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out a thoroughly aseptic operation cannot be forthcoming,

Spain. Spain, however, transferred the fibre to Germany and

Pizzo di Scais . . . . . . . . .9,974 Monte Gazza. . . . . . . . . . . .6,529

apparatus which closely resemble those depicted in Greek

important. They may be prepared by the dry distillation of

drugs. Diamond-cutting has long been practised by the Jews

The bitter almond is rather broader and shorter than the

in 1836 the town rapidly declined, and the government turned

filled, and were accompanied in English by Francis James Child

them as a defiance to the eastern caliph. His last years were

including the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, but excluding

and enticing by dye. The brilliant colours of cheap sugar

some way dealt violently with the rights of private owners. It

that the Punjab and Sind had since become British, and that

salt which with ethyl iodide forms benzimidoethyl ether,

the Mediterranean were ever disturbed, Italy would be sure of

expeditionary army and the Turks fought on the 25th of July

have a second connexion with the Rio Negro by a branch which

themselves, the title of negus or king, so that on occasion

Adamello . . . . . . . . . . . 11,661 Re di Castello. . . . . . . . .9,482

were established. The earliest known was that in Jamaica,

at one plate escapes, a small quantity possibly being spent

is lacking any biological evidence of Caucasoid or Negroid

of which a plaintiff can avail himself for redress, may be

nectar and ambrosia were kinds of honey, in which case their

Forcella di Prassignola (Avers Valley to Soglio), old paved

reserve fund, also in the temple of Saturn, the aerarium

interfered with or disputed the admiralty prize jurisdiction,

C. Stanford's Joseph Ailleine; Researches at Batcomb

systems, however, are not of great practical importance. In

grooves, was loaded with difficulty, particularly when foul, and

1000 languages and dialects. A few of them, however, occupied

Leipzig to study civil law, with a view to his proceeding

Cockayne, in the Shrine, v.s. Psalter: Thorpe (Clar.

S the surface in square feet or in square metres. The normal

deism and a ritual based upon the system of Zoroaster. The

my life and my hopes upon weaker convictions. . . .

Syria, and was received as a person of high rank wherever he

extremity into a fine hair (Rivulariaceae). An African form

was built at the harbour mouth as a protection against the

the purpose of advertisements of the class under discussion

of cases led to disputes of law or fact, about seventy

in ancient sculptures, Addison opened the easy course of

Rec. Sent. ii. 26; Brisson, dit Leg. Jul. de Adult.)

of the valley completely change, and the climate is much

his speaking-trumpet, the echo from the earth was quite

possible. Where, however, the obstacle is permanent, or

however, whether the conventional distinction between plants

that may be payable to him. It has become an established

class as defined by different authorities. To consider the

his poems, which were composed in the Aeolic dialect, were

ALLAH, the Arabic name used by Moslems of all nationalities

amounting to L. 52 : 10s. In 1839 the classes comprised seven

in 1846. He died suddenly on the 17th of August 1853.

and its homologues give origin to the ``paraffin'' or ``fatty

by the brethren of his house. When he appeared either in

quickly burned away as a result of its contact at a high

Banjar Akwapim Bini

attack, and on the 22nd of July sailed to co-operate with the

hydrogen gas took place. It was intended that an English

head-waters of the Nile and Congo: the former the longest,

occupation of the members is farming, although they also have

Hohenzollern, prince of Ansbach and Bayreuth, and Sophia,

the powor of Aegina had steadily declined during the twenty

professor of philosophy and also lecturer on botany at the

counters. Fig. 1 shows a Roman abacus taken from an ancient

species was the salt which forms spontaneously on certain

solids not fat, nor less than 3 1/4% of milk-fat. Standard

besides 12,640 belonging to the transport service, and

reprinted in 1831 for the Bannatyne Club, is not really a

spinner to produce satisfactory yarns with comparative ease.

Deo gratias, the opportunity for the exercise of hospitality

university. In the discharge of his vice-chancellor's duties

and perhaps a few miles farther; thence, by painful canoe

Hand grenades were used at the assault of entrenchments or

disbursements. Some notes on admiralty finance will be

with these ideas, and particularly with the idea of a negative

of a transcontinental empire from west to east. By this

Etudes d'histoire (Paris, 1902 and 1905); F. X. Funk,

local. But the Federal armaments were not on such a scale

and themselves similar in fashion of dress and arrangement of

Morayshire. From his earliest years he showed uncommon diligence

The English Cistercian houses, of which there are such extensive

lines traversing the delta, the Nile had been ascended to

territory is divided into the following three districts,

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