The principal challenge in applying composite materials to automotive vehicles is to provide structural
performance that allows for significant weight reductions over conventional materials such as steel. However, the
automotive market is quite different from the proven aerospace composite arena. Aircraft parts are typically
produced in low volumes with few requiring very complex surface shaping. The automotive industry, by contrast,
produces a variety of products comprising hundreds of basic structural forms. Dramatic changes in fiber orientation
can occur, inducing large thickness changes, loss of laminate stack-up symmetry and balance. All of these issues can
have a considerable effect on the behavior of the final part.
This paper describes how the FiberSIM suite of software tools supports the entire composite engineering
process by using a unique material simulation technology that predicts how composite material conform to complex
surfaces. Engineers can quickly visualize ply shapes and fiber orientations, and identify manufacturing problems
during the design phase. Designers can also create and automatically update drawings and related manufacturing
data directly from the master CAD model, thus reducing opportunities for errors and delays on the manufacturing
Practical case studies from automotive highlight how composite engineering can be improved and risk can be
reduced by the use of these new integrated simulation-driven tools.
Today's advanced continuous fiber composite materials offer dramatic opportunities for producing lightweight
laminates with tremendous performance capabilities. However, the high cost and complexity of designing and
manufacturing composites have largely offset the benefits of using these materials.
To unlock the full potential of lightweight laminates, new software applications have been developed that
transform general CAD systems into a high-performance composite engineering environment for designing and
manufacturing composite parts.
By shortening the entire design and analysis cycle time, these applications allow designers and engineers to
undertake many more iterations in order to optimize a part and verify its structural integrity. In particular, state-of-
the-art composite engineering software provides a link between the CAD system and analysis software. Hence,
designers and analysts can share the same master model part definition that resides in the CAD system, complete
with all details of the part in its to-be-manufactured state.
Based on existing engineering applications, evidence of the benefits that can be drawn from the use of these
new applications is demonstrated.
Design Applications
Two different approaches are currently used in the simulation of the behavior of laminated composites. The first
approach, generally referred to as mapping, relies on the kinematics of fabric deformation and has been the subject
of constant research for over a century, especially in the textile industry [1,2]. The second approach is based on the
use of laminated plate theories and the application of the finite element method to multilayered shell and membrane
structures [3]. Designers and design engineers preferably rely on the first one to incorporate simulation driven
decisions in the design process. Analysts will typically use the second approach to produce complex mechanical
simulations of the composite part (see section below on finite element analysis).
Since the early work of mathematician Chebyshev on the draping of woven fabric, the mapping of flat pieces of
fabric to three-dimensional surfaces has been the subject of research experiments and simulations. Over the last
twenty years, the draping of fiber-reinforced composite sheets has generated numerous research works, including
Robertson et al. [4,5], Van der Weeen [6], Smiley and Pipes [7], Van West et al. [8], Heisey and Haller [9],
Gutowski et al. [10], Tam [11], and Gelin et al. [12].
State-of-the art draping models assume a geometric mechanism to transform an initial unit square of fabric into
the corresponding draped shape. The algorithms rely on the CAD system for the necessary geometry data. They are
not computationally intensive and can provide a quick answer. Assumptions commonly made in current draping
models include:
In the last five years, draping simulation has been integrated in major CAD systems used in production
worldwide [13,14,15,16] (figure 1).
In composites design, a draping simulation is used to generate fiber paths, identify areas of wrinkling and
bridging, develop flat patterns, and allow the prediction of accurate local laminate mechanical properties such as
stiffness, permeability, volume fraction, and thickness (figure 2). The simulation guides the lay-up process, ensures
repeatability and minimizes material waste. In woven fabrics, drapability is facilitated by the fabric ability to
undergo large in-plane shear deformations due to a trellising action of warp and weft yarns. In unidirectional fabrics,
fibers slide relative to one another for in-plane shear to occur, and it is generally assumed that the distance between
the fibers remains constant whereas the fibers of the woven fabric come closer to each other under shearing. On
compound curved surfaces, fiber paths depend on the fabric deformations and on the lay-up process (figure 3). The
ability to predict fiber paths using the appropriate mapping model has important practical applications (figure 4).
Knowledge of fiber paths and shear deformations allows prediction of wrinkling and bridging in the fabric and
indicates locations for the cutting of relief darts. Exact fabric flat patterns can be developed from the simulation. The
simulation can help define the best lay-up start point and keep track of this information to assure repeatability of
draping. A number of secondary physical properties can be determined for the simulation: ply thickness, fiber
volume fraction, outside mold definition, mass properties. The simulation can be used as a design tool for
optimizing a draping in terms of minimized total fabric shear deformation or specified fiber orientations at points on
the surface, or for positioning unavoidable darts and splices at uncritical areas of the part.
Composite design involves the bringing together of a large number of individual components (plies, cores) to
satisfy various requirements (fiber orientations, thickness, stack-up, etc.) that change over the surface of the part. It
is therefore necessary to be able to check the arrangement of critical areas of the part, to ensure that all design
requirements are being met. A core sample is the term used to denote the design evaluation at given points of the
laminate. A core sample "pierces" the laminate at the given points and provides information about the laminate
design at those points. Core sample results may include information such as target and actual thickness and fiber
orientations, orientation percentages, and ply counts.
Throughout the engineering of a part (figure 5), analysis and design must rely on the same master CAD model.
This ensures that accurate analysis properties are extracted because they are generated from the same CAD model
that is used for design. Hence, the CAD part surfaces, 3D ply boundaries, and ply stack-up must be used to compute
true fiber orientations for structural analysis. It is also important that property mapping from the CAD model to the
FEA model be elaborate enough so that laminate definitions are independent from the finite element mesh [17]. This
enables the analysis model to be modified and optimized without re-specifying plies. This encourages use of
composite design and analysis products early and often in the design process, supporting an efficient engineering
A typical part is made of tens or hundreds of individual plies of various materials, each having a unique shape,
orientation and location (figure 6). Each individual ply is likely to have more information than an entire sheet metal
part. Therefore, it becomes imperative to use a hierarchical CAD model to maintain a complete and detailed
description of the final part design and allow changes to propagate throughout the model.
State-of-the-art composite engineering software provides high level composite features in the CAD system,
allowing the engineer to efficiently manage the large amount of data generated during laminate design [18]. The
engineer works with familiar composite features including zones, laminates, plies, cores, and rosettes. The engineer
can also manage the non-geometric attributes for these composite features, such as part number, material
specification, and ply or fiber orientation. Composite engineering software also maintains associativity between
features. The part boundary, material, ply boundary, or the lay-up skin related items such as flat patterns are easily
updated when changes are made to the part. As the design progresses, the actual laminate can be analyzed and the
number of plies, thickness, materials, and true fiber orientations can be verified.
Detailed Design
Two basic types of wrinkling that can occur during the lay-up process. The first type is called out-of-plane
wrinkling, or puckering. This type of wrinkling is common in apparel. Out-of-plane wrinkling is caused by an
excess of material in a given region of the surface. The second type of wrinkling is called in -plane wrinkling, or
bridging. In-plane bridging is caused by a lack of material in a given region. The material is not physically able to
drape over the entire surface and spans or bridges regions of the surface. Splicing the ply into two or more pieces
helps alleviate wrinkling. Splicing eliminates wrinkling by reducing the overall surface a single ply has to drape.
Splicing must take into consideration the dimensions of the flat pattern and the bolt width of the material to
minimize the number of splices. Darting techniques attempt to eliminate wrinkling without dividing the ply into
smaller pieces. Darting usually cut the fibers that initiate the wrinkling and prevent them from propagating the
wrinkling outward in the ply. Darting techniques cannot be used in case of bridging because they would generate an
invalid flat pattern that overlaps onto itself.
Because of the complex laminated structure of a composite part, the thickness of the final solid resulting from
the lay-up varies throughout the part. Thus, even a part created on a very simple and smooth tool-surface can
produce a final volume with complex geometry when all the details of laminate thickness changes, cores and inserts,
ply boundaries, holes, drop-offs and staggers are taken into account (figure 7). It is very difficult to adequately
model this solid in a CAD system because it requires accurate knowledge of the distribution of thickness, as well as
sophisticated surfacing capabilities. However, a model of the as-manufactured solid is very desirable because it
enables design of matched-mold tooling, machining of mating surfaces and allows virtual assembly of parts to check
for fit and serviceability. Laminate offset surface capabilities address these issues through automatic optimization of
the computed offset surface. Such a capability is built upon proven thickness calculation capabilities and advanced
surfacing techniques to capture the thickness variations in the laminate without resorting to explicit surfaces for all
ply transitions in the laminate.
Manufacturing Documentation
For composite parts, a difficult task facing the engineer is creating accurate design documentation. With
composite engineering software, once the information has been entered into a model, the engineer can use electronic
documentation products to automatically generate engineering drawings, material tables, sequence charts, ply lay-up
diagrams, arrow text, laminate thickness and ply counts, draped and schematic cross-sections (figure 8).
Hand Lay-up
Flat pattern export applications automatically generate a flat pattern data file for export from the CAD
workstation to the nesting software and cutting system. Working directly from the CAD system, flat pattern export
maintains file integrity and eliminates the need for manual manipulation of drawings and attributes in the transfer.
Engineering changes are communicated quickly and correctly to the manufacturing floor through this automated
Laser projection systems can reduce errors and shorten the lay-up time for composite parts by displaying ply
outlines directly on the lay-up tool. With a laser projection interface application, users can generate laser data files
from within their CAD system directly from the 3D model of the composite part. As the lay-up of a composite part
progresses, the accumulation of plies offsets the surface on which the laser is projected. This results in considerable
parallax error in the projected profile, especially in thick or highly contoured parts. A laser projection interface will
automatically account for material thickness and offset due to ply build-up when generating the laser projection data.
Fiber and tow placement machines combine the advantages of filament winding, contour tape laying, and
computer control to automate the production of complex composite parts that conventionally require extensive hand
lay-up. Using fiber and tow placement machines can reduce costs, cycle times, structural weight, and
handwork/rework when manufacturing composite parts, but creating data files to simulate the process and then drive
the machines is time consuming and error-prone. With a fiber/tow placement interface application, engineers
generate fiber placement data files directly from the CAD model, and can visualize back in the CAD system the
results of the process simulation.
At a time when emphasis is placed on reducing risks, lowering costs and increasing production rates, much
benefit can be drawn from the use of software tools for conceptual design of composite structures.
Using an advanced feature-based composite engineering CAD environment allows companies to proceed to the
manufacturing stage with greater confidence that parts have been properly designed. It also eliminates the practice of
part over-design that so often defeats the original purpose of using composites in the first place and sometimes leads
to failure.
New software applications provide critical aids for composite engineering by capturing the part specifications
and detailed design, automating the creation and modification of the part models, managing the complex set of
composite data associated to the part, sharing this information across the appropriate company entities for design,
analysis, and manufacturing.
1. T.G. Gutowski, Advanced Composites Manufacturing, Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997, pp. 297-372.
2. C. Mack and H.M. Taylor, J. Text. Inst., 47, 477 (1956).
3. O. Guillermin, M. Kojic, K.J. Bathe, Proceedings of the 4th STRUCOME Conference, Dataid Publishers, Paris,
4. R.E. Robertson, E.S. Hsiue, E.N. Sickafus, and G.S.Y. Yeh, Polym. Compos., 2 (3), 126 (1981).
5. R.E. Robertson, E.S. Hsiue, and G.S.Y. Yeh, Polym. Compos., 5, 191 (1984).
6. F. Van Der Weeen, Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 31, 1415 (1991).
7. A.J. Smiley, and R.B. Pipes, "Technical Paper EM87-129", The Society of Manufacturing Engineers,
Philadelphia, PA, 1987.
8. B.P. Van West, M. Keefe, and R.B. Pipes, J. Text. Inst., 81 (4), 448 (1990).
9. F.L. Heisey, and K.D. Haller, J. Text. Inst., 79, 250 (1988).
10. T.G. Gutowski, D. Hoult, G. Dillon, and J. Gonzalez-Zugasti, Compos. Mfg., 2 , 147 (1991).
11. A.S. Tam, A Deformation Model for the Forming of Aligned Fiber Composites, PhD Thesis, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, MIT, 1990.
12. J.C. Gelin, A. Cherouat, P. Boisse, and H. Sabhi, Proceedings 2nd Int. Symp. TEXCOMP2, Leuven, Belgium,
13. A.E. Trudeau and S.C. Luby, FiberSIM , Proceedings American Helicopter Soc., 2, 1995.
14. B.P. Van West and S.C. Luby, J. Advanced Mat., 4, 29 (1997).
15. B.P. Van West and S.C. Luby, J. Advanced Mat., 4, 36 (1997).
16. O. Guillermin, Proceedings ASC 15th Technical Conference, ASC, 2000, pp. 707-715.
17. J. Klintworth and O. Guillermin, Proceedings 32nd Int. SAMPE Technical Conference, Sampe, 2000.
18. FiberSIM Catia User Manual, Composite Design Technologies, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, 1999.
Figure 1 Ply producibility on a part with compound curvature.
Figure 2 Ply splicing for generation of flat patterns within roll width.
Figure 3 Draping simulation models using the kinematics approach.
Figure 5 The design and analysis steps of the composite engineering process.
Figure 7 Pad-up shown without and with drop-offs (top). Typical drop-off profiles (bottom).
Figure 8 Actual composite part mold and plies, and corresponding CAD drawing.