Naufal Hafizh - Motivation Letter For MSC Food Tech IUPFOOD and VLIR-UOS Scholarship

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Motivation Letter for Master of Science in Food Technology IUPFOOD and VLIR-UOS Scholarship

My name is Naufal Hafizh and with this motivation letter, I express my interest in applying for the Master of
Science in Food Technology offered by The Interuniversity Programme in Food Technology (IUPFOOD) that
jointly organised by KU Leuven and Ghent University (UGent) as well as VLIR-UOS scholarship. With my
current experience as Research Engineer in Research Center for Agroindustry of Indonesian National Agency
for Research and Innovation, I wish I can enrich my knowledge about how to develop biotechnological aspect
of food industry and technology and also agricultural environment to solve the problem, whether in society
and/or industry especially about handling fresh agricultural product that meet food safety aspect. In
addition, this program will give me new opportunity since the program will be hold in two different
universities which can give me wide perspective about food technology, postharvesting, and food
preservation engineering as well as food safety and regulation.

I hold a B.Eng. degree in Bioprocess Engineering from University of Indonesia. During my degree, I learnt
several courses I wish suitable for this program such as Food Technology, Product Design, Equipment Design,
and System Simulation as well as one of my team’s projects in Plant Design course that focused on
preliminary design of xylitol production from oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB). For my undergraduate
thesis research, I did a research about unsaturated fatty acid extraction from Rhizopus oligosporus from
soybean fermentation that can be used as an alternative for food suplement.

After graduating from University Indonesia in 2019, I worked at PT Prakarsa Alam Segar that produced one
of most notable instant noodle in Indonesia called Mie Sedaap. I worked as a foreman quality control of raw
material to ensure that incoming material such as flour, oil, herbs, spices, flavour, and packaging materials
are suitable with company’s standard as well as ISO 22000 as international standard for Food Safety
Management System and Halal certification by Indonesian Ulema Council. The quality inspection for raw
material is important to ensure that the product will safe to eat and minimize the waste of raw material that
can’t be used due to minor or major defect that would lead to economical lost in production process. In one
year, I moved to Indonesian National Agency for Research and Innovation for pursuing my career as research
engineer focusing in agroindustrial engineering.

During my career as research engineer for two years, I have participated in several research project related
to food technology and nutrition such as production of protease-like-trypsin enzyme from lactic acid bacteria
for supplementary digestive system to replace trypsin that usually produced from animal’s digestive siystem
that lead to people’s concern about plant-based raw material in food production and fruit coating solution
from palm oil derivatives to replace costly bees wax-based fruit coating, take advantage of the abundant
palm oil in Indonesia, and also to improve the shelf life of the fruit itself. I also have planned research about
iradiation dosage to improve the shelf life of red chilli by using gamma-radiation in small dosage for sterilizing
food materials to prevent microbial growth so it can expand its shelf life rather than conventional method.

With all of my experience listed, I want to step up my professional career miles ahead. This program is
specifically relevant with both my education background and research career about food technology. In
addition, studying abroad provides great experience for celebrating cultural diversity and exchanging
knowledge from students around the world. With the knowledge I will get from this program, I want to solve
problems in society related to food technology and preservation engineering. I am sure that the knowledge
and skills that I have got from my job and university would make a valuable addition for me and society to
the Master of Science in Food Technology offered by The Interuniversity Programme in Food Technology
(IUPFOOD) and VLIR-UOS scholarship.

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