LXI - Prospectus - Subsequent Issue - 20 01 2022

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Subsequent Issue
Summary l Supplement to the Registration Document l
Registration Document l Securities Note


1. Introduction and warnings

a. Name and ISIN of securities
The ISIN of the Ordinary Shares is GB00BYQ46T41. The SEDOL of the Ordinary Shares is BYQ46T4. The ticker for the
Ordinary Shares is LXI.
The ISIN of the Open Offer Entitlements is GB00BLBJ6N75. The SEDOL of the Open Offer Entitlements is BLBJ6N7.
The ISIN of the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements is GB00BLBJ6P99. The SEDOL of the Excess CREST Open
Offer Entitlements is BLBJ6P9.
b. Identity and contact details of the issuer
Name: LXi REIT plc (the “Company”) (incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 10535081)
Registered Office: 6th Floor, 125 London Wall, London, EC2Y 5AS
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3327 9720
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 2138008YZGXOKAXQVI45
c. Identity and contact details of the authority approving the prospectus
Name: Financial Conduct Authority
Address: 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7066 1000
d. Date of approval of the prospectus
20 January 2022
e. Warnings
This summary should be read as an introduction to the Prospectus. Any decision to invest in the Ordinary Shares
should be based on a consideration of the Prospectus as a whole by the prospective investor. The investor could lose
all or part of the invested capital. Civil liability attaches only to those persons who have tabled the summary including
any translation thereof, but only where the summary is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent, when read together with
the other parts of the Prospectus, or where it does not provide, when read together with the other parts of the
Prospectus, key information in order to aid investors when considering whether to invest in the Ordinary Shares.
2. Key information on the issuer
a. Who is the issuer of the securities?
i. Domicile and legal form, LEI, applicable legislation and country of incorporation
The Company is a public limited company, registered and incorporated in England and Wales under the Companies
Act 2006 (the “Companies Act”) on 21 December 2016 with registered number 10535081. The Company’s LEI is
2138008YZGXOKAXQVI45. The Company is registered as an investment company under section 833 of the Companies
Act and conducts its affairs so as to enable it to continue to qualify as a REIT for the purposes of Part 12 of the
Corporation Tax Act 2010 (and the regulations made thereunder).
ii. Principal activities
The principal activity of the Company is to invest in a diversified portfolio of UK property in accordance with its
investment policy and with a view to achieving its investment objective.
iii. Investment objective
The investment objective of the Company is to deliver inflation-protected income and capital growth over the medium-
term for Shareholders through investing in a diversified portfolio of UK property that benefits from long-term index-linked
leases with institutional-grade tenants.
iv. Major Shareholders
So far as is known to the Company, as at 18 January 2022 (being the latest practicable date prior to the date of this
Summary for ascertaining certain information contained herein) (the “Latest Practicable Date”) the following persons
hold, directly or indirectly, the percentage of the Company’s voting rights referred to below which are notifiable
pursuant to the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules:
Number of existing % of voting
Name Ordinary Shares held rights
BlackRock Inc 37,756,289 5.13
Laxmi Nivaria S.L.U. 34,498,276 4.69
As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Company and the Directors are not aware of any other person who, directly or
indirectly, jointly or severally, exercises or could exercise control over the Company. All Shareholders have the same
voting rights in respect of the share capital of the Company.
v. Directors
Stephen Hubbard (Chairman), Colin Smith OBE, Jan Etherden, John Cartwright, Patricia Dimond, Cyrus Ardalan, Hugh
Seaborn CVO and Ismat Levin.
i. Statutory auditor
BDO LLP of 55 Baker Street, London, W1U 7EU, United Kingdom.

b. What is the key financial information regarding the issuer?
Table 1: Additional information relevant to closed end funds
Share Class Total NAV1 No. of shares2 NAV per share1,2 Historical performance of the Company1
Ordinary £976.2 million 735,513,403 139.5p Since the Company’s Ordinary Shares were
(including current first admitted to trading on the London
financial year Stock Exchange’s main market on
revenue items) 27 February 2017, the Ordinary Shares,
assuming dividends reinvested, have
delivered a total shareholder return of 84.8
per cent., comprising growth in the market
price of Ordinary Shares and dividends
paid to Shareholders up to the Latest
Practicable Date. The Group has delivered
an average annual total NAV return to
31 December 2021 of 11.1 per cent. per
annum, comprising compounded annual
NAV growth and dividends paid to
Unaudited Estimated NAV calculated as at 31 December 2021 on the basis of an independent valuation of the Portfolio as at that date.
As at 18 January 2022, being the Latest Practicable Date before the publication of this Summary.

Table 2: Income statement for closed end funds

Financial year Half-year ended Half-year ended
ended 31 March 30 September 2021 September 2020
2021 (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
(£m) (£m) (£m)
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Rental income 42.8 25.4 20.3
Administrative and other expenses (5.9) (4.4) (2.7)
Operating profit before change in fair value
and gain on disposal of investment property 36.9 21.0 17.6
Change in fair value of investment property 0.1 55.5 (18.9)
(Loss)/gain on disposal of investment property 6.3 – (0.1)
Change in fair value of financial instruments – 0.1 –
Operating profit/(loss) 43.3 76.6 (1.4)
Gain on refinancing 1.9 – –
Finance income – – –
Finance costs (5.3) (3.0) (2.6)
Profit/(loss) before tax 39.9 73.6 (4.0)
Taxation – 0.7 –
Profit/(loss) and total comprehensive income
attributable to shareholders 39.9 74.3 (4.0)
Earnings per share – basic and diluted 7.6p 11.3p (0.8)p
Adjusted earnings per share – basic and diluted 7.5p 3.5p 3.3p
Total NAV return for the period 5.6% 9.0% -0.6%
Table 3: Balance sheet for closed end funds
As at As at As at
31 March 2021 30 September 2021 30 September 2020
(audited) (£m) (unaudited) (£m) (unaudited) (£m)
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Non-current assets:
Investment property 887.5 1,171.4 822.3
Trade and other receivables 0.4 – 1.2
Total non-current assets 887.9 1,171.4 823.5
Current assets:
Trade and other receivables 13.7 10.0 10.9
Assets held for sale – 20.7 –
Deferred acquisition costs 1.4 0.4 0.3
Financial instruments – 0.1 –
Restricted cash – 4.0 9.7
Cash and cash equivalents 87.1 20.6 20.7
Total current assets 102.2 55.8 41.6
Total assets 990.1 1,227.2 865.1
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables 18.3 23.2 23.4
Total current liabilities 18.3 23.2 23.4
Non-current liabilities:
Bank borrowings 186.6 243.5 208.4
Leasehold liabilities 3.8 12.0 3.5
Total non-current liabilities 190.4 255.5 211.9
Total liabilities 208.7 278.7 235.3
Net assets 781.4 948.5 629.8
Share capital 6.2 7.0 5.2
Share premium reserve 544.5 645.5 423.2
Capital reduction reserve 62.1 53.1 76.7
Retained earnings 168.6 242.9 124.7
Total equity 781.4 948.5 629.8
Net Asset Value per share – basic and diluted 125.7p 135.5p 120.8p
EPRA NTA per share 125.7p 135.5p 120.8p
c. What are the key risks that are specific to the issuer?
l The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had an effect on the Group’s returns, and in particular dividends paid (as a
result of lower rent collections). The long-term impacts of the outbreak are unknown. There is no assurance that the
outbreak will not have a material adverse impact on the future results of the Company, in particular by increasing the
risk of tenant default, which could restrict the Company’s ability to pay dividends.
l There can be no guarantee that the Company will achieve its investment objective or its return objectives, that any
dividends will be paid in respect of any financial year or period or that investors will get back the full value of their
l Prior to the Company entering into an agreement to acquire a property, the Investment Advisor, on behalf of the
Company, will perform due diligence on the property concerned. In doing so it would typically rely on third parties to
conduct a significant portion of this due diligence. There can be no assurance that any due diligence examinations
carried out by third parties on behalf of the Company will reveal all of the risks associated with that asset, or the full
extent of such risks. To the extent that such third parties underestimate or fail to identify risks and liabilities (including
any environmental liabilities) associated with the property in question, this may have a material adverse effect on the
Company’s profitability, the NAV and the price of the Ordinary Shares.
l The Group uses borrowings to seek to enhance equity returns and to enable the Company to pursue its investment
objective, which exposes the Company to a variety of risks associated with borrowing. Whilst the use of borrowings
should enhance the NAV per Ordinary Share where the value of the Group’s investments is rising, it will have the
opposite effect where the value of the Group’s investments is falling.
l Although the Company has, and aims to maintain, a portfolio diversified by sector and tenant, all of the Company’s
assets are, and will be, invested in UK property. Any downturn in the UK and its economy or regulatory changes in
the UK could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s results of operations or financial condition. In
addition, there are no limits on the percentage of the Company’s gross assets which may be invested in any one
sector, save that the Company must be invested in a minimum of two sectors at all times. Greater concentration of
investments in any sector or exposure to the creditworthiness of any one tenant may mean that the Company’s
performance is significantly affected by events outside its control that impact that sector or tenant.
l Although the Company, acting on advice from the Investment Advisor, has identified a number of available properties
that are consistent with its investment objective and investment policy, for the majority of these deals the Company
currently has no binding contractual obligations with potential vendors and there can be no certainty that the
Company will be able to acquire these or other properties on acceptable terms or at all. The Company has not
entered into any legally binding contractual arrangements to acquire any further properties from any potential
vendors. There can be no assurance as to how long it will take for the Company to invest the Net Proceeds of the
Subsequent Issue. The Company will also face competition from other property investors. Any delays in deployment
of the Net Proceeds of the Subsequent Issue may have an impact on the Company’s results of operations and cash
l Property and property related assets are inherently difficult to value due to the individual nature of each property and
property valuation is inherently subjective and uncertain. As a result, valuations are subject to uncertainty and there
can be no assurance that the estimates resulting from the valuation process will reflect actual sales prices that could
be realised by the Company in the future. The Administrator will rely on property valuations in calculating the NAV.
l Dividends payable by the Company will be dependent on the income from the properties it owns. Failure by tenants
to comply with their rental obligations could affect the ability of the Company to pay dividends to Shareholders.
l The Group invests in commercial properties. Such investments are relatively illiquid (in comparison to other types of
investments, such as bonds and securities, which have daily liquidity). Such liquidity may affect the Group’s ability
to adjust, dispose of or liquidate any or all of its portfolio in a timely fashion and at satisfactory prices in response to
changes in economic, property market or other conditions.
l As all of the Company’s assets are, and will be, invested in UK property, the Company’s performance will be subject
to, among other things, the conditions of the property markets in the UK, which will affect both the value of any assets
that the Company acquires and the income such assets produce. Any property market recession or future
deterioration in the property market could, inter alia: (i) make it harder for the Company to attract new tenants for its
properties, (ii) lead to an increase in tenant defaults; (iii) lead to a lack of finance available to the Company;
(iv) cause the Company to realise its investments at lower valuations; and (v) delay the timings of the Company’s
realisations. A decline in the value of the Company’s properties may also weaken the Company’s ability to obtain
financing for new investments. Any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on the ability of the
Company to achieve its investment objective.
l The Company may purchase already built property assets or, in some circumstances, forward fund property assets
that are in construction. Forward funded projects are subject to the hazards and risks normally associated with the
construction and development of commercial real estate. To the extent that risks are not assumed by the developer,
the occurrence of any of these events could result in increased operating costs, fines and legal fees and potentially
in reputational damage or criminal prosecution of the Company, and its directors or management, all of which could
have an adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition, results of operations, future prospects or the
price of the Ordinary Shares.
l A change in the Company’s tax status or in taxation legislation in the UK could adversely affect the Company’s profits
and portfolio value and/or returns to Shareholders. In particular, the Company cannot guarantee that it will remain
qualified as a REIT. If the Company fails to remain qualified as a REIT, the Company will be subject to UK
corporation tax on some or all of its property rental income and chargeable gains on the sale of properties, which
would reduce the amounts available to distribute to Shareholders.

3. Key information on the securities
a. What are the main features of the securities?
i. Type, class and ISIN of the securities being admitted to trading on a regulated market
The securities that may be issued under the Subsequent Issue are Ordinary Shares of £0.01 each in the capital of the
Company. The ISIN of the Ordinary Shares is GB00BYQ46T41.
ii. Currency, denomination, par value, number of securities issued and term of the securities
The Ordinary Shares are denominated in pounds sterling and have nominal value £0.01 each. The Ordinary Shares
have no fixed term.
The Company is targeting an issue of 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue. If overall
demand exceeds this target, the Directors have reserved the right, following consultation with the Joint Bookrunners, to
increase the size of the Subsequent Issue to a maximum of 224,410,424 New Ordinary Shares (being the total number
of Ordinary Shares remaining available for issue under the Share Issuance Programme) by increasing the size of the
Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and/or the Intermediaries Offer.
iii. Rights attached to the securities
Holders of the Ordinary Shares are entitled to receive, and to participate in, any dividends declared in relation to the
Ordinary Shares. The Ordinary Shares carry the right to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings of the
Company. On a winding-up or a return of capital by the Company, the net assets of the Company shall be divided pro
rata among the holders of the Ordinary Shares after taking into account any net assets attributable to C Shares (if any)
in issue. There are no C Shares in issue as at the date of the Prospectus and the Company does not have the ability to
issue C Shares under the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue).
The consent of the holders of the Ordinary Shares will be required for the variation of any rights attached to the
Ordinary Shares. The Ordinary Shares are not redeemable.
iv. Relative seniority of the securities in the event of insolvency
On a winding-up or a return of capital by the Company, the net assets of the Company shall be divided pro rata among
the holders of the Ordinary Shares after taking into account any net assets attributable to C Shares (if any) in issue.
There are no C Shares in issue as at the date of the Prospectus and the Company does not have the ability to issue
C Shares under the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue).
v. Restrictions on free transferability of the securities
There are no restrictions on the free transferability of the Ordinary Shares, subject to compliance with applicable
securities laws and the restrictions on transfer contained in the Company’s Articles.
Under the Articles, the Directors may refuse to register the transfer of a share in certificated form which is not fully paid,
or a share in uncertificated form where it is entitled to refuse to register the transfer under the CREST Regulations,
provided that such refusal does not prevent dealings in the shares from taking place on an open and proper basis.
The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a share in certificated form unless the instrument of transfer:
(i) is lodged, duly stamped, at the registered office of the Company or such other place as the Directors may appoint
and is accompanied by the certificate for the share to which it relates and such other evidence as the Directors may
reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make the transfer;
(ii) is in respect of only one class of share; and
(iii) is not in favour of more than four transferees.
There are also certain limited circumstances in which the Board may, under the Articles and subject to certain
conditions, compulsorily require the transfer of shares.
vi. Dividend policy
The Company aims to provide its Shareholders with secure and growing income, fully covered by the Company’s
adjusted earnings, along with capital growth over the medium-term. The Company seeks to pay dividends on a
quarterly basis in cash, by way of four equal dividends.
On 10 January 2022, the Company announced an annual dividend target for the financial year ending 31 March 2023
of 6.3 pence per Ordinary Share in aggregate, paid on a quarterly basis in cash, by way of four equal dividends.
For the current financial year ending 31 March 2022, the Company has a dividend target of 6 pence per Ordinary Share
in aggregate. The Company has paid two quarterly dividends of 1.5 pence per Ordinary Share to date, in respect of
the quarters ended 30 June 2021 and 30 September 2021.
In line with its current dividend target, the Company is expecting to announce an interim dividend of 1.5 pence per
Ordinary Share in respect of the quarter ended 31 December 2021 (the “2021 Q3 Dividend”).
The 2021 Q3 Dividend (if declared) will have a record date prior to the issue of the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to
the Subsequent Issue and, accordingly, holders of New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue will
not be entitled to receive the 2021 Q3 Dividend (if declared) in respect of those shares.
In order to comply with REIT status the Company is required to meet a minimum distribution test for each year that it is
a REIT. This minimum distribution test requires the Company to distribute 90 per cent. of the income profits of the
Property Rental Business for each accounting period, as adjusted for tax purposes.
The Company is targeting a total NAV return of a minimum of 8 per cent. per annum over the medium-term.
The target dividends (including the 2021 Q3 Dividend) and total NAV return stated above are guidance levels or targets
only and not a profit forecast and there can be no assurance that they will be met.

b. Where will the securities be traded?
Applications will be made to the Financial Conduct Authority for all of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant
to the Subsequent Issue to be admitted to the premium segment of the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange
for such Ordinary Shares to be admitted to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main
c. What are the key risks that are specific to the securities?
l The market price of the Ordinary Shares, like shares in all investment companies, may fluctuate independently of
their underlying net asset value and may trade at a discount or premium at different times. While the Directors may
seek to mitigate any discount to NAV per Ordinary Share through such discount management mechanisms as they
consider appropriate, there can be no guarantee that they will do so or that such mechanisms will be successful.
l Shareholders do not have a right for their Ordinary Shares to be redeemed and the Company does not have a fixed
winding-up date. While the Directors retain the right to effect repurchases of Ordinary Shares, they are under no
obligation to use such powers or to do so at any time and Shareholders should not place any reliance on the
willingness of the Directors so to act. Shareholders wishing to realise their investment in the Company may therefore
be required to dispose of their Ordinary Shares in the market. There can be no guarantee that a liquid market in the
Ordinary Shares will be maintained or that the Ordinary Shares will trade at prices close to their underlying NAV.
Accordingly, Shareholders may be unable to realise their investment at such NAV or at all.
l The ownership and voting interests of any existing Shareholders not participating in the Subsequent Issue will be diluted.
Furthermore, following the Subsequent Issue and the expiry of the Share Issuance Programme, the Company may issue
further Ordinary Shares (subject to the Company having the requisite shareholder authorities and in compliance with
applicable law). Pursuant to shareholder authorities obtained at the annual general meeting of the Company held on
14 July 2021, the Company currently has authority to issue up to 26,466,899 Ordinary Shares on a non-pre-emptive basis
following the Subsequent Issue and the expiry of the Share Issuance Programme. Any further issues of Ordinary Shares
will be dilutive to those Shareholders who cannot, or choose not to, participate in such issues.
4. Key information on the admission to trading on a regulated market
a. Under which conditions and timetable can I invest in this security?
i. General terms and conditions of the Subsequent Issue
Ordinary Shares are being made available under the Subsequent Issue at the Subsequent Issue Price of 142 pence
per Ordinary Share. The Subsequent Issue comprises the Subsequent Placing, the Open Offer, the Offer for
Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer.
Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities have each agreed to use their reasonable endeavours to procure
subscribers pursuant to the Subsequent Placing for the New Ordinary Shares on the terms and subject to the
conditions set out in the Share Issuance Agreement. The Subsequent Placing will close at 3.00 p.m. on 9 February
2022 (or such later date as the Company and the Joint Bookrunners may agree). If the Subsequent Placing is
extended, the revised timetable will be notified through an RIS.
Under the Open Offer, Existing Shareholders are being offered the opportunity to apply for up to 3 New Ordinary
Shares for every 25 Existing Ordinary Shares held and registered in their name as at the Record Date. Completed
Application Forms and payments under the Open Offer must be received by 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022.
Applications under the Offer for Subscription must be for a minimum subscription of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares and
then in multiples of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares thereafter, although the Board may accept applications below the
minimum amounts stated above in its absolute discretion. Completed Application Forms and payments under the Offer
for Subscription must be received by 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022.
Investors may subscribe for New Ordinary Shares at the Subsequent Issue Price pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer.
Only the Intermediaries’ retail investor clients in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are
eligible to participate in the Intermediaries Offer. Investors may apply to any one of the Intermediaries to be accepted
as their client. A minimum application of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares per Underlying Applicant will apply and thereafter
an Underlying Applicant may apply for any higher amount.
The Subsequent Issue is conditional, inter alia, on: (a) the Share Issuance Agreement becoming unconditional (save as
to Subsequent Admission) in respect of the Subsequent Issue and not having been terminated in accordance with its
terms prior to Subsequent Admission; and (b) Subsequent Admission becoming effective by not later than 8.00 a.m. on
14 February 2022 (or such later time and/or date as the Joint Bookrunners and the Company may agree, being not later
than 17 February 2022).
The Subsequent Issue will be the final issue under the Share Issuance Programme.

ii. Expected Timetable
Subsequent Issue
Record Date for entitlements under the Open Offer close of business on 17 January
Publication of the Prospectus and the Application Forms and Subsequent Issue opens 20 January
Ex entitlement date for the Open Offer 8.00 a.m. on 20 January
Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements enabled in as soon as possible on 21 January
CREST and credited to stock accounts of Qualifying CREST Shareholders
Recommended latest time and date for requesting withdrawal of Open Offer 4.30 p.m. on 2 February
Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements from CREST
Recommended latest time and date for depositing Open Offer Entitlements and 3.00 p.m. on 3 February
Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements into CREST
Recommended latest time for splitting Open Offer Application Forms (to satisfy 3.00 p.m. on 4 February
bona fide market claims only)
Latest time and date for receipt of completed Open Offer Application Forms and 11.00 a.m. on 8 February
payment in full under the Open Offer or settlement of relevant CREST instructions
Latest time and date for receipt of completed Offer for Subscription Application 11.00 a.m. on 9 February
Forms and, if applicable, Tax Residency Self-Certification Forms, and payment in
full under the Offer for Subscription
Latest time and date for receipt of completed applications from the Intermediaries in 3.00 p.m. on 9 February
respect of the Intermediaries Offer
Latest time and date for commitments under the Subsequent Placing 3.00 p.m. on 9 February
Announcement of results of the Subsequent Issue 10 February
Subsequent Admission and dealings in New Ordinary Shares commence 8.00 a.m. on 14 February
CREST accounts credited with uncertificated New Ordinary Shares in respect as soon as possible on 14 February
of the Subsequent Issue
Where applicable, definitive share certificates in respect of the New Ordinary 21 February
Shares issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue despatched by post in the
week commencing
iii. Details of admission to trading on a regulated market
Applications will be made to the FCA for all of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue
to be admitted to the premium segment of the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange for such New Ordinary
Shares to be admitted to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market.
iv. Plan for distribution
The Company is targeting an issue of approximately £125 million (gross) through the issue of 88,261,608 New Ordinary
Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue. If overall demand exceeds this target, the Directors have reserved the right,
following consultation with the Joint Bookrunners, to increase the size of the Subsequent Issue to a maximum of
224,410,424 New Ordinary Shares (being the total number of Ordinary Shares remaining available for issue under the
Share Issuance Programme) by increasing the size of the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and/or the
Intermediaries Offer.
The Subsequent Issue will be the final issue under the Share Issuance Programme.
v. Amount and percentage of immediate dilution resulting from the issue
Assuming 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue (being the target number of
New Ordinary Shares to be issued thereunder):
l Qualifying Shareholders who take up their full Open Offer Entitlement (excluding any New Ordinary Shares
acquired through the Excess Application Facility) will not suffer any dilution to their ownership and voting interests
in the Company by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue; and
l Qualifying Shareholders who do not take up any of their Open Offer Entitlement and Shareholders who are not
eligible to participate in the Open Offer will suffer a maximum dilution of approximately 10.7 per cent. to their
ownership and voting interests in the Company by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue.
Assuming 224,410,424 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue (being the maximum
number of New Ordinary Shares that may be issued thereunder):
l Qualifying Shareholders who take up their full Open Offer Entitlement (excluding any New Ordinary Shares
acquired through the Excess Application Facility) will suffer a maximum dilution of approximately 14.2 per cent. to
their ownership and voting interests in the Company; and
l Qualifying Shareholders who do not take up any of their Open Offer Entitlement and Shareholders who are not
eligible to participate in the Open Offer will suffer a maximum dilution of approximately 23.4 per cent. to their
ownership and voting interests in the Company by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue.

vi. Estimate of the total expenses of the issue
The costs and expenses of the Subsequent Issue are expected to be approximately 2 per cent. of the gross issue
proceeds of the Subsequent Issue. Assuming 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent
Issue (being the target number of New Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Subsequent Issue), this would result in
gross issue proceeds of approximately £125.3 million, with the costs and expenses payable by the Company expected
to be approximately £2.5 million.
vii. Estimated expenses charged to the investor
The expenses of, or incidental to, the Subsequent Issue will be paid by the Company. There are no commissions, fees
or expenses to be charged to investors by the Company.
All expenses incurred by any Intermediary are for its own account. Investors should confirm separately with any
Intermediary whether there are any commissions, fees or expenses that will be applied by such Intermediary in
connection with any application made through that Intermediary pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer.
b. Why is this prospectus being produced?
i. Reasons for the issue
The Subsequent Issue is being made in order to raise funds for the purpose of investment in accordance with the
investment policy and objective of the Company and with a view to delivering further value for Shareholders. The Board
believes that it continues to be in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders to grow the Company further by
the issuance of new shares.
ii. The use and estimated net amount of the proceeds
The total number of New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue, and therefore the Net
Proceeds of the Subsequent Issue, is not known as at the date of the Prospectus but will be notified by an RIS
announcement prior to Subsequent Admission.
Assuming 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue (being the target number of
New Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Subsequent Issue), this would result in gross proceeds of approximately
£125.3 million and net proceeds of approximately £122.8 million.
The Company will invest the Net Proceeds of the Subsequent Issue in accordance with the Company’s investment
objective and policy.
iii. Underwriting
The Subsequent Issue is not being underwritten.
iv. Material conflicts of interest
As at the date of the Prospectus, there are no interests that are material to the Subsequent Issue and no conflicting

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doubt as to what action you should take you are recommended to seek your own financial advice
immediately from an independent financial adviser who specialises in advising on shares or other
securities and who is authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended)
(“FSMA”) or, if you are not resident in the UK, from another appropriately authorised independent
financial adviser in your own jurisdiction.
This document (the “Supplement”) supplements the registration document of LXi REIT plc (the “Company”)
dated 18 February 2021 (the “Registration Document”) and has been prepared in accordance with
paragraph 2.2.2 of the Prospectus Regulation Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) made
pursuant to section 73A of FSMA.
This Supplement has been approved by the FCA under the UK Prospectus Regulation. The FCA only
approves this Supplement as meeting the standards of completeness, comprehensibility and consistency
imposed by the UK Prospectus Regulation. Such approval should not be considered as an endorsement of
the issuer that is the subject of this Supplement.
This Supplement is supplemental to the Registration Document. Except as expressly stated herein, or unless
the context otherwise requires, the definitions used or referred to in the Registration Document also apply in
this Supplement.
The Registration Document and this Supplement, together with the Securities Note and Summary dated
20 January 2022, comprise a prospectus relating to the Company prepared in accordance with the
Prospectus Regulation Rules of the FCA made pursuant to section 73A of FSMA (the “Prospectus”). The
Registration Document and this Supplement are to be read in conjunction with the Summary and Securities
Note and all information which is deemed to be incorporated by reference therein.
Neither this Supplement nor any other component of the Prospectus constitutes, or intends to constitute, a
“registered prospectus” or an “advertisement”, as contemplated by the South African Companies Act No. 71
of 2008, as amended (the “South African Companies Act”) and neither this Supplement nor any other
component of the Prospectus has been filed with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (the
“CIPC”) in respect of the Subsequent Issue. As a result, neither this Supplement nor any other component of
the Prospectus complies with the substance and form requirements for a prospectus set out in the South
African Companies Act and the South African Companies Regulations of 2011, or has been approved by,
and/or registered with, the CIPC.
The Company and each of the Directors, whose names appear on page 10 of this Supplement, accept
responsibility for the information contained in this Supplement. To the best of the knowledge of the Company
and the Directors, the information contained in this Supplement is in accordance with the facts and the
Supplement makes no omission likely to affect its import.


(Incorporated in England and Wales with company number 10535081 and registered as an investment
company under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006)


Investment Advisor
LXi REIT Advisors Limited
Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited
Sponsor, Joint Global Co-ordinator, Joint Broker, Joint Bookrunner and
Intermediaries Offer Adviser
Peel Hunt LLP
Joint Broker, Joint Global Co-ordinator and Joint Bookrunner
Joint Global Co-ordinator and Joint Bookrunner
Alvarium Securities Limited

Each of Peel Hunt LLP (“Peel Hunt”), Alvarium Securities Limited (“Alvarium Securities”), Jefferies International
Limited, each of which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA, and Jefferies GmbH,
registered in Germany and authorised and regulated by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
(together, Jefferies International Limited and Jefferies GmbH, being “Jefferies”), is acting exclusively for the
Company and for no-one else and will not regard any other person (whether or not a recipient of this
Supplement or any other component of the Prospectus) as its client and will not be responsible to anyone other
than the Company for providing the protections afforded to its clients or for providing advice in connection with
the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue), any Admission and the other arrangements
referred to in the Prospectus (including this Supplement). In South Africa, Peel Hunt holds an exemption from the
licensing requirement of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act No. 37 of 2002, as amended
(“FAIS Act”) and therefore, it is not regulated in the Republic of South Africa.
Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be imposed on Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium
Securities by the FCA under FSMA or the regulatory regime established thereunder, or under the regulatory
regime of any other jurisdiction where exclusion of liability under the relevant regulatory regime would be
illegal, void or unenforceable, none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, nor any person affiliated with
them, assumes any responsibility whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as
to the contents of the Prospectus (including this Supplement) or for any other statement made or purported
to be made by Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, or on their behalf, the Company or any other person
in connection with the Company, the New Ordinary Shares, the Share Issuance Programme (including the
Subsequent Issue) or any Admission and nothing contained in the Prospectus (including this Supplement) is
or shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or future. None
of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities (together with their respective affiliates) assumes any
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or verification of the Prospectus (including this Supplement) and
accordingly each of them disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all liability
whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise which it might otherwise be found to have in respect of the
Prospectus (including this Supplement) or any such statement.
Prospective investors under the Subsequent Issue should rely only on the information contained in the
Prospectus (including this Supplement). No person has been authorised to give any information or make any
representations other than those contained in the Prospectus (including this Supplement) and, if given or
made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having been so authorised by the
Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, or any of their
respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees or agents. Without prejudice to the Company’s obligations
under the UK Prospectus Regulation, the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the Listing Rules, the UK Market Abuse
Regulation and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules neither the delivery of this Supplement nor
any subscription for or purchase of New Ordinary Shares made pursuant to the Subsequent Issue shall, under
any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since,
or that the information contained herein is correct at any time subsequent to, the date of this Supplement.
The information contained in this Supplement and other components of the Prospectus constitutes factual
information as contemplated in section 1(3)(a) of the FAIS Act. Neither this Supplement nor any other
component of the Prospectus is intended to be or constitutes: (i) a solicitation for investments from members
of the South African public in terms of the South African Collective Investment Schemes Control Act No. 45 of
2002; or (ii) an express or implied recommendation, guide or proposal that any particular transaction in
relation to the business or future investments of the Company is appropriate to the particular investment
objectives, financial situation or needs of a prospective investor.
The New Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the “US Securities Act”), or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other
jurisdiction of the United States, and may not be offered or sold into or within the United States, except
pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act and in compliance with
any applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States. Outside the United States,
the New Ordinary Shares may be sold pursuant to Regulation S under the US Securities Act (“Regulation S”).
Neither the US Securities and Exchange Commission nor any US state securities commission has approved
or disapproved of these securities or determined if this document is truthful or complete. Any representation
to the contrary is a US criminal offence.
In South Africa, only qualifying investors who fall within the ambit of: (i) sections 96(1(a) or (b) of the South
African Companies Act may subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Placing, the
Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer; and (ii) sections 96(1(a), (b) or (c) of the South African
Companies Act may subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Open Offer.
Neither this Supplement nor any other component of the Prospectus constitutes an offer to sell, or the
solicitation of an offer to acquire or subscribe for, New Ordinary Shares in any jurisdiction where such offer or
solicitation is unlawful or would impose any unfulfilled registration, qualification, publication or approval
requirements on the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities. The offer and sale of New Ordinary
Shares has not been and will not be registered under the applicable securities law of Canada, Japan,
Australia, Singapore or the Republic of South Africa. Subject to certain exemptions, the New Ordinary Shares
may not be offered to or sold within Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore or the Republic of South Africa or to
any national, resident or citizen of Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore or the Republic of South Africa. None
of the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, or any of their respective representatives, is
making any representation to any offeree or purchaser of the New Ordinary Shares regarding the legality of an
investment in the New Ordinary Shares by such offeree or purchaser under the laws applicable to such offeree
or purchaser. Each investor should consult with his or her own advisors as to the legal, tax, business, financial
and related aspects of a purchase of the New Ordinary Shares. Neither this Supplement nor any other
component of the Prospectus is intended to be or constitutes an express or implied recommendation, guide or
proposal that any particular transaction in relation to the business or future investments of the Company is
appropriate to the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of a prospective investor.
Copies of the Prospectus (including this Supplement) will be available on the Company’s website and the
National Storage Mechanism of the FCA at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
20 January 2022



This Supplement constitutes a supplement to the Registration Document for the purposes of
Article 10(1) of the UK Prospectus Regulation and has been published in connection with the
Subsequent Issue. The Subsequent Issue is being carried out under the Share Issuance Programme
established by the Company in March 2021.
The Registration Document was published on 18 February 2021 and is valid for a period of
12 months following its publication. Save for the information in this Supplement (and save in
circumstances where the Company is obliged to publish a supplementary prospectus) the
Registration Document has not been, and will not be, updated.


Following the completion of the Initial Issue in March 2021, paragraph 4 of Part 2 of the Registration
Document (Pipeline) is no longer relevant and should be disregarded for the purposes of the
Subsequent Issue. Investors are instead referred to paragraph 3 of Part 1 of the Securities Note,
which contains information on the current pipeline of investment opportunities.
Similarly, the risk factor headed “The Company may face delays in deployment of the Net Issue
Proceeds” in the “Risk Factors” section of the Registration Document shall be amended as follows:
l References to the “Net Issue Proceeds” should, for the purposes of the Subsequent Issue, be
read as references to the “Net Proceeds of the Subsequent Issue” (as defined in Part 3 of this
l For the purposes of the Subsequent Issue, the second paragraph shall be replaced with the
following wording:
“Although the Company, acting on advice from the Investment Advisor, has identified a number
of available properties that are consistent with its investment objective and policy (details of
which are set out in paragraph 3 of part 1 of the Securities Note), for the majority of these
deals the Company currently has no binding contractual obligations with potential vendors and
there can be no certainty that the Company will be able to acquire these or other properties on
acceptable terms or at all. The past performance of the Investment Advisor in terms of the
speed of deployment of the equity and debt raised on and since the Company’s IPO cannot
be taken as an indication of the speed of deployment of the Net Issue Proceeds of the
Subsequent Issue.”

On 19 May 2021, the Group published its annual report and audited accounts for the financial year
ended 31 March 2021 (the “2021 Annual Report and Accounts”) and, on 24 November 2021, the
Group published its unaudited interim accounts of the Group for the six months ended 30 September
2021 (the “2021 Interim Report”).
By virtue of this Supplement, the parts of the 2021 Annual Report and Accounts and the 2021
Interim Report referenced in this Supplement are incorporated into, and form part of, the Registration
Document. The parts of the 2021 Annual Report and Accounts and the 2021 Interim Report not
referenced in this Supplement are either not relevant for investors or are covered elsewhere in the
Prospectus. To the extent that any part of the 2021 Annual Report and Accounts or 2021 Interim
Report that is incorporated into the Prospectus by reference itself contains information that is
incorporated by reference, such information shall not form part of the Prospectus.

Historical financial information incorporated by reference

Historical financial information relating to the Group on the matters referred to below is included in
the 2021 Annual Report and Accounts and the 2021 Interim Report as set out in the table below and
is expressly incorporated by reference into this Supplement and Part 6 of the Registration Document.

2021 Annual Report
2021 Interim Report and Accounts
Nature of information (page no(s)) (page no(s))
Highlights 2-3 2-4
Chairman’s Statement 4-6 6-7
Investment Advisor’s Report 7-16 8-12
Climate risk strategy report – 13-17
Environmental, social and governance 18-25 –
Property portfolio 26 19
Key performance indicators 28-29 25
EPRA performance measures 30 26
Directors’ Report – 35-37
Independent Auditor’s Report – 53-58
Independent Review Report 33 1
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 34 60
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 35 61
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 36-37 62
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 38 63
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 39-67 64-86
Company Statement of Financial Position – 87
Company Statement of Changes in Equity – 88
Notes to the Company Financial Statements – 89-92
Notes to the EPRA and alternative performance measures 68 94
The 2021 Annual Report and Accounts have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and were
audited by BDO LLP, whose report was unqualified. BDO LLP is a member firm of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Save as disclosed below, there has been no significant change in the financial position of the Group
since 30 September 2021, being the end of the last financial period for which interim financial
information has been published.
The significant changes since 30 September 2021 comprise:

l On 30 December 2021, the Company paid an interim quarterly dividend of 1.5 pence per
Ordinary Share in respect of the quarter ended 30 September 2021 to Shareholders on the
register at 3 December 2021.
l On 10 January 2022, the Company announced an annual dividend target for the year ending
31 March 2023 of 6.3 pence per Ordinary Share in aggregate, paid on a quarterly basis in
cash, by way of four equal dividends.

Acquisitions and disposals

l On 20 December 2021, the Group unconditionally exchanged on the acquisition of 3 petrol
station and convenience stores let to Co-Op in Norwich, Sheffield and Washington with a
completion due on 28 February 2022. The price reflects £11.74 million, reflecting a 4.8 per
cent. net initial yield.
l On 4 January 2022, the Group completed the acquisition of a Sainsbury’s anchored scheme in
Middlehaven, Middlesbrough. The consideration for the acquisition comprised
35,715,862 Ordinary Shares, which were issued to the seller at an issue price of 145 pence per
share, and £7.0 million of cash. The consideration represents a 4.9 per cent. net initial yield.
l On 11 November 2021, the Group sold the parade of shops that was originally acquired
ancillary to the Co-op portfolio purchased in 2020, generating proceeds of £0.6 million and
reflecting a £0.3 million uplift on the acquisition price.

l The Group has full credit approval and is in the documentation stage to extend its revolving
credit facility by an additional £65 million commitment from Barclays Bank.

Valuations of the Group’s properties are conducted on a semi-annual basis as at 31 March and
30 September in each year. However, in connection with the Subsequent Issue, the Independent
Valuer has been instructed to undertake an additional valuation of the Group’s Portfolio as at
31 December 2021. This valuation report is included in Part 2 of this Supplement. There has been no
material change to the values of the properties since 31 December 2021.
Accordingly, references to the Property Valuation Report in Part 4 of the Registration Document
should, for the purposes of the risk factor headed “Property valuation is inherently subjective and
uncertain” in the “Risk Factors” section of the Registration Document, be read as references to the
Property Valuation Report in Part 2 of this Supplement.
For the purposes of the Subsequent Issue, an additional calculation of the Group’s consolidated
Estimated NAV (unaudited) and Estimated EPRA NTA (unaudited) has also been made as at
31 December 2021, which was calculated on the basis of the independent valuation of the Portfolio
referred to above. Calculations are made in accordance with IFRS and EPRA Best Practice
Recommendations. As at that date, the Group had a consolidated Estimated NAV (unaudited) and
Estimated EPRA NTA (unaudited) of £976.2 million (representing a cum-income Estimated NAV per
Ordinary Share (unaudited) and Estimated EPRA NTA per Ordinary Share (unaudited) of
139.5 pence).1
Since the Company’s Ordinary Shares were first admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s
main market on 27 February 2017, the Ordinary Shares, assuming dividends reinvested, have
delivered a total shareholder return of 84.8 per cent., comprising growth in the market price of
Ordinary Shares and dividends paid to Shareholders up to the Latest Practicable Date. The Group
has delivered an average annual total NAV return to 31 December 2021 of 11.1 per cent. per annum,
comprising compounded annual NAV growth and dividends paid to Shareholders.
The growth delivered to shareholders has predominantly been driven by the following key investment
strategies employed by the Investment Advisor:
l identifying ‘off market’ property acquisitions through the Investment Advisor’s wide corporate
and developer networks, in particular through sale and leasebacks and forward fundings that
have been acquired at a significant discount to investment values;
l asset management initiatives that have increased the value of properties;
l the capitalisation of rental growth in the portfolio;
l the regular recycling of capital where properties have been sold generating a realised gain
following unsolicited approaches and the proceeds reinvested at a wider yield; and
l market yield compression across the majority of sectors since the properties were acquired.

The Group’s portfolio comprises 177 properties across 11 sectors and multiple underlying uses, let
on long leases to over 70 separate tenant operators.
The Group’s lease arrangements provide contracted annual rent of £67.6 million and have a
long-weighted average 22 years to first tenant break, with 96 per cent. containing index-linked or
fixed rental uplifts.
All leases require full repairing and insuring by the tenants, protecting the Group from property cost
leakage and capex requirements.

The Estimated NAV and Estimated EPRA NTA are estimates of the Directors based on (a) the independent valuation of
the Portfolio by Knight Frank LLP as at 31 December 2021 (as set out in Part 2 of this document), (b) statements and
information received by the Company from its lending and depositary banks and (c) unaudited management information
of the Group. The Estimated EPRA NTA has been calculated based on guidance published by EPRA, to disclose adjusted
measures of NAV and earnings per share which are designed by EPRA to better reflect the core long-term operations of
the business. The Estimated NAV and the Estimated EPRA NTA and the information used to prepare them have not been
audited or reviewed by any person other than the Investment Advisor and the Directors. As such, there can be no
assurance that an audited NAV and/or audited EPRA NTA as at 31 December 2021 would reflect the Estimated NAV
and/or Estimated EPRA NTA as at 31 December 2021.

The Group’s property portfolio was valued at 31 December 2021 at £1,326.7 million. The valuation
reflects a blended net initial yield of 4.5 per cent. and an average valuation of £8.1 million for the
individual assets.
The table below summarises the 177 assets which form the Portfolio as at the Latest Practicable Date:
Valuation Percentage
(as at of rents
Rental 31 December Valuation Value index linked Number
Sector Total rent exposure 2021) yield range exposure WAULT or fixed of assets
and essentials £16.3m 24% £359.8m 3.3% - 7.0% 27% 17 91% 33
Industrial £12.1m 18% £310.2m 3.1% - 6.1% 23% 24 100% 15
Hotel £10.0m 15% £204.8m 4.1% - 6.5% 15% 25 100% 21
Healthcare £6.3m 9% £109.4m 4.8% - 6.1% 8% 26 100% 28
Car park £3.9m 6% £73.6m 4.0% - 5.4% 6% 30 100% 9
Garden Centre £3.1m 5% £41.7m 4.7% - 4.8% 3% 32 100% 4
Life sciences £2.9m 4% £56.7m 4.7% - 4.7% 4% 25 100% 1
Drive-thru coffee £2.8m 4% £26.4m 4.2% - 5.8% 2% 14 91% 23
Pubs £2.6m 4% £40.2m 5.6% - 6.4% 3% 15 100% 14
Education £1.9m 3% £34.8m 5.0% - 5.0% 3% 30 100% 23
Other £5.7m 8% £69.2m 4.3% - 9.5% 5% 17 80% 6
£67.6m 100% £1,326.7m 3.1% - 9.5% 100% 22 96% 177

The data above includes property acquisitions where contracts for the purchase have exchanged but
conditions for completion remain outstanding. The rental income associated with these assets totals
£3.5 million and all acquisitions are reasonably expected to complete in the first quarter of 2022. The
data relating to valuation excludes these assets.
There has been no material change in the Company’s investments between the Latest Practicable
Date and the date of this Supplement.

As announced by the Company on 13 January 2022, Stephen Hubbard (Non-Executive Chairman)
and Colin Smith OBE (Non-Executive Director and Senior Independent Director) intend to step down
from the Board ahead of the Company’s 2022 Annual General Meeting and resign as Directors of the
Company on the same date.
The Company also announced the following new appointments to the Board, effective 13 January 2022:
l Cyrus Ardalan as the Company’s Chairman Designate, with the intention to take over from
Stephen Hubbard as Chairman of the Company at a date to be confirmed prior to the
Company’s 2022 Annual General Meeting;
l Hugh Seaborn as the Company’s Non-Executive Senior Independent Director Designate, with
the intention to take over from Colin Smith OBE as Senior Independent Director of the
Company at a date to be confirmed prior to the Company’s 2022 Annual General Meeting; and
l Ismat Levin as a Non-Executive Director of the Company,
(together, the “Newly Appointed Directors”).
All of the Newly Appointed Directors are non-executive and are independent of the AIFM and the
Investment Advisor. Their biographies are set out below.

Cyrus Ardalan, Non-executive Director and Chairman Designate

Cyrus is a highly experienced international investment banker with well-established corporate
governance expertise and successful credentials as chairman. His career in capital markets spans
over 40 years during which he has held senior executive and non-executive roles at leading global
banks. He is currently the Chairman of the Board at OakNorth Bank and was previously
non-executive director and Chairman of a number of institutions, including Citigroup Global Markets,
the International Finance Facility for Immunisation and the International Capital Markets Association.
Cyrus spent 15 years at Barclays Bank as Vice Chairman overseeing a number of areas including the
bank’s Public Policy and Government Relations units. Prior to this, he held a range of senior positions
at Paribas and The World Bank.

Hugh Seaborn CVO, Non-executive Director and Senior Independent Director Designate
Hugh brings over 35 years of real estate experience. He spent 13 years as a non-executive at
TR Property Investment Trust plc, including four years as Chair, and is currently the CEO of Cadogan.
He founded and chairs two Business Improvement Districts, The Knightsbridge Partnership and The
King’s Road Partnership, and is Chair of the Knightsbridge Business Group. Previously, he was CEO
of The Portman Estate and prior to that Director and Head of Investment Management at CBRE.
Formerly Hugh has been a member of the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster, Chair of the
Westminster Property Association, Chair of the Estates Business Group, and a member of the
Property Advisory Committee for the Natural History Museum. He is a Chartered Surveyor.

Ismat Levin, Non-executive Director

Ismat has 28 years’ experience in commercial, international growth and legal technology-led software
industries across NASDAQ-listed and private equity contexts, including as a Board observer. She is
currently Vice President and Group General Counsel at Synamedia Limited. Before this, Ismat spent
almost 20 years at NDS Group as Vice President and Group General Counsel as it grew from a
start-up investment owned by News Corporation, to being a NASDAQ listed company for 10 years, to
being sold to Cisco Systems, Inc. for $5 billion. Ismat began her career at Dentons LLP.
Over the five years preceding the date of this Supplement, the Newly Appointed Directors hold or
have held the following directorships (apart from their directorships of the Company) or
memberships of administrative, management or supervisory bodies and/or partnerships:
Name Current Previous
Cyrus Ardalan CAF Charity Aid Foundation Citigroup Global Markets Limited
CAF Financial Solutions Limited International Finance Facility for
CAF Nominees Limited Immunisation Company
Humanitarian Finance Forum
Oaknorth Bank PLC
Hugh Seaborn 115 Sloane Street Hotel Limited 15 Redburn Street Limited
7 Redburn Street Limited Cadogan Estates Residential
Cadogan Developments Limited Holdings Limited (Dissolved)2
Cadogan Estates Limited Cadogan Estates Residential
Cadogan Estates Management Limited Investments Limited (Dissolved)3
Cadogan Estates Property Investments Limited Couture Hotels Limited (Dissolved)4
Cadogan Group Holdings Limited Number Eleven Limited (Dissolved)5
Cadogan Group Limited The Cadogan Debenture
Cadogan Group Management Limited Company Limited (Dissolved)6
Cadogan Hall Limited TR Property Investment Trust PLC
Cadogan Holdings Limited Trust Union Finance (1991) Plc
Cadogan Hotel Partners Limited Trustco Finance Limited (Dissolved)7
Cadogan Hotels Group Limited
Cadogan Income Properties Limited
Chelsea Land Developments Limited
Chelsea Land Limited
Clarktown Limited
Frederick Court Limited
Hugo House Limited
Leda Hotels Limited
Sloane Court East Garden Limited
Sloane Gardens Hotel Limited
Sloane Rewards Limited
West Central Bids Limited

Dissolved by members’ voluntary liquidation on 4 April 2019.
Dissolved by members’ voluntary liquidation on 5 April 2019.
Dissolved by voluntary strike-off on 5 February 2019.
Dissolved by voluntary strike-off on 5 February 2019.
Dissolved by voluntary strike-off on 5 February 2019.
Dissolved by voluntary strike-off on 12 September 2017.

Name Current Previous
Ismat Levin Beijing NDS Information DIGI-Media Vision Limited
Technology Co., Limited (Dissolved)8
Linden 29 Management Limited NDS Finance Limited
St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital NDS Holdings (Europe)
St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group Limited (Dissolved)9
Synamedia Americas Holdings, Inc. NDS Holdings B.V.
Synamedia Americas LLC News Datacom Limited
Synamedia Asia Private Limited (Dissolved)10
Synamedia Canada ULC
Synamedia Holdings Limited
Synamedia India Private Limited
Synamedia Limited
Synamedia MCS (Guernsey) Limited
Synamedia No. 1. LLC
Synamedia No. 2. LLC
Synamedia Technologies Israel Limited
Synamedia Technologies France SAS
Synamedia Vividtec Canada ULC
Synamedia Vividtec Europe BVBA
Synamedia Vividtec Holdings (Guernsey) Limited
Synamedia Vividtec Holdings, Inc.
TRISO Video India Private Limited
Triton UK Midco Limited
Save as disclosed in the table above, in the five years before the date of this Supplement, the Newly
Appointed Directors:
(i) do not have any convictions in relation to fraudulent offences;
(ii) have not been associated with any bankruptcies, receiverships or liquidations of any
partnership or company, or any company put into administration, through acting in the capacity
as a member of the administrative, management or supervisory body or as a partner, founder
or senior manager of such partnership or company; and
(iii) do not have any official public incrimination and/or sanctions by statutory or regulatory
authorities (including designated professional bodies) and have not been disqualified by a
court from acting as a member of the administration, management or supervisory bodies of
any issuer or from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs of any issuer.

So far as is known to the Company, as at the Latest Practicable Date, the following persons held,
directly or indirectly, the percentage of the Company’s voting rights referred to below which are
notifiable pursuant to the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules:
Number of existing
Name Ordinary Shares held % of voting rights
BlackRock Inc 37,756,289 5.13
Laxmi Nivaria S.L.U. 34,498,276 4.69
As at the Latest Practicable Date, save as set out in this paragraph 7, the Company is not aware of
any persons who have a notifiable interest under English law in the Company’s capital or voting

Ismat Levin retired as a Director of DIGI-Media Vision Limited on 9 June 2018. The company was dissolved by voluntary
strike-off on 29 September 2020.
Dissolved by members’ voluntary liquidation on 26 July 2017.
Ismat Levin retired as a Director of News Datacom Limited on 9 June 2018. The company was dissolved by voluntary
strike-off on 29 September 2020.


8.1 Share Issuance Agreement

On 20 January 2022, the Company entered into a deed of amendment with the AIFM, the
Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities to amend and restate the
existing share issuance agreement dated 18 February 2021 referred to in paragraph 9.1 of
Part 7 of the Registration Document (the “Share Issuance Agreement”). Pursuant to the Share
Issuance Agreement (as amended and restated), each of the Joint Bookrunners has
undertaken, as agent for the Company, to use its reasonable endeavours to procure
subscribers for New Ordinary Shares under the Subsequent Placing.
The obligations of the Joint Bookrunners under the Share Issuance Agreement in respect of
the Subsequent Issue are subject to, inter alia, the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant
to the Subsequent Issue being admitted to the premium segment of the Official List and to
trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market by 14 February
2022 (or such later date and time as the Joint Bookrunners and the Company agree but not
later than 8.00 a.m. on 17 February 2022).
Conditional upon completion of the Subsequent Issue, the Joint Bookrunners are entitled to be
paid an aggregate commission by the Company of up to 1.5 per cent. of the value of any New
Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue in consideration for their services in
relation to the Subsequent Issue. In connection with the Subsequent Issue, Peel Hunt and
Jefferies are also entitled to receive a sponsor fee and a corporate finance fee, respectively.
Under the Share Issuance Agreement, which may be terminated by the Joint Bookrunners in
certain circumstances prior to Subsequent Admission, the Company, the AIFM and the
Investment Advisor have given certain warranties and indemnities to the Joint Bookrunners.
These warranties and indemnities are customary for an agreement of this nature.
Under the Share Issuance Agreement, each of Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities
may at its discretion and out of its own resources at any time rebate to some or all investors,
or to other parties, part or all of its fees relating to the Subsequent Issue. The Joint
Bookrunners are also entitled under the Share Issuance Agreement to retain agents and may
pay commission in respect of the Subsequent Issue to any or all of those agents out of their
own resources.
The Share Issuance Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

8.2 Receiving Agent Agreement

On 20 January 2022, the Company entered into a new Receiving Agent Agreement with the
Receiving Agent, pursuant to which the Receiving Agent has agreed to provide receiving
agent duties and services to the Company in respect of the Subsequent Issue.
Under the terms of the Receiving Agent Agreement, the Receiving Agent is entitled to
customary fees. The Receiving Agent is also entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable out of
pocket expenses incurred by it in connection with its duties.
The Receiving Agent Agreement limits the Receiving Agent’s liability thereunder to the lesser
of £250,000 or an amount equal to five times the fee payable to the Receiving Agent under the
agreement. The Receiving Agent Agreement also contains an indemnity from the Company in
favour of the Receiving Agent, its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees and agents
against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, professional fees, court costs and reasonably
incurred expenses resulting or arising from the Company’s breach of the agreement and, in
addition, any third-party claims, actions, proceedings, investigations or litigation relating to or
arising from or in connection with the agreement or the services provided thereunder, except
to the extent such losses are determined to have resulted solely from the fraud, wilful default or
negligence on the part of the party seeking indemnity under the agreement. The indemnity is
customary for an agreement of this nature.
The Receiving Agent Agreement is governed by the laws of England.

8.3 Investor Lock-in Deed
On 17 December 2021, the Company, Peel Hunt LLP and Jefferies International Limited
entered into a Lock-in Deed with Laxmi Nivaria, S.L.U. (“Laxmi Nivaria”) in connection with an
issue of 35,715,862 New Ordinary Shares to Laxmi Nivaria (the “Locked-in Shares”).
Pursuant to the terms of the Investor Lock-in Deed, Laxmi Nivaria agreed that they wilil not sell,
grant options over or otherwise dispose of any interest in the Locked-in Shares for 12 months
(the “Restricted Period”) and that any disposal within 12 months following the expiry of the
Restricted Period will be effected through the Company’s brokers, save that these restrictions
do not apply certain specified circumstances, including: (i) in acceptance of a general offer to
all the Shareholders of the Company for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of the
Company made in accordance with the Takeover Code, or the provision of an irrevocable
undertaking to accept such an offer, in each case where the offer has either been
recommended by the Board or has become unconditional in all respects; (ii) pursuant to an
intervening court order; (iii) following the passing of a resolution for the winding up of the
Company; (iv) to any of its subsidiary undertakings, parent undertakings and subsidiary
undertakings of all such parent undertakings provided that such transferee, before registration
of any such transfer, executes an undertaking in relation to such Ordinary Shares in similar
terms to those contained in the Investor Lock-in Deed in a form satisfactory to Peel Hunt LLP
and Jefferies International Limited; or (v) where it has obtained written consent from the
Company, Peel Hunt LLP and Jefferies International Limited in advance.
The Investor Lock-in Deed is governed by the laws of England and Wales.


9.1 Responsibility
The Company, whose registered office appears below, and the Directors, whose names
appear below, accept responsibility for the information contained in this Supplement. To the
best of the knowledge of the Company and the Directors, the information contained in this
Supplement is in accordance with the facts and the Supplement makes no omission likely to
affect its import.
The Directors of the Company are:
Stephen Hubbard (Non-executive Chairman)
Colin Smith OBE (Non-executive Director)
Jan Etherden (Non-executive Director)
John Cartwright (Non-executive Director)
Patricia Dimond (Non-executive Director)
Cyrus Ardalan (Non-executive Director)
Hugh Seaborn CVO (Non-executive Director)
Ismat Levin (Non-executive Director)
The registered office of the Company is 6th Floor, 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS.
Knight Frank LLP of 55 Baker Street, Marylebone, London W1U 8AN, which is qualified for the
purposes of the Property Valuation Report in accordance with the RICS Valuation – Global
Standards, January 2020, issued by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, has given
and not withdrawn its consent to the inclusion in this Supplement of its report in Part 2 of this
Supplement and to the issue of this Supplement with the inclusion of its name and references
to it in the form and context in which they appear and has authorised the contents of its report
in Part 2 of this Supplement for the purposes of Prospectus Regulation Rule 5.3.2R(2)(f), in the
form and context in which they appear. Knight Frank LLP is a limited liability partnership
incorporated in England and Wales on 3 November 2003 (registered number OC305934) and
its Legal Entity Identifier is 213800995RRALBMRYV38.

9.2 Documents available for inspection

Copies of the Prospectus (including this Supplement), the 2021 Annual Report and Accounts,
the 2021 Interim Report and the Property Valuation Report are available for inspection on the
Company’s website at www.lxireit.com and, until the Subsequent Issue closes, during usual
business hours on any day (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays excepted) at the offices
of Stephenson Harwood LLP, 1 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 7SH, United Kingdom.

9.3 General
To the extent that there is any inconsistency between any statement in or incorporated by
reference in this Supplement and any other statement in or incorporated by reference in the
Registration Document, the statements in or incorporated by reference in this Supplement will
Save as disclosed in this Supplement, no other significant new factor, material mistake or
inaccuracy relating to information included in the Registration Document has arisen or been
noted, as the case may be, since the publication of the Registration Document.
20 January 2022



LXi REIT plc

6th Floor
125 London Wall
Peel Hunt LLP
100 Liverpool Street
Alvarium Securities Limited
10 Old Burlington Street
Jefferies International Limited
100 Bishopsgate
Jefferies GmbH
Bockenheimer Landstraße 24
60323 Frankfurt am Main
20 January 2022
Dear Sirs


Market Valuation as at 31 December 2021

1.1 In accordance with our instruction of 21 December 2021, of which details have been set out
within the Terms of Engagement dated 5 January 2021, we have carried out a valuation of the
freehold, heritable or leasehold interests in the properties referred to in the Schedule
appended to this Valuation Report (together the “Properties” and each a “Property”) and now
report our opinion of the Market Values (as defined in paragraph 3.1 below) of the Properties
as at 31 December 2021.
1.2 This Valuation Report is required for inclusion in a quadripartite prospectus (the “Prospectus”)
which is to be published by LXI REIT plc (the “Company”) in relation to the proposed issue of
new ordinary shares in the share capital of the Company (“New Ordinary Shares”) by way of
a placing, open offer, offer for subscription and an intermediaries offer (the “Subsequent
Issue”), under the Fund’s ongoing share issuance programme (the “Share Issuance
Programme”) and the admission of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue to the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority and to trading on the
main market of the London Stock Exchange (“Admission”). Our Valuation Report is provided
expressly for this purpose and this purpose only.
1.3 The Properties comprise hotels, industrial, healthcare, discount foodstores, leisure, student, car
park automotive, office and nurseries and have been categorised as investment properties.
1.4 This valuation has been undertaken in accordance with: (i) the current editions of RICS
Valuation - Global Standards, which incorporate the International Valuation Standards, and the
RICS UK National Supplement. References to the “Red Book” refer to either or both of these
documents, as applicable; (ii) Rules 5.4.5G and 5.4.6G of the Prospectus Regulation Rules
published by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “Prospectus Regulation Rules”), together

with item 2.7 of Annex 4 to the UK Prospectus Regulation; and (iii) paragraphs 128 to 130 of
ESMA Update of the CESR Recommendations for the consistent implementation of the
European Commission’s Regulation (EC) No 809/2004 implementing the Prospectus Directive
(as now applicable to the UK Prospectus Regulation) (the “CESR Recommendations”). For the
purposes of this Letter, “UK Prospectus Regulation” shall mean Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be
published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated
market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC, as it forms part of the domestic law of the United
Kingdom by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (as amended).


2.1 Knight Frank LLP is instructed as External Valuer, as defined by the Red Book and regulations
made by the Financial Conduct Authority.
2.2 Knight Frank LLP is retained by the Company to value the Properties on a bi-annual basis for
financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Chris Galloway
MRICS and Michael Crowe MRICS are responsible for this particular instruction.
2.3 Other than valuation services, Knight Frank LLP has not had any material involvement with the
Properties, subject to our comments below, and report without any conflict of interest.
2.4 Knight Frank LLP acted on the acquisition or sale of the following Properties:
i. Cambridge Belfry Hotel, Back Lane, Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6BW where Knight
Frank LLP acted for the Company on the acquisition of the Property in April 2017;
ii. Belasis Business Park, Billingham TS23 4EB where Knight Frank LLP acted for the
vendor on the sale of the Property in July 2018;
iii. 31 Turnpike Road, Newbury RG14 2NX where Knight Frank acted for the vendor on the
sale of the Property in October 2018;
iv. Dobbies Garden Centre, Heighley Gate, Morpeth, NE61 3DA where Knight Frank acted
for the vendor on the sale of the Property in March 2019; and
v. Premier Inn, High Grounds Road, Worksop S80 3AT where Knight Frank acted for the
vendor on the sale of the property in September 2019.
vi. New Berwyn Works, Berwyn Road, Llangollen, LL20 8AE where Knight Frank acted for
the Company in the acquisition of the property in June 2021.
vii. Biffa Waste Services, Greenbank Road, East Tullos Industrial Estate, Abderdeen,
AB12 3BQ where Knight Frank acted for the vendor on the sale of the property in August
2.5 The valuer, on behalf of Knight Frank LLP, with responsibility for this Valuation Report is
Chris Galloway MRICS, RICS Registered Valuer. Parts of the valuation have been undertaken
by additional valuers. We confirm that the valuer and additional valuers collectively meet the
requirements of RICS Valuation – Global Standards VPS 3, having sufficient current knowledge
of the particular market and the skills and understanding to undertake the valuation
2.6 In relation to Knight Frank LLP’s preceding financial year, the proportion of the total fees paid
by the Company to the total fee income of Knight Frank LLP was less than 5 per cent. We
recognise and support the RICS Rules of Conduct and have procedures for identifying
conflicts of interest.

3.1 The Properties have been valued on the basis of Market Value in accordance with the RICS
Valuation – Global Standards VPS4. This is an internationally recognised basis and is defined
“The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date
between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction after proper
marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without

3.2 No allowance has been made for expenses of realisation or for any taxation which might arise,
and our valuations are expressed exclusive of any Value Added Tax that may become
3.3 Our valuations reflect usual deductions in respect of purchaser’s costs and, in particular, full
liability for UK Stamp Duty as applicable at the valuation date.
3.4 Our valuation has been undertaken using appropriate valuation methodology and our
professional judgement.
3.5 The valuer’s opinion of Market Value was primarily derived using recent comparable market
transactions on arm’s length terms, where available, and appropriate valuation techniques
(the “Investment Method”).
3.6 The Properties have been valued individually and not as part of a portfolio.
3.7 Save as otherwise disclosed, it has been assumed for the purpose of valuation that the
relevant interests in the Properties are free of mortgage, charge or other debt security and no
deduction has been made for such charge or debt.


Sources of Information
4.1 Our valuations are based on information provided by the Company and its professional
advisers, upon which we have relied, and which has not been verified by us. Our assumptions
(as defined in the Red Book) relating to this information are set out below. If any of the
information or assumptions are subsequently found to be incorrect then our valuations should
be reviewed.
4.2 We would note that where information or documentation has not been provided to us we have
adopted the appropriate assumptions required to undertake, and report, Market Values. When
considering the covenant strength of individual tenants we have not carried out credit
enquiries but have reflected within our valuations our general understanding of the investment
market’s likely perception of tenants’ financial status.

4.3 We have not been provided with title information and Reports on Title. Our valuations are
prepared on the basis that the Properties have good and marketable titles and are free of any
undisclosed onerous burdens, outgoings or restrictions.

Tenancy Information
4.4 We have not been provided with lease reports by the Company’s professional advisers.
However we have been provided with updated tenancy information on a bi-annual basis by the
Company which we have relied upon.

Land Register Inspection and Searches

4.5 We do not undertake searches or inspections of any kind (including web based searches) for
title or price paid information in any publicly available land registers, including the Land
Registry for England & Wales, Registers of Scotland and Land & Property Services in Northern

Planning, Highway and Other Statutory Regulations

4.6 We have made verbal/web based enquiries of the appropriate Town Planning and Highways
Authorities in respect of matters affecting the Properties, where considered appropriate,
although this information was given to us on the basis that it should not be relied upon.
We have not seen specific planning consents and have assumed that the Properties have been
erected and are being occupied and used in accordance with all requisite consents and that
there are no outstanding statutory notices. No allowances have been made for rights,
obligations or liabilities arising under the Defective Premises Act 1972.

Structural Condition
4.7 We have not been instructed to carry out structural surveys of the Properties, nor to test the
services. We have not been provided with building inspection reports, and/or construction
reports. Our valuations assume the buildings contain no deleterious materials and that the sites
are unaffected by adverse soil conditions, except where we have been notified to the contrary.

Environmental Issues
4.8 We have not carried out any investigations into past or present uses of either the Properties or
any neighbouring land to establish whether there is any potential for contamination from these
uses or sites to the Properties. We have, however, been provided by the Company with, and
relied upon, Environmental Surveys, where available.
We understand that none of the Properties, subject to our comments below, is, nor is likely to
be, affected by land contamination and that there are no ground conditions which would affect
the present or future uses of the Properties.
Should it be established subsequently that contamination exists at any of the Properties or on
any neighbouring land or that the Properties have been or are being put to a contaminative use
this could reduce the values now reported.
We have used the website of the Environment Agency’s Indicative Floodplain Maps to provide
a general overview of lands in natural floodplains and therefore potentially at risk of flooding
from rivers or the sea. The maps use the best information currently available, based on
historical flood records and geographical models. They indicate where flooding from rivers,
streams, watercourses or the sea is possible. From the website, we have established that none
of the Properties is currently classified as being at risk from flooding without the appropriate
flood defences being present. We also understand that none of the Properties has a history of

Property Insurance
4.9 Our valuations assume that the Properties would, in all respects, be insurable against all usual
risks including terrorism, flooding and rising water table at normal, commercially acceptable

Building Areas
4.10 Our valuations are based on the measurements provided by the Company.

Special Assumptions
4.11 As instructed by the Company, our valuation has been undertaken on the special assumption
that the Properties are fully constructed as at the valuation date and are income producing.
This assumption relates to the following Properties:
i. Biggin Hill Airport
ii. Premier Inn, 25-29 Market Place, Romford
iii. Premier Inn, High Grounds Road, Worksop S80 3AT
iv. Premier Inn, Porthmadog
v. Lidl, West Bridgford
vi. Loaning Meadows Retail Park, Berwick-upon-Tweed
vii. Lidl, The Brickyard, High Street, East Ham
4.12 Should the assets above be treated as developments and valued using the residual method,
the value reported below would be significantly different incorporating outstanding
construction costs, finance, developers profit and fees.
4.13 A special assumption that the following Properties have been purchased on a topped up rent
basis. Therefore should the Company sell the assets, as at the valuation date, these prices
would not be achievable, without the additional rental top up. We understand the price the
Company paid to the vendor reflected a deduction, being the difference between the
contracted rent and the topped up rent. We further understand that the Company will make an
adjustment in its financial accounts. This assumption applies to the following Properties:
i. Currock Road, Carlisle CA2 4AX

ii. Knight Retail Park, Saffron Walden, Thaxted Road, Essex, CB10 2UR
iii. Junction 24 Retail Park, Helen Street, Glasgow, G51 3HR

5.1 We are of the opinion that the aggregate of the Market Values as at 31 December 2021 of the
freehold, heritable or leasehold interests in the Properties held by the Company as at
31 December 2021 is £1,326,677,500 (One Billion Three Hundred and Twenty Six Million,
Six Hundred and Seventy Seven Thousand Five Hundred Pounds).
5.2 The tenure of the Properties held by the Company as at 31 December 2021 comprises the
No. of Properties Market Value
Freehold or heritable 135 £1,058,422,500
Long Leasehold 29 £268,255,000
–––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––
Total 164 £1,326,677,500
–––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––
5.3 The Schedule comprises the address, tenant and tenure of each of the Properties held by the
Company as at 31 December 2021.
5.4 There are four Properties of the 164 held by the Company as at 31 December 2021 which
individually account for more than 3% of the aggregate value of the individual Market Values
as at 31 December 2021. These four Properties are listed in the table below. The aggregate
market value of these four properties represents 20.18% of the aggregate of the Market Values
held by the Company as at 31 December 2021.
Percentage of
the Company’s
portfolio by
Total Market Market Value
Value as at as at
Long 31 December 31 December
Address Freehold Leasehold 2021 2021
Biggin Hill Airport £100,600,000 £100,600,000 7.58%
Tesco Welling, Welling High St,
London, DA16 1TH £51,550,000 £51,550,000 3.89%
York Biotech Campus,
York, YO41 1LZ £56,700,000 £56,700,000 4.27%
Gateway Retail Park,
Cargo Fleet Road,
Middlesborough, TS3 6AT £58,850,000 £58,850,000 4.44%
5.5 Please note that due to the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation, we are needing to operate
extended health and safety procedures, which include the need for property occupiers to
confirm their agreement to us inspecting and provide answers to related health questions. We
have been unable to proceed with the inspections until we receive the required confirmations.
We have been unable to internally inspect many of the properties, including all of the “assisted
Living” portfolio due to their nature of being closed due to lockdown provisions. A record of the
commercial portfolio is listed below. A record of the exact inspection dates of the assisted
living portfolio is maintained within our working papers and can be made available if required.
5.6 We confirm that, as at the date of this Valuation Report, there has been no material change
since 31 December 2021 in any matter relating to the Properties which, in our opinion, would
have a material effect on the Market Value of the Properties.

6.1 This Valuation Report has been prepared for inclusion in the Prospectus. Knight Frank LLP
hereby gives consent to the inclusion of this Valuation Report in the Prospectus and to the
references to this Valuation Report and Knight Frank LLP in the Prospectus in the form and
context in which they appear. For the purposes of Prospectus Regulation Rule 5.3.2(R)(2)(f),

we are responsible for this Valuation Report and accept responsibility for the information
contained in this Valuation Report and confirm that to the best of our knowledge, the
information contained in this Valuation Report is in accordance with the facts and the Valuation
Report contains no omission likely to affect its import. This Valuation Report complies with
Rules 5.4.5G and 5.4.6G of the Prospectus Regulation Rules and paragraphs 128 to 130 of the
CESR Recommendations.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Galloway MRICS

Partner, Valuation and Advisory
For and on behalf of Knight Frank LLP

Date of
Address Sector Tenure Inspection
Carmarthen, Parc Pensarn, SA31 2NF Leisure Long leasehold 16/01/2021
Barry Penny Lane, CF63 4BA Leisure Long leasehold 21/01/2021
Cardiff, Sports Village, CF11 0JP Leisure Long leasehold 21/01/2021
Pontypridd, CF39 8EY Discount Freehold 21/01/2021
A48, Cross Hands, Llanelli, Hotel Freehold 25/01/2021
Carmarthenshire, SA14 6RD
West Bridgford Discount Freehold 28/01/2021
A444 Southbound, Bedworth, Nuneaton, CV10 7TF Hotel Freehold 16/02/2021
Oak Lane, West Bromwich, B70 8PF Industrial Freehold 16/02/2021
Redditch Warwick Highway, B98 0SW Leisure Long leasehold 16/02/2021
Sinclair Retail Park, Davies Road, Discount Freehold 16/02/2021
Evesham WR11 1FN Foodstore
31 Turnpike Road, Newbury, RG14 2NX Industrial Freehold 14/04/2021
31 Druid Stoke Avenue, Bristol BS9 1DE Healthcare Freehold 14/04/2021
Andover Business Park, Andover, SP11 8BP Leisure Freehold 14/04/2021
Columbus Quarter, Andover Leisure Long leasehold 14/04/2021
Commerce Way, Melksham SN12 Hotel Freehold 14/04/2021
Barnfield Close, Swindon SN2 Hotel Freehold 14/04/2021
Edenmore Care Home, 646 Shore Road, Healthcare Freehold 27/04/2021
Newtownabbey, BT3 7PR
Apple Mews 1, 95 Cathedral Road, Healthcare Long leasehold 27/04/2021
Armagh BT61 8AB
Apple Mews 2, 95 Cathedral Road, Healthcare Long leasehold 27/04/2021
Armagh, BT61 8AB
Nottingham, Victoria Parkway, NG4 2PA Leisure Long leasehold 18/05/2021
Stoke, Ridgeway Drive, ST1 5NY Leisure Long leasehold 18/05/2021
Elder Way, Chesterfield S4 1UN Hotel Freehold 18/05/2021
Premier Inn, Worksop, Nottinghamshire Hotel Freehold 18/05/2021
Greene King, County Hotel, High Street, Leisure Freehold 18/05/2021
Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1HB
Greene King, Duke of Wellington, Leisure Freehold 18/05/2021
Kenton Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3BQ
High Street, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 Hotel Freehold 20/05/2021
Dobbies, Heighley Gate, Morpeth, Leisure Freehold 21/05/2021
Northumberland NE61 3DA
10-11 Belasis Business Park, Billingham Industrial Freehold 21/05/2021
Teesside TS23 4EB
Greene King, Brinkburn, Lady Kathryn Grove, Leisure Freehold 21/05/2021
County Durham DL3 0YR
Spanish City Promenade, Whitley Bay NE26 1AR Hotel Long leasehold 21/05/2021
Wilson Street, Middlesbrough TS1 1AE Hotel Freehold 21/05/2021
North Nelson Industrial Estate, Industrial Freehold 21/05/2021
Cramlington NE23 1WW
Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Industrial Freehold 21/05/2021
Sunderland SR5 3QY
Gestamp, Aycliffe Industrial Estate, Industrial Long leasehold 21/05/2021
Durham DL5 6EP
Travelodge, Discovery Park, Sandwich, Kent Hotel Freehold 26/05/2021
Canvey Island, Northwich Road, SS8 0PT Leisure Long leasehold 26/05/2021

Date of
Address Sector Tenure Inspection
Greene King, Bridgewater 23 Barton Road, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Greater Manchester, M28 2DP
Greene King, Bulls Head, 341 London Road, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Cheshire SK7 4PS
Greene King, Church View Inn, 38 Lunts Heath Road, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Cheshire WA8 5RY
Greene King, Griffin Inn, 184 Warrington Road, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Cheshire WA8 3XT
Greene King, Old Leyland Gates, Golden Hill Lane, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Lancashire PR25 3PG
Greene King, Pear & Partridge, The Parkway, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Staffordshire WV6 7XZ
Greene King, Shrewsbury Arms, 38 Claughton Firs Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Prenton, Merseyside CH43 5TQ
Greene King, Spread Eagle Hotel Hatherlow, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Greater Manchester SK6 3DR
Greene King, Unicorn, Adlington Road, Leisure Freehold 02/06/2021
Cheshire SK9 2LN
Newcastle Under Lyme Goose Street, ST5 3HY Leisure Long leasehold 02/06/2021
Q-Park, Piazza Car Park, St James Street, Car Park Long leasehold 02/06/2021
Manchester M1 4BP
Q-Park, Waterside Car Park, 5 Broad Road, Car Park Freehold 02/06/2021
Manchester M33 2AE
Viking Park, Widnes WA8 0PE Industrial Freehold 02/06/2021
Q-Park, Tower Bridge Car Park, Gainsford Street, Car Park Freehold 02/06/2021
London SE1 8NH
21 Brown Street, Dundee DD1 5EF Student Freehold 06/07/2021
1 Afton Way, Dundee, DD4 8BR Leisure Long leasehold 06/07/2021
9 Bridge Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6JL Hotel Freehold 06/07/2021
North end Retail Park, High Street, Discount Freehold 06/07/2021
Cowdenbeath KY4 9QA Foodstore
Bure Park, Lucerne Avenue, Bicester, OX263HA Foodstores and Freehold 08/07/2021
Greene King, Britannia, Bradwell Lane, Leisure Freehold 12/07/2021
Newcastle under Lyme ST5
Cornwall Road, Smethwick, Birmingham Industrial Freehold 12/07/2021
Orbital 7, Orbital Park, Cannock, Industrial Long leasehold 12/07/2021
Staffordshire WS11 8XW
The Priory Care Home,1 Shelly Crescent, Healthcare Freehold 12/07/2021
Monkspath, Shirley, Solihull B90 4XA
25 Old Haymarket, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 6ER Hotel Long leasehold 13/07/2021
Currock Road, Carlisle, CA2 4AX Discount Freehold 14/07/2021
William Street, Workington, Cumbria CA14 3YG Hotel Part Freehold/ 14/07/2021
Part Long
Northampton, Kettering Road, NN3 6AA Leisure Long leasehold 06/08/2021
Peterborough, Lincoln Road PE4 6WS Leisure Long leasehold 06/08/2021
Copenhagen Way, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 2RT Leisure Freehold 06/08/2021
Griffiths Retail Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans, Discount Freehold 06/08/2021
Hertfordshire AL1 2RJ Foodstore

Date of
Address Sector Tenure Inspection
Geddington Road, Land at Car showroom Freehold 06/08/2021
99a Midland Road, Ellistown, Coalville Foodstores and Freehold 09/08/2021
Preston, Riversway, PR2 6BX Leisure Long leasehold 10/08/2021
Blackpool, Squires Gate, FY4 2AY Leisure Long leasehold 10/08/2021
Rosegrove Lane, Burnley BB12 6EH Automotive Freehold 10/08/2021
PGL Travel. Winmarleigh Hall, Church Lane, Leisure Long leasehold 10/08/2021
Winmarleigh, Lancaster, PR3 0LA
Rockingham Street, Sheffield S1 4NL Car Park Freehold 12/08/2021
Q-Park, Riverside Car Park, 5 Millsands, Car Park Long leasehold 12/08/2021
Sheffield S3 8NH
Phoenix Park Care Village, Phoenix Avenue, Healthcare Freehold 12/08/2021
Scunthorpe, DN15 8HN
Dobbies Garden Centre, Pennine, Huddersfield, Leisure Freehold 12/08/2021
West Yorkshire, HD8 8LF
Bradford Victoria Shopping Centre, Discount Long leasehold 12/08/2021
Bradford BD8 9BN Foodstore
Blackpool, Thornton Centre, FY5 5DX Discount Freehold 18/08/2021
Clifton Drive North, Lytham St Annes, Discount Long leasehold 18/08/2021
Lancashire FY8 2NA Foodstore
Poynton, 89 Park Lane, Poynton, Foodstore and Freehold 18/08/2021
Stockport SK12 1RD Essentials
Premier Inn, Porthmadog Hotel Freehold 18/08/2021
Sandbach Lawton Way CW11 1TF Discount Freehold 18/08/2021
Southport, PR8 3HR Discount Freehold 18/08/2021
Wallasey, CH45 3LE Discount Freehold 18/08/2021
Wrexham, BorrasPark Road, LL12 7TH Discount Freehold 18/08/2021
New Berwyn Works, Berwyn, Llangollen Discount Freehold 18/08/2021
Greaseborough Depot, North Drive, Industrial Freehold 20/08/2021
Rotherham S6 1RL
Q-Park, Shambles Car Park, Garden Place, Car Park Long leasehold 20/08/2021
York YO1 7NZ
Atkinson Court Care Home, Ings Road, Cross Green, Healthcare Freehold 20/08/2021
Leeds, LS9 9EJ
Scott Works, Clayton Road, Bradford BD7 Discount Freehold 20/08/2021
Greene King, Norman Conquest, Flatts Lane, Leisure Freehold 20/08/2021
Yorkshire TS6 0NP
165-167 Preston Road, Brighton, Hotel Freehold 20/08/2021
East Sussex, BN1 6AU
Portsmouth, Lidl, 73 London Road Discount Part Freehold/ 20/08/2021
Foodstore Part Long
Veolia Plot 3, Holton Heath Trading Park, Poole, Industrial Freehold 20/08/2021
Dorset BH16 6LT

Date of
Address Sector Tenure Inspection
Taw Hill Village Centre, Swindon SN21 2UH Foodstores and Freehold 20/08/2021
Q-Park, Surrey Street, Croydon Car Park Freehold 28/08/2021
25-29 Market Place, Romford Hotel Long leasehold 28/08/2021
Jurys Inn, 50 Exeter Street, Plymouth Hotel Freehold 12/09/2021
The Belfry Hotel, Back Lane, Cambourne, Hotel Freehold 12/09/2021
Cambridge CB23 6BW
Tolvaddon Road, Camborne TR14 8NQ Hotel Freehold 12/09/2021
York Biotech Campus, York Life Science Freehold 24/09/2021
Tesco Welling, Welling Foodstore and Freehold 28/09/2021
Lidl and Unit 2,The Brickyard, High Street/ Foodstore and Freehold 28/09/2021
Barking Road, East Ham Essentials
Biffa Waste Services, Aberdeen Industrial Freehold 11/10/2021
Q-Park, Candleriggs Car Park, 37 Albion Street, Car Park Freehold 12/10/2021
Glasgow G1 1LH
Q-Park, Quartermile Car Park, Simpson Loan, Car Park Freehold 12/10/2021
Edinburgh EH3 9AU
South Gyle Broadway, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh Hotel Freehold 12/10/2021
Berwick-upon-Tweed Discount Freehold 12/10/2021
Glasgow 63 Cumberland Road, G34 6HZ Discount Freehold 12/10/2021
Junction 24 Retail Park, Glasgow Discount Freehold 12/10/2021
Asda – Clydebank, 31 Foodstore and Freehold 12/10/2021
STV, Pacific Quay Office Freehold 12/10/2021
Biggin Hill Airport Industrial Long leasehold 18/10/2021
Premier Inn, Thaxted Road, Saffron Walden, Essex Hotel Freehold 18/10/2021
83 Broad Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 2EU Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
68 Leigh Road, Atherton, Manchester M46 0PA Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
116 Fairfield Road, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 6SJ Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
97 Eleanor Road, Bidston, Wirral, Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
Merseyside CH43 7QW
63a Scarisbrick New Road, Southport, Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
Merseyside PR8 6PA
20 Kingsmead Road, North Prenton, Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
Wirral CH43 6TB
Smith House, Stanney Lane, Little Stanney, Chester, Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
Cheshire CH2 4HT
Longsands Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR2 9PS Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
119 Heapey Road, Chorley, Lancashire PR6 9BJ Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
116 Sharoe Green Lane, Fulwood, Preston, Nursery Freehold 22/10/2021
Lancashire PR2 8HL
437 Street Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS17 6HQ Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
Abbotsford House, 15 Kent Road, Harrogate, Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
North Yorkshire HG1 2LH
70 High Street, Hatfield, Doncaster, Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
South Yorkshire DN7 6RY

Date of
Address Sector Tenure Inspection
124 Hadfield Road, Hadfield, Glossop, Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
Derbyshire SK13 2DR
60 North Park Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
48 Nursery Lane, Alwoodley, Leeds, Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
West Yorkshire LS17 7HW
65 Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, Doncaster, Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
South Yorkshire DN4 7AD
1 Hartwith Way, Harrogate, North Yorkshire Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
469 Otley Road, Adel, Leeds, West Yorkshire Nursery Freehold 26/10/2021
LS16 7NR
Cross Road, Idle, Bradford, West Yorkshire Nursery Freehold 27/10/2021
BD10 9RU
Woodlands Park Drive, Apperley Bridge, Nursery Freehold 27/10/2021
Bradford BD10 9SG
17 Ashfield Road, Shipley, Bradford BD18 4JX Nursery Freehold 27/10/2021
73-75 Birchwood Road, Brislington, Bristol BS4 4QN Nursery Freehold 03/11/2021
Dobbies Garden Centre, Haresfield, Garden centre Freehold 23/11/2021
Gloucester GL10 3DP
Unit 11 Merchant Way, Wheatley Hall Road, Car showroom Freehold 24/11/2021
Doncaster, DN2 4BH
Sainsburys, Gateway RP, Middlesbrough Foodstore and Freehold 11/12/2021
Co-op Service Station Norwich Foodstore and Freehold Not
Essentials Inspected
Co-op Service Station Aston Foodstore and Freehold Not
Essentials Inspected
Co-op Service Station Washington Foodstore and Freehold Not
Essentials Inspected
Assisted Living Properties Across England Healthcare 20 Freehold/ Varied
1 Leasehold



The following definitions apply throughout this Supplement unless the context requires otherwise:
“2021 Annual Report and Accounts” the annual report and audited accounts of the Group for the
financial year ended 31 March 2021
“2021 Interim Report” the unaudited interim accounts of the Group for the six months
ended 30 September 2021
“Admission” admission of Ordinary Shares: (i) to trading on the premium
segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market
becoming effective in accordance with the LSE Admission
Standards; and (ii) to the premium list of the Official List
becoming effective in accordance with the Listing Rules
“Alvarium Securities” Alvarium Securities Limited, the Company’s joint global
co-ordinator and joint bookrunner
“Company” LXi REIT plc
“EPRA” European Public Real Estate Association
“EPRA Best Practice the EPRA’s best practice recommendations for financial
Recommendations” reporting of listed property companies
“EPRA Net Tangible Assets” or a measure that assumes entities buy and sell assets, thereby
“EPRA NTA” crystallising certain levels of deferred tax liability. The EPRA
NTA per share for the Group is equal to the IFRS NAV per share
to one tenth of a pence as there are no deferred tax liabilities
or other adjustments other than the reversal of mark-to-market
adjustments of derivatives applicable to the Group
“Estimated EPRA NTA” the estimated EPRA NTA calculated as set out in paragraph 4
of Part 1 of this Supplement
“Estimated EPRA NTA per the Estimated EPRA NTA attributable to the Ordinary Shares
Ordinary Share” divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than
Ordinary Shares held in treasury) as at the date of calculation
“Estimated NAV” the estimated NAV calculated as set out in paragraph 4 of Part
1 of this Supplement
“Estimated NAV per the Estimated NAV attributable to the Ordinary Shares divided
Ordinary Share” by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than Ordinary
Shares held in treasury) as at the date of calculation
“FCA” the Financial Conduct Authority
“FSMA” the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended)
and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the
time being in force
“Group” the Company and its subsidiaries from time to time
“IFRS” international financial reporting standards
“Independent Valuer” Knight Frank LLP, which is registered in England and Wales
(registered number OC305934)
“Intermediaries” the entities listed in paragraph 8 of Part 4 of the Securities
Note, together with any other intermediary (if any) that is
appointed by the Company in connection with the
Intermediaries Offer after the date of the Securities Note and
“Intermediary” shall mean any one of them

“Intermediaries Offer” the offer of New Ordinary Shares by the Intermediaries to retail
“Jefferies” Jefferies International Limited and Jefferies GmbH, the
Company’s joint global co-ordinator, joint broker and joint
“Joint Bookrunners” Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities
“Latest Practicable Date” 18 January 2022
“NAV” or “Net Asset Value” the value, as at any date, of the assets of the Company after
deduction of all its liabilities, before deducting dividends that
have been declared but not paid as at the relevant reporting
date, determined in accordance with the accounting policies
adopted by the Company from time to time
“Net Proceeds of the the gross proceeds of the Subsequent Issue less applicable
Subsequent Issue” fees and expenses of the Subsequent Issue
“New Ordinary Shares” new Ordinary Shares issued by the Company pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue
“Newly Appointed Directors” Cyrus Ardalan, Hugh Seaborn and Ismat Levin, each of whom
has been appointed as a Director effective 13 January 2022
“Offer for Subscription” the offer for subscription of New Ordinary Shares at the
Subsequent Issue Price on the terms set out in Part 8 of the
Securities Note
“Open Offer” the offer to Qualifying Shareholders (as defined in the
Securities Note), constituting an invitation to apply for New
Ordinary Shares, on the terms and subject to the conditions set
out in Part 7 of the Securities Note and, in the case of
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders (as defined in the
Securities Note), the Open Offer Application Form
“Open Offer Application Form” the application form on which Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholders (as defined in the Securities Note) may apply for
New Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer
“Peel Hunt” Peel Hunt LLP, the Company’s sponsor, joint global
co-ordinator, joint broker, joint bookrunner and intermediaries
offer adviser
“Portfolio” the property assets of the Group from time to time including
those property assets on which the Group has exchanged but
not completed contracts to acquire (save where there are
substantial remaining conditions to completion)
“Property Valuation Report” the valuation report dated 31 December 2021 prepared by the
Independent Valuer in respect of the Portfolio set out in Part 2
of this Supplement
“Prospectus” the Summary, the Registration Document, this Supplement and
the Securities Note
“Registration Document” the registration document dated 18 February 2021 issued by
the Company and approved by the FCA
“Securities Note” the securities note dated 20 January 2022 issued by the
Company in respect of New Ordinary Shares made available
pursuant to the Registration Document and approved by the

“Share Issuance Agreement” the Share Issuance Agreement originally dated 18 February
2021 and amended and restated on 20 January 2022 by a
deed of amendment between the Company, the AIFM, the
Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium
Securities, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 8.1 of
Part 1 of this Supplement
“Subsequent Admission” Admission of the New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue
“Subsequent Issue” the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent
Placing, the Open Offer, the Offer for Subscription and the
Intermediaries Offer as described in Part 1 of the Securities
“Subsequent Issue Price” 142 pence per New Ordinary Share
“Subsequent Placing” the conditional placing of New Ordinary Shares by Peel Hunt,
Jefferies and Alvarium Securities pursuant to the Share
Issuance Agreement as described in the Securities Note
“Summary” the summary dated 20 January 2022 issued by the Company
pursuant to the Registration Document and approved by the
“Supplement” this supplement dated 20 January 2022 issued by the
Company in connection with the Registration Document and
approved by the FCA

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as to what action you should take you are recommended to seek your own financial advice immediately from an
independent financial adviser who specialises in advising on shares or other securities and who is authorised under the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) (“FSMA”) or, if you are not resident in the UK, from another
appropriately authorised independent financial adviser in your own jurisdiction.
This Registration Document, the Securities Note and the Summary together comprise a prospectus (the “Prospectus”) relating to
LXi REIT plc (the “Company”) prepared in accordance with the Prospectus Regulation Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority
(“FCA”) made pursuant to section 73A of FSMA.
This Registration Document has been approved by the FCA under the UK Prospectus Regulation. The FCA only approves this
Registration Document as meeting the standards of completeness, comprehensibility and consistency imposed by the
UK Prospectus Regulation. Such approval should not be considered as an endorsement of the issuer that is the subject of this
Registration Document. This Registration Document has been drawn up as part of a simplified prospectus in accordance with
Article 14 of the UK Prospectus Regulation.
This Registration Document is valid for a period of 12 months following its publication and, save in circumstances where the
Company is obliged to publish a supplementary prospectus or a supplement to the Registration Document, will not be updated.
A future prospectus for any issuance of additional Ordinary Shares may, for a period of up to 12 months from the date of the
publication of this Registration Document, consist of this Registration Document, a Future Summary and Future Securities Note
applicable to each issue and subject to a separate approval by the FCA on each issue. Persons receiving this Registration
Document should read the Prospectus together as a whole and should be aware that any update in respect of a Future Summary
and Future Securities Note may constitute a material change for the purpose of the Prospectus Regulation Rules.
The Company and each of the Directors, whose names appear on page 18 of this Registration Document, accept responsibility
for the information contained in this Registration Document. To the best of the knowledge of the Company and the Directors, the
information contained in this Registration Document is in accordance with the facts and the Registration Document makes no
omission likely to affect its import.

LXi REIT plc

(Incorporated in England and Wales with company number 10535081 and registered as an investment company under section 833
of the Companies Act 2006)


Investment Advisor
LXi REIT Advisors Limited
Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited
Sponsor, Joint Global Co-ordinator, Joint Broker, Joint Bookrunner and Intermediaries Offer Adviser
Peel Hunt LLP
Joint Global Co-ordinator, Joint Broker and Joint Bookrunner

Each of Peel Hunt LLP (“Peel Hunt”), Jefferies International Limited, both of which are authorised and regulated in the United
Kingdom by the FCA, and Jefferies GmbH, registered in Germany and authorised and regulated by the Bundesanstalt für
Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (together, Jefferies International Limited and Jefferies GmbH, being “Jefferies”), is acting exclusively
for the Company and for no-one else and will not regard any other person (whether or not a recipient of this Registration
Document) as its client in relation to the Initial Issue, the Share Issuance Programme and the other arrangements referred to in the
Prospectus and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to its clients, nor
for providing advice in connection with the Initial Issue, the Share Issuance Programme, any Admission and the other
arrangements referred to in the Prospectus.
Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be imposed upon Peel Hunt or Jefferies by the FCA or under FSMA,
or the regulatory regime established thereunder or under the regulatory regime of any other jurisdiction where exclusion of liability
under the relevant regulatory regime would be illegal, void or unenforceable, neither Peel Hunt nor Jefferies nor any person
affiliated with them, assumes any responsibility whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the
contents of the Prospectus, including its accuracy, completeness or verification, or for any other statement made or purported to
be made by Peel Hunt, Jefferies, or on their behalf, the Company or any other person in connection with the Company, the New
Ordinary Shares, the Initial Issue, the Share Issuance Programme or any Admission and nothing contained in the Prospectus is or
shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or future. Neither Peel Hunt nor Jefferies
(together with their respective affiliates) assumes any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or verification of the
Prospectus and accordingly each of them disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all liability whether
arising in tort, contract or otherwise which it might otherwise be found to have in respect of the Prospectus or any such statement.
The New Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the “US Securities Act”) or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, and may
not be offered or sold into or within the United States, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the
US Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States.
Outside the United States, the New Ordinary Shares may be sold pursuant to Regulation S under the US Securities Act
(“Regulation S”). Neither the US Securities and Exchange Commission nor any US state securities commission has approved or
disapproved of these securities or determined if this document is truthful or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a
US criminal offence.
The Prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to acquire or subscribe for, New Ordinary Shares
in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful or would impose any unfulfilled registration, qualification, publication
or approval requirements on the Company, Peel Hunt or Jefferies. The offer and sale of New Ordinary Shares has not been and
will not be registered under the applicable securities law of Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore or the Republic of South Africa.
Subject to certain exemptions, the New Ordinary Shares may not be offered to or sold within Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore
or the Republic of South Africa or to any national, resident or citizen of Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore or the Republic of
South Africa. None of the Company, Peel Hunt or Jefferies, or any of their respective representatives, is making any representation
to any offeree or purchaser of the New Ordinary Shares regarding the legality of an investment in the New Ordinary Shares by
such offeree or purchaser under the laws applicable to such offeree or purchaser. Each investor should consult with his or her own
advisors as to the legal, tax, business, financial and related aspects of a purchase of the New Ordinary Shares.
Copies of this Registration Document, the Securities Note and the Summary (along with any Future Securities Note and/or Future
Summary and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company) will be available on the Company’s website and the
National Storage Mechanism of the FCA at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
Dated: 18 February 2021


RISK FACTORS................................................................................................................................ 4
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 15
DIRECTORS, MANAGEMENT AND ADVISERS .............................................................................. 18
PART 1 INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY........................................................................... 20
PART 3 DIRECTORS, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ............................................. 36
PART 4 PROPERTY VALUATION REPORT .............................................................................. 42
PART 5 THE UK REIT REGIME ............................................................................................... 52
PART 6 FINANCIAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 64
PART 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 67
PART 8 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 92


An investment in the Company carries a number of risks including (without limitation) the risk
that the entire investment may be lost. In addition to all other information set out in the
Prospectus, the following specific factors should be considered (alongside the section headed
“Risk Factors” in the Securities Note) when deciding whether to make an investment in the
The risks set out below are those which are considered to be the material risks relating to an
investment in the Company but are not the only risks relating to the Company or the Group.
An investment in the Company is suitable for institutional investors, professional investors,
high net worth investors, professionally advised private investors and retail investors seeking
exposure to a diversified portfolio of UK property that benefits from long and index-linked
leases with institutional-grade tenants with strong financial covenants. Investors should
understand the risks and merits of such an investment and have sufficient resources to be
able to bear any losses (which may equal up to the whole amount invested) that may result
from such an investment. Furthermore, an investment in the Company should constitute part
of a diversified investment portfolio. Additional risks and uncertainties of which the Company
is presently unaware or that the Company currently believes are immaterial may also adversely
affect its business, financial condition, results of operations or the value of the Ordinary
As required by the UK Prospectus Regulation, the risk that the Directors consider to be the
most material risk in each category, taking into account the negative impact on the Company
and the probability of its occurrence, has been set out first. Given the forward-looking nature
of the risks, there can be no guarantee that any such risk is, in fact, the most material or the
most likely to occur. Investors should, therefore, review and consider each risk.


The Company’s financial performance and prospects may continue to be adversely affected by
the COVID-19 pandemic, the long-term impact of which is currently unknown
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation announced that the outbreak of COVID-19
(commonly referred to as Coronavirus) had been declared a global pandemic. COVID-19 has
created considerable uncertainty for the UK economy, the real estate market and the sectors in which
the Company invests. As a result, COVID-19 has had an effect on the Group’s returns, and in
particular dividends paid, as a result of lower rent collections. Furthermore, the long-term impacts of
the outbreak are unknown and rapidly evolving. There is no assurance that the outbreak will not
continue to adversely affect the UK economy and real estate market, thereby having a material
adverse impact on the future results of the Company.
The effects of COVID-19 are likely to continue for the foreseeable future, increasing the levels of risk
in a number of areas. In particular, the outbreak could increase the risk of tenant default, the extent
of which varies significantly by business sector and tenant. The payment of dividends by the
Company is dependent on rent collection by the Group and, if rent collection is affected by tenant
defaults or otherwise, it could restrict the Company’s ability to pay dividends.
Furthermore, the uncertainty caused by the outbreak could cause the market price of the Ordinary
Shares to deviate from their underlying NAV, increasing any discount at which the Ordinary Shares
trade, and could adversely affect the ability of the Company to raise capital in the near term. In
extraordinary circumstances, the effects of COVID-19 could impact the Company’s forward funded
developments, causing tenant pre-lets to be broken or developers to default on their contractual
obligations. Any adverse impact on property valuations or rental income from the Group’s
investments as a result of the pandemic could increase the risk of the Group breaching financial
covenants in its borrowing facilities (in particular those relating to loan to value ratio and interest
cover ratio), which could require the Group to repay loans early and sell assets prematurely to fund
such early repayment. Furthermore, restrictions on travel or movement could adversely affect the
ability of the Board and/or the Company’s service providers to discharge their responsibilities to the

The future development of the outbreak is uncertain and the extent of the impact will depend on the
continued range of the virus, the emergence of new strains, infection rates, the severity and mortality
rates of the virus, the timing, implementation and efficacy of vaccines, the steps taken in the UK and
globally to prevent the spread of the virus as well as fiscal and monetary stimuli offered by the
UK government and governments globally.

The Company may not meet its investment objective or return objective
The Company may not achieve its investment objective. Meeting the investment objective is a target
but the existence of such an objective should not be considered as an assurance or guarantee that
it can or will be met.
The Company’s investment objective is to provide Shareholders with an inflation protected income
and capital growth over the medium-term. The payment of future dividends and the level of any
future dividends paid by the Company is subject to the discretion of the Directors and will depend
upon, amongst other things, the Company successfully pursuing its investment policy and the
Company’s earnings, financial position, cash requirements, level and rate of borrowings and
availability of profit, as well as the provisions of relevant laws or generally accepted accounting
principles from time to time. There can be no assurance that any dividends will be paid in respect of
any financial year or period and no guarantee as to the level of any future dividends to be paid by
the Company. There is no guarantee that the Company will achieve the stated target total NAV return
referred to in this Registration Document and therefore achieve its return objective.

The Company’s targeted returns are based on estimates and assumptions that are inherently
subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, and the actual rate of return may be
materially lower than the targeted returns
The Company’s target total NAV return set out in this Registration Document is a target only (and, for
the avoidance of doubt, is not a profit forecast). There can be no assurance that the Company will
meet this target, or any other level of return, or that the Company will achieve or successfully
implement its investment objectives. The Company may not be able to implement its investment
objective and investment policy in a manner that generates returns in line with its targets. The
existence of the target total NAV return should not be considered as an assurance or guarantee that
it can or will be met by the Company.
Although the target total NAV return figure is presented as a specific figure in this Registration
Document, the actual returns achieved by the Company’s investment portfolio may vary from the
target total NAV return and these variations may be material. The target total NAV return figure is
based on the Investment Advisor’s assessment of appropriate expectations for returns on the
investments that the Company has made and proposes to make and the ability of the Investment
Advisor to enhance the return generated by those investments through active asset management and
based on assumptions including those relating to forecasts of increases in property capital, loan and
rental values. There can be no assurance that these assessments, expectations and assumptions will
be proved correct and failure to achieve any or all of them may materially adversely impact the
Company’s ability to achieve the target total NAV return.
In addition, numerous factors, including, without limitation, taxation and fees payable by the Company
or its intermediary holding entities, could prevent the Company from achieving its target total
NAV return, even if the individual investments made by the Company were to achieve returns in line
with the Company’s stated targets.
The target total NAV return figure is based on estimates and assumptions about a variety of factors
including, without limitation, purchase price, yield and performance of the Company’s investments
(including the impact of COVID-19), which are inherently subject to significant business, economic
and market uncertainties and contingencies, all of which are beyond the Company’s control and
which may adversely affect the Company’s ability to achieve its targeted returns. In particular, the
target assumes that future rent collection is not materially lower than that achieved so far throughout
the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the target total NAV return figure is based on the general and
local market conditions and the economic environment at the time of assessing the targeted returns,
and is therefore subject to change. In particular, the Company’s stated target total NAV return
assumes no material changes occur in government regulations or other policies, or in law and
taxation, or changes in the political approach to real estate investment, and that the Company is not
affected by natural disasters, terrorism, social unrest or civil disturbances or the occurrence of risks

described elsewhere in this Registration Document. There is no guarantee that actual (or any) returns
can be achieved at or near the levels set out in this Registration Document. Accordingly, the actual
rate of return achieved may be materially lower than that targeted, or may result in a partial or total
loss, which could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s profitability, the NAV and the price
of the Ordinary Shares.

The Company’s due diligence may not identify all risks and liabilities in respect of an acquisition
Prior to the Company entering into an agreement to acquire a property, the Investment Advisor, on
behalf of the Company, will perform due diligence on the property concerned. In doing so it would
typically rely on third parties to conduct a significant portion of this due diligence (including legal
reports on title and property valuations). There can be no assurance, however, that any due diligence
examinations carried out by third parties on behalf of the Company in connection with any assets the
Company may acquire will reveal all of the risks associated with that asset, or the full extent of such
risks. To the extent that such third parties underestimate or fail to identify risks and liabilities
(including any environmental liabilities) associated with the property in question, the Company may
be affected by defects in title, or exposed to environmental, structural or operational defects or
liabilities requiring remediation, which may not be covered by indemnities or insurance, or may be
unable to obtain necessary permits or permissions which may have a material adverse effect on the
Company’s profitability, the NAV and the price of the Ordinary Shares.
A due diligence failure may also result in properties that are acquired failing to perform in
accordance with projections, particularly as to rent and occupancy, which may have a material
adverse effect on the Company’s profitability, the NAV and the price of the Ordinary Shares.
Even where the Investment Advisor has been able to identify relevant risks and liabilities associated
with a potential acquisition through the due diligence process, the contractual protections in the
acquisition documentation may not be sufficient to protect the Group from such risks and liabilities.
As a consequence, the Group may be affected by or exposed to risks against which it has
insufficient or no protection or available remedies which may have a material adverse effect on the
Group’s financial condition, business, prospects and results of operations.

Availability of borrowings and the gearing effect of borrowing can work against as well as for
The Group uses borrowings to seek to enhance equity returns and to enable the Company to pursue
its investment objective and will seek to continue to do so in the future, which exposes the Company
to a variety of risks associated with borrowing.
Any amounts that are secured under a bank facility are likely to rank ahead of Shareholders’
entitlements and accordingly, should returns derived from the Company’s investments not be
sufficient to cover the costs and liabilities of such borrowings, on a liquidation of the Company,
Shareholders may not recover their initial investment and in certain circumstances may lose their
entire investment.
Whilst the use of borrowings should enhance the NAV per Ordinary Share where the value of the
Group’s investments is rising, it will have the opposite effect where the value of the Group’s
investments is falling. In addition, in the event that rental income from the Group’s investments falls
(for example as a result of defaults by tenants) the use of borrowings will increase the impact of such
falls on the net income of the Group and this in turn will have an adverse effect on the Company’s
ability to pay dividends.
The Group’s borrowing facilities contain certain financial covenants relating to loan to value ratio and
interest cover ratio, a breach of which would lead to a default on the loan. The Group must continue
to operate within these financial covenants to avoid default. In the event that the Group breaches any
of the financial covenants relating to its facilities, the Group may be required to repay the loans early
and, as a consequence, may be forced to sell assets at a price lower than that which would otherwise
be achieved in an ordinary sale in order to fund such early repayment.
In addition, it is not certain that the Group will be able to refinance indebtedness as it matures or
enter into new facilities on acceptable terms or at all. To date, the Group has either borrowed on a
fixed rate basis or entered into hedging arrangements to mitigate the risk of movements in interest
rates. To the extent that such arrangements are no longer available or are only available on terms
which are not commercially acceptable to, or viable for, the Group, and the Group does not enter into
suitable hedging arrangements, the Group may be exposed to interest rate risk due to fluctuations in

the prevailing market rates. In the future, the Group may find it difficult or costly to refinance debt
within the Group and may be subject to higher interest rates which increase costs. Any of the
foregoing events may have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial condition, business,
prospects and results of operations and ability to make distributions to Shareholders and may lead
to further equity capital raisings by the Company or forced sales of assets.

Unsuccessful transaction costs may adversely affect the Company’s business, financial
condition, results of operations and prospects
The Company and the Investment Advisor expect to incur significant time and costs in connection
with potential acquisitions, including third party costs in connection with identifying suitable
investment opportunities, due diligence, negotiating transaction documentation and legal and
accounting costs. In addition, the Company expects to incur certain third party costs, including in
connection with financing, valuations and professional services associated with sourcing and
analysis of suitable assets. Where prospective acquisitions do not proceed to completion, those
costs incurred may adversely affect the Company’s business, financial condition, results of
operations and prospects.

Portfolio concentration risk may mean that the Company’s performance is significantly affected
by events outside its control
Although the Company has, and aims to maintain, a portfolio diversified by sector and tenant, all of
the Company’s assets are, and will be, invested in UK property. Consequently, any downturn in the
UK and its economy or regulatory changes in the UK, due to Brexit or otherwise, could have a
material adverse effect on the Company’s results of operations or financial condition. In addition,
there are no limits on the percentage of the Company’s gross assets which may be invested in any
one sector, save that the Company must be invested in a minimum of two sectors at all times. Greater
concentration of investments in any sector or exposure to the creditworthiness of any one tenant may
mean that the Company’s performance is significantly affected by events outside its control that
impact that sector or tenant. This may lead to greater volatility in the value of the Company’s
properties and the NAV and may materially and adversely affect the performance of the Company
and returns to Shareholders.

The Company’s use of derivative instruments may expose the Company to greater risk
The Company may utilise derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management purposes. Where
the Company utilises derivative instruments, it is likely to take a credit risk with regard to the parties
with whom it trades and may also bear the risk of settlement default. These risks may differ materially
from those entailed in exchange-traded transactions that generally are backed by clearing
organisation guarantees, daily marking-to-market and settlement, and segregation and minimum
capital requirements applicable to intermediaries. Transactions entered into directly between
counterparties generally do not benefit from such protections and expose the parties to the risk of
counterparty default. Accordingly, the Company’s use of derivative instruments may expose the
Company to greater risk and have a material adverse effect on the Company’s performance.
The Company seeks to mitigate interest rate risk using derivative instruments. However, there can be
no assurances or guarantees that the Company will successfully hedge against such risks or that
adequate hedging arrangements will be available on an economically viable basis. Hedging
arrangements may result in additional costs being incurred or losses being greater than if hedging
had not been used.

The Company may be adversely affected by the UK’s exit from the European Union
The UK left the European Union on 31 January 2020 (“Brexit”), following which a UK-EU withdrawal
agreement came into force and the UK entered into an 11 month transition period (the “Transition
Period”). During the Transition Period, most EU law continued to apply to, and in, the UK and the
UK continued to be treated for most purposes as if it were still a Member State. The Transition Period
ended on 31 December 2020.
While the UK and the EU have concluded a Trade and Cooperation Agreement on the terms of their
relationship following the end of the Transition Period, the macroeconomic effect that Brexit will have
on the value of investments in the UK real estate sector (and, by extension, the value of the
investments in the Group’s investment portfolio) is still unknown. As such, it is not possible to state the
impact that Brexit will have on the Group and its investments in the medium-to-long-term. Brexit may

also make it more difficult for the Company to raise capital in the EU and/or increase the regulatory
compliance burden on the Group. This could restrict the Group’s future activities and thereby
negatively affect returns.
The Group’s tenants may also be impacted by the macroeconomic effect of Brexit, the eventual
consequences of which may impact upon tenants’ ability to comply with their rental obligations
causing them to breach the terms of their leases which may materially adversely affect the Group’s

The Company may face delays in deployment of the Net Issue Proceeds
The Company has not entered into any legally binding contractual arrangements to acquire any
further properties from any potential vendors. There can therefore be no assurance as to how long it
will take for the Company to invest the Net Issue Proceeds.
Although the Company, acting on advice from the Investment Advisor, has identified a number of
available properties that are consistent with its investment objective and policy (details of which are
set out in paragraph 4 of part 2 of this Registration Document), there can be no certainty that the
Company will be able to acquire these or other properties on acceptable terms or at all. The past
performance of the Investment Advisor in terms of the speed of deployment of the £843 million of
equity and debt raised on and since the Company’s IPO cannot be taken as an indication of the
speed of deployment of the Net Issue Proceeds.
Even where the Company, acting on advice from the Investment Advisor, has identified and approved
the acquisition of a property in line with its investment objective and investment policy it may
encounter a number of delays before the property is finally acquired. These delays may arise as a
result of, inter alia, conducting full and proper due diligence on the new property and any tenant(s),
negotiating acceptable purchase contracts, proceeding to completion of the acquisition and
obtaining any necessary approvals, consents and/or permits. Necessary approvals may be refused,
or granted only on onerous terms, and any such refusals, or the imposition of onerous terms, may
result in an investment not proceeding as originally intended and could result in significant costs
associated with aborting the transaction being incurred by the Company.
In addition, the Company will also face competition from other property investors in identifying and
acquiring suitable properties. Competitors may have greater financial resources than the Company
and a greater ability to borrow funds to acquire properties and may have the ability or inclination to
acquire real estate assets at a higher price or on terms less favourable than those the Company may
be prepared to accept. Competition in the property market may also lead either to an oversupply of
properties in the target market through over development or the price of existing properties being
driven up through competing bids by potential purchasers.
Any delays in deployment of the Net Issue Proceeds may have an impact on the Company’s results
of operations, cash flows and the ability of the Company to pay dividends to Shareholders and to
achieve the stated target total NAV return referred to in this Registration Document and therefore to
achieve its return objective. Pending deployment of the Net Issue Proceeds, the Company intends to
invest cash in cash deposits and cash equivalents for cash management purposes. Interim cash
management is likely to yield materially lower returns than the expected returns from investments.

Investor returns will be dependent upon the performance of the Company’s portfolio and the
Company may experience fluctuations in its operating results as a result of risks inherent in real
estate asset investment
Returns achieved are reliant primarily upon the performance of the Company’s portfolio. No
assurance is given, express or implied, that Shareholders will be able to realise the amount of their
original investment in the New Ordinary Shares. Revenues earned from, and the capital value and
disposal value of, real estate assets held by the Company and the Company’s business may be
materially adversely affected by a number of factors inherent in investment in real estate assets. The
Company may experience fluctuations in its operating results due to a number of factors, including
changes in the values of properties in the Company’s portfolio from time to time, changes in its rental
income, operating expenses, occupancy rates, material litigation with tenants, the degree to which it
encounters competition and general economic and market conditions. In addition, the Company is
exposed to the creditworthiness of tenants which could result in delays in receipt of rental and other
contractual payments, inability to collect such payments at all including the risk of tenants defaulting
on their obligations and seeking the protection of bankruptcy laws, the renegotiation of tenant leases

on terms less favourable to the Company, or the termination of tenant leases. Further, although
100 per cent. of the Company’s properties are let or pre-let under “triple net, full repairing and
insuring leases”, there may be increases in operating and other expenses or cash needs without a
corresponding increase in turnover or tenant reimbursements, including as a result of increases in
the rate of inflation in excess of rental growth, property taxes or statutory charges or insurance
premiums, costs associated with tenant vacancies and unforeseen capital expenditure affecting
properties which cannot be recovered from tenants.
Such variability in its operating results may be reflected in dividends, may lead to volatility in the
market price of the Ordinary Shares and may cause the Company’s results for a particular period not
to be indicative of its performance in a future period. In addition, if the Company’s revenues earned
from tenants or the value of its real estate assets are adversely impacted by the above or other
factors, the Company’s financial condition, business, prospects and results of operations may be
materially adversely affected.

Changes in laws or regulations governing the Group’s operations may adversely affect the
Group’s business
The Group is subject to laws and regulations enacted by national and local governments. In
particular, the Group is subject to and will be required to comply with certain regulatory requirements
that are applicable to listed closed-ended investment companies. In addition, the Company is subject
to the continuing obligations imposed by the FCA on all investment companies whose shares are
listed on the Official List.
The Group’s properties must comply with laws and regulations which relate to, among other things,
property, land use, development, zoning, health and safety requirements and environmental
compliance. All of these laws and regulations are subject to change, which may be retrospective,
and changes in regulations could adversely affect existing planning consent, costs of property
ownership, the capital value of the Group’s assets and the income arising from the Group’s portfolio.
Such changes could also adversely affect the Company’s ability to use a property as intended and
could cause the Group to incur increased capital expenditure or running costs to ensure compliance
with new applicable laws or regulation. Changes in laws and governmental regulations governing
leases could restrict the Company’s ability to increase the rent payable by tenants, terminate leases
or determine the terms on which a lease may be renewed.
Any change in the law and regulation affecting the Group and its operations may have a material
adverse effect on the ability of the Group to carry on its business and successfully pursue its
investment policy and on the value of the Company and/or the New Ordinary Shares. In such event,
the investment returns of the Company may be materially adversely affected.


Property valuation is inherently subjective and uncertain
Property is inherently difficult to value due to the individual nature of each property and property
valuation is inherently subjective. As a result, valuations are subject to uncertainty and there can be
no assurance that the estimates resulting from the valuation process will reflect actual sales prices
that could be realised by the Group in the future. The Administrator will rely on the independent
valuation of the Company’s properties in calculating the Company’s NAV.
The Property Valuation Report in Part 4 of this Registration Document is made on the basis of certain
assumptions which may not prove to reflect the true position. In determining the value of properties,
valuers are required to make assumptions in respect of matters including, but not limited to, the
existence of willing buyers in uncertain market conditions, title, condition of structure and services,
environmental matters, statutory requirements, expected future rental revenues from the property and
other information. Such assumptions may prove to be inaccurate. Incorrect assumptions underlying
the valuation reports could negatively affect the value of any property assets the Group acquires and
thereby have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial condition. This is particularly so in
periods of volatility or when there is limited real estate transactional data against which property
valuations can be benchmarked. There can also be no assurance that these valuations will be
reflected in the actual transaction prices, even where any such transactions occur shortly after the
relevant valuation date, or that the estimated yield and annual rental income will prove to be

Property investment performance can fluctuate over time and values can increase or decrease.
Economic, political, fiscal and legal issues can affect values as they can with any other investment.
The Group’s Portfolio will be valued on each valuation date by a professional independent valuer as
may be appointed by the Company from time to time.
To the extent valuations of the Group’s properties do not fully reflect the value of the underlying
properties, whether due to the above factors or otherwise, this may have a material adverse effect on
the Group’s financial condition, business, prospects and results of operations. It may also adversely
affect the ability of the Group to secure financing on acceptable terms.

The Company is subject to the risk of a tenant defaulting

Dividends payable by the Company will be dependent on the income from the properties it owns.
Failure by tenants to comply with their rental obligations could affect the ability of the Company to
pay dividends to Shareholders.

The Group’s investments are illiquid and may be difficult or impossible to realise at a particular
The Group invests in commercial properties. Such investments are relatively illiquid (in comparison to
other types of investments, such as bonds and securities, which have daily liquidity). Such illiquidity,
may affect the Group’s ability to adjust, dispose of or liquidate any or all of its portfolio in a timely
fashion and at satisfactory prices in response to changes in economic, property market or other
There can be no assurance that, at the time the Company seeks to dispose of assets (whether
voluntarily or otherwise) relevant market conditions will be favourable or that the Company will be able
to maximise the returns on such disposed assets. To the extent that the property market conditions
are not favourable, the Group may not be able to dispose of property assets at a gain and may even
have to dispose of them at a loss. The Group may be forced to realise the disposal of an asset at a
discount to the prevailing valuation of the relevant property, which may have a material adverse effect
on the Group’s profitability, the NAV and the price of the Ordinary Shares.

The Company’s performance will be subject to the condition of the property markets in the UK
As all of the Company’s assets are, and will be, invested in UK property, the Company’s performance
will be subject to, among other things, the conditions of the property markets in the UK, which will
affect both the value of any assets that the Company acquires and the income these assets produce.
The value of assets and the income produced will be impacted by the general macro-economic
climate and the conditions of the real estate property market in the UK. Declines in the performance
of the economy or the property market could have a negative impact on investment, consumer
spending, levels of employment, rental revenues and vacancy rates and, as a result have a material
adverse impact on the Company’s financial condition, business, prospectus and results of
operations. See also Risk Factors “Portfolio concentration risk may mean that the Company’s
performance is significantly affected by events outside its control” and “The Company may be
adversely affected by the UK’s exit from the European Union”.
In addition to the impact from the general economic climate, the property markets and prevailing
rental rates in the UK may also be affected by factors such as an excess supply of properties, a fall
in the general demand for rental property, reductions in tenants’ and potential tenants’ space
requirements, the availability of credit and changes in laws and governmental regulations (both
domestic and international), including those governing real estate usage, zoning and taxes, all of
which are outside of the Company’s control.
These factors, including any property market recession or future deterioration in the property market
could, inter alia: (i) make it harder for the Group to attract new tenants for its properties; (ii) lead to
an increase in tenant defaults; (iii) lead to a lack of finance available to the Group; (iv) cause the
Group to realise its investments at lower valuations than commercially desirable; and (v) delay the
timings of the Group’s realisations. A decline in value of the Company’s properties may also weaken
the Company’s ability to obtain financing for new investments. Any of the foregoing could have a
material adverse effect on the ability of the Company to achieve its investment objective, on the NAV
and on the market price of the Ordinary Shares.

Forward funded projects possess (unless assumed by the developer and/or contractor) potential
risks associated with the construction and development of commercial real estate, any of which
could result in increased costs and/or damage to persons or property
The investment policy provides that the Company may purchase already built property assets or, in
some circumstances, forward fund property assets that are in construction. Forward funded projects
are subject to various hazards and risks associated with the construction and development of
commercial real estate, including personal injury and property damage, delays in the timely
completion of projects and properties being available for occupancy, cost overruns in relation to the
services provided by the third party contractors that are not borne by such contractors, fraud or
misconduct by an officer, employee or agent of a third party contractor, liability of the Company for
the actions of the third party contractors or insolvency of third party contractors.
To the extent that such risks are not assumed by the developer and/or contractor, the occurrence of
any of these events could result in increased operating costs, fines and legal fees and potentially in
reputational damage or criminal prosecution of the Company, and its Board and Investment Advisor,
all of which could have an adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition, results of
operations, future prospects or the market price of the Ordinary Shares.
In addition, there is a risk of disputes with developers and/or contractors should they fail to perform
against contractual obligations. Any litigation or arbitration resulting from any such disputes may
increase the Group’s expenses and distract the Board and the Investment Advisor from focusing their
time to fulfil the investment objective of the Group.
In the event that a developer and/or contractor needs to be replaced, whether due to expiry of an
existing contract, insolvency, poor performance or any other reason, the Group will be required to
appoint a replacement developer and/or contractor. There can be no assurance that the Group would
be able to retain a new developer and/or contractor on acceptable terms or at all. Any such
replacement developer and/or contractor may be more costly to the Group. If it takes a long time to
find a suitable developer and/or contractor, it could potentially lead to delays, lower technical and
operating performance or downtime for the relevant asset or cancellation of key contracts. This could
have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial position, results of operation and business

The Company’s properties may suffer physical damage resulting in losses (including loss of
rent) which may not be fully compensated by insurance or at all
The Company’s property assets may suffer physical damage resulting in losses (including loss of
rent) which may not be compensated for by insurance, either fully or at all. In addition, there are
certain types of losses, generally of a catastrophic nature, that may be uninsurable or are not
economically insurable. Inflation, changes in building codes and ordinances, environmental
considerations and other factors might also result in insurance proceeds being insufficient to repair
or replace a property. Should an uninsured loss or a loss in excess of insured limits occur, the
Company may lose capital invested in the affected property as well as anticipated future revenue
from that property. In addition, the Company could be liable to repair damage caused by uninsured
risks or pay for uninsured environmental clean-up costs. The Company might also remain liable for
any debt or other financial obligations related to that property. Any material uninsured losses may
have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business prospects, results of operations and
financial condition.


The Company is dependent on the expertise of the AIFM, the Investment Advisor and their key
personnel to evaluate investment opportunities and to assist in the implementation of the
Company’s investment objective and investment policy
The Company will be reliant upon, and its success will depend on, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor
and their personnel, services, market intelligence, relationships and expertise.
The ability of the Company to successfully pursue its investment objective and investment policy may,
among other things, depend on the ability of the AIFM and the Investment Advisor to retain their
existing staff and/or to recruit individuals of similar experience and calibre. The retention of key
members of the team cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, in the event of a departure of a key
employee of the AIFM or the Investment Advisor, there is no guarantee that the AIFM or the

Investment Advisor would be able to recruit a suitable replacement or that any delay in doing so
would not adversely affect the performance of the Company.
The Company is subject to the risk that the Investment Management Agreement and the Investment
Advisory Agreement may be terminated and that no suitable replacement will be found. If the
Investment Management Agreement and the Investment Advisory Agreement are terminated and a
suitable replacement is not secured in a timely manner or key personnel of the AIFM and the
Investment Advisor are not available to the Company with an appropriate time commitment, the ability
of the Company to execute its investment objective and investment policy may be adversely affected.

The Company has no employees and is reliant on the performance of third party service
The Company has no employees and the Directors have all been appointed on a non-executive basis.
Whilst the Company has taken all reasonable steps to establish and maintain adequate procedures,
systems and controls to enable it to comply with its obligations, the Company is reliant upon the
performance of third party service providers for certain of its executive functions. In particular, the
AIFM, the Investment Advisor, the Administrator, the Depositary and the Registrar perform services
which are integral to the operation of the Company, such as the calculation of the Company’s NAV,
the preparation of the Company’s financial statements and the safekeeping of the Company’s
investments. Failure by any service provider to carry out its obligations to the Company in
accordance with the terms of its appointment could have a materially detrimental impact on the
operation of the Company and potentially expose the Group to regulatory penalties, reputational
damage or even impact the value of the Company’s investments, causing losses for the Group.
The Company’s service providers are reliant on information and technology systems that may be
vulnerable to damage or interruption from computer viruses, network failures, computer and
telecommunication failures, infiltration by unauthorised persons and security breaches, usage errors
by its professionals, power outages and catastrophic events such as fires. Although the Company’s
service providers have implemented various measures to manage risks relating to these types of
events, any failure of these systems for any reason could cause significant interruptions in a service
provider’s operations, impact its ability to perform its obligations to the Company, result in a failure to
maintain the security, confidentiality or privacy of sensitive data belonging to the Company and
potentially expose the Company to legal claims and/or reputational damage.
The past performance of other investments managed or advised by the Investment Advisor’s affiliates
or its affiliates’ investment professionals cannot be relied upon as an indicator of the future
performance of the Company. Total NAV returns will be dependent upon the Company successfully
pursuing its investment objective and investment policy. The success of the Company will depend,
inter alia, on the AIFM’s and the Investment Advisor’s ability to identify, acquire and realise properties
in accordance with the Company’s investment objective and investment policy. This, in turn, will
depend on the ability of the Investment Advisor to apply its investment analysis processes in a way
which is capable of identifying suitable properties for the Company to invest in. There can be no
assurance that the Investment Advisor will be able to do so or that the Company will be able to invest
its assets on attractive terms or generate any investment returns for Shareholders or indeed avoid
investment losses.

The AIFM, the Investment Advisor and their affiliates may provide services to other clients which
could compete directly or indirectly with the activities of the Company and may be subject to
conflicts of interest in respect of their activities on behalf of the Company
The AIFM, the Investment Advisor and their affiliates are involved in other activities which may on
occasion give rise to conflicts of interest with the Company. In particular: (i) the AIFM, the Investment
Advisor or their affiliates may manage and/or advise other funds and may provide investment
management, investment advisory or other services in relation to these funds or future funds which
may have similar investment policies to that of the Company; (ii) the AIFM, the Investment Advisor
and their affiliates may carry on investment activities for their own accounts and for other accounts in
which the Company has no interest; and (iii) the AIFM, the Investment Advisor and their affiliates may
give advice and recommend investments to other managed accounts or investment funds which may
differ from advice given to, or investments recommended or bought for, the Company, even though
their investment policies may be the same or similar. If these conflicts of interest are managed to the
detriment of the Company by the AIFM or the Investment Advisor they could materially and adversely
affect the performance of the Company.

If the Company fails to remain qualified as a REIT, its rental income and gains will be subject to
UK corporation tax
The Company cannot guarantee that the Group will remain qualified as a REIT. If the Group fails to
qualify or remain qualified as a REIT, the Group will be subject to UK corporation tax on some or all
of its property rental income and chargeable gains on the sale of properties, which would reduce the
amounts available to distribute to Shareholders.
The requirements for maintaining REIT status are complex. Minor breaches of certain conditions
within the REIT regime may result in additional tax being payable or, if remedied within a given period
of time, will not be penalised, provided that the regime is not breached more than a certain number
of times. A serious breach of the REIT regime may lead to the Company or a member of the Group
ceasing to be a, or a member of a, REIT. If the Company or the Group fails to meet certain of the
statutory requirements to maintain its status as a REIT, it may be subject to UK corporation tax on the
profits of its Property Rental Business including any chargeable gains on the sale of some or all of
its properties. This could reduce the reserves available to make distributions to Shareholders and the
yield on the Ordinary Shares. In addition, incurring a UK corporation tax liability might require the
Company to borrow funds, liquidate some of its assets or take other steps that could negatively affect
its operating results. Moreover, if the Group’s REIT status is withdrawn altogether because of a failure
to meet one or more REIT conditions, disqualification from being a REIT may take effect from the end
of the accounting period preceding that in which the failure occurred.

A change in the tax status of the Company or a member of the Group or in taxation legislation in
the UK could adversely affect the Company’s profits and portfolio value and/or returns to and/or
the tax treatment for Shareholders
The levels of and reliefs from taxation may change, adversely affecting the financial prospects of the
Company and/or the returns payable to and/or the tax treatment for Shareholders.
Investors should consult their tax advisers with respect to their particular tax situation and the tax
effects of an investment in the Company. Statements in the Prospectus concerning the taxation of
investors or prospective investors in Ordinary Shares are based upon current tax law and tax
authority practice, each of which is potentially subject to change. The value of particular tax reliefs,
if available, will depend on each individual Shareholder’s circumstances. The Prospectus does not
constitute tax advice and must not therefore be treated as a substitute for independent tax advice.

Distribution requirements may limit the Company’s flexibility in executing its acquisition plans
To maintain REIT status and as a result obtain full exemption from UK corporation tax on the profits
(and, where relevant, gains) of its Property Rental Business, the Company is required to distribute
annually to Shareholders an amount sufficient to meet the 90 per cent. distribution test by way of
PIDs. The Company would be required to pay tax at regular UK corporation tax rates on any shortfall
to the extent that the Company distributes as PIDs less than the amount required to meet the 90 per
cent. distribution test for each accounting period.
In addition, differences in timing between the receipt of cash and the recognition of income for the
purposes of the REIT Regime and the effect of any potential debt amortisation payments could
require the Company to borrow funds to meet the distribution requirements that are necessary to
achieve the full tax benefits associated with qualifying as a REIT, even if the then-prevailing market
conditions are not favourable for these borrowings.
As a result of these factors, the constraints of maintaining REIT status could limit the Company’s and
the Group’s flexibility to make investments.

The Company’s status as a REIT may restrict the Company’s distribution opportunities to
The Company may become subject to an additional tax charge if it makes a distribution to, or in
respect of, a Substantial Shareholder, that is broadly a company which has rights to at least 10 per
cent. of the distributions or Ordinary Shares or controls at least 10 per cent. of the voting rights. This
additional tax charge will not be incurred if the Company has taken reasonable steps to avoid paying
distributions to a Substantial Shareholder. Therefore, the Articles contain provisions designed to avoid
the situation where distributions may become payable to a Substantial Shareholder and these

provisions are summarised at paragraph 2 of Part 5 of this Registration Document. These provisions
provide the Directors with powers to identify Substantial Shareholders and to prohibit the payment of
dividends on Ordinary Shares that form part of a Substantial Shareholding unless certain conditions
are met. The Articles also allow the Directors to require the disposal of Ordinary Shares forming part
of a Substantial Shareholding in certain circumstances where the Substantial Shareholder has failed
to comply with the above outlined provisions.

The Company may be subject to reporting obligations such as the automatic exchange of
information (AEOI)
To the extent that the Company may be a Reporting Financial Institution under FATCA and/or the
Common Reporting Standard, or in connection with other tax information reporting obligations, it may
require Shareholders to provide it with certain information in order to comply with its AEOI obligations
which information may be provided to the UK tax authorities who may in turn exchange that
information with certain other tax authorities.


This Registration Document contains forward-looking statements, including, without limitation,
statements containing the words “believes”, “estimates”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “intends”,
“may”, “will” or “should” or, in each case, their negative or other variations or similar expressions.
Such forward-looking statements involve unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may
cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of the Company, or
industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements
expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
Given these uncertainties, prospective investors are cautioned not to place any undue reliance on
such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this
Registration Document. Subject to its legal and regulatory obligations (including under the
Prospectus Regulation Rules), the Company expressly disclaims any obligations to update or revise
any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in expectations with regard
thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based
unless required to do so by law or any appropriate regulatory authority, including FSMA, the
UK Prospectus Regulation, the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and
Transparency Rules, the UK Market Abuse Regulation and the Listing Rules.
Nothing in the preceding two paragraphs should be taken as limiting the working capital statement
in paragraph 5 of Part 4 of the Securities Note.

This Registration Document should be read in its entirety, along with the Summary and the Securities
Note and any Future Summary and Future Securities Note, before making any application for New
Ordinary Shares. Prospective investors should rely only on the information contained in the
Prospectus (which comprises this Registration Document, together with the Summary and the
Securities Note and any Future Registration Document, Future Summary or Future Securities Note
and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company).
No broker, dealer or other person has been authorised by the Company to issue any advertisement
or to give any information or to make any representations in connection with the offering or sale of
New Ordinary Shares other than those contained in the Prospectus and, if issued, given or made,
such advertisement, information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised
by the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or any of their respective affiliates, officers, directors,
employees or agents.
Without prejudice to the Company’s obligations under the UK Prospectus Regulation, the Prospectus
Regulation Rules, the Listing Rules, the UK Market Abuse Regulation and the Disclosure Guidance
and Transparency Rules, neither the delivery of the Prospectus nor any subscription for or purchase
of Ordinary Shares made pursuant to the Initial Issue or the Share Issuance Programme shall, under
any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the
Company since, or that the information contained in the Prospectus is correct as at any time
subsequent to, the date of the Prospectus.
Apart from the liabilities and responsibilities (if any) which may be imposed on Peel Hunt or Jefferies
by FSMA or the regulatory regime established thereunder, or under the regulatory regime of any
other jurisdiction where exclusion of liability under the relevant regulatory regime would be illegal,
void or unenforceable, neither Peel Hunt nor Jefferies makes any representation, express or implied,
nor accepts any responsibility whatsoever for, the contents of the Prospectus nor for any other
statement made or purported to be made by it or on its behalf in connection with the Company, the
Ordinary Shares, the Initial Issue, the Share Issuance Programme or any Admission. Each of Peel
Hunt and Jefferies (together with their respective affiliates) accordingly, to the fullest extent permitted
by law, disclaims all and any liability (save for any statutory liability) whether arising in tort, contract
or otherwise which it might otherwise have in respect of the Prospectus or any other statement.
All Shareholders are entitled to the benefit of, are bound by, and are deemed to have notice of, the
provisions of the Company’s memorandum of association and the Articles which investors should
review. A summary of the Articles is contained in paragraph 5 of Part 7 of this Registration Document
under the section headed “Articles of Association”.

Statements made in this Registration Document are based on the law and practice in force in
England and Wales as at the date of this Registration Document and are subject to changes therein.


Market, economic and industry data
This Registration Document includes certain market, economic and industry data which were
obtained by the Company from industry publications, data and reports compiled by professional
organisations, analysts and data from other external sources. Where information has been referenced
in this Registration Document, the source of that third party information has been disclosed. The
Company and the Directors confirm that such data has been accurately reproduced and, so far as
they are aware and are able to ascertain from information published from such sources, no facts have
been omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or misleading.
In some cases, there is no readily available external information to validate market-related analyses
and estimates, requiring the Company to rely on internally developed estimates and the Investment
Advisor’s and Directors’ knowledge of the UK property market.

Currency presentation
Unless otherwise indicated, all references in this Registration Document to “sterling”, “pounds
sterling”, “£” or “pence” are to the lawful currency of the UK.

Some percentages and amounts in this Registration Document have been rounded. As a result of this
rounding, figures shown as totals in this Registration Document may vary slightly from the exact
arithmetic aggregation of the figures that precede them. In addition, certain percentages presented
in this Registration Document reflect calculations based upon the underlying information prior to
rounding and, accordingly, may not conform exactly to the percentages that would be derived if the
relevant calculations were based upon the rounded numbers.

A list of defined terms used in this Registration Document is set out at Part 8 of this Registration

This Registration Document includes information regarding the track record and performance data of
the AIFM and the Investment Advisor. Such information is not necessarily comprehensive and
prospective investors should not consider such information to be indicative of the possible future
performance of the Group or any investment opportunity to which the Prospectus relates. The past
performance of the AIFM and the Investment Advisor is not a reliable indicator of, and cannot be
relied upon as a guide to, the future performance of the Group and/or the AIFM and/or the Investment
Investors should not consider such information (particularly past returns) contained in this
Registration Document to be indicative of the Group’s future performance. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results, and there can be no assurance that the Company or its
portfolio will achieve comparable results to those presented in this Registration Document, that the
Company, the AIFM or the Investment Advisor will be able to implement their investment strategies or
achieve the Company’s investment objective or that the returns generated by any investments by the
Company will equal or exceed any past returns presented herein. Prospective investors should be
aware that any investment in the Company is speculative, involves a high degree of risk, and could
result in the loss of all or substantially all of their investment.

This Registration Document contains certain information in relation to dividend and total NAV return
targets. These targets have been developed based upon assumptions with respect to future business
decisions and conditions that are subject to change, including the Group’s execution of its
investment objective and strategies, as well as growth in the sectors and markets in which the Group
operates. As a result, the Group’s actual results may vary from the targets set out in this Registration
Document and those variations may be material. The Company does not undertake to publish

updates as to its progress towards achieving any of these targets, including as it may be impacted
by events or circumstances existing or arising after the date of this Registration Document or to
reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or circumstances. The Company has not defined by
reference to specific periods the term “medium-term”. There can be no assurance that these targets
will be met and they should not be taken as an indication of the Group’s expected future results.
Accordingly, potential investors should not place any reliance on these targets in deciding whether or
not to invest in the Company and should decide for themselves whether or not the target dividend
yield and target total NAV return are reasonable or achievable.


The contents of the following websites www.lxireit.com and www.alvariuminvestments.com do not
form part of the Prospectus. Investors should base their decision whether or not to invest in the New
Ordinary Shares on the contents of the Prospectus alone.


References to times and dates in this Registration Document are, unless otherwise stated, to United
Kingdom times and dates.


Directors Stephen Hubbard (Non-executive Chairman)

Colin Smith OBE (Non-executive Director)
Jan Etherden (Non-executive Director)
John Cartwright (Non-executive Director)
Patricia Dimond (Non-executive Director)
all independent and of the registered office below:
Registered Office 1st Floor Senator House
85 Queen Victoria Street
AIFM Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited
10 Old Burlington Street
Investment Advisor LXi REIT Advisors Limited
10 Old Burlington Street
Sponsor, Joint Global Peel Hunt LLP
Co-ordinator, Joint Broker, 100 Liverpool Street
Joint Bookrunner and London
Intermediaries Offer Adviser EC2M 2AT
Joint Global Co-ordinator, Joint Jefferies International Limited
Broker and Joint Bookrunner 100 Bishopsgate
Jefferies GmbH
Bockenheimer Landstraße 24
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Legal Adviser to the Company Stephenson Harwood LLP
1 Finsbury Circus
US Legal Adviser to the Covington & Burling LLP
Company 265 Strand
Legal Adviser to the Sponsor, Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
Joint Global Co-ordinators, 4 More London Riverside
Joint Brokers, Joint Bookrunners London
and Intermediaries Offer Adviser SE1 2AU
US Legal Adviser to the Proskauer Rose LLP
Sponsor, Joint Global 110 Bishopsgate
Co-ordinators, Joint Brokers, London
Joint Bookrunners and EC2N 4AY
Intermediaries Offer Adviser
Depositary Langham Hall UK Depositary LLP
8th Floor
1 Fleet Place

Administrator Langham Hall UK Services LLP
8th Floor
1 Fleet Place
Company Secretary PraxisIFM Fund Services (UK) Limited
1st Floor Senator House
85 Queen Victoria Street
Registrar Link Market Services Limited
10th Floor, Central Square
29 Wellington Street
Receiving Agent Link Group
Corporate Actions
10th Floor, Central Square
29 Wellington Street
Auditors and Reporting BDO LLP
Accountant 55 Baker Street
Independent Valuer Knight Frank LLP
55 Baker Street



LXi REIT plc is a closed-ended investment company incorporated in England and Wales on
21 December 2016 and registered as an investment company under Section 833 of the Companies
Act. The Company conducts its affairs so as to enable it to continue to qualify as a REIT for the
purposes of Part 12 of the CTA 2010 (and the regulations made thereunder). The Company’s
Ordinary Shares are admitted to the premium segment of the Official List of the Financial Conduct
Authority and are traded on the London Stock Exchange’s main market.
The Board has substantial real estate, financial, commercial and operating experience and is
responsible for directing and controlling the Company, with overall authority for the management and
conduct of the Company’s business, strategy and development. The Board also approves in advance
each potential property acquisition and disposal, along with other significant matters.
The Company has appointed Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited as the Company’s alternative
investment fund manager pursuant to the AIFM Rules. The Company and Alvarium Fund Managers
(UK) Limited have appointed LXi REIT Advisors Limited as investment advisor to provide certain
services to the Group including strategy, sourcing and advising on investments by the Company and
due diligence in relation to proposed investments.
The Company is part of the FTSE 250 Index, which comprises the equities of the 101st to the 350th
largest companies that are traded on the London Stock Exchange’s main market, and the FTSE
EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate Index Series, which represents general trends in eligible real estate
equities worldwide and is widely followed by global real estate investors.
Further information about the Directors, the AIFM and the Investment Advisor is set out in Part 3 of
this Registration Document.

The investment objective of the Company is to deliver inflation-protected income and capital growth
over the medium-term for Shareholders through investing in a diversified portfolio of UK property that
benefits from long-term index-linked leases with institutional-grade tenants.

The Company targets inflation-protected income and capital returns through its diversified portfolio of
UK property assets, let or pre-let to a broad range of tenants with strong financial covenants on long
and index-linked leases.
The Company invests in these assets directly or through holdings in special purpose vehicles and
seeks to acquire high quality properties, taking into account the following key investment
l the properties will be let or pre-let to institutional-grade tenants, with strong financial covenants
and a proven operating track record;
l long unexpired lease terms (typically 20 to 30 years to expiry or first break);
l rent reviews to be inflation-linked or contain fixed uplifts; and
l each property should demonstrate strong residual land value characteristics.
The Company targets a wide range of defensive and robust sectors, including, but not limited to,
office, leisure, industrial, distribution and alternatives – including hotels, serviced apartments,
affordable housing and student accommodation. It also focuses on growth sub-sector areas such as
discount foodstores, budget hotel operators and “last mile” distribution units fuelled by online retail.
The Company seeks to only acquire assets let or pre-let to tenants with strong financial covenants
and on long leases (typically 20 to 30 years to expiry or first break), with index-linked or fixed rental
uplifts, in order to provide security of income and low cost of debt. The Company only invests in
assets with leases containing regular upward-only rental reviews. These reviews typically link the

growth in rents to an inflation index such as RPI, RPIX or CPI (with potentially a minimum and
maximum level) or alternatively may have a fixed growth rate.
The Company neither undertakes any direct development activity nor assumes direct development
risk. However, the Company may invest in fixed-price forward funded developments, provided they
are pre-let to tenants with strong financial covenants and full planning permission is in place. In such
circumstances, the Company will seek to negotiate the receipt of immediate income from the asset,
such that the developer is paying the Company a return on its investment during the construction
phase and prior to the tenant commencing rental payments under the terms of the lease.
Where the Company invests in forward funded developments:
l the Company will not acquire the land until full planning consent and tenant pre-lets are in
l the Company will pay a fixed price for the forward funded purchase, covering land,
construction cost and developer’s profit;
l all cost overruns will be the responsibility of the developer/contractor; and
l if there is a delay to completion of the works, this will be a risk for the developer/contractor, as
they will pay the Company interest/rent until practical completion occurs.
The Company may utilise derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management. The Company
may engage in full or partial interest rate hedging or otherwise seek to mitigate the risk of interest rate
increases as part of the Company’s portfolio management.
The Company does not invest in other investment funds.

Investment restrictions
The Company invests and manages its assets with the objective of spreading risk and has the
following investment restrictions which, in each case, apply at the time of investment:
l at the time of acquisition of an investment, the value of the property to which the investment
relates will represent no more than 30 per cent. of the higher of: (i) Gross Asset Value; or (ii)
where the Company has not yet become fully geared, Gross Asset Value adjusted on the
assumption that the Company’s property portfolio is geared at 30 per cent. loan to value;
l at the time of acquisition of an investment, the aggregate maximum exposure to any tenant to
which the investment relates, will be no more than 30 per cent. of the higher of: (i) Gross Asset
Value; or (ii) where the Company has not yet become fully geared, Gross Asset Value adjusted
on the assumption that the Company’s property portfolio is geared at 30 per cent. loan to
value; and
l the Company will invest in no fewer than two sectors at any time.
The Company is not required to dispose of any investment or to rebalance its portfolio as a result of
a change in the respective valuations of its assets.
The Directors are focused on delivering capital growth over the medium-term and reinvest proceeds
from disposals of assets in accordance with the Company’s investment policy. However, should the
Company fail to re-invest the proceeds or part proceeds from any disposal within 12 months of
receipt of the net proceeds, the Directors intend to return those proceeds or part proceeds to
Shareholders in a tax efficient manner as determined by the Directors from time to time.
Cash held for working capital purposes or received by the Company pending reinvestment or
distribution is held in sterling only and invested in cash, cash equivalents, near cash instruments and
money market instruments.
The Directors currently intend at all times to conduct the affairs of the Company so as to enable it to
continue to qualify as a REIT for the purposes of Part 12 of the CTA 2010 (and the regulations made
The Company at all times invests and manages its assets in a way that is consistent with its objective
of spreading investment risk and in accordance with its published investment policy and will not at
any time conduct any trading activity which is significant in the context of the business of the
Company as a whole.

Borrowing policy
The Company seeks to utilise borrowings to enhance equity returns.
The level of borrowing is on a prudent basis for the asset class, and seeks to achieve a low cost of
funds, whilst maintaining flexibility in the underlying security requirements and the structure of the
The Directors intend that the Company will maintain a conservative level of aggregate borrowings
with a medium-term target of 30 per cent. of the Company’s Gross Asset Value and a maximum level
of aggregate borrowings of 35 per cent. of the Company’s Gross Asset Value at the time of
drawdown of the relevant borrowings.
Debt is secured at asset level and potentially at Company or SPV level, depending on the optimal
structure for the Company and having consideration to key metrics including lender diversity, debt
type and maturity profiles.
In the event of a breach of the investment policy and investment restrictions set out above, the
Directors, upon becoming aware of such breach, will consider whether the breach is material, and if
it is, notification will be made by an RIS announcement.
No material change will be made to the investment policy without the approval of Shareholders by
ordinary resolution at a general meeting, which will also be notified by an RIS announcement.

The Company intends that the Net Issue Proceeds will be invested as quickly as practicable following
Initial Admission. The Investment Advisor estimates that the Net Issue Proceeds should be
substantially invested or committed within three months of Initial Admission. Furthermore, the
Investment Advisor expects that the net issue proceeds of any Subsequent Issue should be
substantially invested or committed within three months of the relevant Admission.


The Independent Valuer valued the Portfolio at £907.25 million as at 31 December 2020. This
(unaudited) valuation includes capital commitments on forward funded assets.
At 31 December 2020 the Group had capital commitments of £62.7 million (30 September 2020:
£67.6 million) in relation to the cost to complete its forward funded pre-let development assets. All
commitments are expected to fall due for settlement within 12 months from the date of this document.
The properties comprising the Portfolio were valued on an individual basis and no portfolio premium
has been applied. As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Portfolio comprised 125 assets let or pre-let
to over 50 institutional-grade tenants with strong financial covenants across eight defensive and
robust property sectors and had a long weighted average unexpired lease term of 21 years to first
The Portfolio was acquired at an average net initial yield of 5.8 per cent. (net of actual acquisition
costs). The blended valuation yield of the Portfolio was 5.0 per cent. as at 31 December 2020,
reflecting an average yield spread of 80 basis points to the average net initial yield on acquisitions.
The Portfolio is 100 per cent. let or pre-let under “triple net, full repairing and insuring leases”,
meaning that the tenant is obligated to pay all taxes, building insurance, other outgoings and repairs
and maintenance costs on the property, in addition to the rent and service charge.
The Portfolio provides a mix of pre-let forward funded and built asset acquisition structures. The
average valuation uplift on forward funded assets from investment price to the valuation as at
31 December 2020, including forward funded commitments, was 17 per cent., demonstrating the
results of successful execution of the Investment Advisor’s forward funding strategy. All forward
funded assets are income generative from the point of land completion. The total valuation across the
entire portfolio as at 31 December 2020 (£907.25 million) is 12 per cent. ahead of the aggregate
purchase price of those assets (which totals £808 million).
As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Portfolio contained contracted annual passing rent of
£48.5 million, of which 95 per cent. was either fixed or linked to recognised inflation measures and
the remaining 5 per cent. was subject to upward only open market reviews. The 95 per cent. fixed
and index linked rent reviews are 53 per cent. linked to RPI, 17 per cent. linked to CPI and the
remaining 25 per cent. contain fixed uplifts.

As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Portfolio contained a mix of staggered five yearly rent reviews
and annual rent reviews which smooths income growth.
Unsolicited approaches are received by the Investment Advisor from time to time in respect of
certain of the Company’s properties. The Company has made selective disposals totalling over
£180 million to date in circumstances where an opportunity to reinvest the proceeds in accretive
assets has been identified, as well as to manage upwardly the unexpired lease term and certain
exposures of the Portfolio. These disposals generated a blended geared IRR for the Company of
23 per cent. per annum.1
The table below summarises the 125 assets which form the Portfolio as at the Latest Practicable
of rents
Rental Valuation Value linked Number
Sector Total rent exposure Valuation yield range exposure WAULT or fixed of assets
Industrial £10.35m 21% £230.55m 3.6% – 5.5% 25% 24 100% 12
Budget hotels £10.04m 21% £197.30m 4.5% – 6.2% 22% 23 100% 21
Foodstores and essentials £9.85m 20% £191.00m 4.2% – 6.6% 21% 16 83% 23
Healthcare £6.12m 13% £101.57m 5.2% – 6.5% 11% 24 100% 28
Car parks £3.86m 8% £76.25m 3.9% – 5.2% 8% 31 98% 9
Pubs £2.65m 5% £43.22m 5.7% – 5.8% 5% 13 100% 14
Drive-thru coffee £1.90m 4% £24.83m 4.7% – 5.7% 3% 15 91% 13
Other assets £3.76m 8% £42.53m 5.3% – 6.9% 4% 17 84% 5
£48.53m 100% £907.25m 3.6% – 6.9% 100% 21 95% 125

There has been no material change in the Company’s investments between the Latest Practicable
Date and the date of this Registration Document.


The Company aims to provide its Shareholders with secure and growing income, fully covered by the
Company’s adjusted earnings, along with capital growth over the medium-term.
The Company seeks to pay dividends on a quarterly basis in cash, by way of four equal dividends.
The aggregate annual dividend declared and paid in respect of the year ended 31 March 2020 was
5.75 pence per Ordinary Share, which was in line with the target annual dividend for the year and
15 per cent. ahead of the target annual dividend set at the time of the Company’s IPO of 5.00 pence
per Ordinary Share.
In respect of the year ending 31 March 2021, the Company has declared and paid interim dividends
of 1.30 pence per Ordinary Share in respect of the quarter ended 30 June 2020 and 1.35 pence per
Ordinary Share in respect of the quarter ended 30 September 2020. In addition, on 11 February
2021, the Board declared an interim dividend of 1.44 pence per Ordinary Share in respect of the
quarter ended 31 December 2020, payable on 26 March 2021 to Shareholders on the register at
26 February 2021 (the “Q3 Dividend”).
Holders of New Ordinary Shares will not be entitled to receive any dividends declared with a record
date prior to the date of their issue. The Q3 Dividend has a record date prior to the issue of the New
Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue and, accordingly, holders of New Ordinary Shares
issued pursuant to the Initial Issue or the Share Issuance Programme will not be entitled to receive
the Q3 Dividend in respect of those shares.
On 18 January 2021, the Board announced that it would target a dividend in respect of the quarter
ending 31 March 2021 of 1.46 pence per Ordinary Share. Furthermore, on 11 February 2021, the
Company announced that it would reinstate annual dividend guidance for the year ending 31 March
2022 of 6 pence per Ordinary Share in aggregate (which represents a 4.3 per cent. increase on the
Company’s pre-Covid-19 dividend rate of 5.75 pence per Ordinary Share), paid on a quarterly basis
in cash, by way of four equal dividends.

Standard purchaser's costs for build assets (assumes full payment of stamp duty and standard acquisition costs).

The Company is targeting a total NAV return of a minimum of 8 per cent. per annum over the
The target dividends and total NAV return stated above are guidance levels or targets only and not a
profit forecast and there can be no assurance that they will be met. These targets have been
developed based upon assumptions with respect to future business decisions and conditions that
are subject to change, including the Group’s execution of its investment objective and strategies, as
well as growth in the sectors and markets in which the Group operates. As a result, the Group’s
actual results may vary from the targets set out above and those variations may be material. In setting
these targets, the Board has applied appropriate sensitivities to contracted rental income that reflect
the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and assessed the effect of such sensitivities on the
net earnings and liquidity of the Group. These targets assume that future rent collection is not
materially lower than that achieved throughout the pandemic and the Board reserves the right to
withdraw or amend guidance in the event that rent collection materially worsens. The Company does
not undertake to publish updates as to its progress towards achieving any of these targets, including
as it may be impacted by events or circumstances existing or arising after the date of this
Registration Document or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or circumstances. The
Company has not defined by reference to specific periods the term “medium-term”. There can be no
assurance that these targets will be met and they should not be taken as an indication of the Group’s
expected future results. Accordingly, potential investors should not place any reliance on these
targets in deciding whether or not to invest in the Company and should decide for themselves
whether or not the target dividend yield and target total NAV return are reasonable or achievable.
See also “Important Information – Forward-looking statements” above and the risk “The Company’s
targeted returns are based on estimates and assumptions that are inherently subject to significant
uncertainties and contingencies, and the actual rate of return may be materially lower than the
targeted returns” set out in the Risk Factors.
In order to comply with REIT status the Company is required to meet a minimum distribution test for
each year that it is a REIT. This minimum distribution test requires the Company to distribute 90 per
cent. of the income profits of the Property Rental Business for each accounting period, as adjusted
for tax purposes.

The Group uses Knight Frank LLP as its independent valuer for the purposes of establishing the fair
value of its property portfolio. Valuations of the Group’s properties are conducted on a semi-annual
basis as at 31 March and 30 September in each year. In connection with the Initial Issue, the
Independent Valuer has been instructed to undertake an additional valuation of the Group’s Portfolio
as at 31 December 2020. This valuation report is included in Part 4 of this Registration Document.
There has been no material change to the values of the properties since 31 December 2020.
The valuations of the Group’s properties are at fair value as determined by the Independent Valuer
on the basis of market value in accordance with the internationally accepted RICS Appraisal and
Valuation Standards. The valuations are based upon assumptions including future rental income and
the appropriate capitalisation rate and the Independent Valuer makes reference to market evidence
of transaction prices for similar properties.
Valuations will only be suspended in circumstances where the underlying information necessary to
value the Company’s properties cannot readily, or without undue expenditure, be obtained or in other
circumstances (such as a systems failure of the Independent Valuer) which prevents the Company
from making such valuations.
Details of each valuation, and of any suspension in the making of such valuations, are announced by
the Company by an RIS announcement as soon as practicable after the relevant valuation date.


For the purposes of the Initial Issue, an additional calculation of the Group’s consolidated Estimated
NAV (unaudited) and Estimated EPRA NTA (unaudited) has been made as at 31 December 2020
which was calculated on the basis of an independent valuation of the Portfolio as at that date.
Calculations are made in accordance with IFRS and EPRA Best Practice Recommendations. As at
that date, the Group had a consolidated Estimated NAV (unaudited) and Estimated EPRA NTA
(unaudited) of £642.4 million (representing a cum-income Estimated NAV per Ordinary Share

(unaudited) and Estimated EPRA NTA per Ordinary Share (unaudited) of 123.2 pence). Since the
Company’s Ordinary Shares were first admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s main
market on 27 February 2017, the Ordinary Shares, including dividends paid to Shareholders, have
delivered: (i) a total shareholder return of 53.6 per cent., comprising growth in the market price of
Ordinary Shares and dividends per Ordinary Share declared to 15 February 2021; and (ii) an
average annual total NAV return of 9.9 per cent. per annum, comprising compounded annual NAV
growth and dividends paid to shareholders to 31 December 2020.2
The NAV and EPRA NTA (and NAV per Ordinary Share) are calculated on a semi-annual basis by the
Administrator (and reviewed by the Company). Details of each valuation, and of any suspension in
the making of such valuations, are notified by an RIS announcement as soon as practicable after the
end of the relevant period. The semi-annual valuations of the NAV and EPRA NTA (and NAV per
Ordinary Share) are calculated on the basis of the most recent semi-annual independent valuation of
the Company’s properties.
The calculation of the NAV and EPRA NTA will only be suspended in circumstances where the
underlying data necessary to value the investments of the Company cannot readily, or without undue
expenditure, be obtained or in other circumstances (such as a systems failure of the Administrator)
which prevent the Administrator from making such calculations. Details of any suspension in making
such calculations will be announced via an RIS as soon as practicable after any such suspension


The Company holds an annual general meeting in each year. The annual report and accounts of the
Company are made up to 31 March in each year with a copy being made available to Shareholders
on the Company’s website (in accordance with the Companies Act) within the following four months.
The Company also publishes unaudited half-yearly reports to 30 September. Copies of the unaudited
half-yearly reports are also made available on the Company’s website (in accordance with the
Companies Act) within the following three months.
The Company’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS.


The Company may seek to address any significant discounts or premiums to NAV at which its
Ordinary Shares may trade.

Premium management
Conditional on the passing of the Issue Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting to be
held on 10 March 2021, the Directors will have authority to issue up to 400 million New Ordinary
Shares (less the number of New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Initial Issue) on a
non-pre-emptive basis pursuant to the Share Issuance Programme during the period from 16 March
2021 to 17 February 2022.
In addition, at the 2020 AGM, the Company was given authority to issue up to 52,142,601 Ordinary
Shares on a non-pre-emptive basis until the conclusion of the Company’s next annual general
meeting in 2021. As at the date of this document, no Ordinary Shares have been issued pursuant to
this authority.
Shareholders’ pre-emption rights over this unissued share capital have been disapplied so that the
Directors will not be obliged to offer any such new Ordinary Shares to Shareholders on a pro rata
basis. No Ordinary Shares will be issued at a price less than the NAV per existing Ordinary Share at
the time of their issue. Investors should note that the issuance of new Ordinary Shares is entirely at
the discretion of the Board, and no expectation or reliance should be placed on such discretion

The Estimated NAV and Estimated EPRA NTA are estimates of the Directors based on (a) the independent valuation of the
Portfolio by Knight Frank LLP as at 31 December 2020 (as set out in Part 4 of this document), (b) statements and
information received by the Company from its lending and depositary banks and (c) unaudited management information of
the Group. The Estimated EPRA NTA has been calculated based on guidance published by EPRA, to disclose adjusted
measures of NAV and earnings per share which are designed by EPRA to better reflect the core long-term operations of
the business. The Estimated NAV and the Estimated EPRA NTA and the information used to prepare them have not been
audited or reviewed by any person other than the Investment Advisor and the Directors. As such, there can be no
assurance that an audited NAV and/or audited EPRA NTA as at 31 December 2020 would reflect the Estimated NAV and/or
Estimated EPRA NTA as at 31 December 2020.

being exercised on any one or more occasions or as to the proportion of new Ordinary Shares that
may be issued.

Treasury shares
The Companies Act allows companies to hold shares acquired by way of market purchase as
treasury shares, rather than having to cancel them. This would give the Company the ability to
re-issue Ordinary Shares quickly and cost effectively, thereby improving liquidity and providing the
Company with additional flexibility in the management of its capital base. No Ordinary Shares will be
sold from treasury at a price less than the NAV per existing Ordinary Share at the time of their sale
unless they are first offered pro rata to existing Shareholders.

Discount management
The Company may seek to address any significant discount to NAV at which its Ordinary Shares may
be trading by purchasing its own Ordinary Shares in the market on an ad hoc basis.
At the 2020 AGM, Shareholders gave the Board authority to buy back up to 78,161,758 Ordinary
Shares. Ordinary Shares will only be repurchased at a discount to the NAV per Ordinary Share, which
should have the effect of increasing the NAV per Ordinary Share for the remaining Shareholders.
Repurchased Ordinary Shares may be cancelled or held in treasury.
It is intended that a renewal of the authority to make market purchases will be sought from
Shareholders at each annual general meeting of the Company and the Board intends to do so at the
next annual general meeting. Purchases of Ordinary Shares will be made within guidelines
established from time to time by the Board and conducted in accordance with the Companies Act,
the Listing Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and the UK Market Abuse
Regulation and will be announced to the market through an RIS as soon as possible and in any event
no later than 7.30 a.m. on the following day. Any purchase of Ordinary Shares would be made only
out of the available cash resources of the Company. The Directors will also have regard to the
Company’s REIT status when making any repurchase of Ordinary Shares.
Investors should note that the repurchase of Ordinary Shares is entirely at the discretion of the Board
and no expectation or reliance should be placed on such discretion being exercised on any one or
more occasions or as to the proportion of Ordinary Shares that may be repurchased.


The Company must comply with certain ongoing regulations and conditions (including minimum
distribution requirements) in order to maintain its REIT status.
Potential investors are referred to Part 5 of this Registration Document for details of the REIT Regime
and to Part 3 of the Securities Note for details of the taxation of Shareholders in the UK. Investors
who are in any doubt as to their tax position or who are subject to tax in jurisdictions other than the
UK are strongly advised to consult their own professional advisers immediately.


As a REIT, the Ordinary Shares are “excluded securities” under the FCA’s rules on non-mainstream
pooled investments. Accordingly, the promotion of the Ordinary Shares will not be subject to the
FCA’s restriction on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled investments.
The Company intends to conduct its affairs so that its Ordinary Shares can be recommended by
financial advisers to retail investors in accordance with the rules on the distribution of financial
instruments under UK MiFID II. The Directors consider that the requirements of Article 57 of the
UK MiFID II Delegated Regulation will be met in relation to the Ordinary Shares and that, accordingly,
the Ordinary Shares should be considered “non-complex” for the purposes of UK MiFID II.


An investment in the Ordinary Shares is designed to be suitable for institutional investors, professional
investors, high net worth investors, professionally advised private investors and retail investors
seeking exposure to a diversified portfolio of UK property that benefits from long-term index-linked
leases with institutional-grade tenants with strong financial covenants. Investors should understand
the risks and merits of such an investment and have sufficient resources to be able to bear any
losses (which may equal up to the whole amount invested) that may result from such an investment.

Furthermore, an investment in the Ordinary Shares should constitute part of a diversified investment
portfolio. It should be remembered that the market price of Ordinary Shares and the income from
them can go down as well as up.


The Company’s performance is dependent on many factors and potential investors should read the
whole of this Registration Document, together with the Summary and the Securities Note, and in
particular the sections entitled “Risk Factors” in this Registration Document and in the Securities



The Company’s investment strategy seeks to deliver inflation-protected income and capital returns
over the medium-term, by investing in long-let and index-linked property assets in the UK leased to a
wide range of institutional-grade tenants with strong financial covenants across a diverse range of
defensive and robust property sectors.
The Company targets assets let on long leases (typically 20 to 30 years) to institutional-grade tenants
with strong financial covenants that are market leading operators in their sector. The Investment
Advisor believes that this provides the potential to substantially grow the dividend in absolute terms
through upward-only inflation-protected long-term lease arrangements and a defensive and secure
portfolio with capital growth, as explained further in this Part 2.
All assets acquired by the Company benefit from “triple net, full repairing and insuring leases”. This
is a lease agreement where the tenant is obligated to pay all taxes, building insurance, other
outgoings and repair and maintenance costs on the property, in addition to the rent and service
charge. Structuring lease arrangements in this way avoids exposure to property cost leakage and
capital expenditure to maintain upkeep of the properties.
The Company enhances returns delivered by the portfolio through its two key strategies of forward
funding and regular recycling of capital.
By focussing on smaller lot sizes, the Company is able to avoid competition and access forward
fundings at a significant discount to built values generating capital returns at the point of purchase.
The Company offsets development risk when forward funding through fixed price contracts with
developers that provide an income for the Company throughout the development period, and pre-let
arrangements with tenants. This strategy also creates modern state of the art assets in strategically
important locations fit for purpose.
The Company regularly sells assets and recycles capital to defensively manage exposures and risk
within the portfolio, such as to increase the average unexpired lease term or in response to the
changing risk profile of a tenant/sector. In doing so the Company takes advantage of the material
spread between its valuation yield and its average acquisition yield to generate both income and
capital growth.
The Company only invests in assets with leases containing regular upward-only rental reviews. These
reviews typically link the growth in rents to an inflation index such as RPI, RPIX, CPIH or CPI (with
potentially a minimum and maximum level) or provide a fixed annual growth rate. Such rental reviews
normally take place annually or every five years, with the rent review delivering an increase in the rent
at the growth rate, compounded over the period. In this way, the income expected to be delivered to
Shareholders should exhibit inflation-linked income characteristics.

The Company has deployed the fully geared proceeds of the IPO and subsequent placing
programme, the 2018 Issue and the 2019 Issue, as well as capital generated through disposals,
across 125 separate properties in a range of defensive and robust property sectors, split as follows:
Industrial 21 per cent.
Budget Hotels 21 per cent.
Foodstores and Essentials 20 per cent.
Healthcare 13 per cent.
Car parks 8 per cent.
Pubs 5 per cent.
Drive-thru coffee shops 4 per cent.
Other 8 per cent.

The Portfolio is fully let or pre-let to a broad range of over 50 tenants, none of which provide more
than 10 per cent. of the Group’s annual contracted rent. The Company’s largest 15 commercial
tenants and guarantors by exposure, are:
Travelodge 9.6 per cent.
Q-Park 7.8 per cent.
Bombardier 7.2 per cent.
Greene King 5.5 per cent.
Premier Inn 5.4 per cent.
BUPA 4.1 per cent.
Stobart Group 3.8 per cent.
Lidl 3.7 per cent.
Jurys Inn 3.6 per cent.
Priory Group 3.5 per cent.
Aldi 3.2 per cent.
Starbucks 3.0 per cent.
Mears 2.8 per cent.
Co-operative 2.7 per cent.
Dobbies 2.5 per cent.
The remaining 55 tenants within the Portfolio all contribute c.2 per cent. or less and average 0.8 per
cent. of the annual passing rent.
The Portfolio is diversified by region in the UK, split as follows:
South East 22 per cent.
North West 17 per cent.
Yorkshire & the Humber 11 per cent.
North East 11 per cent.
West Midlands 9 per cent.
South West 8 per cent.
Scotland 7 per cent.
East of England 7 per cent.
East Midlands 3 per cent.
Wales 2 per cent.
Northern Ireland 2 per cent.
The weighted average unexpired lease term of the Portfolio is 21 years to first break. The Company
has acquired its Portfolio at a blended net initial yield on acquisition of 5.8 per cent. (net of
acquisition costs). The net initial yield achieved on acquisitions also compares favourably with an
average independent valuation yield at 31 December 2020 of 5.0 per cent.
As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Portfolio contained contracted annual passing rent of
£48.5 million, of which 95 per cent. was either fixed or linked to recognised inflation measures and
the remaining 5 per cent. was subject to upwards only open market reviews. The 95 per cent. fixed
and index linked rent reviews are 53 per cent. linked to RPI, 17 per cent. linked to CPI and the
remaining 25 per cent. contain fixed uplifts.
As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Portfolio contained a mix of staggered five yearly rent reviews
(59 per cent.) and annual rent reviews (41 per cent.) which smooths income growth.
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the portfolio has delivered robust rental collection rents, which
averaged over 90 per cent. between March to December 2020, and reached 98 per cent. in both the
September and December 2020 quarter dates, after adjusting for short term rent reprofiling.

Forward funding strategy

The Company forward funds pre-let developments to benefit from materially lower purchase costs
(averaging approximately 2 per cent.3 versus 6.8 per cent.4) as well as NAV growth through significant
discounts to built values (averaging 12 per cent.). The Directors believe the Company has sourced
high quality, lower-priced assets (compared to their completed value) with reduced competition and
lower transaction costs, than could be delivered from purely targeting built assets. Furthermore, the

Based on costs incurred on forward funded acquisitions to date.
Standard purchaser's costs for build assets (assumes full payment of stamp duty and standard acquisition costs).

Directors believe the ability to target pre-let development assets is likely to enable the Company to
target more off-market opportunities, as well as developing new assets to tenant specification to
increase strategic importance and therefore improve the quality of the income.
These pre-let assets also have the benefit of brand new leases, which are generally over 20 years in
duration, and allow for a new, state of the art property. The Company has invested in 67 separate
forward funded acquisitions to date, delivering an average value growth of 17 per cent. above
purchase price. The Investment Advisor believes that this approach has the potential to continue to
deliver enhanced returns for Shareholders.
The Company mitigates the risks associated with development projects prior to acquisition and
entering into forward funding arrangements by:
l agreeing a fixed price for the forward funded purchase, covering land, construction, cost and
developer’s profit – all cost overruns will be the responsibility of the developer or a contractor;
l only entering forward funding agreements and acquiring the land after full planning consent is
in place;
l only entering forward funding agreements and acquiring the land after a suitable tenant pre-let
is in place;
l agreeing payment timetables with the developer which ensure the asset achieves practical
completion before the developer receives payment of the profit element of the fixed price and
construction payments are paid in arrear and once approved by the Company’s monitoring
l agreeing a licence fee with the developer for the full period from acquisition to the date that
practical completion occurs, providing that any overruns are the risk of the developer; and
l only entering forward funding agreements and acquiring the land when a full suite of
warranties will be provided by the main contractor and professional team.

Recycling capital
In acquiring the Portfolio, the Company has recycled over £180 million of capital, generating a
crystallised geared IRR of 23 per cent. per annum on disposal5 . Disposals to date have been at or
above book value, generating capital growth on disposals. The proceeds of the disposals were
redeployed into accretive acquisitions in short order, at a significantly wider yield, generating both
income and capital growth.
The willingness to sell assets, and the ability to do so ahead of both book value and purchase price
l the value achieved at the point of purchase through off market acquisitions and forward
funding in smaller lot sizes;
l a conservative valuation yield and support for the independent valuation of the Portfolio;
l an active approach to the management of risk within the Portfolio;
l the ability to grow value within the Portfolio through means other than reliance on market
movements; and
l the ability to enhance income growth within the Portfolio through means other than by
inflationary movements and rental reviews.

Sourcing long leases

The Company is often able to acquire assets on long leases where:
l there are very competitive tenant markets, such as discount foodstores (for example, Aldi and
Lidl) and drive-thru coffee shops (for example, Costa and Starbucks);
l assets are of strategic importance to the particular tenant, such as its main distribution or
production plant; and
l tenants are used to long-term freehold ownership.

IRR calculation assumes gearing at 35 per cent. in line with the Company's borrowing policy medium-term maximum.

Benefits of long leases
The key benefits of investing in property with long-term lease arrangements are:
l security of income;
l low yield volatility versus short lease assets;
l it supports the use of long-term low-cost debt which mitigates refinancing and interest rate risk
and gears returns; and
l predictability of income growth through regular contracted rent reviews.

Rental growth and inflation

The Company strategically aims to take advantage of the economic reality of inflation continuing to
outpace open market rental growth whilst also providing inflation protection to investors by linking
rental uplifts to inflation indices.
Of the Portfolio, 70 per cent. of contracted rental income contains rent reviews linked to inflation
indices (RPI or CPI – see below). The Portfolio also provides a hedge against lower inflation, with a
further 25 per cent. of rent reviews providing fixed uplifts that average 2.4 per cent. per annum and
a further 47 per cent. of income containing a minimum rental uplift averaging 1.4 per cent. per
annum. In total 72 per cent. of contracted rental income contains either a collared or a fixed uplift
which average 2 per cent. per annum, providing guaranteed rental growth in periods of lower
In total 95 per cent. of rents contain index linked or fixed rental uplifts and all rent reviews are upward
This, together with a low and largely fixed cost base, is expected to allow for:
l higher rental growth via rental increases in line with inflation compared with open market rental
l rental growth ahead of inflation, in periods where economic growth slows, through the
inclusion of fixed and collared uplifts within the Portfolio; and
l enhanced income growth through conservative gearing of the Portfolio with long-term fixed
cost debt (as detailed below).
The Group’s rental reviews, by contracted rent exposure, are uplifted by reference to:
Retail prices index 53 per cent.
Fixed rental uplifts 25 per cent.
Consumer price index 17 per cent.
Upward only open market reviews 5 per cent.
The Company also seeks to avoid both unsustainable rental growth for its tenants and rents
becoming significantly out of kilter with market rents for an equivalent property. This is to ensure that
each operating property within the Portfolio remains a profitable proposition in isolation, both for the
current tenant and other potential operators as well as avoiding significant outward yield movements
as lease terms reduce.
It does so primarily through focussing on assets with comparably lower rents at the inception of the
lease, but also through the inclusion of capped rental uplifts within the Portfolio. Excluding those rent
reviews that are fixed, a further 59 per cent. of the Portfolio rent reviews are capped with an average
maximum uplift of 4 per cent. per annum.
Rental linkage to inflation is also expected to capitalise on the market opportunity, with UK inflationary
indices expected to significantly outperform open market rental growth for UK property in the
medium term. The HM Treasury Forecasts for the UK Economy – November 2020 forecast average
RPI from 2020 to 2024 to be 2.7 per cent. per annum, versus the Investment Property Forum UK
Consensus Forecast Report – Autumn 2020 forecasting average open market rental growth across all
property sectors to be -0.7 per cent. per annum for the same period.

Information as at the Latest Practicable Date.

Debt finance
The Company leverages its capital base with a conservative debt structure comprising three
term-loan facilities with Scottish Widows and a Revolving Credit Facility, with a medium-term target
loan-to-value ratio of 30 per cent. and an internal borrowing policy loan-to-value cap of 35 per cent.
The Investment Advisor has strategically chosen the term loans with Scottish Widows to minimise the
Company’s cost of debt and provide maximum visibility of cash outflows by fixing the interest at the
lowest possible rate with a blended average all-in fixed cost of 2.85 per cent. per annum, over the
longest possible term, with an average maturity of the term-loan facilities of 13 years. Long-term debt
also reduces refinancing risk and spreads the period over which initial debt costs are amortised.
The average cost of debt across the Group’s three term loans is currently 295 basis points lower than
its average net initial yield on acquisitions of 5.8 per cent. With the cost of the term loan facilities
fixed at 2.85 per cent. per annum, and a growing contracted rental stream through upward only
inflation linked and fixed rental uplifts, they are expected to yield enhanced returns to shareholders
over the 13 year loan term. Assuming average rental growth of 2.5 per cent. per annum, the
295 basis points spread widens to c.500 basis points at expiry of the term loan facilities.
The Company’s Revolving Credit Facility provides enhanced operational flexibility and increases
finance cost efficiency, allowing for:
l the immediate repayment of the facility when new equity is issued or with capital generated
from the Group’s strategy of selectively disposing of assets and prior to the reinvestment of
capital; and
l the matching of debt drawdowns to reflect developers’ cash requirements on forward funding
projects, ensuring that interest is only suffered to the extent that a greater return is being
generated on those drawdowns through licence fee arrangements.
The Revolving Credit Facility also provides a separate source of debt finance, in Lloyds Bank plc. Its
shorter dated maturity provides the Group with flexibility to refinance, should this represent value, to
a more mature debt structure in the medium-term as the Group grows in scale and builds further
track record.
The table below provides details of the Group’s lenders, facility amounts, interest rates and maturity.
Facility Lender Size Interest rate Maturity
Term loan Scottish Widows £55,000,000 2.74% fixed Dec 2033
Term loan Scottish Widows £40,000,000 2.74% fixed Dec 2033
Term loan Scottish Widows £75,000,000 2.99% fixed Dec 2033
Revolving Credit Facility Lloyds Bank £100,000,000 1.55% margin over
3 month LIBOR Aug 20247
The Company has received credit approval and agreed terms (subject to contract) for a new lender
to be added to the Revolving Credit Facility, extending the facility by up to an additional £80 million
and maintaining the margin of 1.55 per cent. per annum over LIBOR.

The Directors, having been advised by the Investment Advisor, believe that the Company has a
number of competitive advantages including:
l Long dated, index-linked leases: The Portfolio benefits from long-term leases (21-year
weighted average unexpired lease term to first break) to institutional-grade tenants with strong
financial covenants, which incorporate regular inflation-linked upward only rental growth, with
95 per cent. of the annual passing rent containing either index-linked or fixed uplifts to offer a
secure, inflation-protected income stream to investors.
l Multi-sector focus: The Company is diversified across a wide range of defensive and robust
property sectors. The Company’s cross sector flexibility provides early mover advantage in
under-exploited sectors and the opportunity to cherry pick assets to find value.

The termination date of the Revolving Credit Facility is August 2022 but it may be extended by up to two years with the
consent of the lenders.

l Access to investment opportunities: The Investment Advisor has access to a strong pipeline of
investment opportunities through long-established industry contacts and extensive knowledge
of the property market, including access to off-market transactions and specialised pre-let
opportunities. The vast majority of acquisitions to date have been off-market transactions8. In
the Investment Advisor’s experience, off-market transactions have the potential to offer
reduced acquisition pricing as there is no competition which would otherwise drive prices
l Asset availability: The Investment Advisor is confident that suitable assets will be available for
potential acquisition to enable the Company to invest or commit substantially all of the Net
Issue Proceeds within a three-month period following Initial Admission.
l Long-term, low cost debt: The Company benefits from a 13 year average debt maturity with a
low blended average all-in fixed cost of debt at 2.85 per cent. per annum on its term loans,
representing a 295 basis points spread to the Company’s average acquisition yield.
l Operational flexibility and cost efficiency through its RCF: The Company benefits from a
Revolving Credit Facility that allows it to match drawdowns by developers on forward funding
projects with drawdowns of its Revolving Credit Facility, providing cost saving and generating
a significant yield spread.

Sourcing investments
The Investment Advisor utilises its extensive contacts in the UK property market to source investment
opportunities for the Company, in particular through its longstanding and strong relationships with
tenants/operators, developers and banks, in addition to an existing wide-reaching network of
investment agency contacts.

Review and approval

The Company reviews and approves each opportunity based on the following investment
l institutional-grade tenant with strong financial covenants and a proven operating track record;
l very long unbroken lease terms, typically 20 to 30 years (to earlier of first break and expiry);
l triple net leases directly linked to inflation or with fixed uplifts;
l sector and tenant diversification; and
l strong residual land value, meaning a high vacant possession value relative to investment
value, resulting from such factors as: (i) strong underlying operating/trading performance;
(ii) low current rental and capital value levels; (iii) alternative use potential; and (iv) strategic
importance to the occupier.
Once a potential property opportunity has been identified as a result of the application of the
research and advice provided by the Investment Advisor, initial due diligence on the potential
property investment is undertaken.
In all cases after the initial due diligence phase, the Investment Advisor makes a detailed
recommendation to the Board and the AIFM for their consideration and approval.
The Investment Advisor produces a detailed report for each potential investment opportunity being
considered, which will (where appropriate) analyse: (i) tenant covenant; (ii) form of lease; (iii) loan
and hedging options; (iv) rental streams; (v) exit strategies; (vi) asset management opportunities; and
(vii) external factors (such as market conditions).
Based on initial due diligence and the investment opportunity report, the Directors determine whether
detailed financial, legal and technical due diligence should be carried out by the Investment Advisor.

Where a proposed transaction is approved by the Directors, the Investment Advisor performs the
appropriate due diligence required, utilising third party professional advisers where needed.

Off-market acquisitions are those that were not formally marketed or subject to a formal bidding process.

The due diligence reports are submitted to the Directors and the AIFM with a recommendation
prepared by the Investment Advisor comprising a full investment report detailing the fit of a particular
transaction to the investment objective and investment policy of the Company and the potential risks
and benefits of proceeding (or not) with any particular opportunity.
If an opportunity is presented to the Directors and approval is given to proceed, the AIFM and the
Investment Advisor conducts the following roles and provision of services to enable the execution of
the transaction:
l providing project management and overall control of the transaction, to include co-ordinating
the work of other professional advisers and service providers, including agents, surveyors,
valuers, lawyers, accountants, and tax advisers;
l leading in the negotiation with any third party (whether buying, selling, refinancing, or
l leading in the negotiation and structuring of the transaction to ensure it meets the investment
policy of the Company and does not detrimentally impact its status as a REIT;
l leading in the negotiation and structuring of any borrowings on the transaction;
l leading in the preparation and negotiation of any lease, or reviewing the implications of any
existing lease;
l working as closely as requested with the Directors during the acquisition process; and
l leading the preparation of final documentation (in conjunction with legal and accounting

Monitoring and reporting

The Investment Advisor continually monitors the progress of the Company’s investments. This
includes regular site visits and meetings with tenants on an asset-by-asset basis, as required, and at
a minimum, on a bi-annual basis.
The Investment Advisor updates the Directors on the progress of the Company’s investments on a
quarterly basis with additional formal contact being made where significant events have occurred
which may impact the Company’s income, expenditure or NAV.
The AIFM oversees the preparation of valuation statements for the Company’s portfolio in each six
month period (working with the Administrator and professional valuers and assisting the Company in
selecting appropriate valuers).

Holding and exit

The intention is to hold all assets for the long-term (including forward funding developments).
However, by exception, if an external offer is made to the Company and the returns are attractive for
investors, the Company may consider selling an asset and reinvesting the proceeds into new assets
as it has done on certain occasions to date.

Conflict management
Pursuant to the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Investment Advisor will not engage in any
property acquisition services in relation to any long index-linked asset(s) falling within the Company’s
stated investment policy and investment objective, which have been identified by the Investment
Advisor and in respect of which the reasonably estimated aggregate consideration or commitment
involved is likely to be in excess of £5,000,000, without offering the Company a right of first refusal in
respect of such asset(s).

The Investment Advisor, on behalf of the Company, has identified a significant pipeline of additional
assets which meet the Company’s investment objective and policy, the vast majority of which have
been sourced off-market through the Investment Advisor’s extensive contacts and relationships.
The Investment Advisor has already commenced negotiations and discussions concerning the
acquisition of such assets on behalf of the Company. Furthermore, the Investment Advisor, on behalf
of the Company, has entered into exclusivity agreements in relation to the acquisition of a number of
these assets.

These assets are diversified by location and leased to a range of institutional-grade tenants with
strong financial covenants, with rental uplifts linked to inflation or a fixed growth rate and with a good
mix within the pipeline of built assets and forward funded structures.
The assets, which total around £140 million including expected costs, are diversified across a range
of defensive and structurally supported sub-sectors, including foodstores, industrial, drive-thru coffee
and garden centres. They benefit from a long weighted average unexpired lease term to expiry of
21 years and to first break of 20 years and a blended net initial yield of 5.5 per cent. (net of
acquisition costs).
These acquisitions are subject to ongoing due diligence by the Investment Advisor and the
Company’s other professional advisers. The Company currently has no binding contractual
obligations with potential vendors and, although there can be no assurance that any of these
properties will be purchased by the Company, the Investment Advisor is confident that it will
substantially invest or commit the net proceeds resulting from the Initial Issue within three months
following Initial Admission. The Company fully invested the proceeds of its last two capital raises
within six weeks of closing those raises.



The Directors are responsible for the determination of the Company’s investment policy and have
overall responsibility for the Company’s activities, including the review of investment activity and
performance and the control and supervision of the Company’s service providers. All of the Directors
are non-executive and are independent of the AIFM and the Investment Advisor. The Directors meet
at least four times per annum.
The Directors are as follows:

Stephen Hubbard, non-executive Chairman

Stephen Hubbard previously served as Executive Chairman of UK CBRE Group, the world’s largest
property advisory firm. Before that Stephen served as Co-Head of CBRE Capital Markets Europe. He
joined Richard Ellis in 1976 and served as Head of EMEA and UK Capital Markets from 1998 to 2012.
He is also a member of the Advisory Board for Redevco which is a pan-European property holding
company. In July 2020, Stephen became the Chairman of Workspace Group plc, having served as a
non-executive director since July 2014.

Colin Smith OBE, non-executive Director

Colin Smith OBE served for ten years as Chairman of Poundland Group Holdings, Europe’s largest
single price discount retailer. Prior to this, he was Chief Executive and Finance Director of Safeway
Plc, the national supermarket retailer. Colin served as Chairman of Hilton Food Group plc between
2016 and 2018, having previously served as a non-executive director since 2010. He also has
experience in the not for profit sector, formerly serving as Chairman of The Challenge Network, as a
trustee of Save the Children and as Chairman of the food industry sponsored Red Tractor assurance
scheme. Colin has been appointed as the Company’s Senior Independent Director.

Jeannette (Jan) Etherden, non-executive Director

Jan Etherden has over 35 years’ experience in the investment industry, as an analyst, fund manager,
then a non-executive director. Previously head of UK equities for Confederation Life/Sun Life of
Canada, she joined Newton in 1996 as a director specialising in multi-asset segregated portfolios
and also was their Investment COO from 1999 to 2001. Subsequently she worked with Olympus
Capital Management as business development manager for specialist hedge fund products. She is a
director of Miton UK MicroCap Trust plc and has previously served on the Boards of Ruffer
Investment Company Ltd and TwentyFour Income Fund Ltd.

John Cartwright, non-executive Director

John Cartwright was formerly Chief Executive of The Association of Real Estate Funds (AREF) from
2009 to 2019. His responsibilities as Chief Executive of AREF were to represent and promote the
interests of members, promote best practice in fund governance and ensure the smooth running of
the association. Prior to this, John was with M&G Real Estate (formerly PRUPIM) for nearly 35 years
in a variety of roles; latterly as Head of Institutional and Retail Funds and a member of PRUPIM’s
Board and Investment Committee. He has more than 20 years’ experience of managing pooled and
segregated accounts for both retail and institutional investors. John is also a member of the
Investment Committee of Lothbury Property Trust.

Patricia Dimond, non-executive Director

Patricia Dimond has had an international career with over 30 years in consumer and financial
markets. As an Executive or Strategic Advisor, she has worked with FTSE 100, Private Equity and
owner managed companies. She is an investor in early stage technology ventures, with an expertise
in Fintech. Patricia is an alumnae of McKinsey, 1994-1999 and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA),
2006. She qualified, with Deloitte, as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 1985, and holds an MBA from
IMD Switzerland, 1993. Patricia currently serves as a Non-Executive Director for the English National
Opera where she is Senior Independent Director (SID) and Chair of Audit and Risk.

The Company has appointed Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited as its alternative investment fund
manager (the “AIFM”). The Company and the AIFM have appointed the Investment Advisor to provide
certain services in relation to the Company and its portfolio.
Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited is 100 per cent. owned by Alvarium Investments Limited.
Alvarium was established in 2009 and has grown to become a substantial, international multi-family
office and asset manager, supervising in excess of US$18 billion of assets, for families, private
individuals and institutions. It has over 220 employees and 14 offices around the world.
The Investment Advisor has extensive expertise in the purchase and forward funding of commercial
property assets let or pre-let on long, index-linked leases to institutional grade tenants with strong
financial covenants across a wide range of defensive and robust sectors.
The Investment Advisor comprises property, legal and finance professionals with significant
experience in the real estate sector, as described below. The team has capitalised and transacted
over £2 billion of commercial property assets with a particular focus on accessing secure, long-let
and index-linked UK commercial real estate through forward funding and built asset structures.
The core management team of the Investment Advisor (whose details are set out below) is supported
by a team of other accounting, asset management, compliance, marketing, public relations,
administrative and support staff. The key individuals responsible for executing the Company’s
investment strategy at the Investment Advisor are:

John White
John entered the commercial property market in 1987 and after qualifying as a chartered surveyor at
Allsops moved to the investment team at Cushman & Wakefield. There he became a partner and
spent the next 18 years advising a range of institutional investor clients on their UK acquisitions and
disposals across the full range of real estate sub-sectors including retail (in and out of town), offices
(London, Thames Valley and regional cities), logistics, and alternatives.
John moved into private equity real estate in 2007 and co-founded Osprey Equity Partners in 2011
and LXi REIT Advisors Limited in 2016.

Simon Lee
Simon trained and practised as a solicitor at City law firm, Slaughter and May, from 1999 to 2006,
following which he spent the next 10 years in private equity real estate, co-founding Osprey Equity
Partners in 2011 and LXi REIT Advisors Limited in 2016.
Simon’s role covers a wide range of areas, including formulating investment strategies and products,
raising equity and debt finance, asset selection, and negotiating and implementing transactions with
vendors, purchasers, developers, investors, lenders and joint venture partners.

Freddie Brooks
Freddie trained and qualified as a chartered accountant in BDO’s Real Estate and Construction team,
gaining significant experience in the sector, working with similar listed vehicles, private property
funds, developers and a number of the UK’s top contractors. Freddie is also a qualified chartered
surveyor (property finance and investment pathway) and a member of the RICS.
Freddie’s role covers all historical and strategic financial matters including annual and interim
reporting, budgeting and forecasting, treasury management and the monitoring of internal controls.
Freddie is also responsible for the Investment Advisor’s reporting to the Company’s Board of

Investment Management Agreement

The Company and the AIFM have entered into the Investment Management Agreement, a summary
of which is set out in paragraph 9.5 of Part 7 of this Registration Document, under which the AIFM
has agreed to provide the Company with portfolio management and risk management services and
to be the Company’s alternative investment fund manager.
Details of the fees and expenses payable to the AIFM are set out in paragraph 7 of this Part 3 below.

Investment Advisory Agreement
The Company, the AIFM and the Investment Advisor have entered into the Investment Advisory
Agreement, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.6 of Part 7 of this Registration Document,
under which the Investment Advisor has agreed to provide certain services to the Company and the
AIFM in relation to the Company’s portfolio, including sourcing investments for acquisition by the
Company and due diligence in relation to proposed investments.
Details of the fees and expenses payable to the Investment Advisor are set out in paragraph 7 of this
Part 3 below.

Langham Hall UK Services LLP has been appointed as Administrator to the Company. The
Administrator provides the day-to-day administration of the Company and is also responsible for the
Company’s general administrative functions, such as calculation of the NAV and maintenance of
the Company’s accounting and statutory records.

PraxisIFM Fund Services (UK) Limited has been appointed as Company Secretary to the Company
and also provides a registered office for the Company. The Company Secretary provides the
company secretarial functions required by the Companies Act.

Link Market Services Limited has been appointed registrar of the Company. Under the terms of the
Registrar Services Agreement the Registrar has responsibility for maintaining the register of
Shareholders, receiving transfers of Ordinary Shares for certification and registration and receiving
and registering Shareholders’ dividend payments together with related services.

Langham Hall UK Depositary LLP has been appointed as Depositary to provide cash monitoring,
safekeeping and asset verification and oversight functions as prescribed by the AIFM Rules.


Ongoing annual expenses
Ongoing annual expenses include the following:

7.1 AIFM
Under the Investment Management Agreement, the AIFM receives a fee of £24,000 per annum.
No performance fee is payable to the AIFM.

7.2 Investment Advisor

Under the terms of the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Investment Advisor is entitled to a
fee payable monthly in arrear calculated at the rate of: (i) one-twelfth of 0.75 per cent. per
calendar month of Market Capitalisation up to or equal to £500 million; and (ii) one-twelfth of
0.65 per cent. per calendar month of Market Capitalisation above £500 million. No
performance fee is payable to the Investment Advisor.

7.3 Administrator
Under the terms of the Administration Agreement, the Administrator is entitled to receive a fee
of £196,704.34 per annum. Any additional services provided by the Administrator will incur
additional charges.

7.4 Company Secretary

Under the terms of the Company Secretarial Services Agreement, the Company Secretary is
currently entitled to receive a fee of £59,455 per annum. This fee accrues daily and is paid
monthly in arrear. In the event that the Company Secretary is required to undertake any other
additional duties, beyond the scope of those set out in the Company Secretarial Services
Agreement, the Company Secretary is entitled to charge an additional fee. The Company shall
also reimburse the Company Secretary for its disbursements to cover all out of pocket

expenses properly incurred by the Company Secretary in connection with the provision of its
company secretarial services for and/or on behalf of the Company.

7.5 Depositary
Under the terms of the Depositary Agreement, the Depositary is entitled to receive a fee of
£32,500 per annum plus an additional fee of 0.3 basis points per annum on any capital raised
by the Company in excess of £250 million. In addition, the Depositary is entitled to receive
transaction fees where the number of property acquisitions in a calendar year exceeds eight.

7.6 Registrar
Under the terms of the Registrar Services Agreement, the Registrar is entitled to an annual
maintenance fee per Shareholder account per annum subject to a minimum annual fee. The
Registrar is also entitled to certain transaction fees under the Registrar Services Agreement.

7.7 Directors
Each of the Directors is entitled to receive a fee from the Company at such rate as may be
determined in accordance with the Articles. Save for the Chairman, the current annual fees are
£40,000 for each Director. The Chairman’s current annual fee is £75,000. In addition, the Chair
of the Audit Committee receives an additional fee of £5,000 per annum and the Chair of the
Management Engagement Committee receives an additional fee of £3,000 per annum.
Each of the Directors is also entitled to be paid all reasonable expenses properly incurred by
them in attending general meetings, board or committee meetings or otherwise in connection
with the business of the Company. The Board may determine that additional remuneration may
be paid, from time to time, to any one or more Directors in the event such Director or Directors
are requested by the Board to perform extra or special services on behalf of the Company.
Prior to 1 January 2020, fees payable to the Directors were, save where the Company
determined otherwise, satisfied in Ordinary Shares acquired at market value on behalf of the
Directors and for their account by the Company’s broker. Any Ordinary Shares acquired by the
Directors pursuant to these arrangements were subject to the terms of the Directors’ Lock-in
Deed. Following a review of the remuneration arrangements, the Board (having taken
independent advice) determined that with effect from 1 January 2020 the Directors’
remuneration would be paid in cash.

7.8 Other operational expenses

Other ongoing operational expenses (excluding fees paid to service providers as detailed
above) of the Company will be borne by the Company including travel, accommodation,
printing, audit, finance costs, legal fees (including those incurred on behalf of the Company by
the AIFM or the Investment Advisor), corporate broking fees, annual London Stock Exchange
fees and AIC membership fees.
All reasonable out of pocket expenses of the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, the Administrator,
the Company Secretary, the Registrar, the Independent Valuer, the Company’s other service
providers and the Directors relating to the Company will be borne by the Company.
As all of the Company’s assets are, and will be, invested in UK property, the Company expects
to incur significant time and costs in connection with potential acquisitions, including third
party costs in connection with identifying suitable investment opportunities, due diligence,
negotiating transaction documentation and legal and accounting costs. In addition, the
Company expects to incur certain third party costs, including in connection with financing,
valuations and professional services associated with sourcing and analysis of suitable assets.
The AIFM has prepared a key information document required under the UK PRIIPs Regulation
in relation to the Company’s Ordinary Shares, which includes the New Ordinary Shares to be
issued pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance Programme. That regulation
requires costs to be calculated and presented in accordance with detailed and prescriptive
rules. The key information document is available on the Company’s website (www.lxireit.com).

The AIFM, the Investment Advisor and their officers and employees may from time to time act for
other clients or manage or advise other funds, which may have similar investment objectives and
policies to that of the Company. Circumstances may arise where investment opportunities will be
available to the Company which are also suitable for one or more of such clients of the AIFM or the
Investment Advisor or such other funds. The Directors have satisfied themselves that the AIFM and
the Investment Advisor have procedures in place to address potential conflicts of interest. In
accordance with the Investment Management Agreement, in the event of a conflict between the
Company and the AIFM, the AIFM is obliged to take reasonable steps to ensure that the conflict is
resolved fairly, in accordance (so far as applicable in the circumstances) with applicable FCA rules.
The AIFM is obliged to notify the Company of any actual or potential conflict of interest which it
identifies in relation to the performance of its duties and shall discuss with the Company how such
conflict of interest is to be managed. Pursuant to the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Investment
Advisor will not engage in any property acquisition services in relation to any long index-linked
asset(s) falling within the Company’s stated investment policy and investment objective, which have
been identified by the Investment Advisor and in respect of which the reasonably estimated
aggregate consideration or commitment involved is likely to be in excess of £5,000,000, without
offering the Company a right of first refusal in respect of such asset(s).
The AIFM, the Investment Advisor and any of their directors, officers, employees, agents and
affiliates and the Directors and any person or company with whom they are affiliated or by whom they
are employed (each an “Interested Party”) may be involved in other financial, investment or other
professional activities which may cause conflicts of interest with the Company. In particular,
Interested Parties may provide services similar to those provided to the Company to other entities
and shall not be liable to account for any profit from any such services. For example, an Interested
Party may acquire on behalf of a client an investment in which the Company may invest.

The Board of the Company has considered the principles and recommendations of the AIC Code.
The AIC Code addresses the principles and provisions set out in the UK Corporate Governance
Code, as well as setting out additional principles and recommendations on issues that are of specific
relevance to the Company as an investment company. The Board considers that reporting against the
principles and provisions of the AIC Code will provide better information to Shareholders.
The Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”), the UK’s independent regulator for corporate reporting and
governance responsible for the UK Corporate Governance Code, has endorsed the AIC Code. The
terms of the FRC’s endorsement mean that AIC members who report against the AIC Code meet fully
their obligations under the UK Corporate Governance Code and the related disclosure requirements
contained in the Listing Rules.
As at the date of this Registration Document, the Company complies with the recommendations of
the AIC Code and the relevant provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code, except as set out
The UK Corporate Governance Code includes provisions relating to: the role of the chief executive;
executive directors’ remuneration; and the need for an internal audit function. For the reasons set out
in the AIC Code, the Board considers these provisions are not relevant to the position of the
Company, being an externally managed investment company and the Company does not, therefore,
intend to comply with them.
The Company’s Audit Committee is chaired by Patricia Dimond, consists of all the Directors and
meets at least twice a year. The Board considers that the members of the Audit Committee have the
requisite skills and experience to fulfil the responsibilities of the Audit Committee. The Audit
Committee examines the effectiveness of the Company’s risk management and internal control
systems. It reviews the half-yearly and annual reports and also receives information from the AIFM
and the Investment Advisor. It also reviews the scope, results, cost effectiveness, independence and
objectivity of the external auditor.
In accordance with the AIC Code the Company has established a Management Engagement
Committee which is chaired by Jan Etherden and consists of all the Directors. The Management
Engagement Committee meets at least once a year or more often if required. Its principal duties are
to consider the terms of appointment of the AIFM and the Investment Advisor and to annually review

these appointments and the terms of the Investment Management Agreement and the Investment
Advisory Agreement.
The Company has established a Nomination Committee which is chaired by Stephen Hubbard and
consists of all the Directors. The Nomination Committee has been established for the purpose of
reviewing the Company’s succession plan and identifying and putting forward candidates for the
office of director of the Company. The Nomination Committee meets at least once a year. The
Nomination Committee considers job specifications and assesses whether candidates have the
necessary skills and time available to devote to the job. In considering these matters the Nomination
Committee takes into account the desirability of achieving diversity to the extent possible.



The Directors
LXi REIT plc
1st Floor Senator House
85 Queen Victoria Street
Peel Hunt LLP
100 Liverpool Street
Jefferies International Limited
100 Bishopsgate
Jefferies GmbH
Bockenheimer Landstraße 24
60323 Frankfurt am Main
18 February 2021
Dear Sirs


Market Valuation as at 31 December 2020

1.1 In accordance with our instruction of 17 December 2020, of which details have been set out
within the Terms of Engagement dated 22 January 2021, we have carried out a valuation of the
freehold, heritable or leasehold interests in the properties referred to in the Schedule
appended to this Valuation Report (together the “Properties” and each a “Property”) and now
report our opinion of the Market Values (as defined in paragraph 3.1 below) of the Properties
as at 31 December 2020.
1.2 This Valuation Report is required for inclusion in a tripartite prospectus (the “Prospectus”)
which is to be published by LXI REIT plc (the “Company”) in relation to the proposed issue of
new ordinary shares in the share capital of the Company (“New Ordinary Shares”) by way of
a placing, open offer, offer for subscription and an intermediaries offer (the “Initial Issue”), an
ongoing share issuance programme (the “Share Issuance Programme”) and the admission of
the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance
Programme to the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority and to trading on the main
market of the London Stock Exchange (“Admission”). Our Valuation Report is provided
expressly for this purpose and this purpose only.
1.3 The Properties comprise hotels, industrial, healthcare, discount foodstores, leisure, student, car
park and automotive and have been categorised as investment properties.
1.4 This valuation has been undertaken in accordance with: (i) the current editions of RICS
Valuation - Global Standards, which incorporate the International Valuation Standards, and the
RICS UK National Supplement. References to the “Red Book” refer to either or both of these
documents, as applicable; (ii) Rules 5.4.5G and 5.4.6G of the Prospectus Regulation Rules
published by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “Prospectus Regulation Rules”), together
with item 2.7 of Annex 4 to the UK Prospectus Regulation; and (iii) paragraphs 128 to 130 of
ESMA Update of the CESR Recommendations for the consistent implementation of the
European Commission’s Regulation (EC) No 809/2004 implementing the Prospectus Directive

(as now applicable to the UK Prospectus Regulation) (the “CESR Recommendations”). For the
purposes of this Letter, “UK Prospectus Regulation” shall mean Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be
published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated
market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC, as it forms part of the domestic law of the United
Kingdom by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (as amended).


2.1 Knight Frank LLP is instructed as External Valuer, as defined by the Red Book and regulations
made by the Financial Conduct Authority.
2.2 Knight Frank LLP is retained by the Company to value the Properties on a bi-annual basis for
financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Chris Galloway
MRICS and Michael Crowe MRICS are responsible for this particular instruction.
2.3 Other than valuation services, Knight Frank LLP has not had any material involvement with the
Properties, subject to our comments below, and report without any conflict of interest.
2.4 Knight Frank LLP acted on the acquisition or sale of the following Properties:
i. Cambridge Belfry Hotel, Back Lane, Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6BW where Knight
Frank LLP acted for the Company on the acquisition of the Property in April 2017;
ii. Belasis Business Park, Billingham TS23 4EB where Knight Frank LLP acted for the
vendor on the sale of the Property in July 2018;
iii. 31 Turnpike Road, Newbury RG14 2NX where Knight Frank acted for the vendor on the
sale of the Property in October 2018;
iv. Dobbies Garden Centre, Heighley Gate, Morpeth, NE61 3DA where Knight Frank acted
for the vendor on the sale of the Property in March 2019; and
v. Premier Inn, High Grounds Road, Worksop S80 3AT where Knight Frank acted for the
vendor on the sale of the property in September 2019.
2.5 The valuer, on behalf of Knight Frank LLP, with responsibility for this Valuation Report is Chris
Galloway MRICS, RICS Registered Valuer. Parts of the valuation have been undertaken by
additional valuers. We confirm that the valuer and additional valuers collectively meet the
requirements of RICS Valuation – Global Standards VPS 3, having sufficient current knowledge
of the particular market and the skills and understanding to undertake the valuation
2.6 In relation to Knight Frank LLP’s preceding financial year, the proportion of the total fees paid
by the Company to the total fee income of Knight Frank LLP was less than 5 per cent. We
recognise and support the RICS Rules of Conduct and have procedures for identifying
conflicts of interest.

3.1 The Properties have been valued on the basis of Market Value in accordance with the RICS
Valuation – Global Standards VPS4. This is an internationally recognised basis and is defined
“The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date
between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction after proper
marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without
3.2 No allowance has been made for expenses of realisation or for any taxation which might arise,
and our valuations are expressed exclusive of any Value Added Tax that may become
3.3 Our valuations reflect usual deductions in respect of purchaser’s costs and, in particular, full
liability for UK Stamp Duty as applicable at the valuation date.
3.4 Our valuation has been undertaken using appropriate valuation methodology and our
professional judgement.

3.5 The valuer’s opinion of Market Value was primarily derived using recent comparable market
transactions on arm’s length terms, where available, and appropriate valuation techniques (the
“Investment Method”).
3.6 The Properties have been valued individually and not as part of a portfolio.
3.7 Save as otherwise disclosed, it has been assumed for the purpose of valuation that the
relevant interests in the Properties are free of mortgage, charge or other debt security and no
deduction has been made for such charge or debt.


Sources of Information
4.1 Our valuations are based on information provided by the Company and its professional
advisers, upon which we have relied, and which has not been verified by us. Our assumptions
(as defined in the Red Book) relating to this information are set out below. If any of the
information or assumptions are subsequently found to be incorrect then our valuations should
be reviewed.
4.2 We would note that where information or documentation has not been provided to us we have
adopted the appropriate assumptions required to undertake, and report, Market Values. When
considering the covenant strength of individual tenants we have not carried out credit
enquiries but have reflected within our valuations our general understanding of the investment
market’s likely perception of tenants’ financial status.

4.3 We have not been provided with title information and Reports on Title. Our valuations are
prepared on the basis that the Properties have good and marketable titles and are free of any
undisclosed onerous burdens, outgoings or restrictions.

Tenancy Information
4.3 We have not been provided with lease reports by the Company’s professional advisers.
However we have been provided with updated tenancy information on a bi-annual basis by the
Company which we have relied upon.

Land Register Inspection and Searches

4.4 We do not undertake searches or inspections of any kind (including web based searches) for
title or price paid information in any publicly available land registers, including the Land
Registry for England & Wales, Registers of Scotland and Land & Property Services in Northern

Planning, Highway and Other Statutory Regulations

4.5 We have made verbal/web based enquiries of the appropriate Town Planning and Highways
Authorities in respect of matters affecting the Properties, where considered appropriate,
although this information was given to us on the basis that it should not be relied upon.
We have not seen specific planning consents and have assumed that the Properties have been
erected and are being occupied and used in accordance with all requisite consents and that
there are no outstanding statutory notices. No allowances have been made for rights,
obligations or liabilities arising under the Defective Premises Act 1972.

Structural Condition
4.6 We have not been instructed to carry out structural surveys of the Properties, nor to test the
services. We have not been provided with building inspection reports, and/or construction
reports. Our valuations assume the buildings contain no deleterious materials and that the sites
are unaffected by adverse soil conditions, except where we have been notified to the contrary.

Environmental Issues
4.7 We have not carried out any investigations into past or present uses of either the Properties or
any neighbouring land to establish whether there is any potential for contamination from these

uses or sites to the Properties. We have, however, been provided by the Company with, and
relied upon, Environmental Surveys, where available.
We understand that none of the Properties, subject to our comments below, is, nor is likely to
be, affected by land contamination and that there are no ground conditions which would affect
the present or future uses of the Properties.
Should it be established subsequently that contamination exists at any of the Properties or on
any neighbouring land or that the Properties have been or are being put to a contaminative use
this could reduce the values now reported.
We have used the website of the Environment Agency’s Indicative Floodplain Maps to provide
a general overview of lands in natural floodplains and therefore potentially at risk of flooding
from rivers or the sea. The maps use the best information currently available, based on
historical flood records and geographical models. They indicate where flooding from rivers,
streams, watercourses or the sea is possible. From the website, we have established that none
of the Properties is currently classified as being at risk from flooding without the appropriate
flood defences being present. We also understand that none of the Properties has a history of

Property Insurance
4.8 Our valuations assume that the Properties would, in all respects, be insurable against all usual
risks including terrorism, flooding and rising water table at normal, commercially acceptable

Building Areas
4.9 Our valuations are based on the measurements provided by the Company.

Special Assumptions
4.10 As instructed by the Company, our valuation has been undertaken on the special assumption
that the Properties are fully constructed as at the valuation date and are income producing.
This assumption relates to the following Properties:
i. Biggin Hill Airport
ii. Cornwall Road, Smethwick
iii. Barry Penny Lane, Barry, CF63 4BA
iv. Squires Gate, Blackpool FY4 2AY
v. Canvey Island, Northwich Road, Canvey Island SS8 0PT
vi. Sports Village, Cardiff CF11 0JP
vii. Parc Pensam, Carmathan SA31 2NF
viii. Goose Street, Newcastle under Lyme ST5 3HY
ix. Kettering Road, Northampton NN3 6AA
x. Victoria Parkway, Nottingham NG4 2PA
xi. Riversway, Preston PR2 6BX
xii. Warwick Highway, Redditch, B98 0SW
xiii. Ridgeway Drive, Stoke ST1 5NY
xiv. Lincoln Road, Peterborough PE4 6WS
xv. 1 Afton Way Dundee DD4 8BR
xvi. Premier Inn, 25-29 Market Place, Romford
xvii. Knight Retail Park, Thaxted Road, Saffron Walden
xviii. Travelodge, Discovery Park Sandwich
xix. Premier Inn, High Grounds Road, Worksop S80 3AT
xx. Griffiths Retail Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans AL1 2RJ
xxi. Premier Inn, Porthmadog
xxii. Lidl, West Bridgford
xxiii. Lidl and Home Bargains, Barnard Castle
xxiv. Loaning Meadows Retail Park, Berwick-upon-Tweed
4.11 Should the assets above be treated as developments and valued using the residual method,
the value reported below would be significantly different incorporating outstanding
construction costs, finance, developers profit and fees.

4.12 A special assumption that the following Properties have been purchased on a topped up rent
basis. Therefore should the Company sell the assets, as at the valuation date, these prices
would not be achievable, without the additional rental top up. We understand the price the
Company paid to the vendor reflected a deduction, being the difference between the
contracted rent and the topped up rent. We further understand that the Company will make an
adjustment in its financial accounts. This assumption applies to the following Properties:
i. Currock Road, Carlisle CA2 4AX
ii. Knight Retail Park, Saffron Walden, Thaxted Road, Essex, CB10 2UR

5.1 We are of the opinion that the aggregate of the Market Values as at 31 December 2020 of the
freehold, heritable or leasehold interests in the Properties held by the Company as at
31 December 2020 is £907,245,000 (Nine Hundred and Seven Million, Two Hundred and
Forty Five Thousand Pounds).
5.2 The tenure of the Properties held by the Company as at 31 December 2020 comprises the
No. of Properties Market Value
Freehold or heritable 96 £667,565,000
Long Leasehold 29 £239,680,000
–––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––
Total 125 £907,245,000
–––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––
5.3 The Schedule comprises the address, tenant and tenure of each of the Properties held by the
Company as at 31 December 2020.
5.4 There are four Properties of the 125 held by the Company as at 31 December 2020 which
individually account for more than 3% of the aggregate value of the individual Market Values
as at 31 December 2020. These four Properties are listed in the table below. The aggregate
market value of these four properties represents 20.01% of the aggregate of the Market Values
held by the Company as at 31 December 2020.
Percentage of
the Company’s
portfolio by
Total Market Market Value
Value as at as at
Long 31 December 31 December
Address Freehold Leasehold 2020 2020
Jurys Inn, 50 Exeter Street, £32,100,000 £32,100,000 3.54%
Plymouth, BN1 4DJ
Stobart Group Ltd, £28,350,000 £28,350,000 3.12%
Viking Park,Widnes WA8 0PE
Griffiths Retail Park, £30,250,000 £30,250,000 3.33%
Griffiths Way, St Albans,
Hertfordshire AL1 2RJ
Biggin Hill Airport £90,800,000 £90,800,000 10.01%
5.5 Please note that due to the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation, we are needing to operate
extended health and safety procedures, which include the need for property occupiers to
confirm their agreement to us inspecting and provide answers to related health questions. We
have been unable to proceed with the inspections until we receive the required confirmations.
We have been unable to internally inspect many of the properties, including all of the “assisted
Living” portfolio due to their nature of being closed due to lockdown provisions. A record of the
commercial portfolio is listed below. A record of the exact inspection dates of the assisted
living portfolio is maintained within our working papers and can be made available if required.
5.6 We confirm that, as at the date of this Valuation Report, there has been no material change
since 31 December 2020 in any matter relating to the Properties which, in our opinion, would
have a material effect on the Market Value of the Properties.

6.1 This Valuation Report has been prepared for inclusion in the Prospectus. Knight Frank LLP
hereby gives consent to the inclusion of this Valuation Report in the Prospectus and to the
references to this Valuation Report and Knight Frank LLP in the Prospectus in the form and
context in which they appear. For the purposes of Prospectus Regulation Rule 5.3.2(R)(2)(f),
we are responsible for this Valuation Report and accept responsibility for the information
contained in this Valuation Report and confirm that to the best of our knowledge, the
information contained in this Valuation Report is in accordance with the facts and the Valuation
Report contains no omission likely to affect its import. This Valuation Report complies with
Rules 5.4.5G and 5.4.6G of the Prospectus Regulation Rules and paragraphs 128 to 130 of the
CESR Recommendations.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Galloway MRICS

Partner, Valuation and Advisory
For and on behalf of Knight Frank LLP

Address Sector Tenure Date of
Copenhagen Way, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 2RT Leisure Freehold 25/01/2020
31 Turnpike Road, Newbury, RG14 2NX Industrial Freehold 31/01/2020
Edenmore Care Home, 646 Shore Road, Healthcare Freehold 02/02/2020
Newtownabbey, BT3 7PR
31 Druid Stoke Avenue, Bristol BS9 1DE Healthcare Freehold 07/02/2020
Andover Business Park. Andover, SP11 8BP Leisure Freehold 19/02/2020
Columbus Quarter, Andover Leisure Long leasehold 19/02/2020
A444 Southbound, Bedworth, Nuneaton, CV10 7TF Hotel Freehold 08/02/2020
Oak Lane, West Bromwich, B70 8PF Industrial Freehold 08/02/2020
Redditch Warwick Highway, B98 0SW Leisure Long leasehold 08/02/2020
Sinclair Retail Park, Davies Road, Discount Freehold 08/02/2020
Evesham WR11 1FN Foodstore
Blackpool, Squires Gate, FY4 2AY Leisure Long leasehold 15/02/2020
Nottingham, Victoria Parkway, NG4 2PA Leisure Long leasehold 15/02/2020
Rosegrove Lane, Burnley BB12 6EH Automotive Freehold 15/02/2020
Stoke, Ridgeway Drive, ST1 5NY Leisure Long leasehold 15/02/2020
Greaseborough Depot, North Drive, Industrial Freehold 02/07/2020
Rotherham S6 1RL
Preston, Riversway, PR2 6BX Leisure Long leasehold 15/07/2020
Gestamp, Aycliffe Industrial Estate, Industrial Long leasehold 01/08/2020
Durham DL5 6EP
Biggin Hill Airport Industrial Long leasehold 04/08/2020
Q-Park, Surrey Street Car Park Freehold 04/08/2020
Q-Park, Candleriggs Car Park, 37 Albion Street, Car Park Freehold 07/08/2020
Glasgow G1 1LH
Q-Park, Quartermile Car Park, Simpson Loan, Car Park Freehold 07/08/2020
Edinburgh EH3 9AU
Dobbies, Heighley Gate, Morpeth, Leisure Freehold 12/08/2020
Northumberland. NE61 3DA
Q-Park, Shambles Car Park, Garden Place, Car Park Long leasehold 12/08/2020
York YO1 7NZ
10-11 Belasis Business Park, Billingham Industrial Freehold 13/08/2020
Teesside TS23 4EB
Atkinson Court Care Home. Ings Road, Healthcare Freehold 13/08/2020
Cross Green, Leeds, LS9 9EJ Hotel Freehold 13/08/2020
Elder Way, Chesterfield S4 1UN
Greene King, Brinkburn, Lady Kathryn Grove, Leisure Freehold 13/08/2020
County Durham DL3 0YR
Scott Works, Clayton Road, Bradford BD7 Discount Freehold 13/08/2020
25-29 Market Place, Romford Hotel Long leasehold 14/08/2020
Greene King, County Hotel, High Street, Leisure Freehold 14/08/2020
Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1HB
Greene King, Duke of Wellington, Kenton Lane, Leisure Freehold 14/08/2020
Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3BQ
Greene King, Norman Conquest, Flatts Lane, Leisure Freehold 14/08/2020
Yorkshire TS6 0NP
Griffiths Retail Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans, Discount Freehold 14/08/2020
Hertfordshire AL1 2RJ Foodstore
Premier Inn, Thaxted Road, Saffron Walden, Hotel Freehold 14/08/2020
Premier Inn, Worksop, Nottinghamshire Hotel Freehold 14/08/2020
Spanish City Promenade, Whitley Bay NE26 1AR Hotel Long leasehold 14/08/2020
Wilson Street, Middlesbrough TS1 1AE Hotel Freehold 14/08/2020
Apple Mews 1, 95 Cathedral Road, Healthcare Long leasehold 18/08/2020
Armagh BT61 8AB

Address Sector Tenure Date of
Apple Mews 2. 95 Cathedral Road, Armagh, Healthcare Long leasehold 18/08/2020
BT61 8AB
North Nelson Industrial Estate. Industrial Freehold 21/08/2020
Cramlington NE23 1WW
Northampton, Kettering Road, NN3 6AA Leisure Long leasehold 21/08/2020
Peterborough, Lincoln Road PE4 6WS Leisure Long leasehold 21/08/2020
Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way Industrial Freehold 21/08/2020
Sunderland SR5 3QY
A48, Cross Hands, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Hotel Freehold 31/08/2020
SA14 6RD
25 Old Haymarket, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 6ER Hotel Long leasehold 02/09/2020
Greene King, Bridgewater 23 Barton Road, Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Greater Manchester, M28 2DP
Greene King, Bulls Head, 341 London Road, Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Cheshire SK7 4PS
Greene King, Church View Inn, Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
38 Lunts Heath Road, Cheshire WA8 5RY
Greene King, Griffin Inn, 184 Warrington Road, Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Cheshire WA8 3XT
Greene King, Old Leyland Gates. Golden Hill Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Lane, Lancashire PR25 3PG
Greene King, Pear & Partridge, The Parkway, Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Staffordshire WV6 7XZ
Greene King, Shrewsbury Arms, 38 Claughton Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Firs Prenton, Merseyside CH43 5TQ
Greene King, Spread Eagle Hotel Hatherlow, Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Greater Manchester SK6 3DR
Greene King, Unicorn, Adlington Road, Leisure Freehold 02/09/2020
Cheshire SK9 2LN
Newcastle Under Lyme Goose Street, ST5 3HY Leisure Long leasehold 02/09/2020
Q-Park, Piazza Car Park, St James Street, Car Park Long leasehold 02/09/2020
Manchester M1 4BP
Q-Park, Waterside Car Park, 5 Broad Road, Car Park Freehold 02/09/2020
Manchester M33 2AE
Viking Park, Widnes WA8 0PE Industrial Freehold 02/09/2020
Q-Park, Tower Bridge Car Park, Gainsford Street, Car Park Freehold 05/09/2020
London SE1 8NH
Jurys Inn, 50 Exeter Street, Plymouth Hotel Freehold 12/09/2020
Tapstone Rd, Chard, Somerset TA20 2DE Discount Freehold 12/09/2020
The Belfry Hotel, Back Lane Cambourne, Hotel Freehold 12/09/2020
Cambridge CB23 6BW
Tolvaddon Road, Camborne TR14 8NQ Hotel Freehold 12/09/2020
Currock Road, Carlisle, CA2 4AX Discount Freehold 25/09/2020
William Street, Workington, Cumbria CA14 3YG Hotel Part Freehold/Part 25/09/2020
Long leasehold
21 Brown Street, Dundee DD1 5EF Student Freehold 29/09/2020
Barry Penny Lane, CF63 4BA Leisure Long leasehold 29/09/2020
Cardiff, Sports Village, CF11 0JP Leisure Long leasehold 29/09/2020
1 Afton Way, Dundee, DD4 8BR Leisure Long leasehold 30/09/2020
9 Bridge Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6JL Hotel Freehold 30/09/2020

Address Sector Tenure Date of
North end Retail Park, High Street, Discount Freehold 30/09/2020
Cowdenbeath KY4 9QA Foodstore
Rockingham Street, Sheffield S1 4NL Car Park Freehold 03/10/2020
High Street, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 Hotel Freehold 04/10/2020
Q-Park, Riverside Car Park, 5 Millsands, Car Park Long leasehold 04/10/2020
Sheffield S3 8NH
Phoenix Park Care Village, Phoenix Avenue, Healthcare Freehold 21/10/2020
Scunthorpe, DN15 8HN
Commerce Way, Melksham SN12 Hotel Freehold 22/10/2020
Dobbies Garden Centre, Pennine, Huddersfield, Leisure Freehold 22/10/2020
West Yorkshire, HD8 8LF
Greene King, Britannia, Bradwell Lane, Leisure Freehold 22/10/2020
Newcastle under Lyme ST5
Cornwall Road, Smethwick Birmingham Industrial Freehold 26/10/2020
Orbital 7, Orbital Park, Cannock, Staffordshire Industrial Long leasehold 26/10/2020
WS11 8XW
The Priory Care Home,1 Shelly Crescent, Healthcare Freehold 26/10/2020
Monkspath, Shirley, Solihull B90 4XA
Barnfield Close, Swindon SN2 Hotel Freehold 29/10/2020
Travelodge, Discovery Park, Sandwich, Kent Hotel Freehold 30/10/2020
South Gyle Broadway, Edinburgh Park Edinburgh Hotel Freehold 02/11/2020
PGL Travel. Winmarleigh Hall, Church Lane. Leisure Long leasehold 10/11/2020
Winmarleigh, Lancaster, PR3 0LA
165-167 Preston Road, Brighton, East Sussex, Hotel Freehold 04/01/2021
Canvey Island, Northwich Road, SS8 0PT Leisure Long leasehold 04/01/2021
Portsmouth, Lidl, 73 London Road Discount Part Freehold/Part 04/01/2021
Foodstore Long leasehold
Veolia Plot 3, Holton Heath Trading Park. Poole, Industrial Freehold 04/01/2021
Dorset BH16 6LT
Carmarthen, Parc Pensarn, SA31 2NF Leisure Long leasehold 16/01/2021
Barnard Castle Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Berwick-upon-Tweed Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Blackpool, Thornton Centre, FY5 5DX Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Bradford Victoria Shopping Centre, Discount Long leasehold Not
Bradford BD8 9BN Foodstore Inspected
Clifton Drive North, Lytham St Annes, Discount Long leasehold Not
Lancashire FY8 2NA Foodstore Inspected
Glasgow 63 Cumberland Road, G34 6HZ Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Pontypridd, CF39 8EY Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Ponyton, 89 Park Ln, Poynton, Stockpor,t SK12 1RD Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Premier Inn, Porthmadog Hotel Freehold Not
Sandbach Lawton Way CW11, 1TF Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected

Address Sector Tenure Date of
Southport, PR8 3HR Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Wallasey, CH45 3LE Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
West Bridgford Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Wrexham, BorrasPark Road, LL12 7TH Discount Freehold Not
Foodstore Inspected
Assisted living properties across England Healthcare 20 Freehold/ Varied
1 Long leasehold




1.1 Summary
(a) The summary of the REIT Regime below is intended only as a general guide. It is a
high-level summary of the Company’s understanding of certain aspects of current UK
law and HMRC practice relating to the REIT Regime, each of which is subject to change,
possibly with retrospective effect. It is not an exhaustive summary of all applicable
legislation in relation to the REIT Regime.
(b) Investing in property through a UK taxable corporate investment vehicle has the
disadvantage that, in comparison to a direct investment in property assets, some
categories of shareholder may effectively bear tax twice on the same income: first,
indirectly, when the corporate investment vehicle pays corporation tax on its profits, and
secondly, directly (subject to any available exemption) when the shareholder receives a
dividend. Non-tax paying entities, such as UK pension funds, could bear tax indirectly
when investing through a taxable closed-ended corporate vehicle that is not a REIT that
they would not suffer if they were to invest directly in the property assets.
(c) As a member of a REIT Group, a company will not pay UK corporation tax on income or
capital gains from its Property Rental Business in the UK provided that certain conditions
are satisfied. Instead, distributions by the principal company of a REIT Group in respect
of the tax-exempt Property Rental Business will be treated for UK tax purposes as profits
of a UK property business in the hands of shareholders. Part 3 of the Securities Note
contains further detail on the UK tax treatment of shareholders in a REIT.
(d) An exemption applies for REITs which means that a disposal of shares benefits from the
REIT Regime exemption where the company disposed of is UK property rich.
“UK property rich” broadly means that the company in question derives 75 per cent. or
more of its value from interests in UK land. This exemption for disposals of shares in
companies that are UK property rich applies on a proportionate basis, by reference to
the proportion which the value of the UK property rental business assets of the
company disposed of bears to that company’s total assets (as at the beginning of the
accounting period in which the disposal takes place). As such, a gain on a disposal of
shares in a subsidiary whose sole activity is the carrying on of a UK property rental
business, with all of its assets held for the purposes of that UK property rental business,
should generally be treated as a gain arising from the REIT Group’s Property Rental
Business and benefit in full from the exemption. Any such gains would be treated as
exempt gains of the Property Rental Business and would therefore be treated as a PID
when paid to shareholders and be subject to 20 per cent. withholding tax (subject to
certain exceptions).
(e) A company will remain subject to UK corporation tax in the normal way in respect of any
income and gains from any activities not included in the Property Rental Business (the
“Residual Business”).
(f) While within the REIT Regime, the Property Rental Business will be treated as a separate
business for corporation tax purposes from the Residual Business. As such, a loss
incurred by the qualifying Property Rental Business cannot be set off against profits of
the Residual Business (and vice versa).
(g) A dividend paid by the Company which is attributed to profits or gains of the Property
Rental Business is referred to as a “Property Income Dividend” or “PID”. Other normal
dividends paid by the Company (including dividends relating to the Residual Business)
are referred to as Non-PID Dividends. Both PIDs and Non-PID Dividends may be
satisfied by stock dividends. Part 3 of the Securities Note contains further detail on the
UK tax treatment of shareholders in a REIT.

(h) In this Registration Document, references to a company’s accounting period are to its
accounting period for UK corporation tax purposes. This period can differ from a
company’s accounting period for other purposes.

1.2 Qualification as a REIT

(a) A company becomes a REIT by serving notice on HMRC before the beginning of the
first accounting period for which it wishes to become a REIT. In order to qualify as a REIT,
the company must satisfy and continue to satisfy certain conditions set out in the REIT
Regime. A non-exhaustive summary of the material conditions is set out below.

(b) Company conditions

The Company must be solely UK resident for tax purposes, its ordinary shares must be
admitted to trading on a recognised stock exchange and it must not be an open-ended
investment company. The Company’s shares must either be listed on a recognised stock
exchange throughout each accounting period or traded on a recognised stock
exchange in each accounting period. This listing/traded requirement is relaxed in the
first three accounting periods. The Company must also not be a close company (the
“close company condition”). In summary, the close company condition amounts to a
requirement that the company cannot be under the control of 5 or fewer participators
(meaning generally shareholders or loan creditors), or of participators who are directors,
subject to certain exceptions. A close company that is only close because it has a
participator which is an “institutional investor” under the REIT Regime will not violate the
non-close company rule. The close company condition is relaxed for the first three years.

(c) Share capital restrictions

The Company must have only one class of ordinary share in issue. The only other shares
it may issue are non-voting restricted preference shares, including shares which would
be non-voting restricted preference shares but for the fact that they carry a right of
conversion into shares or securities in the Company.

(d) Borrowing restrictions

The Company must not be party to any loan in respect of which the lender is entitled to
interest which exceeds a reasonable commercial return on the consideration lent or
where the interest depends to any extent on the results of any of its business or on the
value of any of its assets (subject to exceptions). In addition, the amount repayable must
either not exceed the amount lent or must be reasonably comparable with the amount
generally repayable (in respect of an equal amount lent) under the terms of issue of
securities listed on a recognised stock exchange.

(e) Conditions for the Property Rental Business (including the balance of business
The Company (or REIT Group) must satisfy, among other things, the following conditions
in respect of each accounting period during which it is to be treated as a REIT:
(i) the Property Rental Business must throughout the accounting period involve at
least three properties;
(ii) throughout the accounting period no one property may represent more than
40 per cent of the total value of the properties involved in the Property Rental
(iii) the profits arising from the Property Rental Business must represent at least
75 per cent of the total profits for the accounting period (the “75 per cent profits
condition”). Profits for this purpose means profits before deduction of tax and
excluding, broadly, gains and losses on the disposal of property and gains and
losses on the revaluation of properties, and certain exceptional items; and
(iv) at the beginning of the accounting period the value of the assets in the Property
Rental Business must represent at least 75 per cent of the total value of assets
held (the “75 per cent assets condition”). Cash and the value of shares held in
other REITs are included in the value of the assets relating to the Property Rental
Business for the purpose of meeting this condition.

(f) Distribution condition
The Company (or REIT Group) will be required (to the extent permitted by law) to
distribute to shareholders (by way of cash or stock dividend), on or before the filing date
for the tax return for the accounting period in question, at least 90 per cent. of its income
profits (broadly, calculated using normal UK corporation tax rules and excluding any
realised or unrealised gains or losses) in respect of its Property Rental Business (the
“90 per cent distribution condition”) together with all of the Company’s (or REIT
Group’s) UK REIT investment profits (broadly dividends received from other REITs in
which the Company (or REIT Group) holds shares). For the purpose of satisfying the
90 per cent. distribution condition, any dividend withheld in order to comply with the
10 per cent. rule (as described below) will be treated as having been paid.

1.3 Investment in other REITs

There is an exemption for distributions of profits or gains of the Property Rental Business of
one REIT to another REIT. The investing REIT is required to distribute 100 per cent. of such
distributions to its shareholders. The investment by one REIT in another REIT will effectively be
treated as a Property Rental Business asset for the purposes of the 75 per cent. assets

1.4 Effect of being a REIT

(a) Tax exemption
As a REIT, the Company (or its REIT Group) will not pay UK corporation tax on profits
and gains from the Property Rental Business. Since 6 April 2019, gains on a disposal by
a member of the REIT Group of shares in a property owning subsidiary which is
“UK property rich” (which broadly means it derives 75 per cent. or more of its value from
interests in UK land) are treated as exempt gains from the REIT Group’s Property Rental
Business, but it should be noted that this exemption applies only on a proportionate
basis, with the proportion of the gain that is exempted being the same as the proportion
which the value of the UK property rental business assets of the company disposed of
bears to that company’s total assets (as at the beginning of the accounting period in
which the disposal takes place).
Corporation tax will still apply in the normal way in respect of the Residual Business. The
Company (and its REIT Group) will also continue to pay all other applicable taxes
including VAT, stamp duty land tax, stamp duty, PAYE, rates and national insurance
contributions in the normal way.

(b) Dividends
When the Company pays a dividend, that dividend must be paid as a PID to the extent
necessary to satisfy the 90 per cent. distribution condition and the requirement to
distribute UK REIT investment profits. If the dividend exceeds the amount required to
satisfy that test, then depending on the exact position of the business (e.g. any
requirement to pay further PIDs before a Non-PID dividend can be paid) the REIT may
determine that all or part of the balance is a Non-PID Dividend. Subject to certain
exceptions, PIDs will be subject to withholding tax at the basic rate of income tax
(currently 20 per cent). Further details of the United Kingdom tax treatment of certain
categories of shareholder while the company is in the REIT Regime are contained in
Part 3 of the Securities Note.
If the Company ceases to be a REIT, dividends paid by the Company may nevertheless
be PIDs to the extent they are paid in respect of profits and gains of the Property Rental
Business arising whilst the Company was within the REIT Regime.

(c) Interest cover ratio

A tax charge may arise to a REIT if, in respect of any accounting period, the ratio of
income profits (subject to certain adjustments) to financing costs is less than 1.25:1. The
amount (if any) by which the financing costs exceed the amount of those costs which
would cause that ratio to equal 1.25:1 is (subject to a cap of 20 per cent. of the income
profits) generally chargeable to corporation tax. HMRC has the power to waive such
corporation tax charge if it is satisfied that: (i) the Company was in severe financial

difficulties at a time in the relevant accounting period; (ii) the ratio is less than 1.25:1 as
a result of circumstances that arose unexpectedly; and (iii) in those circumstances the
Company could not reasonably have taken action to avoid such a result.

(d) The “10 per cent. rule”

The Company may become subject to an additional tax charge if it makes a distribution
to, or in respect of, a person beneficially entitled, directly or indirectly, to 10 per cent. or
more of the Company’s distributions or share capital or that controls, directly or
indirectly, 10 per cent. or more of the voting rights in the Company. Shareholders should
note that this tax charge only applies where a distribution is made (or attributed) to
persons that are companies or are treated as bodies corporate in accordance with the
law of an overseas jurisdiction with which the UK has a double taxation agreement, or in
accordance with such a double taxation agreement. It does not generally apply where a
nominee has such a 10 per cent or greater holding unless the persons on whose behalf
the nominee holds the shares meet the test in their own right. This tax charge will not be
incurred if the principal company has taken “reasonable steps” to avoid paying
dividends to such a shareholder. HMRC guidance describes certain actions that a REIT
may take to show it has taken such “reasonable steps”. One of these actions is to
include restrictive provisions in the REIT’s articles of association to address this
requirement, and the Company’s Articles therefore contain provisions designed to avoid
the situation where distributions may become payable to a Substantial Shareholder.
These provisions are summarised at paragraph 3 of this Part 5.

(e) Property development and property trading by a REIT

A property in relation to which development has been undertaken by the Company (or
its REIT Group) can be within the Property Rental Business provided certain conditions
are met. However, if the costs of the development exceed 30 per cent. of the fair value
of the asset at the later of: (a) the date on which the relevant company becomes a
member of a REIT, and (b) the date of the acquisition of the development property, and
the REIT sells the development property within three years of completion of the
development, the property will be treated as never having been part of the Property
Rental Business for the purposes of calculating any profits arising on disposal of the
property. Any profit will be chargeable to corporation tax as part of the Residual
If the Company (or its REIT Group) disposes of a property (whether or not a
development property) in the course of a trade, the property will be treated as never
having been within the Property Rental Business for the purposes of calculating any
profit arising on disposal of the property. Any profit will generally be chargeable to
corporation tax as part of the Residual Business.

(f) Movement of assets in and out of Property Rental Business

In general, where an asset owned by the Company (or its REIT Group) and used for the
Property Rental Business begins to be used for the Residual Business, there will be a tax
exempt market value disposal of the asset. Where an asset owned by the Company (or
its REIT Group) and used for the Residual Business begins to be used for the Property
Rental Business, this may, depending on the circumstances, constitute a taxable
disposal of the asset.

(g) Joint ventures

The REIT Regime also makes certain provisions for corporate joint ventures. If the REIT
is beneficially entitled to at least 40 per cent. of the profits available for distribution to
equity holders in a joint venture company and at least 40 per cent. of the assets of the
joint venture company available to equity holders in the event of a winding up, that joint
venture company (or its subsidiaries) is carrying on a Property Rental Business which
satisfies the 75 per cent. profits condition and the 75 per cent. assets condition (the
“JV company”) and certain other conditions are satisfied, the principal company may,
by giving notice to HMRC, elect for the assets and income of the JV company to be
included in the Property Rental Business for tax purposes (on a proportionate basis). In
such circumstances, the income of the JV company will count towards the 90 per cent

distribution condition and the 75 per cent. profits condition, and its assets will count
towards the 75 per cent. assets condition (on a proportionate basis).

(h) Certain tax avoidance arrangements

If HMRC believes that a company that is or is a member of a REIT has been involved in
certain tax avoidance arrangements, it may cancel the tax advantage obtained and, in
addition, impose a tax charge equal to the amount of the tax advantage. In addition, if
HMRC consider that the circumstances are sufficiently serious or if two or more notices
in relation to the obtaining of a tax advantage are issued by HMRC in a 10 year period,
they may require a company to exit the REIT Regime.

1.5 Exit from the REIT Regime

A company can give notice to HMRC that it wants to leave the REIT Regime at any time. The
Board retains the right to decide that the company should exit the REIT Regime at any time in
the future without shareholder consent if it considers this to be in the best interests of the
If a company voluntarily leaves the REIT Regime within ten years of joining and within two
years of leaving disposes of any property that was involved in its Property Rental Business,
any uplift in the base cost of the property as a result of the deemed disposals on entry into
and exit from the REIT Regime (or as a movement from the Property Rental Business to the
Residual Business) is disregarded in calculating the gain or loss on the disposal.
It is important to note that it cannot be guaranteed that the Company or its REIT Group will
comply with all of the REIT conditions and that the REIT Regime may cease to apply in some
Shareholders and/or prospective investors should note that it is possible that the Company or
its REIT Group could lose its status as a REIT as a result of actions by third parties (for
example, in the event of a successful takeover by a company that is not a REIT) or other
circumstances outside the Company’s control.


2.1 Introduction
The Articles contain provisions designed to enable the Company to demonstrate to HMRC that
it has taken “reasonable steps” to avoid paying a dividend (or making any other distribution) to
any Substantial Shareholder.
If a distribution is paid to a Substantial Shareholder and the Company has not taken
reasonable steps to avoid doing so, the Company would become subject to a UK corporation
tax charge.
The Articles contain special articles for this purpose (the “Special Articles”). The text of the
Special Articles is set out in paragraph 3 of this Part 5.
The Special Articles:
(a) provide Directors with powers to identify its Substantial Shareholders (if any);
(b) prohibit the payment of dividends on Ordinary Shares that form part of a Substantial
Shareholding, unless certain conditions are met;
(c) allow dividends to be paid on Ordinary Shares that form part of a Substantial
Shareholding where the Shareholder has disposed of its rights to dividends on its
Ordinary Shares; and
(d) seek to ensure that if a dividend is paid on Ordinary Shares that form part of a
Substantial Shareholding and arrangements of the kind referred to in the preceding
paragraph are not met, the Substantial Shareholder concerned does not become
beneficially entitled to that dividend.
The effect of the Special Articles is explained in more detail below.

2.2 Identification of Substantial Shareholders
The share register of the Company records the legal owner and the number of Ordinary
Shares they own but does not identify the persons who are beneficial owners of the Ordinary
Shares or are entitled to control the voting rights attached to the Ordinary Shares or are
beneficially entitled to dividends. While the requirements for the notification of interests in
shares provided in Part VI of the Companies Act and the Board’s rights to require disclosure
of such interests (pursuant to Part 22 of the Companies Act and Article 180 of the Articles)
should assist in the identification of Substantial Shareholders, those provisions are not on their
own sufficient.
Accordingly, the Special Articles require a Substantial Shareholder and any registered
Shareholder holding Ordinary Shares on behalf of a Substantial Shareholder to notify the
Company if his Ordinary Shares form part of a Substantial Shareholding. Such a notice must
be given within two business days. The Special Articles give the Board the right to require any
person to provide information in relation to any Ordinary Shares in order to determine whether
the Ordinary Shares form part of a Substantial Shareholding. If the required information is not
provided within the time specified (which is seven days after a request is made or such other
period as the Board may decide), the Board is entitled to impose sanctions, including
withholding dividends (as described in paragraph 2.3 below) and/or requiring the transfer of
the Ordinary Shares to another person who is not, and does not thereby become, a Substantial
Shareholder (as described in paragraph 2.6 below).

2.3 Preventing payment of a dividend to a Substantial Shareholder

The Special Articles provide that a dividend will not be paid on any Ordinary Shares that the
Board believes may form part of a Substantial Shareholding unless the Board is satisfied that
the Substantial Shareholder is not beneficially entitled to the dividend.
If in these circumstances payment of a dividend is withheld, the dividend will be paid
subsequently if the Board is satisfied that:
l the Substantial Shareholder concerned is not beneficially entitled to the dividends (see
also paragraph 2.4 below);
l the shareholding is not part of a Substantial Shareholding;
l all or some of the Ordinary Shares and the right to the dividend have been transferred
to a person who is not, and does not thereby become, a Substantial Shareholder (in
which case the dividends will be paid to the transferee); or
l sufficient Ordinary Shares have been transferred (together with the right to the
dividends) such that the Ordinary Shares retained are no longer part of a Substantial
Shareholding (in which case the dividends will be paid on the retained Ordinary Shares).
For this purpose references to the “transfer” of an Ordinary Share include the disposal (by any
means) of beneficial ownership of, control of voting rights in respect of and beneficial
entitlement to dividends in respect of, that Ordinary Share.

2.4 Payment of a dividend where rights to it have been transferred

The Special Articles provide that dividends may be paid on Ordinary Shares that form part of
a Substantial Shareholding if the Board is satisfied that the right to the dividend has been
transferred to a person who is not, and does not thereby become, a Substantial Shareholder
and the Board may be satisfied that the right to the dividend has been transferred if it receives
a certificate containing appropriate confirmations and assurances from the Substantial
Shareholder. Such a certificate may apply to a particular dividend or to all future dividends in
respect of Ordinary Shares forming part of a specified Substantial Shareholding, until notice
rescinding the certificate is received by the Company. A certificate that deals with future
dividends will include undertakings by the person providing the certificate:
l to ensure that the entitlement to future dividends will be disposed of; and
l to inform the Company immediately of any circumstances which would render the
certificate no longer accurate.

The Directors may require that any such certificate is copied or provided to such persons as
they may determine, including HMRC.
If the Board believes a certificate given in these circumstances is or has become inaccurate,
then it will be able to withhold payment of future dividends (as described above). In addition,
the Board may require a Substantial Shareholder to pay to the Company the amount of any tax
payable (and other costs incurred) as a result of a dividend having been paid to a Substantial
Shareholder in reliance on the inaccurate certificate. The Board may require a sale of the
relevant Ordinary Shares and retain the amount claimed from the proceeds.
Certificates provided in the circumstances described above will be of considerable
importance to the Company in determining whether dividends can be paid. If the Company
suffers loss as a result of any misrepresentation or breach of undertaking given in such a
certificate, it may seek to recover damages directly from the person who has provided it. Any
such tax may also be recovered out of dividends to which the Substantial Shareholder
concerned may become entitled in the future.
The effect of these provisions is that there is no restriction on a person becoming or remaining
a Substantial Shareholder provided that the person who does so makes appropriate
arrangements to divest itself of the entitlement to dividends.

2.5 Trust arrangements where rights to dividends have not been disposed of by a Substantial
The Special Articles provide that if a dividend is in fact paid on Ordinary Shares forming part
of a Substantial Shareholding (which might occur, for example, if a Substantial Shareholding is
split among a number of nominees and is not notified to the Company prior to a dividend
payment date) the dividends so paid are to be held on trust by the recipient for any person
(who is not a Substantial Shareholder) nominated by the Substantial Shareholder concerned.
The person nominated as the beneficiary could be the purchaser of the Ordinary Shares if the
Substantial Shareholder is in the process of selling down their holding so as not to cause the
Company to breach the Substantial Shareholder rule. If the Substantial Shareholder does not
nominate anyone within 12 years, the dividend concerned will be held on trust for the Company
or such charity as the Board may nominate.
If the recipient of the dividend passes it on to another without being aware that the Ordinary
Shares in respect of which the dividend was paid were part of a Substantial Shareholding, the
recipient will have no liability as a result. However, the Substantial Shareholder who receives
the dividend should do so subject to the terms of the trust and as a result may not claim to be
beneficially entitled to those dividends.

2.6 Mandatory sale of Substantial Shareholdings

The Special Articles also allow the Board to require the disposal of Ordinary Shares forming
part of a Substantial Shareholding if:
l a Substantial Shareholder has been identified and a dividend has been announced or
declared and the Board has not been satisfied that the Substantial Shareholder has
transferred the right to the dividend (or otherwise is not beneficially entitled to it);
l there has been a failure to provide information requested by the Board; or
l any information provided by any person proves materially inaccurate or misleading.
In these circumstances, if the Company incurs a charge to tax as a result of one of these
events, the Board may, instead of requiring the Shareholder to dispose of the Ordinary Shares,
arrange for the sale of the relevant Ordinary Shares and for the Company to retain from the
sale proceeds an amount equal to any tax so payable.

2.7 Takeovers
The Special Articles do not prevent a person from acquiring control of the Company through a
takeover or otherwise, although as explained above, such an event may cause the Company to
cease to qualify as a REIT.

2.8 Other
The Special Articles also give the Company power to require any Shareholder who applies to
be paid dividends without any tax withheld to provide such certificate as the Board may
require to establish the Shareholder’s entitlement to that treatment.
The Special Articles may be amended by special resolution passed by the Shareholders in the
future, including to give powers to the Directors to ensure that the Company can comply with
the close company condition described in this Part 5, which powers may include the ability to
arrange for the sale of Ordinary Shares on behalf of Shareholders.


“Real Estate Investment Trust”
179 Cardinal principle
(1) It is a cardinal principle that, for so long as the Company qualifies as a REIT or is the
principal company of a group REIT for the purposes of Part 12 of the CTA 2010, it
should not be liable to pay tax under Section 551 of the CTA 2010 on or in connection
with the making of a Distribution.
(2) Articles 180 to 184 support such cardinal principle by, among other things, imposing
restrictions and obligations on the members and, indirectly, certain other persons who
may have an interest in the Company, and shall be construed accordingly so as to give
effect to such cardinal principle. References in Articles 179 to 184 to any provision of
CTA 2010 or other legislation relating to tax (including any such references contained
relevant terms defined for the purposes of these Articles) are to such provisions or other
legislation as the same may be modified, amended, supplemented or replaced from
time to time.

180 Notification of Substantial Shareholder and other status

(1) Each member and any other relevant person shall serve notice in writing on the
Company at the Office on:
(a) his becoming a Substantial Shareholder (together with the percentage of voting
rights, share capital or dividends he controls or is beneficially entitled to, details of
the identity of the member(s) who hold(s) the relevant Substantial Shareholding
and such other information, certificates or declarations as the Directors may
require from time to time, such other information, certificates or declarations to be
provided promptly following a request therefor);
(b) his becoming a Relevant Registered Shareholder (together with such details of the
relevant Substantial Shareholder and such other information, certificates or
declarations as the Directors may require from time to time, such other
information, certificates or declarations to be provided promptly following a
request therefor); and
(c) any change to the particulars contained in any such notice (or in such other
information, certificates or declarations), including on the relevant person ceasing
to be a Substantial Shareholder or a Relevant Registered Shareholder.
Any such notice shall be delivered by the end of the second Business Day after the day
on which the person becomes a Substantial Shareholder or a Relevant Registered
Shareholder or the change in relevant particulars or within such shorter or longer period
as the Directors may specify from time to time.
(2) The Directors may at any time give notice in writing to any person requiring him, within
such period as may be specified in the notice (being seven days from the date of
service of the notice or such shorter or longer period as the Directors may specify in the
notice), to deliver to the Company at the Office such information, certificates and
declarations as the Directors may require to establish whether or not he is a Substantial
Shareholder or a Relevant Registered Shareholder or to comply with any Reporting
Obligation. Each such person shall deliver such information, certificates and
declarations within the period specified in such notice.

181 Distributions in respect of substantial shareholdings
(1) In respect of any Distribution, the Directors may, if the Directors determine that the
condition set out in Article 181(2) is satisfied in relation to any shares in the Company,
withhold payment of such Distribution on or in respect of such shares. Any Distribution
so withheld shall be paid as provided in Article 181(3) and until such payment the
persons who would otherwise be entitled to the Distribution shall have no right to the
Distribution or its payment.
(2) The condition referred to in Article 181(1) is that, in relation to any shares in the
Company and any Distribution to be paid or made on and in respect of such shares:
(a) the Directors believe that such shares comprise all or part of a Substantial
Shareholding of a Substantial Shareholder; and
(b) the Directors are not satisfied that such Substantial Shareholder would not be
beneficially entitled to the Distribution if it was paid, and, for the avoidance of
doubt, if the shares comprise all or part of a Substantial Shareholding in respect
of more than one Substantial Shareholder this condition is not satisfied unless it is
satisfied in respect of all such Substantial Shareholders.
(3) If a Distribution has been withheld on or in respect of any shares in the Company in
accordance with Article 181(1) it shall be paid as follows:
(a) if it is established to the satisfaction of the Directors that the condition in Article
181(2) is not satisfied in relation to such shares, in which case the whole amount
of the Distribution withheld shall be paid; and
(b) if the Directors are satisfied that sufficient interests in all or some of the shares
concerned, including the rights to the Distribution attributable to such shares, have
been transferred to a third party so that such transferred shares no longer form
part of the Substantial Shareholding, in which case the Distribution attributable to
such shares shall be paid (provided the Directors are satisfied that following such
transfer such shares concerned do not form part of a Substantial Shareholding);
(c) if the Directors are satisfied that as a result of a transfer of interests in shares
referred to in Article 181(3)(b) above the remaining shares no longer form part of
a Substantial Shareholding, in which case the Distribution attributable to such
shares shall be paid.
In this Article 181, references to the “transfer” of a share include the disposal (by any
means) of beneficial ownership of, control of voting rights in respect of and beneficial
entitlement to dividends in respect of, that share.
(4) A Substantial Shareholder may satisfy the Directors that he is not beneficially entitled to
a Distribution by providing a Distribution Transfer Certificate. The Directors shall be
entitled to (but shall not be bound to) accept a Distribution Transfer Certificate as
evidence of the matters therein stated and the Directors shall be entitled to require such
other information, certifications or declarations as they think fit.
(5) The Directors may withhold payment of a Distribution on or in respect of any shares in
the Company if any notice given by the Directors pursuant to Article 181(2) in relation to
such shares shall not have been complied with to the satisfaction of the Directors within
the period specified in such notice. Any Distribution so withheld will be paid when the
notice is complied with to the satisfaction of the Directors unless the Directors withhold
payment pursuant to Article 181(1) and until such payment the persons who would
otherwise be entitled to the Distribution shall have no right to the Distribution or its
(6) If the Directors decide that payment of a Distribution should be withheld under Article
181(1) or Article 181(5), they shall within seven Business Days give notice in writing of
that decision to the Relevant Registered Shareholder.
(7) If any Distribution shall be paid on or in respect of a Substantial Shareholding and an
Excess Charge becomes payable, the Substantial Shareholder shall indemnify the
Company against and on demand pay to the Company an amount (calculated on an

after-tax basis) equal to the amount of such Excess Charge and all costs and expenses
incurred by the Company in connection with the recovery of such amount to the
Company. Without prejudice to the right of the Company to claim such amount from the
Substantial Shareholder, such recovery may be made out of the proceeds of any
disposal pursuant to Article 183(2) or out of any subsequent Distribution in respect of
the shares to such person or to the members of all shares in relation to or by virtue of
which the Directors believe that person has an interest in the Company (whether that
person is at that time a Substantial Shareholder or not).

182 Distribution trust

(1) If a Distribution is paid on or in respect of a Substantial Shareholding (except where the
Distribution is paid in circumstances where the Substantial Shareholder is not otherwise
beneficially entitled to the Distribution or the Directors have determined that they are
satisfied that no Excess Charge will arise in connection with payment thereof), the
Distribution and any income arising from it shall be held by the payee or other recipient
to whom the Distribution or right to it is transferred by the payee on trust absolutely for
the persons nominated by the relevant Substantial Shareholder under Article 182(2) in
such proportions as the relevant Substantial Shareholder shall in the nomination direct,
or subject to and in default of such nomination being validly made within 12 years after
the date the Distribution is made, for the Company or for such charity as may be
nominated by the Directors from time to time.
(2) The relevant Substantial Shareholder of shares in the Company on or in respect of which
a Distribution is paid shall be entitled to nominate in writing any two or more persons (not
being Substantial Shareholders) to be the beneficiaries of the trust on which the
Distribution is held under Article 182(1) and the Substantial Shareholder may in any such
nomination state the proportions in which the Distribution is to be held on trust for the
nominated persons, failing which the Distribution shall be held on trust for the nominated
persons in equal proportions. No person may be nominated under this Article 182(2)
who is or would, on becoming a beneficiary in accordance with the nomination, become
a Substantial Shareholder. If the Substantial Shareholder making the nomination is not by
virtue of Article 182(1) the trustee of the trust, the nomination shall not take effect until it
is delivered to the person who is the trustee.
(3) Any income arising from a Distribution which is held on trust under Article 182(1) shall
until the earlier of (i) the making of a valid nomination under Article 182(2) and (ii) the
expiry of the period of 12 years from the date when the Distribution is paid be
accumulated as an accretion to the Distribution. Income shall be treated as arising when
payable, so that no apportionment shall take place. The Company shall be entitled to
deduct and pay to HMRC any tax due on the income arising for which it or any member
of the Group is liable to account.
(4) No person who by virtue of Article 182(1) holds a Distribution on trust shall be under any
obligation to invest the Distribution or to deposit it in an interest-bearing account.
(5) No person who by virtue of Article 182(1) holds a Distribution on trust shall be liable for
any breach of trust unless due to his own wilful fraud or wrongdoing or, in the case of
an incorporated person, the fraud or wilful wrongdoing of its directors, officers or

183 Obligation to dispose

(1) If at any time, the Directors believe that:
(a) in respect of any Distribution declared or announced, the condition set out in
Article 181(2) is satisfied in respect of any shares in the Company in relation to
that Distribution; or
(b) a notice given by the Directors pursuant to Article 180(2) in relation to any shares
in the Company has not been complied with to the satisfaction of the Directors
within the period specified in such notice; or

(c) any information, certificate or declaration provided by a person in relation to any
shares in the Company for the purposes of this Article 183(1) was materially
inaccurate or misleading,
the Directors may give notice in writing (a “Disposal Notice”) to any persons they
believe are Relevant Registered Shareholders in respect of the relevant shares requiring
such Relevant Registered Shareholders within 21 days of the date of service of the
notice (or such longer or shorter time as the Directors consider to be appropriate in the
circumstances) to dispose of such number of shares the Directors may in such notice
specify or to take such other steps as will cause the condition set out in Article 181(2) no
longer to be satisfied. The Directors may, if they think fit, withdraw a Disposal Notice.
(2) If:
(a) the requirements of a Disposal Notice are not complied with to the satisfaction of
the Directors within the period specified in the relevant notice and the relevant
Disposal Notice is not withdrawn; or
(b) a Distribution is paid on a Substantial Shareholding and an Excess Charge
becomes payable,
the Directors may arrange for the Company to sell all or some of the shares to which the
Disposal Notice relates or, as the case may be, that form part of the Substantial
Shareholding concerned. For this purpose, the Directors may make such arrangements
as they deem appropriate. In particular, without limitation, they may authorise any officer
or employee of the Company to execute any transfer or other document on behalf of the
holder or holders of the relevant share and, in the case of a share in uncertificated form,
may make such arrangements as they think fit on behalf of the relevant holder or holders
to transfer title to the relevant share through a relevant system.
(3) Any sale pursuant to Article 183(2) above shall be at the price which the Directors
consider is the best price reasonably obtainable and the Directors shall not be liable to
the holder or holders of the relevant share for any alleged deficiency in the amount of
the sale proceeds or any other matter relating to the sale.
(4) The net proceeds of the sale of any share under Article 183(2) (less any amount to be
retained pursuant to Article 181(5) and the expenses of sale) shall be paid over by the
Company to the former holder or holders of the relevant share upon surrender of any
certificate or other evidence of title relating to it, without interest. The receipt of the
Company shall be a good discharge for the purchase money.
(5) The title of any transferee of shares shall not be affected by an irregularity or invalidity
of any actions purportedly taken pursuant to this Article 183.

184 General
(1) The Directors shall be entitled to presume without enquiry, unless any Director has
reason to believe otherwise, that a person is not a Substantial Shareholder or a Relevant
Registered Shareholder.
(2) The Directors shall not be required to give any reasons for any decision or determination
(including any decision or determination not to take action in respect of a particular
person) pursuant to Articles 179 to 184 and any such determination or decision shall be
at the absolute discretion of the Directors and shall be final and binding on all persons
unless and until it is revoked or changed by the Directors. Any disposal or transfer made
or other thing done by or on behalf of the Board or any Director pursuant to Articles 179
to 184 shall be binding on all persons and shall not be open to challenge on any ground
(3) Without limiting their liability to the Company, the Directors shall be under no liability to
any other person, and the Company shall be under no liability to any member or any
other person, for identifying or failing to identify any person as a Substantial Shareholder
or a Relevant Registered Shareholder.
(4) The Directors shall not be obliged to serve any notice required under Articles 179 to 184
upon any person if they do not know either his identity or his address. The absence of

service of such a notice in such circumstances or any accidental error in or failure to
give any notice to any person upon whom notice is required to be served under Articles
179 to 184 shall not prevent the implementation of or invalidate any procedure under
Articles 179 to 184.
(5) The provisions of Articles 152 to 158 shall apply to the service upon any person of any
notice required by Articles 179 to 184. Any notice required by Articles 179 to 184 to be
served upon a person who is not a member or upon a person who is a member but
whose address is not within the United Kingdom shall be deemed validly served if such
notice is sent through the post in a pre-paid cover addressed to that person or member
at the address if any, at which the Directors believe him to be resident or carrying on
business or, in the case of a holder of depositary receipts or similar securities, to the
address, if any, in the register of holders of the relevant securities. Service shall, in such
a case be deemed to be effected on the day of posting and it shall be sufficient proof
of service if that notice was properly addressed, stamped and posted.
(6) Any notice required or permitted to be given pursuant to Articles 179 to 184 may relate
to more than one share and shall specify the share or shares to which it relates.
(7) The Directors may require from time to time any person who is or claims to be a person
to whom a Distribution may be paid without deduction of tax under Regulation 7 of the
Real Estate Investment Trusts (Assessment and Recovery of Tax) Regulations 2006 to
provide such certificates or declarations as they may require from time to time.
(8) Any of Articles 179 to 184 may be amended by special resolution from time to time,
including to give powers to the Directors to take such steps as they may require in order
to ensure that the Company can satisfy Condition D of Section 528 of the CTA 2010
which relates to close company status, which powers may include the ability to arrange
for the sale of shares on behalf of members.
(9) Where any certificate or declaration may be or is required to be provided by any person
(including, without limitation, a Distribution Transfer Certificate) pursuant to any of
Articles 179 to 184, such certificate or declaration may be required by the Directors
(without limitation):
(a) to be addressed to the Company, the Directors or such other persons as the
Directors may determine (including HMRC);
(b) to include such information as the Directors consider is required for the Company
to comply with any Reporting Obligation;
(c) to contain such legally binding representations and obligations as the Directors
may determine;
(d) to include an undertaking to notify the Company if the information in the certificate
or declaration becomes incorrect, including prior to such change;
(e) to be copied or provided to such persons as the Directors may determine
(including HMRC); and
(f) to be executed in such form (including as a deed or deed poll) as the Directors
may determine.
The provisions of Articles 179 to 184 shall apply notwithstanding any provisions to the
contrary in any other Article (including, without limitation, Articles 139 to 151).”




The audited consolidated financial statements of the Group for the 12 months ended 31 March 2020
(the “2020 Annual Report and Accounts”) and the unaudited consolidated interim accounts of the
Group for the six months ended 30 September 2020 (the “2020 Interim Report”), which have been
incorporated into this document by reference, included on the pages specified below the following
2020 Annual Report
2020 Interim Report and Accounts
Nature of information (page no(s)) (page no(s))
Highlights 2-4 2-4
Chairman’s Statement 6-8 6-8
Investment Advisor’s Report 9-16 10-18
Key performance indicators 18-19 25
EPRA performance measures 20 26
Directors’ Report – 36-38
Independent Auditor’s Report – 55-60
Independent review report to LXi REIT plc 23 –
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 24 62
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 25 63
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 26-27 64
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 28 65
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 29-54 66-87
Company Statement of Financial Position – 88
Company Statement of Changes in Equity – 89
Notes to the Company Financial Statements – 90-94
Notes to the EPRA performance measures 55 96-97
Company information 56 100
The 2020 Annual Report and Accounts have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and were
audited by BDO LLP, whose report was unqualified. BDO LLP is a member firm of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Any statement contained in the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts or the 2020 Interim Report which
is deemed to be incorporated by reference herein, shall be deemed to be modified or superseded
for the purpose of this Registration Document to the extent that a statement contained herein (or in a
later document which is incorporated by reference herein) modifies or supersedes such earlier
statement (whether expressly, by implication or otherwise). Any statement so modified or superseded
shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded to constitute a part of this Registration
To the extent that any part of the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts or the 2020 Interim Report that
is incorporated into this document by reference itself contains information that is incorporated by
reference, such information shall not form part of the Prospectus.
Those parts of the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts and the 2020 Interim Report which are not
being incorporated into this document by reference are either not relevant for investors or are
covered elsewhere in the Prospectus.
Copies of the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts and the 2020 Interim Report are available online at
www.lxireit.com and are also available for inspection at the address referred to in paragraph 16 of
Part 7 of this Registration Document.

Save as disclosed below, there has been no significant change in the financial position of the Group
since 30 September 2020, being the end of the last financial period for which interim financial
information has been published.
The significant changes since 30 September 2020 comprise:

l On 11 February 2021, the Board declared an interim quarterly dividend in respect of the
quarter ended 31 December 2020 of 1.44 pence per Ordinary Share.
l On 23 November 2020, the Board declared an interim quarterly dividend in respect of the
quarter ended 30 September 2020 of 1.35 pence per Ordinary Share.

Acquisitions and disposals

l On 20 October 2020, the Company announced three disposals for a total value of £17 million
and two accretive acquisitions in the foodstore sector for a total sum of £15 million, reflecting
a blended net initial yield of 5.5 per cent (net of acquisition costs). These comprised:
– the disposal of the Company’s only office asset in Cambuslang, Glasgow for proceeds
of £8 million, generating an attractive geared IRR of over 16 per cent. per annum;
– the sale of 11 long-let social housing assets for a combined sum of £8.5 million to a
social infrastructure fund;
– the sale of a non-operational plot adjacent to its Travelodge hotel in Llanelli to a petrol
filling station operator for £500,000;
– the exchange of contracts on the pre-let forward funding acquisition of a Lidl foodstore
in West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, which has been fully let to Lidl on a 25-year lease
(with a one-off break right at year 15) with five yearly rental uplifts in line with annually
compounded RPI inflation (capped at 3 per cent. per annum and collared at 1 per cent.
per annum). The Company is also forward funding EV charging points at the property,
pre-let on an unbroken 25-year, RPI-linked lease to a specialist EV operator; and
– the acquisition of a £5m built Aldi foodstore in Lytham St Annes with 18-years term
certain remaining on the lease and fixed five yearly rental uplifts of 2.5 per cent. per
annum compounded.
l On 26 November 2020, the Company announced the acquisition of 11 foodstores and two
discount stores from five different vendors/developers for a total cost of £61 million and at an
average net initial yield of 5.7 per cent. (net of acquisition costs). The acquisitions comprised:
– the exchange of contracts on the pre-let forward funding of an Aldi-anchored scheme in
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland with an unbroken 20-year lease commencing on
completion of the building works and five-yearly RPI inflation-linked reviews, together
with an adjoining unit which has been fully pre-let to Iceland Foods Limited on an
unbroken 10-year lease with upwards only rent reviews;
– the acquisition of a foodstore in Portsmouth, Hampshire, which is fully let to Lidl UK
GMBH with 22 years until expiry and 17 years until first break and rent reviews on a
five-yearly basis at a fixed growth rate of 2 per cent. per annum compounded;
– the acquisition of a foodstore in Poynton, Cheshire, which is fully let to Waitrose Limited
with 15 years unexpired until first break and rent reviews on a five-yearly basis at a fixed
growth rate of 2.5 per cent. per annum compounded;
– the acquisition of a portfolio of seven Co-Op foodstores in Blackpool, Glasgow,
Pontypridd, Sandbach, Southport, Wallasey and Wrexham, from a mortgagee, each of
which is let to the Co-Operative Group Limited with over 16 years unexpired to first break
and with annual rental uplifts fixed at 2.25 per cent. per annum; and
– the acquisition of two discount stores in Bradford, Yorkshire, the first of which is fully let
to The Range with 19 years until first break and fixed rental uplifts of 2.5 per cent. per
annum compounded and the second of which is fully let to B&M Retail Limited with
14 years until first break and fixed rental uplifts of 2 per cent. per annum compounded.

l On 30 November 2020, the Company completed the disposal of its car storage facility in Corby
let to BCA, for proceeds of £68 million, reflecting a low exit yield of 4.45 per cent. and an
attractive geared IRR of over 14 per cent. per annum on completion.

Debt restructuring
l On 2 November 2020, the Group blended its three term loan facilities and reduced the fixed
interest rate by 9 bps to 2.85 per cent. per annum, which is expected to provide approximately
£2.0m of cash saving over the extended term. The blended facility was also extended to a
thirteen-year maturity, expiring in December 2033.




1.1 The Company was incorporated in England and Wales on 21 December 2016 as a public
limited company under the Companies Act with registered number 10535081. The Company’s
Legal Entity Identifier is 2138008YZGXOKAXQVI45. The Company is registered as an
investment company under section 833 of the Companies Act and has received a certificate
under section 761 of the Companies Act entitling it to commence business and to exercise its
borrowing powers. The Company is domiciled in England and Wales and has no employees.
The Company has an indefinite life.
1.2 The principal place of business and registered office of the Company is 1st Floor Senator
House, 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4AB and its telephone number is +44 (0)20
4513 9260. The Company’s website address is www.lxireit.com. Information on the Company’s
website does not form part of the Prospectus unless that information is incorporated by
reference into the Prospectus.
1.3 The principal legislation under which the Company operates is the Companies Act. The
Company is not regulated as a collective investment scheme by the FCA. However, as a
Company with its shares admitted to the premium segment of the Official List of the FCA and
to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s main market, the Company is subject to the Listing
Rules, the UK Prospectus Regulation, the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the UK Market Abuse
Regulation, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and to the rules of the London
Stock Exchange.
1.4 The AIFM, Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited, is a private limited company incorporated in
England and Wales on 18 December 2015 under the Companies Act with company number
09921853. The AIFM is an authorised investment manager subject to regulation by the FCA
(firm registration number 751355). The address of the registered office of the AIFM is 10 Old
Burlington Street, London W1S 3AG, its telephone number is +44 (0) 20 7195 1400 and its
Legal Entity Identifier is 213800V3RGPKFF69EW93.
1.5 The Investment Advisor, LXi REIT Advisors Limited, is a limited liability company incorporated
in England and Wales on 22 December 2016 under the Companies Act with company number
10537567. The address of the registered office of the Investment Advisor is 10 Old Burlington
Street, London W1S 3AG and its telephone number is +44(0)20 7195 1400.

2.1 As at the date of this Registration Document, the Company’s issued share capital, all of which
is fully paid, was 521,426,010 Ordinary Shares and no Ordinary Shares were held in treasury.
2.2 The Company has convened the General Meeting at which the Directors are seeking authority
from Shareholders to issue up to 400 million New Ordinary Shares on a non-pre-emptive basis
pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance Programme.
2.3 All of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Share
Issuance Programme will be in registered form and will be eligible for settlement in CREST.
Temporary documents of title will not be issued.
2.4 Applicants who have signed and returned Application Forms in respect of the Offer for
Subscription and the Open Offer may not withdraw their applications for New Ordinary Shares
subject to their statutory right of withdrawal in the event of the publication of a supplementary
2.5 The Company had not issued any convertible securities, exchangeable securities or securities
with warrants; no share or loan capital of the Company is under option or has been agreed,
conditionally or unconditionally, to be put under option; and the Company had not granted or
assumed any acquisition rights or obligations over authorised but unissued share capital or
given any undertaking to increase the share capital.

3.1 The table below sets out the number of existing Ordinary Shares held by each Director at the
Latest Practicable Date, the percentage of Ordinary Share capital that holding represents at
the Latest Practicable Date, the number of New Ordinary Shares each Director intends to
subscribe for pursuant to the Initial Issue and the percentage of Ordinary Share capital each
Director is expected to hold at the date of Initial Admission:
Director Number of Number of % of enlarged
existing % of issued New Ordinary
Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Share
Shares Share capital Shares capital*
Stephen Hubbard 169,389 0.032 16,000 0.032
Colin Smith OBE 222,909 0.043 – 0.038
Jan Etherden 57,274 0.011 20,000 0.013
John Cartwright 66,687 0.013 – 0.011
Patricia Dimond 17,431 0.003 8,000 0.004
* Assuming the Initial Issue is subscribed as to 60,164,539 New Ordinary Shares.

3.2 Save as disclosed in this paragraph 3, no Director has any interest, whether beneficial or
non-beneficial, in the share or loan capital of the Company as at the Latest Practicable Date.
3.3 None of the Directors has, or has had, an interest in any transaction which is or was unusual
in its nature or conditions or significant to the business of the Company or that has been
effected by the Company since its incorporation.
3.4 The Company has not made any loans to the Directors which are outstanding, nor has it ever
provided any guarantees for the benefit of any Director or the Directors collectively.
3.5 Over the five years preceding the date of this Registration Document, the Directors hold or
have held the following directorships (apart from their directorships of the Company) or
memberships of administrative, management or supervisory bodies and/or partnerships:
Name Current Previous
Stephen Hubbard 74 Cadogan Square The London Business Club*
Freehold Limited
Cockwells Modern and
Classic Boat Building Ltd
LXi Property Holdings 1 Limited
Workspace Group plc
Colin Smith OBE — Hilton Food Group plc
LXi Property Holdings 1 Limited
The Challenge Network**
Jan Etherden Miton UK MicroCap Trust plc Hotel Income REIT Plc
LXi Property Holdings 1 Limited
Ruffer Investment Company Ltd
TwentyFour Income Fund Ltd
John Cartwright Calvi Capital Limited LXi Property Holdings 1 Limited
Investment Committee of The Association of Real Estate
Lothbury Property Trust Funds
Oaklands (Chislehurst)
Management Limited
South Barracks Management
Company Limited
Patricia Dimond English National Opera
Foresight VCT plc
Withclarity Limited
** Dissolved by voluntary strike-off on 14 May 2019.
** Colin Smith OBE retired as a Director of The Challenge Network on 5 December 2018. The company entered into
administration on 27 November 2019 and creditors’ voluntary liquidation on 26 May 2020.

3.6 Save as disclosed in paragraph 3.5 above, the Directors in the five years before the date of this
Registration Document:
(a) do not have any convictions in relation to fraudulent offences;
(b) have not been associated with any bankruptcies, receiverships or liquidations of any
partnership or company, or any company put into administration, through acting in the
capacity as a member of the administrative, management or supervisory body or as a
partner, founder or senior manager of such partnership or company; and
(c) do not have any official public incrimination and/or sanctions by statutory or regulatory
authorities (including designated professional bodies) and have not been disqualified by
a court from acting as a member of the administration, management or supervisory
bodies of any issuer or from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs of any
3.7 There are no family relationships between any of the Directors.
3.8 The Company intends to maintain directors’ and officers’ liability insurance on behalf of the
Directors at the expense of the Company.
3.9 So far as is known to the Company, as at the Latest Practicable Date the following persons
hold, directly or indirectly, the percentage of the Company’s voting rights referred to below
which are notifiable pursuant to the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules:
Number of existing
Name Ordinary Shares held % of voting rights
BlackRock Inc. 28,102,017 5.39
Brooks Macdonald Group plc 12,676,746 2.43
Old Mutual plc 11,141,368 2.14
Close Asset Management Ltd 7,568,250 1.45
City Asset Management plc 4,148,111 0.80
3.10 As at the Latest Practicable Date, save as set out in this paragraph 3, the Company is not
aware of any persons who have a notifiable interest under English law in the Company’s capital
or voting rights.
3.11 All Shareholders have the same voting rights in respect of the share capital of the Company.
3.12 As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Company and the Directors are not aware of any other
person who, directly or indirectly, jointly or severally, exercises or could exercise control over
the Company.
3.13 The Company and the Directors are not aware of any arrangements, the operation of which
may at a subsequent date result in a change in control of the Company.
3.14 None of the Directors has any conflict of interest or potential conflicts of interest between any
of his or her duties carried out on behalf of the Company and his or her private interests and
any other duties. The Investment Advisor, any of its directors, officers, employees, agents and
affiliates and the Directors and any person or company with whom they are affiliated or by
whom they are employed (each an “Interested Party”) may be involved in other financial,
investment or other professional activities which may cause conflicts of interest with the
Company. In particular, Interested Parties may provide services similar to those provided to the
Company to other entities and shall not be liable to account for any profit from any such
services. For example, an Interested Party may acquire on behalf of a client an investment in
which the Company may invest.


4.1 No Director has a service contract with the Company, nor are any such contracts proposed.
4.2 Each Director has entered into a letter of appointment with the Company. The Directors’
appointments can be terminated in accordance with the Articles and without compensation. All
Directors are subject to retirement by rotation in accordance with the Articles. There is no
notice period specified in the letters of appointment or Articles for the removal of Directors.
The Articles provide that the office of Director shall be terminated by, amongst other things:

(i) written resignation; (ii) unauthorised absences from board meetings for six consecutive
months or more; or (iii) written request of all of the other Directors.
4.3 Each of the Directors is entitled to receive a fee from the Company at such rate as may be
determined in accordance with the Articles. Save for the Chairman, the current annual fees are
£40,000 for each Director. The Chairman’s current annual fee is £75,000. In addition, the Chair
of the Audit Committee receives an additional fee of £5,000 per annum and the Chair of the
Management Engagement Committee receives an additional fee of £3,000 per annum.
4.4 The aggregate of the remuneration (including any contingent or deferred compensation), and
benefits in kind granted to the Directors by the Group for the year ended 31 March 2020 was
4.5 The Directors are also entitled to out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the proper performance
of their duties.

The Articles contain provisions, inter alia, to the following effect:

5.1 Objects
The Articles do not provide for any objects of the Company and accordingly the Company’s
objects are unrestricted.

5.2 Variation of rights

Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act as amended and every other statute for the
time being in force concerning companies and affecting the Company (the “Statutes”), if at
any time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes of shares, the rights
attached to any class may be varied or abrogated either with the consent in writing of the
holders of three-quarters in nominal value of the issued shares of that class or with the
sanction of an extraordinary resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of the
shares of that class (but not otherwise) and may be so varied either whilst the Company is a
going concern or during or in contemplation of a winding-up. At every such separate general
meeting the necessary quorum shall be at least two persons holding or representing by proxy
at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of the class in question (but at any
adjourned meeting any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy shall be a
quorum), any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy may demand a poll
and every such holder shall on a poll have one vote for every share of the class held by him.
Where the rights of some only of the shares of any class are to be varied, the foregoing
provisions apply as if each group of shares of the class differently treated formed a separate
class whose rights are to be varied.

5.3 Alteration of share capital

The Company may by ordinary resolution:
(a) consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger nominal value
than its existing shares;
(b) sub-divide its shares, or any of them, into shares of smaller nominal value than its
existing shares; and
(c) determine that, as between the shares resulting from such a sub-division, one or more
shares may, as compared with the others, have any such preferred, deferred or other
rights or be subject to any such restrictions as the Company has power to attach to
unissued or new shares.

5.4 Issue of shares

Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and without prejudice to any rights attaching to
any existing shares, any share may be issued with such rights or restrictions as the Company
may by ordinary resolution determine (or if the Company has not so determined, as the
Directors may determine).

5.5 Dividends
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Company may by ordinary resolution
declare dividends in accordance with the respective rights of the shareholders but no
dividends shall exceed the amount recommended by the Directors. Subject to the provisions
of the Companies Act, the Directors may pay interim dividends, or dividends payable at a fixed
rate, if it appears to them that they are justified by the profits of the Company available for
distribution. If the Directors act in good faith they shall not incur any liability to the holders of
shares conferring preferred rights for any loss they may suffer by the lawful payment of an
interim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferred rights.
Subject to the rights of persons (if any) entitled to shares with special rights as to dividend, all
dividends shall be declared and paid according to the amounts paid up on the shares on
which the dividend is paid. If any share is issued on terms that it ranks for dividend as from a
particular date, it shall rank for dividend accordingly. In any other case, dividends shall be
apportioned and paid proportionately to the amount paid up on the shares during any
portion(s) of the period in respect of which the dividend is paid.

5.6 Voting rights

Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares, on a show of hands every
shareholder present in person has one vote, every proxy present who has been duly appointed
by a shareholder entitled to vote has one vote and every corporate representative present who
has been duly authorised by a corporation has the same voting rights as the corporation would
be entitled to. On a poll every shareholder (whether present in person or by proxy or by
corporate representative) has one vote for every share of which he is the holder. A shareholder
entitled to more than one vote need not, if he votes, use all his votes or cast all the votes he
uses the same way. In the case of joint holders, the vote of the senior who tenders a vote shall
be accepted to the exclusion of the vote of the other joint holders, and seniority shall be
determined by the order in which the names of the holders stand in the Register.
No shareholder shall have any right to vote at any general meeting or at any separate meeting
of the holders of any class of shares, either in person or by proxy, in respect of any share held
by him unless all amounts presently payable by him in respect of that share have been paid.
Where a shareholder vote is required to be taken in accordance with the Listing Rules, that vote
must be decided by a resolution of the holders of the shares that have been admitted to the
premium listing. Where the provisions of the Listing Rules require that any resolution must, in
addition, be approved by the independent shareholders (as defined in the Listing Rules), only
independent shareholders who hold shares that have a premium listing shall be entitled to vote
on the relevant resolution.

5.7 Transfer of shares

A share in certificated form may be transferred by an instrument of transfer, which may be in
any usual form or in any other form approved by the Directors, executed by or on behalf of the
transferor and, where the share is not fully paid, by or on behalf of the transferee. A share in
uncertificated form may be transferred by means of the relevant electronic system concerned.
In their absolute discretion, the Directors may refuse to register the transfer of a share in
certificated form which is not fully paid provided that if the share is listed on the Official List
such refusal does not prevent dealings in the shares from taking place on an open and proper
basis. The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a share in certificated form unless
the instrument of transfer:
(a) is lodged, duly stamped, at the registered office of the Company or such other place as
the Directors may appoint and is accompanied by the certificate for the share to which
it relates and such other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require to show the
right of the transferor to make the transfer;
(b) is in respect of only one class of share; and
(c) is not in favour of more than four transferees.
The Directors may refuse to register a transfer of a share in uncertificated form in any case
where the Company is entitled to refuse to register the transfer under the CREST Regulations

provided that such refusal does not prevent dealings in the shares from taking place on an
open and proper basis.
If the Directors refuse to register a transfer of a share, they shall within two months after the
date on which the transfer was lodged with the Company or, in the case of an uncertificated
share, the date on which the appropriate instruction was received by or on behalf of the
Company in accordance with the CREST Regulations send to the transferee notice of refusal.
No fee shall be charged for the registration of any instrument of transfer or other document or
instruction relating to or affecting the title to any share.
If at any time the holding or beneficial ownership of any shares in the Company by any person
(whether on its own or taken with other shares), in the opinion of the Directors: (i) would cause
the assets of the Company to be treated as “plan assets” of any Benefit Plan Investor;
(ii) would or might result in the Company and/or its shares and/or any of its appointed
investment managers or investment advisers being required to be registered or qualified under
the US Investment Company Act and/or the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended
and/or the US Securities Act and/or the US Exchange Act and/or any similar legislation (in any
jurisdiction) that regulates the offering and sale of securities; (iii) may cause the Company not
to be considered a “Foreign Private Issuer” under the US Exchange Act of 1934; (iv) may
cause the Company to be a “controlled foreign corporation” for the purpose of the US Code;
or (v) may cause the Company to become subject to any withholding tax or reporting
obligation under FATCA or any similar legislation in any territory or jurisdiction (including the
United Kingdom’s International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/878), or to be
unable to avoid or reduce any such tax or to be unable to comply with any such reporting
obligation (including by reason of the failure of the shareholder concerned to provide promptly
to the Company such information and documentation as the Company may have requested to
enable the Company to avoid or minimise such withholding tax or to comply with such
reporting obligation), then the Directors may declare the shareholder in question a
“Non-Qualified Holder” and the Directors may require that any shares held by such
shareholder (“Prohibited Shares”) shall (unless the shareholder concerned satisfies the
Directors that he is not a Non-Qualified Holder) be transferred to another person who is not a
Non-Qualified Holder, failing which the Company may itself dispose of such Prohibited Shares
at the best price reasonably obtainable and pay the net proceeds to the former holder.

5.8 Distribution of assets on a winding-up

If the Company is wound up, with the sanction of a special resolution and any other sanction
required by law and subject to the Companies Act, the liquidator may divide among the
shareholders in specie the whole or any part of the assets of the Company and for that
purpose may value any assets and determine how the division shall be carried out as between
the shareholders or different classes of shareholders. With the like sanction, the liquidator may
vest the whole or any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the
shareholders as he may with the like sanction determine, but no shareholder shall be
compelled to accept any shares or other securities upon which there is a liability.

5.9 Restrictions on rights: failure to respond to a Section 793 notice

If a shareholder, or any other person appearing to be interested in shares held by that
shareholder, fails to provide the information requested in a notice given to him under section
793 of the Companies Act by the Company in relation to his interest in shares (the “default
shares”) within 28 days of the notice (or, where the default shares represent at least 0.25 per
cent. of their class, 14 days of the notice), sanctions shall apply unless the Directors determine
otherwise. The sanctions available are the suspension of the right to attend or vote (whether in
person or by representative or proxy) at any general meeting or any separate meeting of the
holders of any class or on any poll and, where the default shares represent at least 0.25 per
cent. of their class (excluding treasury shares), the withholding of any dividend payable in
respect of those shares and the restriction of the transfer of those shares (subject to certain

5.10 Untraced shareholders
Subject to various notice requirements, the Company may sell any of a shareholder’s shares if,
during a period of 12 years, at least three dividends (either interim or final) on such shares
have become payable and no cheque for amounts payable in respect of such shares has been
presented and no warrant or other method of payment has been effected and no
communication has been received by the Company from the shareholder or person

5.11 Appointment of Directors

Unless the Company determines otherwise by ordinary resolution, the number of Directors
(other than alternate Directors) shall not be subject to any maximum but shall not be less than
Subject to the Articles, the Company may by ordinary resolution appoint a person who is
willing to act as, and is permitted by law to do so, to be a Director either to fill a vacancy or as
an additional Director. The Directors may appoint a person who is willing to act, and is
permitted by law to do so, to be a Director, either to fill a vacancy or as an additional Director.
A person appointed as a Director by the other Directors is required to retire at the Company’s
next annual general meeting and shall then be eligible for reappointment.

5.12 Powers of Directors

The business of the Company shall be managed by the Directors who, subject to the
provisions of the Articles and to any directions given by special resolution to take, or refrain
from taking, specified action, may exercise all the powers of the Company.
Any Director may appoint any other Director, or any other person approved by resolution of the
Directors and willing to act and permitted by law to do so, to be an alternate Director.

5.13 Borrowings
The Board on behalf of the Company may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow
money, to indemnify, to guarantee and to mortgage or charge its undertaking property and
uncalled capital and (subject to the provisions of the Statutes regarding authority to allot
debentures convertible into shares) to issue debentures and other securities whether outright
or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.

5.14 Voting at board meetings

No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Directors unless a quorum is present
and the quorum may be fixed by the Directors; unless so fixed at any other number the quorum
shall be two. A Director shall not be counted in the quorum present in relation to a matter or
resolution on which he is not entitled to vote but shall be counted in the quorum present in
relation to all other matters or resolutions considered or voted on at the meeting. An alternate
Director who is not himself a Director shall, if his appointor is not present, be counted in the
Questions arising at a meeting of the Directors shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the
case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

5.15 Restrictions on voting

Subject to any other provision of the Articles, a Director shall not vote at a meeting of the
Directors on any resolution concerning a matter in which he has, directly or indirectly, a
material interest (other than an interest in shares, debentures or other securities of, or otherwise
in or through, the Company) unless his interest arises only because the case falls within certain
limited categories specified in the Articles.

5.16 Directors’ interests

Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and provided that the Director has disclosed
to the other Directors the nature and extent of any material interest of his, a Director,
notwithstanding his office, may be a party to, or otherwise interested in, any transaction or
arrangement with the Company or in which the Company is otherwise interested and may be
a director or other officer of, or employed by, or a party to any transaction or arrangement with,
or otherwise interested in, any body corporate in which the Company is interested.

5.17 Indemnity
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Company may indemnify any person who
is a Director, secretary or other officer (other than an auditor) of the Company, against (a) any
liability whether in connection with any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust
by him in relation to the Company or any associated company or (b) any other liability incurred
by or attaching to him in the actual or purported execution and/or discharge of his duties
and/or the exercise or purported exercise of his powers and/or otherwise in relation to or in
connection with his duties, powers or office; and purchase and maintain insurance for any
person who is a Director, secretary, or other officer (other than an auditor) of the Company in
relation to anything done or omitted to be done or alleged to have been done or omitted to be
done as Director, secretary or officer.

5.18 General meetings

In the case of the annual general meeting, twenty-one clear days’ notice at the least shall be
given to all the members and to the auditors. All other general meetings shall also be convened
by not less than twenty-one clear days’ notice to all those members and to the auditors unless
the Company offers members an electronic voting facility and a special resolution reducing the
period of notice to not less than fourteen clear days has been passed in which case a general
meeting may be convened by not less than fourteen clear days’ notice in writing.
No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present. Two persons
entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each being a shareholder or a proxy for a
shareholder or a duly authorised representative of a corporation which is a shareholder
(including for this purpose two persons who are proxies or corporate representatives of the
same shareholder), shall be a quorum.
A shareholder is entitled to appoint another person as his proxy to exercise all or any of his
rights to attend and to speak and vote at a meeting of the Company. A shareholder may
appoint more than one proxy in relation to a meeting, provided that each proxy is appointed to
exercise the rights attached to a different share or shares held by him. Subject to the
provisions of the Companies Act, any corporation (other than the Company itself) which is a
shareholder may, by resolution of its directors or other governing body, authorise such
person(s) to act as its representative(s) at any meeting of the Company, or at any separate
meeting of the holders of any class of shares.
Delivery of an appointment of proxy shall not preclude a shareholder from attending and
voting at the meeting or at any adjournment of it.
Directors may attend and speak at general meetings and at any separate meeting of the
holders of any class of shares, whether or not they are shareholders.
A poll on a resolution may be demanded at a general meeting either before a vote on a show
of hands on that resolution or immediately after the result of a show of hands on that resolution
is declared. A poll may be demanded by the Chairman or by: (a) not less than two members
having the right to vote at the meeting; or (b) a member or members representing not less than
one-tenth of the total voting rights of all the members having the right to vote at the meeting;
or (c) a member or members holding shares conferring a right to vote at the meeting, being
shares on which an aggregate sum has been paid up equal to not less than one-tenth of the
total sum paid up on all the shares conferring that right.

5.19 C Share rights

(a) Definitions and Interpretation
(i) For the purposes of paragraphs 5.19(a) to 5.19(e) only, the following words and
expressions shall bear the following meanings:
“C Shareholder” means a person who is a holder of C Shares.
“Calculation Date” means the earliest of:
(A) close of business on the date nine months after the allotment of the
C Shares, or if such day is not a Business Day, the first Business Day prior

(B) close of business on the date to be determined by the Directors after the
day on which the Investment Advisor shall have given notice to the Directors
that at least 90 per cent. of the net proceeds attributable to the C Shares (or
such other percentage as the Directors and the Investment Advisor shall
agree) shall have been invested;
(C) close of business on the last Business Day prior to the day on which the
Directors resolve that any Force Majeure Circumstance has arisen or is
(D) close of business on such Business Day as the Directors may otherwise
determine in their sole discretion.
“Compulsory Redemption Notice” has the meaning set out in paragraph
“Conversion” means the conversion of C Shares into Ordinary Shares, in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5.19(e).
“Conversion Date” means the close of business on such Business Day as may
be selected by the Directors falling as soon as reasonably practicable after the
Calculation Date but not later than 30 Business Days after the Calculation Date.
Conversion Ratio means the ratio of the NAV per C Share to the NAV per Ordinary
Share, which is calculated to six decimal places (with 0.0000005 being rounded
upwards) by dividing the NAV per C Share by the NAV per Ordinary Share.
“Existing Ordinary Shares” means the Ordinary Shares in issue immediately
prior to Conversion.
“Force Majeure Circumstances” means, in relation to any C Shares: (i) any
political and/ or economic circumstances and/or actual or anticipated changes in
fiscal or other legislation which, in the reasonable opinion of the Directors, renders
Conversion necessary or desirable; (ii) the issue of any proceedings challenging,
or seeking to challenge, the power of the Company and/or its Directors to issue
any C Shares with the rights proposed to be attached to them and/or to the
persons to whom they are, and/or the terms upon which they are proposed to be
issued; or (iii) the giving of notice of any general meeting of the Company at
which a resolution is to be proposed to wind up the Company, whichever shall
happen earliest.
“NAV” means, in relation to the Company the value, as at any date, of the assets
of the Company after deduction of all liabilities of the Company and, in relation to
a class in shares in the Company, the value, as at any date of the assets
attributable to that class of shares after deduction of all liabilities attributable to
that class of shares and after deduction of any declared but unpaid dividends, in
each case determined in accordance with the accounting policies adopted by the
Company from time to time and subject to any such adjustments as the Directors
may determine in their absolute discretion taking into account the interests of
shareholders as a whole.
“NAV per C Share” means, at any date, the NAV attributable to the C Shares
divided by the number of C Shares in issue at the date of calculation.
“NAV per Ordinary Share” means, at any date, the NAV attributable to the
Ordinary Shares divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than
Ordinary Shares held in treasury) at the date of calculation.
“Pool” means a notional pool of assets and liabilities as described in paragraph
5.19(c) created for a class of shares.
“Redemption Date” means a date, as determined by the Directors and falling
prior to the Calculation Date, on which a redemption of C Shares is to be effected.
“Redemption Value” means 100 pence per C Share, or, if less, the amount
subscribed for the issue of each C Share.

(b) Rights attaching to C Shares
(i) The C Shares have attached to them the rights set out in this paragraph, and save
as stated in the Articles have no further right of participation in the profits or
assets of the Company.
(ii) At the Conversion Date, the C Shares shall be converted into Ordinary Shares in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5.19(e).
(iii) Subject to paragraph 5.19(e)(xi), the C Shares shall not carry the right to receive
any profits of the Company available for distribution whether by way of interim or
final dividend.
(iv) Save in connection with the issue of any C Shares pursuant to paragraph
5.19(e)(vi), no dividend or other distribution shall be made or paid by the
Company on any of its shares between any Calculation Date and the relevant
Conversion Date (both dates inclusive) and no such dividend shall be declared
with a record date falling between any Calculation Date and the relevant
Conversion Date (both dates inclusive).
(v) Subject to paragraph 5.19(e)(xi), on a winding up or return of capital (otherwise
than on a purchase or redemption by the Company of any C Shares), the holders
of the C Shares shall be entitled to receive an amount per C Share equal to the
lower of:
(A) the amount subscribed for the issue of each C Share; and
(B) the NAV per C Share,
but shall have no other rights to participate in the capital of the Company.
(vi) C Shares shall rank on a winding up in priority to all other shares of the Company
from time to time in issue.
(vii) The holders of C Shares shall have:
(A) the right to receive notice of, and attend, speak and vote at class meetings
of C Shareholders in accordance with the provisions of the Articles. Each
holder of C Shares who is present in person (or being a corporation, by
representative), or by proxy at a class meeting on a show of hands has one
vote, and on a poll, every such person who is present in person (or being a
corporation, by representative), or by proxy has one vote in respect of each
C Share held by him; and
(B) no rights to receive notice of, attend, speak or vote at general meetings of
the Company.

(c) Assets attributable to Ordinary Shares and C Shares

(i) If at any time C Shares are in issue, the Directors shall establish for accounting
purposes a single separate pool of assets and liabilities attributable to the
C Shares and a single separate pool of assets and liabilities attributable to the
Ordinary Shares (each, a “Pool”). The Directors shall maintain for accounting
purposes all the assets, income, earnings, liabilities, expenses and costs of each
Pool separate and separately identifiable from all other assets, income, earnings,
liabilities, expenses and costs of the Company and the other Pool and the
following provisions shall apply thereto:
(A) any consideration received on or proceeds from, the allotment and issue of
shares of a particular class shall be applied to the Pool which relates to
such class of shares, and the assets, liabilities, income and expenditure
attributable thereto shall be applied only to that Pool subject to the following
sub-paragraphs of this paragraph 5.19(c);
(B) on a redemption or repurchase of any shares of a particular class, the
assets of the Pool which relates to such class of shares shall be reduced
by an amount equal to the redemption or repurchase monies;

(C) for each Pool, the Company shall keep separate books and records in
which all transactions relating to that Pool shall be recorded;
(D) any asset derived from any other asset or assets (whether cash or
otherwise) comprised in any Pool shall be applied in the books and records
of the Company to the same Pool as the asset or assets from which it was
derived and any increase or diminution in the value of an asset comprised
in a Pool shall be applied to that Pool;
(E) in the event that there is any asset of the Company which the Directors do
not consider readily attributable to a particular Pool, the Directors shall
allocate such asset in such manner and on such basis as they in their
discretion deem fair and equitable and the Directors shall have the power
to, and may at any time and from time to time, vary such basis in respect of
any asset not previously allocated;
(F) the Directors shall have discretion to determine the basis upon which any
liability shall be allocated between the Pools (including conditions as to
subsequent allocations thereof if circumstances so permit or require) and
shall have power at any time and from time to time to vary such basis;
(G) subject as otherwise provided in the Articles, the assets held for each Pool
shall be applied solely in respect of the class of shares of the Pool for
which the relevant Pool was established and the Articles shall be construed
accordingly; and
(H) notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Pool has insufficient funds or assets to
meet the debts and liabilities attributable to such Pool, any such shortfall
shall be paid out of the assets attributable to the other Pool.
(ii) The Company shall give appropriate instructions to the AIFM to manage the
Company’s assets so that paragraph 5.19(c)(i) can be complied with.

(d) Redemption of C Shares

(i) At the option of the Directors the Company may, on any Redemption Date, redeem
for cash any C Shares in issue at a price per C Share equivalent to the
Redemption Value and otherwise in accordance with this paragraph 5.19(d). The
Company shall not be bound to make an offer to redeem any C Shares. Any
C Shares redeemed by the Company will be cancelled and will not be available
for reissue. Any redemption of C Shares will be in accordance with, and subject
to, the provisions of the Articles and the Companies Act.
(ii) The Directors shall be entitled in their absolute discretion to determine the
procedures for the redemption of the C Shares. Without prejudice to the generality
of the foregoing, and in the absence of any such determination as aforesaid, the
following provisions shall apply:
(A) not less than five Business Days prior to any Redemption Date, the
Company will notify holders of C Shares (by means of announcement,
written notice or otherwise (“Compulsory Redemption Notice”)) of its
intention to redeem C Shares on such Redemption Date, the aggregate
number of C Shares, the aggregate value of C Shares at the Redemption
Value, the percentage of each C Shareholder’s holding of C Shares,
rounded down to the nearest whole number, it wishes to redeem, and the
date by reference to which holdings of C Shares will be redeemed;
(B) in the event of a partial redemption of any holding of C Shares the following
provisions shall apply:
(1) in the case of a holding of C Shares in certificated form, the
Company shall procure that in relation to those C Shares which have
not been redeemed, a balance certificate in respect of such
C Shares shall be sent (at the risk of the relevant holder) to the
address of that holder as entered in the register of members of the
Company or, in the case of joint holders, to the address of the first

named holder as entered in the register of members of the Company,
within 28 days of the relevant Redemption Date;
(2) in the case of C Shares in uncertificated form which have not been
the subject of a redemption, such holders relevant system account
shall be updated accordingly, and
(3) all documents and remittances sent by, to or from holders of
C Shares or their appointed agents pursuant to this paragraph
5.19(d) will be sent at their own risk,
(C) payment of the redemption monies in respect of any C Shares in
certificated form shall be made by cheque or warrant made payable to the
relevant holder or, in the case of joint holders, to all such relevant joint
holders sent (at the risk of the relevant holder) to the address of the holder
as entered in the register of members of the Company or, in the case of
joint holders, to the address of the first named joint holder as entered in the
register of members of the Company. Every such cheque or warrant which
is sent through the post shall be sent by first class post;
(D) payment of the redemption monies in respect of any C Shares held in
uncertificated form will be credited to the appropriate relevant system
(iii) On the redemption of any C Shares, the name of the registered holder shall be
removed from the register of members of the Company in respect of such
C Shares and such C Shares shall be cancelled.
(iv) If any holder of any C Shares to be redeemed shall fail or refuse to accept
payment of the redemption monies payable in respect thereof, the redemption
monies payable to such holder shall be set aside and paid into a separate interest
bearing account with the Company’s bankers (designated for the benefit of such
holder) and such setting aside shall be deemed for all purposes hereof to be a
payment to such holder and all the said holder’s rights as a holder of the relevant
C Shares shall cease and determine as from the date fixed for the redemption of
such shares and the Company shall thereby be discharged from all obligations in
respect thereof. The Company shall not be responsible for the safe custody of the
monies so placed on deposit or for interest thereon except such interest as the
said monies may earn while on deposit less any expenses incurred by the
Company in connection therewith.
(v) The Company may exclude from any compulsory redemption of C Shares
pursuant to this paragraph any holders of C Shares where the Directors believe
that the compulsory redemption of their shares would or might involve a
contravention of the laws or regulations of any territory.

(e) Conversion of C Shares

(i) The C Shares for the time being in issue shall be converted into Ordinary Shares
on the relevant Conversion Date in accordance with the following provisions of this
paragraph 5.19(e).
(ii) The Directors shall procure that as soon as reasonably practicable after the
relevant Calculation Date, but no later than 30 Business Days from the relevant
Calculation Date:
(A) the Conversion Ratio as at the relevant Calculation Date and the numbers of
Ordinary Shares to which each holder of C Shares shall be entitled on
Conversion shall be calculated; and
(B) the Auditors shall confirm that such calculations as have been made by the
Company have, in their opinion, been performed in accordance with the
Articles and are arithmetically accurate whereupon such calculations shall
become final and binding on the Company and all holders of the
Company’s shares and any other securities issued by the Company which
are convertible into the Company’s shares.

Further, the Directors may, at their discretion, procure an independent valuation of
the assets at the relevant Calculation Date.
(iii) The Directors shall procure that, as soon as practicable following such
confirmation and in any event within 30 Business Days of the relevant Calculation
Date, a notice is sent to each holder of C Shares advising such shareholder of the
Conversion Date, the Conversion Ratio and the numbers of Ordinary Shares to
which such holder of C Shares will be entitled on Conversion.
(iv) Subject to paragraph 5.19(e)(vi), on Conversion the relevant number of C Shares
shall automatically convert into such number of Ordinary Shares as shall be
necessary to ensure that upon such Conversion being completed the aggregate
number of Ordinary Shares into which the same number of C Shares are
converted equals the number of C Shares in issue at the relevant Calculation Date
multiplied by the relevant Conversion Ratio (rounded down to the nearest whole
Ordinary Share).
(v) The Ordinary Shares arising upon Conversion shall be divided amongst the
holders of C Shares pro rata according to their respective former holdings of
C Shares (provided always that the Directors may deal in such manner as they
think fit with fractional entitlements to Ordinary Shares arising upon Conversion
including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, selling any Ordinary
Shares representing such fractional entitlements and retaining the proceeds for
the benefit of the Company).
(vi) If the Conversion requires more Ordinary Shares to arise on Conversion than the
number of C Shares that are in issue, the Directors shall, subject to the terms of
the Articles, the approval of an ordinary resolution of the Company and in
accordance with applicable law, issue fully paid up additional C Shares prior to
the Conversion by way of capitalisation of the share premium account of the
Company such that there are the requisite number of C Shares in issue to allow
the Company to comply with this paragraph 5.19(e).
(vii) Forthwith upon Conversion, the share certificates relating to the C Shares shall be
cancelled and the Company shall issue new certificates in respect of the Ordinary
Shares which have arisen upon Conversion.
(viii) The Conversion shall be effected by way of conversion and redesignation of the
relevant number of C Shares into the relevant number of Ordinary Shares and the
Directors may make such adjustments to the terms and timing of Conversion as
they in their discretion consider fair and reasonable having regard to the interests
of all Shareholders.
(ix) The Ordinary Shares into which any C Shares shall convert shall rank pari passu
with the Existing Ordinary Shares for dividends and other distributions in relation
to the Ordinary Shares made or declared by reference to a record date falling
after the relevant Calculation Date.
(x) Upon completion of a Conversion, the assets, liabilities, income and expenditure
attributable to the C Shares in accordance with paragraph 5.19(c) shall be
allocated to the Ordinary Shares.
(xi) The rights of any C Shares which remain in issue following Conversion shall with
effect from the Conversion Date be amended so that on a return of assets on a
winding up or otherwise, they entitle the holder only to payment of one penny in
respect of his entire holding of such C Shares and shall entitle the holder to the
payment of a fixed cumulative preferential dividend of 0.000000001 pence per
C Share payable annually but no other right to share in the profits of the Company.
The holders of such C Shares shall not be entitled to receive notice of or attend
or vote at any general meeting of the Company. With effect from the relevant
Conversion, each holder of C Shares grants an irrevocable authority on the
Company at any time thereafter to appoint any person to execute on behalf of the
holders of such C Shares a transfer thereof (and/or an agreement to transfer the
same) to such person(s) as the Company may determine as custodian thereof

and/or to redeem the same itself (in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act), in any such case for one penny (plus any accrued dividend) for
all such C Shares held by any member without obtaining any further sanction of
the holder or holders thereof and pending such transfer and/or redemption to
retain the certificate for such C Shares. Subject to the Companies Act, the
Company shall on the relevant Conversion (or as soon as practicable thereafter)
redeem all of the relevant C Shares then in issue, at a price of one penny (plus
any accrued dividends) in aggregate for all such C Shares held by any member
and redeemed at any one time and the notice referred to in paragraph 5.19(e)(iii)
shall be deemed to constitute notice to each holder of C Shares (and any person
or persons having rights to acquire or acquiring C Shares on or after the
Calculation Date) that the C Shares shall be so redeemed (and the Company shall
not be obliged to account to any holder of C Shares for the redemption arising in
respect of such C Shares).
(xii) For the avoidance of doubt, no act undertaken by the Company in accordance
with paragraph 5.19(e)(vi) shall amount to the variation, alteration or abrogation of
the rights attaching to any class of share in the Company.

5.20 REIT provisions

A summary of the REIT provisions included in the Articles is set out in paragraph 3 of Part 5
of this Registration Document.


The Takeover Code applies to the Company.
Given the existence of the buyback powers described in this Registration Document, there are
certain considerations that Shareholders should be aware of with regard to the Takeover Code.
Under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code, any person who acquires shares which, taken together with
shares already held by him or shares held or acquired by persons acting in concert with him, carry
30 per cent. or more of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the Takeover Code, is
normally required to make a general offer to all the remaining shareholders to acquire their shares.
Similarly, when any person or persons acting in concert already hold more than 30 per cent. but not
more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights of such company, a general offer will normally be required
if any further shares increasing that person’s percentage of voting rights are acquired.
Under Rule 37 of the Takeover Code when a company purchases its own voting shares, a resulting
increase in the percentage of voting rights carried by the shareholdings of any person or group of
persons acting in concert will be treated as an acquisition for the purposes of Rule 9 of the Takeover
Code. A shareholder who is neither a director nor acting in concert with a Director will not normally
incur an obligation to make an offer under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code in these circumstances.
However, under note 2 to Rule 37 of the Takeover Code where a shareholder has acquired shares at
a time when he had reason to believe that a purchase by the company of its own voting shares would
take place, then an obligation to make a mandatory bid under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code may arise.
The buyback powers could have implications under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code for Shareholders
with significant shareholdings. The buyback powers should enable the Company to anticipate the
possibility of such a situation arising. Prior to the Board implementing any share buyback the Board
will seek to identify any Shareholders who they are aware may be deemed to be acting in concert
under note 1 of Rule 37 of the Takeover Code and will seek an appropriate waiver in accordance with
note 3 of Rule 37. However, neither the Company, nor any of the Directors, nor the Investment Advisor
will incur any liability to any Shareholder(s) if they fail to identify the possibility of a mandatory offer
arising or, if having identified such a possibility, they fail to notify the relevant Shareholder(s) or if the
relevant Shareholder(s) fail(s) to take appropriate action.
If an offer is made for the shares or any class of shares in the capital of a company and if, within
4 months after the date of such offer, the offer is approved by shareholders comprising 90 per cent.
in value of the shares affected (excluding any shares held as treasury shares) then the offeror may,
within 2 months after the expiration of those 4 months, send an acquisition notice to any dissenting
shareholders informing them that it wishes to acquire their shares (an “Acquisition Notice”). Where
an Acquisition Notice is given, the offeror is then entitled and bound to acquire those shares on the

terms on which the original offer, approved by the shareholders comprising 90 per cent. in value of
the shares affected, was made.


There have been no related party transactions entered into by the Company at any time since the
date of the last unaudited consolidated interim accounts of the Group (being 30 September 2020).

The Company will at all times invest and manage its assets with the objective of spreading risk and
in accordance with its published investment policy as set out in Part 1 of this Registration Document.
The Company will not invest in other listed closed-ended investment funds.
In the event of a breach of the investment policy set out in Part 1 of this Registration Document and
the investment restrictions set out therein, the AIFM and the Investment Advisor shall inform the Board
upon becoming aware of the same and if the Board considers the breach to be material, notification
will be made to an RIS.
The Company must not conduct any trading activity which is significant in the context of its group as
a whole.


The following contracts (not being contracts entered into in the ordinary course of business) have
been entered into by the Company or a member of the Group: (a) within the two years immediately
preceding the date of this Registration Document; or (b) at any time, and contain provisions under
which the Company or a member of the Group has an obligation or entitlement which is, or may be,
material to the Group as at the date of this Registration Document:

9.1 Share Issuance Agreement

The Share Issuance Agreement dated 18 February 2021 between the Company, the AIFM, the
Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt and Jefferies whereby each of Peel Hunt and Jefferies has
undertaken, as agent for the Company, to use its reasonable endeavours to procure
subscribers for New Ordinary Shares under the Initial Issue and Subsequent Placings.
The Share Issuance Agreement is subject to, inter alia, the New Ordinary Shares to be issued
pursuant to the Initial Issue being admitted to the premium segment of the Official List and to
trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market by 15 March
2021 (or such later date and time as Peel Hunt, Jefferies and the Company agree but not later
than 8.00 a.m. on 31 March 2021).
Conditional upon completion of the Initial Issue, Peel Hunt and Jefferies are entitled to be paid
an aggregate commission by the Company of up to 1.5 per cent. of the value of any New
Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Initial Issue, in consideration for their services in
relation to the Initial Issue. Peel Hunt and Jefferies are also entitled to receive an aggregate
commission of 1.5 per cent. of the value of any New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to any
Subsequent Placings.
Under the Share Issuance Agreement, which may be terminated by Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies
in certain circumstances prior to and after Initial Admission, the Company, the AIFM and the
Investment Advisor have given certain warranties and indemnities to Peel Hunt and Jefferies.
These warranties and indemnities are customary for an agreement of this nature.
Under the Share Issuance Agreement, each of Peel Hunt and Jefferies may at its discretion
and out of its own resources at any time rebate to some or all investors, or to other parties, part
or all of its fees relating to the Initial Issue and any Subsequent Placing. Peel Hunt and
Jefferies are also entitled under the Share Issuance Agreement to retain agents and may pay
commission in respect of the Initial Issue and any Subsequent Placing to any or all of those
agents out of their own resources.
The Share Issuance Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.2 Receiving Agent Agreement
The Receiving Agent Agreement between the Company and the Receiving Agent dated
18 February 2021, pursuant to which the Receiving Agent has agreed to provide receiving
agent duties and services to the Company in respect of the Initial Issue.
Under the terms of the Receiving Agent Agreement, the Receiving Agent is entitled to
customary fees. The Receiving Agent is also entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable out of
pocket expenses incurred by it in connection with its duties.
The Receiving Agent Agreement limits the Receiving Agent’s liability thereunder to the lesser
of £250,000 or an amount equal to five times the fee payable to the Receiving Agent under the
agreement. The Receiving Agent Agreement also contains an indemnity from the Company in
favour of the Receiving Agent, its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees and agents
against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, professional fees, court costs and reasonably
incurred expenses resulting or arising from the Company’s breach of the agreement and, in
addition, any third-party claims, actions, proceedings, investigations or litigation relating to or
arising from or in connection with the agreement or the services provided thereunder, except
to the extent such losses are determined to have resulted solely from the fraud, wilful default or
negligence on the part of the party seeking indemnity under the agreement. The indemnity is
customary for an agreement of this nature.
The Receiving Agent Agreement is governed by the laws of England.

9.3 2019 Placing Agreement

The 2019 Placing Agreement dated 20 May 2019 between the Company, the AIFM, the
Investment Advisor and Peel Hunt whereby Peel Hunt undertook, as agent for the Company, to
use its reasonable endeavours to procure subscribers under the 2019 Issue.
Under the 2019 Placing Agreement, the Company agreed to pay Peel Hunt a commission in
consideration for its services in relation to the 2019 Issue.
The 2019 Placing Agreement contained certain warranties and indemnities given by the
Company, the AIFM and the Investment Advisor to Peel Hunt, which were customary for an
agreement of this nature.
The 2019 Placing Agreement was governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.4 2019 Receiving Agent Agreement

The 2019 Receiving Agent Agreement between the Company and the Receiving Agent dated
20 May 2019, pursuant to which the Receiving Agent agreed to provide receiving agent duties
and services to the Company in respect of the 2019 Issue.
Under the terms of the 2019 Receiving Agent Agreement, the Receiving Agent was entitled to
customary fees. The Receiving Agent was also entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable out
of pocket expenses incurred by it in connection with its duties.
The 2019 Receiving Agent Agreement limited the Receiving Agent’s liability thereunder to the
lesser of £250,000 or an amount equal to five times the fee payable to the Receiving Agent
under the agreement. The 2019 Receiving Agent Agreement also contained an indemnity from
the Company in favour of the Receiving Agent, its affiliates and their directors, officers,
employees and agents against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, professional fees, court
costs and reasonably incurred expenses resulting or arising from the Company’s breach of the
agreement and, in addition, any third-party claims, actions, proceedings, investigations or
litigation relating to or arising from or in connection with the agreement or the services
provided thereunder, except to the extent such losses are determined to have resulted solely
from the fraud, wilful default or negligence on the part of the party seeking indemnity under the
agreement. Such indemnity is customary for an agreement of this nature.
The 2019 Receiving Agent Agreement was governed by the laws of England.

9.5 Investment Management Agreement

The Investment Management Agreement dated 12 February 2020 between the Company and
Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited (formerly LJ Administration (UK) Limited), pursuant to

which Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited is appointed to act as investment manager and
AIFM of the Company.
Pursuant to the agreement, the AIFM is responsible for managing the assets of the Company
in accordance with the investment policy of the Company and subject to the overall policies
and communicated directions of the Board.
The AIFM is entitled to receive from the Company in respect of its services provided under the
Investment Management Agreement, a fee of £24,000 per annum.
The Investment Management Agreement may be terminated on 12 months’ written notice, such
notice to expire on or at any time after 31 March 2025. The Investment Management
Agreement may be terminated with immediate effect on the occurrence of certain events,
including insolvency or in the event of a material and continuing breach. The Investment
Management Agreement will terminate immediately in the event of termination of the
Investment Advisory Agreement.
The Company has given an indemnity in favour of the AIFM in respect of the AIFM’s potential
losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Investment Management Agreement, except
as shall arise from the fraud, wilful default or gross negligence of the AIFM or any material
breach of the Investment Management Agreement by the AIFM or a material breach of a
material FCA rule by the AIFM.
The Investment Management Agreement replaced the previous investment management
agreement between the Company and the AIFM dated 6 February 2017, entered into in
connection with the Company’s IPO (the “Original Investment Management Agreement”).
The Original Investment Management Agreement was on substantially the same terms as the
current Investment Management Agreement, save that the Original Investment Management
Agreement was terminable on 12 months’ written notice, such notice to expire on or at any time
after 31 March 2022.
The Investment Management Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.6 Investment Advisory Agreement

The Investment Advisory Agreement dated 12 February 2020 between the Company, Alvarium
Fund Managers (UK) Limited (formerly LJ Administration (UK) Limited) and the Investment
Manager, pursuant to which the Investment Advisor is appointed to provide certain services to
the Company and the AIFM in relation to the Company and its portfolio.
The Investment Advisor is entitled to receive from the Company in respect of its services
provided under the Investment Advisory Agreement, a fee payable monthly in arrear calculated
at the rate of: (i) one-twelfth of 0.75 per cent. per calendar month of Market Capitalisation up
to or equal to £500 million; and (ii) one-twelfth of 0.65 per cent. per calendar month of Market
Capitalisation above £500 million.
Pursuant to the Investment Advisory Agreement, the services of the Investment Advisor are
exclusive and the Investment Advisor is not permitted to render similar services to others
without the Board’s prior written consent, save for services provided to certain funds managed
by Osprey Equity Partners in respect of any investments made by them at the date of the
agreement. Furthermore, the Investment Advisor will not engage in any property acquisition
services in relation to any long index-linked asset(s) falling within the Company’s stated
investment policy and investment objective, which have been identified by the Investment
Advisor and in respect of which the reasonably estimated aggregate consideration or
commitment involved is likely to be in excess of £5,000,000, without offering the Company a
right of first refusal in respect of such asset(s).
The Investment Advisory Agreement may be terminated on 12 months’ written notice, such
notice to expire on or at any time after 31 March 2025. The Investment Advisory Agreement
may be terminated with immediate effect on the occurrence of certain events, including
insolvency or in the event of a material and continuing breach. The Investment Advisory
Agreement will terminate immediately in the event of termination of the Investment
Management Agreement. The Investment Advisory Agreement may also be terminated if a
“Key Person Event” occurs. A Key Person Event will be deemed to occur if both of the key
persons (being Simon Lee and John White) (a) cease to be an officer or employee of the

Investment Advisor’s group or (b) cease to be actively involved in the provision of the
Investment Advisor’s services under the Investment Advisory Agreement which have not been
delegated, and within three months of the relevant departure date or the date on which such
active involvement can reasonably be determined to have ceased, they are not replaced by a
person or persons whom the Board considers, in its reasonable discretion, to be of equal or
satisfactory standing.
The Company has given an indemnity in favour of the Investment Advisor in respect of the
Investment Advisor’s potential losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Investment
Advisory Agreement, except as shall arise from the fraud, wilful default or gross negligence of
the Investment Advisor or any material breach of the Investment Advisory Agreement by the
Investment Advisor or a material breach of a material FCA rule by the Investment Advisor.
The Investment Advisory Agreement replaced the previous investment advisory agreement
between the Company, the AIFM and the Investment Advisor dated 6 February 2017, entered
into in connection with the Company’s IPO (the “Original Investment Advisory Agreement”).
The Original Investment Advisory Agreement was on substantially the same terms as the
current Investment Advisory Agreement, save that (i) the Original Investment Advisory
Agreement was terminable on 12 months’ written notice, such notice to expire on or at any time
after 31 March 2022, and (ii) the current Investment Advisory Agreement includes
strengthened key man and exclusivity provisions.
The Investment Advisory Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.7 Investor Lock-in Deed

The Investor Lock-in Deed dated 24 September 2018 between the Company, Peel Hunt and the
Spanish Family Office Investors.
Pursuant to the terms of the Investor Lock-in Deed, the Spanish Family Office Investors each
agreed that they would not sell, grant options over or otherwise dispose of any interest in any
Ordinary Shares acquired by them under the 2018 Issue until 12 October 2020 save in certain
specified circumstances.
The Investor Lock-in Deed is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.8 Administration Agreement

The Administration Agreement dated 6 February 2017 between the Company and the
Administrator and the letters of variation dated 8 June 2017 and 15 February 2019, pursuant
to which the Administrator is appointed to perform certain accounting, administration and
related services.
The Administrator is permitted under the Administration Agreement to delegate any of its
duties to: (i) an associate of the Administrator; or (ii) subject to the prior written consent of the
Company (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) any other person, provided that the
Administrator remains liable for the acts and/or omissions of such person as if they were its
own acts and/or omissions.
The Administration Agreement is terminable by either party on three months’ notice in writing,
and may be terminated immediately by either party in certain situations, including in the event
of insolvency of the other party.
In consideration for its administration services, the Administrator is currently entitled to receive
a fee of £196,704.34 per annum. Any additional services provided by the Administrator will
incur additional charges.
The Administrator’s total liability in relation to the provision of the administration services or
otherwise in relation to the operation of the Administration Agreement, whether in contract, tort,
or for misrepresentation or otherwise shall be limited to three times the fees payable to it under
the agreement.
The Administration Agreement contains certain customary covenants, undertakings and
indemnities by the Company in favour of the Administrator.
The Administration Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.9 Company Secretarial Services Agreement
The Company Secretarial Services Agreement dated 11 July 2017 between the Company and
the Company Secretary, pursuant to which the Company Secretary is appointed to perform
company secretarial duties and functions for the Company.
Under the terms of the Company Secretarial Services Agreement the Company Secretary is
currently entitled to a company secretarial fee of £59,455 per annum, exclusive of VAT. This fee
accrues daily and is paid monthly in arrear. In the event that the Company Secretary is
required to undertake any other additional duties, beyond the scope of those set out in the
Company Secretarial Services Agreement, the Company Secretary is entitled to charge an
additional fee. The Company shall also reimburse the Company Secretary for its
disbursements to cover all out of pocket expenses properly incurred by the Company
Secretary in connection with the provision of its company secretarial services for and/or on
behalf of the Company.
Either party may terminate the Company Secretarial Services Agreement on six months’ written
notice. The agreement is also subject to immediate termination on the occurrence of certain
events, including material and continuing breach or insolvency.
The Company has agreed to indemnify the Company Secretary, its directors, officers and
employees and any agents, sub-contractors or delegates appointed by the Company
Secretary from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties,
actions, judgments, suits, costs, legal costs, reasonable expenses or disbursements of any
kind or nature whatsoever (other than those arising from the fraud, negligence or wilful default
on the part of the Company Secretary) as a result of or in connection with performing the
services under the Company Secretarial Services Agreement. This indemnity is customary for
an agreement of this nature.
The Company Secretarial Services Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.10 Registrar Services Agreement

The Registrar Services Agreement between the Company and the Registrar dated 6 February
2017, pursuant to which the Registrar has been appointed as registrar to the Company.
The Registrar Services Agreement shall continue unless terminated by either party on not less
than three months’ notice, such notice to expire at the end of any successive 12 month period
from the date that the Company’s Ordinary Shares were first admitted to trading on the London
Stock Exchange’s main market, being 27 February 2017. The agreement is also subject to
immediate termination on the occurrence of certain events, including material and continuing
breach or insolvency.
The Registrar Services Agreement limits the Registrar’s liability thereunder to the lesser of
£500,000 or an amount equal to five times the annual fee payable to the Registrar pursuant to
the Registrar Services Agreement.
The Registrar Services Agreement contains a provision whereby the Company indemnifies the
Registrar and its affiliates against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, professional fees,
court costs and expenses resulting or arising from the Company’s breach of the agreement
and, in addition, any third-party claims, actions, proceedings, investigations or litigation relating
to or arising from or in connection with the agreement or the services provided thereunder,
except to the extent such losses are determined to have resulted solely from fraud, wilful
default or negligence on the Registrar’s (or its affiliate’s) part. The indemnity is customary for
an agreement of this nature.
Under the terms of the Registrar Services Agreement, the Registrar is entitled to customary
The Registrar Services Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.11 Depositary Agreement

The Depositary Agreement dated 6 February 2017 entered into between the Depositary, the
Company and the AIFM, pursuant to which the safekeeping of the Company’s assets is
entrusted to the Depositary who is required to provide depositary services to the Company in
fulfilment of the requirements of the AIFM Rules. The Depositary is also responsible for

ensuring that the Company’s cash flows are properly monitored and for reviewing the AIFM’s
cash monitoring procedures.
The Depositary Agreement was initially entered into between the Depositary, the Company and
LJ Capital Limited (then the Company’s AIFM). Following the successful completion of the
Company’s IPO, LJ Capital Limited ceased to act as AIFM to the Company and, accordingly, a
deed of novation dated 6 February 2018 was entered into between the Depositary, the
Company, LJ Capital Limited and Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited pursuant to which the
parties agreed that the rights, obligations and liabilities of LJ Capital Limited under the
Depositary Agreement were novated to Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited.
The Depositary may delegate some of its custody functions to a custodian, who in turn may
further sub delegate to a sub-custodian, wherever permissible, in accordance with applicable
In consideration for its services, the Depositary is entitled to receive a fee of £32,500 per
annum plus an additional fee of 0.3 basis points per annum on any capital raised by the
Company in excess of £250 million. In addition, the Depositary is entitled to receive transaction
fees where the number of property acquisitions in a calendar year exceeds eight.
The Depositary Agreement contains provisions to allow for its termination by any party on not
less than six months’ prior written notice to each other party, or immediately in the case of
certain specified circumstances, including material and continuing breach or insolvency.
The Depositary Agreement contains certain customary undertakings and indemnities by the
Company and the AIFM in favour of the Depositary.
The Depositary Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.12 Directors’ Lock-in Deed

By way of a deed between each of the Directors, the Company and Peel Hunt dated
6 February 2017, the Directors have agreed that they will not sell, grant options over or
otherwise dispose of any interest in any Ordinary Shares acquired by them in satisfaction of
their entitlement to directors’ fees (save in certain circumstances, including: (i) in acceptance
of a general offer to all the Shareholders for the whole or part of the entire issued share capital
of the Company; or (ii) pursuant to an intervening court order; or (iii) following termination of
their appointment as a non-executive Director of the Company) prior to the date which is
eighteen months after the date of acquisition of the relevant Ordinary Shares.
The Directors’ Lock-in Deed is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.13 First Facility Agreement

The facility agreement originally dated 30 June 2017 and amended and restated or varied from
time to time, including on 8 December 2017, 7 December 2018 and 2 November 2020,
between LXi Property Holdings 1 Limited as the borrower (the “Borrower”); LXi Property
Holdings 1 Limited as the guarantor (the “Original Guarantor”), LXi Property Holdings 2
Limited and Alco 1 Limited as the acceding guarantors (the “Acceding Guarantors”), the
Company as shareholder (the “Shareholder”), Lloyds Bank plc as mandated lead arranger
(the “Arranger”); Scottish Widows Limited as lender (the “Original Lender”), Lloyds Bank plc
as agent of the other finance parties (the “Agent”) and Lloyds Bank plc as security trustee for
the secured parties (the “Security Trustee”).
The First Facility Agreement relates to an initial facility of £45 million and a forward facility of
£10 million, with a total maximum commitment of £55 million. The purpose of the First Facility
is to refinance the cost of acquiring additional assets to the Borrower’s portfolio (primarily
being forward funded and built properties), payment of costs associated with that process and
the Borrower’s general corporate purposes. The First Facility is secured against the assets of
the Borrower.
The term of the First Facility expires in December 2033.
The First Facility is interest only with a bullet payment on the date of termination. The interest
on each loan under the First Facility has a fixed all-in rate payable at 2.74 per cent. per annum
for the term of the loan.

Financial covenants pursuant to the terms of the First Facility Agreement include that the
Borrower must ensure: (i) a maximum loan to value ratio of 50 per cent., across both the First
Facility Agreement and the Second Facility Agreement, calculated against the secured
properties listed in each agreement; (ii) a historical interest cover of at least 200 per cent. to
300 per cent. at certain times; (iii) a projected interest cover of at least 300 per cent. at certain
times; and (iv) that no occupational tenant of the secured properties is responsible for more
than 30 per cent. of the total aggregated annual rental income.
The First Facility Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.14 Second Facility Agreement

The facility agreement originally dated 8 December 2017 and amended and restated on
2 November 2020 between LXi Property Holdings 1 Limited as the borrower (the “Borrower”),
LXi Property Holdings 1 Limited and LXi Property Holdings 2 Limited and Alco 1 Limited each
as guarantor (each an “Original Guarantor”), Lloyds Bank plc as the mandated lead arranger
(the “Arranger”), Scottish Widows Limited as lender (the “Original Lender”), Lloyds Bank plc
as agent of the other finance parties (the “Agent”) and Lloyds Bank plc as security trustee for
the secured parties (the “Security Trustee”).
The Second Facility Agreement relates to a facility of £40 million. The purpose of the facility is
to refinance the cost of acquiring additional assets to the Borrower’s portfolio (primarily being
forward funded and built properties), payment of costs associated with that process and the
Borrower’s general corporate purposes. The Second Facility is secured against the assets of
the Borrower.
The term of the Second Facility expires in December 2033.
The Second Facility is interest only with a bullet repayment on the date of termination. The
interest on each loan made under the Second Facility has a fixed all-in rate payable at 2.74 per
cent. per annum for the term of the loan.
Financial covenants pursuant to the terms of the Second Facility Agreement include that the
Borrower must ensure: (i) a maximum loan to value ratio of 50 per cent. across both the First
Facility and the Second Facility calculated against the secured properties listed in the First
Facility Agreement and the Second Facility Agreement; (ii) a historical interest cover of at least
200 per cent. to 300 per cent. at certain times; (iii) a projected interest cover of at least 300
per cent. at certain times; and (iv) that no occupational tenant of the secured properties is
responsible for more than 30 per cent. of the total aggregated annual rental income.
The Second Facility Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.15 Third Facility Agreement

The facility agreement originally dated 7 December 2018 and amended and restated on
2 November 2020 between LXi Property Holdings 3 Limited as the borrower (the “Borrower”),
LXI Property Holdings 3 Limited, Corby (General Partner) Limited, Corby Limited Partnership,
Corby Rail Services Limited, Corby (No. 2) Trustee Limited, Corby No. 2 Unit Trust and LXI
Cowdenbeath Limited each as guarantor (each an “Original Guarantor”), Lloyds Bank plc as
the mandated lead arranger (the “Arranger”), Scottish Widows Limited as lender (the
“Original Lender”), Lloyds Bank plc as agent of the other finance parties (the “Agent”) and
Lloyds Bank plc as security trustee for the secured parties (the “Security Trustee”).
The Third Facility Agreement relates to a facility of £75 million for a 15 year term to 5 December
2033. The purpose of the facility is to refinance the cost of acquiring additional assets to the
Borrower’s portfolio (primarily being forward funded and built properties), payment of costs
associated with that process and the Borrower’s general corporate purposes. The Third Facility
is secured against the assets of the Borrower.
The Third Facility is interest only with a bullet repayment on the date of termination. The interest
on each loan made under the Third Facility has a fixed all-in rate payable at 2.99 per cent. per
annum for the term of the loan.
Financial covenants pursuant to the terms of the Third Facility Agreement include that the
Borrower must ensure: (i) a maximum loan to value ratio of 50 per cent; (ii) a historical interest
cover of at least 200 per cent. to 300 per cent. at certain times; (iii) a projected interest cover

of at least 300 per cent. at certain times; and (iv) that no occupational tenant of the secured
properties is responsible for more than 30 per cent. of the total aggregated annual rental
The Third Facility Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9.16 Revolving Credit Facility Agreement

The revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 31 July 2019 and amended and
restated on 12 October 2020 between LXi Property Holdings 4 Limited as the borrower (the
“Borrower”), LXi Property Holdings 4 Limited, LXi Property Holdings 4A Limited and LXi Spirit
Limited each as guarantor (each a “Guarantor”), the Company as shareholder (the
“Shareholder”), the Company as subordinated creditor (the “Subordinated Creditor”), Lloyds
Bank plc as mandated lead arranger (the “Arranger”), Lloyds Bank plc as lender (the
“Lender”), Lloyds Bank plc as agent of the other finance parties (the “Agent”) and Lloyds
Bank plc as security trustee for the secured parties (the “Security Trustee”).
The agreement relates to a revolving credit facility of £100 million for a 3 year term to August
2022, which may be extended by up to two years with the consent of the lenders (being the
Lender and any person who becomes a lender pursuant to the terms of the agreement). The
Revolving Credit Facility is secured against a defined portfolio of the Group’s assets, held as a
lending group through a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.
Each loan made under the Revolving Credit Facility is interest only and is repayable in full on
the earlier of the next interest payment date (being 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and
31 December in each year) and the date of termination of the agreement, save that loans may
be rolled over. The interest on each loan made under the Revolving Credit Facility is 1.55 per
cent. per annum over LIBOR for the term of the loan.
Financial covenants pursuant to the terms of the Revolving Credit Facility Agreement include
that that the Borrower must ensure: (i) a maximum loan to value ratio of 50 per cent.; (ii) a
historical interest cover of at least 300 per cent. at all times; and (iii) that no occupational
tenant of the secured properties is responsible for more than 35 per cent. of the total
aggregated annual rental income.
The Revolving Credit Facility Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

There are no governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings, and the Company is not aware of any
governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings pending or threatened, nor of any such proceedings
having been pending or threatened at any time preceding the date of this Registration Document
which may have, or have had in the recent past, a significant effect on the financial position or
profitability of the Company and/or the Group during the 12 months preceding the date of this
Registration Document.

11.1 No application is being made for the New Ordinary Shares to be dealt with in or on any stock
exchange or investment exchange other than the main market of the London Stock Exchange.
11.2 Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited has given and not withdrawn its written consent to the
issue of this Registration Document with references to its name in the form and context in
which such references appear.
11.3 LXi REIT Advisors Limited accepts responsibility for and has authorised the inclusion (in the
form and context in which it is included) of the information contained in Part 2 and the
paragraph entitled “AIFM and Investment Advisor” in Part 3 of this Registration Document, and
declares that, to the best of its knowledge, the information contained in Part 2 and the
paragraph entitled “AIFM and Investment Advisor” in Part 3 of this Registration Document is in
accordance with the facts and those parts of the Registration Document make no omission
likely to affect their import.
11.4 LXi REIT Advisors Limited has given and not withdrawn its written consent to the issue of this
Registration Document with references to its name in the form and context in which such
references appear.

11.5 Knight Frank LLP of 55 Baker Street, Marylebone, London W1U 8AN, which is qualified for the
purposes of the below mentioned valuation in accordance with the RICS Valuation – Global
Standards, January 2020, issued by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, has given
and not withdrawn its consent to the inclusion in this Registration Document of its report in
Part 4 of this Registration Document and to the issue of this Registration Document with the
inclusion of its name and references to it in the form and context in which they appear and has
authorised the contents of its report in Part 4 of this Registration Document for the purposes
of Prospectus Regulation Rule 5.3.2R(2)(f), in the form and context in which they appear.
Knight Frank LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales on 3
November 2003 (registered number OC305934) and its Legal Entity Identifier is
11.6 There has been no material change in the valuation of the properties which are the subject of
the Property Valuation Report that appears in Part 4 of this Registration Document since the
date of the valuation contained in that report.
11.7 Where third party information has been referenced in this Registration Document, the source
of that third party information has been disclosed. All information in this Registration Document
that has been sourced from third parties has been accurately reproduced and, as far as the
Company is aware and able to ascertain from information published by such third parties, no
facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or
11.8 The effect of the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance Programme will be to increase the net
assets of the Company. On the assumption that the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance
Programme are subscribed as to 400 million New Ordinary Shares (being the maximum
number of New Ordinary Shares available thereunder), and assuming such shares are issued
at the Issue Price, the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance Programme would be expected to
increase the net assets of the Company by approximately £488 million.
11.9 Shareholders are obliged to comply with the shareholding notification and disclosure
requirements set out in Chapter 5 of the DTRs. A Shareholder is required pursuant to Chapter
5 of the DTRs to notify the Company if, as a result of an acquisition or disposal of shares or
financial instruments, the Shareholder’s percentage of voting rights of the Company reaches,
exceeds or falls below, three per cent. of the Company’s voting rights or any one per cent.
threshold above that.

The auditors to the Company are BDO LLP of 55 Baker Street, London W1U 7EU. BDO LLP is
registered to carry out audit work by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Langham Hall UK Depositary LLP, of 5 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7BA, acts as the Company’s
depositary. The Depositary is authorised and regulated by the FCA. The Depositary is a limited
liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC388007 and its
telephone number is +44 (0)20 3597 7969. The Depositary was incorporated on 20 September 2013.
The Depositary is not involved, directly or indirectly, with the business affairs, organisation,
sponsorship or management of the Company and is not responsible for the preparation of the
Prospectus and accepts no responsibility for any information contained in the Prospectus.

NO. 596/2014
The information disclosed by the Company under the UK Market Abuse Regulation and, prior to
1 January 2021, Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
16 April 2014 over the last 12 months which is relevant as at the date of this Registration Document
relates only to: (i) changes to the Group’s portfolio, which are incorporated in paragraph 5 of Part 1
of this Registration Document (“Portfolio and performance”) and paragraph 1 of Part 2 of this
Registration Document (“Investment opportunity”) as part of the disclosure of the Group’s current
portfolio that is included in those sections; (ii) dividends declared by the Company and target
dividends, which are referred to in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of this Registration Document (“Dividend
policy and target total NAV return”); (iii) changes in the valuation of the Group’s Properties, which are

incorporated into the Property Valuation Report in Part 4 of this Registration Document; (iv) changes
in the Group’s Net Asset Value and EPRA Net Tangible Assets, which are incorporated into
paragraph 8 of Part 1 of this Registration Document (“NAV and investment returns”); and
(v) published financial information of the Group, which is incorporated into Part 6 of this Registration


This document should be read and construed in conjunction with the following documents, which
have been previously published and filed with the FCA, which are available from the offices of the
AIFM at 10 Old Burlington Street, London W1S 3AG and from the Company’s website at
www.lxireit.com and which are available for inspection in accordance with paragraph 16 below:
Information incorporated Page number(s)
Reference document by reference in the document
2020 Annual Report Overview 1
and Accounts Highlights 2-4
Chairman’s statement 6-8
Investment Advisor’s report 10-18
The Investment Advisor 20-21
Investment objective and policy 22-23
Key performance indicators 25
EPRA performance measures 26
Section 172 statement 27-29
Principal risks and uncertainties 30-31
Going concern and viability statement 32-34
Directors’ Report 36-38
Corporate governance statement 40-45
Report of the Audit Committee 46-48
Report of the Management Engagement Committee 49
Depositary statement 50
Directors’ remuneration report 51-53
Statement of Directors’ responsibilities 54
Independent Auditor’s Report 55-60
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 62
Consolidated statement of financial position 63
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 64
Consolidated cash flow statement 65
Notes to the consolidated financial statements 66-87
Company statement of financial position 88
Company statement of changes in equity 89
Notes to the Company financial statements 90-94
Notes to the EPRA performance measures 96-97
Glossary 99
Company information 100
2020 Interim Report LXi REIT plc 1
Highlights 2-4
Chairman’s statement 6-8
Investment Advisor’s report 9-16
Key performance indicators 18-19
EPRA performance measures 20
Principal risks and uncertainties 21
Directors’ responsibility statement 21
Independent review report 23
Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income 24
Condensed consolidated statement of financial position 25
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 26-27
Condensed consolidated cash flow statement 28
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements 29-54
Notes to the EPRA performance measures 55
Company information 56

Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection at the registered office of the
Company and the offices of Stephenson Harwood LLP, 1 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7SH during
normal business hours on any weekday (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays excepted) from the
date of this Registration Document until 17 February 2022 and shall be available on the Company’s
website (www.lxireit.com):
(a) this Registration Document;
(b) the Summary;
(c) the Securities Note;
(d) the Company’s memorandum of association and Articles;
(e) the Property Valuation Report;
(f) the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts; and
(g) the 2020 Interim Report.

Dated: 18 February 2021



The following definitions apply throughout this Registration Document unless the context requires
“2018 Issue” the initial placing, placing, open offer, offer for subscription and
intermediaries offer of Ordinary Shares as described in the
prospectus dated 24 September 2018, under which gross
proceeds of £175 million were raised
“2019 Issue” the placing, open offer, offer for subscription and intermediaries
offer of Ordinary Shares as described in the prospectus dated
20 May 2019, under which gross proceeds of approximately
£200 million were raised
“2019 Placing Agreement” the placing agreement between the Company, the AIFM, the
Investment Advisor and Peel Hunt dated 20 May 2019 and entered
into in connection with the 2019 Issue, a summary of which is set
out in paragraph 9.3 of Part 7 of this Registration Document
“2019 Receiving Agent the receiving agent agreement between the Company and the
Agreement” Receiving Agent dated 20 May 2019 in connection with the 2019
Issue, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.4 of Part 7 of
this Registration Document
“2020 AGM” the annual general meeting of the Company held at 2.00 p.m. on
30 June 2020
“2020 Annual Report and the annual report and consolidated financial statements of the
Accounts” Group for the financial year ended 31 March 2020
“Administration Agreement” the administration agreement between the Company and the
Administrator, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.8 of
Part 7 of this Registration Document
“Administrator” Langham Hall UK Services LLP
“Admission” admission of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to
the Initial Issue or a Subsequent Issue: (i) to trading on the
premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market
becoming effective in accordance with the LSE Admission
Standards; and (ii) to the premium list of the Official List becoming
effective in accordance with the Listing Rules
“AIC” the Association of Investment Companies
“AIC Code” the 2019 AIC Code of Corporate Governance
“AIFM” Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited
“AIFM Rules” the UK’s implementation of the European Union’s Alternative
Investment Fund Managers directive (No. 2071/61/EU) and all
legislation made pursuant thereto, including the Alternative
Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 and any other
applicable UK implementing legislation and regulations
“Alvarium” the trading name for a group of affiliated businesses that are
subsidiaries of Alvarium Investments Limited
“Application Forms” and each the Open Offer Application Form and/or the Offer for Subscription
an “Application Form” Application Form, as the context requires
“Articles” the articles of association of the Company
“Audit Committee” the audit committee of the Board

“Auditors” BDO LLP
“Benefit Plan Investor” a “benefit plan investor” (as defined in Section 3(42) of ERISA and
any regulations promulgated thereunder), including without
limitation: (a) any “employee benefit plan” as defined in Section
3(3) of ERISA that is subject to the provisions of Part 4 of Title I of
ERISA; (b) a “plan” as defined in and subject to Section 4975 of
the US Code, including an individual retirement account or other
arrangement that is subject to Section 4975 of the US Code; and
(c) an entity which is deemed to hold the assets of any of the
foregoing types of plans, accounts or arrangements by reason of
any such plans’ investment in the entity, a “plan” that is subject to
the prohibited transaction provisions of Section 4975 of the
US Code, and entities the assets of which are treated as “plan
assets” under Section 3(42) of ERISA by reason of investment
therein by Benefit Plan Investors
“Business Day” a day (excluding Saturdays and Sundays, or public holidays in
England and Wales) on which banks generally are open for
business in London for the transaction of normal business
“C Shares” C shares in the capital of the Company having the rights and
restrictions set out in paragraph 5.19 of Part 7 of this Registration
Document; for the avoidance of doubt, there are no C Shares in
issue as at the date of this document and the Company does not
have the ability to issue C Shares under the Initial Issue or the
Share Issuance Programme
“certificated” or not in uncertificated form
“in certificated form”
“Common Reporting Standard” the Common Reporting Standard on Automatic Exchange of
“Companies Act” the Companies Act 2006 and any statutory modification or
re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
“Company” LXi REIT plc
“Company Secretary” PraxisIFM Fund Services (UK) Limited
“Company Secretarial Services the company secretarial services agreement between the
Agreement” Company and the Company Secretary, a summary of which is set
out in paragraph 9.9 of Part 7 of this Registration Document
“CPI” UK Consumer Price Index
“CPIH” UK Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing
“CREST” the computerised settlement system operated by Euroclear which
facilitates the transfer of title to shares in uncertificated form
“CREST Regulations” the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001
No. 2001/3755), as amended
“CTA 2010” Corporation Tax Act 2010 and any statutory modification or
re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
“Depositary” Langham Hall UK Depositary LLP
“Depositary Agreement” the depositary agreement between the Company, the Depositary
and the AIFM, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.11 of
Part 7 of this Registration Document
“Directors” or “Board” the board of directors of the Company

“Directors’ Lock-in Deed” the lock-in deed between each of the Directors, the Company and
Peel Hunt, summarised in paragraph 9.12 of Part 7 of this
Registration Document
“Disclosure Guidance and the disclosure guidance and transparency rules contained within
Transparency Rules” or “DTRs” the FCA Handbook
“Distribution” any dividend or other distribution on or in respect of the shares of
the Company and references to a Distribution being paid include
a distribution not involving a cash payment being made
“Distribution Transfer” a disposal or transfer (however effected) by a person of his rights
to a Distribution from the Company such that he is not beneficially
entitled (directly or indirectly) to such a Distribution and no person
who is so entitled subsequent to such disposal or transfer
(whether the immediate transferee or not) is (whether as a result of
the transfer or not) a Substantial Shareholder
“Distribution Transfer a certificate in such form as the Directors may specify from time to
Certificate” time to the effect that the relevant person has made a Distribution
Transfer, which certificate may be required by the Directors to
satisfy them that a Substantial Shareholder is not beneficially
entitled (directly or indirectly) to a Distribution
“EPRA” European Public Real Estate Association
“EPRA Best Practice the EPRA’s best practice recommendations for financial reporting
Recommendations” of listed property companies
“EPRA Net Tangible Assets” a measure that assumes entities buy and sell assets, thereby
or “EPRA NTA” crystallising certain levels of deferred tax liability. The EPRA NTA
per share for the Group is equal to the IFRS NAV per share to one
tenth of a pence as there are no deferred tax liabilities or other
adjustments other than the reversal of mark-to-market adjustments
of derivatives applicable to the Group
“ERISA” US Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
“Estimated EPRA NTA” the estimated EPRA NTA calculated as set out in paragraph 8 of
Part 1 of this Registration Document
“Estimated EPRA NTA per the Estimated EPRA NTA attributable to the Ordinary Shares
Ordinary Share” divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than
Ordinary Shares held in treasury) as at the date of calculation
“Estimated NAV” the estimated NAV calculated as set out in paragraph 8 of Part 1
of this Registration Document
“Estimated NAV per Ordinary the Estimated NAV attributable to the Ordinary Shares divided by
Share” the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than Ordinary
Shares held in treasury) as at the date of calculation
“EU” the European Union
“Euroclear” Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited, being the operator of CREST
“EUWA” European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (as amended)
“Excess Charge” in relation to a Distribution which is paid or payable to a person, all
tax or other amounts which the Directors consider may become
payable by the Company under Section 551 of the CTA 2010 and
any interest, penalties, fines or surcharge attributable to such tax
as a result of such Distribution being paid to or in respect of that
“FATCA” the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
“FCA” the Financial Conduct Authority

“FCA Handbook” the FCA handbook of rules and guidance as amended from time
to time
“First Facility” the 12-year, fixed rate, interest only loan facility of a total maximum
commitment of £55 million with Scottish Widows, acting in
partnership with Lloyds Bank Commercial Real Estate, pursuant to
the terms of the First Facility Agreement, which has been
extended to terminate in December 2033
“First Facility Agreement” the facility agreement originally dated 30 June 2017 and amended
and restated or varied from time to time, including on 2 November
2020, pursuant to which the Company secured the First Facility, a
summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.13 of Part 7 of this
Registration Document
“FSMA” the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) and
any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time
being in force
“Future Registration Document” any registration document required to be issued in the future by
the Company and subject to separate approval by the FCA
“Future Securities Note” a securities note to be issued in the future by the Company in
respect of each issue, if any, of Ordinary Shares (other than
pursuant to the Initial Issue or a Subsequent Placing) made
pursuant to this Registration Document and subject to separate
approval by the FCA
“Future Summary” a summary to be issued in future by the Company in respect of
each issue, if any, of Ordinary Shares (other than pursuant to the
Initial Issue or a Subsequent Placing) made pursuant to this
Registration Document and subject to separate approval by the
“General Meeting” the general meeting of the Company convened for 2.00 p.m. on
10 March 2021
“Gross Asset Value” the aggregate value of the total assets of the Company as
determined in accordance with the accounting principles adopted
by the Company from time to time
“Gross Issue Proceeds” the gross proceeds of the Initial Issue
“Group” the Company and its subsidiaries from time to time
“HMRC” Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
“IFRS” international financial reporting standards
“Independent Valuer” Knight Frank LLP, which is registered in England and Wales
(registered number OC305934)
“Initial Admission” Admission of the New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the
Initial Issue
“Initial Issue” the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Placing,
the Open Offer, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries
“Initial Placing” the conditional placing of New Ordinary Shares by Peel Hunt and
Jefferies at the Issue Price pursuant to the Share Issuance
Agreement as described in Part 1 of the Securities Note
“interest in the Company” includes, without limitation, an interest in a Distribution made or to
be made by the Company

“Intermediaries” the entitles listed in paragraph 8 of Part 4 of the Securities Note,
together with any other intermediary (if any) that is appointed by
the Company in connection with the Intermediaries Offer after the
date of this Registration Document and “Intermediary” shall
mean any one of them
“Intermediaries Offer” the offer of New Ordinary Shares by the Intermediaries to retail
“Intermediaries Offer Adviser” Peel Hunt LLP
“Investment Advisor” LXi REIT Advisors Limited
“Investment Advisory the investment advisory agreement dated 12 February 2020
Agreement” between the Company, the AIFM and the Investment Advisor, a
summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.6 of Part 7 of this
Registration Document
“Investment Management the investment management agreement dated 12 February 2020
Agreement” between the Company and the AIFM, a summary of which is set
out in paragraph 9.5 of Part 7 of this Registration Document
“Investor Lock-in Deed” the lock-in deed between the Company, the Spanish Family Office
Investors and Peel Hunt dated 24 September 2018, a summary of
which is set out in paragraph 9.7 of Part 7 of this Registration
“IPO” initial public offering
“IRR” internal rate of return
“Issue Price” 124.5 pence per New Ordinary Share
“Issue Resolutions” (1) the ordinary resolution to be proposed at the General Meeting
seeking authority to allot up to 400 million New Ordinary Shares
pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance Programme;
and (2) the special resolution to be proposed at the General
Meeting to disapply pre-emption rights in respect of the Initial
Issue and the Share Issuance Programme
“Jefferies” Jefferies International Limited and Jefferies GmbH, the Company’s
joint global co-ordinator, joint broker and joint bookrunner
“Latest Practicable Date” 16 February 2021, being the latest practicable date prior to the
date of this Registration Document for ascertaining certain
information contained herein
“LIBOR” the London Interbank Offered Rate
“Listing Rules” the listing rules made by the FCA pursuant to Part VI of the FSMA
“London Stock Exchange” London Stock Exchange plc
“LSE Admission Standards” the admission and disclosure standards published by the London
Stock Exchange
“Management Engagement the management engagement committee of the Board
“Market Capitalisation” the average of the mid-market prices for an Ordinary Share and, if
applicable, a C Share, respectively, as derived from the Daily
Official List of the London Stock Exchange on each Business Day
in the relevant calendar month, multiplied by the number of
Ordinary Shares and, if applicable, C Shares, respectively, in
issue on the last Business Day of the relevant calendar month,
excluding any Ordinary Shares held by the Company in treasury
“Member State” any member state of the European Economic Area

“NAV” or “Net Asset Value” the value, as at any date, of the assets of the Company after
deduction of all its liabilities, before deducting dividends that have
been declared but not paid as at the relevant reporting date,
determined in accordance with the accounting policies adopted
by the Company from time to time
“NAV per Ordinary Share” at any time the NAV attributable to the Ordinary Shares divided by
or “Net Asset Value per the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than Ordinary
Ordinary Share” Shares held in treasury) at the date of calculation
“Net Issue Proceeds” the Gross Issue Proceeds less applicable fees and expenses of
the Initial Issue
“New Ordinary Shares” the new Ordinary Shares to be issued by the Company pursuant
to the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance Programme
“Nomination Committee” the nomination committee of the Board
“Non-PID Dividend” a dividend paid by the Company that is not a PID
“Offer for Subscription” the offer for subscription of New Ordinary Shares at the Issue
Price on the terms set out in the Securities Note
“Offer for Subscription the application form for use in connection with the Offer for
Application Form” Subscription set out at the end of the Securities Note
“Official List” the Official List of the FCA
“Open Offer” the offer to Qualifying Shareholders (as defined in the Securities
Note), constituting an invitation to apply for New Ordinary Shares,
on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the Securities
Note and, in the case of Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders (as
defined in the Securities Note), the Open Offer Application Form
“Open Offer Application Form” the application form on which Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders
(as defined in the Securities Note) may apply for New Ordinary
Shares under the Open Offer
“Ordinary Shares” ordinary shares of £0.01 each in the capital of the Company
“Osprey Equity Partners” Osprey Equity Partners Limited
or “Osprey”
“Peel Hunt” Peel Hunt LLP, the Company’s sponsor, joint global co-ordinator,
joint broker, joint bookrunner and intermediaries offer adviser
“PID” the distribution by the Company of the profits of its Property
Rental Business, including distributions received by it from other
UK REITs, by way of a dividend in cash or the issue of share
capital in lieu of a cash dividend in accordance with Section 530
of the CTA 2010
“Portfolio” the property assets of the Group from time to time including those
property assets on which the Group has exchanged but not
completed contracts to acquire (save where there are substantial
remaining conditions to completion)
“Property Rental Business” in respect of a REIT, “Property Rental Business” as defined for
the purposes of Part 12 CTA 2010
“Property Valuation Report” the valuation report dated 18 February 2021 prepared by the
Independent Valuer in respect of the Portfolio set out in Part 4 of
this Registration Document
“Prospectus” this Registration Document, together with the Summary and
Securities Note and any Future Registration Document, Future
Summary or Future Securities Note
“Prospectus Regulation Rules” the rules and regulations made by the FCA under Part VI of FSMA

“Q3 Dividend” the third interim dividend of the Group in respect of the year
ending 31 March 2021 of 1.44 pence per Ordinary Share, payable
on 26 March 2021 to Shareholders on the register at 26 February
2021, which for the avoidance of doubt will not be paid in respect
of New Ordinary Shares acquired pursuant to the Initial Issue or
the Share Issuance Programme
“Receiving Agent” Link Group, a trading name of Link Market Services Limited
“Receiving Agent Agreement” the receiving agent agreement between the Company and the
Receiving Agent dated 18 February 2021, a summary of which is
set out in paragraph 9.2 of Part 7 of this Registration Document
“Register” the register of members of the Company
“Registrar” Link Market Services Limited, trading as Link Group
“Registrar Services Agreement” the registrar services agreement between the Company and the
Registrar, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.10 of Part
7 of this Registration Document
“Registration Document” this registration document dated 18 February 2021 issued by the
or “this Registration Document” Company and approved by the FCA
“Regulation S” Regulation S promulgated under the US Securities Act
“REIT” a company or group to which Part 12 of the CTA 2010 applies
(including, where relevant, a REIT Group)
“REIT Group” a group UK REIT within the meaning of Part 12 CTA 2010
“REIT Regime” Part 12 CTA 2010 (and related regulations)
“Relevant Registered a Shareholder who holds all or some of the shares in the
Shareholder” Company that comprise a Substantial Shareholding (whether or
not a Substantial Shareholder)
“Reporting Obligation” any obligation from time to time of the Company to provide
information or reports to HMRC as a result of or in connection with
the Company’s status, or the Company’s status as a REIT
“Residual Business” that part of the business of companies within a REIT that is not
part of the Property Rental Business
“Revolving Credit Facility” the revolving credit facility of £100 million with Lloyds Bank plc
or “RCF” pursuant to the terms of the Revolving Credit Facility Agreement
“Revolving Credit Facility the revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 31 July
Agreement” 2019 and amended and restated on 12 October 2020 pursuant to
which the Company secured the Revolving Credit Facility, a
summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.16 of Part 7 of this
Registration Document
“RICS” Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
“RIS” a regulatory information service authorised by the FCA to release
regulatory announcements to the London Stock Exchange
“RPI” UK Retail Price Index
“RPIX” UK Retail Price Index excluding Mortgage Interest
“Second Facility” the 12-year, fixed rate, interest only loan facility of £40 million with
Scottish Widows Limited, acting in partnership with Lloyds Bank
Commercial Banking, pursuant to the terms of the Second Facility
Agreement, which has been extended to terminate in December

“Second Facility Agreement” the facility agreement originally dated 8 December 2017 and
amended and restated on 2 November 2020 pursuant to which the
Company secured the Second Facility, a summary of which is set
out in paragraph 9.14 of Part 7 of this Registration Document
“Securities Note” the securities note dated 18 February 2021 issued by the
Company in respect of the Ordinary Shares made available
pursuant to this Registration Document and approved by the FCA
“Share Issuance Agreement” the Share Issuance Agreement dated 18 February 2021 between
the Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt and
Jefferies, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 9.1 of Part 7
of this Registration Document
“Share Issuance Programme” the proposed programme of Subsequent Issues of Ordinary
Shares on the terms set out in the Securities Note (and any Future
Securities Note)
“Shareholder” a holder of Ordinary Shares
“Spanish Family Office the group of private Spanish family offices linked to Mr Ram
Investors” Bhavnani, who invested an aggregate of approximately £40 million
pursuant to the 2018 Issue
“SPV” special purpose vehicle
“Subsequent Issue” any placing, open offer, offer for subscription and/or
intermediaries offer of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Share
Issuance Programme
“Subsequent Placing” any placing of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Share
Issuance Programme described in the Securities Note
“Substantial Shareholder” any person whose interest in the Company, whether legal or
beneficial, direct or indirect, may cause the Company to be liable
to pay tax under Section 551 of CTA 2010 (as such legislation may
be modified, supplemented or replaced from time to time) on or in
connection with the making of a Distribution to or in respect of
such person including, at the date of adoption of the Articles, any
holder of excessive rights as defined in Section 553 of CTA 2010
“Substantial Shareholding” the shares in relation to which or by virtue of which (in whole or in
part) a person is a Substantial Shareholder
“Summary” the summary dated 18 February 2021 issued by the Company
pursuant to the Registration Document and approved by the FCA
“Takeover Code” the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
“Third Facility” the 15-year, fixed rate, interest only loan facility of a total maximum
commitment of £75 million with Scottish Widows, acting in
partnership with Lloyds Bank Commercial Real Estate, pursuant to
the terms of the Third Facility Agreement
“Third Facility Agreement” the facility agreement originally dated 6 December 2018 and
amended and restated on 2 November 2020 pursuant to which the
Company secured the Third Facility, a summary of which is set out
in paragraph 9.15 of Part 7 of this Registration Document
“total NAV return” (i) growth in the NAV per Ordinary Share plus (ii) dividends paid
per Ordinary Share, in the relevant period
“UK Corporate Governance the UK Corporate Governance Code as published by the Financial
Code” Reporting Council from time to time
“UK Market Abuse Regulation” Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse as it forms part of
the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the EUWA

“UK MiFID II” the UK’s implementation of Directive 2014/65/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in
financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and
Directive 2011/61/EU (MiFID), together with the UK version of
Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments
and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (MiFIR), which forms
part of the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the
“UK MiFID II Delegated Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016
Regulation” supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament
and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and
operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the
purposes of that Directive, as it forms part of the domestic law of
the United Kingdom by virtue of the EUWA
“UK PRIIPs Regulation” Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 26 November 2014 on key information documents
for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products,
together with its implementing and delegated acts, as they form
part of the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the
“UK Prospectus Regulation” Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when
securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a
regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC, as it forms
part of the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the
“uncertificated” or a share recorded on the Register as being held in uncertificated
“in uncertificated form” form in CREST and title to which, by virtue of the CREST
Regulations, may be transferred by means of CREST
“United Kingdom” or “UK” the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
“United States” or “US” the United States of America, its territories and possessions, any
state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia
“US Code” US Internal Revenue Code, as amended
“US Exchange Act” US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
“US Investment Company Act” US Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
“US Securities Act” US Securities Act of 1933, as amended
“VAT” value added tax

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REQUIRE YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt as to what action you should take you are recommended to seek
your own financial advice immediately from an independent financial adviser who specialises in advising on shares or other
securities and who is authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) (“FSMA”) or, if you are not resident
in the UK, from another appropriately authorised independent financial adviser in your own jurisdiction.
This Securities Note, the Registration Document, the Supplement and the Summary together comprise a prospectus (the
“Prospectus”) relating to LXi REIT plc (the “Company”) prepared in accordance with the Prospectus Regulation Rules of the Financial
Conduct Authority (“FCA”) made pursuant to section 73A of FSMA.
This Securities Note has been approved by the FCA under the UK Prospectus Regulation. The FCA only approves this Securities Note
as meeting the standards of completeness, comprehensibility and consistency imposed by the UK Prospectus Regulation. Such
approval should not be considered as an endorsement of the quality of the securities that are the subject of this Securities Note.
Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Ordinary Shares. This Securities Note has been
drawn up as part of a simplified prospectus in accordance with Article 14 of the UK Prospectus Regulation.
The Prospectus does not, nor does it intend to, constitute a “registered prospectus” or an “advertisement”, as contemplated by the
South African Companies Act No. 71 of 2008, as amended (the “South African Companies Act”) and the Prospectus has not been
filed with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (the “CIPC”) in respect of the Subsequent Issue. As a result, the
Prospectus does not comply with the substance and form requirements for a prospectus set out in the South African Companies Act
and the South African Companies Regulations of 2011, and has not been approved by, and/or registered with, the CIPC.
This Securities Note has been issued in connection with the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue, which
is being carried out under the Share Issuance Programme.
Applications will be made to the Financial Conduct Authority and the London Stock Exchange for all of the New Ordinary Shares of
the Company to be issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue to be admitted to the premium segment of the Official List and to trading
on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market. It is expected that Subsequent Admission will become
effective and that dealings for normal settlement in such New Ordinary Shares will commence on 14 February 2022. All dealings in
New Ordinary Shares will be at the sole risk of the parties concerned. The Ordinary Shares will not be dealt in on any other recognised
investment exchange and no other such applications have been made or are currently expected.

LXi REIT plc

(Incorporated in England and Wales with company number 10535081 and registered as an investment
company under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006)

Securities Note
Subsequent Placing, Open Offer, Offer for Subscription and
Intermediaries Offer for a target issue of 88,261,608
New Ordinary Shares at 142 pence per New Ordinary Share1
under the Share Issuance Programme
Investment Advisor AIFM
LXi REIT Advisors Limited Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited
Sponsor, Joint Global Co-ordinator,
Joint Broker, Joint Bookrunner and Joint Broker, Joint Global Co-ordinator
Intermediaries Offer Adviser and Joint Bookrunner
Peel Hunt LLP Jefferies
Joint Global Co-ordinator and Joint Bookrunner
Alvarium Securities Limited

The Company and each of the Directors, whose names appear on page 18 of this Securities Note, accept responsibility for the information
contained in this Securities Note and the Summary. To the best of the knowledge of the Company and the Directors, the information
contained in this Securities Note and the Summary is in accordance with the facts and the Securities Note and Summary make no omission
likely to affect their import.
Prospective investors should read the whole of this Securities Note, together with the Registration Document, the Supplement
and the Summary and, in particular, the section headed “Risk Factors” in this Securities Note and the section headed “Risk
Factors” in the Registration Document (as supplemented by the Supplement).
Each of Peel Hunt LLP (“Peel Hunt”), Jefferies International Limited, each of which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by
the FCA, and Jefferies GmbH, registered in Germany and authorised and regulated by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
(together, Jefferies International Limited and Jefferies GmbH, being “Jefferies”) and Alvarium Securities Limited (“Alvarium Securities”),
is acting exclusively for the Company and for no-one else in connection with the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent
Issue) and the other arrangements referred to in the Prospectus and will not regard any other person (whether or not a recipient of this
Securities Note) as its client in relation to the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue) and the other arrangements
referred to in the Prospectus and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to its
clients, nor for providing advice in connection with the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue), any Admission, the
contents of the Prospectus or any transaction or arrangement referred to in the Prospectus. In South Africa, Peel Hunt holds an exemption

1 The Directors have reserved the right, following consultation with the Joint Bookrunners, to increase the size of the Subsequent Issue to a maximum of 224,410,424 New
Ordinary Shares (being the total number of Ordinary Shares remaining available for issue under the Share Issuance Programme) if overall demand exceeds 88,261,608 New
Ordinary Shares by increasing the size of the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and/or the Intermediaries Offer, with any such increase being notified by an RIS
from the licensing requirement of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act No. 37 of 2002, as amended (“FAIS Act”) and
therefore, it is not regulated in the Republic of South Africa.
Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be imposed upon Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities by the FCA or
under FSMA, or the regulatory regime established thereunder or under the regulatory regime of any other jurisdiction where exclusion of
liability under the relevant regulatory regime would be illegal, void or unenforceable, none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities,
nor any person affiliated with them, assumes any responsibility whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied,
as to the contents of the Prospectus, including its accuracy, completeness or verification, or for any other statement made or purported to
be made by Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, or on their behalf, the Company or any other person in connection with the Company,
the New Ordinary Shares, the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue) or any Admission and nothing contained in
the Prospectus is or shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or future. None of Peel Hunt,
Jefferies or Alvarium Securities (together with their respective affiliates) assumes any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or
verification of the Prospectus and accordingly each of them disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all liability
whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise which it might otherwise be found to have in respect of the Prospectus or any such statement.
Prospective investors should rely only on the information contained in the Prospectus. No person has been authorised to give any
information or make any representations other than those contained in the Prospectus and, if given or made, such information or
representations must not be relied upon as having been so authorised by the Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt,
Jefferies or Alvarium Securities or any of their respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees or agents. Without prejudice to the
Company’s obligations under the UK Prospectus Regulation, the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the Listing Rules, the UK Market Abuse
Regulation and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules neither the delivery of the Prospectus nor any subscription for or
purchase of New Ordinary Shares made pursuant to the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue) shall, under any
circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since the date of this Securities Note,
or that the information contained in this Securities Note is correct as at any time subsequent to the date of this Securities Note.
The information contained in the Prospectus constitutes factual information as contemplated in section 1(3)(a) of the FAIS Act. The
Prospectus is not intended to be and does not constitute: (i) a solicitation for investments from members of the South African public in
terms of the South African Collective Investment Schemes Control Act No. 45 of 2002 (“CISCA”); or (ii) an express or implied
recommendation, guide or proposal that any particular transaction in respect of the Placed Shares and the Open Offer Entitlements or in
relation to the business or future investments of the Company is appropriate to the particular investment objectives, financial situation or
needs of a prospective investor.
Completed Application Forms and payments under the Open Offer must be received by 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022. The procedure
for application and payments is set out in Part 7 of this Securities Note.
Completed Application Forms and payments under the Offer for Subscription must be received by 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022. The
procedure for application and payments is set out in Part 8 of this Securities Note.
The New Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
“US Securities Act”), or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, and may not be
offered or sold into or within the United States, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities
Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States. Outside the United States,
the New Ordinary Shares may be sold pursuant to Regulation S under the US Securities Act (“Regulation S”).
In South Africa, only qualifying investors who fall within the ambit of: (i) sections 96(1)(a) or (b) of the South African Companies Act may
subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer; and
(ii) section 96(1)(c) of the South African Companies Act may subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Open Offer.
Neither the US Securities and Exchange Commission nor any US state securities commission has approved or disapproved of these
securities or determined if this document is truthful or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a US criminal offence.
The Prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to acquire or subscribe for, New Ordinary Shares in any
jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful or would impose any unfulfilled registration, qualification, publication or approval
requirements on the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities. The offer and sale of New Ordinary Shares has not been and
will not be registered under the applicable securities law of Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore or the Republic of South Africa. Subject
to certain exemptions, the New Ordinary Shares may not be offered to or sold within Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore or the Republic
of South Africa or to any national, resident or citizen of Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore or the Republic of South Africa. None of the
Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, or any of their respective representatives, is making any representation to any offeree
or purchaser of the New Ordinary Shares regarding the legality of an investment in the New Ordinary Shares by such offeree or purchaser
under the laws applicable to such offeree or purchaser. Each investor should consult with his or her own advisors as to the legal, tax,
business, financial and related aspects of a purchase of the New Ordinary Shares. The Prospectus is not intended to be and does not
constitute an express or implied recommendation, guide or proposal that any particular transaction in respect of the Placed Shares and
the Open Offer Entitlements or in relation to the business or future investments of the Company is appropriate to the particular investment
objectives, financial situation or needs of a prospective investor.
Copies of this Securities Note, the Registration Document, the Summary and the Supplement (along with any supplementary prospectus
issued by the Company in connection with the Subsequent Issue) will be available on the Company’s website and the National Storage
Mechanism of the FCA at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
Dated: 20 January 2022


Risk Factors .................................................................................................................................... 4
Important information...................................................................................................................... 7
Expected timetable of principal events.......................................................................................... 15
Subsequent Issue Statistics............................................................................................................ 16
Dealing codes ................................................................................................................................. 17
Directors, management and advisers ............................................................................................ 18
Part 1 The Subsequent Issue................................................................................................ 20
Part 2 The Share Issuance Programme................................................................................ 29
Part 3 UK Taxation................................................................................................................. 30
Part 4 Additional information................................................................................................. 35
Part 5 Definitions ................................................................................................................... 49
Part 6 Terms and conditions of application under the Subsequent Placing ....................... 56
Part 7 Terms and conditions of application under the Open Offer ..................................... 68
Part 8 Terms and conditions of application under the Offer for Subscription..................... 91
Appendix 1 Application form for the Offer for Subscription......................................................... 101
Appendix 2 Tax Residency Self-Certification Form (Individuals) ................................................. 108


An investment in the New Ordinary Shares carries a number of risks including (without
limitation) the risk that the entire investment may be lost. In addition to all other information set
out in the Prospectus, the following specific factors should be considered (alongside the
section headed “Risk Factors” in the Registration Document) when deciding whether to make
an investment in the New Ordinary Shares.
The risks set out below are those which are considered to be the material risks relating to an
investment in the New Ordinary Shares but are not the only risks relating to the New Ordinary
Shares or the Group.
An investment in the New Ordinary Shares is suitable for institutional investors, professional
investors, high net worth investors, professionally advised private investors and retail
investors seeking exposure to a diversified portfolio of UK property that benefits from long
and index-linked leases with institutional-grade tenants with strong financial covenants.
Investors should understand the risks and merits of such an investment and have sufficient
resources to be able to bear any losses (which may equal up to the whole amount invested)
that may result from such an investment. Furthermore, an investment in the New Ordinary
Shares should constitute part of a diversified investment portfolio. Additional risks and
uncertainties of which the Company is presently unaware or that the Company currently
believes are immaterial may also adversely affect its business, financial condition, results of
operations or the value of the Ordinary Shares.
As required by the UK Prospectus Regulation, the risk that the Directors consider to be the
most material risk in each category, taking into account the negative impact on the Company
and the probability of its occurrence, has been set out first. Given the forward-looking nature
of the risks, there can be no guarantee that any such risk is, in fact, the most material or the
most likely to occur. Investors should, therefore, review and consider each risk.


Investment in the Ordinary Shares carries certain general risks associated with investment in
investment companies
The value of an investment in the Company, and the income derived from it, if any, may go down as
well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested.
The market price of the Ordinary Shares, like shares in all investment companies, may fluctuate
independently of their underlying NAV and may trade at a discount or premium at different times,
depending on factors such as supply and demand for the Ordinary Shares, market conditions and
general investor sentiment. There can be no guarantee that any discount control policy will be
successful or capable of being implemented. The market price of an Ordinary Share may therefore
vary considerably from its NAV.

It may be difficult for Shareholders to realise their investment and there may not be a liquid
market in the Ordinary Shares
The price at which the Ordinary Shares trade and the price at which investors may realise their
investment is influenced by a large number of factors, some specific to the Group and its investments
and some which may affect companies generally. Admission should not be taken as implying that
there will be a liquid market for the Ordinary Shares. Consequently, the market price may be subject
to greater fluctuation on small volumes of trading of Ordinary Shares and the Ordinary Shares may
be difficult to sell at a particular price. The market price of the Ordinary Shares may not reflect their
underlying NAV.
Shareholders do not have a right for their Ordinary Shares to be redeemed and the Company does
not have a fixed winding-up date. While the Directors retain the right to effect repurchases of
Ordinary Shares, they are under no obligation to use such powers or to do so at any time and
Shareholders should not place any reliance on the willingness of the Directors so to act.
Shareholders wishing to realise their investment in the Company may therefore be required to
dispose of their Ordinary Shares in the market. There can be no guarantee that a liquid market in the
Ordinary Shares will be maintained or that the Ordinary Shares will trade at prices close to their

underlying NAV. Accordingly, Shareholders may be unable to realise their investment at such NAV or
at all.
There may be a limited number of holders of Ordinary Shares. Limited holders of Ordinary Shares
may mean that there is limited liquidity in the Ordinary Shares which may affect: (i) an investor’s
ability to realise some or all of his investment; and/or (ii) the price at which such investor can effect
such realisation; and/or (iii) the market price of the Ordinary Shares.

The Ordinary Shares are subject to certain provisions that may cause the Board to require the
transfer of Ordinary Shares
Although the Ordinary Shares are freely transferable, there are certain circumstances in which the
Board may, under the Articles and subject to certain conditions, compulsorily require the transfer of
the Ordinary Shares. These circumstances include where the holding or beneficial ownership of any
shares in the Company by any person (whether on its own or taken with other shares), in the opinion
of the Directors: (i) would cause the assets of the Company to be treated as “plan assets” of any
Benefit Plan Investor; (ii) would or might result in the Company and/or its shares and/or any of its
appointed investment managers or investment advisers being required to be registered or qualified
under the US Investment Company Act and/or the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended
and/or the US Securities Act and/or the US Exchange Act and/or any similar legislation (in any
jurisdiction) that regulates the offering and sale of securities; (iii) may cause the Company not to be
considered a “Foreign Private Issuer” under the US Exchange Act; (iv) may cause the Company to be
a “controlled foreign corporation” for the purpose of the US Code; (v) may cause the Company to
become subject to any withholding tax or reporting obligation under FATCA or any similar legislation
in any territory or jurisdiction (including the United Kingdom’s International Tax Compliance
Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/878), or to be unable to avoid or reduce any such tax or to be unable to
comply with any such reporting obligation (including by reason of the failure of the shareholder
concerned to provide promptly to the Company such information and documentation as the
Company may have requested to enable the Company to avoid or minimise such withholding tax or
to comply with such reporting obligation); or (vi) creates a significant legal or regulatory issue for the
Company under the US Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (as amended) or regulations or
interpretations thereunder.

Shareholders’ ownership and voting interests may be diluted as a result of the Subsequent
Issue and/or further issues of New Ordinary Shares following the Subsequent Issue
The ownership and voting interests of any Shareholders not participating in the Subsequent Issue will
be diluted.
Assuming 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue, Qualifying
Shareholders who take up their full Open Offer Entitlement (excluding any New Ordinary Shares
acquired through the Excess Application Facility) will not suffer any dilution to their ownership and
voting interests in the Company by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue.
Qualifying Shareholders who do not take up any of their Open Offer Entitlement and Shareholders
who are not eligible to participate in the Open Offer will suffer a maximum dilution of approximately
10.7 per cent. to their ownership and voting interests in the Company if 88,261,608 New Ordinary
Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue.
Following the Subsequent Issue and the expiry of the Share Issuance Programme, the Company may
issue further Ordinary Shares (subject to the Company having the requisite shareholder authorities
and in compliance with applicable law). While the Companies Act contains statutory pre-emption
rights for Shareholders in relation to issues of shares in consideration for cash, the Company
currently has authority to issue up to 26,466,899 Ordinary Shares on a non-pre-emptive basis
following the Subsequent Issue and the expiry of the Share Issuance Programme pursuant to
shareholder authorities obtained at the annual general meeting of the Company held on 14 July 2021.
Where statutory pre-emption rights are disapplied, any further issues of Ordinary Shares will be
dilutive to those Shareholders who cannot, or choose not to, participate in such issues.

Future sales of Ordinary Shares could cause the market price of the Ordinary Shares to fall
Sales of Ordinary Shares or interests in the Ordinary Shares by significant investors could depress
the market price of the Ordinary Shares. A substantial amount of Ordinary Shares being sold, or the
perception that sales of this type could occur, could also depress the market price of the Ordinary
Shares. Both scenarios, occurring either individually or collectively, may make it more difficult for
Shareholders to sell the Ordinary Shares at a time and price that they deem appropriate.


This Securities Note contains forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements
containing the words “believes”, “estimates”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “intends”, “may”, “will” or
“should” or, in each case, their negative or other variations or similar expressions. Such
forward-looking statements involve unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause
the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry
results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or
implied by such forward-looking statements.
Given these uncertainties, prospective investors are cautioned not to place any undue reliance on
such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this
Securities Note. Subject to its legal and regulatory obligations (including under the Prospectus
Regulation Rules), the Company expressly disclaims any obligations to update or revise any forward-
looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in expectations with regard thereto or any
change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based unless required
to do so by law or any appropriate regulatory authority, including FSMA, the UK Prospectus
Regulation, the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, the
UK Market Abuse Regulation and the Listing Rules.
Nothing in the preceding two paragraphs should be taken as limiting the working capital statement
in paragraph 5 of Part 4 of this Securities Note.

This Securities Note should be read in its entirety, along with the Summary, the Registration
Document, the Supplement and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company in
connection with the Subsequent Issue, before making any application for New Ordinary Shares.
No broker, dealer or other person has been authorised by the Company to issue any advertisement
or to give any information or to make any representations in connection with the offering or sale of
New Ordinary Shares other than those contained in the Prospectus and, if issued, given or made,
such advertisement, information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised
by the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or any of their respective affiliates, officers,
directors, employees or agents.
In connection with the Subsequent Issue, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and any of their
respective affiliates acting as an investor for their own account(s), may take up a portion of the New
Ordinary Shares as a principal position and, in that capacity, may retain, purchase, sell, offer to sell
or otherwise deal for their own account(s) in such New Ordinary Shares, any other securities of the
Company or other related investments in connection with the Subsequent Issue or otherwise.
Accordingly, references in this Securities Note to the New Ordinary Shares being issued, offered,
subscribed or otherwise dealt with, should be read as including any issue or offer to, or subscription
or dealing by, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and any of their respective affiliates acting in
such capacity as an investor for their own account(s). In addition, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium
Securities or their affiliates may enter into financing arrangements (including swaps or contracts for
difference) with investors in connection with which Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or their
affiliates may from time to time acquire, hold or dispose of Ordinary Shares. None of Peel Hunt,
Jefferies or Alvarium Securities nor any of their respective affiliates intends to disclose the extent of
any such investment or transaction otherwise than in accordance with any legal or regulatory
obligation to do so.
Under the Intermediaries Offer, the New Ordinary Shares are being offered to Intermediaries who will
facilitate the participation of their retail investor clients (and any member of the public who wishes to
become a client of that Intermediary) located in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the
Isle of Man. The Company consents to the use of the Prospectus in connection with any subsequent
resale or final placement of securities by financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom, the Channel
Islands and the Isle of Man on the following terms: (i) in respect of the Intermediaries who have been
appointed prior to the date of this Securities Note, as listed in paragraph 8 of Part 4 of this Securities
Note, from the date of this Securities Note; and (ii) in respect of Intermediaries who are appointed
after the date of this Securities Note, a list of which appears on the Company’s website, from the

date on which they are appointed to participate in connection with any subsequent resale or final
placement of securities and, in each case, until the closing of the period for the subsequent resale
or final placement of securities by financial intermediaries at 3.00 p.m. on 9 February 2022, unless
closed prior to that date (any such prior closure to be announced via an RIS).
Any Intermediary that uses the Prospectus must state on its website that it uses the
Prospectus in accordance with the Company’s consent. Intermediaries are required to provide
the terms and conditions of the Intermediaries Offer to any prospective investor who has expressed
an interest in participating in the Intermediaries Offer to such Intermediary. Information on the
terms and conditions of any subsequent resale or final placement of securities by any
financial intermediary is to be provided at the time of the offer by the financial intermediary.
The Company consents to the use of the Prospectus and accepts responsibility for the information
contained in the Prospectus with respect to subsequent resale or final placement of securities by any
financial intermediary given consent to use the Prospectus.
Any new information with respect to financial intermediaries unknown at the time of approval of the
Prospectus will be available on the Company’s website.

A list of defined terms used in this Securities Note is set out at Part 5 of this Securities Note.

The contents of this Securities Note are not to be construed as advice relating to legal, financial,
taxation, investment or any other matters. Prospective investors should inform themselves as to:
l the legal requirements within their own countries for the subscription for, purchase, holding,
transfer or other disposal of New Ordinary Shares;
l any foreign exchange restrictions applicable to the subscription for, purchase, holding, transfer
or other disposal of New Ordinary Shares which they might encounter; and
l the income and other tax consequences which may apply in their own countries as a result of
the subscription for, purchase, holding, transfer or other disposal of New Ordinary Shares.
None of the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities nor any of their respective
representatives is making any representation to an offeree or purchaser under the laws applicable to
such offeree or purchaser. Prospective investors should consult with and must rely upon their own
representatives, including their own legal advisers and accountants, as to legal, tax, business,
investment or any other related matters concerning the Company and an investment in the New
Ordinary Shares.
An investment in New Ordinary Shares should be regarded as a long-term investment. There can be
no assurance that the Company’s investment objective will be achieved.
The Prospectus should be read in its entirety before making any investment in New Ordinary Shares.
All Shareholders are entitled to the benefit of, are bound by and are deemed to have notice of, the
provisions of the Articles, which investors should review.
Prospective investors should rely only on the information contained in the Prospectus (which
comprises this Securities Note, together with the Summary, the Registration Document, the
Supplement and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company in connection with the
Subsequent Issue). In making an investment decision, each investor must rely on their own
examination, analysis and enquiry of the Company and the terms of the Subsequent Issue, including
the merits and risks involved. No person has been authorised to give any information or make any
representations other than as contained in the Prospectus and, if given or made, such information or
representations must not be relied on as having been authorised by the Company, the AIFM, the
Investment Advisor, the Administrator, the Depositary, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or any
of their respective affiliates, officers, directors, members, employees or agents. Without prejudice to
the Company’s obligations under the UK Prospectus Regulation, the Prospectus Regulation Rules,
the Listing Rules, the UK Market Abuse Regulation and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency
Rules, neither the delivery of the Prospectus nor any subscription for or purchase of New Ordinary
Shares made pursuant to the Subsequent Issue shall, under any circumstances, create any
implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since the date of this

Securities Note, or that the information contained in this Securities Note is correct as at any time
subsequent to the date of this Securities Note.
Prospective investors also acknowledge that: (i) they have not relied on Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium
Securities or any person affiliated with Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities in connection with
any investigation of the accuracy of any information contained in the Prospectus or their investment
decision; and (ii) they have relied only on the information contained in the Prospectus; and (iii) no
person has been authorised to give any information or to make any representation concerning the
Company or its subsidiaries or the New Ordinary Shares (other than as contained in the Prospectus)
and, if given or made, any such other information or representation should not be relied upon as
having been authorised by the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or any of their
respective affiliates.
Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be imposed upon Peel Hunt, Jefferies
or Alvarium Securities by the FCA or under FSMA, or the regulatory regime established thereunder or
under the regulatory regime of any other jurisdiction where exclusion of liability under the relevant
regulatory regime would be illegal, void or unenforceable, none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium
Securities nor any person affiliated with them, assumes any responsibility whatsoever and makes no
representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the contents of the Prospectus, including its
accuracy, completeness or verification, or for any other statement made or purported to be made by
Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, or on their behalf, the Company or any other person in
connection with the Company, the New Ordinary Shares, the Share Issuance Programme (including
the Subsequent Issue) or any Admission and nothing contained in the Prospectus is or shall be relied
upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or future. None of Peel
Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities (together with their respective affiliates) assumes any
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or verification of the Prospectus and accordingly each
of them disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all liability whether arising
in tort, contract or otherwise which it might otherwise be found to have in respect of the Prospectus
or any such statement.
Statements made in this Securities Note are based on the law and practice in force in England and
Wales as at the date of this Securities Note and are subject to changes therein.


The contents of the following websites www.lxireit.com and www.alvariuminvestments.com do not
form part of the Prospectus. Investors should base their decision whether or not to invest in the New
Ordinary Shares on the contents of the Prospectus alone.


References to times and dates in this Securities Note are, unless otherwise stated, to United Kingdom
times and dates.

The information that a prospective investor in the Company provides in documents in relation to a
subscription for New Ordinary Shares or subsequently by whatever means which relates to the
prospective investor (if it is an individual) or a third party individual (“personal data”) will be held and
processed by the Company (and any third party to whom it may delegate certain administrative
functions in relation to the Company) in compliance with (a) the EU General Data Protection
Regulation 2016/679 (“EU GDPR”) and/or the EU GDPR as it forms part of the domestic law of the
United Kingdom by virtue of the EUWA (“UK GDPR”) and the UK Data Protection Act 2018
(as amended from time to time) (“Data Protection Legislation”); and (b) the Company’s privacy
notice, a copy of which is available for review on the Company’s website www.lxireit.com (and, if
applicable, any other third party delegate’s private notice) (“Privacy Notice”).
Without limitation to the foregoing, each prospective investor acknowledges that it has been informed
that such information will be held and processed by the Company (or any third party, functionary or
agent appointed by the Company, which may include, without limitation, the Registrar) and in
accordance with the Company’s Privacy Notice for the purposes set out therein including:
l verifying the identity of the prospective investor to comply with statutory and regulatory
requirements in relation to anti-money laundering procedures;

l carrying out the business of the Company and the administering of interests in the Company;
l meeting the legal, regulatory, reporting and/or financial obligations of the Company in the UK
or elsewhere or any third party, functionary or agent appointed by the Company.
For the purposes set out above, it may be necessary for the Company (or any third party, functionary
or agent appointed by the Company, which may include, without limitation, the Registrar) to:
l disclose personal data to third party service providers, affiliates, agents or functionaries
appointed by the Company or its agents to provide services to prospective investors; and
l transfer personal data outside of the United Kingdom (or the EEA, to the extent that EU GDPR
applies in respect of the personal data being transferred) to countries or territories which do
not offer the same level of protection for the rights and freedoms of prospective investors in the
United Kingdom or the EEA (as applicable).
The foregoing processing of personal data is required in order to perform the contract with the
prospective investor to comply with the legal and regulatory obligations of the Company or otherwise
is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company.
If the Company (or any third party, functionary or agent appointed by the Company, which may
include, without limitation, the Registrar) discloses personal data to such a third party, agent or
functionary and/or makes such a transfer of personal data it will use reasonable endeavours to
ensure that such transfer is in accordance with applicable Data Protection Legislation.
When the Company, or its permitted third parties, transfers personal information outside the United
Kingdom (or the EEA, to the extent that the EU GDPR applies in respect of the personal data being
transferred), it will ensure that the transfer is subject to appropriate safeguards in accordance with
applicable Data Protection Legislation.
Prospective investors are responsible for informing any third party individual to whom the personal
data relates to the disclosure and use of such data in accordance with these provisions.
Individuals have certain rights in relation to their personal data; such rights and the manner in which
they can be exercised are set out in the Company’s Privacy Notice.

The distribution of the Prospectus in jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands
and the Isle of Man may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession the Prospectus
comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with
these restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction.
The Prospectus does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of, an offer or solicitation
to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to
whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. The distribution of the Prospectus and the
offering of New Ordinary Shares in certain jurisdictions may be restricted and accordingly persons
into whose possession the Prospectus is received are required to inform themselves about and to
observe such restrictions.

Solely for the purposes of the product governance requirements contained within (a) the UK’s
implementation of EU Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments, as amended (“UK
MiFID II”) and (b) the UK’s implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of Commission Delegated Directive
(EU) 2017/593 supplementing UK MiFID II, and in particular Chapter 3 of the Product Intervention
and Product Governance Sourcebook of the FCA (together, the “MiFID II Product Governance
Requirements”), and disclaiming all and any liability whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise,
which any “manufacturer” (for the purposes of the MiFID II Product Governance Requirements) may
otherwise have with respect thereto, the New Ordinary Shares have been subject to a product
approval process, which has determined that such securities are: (i) compatible with an end target
market of retail investors and investors who meet the criteria of professional clients and eligible
counterparties, each as defined in UK MiFID II; and (ii) eligible for distribution through all distribution
channels as are permitted by UK MiFID II (the “Target Market Assessment”). Notwithstanding the
Target Market Assessment, distributors (such term to have the same meaning as in the MiFID II
Product Governance Requirements) should note that: the market price of the New Ordinary Shares

may decline and investors could lose all or part of their investment; the New Ordinary Shares offer no
guaranteed income and no capital protection; and an investment in the New Ordinary Shares is
compatible only with investors who do not need a guaranteed income or capital protection, who
(either alone or in conjunction with an appropriate financial or other adviser) are capable of
evaluating the merits and risks of such an investment and who have sufficient resources to be able
to bear any losses that may result therefrom. The Target Market Assessment is without prejudice to
the requirements of any contractual, legal or regulatory selling restrictions in relation to the Share
Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue). Furthermore, it is noted that, notwithstanding
the Target Market Assessment, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities will only procure investors
(pursuant to the Share Issuance Programme (including the Subsequent Issue)) who meet the criteria
of professional clients and eligible counterparties. For the avoidance of doubt, the Target Market
Assessment does not constitute: (a) an assessment of suitability or appropriateness for the purposes
of UK MiFID II; or (b) a recommendation to any investor or group of investors to invest in, or
purchase, or take any other action whatsoever with respect to the New Ordinary Shares. Each
distributor is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the New
Ordinary Shares and determining appropriate distribution channels.


As the Company is a REIT, the New Ordinary Shares are “excluded securities” under the FCA’s rules
on non-mainstream pooled investments. Accordingly, the promotion of the New Ordinary Shares is
not subject to the FCA’s restriction on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled investments. The
Company conducts its affairs so that its Ordinary Shares can be recommended by financial advisers
to retail investors in accordance with the rules on the distribution of financial instruments under
UK MiFID II. The Directors consider that the requirements of Article 57 of the UK MiFID II Delegated
Regulation are met in relation to the New Ordinary Shares and that, accordingly, the New Ordinary
Shares should be considered ‘‘non-complex’’ for the purposes of UK MiFID II.


In accordance with the UK PRIIPs Regulation, a key information document prepared in relation to the
Company’s Ordinary Shares, including the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue, is available on the Company’s website: www.lxireit.com. It is the responsibility of
each distributor of New Ordinary Shares to ensure that its “retail clients” are provided with a copy of
the key information document.
The AIFM is the manufacturer of the New Ordinary Shares for the purposes of the UK PRIIPs
Regulation and none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities is a manufacturer for these
purposes. None of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities makes any representation, express or
implied, or accepts any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the key information document
prepared by the AIFM in relation to the Company’s Ordinary Shares nor accepts any responsibility to
update the contents of the key information document in accordance with the UK PRIIPs Regulation,
to undertake any review processes in relation thereto or to provide such key information document to
future distributors of New Ordinary Shares. Each of Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and their
respective affiliates accordingly disclaims all and any liability whether arising in tort or contract or
otherwise which it or they might have in respect of the key information document prepared by
the AIFM.


In relation to each Relevant Member State, no New Ordinary Shares will be offered pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue to the public in that Relevant Member State prior to the publication of a prospectus
in relation to the New Ordinary Shares which has been approved by the competent authority in that
Relevant Member State, or, where appropriate, approved in another Relevant Member State and
notified to the competent authority in that Relevant Member State, all in accordance with the
EU Prospectus Regulation, except that offers of New Ordinary Shares to the public may be made at
any time under the following exemptions under the EU Prospectus Regulation:
l to any legal entity which is a “qualified investor” as defined in the EU Prospectus Regulation;
l to fewer than 150 natural or legal persons (other than “qualified investors” as defined in the
EU Prospectus Regulation) in such Relevant Member State; or
l in any other circumstances falling within Article 1(4) of the EU Prospectus Regulation,

provided that no such offer of New Ordinary Shares shall result in a requirement for the publication
of a prospectus pursuant to Article 3(1) of the EU Prospectus Regulation in a Relevant Member State
and each person to whom any offer is made under the Subsequent Issue will be deemed to have
represented, acknowledged and agreed that it is a “qualified investor” within the meaning of
Article 2(e) of the EU Prospectus Regulation.
For the purposes of this provision, the expression an “offer to the public” in relation to any offer of
New Ordinary Shares in any Relevant Member State means a communication in any form and by any
means presenting sufficient information on the terms of the offer and any New Ordinary Shares to be
offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase or subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares.
Any prospective investor domiciled in the EEA that has received the Prospectus in any Relevant
Member States should not subscribe for New Ordinary Shares (and the Company reserves the right
to reject any application so made, without explanation) unless (i) the AIFM has confirmed that it has
made the relevant notifications and/or applications in that Relevant Member State and is lawfully able
to market the New Ordinary Shares into that Relevant Member State; or (ii) such investor has received
the Prospectus on the basis of an enquiry made at the investor’s own initiative and it is a person to
whom the New Ordinary Shares may lawfully be offered under the AIFM Directive or under the
applicable implementing legislation (if any) of that Relevant Member State.
Notwithstanding that the AIFM may have confirmed that it is able to market New Ordinary Shares to
professional investors in a Relevant Member State, the New Ordinary Shares may not be marketed to
retail investors (as this term is understood in the AIFM Directive as transposed in the Relevant
Member States) in that Relevant Member State unless the New Ordinary Shares have been qualified
for marketing to retail investors in that EEA State in accordance with applicable local laws. At the date
of this Securities Note, the New Ordinary Shares are not eligible to be marketed to retail investors in
any Relevant Member State. Accordingly, the New Ordinary Shares may not be offered, sold or
delivered and neither the Prospectus nor any other offering materials relating to such New Ordinary
Shares may be distributed or made available to retail investors in those countries.


This offering is to be exclusively conducted under applicable private placement exemptions and
therefore has not been and will not be notified to, and any other offering material relating to the
offering has not been, and will not be approved by, the Belgian Financial Services and Markets
Authority (Autoriteit voor Financiële Diensten en Markten/Autorité des services et marchés financiers)
pursuant to the Belgian laws and regulations applicable to the public offering of securities.
Accordingly, the Prospectus and any other documents or materials related to the offer or sale, or
invitation for subscription or purchase, of the New Ordinary Shares, may not be advertised, offered
or distributed in any other way, directly or indirectly, (i) to any other person located and/or resident in
Belgium other than a professional client within the meaning of the Annex to the Royal Decree of
19 December 2017 containing detailed rules on the implementation of the Directive on Marketing in
Financial Instruments or an eligible counterparty within the meaning of Article 3, § 1 of that same
Royal Decree or (ii) to any person qualifying as a consumer for the purposes of Book VI of the
Belgian Code of Economic Law.


Securities in the Company may only be offered or sold in or from within the Bailiwick of Guernsey
either (i) by persons licensed to do so under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law,
2020 (the “POI Law”); or (ii) to persons licensed under the POI Law or persons licensed under the
Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002, as amended, the Banking Supervision
(Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020, the Insurance Managers and Intermediaries (Bailiwick of
Guernsey) Law, 2002, as amended, or the Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and
Company Directors, etc., (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020.


Subject to certain exemptions (if applicable), the Company shall not raise money in Jersey by the
issue anywhere of New Ordinary Shares, and this Prospectus relating to the New Ordinary Shares
shall not be circulated in Jersey, without first obtaining consent from the Jersey Financial Services
Commission pursuant to the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958, as amended. No such
consents have been obtained by the Company. Subject to certain exemptions (if applicable), offers
for securities in the Company may only be distributed and promoted in or from within Jersey by

persons with appropriate registration under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998, as amended.
It must be distinctly understood that the Jersey Financial Services Commission does not accept any
responsibility for the financial soundness of or any representations made in connection with the


The Subsequent Issue is available, and is and may be made, in or from within the Isle of Man and the
Prospectus is being provided in or from within the Isle of Man only:
(a) by persons licensed to do so under the Isle of Man Financial Services Act 2008; or
(b) in accordance with any relevant exclusion contained within the Isle of Man Regulated Activities
Order 2011 (as amended) or exemption contained in the Isle of Man Financial Services
(Exemptions) Regulations 2011 (as amended).
The Subsequent Issue referred to in the Prospectus and the Prospectus are not available in or from
within the Isle of Man other than in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above and must not be
relied upon by any person unless made or received in accordance with such paragraphs.


Persons receiving the Prospectus may not distribute or send it in or into the United States or any other
jurisdiction where to do so would or might contravene local securities laws or regulations. In
particular, investors should note that the offer, issue and sale of the New Ordinary Shares have not
been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act or with any securities regulatory
authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States. Accordingly, the New Ordinary Shares
are being offered and sold outside the United States in reliance on the exemption from the
registration requirements of the US Securities Act provided by Regulation S thereunder. The New
Ordinary Shares may not be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred or delivered, directly or
indirectly, into or within the United States, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration
requirements of the US Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any
state or other jurisdiction in the United States. In the United States, the New Ordinary Shares are
being offered and sold only to qualified institutional buyers (as defined in Rule 144A under the
US Securities Act).
During any period in which the Company is not subject to, and in compliance with, section 13 or
15(d) of the US Exchange Act, or it is not exempt from such reporting requirements pursuant to, and
in compliance with, Rule 12g3-2(b) under the US Exchange Act, each holder of New Ordinary Shares
that are restricted securities and each prospective purchaser (as designated by such holder) of New
Ordinary Shares that are restricted securities, shall have the right to request from the Company any
information required to be provided by Rule 144A(d)(4) under the Securities Act.
The enforcement by investors of civil liabilities under the United States federal securities laws may be
adversely affected by the fact that the Company is incorporated under the laws of England and
Wales, and that none of its Directors or officers are citizens or residents of the United States. In
addition, the majority of its assets and the assets of its Directors and officers are located outside the
United States. As a result, it may not be possible for investors in the United States to effect service
of process within the United States upon the Company or its Directors and officers located outside
the United States or to enforce in the US courts or outside the United States judgements obtained
against them in US courts or in courts outside the United States, including judgement predicated
upon the civil liability provisions of the federal, state or local securities laws of the United States.
There is doubt as to the enforceability in England and Wales, whether by original actions or by
seeking to enforce judgments of US courts, of claims based on the federal securities laws of the
United States. In addition, punitive damages in actions brought in the United States or elsewhere may
be unenforceable in England and Wales.


This Securities Note and any other component of the Prospectus are provided on an exclusive basis
to the specifically intended recipient thereof, upon that person’s request and initiative, and for the
recipient’s personal use only.
Nothing in this Securities Note or any other component of the Prospectus constitutes, is intended to
constitute, shall be treated as constituting or shall be deemed to constitute, any offer or sale of
securities in the State of Qatar or in the Qatar Financial Centre or the inward marketing of securities

or an attempt to do business, as a bank, an investment company or otherwise in the State of Qatar
or in the Qatar Financial Centre other than in compliance with any laws applicable in the State of
Qatar or in the Qatar Financial Centre governing the issue, offering and sale of securities.
This Securities Note and any other component of the Prospectus and any other underlying
instruments have not been reviewed approved, registered or licensed by the Qatar Central Bank, the
Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority, the Qatar Financial Markets Authority or any other
regulator in the State of Qatar.
Recourse against the Company and those involved with it, may be limited or difficult and may have to
be pursued in a jurisdiction outside Qatar and the Qatar Financial Centre.
Any distribution of this Securities Note and any other component of the Prospectus by the recipient
to third parties in Qatar or the Qatar Financial Centre beyond the terms hereof is not authorised and
shall be at the liability of such recipient.


The Prospectus is being made available only to such South African qualifying investors who fall within
the ambit of sections 96(1)(a), (b), or (c) of the South African Companies Act. The information
contained in the Prospectus does not constitute, nor form part of, any offer or invitation to sell or
issue, an advertisement or any solicitation of any offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any
New Ordinary Shares or any other securities and is not an “offer to the public” as contemplated in the
South African Companies Act. The Prospectus does not, nor does it intend to, constitute a “registered
prospectus” or an “advertisement”, as contemplated by the South African Companies Act and the
Prospectus has not been filed with the CIPC in respect of the Subsequent Issue. As a result, the
Prospectus does not comply with the substance and form requirements for a prospectus set out in
the South African Companies Act and the South African Companies Regulations of 2011, and has not
been approved by, and/or registered with, the CIPC.
In South Africa, only qualifying investors who fall within the ambit of: (i) sections 96(1)(a) or (b) of the
South African Companies Act may subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer; and (ii) section 96(1)(c)
of the South African Companies Act may subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Open Offer.
The Company is not a collective investment scheme regulated by CISCA. The information contained
in the Prospectus constitutes factual information as contemplated in section 1(3)(a) of the FAIS Act.
The Prospectus is not intended to be and does not constitute: (i) a solicitation for investments from
members of the South African public in terms of CISCA; or (ii) an express or implied
recommendation, guide or proposal that any particular transaction in respect of the Placed Shares
and the Open Offer Entitlements or in relation to the business or future investments of the Company
is appropriate to the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of a prospective


Record Date for entitlements under the Open Offer close of business on
17 January
Publication of the Prospectus and the Application Forms and 20 January
Subsequent Issue opens
Ex entitlement date for the Open Offer 8.00 a.m. on
20 January
Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements as soon as
enabled in CREST and credited to stock accounts of Qualifying possible on
CREST Shareholders 21 January
Recommended latest time and date for requesting withdrawal of 4.30 p.m. on
Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements 2 February
from CREST
Recommended latest time and date for depositing Open Offer 3.00 p.m. on
Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements into CREST 3 February
Recommended latest time for splitting Open Offer Application Forms 3.00 p.m. on
(to satisfy bona fide market claims only) 4 February
Latest time and date for receipt of completed Open Offer Application 11.00 a.m. on
Forms and payment in full under the Open Offer or settlement of 8 February
relevant CREST instructions
Latest time and date for receipt of completed Offer for Subscription 11.00 a.m. on
Application Forms and, if applicable, Tax Residency Self-Certification 9 February
Forms, and payment in full under the Offer for Subscription
Latest time and date for receipt of completed applications from the 3.00 p.m. on
Intermediaries in respect of the Intermediaries Offer 9 February
Latest time and date for commitments under the Subsequent Placing 3.00 p.m. on
9 February
Announcement of results of the Subsequent Issue 10 February
Subsequent Admission and dealings in New Ordinary Shares commence 8.00 a.m. on
14 February
CREST accounts credited with uncertificated New Ordinary Shares in as soon as
respect of the Subsequent Issue possible on
14 February
Where applicable, definitive share certificates in respect of the New 21 February
Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue despatched
by post in the week commencing*
* Underlying Applicants who apply to Intermediaries for New Ordinary Shares under the Intermediaries Offer will not
receive share certificates.
The dates and times specified in the timetable above are subject to change without further notice. All references to times in
this Securities Note are to London time unless otherwise stated. Any changes to the expected timetable will be notified by an
RIS announcement.


Subsequent Issue Price* 142 pence per

New Ordinary Share
Number of Existing Ordinary Shares in issue as at the Latest Practicable Date 735,513,403
Target number of New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the 88,261,608
Subsequent Issue
Enlarged Share Capital immediately following the Subsequent Issue** 823,775,011
New Ordinary Shares as a percentage of the Enlarged Share Capital following 10.7 per cent.
the Subsequent Issue**
Target gross proceeds of the Subsequent Issue ** approximately
£125 million
* The Subsequent Issue Price is calculated by reference to the Estimated NAV per Ordinary Share (unaudited) as at
31 December 2021 of 139.5 pence, reduced by the 2021 Q3 Dividend of 1.5 pence per Ordinary Share that the
Company is targeting in respect of the quarter ended 31 December 2021, and increased to reflect the costs and
expenses of the Subsequent Issue which are expected to be approximately 2 per cent. of the gross proceeds of the
Subsequent Issue and to provide a level of NAV per Ordinary Share accretion for existing Shareholders. The 2021 Q3
Dividend is a target only and, for the avoidance of doubt, is not a profit forecast.
** Assuming 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue. The total number of New
Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue is not known as at the date of this Securities Note but will
be notified by an RIS announcement prior to Subsequent Admission. The Directors have reserved the right, following
consultation with the Joint Bookrunners, to increase the size of the Subsequent Issue to a maximum of 224,410,424
New Ordinary Shares if overall demand exceeds 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares by increasing the size of the
Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and/or the Intermediaries Offer, with any such increase being notified by
an RIS announcement.


ISIN – Open Offer Entitlement GB00BLBJ6N75

SEDOL – Open Offer Entitlement BLBJ6N7
ISIN – Excess Entitlement GB00BLBJ6P99
SEDOL – Excess Entitlement BLBJ6P9
ISIN – Ordinary Shares GB00BYQ46T41
SEDOL – Ordinary Shares BYQ46T4
Ticker – Ordinary Shares LXI


Directors Stephen Hubbard (Non-executive Chairman)

Colin Smith OBE (Non-executive Director)
Jan Etherden (Non-executive Director)
John Cartwright (Non-executive Director)
Patricia Dimond (Non-executive Director)
Cyrus Ardalan (Non-executive Director)
Hugh Seaborn CVO (Non-executive Director)
Ismat Levin (Non-executive Director)
all independent and of the registered office below:
Registered Office 6th Floor
125 London Wall
AIFM Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited
10 Old Burlington Street
Investment Advisor LXi REIT Advisors Limited
10 Old Burlington Street
Sponsor, Joint Global Peel Hunt LLP
Co-ordinator, Joint Broker, 100 Liverpool Street
Joint Bookrunner and London
Intermediaries Offer Adviser EC2M 2AT
Joint Global Co-ordinator, Joint Jefferies International Limited
Broker and Joint Bookrunner 100 Bishopsgate
Jefferies GmbH
Bockenheimer Landstraße 24
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Joint Global Co-ordinator and Alvarium Securities Limited
Joint Bookrunner 10 Old Burlington Street
Legal Adviser to the Company Stephenson Harwood LLP
1 Finsbury Circus
US Legal Adviser to the Company Covington & Burling LLP
22 Bishopsgate
Legal Adviser to the Sponsor, Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
Joint Global Co-ordinators, 4 More London Riverside
Joint Brokers, Joint Bookrunners London
and Intermediaries Offer Adviser SE1 2AU

US Legal Adviser to the Sponsor, Proskauer Rose LLP
Joint Global Co-ordinators, Joint 110 Bishopsgate
Brokers, Joint Bookrunners and London
Intermediaries Offer Adviser EC2N 4AY
Depositary Langham Hall UK Depositary LLP
8th Floor
1 Fleet Place
Administrator Langham Hall UK Services LLP
8th Floor
1 Fleet Place
Company Secretary Sanne Fund Services (UK) Limited
6th Floor
125 London Wall
Registrar Link Market Services Limited
10th Floor, Central Square
29 Wellington Street
Receiving Agent Link Group
Corporate Actions
10th Floor, Central Square
29 Wellington Street
Auditors and Reporting BDO LLP
Accountant 55 Baker Street
Independent Valuer Knight Frank LLP
55 Baker Street



The Company is targeting an issue of approximately £125 million (gross) through the issue of
88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares by way of a Subsequent Placing, Open Offer, Offer for Subscription
and Intermediaries Offer (the “Subsequent Issue”) at 142 pence per New Ordinary Share.
If overall demand exceeds this target, the Directors have reserved the right, following consultation
with the Joint Bookrunners, to increase the size of the Subsequent Issue to a maximum of
224,410,424 New Ordinary Shares (being the total number of Ordinary Shares remaining available
for issue under the Share Issuance Programme) by increasing the size of the Subsequent Placing,
the Offer for Subscription and/or the Intermediaries Offer. Any decision to increase the size of the
Subsequent Issue will only be made after careful consideration of the size and availability of the
Company’s investment pipeline.
The actual number of New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue, and
therefore the gross proceeds of the Subsequent Issue, is not known as at the date of this Securities
Note but will be notified by the Company via an RIS prior to Subsequent Admission. The Subsequent
Issue is not being underwritten. The maximum size of the Subsequent Issue should not be taken as
an indication of the number New Ordinary Shares to be issued.
The New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue will, following Subsequent
Admission, rank pari passu in all respects with the Existing Ordinary Shares and will carry the right
to receive all dividends and distributions declared, made or paid on or in respect of the Ordinary
Shares by reference to a record date after Subsequent Admission. The Existing Ordinary Shares are
already admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s main market and to the premium
segment of the Official List.
Holders of New Ordinary Shares will not be entitled to receive any dividends declared with a record
date prior to the date of their issue. In line with its stated dividend target of 6 pence per Ordinary
Share in aggregate for the year ending 31 March 2022, the Company is targeting an interim dividend
of 1.5 pence per Ordinary Share in respect of the quarter ended 31 December 2021 (the “2021 Q3
Dividend”). The 2021 Q3 Dividend (if declared) will have a record date prior to the issue of the New
Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue and, accordingly, holders of New Ordinary
Shares issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue will not be entitled to receive the 2021 Q3 Dividend
(if declared) in respect of those shares.2
The Subsequent Issue Price is calculated by reference to the Estimated NAV per Ordinary Share
(unaudited) as at 31 December 2021 of 139.5 pence, reduced by the target 2021 Q3 Dividend and
increased to reflect the costs and expenses of the Subsequent Issue, which are expected to be
approximately 2 per cent. of the gross proceeds of the Subsequent Issue, and to provide a level of
NAV per Ordinary Share accretion for existing Shareholders.
The Open Offer provides an opportunity for Qualifying Shareholders to participate in the fundraising
by subscribing for their respective Open Offer Entitlements. If the Subsequent Issue proceeds, valid
applications under the Open Offer will be satisfied in full up to applicants’ Open Offer Entitlements.
Any New Ordinary Shares not taken up under the Open Offer will be made available under the
Excess Application Facility, the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries
Offer, thereby enabling Existing Shareholders to subscribe for more than their Open Offer Entitlement.
Qualifying Shareholders who wish to subscribe for more New Ordinary Shares than their Open Offer
Entitlement could therefore make an application under the Excess Application Facility, the Offer for
Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or, if appropriate, the Subsequent Placing.

2 The 2021 Q3 Dividend is a target only and not a profit forecast and there can be no assurance that it will be met. The
Company’s dividend and return targets have been developed based upon assumptions with respect to future business
decisions and conditions that are subject to change, including the Company’s execution of its investment objective and
strategies, as well as growth in the sector and markets in which the Company operates. As a result, the Company’s actual
results may vary from its dividend and return targets (including the 2021 Q3 Dividend (if declared)) and those variations
may be material. The Company does not undertake to publish updates as to its progress towards achieving any of its
dividend or return targets, including as they may be impacted by events or circumstances existing or arising after the date
of this Securities Note or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or circumstances.

New investors will be able to apply for New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Offer for Subscription,
the Intermediaries Offer or, if appropriate, the Subsequent Placing.
The costs and expenses of the Subsequent Issue are expected to be approximately 2 per cent. of
the gross proceeds of the Subsequent Issue. The expenses of, or incidental to, the Subsequent Issue
will be paid by the Company. There are no commissions, fees or expenses to be charged to investors
by the Company. All expenses incurred by any Intermediary are for its own account. Investors should
confirm separately with any Intermediary whether there are any commissions, fees or expenses that
will be applied by such Intermediary in connection with any application made through that
Intermediary pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer.
Assuming 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue (being the
target number of New Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Subsequent Issue), this would result
in gross issue proceeds of approximately £125.3 million, net proceeds of approximately
£122.8 million, with the costs and expenses payable by the Company expected to be approximately
£2.5 million.


The Subsequent Issue is being made in order to raise funds for the purpose of investment in
accordance with the investment policy and objective of the Company and with a view to delivering
further value for Shareholders. The Board believes that it continues to be in the interests of the
Company and its Shareholders to grow the Company further by the issuance of new shares.
The Board believes that the Subsequent Issue will have the following benefits for the Company:
(a) the additional assets forming the pipeline identified by the Investment Advisor, if acquired, are
expected to further diversify the Company’s portfolio of properties in terms of tenant,
geographic and sector exposures at a net initial yield higher than the current portfolio valuation
(b) the Subsequent Issue is expected to broaden the Company’s investor base and enhance the
size and liquidity of the Company’s share capital; and
(c) growing the Company through the Subsequent Issue will spread the fixed operating costs over
a larger capital base, thereby reducing the Company’s ongoing charges ratio.

In connection with the Subsequent Issue, the Investment Advisor, on behalf of the Company, has
identified a significant pipeline of additional assets which meet the Company’s investment objective
and policy, the vast majority of which have been sourced off-market through the Investment Advisor’s
extensive contacts and relationships.
The Investment Advisor has already commenced negotiations and discussions concerning the
acquisition of such assets on behalf of the Company. Furthermore, the Investment Advisor, on behalf
of the Company, has entered into exclusivity agreements in relation to the acquisition of a number of
these assets.
These assets are diversified by location and leased to a range of institutional-grade tenants with
strong financial covenants on long term leases, 97 per cent. of which are indexed-linked or contain
fixed uplifts, and with a good mix within the pipeline of built assets and forward funded structures.
The assets, which total around £272 million including expected costs, are diversified across a range
of defensive and structurally supported sub-sectors. They benefit from a long weighted average
unexpired lease term of 20 years to first break and a blended net initial yield of 5.2 per cent. (net of
acquisition costs).
These acquisitions are subject to ongoing due diligence by the Investment Advisor and the
Company’s other professional advisers. For the majority of these deals, the Company currently has
no binding contractual obligations with potential vendors and, although there can be no assurance
that these properties will be purchased by the Company, the Investment Advisor is confident that it
will substantially invest or commit the Net Proceeds of the Subsequent Issue within three months
following Subsequent Admission.

Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities have each agreed to use their reasonable endeavours to
procure subscribers pursuant to the Subsequent Placing for the New Ordinary Shares on the terms
and subject to the conditions set out in the Share Issuance Agreement. Details of the Share Issuance
Agreement are set out in paragraph 8.1 of Part 1 of the Supplement.
The terms and conditions which shall apply to any subscription for New Ordinary Shares procured by
the Joint Bookrunners are set out in Part 6 of this Securities Note. The Subsequent Placing will close
at 3.00 p.m. on 9 February 2022 (or such later date as the Company and the Joint Bookrunners may
agree, being not later than 17 February 2022). If the Subsequent Placing is extended, the revised
timetable will be notified through an RIS.
Each Placee agrees to be bound by the Articles once the New Ordinary Shares, which the Placee
has agreed to subscribe for pursuant to the Subsequent Placing, have been acquired by the Placee.
The contract to subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares under the Subsequent Placing and all
disputes and claims arising out of or in connection with its subject matter or formation (including
non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws
of England and Wales. For the exclusive benefit of Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, the
Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor and the Registrar, each Placee irrevocably submits to the
jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales and waives any objection to proceedings in any such
court on the ground of venue or on the ground that proceedings have been brought in an
inconvenient forum. This does not prevent an action being taken against the Placee in any other
Commitments under the Subsequent Placing, once made, may not be withdrawn without the consent
of the Directors.


Qualifying Shareholders are being offered the opportunity, under the Open Offer, to apply for up to
3 New Ordinary Shares for every 25 Existing Ordinary Shares held and registered in their name as at
the Record Date. New Ordinary Shares issued to Qualifying Shareholders under the Open Offer are
not subject to scaling back to satisfy valid applications under the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for
Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or the Excess Application Facility.
Any New Ordinary Shares not taken up pursuant to the Open Offer will be made available under the
Excess Application Facility, the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries
Offer. There will be no priority given to applications under the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for
Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or the Excess Application Facility pursuant to the Subsequent
If you have sold or otherwise transferred all of your Existing Ordinary Shares before the
ex-entitlement date, you are not entitled to participate in the Open Offer.
Open Offer Entitlements will be rounded down to the nearest whole number and any fractional
entitlements to New Ordinary Shares will be disregarded in calculating Open Offer Entitlements.
Fractions will be aggregated and made available to Qualifying Shareholders under the Excess
Application Facility.
Qualifying Shareholders may apply to acquire less than their Open Offer Entitlement should they so
wish. In addition, Qualifying Shareholders who take up all of their Open Offer Entitlement may apply
to acquire additional New Ordinary Shares using the Excess Application Facility. Please refer to the
terms and conditions for further details of the Excess Application Facility in Part 7 of this Securities
The Open Offer Entitlement, in the case of Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders, is equal to the
number of New Ordinary Shares shown in their Open Offer Application Form or, in the case of
Qualifying CREST Shareholders, is equal to the number of New Ordinary Shares representing their
Open Offer Entitlement standing to the credit of their stock account in CREST.
Qualifying Shareholders who take up all of their Open Offer Entitlements may also apply under the
Excess Application Facility for additional New Ordinary Shares in excess of their Open Offer
Entitlement. The Excess Application Facility will comprise such number of New Ordinary Shares as
may be allocated to the Excess Application Facility as determined by the Company (following
consultation with the Joint Bookrunners) that have not yet been allocated to Qualifying Shareholders

pursuant to their Open Offer Entitlements. There will be no priority given to applications under the
Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or the Excess Application
Facility pursuant to the Subsequent Issue.
If you are a Qualifying non-CREST Shareholder, the Open Offer Application Form shows the number
of Existing Ordinary Shares registered in your name at the close of business on the Record Date.
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders who wish to apply to subscribe for more than their Open Offer
Entitlement should complete the relevant sections on their Open Offer Application Form.
Qualifying CREST Shareholders will have Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer
Entitlements credited to their stock accounts in CREST and should refer to the CREST Manual for
further information on the relevant CREST procedures, including information on how to apply for
Excess New Shares pursuant to the Excess Application Facility.
Excess applications may be allocated in such manner as the Company may determine (following
consultation with the Joint Bookrunners) and no assurance can be given that applications by
Qualifying Shareholders under the Excess Application Facility will be met in full or in part or at all.
Application has been made for the Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer
Entitlements to be admitted to CREST. It is expected that the Open Offer Entitlements and Excess
CREST Open Offer Entitlements will be admitted to CREST at 8.00 a.m. on 21 January 2022. The
Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will also be enabled for
settlement in CREST at 8.00 a.m. on 21 January 2022. Applications through means of the CREST
system may only be made by the Qualifying Shareholder originally entitled or by a person entitled by
virtue of a bona fide market claim.
The Open Offer is not being made to Shareholders in the United States or any other Excluded
Territories except pursuant to an applicable exemption. Accordingly, Open Offer Application Forms
are not (subject to certain exceptions) being sent to, and Open Offer Entitlements are not being
credited to, Overseas Shareholders except where the Company is satisfied that such action would
not result in the contravention of any registration or other legal requirement in any jurisdiction.
Shareholders who have registered addresses outside the United Kingdom who are citizens or
residents of countries other than the United Kingdom or who are holding Existing Ordinary Shares for
the benefit of such persons (including, without limitation, nominees, custodians and trustees) or have
a contractual or legal obligation to forward the Prospectus or the Open Offer Application Form to
such persons, should refer to the section ‘Overseas Shareholders’ in Part 7 of this Securities Note,
which sets out the restrictions applicable to such persons. If you are an Overseas Shareholder, it is
important that you read that part of this Securities Note.
Shareholders should note that the Open Offer is not a rights issue. Qualifying CREST
Shareholders should note that, although the Open Offer Entitlements will be admitted to
CREST and be enabled for settlement, applications in respect of entitlements under the Open
Offer may only be made by the Qualifying Shareholder originally entitled or by a person entitled
by virtue of a bona fide market claim raised by Euroclear’s Claims Processing Unit. Qualifying
non-CREST Shareholders should note that the Open Offer Application Form is not a negotiable
document and cannot be traded. Qualifying Shareholders should be aware that in the Open
Offer, unlike in a rights issue, any New Ordinary Shares not applied for will not be sold in the
market or placed for the benefit of Qualifying Shareholders who do not apply under the Open
Offer, but may be placed with Placees pursuant to the Subsequent Placing or made available
under the Offer for Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer and/or the Excess Application
Facility, and the net proceeds will be retained, for the benefit of the Company.
Further information on the Open Offer and the terms and conditions on which it is made, including
the procedure for application and payment, is set out in Part 7 of this Securities Note and, where
relevant, in the Open Offer Application Form.
For Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders, completed Open Offer Application Forms, accompanied by
full payment in accordance with the instructions in Part 7 of this Securities Note, should be returned
by post to Link Group, Corporate Actions, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds
LS1 4DL so as to arrive as soon as possible and in any event so as to be received by no later than
11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022. For Qualifying CREST Shareholders, the relevant CREST instructions
must have settled, as explained in this Securities Note, by no later than 11.00 a.m. on 8 February
2022. Shareholders should consult an independent financial adviser if they are in doubt about the
contents of this Securities Note or the action they should take.

The Directors are also proposing to offer New Ordinary Shares under the Offer for Subscription,
subject to the terms and conditions of the Offer for Subscription set out in Part 8 of this Securities
Note. These terms and conditions and the Offer for Subscription Application Form attached as
Appendix 1 to this Securities Note should be read carefully before an application is made. The Offer
for Subscription will close at 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022. If the Offer for Subscription is extended,
the revised timetable will be notified through an RIS.
Applications under the Offer for Subscription must be for New Ordinary Shares at the Subsequent
Issue Price, being 142 pence per New Ordinary Share. The aggregate subscription price is payable
in full on application. Individual applications must be for a minimum subscription of 1,000 New
Ordinary Shares and then in multiples of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares thereafter, although the Board
may accept applications below the minimum amounts stated above in its absolute discretion. Multiple
subscriptions under the Offer for Subscription by individual investors will not be accepted.
Completed Application Forms accompanied either by a cheque or banker’s draft or appropriate delivery
versus payment (“DVP”) instructions in relation to the Offer for Subscription must be posted or delivered
by hand (during normal business hours) to the Receiving Agent, Link Group, Corporate Actions,
10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL so as to be received as soon as
possible and, in any event, no later than 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022. For CHAPS or DVP applications
only, they can be emailed to the Receiving Agent at [email protected] and in all
instances the Application Form must be received by the Receiving Agent by no later than 11.00 a.m. on
9 February 2022.
Commitments under the Offer for Subscription, once made, may not be withdrawn without the
consent of the Directors.
Please also refer to the section below headed “Admission, clearing and settlement”.


Investors may also subscribe for New Ordinary Shares at the Subsequent Issue Price of 142 pence
per New Ordinary Share pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer. Only the Intermediaries’ retail investor
clients in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are eligible to participate in
the Intermediaries Offer. Investors may apply to any one of the Intermediaries to be accepted as their
No New Ordinary Shares allocated under the Intermediaries Offer will be registered in the name of
any person whose registered address is outside the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the
Isle of Man. A minimum application of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares per Underlying Applicant will
apply and thereafter an Underlying Applicant may apply for any higher amount. Allocations to
Intermediaries will be determined solely by the Company (following consultation with the Joint
An application for New Ordinary Shares in the Intermediaries Offer means that the Underlying
Applicant agrees to acquire the New Ordinary Shares applied for at the Subsequent Issue Price.
Each Underlying Applicant must comply with the appropriate money laundering checks required by
the relevant Intermediary and all other laws and regulations applicable to their agreement to
subscribe for New Ordinary Shares. Where an application is not accepted or there are insufficient
New Ordinary Shares available to satisfy an application in full, the relevant Intermediary will be
obliged to refund the Underlying Applicant as required and all such refunds shall be made without
interest. The Company, the Investment Advisor, the AIFM, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities
accept no responsibility with respect to the obligation of the Intermediaries to refund monies in such
Each Intermediary has agreed, or will on appointment agree, to the Intermediaries Terms and
Conditions, which regulate, inter alia, the conduct of the Intermediaries Offer on market standard
terms and provide for the payment of a commission and/or fee (to the extent permissible by the rules
of the FCA) to Intermediaries from the Intermediaries Offer Adviser acting on behalf of the Company
if such Intermediary elects to receive a commission and/or fee. Pursuant to the Intermediaries Terms
and Conditions, in making an application, each Intermediary will also be required to represent and
warrant that they are not located in the United States and are not acting on behalf of anyone that is
located in the United States.

In addition, the Intermediaries may prepare certain materials for distribution or may otherwise provide
information or advice to retail investors in the United Kingdom, subject to the terms of the
Intermediaries Terms and Conditions. Any such materials, information or advice are solely the
responsibility of the relevant Intermediary and will not be reviewed or approved by any of the
Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or the Intermediaries Offer
Adviser. Any liability relating to such documents shall be for the relevant Intermediaries only.
The Intermediaries Terms and Conditions provide for the Intermediaries to have an option (where the
payment of such commission and/or fee is not prohibited) to be paid a commission and/or fee by the
Intermediaries Offer Adviser (acting on behalf of the Company) where it has elected to receive such
commission and/or fee in respect of the New Ordinary Shares allocated to and paid for by them
pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer.


The Subsequent Issue is conditional, inter alia, on:
(a) the Share Issuance Agreement becoming unconditional as to the Subsequent Issue (save as
to Subsequent Admission) and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms prior
to Subsequent Admission; and
(b) Subsequent Admission becoming effective by not later than 8.00 a.m. on 14 February 2022 (or
such later time and/or date as the Joint Bookrunners and the Company may agree, being not
later than 17 February 2022).
If any such conditions are not satisfied the Subsequent Issue will not proceed, any Open Offer
Entitlements or Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements admitted to CREST will thereafter be disabled
and any application monies received in connection with the Subsequent Issue will be refunded to the
applicants, by cheque (at the applicant’s risk), and in the case of Qualifying CREST Shareholders by
way of a CREST payment, without interest, as soon as practicable, but in any event within 14 days


The Directors have reserved the right, following consultation with the Joint Bookrunners, to increase
the size of the Subsequent Issue to a maximum of 224,410,424 New Ordinary Shares (being the total
number of Ordinary Shares remaining available for issue under the Share Issuance Programme) if
overall demand exceeds 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares by increasing the size of the Subsequent
Placing, the Offer for Subscription and/or the Intermediaries Offer.
In the event that commitments under the Subsequent Issue exceed the maximum number of New
Ordinary Shares available (notwithstanding any such increase), applications under the Subsequent
Issue (other than applications up to Qualifying Shareholders’ full entitlement under the Open Offer)
will be scaled back at the Company’s discretion after consultation with the Joint Bookrunners. The
basis of allocation of New Ordinary Shares under the Subsequent Issue will be:
(a) to each Qualifying Shareholder who applies, up to his full entitlement under the Open Offer
(New Ordinary Shares issued to Qualifying Shareholders under the Open Offer are not subject
to scaling back to satisfy valid applications under the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for
Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or the Excess Application Facility); and
(b) any New Ordinary Shares not taken up under the Open Offer or otherwise available under the
Subsequent Issue, to applicants under the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription, the
Intermediaries Offer and the Excess Application Facility, with applications scaled back at the
discretion of the Company following consultation with the Joint Bookrunners.
There will be no priority given to applications under the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for
Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or the Excess Application Facility pursuant to the Subsequent

The ownership and voting interests of any Shareholders not participating in the Subsequent Issue will
be diluted.

Assuming 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue (being the
target number of New Ordinary Shares to be issued thereunder):
l Qualifying Shareholders who take up their full Open Offer Entitlement (excluding any New
Ordinary Shares acquired through the Excess Application Facility) will not suffer any dilution to
their ownership and voting interests in the Company by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary
Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue;
l Qualifying Shareholders who do not take up any of their Open Offer Entitlement and
Shareholders who are not eligible to participate in the Open Offer will suffer a maximum
dilution of approximately 10.7 per cent. to their ownership and voting interests in the Company
by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue; and
l the New Ordinary Shares will represent approximately 10.7 per cent. of the Enlarged Share
Assuming 224,410,424 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue (being the
maximum number of New Ordinary Shares that may be issued thereunder):
l Qualifying Shareholders who take up their full Open Offer Entitlement (excluding any New
Ordinary Shares acquired through the Excess Application Facility) will suffer a maximum
dilution of approximately 14.2 per cent. to their ownership and voting interests in the Company;
l Qualifying Shareholders who do not take up any of their Open Offer Entitlement and
Shareholders who are not eligible to participate in the Open Offer will suffer a maximum
dilution of approximately 23.4 per cent. to their ownership and voting interests in the Company
by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue; and
l the New Ordinary Shares will represent approximately 23.4 per cent. of the Enlarged Share


The Share Issuance Agreement contains provisions entitling the Joint Bookrunners to terminate the
Subsequent Issue (and the arrangements associated with it) at any time prior to Subsequent
Admission in certain circumstances. If this right is exercised by the Joint Bookrunners, the
Subsequent Issue and these arrangements will lapse and any monies received in respect of the
Subsequent Issue will be returned to each applicant without interest within 14 days at the applicant’s
The Share Issuance Agreement provides for the Joint Bookrunners to be paid commission by the
Company in respect of the New Ordinary Shares to be allotted under the Subsequent Issue. Any New
Ordinary Shares subscribed for by any Joint Bookrunner may be retained or dealt in by it for its own
Under the Share Issuance Agreement, the Joint Bookrunners are entitled at their discretion and out
of their own resources at any time to rebate to some or all investors, or to other parties, part or all of
their fees relating to the Subsequent Issue. The Joint Bookrunners are also entitled under the Share
Issuance Agreement to retain agents and may pay commission in respect of the Subsequent Issue
to any or all of those agents out of their own resources.
Further details of the terms of the Share Issuance Agreement are set out in paragraph 8.1 of Part 1
of the Supplement.

Pursuant to anti-money laundering laws and regulations with which the Company must comply in the
UK, the Company and its agents (and their agents) may require evidence in connection with any
application for New Ordinary Shares, including further identification of the applicant(s), before any
New Ordinary Shares are issued to that applicant.
In the event that there are any significant changes affecting any of the matters described in the
Prospectus or where any significant new matters have arisen after the publication of the Prospectus
and prior to Subsequent Admission, the Company will publish a supplementary prospectus. The
supplementary prospectus will give details of the significant change(s) or the significant new

The Directors (in consultation with the Joint Bookrunners) may in their absolute discretion waive the
minimum application amounts in respect of any particular application for New Ordinary Shares under
the Subsequent Issue.


Applications will be made to the FCA for all of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue to be admitted to the premium segment of the Official List and to the London
Stock Exchange for such New Ordinary Shares to be admitted to trading on the premium segment of
the London Stock Exchange’s main market. It is expected that Subsequent Admission will become
effective and dealings will commence on 14 February 2022.
The New Ordinary Shares will be issued in registered form and may be held in either certificated or
uncertificated form. In the case of New Ordinary Shares to be issued in uncertificated form pursuant
to the Subsequent Issue, these will be transferred to successful applicants through the CREST
system. The New Ordinary Shares will be eligible for settlement through CREST with effect from
Subsequent Admission.
CREST is a paperless settlement procedure enabling securities to be evidenced otherwise than by a
certificate and transferred otherwise than by written instrument. The Articles permit the holding of
Ordinary Shares under the CREST system. Settlement of transactions in the New Ordinary Shares
following Subsequent Admission may take place within the CREST system if any Shareholder so
The Company will arrange for CREST to be instructed to credit the appropriate CREST accounts of
the applicants concerned or their nominees with their respective entitlements to the New Ordinary
Shares. The names of applicants or their nominees that invest through their CREST accounts will be
entered directly on to the share register of the Company.
Dealings in the New Ordinary Shares in advance of the crediting of the relevant stock account shall
be at the risk of the person concerned.
Where applicable, definitive share certificates in respect of the New Ordinary Shares are expected
to be despatched by post at the risk of recipients to the relevant holders in the week beginning
21 February 2022. Prior to the despatch of definitive share certificates in respect of any New
Ordinary Shares which are held in certificated form, transfer of those New Ordinary Shares will be
certified against the Register. No temporary documents of title will be issued.
The Company does not guarantee that at any particular time market maker(s) will be willing to make
a market in the Ordinary Shares, nor does it guarantee the price at which a market will be made in
the Ordinary Shares. Accordingly, the market price of the Ordinary Shares may not necessarily reflect
changes in the NAV per Ordinary Share.
The Ordinary Shares are denominated in Sterling.

There are no interests that are material to the Subsequent Issue and no conflicting interests.


An investment in the New Ordinary Shares is designed to be suitable for institutional investors,
professional investors, high net worth investors, professionally advised private investors and retail
investors seeking exposure to a diversified portfolio of UK property that benefits from long-term
index-linked leases with institutional-grade tenants with strong financial covenants. Investors should
understand the risks and merits of such an investment and have sufficient resources to be able to
bear any losses (which may equal up to the whole amount invested) that may result from such an
investment. Furthermore, an investment in the New Ordinary Shares should constitute part of a
diversified investment portfolio. It should be remembered that the market price of Ordinary Shares
and the income from them can go down as well as up.
Potential investors should consider with care whether an investment in the Company is suitable for
them in the light of their personal circumstances and the financial resources available to them.
Private investors who are unsure whether to invest should consider consulting a financial adviser
authorised under FSMA to assess whether an investment in the Company is suitable.

The Prospectus is not intended to be and does not constitute an express or implied recommendation,
guide or proposal that any particular transaction in respect of the Placed Shares and the Open Offer
Entitlements or in relation to the business or future investments of the Company is appropriate to the
particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of a prospective investor.

Potential investors in any territory other than the United Kingdom should refer to the notices set out in
the section entitled “Important Information” of this Securities Note.
The Company reserves the right to treat as invalid any agreement to subscribe for New Ordinary
Shares under the Subsequent Issue if it appears to the Company or its agents to have been entered
into in a manner that may involve a breach of the securities legislation of any jurisdiction.



The Subsequent Issue is being carried out under the Share Issuance Programme, which was
implemented in March 2021 to enable the Company to raise additional capital in the period from
16 March 2021 to 17 February 2022.
At the general meeting of the Company held on 10 March 2021, the Directors were authorised to
issue up to 400 million New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Share Issuance
Programme without having to first offer those New Ordinary Shares to existing Shareholders.
Following completion of the Initial Issue in March 2021 and completion of the Second Issue in July
2021, a total of 175,589,576 New Ordinary Shares have been issued pursuant to this authority,
leaving 224,410,424 New Ordinary Shares available for issue under the Share Issuance Programme.
The Subsequent Issue will be the final issue under the Share Issuance Programme. Details of the
Subsequent Issue, which comprises the Subsequent Placing, Open Offer, Offer for Subscription and
Intermediaries Offer, are set out in Part 1 of this Securities Note.



1.1 Introduction
The tax legislation of a Shareholder’s or potential investor’s home country and of the UK may
have an impact on the income received from the Ordinary Shares.
The following paragraphs are intended as a general guide only to certain aspects of current
UK tax law and HMRC published practice, each of which may change, possibly with
retrospective effect. They apply only to certain Shareholders resident for UK tax purposes
(and, in the case of individuals, domiciled) in the UK, save where express reference is made
to non-UK resident persons. They do not constitute tax advice.
The statements are not applicable to all categories of Shareholders, and in particular are not
addressed to (i) Shareholders who do not hold their Ordinary Shares as investments or who
are not the absolute beneficial owners of those shares or dividends in respect of those shares;
(ii) Shareholders who own (or are deemed to own) ten per cent. or more of the shares or voting
power or entitlement to distributions of the Company; (iii) special classes of Shareholders such
as dealers in securities, broker-dealers, insurance companies, trustees of certain trusts and
persons entitled to certain tax exemptions; (iv) Shareholders who hold Ordinary Shares as part
of hedging or commercial transactions, (v) Shareholders who hold Ordinary Shares in
connection with a trade, profession or vocation carried on in the UK (whether through a branch
or agency or otherwise); (vi) Shareholders who hold Ordinary Shares acquired by reason of
any office or employment; and (vii) Shareholders who hold Ordinary Shares in an ISA, SIPP or
SSAS. Shareholders who are in any doubt about their tax position, or who are subject to tax in
a jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom, should consult their own appropriate independent
professional adviser without delay, particularly concerning their tax liabilities on PIDs, whether
they are entitled to claim any repayment of tax, and, if so, the procedure for doing so. Non-UK
resident shareholders should note that, as discussed at paragraph 1.4 below, they may be
subject to UK tax on any chargeable gains arising on a disposal of Ordinary Shares.

1.2 UK taxation of Non-PID Dividends

(a) General
The Company will not be required to withhold tax at source when paying a Non-PID
Dividend to any Shareholder (whether in cash or in the form of a stock dividend).

(b) Individual Shareholders

UK tax-resident individual Shareholders who receive a Non-PID Dividend from the
Company will be entitled to an annual tax-free allowance of £2,000 (to the extent that this
tax-free allowance has not already been utilised in respect of other dividends received
by the Shareholder). To the extent that dividend income exceeds the annual tax free
dividend allowance, tax will be imposed at the rates of 7.5 per cent. to the extent falling
within the basic rate, 32.5 per cent. to the extent falling within the higher rate and
38.1 per cent. to the extent falling within the additional rate. However, subject to Royal
Assent of the Finance Bill 2022, these rates will each increase by 1.25 percentage
points from 6 April 2022, rising to 8.75 per cent. (for basic rate taxpayers), 33.75 per
cent. (for higher rate taxpayers) and 39.35 per cent. (for additional rate taxpayers) for the
tax year 2022/23 and subsequent tax years.

(c) Corporate Shareholders

Shareholders who are subject to UK corporation tax will be subject to corporation tax on
Non-PID Dividends paid by the Company, unless the Non-PID Dividends fall within an
exempt class set out in Part 9A of the Corporation Tax Act 2009 and certain other
conditions are met. Whether an exempt class applies and whether the other conditions
are met will depend on the circumstances of the particular Shareholder, although it is
expected that the Non-PID Dividends paid by the Company would normally be exempt.

1.3 UK taxation of PIDs
(a) General
Subject to certain exceptions summarised below, the Company is required to withhold
income tax at source at the basic rate of income tax (currently 20 per cent.) from its
PIDs (whether paid in cash or in the form of a stock dividend). The Company will provide
Shareholders with a certificate setting out the gross amount of the PID, the amount of
tax withheld, and the net amount of the PID.

(b) UK taxation of individual Shareholders

Subject to certain exceptions, a PID will generally be treated in the hands of
Shareholders who are individuals as the profits of a single UK property business (as
defined in Section 264 of the Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005). A PID
is, together with any PID from any other company to which Part 12 of the CTA 2010
applies, treated as profits of a UK property business which is separate from any other
UK property business carried on by the relevant Shareholder. This means that any
surplus expenses from a Shareholder’s other UK property business cannot be offset
against a PID as part of a single calculation of the profits of the Shareholder’s UK
property business.
UK individuals may be entitled to a £1,000 property income allowance. Where the
individual’s property income falls below the threshold the individual is entitled to full relief
from income tax on that amount. However, this allowance does not apply to PIDs.
Where UK income tax has been withheld at source, individual Shareholders who are
resident in the UK for tax purposes may, depending on their circumstances, either be
liable to further tax on their PIDs at their applicable marginal rate, or be entitled to claim
repayment of some or all of the tax withheld on their PIDs.

(c) UK taxation of corporate Shareholders

Subject to certain exceptions, a PID will generally be treated in the hands of
Shareholders who are subject to UK corporation tax as profits of a UK property
business (as defined in Part 4 of the Corporation Tax Act 2009). This means that, subject
to the availability of any exemptions or reliefs, such Shareholders should be liable to UK
corporation tax on the entire amount of their PID. A PID is, together with any PID from
any other company to which Part 12 of the CTA 2010 applies, treated as profits of a UK
property business which is separate from any other UK Property business carried on by
the relevant Shareholder. This means that any surplus expenses from a Shareholder’s
different UK property business cannot be off-set against a PID as part of a single
calculation of the Shareholder’s UK property profits.
Shareholders who are subject to corporation tax will generally be liable to pay
corporation tax on PIDs received. If income tax is withheld at source the tax withheld
can generally be set against their liability to UK corporation tax in the accounting period
in which the PID is received.

(d) UK taxation of Shareholders who are not resident for tax purposes in the UK
Where a Shareholder who is resident outside the UK receives a PID, the PID will
generally be chargeable to UK tax as profit of a UK property business and this tax will
generally be collected by way of a withholding by the Company.
It is not possible for a Shareholder to make a claim under a relevant double taxation
treaty with the UK for a PID to be paid by the Company gross or at a reduced rate.
However, the Shareholder may be able to claim repayment of any part of the tax
withheld from a PID, depending on the existence and terms of any such double taxation
treaty between the UK and the country in which the Shareholder is resident for tax

(e) Exceptions to requirement to withhold income tax

Shareholders should note that, in certain circumstances, the Company may not be
obliged to withhold UK income tax at source from a PID. These include where the
Company reasonably believes that the person beneficially entitled to the PID is a

company resident for tax purposes in the UK, a company resident for tax purposes
outside the UK with a permanent establishment in the UK which is required to bring the
PID into account in computing its chargeable profits, or certain charities. They also
include where the Company reasonably believes that the PID is paid to the scheme
administrator of a registered pension scheme, or the sub-scheme administrator of
certain pension sub-schemes or the account manager of an ISA, provided the Company
reasonably believes that the PID will be applied for the purposes of the relevant scheme
or account.
In order to pay a PID without withholding tax, the Company will need to be satisfied that
the Shareholder concerned is entitled to that treatment. For that purpose the Company
will require such Shareholders to submit a valid claim form (copies of which may be
obtained on request from the Registrar). Shareholders should note that the Company
may seek recovery from Shareholders if the statements made in their claim form are
incorrect and the Company suffers tax as a result. The Company will, in some
circumstances, suffer tax if its reasonable belief as to the status of the Shareholder
turns out to have been mistaken.

1.4 UK taxation of chargeable gains

(a) General
A sale or other disposal of Ordinary Shares by a Shareholder may give rise to a
chargeable gain or allowable loss for the purposes of UK taxation of chargeable gains,
depending on the Shareholder’s particular circumstances and subject to any available
exemption or relief.
It should be noted that legislation introduced in Finance Act 2019 (the “2019 NRCGT
Rules”) means that, since 6 April 2019, a non-resident person disposing of shares in a
company that is “UK property rich” is chargeable to UK capital gains tax (in the case an
individual) or UK corporation tax on chargeable gains (in the case of companies or
entities treated as companies) in respect of that disposal. Where the shares disposed of
are shares in a “collective investment vehicle”, or otherwise have a relevant connection
with a collective investment vehicle, there is no minimum level of shareholding required
in order for the non-resident to fall within the new rules (subject to an exception for
certain limited interests of less than 10 per cent. held by non-UK life assurance
companies and by certain widely-held non-UK collective investment vehicles that are
non-UK property rich). The Company is considered to be “UK property rich” for these
purposes and is also a “collective investment vehicle”. As such, non-resident
Shareholders disposing of Ordinary Shares may, depending on their circumstances, be
required to pay UK tax on any chargeable gain arising on that disposal (or, if relevant,
may realise an allowable loss) under the 2019 NRCGT Rules.
Where a non-resident held Ordinary Shares in the Company on 5 April 2019, it will, for
the purpose of calculating any chargeable gain or allowable loss arising on disposal of
those Ordinary Shares generally be treated as having a base-cost in those Ordinary
Shares equal to their market value on 5 April 2019. Where the non-resident’s base cost
in its Ordinary Shares would otherwise have been higher than their market value as at
5 April 2019, the non-resident Shareholder may be able to elect to instead use that
higher base cost in calculating any chargeable gain on a disposal on or after 6 April
2019 (but this election cannot be used to give rise to or increase an allowable loss).
Shareholders who were already resident in the United Kingdom on 5 April 2019 will not
benefit from any rebasing under the new rules.
A non-resident that makes (or is treated as making) a disposal of Ordinary Shares will
generally be required to provide a tax return to HM Revenue & Customs and account for
any tax due in respect of any chargeable gain. Depending on the Shareholder’s
particular circumstances, exceptions from the requirement to file a tax return in relation
to a disposal of Ordinary Shares may apply in certain cases where no tax would be
required to be accounted for or where the disposal has already been accounted for on
a tax return.

Non-resident Shareholders should seek independent professional advice as to the
consequences of the 2019 NRCGT rules for them, in particular with regard to their
obligations to file UK tax returns and pay UK tax in relation to disposals of Ordinary
Shares. It should be noted that non-resident Shareholders may, depending on their
circumstances, also be subject to non-UK tax, in their jurisdiction of tax residence, on
disposals of Ordinary Shares. Non-resident Shareholders should seek independent
professional advice as to whether any relief is available under applicable double tax
treaties or whether any other exemptions or reliefs are available.
UK resident individuals are generally entitled to an annual exemption from capital gains
tax. This is £12,300 for the tax year 2021/2022. This annual exemption will generally also
be available to non-resident individual Shareholders who, as a result of the 2019 NRCGT
Rules, come within the charge to UK capital gains tax on disposals of the Ordinary

(b) New Ordinary Shares acquired pursuant to the Open Offer

As a matter of UK tax law, the acquisition of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Open
Offer may not, strictly speaking, constitute a reorganisation of share capital for the
purposes of UK taxation of chargeable gains. The published practice of HMRC to date
has been to treat any subscription of shares by an existing shareholder which is equal
to or less than the shareholder’s minimum entitlement pursuant to the terms of an open
offer as a reorganisation, but it is not certain that HMRC will apply this practice in
circumstances where an open offer is not made to all shareholders. HMRC’s treatment
of the Open Offer cannot therefore be guaranteed and specific confirmation has not
been requested in relation to the Open Offer.
To the extent that the acquisition of the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Open Offer
is regarded as a reorganisation of the share capital of the Company for the purposes of
UK taxation of chargeable gains, the New Ordinary Shares issued to a Shareholder will
generally be treated as the same asset as, and as having been acquired at the same
time as, the Shareholder’s existing holding of Ordinary Shares. The amount of
subscription monies paid for the New Ordinary Shares will be added to the base cost of
Shareholder’s existing holding of Ordinary Shares.
If, or to the extent that, the acquisition of New Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer is
not regarded as a reorganisation of the share capital of the Company for the purposes
of UK taxation of chargeable gains, the New Ordinary Shares will generally be treated
as having been acquired as part of a separate acquisition of shares with the price paid
for those New Ordinary Shares constituting their base cost.

(c) New Ordinary Shares acquired pursuant to the Subsequent Placing, Offer for
Subscription and Intermediaries Offer
The issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Placing, Offer for
Subscription and Intermediaries Offer will not constitute a reorganisation of the share
capital of the Company for the purposes of UK taxation of chargeable gains and,
accordingly, will generally be treated as a separate acquisition of shares with the price
paid for those New Ordinary Shares constituting their base cost.

1.5 UK stamp duty and SDRT

No UK stamp duty or SDRT should arise on the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue.
An instrument effecting a transfer on sale of Ordinary Shares will generally be subject to
UK stamp duty at the rate of 0.5 per cent. of the consideration given for the transfer, subject to
the availability of certain exemptions and reliefs. The purchaser normally pays the stamp duty
(rounded up to the nearest £5).
An unconditional agreement to transfer Ordinary Shares will normally give rise to a charge to
SDRT at the rate of 0.5 per cent. of the amount or value of the consideration payable for the
transfer. If an instrument of transfer is executed pursuant to the agreement and duly stamped
within six years of the date on which the agreement is made (or, if the agreement is
conditional, the date on which the agreement becomes unconditional) any SDRT paid is

generally repayable, generally with interest, and otherwise the SDRT charge is cancelled.
SDRT is, in general, payable by the purchaser.
Paperless transfers of Ordinary Shares within the CREST system will generally be liable to
SDRT, rather than stamp duty, at the rate of 0.5 per cent. of the amount or value of the
consideration payable. CREST is obliged to collect SDRT on relevant transactions settled within
the CREST system. Deposits of Ordinary Shares into CREST will not generally be subject to
SDRT, unless the transfer into CREST is itself for consideration.
A market value charge to UK stamp duty applies to transfers of listed securities by a person
(or its nominee) to a connected company (or its nominee), subject to the availability of relief.
A market value charge to SDRT applies to unconditional agreements to transfer listed
securities in the same circumstances unless the SDRT charge is cancelled, as outlined above.
Ordinary Shares will be listed securities for these purposes if they are admitted to trading on
the main market of the London Stock Exchange.

1.6 ISAs, SIPPs and SSASs

Ordinary Shares acquired by a UK resident individual Shareholder pursuant to the Open Offer,
Offer for Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or in the secondary market (but not directly
under the Subsequent Placing) should be eligible to be held in an ISA, subject to applicable
annual subscription limits.
Subject to the rules of the particular SIPP or SSAS, the Ordinary Shares should be eligible for
inclusion provided, broadly, that the pension scheme member (or an associated or connected
person) does not occupy or use any residential property held by the Company (or its REIT
Group) and the SIPP or SSAS in question does not hold (directly or indirectly) more than 10 per
cent. of any of the Ordinary Shares or the Company’s voting rights or rights to income or
amounts on a distribution or rights to the assets on a winding up.
Individuals wishing to invest in New Ordinary Shares through an ISA, SIPP or SSAS should
contact their professional advisers regarding their eligibility.



1.1 As at the date of this Securities Note, the Company’s issued share capital, all of which is fully
paid, was 735,513,403 Ordinary Shares and no Ordinary Shares were held in treasury.
1.2 All of the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue will be in
registered form and will be eligible for settlement in CREST. Temporary documents of title will
not be issued.
1.3 At the Company’s general meeting on 10 March 2021:
(a) by ordinary resolution, the Directors were generally and unconditionally authorised, in
addition to any existing authorities, pursuant to and in accordance with section 551 of
the Companies Act to exercise all the powers of the Company to allot New Ordinary
Shares up to an aggregate nominal amount of £4,000,000 in connection with the Initial
Issue and the Share Issuance Programme, such authority to expire on 18 February 2022
(unless previously revoked or varied by the Company in general meeting), save that the
Company may, at any time prior to the expiry of such authority, make an offer or enter
into an agreement which would or might require New Ordinary Shares to be allotted and
the Directors may allot New Ordinary Shares in pursuance of such an offer or agreement
as if the authority conferred hereby had not expired; and
(b) by special resolution, in addition to any existing authorities, the Directors were
empowered, pursuant to section 570 of the Companies Act to allot New Ordinary Shares
for cash pursuant to the authority referred to in the resolution at paragraph 1.3(a) above
as if section 561 of the Companies Act did not apply to any such allotment provided that
this power: (i) shall be limited to the allotment of New Ordinary Shares for cash up to an
aggregate nominal amount of £4,000,000; and (ii) shall expire on 18 February 2022
(unless previously revoked or varied by the Company in general meeting), save that the
Company may, at any time prior to the expiry of such authority, make an offer or enter
into an agreement which would or might require equity securities to be allotted in
pursuance of such an offer or agreement as if such power had not expired.

2.1 The table below sets out the number of existing Ordinary Shares held by each Director at the
Latest Practicable Date, the percentage of Ordinary Share capital that holding represents at
the Latest Practicable Date, the number of New Ordinary Shares each Director intends to
subscribe for pursuant to the Subsequent Issue and the percentage of Ordinary Share capital
each Director is expected to hold at the date of Subsequent Admission:
% of % of
Number issued Number enlarged
of existing Ordinary of New Ordinary
Ordinary Share Ordinary Share
Director Shares capital Shares capital*
Stephen Hubbard 185,389 0.025 – 0.023
Colin Smith OBE 247,909 0.034 – 0.030
Jan Etherden 77,274 0.011 – 0.009
John Cartwright 66,687 0.009 – 0.008
Patricia Dimond 25,436 0.003 14,084 0.005
Cyrus Ardalan – – 176,056 0.021
Hugh Seaborn – – – –
Ismat Levin – – 14,084 0.002
* Assuming the Subsequent Issue is subscribed as to 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares.

2.2 Save as disclosed in this paragraph 2, no Director has any interest, whether beneficial or
non beneficial, in the share or loan capital of the Company as at the Latest Practicable Date.

The Articles contain provisions, inter alia, to the following effect:

3.1 Objects
The Articles do not provide for any objects of the Company and accordingly the Company’s
objects are unrestricted.

3.2 Variation of rights

Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act as amended and every other statute for the
time being in force concerning companies and affecting the Company (the “Statutes”), if at
any time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes of shares, the rights
attached to any class may be varied or abrogated either with the consent in writing of the
holders of three-quarters in nominal value of the issued shares of that class or with the
sanction of an extraordinary resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of the
shares of that class (but not otherwise) and may be so varied either whilst the Company is a
going concern or during or in contemplation of a winding-up. At every such separate general
meeting the necessary quorum shall be at least two persons holding or representing by proxy
at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of the class in question (but at any
adjourned meeting any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy shall be a
quorum), any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy may demand a poll
and every such holder shall on a poll have one vote for every share of the class held by him.
Where the rights of some only of the shares of any class are to be varied, the foregoing
provisions apply as if each group of shares of the class differently treated formed a separate
class whose rights are to be varied.

3.3 Alteration of share capital

The Company may by ordinary resolution:
(a) consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger nominal value
than its existing shares;
(b) sub-divide its shares, or any of them, into shares of smaller nominal value than its
existing shares; and
(c) determine that, as between the shares resulting from such a sub-division, one or more
shares may, as compared with the others, have any such preferred, deferred or other
rights or be subject to any such restrictions as the Company has power to attach to
unissued or new shares.

3.4 Issue of shares

Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and without prejudice to any rights attaching to
any existing shares, any share may be issued with such rights or restrictions as the Company
may by ordinary resolution determine (or if the Company has not so determined, as the
Directors may determine).

3.5 Dividends
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Company may by ordinary resolution
declare dividends in accordance with the respective rights of the shareholders but no
dividends shall exceed the amount recommended by the Directors. Subject to the provisions
of the Companies Act, the Directors may pay interim dividends, or dividends payable at a fixed
rate, if it appears to them that they are justified by the profits of the Company available for
distribution. If the Directors act in good faith they shall not incur any liability to the holders of
shares conferring preferred rights for any loss they may suffer by the lawful payment of an
interim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferred rights.
Subject to the rights of persons (if any) entitled to shares with special rights as to dividend, all
dividends shall be declared and paid according to the amounts paid up on the shares on
which the dividend is paid. If any share is issued on terms that it ranks for dividend as from a
particular date, it shall rank for dividend accordingly. In any other case, dividends shall be
apportioned and paid proportionately to the amount paid up on the shares during any
portion(s) of the period in respect of which the dividend is paid.

3.6 Voting rights
Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares, on a show of hands every
shareholder present in person has one vote, every proxy present who has been duly appointed
by a shareholder entitled to vote has one vote and every corporate representative present who
has been duly authorised by a corporation has the same voting rights as the corporation would
be entitled to. On a poll every shareholder (whether present in person or by proxy or by
corporate representative) has one vote for every share of which he is the holder. A shareholder
entitled to more than one vote need not, if he votes, use all his votes or cast all the votes he
uses the same way. In the case of joint holders, the vote of the senior who tenders a vote shall
be accepted to the exclusion of the vote of the other joint holders, and seniority shall be
determined by the order in which the names of the holders stand in the Register.
No shareholder shall have any right to vote at any general meeting or at any separate meeting
of the holders of any class of shares, either in person or by proxy, in respect of any share held
by him unless all amounts presently payable by him in respect of that share have been paid.
Where a shareholder vote is required to be taken in accordance with the Listing Rules, that vote
must be decided by a resolution of the holders of the shares that have been admitted to the
premium listing. Where the provisions of the Listing Rules require that any resolution must, in
addition, be approved by the independent shareholders (as defined in the Listing Rules), only
independent shareholders who hold shares that have a premium listing shall be entitled to vote
on the relevant resolution.

3.7 Transfer of shares

A share in certificated form may be transferred by an instrument of transfer, which may be in
any usual form or in any other form approved by the Directors, executed by or on behalf of the
transferor and, where the share is not fully paid, by or on behalf of the transferee. A share in
uncertificated form may be transferred by means of the relevant electronic system concerned.
In their absolute discretion, the Directors may refuse to register the transfer of a share in
certificated form which is not fully paid provided that if the share is listed on the Official List
such refusal does not prevent dealings in the shares from taking place on an open and proper
basis. The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a share in certificated form unless
the instrument of transfer:
(a) is lodged, duly stamped, at the registered office of the Company or such other place as
the Directors may appoint and is accompanied by the certificate for the share to which
it relates and such other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require to show the
right of the transferor to make the transfer;
(b) is in respect of only one class of share; and
(c) is not in favour of more than four transferees.
The Directors may refuse to register a transfer of a share in uncertificated form in any case
where the Company is entitled to refuse to register the transfer under the CREST Regulations
provided that such refusal does not prevent dealings in the shares from taking place on an
open and proper basis.
If the Directors refuse to register a transfer of a share, they shall within two months after the
date on which the transfer was lodged with the Company or, in the case of an uncertificated
share, the date on which the appropriate instruction was received by or on behalf of the
Company in accordance with the CREST Regulations send to the transferee notice of refusal.
No fee shall be charged for the registration of any instrument of transfer or other document or
instruction relating to or affecting the title to any share.
If at any time the holding or beneficial ownership of any shares in the Company by any person
(whether on its own or taken with other shares), in the opinion of the Directors: (i) would cause
the assets of the Company to be treated as “plan assets” of any Benefit Plan Investor;
(ii) would or might result in the Company and/or its shares and/or any of its appointed
investment managers or investment advisers being required to be registered or qualified under
the US Investment Company Act and/or the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended
and/or the US Securities Act and/or the US Exchange Act and/or any similar legislation (in any
jurisdiction) that regulates the offering and sale of securities; (iii) may cause the Company not

to be considered a “Foreign Private Issuer” under the US Exchange Act; (iv) may cause the
Company to be a “controlled foreign corporation” for the purpose of the US Code; or (v) may
cause the Company to become subject to any withholding tax or reporting obligation under
FATCA or any similar legislation in any territory or jurisdiction (including the United Kingdom’s
International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/878), or to be unable to avoid or
reduce any such tax or to be unable to comply with any such reporting obligation (including by
reason of the failure of the shareholder concerned to provide promptly to the Company such
information and documentation as the Company may have requested to enable the Company
to avoid or minimise such withholding tax or to comply with such reporting obligation), then the
Directors may declare the shareholder in question a “Non-Qualified Holder” and the Directors
may require that any shares held by such shareholder (“Prohibited Shares”) shall (unless the
shareholder concerned satisfies the Directors that he is not a Non-Qualified Holder) be
transferred to another person who is not a Non-Qualified Holder, failing which the Company
may itself dispose of such Prohibited Shares at the best price reasonably obtainable and pay
the net proceeds to the former holder.

3.8 Distribution of assets on a winding-up

If the Company is wound up, with the sanction of a special resolution and any other sanction
required by law and subject to the Companies Act, the liquidator may divide among the
shareholders in specie the whole or any part of the assets of the Company and for that
purpose may value any assets and determine how the division shall be carried out as between
the shareholders or different classes of shareholders. With the like sanction, the liquidator may
vest the whole or any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the
shareholders as he may with the like sanction determine, but no shareholder shall be
compelled to accept any shares or other securities upon which there is a liability.

3.9 Restrictions on rights: failure to respond to a Section 793 notice

If a shareholder, or any other person appearing to be interested in shares held by that
shareholder, fails to provide the information requested in a notice given to him under section
793 of the Companies Act by the Company in relation to his interest in shares (the “default
shares”) within 28 days of the notice (or, where the default shares represent at least 0.25 per
cent. of their class, 14 days of the notice), sanctions shall apply unless the Directors determine
otherwise. The sanctions available are the suspension of the right to attend or vote (whether in
person or by representative or proxy) at any general meeting or any separate meeting of the
holders of any class or on any poll and, where the default shares represent at least 0.25 per
cent. of their class (excluding treasury shares), the withholding of any dividend payable in
respect of those shares and the restriction of the transfer of those shares (subject to certain

3.10 Untraced shareholders

Subject to various notice requirements, the Company may sell any of a shareholder’s shares if,
during a period of 12 years, at least three dividends (either interim or final) on such shares
have become payable and no cheque for amounts payable in respect of such shares has been
presented and no warrant or other method of payment has been effected and no
communication has been received by the Company from the shareholder or person

3.11 Appointment of Directors

Unless the Company determines otherwise by ordinary resolution, the number of Directors
(other than alternate Directors) shall not be subject to any maximum but shall not be less than
Subject to the Articles, the Company may by ordinary resolution appoint a person who is
willing to act as, and is permitted by law to do so, to be a Director either to fill a vacancy or as
an additional Director. The Directors may appoint a person who is willing to act, and is
permitted by law to do so, to be a Director, either to fill a vacancy or as an additional Director.
A person appointed as a Director by the other Directors is required to retire at the Company’s
next annual general meeting and shall then be eligible for reappointment.

3.12 Powers of Directors
The business of the Company shall be managed by the Directors who, subject to the
provisions of the Articles and to any directions given by special resolution to take, or refrain
from taking, specified action, may exercise all the powers of the Company.
Any Director may appoint any other Director, or any other person approved by resolution of the
Directors and willing to act and permitted by law to do so, to be an alternate Director.

3.13 Borrowings
The Board on behalf of the Company may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow
money, to indemnify, to guarantee and to mortgage or charge its undertaking property and
uncalled capital and (subject to the provisions of the Statutes regarding authority to allot
debentures convertible into shares) to issue debentures and other securities whether outright
or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.

3.14 Voting at board meetings

No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Directors unless a quorum is present
and the quorum may be fixed by the Directors; unless so fixed at any other number the quorum
shall be two. A Director shall not be counted in the quorum present in relation to a matter or
resolution on which he is not entitled to vote but shall be counted in the quorum present in
relation to all other matters or resolutions considered or voted on at the meeting. An alternate
Director who is not himself a Director shall, if his appointor is not present, be counted in the
Questions arising at a meeting of the Directors shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the
case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

3.15 Restrictions on voting

Subject to any other provision of the Articles, a Director shall not vote at a meeting of the
Directors on any resolution concerning a matter in which he has, directly or indirectly, a
material interest (other than an interest in shares, debentures or other securities of, or otherwise
in or through, the Company) unless his interest arises only because the case falls within certain
limited categories specified in the Articles.

3.16 Directors’ interests

Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and provided that the Director has disclosed
to the other Directors the nature and extent of any material interest of his, a Director,
notwithstanding his office, may be a party to, or otherwise interested in, any transaction or
arrangement with the Company or in which the Company is otherwise interested and may be
a director or other officer of, or employed by, or a party to any transaction or arrangement with,
or otherwise interested in, any body corporate in which the Company is interested.

3.17 Indemnity
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Company may indemnify any person who
is a Director, secretary or other officer (other than an auditor) of the Company, against (a) any
liability whether in connection with any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust
by him in relation to the Company or any associated company or (b) any other liability incurred
by or attaching to him in the actual or purported execution and/or discharge of his duties
and/or the exercise or purported exercise of his powers and/or otherwise in relation to or in
connection with his duties, powers or office; and purchase and maintain insurance for any
person who is a Director, secretary, or other officer (other than an auditor) of the Company in
relation to anything done or omitted to be done or alleged to have been done or omitted to be
done as Director, secretary or officer.

3.18 General meetings

In the case of the annual general meeting, twenty-one clear days’ notice at the least shall be
given to all the members and to the auditors. All other general meetings shall also be convened
by not less than twenty-one clear days’ notice to all those members and to the auditors unless
the Company offers members an electronic voting facility and a special resolution reducing the

period of notice to not less than fourteen clear days has been passed in which case a general
meeting may be convened by not less than fourteen clear days’ notice in writing.
No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present. Two persons
entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each being a shareholder or a proxy for a
shareholder or a duly authorised representative of a corporation which is a shareholder
(including for this purpose two persons who are proxies or corporate representatives of the
same shareholder), shall be a quorum.
A shareholder is entitled to appoint another person as his proxy to exercise all or any of his
rights to attend and to speak and vote at a meeting of the Company. A shareholder may
appoint more than one proxy in relation to a meeting, provided that each proxy is appointed to
exercise the rights attached to a different share or shares held by him. Subject to the
provisions of the Companies Act, any corporation (other than the Company itself) which is a
shareholder may, by resolution of its directors or other governing body, authorise such
person(s) to act as its representative(s) at any meeting of the Company, or at any separate
meeting of the holders of any class of shares.
Delivery of an appointment of proxy shall not preclude a shareholder from attending and
voting at the meeting or at any adjournment of it.
Directors may attend and speak at general meetings and at any separate meeting of the
holders of any class of shares, whether or not they are shareholders.
A poll on a resolution may be demanded at a general meeting either before a vote on a show
of hands on that resolution or immediately after the result of a show of hands on that resolution
is declared. A poll may be demanded by the Chairman or by: (a) not less than two members
having the right to vote at the meeting; or (b) a member or members representing not less than
one-tenth of the total voting rights of all the members having the right to vote at the meeting;
or (c) a member or members holding shares conferring a right to vote at the meeting, being
shares on which an aggregate sum has been paid up equal to not less than one-tenth of the
total sum paid up on all the shares conferring that right.

3.19 C Share rights

(a) Definitions and Interpretation

(i) For the purposes of paragraphs 3.19(a) to 3.19(e) only, the following words and
expressions shall bear the following meanings:
“C Shareholder” means a person who is a holder of C Shares.
“Calculation Date” means the earliest of:
(A) close of business on the date nine months after the allotment of the
C Shares, or if such day is not a Business Day, the first Business Day prior
(B) close of business on the date to be determined by the Directors after the
day on which the Investment Advisor shall have given notice to the Directors
that at least 90 per cent. of the net proceeds attributable to the C Shares
(or such other percentage as the Directors and the Investment Advisor shall
agree) shall have been invested;
(C) close of business on the last Business Day prior to the day on which the
Directors resolve that any Force Majeure Circumstance has arisen or is
(D) close of business on such Business Day as the Directors may otherwise
determine in their sole discretion.
“Compulsory Redemption Notice” has the meaning set out in paragraph
“Conversion” means the conversion of C Shares into Ordinary Shares, in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.19(e).

“Conversion Date” means the close of business on such Business Day as may
be selected by the Directors falling as soon as reasonably practicable after the
Calculation Date but not later than 30 Business Days after the Calculation Date.
Conversion Ratio means the ratio of the NAV per C Share to the NAV per Ordinary
Share, which is calculated to six decimal places (with 0.0000005 being rounded
upwards) by dividing the NAV per C Share by the NAV per Ordinary Share.
“Existing Ordinary Shares” means the Ordinary Shares in issue immediately
prior to Conversion.
“Force Majeure Circumstances” means, in relation to any C Shares: (i) any
political and/ or economic circumstances and/or actual or anticipated changes in
fiscal or other legislation which, in the reasonable opinion of the Directors, renders
Conversion necessary or desirable; (ii) the issue of any proceedings challenging,
or seeking to challenge, the power of the Company and/or its Directors to issue
any C Shares with the rights proposed to be attached to them and/or to the
persons to whom they are, and/or the terms upon which they are proposed to be
issued; or (iii) the giving of notice of any general meeting of the Company at
which a resolution is to be proposed to wind up the Company, whichever shall
happen earliest.
“NAV” means, in relation to the Company the value, as at any date, of the assets
of the Company after deduction of all liabilities of the Company and, in relation to
a class in shares in the Company, the value, as at any date of the assets
attributable to that class of shares after deduction of all liabilities attributable to
that class of shares and after deduction of any declared but unpaid dividends, in
each case determined in accordance with the accounting policies adopted by the
Company from time to time and subject to any such adjustments as the Directors
may determine in their absolute discretion taking into account the interests of
shareholders as a whole.
“NAV per C Share” means, at any date, the NAV attributable to the C Shares
divided by the number of C Shares in issue at the date of calculation.
“NAV per Ordinary Share” means, at any date, the NAV attributable to the
Ordinary Shares divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than
Ordinary Shares held in treasury) at the date of calculation.
“Pool” means a notional pool of assets and liabilities as described in
paragraph 3.19(c) created for a class of shares.
“Redemption Date” means a date, as determined by the Directors and falling
prior to the Calculation Date, on which a redemption of C Shares is to be effected.
“Redemption Value” means 100 pence per C Share, or, if less, the amount
subscribed for the issue of each C Share.

(b) Rights attaching to C Shares

(i) The C Shares have attached to them the rights set out in this paragraph, and save
as stated in the Articles have no further right of participation in the profits or
assets of the Company.
(ii) At the Conversion Date, the C Shares shall be converted into Ordinary Shares in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.19(e).
(iii) Subject to paragraph 3.19(e)(xi), the C Shares shall not carry the right to receive
any profits of the Company available for distribution whether by way of interim or
final dividend.
(iv) Save in connection with the issue of any C Shares pursuant to paragraph
3.19(e)(vi), no dividend or other distribution shall be made or paid by the
Company on any of its shares between any Calculation Date and the relevant
Conversion Date (both dates inclusive) and no such dividend shall be declared
with a record date falling between any Calculation Date and the relevant
Conversion Date (both dates inclusive).

(v) Subject to paragraph 3.19(e)(xi), on a winding up or return of capital (otherwise
than on a purchase or redemption by the Company of any C Shares), the holders
of the C Shares shall be entitled to receive an amount per C Share equal to the
lower of:
(A) the amount subscribed for the issue of each C Share; and
(B) the NAV per C Share,
but shall have no other rights to participate in the capital of the Company.
(vi) C Shares shall rank on a winding up in priority to all other shares of the Company
from time to time in issue.
(vii) The holders of C Shares shall have:
(A) the right to receive notice of, and attend, speak and vote at class meetings
of C Shareholders in accordance with the provisions of the Articles. Each
holder of C Shares who is present in person (or being a corporation, by
representative), or by proxy at a class meeting on a show of hands has one
vote, and on a poll, every such person who is present in person (or being a
corporation, by representative), or by proxy has one vote in respect of each
C Share held by him; and
(B) no rights to receive notice of, attend, speak or vote at general meetings of
the Company.

(c) Assets attributable to Ordinary Shares and C Shares

(i) If at any time C Shares are in issue, the Directors shall establish for accounting
purposes a single separate pool of assets and liabilities attributable to the
C Shares and a single separate pool of assets and liabilities attributable to the
Ordinary Shares (each, a “Pool”). The Directors shall maintain for accounting
purposes all the assets, income, earnings, liabilities, expenses and costs of each
Pool separate and separately identifiable from all other assets, income, earnings,
liabilities, expenses and costs of the Company and the other Pool and the
following provisions shall apply thereto:
(A) any consideration received on or proceeds from, the allotment and issue of
shares of a particular class shall be applied to the Pool which relates to
such class of shares, and the assets, liabilities, income and expenditure
attributable thereto shall be applied only to that Pool subject to the following
sub-paragraphs of this paragraph 3.19(c);
(B) on a redemption or repurchase of any shares of a particular class, the
assets of the Pool which relates to such class of shares shall be reduced
by an amount equal to the redemption or repurchase monies;
(C) for each Pool, the Company shall keep separate books and records in
which all transactions relating to that Pool shall be recorded;
(D) any asset derived from any other asset or assets (whether cash or
otherwise) comprised in any Pool shall be applied in the books and records
of the Company to the same Pool as the asset or assets from which it was
derived and any increase or diminution in the value of an asset comprised
in a Pool shall be applied to that Pool;
(E) in the event that there is any asset of the Company which the Directors do
not consider readily attributable to a particular Pool, the Directors shall
allocate such asset in such manner and on such basis as they in their
discretion deem fair and equitable and the Directors shall have the power
to, and may at any time and from time to time, vary such basis in respect of
any asset not previously allocated;
(F) the Directors shall have discretion to determine the basis upon which any
liability shall be allocated between the Pools (including conditions as to

subsequent allocations thereof if circumstances so permit or require) and
shall have power at any time and from time to time to vary such basis;
(G) subject as otherwise provided in the Articles, the assets held for each Pool
shall be applied solely in respect of the class of shares of the Pool for
which the relevant Pool was established and the Articles shall be construed
accordingly; and
(H) notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Pool has insufficient funds or assets to
meet the debts and liabilities attributable to such Pool, any such shortfall
shall be paid out of the assets attributable to the other Pool.
(ii) The Company shall give appropriate instructions to the AIFM to manage the
Company’s assets so that paragraph 3.19(c)(i) can be complied with.

(d) Redemption of C Shares

(i) At the option of the Directors the Company may, on any Redemption Date, redeem
for cash any C Shares in issue at a price per C Share equivalent to the
Redemption Value and otherwise in accordance with this paragraph 3.19(d).
The Company shall not be bound to make an offer to redeem any C Shares. Any
C Shares redeemed by the Company will be cancelled and will not be available
for reissue. Any redemption of C Shares will be in accordance with, and subject
to, the provisions of the Articles and the Companies Act.
(ii) The Directors shall be entitled in their absolute discretion to determine the
procedures for the redemption of the C Shares. Without prejudice to the generality
of the foregoing, and in the absence of any such determination as aforesaid, the
following provisions shall apply:
(A) not less than five Business Days prior to any Redemption Date, the
Company will notify holders of C Shares (by means of announcement,
written notice or otherwise (“Compulsory Redemption Notice”)) of its
intention to redeem C Shares on such Redemption Date, the aggregate
number of C Shares, the aggregate value of C Shares at the Redemption
Value, the percentage of each C Shareholder’s holding of C Shares,
rounded down to the nearest whole number, it wishes to redeem, and the
date by reference to which holdings of C Shares will be redeemed;
(B) in the event of a partial redemption of any holding of C Shares the following
provisions shall apply:
(1) in the case of a holding of C Shares in certificated form, the
Company shall procure that in relation to those C Shares which have
not been redeemed, a balance certificate in respect of such
C Shares shall be sent (at the risk of the relevant holder) to the
address of that holder as entered in the register of members of the
Company or, in the case of joint holders, to the address of the first
named holder as entered in the register of members of the Company,
within 28 days of the relevant Redemption Date;
(2) in the case of C Shares in uncertificated form which have not been
the subject of a redemption, such holders relevant system account
shall be updated accordingly, and
(3) all documents and remittances sent by, to or from holders of
C Shares or their appointed agents pursuant to this
paragraph 3.19(d) will be sent at their own risk,
(C) payment of the redemption monies in respect of any C Shares in
certificated form shall be made by cheque or warrant made payable to the
relevant holder or, in the case of joint holders, to all such relevant joint
holders sent (at the risk of the relevant holder) to the address of the holder
as entered in the register of members of the Company or, in the case of
joint holders, to the address of the first named joint holder as entered in the

register of members of the Company. Every such cheque or warrant which
is sent through the post shall be sent by first class post;
(D) payment of the redemption monies in respect of any C Shares held in
uncertificated form will be credited to the appropriate relevant system
(iii) On the redemption of any C Shares, the name of the registered holder shall be
removed from the register of members of the Company in respect of such
C Shares and such C Shares shall be cancelled.
(iv) If any holder of any C Shares to be redeemed shall fail or refuse to accept
payment of the redemption monies payable in respect thereof, the redemption
monies payable to such holder shall be set aside and paid into a separate interest
bearing account with the Company’s bankers (designated for the benefit of such
holder) and such setting aside shall be deemed for all purposes hereof to be a
payment to such holder and all the said holder’s rights as a holder of the relevant
C Shares shall cease and determine as from the date fixed for the redemption of
such shares and the Company shall thereby be discharged from all obligations in
respect thereof. The Company shall not be responsible for the safe custody of the
monies so placed on deposit or for interest thereon except such interest as the
said monies may earn while on deposit less any expenses incurred by the
Company in connection therewith.
(v) The Company may exclude from any compulsory redemption of C Shares
pursuant to this paragraph any holders of C Shares where the Directors believe
that the compulsory redemption of their shares would or might involve a
contravention of the laws or regulations of any territory.

(e) Conversion of C Shares

(i) The C Shares for the time being in issue shall be converted into Ordinary Shares
on the relevant Conversion Date in accordance with the following provisions of this
paragraph 3.19(e).
(ii) The Directors shall procure that as soon as reasonably practicable after the
relevant Calculation Date, but no later than 30 Business Days from the relevant
Calculation Date:
(A) the Conversion Ratio as at the relevant Calculation Date and the numbers of
Ordinary Shares to which each holder of C Shares shall be entitled on
Conversion shall be calculated; and
(B) the Auditors shall confirm that such calculations as have been made by the
Company have, in their opinion, been performed in accordance with the
Articles and are arithmetically accurate whereupon such calculations shall
become final and binding on the Company and all holders of the
Company’s shares and any other securities issued by the Company which
are convertible into the Company’s shares.
Further, the Directors may, at their discretion, procure an independent valuation of
the assets at the relevant Calculation Date.
(iii) The Directors shall procure that, as soon as practicable following such
confirmation and in any event within 30 Business Days of the relevant Calculation
Date, a notice is sent to each holder of C Shares advising such shareholder of the
Conversion Date, the Conversion Ratio and the numbers of Ordinary Shares to
which such holder of C Shares will be entitled on Conversion.
(iv) Subject to paragraph 3.19(e)(vi), on Conversion the relevant number of C Shares
shall automatically convert into such number of Ordinary Shares as shall be
necessary to ensure that upon such Conversion being completed the aggregate
number of Ordinary Shares into which the same number of C Shares are
converted equals the number of C Shares in issue at the relevant Calculation Date

multiplied by the relevant Conversion Ratio (rounded down to the nearest whole
Ordinary Share).
(v) The Ordinary Shares arising upon Conversion shall be divided amongst the
holders of C Shares pro rata according to their respective former holdings of
C Shares (provided always that the Directors may deal in such manner as they
think fit with fractional entitlements to Ordinary Shares arising upon Conversion
including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, selling any Ordinary
Shares representing such fractional entitlements and retaining the proceeds for
the benefit of the Company).
(vi) If the Conversion requires more Ordinary Shares to arise on Conversion than the
number of C Shares that are in issue, the Directors shall, subject to the terms of
the Articles, the approval of an ordinary resolution of the Company and in
accordance with applicable law, issue fully paid up additional C Shares prior to
the Conversion by way of capitalisation of the share premium account of the
Company such that there are the requisite number of C Shares in issue to allow
the Company to comply with this paragraph 3.19(e).
(vii) Forthwith upon Conversion, the share certificates relating to the C Shares shall be
cancelled and the Company shall issue new certificates in respect of the Ordinary
Shares which have arisen upon Conversion.
(viii) The Conversion shall be effected by way of conversion and redesignation of the
relevant number of C Shares into the relevant number of Ordinary Shares and the
Directors may make such adjustments to the terms and timing of Conversion as
they in their discretion consider fair and reasonable having regard to the interests
of all Shareholders.
(ix) The Ordinary Shares into which any C Shares shall convert shall rank pari passu
with the Existing Ordinary Shares for dividends and other distributions in relation
to the Ordinary Shares made or declared by reference to a record date falling
after the relevant Calculation Date.
(x) Upon completion of a Conversion, the assets, liabilities, income and expenditure
attributable to the C Shares in accordance with paragraph 3.19(c) shall be
allocated to the Ordinary Shares.
(xi) The rights of any C Shares which remain in issue following Conversion shall with
effect from the Conversion Date be amended so that on a return of assets on a
winding up or otherwise, they entitle the holder only to payment of one penny in
respect of his entire holding of such C Shares and shall entitle the holder to the
payment of a fixed cumulative preferential dividend of 0.000000001 pence per
C Share payable annually but no other right to share in the profits of the Company.
The holders of such C Shares shall not be entitled to receive notice of or attend
or vote at any general meeting of the Company. With effect from the relevant
Conversion, each holder of C Shares grants an irrevocable authority on the
Company at any time thereafter to appoint any person to execute on behalf of the
holders of such C Shares a transfer thereof (and/or an agreement to transfer the
same) to such person(s) as the Company may determine as custodian thereof
and/or to redeem the same itself (in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act), in any such case for one penny (plus any accrued dividend) for
all such C Shares held by any member without obtaining any further sanction of
the holder or holders thereof and pending such transfer and/or redemption to
retain the certificate for such C Shares. Subject to the Companies Act, the
Company shall on the relevant Conversion (or as soon as practicable thereafter)
redeem all of the relevant C Shares then in issue, at a price of one penny (plus
any accrued dividends) in aggregate for all such C Shares held by any member
and redeemed at any one time and the notice referred to in paragraph 3.19(e)(iii)
shall be deemed to constitute notice to each holder of C Shares (and any person
or persons having rights to acquire or acquiring C Shares on or after the
Calculation Date) that the C Shares shall be so redeemed (and the Company shall

not be obliged to account to any holder of C Shares for the redemption arising in
respect of such C Shares).
(xii) For the avoidance of doubt, no act undertaken by the Company in accordance
with paragraph 3.19(e)(vi) shall amount to the variation, alteration or abrogation of
the rights attaching to any class of share in the Company.

3.20 REIT provisions

A summary of the REIT provisions included in the Articles is set out in paragraph 3 of Part 5
of the Registration Document.


The Takeover Code applies to the Company.
Given the existence of the buyback powers described in the Registration Document, there are
certain considerations that Shareholders should be aware of with regard to the Takeover Code.
Under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code, any person who acquires shares which, taken together with
shares already held by him or shares held or acquired by persons acting in concert with him, carry
30 per cent. or more of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the Takeover Code, is
normally required to make a general offer to all the remaining shareholders to acquire their shares.
Similarly, when any person or persons acting in concert already hold more than 30 per cent. but not
more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights of such company, a general offer will normally be required
if any further shares increasing that person’s percentage of voting rights are acquired.
Under Rule 37 of the Takeover Code when a company purchases its own voting shares, a resulting
increase in the percentage of voting rights carried by the shareholdings of any person or group of
persons acting in concert will be treated as an acquisition for the purposes of Rule 9 of the Takeover
Code. A shareholder who is neither a director nor acting in concert with a Director will not normally
incur an obligation to make an offer under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code in these circumstances.
However, under note 2 to Rule 37 of the Takeover Code where a shareholder has acquired shares at
a time when he had reason to believe that a purchase by the company of its own voting shares would
take place, then an obligation to make a mandatory bid under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code may arise.
The buyback powers could have implications under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code for Shareholders
with significant shareholdings. The buyback powers should enable the Company to anticipate the
possibility of such a situation arising. Prior to the Board implementing any share buyback the Board
will seek to identify any Shareholders who they are aware may be deemed to be acting in concert
under note 1 of Rule 37 of the Takeover Code and will seek an appropriate waiver in accordance with
note 3 of Rule 37. However, neither the Company, nor any of the Directors, nor the Investment Advisor
will incur any liability to any Shareholder(s) if they fail to identify the possibility of a mandatory offer
arising or, if having identified such a possibility, they fail to notify the relevant Shareholder(s) or if the
relevant Shareholder(s) fail(s) to take appropriate action.
If an offer is made for the shares or any class of shares in the capital of a company and if, within
4 months after the date of such offer, the offer is approved by shareholders comprising 90 per cent.
in value of the shares affected (excluding any shares held as treasury shares) then the offeror may,
within 2 months after the expiration of those 4 months, send an acquisition notice to any dissenting
shareholders informing them that it wishes to acquire their shares (an “Acquisition Notice”). Where
an Acquisition Notice is given, the offeror is then entitled and bound to acquire those shares on the
terms on which the original offer, approved by the shareholders comprising 90 per cent. in value of
the shares affected, was made.

In the Company’s opinion, the working capital available to the Group is sufficient for its present
requirements, that is for at least the next 12 months from the date of this Securities Note.


The following table shows the consolidated gross indebtedness of the Group as at 31 December
2021 and the consolidated unaudited Group capitalisation as at 30 September 2021 (being the last
date in respect of which the Company has published financial information). The figures for
capitalisation have been extracted without material adjustment from the unaudited consolidated

financial statements of the Group as at 30 September 2021. The indebtedness figures have been
extracted from the underlying accounting records of the Group as at 31 December 2021.
31 December 2021
Total Current Debt
Guaranteed –
Secured –
Unguaranteed/Unsecured –
Total Non-Current Debt (excluding current portion of long-term debt)
Guaranteed –
Secured1 284.0
Unguaranteed/Unsecured –
Total indebtedness 284.0

30 September 2021
Capitalisation2 (unaudited)
Share capital 7.0
Legal reserve3 645.5
Other reserve4 53.1
Total capitalisation 705.6
1 Secured debt comprises: term loans (£170.0m) and drawdowns against the revolving credit facility (£114.0m) gross of
arrangement fees.
2 Capitalisation does not include retained earnings.
3 Legal reserve comprises the share premium reserve.
4 Other reserve comprises the capital reduction reserve.

There has been no material change in the capitalisation of the Company since 30 September 2021
other than the issuance of 35,715,862 Ordinary Shares since that date.
The following table shows the Group’s unaudited net financial indebtedness as at 31 December
31 December 2021
(A) Cash and cash equivalents1 26.2
(B) Liquidity 26.2
(C) Current financial indebtedness -
(D) Net current financial Liquidity (B+C) 26.2
(E) Non-current bank loans2 (284.0)
(F) Non-current financial indebtedness (284.0)
(G) Net financial indebtedness (D+F) (257.8)
1 Cash and cash equivalents comprise the following:
l Cash held by lawyers (£4.6m): money held in escrow for expenses expected to be incurred in relation to investment
properties pending completion. These funds are available immediately on demand; and
l Available cash at bank (£21.6m).
2 Non-current bank loans comprises: term loans (£170.0m) and drawdowns against the revolving credit facility (£114.0m)
gross of arrangement fees.

As at 31 December 2021, the Group had no material indirect or contingent indebtedness.

7.1 No application is being made for the New Ordinary Shares to be dealt with in or on any stock
exchange or investment exchange other than the main market of the London Stock Exchange.

7.2 Each of Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited, LXi REIT Advisors Limited, Peel Hunt LLP,
Alvarium Securities Limited, Jefferies International Limited and Jefferies GmbH has given and
not withdrawn its written consent to the issue of this Securities Note with references to its name
in the form and context in which such references appear. Alvarium Securities is a subsidiary of
Alvarium Investments Limited, the ultimate parent company of the AIFM and the Investment
7.3 LXi REIT Advisors Limited accepts responsibility for and has authorised the inclusion (in the
form and context in which it is included) of the information contained in paragraph 3 of Part 1
of this Securities Note (Pipeline) and declares that, to the best of its knowledge, the
information contained in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of this Securities Note is in accordance with the
facts and that paragraph 3 of Part 1 of this Securities Note makes no omission likely to affect
its import.
7.4 Where third party information has been referenced in this Securities Note, the source of that
third party information has been disclosed. All information in this Securities Note that has been
sourced from third parties has been accurately reproduced and, as far as the Company is
aware and able to ascertain from information published by such third parties, no facts have
been omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or misleading.

The Intermediaries authorised at the date of this Securities Note to use the Prospectus in connection
with the Intermediaries Offer are:
l AJ Bell Youinvest
l Equiniti Financial Services Ltd
l Interactive Investor Services Limited

Dated: 20 January 2022



The following definitions apply throughout this Securities Note unless the context requires otherwise:
“2021 Q3 Dividend” the interim dividend of 1.5 pence per Ordinary Share that the
Company is targeting in respect of the quarter ended
31 December 2021, which (if declared) will have a record date
prior to the issue of New Ordinary Shares and, for the avoidance
of doubt, will not be paid in respect of New Ordinary Shares
acquired pursuant to the Subsequent Issue
“Administrator” Langham Hall UK Services LLP
“Admission” admission of Ordinary Shares: (i) to trading on the premium
segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market becoming
effective in accordance with the LSE Admission Standards; and
(ii) to the premium segment of the Official List becoming effective
in accordance with the Listing Rules
“AIFM” Alvarium Fund Managers (UK) Limited
“AIFMD” or “AIFM Directive” the European Union’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers
directive (No. 2071/61/EU) and all legislation made pursuant
thereto, including, where applicable, the applicable implementing
legislation and regulations in each member state of the European
“Alvarium Securities” Alvarium Securities Limited, the Company’s joint global
co-ordinator and joint bookrunner
“Application Forms” and each the Open Offer Application Form and/or the Offer for Subscription
an “Application Form” Application Form, as the context requires
“Articles” the articles of association of the Company
“Auditors” BDO LLP
“Benefit Plan Investor” a “benefit plan investor” (as defined in Section 3(42) of ERISA and
any regulations promulgated thereunder), including without
limitation: (a) any “employee benefit plan” as defined in Section
3(3) of ERISA that is subject to the provisions of Part 4 of Title I of
ERISA; (b) a “plan” as defined in and subject to Section 4975 of
the US Code, including an individual retirement account or other
arrangement that is subject to Section 4975 of the US Code; and
(c) an entity which is deemed to hold the assets of any of the
foregoing types of plans, accounts or arrangements by reason of
any such plans’ investment in the entity, a “plan” that is subject to
the prohibited transaction provisions of Section 4975 of the
US Code, and entities the assets of which are treated as “plan
assets” under Section 3(42) of ERISA by reason of investment
therein by Benefit Plan Investors
“Business Day” a day (excluding Saturdays and Sundays, or public holidays in
England and Wales) on which banks generally are open for
business in London for the transaction of normal business
“C Shares” C shares in the capital of the Company having the rights and
restrictions set out in paragraph 3.19 of Part 4 of this Securities
Note; for the avoidance of doubt, there are no C Shares in issue
as at the date of this document and the Company does not have
the ability to issue C Shares under the Subsequent Issue
“certificated” or not in uncertificated form
“in certificated form”

“CIPC” the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission established
in terms of the South African Companies Act
“Companies Act” the Companies Act 2006 and any statutory modification or
re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
“Company” LXi REIT plc
“Contract Note” has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1.4 of Part 6 of this
Securities Note
“CREST” the computerised settlement system operated by Euroclear which
facilitates the transfer of title to shares in uncertificated form
“CREST Manual” the compendium of documents entitled CREST Manual issued by
Euroclear from time to time
“CREST Regulations” the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001
No. 2001/3755), as amended
“CTA 2010” Corporation Tax Act 2010 and any statutory modification or
re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
“Depositary” Langham Hall UK Depositary LLP
“Directors” or “Board” the board of directors of the Company
“Disclosure Guidance and the disclosure guidance and transparency rules contained within
Transparency Rules” or “DTRs” the FCA Handbook
“EEA” European Economic Area
“Enlarged Share Capital” the issued Ordinary Share capital of the Company immediately
following Subsequent Admission
“ERISA” US Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
“Estimated NAV” the estimated NAV calculated as set out in paragraph 4 of Part 1
of the Supplement
“Estimated NAV per the Estimated NAV attributable to the Ordinary Shares divided by
Ordinary Share” the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than Ordinary
Shares held in treasury) as at the date of calculation
“EU” the European Union
“EU Prospectus Regulation” Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when
securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a
regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC
“Euroclear” Euroclear UK & International Limited, being the operator of CREST
“EUWA” European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (as amended)
“Excess Application Facility” the arrangements pursuant to which Qualifying Shareholders may
apply for Excess New Shares in excess of their Open Offer
Entitlements in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Open Offer
“Excess CREST Open Offer in respect of each Qualifying CREST Shareholder, the entitlement
Entitlement” (in addition to their Open Offer Entitlement) to apply for Excess
New Shares using CREST pursuant to the Excess Application
“Excess New Shares” such number of New Ordinary Shares as may be allocated to the
Excess Application Facility (as determined by the Joint
Bookrunners and the Company) that have not been taken up by
Qualifying Shareholders pursuant to their Open Offer Entitlements

“Excluded Territories” Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, the United
States, any EEA state and any other jurisdiction where the
availability of the Subsequent Issue would breach any applicable
“Existing Ordinary Shares” the 735,513,403 existing Ordinary Shares in issue as at the date of
this Securities Note
“FAIS Act” the South African Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services
Act No. 37 of 2002, as amended
“FATCA” the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
“FCA” the Financial Conduct Authority
“FCA Handbook” the FCA handbook of rules and guidance as amended from time
to time
“FSMA” the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) and
any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time
being in force
“Group” the Company and its subsidiaries from time to time
“HMRC” Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
“Initial Issue” the initial placing, open offer, offer for subscription and
intermediaries offer of Ordinary Shares described in Part 1 of the
securities note of the Company dated 18 February 2021, pursuant
to which 100,401,606 Ordinary Shares were issued in March 2021
“Intermediaries” the entities listed in paragraph 8 of Part 4 of this Securities Note,
together with any other intermediary (if any) that is appointed by
the Company in connection with the Intermediaries Offer after the
date of this Securities Note and “Intermediary” shall mean any
one of them
“Intermediaries Booklet” the booklet entitled “LXi REIT PLC: Information for Intermediaries”
and containing, among other things, the Intermediaries Terms and
“Intermediaries Offer” the offer of New Ordinary Shares by the Intermediaries to retail
“Intermediaries Offer Adviser” Peel Hunt LLP
“Intermediaries Terms and the terms and conditions agreed between the Intermediaries Offer
Conditions” Adviser, the Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor and the
Intermediaries in relation to the Intermediaries Offer and
contained in the Intermediaries Booklet
“Investment Advisor” LXi REIT Advisors Limited
“ISA” a UK individual savings account
“Jefferies” Jefferies International Limited and Jefferies GmbH, the Company’s
joint global co-ordinator, joint broker and joint bookrunner
“Joint Bookrunners” Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities
“Latest Practicable Date” 18 January 2022, being the latest practicable date prior to the
date of this Securities Note for ascertaining certain information
contained herein
“Link Group” or “Link” a trading name of Link Market Services Limited
“Listing Rules” the listing rules made by the FCA pursuant to Part VI of the FSMA
“London Stock Exchange” London Stock Exchange plc

“LSE Admission Standards” the admission and disclosure standards published by the London
Stock Exchange
“Member State” any member state of the European Economic Area
“MiFID II Product Governance has the meaning given to it on page 10 of this Securities Note
“Money Laundering the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds
Regulations” (Information on the Payer) 2017 Regulations S.I. 2017/692, as
“NAV” or “Net Asset Value” the value, as at any date, of the assets of the Company after
deduction of all its liabilities, before deducting dividends that have
been declared but not paid as at the relevant reporting date,
determined in accordance with the accounting policies adopted
by the Company from time to time
“NAV per Ordinary Share” or at any time the NAV attributable to the Ordinary Shares divided by
“Net Asset Value per the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other than Ordinary Shares
Ordinary Share” held in treasury) at the date of calculation
“Net Proceeds of the the gross proceeds of the Subsequent Issue less applicable fees
Subsequent Issue” and expenses of the Subsequent Issue
“New Ordinary Shares” new Ordinary Shares issued by the Company pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue
“Non-CREST Shareholders” Shareholders holding Ordinary Shares in certificated form
“Non-PID Dividend” a dividend paid by the Company that is not a PID
“Offer for Subscription” the offer for subscription of New Ordinary Shares at the
Subsequent Issue Price on the terms set out in Part 8 of this
Securities Note
“Offer for Subscription the application form for use in connection with the Offer for
Application Form” Subscription attached as Appendix 1 of this Securities Note
“Official List” the Official List of the FCA
“Open Offer” the offer to Qualifying Shareholders, constituting an invitation to
apply for New Ordinary Shares, on the terms and subject to the
conditions set out in Part 7 of this Securities Note and, in the case
of Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders, the Open Offer
Application Form
“Open Offer Application Form” the application form on which Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders
may apply for New Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer
“Open Offer Entitlement” the entitlement of Qualifying Shareholders to apply for New
Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Open Offer on the basis of 3 New
Ordinary Shares for every 25 Existing Ordinary Shares held and
registered in their names at the Record Date
“Ordinary Shares” ordinary shares of £0.01 each in the capital of the Company and,
as the context may require, may include Existing Ordinary Shares
and New Ordinary Shares
“Overseas Shareholders” Shareholders with registered addresses outside the United
Kingdom or who are citizens or residents of countries outside the
United Kingdom
“Peel Hunt” Peel Hunt LLP, the Company’s sponsor, joint global co-ordinator,
joint broker, joint bookrunner and intermediaries offer adviser
“Placed Shares” New Ordinary Shares which are the subject of the Subsequent
“Placee” a person subscribing for New Ordinary Shares under the
Subsequent Placing

“Placing Confirmation” has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1.4 of Part 6 of this
Securities Note
“PID” the distribution by the Company of the profits of its Property
Rental Business, including distributions received by it from other
UK REITs, by way of a dividend in cash or the issue of share
capital in lieu of a cash dividend in accordance with Section 530
of the CTA 2010
“PROD Sourcebook” the Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebook
contained in the FCA’s Handbook of Rules and Guidance
“Property Rental Business” in respect of a REIT, “Property Rental Business” as defined for
the purposes of Part 12 CTA 2010
“Prospectus” this Securities Note, together with the Summary, the Registration
Document and the Supplement
“Prospectus Regulation Rules” the rules and regulations made by the FCA under Part VI of FSMA
“Qualifying CREST Qualifying Shareholders whose Existing Ordinary Shares are in
Shareholders” uncertificated form
“Qualifying non-CREST Qualifying Shareholders whose Existing Ordinary Shares are in
Shareholders” certificated form
“Qualifying Shareholders” holders of Existing Ordinary Shares on the Register on the Record
Date (other than certain Overseas Shareholders as described on
pages 84 to 89 of Part 7 of this Securities Note)
“Receiving Agent” Link Group, a trading name of Link Market Services Limited
“Record Date” close of business on 17 January 2022
“Register” the register of members of the Company
“Registrar” Link Market Services Limited, trading as Link Group
“Registration Document” the registration document dated 18 February 2021 issued by the
Company and approved by the FCA
“Regulation S” Regulation S promulgated under the US Securities Act
“REIT” a company or group to which Part 12 of the CTA 2010 applies
(including, where relevant, a REIT Group)
“REIT Group” a group UK REIT within the meaning of Part 12 CTA 2010
“REIT Regime” Part 12 CTA 2010 (and related regulations)
“Relevant Member State” each Member State which is bound by the EU Prospectus
“RIS” a regulatory information service authorised by the FCA to release
regulatory announcements to the London Stock Exchange
“SDRT” stamp duty reserve tax
“Second Issue” the placing under the Share Issuance Programme pursuant to
which 75,187,970 Ordinary Shares were issued in July 2021
“Securities Note” this securities note dated 20 January 2022 issued by the
Company in respect of New Ordinary Shares made available
pursuant to the Registration Document
“Share Issuance Agreement” the Share Issuance Agreement originally dated 18 February 2021
and amended and restated on 20 January 2022 by a deed of
amendment between the Company, the AIFM, the Investment
Advisor, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities, a summary
of which is set out in paragraph 8.1 of Part 1 of the Supplement

“Share Issuance Programme” the ongoing programme of issues of Ordinary Shares as
described in Part 2 of this Securities Note (which includes the
Subsequent Issue)
“Shareholder” a holder of Ordinary Shares
“SIPP” a UK self-invested personal pension scheme
“South Africa” the Republic of South Africa
“South African Companies Act” the South African Companies Act No. 71 of 2008, as amended
“SSAS” a UK small self-administered pension scheme
“Subsequent Admission” Admission of the New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue
“Subsequent Issue” the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent
Placing, the Open Offer, the Offer for Subscription and the
Intermediaries Offer as described in Part 1 of this Securities Note
“Subsequent Issue Price” 142 pence per New Ordinary Share
“Subsequent Placing” the conditional placing of New Ordinary Shares by the Joint
Bookrunners at the Subsequent Issue Price pursuant to the Share
Issuance Agreement as described in this Securities Note
“Summary” the summary dated 20 January 2022 issued by the Company
pursuant to the Registration Document and approved by the FCA
“Supplement” the supplement to the Registration Document dated 20 January
2022 issued by the Company and approved by the FCA
“Takeover Code” the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
“Target Market Assessment” has the meaning given to it on page 10 of this Securities Note
“Tax Residency the tax residency self-certification form required to be completed
Self-Certification Form” by all new investors who intend to hold their Ordinary Shares in
certificated form in the Company for FATCA reporting purposes,
attached as Appendix 2 of this Securities Note
“UK Market Abuse Regulation” Regulation (EU) No.596/2014 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse as it forms part of
the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the EUWA
“UK MiFID II” the UK’s implementation of Directive 2014/65/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in
financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and
Directive 2011/61/EU (MiFID), together with the UK version of
Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments
and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (MiFIR), which forms
part of the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the
“UK MiFID II Delegated Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016
Regulation” supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament
and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and
operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the
purposes of that Directive, as it forms part of the domestic law of
the United Kingdom by virtue of the EUWA
“UK PRIIPs Regulation” Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 26 November 2014 on key information documents
for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products,
together with its implementing and delegated acts, as they form
part of the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the

“UK Prospectus Regulation” Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when
securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a
regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC, as it forms
part of the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the
“uncertificated” or a share recorded on the Register as being held in uncertificated
“in uncertificated form” form in CREST and title to which, by virtue of the CREST
Regulations, may be transferred by means of CREST
“Underlying Applicants” investors who wish to acquire New Ordinary Shares under the
Intermediaries Offer who are clients of any Intermediary
“United Kingdom” or “UK” the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
“United States” or “US” the United States of America, its territories and possessions, any
state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia
“US Code” US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
“US Exchange Act” US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
“US Investment Company Act” US Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
“US Securities Act” US Securities Act of 1933, as amended
“ZAR” or “Rand” Rands, the legal currency in South Africa




1.1 Participation in the Subsequent Placing is only available to persons who are invited to
participate by Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities. These terms and
conditions apply to persons making an offer to subscribe for Placed Shares under the
Subsequent Placing. The Placee hereby agrees with the Joint Bookrunners and the Company
to be bound by these terms and conditions as being the terms and conditions upon which the
Placed Shares will be sold under the Subsequent Placing. A Placee shall, without limitation,
become so bound if a Joint Bookrunner confirms its allocation of Placed Shares under the
Subsequent Placing to such Placee.
1.2 Upon being notified of its allocation of Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing, a Placee
shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 7 of this Part 6, be contractually committed to
acquire the number of Placed Shares allocated to them at the Subsequent Issue Price and to
the fullest extent permitted by law, will be deemed to have agreed not to exercise any rights to
rescind or terminate or otherwise withdraw from such commitments. Dealing may not begin
before any notification is made.
1.3 The Company and/or Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities may require any
Placee to agree to such further terms and/or conditions and/or give such additional warranties
and/or representations as it/they (in its/their absolute discretion) see(s) fit.
1.4 The commitment to acquire New Ordinary Shares under the Subsequent Placing will be
agreed orally with Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities as agent for the
Company and be further evidenced in a contract note (“Contract Note”) or placing
confirmation (“Placing Confirmation”).


2.1 A Placee agrees to become a member of the Company and agrees to subscribe for those
Placed Shares allocated to it at the Subsequent Issue Price conditional on:
(a) the Share Issuance Agreement becoming unconditional in respect of the Subsequent
Placing (save for any condition relating to Subsequent Admission) and not having been
terminated in accordance with its terms prior to Subsequent Admission;
(b) Subsequent Admission becoming effective by not later than 8.00 a.m. on 14 February
2022 (or such later time and/or date as the Joint Bookrunners and the Company may
agree, being not later than 17 February 2022); and
(c) a valid supplementary prospectus being published by the Company if such is required
by the Prospectus Regulation Rules.
2.2 The number of Placed Shares issued to such Placee under the Subsequent Placing shall be in
accordance with the arrangements described above, subject to the provisions of paragraph 7
of this Part 6 with respect to Placed Shares.
2.3 If any of the relevant conditions set out in the Share Issuance Agreement is not fulfilled or,
where permitted, waived to the extent permitted by law or regulation in accordance with the
Share Issuance Agreement, or the Share Issuance Agreement is terminated in accordance
with its terms, the Subsequent Placing will lapse and the Placee’s rights and obligations shall
cease and terminate at such time and each Placee agrees that no claim can be made by or on
behalf of the Placee (or any person on whose behalf the Placee is acting) in respect thereof.
2.4 The commitments of Placees to subscribe for the number of Placed Shares allotted to them
pursuant to the Subsequent Placing is subject to the right of the Company to clawback any or
all of such Placed Shares in order to satisfy valid applications under the Open Offer, the
Excess Application Facility, the Offer for Subscription or the Intermediaries Offer. The number

of Placed Shares to be clawed back from Placees pursuant to the Subsequent Placing will be
calculated pro rata to each Placee’s commitment to subscribe for Placed Shares.
2.5 The Placed Shares will, when issued and fully paid, rank pari passu in all respects with the
Ordinary Shares then in issue and will carry the right to receive all dividends and distributions
declared, made or paid on or in respect of the Ordinary Shares by reference to a record date
after Subsequent Admission.
2.6 To the fullest extent permitted by law, each Placee acknowledges and agrees that it will not be
entitled to exercise any remedy of rescission at any time. This does not affect any other rights
the Placee may have.


3.1 Each Placee undertakes to pay the Subsequent Issue Price for the Placed Shares issued to the
Placee in the manner and by the time directed by Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium
Securities. If any Placee fails to pay as so directed and/or by the time required, the relevant
Placee’s application for Placed Shares may, at the discretion of Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies
and/or Alvarium Securities, either be rejected or accepted and, in the latter case,
paragraph 3.2 of these terms and conditions shall apply.
3.2 Each Placee is deemed to agree that if it does not comply with its obligation to pay the
Subsequent Issue Price for the Placed Shares allocated to it in accordance with paragraph 3.1
of these terms and conditions and Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities elects
to accept that Placee’s application, Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities may
sell all or any of the Placed Shares allocated to the Placee on such Placee’s behalf and retain
from the proceeds, for Peel Hunt’s and/or Jefferies’ and/or Alvarium Securities’ own account
and profit, an amount equal to the aggregate amount owed by the Placee plus any interest
due. The Placee will, however, remain liable for any shortfall below the aggregate amount owed
by such Placee and it may be required to bear any tax or other charges (together with any
interest or penalties) which may arise upon the sale of such Placed Shares on such Placee’s


By agreeing to subscribe for Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing, each Placee which
enters into a commitment to subscribe for such Placed Shares will (for itself and any person(s)
procured by it to subscribe for Placed Shares and any nominee(s) for any such person(s)) be
deemed to represent, warrant and acknowledge to each of the Company, the AIFM, the Investment
Advisor, the Registrar, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities that:
4.1 in agreeing to subscribe for Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing, it is relying solely
on the Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company and not on any
other information given, or representation or statement made at any time, by any person
concerning the Company and/or the Subsequent Placing. It agrees that none of the Company,
the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or the Registrar, nor
any of their respective officers, agents, or employees, will have any liability for any other
information or representation. It irrevocably and unconditionally waives any rights it may have
in respect of any other information or representation;
4.2 if the laws of any territory or jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom are applicable to its
agreement to subscribe for Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing, it warrants that it
has complied with all such laws, obtained all governmental and other consents which may be
required, complied with all requisite formalities and paid any issue, transfer or other taxes due
in connection with its application in any territory and that it has not taken any action or omitted
to take any action which will result in the Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor,
Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or the Registrar or any of their respective officers,
agents or employees acting in breach of the regulatory or legal requirements, directly or
indirectly, of any territory or jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom in connection with the
Subsequent Placing;
4.3 it has carefully read and understands the Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus
issued by the Company in its entirety and understands and acknowledges that it is acquiring
Placed Shares on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in this Part 6 and, as

applicable, the Contract Note or Placing Confirmation and the Articles as in force at the date
of Subsequent Admission and agrees that in accepting a participation in the Subsequent
Placing it has had access to all information it believes necessary or appropriate in connection
with its decision to subscribe for the Placed Shares;
4.4 it has the power and authority to subscribe for Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing
and to execute and deliver all documents necessary for such subscription;
4.5 it has not relied on Peel Hunt or Jefferies or Alvarium Securities or any person affiliated with
Peel Hunt or Jefferies or Alvarium Securities in connection with any investigation of the
accuracy of any information contained in the Prospectus and/or any supplementary
prospectus issued by the Company and it has relied on its own investigation with respect to the
Placed Shares and the Company in connection with its investment decision;
4.6 the content of the Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company is
exclusively the responsibility of the Company and its Directors and, to the extent stated in
paragraph 11.3 of Part 7 of the Registration Document and paragraph 7.3 of Part 4 of this
Securities Note, the Investment Advisor, and none of Peel Hunt nor Jefferies nor Alvarium
Securities nor any person acting on behalf of any of them nor any of their respective affiliates
are responsible for or shall have any liability for any information, representation or statement
contained in the Prospectus or any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company or any
information published by or on behalf of the Company and will not be liable for any decision
by a Placee to participate in the Subsequent Placing based on any information, representation
or statement contained in the Prospectus or any supplementary prospectus issued by the
Company or otherwise;
4.7 it acknowledges that no person is authorised in connection with the Subsequent Placing to
give any information or make any representation other than as contained in the Prospectus and
any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company and, if given or made, any information
or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Company, the
AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities;
4.8 it is not applying as, nor is it applying as nominee or agent for, a person who is or may be liable
to notify and account for tax under the Stamp Duty Reserve Tax Regulations 1986 at any of the
increased rates referred to in section 67, 70, 93 or 96 of the Finance Act 1986 (depositary
receipts and clearance services);
4.9 it accepts that none of the New Ordinary Shares has been or will be registered under the laws
of the United States or any other Excluded Territory. Accordingly, the New Ordinary Shares may
not be sold, issued or delivered, directly or indirectly, into or within the United States or any
other Excluded Territory unless an exemption from any registration requirement is available;
4.10 if it is within the United Kingdom, it is a person who falls within Articles 49(2)(a) to (d) or 19(5)
of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotions) Order 2005 or it is a
person to whom the Placed Shares may otherwise lawfully be offered under such Order and/or
is a person who is a “professional client” or an “eligible counterparty” within the meaning of
Chapter 3 of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook or, if it is receiving the offer in
circumstances under which the laws or regulations of a jurisdiction other than the United
Kingdom would apply, it is a person to whom the Placed Shares may be lawfully offered under
that other jurisdiction’s laws and regulations;
4.11 if it is a resident in the EEA: (a) it is a qualified investor within the meaning of Article 2(3) of the
EU Prospectus Regulation; and (b) if that Relevant Member State has implemented the AIFMD,
that it is a person to whom the Placed Shares may lawfully be marketed under the AIFMD or
under the applicable implementing legislation (if any) of that Relevant Member State;
4.12 in the case of any Placed Shares acquired by a Placee as a financial intermediary within the
EEA as that term is used in Article 5(1) of the EU Prospectus Regulation: (a) the Placed Shares
acquired by it in the Subsequent Placing have not been acquired on behalf of, nor have they
been acquired with a view to their offer or resale to, persons in any Relevant Member State
other than qualified investors, as that term is defined in the EU Prospectus Regulation, or in
circumstances in which the prior consent of Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium
Securities has been given to the offer or resale; or (b) where Placed Shares have been
acquired by it on behalf of persons in any Relevant Member State other than qualified

investors, the offer of those Placed Shares to it is not treated under the EU Prospectus
Regulation as having been made to such persons;
4.13 if it is a resident in South Africa, it (i) falls within the exemptions set out in section 96(1)(a) of
the South African Companies Act; or (ii) is a person who subscribes, as principal, for shares at
a minimum aggregate contemplated subscription price of ZAR1,000,000, as envisaged in
section 96(1)(b) of the South African Companies Act;
4.14 if it is a resident in South Africa, it has obtained any necessary exchange control approval(s)
and any other regulatory approvals and that it will comply with all necessary exchange control
restrictions and other regulatory restrictions, applicable in South Africa;
4.15 it does not have a registered address in, and is not a citizen, resident or national of, any
jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to make or accept an offer of the Placed Shares and it is not
acting on a non-discretionary basis for any such person;
4.16 it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or cause
to be communicated any invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the
meaning of section 21 of FSMA) relating to the New Ordinary Shares in circumstances in
which section 21(1) of FSMA does not require approval of the communication by an authorised
person and acknowledges and agrees that no documents are being issued by Peel Hunt or
Jefferies or Alvarium Securities in its capacity as an authorised person under section 21 of
FSMA and such documents may not therefore be subject to the controls which would apply if
they were made or approved as a financial promotion by an authorised person;
4.17 it is aware of and acknowledges that it is required to comply with all applicable provisions of
FSMA with respect to anything done by it in relation to the New Ordinary Shares, in, from or
otherwise involving the United Kingdom;
4.18 it acknowledges that no action has been taken or will be taken in any jurisdiction other than the
United Kingdom that would permit a public offering of the New Ordinary Shares or possession
of the Prospectus (and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Company), in any
country or jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required;
4.19 it: (i) is entitled to subscribe for the Placed Shares under the laws of all relevant jurisdictions;
(ii) has fully observed the laws of all relevant jurisdictions; (iii) has the requisite capacity and
authority and is entitled to enter into and perform its obligations as a subscriber for Placed
Shares and will honour such obligations; and (iv) has obtained all necessary consents and
authorities to enable it to enter into the transactions contemplated hereby and to perform its
obligations in relation thereto;
4.20 if it is outside the United Kingdom, neither the Prospectus nor any other offering, marketing or
other material in connection with the Subsequent Placing constitutes an invitation, offer or
promotion to, or arrangement with, it or any person whom it is procuring to subscribe for
Placed Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Placing unless, in the relevant territory, such offer,
invitation or other course of conduct could lawfully be made to it or such person and such
documents or material could lawfully be provided to it or such person and Placed Shares could
lawfully be distributed to and subscribed and held by it or such person without compliance
with any unfulfilled approval, registration or other regulatory or legal requirements;
4.21 if the Placee is a natural person, such Placee is not under the age of majority (18 years of age
in the United Kingdom) on the date of such Placee’s agreement to subscribe for Placed Shares
under the Subsequent Placing and will not be any such person on the date any such
agreement to subscribe under the Subsequent Placing is accepted;
4.22 it has complied with and will comply with all applicable provisions of the Criminal Justice
Act 1993 and the UK Market Abuse Regulation with respect to anything done by it in relation
to the Subsequent Placing and/or the Placed Shares;
4.23 it has not, directly or indirectly, distributed, forwarded, transferred or otherwise transmitted the
Prospectus or any other offering materials concerning the Subsequent Placing or the Placed
Shares to any persons within the United States, nor will it do any of the foregoing;
4.24 it represents, acknowledges and agrees to the representations, warranties and agreements as
set out under the heading “United States purchase and transfer restrictions” in paragraph 7

4.25 it acknowledges that none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities nor any of their
affiliates, nor any person acting on their behalf is making any recommendations to it, advising
it regarding the suitability of any transactions it may enter into in connection with the
Subsequent Placing or providing any advice in relation to the Subsequent Placing and
participation in the Subsequent Placing is on the basis that it is not and will not be a client of
Peel Hunt or Jefferies or Alvarium Securities and that none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium
Securities has any duties or responsibilities to it for providing the protections afforded to its
clients or for providing advice in relation to the Subsequent Placing or in respect of any
representations, warranties, undertakings or indemnities otherwise required to be given by it in
connection with its application under the Subsequent Placing;
4.26 if it is a resident in South Africa, it acknowledges that Peel Hunt operates in South Africa under
an exemption from the FAIS Act and therefore, the applicant does not have protection under
the FAIS Act;
4.27 it acknowledges that where it is subscribing for Placed Shares for one or more managed,
discretionary or advisory accounts, it is authorised in writing for each such account: (a) to
subscribe for the Placed Shares for each such account; (b) to make on each such account’s
behalf the representations, warranties and agreements set out in this Securities Note; and
(c) to receive on behalf of each such account any documentation relating to the Subsequent
Placing in the form provided by the Company and/or Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or
Alvarium Securities. It agrees that the provision of this paragraph shall survive any resale of
the Placed Shares by or on behalf of any such account;
4.28 it acknowledges that, save in the event of fraud on the part of Peel Hunt or any person acting
on Peel Hunt’s behalf, neither Peel Hunt, its ultimate holding companies nor any direct or
indirect subsidiary undertakings of such holding companies, nor any of its directors,
members, partners, officers and employees, shall be responsible or liable to a Placee or any
of its clients for any matter arising out of its role as Joint Bookrunner or otherwise in connection
with the Subsequent Placing and that where any such responsibility or liability nevertheless
arises as a matter of law the Placee and, if relevant, its clients, will immediately waive any claim
against any of such persons which the Placee or any of its clients may have in respect thereof;
4.29 it acknowledges that, save in the event of fraud on the part of Jefferies or any person acting
on Jefferies’ behalf, neither Jefferies, its ultimate holding companies nor any direct or indirect
subsidiary undertakings of such holding companies, nor any of its directors, members,
partners, officers and employees, shall be responsible or liable to a Placee or any of its clients
for any matter arising out of its role as Joint Bookrunner or otherwise in connection with the
Subsequent Placing and that where any such responsibility or liability nevertheless arises as a
matter of law the Placee and, if relevant, its clients, will immediately waive any claim against
any of such persons which the Placee or any of its clients may have in respect thereof;
4.30 it acknowledges that, save in the event of fraud on the part of Alvarium Securities or any
person acting on Alvarium Securities’ behalf, neither Alvarium Securities, its ultimate holding
companies nor any direct or indirect subsidiary undertakings of such holding companies, nor
any of its directors, members, partners, officers and employees, shall be responsible or liable
to a Placee or any of its clients for any matter arising out of its role as Joint Bookrunner or
otherwise in connection with the Subsequent Placing and that where any such responsibility or
liability nevertheless arises as a matter of law the Placee and, if relevant, its clients, will
immediately waive any claim against any of such persons which the Placee or any of its clients
may have in respect thereof;
4.31 if it is acting as a “distributor” (for the purposes of the MiFID II Product Governance
(a) it acknowledges that the Target Market Assessment undertaken by the Joint
Bookrunners does not constitute: (a) an assessment of suitability or appropriateness for
the purposes of UK MiFID II; or (b) a recommendation to any investor or group of
investors to invest in, or purchase, or take any other action whatsoever with respect to
the Ordinary Shares and each distributor is responsible for undertaking its own target
market assessment in respect of the Ordinary Shares and determining appropriate
distribution channels;

(b) notwithstanding any Target Market Assessment undertaken by the Joint Bookrunners, it
confirms that it has satisfied itself as to the appropriate knowledge, experience, financial
situation, risk tolerance and objectives and needs of the investors to whom it plans to
distribute the Ordinary Shares and that it has considered the compatibility of the
risk/reward profile of such Ordinary Shares with the end target market;
(c) it acknowledges that the price of the Ordinary Shares may decline and investors could
lose all or part of their investment; the Ordinary Shares offer no guaranteed income and
no capital protection; and an investment in the Ordinary Shares is compatible only with
investors who do not need a guaranteed income or capital protection, who (either alone
or in conjunction with an appropriate financial or other adviser) are capable of evaluating
the merits and risks of such an investment and who have sufficient resources to be able
to bear any losses that may result therefrom; and
(d) it agrees that if so required by Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities, it
shall provide aggregate summary information on sales of the Ordinary Shares as
contemplated under rule 3.3.30(R) of the PROD Sourcebook and information on the
reviews carried out under rules 3.3.26(R) to 3.3.28(R) of the PROD Sourcebook;
4.32 it irrevocably appoints any director of the Company or of any Joint Bookrunner to be its agent
and on its behalf (without any obligation or duty to do so), to sign, execute and deliver any
documents and do all acts, matters and things as may be necessary for, or incidental to, its
subscription for all or any of the Placed Shares for which it has given a commitment under the
Subsequent Placing, in the event of its own failure to do so;
4.33 it accepts that if the Subsequent Placing does not proceed or the conditions to the Share
Issuance Agreement are not satisfied or the New Ordinary Shares for which valid applications
are received and accepted are not admitted to the Official List and to trading on the London
Stock Exchange’s main market for any reason whatsoever then none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies,
Alvarium Securities or the Company, nor persons controlling, controlled by or under common
control with any of them nor any of their respective employees, agents, officers, members,
stockholders, partners or representatives, shall have any liability whatsoever to it or any other
4.34 in connection with its participation in the Subsequent Placing it has observed all relevant
legislation and regulations and it will not infringe any applicable law as a result of its
agreement to acquire Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing;
4.35 it acknowledges that Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Company are entitled to
exercise any of their rights under the Share Issuance Agreement or any other right in their
absolute discretion without any liability whatsoever to it;
4.36 the representations, undertakings and warranties contained in this Securities Note are
irrevocable. It acknowledges that Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Company
and their respective affiliates will rely upon the truth and accuracy of the foregoing
representations and warranties and it agrees that if any of the representations or warranties
made or deemed to have been made by its subscription of the Placed Shares are no longer
accurate, it shall promptly notify the Joint Bookrunners and the Company;
4.37 where it or any person acting on behalf of it is dealing with Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium
Securities, any money held in an account with Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities on
behalf of it and/or any person acting on behalf of it will not be treated as client money within
the meaning of the relevant rules and regulations of the FCA which therefore will not require
Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities to segregate such money, as that money will be held
by Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities under a banking relationship and not as trustee;
4.38 any of its clients, whether or not identified to Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, will
remain its sole responsibility and will not become clients of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium
Securities for the purposes of the rules of the FCA or for the purposes of any other statutory
or regulatory provision;
4.39 it accepts that the allocation of Placed Shares shall be determined by the Company in its
absolute discretion (following consultation with the Joint Bookrunners) and that the Company
may scale down any commitments for this purpose on such basis as it may determine;

4.40 it authorises Peel Hunt, Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities, as the case may be, to deduct
from the total amount subscribed under the Subsequent Placing the aggregate commission
(if any) payable on the number of Placed Shares allocated under the Subsequent Placing;
4.41 the commitment to subscribe for Placed Shares on the terms set out in these terms and
conditions will continue notwithstanding any amendment that may in the future be made to the
terms of the Subsequent Placing and that it will have no right to be consulted or require that its
consent be obtained with respect to the Company’s conduct of the Subsequent Placing;
4.42 time shall be of the essence as regards its obligations to settle payment for the Placed Shares
and to comply with its other obligations under the Subsequent Placing;
4.43 its commitment to acquire Placed Shares will be agreed orally with Peel Hunt, Jefferies or
Alvarium Securities as agent for the Company and further evidenced in a Contract Note or
Placing Confirmation that will be issued by Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities
thereafter. That oral confirmation will constitute an irrevocable, legally binding commitment
upon that person (who at that point will become a Placee) in favour of the Company and the
relevant Joint Bookrunner to subscribe for the number of Placed Shares allocated to it at the
Subsequent Issue Price on the terms and conditions set out in this Part 6 and, as applicable,
the Contract Note or Placing Conformation and in accordance with the Articles in force at the
date of Subsequent Admission. Except with the consent of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium
Securities, such oral commitment will not be capable of variation or revocation after the time at
which it is made;
4.44 its allocation of Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing will be evidenced by the
Contract Note or Placing Confirmation, as applicable, confirming: (i) the number of Placed
Shares that such Placee has agreed to subscribe for; (ii) the aggregate amount that such
Placee will be required to pay for such Placed Shares; and (iii) settlement instructions to pay
Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities as agent for the Company. The terms of this Part 6
will be deemed to be incorporated into that Contract Note or Placing Confirmation; and
4.45 settlement of transactions in the Placed Shares following Subsequent Admission will take place
in CREST but each of Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities reserves the right in its
absolute discretion to require settlement in certificated form if, in its opinion, delivery or
settlement is not possible or practicable within the CREST system within the timescales
previously notified to the Placee (whether orally, in the Contract Note or Placing Confirmation or
otherwise) or would not be consistent with the regulatory requirements in any Placee’s
The Company reserves the right to reject all or part of any offer to purchase Placed Shares for any
reason. The Company also reserves the right to sell fewer than all of the New Ordinary Shares
offered by the Prospectus or to sell to any purchaser fewer than all of the Placed Shares a purchaser
has offered to purchase.

Each Placee:
5.1 represents and warrants that it has complied with and will at all times comply with its
obligations in connection with money laundering and terrorist financing under the Proceeds of
Crime Act 2002, the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Money Laundering Regulations and any other
applicable law concerning the prevention of money laundering and, if it is making payment on
behalf of a third party, that: (i) satisfactory evidence has been obtained and recorded by it to
verify the identity of the third party; and (ii) arrangements have been entered into with the third
party to obtain from the third party copies of any identification and verification data
immediately on request as required by the Money Laundering Regulations and, in each case,
agrees that pending satisfaction of such obligations, definitive certificates (or allocation under
the CREST system) in respect of the Ordinary Shares comprising the Placee’s allocation may
be retained at the discretion of Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities; and
5.2 acknowledges and agrees that, due to anti-money laundering requirements and the countering
of terrorist financing requirements, Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities and/or
the Company may require proof of identity and verification of the source of the payment
before the application can be processed and that, in the event of delay or failure by the
applicant to produce any information required for verification purposes, Peel Hunt and/or

Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities and/or the Company may refuse to accept the application
and the subscription moneys relating thereto. It holds harmless and will indemnify Peel Hunt,
Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Company against any liability, loss or cost ensuing due to
the failure to process such application, if such information as has been required has not been
provided by it or has not been provided on a timely basis.

6.1 Each Placee acknowledges and agrees that it has been informed that, pursuant to the
EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“EU GDPR”) and/or the EU GDPR as it forms
part of the domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the EUWA (“UK GDPR”) and the
UK Data Protection Act 2018 (as amended from time to time) (the “DP Legislation”) the
Company and/or the Registrar may hold personal data (as defined in the DP Legislation)
relating to past and present Shareholders. Personal data may be retained on record for a
period exceeding six years after it is no longer used (subject to any limitations on retention
periods set out in applicable law). The Registrar will process such personal data at all times in
compliance with DP Legislation and shall only process for the purposes set out in the
Company’s privacy notice, which is available for review on the Company’s website
www.lxireit.com (the “Privacy Notice”), including for the purposes set out below (collectively,
the “Purposes”), being to:
(a) process the personal data to the extent and in such manner as is necessary for the
performance of its obligations under its service contract, including as required by or in
connection with the Placee’s holding of Ordinary Shares, including processing personal
data in connection with credit and money laundering checks on the Placee;
(b) communicate with the Placee as necessary in connection with its affairs and generally in
connection with its holding of Ordinary Shares;
(c) comply with the legal and regulatory obligations of the Company and/or the Registrar;
(d) process the personal data for the Registrar’s internal administration.
6.2 In order to meet the Purposes, it will be necessary for the Company and the Registrar to
provide personal data to:
(a) third parties located either within or outside of the United Kingdom (or the EEA, to the
extent that the EU GDPR applies in respect of the personal data being shared), if
necessary for the Registrar to perform its functions or when it is necessary for its
legitimate interests, and in particular in connection with the holding of Ordinary Shares;
(b) its affiliates, the Company (in the case of the Registrar) or the Investment Advisor and
their respective associates, some of which may be located outside of the United
Kingdom (or the EEA, to the extent that the EU GDPR applies in respect of the personal
data being shared).
6.3 Any sharing of personal data by the Company or the Registrar with other parties will be carried
out in accordance with the DP Legislation and as set out in the Company’s Privacy Notice.
6.4 By becoming registered as a holder of Ordinary Shares a person becomes a data subject
(as defined in the DP Legislation). In providing the Registrar with information, each Placee
hereby represents and warrants to the Registrar that it has (i) notified any data subject of the
Purposes for which personal data will be used and by which parties it will be used and it has
provided a copy of the Company’s Privacy Notice and any other data protection notice which
has been provided by the Company and/or the Registrar; and (ii) where consent is legally
required under applicable DP Legislation, it has obtained the consent of any data subject to
the Registrar and their respective associates holding and using their personal data for the
Purposes (including the explicit consent of the data subjects for the processing of any
sensitive personal data for the Purposes set out above in this paragraph 6).
6.5 Each Placee acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting for and on
behalf of the Company) where the Placee is a natural person he or she has read and
understood the terms of the Company’s Privacy Notice.

6.6 Each Placee acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting for and on
behalf of the Company) where the Placee is not a natural person it represents and warrants
(a) it has brought the Company’s Privacy Notice to the attention of any underlying data
subjects on whose behalf or account the Placee may act or whose personal data will be
disclosed to the Company as a result of the Placee agreeing to subscribe for Ordinary
Shares; and
(b) the Placee has complied in all other respects with all applicable data protection
legislation in respect of disclosure and provision of personal data to the Company.
6.7 Where the Placee acts for or on account of an underlying data subject or otherwise discloses
the personal data of an underlying data subject, he/she/it shall, in respect of the personal data
it processes in relation to or arising in relation to the Subsequent Placing:
(a) comply with all applicable data protection legislation;
(b) take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful
processing of the personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or
damage to the personal data;
(c) if required, agree with the Company and the Registrar, the responsibilities of each such
entity as regards relevant data subjects’ rights and notice requirements; and
(d) it shall immediately on demand, fully indemnify each of the Company and the Registrar
and keep them fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, demands, claims,
expenses (including legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis), losses
(including indirect loss and loss of profits, business and reputation), actions,
proceedings and liabilities of whatsoever nature arising from or incurred by the
Company and/or the Registrar in connection with any failure by the Placee to comply
with the provisions set out above.


7.1 By participating in the Subsequent Placing, each Placee acknowledges and agrees that it will
(for itself and any person(s) procured by it to subscribe for Placed Shares and any nominee(s)
for any such person(s)) be further deemed to represent and warrant to each of the Company,
the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, the Registrar, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities
(a) it is either: (i) not located within the United States and is acquiring the Placed Shares in
an offshore transaction meeting the requirements of Regulation S or (ii) a qualified
institutional buyer (as defined in Rule 144A under the US Securities Act) (“QIB”), or a
broker-dealer acting for the account of a QIB;
(b) if it is located in the United States, or a broker-dealer acting for the account of a person
located in the United States, it:
(i) is acquiring the Placed Shares for its own account or for the account of another
QIB, or it is a broker-dealer acting for the account of a QIB;
(ii) is aware that the securities are “restricted securities” within the meaning of Rule
144 (a)(3) under the US Securities Act and that, for so long as they remain
“restricted securities”, the Placed Shares may not be deposited, and agrees it will
not deposit the Placed Shares, into any unrestricted depositary receipt facility
established or maintained by a depositary bank;
(iii) is aware that the Placed Shares are being offered in the United States only to QIBs
in a transaction not involving any public offering in the United States within the
meaning of the US Securities Act;
(iv) understands and agrees that the Placed Shares may not be offered, sold,
pledged or otherwise transferred, except (a) to the Company or a subsidiary
thereof, (b) outside the United States in accordance with Regulation S, (c) to a
person that the seller and any person acting on its behalf reasonably believe is a
QIB purchasing for its own account or for the account of another QIB,

(d) pursuant to an exemption from registration under the US Securities Act, or
(e) pursuant to an effective registration statement under the US Securities Act; and
(v) it understands that no representation can be made as to the availability of the
exemption provided by Rule 144 for resales of the Placed Shares;
(c) it acknowledges that the Placed Shares have not been and will not be registered under
the US Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other
jurisdiction of the United States and may not be offered or sold in the United States
absent registration or an exemption from registration under the US Securities Act;
(d) it acknowledges that the Company has not and will not be registered under the US
Investment Company Act;
(e) unless the Company expressly consents otherwise in writing, no portion of the assets
used to purchase, and no portion of the assets used to hold, the Placed Shares or any
beneficial interest therein constitutes or will constitute the assets of: (a) an “employee
benefit plan” as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA that is subject to Title I of ERISA; (b) a
“plan” as defined in Section 4975 of the US Code, including an individual retirement
account or other arrangement that is subject to Section 4975 of the US Code; or (c) an
entity which is deemed to hold the assets of any of the foregoing types of plans,
accounts or arrangements that is subject to Title I of ERISA or Section 4975 of the US
Code. In addition, if a Placee is a governmental, church, non-US or other employee
benefit plan that is subject to any federal, state, local or non-US law that is substantially
similar to the provisions of Title I of ERISA or Section 4975 of the US Code, its purchase,
holding, and disposition of the Placed Shares must not constitute or result in a
non-exempt violation of any such substantially similar law;
(f) if any Placed Shares are issued in certificated form, then such certificates evidencing
ownership will contain a legend substantially to the following effect, unless otherwise
determined by the Company in accordance with applicable law:
(g) if in the future the Placee decides to offer, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of
its Placed Shares, it will do so only in compliance with an exemption from the registration
requirements of the US Securities Act. It acknowledges that any sale, transfer,
assignment, pledge or other disposal made other than in compliance with such laws and
the above stated restrictions may be subject to the compulsory transfer provisions as
provided in the Articles;
(h) it is purchasing the Placed Shares for its own account or for one or more investment
accounts for which it is acting as a fiduciary or agent, in each case for investment only,
and not with a view to or for sale or other transfer in connection with any distribution of
the Placed Shares in any manner that would violate the US Securities Act, the
US Investment Company Act or any other applicable securities laws;
(i) it acknowledges that the Company reserves the right to make inquiries of any holder of
the Placed Shares or interests therein at any time as to such person’s status under
US federal securities laws and to require any such person that has not satisfied the
Company that holding by such person will not violate or require registration under
US securities laws to transfer such Placed Shares or interests in accordance with the
(j) if it is located in the United States, or a broker-dealer acting for the account of a person
located in the United States, it acknowledges and understands that the Company is
required to comply with UK law and regulation implementing various intergovernmental

agreements relating to the automatic exchange of information for international tax
compliance (“Exchange of Information Requirements”). It agrees to furnish any
information and documents, which the Company may from time to time request for the
purpose of compliance with the Exchange of Information Requirements and it further
consents to allowing and authorising the Company to disclose and supply any
information, forms or documentation to HMRC (who may, if required, in turn pass it on to
the tax authorities of any other relevant jurisdiction) and, to the extent relevant it shall
procure that the beneficial owner of the Ordinary Shares provides such consent and
authorisation to the Company in respect of any such information forms or documents
relating to it;
(k) it is entitled to acquire the Placed Shares under the laws of all relevant jurisdictions
which apply to it, it has fully observed all such laws and obtained all governmental and
other consents which may be required thereunder and complied with all necessary
formalities and it has paid all issue, transfer or other taxes due in connection with its
acceptance in any jurisdiction of the Placed Shares and that it has not taken any action,
or omitted to take any action, which may result in the Company, the AIFM, the Investment
Advisor, the Registrar, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or their respective
directors, officers, agents, employees and advisers being in breach of the laws of any
jurisdiction in connection with the Subsequent Placing or its acceptance of participation
in the Subsequent Placing;
(l) it has received, carefully read and understands the Prospectus and any supplementary
prospectus issued by the Company, and has not, directly or indirectly, distributed,
forwarded, transferred or otherwise transmitted the Prospectus and/or any
supplementary prospectus issued by the Company or any other presentation or offering
materials concerning the Placed Shares into or within the United States, nor will it do any
of the foregoing; and
(m) if it is acquiring any Placed Shares as a fiduciary or agent for one or more accounts, the
Placee has sole investment discretion with respect to each such account and full power
and authority to make such foregoing representations, warranties, acknowledgements
and agreements on behalf of each such account.
7.2 The Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, the Registrar, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium
Securities and their respective directors, officers, agents, employees, advisers and others will
rely upon the truth and accuracy of the foregoing representations, warranties,
acknowledgments and agreements.
7.3 If any of the representations, warranties, acknowledgments or agreements made by the Placee
are no longer accurate or have not been complied with, the Placee will immediately notify the
Company and the Joint Bookrunners.


If Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, the Registrar or the Company or any of their agents
request any information about a Placee’s agreement to subscribe for Placed Shares under the
Subsequent Placing, such Placee must promptly disclose it to them.


9.1 If the Placee is outside the United Kingdom, neither the Prospectus nor any other offering,
marketing or other material in connection with the Subsequent Placing constitutes an invitation,
offer or promotion to, or arrangement with, it or any person whom it is procuring to subscribe
for Placed Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Placing unless, in the relevant territory, such
offer, invitation or other course of conduct could lawfully be made to it or such person and
such documents or materials could lawfully be provided to it or such person and Placed
Shares could lawfully be distributed to and subscribed and held by it or such person without
compliance with any unfulfilled approval, registration or other regulatory or legal requirements.
9.2 None of the Placed Shares has been or will be registered under the laws of the United States,
Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Republic of South Africa or Japan. Accordingly, the Placed
Shares may not be offered, sold, issued or delivered, directly or indirectly, into or within any of
United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Republic of South Africa or Japan or to any

national, resident or citizen of the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Republic of
South Africa or Japan unless an exemption from any registration requirement is available.
9.3 The Company reserves the right to treat as invalid any application for Placed Shares if it
appears to the Company or its agents to have been entered into in a manner that may involve
a breach of the securities legislation of any jurisdiction.

10.1 The rights and remedies of the Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt,
Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Registrar under these terms and conditions are in
addition to any rights and remedies which would otherwise be available to each of them and
the exercise or partial exercise of one will not prevent the exercise of others.
10.2 On application, if a Placee is a discretionary fund manager, that Placee may be asked to
disclose in writing or orally to Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium Securities the
jurisdiction in which its funds are managed or owned. All documents provided in connection
with the Subsequent Placing will be sent at the Placee’s risk. They may be returned by post to
such Placee at the address notified by such Placee.
10.3 Each Placee agrees to be bound by the Articles once the Placed Shares, which the Placee has
agreed to subscribe for pursuant to the Subsequent Placing, have been acquired by the
Placee. The contract to subscribe for Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing and the
appointments and authorities mentioned in the Prospectus and all disputes and claims arising
out of or in connection with its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes
or claims) will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and
Wales. For the exclusive benefit of the Company, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor, Peel Hunt,
Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Registrar, each Placee irrevocably submits to the
jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales and waives any objection to proceedings in
any such court on the ground of venue or on the ground that proceedings have been brought
in an inconvenient forum. This does not prevent an action being taken against the Placee in any
other jurisdiction.
10.4 In the case of a joint agreement to subscribe for Placed Shares under the Subsequent Placing,
references to a “Placee” in these terms and conditions are to each of the Placees who are a
party to that joint agreement and their liability is joint and several.
10.5 The Joint Bookrunners and the Company expressly reserve the right to modify the Subsequent
Placing (including, without limitation, the timetable and settlement) at any time before
allocations are determined. The Subsequent Placing is subject to the satisfaction of the
conditions contained in the Share Issuance Agreement and the Share Issuance Agreement not
having been terminated. Further details of the terms of the Share Issuance Agreement are
contained in paragraph 8.1 of Part 1 of the Supplement.



The Open Offer is an opportunity for Qualifying Shareholders to apply for New Ordinary Shares
pro rata to their holdings as at the Record Date at the Subsequent Issue Price on the basis of 3 New
Ordinary Shares for every 25 Existing Ordinary Shares held as at the Record Date in accordance with
the terms of the Open Offer.
The Record Date for entitlements under the Open Offer for Qualifying CREST Shareholders and
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders is close of business on 17 January 2022. Open Offer
Application Forms for Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders accompany this Securities Note.
Any New Ordinary Shares not taken up pursuant to the Open Offer will be made available under the
Excess Application Facility, the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries
Offer. There will be no priority given to applications under the Subsequent Placing, the Offer for
Subscription, the Intermediaries Offer or the Excess Application Facility pursuant to the Subsequent
The latest time and date for receipt of completed Open Offer Application Forms and payment in full
under the Open Offer and settlement of relevant instructions (as appropriate) is expected to be 11.00
a.m. on 8 February 2022 with Subsequent Admission and commencement of dealings in
New Ordinary Shares expected to take place at 8.00 a.m. on 14 February 2022.
This document and, for Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders only, the Open Offer Application Form
contain the formal terms and conditions of the Open Offer. Your attention is drawn to paragraphs 4.1
and 4.2 of this Part 7 which give details of the procedure for application and payment for the New
Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer.
Applications will be made to the FCA for the New Ordinary Shares to be admitted to the premium
listing segment on the Official List, and to the London Stock Exchange to be admitted to trading on
the main market of the London Stock Exchange.
Any Shareholder who has sold or transferred all or part of his registered holding(s) of Existing
Ordinary Shares prior to 20 January 2022 (being the ex-entitlement date for the Open Offer) is
advised to consult his stockbroker, bank or other agent through or to whom the sale or transfer was
effected as soon as possible since the invitation to apply for New Ordinary Shares under the Open
Offer may be a benefit which may be claimed from him by the purchasers under the rules of the
London Stock Exchange.


Subject to the terms and conditions set out below (and, in the case of Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholders, in the Open Offer Application Form), Qualifying Shareholders are being given the
opportunity under the Open Offer to apply for up to 3 New Ordinary Shares for every 25 Existing
Ordinary Shares held and registered in their name as at the Record Date. Open Offer Entitlements
will be rounded down to the nearest whole number and any fractional entitlements to New Ordinary
Shares will be disregarded in calculating Open Offer Entitlements. Fractions will be aggregated and
made available to Qualifying Shareholders under the Excess Application Facility. Shareholders who
have no basic entitlement can apply under the Excess Application Facility.
Excess applications may be allocated in such manner as the Directors may determine in their
absolute discretion and no assurance can be given that excess applications by Qualifying
Shareholders will be met in full or in part or at all.
Assuming that 88,261,608 New Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Subsequent Issue:
(i) Qualifying Shareholders who take up their full Open Offer Entitlement (excluding any New Ordinary
Shares acquired through the Excess Application Facility) in respect of the Open Offer will not suffer
any dilution to their ownership and voting interests in the Company by virtue of the issue of New
Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Subsequent Issue; and (ii) Qualifying Shareholders who do not take
up any of their Open Offer Entitlement and Shareholders who are not eligible to participate in the
Open Offer, will suffer a maximum dilution of approximately 10.7 per cent. to their ownership and

voting interests in the Company by virtue of the issue of New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Subsequent Issue.
Holdings of Ordinary Shares in certificated and uncertificated form will be treated as separate
holdings for the purpose of calculating entitlements under the Open Offer, as will holdings under
different designations and in different accounts.
If you are a Qualifying non-CREST Shareholder, the Open Offer Application Form shows the number
of New Ordinary Shares available to you under your Open Offer Entitlement (in Box 7).
Qualifying CREST Shareholders will have Open Offer Entitlements credited to their stock accounts in
CREST and should refer to paragraph 4.2(g) of this Part 7 for information on the relevant CREST
procedures. Qualifying CREST Shareholders can also refer to the CREST Manual for further
information on the relevant CREST procedures.
Shareholders should be aware that the Open Offer is not a rights issue. Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholders should also note that their respective Open Offer Application Forms are not
negotiable documents and cannot be traded. Qualifying CREST Shareholders should note that,
although the Open Offer Entitlements will be credited to CREST and be enabled for settlement,
applications in respect of entitlements under the Open Offer may only be made by the
Qualifying Shareholder originally entitled or by a person entitled by virtue of a bona fide
market claim raised by CREST’s Claims Processing Unit. New Ordinary Shares not applied for
under the Open Offer will not be sold in the market for the benefit of those who do not apply
under the Open Offer and Qualifying Shareholders who do not apply to take up New Ordinary
Shares will have no rights under the Open Offer. Any New Ordinary Shares which are not
applied for by Qualifying Shareholders under their Open Offer Entitlements may be made
available under the Excess Application Facility and/or the Subsequent Placing and/or the Offer
for Subscription and/or the Intermediaries Offer (with the proceeds in each case being retained
for the benefit of the Company).
Application will be made for the Open Offer Entitlements to be credited to Qualifying CREST
Shareholders’ CREST accounts. The Open Offer Entitlements are expected to be credited to CREST
accounts as soon as possible after 8.00 a.m. on 21 January 2022.


The Open Offer is conditional upon, amongst other things, the Share Issuance Agreement becoming
unconditional in respect of the Subsequent Issue (other than as to Subsequent Admission) and not
being terminated prior to Subsequent Admission and Subsequent Admission becoming effective by
not later than 8.00 a.m. on 14 February 2022 (or such later time and/or date as the Joint Bookrunners
and the Company may determine, being not later than 8.00 a.m. on 17 February 2022). A summary
of the Share Issuance Agreement is set out in paragraph 8.1 of Part 1 of the Supplement.
Accordingly, if these conditions are not satisfied the Open Offer will not proceed and any
applications made by Qualifying Shareholders will be rejected. In such circumstances, application
monies will be returned (at the applicant’s sole risk), without payment of interest, as soon as
practicable, but in any event within 14 days thereafter.
No temporary documents of title will be issued. Definitive certificates in respect of New Ordinary
Shares are expected to be posted to those Qualifying Shareholders who have validly elected to hold
their New Ordinary Shares in certificated form in the week commencing 21 February 2022. In respect
of those Qualifying Shareholders who have validly elected to hold their New Ordinary Shares in
uncertificated form, the New Ordinary Shares are expected to be credited to their stock accounts
maintained in CREST on 14 February 2022.
All monies received by the Receiving Agent in respect of New Ordinary Shares will be credited to a
non-interest bearing account by the Receiving Agent.
If for any reason it becomes necessary to adjust the expected timetable as set out in this Securities
Note, the Company will notify the FCA and make an appropriate announcement by an RIS
announcement giving details of the revised dates.


The action to be taken by you in respect of the Open Offer depends on whether you hold your
Existing Ordinary Shares in certificated or uncertificated form.

Qualifying Shareholders who hold all their Existing Ordinary Shares in certificated form will receive an
Open Offer Application Form enclosed with this Securities Note. The Open Offer Application Form
shows Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders the number of New Ordinary Shares available under their
Open Offer Entitlement that can be allotted in certificated form. Qualifying Shareholders who hold all
their Existing Ordinary Shares in CREST will be allotted their Open Offer Entitlements in CREST.
Qualifying Shareholders who hold part of their Existing Ordinary Shares in uncertificated form will be
allotted New Ordinary Shares in uncertificated form to the extent that their entitlement to New
Ordinary Shares arises as a result of holding Existing Ordinary Shares in uncertificated form.
However, it will be possible for Qualifying Shareholders to deposit Open Offer Entitlements into, and
withdraw them from, CREST. Further information on deposit and withdrawal from CREST is set out in
paragraph 4.2(g) of this Part 7.
CREST sponsored members should refer to their CREST sponsor as only their CREST sponsor will be
able to take the necessary action specified below to apply under the Open Offer in respect of the
Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements of such members held in
CREST. CREST members who wish to apply for New Ordinary Shares in respect of their Open Offer
Entitlements or who wish to apply to subscribe for more than their Open Offer Entitlement in CREST
should refer to the CREST Manual for further information on the CREST procedures referred to below.
Qualifying Shareholders who do not wish to apply for New Ordinary Shares under the Open
Offer should take no action and should not complete or return the Open Offer Application
Form, or send a USE message through CREST.
4.1 If you have an Open Offer Application Form in respect of your Open Offer Entitlement under
the Open Offer

(a) General
Subject as provided in paragraph 6 of this Part 7 in relation to certain Overseas
Shareholders, Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders will receive an Open Offer
Application Form. The Open Offer Application Form shows the number of New Ordinary
Shares available to them under their Open Offer Entitlement in Box 7. Any fractional
entitlements to New Ordinary Shares will be disregarded in calculating Open Offer
Entitlements and will be aggregated and made available to Qualifying Shareholders
under the Excess Application Facility. Box 8 shows how much they would need to pay if
they wish to take up their Open Offer Entitlement in full. Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholders may apply for less than their entitlement should they wish to do so.
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders may also hold such an Open Offer Application Form
by virtue of a bona fide market claim. Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders may also
apply for Excess New Shares under the Excess Application Facility by completing Box 3
on the Open Offer Application Form.
The instructions, and other terms set out in the Open Offer Application Form, form part
of the terms of the Open Offer in relation to Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders.

(b) Bona fide market claims

Applications to acquire New Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer may only be made
on the Open Offer Application Form and may only be made by the Qualifying
non-CREST Shareholder named in it or by a person entitled by virtue of a bona fide
market claim in relation to a purchase of Existing Ordinary Shares through the market
prior to the date upon which the Existing Ordinary Shares were marked “ex” the
entitlement to participate in the Open Offer (being 20 January 2022). Open Offer
Application Forms may not be assigned, transferred or split, except to satisfy bona fide
market claims up to 3.00 p.m. on 4 February 2022. The Open Offer Application Form is
not a negotiable document and cannot be separately traded. A Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholder who has sold or otherwise transferred all or part of his holding of Existing
Ordinary Shares prior to the date upon which the Existing Ordinary Shares were marked
“ex” the entitlement to participate in the Open Offer, should consult his broker or other
professional adviser as soon as possible, as the invitation to acquire New Ordinary
Shares under the Open Offer may be a benefit which may be claimed by the transferee.
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders who have sold all or part of their registered
holdings should, if the market claim is to be settled outside CREST, complete Box 10 on

the Open Offer Application Form and immediately send it to the stockbroker, bank or
other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the
purchaser or transferee. The Open Offer Application Form should not, however be
forwarded to or transmitted in or into the United States or any other Excluded Territory. If
the market claim is to be settled outside CREST, the beneficiary of the claim should
follow the procedures set out in the accompanying Open Offer Application Form. If the
market claim is to be settled in CREST, the beneficiary of the claim should follow the
procedure set out in paragraph 4.2(b) below.
A Qualifying CREST Shareholder that, as a result of a bona fide market claim has
received a shortfall of Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements to their CREST account
and would like to apply for a larger number of Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements
should contact the Receiving Agent and arrange for a further credit of Excess CREST
Open Offer Entitlements to be made, subject at all times to the maximum number of
Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements available.

(c) Excess Application Facility

Qualifying Shareholders who take up all of their Open Offer Entitlements may also apply
to acquire Excess New Shares using the Excess Application Facility, should they wish.
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders wishing to apply for Excess New Shares may do so
by completing Box 3 on the Open Offer Application Form. The maximum number of New
Ordinary Shares to be allotted under the Excess Application Facility shall be limited to:
(a) the maximum size of Subsequent Issue; less (b) the New Ordinary Shares issued
under the Open Offer pursuant to Existing Shareholders’ Open Offer Entitlements and
any New Ordinary Shares that the Directors determine to issue under the Subsequent
Placing, the Offer for Subscription or Intermediaries Offer. Applications under the Excess
Application Facility shall be allocated by the Company in consultation with the Joint
Bookrunners and no assurance can be given that the applications by Qualifying
Shareholders will be met in full or in part. Excess monies in respect of applications
which are not met in full will be returned to the applicant at the applicant’s risk without
interest as soon as practicable, but in any event within 14 days thereafter, by way of
cheque or CREST payment, as appropriate.
A credit of Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will be made to each Qualifying
CREST Shareholder; if a Qualifying CREST Shareholder would like to apply for a larger
Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement such Qualifying CREST Shareholder should
contact the Receiving Agent and arrange for a further credit of Excess CREST Open
Offer Entitlements to be made, subject at all times to the maximum number of Excess
CREST Open Offer Entitlements available.

(d) Application procedures

Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders wishing to apply to acquire New Ordinary Shares
(whether in respect of all or part of their Open Offer Entitlement) should complete the
Open Offer Application Form in accordance with the instructions printed on it.
Completed Open Offer Application Forms should be posted in the accompanying
pre-paid envelope or returned by post to Link Group, Corporate Actions, 10th Floor,
Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL (who will act as Receiving Agent in
relation to the Open Offer) so as to be received by the Receiving Agent by no later than
11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022, after which time Open Offer Application Forms will not
be valid. Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders should note that applications, once made,
will be irrevocable and receipt thereof will not be acknowledged. If an Open Offer
Application Form is being sent by first-class post in the UK, Qualifying Shareholders are
recommended to allow at least four working days for delivery.
All payments must be in pounds Sterling and made by cheque or banker’s draft made
payable to “Link Market Services Ltd RE LXI REIT PLC OPEN OFFER A/C” and crossed
“A/C payee only”. Cheques or bankers’ drafts must be drawn on a bank or building
society or branch of a bank or building society in the United Kingdom which is either a
settlement member of the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company Limited or the CHAPS
Clearing Company Limited or which has arranged for its cheques and bankers’ drafts to

be cleared through the facilities provided by any of those companies or committees and
must bear the appropriate sort code in the top right-hand corner and must be for the full
amount payable on application. Third party cheques may not be accepted with the
exception of building society cheques or bankers’ drafts where the building society or
bank has confirmed the name of the account holder by stamping or endorsing the back
of the cheque or draft to confirm that the relevant Qualifying Shareholder has title to the
underlying funds. The account name should be the same as that shown on the
application. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted.
Cheques or bankers’ drafts will be presented for payment upon receipt. The Company
reserves the right to instruct the Receiving Agent to seek special clearance of cheques
and bankers’ drafts to allow the Company to obtain value for remittances at the earliest
opportunity (and withhold definitive share certificates. No interest will be paid on
payments. It is a term of the Open Offer that cheques shall be honoured on first
presentation and the Company may elect to treat as invalid acceptances in respect of
which cheques are not so honoured. All documents, cheques and bankers’ drafts sent
through the post will be sent at the risk of the sender. Payments via CHAPS, BACS or
electronic transfer will not be accepted.
If cheques or bankers’ drafts are presented for payment before the conditions of the
Subsequent Issue are fulfilled, the application monies will be credited to a non-interest
bearing account by the Receiving Agent. If the Subsequent Issue does not become
unconditional, no New Ordinary Shares will be issued and all monies will be returned
(at the applicant’s sole risk), without payment of interest, to applicants as soon as
practicable, but in any event within 14 days, following the lapse of the Subsequent Issue.
The Company may in its sole discretion, but shall not be obliged to, treat an Open Offer
Application Form as valid and binding on the person by whom or on whose behalf it is
lodged, even if not completed in accordance with the relevant instructions or not
accompanied by a valid power of attorney where required, or if it otherwise does not
strictly comply with the terms and conditions of the Open Offer. The Company further
reserves the right (but shall not be obliged) to accept either:
(i) Open Offer Application Forms received after 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022; or
(ii) applications in respect of which remittances are received before 11.00 a.m. on
8 February 2022 from authorised persons (as defined in FSMA) specifying the
New Ordinary Shares applied for and undertaking to lodge the Open Offer
Application Form in due course but, in any event, within two Business Days.
Multiple applications will not be accepted. All documents and remittances sent by post
by or to an applicant (or as the applicant may direct) will be sent at the applicant’s own
If New Ordinary Shares have already been allotted to a Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholder and such Qualifying non-CREST Shareholder’s cheque or banker’s draft is
not honoured upon first presentation or such Qualifying non-CREST Shareholder’s
application is subsequently otherwise deemed to be invalid, Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies
and/or Alvarium Securities shall be authorised (in its absolute discretion as to manner,
timing and terms) to make arrangements, on behalf of the Company, for the sale of such
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholder’s New Ordinary Shares and for the proceeds of sale
(which for these purposes shall be deemed to be payments in respect of successful
applications) to be paid to and retained by the Company. None of Peel Hunt, Jefferies,
Alvarium Securities or the Company, nor any other person, shall be responsible for, or
have any liability for, any loss, expense or damage suffered by such Qualifying
non-CREST Shareholders.

(e) Effect of application

By completing and delivering an Open Offer Application Form the applicant:
(i) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he has
the right, power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to make the
application under the Open Offer and, if applicable, the Excess Application

Facility and to execute, deliver and exercise his rights, and perform his obligations
under any contracts resulting therefrom and that he is not a person otherwise
prevented by legal or regulatory restrictions from applying for New Ordinary
Shares or acting on behalf of any such person on a non-discretionary basis;
(ii) agrees with the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that all applications under
the Open Offer and the Excess Application Facility and contracts resulting
therefrom shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
(iii) confirms to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that in making the application
he is not relying on any information or representation in relation to the Company
other than that contained in the Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus
published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission, and the applicant
accordingly agrees that no person responsible solely or jointly for the Prospectus,
any supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent
Admission or any part thereof, or involved in the preparation thereof, shall have any
liability for any such information or representation not so contained and further
agrees that, having had the opportunity to read the Prospectus and any
supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent
Admission, he will be deemed to have had notice of all information in relation to
the Company contained in the Prospectus (including matters incorporated by
reference) and any supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to
Subsequent Admission;
(iv) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he is the
Qualifying Shareholder originally entitled to his Open Offer Entitlement or that he
received such Open Offer Entitlement by virtue of a bona fide market claim;
(v) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that if he has
received some or all of his Open Offer Entitlement from a person other than the
Company he is entitled to apply under the Open Offer in relation to such Open
Offer Entitlement by virtue of a bona fide market claim;
(vi) requests that the New Ordinary Shares, to which he will become entitled, be
issued to him on the terms set out in this Securities Note and the Open Offer
Application Form subject to the Articles;
(vii) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he is not,
nor is he applying on behalf of, any person who is in the United States or any
other Excluded Territory, or is a citizen or resident, or is a corporation, partnership
or other entity created or organised in or under any laws, of the United States or
any other Excluded Territory or any jurisdiction in which the application for New
Ordinary Shares is prevented by law and he is not applying with a view to
re-offering, re-selling, transferring or delivering any of the New Ordinary Shares
which are the subject of his application in or to, or for the benefit of, a person who
is a citizen or resident or which is a corporation, partnership or other entity
created or organised in or under any laws of the United States or any other
Excluded Territory or any jurisdiction in which the application for New Ordinary
Shares is prevented by law (except where proof satisfactory to the Company has
been provided to the Company that he is able to accept the invitation by the
Company free of any requirement which the Company (in its absolute discretion)
regards as unduly burdensome), nor acting on behalf of any such person on a
non-discretionary basis nor person(s) otherwise prevented by legal or regulatory
restrictions from applying for New Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer;
(viii) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he is not,
and nor is he applying as nominee or agent for, a person who is or may be liable
to notify and account for tax under the Stamp Duty Reserve Tax Regulations 1986
at any of the increased rates referred to in section 93 (depository receipts) or
section 96 (clearance services) of the Finance Act 1986;
(ix) confirms that in making the application he is not relying and has not relied on Peel
Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities or any person affiliated with Peel Hunt,

Jefferies or Alvarium Securities in connection with any investigation of the
accuracy of any information contained in the Prospectus or any supplementary
prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission or his
investment decision;
(x) if he is a resident in South Africa, acknowledges that Peel Hunt operates in South
Africa under an exemption from the FAIS Act and therefore, the applicant does not
have protection under the FAIS Act;
(xi) if he is a resident in South Africa, represents and warrants to the Company and
the Joint Bookrunners that he has obtained any necessary exchange control
approval(s) and any other regulatory approvals and that it will comply with all
necessary exchange control restrictions and other regulatory restrictions
applicable in South Africa;
(xii) acknowledges that the content of the Prospectus and any supplementary
prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission is
exclusively the responsibility of the Company and its Directors and, to the extent
stated in paragraph 11.3 of Part 7 of the Registration Document and paragraph
7.3 of Part 4 of this Securities Note, the Investment Advisor, and none of
Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, nor any person acting on their behalf,
nor any of their affiliates, are responsible for or shall have any liability for any
information, representation or statement contained in the Prospectus or any
information published by or on behalf of the Company and will not be liable for
any decision to participate in the Open Offer based on any information,
representation or statement contained in the Prospectus or otherwise;
(xiii) acknowledges that no person is authorised in connection with the Open Offer to
give any information or make any representation other than as contained in the
Prospectus or any supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to
Subsequent Admission and, if given or made, any information or representation
must not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Company, Peel Hunt,
Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor or the Receiving
(xiv) agrees that Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Receiving Agent are
acting for the Company in connection with the Open Offer and for no-one else and
that they will not treat you as their customer by virtue of such application being
accepted or owe you any duties or responsibilities concerning the price of the
New Ordinary Shares or concerning the suitability of the New Ordinary Shares for
you or be responsible to you for the protections afforded to their customers; and
(xv) acknowledge that the key information document relating to the New Ordinary
Shares to be issued pursuant to the Open Offer prepared by the AIFM pursuant
to the UK PRIIPs Regulation can be provided to you in paper or by means of a
website, but that where you are applying under the Open Offer directly and not
through an adviser or other intermediary, unless requested in writing otherwise,
the lodging of an Open Offer Application Form represents your consent to being
provided the key information document via the Company’s website
(www.lxireit.com), or on such other website as has been notified to you. Where
your application is made on an advised basis or through another intermediary, the
terms of your engagement should address the means by which such key
information document will be provided to you.

(f) Incorrect or incomplete applications

If an Open Offer Application Form includes a payment for an incorrect sum, the
Company reserves the right:
(i) to reject the application in full and refund the payment to the applicant (without
(ii) in the case that an insufficient sum is paid, to treat the application as a valid
application for such lesser whole number of New Ordinary Shares as would be

able to be applied for with that payment at the Subsequent Issue Price, refunding
any unutilised sum to the applicant (without interest); and
(iii) in the case that an excess sum is paid, to treat the application as a valid
application for all the New Ordinary Shares referred to in the Open Offer
Application Form, refunding any unutilised sum to the applicant (without interest).
All enquiries in connection with the procedure for application and completion of the
Open Offer Application Form should be addressed to the Receiving Agent, Link Group,
Corporate Actions, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL or
you can contact the Receiving Agent on +44 (0)371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the
standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom
will be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is open between
9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales.
Please note that Link cannot provide any financial, legal or tax advice and calls
may be recorded and monitored for security and training purposes.
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders who do not wish to take up or apply for the New
Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer should take no action and should not complete
or return the Open Offer Application Form.
A Qualifying non-CREST Shareholder who is also a CREST member may elect to receive
the New Ordinary Shares to which he is entitled in uncertificated form in CREST (please
see paragraph 4.2 below for more information).
4.2 If you have Open Offer Entitlements credited to your stock account in CREST in respect of your
entitlement under the Open Offer

(a) General
Subject as provided in paragraph 6 of this Part 7 in relation to certain Overseas
Shareholders, each Qualifying CREST Shareholder will receive a credit to his stock
account in CREST of his Open Offer Entitlement equal to the maximum number of New
Ordinary Shares for which he is entitled to apply to acquire under the Open Offer.
Entitlements to New Ordinary Shares will be rounded down to the nearest whole number
and any Open Offer Entitlements will therefore also be rounded down. Any fractional
entitlements to New Ordinary Shares will be disregarded in calculating Open Offer
Entitlements and will be aggregated and made available to Qualifying Shareholders
under the Excess Application Facility.
The CREST stock account to be credited will be an account under the participant ID and
member account ID specified in the section headed “Expected Timetable of Principal
Events” and below.
If for any reason the Open Offer Entitlement and/or Excess CREST Open Offer
Entitlements cannot be admitted to CREST by, or the stock accounts of Qualifying
CREST Shareholders cannot be credited by 3.00 p.m. on 3 February 2022, or such later
time and/or date as the Company may decide, an Open Offer Application Form will be
sent to each Qualifying CREST Shareholder in substitution for the Open Offer
Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements which should have been
credited to his stock account in CREST. In these circumstances the expected timetable
as set out in this Securities Note will be adjusted as appropriate and the provisions of
this Securities Note applicable to Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders with Open Offer
Application Forms will apply to Qualifying CREST Shareholders who receive such Open
Offer Application Forms.
CREST members who wish to apply to acquire some or all of their entitlements to New
Ordinary Shares should refer to the CREST Manual for further information on the CREST
procedures referred to below. Should you need advice with regard to these procedures,
please contact the Receiving Agent on +44 (0)371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the
standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom
will be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is open between
9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales.
Please note that Link cannot provide any financial, legal or tax advice and calls
may be recorded and monitored for security and training purposes.

If you are a CREST sponsored member you should consult your CREST sponsor if you
wish to apply for New Ordinary Shares as only your CREST sponsor will be able to take
the necessary action to make this application in CREST.

(b) Market claims

The Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will constitute
a separate security for the purposes of CREST. Although Open Offer Entitlements and
Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will be admitted to CREST and be enabled for
settlement, applications in respect of Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open
Offer Entitlements may only be made by the Qualifying Shareholder originally entitled or
by a person entitled by virtue of a bona fide market claim transaction. Transactions
identified by the CREST Claims Processing Unit as “cum” the Open Offer Entitlements
and the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will generate an appropriate market
claim transaction and the relevant Open Offer Entitlement(s) will thereafter be transferred

(c) Excess Application Facility

Qualifying Shareholders who take up all of their Open Offer Entitlements may also apply
to acquire Excess New Shares using the Excess Application Facility, should they wish.
The Excess Application Facility enables Qualifying CREST Shareholders to apply for
Excess New Shares in excess of their Open Offer Entitlement.
An Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement may not be sold or otherwise transferred.
Subject as provided in paragraph 6 of these terms and conditions in relation to
Overseas Shareholders, the CREST accounts of Qualifying CREST Shareholders will be
credited with an Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement in order for any applications for
Excess New Shares to be settled through CREST.
Qualifying CREST Shareholders should note that, although the Open Offer Entitlements
and the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will be admitted to CREST, they will have
limited settlement capabilities (for the purposes of market claims only). Neither the Open
Offer Entitlements nor the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will be tradable or
listed and applications in respect of the Open Offer and the Excess Application Facility
may only be made by the Qualifying Shareholders originally entitled or by a person
entitled by virtue of a bona fide market claim.
To apply for Excess New Shares pursuant to the Excess Application Facility, Qualifying
CREST Shareholders should follow the instructions in paragraphs 4.2(e) and 4.2(f) below
and must not return a paper form and cheque.
Should a transaction be identified by Euroclear U.K. & International’s Claims Processing
Unit as “cum” the Open Offer Entitlement and the relevant Open Offer Entitlement be
transferred, the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will not transfer with the Open
Offer Entitlement claim, but will be transferred as a separate claim. Should a Qualifying
CREST Shareholder cease to hold all of his Existing Ordinary Shares as a result of one
or more bona fide market claims, the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement credited to
CREST and allocated to the relevant Qualifying Shareholder will be transferred to the
purchaser. Please note that a separate USE instruction must be sent in respect of any
application under the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement.
A credit of 40 million Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements will be made to each
Qualifying CREST Shareholder; if a Qualifying CREST Shareholder would like to apply for
a larger Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement, such Qualifying CREST Shareholder
should contact Link Group to arrange for a further credit of New Ordinary Shares to its
Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement, subject at all times to the maximum number of
New Ordinary Shares available.
For all enquiries in connection with the procedure for application of Excess CREST Open
Offer Entitlements, please contact Link Group on 0371 664 0321. Calls are charged at
the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United
Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is open
between 9 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and

Wales. Please note that Link Group cannot provide any financial, legal or tax advice and
calls may be recorded and monitored for security and training purposes.

(d) Unmatched Stock Event (“USE”) instructions

Qualifying CREST Shareholders who are CREST members and who want to apply for
New Ordinary Shares in respect of all or some of their Open Offer Entitlements and/or
Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements must send (or, if they are CREST sponsored
members, procure that their CREST sponsor sends) a USE instruction to Euroclear
which, on its settlement, will have the following effect:
(i) the crediting of a stock account of the Receiving Agent under the participant ID
and member account ID specified below, with a number of Open Offer
Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements corresponding to the
number of New Ordinary Shares applied for; and
(ii) the creation of a CREST payment, in accordance with the CREST payment
arrangements in favour of the payment bank of the Receiving Agent in respect of
the amount specified in the USE instruction which must be the full amount payable
on application for the number of New Ordinary Shares referred to in (i) above.

(e) Content of USE instruction in respect of Open Offer Entitlements

The USE instruction must be properly authenticated in accordance with Euroclear’s
specifications and must contain, in addition to the other information that is required for
settlement in CREST, the following details:
(i) the number of New Ordinary Shares for which application is being made (and
hence the number of the Open Offer Entitlement(s) being delivered to the
Receiving Agent);
(ii) the ISIN of the Open Offer Entitlement. This is GB00BLBJ6N75;
(iii) the CREST participant ID of the accepting CREST member;
(iv) the CREST member account ID of the accepting CREST member from which the
Open Offer Entitlements are to be debited;
(v) the participant ID of the Receiving Agent in its capacity as a CREST receiving
agent. This is 7RA33;
(vi) the member account ID of the Receiving Agent in its capacity as a CREST
receiving agent. This is 21563LXI;
(vii) the amount payable by means of a CREST payment on settlement of the USE
instruction. This must be the full amount payable on application for the number of
New Ordinary Shares referred to in (i) above;
(viii) the intended settlement date. This must be on or before 11.00 a.m. on 8 February
2022; and
(ix) the Corporate Action Number for the Open Offer. This will be available by viewing
the relevant corporate action details in CREST.
In order for an application under the Open Offer to be valid, the USE instruction must
comply with the requirements as to authentication and contents set out above and must
settle on or before 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022.
In order to assist prompt settlement of the USE instruction, CREST members (or their
CREST sponsors, where applicable) may consider adding the following non-mandatory
fields to the USE instruction:
(A) a contact name and telephone number (in the free format shared note field); and
(B) a priority of at least 80.
CREST members and, in the case of CREST sponsored members, their CREST
sponsors, should note that the last time at which a USE instruction may settle on
8 February 2022 in order to be valid is 11.00 a.m. on that day.

In the event that the Subsequent Issue does not become unconditional by 8.00 a.m. on
14 February 2022 or such later time and date as the Company and the Joint
Bookrunners determine (being not later than 8.00 a.m. on 17 February 2022), the
Subsequent Issue will lapse, the Open Offer Entitlements admitted to CREST will be
disabled and the Receiving Agent will refund the amount paid by a Qualifying CREST
Shareholder by way of a CREST payment, without interest, as soon as practicable, but
in any event within 14 days thereafter.

(f) Content of USE instruction in respect of Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements
The USE instruction must be properly authenticated in accordance with Euroclear’s
specifications and must contain, in addition to the other information that is required for
settlement in CREST, the following details:
(i) the number of Excess New Shares for which application is being made (and
hence the number of the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement(s) being
delivered to the Receiving Agent);
(ii) the ISIN of the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement. This is GB00BLBJ6P99;
(iii) the CREST participant ID of the accepting CREST member;
(iv) the CREST member account ID of the accepting CREST member from which the
Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements are to be debited;
(v) the participant ID of the Receiving Agent in its capacity as a CREST receiving
agent. This is 7RA33;
(vi) the member account ID of the Receiving Agent in its capacity as a CREST
receiving agent. This is 21563LXI;
(vii) the amount payable by means of a CREST payment on settlement of the USE
instruction. This must be the full amount payable on application for the number of
Excess New Shares referred to in (i) above;
(viii) the intended settlement date. This must be on or before 11.00 a.m. on 8 February
2022; and
(ix) the Corporate Action Number for the Open Offer. This will be available by viewing
the relevant corporate action details in CREST.
In order for an application in respect of an Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement under
the Excess Application Facility to be valid, the USE instruction must comply with the
requirements as to authentication and contents set out above and must settle on or
before 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022.
In order to assist prompt settlement of the USE instruction, CREST members (or their
CREST sponsors, where applicable) may consider adding the following non-mandatory
fields to the USE instruction:
(A) a contact name and telephone number (in the free format shared note field); and
(B) a priority of at least 80.
CREST members and, in the case of CREST sponsored members, their CREST
sponsors, should note that the last time at which a USE instruction may settle on
8 February 2022 in order to be valid is 11.00 a.m. on that day.
In the event that the Subsequent Issue does not become unconditional by 8.00 a.m. on
14 February 2022 or such later time and date as the Company and the Joint
Bookrunners determine (being not later than 8.00 a.m. on 17 February 2022), the
Subsequent Issue will lapse, the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements admitted to
CREST will be disabled and the Receiving Agent will refund the amount paid by a
Qualifying CREST Shareholder by way of a CREST payment, without interest, as soon as
practicable, but in any event within 14 days, thereafter.

(g) Deposit of Open Offer Entitlements into, and withdrawal from, CREST
A Qualifying non-CREST Shareholder’s entitlement under the Open Offer as shown by
the number of Open Offer Entitlements set out in his Open Offer Application Form may
be deposited into CREST (either into the account of the Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholder named in the Open Offer Application Form or into the name of a person
entitled by virtue of a bona fide market claim), provided that such Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholder is also a CREST member. Similarly, Open Offer Entitlements and Excess
CREST Open Offer Entitlements held in CREST may be withdrawn from CREST so that
the entitlement under the Open Offer is reflected in an Open Offer Application Form.
Normal CREST procedures (including timings) apply in relation to any such deposit or
withdrawal, subject (in the case of a deposit into CREST) as set out in the Open Offer
Application Form.
A holder of an Open Offer Application Form who is proposing to deposit the entitlement
set out in such form into CREST is recommended to ensure that the deposit procedures
are implemented in sufficient time to enable the person holding or acquiring the Open
Offer Entitlements and the entitlement to apply under the Excess Application Facility
following their deposit into CREST to take all necessary steps in connection with taking
up the entitlement prior to 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022. After depositing their Open
Offer Entitlement into their CREST account, CREST holders will, shortly after that, receive
a credit for their Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement, which will be managed by the
Receiving Agent.
In particular, having regard to normal processing times in CREST and on the part of the
Receiving Agent: (i) the recommended latest time for depositing an Open Offer
Application Form with the CREST Courier and Sorting Service, where the person entitled
wishes to hold the entitlement under the Open Offer set out in such Open Offer
Application Form as Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer
Entitlements in CREST, is 3.00 p.m. on 3 February 2022; and (ii) the recommended latest
time for receipt by Euroclear of a dematerialised instruction requesting withdrawal of
Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements from CREST is
4.30 p.m. on 2 February 2022 – in either case so as to enable the person acquiring or
(as appropriate) holding the Open Offer Entitlements and Excess CREST Open Offer
Entitlements following the deposit or withdrawal (whether as shown in an Open Offer
Application Form or held in CREST) to take all necessary steps in connection with
applying in respect of the Open Offer Entitlements, as the case may be, prior to
11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022. CREST holders inputting the withdrawal of their Open
Offer Entitlement from their CREST account must ensure that they withdraw both their
Open Offer Entitlements and the Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements.
Delivery of an Open Offer Application Form with the CREST deposit form duly
completed whether in respect of a deposit into the account of the Qualifying non-CREST
Shareholder named in the Open Offer Application Form or into the name of another
person, shall constitute a representation and warranty to the Company and the
Receiving Agent by the relevant CREST member(s) that it/they is/are not in breach of the
provisions of the notes under the paragraph headed “Instructions for depositing
entitlements under the Open Offer into CREST” on page 3 of the Open Offer Application
Form, and a declaration to the Company and the Receiving Agent from the relevant
CREST member(s) that it/they is/are not in the United States or any Excluded Territory, or
citizen(s) or resident(s) of, the United States or any other Excluded Territory or any
jurisdiction in which the application for New Ordinary Shares is prevented by law and,
where such deposit is made by a beneficiary of a market claim, a representation and
warranty that the relevant CREST member(s) is/are entitled to apply under the Open
Offer by virtue of a bona fide market claim.

(h) Validity of application

A USE instruction complying with the requirements as to authentication and contents set
out above which settles by no later than 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022 will constitute a
valid application under the Open Offer.

(i) CREST procedures and timings
CREST members and (where applicable) their CREST sponsors should note that
Euroclear does not make available special procedures in CREST for any particular
corporate action. Normal system timings and limitations will therefore apply in relation to
the input of a USE instruction and its settlement in connection with the Open Offer and
the Excess Application Facility. It is the responsibility of the CREST member concerned
to take (or, if the CREST member is a CREST sponsored member, to procure that his
CREST sponsor takes) such action as shall be necessary to ensure that a valid
application is made as stated above and settled by 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022. In
this connection CREST members and (where applicable) their CREST sponsors are
referred in particular to those sections of the CREST Manual concerning practical
limitations of the CREST system and timings.

(j) Incorrect or incomplete applications

If a USE instruction includes a CREST payment for an incorrect sum, the Company,
through the Receiving Agent, reserves the right:
(i) to reject the application in full and refund the payment to the CREST member in
question (without interest);
(ii) in the case that an insufficient sum is paid, to treat the application as a valid
application for such lesser whole number of New Ordinary Shares as would be
able to be applied for with that payment at the Subsequent Issue Price, refunding
any unutilised sum to the CREST member in question (without interest); and
(iii) in the case that an excess sum is paid, to treat the application as a valid
application for all the New Ordinary Shares referred to in the USE instruction,
refunding any unutilised sum to the CREST member in question (without interest).

(k) Effect of valid application

A CREST member who makes or is treated as making a valid application in accordance
with the above procedures thereby:
(i) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he has
the right, power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to make the
application under the Open Offer and, if applicable, the Excess Application
Facility and to execute, deliver and exercise his rights, and perform his obligations
under any contracts resulting therefrom and that he is not a person otherwise
prevented by legal or regulatory restrictions from applying for New Ordinary
Shares or acting on behalf of any such person on a non-discretionary basis;
(ii) agrees with the Company and the Joint Bookrunners to pay the amount payable
on application in accordance with the above procedures by means of a CREST
payment in accordance with the CREST payment arrangements (it being
acknowledged that the payment to the Receiving Agent’s payment bank in
accordance with the CREST payment arrangements shall, to the extent of the
payment, discharge in full the obligation of the CREST member to pay to the
Company the amount payable on application);
(iii) agrees with the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that all applications and
contracts resulting therefrom under the Open Offer and the Excess Application
Facility shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of
(iv) confirms to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that in making the application
he is not relying on any information or representation in relation to the Company
other than that contained in the Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus
published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission, and the applicant
accordingly agrees that no person responsible solely or jointly for the Prospectus
or any supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent
Admission or any part thereof, or involved in the preparation thereof, shall have any
liability for any such information or representation not so contained and further
agrees that, having had the opportunity to read the Prospectus and any

supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent
Admission, he will be deemed to have had notice of all the information in relation
to the Company contained in the Prospectus (including matters incorporated by
reference) and any supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to
Subsequent Admission;
(v) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he is the
Qualifying Shareholder originally entitled to the Open Offer Entitlement and Excess
CREST Open Offer Entitlement or that he has received such Open Offer
Entitlement and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement by virtue of a bona fide
market claim;
(vi) if he is a resident in South Africa, represents and warrants to the Company and
the Joint Bookrunners that he has obtained any necessary exchange control
approval(s) and any other regulatory approvals and that it will comply with all
necessary exchange control restrictions and other regulatory restrictions
applicable in South Africa;
(vii) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that if he has
received some or all his Open Offer Entitlement and Excess CREST Open Offer
Entitlement from a person other than the Company, he is entitled to apply under
the Open Offer and the Excess Application Facility in relation to such Open Offer
Entitlement and Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlement by virtue of a bona fide
market claim;
(viii) requests that the New Ordinary Shares to which he will become entitled be issued
to him on the terms set out in this Securities Note, subject to the Articles;
(ix) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he is not,
nor is he applying on behalf of anyone who is in the United States or any other
Excluded Territory, or is a citizen or resident, or is a corporation, partnership or
other entity created or organised in or under any laws of, the United States or any
other Excluded Territory or any jurisdiction in which the application for New
Ordinary Shares is prevented by law and he is not applying with a view to
re-offering, re-selling, transferring or delivering any of the New Ordinary Shares
which are the subject of his application in or to, or for the benefit of, any person
who is a citizen or resident or which is a corporation, partnership or other entity
created or organised in or under any laws of the United States or any other
Excluded Territory or any jurisdiction in which the application for New Ordinary
Shares is prevented by law (except where proof satisfactory to the Company has
been provided to the Company that he is able to accept the invitation by the
Company free of any requirement which the Company (in its absolute discretion)
regards as unduly burdensome), nor acting on behalf of any such person on a
non-discretionary basis nor (a) person(s) otherwise prevented by legal or
regulatory restrictions from applying for New Ordinary Shares under the Open
Offer or Excess Application Facility;
(x) represents and warrants to the Company and the Joint Bookrunners that he is not,
and nor is he applying as nominee or agent for, a person who is or may be liable
to notify and account for tax under the Stamp Duty Reserve Tax Regulations 1986
at any of the increased rates referred to in section 93 (depository receipts) or
section 96 (clearance services) of the Finance Act 1986;
(xi) confirms that in making the application he is not relying and has not relied on
Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities or any person affiliated with Peel Hunt,
Jefferies or Alvarium Securities in connection with any investigation of the
accuracy of any information contained in the Prospectus or any supplementary
prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission or his
investment decision; and
(xii) if applicable, acknowledges that Peel Hunt operates in South Africa under an
exemption from the FAIS Act and therefore, the applicant does not have protection
under the FAIS Act.

(l) Company’s discretion as to the rejection and validity of applications
The Company may in its sole discretion:
(i) treat as valid (and binding on the CREST member concerned) an application
which does not comply in all respects with the requirements as to validity set out
or referred to in this Part 7;
(ii) accept an alternative properly authenticated dematerialised instruction from a
CREST member or (where applicable) a CREST sponsor as constituting a valid
application in substitution for or in addition to a USE instruction and subject to
such further terms and conditions as the Company may determine;
(iii) treat a properly authenticated dematerialised instruction (in this sub-paragraph
the “first instruction”) as not constituting a valid application if, at the time at which
the Registrar receives a properly authenticated dematerialised instruction giving
details of the first instruction or thereafter, either the Company or the Receiving
Agent has received actual notice from Euroclear of any of the matters specified in
Regulation 35(5)(a) of the CREST Regulations in relation to the first instruction.
These matters include notice that any information contained in the first instruction
was incorrect or notice of lack of authority to send the first instruction; and
(iv) accept an alternative instruction or notification from a CREST member or CREST
sponsored member or (where applicable) a CREST sponsor, or extend the time for
settlement of a USE instruction or any alternative instruction or notification, in the
event that, for reasons or due to circumstances outside the control of any CREST
member or CREST sponsored member or (where applicable) CREST sponsor, the
CREST member or CREST sponsored member is unable validly to apply for New
Ordinary Shares by means of the above procedures. In normal circumstances,
this discretion is only likely to be exercised in the event of any interruption, failure
of breakdown of CREST (or any part of CREST) or on the part of the facilities
and/or systems operated by the Receiving Agent in connection with CREST.

(m) Lapse of the Open Offer and Excess Application Facility

In the event that the Subsequent Issue does not become unconditional by 8.00 a.m. on
14 February 2022 or such later time and date as the Company and the Joint
Bookrunners may agree (being not later than 8.00 a.m. on 17 February 2022), the
Subsequent Issue will lapse, the Open Offer Entitlements and the Excess CREST Open
Offer Entitlement admitted to CREST will be disabled and the Receiving Agent will refund
the amount paid by a CREST Shareholder by way of a CREST payment, without interest,
as soon as practicable, but in any event within 14 days, thereafter.


5.1 Holders of Application Forms
To ensure compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations, the Receiving Agent may
require, at its absolute discretion, verification of the identity of the person by whom or on
whose behalf the Open Offer Application Form is lodged with payment (which requirements
are referred to below as the “verification of identity requirements”). If the Open Offer
Application Form is submitted by a UK regulated broker or intermediary acting as agent and
which is itself subject to the Money Laundering Regulations, any verification of identity
requirements are the responsibility of such broker or intermediary and not of the Receiving
Agent. In such case, the lodging agent’s stamp should be inserted on the Open Offer
Application Form.
Anti-money laundering checks are required by law to be performed on certain financial
transactions. The checks are performed to make sure investors are genuinely who they say
they are and that any application monies have not been acquired illegally or that the Receiving
Agent itself is not being used as part of criminal activity, most commonly the placement,
layering and integration of illegally obtained money.
While these checks can be carried out at any time, they are usually only performed when
dealing with application values above a certain threshold, commonly referred to as the

anti-money laundering threshold which is the sterling equivalent of €15,000 (currently
approximately £12,500).
Money laundering checks may require an investor to provide an original or certified copy of
their passport, driving licence and recent bank statements to support any enquiries made of
the Credit Reference Agencies. A money laundering check does not mean the investor is
suspected of anything illegal, and, there is nothing to worry about. The checks made at credit
reference agencies leave an ‘enquiry footprint’ – an indelible record so that the investor can
see who has checked them out. The enquiry footprint does not have any impact on their credit
score or on their ability to get credit.
Anti-Money Laundering Checks appear as an enquiry/soft search on the investor’s credit
report. The report may contain a note saying “Identity Check to comply with Anti Money
Laundering Regulations”.
The person lodging the Open Offer Application Form with payment and in accordance with the
other terms as described above (the “acceptor”), including any person who appears to the
Receiving Agent to be acting on behalf of some other person, accepts the Open Offer in
respect of such number of New Ordinary Shares as is referred to therein (for the purposes of
this paragraph 5 the “relevant New Ordinary Shares”) and shall thereby be deemed to agree
to provide the Receiving Agent with such information and other evidence as the Receiving
Agent may require to satisfy the verification of identity requirements.
If the Receiving Agent determines that the verification of identity requirements apply to any
acceptor or application, the relevant New Ordinary Shares (notwithstanding any other term of
the Open Offer) will not be issued to the relevant acceptor unless and until the verification of
identity requirements have been satisfied in respect of that acceptor or application. The
Receiving Agent is entitled, in its absolute discretion, to determine whether the verification of
identity requirements apply to any acceptor or application and whether such requirements
have been satisfied, and neither the Receiving Agent nor the Company will be liable to any
person for any loss or damage suffered or incurred (or alleged), directly or indirectly, as a
result of the exercise of such discretion.
If the verification of identity requirements apply, failure to provide the necessary evidence of
identity within a reasonable time may result in delays in the despatch of share certificates or in
crediting CREST accounts. If, within a reasonable time following a request for verification of
identity, the Receiving Agent has not received evidence satisfactory to it as aforesaid, the
Company may, in its absolute discretion, treat the relevant application as invalid, in which event
the monies payable on acceptance of the Open Offer will be returned (at the acceptors risk)
without interest to the account of the bank or building society on which the relevant cheque or
banker’s draft was drawn.
Submission of an Open Offer Application Form with the appropriate remittance will
constitute a warranty to each of the Company, the Receiving Agent, Peel Hunt, Jefferies
and Alvarium Securities from the applicant that the Money Laundering Regulations will
not be breached by application of such remittance.
The verification of identity requirements will not usually apply:
(a) if the applicant is an organisation required to comply with the Money Laundering
(b) if the acceptor is a regulated United Kingdom broker or intermediary acting as agent
and is itself subject to the Money Laundering Regulations;
(c) if the applicant (not being an applicant who delivers his application in person) makes
payment by way of a cheque drawn on an account in the applicant’s name; or
(d) if the aggregate subscription price for the New Ordinary Shares is less than €15,000
(approximately £12,500).
In other cases the verification of identity requirements may apply. If payment is made by
cheque or banker’s draft in Sterling drawn on a branch in the United Kingdom of a bank or
building society which bears a UK bank sort code number in the top right-hand corner the
following applies. Cheques should be made payable to “Link Market Services RE LXI REIT PLC
OPEN OFFER A/C” and crossed “A/C payee only”. Third party cheques may not be accepted

with the exception of building society cheques or bankers’ drafts where the building society or
bank has confirmed the name of the account holder by stamping or endorsing the back of the
cheque/banker’s draft to such effect. The account name should be the same as that shown on
the Open Offer Application Form.
If you have any queries in this regard, please contact the Receiving Agent on +44 (0)371 664 0321.
Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the
United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is open
between 9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and
Wales. Please note that Link cannot provide any financial, legal or tax advice and calls
may be recorded and monitored for security and training purposes.
If the Open Offer Application Form(s) is/are in respect of New Ordinary Shares under the
Open Offer with an aggregate subscription price of the Sterling equivalent of €15,000
(approximately £12,500) or more and is/are lodged by hand by the acceptor in person, or if the
Open Offer Application Form(s) in respect of New Ordinary Shares is/are lodged by hand by
the acceptor and the accompanying payment is not the acceptor’s own cheque, he or she
should ensure that he or she has with him or her evidence of identity bearing his or her
photograph (for example, his or her passport) and separate evidence of his or her address.
If, within a reasonable period of time following a request for verification of identity, and in any
case by no later than 11.00 a.m. on 8 February 2022, the Receiving Agent has not received
evidence satisfactory to it as aforesaid, the Receiving Agent under instructions from the
Company may, at its discretion, reject the relevant application, in which event the monies
submitted in respect of that application will be returned, at the risk of the applicant, without
interest to the account at the drawee bank from which such monies were originally debited
(without prejudice to the rights of the Company to undertake proceedings to recover monies in
respect of the loss suffered by it as a result of the failure to produce satisfactory evidence as

5.2 Open Offer Entitlements in CREST

If you hold your Open Offer Entitlement in CREST and apply for New Ordinary Shares in
respect of some or all of your Open Offer Entitlement as agent for one or more persons and
you are not a UK or EU regulated person or institution (e.g. a UK financial institution), then,
irrespective of the value of the application, the Receiving Agent is obliged to take reasonable
measures to establish the identity of the person or persons on whose behalf you are making
the application. You must therefore contact the Receiving Agent before sending any USE or
other instruction so that appropriate measures may be taken.
Submission of a USE instruction which on its settlement constitutes a valid application as
described above constitutes a warranty and undertaking by the applicant to the Company, the
Receiving Agent, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium Securities to provide promptly to the
Receiving Agent such information as may be specified by the Receiving Agent as being
required for the purposes of the Money Laundering Regulations. Pending the provision of
evidence satisfactory to the Receiving Agent as to identity, the Receiving Agent may in its
absolute discretion take, or omit to take, such action as it may determine to prevent or delay
issue of the New Ordinary Shares concerned. If satisfactory evidence of identity has not been
provided within a reasonable time, then the application for the New Ordinary Shares
represented by the USE instruction will not be valid. This is without prejudice to the right of the
Company to take proceedings to recover any loss suffered by it as a result of failure to provide
satisfactory evidence.

This document has been approved by the FCA in accordance with the UK Prospectus Regulation.
The information set out in this paragraph 6 is intended as a general guide only and any Overseas
Shareholders who are in any doubt as to their position should consult their professional advisers
without delay.

6.1 General
The distribution of the Prospectus and the making of the Open Offer to persons who
have registered addresses in, or who are resident or ordinarily resident in, or citizens of,

or which are corporations, partnerships or other entities created or organised under the
laws of countries other than the United Kingdom or to persons who are nominees of or
custodians, trustees or guardians for citizens, residents in or nationals of countries
other than the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws or regulatory requirements
of the relevant jurisdictions. Those persons should consult their professional advisers
as to whether they require any governmental or other consents or need to observe any
applicable legal requirements or other formalities to enable them to apply for New
Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer.
No action has been or will be taken by the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities
or any other person, to permit a public offering or distribution of the Prospectus (or any other
offering or publicity materials or application form(s) relating to the New Ordinary Shares under
the Open Offer or New Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Offer for Subscription) in any
jurisdiction where action for that purpose may be required, other than in the United Kingdom.
No public offer of New Ordinary Shares is being made by virtue of the Prospectus or the Open
Offer Application Form in or into the United States or any other Excluded Territory.
Receipt of the Prospectus and/or an Open Offer Application Form and/or a credit of Open
Offer Entitlements to a stock account in CREST will not constitute an invitation or offer of
securities for subscription, sale or purchase in those jurisdictions in which it would be illegal to
make such an invitation or offer and, in those circumstances, the Prospectus and/or the Open
Offer Application Form must be treated as sent for information only and should not be copied
or redistributed.
Open Offer Application Forms will not be sent to, and Open Offer Entitlements will not be
credited to stock accounts in CREST of, persons with registered addresses in the United States
or any other Excluded Territory or their agent or intermediary, except where the Company is
satisfied that such action would not result in the contravention of any registration or other legal
requirement in any jurisdiction.
No person receiving a copy of the Prospectus and/or an Open Offer Application Form and/or
a credit of Open Offer Entitlements to a stock account in CREST in any territory other than the
United Kingdom may treat the same as constituting an invitation or offer to him or her, nor
should he or she in any event use any such Open Offer Application Form and/or credit of Open
Offer Entitlements to a stock account in CREST unless, in the relevant territory, such an
invitation or offer could lawfully be made to him or her and such Open Offer Application Form
and/or credit of Open Offer Entitlements to a stock account in CREST could lawfully be used,
and any transaction resulting from such use could be effected, without contravention of any
registration or other legal or regulatory requirements. In circumstances where an invitation or
offer would contravene any registration or other legal or regulatory requirements, the
Prospectus and/or the Open Offer Application Form must be treated as sent for information
only and should not be copied or redistributed.
It is the responsibility of any person (including, without limitation, custodians, agents, nominees
and trustees) outside the United Kingdom wishing to apply for New Ordinary Shares under the
Open Offer to satisfy himself or herself as to the full observance of the laws of any relevant
territory in connection therewith, including obtaining any governmental or other consents that
may be required, observing any other formalities required to be observed in such territory and
paying any issue, transfer or other taxes due in such territory.
None of the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, nor any of their respective
representatives is making any representation to any offeree or purchaser of the New Ordinary
Shares regarding the legality of an investment in the New Ordinary Shares by such offeree or
purchaser under the laws applicable to such offeree or purchaser. Peel Hunt is exempted from
the licensing requirement of the FAIS Act and, as such, it is not regulated in South Africa.
Persons (including, without limitation, custodians, agents, nominees and trustees) receiving a
copy of the Prospectus and/or an Open Offer Application Form and/or a credit of Open Offer
Entitlements to a stock account in CREST, in connection with the Open Offer or otherwise,
should not distribute or send either of those documents nor transfer Open Offer Entitlements in
or into any jurisdiction where to do so would or might contravene local securities laws or
regulations. If a copy of the Prospectus and/or an Open Offer Application Form and/or a credit
of Open Offer Entitlements to a stock account in CREST is received by any person in any such

territory, or by his or her custodian, agent, nominee or trustee, he or she must not seek to apply
for New Ordinary Shares in respect of the Open Offer unless the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies
or Alvarium Securities determines that such action would not violate applicable legal or
regulatory requirements. Any person (including, without limitation, custodians, agents,
nominees and trustees) who does forward a copy of the Prospectus and/or an Open Offer
Application Form and/or transfers Open Offer Entitlements into any such territory, whether
pursuant to a contractual or legal obligation or otherwise, should draw the attention of the
recipient to the contents of this Part 7 and specifically the contents of this paragraph 6.
The Company reserves the right to treat as invalid any application or purported application for
New Ordinary Shares that appears to the Company or its agents to have been executed,
effected, or despatched from or in relation to the United States or any other Excluded Territory
or in a manner that may involve a breach of the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction or if the
Company or its agents believe that the same may violate applicable legal or regulatory
requirements or if it provides an address for delivery of the share certificates relating to New
Ordinary Shares (or in the case of a credit of Open Offer Entitlements to a stock account in
CREST, to a CREST member whose registered address would be), in the United States or any
other Excluded Territory or any other jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom in which it would
be unlawful to deliver such share certificates or make such a credit.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Securities Note or the relevant Open Offer
Application Form, the Company reserves the right to permit any person to apply for New
Ordinary Shares in respect of the Open Offer if the Company, in its sole and absolute
discretion, is satisfied that the transaction in question is exempt from, or not subject to, the
legislation or regulations giving rise to the restrictions in question.
Overseas Shareholders who wish, and are permitted, to apply for New Ordinary Shares should
note that payment must be made in Sterling denominated cheques or bankers’ drafts or where
such Overseas Shareholder is a CREST Shareholder, through CREST.

6.2 United States

The New Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act
or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States
and, accordingly, may not be offered or sold, re-sold, taken up, transferred, delivered or
distributed, directly or indirectly, into or within the United States.
Accordingly, the Company is not extending the Open Offer into the United States and neither
the Prospectus nor the Open Offer Application Form constitutes or will constitute an offer or an
invitation to apply for or an offer or an invitation to acquire any New Ordinary Shares in the
United States. Neither the Prospectus nor an Open Offer Application Form, will be sent to, and
no New Ordinary Shares will be credited to, a stock account in CREST of, any Shareholder with
a registered address in the United States. Open Offer Application Forms sent from or
postmarked in the United States will be invalid and all persons acquiring New Ordinary Shares
and wishing to hold such New Ordinary Shares in registered form must provide an address for
registration of the New Ordinary Shares issued upon exercise thereof outside the
United States.
Any person who acquires New Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer or Excess Application
Facility declares, warrants and agrees, by accepting delivery of the Prospectus or the Open
Offer Application Form and delivery of the New Ordinary Shares, that they are not, and that at
the time of acquiring the New Ordinary Shares they will not be, in the United States.
The Company reserves the right to treat as invalid any Open Offer Application Form that
appears to the Company or its agents to have been executed in, or despatched from, the
United States, or that provides an address in the United States for the receipt of New Ordinary
Shares, or which does not make the warranty set out in the Open Offer Application Form to the
effect that the person completing the Open Offer Application Form does not have a registered
address and is not otherwise located in the United States and is not acquiring the New
Ordinary Shares with a view to the offer, sale, resale, transfer, delivery or distribution, directly or
indirectly, of any such New Ordinary Shares in the United States or where the Company
believes acceptance of such Open Offer Application Form may infringe applicable legal or
regulatory requirements.

The Company will not be bound to allot or issue any New Ordinary Shares to any person with
an address in, or who is otherwise located in, the United States in whose favour an Open Offer
Application Form or any New Ordinary Shares may be transferred. In addition, the Company
and the Joint Bookrunners reserve the right to reject any USE instruction sent by or on behalf
of any CREST member with a registered address in the United States in respect of the
New Ordinary Shares.

6.3 South Africa

The Prospectus is being made available only to such South African qualifying investors who fall
within the ambit of sections 96(1)(a), (b), or (c) of the South African Companies Act. The
information contained in the Prospectus does not constitute, nor form part of, any offer or
invitation to sell or issue, an advertisement or any solicitation of any offer or invitation to
purchase or subscribe for any New Ordinary Shares or any other securities and is not an “offer
to the public” as contemplated in the South African Companies Act. The Prospectus does not,
nor does it intend to, constitute a “registered prospectus” or an “advertisement”, as
contemplated by the South African Companies Act and the Prospectus has not been filed with
the CIPC in respect of the Open Offer. As a result, the Prospectus does not comply with the
substance and form requirements for a prospectus set out in the South African Companies Act
and the South African Companies Regulations of 2011, and has not been approved by, and/or
registered with, the CIPC.
In South Africa, only qualifying investors who fall within the ambit of section 96(1)(c) of the
South African Companies Act may subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Open Offer.
The Company is not a collective investment scheme regulated by the CISCA. The information
contained in the Prospectus constitutes factual information as contemplated in section 1(3)(a)
of the FAIS Act. The Prospectus is not intended to be and does not constitute: (i) a solicitation
for investments from members of the South African public in terms of CISCA; or (ii) an express
or implied recommendation, guide or proposal that any particular transaction in respect of the
Placed Shares and the Open Offer Entitlements or in relation to the business or future
investments of the Company is appropriate to the particular investment objectives, financial
situation or needs of a prospective investor.

6.4 Excluded Territories

The New Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the relevant laws of
any Excluded Territory or any state, province or territory thereof and may not be offered, sold,
resold, delivered or distributed, directly or indirectly, in or into any Excluded Territory or to, or
for the account or benefit of, any person with a registered address in, or who is resident or
ordinarily resident in, or a citizen of, any Excluded Territory except pursuant to an applicable
exemption. No offer of New Ordinary Shares is being made by virtue of the Prospectus or the
Open Offer Application Form into any Excluded Territory.

6.5 Other overseas territories

Open Offer Application Forms will be sent to Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders and Open
Offer Entitlements will be credited to the stock account in CREST of Qualifying CREST
Shareholders. Shareholders in jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom may, subject to the
laws of their relevant jurisdiction, take up New Ordinary Shares under the Open Offer in
accordance with the instructions set out in this Securities Note and the Open Offer Application
Shareholders who have registered addresses in, or who are resident or ordinarily
resident in, or citizens of countries other than the United Kingdom should consult
appropriate professional advisers as to whether they require any governmental or other
consents or need to observe any other formalities to enable them to apply for any New
Ordinary Shares in respect of the Open Offer.

6.6 Representations and warranties relating to Overseas Shareholders
(a) Non-CREST Shareholders
Any person completing and returning an Open Offer Application Form or requesting
registration of the New Ordinary Shares comprised therein represents and warrants to
the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Receiving Agent that,
except where proof has been provided to the Company’s satisfaction that such person’s
use of the Open Offer Application Form will not result in the contravention of any
applicable legal requirements in any jurisdiction: (i) such person is not requesting
registration of the relevant New Ordinary Shares from within the United States or any
other Excluded Territory; (ii) such person is not in any territory in which it is unlawful to
make or accept an offer to acquire New Ordinary Shares in respect of the Open Offer
or to use the Open Offer Application Form in any manner in which such person has used
or will use it; (iii) such person is not acting on a non-discretionary basis for a person
located within the United States or any other Excluded Territory (except as agreed with
the Company) or any territory referred to in (ii) above at the time the instruction to accept
was given; (iv) such person is not acquiring New Ordinary Shares with a view to the
offer, sale, resale, transfer, delivery or distribution, directly or indirectly, of any such New
Ordinary Shares into any of the above territories; and (v) if resident in South Africa, such
person is an existing shareholder in terms of section 96(1)(c) of the South African
Companies Act and has obtained necessary exchange control approval(s) and any
other regulatory approvals and that it will comply with all necessary exchange control
restrictions and other regulatory restrictions applicable in South Africa. The Company
and/or the Receiving Agent may treat as invalid any acceptance or purported
acceptance of the allotment of New Ordinary Shares comprised in an Open Offer
Application Form if it: (i) appears to the Company or its agents to have been executed,
effected or despatched from the United States or any other Excluded Territory or in a
manner that may involve a breach of the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction or if the
Company or its agents believe that the same may violate applicable legal or regulatory
requirements; or (ii) provides an address in the United States or any other Excluded
Territory for delivery of the share certificates (or any other jurisdiction outside the United
Kingdom in which it would be unlawful to deliver such share certificates); or (iii) purports
to exclude the warranty required by this sub-paragraph 6.6(a).

(b) CREST Shareholders

A CREST member or CREST sponsored member who makes a valid acceptance in
accordance with the procedures set out in this Part 7 represents and warrants to the
Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Receiving Agent that, except
where proof has been provided to the Company’s satisfaction that such person’s
acceptance will not result in the contravention of any applicable legal requirement in any
jurisdiction: (i) he or she is not located within the United States or any other Excluded
Territory; (ii) he or she is not in any territory in which it is unlawful to make or accept an
offer to acquire New Ordinary Shares; (iii) he or she is not accepting on a non-
discretionary basis for a person located within the United States or any other Excluded
Territory (except as otherwise agreed with the Company) or any territory referred to in
(ii) above at the time the instruction to accept was given; (iv) he or she is not acquiring
any New Ordinary Shares with a view to the offer, sale, resale, transfer, delivery or
distribution, directly or indirectly, of any such New Ordinary Shares into any of the above
territories; and (v) if resident in South Africa, such person is an existing shareholder in
terms of section 96(1)(c) of the South African Companies Act and has obtained
necessary exchange control approval(s) and any other regulatory approvals and that it
will comply with all necessary exchange control restrictions and other regulatory
restrictions applicable in South Africa.

6.7 Waiver
The provisions of this paragraph 6 and of any other terms of the Open Offer relating to
Overseas Shareholders may be waived, varied or modified as regards specific Shareholders or
on a general basis by the Company and/or Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies and/or Alvarium
Securities in their absolute discretion. Subject to this, the provisions of this paragraph 6
supersede any terms of the Open Offer inconsistent herewith. References in this paragraph 6

to Shareholders shall include references to the person or persons executing an Open Offer
Application Form and, in the event of more than one person executing an Open Offer
Application Form, the provisions of this paragraph 6 shall apply to them jointly and to each of

There are only limited rights of withdrawal associated with the Subsequent Issue. Shareholders
wishing to exercise or direct the exercise of statutory withdrawal rights pursuant to Article 23 of the
UK Prospectus Regulation after the issue by the Company of a prospectus supplementary to the
Prospectus must do so by lodging a written notice of withdrawal within two Business Days
commencing on the Business Day after the date on which the supplementary prospectus is
published. The notice of withdrawal must be deposited by post to Link Group, Corporate Actions,
10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL or by email to
[email protected] so as to be received before the end of the withdrawal period. Please call
the Receiving Agent on +44 (0)371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and
will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international
rate. The helpline is open between 9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays
in England and Wales. Please note that Link cannot provide any financial, legal or tax advice and
calls may be recorded and monitored for security and training purposes. Notice of withdrawal
given by any other means or which is deposited with the Receiving Agent after expiry of such period
will not constitute a valid withdrawal, provided that the Company will not permit the exercise of
withdrawal rights after payment by the relevant person for the New Ordinary Shares applied for in full
and the allotment of such New Ordinary Shares to such person becoming unconditional save to the
extent required by statute. In such event, Shareholders are advised to seek independent legal advice.


The result of the Subsequent Issue is expected to be announced on 10 February 2022. Applications
will be made to the FCA for the New Ordinary Shares to be admitted to the premium listing segment
on the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange to be admitted to trading on the London Stock
Exchange’s main market. It is expected that Subsequent Admission will become effective, and that
dealings in the New Ordinary Shares will commence, at 8.00 a.m. on 14 February 2022.
Open Offer Entitlements held in CREST are expected to be disabled in all respects after 11.00 a.m.
on 8 February 2022 (the latest date for applications under the Open Offer). If the condition(s) to the
Open Offer described above are satisfied, New Ordinary Shares will be issued in uncertificated form
to those persons who submitted a valid application for New Ordinary Shares by utilising the CREST
application procedures and whose applications have been accepted by the Company. The Receiving
Agent will instruct Euroclear to credit the appropriate stock accounts of such persons with such
persons’ entitlements to New Ordinary Shares with effect from Subsequent Admission (expected to
be at 8.00 a.m. on 14 February 2022). The stock accounts to be credited will be accounts under the
same CREST participant IDs and CREST member account IDs in respect of which the USE
instruction was given.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Securities Note, the Company reserves the right to send
Qualifying CREST Shareholders an Open Offer Application Form instead of crediting the relevant
stock account with Open Offer Entitlements, and to allot and/or issue any New Ordinary Shares in
certificated form. In normal circumstances, this right is only likely to be exercised in the event of any
interruption, failure or breakdown of CREST (or of any part of CREST) or on the part of the facilities
and/or systems operated by the Registrar in connection with CREST.
For Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders who have applied by using an Open Offer Application Form,
share certificates in respect of the New Ordinary Shares validly applied for are expected to be
despatched in the week commencing 21 February 2022. No temporary documents of title will be
issued and, pending the issue of definitive certificates, transfers will be certified against the UK
share register of the Company. All documents or remittances sent by or to applicants or as they may
direct, will be sent through the post at their own risk. For more information as to the procedure for
application, Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders are referred to paragraph 4.1 above and their
respective Open Offer Application Form.

The Company shall, in agreement with the Joint Bookrunners and after consultation with its financial
and legal advisers, be entitled to amend the dates that Open Offer Application Forms are
despatched or amend or extend the latest date for acceptance under the Open Offer and all related
dates set out in this Securities Note and in such circumstances shall notify the FCA and make an
announcement on an RIS and, if appropriate, to Shareholders but Qualifying Shareholders may not
receive any further written communication.

Certain statements regarding United Kingdom taxation in respect of the New Ordinary Shares and
the Open Offer are set out in Part 3 of this Securities Note. Shareholders who are in any doubt as to
their tax position in relation to taking up their entitlements under the Open Offer or who are subject
to tax in any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom, should immediately consult a suitable
professional adviser.

Your attention is drawn to the further information set out in the Prospectus and also, in the case of
Qualifying non-CREST Shareholders and other Shareholders to whom the Company has sent Open
Offer Application Forms, to the terms, conditions and other information printed on the accompanying
Open Offer Application Form.


The terms and conditions of the Open Offer as set out in this Securities Note, the Open Offer
Application Form and any non-contractual obligation related thereto shall be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, English law. The courts of England and Wales are to have exclusive
jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with the Open Offer, the
Prospectus or the Open Offer Application Form. By taking up New Ordinary Shares by way of their
Open Offer Entitlement, in accordance with the instructions set out in this Securities Note and, where
applicable, the Open Offer Application Form, Qualifying Shareholders irrevocably submit to the
jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales and waive any objection to proceedings in any such
court on the ground of venue or on the ground that proceedings




1.1 New Ordinary Shares are available under the Offer for Subscription at a price of 142 pence per
New Ordinary Share. The New Ordinary Shares will, when issued and fully paid, include the
right to receive all dividends or other distributions made, paid or declared, if any, by reference
to a record date after the date of their issue.
1.2 Applications to acquire New Ordinary Shares must be made on the Application Form attached
as Appendix 1 to this Securities Note or otherwise published by the Company.
1.3 Investors who are not existing Shareholders wishing to hold New Ordinary Shares in
certificated form will, in addition to completing and returning the Application Form to Link, also
need to complete and return a Tax Residency Self Certification Form. The “individual tax
residency self-certification – individuals’ form can be found at the end of this Securities Note
and further copies of this form and the relevant form for joint holdings or Corporate Entity
holdings can be requested from Link on 0371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the standard
geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside of the United Kingdom will be charged
at the applicable international rate. The helpline is open between 9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.,
Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales. Please note that Link cannot
provide any financial, legal or tax advice and calls may be recorded and monitored for security
and training purposes.
1.4 It is a condition of application that (where applicable) a completed version of that form is
provided with the Offer for Subscription Application Form before any application can be


2.1 By completing and delivering an Application Form, you, as the applicant, and, if you sign the
Application Form on behalf of another person or a corporation, that person or corporation:
(a) offer to subscribe for the amount specified in Box 1 on your Application Form, or any
smaller amount for which such application is accepted, on the terms, and subject to the
conditions, set out in this Securities Note, including these terms and conditions of
application and the Articles;
(b) agree that, in consideration for the Company agreeing that it will not offer any
New Ordinary Shares to any person other than by means of the procedures referred to
in this Securities Note, your application may not be revoked, subject to your statutory
right of withdrawal in the event of publication of a supplementary prospectus by the
Company, and that this paragraph shall constitute a collateral contract between you and
the Company which will become binding upon despatch by post to or, in the case of
delivery by hand, on receipt by the Receiving Agent of your Application Form;
(c) undertake to pay the subscription amount specified in Box 1 on your Application Form in
full on application and warrant that the remittance accompanying your Application Form
will be honoured on first presentation and agree that if such remittance is not so
honoured you will not be entitled to receive a share certificate for the New Ordinary
Shares applied for in certificated form or be entitled to commence dealing in New
Ordinary Shares applied for in uncertificated form or to enjoy or receive any rights in
respect of such New Ordinary Shares unless and until you make payment in cleared
funds for such New Ordinary Shares and such payment is accepted by the Receiving
Agent (which acceptance shall be in its absolute discretion and on the basis that you
indemnify the Receiving Agent, the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies and Alvarium
Securities against all costs, damages, losses, expenses and liabilities arising out of, or in
connection with, the failure of your remittance to be honoured on first presentation) and
the Company may (without prejudice to any other rights it may have) avoid the
agreement to allot the New Ordinary Shares and may allot them to some other person,

in which case you will not be entitled to any refund or payment in respect thereof (other
than the refund by a cheque drawn on a branch of a UK clearing bank to the bank
account name from which they were first received at your risk of any proceeds of the
remittance which accompanied your Application Form, without interest);
(d) agree that, where on your Application Form a request is made for New Ordinary Shares
to be deposited into a CREST account (a) the Receiving Agent may in its absolute
discretion amend the form so that such New Ordinary Shares may be issued in
certificated form registered in the name(s) of the holder(s) specified in your Application
Form (and recognise that the Receiving Agent will so amend the form if there is any
delay in satisfying the identity of the applicant or the owner of the CREST account or in
receiving your remittance in cleared funds); and (b) the Receiving Agent, the Company,
Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities may authorise your financial adviser or
whoever he or she may direct to send a document of title for or credit your CREST
account in respect of, the number of New Ordinary Shares for which your application is
accepted, and/or a crossed cheque for any monies returnable, by post at your risk to
your address set out on your Application Form;
(e) agree, in respect of applications for New Ordinary Shares in certificated form (or where
the Receiving Agent exercises its discretion pursuant to paragraph (d) of this paragraph
2.1 to issue New Ordinary Shares in certificated form), that any share certificate to which
you or, in the case of joint applicants, any of the persons specified by you in your
Application Form may become entitled (and any monies returnable to you) may be
retained by the Receiving Agent:
(i) pending clearance of your remittance;
(ii) pending investigation of any suspected breach of the warranties contained in
paragraphs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.8, 6.13, 6.15 or 6.16 below or any other suspected
breach of these terms and conditions of application; or
(iii) pending any verification of identity which is, or which the Receiving Agent
considers may be, required for the purpose of the Money Laundering Regulations
and any other regulations applicable thereto, and any interest accruing on such
retained monies shall accrue to and for the benefit of the Company;
(f) agree, on the request of the Receiving Agent, to disclose promptly in writing to it such
information as the Receiving Agent may request in connection with your application and
authorise the Receiving Agent to disclose any information relating to your application
which it may consider appropriate;
(g) agree that if evidence of identity satisfactory to the Receiving Agent is not provided to
the Receiving Agent within a reasonable time (in the opinion of the Receiving Agent)
following a request therefor, the Receiving Agent or the Company may terminate the
agreement with you to allot New Ordinary Shares and, in such case, the New Ordinary
Shares which would otherwise have been allotted to you may be re-allotted or sold to
some other party and the lesser of your application monies or such proceeds of sale
(as the case may be, with the proceeds of any gain derived from a sale accruing to the
Company) will be returned by a cheque drawn on a branch of a UK clearing bank to the
bank account name on which the payment accompanying the application was first
drawn without interest and at your risk;
(h) acknowledge that the key information document relating to the New Ordinary Shares
prepared by the AIFM pursuant to the UK PRIIPs Regulation can be provided to you in
paper or by means of a website, but that where you are applying under the Offer for
Subscription directly and not through an adviser or other intermediary, unless requested
in writing otherwise, the lodging of an Application Form represents your consent to being
provided the key information document via the Company’s website (www.lxireit.com) or
on such other website as has been notified to you. Where your application is made on
an advised basis or through another intermediary, the terms of your engagement should
address the means by which such key information document will be provided to you;
(i) agree that you are not applying on behalf of a person engaged in money laundering;

(j) undertake to ensure that, in the case of an Application Form signed by someone else on
your behalf, the original of the relevant power of attorney (or a complete copy certified
by a solicitor or notary) is enclosed with your Application Form together with full identity
documents for the person so signing;
(k) undertake to pay interest as described in paragraph 3.3 below if the remittance
accompanying your Application Form is not honoured on first presentation;
(l) authorise the Receiving Agent to procure that there be sent to you definitive certificates
in respect of the number of New Ordinary Shares for which your application is accepted
or if you have completed section 4 on your Application Form or, subject to paragraph
2.1(d) above, to deliver the number of New Ordinary Shares for which your application
is accepted into CREST, and/or to return any monies returnable by a cheque drawn on a
branch of a UK clearing bank to the bank account name from which such monies were
first received without interest and at your risk;
(m) confirm that you have read and complied with paragraph 8 below;
(n) agree that all subscription cheques and payments will be processed through a bank
account (the “Acceptance Account”) in the name of “LINK MARKET SERVICES
LIMITED RE LXI REIT PLC OFS A/C” opened by the Receiving Agent;
(o) agree that your Application Form is addressed to the Company and the Receiving
Agent; and
(p) agree that any application may be rejected in whole or in part at the sole discretion of
the Company.


3.1 The Receiving Agent may, on behalf of the Company, accept your offer to subscribe (if your
application is received, valid (or treated as valid), processed and not rejected) by notifying the
FCA through an RIS of the basis of allocation (in which case the acceptance will be on that
3.2 The basis of allocation will be determined by the Company in consultation with the Joint
Bookrunners. The right is reserved, notwithstanding the basis as so determined, to reject in
whole or in part and/or scale back any application. The right is reserved to treat as valid any
application not complying fully with these terms and conditions of application or not in all
respects completed or delivered in accordance with the instructions accompanying the
Application Form. In particular, but without limitation, the Company may accept an application
made otherwise than by completion of an Application Form where you have agreed with the
Company in some other manner to apply in accordance with these terms and conditions of
3.3 The Receiving Agent will present all cheques and bankers’ drafts for payment on receipt and
will retain documents of title and surplus monies pending clearance of successful applicants’
payment. The right is also reserved to reject in whole or in part, or to scale down or limit, any
application. The Receiving Agent may, as agent of the Company, require you to pay interest or
its other resulting costs (or both) if the payment accompanying your application is not
honoured on first presentation. The right is also reserved to reject in whole or in part, or to
scale down or limit, any application.
3.4 Payments must be made by cheque or banker’s draft in pounds sterling drawn on a branch in
the United Kingdom of a bank or building society that is either a member of the Cheque and
Credit Clearing Company Limited or the CHAPS Clearing Company Limited or that has
arranged for its cheques or bankers’ drafts to be cleared through the facilities provided for
members of either of those companies. Such cheques or bankers’ drafts must bear the
appropriate sort code in the top right-hand corner. Cheques, which must be drawn on the
personal account of an individual applicant where they have sole or joint title to the funds,
and crossed “A/C payee only”. Third party cheques will not be accepted with the exception of
building society cheques or bankers’ drafts where the building society or bank has inserted on
the back of the cheque/draft the full name of the building society or bank account holder and

has added the building society or bank branch stamp. The name of the building society or
bank account holder must be the same as that shown on the Application Form.
3.5 The Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion (but shall not be obliged) to accept
applications for fewer than 1,000 New Ordinary Shares or applications not otherwise in
multiples of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares.

4.1 The contracts created by the acceptance of applications (in whole or in part) under the Offer
for Subscription will be conditional upon:
(a) the Share Issuance Agreement becoming unconditional in respect of the Subsequent
Issue (save as to Subsequent Admission) and not having been terminated in
accordance with its terms prior to Subsequent Admission; and
(b) Subsequent Admission becoming effective by not later than 8.00 a.m. on 14 February
2022 (or such later time and/or date as the Joint Bookrunners and the Company may
agree, being not later than 17 February 2022).
4.2 You will not be entitled to exercise any remedy of rescission for innocent misrepresentation
(including pre-contractual representations) at any time after acceptance. This does not affect
any other right you may have.


Where application monies have been banked and/or received, if any application is not accepted in
whole, or is accepted in part only, or if any contract created by acceptance does not become
unconditional, the application monies or, as the case may be, the balance of the amount paid on
application will be returned without interest within 14 days at the risk of the person(s) entitled thereto
by returning your cheque, or by crossed cheque in your favour, by post, or, in the case of payment(s)
made electronically, by a bank transfer by means of a return credit to the remitting bank account (in
which case, please note that the processing of refunds between banks can take up to 72 hours to
complete). In the meantime, application monies will be retained by the Receiving Agent in a separate

By completing an Application Form, you:
6.1 warrant that you are not located in the United States;
6.2 undertake and warrant that, if you sign the Application Form on behalf of somebody else or on
behalf of a corporation, you have due authority to do so on behalf of that other person and
that such other person will be bound accordingly and will be deemed also to have given the
confirmations, warranties and undertakings contained in these terms and conditions of
application and undertake to enclose your power of attorney or other authority or a complete
copy thereof duly certified by a solicitor or notary;
6.3 warrant, if the laws of any territory or jurisdiction outside the UK, the Channel Islands or the
Isle of Man are applicable to your application, that you have complied with all such laws,
obtained all governmental and other consents which may be required, complied with all
requisite formalities and paid any issue, transfer or other taxes due in connection with your
application in any territory and that you have not taken any action or omitted to take any action
which will result in the Company or the Receiving Agent or any of their respective officers,
agents or employees acting in breach of the regulatory or legal requirements, directly or
indirectly, of any territory or jurisdiction outside of the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of
Man in connection with the Offer for Subscription in respect of your application;
6.4 confirm that in making an application you are not relying on any information or representations
in relation to the Company other than those contained in the Prospectus and any
supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission (on the
basis of which alone your application is made) and accordingly you agree that no person
responsible solely or jointly for the Prospectus or any supplementary prospectus published by
the Company prior to Subsequent Admission or any part thereof shall have any liability for any
such other information or representation;

6.5 warrant that, if you are a resident in South Africa, you (i) fall within the exemptions set out in
section 96(1)(a) of the South African Companies Act; or (ii) are a person who subscribes, as
principal, for shares at a minimum aggregate contemplated subscription price of
ZAR1,000,000, as envisaged in section 96(1)(b) of the South African Companies Act;
6.6 warrant that, if you are a resident in South Africa, you have obtained any necessary exchange
control approval(s) and any other regulatory approvals and that you will comply with all
necessary exchange control restrictions and other regulatory restrictions, applicable in South
6.7 agree that, having had the opportunity to read the Prospectus and any supplementary
prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission, you shall be deemed
to have had notice of all information and representations contained therein;
6.8 acknowledge that no person is authorised in connection with the Offer for Subscription to give
any information or make any representation other than as contained in the Prospectus and any
supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission and, if
given or made, any information or representation must not be relied upon as having been
authorised by the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, the AIFM, the Investment
Advisor or the Receiving Agent;
6.9 if applicable, acknowledge that Peel Hunt operates in South Africa under an exemption from
the FAIS Act and therefore, you do not have protection under the FAIS Act;
6.10 warrant that you are not under the age of 18 on the date of your application;
6.11 agree that all documents and monies sent by post to, by or on behalf of the Company or the
Receiving Agent, will be sent at your risk and, in the case of documents and returned
application cheques and payments to be sent to you, may be sent to you at your address (or,
in the case of joint holders, the address of the first-named holder) as set out in your
Application Form;
6.12 warrant that you are not applying as, or as nominee or agent of, a person who is or may be a
person mentioned in any of sections 67, 70, 93 or 96 of the Finance Act 1986 (depositary
receipt and clearance services);
6.13 confirm that you have reviewed the restrictions contained in paragraph 8 below and warrant, to
the extent relevant, that you (and any person on whose behalf you apply) comply or complied
with the provisions therein;
6.14 agree that, in respect of those New Ordinary Shares for which your Application Form has been
received and processed and not rejected, acceptance of your Application Form shall be
constituted by the Company instructing the Registrar to enter your name on the Register;
6.15 agree that all applications, acceptances of applications and contracts resulting therefrom
under the Offer for Subscription and any non-contractual obligations existing under or in
connection therewith shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
England and Wales and that you submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts and agree that
nothing shall limit the right of the Company to bring any action, suit or proceedings arising out
of or in connection with any such applications, acceptances of applications and contracts in
any other manner permitted by law or in any court of competent jurisdiction;
6.16 irrevocably authorise the Company, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities or the Receiving
Agent or any other person authorised by any of them, as your agent, to do all things necessary
to effect registration of any New Ordinary Shares subscribed by or issued to you into your
name and authorise any representatives of the Company and/or Peel Hunt and/or Jefferies
and/or Alvarium Securities and/or the Receiving Agent to execute any documents required
therefor and to enter your name on the Register;
6.17 agree to provide the Company with any information which it, Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium
Securities or the Receiving Agent may request in connection with your application or to comply
with any other relevant legislation (as the same may be amended from time to time) including
without limitation satisfactory evidence of identity to ensure compliance with the Money
Laundering Regulations;
6.18 warrant that, in connection with your application, you have observed the laws of all requisite
territories, obtained any requisite governmental or other consents, complied with all requisite

formalities and paid any issue, transfer or other taxes due in connection with your application
in any territory and that you have not taken any action which will or may result in the Company,
Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities, the AIFM, the Investment Advisor or the Receiving
Agent acting in breach of the regulatory or legal requirements of any territory in connection
with the Offer for Subscription or your application;
6.19 warrant that you are knowledgeable and experienced in business and financial matters so as
to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of an investment in the Ordinary Shares, fully
understand the risks associated with such investment and are able to bear the economic risk
of your investment including the complete loss of your investment;
6.20 agree that Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Receiving Agent are acting for the
Company in connection with the Offer for Subscription and for no-one else and that they will
not treat you as their customer by virtue of such application being accepted or owe you any
duties or responsibilities concerning the price of the New Ordinary Shares or concerning the
suitability of the New Ordinary Shares for you or be responsible to you for the protections
afforded to their customers;
6.21 warrant that the information contained in the Application Form is true and accurate;
6.22 agree that if you request that New Ordinary Shares are issued to you on a date other than
Subsequent Admission and such New Ordinary Shares are not issued on such date that the
Company and its agents and Directors will have no liability to you arising from the issue of
such New Ordinary Shares on a different date;
6.23 acknowledge that the key information document prepared by the AIFM pursuant to the
UK PRIIPs Regulation can be provided to you in paper or by means of a website, but that
where you are applying under the Offer for Subscription directly and not through an adviser or
other intermediary, unless requested in writing otherwise, the lodging of an Application Form
represents your consent to being provided the key information document via the Company’s
website (www.lxireit.com) or on such other website as has been notified to you. Where your
application is made on an advised basis or through another intermediary, the terms of your
engagement should address the means by which the key information document will be
provided to you;
6.24 acknowledge that the content of the Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus published
by the Company prior to Subsequent Admission is exclusively the responsibility of the
Company and its Directors and, to the extent stated in paragraph 11.3 of Part 7 of the
Registration Document and paragraph 7.3 of Part 4 of this Securities Note, the Investment
Advisor, and none of Peel Hunt, Jefferies or Alvarium Securities, nor any person acting on their
behalf, nor any of their affiliates, are responsible for or shall have any liability for any information
published by or on behalf of the Company and will not be liable for any decision to participate
in the Offer for Subscription based on any information, representation or statement contained
in the Prospectus or otherwise; and
6.25 acknowledge and understand that the Company may be required to comply with international
regimes for the automatic exchange of information (including FATCA and the OECD Common
Reporting Standard) and that the Company will comply with requirements to provide
information to HMRC which may be passed on to other relevant tax authorities. You agree to
furnish any information and documents the Company may from time to time request.

7.1 You agree that, in order to ensure compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations, the
Receiving Agent may at its absolute discretion require verification of identity of you as the
applicant lodging an Application Form and further may request from you and you will assist in
providing identification of:
(a) the owner(s) and/or controller(s) (the “payor”) of any bank account not in the name of
the holder(s) on which is drawn a payment by way of banker’s draft or cheque; or
(b) where it appears to the Receiving Agent that a holder or the payor is acting on behalf of
some other person or persons, such person or persons.

7.2 Failure to provide the necessary evidence of identity may result in your application being
rejected or delays in the despatch of documents or CREST account being credited.
7.3 Without prejudice to the generality of this paragraph 7, verification of the identity of holders
and payors will be required if the value of the New Ordinary Shares applied for, whether in one
or more applications considered to be connected, exceeds €15,000 (approximately £12,500).
If, in such circumstances, you use a building society cheque or banker’s draft you should
ensure that the bank or building society issuing the payment enters the name, address and
account number of the person whose account is being debited on the reverse of the cheque
or banker’s draft and adds its stamp. If, in such circumstances, the person whose account is
being debited is not a holder you will be required to provide for both the holder and payor an
original or copy of that person’s passport or driving licence certified by a solicitor and an
original or certified copy of two of the following documents, no more than 3 months old, a gas,
electricity, water or telephone (not mobile) bill, a recent bank statement or a council tax bill, in
their name and showing their current address (which originals will be returned by post at the
addressee’s risk) together with a signed declaration as to the relationship between the payor
and you, the applicant.
7.4 For the purpose of the UK’s Money Laundering Regulations, a person making an application
for New Ordinary Shares will not be considered as forming a business relationship with either
the Company or with the Receiving Agent but will be considered as effecting a one-off
transaction with either the Company or with the Receiving Agent.
7.5 The person(s) submitting an application for New Ordinary Shares will ordinarily be considered
to be acting as principal in the transaction unless the Receiving Agent determines otherwise,
whereupon you may be required to provide the necessary evidence of identity of the
underlying beneficial owner(s).


8.1 If you receive a copy of the Prospectus (including this Securities Note) or an Application Form
in any territory other than the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, you may
not treat it as constituting an invitation or offer to you, nor should you, in any event, use an
Application Form unless, in the relevant territory, such an invitation or offer could lawfully be
made to you or an Application Form could lawfully be used without contravention of any
registration or other legal requirements. It is your responsibility, if you are outside the UK, the
Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and wish to make an application for New Ordinary Shares
under the Offer for Subscription, to satisfy yourself as to full observance of the laws of any
relevant territory or jurisdiction in connection with your application, including obtaining any
requisite governmental or other consents, observing any other formalities requiring to be
observed in such territory and paying any issue, transfer or other taxes required to be paid in
such territory.
8.2 None of the New Ordinary Shares has been or will be registered under the laws of Canada,
Japan, the Republic of South Africa, Australia, Singapore or under the US Securities Act or with
any securities regulatory authority of any state or other political subdivision of the United
States, Canada, Japan, the Republic of South Africa, Singapore or Australia. Accordingly,
unless an exemption under such act or laws is applicable, the New Ordinary Shares may not
be offered, sold or delivered, directly or indirectly, into or within Canada, Japan, the Republic
of South Africa, Australia, Singapore or the United States (as the case may be). If you
subscribe for New Ordinary Shares you will, unless the Company and the Registrar agree
otherwise in writing, represent and warrant to the Company that you are not a resident of
Canada, Japan, the Republic of South Africa, Australia or the United States or a corporation,
partnership or other entity organised under the laws of the United States or Canada (or any
political subdivision of either) or Japan, the Republic of South Africa or Australia and that you
are not subscribing for such New Ordinary Shares for the account of any resident of the United
States, Canada, Japan, the Republic of South Africa or Australia and will not offer, sell,
renounce, transfer or deliver, directly or indirectly, any of the New Ordinary Shares in or into the
United States, Canada, Japan, or Australia or to any resident of the United States, Canada,
Japan, the Republic of South Africa or Australia. No application will be accepted if it shows the
applicant or a payor having an address in the United States, Canada, Japan, the Republic of
South Africa or Australia.

9.1 Each applicant acknowledges that it has been informed that, pursuant to the EU General Data
Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“EU GDPR”) and/or the EU GDPR as it forms part of the
domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the EUWA (“UK GDPR”) and the UK Data
Protection Act 2018 (as amended from time to time) (the “DP Legislation”) the Company
and/or the Registrar may hold personal data (as defined in the DP Legislation) relating to past
and present Shareholders. Personal data may be retained on record for a reasonable period
after it is no longer used (subject to any limitations on retention periods set out in applicable
law). The Registrar will process such personal data at all times in compliance with DP
Legislation and shall only process for the purposes set out in the Company’s privacy notice,
which is available for review on the Company’s website www.lxireit.com (the “Privacy Notice”),
including for the purposes set out below (collectively, the “Purposes”), being to:
(a) process the personal data to the extent and in such manner as is necessary for the
performance of its obligations under its service contract, including as required by or in
connection with the applicant’s holding of Ordinary Shares, including processing
personal data in connection with credit and money laundering checks on it;
(b) communicate with the applicant as necessary in connection with its affairs and generally
in connection with its holding of Ordinary Shares;
(c) to comply with the legal and regulatory obligations of the Company, and/or the Registrar;
(d) process the personal data for the Registrar’s internal administration.
9.2 In order to meet the Purposes, it will be necessary for the Company and the Registrar to
provide personal data to:
(a) third parties located either within, or outside of the United Kingdom (or the EEA, to the
extent that the EU GDPR applies in respect of the personal data being shared), if
necessary for the Registrar to perform its functions, or when it is necessary for its
legitimate interests, and in particular in connection with the holding of Ordinary Shares;
(b) its affiliates, the Company (in the case of the Registrar) or the Investment Advisor and
their respective associates, some of which may be located outside of the United
Kingdom (or the EEA, to the extent that the EU GDPR applies in respect of the personal
data being shared).
9.3 Any sharing of personal data by the Company or the Registrar with other parties will be carried
out in accordance with the DP Legislation and as set out in the Company’s Privacy Notice.
9.4 By becoming registered as a holder of Ordinary Shares a person becomes a data subject
(as defined in the DP Legislation). In providing the Registrar with information, each applicant
hereby represents and warrants to the Registrar that it has: (i) notified any data subject of the
Purposes for which personal data will be used and by which parties it will be used and it has
provided a copy of the Company’s Privacy Notice and any other data protection notice which
has been provided by the Company and/or the Registrar; and (ii) where consent is legally
required under applicable DP Legislation, it has obtained the consent of any data subject to
the Registrar and their respective associates holding and using their personal data for the
Purposes (including the explicit consent of the data subjects for the processing of any
sensitive personal data for the Purposes set out above in this paragraph 9).
9.5 Each applicant acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting for and
on behalf of the Company) where the applicant is a natural person he or she has read and
understood the terms of the Company’s Privacy Notice.
9.6 Each applicant acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting as
agent on behalf of the Company) where the applicant is not a natural person it represents and
warrants that:
(a) it has brought the Company’s Privacy Notice to the attention of any underlying data
subjects on whose behalf or account the applicant may act or whose personal data will

be disclosed to the Company as a result of the applicant agreeing to subscribe for
Ordinary Shares; and
(b) the applicant has complied in all other respects with all applicable data protection
legislation in respect of disclosure and provision of personal data to the Company.
9.7 Where the applicant acts for or on behalf of an underlying data subject or otherwise discloses
the person data of an underlying data subject, he/she/it shall, in respect of the personal data
it processes in relation to or arising in relation to the Offer for Subscription:
(a) comply with all applicable data protection legislation;
(b) take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful
processing of the personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or
damage to, the personal data;
(c) if required, agree with the Company and the Registrar, the responsibilities of each such
entity as regards relevant data subjects’ rights and notice requirements; and
(d) it shall immediately on demand, fully indemnify each of the Company and the Registrar
and keep them fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, demands, claims,
expenses (including legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis), losses
(including indirect losses and loss of profits, business and reputation), actions,
proceedings and liabilities of whatsoever nature arising from or incurred by the
Company and/or the Registrar in connection with any failure by the applicant to comply
with the provisions set out above.


10.1 The New Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act
or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States
and, accordingly, may not be offered or sold, re-sold, taken up, transferred, delivered or
distributed, directly or indirectly, into or within the United States.
10.2 Accordingly, the Company is not extending the Offer for Subscription into the United States and
neither the Prospectus nor the Offer for Subscription Application Form constitutes or will
constitute an offer or an invitation to apply for or an offer or an invitation to acquire any New
Ordinary Shares in the United States. Neither the Prospectus nor an Offer for Subscription
Application Form, will be sent to, and no New Ordinary Shares will be credited to any applicant
with a registered address in the United States. Offer for Subscription Application Forms sent
from or postmarked in the United States will be invalid and all persons acquiring New Ordinary
Shares and wishing to hold such New Ordinary Shares in registered form must provide an
address for registration of the New Ordinary Shares issued upon exercise thereof outside the
United States.
10.3 Any person who acquires New Ordinary Shares under the Offer for Subscription declares,
warrants and agrees, by accepting delivery of the Prospectus or the Offer for Subscription
Application Form and delivery of the New Ordinary Shares, that they are not, and that at the
time of acquiring the New Ordinary Shares they will not be, in the United States or acting on
behalf of, or for the account or benefit of a person on a non-discretionary basis in the United
States or any state of the United States.
10.4 The Company reserves the right to treat as invalid any Offer for Subscription Application Form
that appears to the Company or its agents to have been executed in, or despatched from, the
United States, or that provides an address in the United States for the receipt of New Ordinary
Shares, or where the Company believes acceptance of such Offer for Subscription Application
Form may infringe applicable legal or regulatory requirements.
10.5 The Company will not be bound to allot or issue any New Ordinary Shares to any person with
an address in, or who is otherwise located in, the United States in whose favour an Offer for
Subscription Application Form or any New Ordinary Shares may be transferred. In addition, the
Company and the Joint Bookrunners reserve the right to reject any USE instruction sent by or
on behalf of any CREST member with a registered address in the United States in respect of
the New Ordinary Shares.

11.1 The Prospectus is being made available only to such South African qualifying investors who fall
within the ambit of sections 96(1)(a), (b), or (c) of the South African Companies Act. The
information contained in the Prospectus does not constitute, nor form part of, any offer or
invitation to sell or issue, an advertisement or any solicitation of any offer or invitation to
purchase or subscribe for any New Ordinary Shares or any other securities and is not an “offer
to the public” as contemplated in the South African Companies Act. The Prospectus does not,
nor does it intend to, constitute a “registered prospectus” or an “advertisement”, as
contemplated by the South African Companies Act and the Prospectus has not been filed with
the CIPC in respect of the Open Offer. As a result, the Prospectus does not comply with the
substance and form requirements for a prospectus set out in the South African Companies Act
and the South African Companies Regulations of 2011, and has not been approved by, and/or
registered with, the CIPC.
11.2 In South Africa, only qualifying investors who fall within the ambit of sections 96(1)(a) or (b) of
the South African Companies Act may subscribe for the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the
Offer for Subscription.
11.3 The Company is not a collective investment scheme regulated by the CISCA. The information
contained in the Prospectus constitutes factual information as contemplated in section 1(3)(a)
of the FAIS Act. The Prospectus is not intended to be and does not constitute: (i) a solicitation
for investments from members of the South African public in terms of CISCA; or (ii) an express
or implied recommendation, guide or proposal that any particular transaction in respect of the
Placed Shares and the Open Offer Entitlements or in relation to the business or future
investments of the Company is appropriate to the particular investment objectives, financial
situation or needs of a prospective investor.

12.1 To the extent permitted by law, all representations, warranties and conditions, express or
implied and whether statutory or otherwise (including, without limitation, pre-contractual
representations but excluding any fraudulent representations), are expressly excluded in
relation to the New Ordinary Shares and the Offer for Subscription.
12.2 The rights and remedies of the Company and the Receiving Agent under these terms and
conditions of application are in addition to any rights and remedies which would otherwise be
available to any of them and the exercise or partial exercise of one will not prevent the exercise
of others.
12.3 The Company reserves the right to extend the closing time and/or date of the Offer for
Subscription from 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022. In that event, the new closing time and/or
date will be notified through an RIS.
12.4 The Company may terminate the Offer for Subscription in its absolute discretion at any time
prior to Subsequent Admission. If such right is exercised, the Offer for Subscription will lapse
and any monies will be returned as indicated without interest at the risk of the applicant.
12.5 You agree that Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Receiving Agent are acting for
the Company in connection with the Subsequent Issue and no-one else and that none of
Peel Hunt, Jefferies, Alvarium Securities and the Receiving Agent will treat you as its customer
by virtue of such application being accepted or owe you any duties concerning the price of
the New Ordinary Shares or concerning the suitability of the New Ordinary Shares for you or
otherwise in relation to the Offer for Subscription or for providing the protections afforded to
their customers.
12.6 Save where the context requires otherwise, terms used in these terms and conditions of
application bear the same meaning as where used elsewhere in this Securities Note.



For official use only:

LXi REIT plc

Important: before completing this form, you should read the accompanying notes.
To: Link Group
Corporate Actions
10th Floor, Central Square
29 Wellington Street
Leeds LS1 4DL

1. Application
I/We the person(s) detailed in section 3 below offer to subscribe for the amount shown in Box 1
subject to the Terms and Conditions set out in Part 8 of the Securities Note component of the
Prospectus dated 20 January 2022 and subject to the Articles of Association of the Company.
Box 1 (write in figures, the aggregate value, at the Subsequent Issue Price (being 142 pence per
Ordinary Share), of the New Ordinary Shares that you wish to apply for – a minimum of 1,000 New
Ordinary Shares (being a minimum subscription amount of £1,420) and thereafter in multiples of
1,000 New Ordinary Shares).

2. Payment Method: Cheque Bank transfer CREST Settlement – DVP

(Tick appropriate box)

3. Details of Holder(s) in whose name(s) New Ordinary Shares will be issued (BLOCK
Mr, Mrs, Miss or Title ................................................................................................................................
Forenames (in full) ...................................................................................................................................
Surname/Company Name ........................................................................................................................
Address (in full) ........................................................................................................................................
Designation (if any) ..................................................................................................................................
Date of Birth ............................................................................................................................................

Mr, Mrs, Miss or Title ................................................................................................................................

Forenames (in full) ...................................................................................................................................
Surname/Company Name ........................................................................................................................
Date of Birth ............................................................................................................................................

Mr, Mrs, Miss or Title ................................................................................................................................

Forenames (in full) ...................................................................................................................................
Surname/Company Name ........................................................................................................................
Date of Birth ............................................................................................................................................

Mr, Mrs, Miss or Title ................................................................................................................................
Forenames (in full) ...................................................................................................................................
Surname/Company Name ........................................................................................................................
Date of Birth ............................................................................................................................................

4. CREST details
(Only complete this section if New Ordinary Shares allotted are to be deposited in a CREST Account
which must be in the same name as the holder(s) given in section 3).

CREST Participant ID:

CREST Member Account ID:

5. Signature(s) all holders must sign

Execution by individuals:

First Applicant Signature Date

Second Applicant Signature Date
Third Applicant Signature Date
Fourth Applicant Signature Date

Execution by a company:
Executed by (Name of Company): Date
Name of Director: Signature Date
Name of Director/Secretary: Signature Date
If you are affixing a company seal, please Affix Company
mark a cross here: Seal here:

6. Settlement details
(a) Cheque/Banker’s Draft
If you are subscribing for New Ordinary Shares and paying by cheque or banker’s draft pin or
staple to this form your cheque or banker’s draft for the exact amount shown in Box 1 made
banker’s drafts must be drawn on an account at a branch of a bank or building society in the
United Kingdom and must bear the appropriate sort code in the top right-hand corner.

(b) Bank transfer

For applicants sending subscription monies by electronic bank transfer (CHAPS), payment
must be made for value by 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022 directly into the bank account
detailed below. The payment instruction must also include a unique reference comprising your
name and a contact telephone number which should be entered in the reference field on the
payment instruction, for example, MJ SMITH 01234 567 8910
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-80-12
Account No: 22451568
The Receiving Agent cannot take responsibility for correctly identifying payments without a
unique reference nor where a payment has been received but without an accompanying
application form.
Payments in electronic form must come from a UK bank account and from a personal account
in the name of the individual investors where they have sole or joint title to the funds. The

account name should be the same as that inserted Box 3 of the Application Form. Payments
must relate solely to your Application.
Where an electronic transfer is being made, Link may require a recent bank statement showing
the payment being made to confirm source of funds. If a CHAPS payment is over €15,000 Link
may also require a certified copy of your passport and a recent utility bill for identification

(c) CREST Settlement

If you so choose to settle your application within CREST, that is by DVP, you or your settlement
agent/custodian’s CREST account must allow for the delivery and acceptance of New Ordinary
Shares to be made against payment of the Subsequent Issue Price, following the CREST
matching criteria set out below:
Trade date: 10 February 2022
Settlement date: 14 February 2022
Company: LXi REIT plc
Security description: Ordinary Shares of £0.01 each
CREST message type: DEL
Should you wish to settle by DVP, you will need to input your CREST DEL instructions to
Link’s Participant account RA06 by no later than 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022.
You must also ensure that you or your settlement agent/custodian has a sufficient “debit cap”
within the CREST system to facilitate settlement in addition to your/its own daily trading and
settlement requirements.
Applicants wishing to settle by DVP will still need to complete and submit a valid Application
Form by the 11.00 a.m. deadline. You should tick the relevant box in section 2.
Note: Link will not take any action until a valid DEL message has been alleged to the
Participant account by the applicant.
No acknowledgement of receipt or input will be provided.
In the event of late/non settlement the Company reserves the right to deliver New Ordinary
Shares outside of CREST in certificated form provided that payment has been made in terms
satisfactory to the Company and all other conditions of the Offer for Subscription have been

Notes on how to complete the Offer for Subscription Application Form
Applications should be returned so as to be received by Link no later than 11.00 a.m. on
9 February 2022.
In addition to completing and returning the Application Form to Link, if you are not an existing
Shareholder you will also need to complete and return a Tax Residency Self Certification Form if you
wish to hold New Ordinary Shares in certificated form. The “individual tax residency self-certification
– individuals” form can be found at the end of this Securities Note (Appendix 2). Further copies of
this form and the relevant form for joint holdings or corporate entity holdings can be requested from
Link by calling the Helpline number below.

It is a condition of application that (where applicable) a completed version of the Tax

Residency Self Certification Form is provided with the Application Form before any application
can be accepted.
Helpline: If you have a query concerning the completion of this Application Form, please telephone
Link on 0371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider.
Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is
open between 9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and
Wales. Please note that Link cannot provide any financial, legal or tax advice and calls may be
recorded and monitored for security and training purposes.

1. Application
Fill in (in figures) in Box 1 the aggregate value, at the Subsequent Issue Price (being 142 pence per
New Ordinary Share), of the number of New Ordinary Shares being subscribed for. The number
being subscribed for must be a minimum of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares (being a minimum
subscription amount of £1,420) and thereafter in multiples of 1,000 New Ordinary Shares. Financial
intermediaries who are investing on behalf of clients should make separate applications for each

2. Payment method
Mark in the relevant box to confirm your payment method, i.e. cheque/banker’s draft, bank transfer or
settlement via CREST.

3. Holder details
Fill in (in block capitals) the full name(s) of each holder and the address of the first named holder.
Applications may only be made by persons aged 18 or over. In the case of joint holders only the first
named may bear a designation reference. A maximum of four joint holders is permitted. All holders
named must sign the Application Form in section 5.

If you wish your New Ordinary Shares to be deposited in a CREST account in the name of the
holders given in section 3, enter in section 4 the details of that CREST account. Where it is requested
that New Ordinary Shares be deposited into a CREST account please note that payment for such
New Ordinary Shares must be made prior to the day such New Ordinary Shares might be allotted
and issued.

5. Signature
All holders named in section 3 must sign section 5 and insert the date. The Application Form may be
signed by another person on behalf of each holder if that person is duly authorised to do so under
a power of attorney. The power of attorney (or a copy duly certified by a solicitor or a bank) must be
enclosed for inspection (which originals will be returned by post at the addressee’s risk).
A corporation should sign under the hand of a duly authorised official whose representative capacity
should be stated and a copy of a notice issued by the corporation authorising such person to sign
should accompany the Application Form.

6. Settlement details
(a) Cheque/Banker’s draft
All payments by cheque or banker’s draft must accompany your application and be for the
exact amount inserted in Box 1 of the Application Form. Your cheque or banker’s draft must be

of an Application and crossed “A/C Payee Only”. Applications accompanied by a post-dated
cheque will not be accepted.
Cheques or banker’s drafts must be drawn on an account where the applicant has sole or
joint-title to the funds and on an account at a branch of a bank or building society in the United
Kingdom which is either a settlement member of the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company
Limited or the CHAPS Clearing Company Limited or which is a member of either of the
Committees of Scottish or Belfast clearing houses or which has arranged for its cheques and
banker’s drafts to be cleared through the facilities provided by any of those companies or
committees and must bear the appropriate sort code in the top right hand corner.
Third party cheques may not be accepted, with the exception of building society cheques or
banker’s drafts where the building society or bank has inserted on the back of the cheque the
full name of the building society or bank account holder and have added the building society
or bank branch stamp. The name of the building society or bank account holder must be the
same as the name of the current shareholder or prospective investor. Please do not send cash.
Cheques or banker’s drafts will be presented for payment upon receipt. The Company reserves
the right to instruct the Receiving Agent to seek special clearance of cheques and banker’s
drafts to allow the Company to obtain value for remittances at the earliest opportunity.

(b) Bank transfer

For applicants sending subscription monies by electronic bank transfer (CHAPS), payment
must be made for value by 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022 directly into the bank account
detailed below. The payment instruction must also include a unique reference comprising your
name and a contact telephone number which should be entered in the reference field on the
payment instruction, for example, MJ SMITH 01234 567 8910
Sort Code: 30-80-12
Account No: 22451568
The Receiving Agent cannot take responsibility for correctly identifying payments without a
unique reference nor where a payment has been received but without an accompanying
application form.
Payments in electronic form must come from a UK bank account and from a personal account
in the name of the individual investor where they have sole or joint title to the funds. The
account name should be the same as that inserted in Box 3 of the application form. Payments
must relate solely to your Application.
Where an electronic transfer is being made, Link may require a recent bank statement showing
the payment being made to confirm source of funds. If a CHAPS payment is over €15,000 Link
may also require a certified copy of your passport and a recent utility bill for identification

(c) CREST settlement

The Company will apply for the New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Offer for
Subscription in uncertificated form to be enabled for CREST transfer and settlement with effect
from Subsequent Admission (the “Relevant Settlement Date”). Accordingly, settlement of
transactions in the New Ordinary Shares will normally take place within the CREST system.
The Application Form contains details of the information which the Company’s Receiving
Agent, Link, will require from you in order to settle your application within CREST, if you so
choose. If you do not provide any CREST details or if you provide insufficient CREST details for
Link to match to your CREST account, Link will deliver your New Ordinary Shares in certificated
form provided payment has been made in terms satisfactory to the Company.
The right is reserved to issue your New Ordinary Shares in certificated form should the
Company, having consulted with Link, consider this to be necessary or desirable. This right is
only likely to be exercised in the event of any interruption, failure or breakdown of CREST or
any part of CREST or on the part of the facilities and/or system operated by Link in connection
with CREST.

The person named for registration purposes in your Application Form must be: (a) the person
procured by you to subscribe for or acquire the New Ordinary Shares; or (b) yourself; or
(c) a nominee of any such person or yourself, as the case may be. Neither Link nor the
Company will be responsible for any liability to stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax resulting
from a failure to observe this requirement. You will need to input the delivery versus payment
(“DVP”) instructions into the CREST system in accordance with your application. The input
returned by Link of a matching or acceptance instruction to our CREST input will then allow the
delivery of your New Ordinary Shares to your CREST account against payment of the
Subsequent Issue Price through the CREST system upon the Relevant Settlement Date.
By returning your Application Form you agree that you will do all things necessary to ensure
that you or your settlement agent/custodian’s CREST account allows for the delivery and
acceptance of New Ordinary Shares to be made prior to 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022
against payment of the Subsequent Issue Price. Failure by you to do so will result in you being
charged interest at the rate of two percentage points above the then published bank base rate
of a clearing bank selected by Link.
To ensure that you fulfil this requirement it is essential that you or your settlement
agent/custodian follow the CREST matching criteria set out below:
Trade date: 10 February 2022
Settlement date: 14 February 2022
Company: LXi REIT plc
Security description: Ordinary Shares of £0.01 each
CREST message type: DEL
Should you wish to settle by DVP, you will need to input your CREST DEL instructions to Link’s
Participant account RA06 by no later than 11.00 a.m. on 9 February 2022.
You must also ensure that you or your settlement agent/custodian has a sufficient “debit cap” within
the CREST system to facilitate settlement in addition to your/its own daily trading and settlement
Applicants wishing to settle by DVP will still need to complete and submit a valid Application Form by
the 11.00 a.m. deadline. You should tick the relevant box in section 2.
Note: Link will not take any action until a valid DEL message has been alleged to the Participant
account by the applicant.
No acknowledgement of receipt or input will be provided.
In the event of late CREST settlement, the Company, after having consulted with Link, reserves the
right to deliver New Ordinary Shares outside CREST in certificated form provided payment has been
made in terms satisfactory to the Company and all other conditions in relation to the Offer for
Subscription have been satisfied.

7. Contact details
To ensure the efficient and timely processing of your Application Form, please provide contact details
of a person the Company (or any of its agents) may contact with all enquiries concerning your
Application. Ordinarily this contact person should be the person signing in section 5 on behalf of the
first named holder. If no details are entered here and the Company (or any of its agents) requires
further information, any delay in obtaining that additional information may result in your application
being rejected or revoked.




Tax Residency Self-Certification Form (Individuals)

A separate form is required for each holder
Company that shares are held in: * LXI REIT PLC
Investor code *
Name: *
Registered Address: *
If your address has changed, then
you will need to notify us separately.
See the questions and answers.
Tax Residence Address
Only if different to your registered
address above.
Date of Birth *
Country/Countries of Residence for Tax Purposes
Country of residence for tax purposes Tax Identification Number
In the UK this would be your NI number
1* 1*
2 2
3 3
4 4
US Citizen
Please mark the box ONLY if you are a US Citizen (see definition below)
Declarations and Signature
I acknowledge that the information contained in this form and information regarding my shares may
be reported to the local tax authority and exchanged with tax authorities of another country or
countries in which I may be tax resident where those countries have entered into Agreements to
exchange Financial Account information.
I undertake to advise the Company within 30 days of any change in circumstances which causes
the information contained herein to become incorrect and to provide the Company with a suitably
updated Declaration within 30 days of such change in circumstances.
I certify that I am the shareholder (or I am authorised to sign for the shareholder**). If this relates
to a joint holding, I also acknowledge that as a joint holder I may be reported to the relevant tax
authority if all the other holders do not provide a Tax Residency Self-Certification.
I declare that all statements made in this declaration are, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
correct and complete.

Signature: *

Print Name: *

Date: *

Daytime telephone number/

email address ***
* Mandatory field
** If signing under a power of attorney, please also attach a certified copy of the power of attorney.
*** We will only contact you if there is a question around the completion of the self- certification form.

The law requires that Financial Institutions collect, retain and report certain information about their
account holders, including the account holder’s tax residency.
Please complete the form above and provide any additional information requested.
If your declared country/countries of residence for tax purposes is not the same as that of the
Financial Institution and is either the US or is on the OECD list of countries which have agreed to
exchange information (http://www.oecd.org/tax/transparency/AEOI-commitments.pdf), the Financial
Institution will be obliged to share this information with its local tax authority who may then share it
with other relevant local tax authorities.
Failure to validly complete and return this form will result in you being reported onwards to the
relevant local tax authority. Additionally, if this form has been issued in conjunction with an application
for a new holding, then your application may be adversely impacted.
Definitions of terms used in this form can be found below.
If your registered address (or name) has changed, then you must advise us separately. Any details
you enter in the “Tax Residence Address” will be used for tax purposes only and will not be used to
update your registered details.
If any of the information about your tax residency changes, you are required to provide the Company
with a new, updated, self-certification form within 30 days of such change in circumstances.


All joint holders are treated as separate holders for these tax purposes and every joint holder is
required to give an Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification. If any one or more is reportable, the
value of the whole shareholding will be reported for all joint shareholder(s).
If we do not receive the self-certification from each joint shareholder, then the whole holding will be
treated as undocumented and all holders (including those who have completed the self-certification
form) will be reported to the relevant tax authorities.
If you have any remaining questions about how to complete this form or about how to
determine your tax residency status you should contact your tax adviser.

The OECD Common Reporting Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information
(“The Common Reporting Standard”) http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/common-
reporting-standard/ contains definitions for the terms used within it. However, the following definitions
are for general guidance only to help you in completing this form.

“Account Holder”
The Account Holder is either the person(s) whose name(s) appears on the share register of a
Financial Institution. Or where Link holds the shares on your behalf, the person whose name appears
on the register of entitlement that Link maintains.

“Country/Countries of residence for tax purposes”

You are required to list the country or countries in which you are resident for tax purposes, together
with the tax reference number which has been allocated to you, often referred to as a
tax identification number (TIN). Special circumstances (such as studying abroad, working
overseas, or extended travel) may cause you to be resident elsewhere or resident in more than one
country at the same time (dual residency). The country/countries in which you might be obliged to
submit a tax return are likely to be your country/countries of tax residence. If you are a US citizen or
hold a US passport or green card, you will also be considered tax resident in the US even if you live
outside the US.

“Tax Identification Number or TIN”

The number used to identify the shareholder in the country of residence for tax purposes.
Different countries (or jurisdictions) have different terminology for this and could include such as a
National Insurance number, social security number or resident registration number. Some jurisdictions

that do issue TINs have domestic law that does not require the collection of the TIN for domestic
reporting purposes so that a TIN is not required to be completed by a shareholder resident in such
jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN or do not issue a TIN to all residents.

“US Citizen”
l All US citizens. An individual is a citizen if that person was born in the United States or if the
individual has been naturalized as a US citizen.
l You can also be a US citizen, even if born outside the United States if one or both of your
parents are US citizens.
If you have any questions about these definitions or require further details about how to
complete this form then please contact your tax adviser.



Why are you writing to me and asking for a “Tax Residency Self Certification”?
The governments of more than 90 countries around the world have agreed to exchange tax related
information. These governments have passed similar sets of laws to enable the Automatic Exchange
of Information (“AEOI”). The full list of countries involved can be seen at:
Additionally, the United States has over 100 similar agreements with many countries referred to as the
‘Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act’.
The legislation can vary slightly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but at a high level, it requires Financial
Institutions to:
l Identify existing Holders that may be resident (for tax purposes) in other participating
jurisdictions. Then contact any such Holders and request that they complete a “Tax Residency
Self Certification” form.
l Obtain a “Tax Residency Self Certification” form for all new Holders.
l Identify holders who move from one jurisdiction to another and request that they complete a
“Tax Residency Self Certification” form.
l Identify Holders who have payments sent to a different jurisdiction.
l Submit a return to the Financial Institution’s “local” tax authority on an annual basis. As an
example for a company incorporated in the UK, then the local tax authority would be HM
Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
l Follow up on any non responders at least annually for at least 3 years.
The “local” tax authority will pass information onto the tax authority in the relevant jurisdiction. As an
example the tax authority in the US is the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”), so HMRC will exchange
information with the IRS.

Where can I find out more information about the legislation?

The legislation is quite complex and you may wish to speak to your tax adviser.
The web site of your local tax authority will contain more information e.g. HMRC for the UK; the IRS
for the US; Jersey Income Tax Department for Jersey, etc.
Additionally, the web site of The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
gives further information.

What happens if I do not complete the form?

In the annual report that the Financial Institution sends to their local tax authority you will be shown
as ‘Undocumented’.
The local tax authority will collate the responses from all of its financial institutions and pass that
information onto the relevant local tax authority for the jurisdictions identified.
Link is not able to comment on what action the tax authority for the jurisdiction will take.

What if I am a Tax Resident in 2 or more countries?
The self-certification form allows for up to 4 tax residencies to be recorded.

I do not pay tax or I do not know which country I am tax resident in

Please refer to your local tax authority or tax adviser.

I do not have a tax identification number

Please refer to your local tax authority or tax adviser.
Note that different countries call their tax identification numbers using alternative terminology. As an
example in the UK it would be a National Insurance number.

I have already completed a W8 or W9 form. Do I still need to complete a “Tax Residency Self
Yes. The US legislation governing W8/W9 forms overlaps with US FATCA legislation.

What is classed as my Tax Residence Address?

Please refer to your local tax authority or tax adviser.
In addition, you may wish to consider: where you are a citizen with a passport; your residential home
address in a country and unrestricted right of entry back into that country once you depart.

Joint Holders
When there are multiple holders on an account, then every joint holder must complete a
Tax Residency Self Certification and every joint holder will receive a letter in their own right. The letter
will be sent to the registered address recorded for the holding.
Joint holders are treated as separate holders for these tax purposes. If any one of the joint holders
is reportable, the value of the whole shareholding will be reported for all of the joint shareholder(s).
If we do not receive a validly completed self-certification for each joint shareholder, the whole
shareholding will be treated as “undocumented” and all shareholders (including those who have
completed the self-certification form) will be reported to the relevant tax authorities.

Can I use the Self Certification Form to change the registered address?
No. If your address has changed, then you must advise Link separately.
A change of address for can be downloaded from: www.linkgroup.eu
Any details you enter in the “Tax Residence Address” will be used for tax purposes only and will not
be used to update your registered details.

Can I use the Self Certification Form to advise of a Change of Name?

No. You must advise Link separately.
For more information, see www.linkgroup.eu

Can I use the Self Certification Form to advise of a Change of Name?

No. You must advise Link separately.
For more information, see www.linkgroup.eu

Can I use the Self Certification Form to advise of the death of a holder, or registration of a
power of Attorney?
No. You must advise Link separately. For more information, see www.linkgroup.eu

How do I contact Link, to advise of a change of address or any other changes to my account?
Share Holder Portal: www.linkgroup.eu
Telephone: 0871 664 0300
+44 (0) 371 664 0300 (international)
Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary
by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at
the applicable international rate. We are open between
08:00 - 17:30, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in
England and Wales.
Address: PO Box 518, Darlington, DL1 9XP, United Kingdom

I would like future dividends paid into a different bank account

Contact Link. For more information, see www.linkgroup.eu

I have given a different address for tax purposes, will the registered address of my share
holding be altered?
No. The details on the Self Certification form are for tax purposes only. If you want to alter any of the
registered details relating to your investment then you need to inform Link. For more information, see

I have recently sold all of the shares, do I still need to complete a Self-Certification form?
Yes. Your account will be reportable in the current year, but will be cease to be reportable in
subsequent years.

Linkway Financial Printers
Typeset & Printed in London (UK) 17390c

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