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NCM 119: Nursing Leadership and Management  Philippine Nursing Act of 2002
By: Mark Zedrix A. Mediario, BSN 4-C  The initiatives were further strengthened with
the passing of this.
PHILIPPINE PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE  Article III, Sec. 9 (c) of this law states that
o Monitor and enforce quality standards
Standards of Professional Nursing Practice of nursing practice in the PH
 Authoritative statements of the duties that all o Exercise the powers to ensure
RNs, regardless of role, population or specialty maintenance of efficient, moral, and
are expected to perform competently. professional standards in the nursing
 According to Registered Nurses Association of practice, considering the health needs
British Colombia (2003) and College of Nurses of the nation.
of Ontario (2002), nursing standards is a “guide
to the knowledge, skills, judgment and attitudes 2005 NCCS
that are needed to practice safely”  PRBON assumed the duty of formulating the
2005 Nursing Core Competency Standards
Article III, Sec. 4 (h) of RA No. 7164 which represent the minimum S-K-A
 Philippine Nursing Act of 1991
 The impetus in the development of nursing The 2005 standards identified 4 major
standards emanated from this. competencies of a beginning nurse:
 Provides for the powers, duties and functions of (1) Patient Care Competencies
the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing (2) Empowering Competencies
(PRBON), which include the power to (3) Enhancing Competencies
promulgate decisions or adopt measures as may (4) Enabling Competencies
be necessary for the improvement of the
nursing practice and for the advancement of the 2009
profession  PRBON undertook a comprehensive review of
the 2005 NCCS, in collaboration with CHED-
September 1994 Technical Committee on Nursing Education
 The PRBON, then chaired by Aurora S. (CHED-TCNE), ANSAP, and UP Manila College of
Yapchiongco, called for a consultative meeting Nursing (UPCN) as the WHO Collaborating
on Safe Nursing Practice with nursing leaders Center for Nursing Leadership and Development
from the PNA, ANSAP, and others.
 The output of this 2-day workshop was the draft 2012 NNCCS
document on Standards of Safe Nursing  The results of the said study spanning a period
Practice of 3 years led to the formulation of 2012
National Nursing Core Competency Standards
Sept. 30, 1998. (NNCCS)
o After several meetings, BON Resolution No.  Defined 3 major roles of nurses:
82 was issued which adopted and o Beginning Nurses’ Role in Client care
promulgated the Standards on Sept. 30, o Beginning Nurses’ Role in Leadership
1998. and Mgt
o Beginning Nurses’ Role in Research
 The Association of Nursing Service Significance of the 2012 NNCCS
Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP), The NNCCS serve as a guide for the development of the
together with the PRBON and the PNA, ff:
developed the Standards of Nursing Services. 1. Basic Nursing Education Program in the PH
The document progressed with its 2008 edition. through CHED
2. Competency-based test framework as the basis
RA No. 9173 for the development of course syllabi and test

questions for “entry level” nursing practice in

the PNLE
3. Standards of the Professional Nursing Practice March 23, 2017
in various settings in the PH  The product of the discussions on the
4. National Career Progression Program for harmonized nursing standards was presented at
nursing practice in the PH the PNA Headquarters.
5. Related evaluation tools in various practice
settings in the PH Standards of Professional Nursing Practice
Standards of care describe the competencies of the
June 2012 nurse and the indicators of performance. Below is the
 Completion of NNCCS structure and sequence of formulating the nursing
standards (in order).
July 27, 2012 1. Roles
 NNCCS promulgation by the PRBON 2. Responsibilities
 This was timely as this complemented the 3. Standards
implementation of the PH Qualifications 4. Competencies
Framework (PQF), that describes the levels of 5. Indicators of performance
educational qualifications and sets the The primary purpose of the standards: to promote,
standards for qualifications outcomes in guide, and direct professional nursing practice.
knowledge, skills, and values. Specifically, the standards will be useful to the ff:
 It also complemented the ASEAN Mutual 1. Professional nurses. (1) To have a better
Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Nursing understanding of their professional obligations;
Services. (2) use the same as basis for their own
continuing competence and professional
PRBON and its Technical Working Group (TWG) development; (3) advocate for enhancing
continually worked on the competency standards by changes in policies and practice; and (4) define
refining the set of competencies and the performance and resolve professional practice issues and
indicators under the 4 domains: concerns.
 Value-based nursing practice 2. Employers. To be able to develop systems that
 Knowledge-driven nursing practice support nurses to meet described standards of
 Outcome-oriented professional relationships practice focusing on: (a) developing job
 Leadership and governance descriptions; (b) developing orientation and in-
service programs; and (c) creating performance
July 16, 2015 appraisal tool.
 The revised document was presented at St. 3. Nursing education leaders. To serve as a guide
Luke’s Medical Center at Taguig City. in the development of standards that shall serve
 Specialty organizations have begun reviewing as the bases for curriculum development.
their standards specific to their field of nursing 4. Public. Can be assured of quality nursing care
practice using the template of the draft and ethical practice.
“mother” (original) document, the initial 5. PRBON: (1) to be able to use the same as basis
outputs of which had been presented to the in regulating the nursing practice by: (a) using it
PRBON for comments and suggestions. as a framework for NLE; (b) recognizing the
entry level education program; (c) providing
Start of year 2017 guidance to nurses of their duties; (d) providing
 Core members of TWG met to revisit the a foundation for assessment of their
original 2012 NNCCS document. performance; (e) clarifying to the public and
 Subcommittees were created corresponding to other HC professionals what the profession
the 4 domains of the nursing practice standards expects of its members; and (f) serving as a
to discuss the specific outputs of the specialty basis in addressing incompetent and unethical
nursing orgs. nursing practice.

Therefore, the PRBON has resolved to issue and personal relationships as bases for safe and sound
promulgate the PPNPS, which is appended as Annex A. judgment to appropriate care of clients.

Done this October 18, 2017

Standard B1. Research
A. VALUE-BASED NURSING PRACTICE STANDARDS Standard B2. Evidence Based Nursing Practice
Value-Based Nursing Practice is a clinical decision- Standard B3. Continual Quality Improvement
making process guided by empirical body of knowledge,
ethico-moral values and practices, rules and regulations, Standard B1. Research
combined with appropriate competencies in client care Research is a scientific process that validates existing
reflecting personal and professional values when theories/models and generates new knowledge to
engaging with others of diverse cultures. improve nursing practice, client outcomes, and HC
delivery system.
Standard A1. Care of clients
Standard A2. Ethical, moral, legal practice Standard B2. Evidence Based Nursing Practice
Standard A3. Personal and professional values Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach
that integrates current best evidences, clinical
Standard A1. Care of clients expertise, and client’s preference and values in making
Care of Clients is the provision of professional nursing decisions.
services to varied clients.
Standard B3. Continual Quality Improvement
*Read on Competencies Continual Quality Improvement is the analysis of
performance, monitoring of the outcome of processes,
Standard A2. Ethical, moral, legal practice and application of strategies.
Definition: Adherence to ethical, moral, and legal
standards in the provision of care
Ethical refers to principles that encourage universal C. OUTCOME-ORIENTED PROFESSIONAL
values such as trust, respect, fairness, and benevolence. RELATIONSHIPS
Moral refers to beliefs of what is right or wrong.
Legal refers to conformity to the provisions of relevant Outcome-oriented professional relationships refer to
laws and jurisprudence. intra- and inter-professional relationships that lead to
an enhancement of one’s role through communication,
Standard A3. Personal and professional values collaboration, and understanding of cultural context to
Personal values are a set of individual’s principles, achieve mutually-agreed upon outcomes for client care.
standards, concepts, beliefs and ideas that are
internalized from the society or culture in which one Standard C1. Communication
lives. Standard C2. Collaboration & Team work
Professional values are beliefs and principles that guide Standard C3. Transcultural Nursing Care
nursing practice and which influence one’s work
behavior. These are acquired through experience, Standard C1. Communication
education, training and practice considering, but not Communication is a relational process whereby
limited by, regulatory standards, Code of Ethics, and the messages are transmitted and understood by both the
core values of the nursing profession. sender and the recipient using varied modes including
media and information technology with the goal to
B. KNOWLEDGE-DRIVEN NURSING PRACTICE facilitate effective HC delivery.
Knowledge-driven nursing practice refers to the Standard C1. Collaboration & Team work
consistent application of a scientific body of knowledge Collaboration refers to the process where there is
and skills through the integration of the different partnership among the HC professionals which is
patterns of knowing such as esthetics, ethics, and reciprocal and founded on respect and trust,

considering each other’s expertise in achieving mutual Social responsibility is an obligation to act in fulfilling
goals. one’s civic duty for the benefit of society. The nurse is
Teamwork is to “function effectively within nursing and sensitive and responsive to the social, cultural,
interprofessional teams, fostering open communication, economic, and other issues.
mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve
quality patient care.” Standard D5. Resource Management
Resource management refers to the efficient and
Standard C3. Transcultural Nursing Care effective allocation of resources, where and when they
Transcultural nursing care is the provision of safe, are needed, and which include human and other
efficacious, responsible and meaningful nursing services resources.
to people according to their cultural values and health-
illness context.


Leadership and governance is influencing other people
through the exercise of authority, direction, control and
regulation in the practice of the nursing profession to
achieve desired goals.

Standard D1. Personal and Professional Development

Standard D2. Personal Responsibility and
Standard D3. Positive Practice Environment
Standard D4. Social Responsibility
Standard D5. Resource Management

Standard D1. Personal and Professional Development

This refers to the acquisition of knowledge and skills for
ensuring that one’s performance in the chosen area of
expertise is always at the highest possible level, in both
career and life roles.

Standard D2. Responsibility and Accountability

Responsibility refers to the nurse’s obligations,
accountability, and liability in carrying out the authority
accorded by the state through the Nursing Law and
other regulatory laws, policies, and rules.
Accountability is the nurse’s willingness to be judged
against performance expectations and live with the
consequences of one’s actions.

Standard D3. Positive Practice Environment

Positive practice environment is one where the nurse
performs in a supportive, safe, caring, encouraging, and
positively charged workplace where the individual’s
potentials are maximally developed. It includes the
physical, psychological, socio-political, cultural, and
spiritual dimensions of the work setting.

Standard D4. Social Responsibility

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