AED3701 Exam

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Annuska Couvaras



1.1 FALSE, educator use this ongoing process to gather information about the learners
strength and weaknesses.
1.2 FALSE, teachers should record performance for effective teaching and learning in
the classroom.
1.3 FALSE, teacher need to submit it before the school year starts.
1.4 FALSE, Bloom’s Taxonomy is needed to identify educational learning objectives into
different levels.
1.5 FALSE,
2.1.1 Diagnostic assessment: It can be both formal or informal. Diagnostic assessments
are used in order to determine learners level of knowledge, skills and understanding of
a certain subject. Diagnostic assessment is important for students and educators,
because its intention is to find out what learners already know and to find gaps or
barriers to their learning.
2.1.2 Continuous assessment: Learner-centred assessment activities. This assessment
is important because it gives the educator knowledge about the learners strengths and
2.1.3 Formative assessment: Formative assessment determines the progress of the
learners towards achieving the outcomes and the appropriateness of learning acquired.
Its important for teachers because it provides feedback to learners.
2.1.4 Baseline assessment: This assessment takes place before the learning. Baseline
assessment is used to determine what learners know and are able to do. Its important
for teachers because it informs the teacher on where to start the teaching and learning
2.1.5 Summative assessment: To determine the overall learners achievement and
learning success. It is used by educators for promotional purposes.
2.2 A form of human engagement that allows for critical thinking, non-domination and
the optimal development of human relationships. Ubuntu means that each individual`s
humanity is ideally expressed in relationship with others, Ubuntu is then to be aware
of one`s own being but also of one`s duties towards one`s neighbour.
• perceptions
• sentiments
• readiness for action
3.1.1 To determine whether students have learned what they were expected to
learn or to level or degree to which students have learned the material.
3.1.2 It develops the child's ability to work with his or her peers, building teamwork
and group skills.
3.1.3 Students are actively engaged in figuring out the principles by abstracting from
the examples.
3.1.4 Assignments help learners to focus on the essential learning and not to get
swamped by details.
3.1.5 In each investigation, the student engages in gathering the information, data,
and ideas needed to support explanations for the causes of task.
3.2.1 Shows educators how learners are progressing towards achieving the set
objectives. It’s a daily assessment used to enhance and monitor learners learning
through teachers observation and teacher-learner interaction with the intention to
provide constructive feedback.
3.2.2 This helps educators with a systematic way of evaluating how well learners are
progressing in a specific subject taught in a specific grade.
3.2.3 This is a type of assessment done by learners called self-assessment. Learners
take responsibility for their own learning.
3.2.4 This assessment doesn’t focus on the end result of learning, but in the whole
process of learning in order to make teaching and learning meaningful for the learner.

4.1 The starting point for planning assessment is to use the CAPS document of the
specific grade and subject. I must select the specific topic to assess as required in
CAPS documents.
4.2 CAPS provide various purposes of assessing learners. We assess to grade or
promote, to support learning an teaching, to identify problems, , to determine prior
learning and other purposes. I have to be clear about the purpose of every assessment
I plan and inform my learners accordingly.
4.5 Assessment should integrate grading, learning, and motivation for your students.
Well-designed assessment methods provide valuable information about student
learning. They tell us what students learned, how well they learned it, and where they
4.6 Summative assessment (term test), because I need to see if learners are
4.7 Memorandum
4.8 Me (the teacher), because it is my subject and I need to see my learner progression.
4.9 Haptic is a common learning style in the education process. This strategy involves
the use of touch sensations to initiate communication. As an assessor, I will evaluate
learners attentiveness through the use of mobile phone vibrations. For instance, letting
them describe their experiences when mobile phone vibrations are varied. Besides
haptics, I will also employ visual strategies when assessing learners. This will involve
letting learners choose concepts that relate to theoretical concepts thought in class. In
this case, I will display images on a personal computer and let learners choose the ones
relating to the concepts thought in class. Finally, I will also employ auditory strategies in
the evaluation process. For example, I will encourage learners to record what they have
learned throughout the day in their mobile phones and share the audio files. This will
accord me an opportunity to assess their understanding of the concepts thought in
4.10 Is that record is an item of information put into a temporary or permanent physical
medium while report is a piece of information describing, or an account of certain events
given or presented to someone.
4.11 Report card stating all subjects marks.

5.1.1 If you are an auditory learner, you learn by hearing and listening. You understand
and remember things you have heard. You store information by the way it sounds, and
you have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. Example:
Class discussion.
5.1.2 Learners with a oral learning style prefer to learn verbally by reading or listening.
Thus, this learning styles involves both written and spoken words. Example: Reading
out loud
5.1.3 The Haptic learner prefers learning through touch, feeling, or sensing information
in an active format as the chosen mode for learning. Optimizing educational conditions
for learners in traditional classroom settings relies heavily on teachers who desire to
accommodate learners' individual learning styles. Example: Walking up and down whilst
5.2.1 Constructive feedback is the type of feedback aimed at achieving a positive
outcome by providing someone with comments, advice, or suggestions that are useful
for their work or their future.
5.2.2 b. Because the learner would be able to make more sense of the audio then trying to read
the notes.
5.3.1 Combine students of different ages and abilities in one classroom, under the direction of
one teacher.

5.3.2 Assessment is relevant to the standards or the class. Assessment activities

include a divers of activities from different grades.

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