LeongYanCHOI TMKT601

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Leong Yan Choi TMKT601


1. Current Situation Analysis
1.1. Market Summary
1.1.1. Market Environment and Size
TABLE OF Geographics Demographics
CONTENTS Behaviour Factors
1.1.2. Market Trends
1.1.3. Market Needs
1.1.4. Market Growth
1.2. Competition
1.3. SWOT Analysis
1.3.1. Strengths
1.3.2. Weaknesses
1.3.3. Opportunities
1.3.4. Threats
1.4. Product Offering
1.5. Keys to Success
1.6. Critical Issues

2. Marketing Strategy
2.1. Mission
2.2. Marketing Objectives
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Target Markets
2.5. Positioning

3. Marketing Program
3.1. Product Strategy
3.2. Pricing Strategy
3.3. Communications and Influence Strategy
3.4. Channel Strategy

4. Implementation and
Marketing Controls
4.1. Implementation
4.2. Marketing Organisation
4.3. Contingency Planning

5. Reference

1. Current Situation

1.1. Market Summary

1.2. Competition
1.3. SWOT Analysis
1.4. Product Offering
1.5. Keys to Success
1.6. Critical Issues
Commercial gym has dominated the market for
decades. The reason is simple: few people had
essential knowledge to choose what equipment
suit them the best. Gym companies provide one-
stop services, offering training equipment, offering
training sessions and providing personal trainers
on request. People get used to this mode of
physical training.

Not until COVID-19 did people wake up due to the

closure of commercial gym. People began to
explore alternative way out. The lockdown policy
developed peoples’ habit on searching for first-
hand review from social media, as shops were
closed and people had no choice to take a trial
except witnessing others’ review video. The curse
of COVID-19 on the economy of Australia may
become a blessing to bring revolutionary change to
gym workout.

Urban lives are always busy. People exchange their

health for wealth. Disease like cardiovascular
disease, osteoporosis and diabetes are commonly
seen in major cities. People feel helpless to the
situation. Thanks to the advance in technology
and years of experience gathered from gym
workout, Vitruvian is invented to provide a
complete solution for personalized strength
training experience with instant feedback and
weight adjustment according to the training pace.
Totally time-flexible courses and training sessions
are offered through the lifetime membership.

Market Environment Geographics
Australia has the population of 25.9 million, with the annual growth rate of
and Size
1.1% (290,900)1. Capital cities not only accommodate and support
peoples’ everyday living, but also concentrate purchasing power from
working classes.
Population Population residing in Population aged 20-64
(Percentage of population in capital cities in capital cities
Australia) (Percentage of the province) (Percentage of the cities)
New South Wales 8,153,584 5,231,147 3,206,693
(32%) (64.8%) (61.3%)
Victoria 6,613,727 4,917,750 3,014,642
(26%) (75.6%) (61.3%)
Queensland 5,322,058 2,526,238 1,515,743
(20%) (49.0%) (60.0%)
South Australia 1,820,530 1,387,290 817,113
(7%) (77.9%) (58.9%)
Western Australia 2,785,312 2,116,647 1,265,815
(10%) (79.6%) (59.8%)
Tasmania 571,517 247,086 155,233
(2%) (44.3%) (62.8%)
Northern Territory 250,635 139,902 90,936
(1%) (60.1%) (65.0%)
Australian Capital 456,652 453,890 283,681
Territory (2%) (99.9%) (62.5%)
Total 25,978,935 17,019,950 10,349,856
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, National, state and territory population & Regional populations by age and sex, 2022, Data collected in 2021.

Number of fracture cases due to osteopo rosis and osteopenia has increased 30% over the last ten years2.
It’s medical cost was over 2,300 million dollars in 20173. Lackage of weight bearing exercise is one of the
major causes of osteoporosis.

1Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) National, state and territory population

2Osteoporosis Australia (2022), Osteoporosis costing all Australians A new burden of disease analysis
3Gemma Tatangelo et Al. (2019), The Cost of Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Associated Fractures in Australia in 2017.

Market Environment Demographics and Size
Capital cities are places where most
business activities occur. Being
nourished by the technology
advancement on communication,
and boosted by the COVID-19
Pandemic, working classes
population with working-from-
home (WFH) arrangement shows
tremendous increase during the
last two census4 in 2016 and 2021

The percentage of people

worked from home in
capital cities was double
to those outside capital
cities5. While nearly all
restrictive measures were
cancelled by the end of
2022, the average WFH
days in Australia were still
very high6. This indicates
that companies have
generally adopted
regular WFH

4The Guardian (2022), More than one in five Australian employees worked from home at height of 2021 lockdowns, census shows.
5Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 2021 Census: 2.5 million people working from home on Census day
6Statista (2023) Average working from home (WFH) days in the last two weeks in Australia in March 2022 and September 2022, by occupation.

Market Environment Demographics and Size
As recommended by the 2014 physical activity guidelines7 , people aged 18-64 should have at least five
days a week the following degree of physical activities:

- 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity, or

- 75-150 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity, or combination of both.

The guidelines also recommend people aged 18-64 years have strength or toning exercise at least 2 days
per week. In Australia, the prevalence of insufficient physical activities among adults is at worrisome level8.
In 2017, ranging from 40% to over 70% of Australian people of different age groups do not have sufficient
physical activities.

The situation became even

worse that in 2020-2021, less
than 25% of Australian met
the guidelines across all age
groups. The statistics reveals
that the low guideline meeting
percentage was due to the fact
that less than 40% have
enough strength or toning
activities, contributing to the
obviously low guideline
meeting percentage . 9

7Department of Health and Aged Care (2021), Physical activity and exercise guidelines for all Australians.
8Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022) Insufficient physical activity.
9Australia Bureau of Statistics (2022) Physical activity - Contains key statistics and information about exercise and physical activity within Australia.

Market Environment Demographics and Size
Monthly working hours directly affects the spare time for physical exercise. From the
statistics of ABS, the working hours increases about one-fifth over the last ten years,
from just 1,600 hours/month in 2012 to about 1,900 hours/month in 2022.

The decrease in working hours in 2019 and 2020 was due to lockdown measures
against COVID-19. Lockdown measures shifts the office working hours into WFH.
However, WFH cause the problem of sufficient physical exercise more severe,
especially gym work out11.

Survey shows that more than 1.2 million

Aussies are overspending on their
membership, costing $5.4 million per year12.

Nearly a third of gym-goers (32%) did not

work out more than once a week. 8% of gym-
goers just work out once a year or they even
never go to gym in the whole.

10AustraliaBureau of Statistics (2022) Labour Force, Australia.

11Clearinghouse for Sport (2021) Ongoing impact of COVID-19 on sport and physical activity participation June 2021 update
12Finder (2022) Gym bunny or wasting money? Aussies overspending $5.4 million on gym memberships.

Market Environment Behaviour Factors and Size
Internet surfer
In 2021, there were 4.2 billions of active social media users in the world with
the increasing rate of 13.2% annually. This number was nearly a double to
five years ago in 201613.

As of 2020, more than 18 million Gym membership donor

Australian were social media users. Survey shows women (24%) are more likely to have a gym
Australian adults spent at least 88 hours membership than men (16%) (The Finder). The finding shows
and 54 minutes a month on the internet, that the Generation Y (born in 1981-1996) is the most willing
with the age group of 35-44 being the to spend on gym membership. They paid double as what
most active internet users14. generation X (1965-1980) is paying.
Average spending time on the internet
Living in other’s eyes
18-24 88 hours and 54 minutes A survey was done to study what factors can boost the
25-34 122 hours and 25 minutes confidence (but not necessarily performance) at gym15. The
top seven factors confidence booster because they all affect
35-44 150 hours and 48 minutes your perception in other gym users’ eyes. Doing gym
45-54 146 hours and 58 minutes exercise at home, on the other hand, will face no such
55-64 117 hours and 1 minute
65+ 99 hours and 42 minutes

13DataReportal (2021) Digital 2021: Global Overview Report.

14RedSearch (2022) Australian Internet Statistics 2022.
15Men’s Health (2018) These Are the Most Common Reasons People Skip Workouts.

Current Situation
1.1.3. Market Needs Analysis
As we discussed prior,
Muscle Strengthening
Activities (MSA) is
necessary for a health

However, Australian
adults have insufficient
MSA16 in all age
groups, irrespective of

Neither do the physical

demand of the work in
Australia helps the situation.
Survey data shows at in 2020-
2021 (ABS 9), only less than
20% of working population in
all age groups have heavy
physically demanding work.
There is an urgent need of
MSA to improve the health of

Of all major kinds of MSA,

which include gym workouts,
running, swimming,
foot/soccer and cycling, gym
workout is of the top two-
most priority activity
demanded by Australian, as
reflected by their preference.

16Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2020) Muscle strengthening activities among Australian adults.

Current Situation
1.1.4. Market Growth Analysis
In a survey on the global
fitness equipment market
size conducted in 2022, it
forecasted that from
2020 to 2027, the
Compound Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR) of
Asia Pacific Region,
which includes Australia,
would be 5.2%17 .

Source: Market Decipher, 2020

5.4%* of the population aged between 20-45 living in

capital cities of NSW, VIC, QLD and WA are our target

Ages TAM SAM 5.4%* of SAM =

Australian Australian SOM
people that lives people that lives
in capital cities in capital cities
(Age 20-64) (Age 20-45)

20-24 572,879 572,879

25-29 624,802 624,802

30-34 754,722 754,722

35-39 731,720 731,720

40-44 571,537 571,537

45-49 521,503 TAM

50-54 528,882 5.13 million

55-59 429,826
60-64 391,901
3.26 million
Total 5,127,772 3,255,660 175,806

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, National, state and territory population & Regional populations
by age and sex, 2022, Data collected in 2021.
* Roy Morgan(2019), Helix Personas, Predicting Consumer Behavior, Population Percentage of the
selected segments
175.8 k

17 Market Decipher (2022) Home Fitness Equipment Market Size, Share, Trend Analysis and Forecast Report, 2022 – 2032
18 Roy Morgan (2019), Helix Personas, Predicting Consumer Behavior

Current Situation
1.2. Competition Analysis
On the current market, majority of muscle strengthening equipment for home usage have
very limited or no “smart” functions. Three brands, with one leading brand in the world
market are listed as the major competitors for smart muscle strengthening equipment.

Brand Origin Main Features Good in Weak at Checklists

Vitruvian Australia ₋ 440lbs magnetic ₋ Excellent maximum weight ₋ No music in classes  Convenient
resistance resistance ₋ Heavy in weight  Beginner-
₋ App provide 200+ ₋ One setting for all kinds of friendly
exercise muscle training  Personalized
₋ Update through app ₋ Magnetic resistance enables  Budget-
₋ Progress tracking 1000 finest and accurate friendly
function adjustment per second  Accessibility
₋ 200+ exercise ₋ Versatile accessories included  Space Saving
₋ One hand system to in basic package  Time Efficient
change accessories ₋ Convenient in accessory
₋ Mood-lighting changing
₋ Auto working-voltage ₋ Display screen can be
shift mirrored onto any kind of
modern TV models
₋ Totally portable and compact
₋ Lifetime membership
₋ Continuous updates via app
₋ Shipping to other countries
Tonal USA ₋ 200 lbs maximum ₋ Occupy very little floor space ₋ The supporting frame has to be  Convenient
weight resistance ₋ Smart AI automatically adjusts adjusted manually for different  Beginner-
₋ Thousands of weights and makes workout muscle training. friendly
workouts recommendations ₋ Not designed for systematic  Personalized
₋ Instant body form ₋ Exercise Log deadlift and squat training  Budget-
feedback ₋ Expensive friendly
₋ Real-time dynamic ₋ All accessories are charged  Accessibility
weight resistance separately  Space Saving
₋ Expert coaching ₋ Not portable at all  Time Efficient
₋ Shipping to USA only
Tempo USA ₋ 255 lbs maximum ₋ The weights are connected ₋ Ample floor space is needed  Convenient
weight resistance wirelessly to the machine. ₋ Limited 3D sensor detective  Beginner-
₋ Provision of classes ₋ Real-time body form tracking range and area friendly
and trainers by 3D sensors ₋ The weight is for leisure  Personalized
₋ Instant body form ₋ Fancy touch screen purpose only  Budget-
feedback ₋ Exercise log ₋ Limited workout sessions friendly
available on App.  Accessibility
₋ Shipping to USA only  Space Saving
 Time Efficient
STRONGether China ₋ 240 lbs maximum ₋ Packed size is minimal ₋ Super heavy in weight  Convenient
weight resistance ₋ With internal Bluetooth ₋ Start-up package has only eight  Beginner-
₋ About 100 sets of speaker free lessons friendly
training moves ₋ Manual weight resistance  Personalized
₋ Live and online adjustment  Budget-
coaching ₋ Shipping to China only friendly
 Accessibility
 Space Saving
 Time Efficient

4The Guardian (2022), More than one in five Australian employees worked from home at height of 2021 lockdowns, census shows.
5Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 2021 Census: 2.5 million people working from home on Census day
6Statista (2023) Average working from home (WFH) days in the last two weeks in Australia in March 2022 and September 2022, by occupation.

Current Situation
1.3. SWOT Analysis Analysis
− Intelligent magnetic resistance
The resistance responds to the user in real time,
loading and deloading the optimal weight up to
1000 times per second
− Small and compact
Portable with all strength training functions and
relatively small compared to competitors, easy to OPPORTUNITES:
move with wheels − Exponential expansion of online
− Quick connectors - One hand system spending habit
A custom designed system enables the user to Global delivery is accepted with 110V
change and attach straps, bars, handles, and other and 220V models to suit the
accessories by one-hand designated countries.
− One membership allows unlimited profiles − Era of online sharing and experience
Members are able to share the equipment to their exchange
family and friendsLifetime membership The record of achievement can be
− Lifetime membership shared easily to social platform and
Members are able to share the equipment to their the built-in health training
family and friends community in the Trainer+ app

− No franchised store − Showroom is located at other shops
Limited access for a trial play Control in rental expenditure is
− Heavy passive
− Without speaker − Lack of Fancy visual effect
− Uncertainty with the cooperation

4The Guardian (2022), More than one in five Australian employees worked from home at height of 2021 lockdowns, census shows.
5Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 2021 Census: 2.5 million people working from home on Census day
6Statista (2023) Average working from home (WFH) days in the last two weeks in Australia in March 2022 and September 2022, by occupation.

Current Situation
1.3. SWOT Analysis Analysis
Vitruvian is designed to for a real smart muscle strengthening equipment.
Its unique design feature definitely pin-point the weakness and outcompete
other major competitors on the strength part:

Outcompeting target competitor

Unique specification
Tonal Tempo STRONGether

440 lbs maximum weight resistance

One setting for all kinds of muscle training

Magnetic resistance adjustment capable for 1000

finest and accurate adjustment per second

Versatile accessories included in the basic


One-hand-system to change accessories

Display screen can be mirrored onto any kind of

modern TV models

Totally portable and compact size

Lifetime membership

Continuous update of new functions

1.4. Product Offering

With edge-cutting technology in real time
performance tracking, the probable Vitruvian offers
the most accurate, finest personalized feedback
adjustment just like a personal body trainer standing
by next to user at any time. Performance logs in
user profile allows experience sharing of workout
and continue training pace at anywhere.
Diversifying choices of constantly updating
premium fitness courses and training sessions
shapes the Vitruvian the best cost-effective smart
MSA training equipment with its lifetime
membership and provision of tailor-made gym
workout experience at all homes in the Australian
fitness market.
4The Guardian (2022), More than one in five Australian employees worked from home at height of 2021 lockdowns, census shows.
5Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 2021 Census: 2.5 million people working from home on Census day
6Statista (2023) Average working from home (WFH) days in the last two weeks in Australia in March 2022 and September 2022, by occupation.

Current Situation
1.4. Product Offering Analysis
Value to user
Convenient Budget-friendly
Functional Value: Save times, Simplifies Functional Value: Reduces cost
Portable with all strength training functions, easy Emotional Value: Design
to move with wheels. It can be used in all spaces Vitruvian provides free 12 months trainer+ premium
without mounting on a solid wall. Having a custom membership with the purchase. It can access over
designed system enables the user to change 300 classes and goal-oriented programs with shared
accessories by one-hand. workouts function and performance tracking or any
new training models. Members are able to have
Beginner-friendly unlimited profiles with his/her membership, so the
Functional Value: Information members can share the equipment with their family
Emotional Value: Badge Value, Wellness and friends by having their individual fitness goal,
Life Changing value: Motivation, Affiliation performance and unique capability. Unlike other
The trainer+ adapts the weight change during work competitors, Vitruvian offers a lifetime membership
out, gives real-time feedback and has multiple to the customer. After 12 months premium
training modes for beginners to follow. The app membership, customers are still able to train with
provides a community platform, goal-directed basic models freely if they are not looking for new
programs and leaderboards with other gym-goers features training models.
like playing video games. The users can encourage
each other through the platform and cultivate a Accessibility
habit to achieve the workout goal. Functional Value: Reduces effort, Save time, Avoids
Personalized Online spending acceptance is much higher in post
Functional Value: Quality, Variety pandemic. As Vitruvian is willing to ship outside
Emotional Value: Aesthetics Australia, it can attract customers all around the
Life Changing value: Self-actualization world. Online purchasing helps the customers to get
The signature 440lbs magnetic resistance responds rid of the hassles of sellers. The customers can focus
to the user in real time. By tracking three reps of on their choices and consideration without time
curls from a new user, the app can calculate the pressure and location limit.
height of the user and provide suitable resistance Members can gain access to the Trainer+ app by
for the strength training. scanning the QR code of the V-form. Members can
Training modes can be personalized by tracking the keep their capability and fitness goal anywhere in
workout metrics and assisting the users to achieve the world if they can find a gym club or hotels that
their ideal body shape. LED light colors can be carry the V-form.
chosen by the user to fit their interior design.
Time Efficient
Space Saving Functional Value: Saves Time
Functional Value: Reduces effort, Reduces space Life Changing value: Motivation
The size of the V-form is 1170 x 520 x 115mm By having a gym equipment at home, customers can
similar to an A2 board. As it is portable, has save the travelling time to the gym room and a lot of
recessed wheels and a slim form, it is easy to store. spare time before and after workout, for example
It can be stored under the bed frame, sofa, cabinet, checking personal stuff for workout and showering
anywhere. Customers can ship it from one place to after workout. Time efficiently helps the customer to
another place by their own car which is not have motivation in their busy life.
common for gym equipment as most of them are
massive and need to hire a logistics company.

Current Situation
1.5. Keys to Success Analysis
Time is limited and too expensive
Time is money and something more than money. Joining gym classes
with fixed class schedule is often too luxury for busy working classes.
Vitruvian provides a variety of time-flexible gym classes and training
sessions. Classes are never ever unreachable. Slow-learners can
unlimitedly access to classes without any additional charge. Step-by-
step guidance shapes everybody to experts with no difficulty.

Personalized guidance throughout gym workout

Not everyone is a gym expert. The commonest hurdle which stops
people from building gym workout habit is that no one tells they what is
correct or wrong during their workout. A personalized AI trainer is always
the closest comrade in the battle of maintaining constant gym workout
habit. Vitruvian provides instant tracking and gives immediate
adjustment via it’s stop-less magnetic resistance to the weight resistance
to give a be-spoke training class to suit everyone’s pace the best.

Gym is for self-benefit

Some people may hesitate to go gym training
because they are afraid of making themselves a fool
in front of others. With the one-on-one classes and
training sessions via the Trainer+ app, all these
unnecessary uncomfortable feeling will disappear

Process is more important than the result

A perfect body shape after gym workout is envious, but the
process record is even more show-off-able. Living the era of social
media explosion, people would like to post everything onto their
story on social media platform. A Log record of gym workout
shows how hardworking they are, investing their afterwork time
for some healthy activities. Vitruvian has extremely user-friendly
sharing function to satisfy their desire of sharing.

4The Guardian (2022), More than one in five Australian employees worked from home at height of 2021 lockdowns, census shows.
5Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 2021 Census: 2.5 million people working from home on Census day
6Statista (2023) Average working from home (WFH) days in the last two weeks in Australia in March 2022 and September 2022, by occupation.

Current Situation
1.6. Critical Issues Analysis
Despite e-commerce has evolved as
one the major sales channels, first-
hand trial experience is vital to
attract purchasing power for gym
equipment. In addition, reputation
of the equipment regarding its
safety and effectiveness etc. is the
determining factors for the spread
of the product in the market. Word-
of-mouth marketing is therefore
extraordinarily important.
Traditional 30s / 1 minute radio and
TV hard-selling advertisement can
never reach the heart of the
potential clients of our product, as
time is too limited to include real
user-experience comments in the
advertisement, not to mention
newspaper advertisement which is
just paper-talk.

Feature episode advertisement on TV and radio is possible, yet, it is too expensive. In

addition, playback / revisit of the episode, which is commonly seen for gym equipment users
during their apple-to-apple comparison before purchase, is seldom available. As such, a
right choice of advertising channel offers synergy to the success of the brand to occupy the
market shares.

Vitruvian will fully utilize

the social media
platforms to provide real
user-experience to our
potential clients. Road-
show and exhibition in
shopping malls will be
organized to let the
public have the apple on
hand for their

4The Guardian (2022), More than one in five Australian employees worked from home at height of 2021 lockdowns, census shows.
5Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 2021 Census: 2.5 million people working from home on Census day
6Statista (2023) Average working from home (WFH) days in the last two weeks in Australia in March 2022 and September 2022, by occupation.

2. Market Strategy

2.1. Mission
2.2. Marketing Objectives
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Target Markets
2.5. Positioning

Mission Statement
To promote rational change to the physical
fitness of everyone in the world with our ever
evolutional be-spoke physical training system
and knowledge.

“Make your gym come true.”

Market Strategy
Market Strategy
2.2. Marketing Objectives

Marketing Objective
To educate people with essential weight
bearing fitness training knowledge

To provide innovative and epoch-making

equipment to provide instant and accurate
feedback to improve the effectiveness of MSA

To encourage sharing of workout record to

influence others around the world and
increase their awareness to their own
physical fitness

To promote sharing of workout experience and

create synergetic effect to improve the
effectiveness of physical fitness training at
everywhere in the world

Market Strategy
2.3. Segmentation

Segmentation Geographic Demographic Behavioral Factors

Affluent - Aged 30-45, mid-life - Focused on achievement and success

Self-Made families and young - Despite busy lifestyle, make time to exercise
suburbs in
- Parents with big - Travel is a passion
Life stylers North West
spending power - Spend freely on renovating, updating home interiors
and Southern - Live in separate - Love socializing. (Trainer+ can offer an e-community
Sydney houses for them)

Inner city - A mix of young - Curious to everything and are always on the hunt for
Social singles & couples, new things and ideas, many technology early
areas of big
and mid-life adopters
Progressives cities
Households - Heavy internet users with their phones
(Sydney and - most highly - Desire to display their achievements
Melbourne) educated of all - Love overseas travel.

- Technology plays a major role in their daily lives

- quick to embrace and consume new trends and
- 1/3 are aged 14-24
Inner city - Half are students
Fit and Fab - Don’t hesitate to upgrade their devices and gadgets
Sydney and - Living with their
- They are highly mobile centric, relying on their
Melbourne parents or in shared
mobile for information, and entertainment, and to
organize their busy social, work and study lives.
- Shun traditional media, commercial TV particularly

- Aged 25-40, a mix of

- intent on working hard to build the foundation for a
singles and young
Spread successful life
families with a busy
- high priority on family and wellness, less likely to go
across lifestyle.-
Future Focus out and prefer to be homebodies after work
Melbourne, - Half are renting
- Not easily seduced by the glimmer and glitter of
Perth and semis or town
brands unless they really love it
Brisbane houses, where
- Health and fitness is important to them, particularly
drilling holes is
strictly prohibited.

Most living in - 3/4 are aged under - Fun and more fun is a top priority.
Brisbane, - They are big lovers of nightlife in pubs, bars and
nightclubs, so they must keep good body shapes
along with - a mix of young
Fad-Tastic - love new things : new fashion label or cult beauty
smaller couples and shared
clusters in households.
- With most sitting on graduate or early career
Sydney and - Renting a range of
salaries, love a bargain to make savings on everyday
Melbourne dwelling types

*Population Percentage of the segmentation, source: Helix Personas

Market Strategy
2.3. Segmentation
Feature of Vitruvian Self-Made Social Fit and Future
Life stylers Progressives Fab Focus

Flexible exercise sessions enable busiest working classes to

keep on training.

By logging in with their own account, they can import and

continue their training progress at any hotels at any place

The equipment is built of luxurious material with a slim form

and changeable LED light that can fit any aesthetic
Edge-cutting magnetic resistance technology offers stop-less
finest adjustment of weight resistance

App-based controlling system allows most personalized

control of the equipment.

Trainer+ app allows any showoff of breakthrough and goal

to social media easily

App upgrade enables new functions

No wall-mounted and wireless connection allow high

mobility for shared households or rented places.
Family membership allows the whole family to enjoy at a
minimal budgeted cost.

Life-time membership of Vitruvian allows one-off spending

Most instant and accurate feedback allows a greatest

effectiveness training of body shape

Market Strategy
2.4. Target Markets

Target Marketing Tagline:

Your health, your wealth.”
Principal target market:
Vitruvian targets to serve middle-class at capital
cities. It is always the easiest to motivate people
with self-awareness on their fitness. Budgeting, on
the other hand, is often their principal concern
before they put thought into action. Majority of
middle-class have successful careers, and being well
educated, they are more aware of their monetary
wealth as well as their invaluable wealth: physical
fitness. People who have accumulated much wealth
can hire their personal trainers and have gym
workout in their vase private gym. Grassroots, on
the opposite side of the spectrum, struggle
everyday for their basic need. Physical fitness is too
distant to be their concern.

Energetic 30-45 middle-class families are our major

target. They are the most energetic, in terms of
their outgoing character, and their spending power.
Their sociable personality not only grants them
success on their career path, but also bring
potential benefit to the promotion of our products.
They share their user experience on our product to
their friends during their social gathering would
certainly help our product reach beyond our

To win their heart and minds is difficult, but once

their hearts are conquered, they are loyal clients.
We understand that time is as scare as
opportunities in their world. Our product allows
them to import their personal log from everywhere
in the world, could perfectly suit their fully occupied
business or leisure trips yet they make time for
exercise. Having them as our primary target clients
is a one-stone-two-birds strategy to earn our solid
base of clients and we earn the benefit of passive
promotion by them.

Market Strategy
2.5. Positioning
Vitruvian employs edge-cutting technology for instant tracking and feedback
on clients’ gym workout. Together with its user log profiles and absolutely
time-flexible and diversifying fitness courses and training sessions, the
portable size lifetime membership Vitruvian makes MSA training and
performance sharing possible everywhen everywhere.

Brand Vitruvian

Intelligent, versatile MSA training equipment offers instant and accurate

feedback of workout body gesture to improve the effectiveness of muscle
frame of
Total customization of training strength fits every kind of training pace.
Portable minimal equipment size transforms everywhere into a gym.
Lifetime membership caters for budgeted muscle trainer.

Sociable middle-class families with purchasing power and self-

Target audience
awareness on physical fitness

Strength training machine that makes your training more effective.

Strength training machine that makes tailor-made and accurate adjustment
to your every workout position.
Strength training machine that lets you customize your own training pace.
Value proposition Strength training machine that creates a training community for experience
Strength training machine that can be set up and stored everywhere.
Strength training machine that offers you a lifetime membership.
Strength training machine that saves your time and makes your life easier.

“Gym experience that you never regret”

Market Strategy
2.5. Positioning
Vitruvian focuses on two major values
Our complete customizable Vitruvian allows flexible training time
arrangement, self-manageable training pace and personalized strength
adjustment. It offers a perfect solution to busy working classes who are
devoted to maintain their physical fitness in very limited time. In addition,
our target consumers can customize their subscription mode to receive new
updates from our continuous expanding course database and equipment
firmware, or continue to freely enjoy the already subscribed content with the
lifetime membership.

Convenient and Accessibility:

Vitruvian’s patented one-hand system and wireless connectivity capability, it
couldn’t be easier to set it up, change accessories, or store it after training.
Clients can choose bring along with their own Vitruvian in their trip, or simply
log in to another Vitruvian with their account at their place of stay, and
continue to enjoy the greatest workout experience provided by Vitruvian.
They need not to worry about the difference in supply voltage across
countries as Vitruvian can automatically shift the working voltage according
to the supply voltage.


Low High
Customization Customization


3. Market Program

3.1. Product Strategy

3.2. Pricing Strategy
3.3. Communications and Influence
3.4. Channel Strategy
Market Program
3.1. Product Strategy

Product vision:
Vitruvian is designed with edge-cutting
technology to provide a fully customizable
intelligent MSA training equipment for a better Purchase packaging
workout performance for busy working classes at Vitruvian comes with different purchase packages,
anywhere any time. Basic Trainer+, Entry kit and Pro kit. They
perfectly fit the demand and budgeting of
different people. Details will be covered in the
Product Goals:
pricing strategy
To expand the customer base at middle-class and
The minimal overall designing style of the
budgeted working classes and occupy a greater
Vitruvian platform without fancy patterns or
MSA training equipment market share (short to
decoration strengthens Vitruvian’s professional
medium goals) for the ultimate goal of
image on MSA training. Its low-profile mood-light
dominating the market in Australia in 10 years
gives visual encouragement to the user to keep
(long term goal).
their morale during demanding training for better
muscle strength.
Product initiatives:
1. Increase market exposure to reach target Product labeling
The straight letter font styles of the logo give an
2. Provide proactive pricing strategy to satisfy unbreakable image. This echoes the
budgeted working class’s desire to intelligent MSA extraordinarily high weight resistance limit
training equipment offered by Vitruvian.
3. Create an informative sharing community to The round end corners of each letter (the font
reinforce spreading of the product via the internet design) delivers the message that Vitruvian offers
a customizable and adjustable weight training
4. Expedite update in App function to encourage according to everyone’s specific need.
user transfer from competitors to Vitruvian

The slogan: “Make your gym come true.” speaks

out the devotion of Vitruvian in MSA training with
cutting edge technology and algorithm to
maximize the workout performance and bring
conveniency with the simplicity design.

Product packaging
Vitruvian can be shipped with a heavy-duty hard
case to offer the first image of durability and
reliability when it arrives at the door front.

Customer can keep and reuse this case for other

purpose. When they use this trolley on the street,
it is enhancing the exposure of our brand.

Market Program
3.1. Product Strategy

Product features and specification

- 440lbs magnetic resistance: Highest maximum weight resistance with most accurate, quickest and finest
adjustment in the world
- Updating function: New functions, courses and training can be added by update via App
- Progress tracking function: Offer personalized feedback and guidance throughout the whole workout
- Patented one-hand System: Makes setting up, changing accessories or storing the equipment more
convenient than ever
- Auto working-voltage shift: No worries in bring Vitruvian all around the world
- App based: Training is possible anywhere by having mirroring of App onto any kinds of modern TV screens
- Portable and compact size: Your personal assistance is always be with you
- Lifetime membership: buy once and enjoy forever

3.2. Pricing Strategy

Cost consideration
Vitruvian is devoted to provide the best quality of MSA training equipment at the lowest cost. Major costs
which influence our pricing policy includes shop rental, Research and Development (R&D), production of
lessons and training sessions, advertisement and maintenance of online community.

We understand that rental spending on retail shops would contribute a major portion of cost. Therefore,
instead of setting up retail shops, we bring our product in the reach of our target by cooperation with other
gym equipment retail shops. We set up showroom at their shops for our target customers to have trial
experience on our product as minimum business expense. This allows us to focus on the R&D of both the
physical equipment and for Application function design, as well as lesson and training session updates to
attract continue subscription or to occupy a bigger market by outcompeting others in information updates.

Advertisement is indispensable, especially our targets are mainly busy working classes. We will focus on
advertisement via social media platform instead of traditional TV, radio or newspaper. Rationale will be
explained in the channel strategy. As the online community also performs its role as a mean of
advertisement, we would include a portion of cost spending on the maintenance of the online community.

Market Program
3.2. Pricing Strategy
Differential pricing
Vitruvian targets a broad spectrum of customer from middle-class to budgeted working classes. Vitruvian
firmly believe that maintaining physical fitness shall be the universal right for everyone. Therefore, Vitruvian
develops differential pricing to suit everyone’s need.

Trainer+ is the fundamental package. It includes essential accessories for all common MSA training. A 12-
month all access membership with unlimited user profiles, and a 1-on-1 coaching session are included for
beginners to reach their goals. At expiry date, customers can choose to continue the subscription to enjoy
the premium features and any new features to be released, or stay using the existing downloaded features
and training forever. This is the best choice for budgeting consumers or others wish to kick off a trial.
Intermediate users with high expectation to their workout
performance are welcome to choose the Entry Kit, which
includes most accessories (bar, rope, premium handles, mat
and safety cables) for all-round MSA training with Vitruvian.
The Entry Kit is extremely cost-friendly with its price weighting
only less than 15% of the Trainer+ pricing. This can minimize
the psychological hurdle of customers to upgrade their
Vitruvian training to pursue further goal ($400). Entry Kit ($400)

Expert users and those who demands uniformity in the

interior design, including hotels and commercial gym providers,
are given choices to choose Pro Kit. Pro Kit includes a
premium quality gym bench, fitness belt and short bar, in
addition to the Entry Kit. ($620)

With just about $4,000 dollars, our customers can build their
dream gym with all required MSA training equipment in form
of the all-in-one Vitruvian. This pricing is very proactive to win
the heart of middle-class busy families with limited time to
hurt for individual equipment which is solely for training of
one or few muscle types.

Pro Kit ($620)

A decent luxury packaging

which wrapped with carbon
fiber (echo with the Vitruvian
sleek machine) and leather
hardware details will be
another option for the
customers if they purchase the
fundamental package with the
Pro Kit.
Fundamental Package ($3,450)

Market Program
3.3. Communications and Influence Strategy
As illustrated in the target segmentation, our target customers are aged 14-45. They are mobile centric and
rely on their mobile phones for information. Some even shun traditional media. As first-hand trial
experience and word-of-mouth marketing is important for gym equipment marketing, the following strategy
will be adopted to provide a series of advertisement to implement logical integrated marketing
communication for our product to reach our target customers:

“Social Immersion” “Face the Pubs”

In addition to videos on our own Right after social penetration has
channel, we will invite fitness sparkled the interest of the public,
influencers on social media platforms we will arrange exhibition booth in
(e.g. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) major shopping arcades and
to give comment on their end-user roadshows at different suburbs. This
experience on Vitruvian. Their positive gives hands-on experience by
comments will be published on social general public, and we promote
media platform in their channels. especially the versatility and mobility
Discount will be given to online of our products during exhibition
ordering via their channel unique and mobile visiting. On-site purchase
discount code. will enjoy extra discounts.

Phase 1 Phase 2

Phase 4
“Vitruvian Battalion”
Phase 3
“We Care Whom You Care”
As customers’ base accumulates, their Our existing customers are our best
real experience sharing on our online model for advertisement. They will
community would be our lethal be given referral code. When the
weapons to competitors. Discount will referral code is executed, both the
be given to existing customers who are new joining members and our
meet the requirement of posting existing customers will enjoy extra
feedback on our community, and we discount from their subscription.
will also invite fitness influencers to do The allows wider spread among the
video interviews with them. The social cycle of our customers. An
online community will be promoted in outreach team will be established to
the interview video to boost public provide outreach trial at the home of
attention to our products and shift any referrals from our existing
their attention from fitness influencers customers.
to our own manned channel, with the
goal to reduce our dependency on
third party advertisement.

Market Program
3.4. Channel Strategy

The following channels will be employed for advertisement:

Channels The way to reach Communication Method

Social media platform and Information delivery via Mass communication
Company channel official channels
Online community Experience sharing and One-to-one communication
discussion via training advisors with
Face-to-face engagement Exhibition in shopping malls Targeted communication
and roadshow
Affiliate Marketing Fitness influencer and our Mass communication and
customers ‘s referral one-to-one communication
via out-reach team
Online marketplace Major sale channel apart from In-store communication
official website
Email Marketing Customer database and who Mass communication and
are interested to leave one-to-one communication
contact on official website via customer service team

4. Implementation
and Marketing

4.1. Implementation
4.2. Marketing Organization
4.3. Contingency Planning
Implementation and
4.1. & 4.2 Marketing
Implementation and Marketing Organization Controls
People in Charge - Post Duties in marketing campaign

Chief Executive Officer Coordinate and re-distribute manpower and resource

As overall command on the launch of marketing events at each phase and

Chief Marketing Officer
collect and analyze feedback from each phase

Chief Engineer of Research & Publish new function updates soon after each phase to attract new
Development Department subscription

Update new class and training content soon after each phase to attract
Principle Training Officer
new subscription

Customer Service Chief Handle enquires, comments and complains during the whole campaign

Chief Engineer of To ensure prompt maintenance to maintain the reliable image of the
Maintenance Department product

Location of Marketing
From the segmentation analysis, our target customers are mainly form
capital cities of NSW, VIC, QLD and WA. Exhibition and roadshows will be
held in the major shopping malls of CBD at NSW, VIC, QLD and WA.

Five-year timeline of marketing campaign

Phase 3 months for immersion

of message via social
3 years. A peak referral should be observed at every
12 months, as the expiry of 12-month all access
membership would drive the existing customers to find
1 media to take effect
3 referee. Statistical analysis will be conducted half-
yearly to review how spread the customers’ base can
extend from our original base.

2 years for R&D to develop

Phase 3 months for Vitruvian to Phase new functions and provide

2 reach majority of people

inhabiting in capital cities. 4 new training sessions from
the experience shared
from our users.

Implementation and
4.3. Contingency Planning Marketing
During phase 3, as our existing clients referring among their social
cycles, we expect more requests from outreach trial session to
referees’ homes. We will spare more resource for ad hoc outreach
activities, especially for maintenance team and customer service

In addition, the online community is a double-edged sword. From

one time it could provide important ideas for further development
of Vitruvian and training sessions, it could also inevitably act as a
complaint channel. The customer service department shall be well
prepared to response any comments and complaint promptly and
politely. Our company can gain reputation if we handle complaint
and comments sincerely with immediate response and action.

1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) National, state and territory population, Available at:
2. Osteoporosis Australia (2022), Osteoporosis costing all Australians A new burden of disease analysis,
Available at: https://healthybonesaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Burden-of-Disease-
3. Gemma Tatangelo et Al. (2019), The Cost of Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Associated Fractures in
Australia in 2017. Available at; https://asbmr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jbmr.3640
4. The Guardian (2022), More than one in five Australian employees worked from home at height of 2021
lockdowns, census shows. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-
5. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 2021 Census: 2.5 million people working from home on Census
day, Available at: https://www.abs.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/2021-census-25-million-
6. Statista (2023) Average working from home (WFH) days in the last two weeks in Australia in March
2022 and September 2022, by occupation. Available at:
7. Department of Health and Aged Care (2021), Physical activity and exercise guidelines for all Australians.
Available at: https://www.health.gov.au/topics/physical-activity-and-exercise/physical-activity-and-
8. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022) Insufficient physical activity. Available at: Insufficient
physical activity, Available at: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-health/insufficient-physical-
9. Australia Bureau of Statistics (2022) Physical activity - Contains key statistics and information about
exercise and physical activity within Australia. Available at:
10. Australia Bureau of Statistics (2022) Labour Force, Australia. Available at:
11. Clearinghouse for Sport (2021) Ongoing impact of COVID-19 on sport and physical activity participation
June 2021 update, Available at:
12. Finder (2022) Gym bunny or wasting money? Aussies overspending $5.4 million on gym memberships.
Available at: https://www.finder.com.au/aussies-overspending-on-gym-memberships
13. DataReportal (2021) Digital 2021: Global Overview Report. Available at
14. RedSearch (2022) Australian Internet Statistics 2022. Available at:
15. Men’s Health (2018) These Are the Most Common Reasons People Skip Workouts. Available at:
16. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2020) Muscle strengthening activities among Australian
adults. Available at: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/physical-activity/strengthening-activities-among-

17. Market Decipher (2022) Home Fitness Equipment Market Size, Share, Trend Analysis and Forecast
Report, 2022 – 2032, Available at: https://www.marketdecipher.com/report/home-fitness-equipment-
18. Roy Morgan(2019), Helix Personas, Predicting Consumer Behavior, Available at:

Thank You


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