1st Periodical

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Northern Samar
Laoang I District
Laoang National Technical High School
Laoang, Northern Samar



Name : __________________________________________________________________

Section : __________________________ Date : ____________________________

Parent’s Signature : _____________________________________________________________


Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on the space before the number.

_____ 1. Given Set A: {Black Berry (Igot), Mango, Banana, Water Apple (Tambis), Lolly Fruit,
Coconut, Dalandan}, what is the cardinality of the set?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
______ 2. What is common in the following set of fruits: {Coconut, Guava, Star Apple (Kaimito),
Lolly Fruit (Santol)}?
A. Color B. Shape D. Size D. Taste
_____ 3. Which of the following is a well-defined set?
A. A set of good writers C. A set of honest students in grade seven
B. A set of factors of 3. D. A set small numbers
______ 4. Michelle listed the set of all letters in the word “serendipity” as shown below. What is
wrong with this set?
A = {s, e, r, e, n, d, i, p, i, t, y}
A. It uses commas. C. The objects in this set are not listed once.
B. It uses braces. D. A capital letter is used to represent this set.
______ 5. Given F = {o, r, a, n, g, e} and G = {y, e, l, o, w}, find F∩G.
A. {o, r, a, n, g, e, y, l, w} C. {y, e, l, o, w}
B. {o, r, a, n, g, e} D. {e, o}
______ 6. Given X = {bus, jeepney, taxi, tricycle} and Y = {tricycle}, find the difference of Y and X.
A. {bus, jeepney, taxi, tricycle} B. {bus, jeepney, taxi} C. {tricycle} D. { }
______ 7. Which of the following is a subset of F = {c, a, n, d, y}?
A. {c, a, n, d, y} B. {c, a, n, e} C. {0} D. {e}
______ 8.

_______ 9.
______ 10. If Sunshine likes to eat Banana and Mango, Sheena likes to eat Coconut meat, Guava,
Banana, and Lolly Fruit (Santol), while Shaira likes to eat all these fruits. Given said fruits or
fruit product, what is its universal set?
A. U = {Guava, Mango, Coconut meat, Banana}
B. U = {Guava, Banana, Coconut meat}
C. U = {Banana, Mango, Coconut meat, Guava, Lolly fruit}
D. U = {Banana, Guava, Mango, Banana, Coconut meat}

For item number 11 – 12.

_______ 11. How many students enjoy all three sports?

A. 5 B. 14 C. 17 D. 31
_______ 12. How many students enjoy Volleyball and Badminton?
A. 8 B. 18 C. 31 D. 36
_______ 13. How many students enjoy Basketball and Volleyball but not Badminton?
A. 9 B. 14 C. 23 D. 45
______ 14. How many students enjoy Volleyball only?
A. 5 B. 14 C. 31 D. 10
______ 15. How many students enjoy the Badminton only?
A. 5 B. 17 C. 3 D. 31
For item number 16 – 20. Given the situation below, solve the problem and choose the letter of
the correct answer. Construct a Venn Diagram use the space at the back of the test paper.

A group of 75 Grade 7 students of Laoang NTHS asked if they use either Facebook or Messenger
or both. Twenty-five of the students used Facebook, 32 students used Messenger and 10
students used both Facebook and Messenger while others did not used neither Facebook nor

______ 16. How many Grade 7 students used Facebook only?

A. 15 B. 20 C. 25 D. 32
______ 17. How many used Messenger only?
A. 8 B. 18 C. 22 D. 32
______ 18. How many used both Facebook and Messenger?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 25 D. 32
______ 19. How many students neither used Facebook nor Messenger?
A. 8 B. 18 C. 25 D. 32
______ 20. How many students used Facebook?
A. 7 B. 18 C. 25 D. 32
______ 21. What do you call the distance of a number from 0 on a number line?
A. Absolute value B. Integer C. Opposite D. Additive Inverse
______ 22. List all positive even numbers less than or equal to 10.
A. {2, 4, 6, 8} C. {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
B. {1, 3, 5, 7} D. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
______ 23. ⃒x⃒=3 What are the possible value of x to make this statement true?
A. 0 and 3 B. – 3 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. – 3 and 0
______ 24. 7 is the absolute value of – 7.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
______ 25. How do you denote the absolute value in symbols?
A. -⃒x⃒ B. ≤ x C. ⃒x⃒ D. ∪ x
______ 26. What is the distance of – 4, 125 from zero on a number line?
A. 4, 512 B. 2, 415 C. 4, 215 D. 4, 125
______ 27. There are 50 ants crawling on a wall in a straight line carrying their food. How many
units do they have if there are 5 ants per unit?
A. 50 units B. 45 units C. 15 units D. 10 units
______ 28. Jasmin and Abigail took a bus from Rawis to Catarman. Jasmin went to seat number
2 while Abigail went to seat number 12. How far is Jasmin from Abigail?
A. 14 units B. 12 units C. 10 units D. 8 units
______ 29. Which of the following doest NOT represent absolute value on a number line as a
distance of number?
A. Taking pictorial class in a row C. Parking a car horizontally in a parking area
B. Riding a ferris wheel D. Marching during Graduation Rites
______ 30. Luis and Rian rode a bicycle to go home from school. Luis rode 10m away from school
to the East, while Rian had ridden 15m away from the school to the West. How far is the
distance of Luis and Rian?
A. 10m B. 15m C. 20m D. 25m
_______ 31. What is the sum of (−3) + (−9)?
A. – 12 B. 12 C. 6 D. – 6
_______ 32. What is the sum of 20 + (-8)?
A. -12 B. 12 C. 28 D. – 28
_______ 33. What should be added to – 16 to get a sum of – 20?
A. 5 B. – 5 C. – 4 D. 4
_______ 34. What is the difference of −30 – 5?
A. – 25 C. – 35
B. 25 D. 35
_______ 35. Solve: (−2) – (-3).
A. – 6 B. 6 C. 1 D. -1
_______ 36. What is the product of (-3) x (2)?
A. -6 B. 6 C. -5 D. 5
_______ 37. What can you divide to (– 100) to get a quotient of 4?
A. – 25 B. 25 C. – 2.5 D. 2.5
_____ 38. In his first month at school, Brix saved P128.00. At the next month at school, Brix
saved P152.00. Then, he donated P105.00 of his savings. How much money does Brix
have left now?
A. P155.00 B. P165.00 C. P175.00 D. 185.00
_______ 39. Marian’s father has 840 square meters lot. He has to divide it among his 4 children.
What is the share of each child?
A.200 sq.m B. 210 sq.m C. 220 sq.m D. 230 sq.m
_______ 40. If there are 250 indian mangoes in 2 baskets, how many indian mangoes are there in
6 baskets?
A.650 B. 750 C. 850 D. 950
Prepared by: Checked by:
Subject Teacher Head, Academic Subjects Department

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