Maths 361 A1

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MATHS 361 Assignment 1

Levi Li (Student ID: 633154028)

April 4, 2020

By definition of the Fourier transform for ω ∈ R,
Z ∞
fˆ(ω) = c f (t)eisωt dt

Setting c = 1, s = −1 and substituting the function f (t) = A sin(ω0 t) into the

above definition
Z ∞
F {A sin(ω0 t)} = fˆ(ω) = A sin(ω0 t)e−iωt dt
A ∞
eiω0 t − e−iω0 t e−iωt dt

2i t=−∞

= Aπi [δ(ω0 + ω) − δ(ω0 − ω)]

Z ∞ Z ∞
fˆ(ω) = H(t)te−at e−iωt dt = te−at e−iωt dt
t=−∞ t=0
Z ∞
= ξ e−ξ dξ
(a + iω)2 ξ=0
(a + iω)2
(a + iω)2


1  t 1 
L e cos(t) − L e−t cos(t)

L {sinh(t) cos(t)} =
2 2 
1 s−1 s+1
= −
2 (s − 1)2 + 1 (s + 1)2 + 1

Z ∞
L {δ(t − 1)} = δ(t − 1)e−st dt
Z ∞
=e δ(t − 1)dt
= e−s

L = sL {y} − y(0)
and y(0) = 1, taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the differential
equation gives

sL {y} − 1 + 3L {y} = e−s

e−s + 1
L {y} =

e−s + 1

−1 −1
L {L {y}} = L
−1 e −1 1
y=L +L
s+3 s+3

y = e3 H(t − 1) + 1 e−3t

Denote L {u(x, t)} as U (x, s).
Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the equation,

L {utt } − L {uxx } = L {sin(πx)} (1)

Since the transformation is taken with respect to the variable t, by invoking

the previous notation, the partial derivative with respect to x reduces to an
ordinary derivative

L {uxx } = U (x, s) (2)
Whereas the transform of the partial derivative with respect to variable t can
be found as:
L {utt } = s2 L {u} − u(0) − ut (0)

But u(x, 0) = 0 and ut (x, 0) = 0, the expression simplifies as

L {utt } = s2 U (x, s) (3)

The right-hand side of the equation is a function of x only, so its Laplace trans-
form with respect to t yields an identical function

L {sin(πx)} = sin(πx) (4)

Further denote the differentiation operator d/dx as D so that the equation (1)
exhibits the form

s2 U (x, s) − D2 U (x, s) = sin(πx) (5)


f (D)U (x, s) = sin(πx) (6)

where f (D) is an operator function, namely f (D) = s2 − D2 .

This is a second order non-homogeneous ODE. Its general solution U is the
sum of the complimentary solutions set Uc to the homogeneous ODE and the
particular solution Up to the non-homogeneous ODE.

To find the complimentary solution, we set

f (D)U (x, s) = (s2 − D2 )U (x, s) = 0

so the characteristic equation is

s2 − m2 = 0

with two real roots m1 = s and m2 = −s.


Uc (x, s) = c1 esx + c2 e−sx (7)

is the complementary solution to equation (6).

To obtain the particular solution, we first notice that

(D2 + π 2 ) sin(πx) = 0

g(D) sin(πx) = 0
2 2
where g(D) = D + π .

Operation of g(D) reduces equation (6) to a new homogeneous ODE which

is also satisfied by the solution U = Uc + Up . In other words, the solution
U = Uc + Up is just a special case of a more general solution to this new ODE:

g(D)f (D)U (x, s) = 0

(g · f )(D)U (x, s) = 0
(−D + s D − π D2 + π 2 s2 )U (x, s) = 0
4 2 2 2

whose characteristic equation given by
−m4 + (s2 − π 2 )m2 + π 2 s2 = 0
There are four non-repeated roots to the this characteristic equation: two real
roots m1 = s, m2 = −s and two conjugated complex roots m3 = iπ, m4 = −iπ.
Thus, we obtained the general solution
U (x, s) = c1 esx + c2 e−sx + c3 eiπx + c4 e−iπx (8)
Comparing with equation (7), if we require
c3 eiπx + c4 e−iπx
to be our particular solution Up to equation (6), then it should satisfy
(s2 − D2 )(c3 eiπx + c4 e−iπx ) = sin(πx)
1 1
c3 (s2 + π 2 )eiπx + c4 (s2 + π 2 )e−iπx = eiπx − e−iπx
2i 2i
which implies that
i i
c3 = − , c4 =
2(s2 + π2 ) 2(s2 + π2 )
Therefore, the general solution to equation (6) is
ieiπx ie−iπx
U (x, s) = c1 esx + c2 e−sx − +
2(s2 + π 2 ) 2(s2 + π 2 )
= c1 esx + c2 e−sx + 2 (9)
(s + π 2 )
Two arbitrary constants are fixed by taking the Laplace transform of the initial
L {u(0, t)} = U (0, s) = 0
L {u(1, t)} = U (1, s) = 0
which yields
c1 + c2 = 0
c1 e + c2 e−s = 0

⇒ c1 = c2 = 0
U (x, s) = L {u(x, t)} = (10)
(s2 + π 2 )
Lastly, by taking the inverse transform, we obtain
u(x, t) = L−1 {U (x, s)}
−1 1
= sin(πx)L
s2 + π 2
sin(πx) sin(πt)
= (11)
Hence completes the initial value problem.

Z ∞
 −iaω 1
F e = ei(a+t)ω dω
2π ω=−∞
= δ(t + a) (12)

Given that F−1 {ĝ(ω)} = g(t), by the time convolution theorem,

F−1 e−iaω ĝ(ω) = F−1 e−iaω ∗ g(t)


= δ(t + a) ∗ g(t)
Z ∞
= δ(τ + a)g(t − τ ) dτ
τ =−∞
Z ∞
= g(t + a) δ(τ + a) dτ
τ =−∞
= g(t + a)


1 n i(t+a) o 1 n −i(t+a) o
F {cos(t + a)} = F e + F e
2 2
1 ia  it 1 −ia  −it
= e F e + e F e (13)
2 2
The Dirac delta function is even, so
Z ∞
1 0
δ(ω − ω 0 ) = e−it(ω−ω ) dt
2π t=−∞
1 n iω0 t o
= F e

By using the above relation, and setting ω 0 = 1 and ω 0 = −1 for equation (13)

F {cos(t + a)} = π eia δ(1 − ω) + e−ia δ(1 + ω)


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