CH Soln 4

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Name ____Answers!!!

_____________________ Date _______________ Period _________

Solutions Worksheet #1 Chemistry; Coleman

Part One: On the line at the left, write the letter of the definition that best matches each term.
__e_ 1. solution a. capable of being dissolved

__c___ 2. solute b. solution with water as the solvent

__f____ 3. solvent c. substance that is dissolved in a solution

__a____ 4. soluble d. solid solution containing two or more metals

__b____ 5. aqueous solution e. homogeneous mixture of two or more substances in

a singlephysical state

__d____ 6. alloy f. substance that does the dissolving in a solution

Part Two: Answer each of the following questions in the space provided.

7. Describe the properties of a solution.

Homogeneous mixture that stays mixed indefinitely and that never separates.
8. Give two examples of solutions in every-day life and indicate what is the solute and what is the solvent
each. Answers Vary…

Salt Water: Salt is solute; Water is solvent

Atmosphere: Nitrogen gas is solven; all other gases are solutes
9. What does “like dissolve like” mean?
Polar solvents dissolve polar solutes and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar solutes.
10. Why don’t oil and vinegar mix? You should discuss this in terms of what happens at a molecular level.
Because water molecules are more attracted to other water molecules than to oil molecules.
11. Indicate the solvent that will be best at dissolving the given solute in each of the following problems
(remember that polarity of a molecule is based on shape as wells as electronegativity difference
between the bonds in the molecule):

a) Solute: lithium hydroxide. Solvents: carbon disulfide, CH2Cl2

Lithium hydroxide is an IONIC compound and therefore POLAR. It needs a polar solvent to
dissolve it. Carbon disulfide is non-polar so it won’t dissolve LiOH. CH2Cl2 is polar so it WILL
dissolve CS2.

b) Solute: boron trichloride. Solvents: carbon tetrachloride, water.

Boron trichloride is NON-POLAR and therefore needs a non-polar solvent. Carbon
tetrachloride is non-polar but water is polar. So Carbon tetrachloride is the best solvent.
c) Solute: phosphorus triiodide. Solvents: ammonia, water.
Phosphorus triiodide is NON-POLAR and therefore needs a non-polar solvent. Both water and
ammonia are polar, so neither one will dissolve PI3.

+ +
12. Indicate the solute(s) and the solvent in each of the following solutions:
a) 50 g of solid NaOH in 150 ml of liquid ethanol.
NaOH = Solute; Ethanol= Solvent

b) Laughing gas, which is 40% nitrous oxide gas and 60% oxygen gas.
Nitrous Oxide = solute; Oxygen gas = solvent

c) A steel composition containing 0.95 % carbon, 0.1 % silicon, 0.015 % phosphorus, 0.4 % molybdenum,
with the remainder percent by weight being iron.
Iron = solvent; all other substances= solutes

13. Name 3 ways to increase the speed with which a solute dissolves.
Increase the temperature; stir or shake the solution, or crush the solvent into smaller pieces

14. Name three things that will change the solubility of a solute into a solvent.
Changing the temperature of the solvent; intermolecular forces, or increasing the pressure (this only
works on gases)
15. How does increasing the temperature of a solid affect its solubility? What about for a gas?
Increasing the heart increases the solubility of any solute.

Part Three: Read the instruction and answer the questions.

In chemistry, the concentration of a solution is often measured as Molar Concentration or Molarity,
abbreviated M. The Molarity of a solution is an indication of the number of moles of a solute in a certain
volume of solution. It is calculated as follows:
Molarity (M) = ____moles of solute____
Volume of solution (in liters)
Calculate the molar concentration (Molarity, M) of each of the following solutions:

16. 2.3 moles of sodium chloride in 0.45 liters of solution.

M = 2.3 moles =5.1M
17. 1.2 moles of calcium carbonate in 1.22 liters of solution.
M=1.2 moles = 0.98M
18. 0.09 moles of sodium sulfate in 12 mL of solution.
M=0.09 moles = 7.5M
19. 0.75 moles of lithium fluoride in 65 mL of solution.
M=0.75 moles = 11.5M
20. 120 grams of calcium nitrite in 240 mL of solution.
120 g of calcium nitrate = 0.73 moles

M=0.73moles =3.0M

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