Final Thesis Chapter 1 5 Edited925

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National Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato




In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Elementary Education


Balasan, Raffy T.

Cobrador, Emma V.

Escobillo, Erven Jay C.

Fadal, Marly Grace D.

Fernandez, Jim Rose A.

Gallego, Rolly N.

Ganding, Nancy M.

Jamero, Gerrick A.

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Electronic learning or e-learning is used to offer instructional programs to

distant learners (Arkorful and Abaidoo, 2015). It is an online learning platform

that emerges in a formal context and utilizes a variety of multimedia

technologies. Electronic hardware and software support this system either offline

or online. A personal computer is usually used for delivering training or computer-

enhanced learning related to e-learning (Samsuri, Nadzri and Rom, 2014). Other

communication technologies deliver learning based on tutorials, learning support

systems, and online lectures (Kattoua, Al-Lozi and Alrowwad, 2016). It is based

on technology for improving classroom engagement through positive

environment, where students are deliberately engaged in online tutorials for

completing a task assigned to them.

E-learning ensures that students are completely involved as learning

takes place together with texts, videos, sounds, collaborative sharing, and

interactive graphics. It may enhance the quality of teaching and learning; report

the need for higher institutions for maintaining competitive advantage, and

access to education and training in this globalizing marketplace for students

(Islam, Beer and Slack, 2015). The integration of information technology (IT) in

the form of e-learning has resulted in the reduction of students cost while

improving the quality of learning and teaching (Songkram, 2015). This shows that

e-learning can be economical for students using it, and they can perform other

useful activities in their spare time (Aparicio, Bacao and Oliveira, 2016).

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Flexibility is another major advantage of e-learning as it provides learners

the benefit to take classes anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, e-learning cater

different types and varieties of learning approaches by utilizing much interactive

content available on the internet (Songkram et al., 2015). The accessibility of

technology and wide nature of the internet have generated a surge in the need

for web-based learning and teaching. Distance learning is an increasingly

expanding environment, which enable users the flexibility to operate outside the

barriers of place and time. In university education, online learning is explained as

learning that takes place completely or partially over the internet (Gilbert, 2015).

Online learning is beneficial to a number of learners and appears as more

common in settings from elementary schools to high schools and into post-

secondary education.

The role of engagement in e-learning is important for effective learning as

it is not merely student-student interaction that matters. There are six different

forms of engagement that can be identified in distance learning education: (1)

teacher-content (2) content-content (3) student-teacher (4) student-student (5)

teacher-teacher and (6) student-content (Talebian, Mohammadi and Rezvanfar,

2014). Theories that encourage adoption of new technologies in the learning

process are based on the postulation that students are active participants who

pursue and create knowledge throughout a meaningful context. Different means

of collaborative tools can be used for communication and collaborative learning

(Sarkar, 2012).

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The architecture of a learning system implies a heavy task for e-learning

to be integrated into a complicated system that is flexible, time scalable, and

capable of lasting, even though there are many diverse tools. The learning space

is left under the control of the instructors and institutions using conventional

learning management system (LMS) irrespective of any external tools (Sarrab,

Al-Shihi and Rehman, 2013). In particular, this leaves minimal space for learners

to organize their digital learning space and to carry-forward their activities.

Currently, higher education in United Arab Emirates is experiencing a

major transformation, considering increased accessibility. Knowledge is being

created and implemented to the higher education setting with innovative ways to

obtain and share information and changes in technology at a rapid rate.

Educational institutions are providing online classes or courses using online

elements and a face-to-face course delivery.

Universities deliver almost all courses using web-based technology to

facilitate course contents’ delivery, assessments, and assignments. Therefore, it

becomes essential for understanding the advantages and disadvantages as

perceived by the learners and further act upon the enhancement areas for a

successful integration of online learning, based on the increasing importance of

online learning programs. The study further highlights the barriers that students

face in the use of e-learning, which are outlined in the form of disadvantages

highlighted by students through their responses.

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Statement of the Problem

This study would like to determine the Advantages and Disadvantages of

E-learning as perceived by the grade 12 STEM students of SEAIT.

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 marital status

2. What are the advantages of e-learning as perceived by grade 12 STEM

students of SEAIT?

3. What are the disadvantages of e-learning as perceived by the grade 12

STEM students of SEAIT?

4. Developed an E-learning model for grade 12 STEM students of SEAIT.

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Significance of the Study

The results of this are beneficial to the following persons:

To the School Administrators. The outcome of the study will

provide background on the strategy to be recommended to the

teachers. This study will motivate them to use the appropriate

strategies that would improve their educational system that would give them an

edge to other schools.

To the Parents. This study will inform the parents regarding the

performance of their child. It is important that they will be made aware of the

findings of this study since their cooperation and proper assistance are greatly

needed by their children.

To the Teachers. This study may benefit the teachers of this specific

strand on how they can help their students to cope up on this problem. Also, to

improve their learning strategies according to the need of the learners.

To the Students. This study may help them to be aware on the effects of

this challenges they encountered. This study may alert them regarding

advantages and disadvantages of e-learning and seek for a way to cope with it,

in order to gain more skills and knowledge from their specialized field of study.

To the Future Researchers. The information from this study may give

insight to the new educational system. Researchers who are interested in e-

learning will profit from the results if they will conduct related researches to

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different groups of students, location, and even races. This study will serve as a

springboard for the conduct of similar studies that will contribute to the

teachers and administrators in-depth knowledge about e-learning system.

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Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the Advantages and Disadvantages of E-learning

as perceived by the grade 12 stem students of SEAIT. This study is to be

conducted at SEAIT between February and March 2022.

The respondents of this study were elected through simple random

sampling. It involved thirty-one (31) Grade 12-STEM students. They were

officially enrolled at South East Asian Institute of Technology, INC. Crossing

Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato.

Definition of Terms

The following terms defined conceptually and operationally to facilitate thoroughly

and better understanding of this study.

Advantage. Conceptually, refers to a way in which one thing is better than

another. (Collins’s dictionary, 2007) Operationally, refers to an improvement

which benefits the student to a favorable used of e-learning.

Disadvantage. Conceptually, refers to a condition or situation that causes

problem, especially one that causes something or someone to be less successful

thank other things or people. (Cambridge University Press 2022) Operationally,

refers to factors, challenges or an unfavorable situations that cause e-learning to

be less successful.

E-learning. Conceptually, is “the learning supported by digital electronic

tools and media” (Hoppe et al., 2003). Operationally, refers to the use of

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computer network technology, primarily over or through the internet, to deliver

information and instructions to individuals” (Wang et al., 2010).

Perception. Conceptually, refers to our ability to interpret sensory

information depends on what we label as figure and what we label as ground in

any particular case (Vecera & O’Reilly, 1998). Operationally, refers to an

individual's unique way of viewing the advantage and disadvantage effects of e-


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This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies which the

researchers have used to support the details of the study.


There are numerous methods for categorizing the various types of e-

learning. According to Algahtani (2011), there have been some classifications

based on the extent of their involvement in education. Some classifications are

also based on the timing of interaction. Algahtani (2011) classified e-learning into

two categories: computer-based e-learning and internet-based e-learning.

According to Algahtani (2011), computer-based learning entails the use of

a wide range of hardware and software that are generally available for the use of

Information and Communication Technology, and each component can be used

in one of two ways: computer-assisted learning or computer-managed

instruction. According to him, computers are employed instead of traditional ways

in computer assisted learning by delivering interactive software as a support tool

within the classroom or as a tool for self-learning outside of the classroom.

Computers, on the other hand, are used in computer-managed teaching to aid in

the management of education by storing and retrieving information.

In addition, the study of Almosa (2001), aims to determine whether

internet-based learning is a step forward from computer-based learning in that it

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makes content available on the internet with the availability of links to related

knowledge sources, such as e-mail services and references, that can be used by

learners at any time and place, as well as the presence or absence of teachers

or instructors (Almosa, 2001). By the level to which such characteristics are used

in education, Zeitoun (2008) divided it into four categories: mixed or blended

more, helper mode, and entirely online mode. As needed, the helper mode

augments the usual way. A short-term degree for a somewhat conventional

technique is available in mixed or blended mode.. The completely online mode,

which is the most complete improvement, involves the exclusive use of the

network for learning (Zeitoun, 2008).

Furthermore, Algahtani (2011) described the completely online mode as

“synchronous” or “asynchronous” by the application of applying optional timing of

interaction. The synchronous timing comprises alternate on-line access between

teachers or instructors and learners, or between learners, and the asynchronous,

to him allows all participants to post communications to any other participant over

the internet (Algahtani, 2011; Almosa and Almubarak, 2005). The synchronous

type allows learners to discuss with the instructors and also among themselves

via the internet at the same time with the use of tools such as the

videoconference and chat rooms. This type according to Almosa and Almubarak

(2005) offers the advantage of instantaneous feedback. The asynchronous mode

also allows learners to discuss with the instructors or teachers as well as among

themselves over the internet at different times. It is therefore not interaction at the

same moment but later, with the use of tools such as thread discussion and

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emails (Almosa and Almubarak, 2005; Algahtani, 2011), with an advantage that

learners are able to learn at a time that suits them whilst a disadvantage is that

the learners will not be able to receive instant feedback from instructors as well

as their colleague learners (Almosa and Almubarak, 2005).


The evolution of multimedia and information technologies, as well as the

usage of the internet as a new teaching technique, has resulted in significant

changes in the traditional teaching process (Wang et al. 2007). According to

Yang and Arjomand (1999), advancements in information technology have

provided additional options for today's education. E-Learning has been seen as

having the potential to transform people, knowledge, skills, and performance,

according to the agendas of schools and educational institutions (Henry, 2001).

Colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning, according

to Love and Fry (2006), are racing to increase online course capabilities in a

rapidly increasing cyber education market. E-learning is becoming increasingly

significant in higher education institutions. Several changes in higher education

institutions have been triggered by the introduction and spread of a variety of e-

Learning tools, notably in terms of educational delivery and support operations

(Dublin, 2003). There are various forms of e-Learning, as well as various

approaches to using the technology in education.

Algahtani (2011) revealed three various methods of applying e-learning in

education, including "adjunct, blended e-Learning, and online," in his review of E-

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learning effectiveness and experience in Saudi Arabia. Algahtani (2011)

identified three methods for utilizing e-Learning technology, which are detailed

below. "Adjunct e-Learning" refers to when e-Learning is used as a supplement

to traditional classroom instruction, allowing learners or students to have more

independence (Algahtani, 2011).

In addition, Algahtani (2011) and Zeitoun (2008) defined blended e-

Learning as a method of using e-Learning in which course materials and

explanations are shared across traditional and e-learning methods in the

classroom setting. The third option, online learning, does not require traditional

learning or classroom involvement. In this case, the eLearning is completely self-

contained, allowing the learners or students to be as independent as possible

(Algahtani, 2011; Zeitoun, 2008). Zeitoun (2008) goes on to say that the online

model is separated into individual and collaborative learning, with synchronous

and asynchronous learning being included in the collaborative learning (Zeitoun,


The Internet has become one of the vital ways to make available

resources for research and learning for both teachers and students to share and

acquire information (Richard and Haya 2009). Technology-based e-learning

encompasses the use of the internet and other important technologies to produce

materials for learning, teach learners, and also regulate courses in an

organization (Fry, 2001). There has been extensive debate about a common

definition of the term e-learning.

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The study of Maltz et al (2005), the term ‘e-learning’ is applied in different

perspectives, including distributed learning, online-distance learning, as well as

hybrid learning. E-learning, according to OECD (2005) is defined as the use of

information and communication technologies in diverse processes of education

to support and enhance learning in institutions of higher education, and includes

the usage of information and communication technology as a complement to

traditional classrooms, online learning or mixing the two modes.

In addition, Wentling et al (2000) the term e-learning refers to the

attainment and use of knowledge that are predominantly facilitated and

distributed by electronic means. To them, the e-learning depends on computers

and networks, but it is likely it will progress into systems comprising of a variety

of channels such as wireless and satellite, and technologies such as cellular

phones (Wentling et al., 2000). In their literature review on definitions for e-

learning, Liu and Wang (2009) found that the features of elearning process are

chiefly centered on the internet; global sharing and learning resources;

information broadcasts and knowledge flow by way of network courses, and

lastly flexibility of learning as computer-generated environment for learning is

created to overcome issues of distance and time (Liu and Wang, 2009).

Gotschall (2000) argues that the concept of e-learning is proposed based on

distance learning, thus a transmission of lectures to distant locations by way of

video presentations. Liu and Wang (2009) however claims that the progression of

communications technologies, particularly the internet, did transform distance

learning into e-learning.

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Liaw and Huang (2003) defined e-learning based on the summaries of its

characteristics. In the first place, they propose a multimedia environment.

Secondly, they incorporate several kinds of information. Thirdly e-learning

systems support collaborative communication, whereby users have total control

over their own situations of learning. In the fourth place, e-learning support

networks for accessing information. And fifth, e-learning allows for the systems to

be implemented freely on various kinds of computer operating systems.

Tao et al (2006), this new environment for learning that is centered on

electronic networks has allowed learners in universities to receive individualized

support and also to have learning schedules that is more suitable to them as well

as separate from other learners. This facilitates a high interaction and

collaboration level between instructors or teachers and peers than traditional

environment for learning.

E-learning in academics which is characterized by the use of multimedia

constructs made the process of learning more active, interesting and enjoyable

(Liaw et al, 2007). The main constructs that have made e-learning the most

promising educational technology according to Hammer and Champy (2001) and

Liaw et al (2007) include service, cost, quality, and speed. It is apparent that e-

learning can empower students at higher educational levels to acquire their

education in while at the same time perusing their personal objectives as well as

maintaining their own careers, with no need to attend be subjected to rigid

schedule (Borstorff and Lowe. 2007). Kartha (2006) in support of this thought

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reported that the number of courses online has vividly increased as a result of

the attained benefits for both learners and universities.

Algahtani (2011) in his evaluation of the effectiveness of the e-learning

experience in Saudi Arabia categorized the definitions of e-learning from three

different perspectives: the distance learning perspective (Perraton, 2002; Alarifi,

2003; Holmes and Gardner, 2006), the technological perspective (Wentling et al.

2000; Nichols, 2003) and also from the perspective of e-learning as pedagogy

(Khan, 2005; Schank, 2000). It can therefore be concluded from the above that it

is difficult to identify a common definition for e-learning. Some of the authors refer

to e-learning as providing complete on-line courses only whereas comprise web-

supplemented and web-dependent services for the provision of educational and

support processes.

Advantages of E-learning

The adoption of E-learning in education, especially for higher educational

institutions has several benefits, and given its several advantages and benefits,

e-learning is considered among the best methods of education. Several studies

and authors have provided benefits and advantages derived from the adoption of

e-learning technologies into schools (Klein and Ware, 2003; Algahtani, 2011;

Hameed et al, 2008; Marc, 2002; Wentling et al. 2000; Nichols, 2003). Some

studies give advantage of e-learning as its ability to focus on the needs of

individual learners. For example Marc (2000) in his book review on e-learning

strategies for delivering knowledge in digital age noted that one of the

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advantages of e-learning in education is its focus on the needs of individual

learners as an important factor in the process of education rather than on the

instructors’, or educational institutions’ needs. Some of the advantages that the

adoption of e-learning in education, obtained from review of literature includes

the following: It is flexible when issues of time and place are taken into

consideration. Every student has the luxury of choosing the place and time that

suits him/her.

Furthermore, according to Smedley (2010), the adoption of e-learning

gives institutions, as well as their students or learners, with a great deal of

flexibility in terms of delivery or receiving of learning information at any time and

from any location. Through easy access to a vast amount of information, e-

learning improves the efficacy of knowledge and certifications. It is able to

provide opportunities for relations between learners by the use of discussion

forums. Through this, e-learning helps eliminate barriers that have the potential

of hindering participation including the fear of talking to other learners. E-learning

motivates students to interact with other, as well as exchange and respect

different point of views. E-learning eases communication and also improves the

relationships that sustain learning. Wagner et al (2008) note that e-Learning

makes available extra prospects for interactivity between students and teachers

during content delivery.

The study of Raba (2005), goals can be met in the shortest length of time

with the least amount of work with e-learning. Both students and instructors can

achieve and maintain growth by gaining experience from a variety of experts in

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diverse industries. According to Khan (2005), e-learning will have a positive

impact on educational ethics. This is due to the fact that e-learning environments

are tolerant, making them an excellent approach to provide equitable access to

the information world regardless of the users' locations, ages, ethnic origins, or

races (Khan, 2005). The environment for e-learning also aids learners or

students to depend on themselves for the reason that instructors are no longer

the solitary knowledge source. They instead become advisors and guides

(Alsalem, 2004).

E-learning also assists in the society's preparation to communicate and

dialogue with others on a worldwide scale (Zeitoun, 2008). However, according

to Algahtani (2011), if e-learning is used and implemented properly, the likely

benefits of e-learning are more than the benefits of traditional learning. Authors

such as Zhang et al (2006) and Judahil et al (2007) discussed the benefits of

elearning from the students' or learners' perspective. According to Zhang et al

(2006), e-learning allows for the study of far more flexible learning methods while

also reducing the need to travel to classes. According to Zhang et al (2006), e-

learning with an interactive video feature allows students to observe all

classroom activities and listen to instructors as many times as they require.

Brown et al (2008) and Judahil et al (2007) provide teachers with a variety

of options for connecting with students and providing immediate feedback.

According to Judahil et al. (2007), persons who embrace advanced technology

during the teaching and learning process must have a diverse set of abilities in

information and communication technology (ICT).

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Students benefit from e-learning, according to several research (Singh,

2001; Hemsley, 2002; and Sadler-Smith 2000). E-Learning systems, for

example, provide for increased communication between and among students, as

well as between students and professors or instructors, according to Singh

(2001). Full-time and part-time students, according to Hemsley (2002), can

engage in their degree courses from any place or location, providing persons

who are relocating or traveling with a readily available resource for learning and

experience (Hemsley, 2002). The adoption and use of eLearning, according to

Sadler-Smith (2000) and Brown et al (2001), allows impaired persons to pursue

their education from any location.

Disadvantages of E-learning

In their study, Arkorful and Abaidoo (2015) found that e-learning is

sometimes held through distance and reflection, resulting in a lack of student

involvement. Because there is no face-to-face interaction with instructions or

teachers, e-learning may be less successful than traditional schooling. Because

assessments in the e-learning approach are typically held online, it reduces the

possibilities of regulating illegal actions such as cheating, plagiarism, and so on

(Arkorful and Abaidoo, 2015).

In addition, the study of (Islam, Beer, and Slack, 2015). The most obvious

downside of e-learning is the lack of important personal interactions, not just

among coworkers but also between instructors and students. In the online

learning environment, student-student involvement is significantly less of a

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priority than student-instructor connection, resulting in a lack of community.

According to Gilbert (2015), the majority of students prefer to work privately in

order to avoid having to interact with their peers. The cultural barrier is another

important disadvantage of taking an online course.

In their study, Aparicio, Bacao, and Oliveira (2016) looked at the impact of

cultural factors such as individualism and collectivism on the perceived success

of e-learning. Individualism and collectivism have a major impact on

organizational and individual impacts, according to the study's findings.

Technology is a platform that can be taken for granted when used in daily life, but

it is not extensively used due to the lack of financial incentives for gaining

access. The increase in the proportion of computers and other electronic devices

among students is driving the worldwide knowledge available on the internet

(Talebian, Mohammadi and Rezvanfar, 2014).

Furthermore, (Sarkar, 2012). Issue that online students have is keeping

their motivation in an online course. When compared to their peers, students who

lacked self-motivation and autonomy had lower success rates. Learners who lack

self-control are more likely to not allot enough time to complete projects, resulting

in low-quality work or late submissions. Overall, successful students have higher

self-confidence, better technology abilities and access, and higher self-

responsibility and self-organization skills (Sarrab, Al-Shihi and Rehman, 2013).

Raspopovic et al. (Raspopovic et al., 2017). Students must be able to

analyze motivational factors in order to maintain momentum throughout the

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course. Students who lack motivation can easily lose sight of their original goal,

feel disoriented in the course, and eventually drop out. As a result, understanding

learning styles and self-behavior is critical to determining an individual's

performance in an online course.

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Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study is presented to give view of this study.

Independent variables Dependent variables

E-learning Perceived advantages and


Intervening variables

E-learning Model

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

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Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Keegan’s (1988) Distance Education theory

should be able to provide a yardstick to measure the political, financial, education

and social decisions to be taken to prevent the ad hoc responses to a problem

solving. Holmbergg (1986) claimed that distance education is a distinct field of

education and paved the way for the critical recognitions of a reputable base

theory of distance education. Keegan (1988) also expressed that the absence of

an independent theory has weakened distance education into four groups: (i)

theories of independence and autonomy ( Keegan, 2013; Moore , 1973); (ii)

theories of industrialization of teaching ( Peters, 2006) (iii) theories of interaction

and communication (Holmberg, 1986&2005); and (iv) a category pursuing

clarification of distance education from the fusion of existing communication and

diffusion theories and education philosophies (Aydemir et al., 2015).

The framework of independence and autonomy specifically, Moore's

(1973) theory of transactional distance serves as the theoretical point of

departure for this study. In contrast to classroom-based theories, the theory of

transactional distance provides an all-encompassing pedagogical framework for

distance education that arose from an investigation of teaching and learning

through technology. According to Tait (2017), this theory is one of the few

distance education theories that can be used to test hypotheses and serve as a

heuristic device for identifying research questions. It is also a very practical tool

for making difficult instructional design decisions.

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This chapter describes how this study is to be conducted. It includes the

Research Design, Research Locale, Respondents, Research Instruments, Data

Gathering Procedure, Sampling Technique and Statistical Treatment.

Research Design

This study determines the Advantages and Disadvantages of E-learning

as perceived by the grade 12 stem students of SEAIT. And it used descriptive

survey method. A descriptive survey method is a statistical study that uses

surveys to gather data about varying subject. This data aims to know the extent

to which different conditions can be obtained among these subjects (Formplus

Blog, 2021).

Figure 2 shows the research paradigm of the study. The paradigm

displays the title of the study at the uppermost box. The specific statement of the

problem are found on the left side, while the research locale, sampling technique,

respondents of the study, the research instruments, the data gathering

procedures and the statistical treatment are on the right side. The bottom part

shows the product of the study which is the E-learning model for Grade 12 stem


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Figure 2. Research Paradigm

Research Locale

This study was conducted at South East Asian Institute of Technology

Inc., this place is selected for knowing the efficiency of the said research among

STEM students. This research will be implemented among the selected STEM

Senior High School students.

South East Asian Institute of Technology Inc. is a private school located at

National Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato. The school was

founded in 2006. SEAIT offered technical and vocational courses like Computer

Programming NC IV and Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. SEAIT was

granted by the Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to

offer Hotel and Restaurant Management. The next year, the Commission on

Higher Education (CHED) permitted the school to offer the first four-years

science course-Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) which

successfully persuaded the target market.

The institution followed a great momentum when the CHED granted a

Ladderized program Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing

Management. Two years then, the same commission permitted the school to

open and operate program for education courses. Bachelor of Elementary

Education and Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English and

Mathematics. Later, Bachelor of Science in Criminology, Bachelor of Science in

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Agriculture and Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering were successfully


Moreover, the vision of the school becomes more visible as it extended

from technical and vocational education into a wider field. It continues to prosper

from the next consecutive years and eventually gained the government

recognition from the Department of Education to operate k-12 program last June

2016. It includes kindergarten, junior and senior high school whose populations

smoothly grow after a year.

This year, the school widens its field by offering the following new degree

programs; For College Of Business And Good Governance they have: BS

Business Administration Major in Mktg Mgt.(BSBA), BS Accounting Information

System(BSAIS), BS Hospitality Management(BSHM), BS Tourism

Management(BSTM), Associate in Hospitality Management(AHM), Bachelor of

Public Administration(BPA) and Bachelor of Science in Social Work(BSSW). On

the College Of Education, they offer: Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in

English (BSEd - English), Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Math (BSEd

- Math), Bachelor in Elementary, Education (BEEd), Bachelor in Early Childhood

Education (BECEd), Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Social Studies

(BSEd - Social Studies). While on the College Of Agriculture, they offered: BS

Agriculture (BSAgri), Major in Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG), Major in

Horticulture (Horti), BS Fisheries (BSF), BS Agricultural Technology. Other

courses offered from College Of Engineering And Technology are: BS

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Information Technology (BSIT), BS Civil Engineering (BSCE), BS Information

Technology specialized in Business Analytics (BSIT-BAST), Associate in

Computer Technology (ACT). From College Of Public Relations they offered:

BS Criminology (BSCrim), BS Public Administration (BPA), BS Social Works

(BSSW). Lastly, from Basic Education they offered: Senior High School, Grade 7

to Grade 10, Grade 1 to Grade 6 and Kindergarten.

From the labor of the Tamayo’s family, SEAIT slowly yields into an

immense kinship of administrators, faculty members, students and the

community who desires to educate and be educated to make a tangible

contribution to the community. This bond had become the foundation of the

school in seeking more ways and means on how to make the school would be

able to become stronger and substantial.

Vision: A premier institution that provides quality education and

globally empowered individual.

Mission: To produce competent, community-oriented, and globally

competitive individuals through holistic education.

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Figure 3: Map of the Research locate

Sampling Technique

The researcher will use simple random sampling to avoid bias. A simple

random sampling is a subset of statistical population in which each member of

the subset has an equal probability of being chosen (Adam Hayes, 2021). It is

meant to be an unbiased representation of a group.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the grade 12 stem students of SEAIT.

The researchers used solving formula in getting 31 respondents to answer the

questionnaires to know the Advantages and Disadvantages of E-learning as

perceived by the grade 12 stem students of SEAIT. The respondent is those

individuals who are capable to answer the following questions.

Research Instruments

To conduct the study, a survey questionnaire is to be distributed to

respondents. This survey questionnaire is based on the necessity of the study.

As such, all questions for the study are based on the questions prepared in the

first chapter of this research paper referring to the statement of the problem. The

questionnaire is divided into four sections. The first part is the socio-economic

profile of the respondents which is the age, sex, and marital status of the

respondents. The second part includes the advantages of e-learning. The third

Page 29 of 52
part consists of the disadvantages of e-learning. Fourth part developed an e-

learning model. The researchers will also use a camera for the documentation.

Data Collection Procedure

The following steps are undertaken in gathering the pertinent data of the


1. Permission to conduct study/determining the correct sample size. A

letter of request to conduct the survey using Google forms to college dean

before conducting the survey. The researchers picked the total of 31 students

from grade 12 stem of SEAIT.

2. The accordance and reversion of reliability of test questionnaire. Upon

approval, the researchers began to distribute the questionnaires to the

following respondents: first, the researchers wrote a letter asking permission

to the school head to conduct a study, when the questionnaire was given to

the grade 12 stem of SEAIT.

3. Retrieval of the research instrument. The researchers waited for the

questionnaires to be accomplished. Then researchers asked for the

participants to answer the survey questionnaires and the researchers guided

the respondents in answering the survey questionnaire.

4. Analysis and Interpretation. Results were analyzed and interpreted based

on the purpose of the study.

Page 30 of 52
Statistical Treatment

The data to be gathered in this study will be subjected to the following

statistical treatment. The researchers use the following statistical tools in the

treatment of data.

Frequency Count. This method by which the number of respondent responses

or occurrences of the subject of the study is determine. It is used to determine

the proportion of each given data by using the formula.

Where: Formula:

P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total Number of Respondents

Mean. This tool was used to determine the average rating of respondents in the

two factors of e-learning which is advantages and disadvantages.

Scale Range Interpretation

1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree

3 2.61-3.40 Neither

4 3.41-4.20 Agree

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree

Page 31 of 52
Chapter IV


This chapter shows the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered by the researchers. The findings of the study discussed in this chapter,

which includes the profile of the respondents, the advantages of e-learning as

perceived by grade 12 STEM students of SEAIT, the disadvantages of e-learning

as perceived by the grade 12 STEM students of SEAIT and a basis for

developing an E-learning model for Grade 12 STEM students.

Profile of the Respondents

Figure 4.1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

The figure above shows the demographic profile of the respondents

according to their age bracket. Based from the data presented, majority of the

number or 83.9% of the respondents of the study were under the age line of 16-

Page 32 of 52
18 years old. Meanwhile, 16.1% makes up the respondent’s age line from 19-21

years old.

Figure 4.2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Sex

Figure 4.2 presents the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

sex. According to the results, the data shows that most of the respondents were

female which mark up 58.1% of the entire number of the respondents. With the

given results, the data also shows that part of the respondents were male which

mark up the 41.9% of the total number of the respondents.

Figure 4.3 Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Marital


Page 33 of 52
The previous figure shows the demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of their marital status. According to the results, data shown from which all

the respondents are considered single which makes it 100% of the entire number

of the respondents.

Table 1. The Advantages of E-Learning as perceived by Grade 12 STEM Students of


Indicators Mean Interpretation


1. I can access online materials 3.39 Neither

2. I can learn at my own pace 3.26 Neither

3. I have more involvement with 3.10 Neither

the lesson content.
4. I have comfortable 3.42 Agree

5. I have my luxuries, such as 2.61 Neither

dressing and traveling.
6. I have my own flexibility, like 3.52 Agree
time and pace.

7. I have the option to view and 3.52 Agree

review lecture videos as
8. I have lower costs like parking 3.55 Agree
and food.

9. I have less stress when I like to- 3.23 Neither

be on time and find my
10. I don’t have to deal with other 3.48 Agree
students disrupting class.
11. I don’t have to wait for other 2.94 Neither
students who work at a slower
12. I don’t have to work in class 2.55 Disagree
teams on projects and activities.
Weighted Mean 3.21 Neither

Page 34 of 52
The previous table shows the results of the advantages of using E-

learning method for Grade 12 STEM students. There were observable indicators

in the data which are periphery toward identifying and determining which factors

influencing the advantages of maximizing and facilitating electronic learning or e-

learning method in adhering student’s academic performance and achievements.

Thus, based from the results of the data gathered, three of the distinct indicators

has been highlighted relating to the advantages of using e-learning method, 3.55

mean value results make up an agreeable perception from the respondents in

which students of the same strand admits that through e-learning, they have

lower cost like parking and purchasing food. On this context, a mean value

results of 3.52 provide those students from the same strand found e-learning as

an advantageous part in their span of interest more specifically in the option to

view and review lecture videos as needed and they have their own flexibility like

time and pace. The results can be obviously described as an agreeable

perception among the respondents. On the other hand, respondents found that

with e-learning method, they don’t need to work in class teams on projects and

activities as this particular indicator resulted to a mean value of 2.55 and can be

further described as a disagreeable perception among students of the same


Moreover, a weighted mean value of 3.21 is observably described as

neither the respondents found e-learning method advantageous or

Page 35 of 52
disadvantageous on the part of the students. This would meanwhile result to how

the respondents perceived e-learning as an effective method in delivering the

subject matter for each particular lesson. Though, according to the study

conducted by Smedley (2010), the adoption of e-learning gives institutions, as

well as their students or learners, with a great deal of flexibility in terms of

delivery or receiving of learning information at any time and from any location.

Through easy access to a vast amount of information, e-learning improves the

efficacy of knowledge and certifications.

Table 2. The Disadvantages of E-Learning as perceived by Grade 12 STEM Students of


Indicators Mean (X) Interpretation

1. I have difficulty understanding content 3.52 Agree

when I am not face-to-face with the
2. It requires more self-discipline for reading 4.13 Agree
and learning.
3. It is more stressful trying to reach an 3.55 Agree
instructor when help is needed.
4. I have more stress related to technology 3.45 Agree
5. I have more computer-related distractions 3.90 Agree
like Facebook, etc.
6. It is not easy to meet classmates to 3.96 Agree
possible friendship.
7. My teachers tend to focus on theory rather 4.35 Strongly Agree
than practice.
8. It requires self-motivation and proper time 4.45 Strongly Agree
management skills.
9. I have less interaction with other students. 3.84 Agree

10. It is easier for the other students to cheat. 4.26 Strongly Agree

11. I have poor learning self-discipline. 3.68 Agree

12. It will slow the development of 3.77 Agree

Page 36 of 52
communication skills.

Weighted Mean 3.91 Agree

The previous table shows the results of the disadvantages of using E-

learning method for Grade 12 STEM students. On the data gathered, there were

observable indicators which make it more relevant in determining and identifying

which part of the delivery on e-learning method has provide the students or the

respondents of the study to perceived it more discouraging. Perhaps, an

observable mean value result of 4.45 establishes an aspect wherein students

found e-learning requires self-motivation and proper time management skills as

the said indicator perceived to be strongly agreed among the respondents. On

the other hand, a mean value result of 4.26 is obviously termed to have access

on the perception of the students in which by utilizing e-learning in the delivery of

the lesson has led the students to cheat easily, for this was disadvantageously

perceived by the respondents as strongly agree. Furthermore, there are

indicators which are considered disadvantageous to students for having the time

using the e-learning method wherein students are required to do bulk of

requirements and reading pedagogies as this specific indicator resulted to a

mean value of 4.13, which can be further described as an agreeable perception

among students. Lastly, respondents found out that with facilitating e-learning

teachers tend to focus on theories rather than practices, as this indicator resulted

to a mean value of 4.35 and therefore perceived as strongly agreed by the


On this view, the disadvantages of using e-learning method for Grade 12

STEM students had result to a weighted mean value of 3.91 which can be

Page 37 of 52
therefore perceived as agree. With the recent point of views, disadvantageously,

students of the same strand established a consideration that facilitating the use

of e-learning in teaching pedagogies and theories rather than practicing holistic

learning through experience seems so obvious that they view the method to have

plenty of things that can be a factor that students as frontrunner cannot manage

and handle their self-motivation to learn provided that there are prior reasons to

seem like an effect to teaching-learning processes.

In fact, according to the study conducted by (Islam, Beer, & Slack, 2015).

The most obvious downside of e-learning is the lack of important personal

interactions, not just among coworkers but also between instructors and

students. In the online learning environment, student-student involvement is

significantly less of a priority than student-instructor connection, resulting in a

lack of community. Moreover, according to Gilbert (2015), the majority of

students prefer to work privately in order to avoid having to interact with their

peers. The cultural barrier is another important disadvantage of taking an online


Page 38 of 52


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.


The study determines the advantages and disadvantages of using E-

Learning as perceived by the Grade 12 STEM students. Specifically, the study

identifies the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and

marital status. The study also pertains on what are the advantages of e-learning

as perceived by Grade 12 STEM students of SEAIT. On the other hand, the

study pays attention on what are the disadvantages of using e-learning as

perceived by the Grade 12 STEM students of SEAIT. Thus, the results of the

study correlates on the proposed development of e-learning model for Grade 12

STEM students of SEAIT. The study used descriptive qualitative method of

research. Descriptive qualitative method is used to gather information which

would describe the current status of the phenomena with the aid of variables or

condition in the situation. The study was conducted at South East Asian Institute

of Technology, Inc, Tupi, South Cotabato. Moreover, the respondents of the

study will be Grade 12 STEM students of SEAIT who have experiencing e-

learning along the academic year.

Page 39 of 52

The following summary of the study are as follows:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents. In relation to the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex and marital

status from which the respondents account to different orientations are

then given the following highlights such as follows:

1.1. Age- According to the data presented, majority of the number or

83.9% of the respondents of the study were under the age line of

16-18 years old. Meanwhile, 16.1% makes up the respondent’s age

line from 19-21 years old.

1.2. Sex- According to the results, the data shows that most of the

respondents were female which mark up 58.1% of the entire

number of the respondents. With the given results, the data also

shows that part of the respondents were male which mark up the

41.9% of the total number of the respondents.

1.3. Marital Status- According to the results, the data shows that most of

the respondents were female which mark up 58.1% of the entire

number of the respondents. With the given results, the data also

shows that part of the respondents were male which mark up the

41.9% of the total number of the respondents.

Page 40 of 52
Advantages of using E-learning as perceived by the Grade 12 STEM


Previous chapter presents the data analysis of the study from where it

focusses and gives emphasis on the advantages of using e-learning as

perceived by the Grade 12 STEM students. According to the results, out of

twelve (12) indicators, there were only three (3) indicators which provide

ascendency on the study upon its long process of identifying and determining the

positive implications of utilizing e-learning as a superb methodology in delivering

teaching-learning between teachers and the Grade 12 STEM learners of SEAIT.

On this connection, a mean value result of 3.55 make up an agreeable

perception from the respondents in which students of the same strand admits

that through e-learning, they have lower cost like parking and purchasing food.

Meanwhile, a mean value results of 3.52 provide those students from the same

strand found e-learning as an advantageous part in their span of interest more

specifically in the option to view and review lecture videos as needed and they

have their own flexibility like time and pace. However, respondents found that

with e-learning method, they don’t need to work in class teams on projects and

activities as this particular indicator resulted to a mean value of 2.55 and can be

further described as a disagreeable perception among students of the same


Finally, the advantages of facilitating e-learning as perceived by the Grade

12 STEM students provide that e-learning allows them for the study of far more

Page 41 of 52
flexible learning methods as this particular context resulted to a mean value of

3.21 which in this view can be observably described as neither the respondents

found e-learning method advantageous or disadvantageous on the part of the

students. Nonetheless, this would meanwhile result to how the respondents

perceived e-learning as an effective method in delivering the subject matter for

each particular lesson.

Disadvantages of using E-learning as perceived by the Grade 12 STEM


The data assumed that in the previous chapter it analyses the common

goal of determining the disadvantages of utilizing e-learning as perceived by the

Grade 12 STEM students. Accordingly, there were indicators which established

distinctions among the factors which may implicate as the disadvantages of

facilitating the use of e-learning in the long view of teaching-learning processes.

This view has pave way in order to intervene such disadvantages to turn likely as

a challenge within the administrative and curriculum implementation of e-learning

methods. As mentioned above, data provide that a mean value result of 4.26 is

obviously termed to have access on the perception of the students in which by

utilizing e-learning in the delivery of the lesson has led the students to cheat

easily, for this was disadvantageously perceived by the respondents as strongly

agree. On the other hand, a mean value result of 4.26 is obviously termed to

have access on the perception of the students in which by utilizing e-learning in

the delivery of the lesson has led the students to cheat easily, for this was

Page 42 of 52
disadvantageously perceived by the respondents as strongly agree. However,

using the e-learning method wherein students are required to do bulk of

requirements and reading pedagogies as this specific indicator resulted to a

mean value of 4.13, which can be further described as an agreeable perception

among students. Lastly, respondents found out that with facilitating e-learning

teachers tend to focus on theories rather than practices, as this indicator resulted

to a mean value of 4.35 and therefore perceived as strongly agreed by the


On this context, a weighted mean value of 3.91 can be further perceived

as an agreeable description in relation to the disadvantages of using e-learning

by the Grade 12 STEM students. This seem to be very remarkable in the eye of

the administrators and the students on how to deal with the challenges that the

current and recent situation has affect the educational outfit of the country. On

the contrary, findings can be further expanded that with the desire of the teacher

to deliver the lesson came forth with the acquisition of the learner to learn at their

own pace. With this, those aforementioned disadvantages shall be the pre-

requisite to be considered and look into.


According to the findings of the study, there are observable advantages

and disadvantages of utilizing the e-learning as perceived by the Grade 12 STEM

students. This adheres to the personal experience of each respondent of the

study to quell with the situation they are currently encountering and responding to

the mandates of the education department. On this view, the study would

Page 43 of 52
eventually allow the teachers to identify what shall be given important in order to

deliver lesson to the students and what are found to be in the least priority to give

more attention and make it clear for some reasons and for the education welfare

and stability of each learner in the institutions. With this, they could help hand

and hand together with the administrators on crafting effective curriculum design

which will be suited in the recent application and utilization of e-learning method.

Thus, on the study conducted and according to the data presented

teachers and the school administrators must and will increase the chance that

through e-learning, learners have lower cost like parking and purchasing food,

learners also regarded that e-learning as an advantageous in their part in which

they have more enough time in the option to view and review lecture videos as

needed and lastly, learners have their own flexibility like time and pace and

respondents found that with e-learning method, they don’t need to work in class

teams on projects and activities. According to study conducted by Zhang et al

(2006), e-learning allows for the study of far more flexible learning methods while

also reducing the need to travel to classes. According to Zhang et al (2006), e-

learning with an interactive video feature allows students to observe all

classroom activities and listen to instructors as many times as they require.

Perhaps, this study also compels on the implications of using e-learning

as disadvantageously perceived by the learners. Obviously, based from the

results of the data presented in the previous chapter, the current condition has

challenged the education bureau and the teachers that through using e-learning

method it requires learner self-motivation and proper time management skills to

Page 44 of 52
be molded amongst them, this also pays attention that along the duration of e-

learning and the delivery of the lesson, learners have tended to cheat easily.

Moreover, through e-learning method, students are required to do bulk of

requirements and reading pedagogies. Finally, facilitating e-learning, teachers

tend to focus on theories rather than practices.

According to the study conducted by Arkorful and Abaidoo (2015) they

found out that e-learning is sometimes held through distance and reflection,

resulting in a lack of student involvement. Because there is no face-to-face

interaction with instructions or teachers, e-learning may be less successful than

traditional schooling. Because assessments in the e-learning approach are

typically held online, it reduces the possibilities of regulating illegal actions such

as cheating, plagiarism, and so on (Arkorful and Abaidoo, 2015).

Page 45 of 52
Proposed Development of E-Learning Model

Page 46 of 52

Direction: Please answer the questionnaire honestly and without any mental

reservation by checking (✓) the appropriate boxes and rate your opinion with

each statement.

Name: (Optional) Date:

1. What age you belong?

□ Under 16 □16-18 □ 19-21 □ 22-24 □ 25 and above

2. What is your gender?

□ Female □ Male
3. What is your marital status?

□ Single □ Married □ Separated

Use the following rating scale

5 – Strongly agree

4 – Agree

3 – Neither agree nor disagree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly disagree

Page 47 of 52
4. What are the advantages of e-learning?

Advantages of e-learning 5 4 3 2 1

1. I can access online materials

2. I can learn at my own pace

3. I have more involvement with the lesson

4. I have comfortable surroundings.

5. I have my luxuries, such as dressing and

6. I have my own flexibility, like time and
7. I have the option to view and review lecture
videos as needed.
8. I have lower costs like parking and food.
9. I have less stress when I like to-be on time
and find my classroom.
10. I don’t have to deal with other students
disrupting class.
11. I don’t have to wait for other students who
work at a slower pace.
12. I don’t have to work in class teams on
projects and activities.

Page 48 of 52
5. What are the disadvantages of e-learning?

Disadvantages of e-learning 5 4 3 2 1

1. I have difficulty understanding content

when I am not face-to-face with the
2. It requires more self-discipline for reading
and learning.
3. It is more stressful trying to reach an
instructor when help is needed.
4. I have more stress related to technology
5. I have more computer-related distractions
like Facebook, etc.
6. It is not easy to meet classmates to
possible friendship.
7. My teachers tend to focus on theory rather
than practice.
8. It requires self-motivation and proper time
management skills.

9. I have less interaction with other students

10. It is easier for the other students to cheat.

11. I have poor learning self-discipline

12. It will slow the development of

communication skills.

Page 49 of 52

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the following

recommendation are drawn.

1. Conduct a thorough observation regarding the delivery of lesson using e-

learning method. Through observation the respondents shall validate the

reliability of the results in consonance to the identifying and determining the

advantages and disadvantages of using e-learning as perceived by the Grade

12 STEM students.

2. Conduct an interview as well in order to get notified and knowledgeable about

how e-learning is conducted and delivered and what are the things they

encounter personally. Through this, the respondents shall weigh or balance

the perception between the teachers and the students.

3. Gather more than 30 respondents in order to filter a greater number of

responses and thus they can contribute a wider view of which e-learning is

better and effective to utilize for learner’s total well beings.

4. Respondents shall conduct interview as well to the students in order to

maximize the data to quantify if the results have something to do with the

acquisition that e-learning is effective in the delivery or lesson or not.

Page 50 of 52

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