LRFFC Milestones
LRFFC Milestones
LRFFC Milestones
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 8-M: Selects the correct item from an array of 8, for 25 different
LRFFC fill-in statements of any type (T) (**note if learner also tacted)
**1/2 pt. – correctly selects 12 items
Pg LRFF Spontaneou
. C s Tact?
1. You throw the (ball)
2. You build with (blocks)
3. You pet the (dog)
4. You drink (water)
5. You brush your teeth with a (toothbrush)
8 6. You bounce a (ball)
7. The one with a tail is the (dog)
8. You draw with (crayons)
9. Pour the (water)
10. You color with (crayons)
11. Put toothpaste on the (toothbrush)
12. You eat (cookie)
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 9-M: Selects the correct item from an array of 10 for 25 different
verb-noun LRFFC what, which, or who questions (T) (**note if learner
also tacted)
** ½ pt. – selects 12 items correctly
Pg. LRFF Spontaneou
C s Tact?
1. Who puts out fires?
2. What can you eat?
3. Which one purrs?
4. What do kids ride to school?
5. Which one do you swim in?
6. Which one do you sit on?
10 7. Which one has whiskers?
8. Who do you see when you’re sick?
9. What can you drink?
10. Who watches you swim?
11. Who gives you a check-up?
12. What do you see in the bathroom?
13. Which one has wheels?
14. Who drives a fire truck?
15. Which one can fly?
16. What do you wear?
17. Which one do you flush?
18. What does your Mom drive?
11 19. Who wears red shorts?
20. Who cuts your hair?
21. Which one is in the bathroom?
22. Which one has a slide?
23. Who is Minnie’s friend?
24. What has wings?
25. What do you use to wash your hands?
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 10-M: Spontaneously tacts the item on 50% of the LRFFC trials (E)
(use the spontaneous tact data from milestones 6 through 9)
**1/2 pt. – If the child spontaneously tacts 25% of trials OR if the child tacts on
50% of the trials but always requires one prompt at the beginning of an LRFFC
# of LRFFC trials # of LRFFC trials with %
spontaneous tacts
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 11-M: Selects the correct item from an array of 10 that contains 3
similar stimuli (similar color, shape or class, but they are the wrong choices)
for 25 different WH question LRFFC tasks (T)
** ½ pt. – Correctly selects 15 items
1. Which one has a trunk?
2. What animal has a mane?
3. What goes on your head?
4. Which one says neigh?
12 5. What has laces?
6. Which one lives in the water?
7. What goes on your feet?
8. Which one lives on a farm?
9. What do you wear on your hands?
10. Which one has sleeves?
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 12-M: Selects from a book based on 2 verbal components: either a
feature, function, or class for 25 LRFFC tasks (T)
**1/2 pt. – correctly selects 15 items
1. red food
2. orange animal
3. red vehicle
4. cold food
15 5. hot food
6. vehicle that flies
7. vehicle that goes in the water
8. animal that lives in the water
9. animal that goes in the sky
10. vehicle that goes in the sky
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 13-M: Selects from a page in a book or in the natural environment
based on 3 verbal components for 25 WH question LRFFC tasks (T)
**1/2 pt. – Correctly selects 15 items
1. blue animal that flies
2. blue animal that swims
3. green animal that flies
4. gray animal that swims
5. gray animal with a trunk
18 6. zoo animal with stripes
7. zoo animal with spots
8. hot dinner food
9. hot breakfast food
10. cold dinner food
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 14-M: Selects the correct items from a book or in the natural
environment given 4 different rotating LRFFC questions about a single
topic for 25 topics (T)
**1/2 pt. – Selects 4 items for 15 different topics
Pg. Topic Question LRFFC
Cow What does the cow eat?
Where does the cow sleep?
21 Who takes care of the cows?
Which animal gives milk?
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
Beach What can you dig with?
28 Where is the boy?
What’s on the boy’s head?
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
LRFFC 15-M: Demonstrates 1000 different LRFFC responses, tested or obtained
from an accumulated list of known responses (T) Use the red Comprehensive
Image book to test this skill
** ½ pt. – correctly demonstrates 750 different LRFFC responses
6 Grows on tree Eat Animal Wear to school
Brown Has zipper Has sharp teeth Has wings
Vegetable Flies Food Use when cooking
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
15 Animal Fights Peter Pan Wear Has wings
Eat Drink Ride Clothes
Has a hook Vehicle Says hoo-hoo Food
Has wheels Fixes your hair Yellow Blue
Goes fast Has a straw See in bathroom Lights up
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing
57 Wear Food Flies Has wheels
Eat with Eat Babies ride in Wings
Piglet’s friend Dog sleeps in Push Pooh’s friend
LRFFC Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP Testing