Aces One

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Chapter One, A Return Call

“The world is coming to an end, how are you going to survive?”

“Like how we always do, the Aced Doom Raiders challenge the skies once more


“Godspeed commander, the fate of the world rests in your hands now.”

A few weeks earlier.

80s rock and pop music is playing at a bar in America somewhere in the state of


“See, now this is what I call a target rich environment.” Said a man.

“God, you live your life between your legs Hornet.” Said another man.

“This is what we live for Freedom, even you could get laid in a place like this.” Said


“Please, I’d love to find a girl who’d talk dirty to me.” Responded Freedom.

“Maybe tonight my friend, maybe.” Said Hornet.

It was late at night, two pilots, Hornet and Freedom, were out at the bar after

retiring from the US Air Force, however, they weren’t expecting a return call this


“C’mon, let’s go find the rest of the squadron.” Said Hornet.

“They said that they were in the back room, with the pool tables.” Said Freedom.

“Alright, let’s get some girls and see what our friends are up to tonight!” Said

Hornet excitedly.

“Holdup on the girl part, they just texted to come quick, it’s urgent.” Said


“Let’s go.” Responded Hornet getting serious.

The Back Rooms with Raider Squadron.

“What’s up Bee, what’s going on?” Asked Freedom.

“Got a call from General Splinter, he wants to talk to my brother.” Responded Bee.

“Patch me through.” Said Hornet, “Hello.”

“Afternoon Hornet, we’ve got some news.”

“Good news or bad news?”

“Bad, very bad, we need the ADR Wing back ASAP, find Zero and Echo and return

to Operating Base Gamma.”

“Wilco, we can be there by next week.”

“That’s good enough, but hurry commander, we don’t have much time.”


Hornet is the squadron commander of Raider Squadron, Zero is squadron

commander of Doom squadron, and Echo is squadron leader of Acer squadron,

together they form the ADR Wing. Hornet, Zero, and Echo are all at the rank of

Lieutenant Colonel but are more commonly referred to as Commander or by

their callsign.

Huntsville, Alabama, Kirk Valley, house 210.

“Yo, Echo, got a call from Hornet, something’s going down.” Said a person.

“Like what Zero, the game?” Asked Echo.

“No, a new threat.” Responded Zero.

“Tell him we’ll meet up at The Final Zone bar.” Said Echo, “Sounds like we’re being

called back.”

Thursday, 13:30, at The Final Zone.

“This is it, they should be here, c’mon Raiders, let’s greet old friends.” Said Hornet.

Hornet and the rest of Raider squadron walked to a table, there was Zero, Echo,

and their squadrons, Acer and Doom squadrons, sitting down waiting for the

“Afternoon Zero, Echo, boys and gals.” Said Hornet, “We’ve got a call from General

Splinter, we are to return to Operating Base Gamma.”

“That’s not to far from here, we should be there by next week.” Said Echo.

“That’s what I told the General, but let’s hurry, I’ve got a bad feeling that the

longer we wait the worse the problem could get.” Said Hornet.

“We’ll meet you there, I’ll head back home and get ready.” Said Zero.

“Roger, meet you all there.” Said Hornet.

Tuesday, 9:30, Operating Base Gamma.

Doom squadron is pulling up to the base, Raider and Acer squadrons are

already settled in.

“Morning Zero, Doom squadron, welcome back to the OBG.” Said Hornet.

“Morning Hornet.” Responded Zero.

“C’mon, let’s get your squadron settled back in.” Said Hornet.

16:30, Briefing Room at Operating Base Gamma.

“Afternoon ADR, we’ve got a new problem, a threat detected by the United Space

Corporation is coming towards Earth.” Said General Splinter.

ADR Wing, Aced Doom Raiders Wing, made up of the three squadrons, Acer,

Doom, and Raider. The United Space Corporation, USC, space organization for

the United States of America, USA.

“How do we know it’s a threat?” Asked Hornet.

“It has destroyed multiple, man-made, objects sent into space by the USC. It

seems to want to destroy us or our technology. Your job is to destroy this new,

alien threat before it destroys us.” Responded General Splinter.

“We can handle that, but how are we going to get into space and stop them?”

Asked Zero.
“We’ve had our top men and women doing research on this matter, we’ve

upgraded your F-15EX fighters to the new, F-15F Space Eagle variant. The F-15F

Space Eagle is outfitted with USC Mark V Space Thrusters which will allow your to

move, accelerate, and decelerate in space. The fighter is a multi-crew, air and

space superiority fighter.” Responded General Splinter.

“Sounds good, what’s out weaponry looking like?” Asked Zero.

“AIM-9XY SP Sidewinders, with SP standing for Space, their ships produce

infrared signatures so these Sidewinders will be your best friend, you will also

have AIM-120X SP AMRAAM long-range missiles, anothing time is that a USC

engineer is on her way to the base to teach all of you how to fly and fight in your

new fighters.” Responded General Splinter.

“Roger that.” Said Zero.

“That is all ADR, goodluck, you are dismissed.” Said General Splinter.
Chapter Two, Space Eagles


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