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Sample PCS Examination Questions

The comprehensive certification examination and calculation questions consists of multiple

choice, matching, essay, and material estimating questions. Questions are chosen primarily
from the material covered in the C-1 and C-2 courses and from the suggested readings.
Some of the questions can be answered from knowledge acquired by working in the
coatings industry. Many of the questions require knowledge of several different subject

Multiple Choice - give best answer

1. Which of the materials listed below is commonly used to make impressed current anodes
for cathodic protection?
a) High-purity zinc
b) High-silicon cast iron
c) Electrolytic-grade magnesium
d) Titanium alloy

2. Which of the generic coating types listed below is recommended for service in sea water
a) Epoxy polyamide
b) Epoxy ester
c) Silicone alkyd
d) Acrylic emulsion

3. What is the upper limit for shadows, streaks, or stains allowed on steel abrasive blast
cleaned to a near-white condition?
a) 0%
b) 5%
c) 33%
d) 50%

4. Which if the following spray painting methods listed below has the highest transfer
a) Conventional air spray
b) Airless spray
c) High-volume low-pressure spray
d) Electrostatic spray
5. For what purpose is a plastic sheet test used?
a) To prevent early flash rusting
b) To test for coating cure
c) To determine if concrete is dry enough for coating
d) To detect efflorescence

6. Which of the following is NOT a type of payment for coating contracts?

a) Stage payment
b) Balloon payment
c) Incentive payment
d) Penalty payment

7. Who is normally responsible for preparation of a specification for a coating job?

a) An independent inspector
b) The general contractor
c) The owner
d) The coating contractor

8. Which of the following SSPC documents addresses maintenance painting?

a) PA 1
b) PA 3
c) PA 4
d) PA 5

9. Which of the following is a type of coating failure related to aging?

a) Blushing
b) Undercutting
c) Cratering
d) Wrinkling

10. How often are proposed regulation

regulations published in the Federal Register?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Annually

Match the structure with a likely coating or treatment:

1. Steel piping (atmospheric service)
2. Bridge in a severe environment
3. Lining for a chemical storage tank
4. Ships, to prevent fouling
5. New marine pilings

* A. Three coats epoxy

polyamide; two coats coal tar epoxy
* B. FRP, vinyl ester; or epoxy resin, depending on specific product
* C. Petrolatum paste; microcrystalline wax, tape
* D. Organic zinc
rich primer; epoxy
epoxy-polyamide midcoat; aliphatic polyurethane topcoat
* E. Copper oxide polymer

Essay Questions:

1. Discuss the differences in surface profiles produced by round steel shot and steel grit.

2. Briefly describe the capabilities of at least two (2) laboratory instruments in conducting a
coating failure analysis.

3. State in writing at least six (6) technical problems resulting from specification deficiencies
that could adversely effect a coatings project.

4. Facility management has decided to repair damaged coatings on a power plant structure
before damage to the substrate occurs. What are at least six (6) basic factors involved in
deciding between spot repair and full overcoating?

5. Discuss the advantages and limitations of abrasive blast cleaning, high-pressure water
jetting, and power tool cleaning in the removal of existing coatings containing hazardous
metals such as lead or cadmium. For each of these three cleaning systems, discuss at least
two (2) advantages and at least two (2) disadvantages.


1. A painter needs to apply a coating with 50% solids by volume at 4 mils dry-film-
thickness. In order to do this, what should the wet-film-thickness measure be on his British
wet-film-thickness gage? (answer in microns)
2. A manufacturer's data sheet indicates that when its coating is thinned by 10%,
application at 5 mils WFT
T will result in 3.5 DFT. What is the % solids by volume of the

3. A laboratory analysis of a new coating indicated that it had 75% total solids by weight
and 35% pigment by weight. From these data, calculate the % of binder in the vehicle
portion of the coating.

4. A painter is to coat the 20,000 square feet interior of a steel tank with a coating
containing 80 % solids by volume at 4 mils dry film thickness. Assuming a 10% loss of
coating during the work, how much coating would be required to complete the work?

5. A coating was found by laboratory analysis to contain 25% solvent by volume. What is its
theoretical spreading rate at 4 mils DFT when thinned by 10%?


Multiple Choice: 1) B, 2) A, 3) B, 4) D, 5) C, 6) B, 7) C, 8) C and/or D, 9) B, 10) A

Matching: 1) C, 2) D, 3) B, 4) E, 5) A

Essay: There are multiple ways to answer the essay questions.Calculations: 1) 200 micron
2) 77%, 3) 61.5%, 4) 69 gallons, 5) 273 per gallon

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