September 12, 2020

9. Draw the Lewis Electron Dot Symbols for the following: (5pts)

Sb 2+ N3+ Br- C4- Ar

September 12, 2020


Burdge, J. & Driessen, M. (2017). Introductory Chemistry: An Atoms First

Approach. New York, NY 10121: McGraw-Hill.

McMurry, J., Fay, R. & Fantini, J. (2012). Chemistry. 6th Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall.

September 12, 2020

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