CBT 12

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Some of the main types of coatings discussed are FBE, STOPAQ and APCS-10 coatings. Important concepts around surface cleanliness, profile measurement and holiday testing are also covered.

FBE, STOPAQ and APCS-10 coatings are discussed. FBE is used for pipeline protection while STOPAQ is a non-curing visco-elastic coating system.

Before starting surface preparation, the document mentions checking the coating proposal, procedures, standards and specifications of the project as well as equipment inspection, instrument calibration and qualification of personnel.

1 .What is surface cleanliness and explain how to measure SA2 SA21/2 ?

 Surface appearance Characteristic of cleaning/Degree of cleanliness.

 SA2 & SA2-1/2 can be measured by SSPC-Vis1

2 .What is surface profile and how to measure surface profile?

 Maximum Peak-To-Valley depth.

 surface profile can be measured by (a)Visual comparator(b)Surface profile
Micrometer(c)Testex tape with Micrometer

3 .What is FBE Coating?

 Fusion Bonded Epoxy is Called FBE. It’s widely used Coating system for Internal &
External Pipelines/Piping Protection.

4 .What is STOPAQ Coating? Which type of coating application system?

 STOPAQ is a Non-Curing Visco-Elastic Coating System.The STOPAQ system consists of

(a)Wrapping-band CZH (b)PolyVinyl Chloride(PVC).This comes under the system of APCS-113C

5 .Before starting surface preparation, what are the criteria to be checked and verified?

 Coating Proposal ,Procedure, Standards & Specifications of the Project

 Equipment inspection, Calibration of the Instruments and Qualification of the Blaster
 Type of Coating System to Apply/Type of Abrasives & Recommended surface profile.
 Weather condition, Surface condition and Monitoring Compressed Air Cleanliness.

6. Before starting painting, what are the criteria to be measured?

 Surface Cleanliness/Profile, Salt contamination test(if required)

 To check the Blasted Surfaces are not Holding more than 4-hours.
 Weather condition.

7. During blotter test what will be the compressed air pressure? 50 Psi

8. How many blotter test shall be done a day? Start and Mid-point of each 8 hour shift.

9. What is banana gauge? Where we can use?

 It is a Type-1 instrument designed to measure Dry Film Thickness.

 The Banana Gauge is Ideal for use in Environments where the use of Electronic
instruments is Difficult.(Ex): Inflammable atmospheres in Oil & Gas Production, and for
Underwater Dry film coating thickness inspection.
10. Write down painting repair?

 Repairing is most common method to Maintain a Coating. It is Application of Coating to

Preserve the useful state of an Existing Coating.
11. What is fish eye?
 One Type of Coating Defect ,it is most often Caused by a Spot of Oil and Grease on the
12. What is MSDS? When it is necessary?
 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). It’s a Technical document that provides Detailed and
Comprehensive Information of the Product related to: (A)Health effects of Exposure to the
Product ,(B)Hazard evaluation related to the Product’s Storage ,Handling and USE

13. If you found FBE coated pipe on ground, what you will do and explain?
 Coated Pipes shall not be Stacked directly on the ground. If found NCR shall be raised because
it is Violating the Aramco standard SAES-H-200 para 5.1.3 & 5.2.2

14. Write the standard for SAUDI Aramco data sheet for internal and external coating for steel
pipes? SAES-H-002
15. Is FBE coated pipe can stack one over another. If yes how to protect FBE coating from damage
during stacking? What if the pipe length is 24 meter?
 It is not allowed to stack FBE Coated pipe one over another. they shall be separated by full
encirclement, non-compressible rubber padding or equivalent at least 10 mm thick.Twenty
four meter(24 m)double-jointed pipe lengths shall have at least 5 full encirclement pads.

16. What is the value of volt to be set during the holiday test for FBE coating?
2400/+_50 Volts DC
17. What kind of process is corrosion?
Electro-Chemical Process.
18. What is flash point? It should be higher than atmosphere temperature or lesser than
atmosphere temperature.
 Flash Point is defined as the lowest temperature of the liquid, which it can form an ignitable
mixture in Air/Vapor. At this temperature the vapor may cease to burn when the source of
ignition is removed.
19. What is due point temperature?
The temperature at which amount of water vapor in the air will condense.

20. What is maximum allowable humidity as per SAUDI Aramco standard? 85%

21. How you calculate expected WFT in terms of volume solid percentage and DFT?
WFT = Target DFT
% solids by volume
22 .Name three adhesive test

 Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers: ASTM-D-4541

 Knife Adhesion: ASTM-D-6677
 Adhesion by Tape Test: ASTM-D-3359
23. Write down three methods of painting?
24. Which instrument you will use to measure dew point and humidity?
 Whirling hygrometer, Psychrometric charts, Electronic psychrometers.

25. Mention two types of cathodic protection

(a) Sacrificial anode system (b) Impressed current system
26. What is meant by chalking?
 A Friable powdery layer on the surface of a paint film. A change of color or Fading also

27. What is ropiness, wrinkling? Explain about it?

 Ropiness : It is pronounced as Brush marks that have not flowed out because of the poor
levelling properties of the coating material, Caused by when film is almost Dry, or paint
viscosity is too high.
 Wrinkling: Wrinkling can be defined as the surface of the paint which wrinkles and
gathers together when thick coat of paint is applied. It forms like a undulating waves on
the painted surface.

28. What is wet on wet?

Technique of coating application where additional coating passes are employed over a coating
that is still wet, making the composite film dries as whole. A wet coat applied over another
coat is considered one coat of application.

29. What is difference between maintenance and new construction coating?

 Maintenance Coating: Application of coating to preserve the useful state of an existing
 New Construction Coating: Application of coating on a completely new and uncoated
facility, equipment or machinery.
30. What are the contractor inspection levels? Define each?
As per Inspection & Test Plan (I&TP) the type and level of Inspection shall include
 Hold point
 Witness point
 Review point
31. Is brush painting is allowed? Yes
32. What is the maximum brush size allowed in SAUDI Aramco? 125 mm.
33. What is NCR? When we can raise NCR?
 Non Conformance Report is called NCR. NCR shall be issued, if found any Irregularities,
Deficiencies against Project Specifications & Standards.
34. What is profile? How you can check the profile of a blasted surface using testex or replica
 Maximum peak-to-valley depth.
(1)Zero the dial micrometer (2) Remove the backing paper from the replica tape, ensuring that
the small white disc with the black ring is detached .Stick the replica tape to the area to be
(3) Using a pen or pencil end ,rub firmly and evenly all over the area of mylar. This causes the
testex paste to pass into the troughs and the peaks of the blast will butt up to the transparent
(4) Remove the replica tape and check, place the testex paste between the anvils of the
micrometer and allow them to gently close together from the final reading on the gauge
deduct 50microns if using a metric gauge. The balance figure is the PEAK TO TROUGH HEIGHT

35. Give examples of expandable and recyclable abrasives

 Expendable: copper slag, nickel slag, boiler slag, glass bead
 Recyclable: steel grit, steel shot, garnet.

36. Can we mix shot and grit as an abrasive? What will be the result and why?
 Yes we can mix shot & grit as abrasive would be 70-80% shot to 20-30% grit
A mix of shot and grit results more uniform profile.
 The grit cuts the profile, and shot being unable to enter the troughs produced,
controls the peak height.
37. Can we use sand as an abrasive for blasting. Why?
 It is not permitted to use sand.SI 1657 states that any mineral used as an abrasive mist
release less than 1% free silica on impact.(Silica causes pneumonicosis or silicosis)
38. What are the SIS blasting grades?
 SIS blasting grades are classified as per 05-59-00.that are Sa1, Sa2, Sa2.5, Sa3
39. Does buried stainless steel lines needs to be coated?
 Buried stainless steel lines shall be externally coated with halide-free liquid coating or
Visco -elastic coating depending on operating temperature.
40. Can we use APCS-113C for pipes in open cut excavation
 For open cut excavation , APCS-113C can be used over APCS-104A or APCS-104B.
41. Where can we find the safety requirements for the specific paint or coating? SAES-H-102
42. What is FBE? What is the difference between APCS-102 and APCS-104?
 Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) is type of Coating for Internal and External of the Pipes and
Pipeline Coating.(Powder form)
 APCS-102: Internal FBE Coating of pipelines (powder form)
 Apcs-104: External FBE Coatings of pipelines.(powder form)
43. What is OSHA?
 Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
44. What is SAEP-316?
 This standard describes the Performance Qualification of Coating Personnel &
Certification requirements.
45. Prior to start of painting using airless spray machine, do we need to perform blotter test?
 NO- because air is not used for atomisation .With an airless spray the fluid
(paint), is pressurised by means of a pump.
46. Prior to start of painting using conventional spray gun, do we need to perform blotter test
 YES. To check the Quality of Compressed Air Blotter Test is Performed.
Because Compressed Air is used for Atomisation & to prevent from paint

47. What is transition section?

 Segment of Pipeline or Piping where the service changes from Buried to

48. What is coating requirements for transition section?

 Transition coating system shall start at least 1m below ground and extend above
ground as follows.
 For sharp angles (46 to 90 degrees), the laminate coating shall extend at least 1 m
above ground.
 For shallow angles (45 degrees or less), the laminate coating shall extend at least 8 m
above ground.

49 .What is flash point?

 The flash point of a solvent is a safety consideration. Roughly defined as ‘the

minimum temperature of the solvent at which the vapours given off are flammable if a
source of ignition is introduced’.
 A high flash point material is safer than a low flash point material

50. Differentiate dispersion, suspension and emulsion. With example?

A paint consists of solid particles suspended in the vehicle, where there is no solubility,
so a paint is a dispersion. A dispersion can be either a solid or liquid dispersed within another liquid,
where there is no solubility.

A suspension is when fine particulate solids, eg pigment and extenders are dispersed
within a liquid, the vehicle.
Emulsion:An emulsion is a liquid dispersed in another liquid when there is no solubility.

51. What is induction period?

 An induction period is the length of time after mixing which the paint should stand
before use. Induction time is also called stand time or lead time.

52. What is pot life?

 Pot life is the period of time after mixing in which the paint must be used

53. What is dew point and RH?

 DEW POINT: The temperature at which amount of water vapor in the air will
 RH: Being the amount of water vapor in saturated air.
54. Paint should not apply on what condition?
 The substrate temperature is less than 10◦C
 The substrate contains oil, grease, dirt, loose paint, loose rust, or other surface
 The substrate temperature is less than 3◦C above the dew point.
 Adverse weather conditions such as ,
 Wind is strong enough to blow sand, salt spray or other foreign matter onto the
surface being painted.
 Wind is strong enough to cause dry spray or to otherwise seriously disturb the
spray pattern.

55. What is APCS-10 and where it is typically used

 APCS-10 Bituminous Paint -for Moderate temperature, Buried or Immersed steel.
 Resistant to water and acidic fumes.
 Generally not recommended for shop applications or when handling is required after
56. What are the safety requirements for abrasive blasting? GI-0006.021
57. What are the safety requirements for airless spray painting?SAES-H-102
58. What is a coating defect?
 The finished coating areas showing defects such as Runs, Sags, Drips, Embedded
foreign matter, Blister, Cracks, Visible holidays are called coating defects.
59. What is the required travel rate of the electrode of a holiday detector? 300 mm/sec
60. How will you check the calibration and the functional operation of the holiday machine?
 The calibration of the holiday detector shall be checked at least twice per 8-hr shift
against a calibrated voltmeter.
 The functional operation of the holiday detector may be checked in the field by
making an artificial holiday in the coating not more than 1.6 mm dia. if the detector is
working properly, it will reliably signal the presence of the artificial holiday.
61. Give at least 10 items you can find in SAUDI Aramco data sheets?
62. For airless machine. Tip no 321 for example, what is 3, 2, 1 stands for?

(a) 3-Stands for width of the spray fan pattern, when spraying the surface 3 X 2=6-inch .
(b) 21-Stands for Orifice size in thousands of an inch, a 21 has a 0.021 inch orifice.

63. When flash rusting occurs? if blasted surface is hold for more than 4 hours

64. What is the requirement if blasted surface is hold for more than 4 hours? Recommended
to do Sweep blasting

65. If you have 10 liter kit paint and you need only a small amount to coat a small area, how you will
mix the paint?
 For quantities over 5L, a power stirrer shall be used.
 If the area to be coated is small or large Partial mixing is prohibited.
66. What is equivalent cleanliness grade of SSPC-SP7 in Swedish standard institute?
 Sa-1
67. What is the equivalent cleanliness grade of SA21/2 in steel structural painting council?
 SP-10

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