12 Test

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1.A homogeneous mixture of two substances is a
a.       colloid. c. solution.
b.      suspension. d. compound.
2. The dissolving medium in the solution is the
a.       solute. c. solution.
b.      solvent. d. mixture.
3. What kind of solution forms when gasoline evaporates in air?
a.       gas in gas solution c. liquid in gas solution
b.      gas in liquid solution d. liquid in liquid solution
4. Which of the following is not a property of solution?
a.       It has a definite composition.
b.      It has a homogeneous composition.
c.       It is consist of a single phase.
d.      It can be physically separated into its components.
5. A solution containing the maximum amount of dissolved solute is
a.       concentrated. c. dilute.
b.      unsaturated. d. saturated.
6. When a small amount of crystal solute is added to the supersaturated solution, the solute crystals
will ______.
a.       remain unchanged. c. grow bigger.
b.      slightly dissolve. d. dissolve completely.
7. Of the following, which will increase the solubility of a gas in water?
a.       increasing the temperature c. increasing the volume
b.      increasing the pressure d. decreasing the pressure
8. What opposing processes occur in saturated solution?
a.       Vaporization and condensation c. Oxidation and reduction
b.      Dissolution and crystallization d. Dissociation and reduction
9. Kerosene is a non polar solvent. Which solute will dissolve in it?
a.       hexane c. ethanol
b.      sodium carbonate d. potassium chloride
10. Which of the following will increase the rate at which a solid dissolves in a liquid?
a.       Lowering the temperature of the solvent.
b.      Grinding the solid into smaller pieces.
c.       Placing the solution in opaque pieces.
d.      Supersaturating the solution.
11. Under which conditions of temperature and pressure is a gas most soluble in water?
a.       High temperature and low pressure
b.      High temperature and high pressure
c.       Low temperature and low pressure
d.      Low temperature and high pressure
12.Which of the following does not define solubility?
A. the concentration of solute in a saturated solution
B. the moles of solute dissolved in a given volume of solution
C. the maximum mass of solute that can dissolve in a given volume of solution
D. the minimum moles of solute needed to produce one litre of a saturated solution
13.To determine the solubility of a solute in water, a solution must be prepared that is
A. saturated. B. unsaturated. C. concentrated. D. supersaturated.
14.Which among the following is an example of a solid solution?
(a) Copper dissolved in gold (b) Ethanol dissolved in water
(c) Glucose dissolved in water (d) Sodium chloride dissolved in water

15 .Which of the following does not dissolve in benzene?

(a) Naphthalene (b) Toluene (c) C6H12O6 (d) All of the above
16. How does the solubility of gasses in a liquid vary with increase in temperature?
(a) Increases with temperature (b) Decreases with temperature
(c) First increases and then decreases (d) No effect
17. Choose the correct example for a non-ideal solution?
(a) Benzene + Toluene (b) Hexane + Heptane
(c) Chlorobenzene + Bromobenzene (d) Ethanol + Hexane
18. Which condition holds for a non-ideal solution?
(a) Change in volume is zero (b) Change in volume is non-zero
(c) Change in enthalpy is zero (d) None of the above
19. How is Henry’s constant dependent on temperature?
(a) Directly proportional (b) Inversely proportional
(c) Varies exponentially (d) None of the above
20.The pair of miscible liquids among the following is
(a) Oil and water (b) Kerosene and water
(c) Vegetable oil and corn syrup (d) Ethanol and water
21. Which of the following concentration terms is / are independent of temperature
a) molality b) molarity c) mole fraction d) (a) and (c)
22.Consider the three statements below. Which statement(s) is(are) true?
1. Hydration is a special case of solvation in which the solvent is water.
2. The oxygen end of water molecules is attracted toward Ca2+ ions.
3. The hydrogen end of water molecules is attracted toward Cl- ions.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2, and 3
23.Consider the following pairs of liquids. Which pairs are miscible?
1. benzene, C6H6, and hexane, C6H12
2. water and methanol, CH3OH
3. water and hexane
(a) 1, 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 1 only (d) 1, 2, 3

24.What is the molality of a solution labeled "8.6% glucose (C6H12O6) by weight?" (Note: If the
question does not give the solvent, assume it is water.)
(a) 0.26 m (b) 0.34 m (c) 0.44 m (d) 0.52 m

25.Calculate the mole fraction of C2H5OH in a solution that contains 46 grams of ethanol,
C2H5OH, and 64 grams of methanol, CH3OH.
(a) 1/3 (b) 0.42 (c) ½ (d) 2/3
26.Which observation(s) reflect(s) colligative properties?
(I) A 0.5 m NaBr solution has a higher vapor pressure than a 0.5 m BaCl2 solution.
(II) A 0.5 m NaOH solution freezes at a lower temperature than pure water.
(III) Pure water freezes at a higher temperature than pure methanol.
(a) only I (b) only II (c) only III (d) I and II
27.The vapor pressure of pure water at 85oC is 434 torr. What is the vapor pressure at 85oC of a
solution prepared from 100 mL of water (density 1.00 g/mL) and 150 g of diglyme, C6H14O3, a
nonvolatile substance?
(a) 361 torr (b) 390 torr (c) 425 torr (d) 388 torr
28.The vapor pressure of a solution containing a nonvolatile solute is directly proportional to the
(a) Molality of the solvent.
(b) Osmotic pressure of the solute.
(c) Molarity of the solvent.
(d) Mole fraction of solvent.
29. Stomach acid, a dilute solution of HCl can be neutralised by reaction with Aluminium

Al (OH)3 + 3HCl (aq) → AlCl3 + 3 H2O

How many millilitres of 0.1 M Al(OH)3 solution are needed to neutralise 21 mL of 0.1 M HCl ?

a) 14 mL b) 7 mL c) 21 mL d) none of these

30. P1 and P2 are the vapour pressures of pure liquid components, 1 and 2 respectively of an ideal
binary solution if x1 represents the mole fraction of component 1, the total pressure of the
solution formed by 1 and 2 will be

a) P1 + x1 (P2 – P1) b) P2 – x1 (P2 + P1)

c) P1 – x2 (P1 – P2) d) P1 + x2 (P1 – P2)

31. Osometic pressure (p) of a solution is given by the relation

a) π = nRT b) πV = nRT c) πRT = n d) none of these

32. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to the mole fraction of the solute. This law
was given by
A. Raoult B. Van’t Hoff C. Ostwald D.Lewis

33. Which of the following is not a colligative property?

A. Osmotic pressure of the solution
B. Elevation in boiling point of the solvent
C. Depression in freezing point of the solvent
D. solubility

34. It refers to the process of preparing a less concentrated solution from a more concentrated
a.   Molarity c. Dilution
b.  Normality d. Molality
35. In dilution of solution,
a.       a solute is added to the solution. b.      solvent is added to the solution.
c.       the amount of moles increases. d.      volume of solution decreases.
36. A 40% alcohol contains
a.  40 mL alcohol in 100 mL of water. b.  40 mL alcohol in 60 mL of water.
c. 60 mL of alcohol in 100 mL of water. d. 60 mL of alcohol in 40 mL of water.
37. Which involves the colligative properties?
a.      Heating of solvent.
b.     Allowing a carbonated beverage to warm to room temperature.
c.      Adding salt to the water in which pasta is being cooked.
d.      Pouring a concentrated solution into a dilute solution.
38.The freezing point of pure camphor (C10H16O) is 179.0oc, and its kf is 39.70oc kg/mole. Find
the freezing point of a solution containing 1.50 g of a compound of molecule mass 125,
dissolved in 35grmas camphor (solvent)
A. 304oc B. 125oc C. 13.6oc D. 165.4oc

39. What is the molarity of a solution that contains 1.50 mol HCl in 2.50 L of solution?

A. 1.67 M B. 0.600 M C. 1.20 M D. 1.40 M

40. How many moles of C12H22O11 are needed to prepare 2.50 L of 0.300 M solution?

A. 0.750 mol B. 0.430 mol C. 8.33 mol D. 1.20 mol

Good Luck !
Set by Dept. of Chem.


Name____________________________________ Roll No _________ Section ____________

1._________ 11._________ 21._________ 31.________

2._________ 12._________ 22._________ 32.________

3._________ 13._________ 23._________ 33.________

4._________ 14._________ 24._________ 34.________

5._________ 15_________ 25._________ 35.________

6._________ 16_________ 26._________ 36.________

7._________ 17__________ 27._________ 37.________

8._________ 18._________ 28._________ 38.________

9._________ 19._________ 29._________ 39.________

10.________ 20._________ 30._________ 40.________

41. What is the molality of a 10% W/W aqueous sodium hydroxide solution ?

a) 2.778 b) 2.5 c) 10 d) 0.4

42. Which of the following aqueous solutions has the highest boiling point ?

a) 0.1 M KNO3 b) 0.1 M Na3PO4 c) 0.1 M BaCl2 d) 0.1 M K2SO4

43. The freezing point depression constant for water is 1.86  K Kgmol-1. If 5g

Na2SO4 is dissolved in 45g water, the depression in freezing point is 3.64 oC. The
Vant Hoff factor for Na2SO4 is

a) 2.50 b) 2.63 c) 3.64 d) 5.50

44. In the process known as osmosis, __________ moves through a semi-permeable

membrane into an area of lower __________ concentration.

A. water, water B. solute, solute C. water, solute D. solute, water

45. It refers to the mass of solute dissolve in 100 g of solution.

a.       Percent by mass c. Molarity

b.      Molality d. Mole fraction

46. What is the molarity of sodium chloride in solution that is 5.85% by mass
sodium chloride and assume the density of 1.0 g/mL?

A 0.1M B 0.5M C 1M D 0.8M

47. The vapor pressure of pure ethanol at 60OC is 1.8 atm. The solution prepared by
dissolving 10.0 mmol naphthalene (nonvolatile) in 90.0 mmol ethanol will have a
vapor pressure of __________ atm.

A 1.62 B 3.42 C 0.82 D 1.89

48. Which of the following liquids will have the lowest freezing point?

A. aqueous sucrose (0.60 m) B. aqueous FeCl3 (0.24 m)

C. aqueous CaCl2 (0.30m) D. aqueous NaI (0.50 m)

49. What is the normality of an aqueous solution with 49% by mass of H 2SO4?
[Density of solution=1.6g/mL].

A. 8N B. 4N C. 16N D. 12N

50. The mole fraction of CH3OH dissolved in 180ml water is 0.4 .What mass of
methanol is dissolved?

A. 480g B. 213g C. 60g D. 6g

51. When a non volatile solid is added to pure water it will-

(a) boil above 100ºC and freeze above 0ºC.

b) boil below 100ºC and freeze above 0ºC.
(c) boil above 100ºC and freeze below 0ºC.
(d) boil below 100ºC and freeze below 0ºC.

52. Colligative properties are

(a) dependent only on the concentration of the solute and independent of the
solvent’s and solute’s identity.

(b) dependent only on the identity of the solute and the concentration of the solute
and independent of the solvent’s identity.
(c) dependent on the identity of the solvent and solute and thus on the concentration
of the solute.

(d) dependent only on the identity of the solvent and the concentration of the solute
and independent of the solute’s identity.

53. Assume three samples of juices A, B and C have glucose as the only sugar
present in them. The concentration of sample A, B and C are 0.1 M, 0.5 M and 0.2
M respectively. Freezing point will be highest for the fruit juice

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) all have same freezing point

54.The partial pressure of carbon dioxide gas inside a bottle of mineral water is 4
atm at 25°C. What is the solubility of CO2? Hint: kH = 3.3 × 10–2 mol/L atm.
(a) 3 mol/L (b) 3.21 mol/L (c) 0.1 mol/L (d) 0.31 mol/L
55.If a 0.10 m MgSO4 solution causes an elevation of 0.062°C in the boiling point
of water, what is the Van’t Hoff Factor (i)?hint: Kb = 0.512°C/m
a) 2.91 b) 2.21 c) 1.9 d) 1.21
56. Rate of dissolution is largely dependent upon:
a) the inter-particle forces
b) the surface area of solid solute
c ) the temperature of the system
d) the pressure of the system

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