NCP Deficient Knowledge of ROP

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By: Mark Zedrix A. Mediario, BSN 3C-Group 11

Cues Nursing Diagnosis Background Goals Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Deficient knowledge A lack of cognitive Long Term Short Term Independent After the nursing
 Mother’s related to lack of information is After 1 hour of  Establish rapport  To gain trust and interventions, the
verbalization information about identified as a nursing interventions, with the mother. communicate goals were met as
of “Bakit retinopathy of knowledge deficit. the mother will be able well with the evidenced by:
nagkaganyan prematurity (ROP) Retinopathy of to: mother.  verbalization
ang anak prematurity (ROP) is  verbalize  Assess the mother’s  This will help in of
ko?” an eye disease that can understanding level of knowledge formulating an understanding
happen in premature about regarding ROP. individualized about
babies. It causes retinopathy of teaching plan to retinopathy of
abnormal blood prematurity the mother. prematurity
vessels to grow in the (ROP),  Discuss with the  To increase the (ROP),
retina, and can lead to  verbalize mother what is ROP knowledge of  verbalization
blindness. In pediatric understanding and its risk factors, the mother about of
patients, it is the duty about taking treatment, and ROP. understanding
of the nurse to care of a child possible about taking
determine with the with ROP, and complications. care of a child
family of the patient  demonstrate  Discuss with the  To guide the with ROP,
what to teach, when to readiness for mother the needs of mother in taking and
teach, and how to good parenting the child care of a child  demonstration
teach certain matters particularly in with ROP. of readiness
and concerns on receiving support for good
health. for physical, parenting
emotional, social,
and intellectual
 Explain to the  To promote
mother the benefits good parenting
of good parenting to of the mother.
the child.
 Refer to the
pediatrician for  To provide
additional parent extensive and
education as satisfactory
necessary. health education
to the mother
about ROP.

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