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DLL English Q1 W8

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School: Olongapo City Elementary School Grade Level: 2

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: FLORDELIZA M. LAURETA Learning Area: English

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: October 24 - 28,2022 Quarter: 1ST Quarter- Week 8

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and conneced to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be
done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Track progress of learning skills for Track progress of learning skills for
text elements to see the text elements to see the of text elements to see the the first quarter competencies. the first quarter competencies.
relationship between known relationship between known and relationship between known
and new information to new information to facilitate and new information to
facilitate comprehension. comprehension. facilitate comprehension.
B. Performance Standards Correctly presents text elements Correctly presents text elements Correctly presents text Measure the learning skills for the Measure the learning skills for the
through simple organizers to through simple organizers to make elements through simple first quarter competencies. first quarter competencies.
make inferences, predictions inferences, predictions and organizers to make
and conclusions. conclusions. inferences, predictions and
C. Learning Competencies Identify and discuss the Identify and discuss the elements Identify and discuss the Answer questions accurately and Answer questions accurately and
elements of a story (theme, of a story (theme, setting, elements of a story (theme, correctly. correctly.
setting, characters, and events). characters, and events). setting, characters, and
EN2LC-IIa-b-2.2 EN2LC-IIa-b-2.2 events).
II. CONTENT Elements of a Story Elements of a Story Elements of a Story First Quarterly Examination First Quarterly Examination


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG pp 4-5 TG pp 4-5 TG pp 4-5
2. Learner’s Materials pages LM pp 127-129 LM pp 127-129 LM pp 127-129
3. Text book pages English Essentials pp 35 - 40 English Essentials pp 35 - 40 English Essentials pp 35 - 40

4. Additional Materials from English 2 Module 8-Quarter 1 English 2 Module 8-Quarter 1 English 2 Module 8-Quarter 1
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning pictures, word cards, charts, pictures, word cards, charts, pictures, word cards, charts, Pencil, test paper Pencil, test paper
Resources/Materials PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning process, and draw conclusions about what they learned in
relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Main Character Guessing Game. Review: Have you seen children Preparation of the test materials.
presenting the new lesson Show: books from the library / Ask: What are the elements of a selling sampaguita? Describe
reading corner. Let the children story? them.
take a look at the cover and give Preparation of the test materials.
one main character or
characters of the story.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Do you like or enjoy reading or Stories have four basic elements Let the pupils read the
lesson storytelling? You would have such as theme, settings, following words found in the
noticed that stories have four characters, and events. The theme story “The Little Sampaguita
basic elements such as theme, is the main idea (could be a lesson Girl.” buy because bought
settings, characters, and events. or moral) reflected in the story. death but dream
The theme is the main idea The setting is the place and day dry does bear
(could be a lesson or moral) time where and when the story
reflected in the story. The happens. Characters are the
setting is the place and people, animals, or entities
Setting the standard in conducting Setting the standard in conducting
time where and when the story involved in the story. Events are
First Periodical Test First Periodical Test
happens. Characters are the the series (or sequence) of events
people, animals, or entities (beginning, middle, ending).You
involved in the story. Events are are expected to identify the
the series (or sequence) of elements of a story and
events (beginning, middle, differentiate each element based
ending).You are expected to on its features.
identify the elements of a story
and differentiate each element
based on its features.
C. Presenting Read the story“Anton’s Spider Read: “The Ants and the Retell the story of “The Little Orient the pupils what to do in Orient the pupils what to do in
Examples/instances of new lesson.” (Refer to LM, Let’s Aim) Grasshopper” Sampaguita Girl” with the use conducting First periodical Test conducting First periodical Test
lesson Let the children answer the of the pictures.Ask questions
comprehension question. while reading the story.
1. Who are the characters in the
story 2. Where did the story
happen? 3. What important
things/events happened in the
D. Discussing new concepts and Use graphic organizer (Wh- From the story entitled “The Ants Comprehension Check-up: 1.
practicing new skills #1 Memory Card), for the story and the Grasshopper”, copy and Who was the little girl? 2.
“Anton’s Spider Lesson”Refer to complete the graphic organizer What did she do for a living?
LM. below in your notebook. 3. Where does she sell the
sampaguita? 4. Why she does
not want to go home? 5.
What was the weather like in
the story? 6. Was she
wearing slippers?7. Did the
people gave her some food to
eat? 8. What did she see
when she opened her eyes?
9. What happened to her at
the end of the story? 10. If
you see Maya, what will you
E. Discussing new concepts and Using the story “The Ants and the Arrange the following
practicing new skills #2 Grasshopper”, write down the pictures according to
events in their correct sequence. what happened in the
Use the guide below. Write your story “The Little
answers in your notebook. Sampaguita Girl”.
Number it from 1 – 5.

F. Developing mastery Read the statements below and Study and complete the word Make a Story Map about
(Leads to Formative choose the letters of the correct puzzle about the elements of a “The Little Sampaguita Girl”
Assessment) answers. story.
1. It tells the happening/
occurrences of the story in a
logical order.
A. settings C. theme
B. characters D. events
2. It refers not only to the
physical location but also the
time the action
takes place.
A. setting C. protagonist
B. introduction D. falling action
3. It refers to any person,
animal, or figure represented in
a literary work.
A. setting C. character
B. plot D. theme
4. It is the part of the story that
usually sets where the problem
is resolved.
A. beginning B. middle C. ending
D. settings
G. Finding Practical applications Make a thank you card for Lola Let the pupils to listen to the story. What will you do to the if
of concepts and skills. Mary. Use the story for the The teacher tells a story of the you’ll a child like Maya?
letter. “Happy birthday, Mike ! moth using pictures to guide the How can you help them?
greeted Lola Mary. “Don’t go pupils. The Story of the Moth
out on the road yet. You can Comprehension Questions: 1. Who
practice riding on your bike at are the characters in the story ? 2.
the backyard,” said Lola. ”Oh, When was the story happened? 3.
what a wonderful bike. This is Why did Jose Rizal’s mother told
the best gift I’ve ever received. the story of the moth? 4. What did
Thanks a lot Lola”. the mother moth told the young
moth? 5. What happened to the
young moth? 6. What will
happened if the young moth
followed his mother? 7. If you
were the young moth what will
you do?

Group pupils and let them

complete the story map about the
story of the moth.
H. Making generalizations and The story has characters, event The story has characters, event The story has characters,
abstractions about the lesson and the place where the story and the place where the story event and the place where
Let the pupils know the purpose in Let the pupils know the purpose in
happened. Knowing these will happened. Knowing these will help the story happened. Knowing
conducting First Periodical Test conducting First Periodical Test
help you understand what you you understand what you read. these will help you
read. understand what you read.
I. Evaluating Learning Draw a circle if you agree with Identify the characters, place and Read the story and answer
the statement and a square event. Use a graphic organizer. the questions that follows.
if you do not. Write your The park was full of people. Tom “The Tenth Hen”
answers in your answer sheet. looked around. Suddenly, ā a little 1. Where did the story
_____1. Reading stories will girl said,” Are you looking for your happen?
teach us lessons in life. wallet, sir? I found this under the 2. Who were the characters
_____2. Characters’ actions do chair.” “Thank you very much. in the story?
not affect the development of You are an honest girl”, said Tom. 3. What was Ben’s problem?
events. Recording and consolidating the Recording and consolidating the
_____3. The setting shows us reading result in their score card. reading result in their score card.
the place and the time in the
_____4. Characters are usually
introduced at the beginning of
the story.
_____5. Problems in stories are
usually solved at the beginning
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and asses yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors
can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Date: October 24, 2022 Checked by:


Master Teacher II
Date: October 24, 2022


Grade Leader
Date: October 24, 2022


Principal IV
Date: October 24,2022

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