Food Quality Control & Study of Critical Control Points Ensuring Food Safety

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Serial No. Content Page No.

Title 1

Table of Content 2

CHAPTER 1- Abstract 3-4

CHAPTER 2- Introduction 5-11

CHAPTER 3- Overview of Food Safety 12-37

A) HACCP System 17-25

B) GMP System 26-30

C) Food Distribution System 31-37

CHAPTER 4- Food Safety Management System 38-66

CHAPTER 5- HACCP implementation (case study) 67-100

A) Hummus (RTE) 67-73

B) Seafood (Raw Food) 73-88

C) Unpasteurised Eggs 89-91

D) Dairy products 92-100

CHAPTER 6- Discussion 101-102

CHAPTER 7- Conclusion 103-104

References 105-108

Annexures 109-135

Chapter 1


Food safety is of utmost importance in the food industry. The main reason is the susceptibility of
the products to microbiological, physical and chemical hazards. Hazard analysis critical control
point (HACCP) is a systematic approach, the aim of which is to determine the hazards related to
food, to identify critical control points (CCP), and to put them under control. For the food
industry, the HACCP program is currently recognized as the best approach to control food

The application of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system is rapidly
progressing. The term is well known for food safety management, health care and all those
areas that dealor focuses on food safety as the primarily object.

Food safety regulations are scientific discipline describing the handling preparation, and storage
of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness and make it suitable for consumption. This
includes a few examinations that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards.
There are 5 basic steps to food safety:

1. Receive – food products received should always be checked for Temperature, Quality,
Genetically Modified Products, Allergens, And Quantity.
2. Sanitize - fruits and vegetables should be sanitized properly, hands, counters, and
cooking utensils.
3. Store - all items should be segregated to avoid any cross-contamination and stored at
proper temperatures. Allergens should always be separated and clearly labelled.
4. Cook –internal temperature of the food should reach above 75˚C in general. Cooked
food should not stay out for more than 2 hours.
5. Chill –it should be blast chilled right away.

In the present study, food safety knowledge and attitude of 50 consumers from two different
categories of food service establishments (FSEs) were assessed. Results revealed that most
consumers (60%) eating at various FSEs were young, in the age group of 18–35 years. Some
of the consumers could identify the carriers for foodborne diseases such as cholera, food
poisoning and jaundice, but most of them did not know about the carriers of typhoid,

gastroenteritis and amebiosis. Some of the consumers just have vague information about food
safety from family and friends as per what has been practiced since by them. Most consumers
had a positive attitude toward food hygiene as healthy eating is the norm of life in the present
scenario. Most consumers believed that government intervention has helped in improving the
quality offoods sold across the country due to the regular hygiene visits by the municipality. A lot
of better‐educated food handlers believed that adherence to norms on the personal hygiene of
the food handler should be made compulsory, and that training of persons in food service is
essential to ensure the quality of food and food safety. In conclusion, various sources of
information should be used to increase consumer awareness on food safety.

Chapter 2


The burden of food-borne diseases though preventable remains huge contributing to worldwide
morbidity. The WHO estimates that each year, unsafe food makes at least two billion people,
representing about one- third of the global population ill worldwide. The Simple prevention
techniques could significantly reduce this burden of diseases which can cause serious illness or
death [1-3]. Food-borne diseases claim more lives and are reported very often in health
facilities.When two or more people get the same illness from the same contaminated food or
drink, the event is called a foodborne illness outbreak. FDA investigates outbreaks to control
them, so more people do not get sick in the outbreak, and to learn how to prevent similar
outbreaks from happening in the future. Food - borne diseases are widespread and growing
public health problems, both in developed and developing countries [4]. The global incidence of
food-borne diseases is difficult to estimate, but it has been reported that in 2005 alone, 1.8
million people died from food-borne illnesses [5]. The high prevalence of diarrhea diseases in
many developing countries corresponds to food safety issues.Though most food-borne diseases
are sporadic and often not reported, food-borne disease outbreaks may take on massive
proportions of the population risk. For example, in 1994, an outbreak of Salmonellosis due to
contaminated ice cream in the U.S.A affected an estimated 22,400 persons [8]. Similarly, in
1988, an outbreakof hepatitis A, resulting from the consumption of contaminated clams affected
some 30,000 individuals [9,10].The various efforts at reducing food-borne diseases include
enforcement of laws on food safety,health education and more importantly, the use of hazard
analysis and critical control point (HACCP) principles [11,12].The most recent food outbreak
occurred in June 2021.

Difference between Food Safety and Food Hygiene

Often times some persons use Food Safety and Food hygiene interchangeably, but the two are
not exactly the same.The term ‘Food Safety’ encompasses all the important practices that
businesses must follow to ensure food is fit for consumption while ‘Food Hygiene’ is one of
these important practices, which means it’s a subcategory of ‘food safety’.Because food
hygiene falls under the umbrella term ‘Food Safety’, Food Hygiene itself does not include all
the other key areas of food safety. This is an important difference to be aware of, particularly
when applying food management procedures to your premises. Food safety refers to an entire
system of managing risks. Meanwhile, food hygiene refers to an individual set of practices for
controlling only one aspect.Knowing this will help you better determine what level of knowledge
people in your business require and how to apply all the necessary controls. This, in turn, can
help you make a more informed decision about improving your business’s practices and what
additional training you may need.An understanding of Food Safety is always recommended for
everyone in food-related roles, so they can contribute to other essential areas. However, they
won’t need the same level of knowledge as those in management positions about other aspects
of food safety.

Major foodborne illnesses and causes

Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and caused by bacteria, viruses,
parasites or chemical substances entering the body through contaminated food or water.
Foodborne pathogens can cause severe diarrhoea or debilitating infections including meningitis.
Chemical contamination can lead to acute poisoning or long-term diseases, such as cancer.
Foodborne diseases may lead to long-lasting disability and death. Examples of unsafe food
include uncooked foods of animal origin, fruits and vegetables contaminated with faeces, and
raw shellfish containing marine biotoxins.

 Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli are

among the most common foodborne pathogens that affect millions of people annually
– sometimes with severe and fatal outcomes. Symptoms are fever, headache,
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Examples of foods involved in
outbreaks of salmonellosis are eggs, poultry and other products of animal origin.
Foodborne cases with Campylobacter are mainly caused by raw milk, raw or
undercooked poultry and drinking water. Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli is
associated with unpasteurized milk, undercooked meat and fresh fruits and

Salmonella E.coli Campylobacter

 Listeria infection leads to miscarriage in pregnant women or death of newborn
babies. Although disease occurrence is relatively low, listeria’s severe and
sometimes fatal health consequences, particularly among infants, children and the
elderly, count them among the most serious foodborne infections. Listeria is found in
unpasteurised dairy products and various ready-to-eat foods and can grow at
refrigeration temperatures.


 Vibrio cholerae infects people through contaminated water or food. Symptoms

include abdominal pain, vomiting and profuse watery diarrhoea, which may lead to
severe dehydration and possibly death. Rice, vegetables, millet gruel and various
types of seafood have been implicated in cholera outbreaks.
Antimicrobials, such as antibiotics, are essential to treat infections caused by bacteria. However,
their overuse and misuse in veterinary and human medicine has been linked to the emergence
and spread of resistant bacteria, rendering the treatment of infectious diseases ineffective in
animals and humans. Resistant bacteria enter the food chain through the animals
(e.g. Salmonella through chickens). Antimicrobial resistance is one of the main threats to
modern medicine.

Vibrio Cholerea

Viruses: Norovirus infections are characterized by nausea, explosive vomiting, watery

diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Hepatitis A virus can cause long-lasting liver disease and
spreads typically through raw or undercooked seafood or contaminated raw produce. Infected
food handlers are often the source of food contamination.

Hepatitis A

Parasites: Some parasites, such as fish-borne trematodes, are only transmitted through food.
Others, for example tapeworms like Echinococcus spp, or Taenia solium, may infect people
through food or direct contact with animals. Other parasites, such as Ascaris, Cryptosporidium,
Entamoeba histolytica or Giardia, enter the food chain via water or soil and can contaminate
fresh produce.

Tenea Solium

Prions: Prions, infectious agents composed of protein, are unique in that they are associated
with specific forms of neurodegenerative disease. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or
“mad cow disease”) is a prion disease in cattle, associated with the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Disease (vCJD) in humans. Consuming bovine products containing specified risk material, e.g.
brain tissue, is the most likely route of transmission of the prion agent to humans.


Chemicals: Of most concern for health are naturally occurring toxins and environmental

Naturally occurring toxins include mycotoxins, marine biotoxins, cyanogenic glycosides and
toxins occurring in poisonous mushrooms. Staple foods like corn or cereals can contain high
levels of mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin and ochratoxin, produced by mould on grain. A long-term
exposure can affect the immune system and normal development, or cause cancer.

Example of a naturally occurring toxin found in found in dinoflagellates and bivalve shellfish.

 Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are compounds that accumulate in the

environment and human body. Known examples are dioxins and polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), which are unwanted by-products of industrial processes and waste
incineration. They are found worldwide in the environment and accumulate in animal
food chains. Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental
problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and cause cancer.

 Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury cause neurological and kidney
damage. Contamination by heavy metal in food occurs mainly through pollution of air,
water and soil.

Date Reference Pathogen Product(s) Linked to Total

Posted Illnesses Case Count

(MM/DD/YYYY) (if any)

1027 Salmonella Weltevreden Shrimp 6

4/28/2021 24 E.coli O145:H28 Not Identified 16

Salmonella Duisburg
4/21/2021 23 Cashew Brie 7
and Salmonella Urbana

3/17/2021 18 Acute Non-viral Hepatitis Alkaline Bottled Water 16

Hispanic-style fresh and

2/17/2021 15 Listeria monocytogenes 13
soft cheese

2/17/2021 14 E.coli O157:H7 Not Identified 22

1/13/2021 10 Salmonella Miami Not Identified 65

The study was situated within the context of HACCP.

Chapter 3


1. Food Safety System

Food Safety refers to handling, preparing and storing food in a way to best reduce the risk
of individuals becoming sick from foodborne illnesses. Food safety is a global concern that
covers a variety of different areas of everyday life. The principles of food safety aim to
prevent food from becoming contaminated and causing food poisoning. This is achieved
through a variety of different avenues, some of which are:
 Properly cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, equipment’s and utensils
 Maintaining a high level of personal hygiene, especially hand-washing
 Storing, chilling and heating food correctly with regards to temperature, environment
and equipment
 Implementing effective pest control
 Comprehending food allergies, food poisoning and food intolerance

Key elements of Food Safety:

 Ensuring everyone follows good food hygiene practices: This includes personal
hygiene, safe handling of food, preventing cross-contamination, cleaning procedures,
allergen control, safe storage of food, and cooking temperatures.

 Implementing appropriate food management systems: This refers to the

overarching system that keeps food and the premises safe and hygienic. The main
aspect is HACCP, but it also refers to record keeping, labelling, traceability, supply
and delivery, and staff training.

 Maintaining hygienic premises: The maintenance of the building is another key

aspect of risk prevention. This includes the general cleanliness and upkeep of the
building, having an appropriate layout, suitable lighting, ventilation, pest control, and
waste management

Understanding the difference between Pre Requisite Program (PRP), Operational Pre
Requisite Program (OPRP) & Critical Control Point (CCP):

If you are a food safety practitioner you will no doubt have heard of and may even be confused
by the terms PRP, oPRP and CCP.

During the intervening decades since the “launch” of HACCP, numerous food safety standards,
codes of practice, and regulatory directives have adopted the principles of HACCP, and, in the
process, put forth their own unique interpretation on how exactly these principles are affected.

The purpose of risk assessment and management:

When we speak of HACCP, risk assessment and determination of control measures is an

aspect which many people may find difficult, if not mystifying, on occasion.

To put it simply, the basic principle is to install within the process and operation some control
measures which are appropriate for the specific hazards and the risk they pose to the final

HACCP requires you to identify these potential hazards and then determine the significance of
these hazards by applying risk assessment techniques, the output of which is a measure of risk
which then allows us to put in place appropriate control measures, such as PRP, 0PRP, and
CCP.Over the decades, various standards have attempted to define how risk assessment is
carried out and how to determine control measures.

In the process they have introduced their own unique terms, language, scope, methodology and
workflows, and while some of these have been good, much of this work has served only to
confuse people causing HACCP plans which are unnecessarily complex and hinder the
effective management of food safety.

In the context of food safety, the International Standards Organization (ISO) has defined a
control measure as an action or activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate a food safety
hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.

This definition is general and can be used to describe virtually any action, step, activity, job,
task, process or procedure which has the intention of addressing a food safety hazard.

As we look closer at the main food safety standards we can see that control measures become

Categories of Control Measures:

1. Critical Control Point (CCP)

The CCP is perhaps the most commonly known of all the control measures, and the ISO defines
it as a step at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety
hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.

This definition is similar to the general definition of a control measure, however, a CCP differs
as it relates specifically to a step in the process such as cooking, cooling, or freezing, and not a
general activity or action.

A CCP differs from a control measure as it relates specifically to a step in the process, and not
a general activity or action. ISO also states that a CCP is a step at which control can be applied,
which means that if a ‘CCP’ is unable to apply control, it cannot be considered a CCP.

In scenarios where control is subjective and cannot be measured accurately, this may be
problematic as control is not able to be enforced.If a CCP is unable to apply control, it cannot be
considered a CCP.Finally, another factor relating to CCPis the risk posed by the hazard should
the control not be exercised.

For instance, if salmonella were to be present in cooked meat, it would pose a significant risk to
the consumer if cooking were not carried out to the required temperature and time
specification.In this situation, control is a critical step and is designed and enforced specifically
to control the hazard.

2. Prerequisite Program (PRP)

Defined by ISO as the basic conditions and activities necessary to maintain a hygienic
environment throughout the food chain which are suitable for the production, handling and
provision of safe end products and safe food for human consumption.

There are wide variety of PRPs depending on the particular product and process.

They are often described in certain sectors of the industry as Good Agricultural Practice (GAP),
Good Veterinarian Practice (GVP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Hygienic
Practice (GHP), Good Production Practice (GPP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP), and Good
Trading Practice (GTP).

Examples of PRP’s in a food manufacturing environment would be:

 construction and layout of buildings and associated utilities

 lay-out of premises, including workspace and employee facilities

 supplies of air, water, energy and other utilities

 supporting services, including waste and sewage disposal

 the suitability of equipment and its accessibility for cleaning, maintenance and
preventative maintenance

 management of purchased materials (e.g., raw materials, ingredients, chemicals and

packaging), supplies (e.g., water, air, steam and ice), disposals (e.g., waste and
sewage) and handling of products (e.g., storage and transportation)

 measures for the prevention of cross-contamination

 cleaning and sanitizing

 pest control

 personnel hygiene

PRP’s are usually general to the process and not focused on any particular step in the
process.Failure of a PRP does not necessarily lead to an immediate and imminent food safety
riskGenerally, time and repeated failure are required to create a critical change in the safety of
the product.Stated another way, they usually manage more general and lower risk hazards.

3. Operatiopnal Pre Requisite Program (OPRP)

As a concept of control, it was introduced by the ISO in their food safety management standard
ISO 22000 and is defined as a control measure identified by the hazard analysis as essential in
order to control the likelihood of introducing food safety hazards and/or the contamination or
proliferation of food safety hazards in the product(s) or in the processing environment.

What is striking about this control measure and its definition is the almost universal confusion
users have in differentiating it from CCP’s and PRP’s.The variation in the focus of the control
measures appears to be based on a subtle difference in the description of hazards and risks.In
my day-to-day, I speak with others who have found it difficult to understand the nature of
oPRP’s.To try and clarify what exactly an oPRP is, it has been described as a specific action
relating to the process, and, while not being critical for food safety, it is essential in reducing the
likelihood of a specific hazard occurring.For example, a cooking step in a process may be
critical to controlling the risk of a specific pathogen surviving such as E. coli.

This is an intrinsic step for producing a cooked product and its removal from the process is not
possible and therefore it’s correct to say that control is critical.Essentially, this means that the
control applied at this step can be considered critical and is, therefore, a CCP.

Alternatively, metal detection in the same process is also designed to reduce the likelihood of a
hazard reaching the consumer and arguably could be considered a CCP as well.However, the
key difference is that it is not an intrinsic step required for the production of safe cooked ham.It
can be removed from the process and a company can practically still produce relatively safe

Nonetheless, its presence may be deemed essential to reducing the likelihood of the hazard
and therefore an oPRP.It is important to realize that this is simply one possible definition of an
oPRP which provides some working understanding.After specific hazards are identified at a
process step, a risk assessment is required to determine if the hazard is significant or not.

If significant hazards are identified then a decision tree is required to help determine if the
hazard requires control and, if so, should they be controlled as a CCP, PRP or
oPRP.Significance describes those hazards which present a real risk of impacting on the
consumer.It may be said that significance is essentially an expression of risk.In food safety, risk
is a measure of the combined severity of impact from a hazard and its probability of occurrence.
In its simplest form risk is expressed as being High, Medium or Low.

Below is an example of a 5 x 5 risk assessment model along with a risk rating which uses
Safefood 360° to demonstrate.

Risk rating


LOW 1 4 LOW RISK(1-4) NO


HIGH 15 25 HIGH RISK(15-25) YES

1.1 The HACCP System
General Principles and Definitions:
HACCP is a preventive system for production of safe food products. It is based on technical
and scientific principles applicable to every step of the food production chain, from
growing/breeding activities, to production and distribution systems, to the moment the food
reaches the final consumer (ICMSF 1991). HACCP systematic analysis identifies raw materials
and processed foods that may contain toxic substances or agents of FBDs, or that are potential
sources of contamination. It may also determine the possibility that microorganisms survive or
grow during food production, processing, storage, and preparation (ICMSF 1991). HACCP was
developed by Pillsbury Company, after a request from the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration in the 1960s, to ensure the safety of foods used in the American space program
(Bauman 1990) [23,24].HACCP is a management system in which food safety isaddressed
through the analysis and control of biological,chemical, and physical hazards from raw material
production,procurement and handling, to manufacturing,distribution and consumption of the
finished product[13,14]. HACCP is designed for use in all segment of foodindustry from growing,
harvesting, processing, manufacturing, distributing, and merchandising to preparing food
forconsumption. Prerequisites programs such as CurrentGood Manufacturing Practices
(CGMPS) are essentialfoundation for the development and implementation ofsuccessful
HACCP plans.

HACCP is based on seven principle [15].:

1. Conduct a hazardous analysis:

The purpose of a hazardous analysis is to develop a list of hazards which are likely to cause
injury or illness if they are not controlled. Points to be considered in this analysis can include:
skill level of employees; transport of food; serving elderly, sick, very young children, immune-
compromised; volume cooling; thawing of potentially hazardous foods; high degree of food
handling and contact; adequacy of preparation and holding equipment available; storage, and
method of preparation. The next step is to determine if the factors may influence the likely
occurrence and severity of the hazard being controlled. Finally, the hazards associated with
each step in the flow of food should be listed along with the measures necessary to control the

2. Determine Critical Control Points (CCP’s):

A critical control point is any step in which hazards can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to
acceptable levels.For each hazard that requires control, control points shall be reviewed to
identify those that are critical. This requires a logical approach and may be facilitated by use of
a decision tree. Critical control points (CCPs) shall be those control points which are required in
order to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. If a hazard
is identified at a step where control is necessary for safety but the control does not exist, the
product or process shall be modified at that step, or at an earlier step, to provide a control
measure. CCP’s are usually practices/procedures which, when not done correctly, are the
leading causes of foodborne illness outbreaks. Examples of critical control points include:
cooking, cooling, re-heating, holding. To determine CCP’s ask the following questions:
 At this step in preparation can food become contaminated and/or can contamination
 Can this hazard be prevented through corrective action(s)?
 Can this hazard be prevented, eliminated or reduced by steps taken later in the preparation
 Can you monitor the CCP?
 How will you measure the CCP?
 Can you document the CCP?

3. Establish Critical Limits:
A critical limit ensures that a biological, chemical or physical hazard is controlled by a CCP.
Each CCP should have at least one critical limit. Critical limits must be something that can be
monitored by measurement or observation. They must be scientifically and/or regulatory based.
Examples include: temperature, time, pH, water activity or available chlorine.

4. Establish Monitoring Procedures:

Monitoring is a plan which includes observations or measurements to assess whether the CCP
is being met. It provides a record of the “flow of food” through the establishment. If monitoring
indicates that the critical limits are not being met, then an action must be taken to bring the
process back into control. The monitoring system should be easy to use and meet the needs of
the food establishment, as well as the regulatory authority. It is important that the job of
monitoring be assigned to a specific individual and they be trained on the monitoring technique.

5. Establish Corrective Actions:

If the criteria for a CCP is not being met, some type of corrective action must be taken. They
must meet the standards established in Step 3, must be based on facts for normal working
conditions and be measurable. Corrective actions may range, for example, from “continue
cooking until the established temperature is reached” to “throw out the product,” depending on
the severity of the situation.
HACCP plans should include the following: who is responsible for implementing the corrective
action and what corrective action was taken. They should be established in advance as part of
the HACCP plan.

6. Establish verification procedures:

These procedures are activities, other than monitoring, that determine the validity of the HACCP
plan and that the system is operating according to the plan. An important aspect of verification is
to determine if the plan is scientifically and technically sound. Also, that all the hazards have
been identified and that, if the HACCP plan is properly implemented, these hazards can be
effectively controlled. Verification can be accomplished by expert advice and scientific studies
and observations of the flow of food, measurements and evaluations. Another means of
verification is an onsite review of the established critical limits. Each CCP will have one
independent authority. This verification step provides an opportunity to make modifications to
the plan if necessary.

7. Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures:
Record-keeping and documentation procedures should be simple to complete and include
information that illustrates that the established standards are being met. Employees need to be
trained on the record-keeping procedures and why it is a critical part of their job. Examples of
records include time/temperature logs, checklists, forms, flowcharts, employee training records,
and SOP’s.

Food safety system based on these principles of HACCP have been applied in food processing
plants, retailfood stores and food services operations [16]. HACCP havebeen universally
accepted by government agencies and the food industry around the world [17,18]
as effective tool to ensure food safety. The production ofsafe food products require that the
HACCP system is builtupon a solid foundation of prerequisite programs. Each
segment of the food industry must provide the conditionnecessary to protect food while it is
under their control.HACCP is a systematic approach to the identification, evaluation,
and control of food safety hazards based on theseseven principles [19].It is important to note
that, the success of a HACCP. system depends on the type of organization [20], educatingand
training management and employees on the importanceof their role in producing safe foods.

This also includes information on the control of food-borne hazardsat all stages of the
Also, specific training on working instructionsand procedures that outline the tasks of employees
inmonitoring each aspect of HACCP should be organizedfor people involved in food
preparation. Management offood industry must provide adequate time for thorougheducation
and training and provide personnel with materialsand equipment necessary to perform these
tasks.Effective training is an important prerequisite to successfulimplementation of a HACCP

The HACCP system has its own terminology: –

Hazard: unacceptable biological (growth or survival of microorganisms), chemical (pesticides,
antibiotics, heavy metals, cleaning products), or physical (pieces of glass, metal, or other
materials) contamination, rendering the food unfit for consumption.
Severity: magnitude of the hazard or of the consequences to the health of consumers.
Diseases may be classified, in terms of severity, as lethal, chronic, or mild.
Risk: probability that the hazard will occur. Risk levels may be high, moderate, or low, and may
vary according to the situation.
Critical control point (CCP): a place, practice, procedure, or process that may be controlled to
prevent, eliminate, or reduce the hazard to acceptable levels.
Critical limit: physical (e.g., time, temperature), chemical (e.g., pH), or biological (e.g.,
sensorial, microbiological) attribute or value determined for each CCP, which indicates that the
operation is controlled.
Monitoring: measurement of time/temperature, pH, or acidity, or visual observation of CCPs in
order to assess whether critical limits are met; if they are not met, the CCP is not controlled and
corrective actions are necessary.
Corrective action: immediate and specific procedures to be followed whenever critical limits
are not met.
Verification: additional tests and/or review of monitoring records in order to confirm whether the
HACCP plan is working as designed. Verification may cause some of the steps of the process to
be changed in order to ensure food safety.
Decision tree: logical sequence of questions that enable the identification of a raw material,
step in the process, or ingredient as a CCP.

Factors influencing the incidence of food-borne diseases:
Food-borne diseases have occurred ever since the beginning of human existence. The drastic
increase in the cases is the consequence of different factors which are either inter-related or
complex. These factors include:

(a) Food supply system:

 Mass production and distribution, leading to opportunities for contamination and
larger foodborne disease outbreaks.
 A longer food chain leads to contamination, survival, and growth.
 Rapid increase in the food service establishments where the food handlers do
not have the necessary hygiene training.
(b) Health and demographic situations:
 Population growth.
 Rapid growth in the vulnerable population.
 Increase in the number of individuals with poor health and lack of nutrition.
 Boom in population in the areas with no proper sanitation infrastructure and clean
water supply.
(c) Lifestyle and social human behavior:
 Increase in the number of individuals eating out instead of home cooked food.
 Increase in travel has also resulted in the exposure of unsafe food.
 Lack of training and knowledge of food handling.
 Rush of small establishments to make high profit with lower investments results
in comprising with the food quality making it unsafe for human consumption.
 Busy lifestyle often forces to make wrong decision for food.
(d) Environmental conditions:
 Pollution
 Climatic changes
 Ecological system, that is diminishing fresh water and adequate food supplies

Potentials of HACCP to prevent foodborne illness:

For sure the HACCP system provides the food industry and the public health authorities a
powerful tool to combat foodborne illness.

 It should be realized that presently the greatest potential of HACCP system lies in the
prevention of the large outbreaks.
 HACCP has been developed some 30 years ago and it has taken a toll in the following
years. It has been a great tool for food safety and has been internationally recognized as
a reference for food safety assurance.
 The system is implemented to major large and medium sized food industries, however
more focus on its implementation should take care of. It is voluntarily adopted along with
the GMP.
 This system has helped the major public health authorities to recognize hazardous
practices and maintain good hygiene.
 Implementation of HACCP system is needed to prevent food contamination and in
assisting those that need improving their food safety standards.

Impact of HACCP on Food Safety:

Data from the World Health Organization show that, in 2005, 1.8 million people died of
gastroenteritis caused by contaminated food and water (World Health Organization 2007). In
spite of the technological progress in food production and control, the occurrence of these
diseases has recently increased, even in developed countries. The food hazards causing such
fatal diseases are generated throughout the journey of the food. Today the food chains are
becoming global and cosmopolitan, and so are the food hazards. The hazards present at one
place are spreading rapidly at the other place by the global imports and exports of food
products. However such food hazards can be restricted and the foods can be made free of the
hazards by implementing HACCP from the collection of the raw materials to the final
processing of the food product by means of monitoring the CCPs.

It can be understood in a manner that one of the major CCP in the manufacturing of milk
products is pasteurization of milk and by successful monitoring of this CCP, numerous
pathogens can be reduced hence reducing the diseases. Factors related to the supply chain,
demographic situation, lifestyle, health system infrastructure, and the environmental
conditions of each country influence the prevalence, increased frequency, and consequences
of these diseases. When all these facts are taken into account, HACCP is an important tool in
modern quality management in the food industry, ensuring the integrity of the product,
preventing FBDs, and protecting the health of the consumer.

Further the implementation of HACCP successfully reduces the transmission of diseases to
the employees working in the food plants by reducing the risk of zoonosis by adoption of
better personal safety methods.

Impact of HACCP on Environment:

As the HACCP lays emphasis on “Clean Production”, therefore, it ensures the use of every
single resource whether it may be water, energy or any raw material in an efficient way
leading to manufacture of a priced commodity and letting out less harmful and meager waste
products. Good managemental and good operational practices had a positive thrust on better
storage capability of the food item, reduction in losses, discard of residues, redesign of
products and production processes, and minimal and efficient use of raw material and energy
thereby ensuring an overall boon to the environment. The new technologies are being used
under the HACCP system which had provided an excellent scenario of decreased wastes
which may pollute the environment in any form and focuses on efficient food production.

How to certify to HACCP:

We make the HACCP certification process simple. After we have received your application, we
appoint a client manager who will guide you and your business through the following steps

1. Gap analysis:
This is an optional pre-assessment service where we take a closer look at your existing food
safety management system and compare it with HACCP requirements. This helps identify
areas that need more work before we carry out a formal assessment, saving you time and

2. Formal assessment:
This happens in two stages. First we review your organization readiness for assessment by
checking if the necessary HACCP procedures and controls have been developed. We will
share the details of our findings with you so that if we find gaps regarding your data security,
you can close them. If all the requirements are in place, we will then assess the
implementation of the procedures and controls within your organization to make sure that they
are working effectively as required for certification.

3. Certification and beyond:

When you have passed formal assessment you will receive an HACCP certificate, which
is valid for three years. Your client manager will stay in touch during this time, paying
you regular visits to make sure your system doesn’t just remain compliant, but that it
continually improves.

1.2 GMPSystem
It is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to
quality standards. It is designed to minimize the risks involved in any pharmaceutical
production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product. GMP covers all aspects
of production from the starting materials, premises and equipment to the training and personal
hygiene of staff.
They ensure that ingredients, products and packaging materials are handled safely and
that food products are processed in a suitable environment. GMPs address the hazards
associated with personnel and environment during food production. They provide a foundation
for any food safety system.

Company's responsibility is to determine the most effective and efficient quality process.

Table 1: General Requirements For Food Safety Assurance In Food Industry.

Staff Create an appropriate organizational framework, describe the key positions,

train the workers, develop behavioral and attitude competencies, supervise
personal hygiene and health.

Self- Perform internal audits, check compliance and corrective actions etc.

Quality Apply good practices in the laboratory, apply sampling techniques, validate the
Control analytical method, inspect the process, maintain, check and calibrate the
measuring and monitoring devices.

Processing Validate the process, prevent cross-contamination during manufacture,
purchase good raw material, ensure the quality of the process for immediate,
bulk or end product, comply legal labelling requirements, ensure good quality of
end product, traceability should present.

Customer Handle the complaints, document the withdrawals and recalls, analyze the root
complaints cause.

Warehousing Warehousing involves 3 activities (receiving, storage and Shipping) that are
included in a quality control program.

Regulations Apply mandatory requirements, follow contractual requirements.

Table2: Decision Tree

Decision Tree
A decision tree is used to determine critical control points once a hazard analysis has been
performed on the food

Question 1 Does this step involve a hazard of sufficient likelihood of occurrence and severity
to warrant its control?

Question 2 Does a control measure for the hazard exist at this step?

Question 3 Is control at this step necessary to prevent, eliminate, or reduce the risk of the
hazard to consumers?




1.3. Food Distribution Systems
Physical flows and storage of products from the final production point to the customer or end
user is known as distribution management process (34). After procuring agricultural raw
materials, food manufacturers process those before further distribution. The processing step
includes ranging from simple packaging of fresh produce to extensive cooking or preservation
operations. General conditions according to the HACCP Guide for Good Sanitary Practice in
transportation are as follows.

1) Means of transport have to be constructed in a way to enable efficient cleaning and

disinfection; they must be physically separated in order to prevent contamination.
2) Needs to be at a specific temperature level, have to ensure proper temperature control

1.4. Food Safety

The food distribution system was shown in Figure 2. Food safety generally refers to the
prevention of illnesses resulting from the consumption of contaminated food.

Figure 2

1.5. Food Quality

Food quality is not only refers to the physical properties of food products, but also on the way
the product is perceived by the final consumer (35). This includes microbial aspects, texture and
flavor. Quality assurance dominates the process of production, distribution and the costs for
certification, auditing. It also evokes responses like technological innovation to create higher
efficiency and reduce costs. New technological developments such as time-temperature
integrators or indicators can be used to improve temperature monitoring throughout the
distribution system (36). This allows improved shelf life estimation of food products e.g. Pork,
poultry and fish chains (37.). The most important quality monitoring systems in the food industry
are: Global Food Safety Initiative (GSFI), International Food Standard (IFS), International
Organization for Standardization (ISO), Safe Quality Food (SQF) and British Retail Consortium
(BRC). The aim of these norms is to help the retailers to ensure safety of their products and
food quality monitoring

Table 3: Pre- Requisite Program In Food Industry.

Prerequisite Programs
Establishment should be located, constructed and maintained according to
Facilities sanitary design principles. There should be linear product flow and traffic control
to minimize cross contamination from raw to cooked materials
Each facility should assure that its suppliers have in place effective Good
Supplier Control Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and food safety programs. These may be the
subjects of continuing supplier guarantee and supplier HACCP system
There should be written specifications for all ingredients, products, and
Specifications packaging materials.
All equipment should be constructed and installed according to sanitary design
Production principles. Preventive maintenance and calibration schedules should be
Equipment established and documented
All procedures for cleaning and sanitation of the equipment and the facility
Cleaning and should be written and followed. A master sanitation schedule should be in place
All employees and other persons who enter the manufacturing plant should
Personal Hygiene follow the requirements for personal hygiene
All employees should receive documented training in personal hygiene, Good
Training Manufacturing Practices (GMP), cleaning and sanitation procedures, personal
safety, and their role in the HACCP program.

Documented procedures must be in place to assure the segregation and proper
Chemical Control use of on-food chemicals in the plant. These include cleaning chemicals,
fumigants, and pesticides or baits used in or around the plant.
Receiving, Storage All raw materials and products should be stored under sanitary conditions and
and shipping proper environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity to assure
their safety and wholesomeness.
All raw materials and products should be lot-coded and a recall system in place
Traceability and so that rapid and complete traces and recalls can be done when a product
Recall retrieval is necessary
Pest Control Effective pest control programs should be in place.
Standard Operating Sanitation practices and procedures must be in place, along with procedures for
Procedures receiving, storage and shipping

1.6 Awareness

This section of the literature review is devoted to a discussion to clarify the term "awareness"
and how it is measured in this study. To begin the discussion awareness is often equated to
consciousness. "We have some control over the contents of our consciousness. We can focus
our awareness; we can pay attention to certain stimuli" (44). Students often choose to direct
their attention to specific information, particularly when they are listening to a lecture for the
purpose of passing a test. In the food handlers' situation, the test is a certifying instrument and
in this case attention to the material is heightened. Motivation can be high for the test-takers to
go beyond awareness to understanding when their jobs depend on passing the test. Studies in
1953 by Hovland, Janis, and Kelley and a study in 1968 by McGuire described a five step

process that delineated the sequence for change in attitude to occur. The steps are the
1) Attention (noticing)
2) Comprehension (understanding)
3) Yielding (acceptance)
4) Retention (remember)
5) Action (implement)
This study equates the first step, "attention," with the definition of "awareness." The trainees in
this study paid "attention" to the information because it meant continued employment and
financial stability. Another way to look at the definition is through the eyes of an instructional
designer that differentiates between the concept level and the application level. The Awareness
of 25 concept level can be described as recall of facts presented by the trainer without using
analysis. The second level is the application level, which an instructional designer incorporates
into the majority of lesson designs. At this level information is presented, practiced and
analyzed. The instructional designer would define "awareness" at the recall or first level (45).
HACCP is a recently developed system; therefore, the researcher did not find awareness
surveys on this topic. Awareness surveys have been used in other industries to address safety
issues. The survey was designed to obtain data on the attitudes, level of commitment and
awareness of mine personnel towards safety issues from over 2000 survey participants. This
study found that respondents were not satisfied with the amount of safety training. (46). Another
study entitled, "Is Education the Missing Link in Ergonomics," was conducted to ascertain
keyboard operators' awareness. A questionnaire assessed three groups of participants prior to
training and after. The results of the study showed that awareness of ergonomic controls
needed to be increased (47). The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point topic was selected for
this study because of the tremendous "growth" pressures that are affecting the food industry
and the need for increased awareness of food safety issues by employees. The combination of
rapid growth in the food service industry without adequate training and subsequent Awareness
of 26 implementation are situations that create an environment for increased food-borne illness.
The following chapter will describe an overview of the study including the purpose,
methodology, target population, and questionnaire items.

The purpose of this study is to identify the awareness of HACCP exhibited by food handlers who
received their training at Goodwill Consultancy Dubai. The findings may provide preliminary

data, which the college administration will analyze to determine the need to increase HACCP

This study examines awareness of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system by
food service/food processing personnel who responded to a six-item Questionnaire. The
questionnaires were distributed to trainees at the completion of an eight-hour food handler class
that was conducted between Feb 2021 to April 2021. This method of distribution was decided
upon so that the responses would be indicative of the attitudes of majority of the population
surveyed. This decision was based on the fact that if the participants received their
questionnaire in the mail it could skew the results, since a limited number of participants would
return the survey with only the most focused individuals replying. This methodology of surveying
the entire class and asking them to return the questionnaire before leaving, gave an opportunity
to increase the response rate for a more accurate picture of HACCP awareness. It also
minimized the potential effect of time lapse on trainees' recall the concepts. The following
timeline is a guide for the activities of the study. HACCP compliance is currently required of food
processors of seafood, poultry, egg, and meat.

Overview of Target Population:

The questionnaires for this proposal were disseminated to one hundred individuals after they
completed an eight-hour food handlers' class. The researcher does not personally know the
participants. The following charts give a broad overview of the intense interest in this class, not
only by the English-speaking population, but by Arabic and Hindi as well. The following
demographics indicate the number of individuals that enrolled in the food handlers' eight-hour
class at Goodwill Consultancy during the 2021-2021 academic year.

The questionnaire included the following questions:
1. Did you increase your knowledge ofsanitary practices as a result of your Food Handler
2. Did your instructor discuss HACCP in your class?
3. The primary purpose of HACCP is to practice sanitation principles?
4. A log of daily cleaning of restrooms is a mandatory element of HACCP?
5. Hand washing is a critical control point?

6. Would you recommend this training for others?

Survey Questions to Determine Awareness:

Who: Approximately all the individuals who have completed the eight hour "food handler"
training at goodwill consultancy were included in the study. This is a small sample when
compared to the numbers of food handlers in the United Arab Emirates. The majority of
participants of this study include entry-level employees, but managers are included as well.

What: A six-item questionnaire was developed so that respondents had only two choices of
response either "Yes" or "No". The researcher expected a return rate of greater than 75%, since
the questionnaire was distributed at the conclusion of the food handler class; but the actual
return rate was 69%.

How it was Measured: Descriptive statistics are used to summarize participant awareness.
Since the goal of this study is to establish a baseline measure of awareness, no further analysis
is necessary

Analysis of Data: One hundred surveys were distributed and sixty-nine were collected. This is
a return rate ofsixty-nine percent (69%). The high return rate can beattributed to the fact that the
survey's were distributed at the end ofthe class along withthe class evaluation and collected the
same day.

Results- Statistical: The results are as follows for all questions, but only question three, four
and fivepertain to the evaluation ofHACCP awareness.

Questionnaire - Awareness of HACCP by Food Handler Trainees

Questionnaire- Awareness of HACCP by Food Handler Trainees

SN Questions Yes No No Response

1 Did you increase your knowledge ofsanitary practices as 100% 0%

a result of your Food Handler training?

2 Did your instructor discuss HACCP in your training? 99% 1%

3 The primary purpose of HACCP is to practice sanitation 76% 24%


4 A log of daily cleaning of restrooms is a mandatory 70% 28% 2%

element of HACCP?

5 Hand washing is a critical control point? 77% 23%

6 Would you recommend this training for others? 98% 2%

Chapter 4
Food Safety Management System:

HACCP represents an integrated system of food safety control in all the phases of its production
and distribution (Figure 3). It was developed in the USA in 1960 as a help in food preparation
for astronauts, and is also one of the first systems for food safety control widely accepted in
food processing. There are two main components to HACCP: Hazard Analysis (HA) and Critical
Control Points (CCP). Hazard Analysis (HA) is a risk analysis with which dangers at every stage
of production and delivery and it evaluates the levels of those dangers and how they affect
human health. Critical Control Points (CCP) in the food chain are those points which enable
complete prevention or elimination of risks or at least reduction of risks onto an acceptable level,
as well as their control to ensure food safety. Five branches of food industry demanding the
implementation of the HACCP system are production, processing, storage, transport,
The first safety is security of food source (food security), important in the underdeveloped
countries, while the second safety is the one related to the sanitary correctness (food safety).
One of the elements of the food safety relates to the legislation enforcement and food control,
and is performed by the system of rapid information on food for humans and animals RASFF
(Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) which enables rapid flow of information about new
risks. Product changes are often reduced by temperature-controlled storage and distribution,
which, however, normally require a significant amount of energy, there by negatively affecting
the environmental impact of the products (38,39) discussed the challenges the cold storage and
distribution sector faces with respect to environmental concerns and increasing electricity costs.
Nowadays, systems that are originally designed to control food safety (e.g. HACCP) are also
used to increase the product quality throughout the supply chain (40). This also concerns
nutritional quality, as can for instance be seen in the recent development of the nutritional
control points (NCP) concept (41). This is based on the HACCP system, and can be used to
identify the critical points in production and distribution systems related to nutritional product
changes and eventually help to increase nutritional quality.

Figure 3

Handle Foods Safely

Although most healthy people will recover from a foodborne illness within a short period of time,
some can develop chronic, severe, or even life-threatening health problems. In addition, some
people are at a higher risk for developing foodborne illness, including pregnant women, young
children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems (such as transplant patients
and individuals with HIV/AIDS, cancer, or diabetes). To keep your family safer from food
poisoning, follow these four simple steps:

1. Clean,
2. Separate,
3. Cook,
4. Chill.


Wash hands and surfaces often

 Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after
handling food and after using the bathroom, changing diapers, and handling pets.
 Wash your cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and counter tops with hot soapy water after
preparing each food item.
 Consider using paper towels to clean up kitchen surfaces. If you use cloth towels,
launder them often in the hot cycle.
 Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running tap water, including those with skins and
rinds that are not eaten. Scrub firm produce with a clean produce brush.
 With canned goods, remember to clean lids before opening.


Separate raw meats from other foods

 Separate raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs from other foods in your grocery
shopping cart, grocery bags, and refrigerator.
 Use one cutting board for fresh produce and a separate one for raw meat, poultry, and
 Never place cooked food on a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry, seafood, or
eggs unless the plate has been washed in hot, soapy water.
 Don’t reuse marinades used on raw foods unless you bring them to a boil first.


Cook to the right temperature

 Color and texture are unreliable indicators of safety. Using a food thermometer is the
only way to ensure the safety of meat, poultry, seafood, and egg products for all cooking
methods. These foods must be cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature to
destroy any harmful bacteria.

 Cook eggs until the yolk and white are firm. Only use recipes in which eggs are cooked
or heated thoroughly.
 When cooking in a microwave oven, cover food, stir, and rotate for even cooking. If there
is no turntable, rotate the dish by hand once or twice during cooking. Always allow
standing time, which completes the cooking, before checking the internal temperature
with a food thermometer.
 Bring sauces, soups and gravy to a boil when reheating.


Refrigerate foods promptly

 Use an appliance thermometer to be sure the temperature is consistently 40° F or below

and the freezer temperature is 0° F or below.
 Refrigerate or freeze meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, and other perishables within 2 hours
of cooking or purchasing. Refrigerate within 1 hour if the temperature outside is above
90° F.
 Never thaw food at room temperature, such as on the counter top. There are three safe
ways to defrost food: in the refrigerator, in cold water, and in the microwave. Food
thawed in cold water or in the microwave should be cooked immediately.
 Always marinate food in the refrigerator.
 Divide large amounts of leftovers into shallow containers for quicker cooling in the



Toilet paper slips and tears, and a person can get 6 log pathogens on fingertips.


When coming from the toilet, do the double wash with a nail brush for a 6 log reduction by

1. Nail brush friction, detergent, and water (45 to 110ºF), 3 log reduction

2. Second wash, no nail brush, 2 log reductions

3. Paper towel dry, 1 log reduction


1. Contaminate fingertips 7 log with non-pathogenic E. coli

2. Double fingertip wash, 6 log reduction

3. Petrifilm™ recovery E. coli <10 total



Pathogens from raw food can cross-contaminate ready-to-eat food.


•Raw food: time and temperature not CCP; washing or cooking makes food safe

•Ready-to-eat food on top

•Air flow: 50 feet per minute holding; 1,000 feet per minute cooling;41ºF, 7 days; 45ºF, 4 days;
50ºF, 2.5 days;70ºF, 18 hours; 110ºF, 4 hours

•Humidity 70% to prevent mold growth; 95% to prevent drying of fruits and vegetables


Instant mashed potatoes with E. coli in a container; Store, measure temperature, measure



Campylobacter jejuni from chicken (1,000 to 10,000 on surface) and Vibrio from seafood


1. With warm water running over the cutting board into a disposal, scrub with a brush for a few
seconds; 3 log reduction by dilution

2. In the pot and pan sink, scrub again; 2 log reduction by dilution

3. Rinse to remove soap

4. Sanitize, air dry


1. Put 7 log E. coli on the cutting board

2. Wash and sanitize

3. Swab 8 square inches,<10 E. coli



Raw fruits and vegetables are contaminated in the pores of the surface.

Chemicals do not affect pathogens in the surface.


The bacteria must be removed by brush friction or water turbulence.

The following reduces bacteria, parasites, and viruses about 2 log by dilution.

1. Trim.

2. Wash in turbulent water. Transfer to 2nd sink.

3. Rinse in turbulent water, 2nd sink.

4. Spin dry.

Chemicals can be used in a 3rd sink, but have a limited effect, 1 log. Blanch fruit or vegetable in
160ºF water, 1 minute, for a 5 log reduction.


Put E. coli on food and measure before and after treatment, using E. coli Petrifilm™.



Pathogens contaminate raw meat, fish, and poultry.


Salmonella is the target pathogen. Reduce Salmonella 5 log. (Assumes the food is
contaminated with about 1,000 / gram, and must be reduced by 1 per 100 grams.)


• Contaminate with non-pathogenic E. coli. Take sample before heating, 5 log reduction.



• The surface of food with a center temperature of 140ºF in a steam table exposed to air with a
relative humidity of 50% will be about 117ºF because of evaporative cooling.

• Clostridium perfringens will grow<125ºF.


Keep food covered; keep high humidity, >90%, above food; or cover food with something like a
butter sauce or cheese.


• Make a pan of instant mashed potatoes with cooked ground beef on the surface.

• Measure temperature. Hold in a steam table for 4 hours. Measure Clostridium perfringens.



Clostridium botulinum, Bacillus cereus, and Clostridium perfringens spores will germinate and
multiply if cooling is too slow between 125 and 80ºF.


• Cool fast enough between 120 and 80ºF to prevent outgrowth of spores

Pre-cool at room temperature.

• Blast cooler 1,000 feet per minute air, 38ºF, 2-inch pan, 6 hours.

• Ordinary refrigerator 50 feet per minute air, 2-inch pan, 15 hours

Validation: Cool hamburger to 160 ºF to pasteurize the food and activate the spore. Put in a
test container

• Cook hamburger to 160ºF to pasteurize the food and activate the spore. Put in a test

• Cool. Take a center sample before and after cooling. Determine if there is growth using Petrifilm™.

Process Identification of Hazard PRP Q1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CCP Reason For
Step Hazards Analysis/Ris / A (Y/N Decision
k Analysis OPR )
Purchase Biological: Likelihood – CP No
Contamination with 1
pathogens & Severity – 3
spoilage Risk – 3
micro organisms
Chemical: All purchases are
Presence of toxic Likelihood – made from
chemicals eg. 1 Use of approved
Pesticides in fruits Severity – 2 Approved suppliers. This
and veg. Risk – 2 Suppliers No can eliminate or
Antibiotics in meat, only reduce hazard to
fish CP a safe level.
Excessive levels of

Physical: Likelihood –
Presence of foreign 3
bodies. Severity – 1
(insect,plastic,stones Risk - 3
Receiving Biological: Likelihood – CP No The chances of
Contamination with 1 Controlle contamination
pathogens & Severity – 3 d by SOPs at receiving is
spoilage micro Risk – 3 at low as the items
organisms receiving. are purchased
Suitable from approved
Chemical: OPR Packaging No suppliers &
Presence of toxic Likelihood – P . received in
chemicals eg. 2 Staff packed
Pesticides in fruits Severity – 3 Hygiene condition by
and veg. Risk – 6 and SOP trained staff.
Antibiotics in meat, training No Minimal chances
fish CP Temp. due to strong
Excessive levels of Control SOP and further
additives. Likelihood – Chilled 5 can be reduced
1 and while cooking.
Physical: Severity – 3 below All purchases are
Presence of foreign Risk – 3 Frozen - made from
bodies. 18 and approved
(insect,plastic,stones below suppliers.
etc.) Raw material
Delivering deliveries are
with not closely inspected
proper and rejected if
temp to needed.

Use of

Washing/ Biological: Likelihood – CP Y Y Yes
Sanitizatio Survival of 3 Controlle Fruits and
n pathogens & Severity – 3 d by SOPs vegetables are
spoilage Risk – 9 Staff used also for
micro organisms Hygiene raw
CP and No consumption.
Chemical: training If not washed
Presence of toxic Likelihood – properly
chemicals on fruits 1 (concentration,
and vegetables due Severity – 3 Cleaning contact time)
to excessive use of Risk – 3 and No the hazard will
sanitization chemical disinfecti reach the
CP on of consumer.
Physical: food There will be no
Presence of foreign contact subsequent
bodies. surfaces. steps to reduce
(insect,plastic,stones Likelihood – Using it to safe level.
etc.) 1 proper
Severity – 1 concentra Minimal chance
Risk - 1 tion if strong SOP
sanitizing and carrying out
chemicals manufactures
. instructions.
Training the staff
Proper on SOP.
as per
storage of


Dry Biological: Likelihood – CP Good No Minimal chances
Storage Contamination with 1 building due to strong
harmful Severity – 3 proofing SOP during
microorganisms Risk – 3 and storage and pest
through faeces, maintena control
urine and contact of PRP nce. No practices.
pest. Likelihood – Good
1 housekee Very less
Multiplication of Severity – 2 ping chances of
molds, yeast due to Risk – 2 practices. No microbial
improper storage CP Integrate multiplication
conditions. d pest due to temp
Likelihood – control. &RH control &
Chemical: 1 Food shall No stock rotation.
Contamination with Severity -2 CP be
toxic chemicals eg. Risk – 2 covered Minimal chances
Pesticides chemicals and due to separate
etc protected storage of
Likelihood – . chemicals and
Physical: 1 proper labelling.
Presence of foreign Severity -1 Maintain
bodies like insect, Risk – 1 cool dry Minimal chances
plastic, stones, pest condition. due to strong
droppings Monitor SOP during
relative storage and pest
humidity control
and stock practices.

shall be

d pest
Food shall

Chilled Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Storage Contamination with 1 covered due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 2 and SOP during
spoilage Risk – 2 protected chilled storage
micro organisms ,
CP segregate Y N Y N Yes Fruits,
Multiplication: of d from vegetables, RTE,
pathogenic and Likelihood – the raw dairy are used
spoilage microbes 3 and high also for raw
Severity – 3 CP risk No consumption.
Chemical: Risk – 9 items, There will be no
Presence of toxic training subsequent
chemicals eg. Likelihood – of the steps to reduce
Cleaning and 1 staff on No it to safe level.
sanitizing chemicals Severity – 3 CP SOP and
Risk – 3 Hygiene. Minimal chance
Physical: if strong SOP
Presence of foreign and carrying out
bodies from the Likelihood – Temp manufactures
food handler(hair, 1 control instructions.
nailetc.) or from Severity – 1 chilled
storage or utensil Risk - 1 items Minimal chances
(nuts, blots) below 5 due to strong
SOP during
Proper chilled storage
as per
urers .
storage of

Frozen Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Storage Contamination with 1 covered due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 1 and SOP during
spoilage micro Risk – 1 protected frozen storage

organisms ,
segregate No
Multiplication: of Likelihood – OPR d from Least bacterial
pathogenic and 2 P the raw growth at frozen
spoilage microbes Severity – 3 and high condition.
Risk – 6 risk No
items, Minimal chance
Chemical: training if strong SOP
Presence of toxic Likelihood – CP of the and carrying out
chemicals eg. 1 staff on manufactures
Cleaning and Severity – 3 SOP and No instructions.
sanitizing chemicals Risk – 3 Hygiene.

Physical: CP Temp Minimal chances

Presence of foreign Likelihood – control due to strong
bodies from the 1 chilled SOP during
food handler(hair, Severity – 1 items frozen storage
nailetc.) or from Risk - 1 below -18
storage or utensil Staff
(nuts, blots) hygiene

as per
storage of

Thawing Biological: Likelihood – CP Raw No Minimal chances
Contamination with 1 foods due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 2 should be SOP during
spoilage Risk – 2 thawed in thawing storage
micro organisms a
OPR separate No Fruits,
Multiplication: of P area to vegetables, RTE,
pathogenic and Likelihood – prevent dairy are used
spoilage microbes as 2 cross also for raw

well as toxin Severity – 3 contamin No consumption.
production. Risk – 6 CP ation There will be no
with high subsequent
Chemical: Likelihood – risk steps to reduce
Presence of toxic 1 foods. No it to safe level.
chemicals eg. Severity – 3
Cleaning and Risk – 3 CP Rapid Minimal chance
sanitizing chemicals thawing if strong SOP
not and carrying out
Physical: Likelihood – exceeding manufactures
Presence of foreign 1 72 hours instructions.
bodies from the Severity – 1 and 5C
food handler(hair, Risk - 1 Minimal chances
nailetc.) or from due to strong
storage or utensil SOP during
(nuts, blots) Proper chilled storage
as per
urers .
storage of

Frozen Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Storage Contamination with 1 covered due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 1 and SOP during
spoilage micro Risk – 1 protected frozen storage
organisms , No
segregate Time and
Multiplication: of Likelihood – OPR d from temperature
pathogenic and 2 P the raw control during
spoilage microbes Severity – 3 and high thawing can
Risk – 6 risk prevent the
items, multiplication of
training harmful
of the No bacteriaand
Chemical: CP staff on toxin products
Presence of toxic Likelihood – SOP and to dangerous
chemicals eg. 1 Hygiene. levels for high
Cleaning and Severity – 3 risk food.

sanitizing chemicals Risk – 3 Temp No Cooking can also
CP control eliminate
Physical: chilled bacteria.
Presence of foreign Likelihood – items
bodies from the 1 below -18 Minimal chance
food handler(hair, Severity – 1 Staff if strong SOP
nailetc.) or from Risk - 1 hygiene and carrying out
storage or utensil &SOP manufactures
(nuts, blots) Training instructions for
chemical usage.

Proper Minimal chances

washing due to strong
as per SOP during
manufact thawing.
storage of

Preparatio Biological: Likelihood – CP No Minimal chances
n Contamination with 1 Segregate due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 3 d from SOP during
spoilage Risk – 3 the raw preparation.
micro organisms and high
of the
CP staff on
Multiplication: of SOP and No
pathogenic and Likelihood – Hygiene.
spoilage microbes 1 Color
Severity – 2 coding of Minimal chances
Risk – 2 utensils. due to time-
CP Exclude temperature
staff with No control during
infectious preparation.
Chemical: disease.
Chemical residue of Proper

sanitizing chemicals CP cleaning No
Likelihood – of food
Physical: 1 contact
Presence of foreign Severity – 2 surfaces. Minimal chance
bodies from the Risk – 2 if strong SOP
food handler(hair, High risk and carrying out
nailetc.) or from food not manufactures
storage or utensil Likelihood – to exceed instructions.
(nuts, blots) 1 ambient
Severity – 1 temp for Minimal chances
Risk - 1 more due to strong
than 20 SOP during
min. preparation
s Raw
food not
to exceed .
temp for
than 45

as per
storage of

Cooking/ Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Baking Contamination with 1 protected due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 1 from SOP during
spoilage micro Risk – 1 contamin cooking
organisms ation.
hygiene Y Y Yes Undercooked

Likelihood – CCP &SOP food shall result
Survival: of 3 Training in incomplete
pathogenic and Severity – 3 Clean and destruction of
spoilage microbes Risk – 9 disinfect harmful
food No bacteria.
contact No subsequent
CP surfaces. steps to reduce
it to safe level
Chemical: Likelihood – limit 75. No
Presence of toxic 1 Food
chemicals due to Severity – 2 CP should be Minimal chance
incorrect use of Risk – 2 cooked if strong SOP
utensils. thoroughl during cooking.
y to
Physical: Likelihood – ensure
Presence of foreign 1 the core Minimal chances
bodies from the Severity – 1 tempt has due to strong
food handler(hair, Risk - 1 reached SOP and control
nail etc.) or from above 75 measures during
storage or utensil . cooking
(nuts, blots) Baking
min 180.

Usage of
t and

Cooling Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Contamination with 1 protected due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 2 from SOP and control
spoilage Risk – 2 contamin measure during
micro organisms ation. cooling.

Staff Yes
CCP hygiene Y N Y N Slow cooling
Multiplication: of &SOP leads to
pathogenic and Likelihood – Training multiplication of
spoilage microbes as 3 Clean and harmful bacteria
well as toxin Severity – 3 disinfect that survived
production. Risk – 9 food No during cooking
contact and germination
Chemical: surfaces. of bacteria
Not expected to CP spores.
occur Rapid No subsequent
cooling steps to reduce
Physical: (blast it to safe level
Presence of foreign Likelihood – chiller)an
bodies from the 1 d
food handler(hair, Severity – 1 refrigerati Minimal chances
nailetc.) or from Risk - 1 on. due to strong
storage or utensil Blast SOP and control
(nuts, blots) chiller measure during
cooled cooling
below 5
in less .
than 1.5
hours or
then 5C/4

Packing Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Contamination with 1 covered due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 2 and SOP and control
spoilage micro Risk – 2 protected measure during
organisms , No packing.
CP segregate
Multiplication: of Likelihood – d from Minimal chances
pathogenic and 1 the raw due to tempt-
spoilage microbes Severity – 2 and high time control
Risk – 2 risk during packing.

CP of the No
Chemical: staff on
Contamination with SOP and
toxic chemicals Likelihood – Hygiene.
1 Color
Physical: Severity – 1 CP coding of No All suppliers are
Presence of foreign Risk – 1 utensils. approved.
bodies from the Exclude
food handler(hair, Likelihood – staff with
nailetc.) or from 1 infectious Minimal chances
storage or utensil Severity – 1 disease. due to strong
(nuts, blots) Risk - 1 Proper SOP during
cleaning packing.
of food
Temp –
paking of
high risk
items not
to exceed
temp for
than 30

Use of

Cold hold/ Biological: Likelihood – CP segregate No Minimal chances
storage Contamination with 1 d from due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 2 the raw SOP and control
spoilage Risk – 2 and high measure during
micro organisms risk cold
CCP items, hold/storage.
training Y N Y N Yes
Multiplication: of Likelihood – of the

pathogenic and 3 staff on
spoilage microbes. Severity – 3 SOP and No subsequent
Risk – 9 Hygiene. steps to reduce
Chemical: Proper it to safe level
Not expected to cleaning No
occur CP of food
Physical: surfaces
Presence of foreign
bodies from the Likelihood – Temp Minimal chances
food handler(hair, 1 control: due to strong
nailetc.) or from Severity – 1 chilled SOP and control
storage or utensil Risk - 1 fppd measure during
(nuts, blots) below 5. cold hold

Cold serve Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Contamination with 1 covered due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 3 and SOP and control
spoilage micro Risk – 3 protected measure during
organisms , No cold serve.
OPR segregate
Multiplication: of Likelihood – P d from Minimal chances
pathogenic and 2 the raw due to tempt
spoilage microbes Severity – 3 and high control during
Risk – 6 risk cold serve.
Chemical: items,
Not expected to training
occur of the No
CP staff on
Physical: SOP and
Presence of foreign Hygiene.
bodies from the Likelihood – Color Minimal chances
food handler(hair, 1 coding of due to strong
nailetc.) or from Severity – 1 utensils. SOP during cold
storage or utensil Risk – 1 Exclude serve.
(nuts, blots) staff with

of food
below 5

Hot hold Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Contamination with 1 protected due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 1 from SOP and control
spoilage Risk – 1 contamin measure during
micro organisms ation. hot hold.
CCP training
of the Y N Y N Yes
Multiplication: of Likelihood – staff on
pathogenic and 3 SOP and No subsequent
spoilage microbes. Severity – 3 Hygiene. steps to reduce
Risk – 9 Proper it to safe level
Chemical: cleaning
Not expected to of food No
occur CP contact
Presence of foreign Critical Minimal chances
bodies from the Likelihood – limit 60. due to strong
food handler(hair, 1 Food shall SOP and control
nailetc.) or from Severity – 1 be In hot measure during
storage or utensil Risk - 1 hold hot hold
(nuts, blots) above 60.


Hot serve Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
Contamination with 1 covered due to strong
pathogens & Severity – 3 and SOP and control
spoilage micro Risk – 3 protected measure during
organisms , No hot serve.
OPR segregate
Multiplication: of Likelihood – P d from Minimal chances
pathogenic and 2 the raw due to tempt
spoilage microbes Severity – 3 and high control during
Risk – 6 risk hot serve.
Chemical: items,
Not expected to training
occur of the No
CP staff on
Physical: SOP and
Presence of foreign Likelihood Hygiene.
bodies from the –1 Color Minimal chances
food handler(hair, Severity – 1 coding of due to strong
nail etc.) or from Risk – 1 utensils. SOP during hot
storage or utensil . Exclude serve.
staff with
of food
serve hot
food at
60 or

Transport Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
ation & Contamination with 1 covered due to strong

hot pathogens & Severity – 1 and SOP and control
delivery spoilage micro Risk – 1 protected measure during
organisms , training No transportation
OPR of the and delivery
Multiplication: of Likelihood – P staff on
pathogenic and 2 SOP and Minimal chances
spoilage microbes Severity – 3 Hygiene. due to tempt
Risk – 6 Proper control during
Chemical: cleaning transportation
Not expected to of food No and delivery
occur CP contact
Physical: Likelihood
Presence of foreign –1 Temp not Minimal chances
bodies from the Severity – 1 less than due to strong
food handler(hair, Risk – 1 60. SOP during
nail etc.) or from Food transportation
storage or utensil . carriers and delivery
n at 60.

& visual
Transport Biological: Likelihood – CP Food No Minimal chances
ation & Contamination with 1 covered due to strong
chiller pathogens & Severity – 1 and SOP and control
delivery spoilage micro Risk – 1 protected measure during
organisms , training transportation
OPR of the No and delivery
Multiplication: of Likelihood – P staff on
pathogenic and 2 SOP and Minimal chances
spoilage microbes Severity – 3 Hygiene. due to tempt
Risk – 6 Proper control during
Chemical: cleaning No transportation
Not expected to CP of food and delivery
occur contact
Physical: surfaces.
Presence of foreign Likelihood – . Minimal chances
bodies from the 1 Cooling due to strong

food handler(hair, Severity – 1 system in SOP during
nail etc.) or from Risk – 1 the truck transportation
storage or utensil . is turned and delivery
1 hr
d below 5
or put
sme ice


Sampling of Data:

Methods and Materials used:

A study was conducted to determine the awareness and adherence to a food safety policy
(HACCP) among selected group of 40 individuals living in United Arab Emirates. The study
involved the use of structured questionnaire administered in form of a survey to respondents.
The study population consisted of food services staff, chefs,cooks,selected food vendors and
local buyers.

Results: The above study shows that not all have an understanding of hygiene and food safety.

Only 25% of the respondents are completely aware of the food safety. To make them aware of

the food safety measures a webinar was done which included the following areas:

Chapter 5

HACCP Implementation for a ready to eat food:

1.Case study of Hummus:

The food safety study of hummus isin two parts: the first focus, addresses food safety issues

related to product formulation whiles the second focus is a study targeted at evaluating the

impact of consumer knowledge and food handling practices in food safety. The first part of this

study was a challenge study to evaluate the shelf life of four industrially produced refrigerated

hummus formulations. The introduction of new products and the expansion of existing product

lines, may lead to unforeseen food quality and safety challenges for food industries, especially

in recent times where foods that were once indigenous to a particular society, is now being

eaten by a wide range of people. This new trend is a result of increased global migration,

leading to increased food diversity in communities, which are becoming more cosmopolitan.

This shift in the diversity of populations is constantly impacting and driving continually changing

trends in the food industry. As consumers continue to demand ready to eat, fresh and safe

traditional foods that can be purchased in supermarkets, it has become necessary to prepare

foods that were once made traditionally on a small scale, industrially for commercial and retail

purposes. Food industries meet this demand, both on a small and large scale because of

improvements in the processing, preservation and packaging of many traditional products that

have been achieved, despite the rudimentary processing of traditional foods due to the use of

simple equipments, lower energy input, and the availability of resources.

Preliminary steps of the hazard analysis critical control point system:

Hazard analysis critical control point system requires some preliminary steps to be taken into

consideration before the implementation of the seven principles. Determination of product

properties, process flow charts, plant layout and process descriptions as preliminary steps will

be very helpful in the HACCP implementation.

1.1 Product characteristics

Raw materials, and ingredients, were specified for the identification and the assessment of food

safety hazards including biological,chemical and physical characteristics.

Traditionally hummus was cooked and consumed domestically as an appetizer together with

Arabic bread, but in recent times it is also being produced and packaged in 100 g to 300 g

“press-to-seal” plastic packages for sale commercially (25). Hummus traditionally a widely eaten

Middle Eastern delicacy, served as a relatively cheap source of protein in the diet, but in recent

times though, hummus is being eaten globally (25).

1.2 Preparation and serving of hummus

Hummus is usually made using these ingredients: chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L), tahina (an oily

viscous liquid derived from milled dehulled roasted white sesame seeds), garlic, lemon juice or

citric acid and salt (25). Traditionally the chickpeas were steeped overnight, and then softened

by boiling with sodium bicarbonate (25). The soft cooked chickpeas are then cooled and then

mixed with tahina (tahini) and other ingredients (garlic, lemon juice or citric acid and salt) to

obtain the basic smooth hummus mix (25, 26). Hummus traditionally is normally served off

plates or dishes but in recent times commercially produced hummus may be served straight out

of the packaging or tub. Often hummus is served with a topping of a special dressing made of

lemon juice, ground pungent green capsicum and garlic, as well as olive oil and, occasionally,

chopped parsley (25). The average nutrient content of a 100 g edible serving of hummus

consists of 49.5, 9.6 and 19.7 g of water, protein and fat, respectively and 300 Kcal energy (25).

1.3 Food Safety Concerns; hummus spoilage

a) General Microbial Spoilage

A consumer’s perception of the occurrence of visible food spoilage which makes foods

unacceptable, according to Day, 1999, is when the visible characteristics of the foods such as

the appearance, flavor, smell and texture changes (27). The most widely used and effective

preservation techniques, currently used to prevent or delay food spoilage include temperature,

pH, and water activity (aw) reduction, as well as heat application (28). Food preservation is

highly improved when techniques are used to alter these factors to produce a synergistic effect.

Microbial spoilage of chilled foods is very diverse and may be a result of the type of

microorganism present, the nature of the food substrate and the effect of temperature on the

food, subsequently different microorganisms may adapt to changes in condition and nutrient

levels in order to survive in the foods (27).

b) Spoilage by Yeast and Molds

The survival, growth and metabolism of yeast and molds in ecosystems such as food, are

regulated by interconnected strain and species interactions, which may involve interactions with

bacteria cells and other fungi (29). Fungal infestations are of major concern in the food and

agricultural industry globally and may start right in the field, particularly in the tropics where

humidity is high (generally > 80%) and hence mold growth is favored (31). This occurrence may

lead to very huge economic losses, because most food products either processed or fresh e.g.

fresh fruits, berries, marmalades, juices, 6 cereals and grains, are susceptible to yeast and mold

contamination and growth after harvesting (30, 31). With the recent surge of product

development in the food industry coupled with food safety concerns, associated with

opportunistic infections involving yeast and molds, as well as other adverse effects of yeast

infection in humans, interest in understanding the survival and growth of yeast in foods has

been heightened (29).

c) Effect of Temperature on Food Spoilage

Food spoilage is influenced by temperature because most biochemical activities are either

slowed down at reduced temperatures or speeded up at increased temperatures (32). Elevated

temperatures enhance food spoilage, by altering the biological mechanisms in the food, which

may lead to enzyme or protein denaturation and a subsequent increase in solute concentration,

which may subsequently cause changes in pH and ionic strength of the medium (food) (32).

Subsequently the application of reduced temperatures (refrigeration) during food storage has

become a widely accepted method of storing minimally processed foods as a means of

controlling and decreasing the progression of biochemical and microbial degradation in the food.

Low temperature is effective in preserving chilled foods because it either totally inhibits the

growth of microorganisms in the foods and or reduces subsequent growth of these microbes by

prolonging the lag phase (27). Day, 1999, observed that at reduced temperatures, approaching

the least possible growth temperature for a microorganism, the vulnerability of the

microorganism to the effects of the preservative attributes of the food like acidity (pH) and water

activity (aw) is enhanced (27). Food safety in industrial production takes precedence over other

food quality issues in the production of chilled 7 foods and foods in general, this is important

because although chilled foods may appear wholesome it may still contain large numbers of

pathogens and toxins (27).

d) Effect of pH on Food Spoilage (Low pH and Weak Acid Synergy)

The pH of the food influences the microbial, as well as enzymatic activity of the food and

subsequently influences the rate and type of food spoilage observed for a particular food (28).
An extensively used combination preservation technique is to enhance the effect of an

antimicrobial acid within the food by lowering the pH of the food (28). Many useful food

preservatives fall into this category and thus provide the synergistic effect that produces a low

pH, mild acid environment (food), capable of inhibiting some microbial growth in the food (28).

There are two modes of action for the functionality of these antimicrobial acids which include

inorganic preservatives, sulphite, nitrite and the weak organic acids. As the lipophilicity of

organic acids increase, its effectiveness as a preservative is enhanced; e.g. an increasing order

of lipophilicity and subsequently effectiveness is: acetic, propionic, sorbic, benzoic (28). The

second important aspect of the mode of operation of these acids, are their dissociation

constants, their undissipated forms are the most lipophilic and are the ones that easily diffuse

through the membrane of the microbe, this is influenced by the pH value and the dissociation

constant (pK) and together these determine the amount of the undissipated acid remaining (28).

The scope of pK values of the usual weak organic acid preservatives span 4.2 for benzoic to

4.87 for propionic acid, hence at higher pH values their activity is greatly diminished (28). In the

microbial cell cytoplasm these undissipated acids dissociate, producing hydrogen ions and their

accompanying anions 8 because most microbes in foods maintain an internal pH higher than

that of their environment (28). Additional energy is required by the cell to export the additional

hydrogen ions produced through the above mechanism (28). Hence in an attempt to maintain

an elevated internal pH, cell growth is limited, till the required additional energy is obtained, to

enable the pH of the cytoplasm to finally decline to unfavorably low levels limiting progressive

cell growth (28). Gould et al., 1996, thus concluded that the simultaneous decrease of pH plus

the availability of weak acid preservatives in a food, will lead to higher energy requirements by

the microbial cells in the food and subsequently limit the effective generation of ATP by these

cells, resulting in their growth retardation and a subsequent decline in microbial food spoilage


1.4 Refrigeration
a) Shelf Life Extension via Refrigeration (Low Temperature Storage)

Reactions that lead to spoilage of foods are of primary concern in evaluating shelf life extension

possibilities in foods, especially in minimally processed foods such as hummus. Some

preservation techniques are targeted at regulating several forms of spoilage that may occur;

these may be physical, chemical,enzymatic or microbiological (28). Essentially, though the most

important or prime focus of shelf life experiments in all cases is to control and reduce the growth

of microorganisms (28). Numerous new trends in food preservation and processing emerged in

the past decade, but “Freshness”, was identified as one of the most important trends in food

preservation in the food industry to have occurred in the past decade (33).

b) Preservation by Mild Thermal Processing and Cold Storage

Mild thermal processing in addition to vacuum packaging of foods, held at well-regulated low

temperatures lead to the deactivation of less heat labile vegetative microflora and spores of

psychotropic bacteria that could thrive at reduced temperatures (28). This mild thermal

processing destruct the cold-growing fraction of possible spoilage microflora, this fractional

destruction together with the low oxygen tension conditions created via vacuum packaging

guarantees premium food quality (28). This process can lead to extended product shelf life

(more than 3 weeks), when products are stored at temperatures under 3° C, although gradually

slow growth of psychotropic bacteria such as strains of Bacillus and Clostridium may result in

spoilage with time (28). To achieve food safety, thermal processing at 90°C for 10 minutes is

necessary to guarantee the deactivation of spores of the coldest-growing pathogenic spore

formers such as psychotropic strains of Clostridium botulinum (28).

c) Recommended Steps to Achieve Microbial Safety

In Foods Day (1999), recommended these general principles to be applied in achieving

microbial safety in chilled foods: primarily food safety may be achieved if only high quality raw

materials are used, and this is made possible if the microbial status of all raw materials is known

(27). There is also the need for proper documentation (clearly defined procedures), monitoring

and control of all processing stages coupled with the documentation and monitoring of the

temperature and time of chilled storage, transport and display of products in retail is key (27).

Food safety may also be achieved if temperatures are controlled throughout, especially, that of

raw material handling and if possible extending the temperature control to home refrigeration by

consumers (27). Day, 1999 also cite the fact that hygienic practices carried out throughout the

entire food process may also ensure the minimization of microbial growth (27). These

recommendations may be achieved via the implementation of good manufacturing practices

such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) as well as strict adherence to

legislative regulations on food safety.

HACCP Implementation for Raw food

2. Case Study of Seafood

Fish and shellfish, just like milk, baked goods, fruits, vegetables, and groceries of all types, are

subject to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, administered by the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration (FDA). The FDA inspects seafood processing plants to ensure compliance with

sanitation and food safety regulations, monitors seafood products for conformance to

regulations governing pesticides and other contaminants, and maintains extensive surveillance

of imported seafood products at their port of entry. In 1997, the FDA Office of Seafood

announced a mandatory fish inspection program that is based on the Hazard Analysis Critical

Control Point (HACCP) system. Under this system, seafood is monitored at critical points in its

journey from sea to consumer to ensure quality and safety. The FDA also updated the Model

Food Code, which is designed to help state and local governments prevent food-borne illness.

The code incorporates HACCP principles and outlines practices for safe food handling at the

retail level. There are several other programs in place to ensure the safety of our seafood. For

example, state agencies monitor water quality in shellfish-growing areas to make sure the

waters meet the safety standards for the safe harvest of shellfish.

How Does HACCP Make Seafood Safe?

All parts of the seafood processing operation are examined for hazards including raw materials,

ingredients, processing steps, storage, and distribution. Hazards include disease causing

organisms, toxins, environmental contaminants (such as pesticides), chemicals (cleaners,

sanitizers, lubricants, etc.), and physical hazards (wood, metal, and glass). For each hazard, a

critical control point is identified where the potential food safety problem is controlled. Records

are kept at each critical control point so inspection agencies can be certain the HACCP system

is operating to provide safe food. As an extra measure of safety, certain sanitation activities also

must be conducted and documented. Under the FDA regulations, all seafood processors are

required to operate under the HACCP program. All imported seafood is also covered. Overall,

the message to consumers about seafood is good. The vast majority of seafood in the

marketplace is safe, and most hazards can be eliminated or prevented by proper handling and

thorough cooking. This is where the consumer plays a major role. By learning the proper

guidelines for buying, handling, storing, and preparing seafood, you can help ensure that there

are no holes in the seafood safety net [42]

The Consumer’s Role

1. Buying Seafood
1.1 Buying Fresh Seafood

What should you know in order to purchase high-quality seafood? First, it’s important to buy

seafood from reputable dealers—those with a known record of safe handling practices—and

avoid roadside stands. And since seafood is highly perishable, purchase it last. Make sure the

raw juices from seafood do not drip on other foods, especially those that will be eaten without

further cooking. (Bacteria in the raw juices can cause cooked foods to spoil, and since these

foods are already cooked, there won’t be any chance for the bacteria to be destroyed.) You can

avoid cross-contamination in your shopping cart by enclosing individual packages of seafood in

plastic bags. Note that the word “fresh” refers to seafood that has not been frozen. Yet “frozen”

does not have a bad connotation. Frozen seafood can be superior in quality to fresh seafood, so

base your purchase on product quality. (Products labeled “fresh frozen” indicate the seafood

was frozen while it was fresh, in many instances within hours of harvest. If fishery products were

frozen and thawed for retail sale they should be labeled “previously frozen.”) How can you

determine the quality of fresh seafood in the store? First, look at the display. All fresh seafood

should be held as near to 32 °F as possible, which is maintained by refrigeration and/or ice.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration currently recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding

women and children under age 12 should eat 2 to 3 servings (8 to 12 ounces) of a variety of

different kinds of fish and shellfish each week. There is a large variety of different types of fish

and shellfish in the marketplace. The most frequently consumed items, including shrimp,

salmon, canned light tuna, flatfish, tilapia, oysters, crab, pollock, catfish, clams, scallops, lobster

and basa or swai, all have low mercury levels.

The FDA recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding women and young children should not eat

four kinds of fish, Shark, Swordfish, King mackerel and Tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico,

because they contain higher levels of mercury. Consumption of canned “white” or albacore tuna

and fresh tuna steaks should be limited to 6 ounces per week because they can have slightly

more mercury.

If you eat fish caught by family and friends in your local lakes, rivers, and coastal areas you

should check for any sportfish consumption advisories issued in your state. If no advice is

available, eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) per week of fish you catch from local waters,

but don’t consume any other fish during that week. Advisories are available from local and state

health departments and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Whole Fish. Whatever the variety of the whole fish they have certain characteristics that

indicate freshness. They should have bright, clear, full eyes that are often protruding. As the fish

loses freshness, the eyes become cloudy, pink, and sunken. The gills should be bright red or

pink. Avoid fish with dull-colored gills that are gray, brown, or green. Fresh fish should be free of

loose or sloughing slime. The flesh should be firm yet elastic, springing back when pressed

gently with the finger. With time, the flesh becomes soft and slips away from the bone. The skin

of a fresh, whole fish should be shiny with scales that adhere tightly. Characteristic colors and

markings start to fade as soon as a fish leaves the water, but the skin should still have a bright,

shiny appearance (See below figure).

Whole fish: bottom fish is older eyes are clouding over. (Source: Florida Sea Grant).

Fish Fillets or Steaks. Note that fillets and steaks should have firm, elastic flesh and a fresh-

cut, moist appearance, with no browning around the edges. Fillets separate if they are left too

long in the case. The flesh should be almost translucent—as if you can almost see through it.

There should be little evidence of bruising or reddening of the flesh from retention of blood.

Prepackaged steaks and fillets should contain a minimum of liquid. Fish fillets stored in liquid

deteriorate quickly (See below figure).

Shellfish. They may be sold live, cooked, or fresh-shucked. Each form and species has

different quality signs to examine. The shells of live clams, oysters, or mussels should look

moist and be tightly closed. If the shells gape slightly, have your retailer tap them. If the shells

do not close, do not purchase them. Do not purchase live shellfish with cracked shells. The

bottom shell of an oyster should be well cupped—a sign that the oyster inside is plump and well

formed. The “neck” or “snout” of soft-shelled clams should show movement. The meats of fresh-

shucked clams, oysters, or mussels should be plump and covered with their liquor. Their liquor

should be clear or slightly opalescent (slightly milky or light gray) and free of shell or grit. There

should be no strong odor.

Raw Scallop. Scallops are not usually sold live because they are highly perishable. Typically

scallops are shucked at sea shortly after capture. On occasion, day boats will bring whole
scallops to market or local restaurants. Fresh scallop meats have a firm texture and a distinctly

sweet odor. A sour or iodine smell indicates spoilage. The smaller bay and calico scallops are

usually creamy white, although there may be some normal light tan or pink coloration. The

larger sea scallops are also generally creamy white, although they may show some normal light

orange or pink color.

Live Crab. Live crabs and lobsters should show leg movement, and the tail of lobsters should

curl tightly underneath the body and not hang down when the lobster is picked up. Lobsters and

crabs will not be very active if they have been refrigerated, but they should move at least a little


Raw Shrimp. Raw shrimp meat should be firm and have a mild odor. The shells of most

varieties are translucent with a grayish green, pinkish tan, or light pink tint. The shells should not

have blackened edges or black spots—this is a sign of quality loss. Cooked shrimp meat should

be firm and have no disagreeable odor. The color of the meat should be white with red or pink

tints. Tiger shrimp have bluish colored shells with black lines between the segments of the shell

(these are not black spots).

Squid. When buying whole squid, look for eyes that are clear and full. The skin should be

untorn and the meat very firm. The skin of fresh squid is cream colored with reddish brown

spots. As squid ages, the skin turns pinkish and the flesh will yellow.

Caviar. The unopened jar or tin of caviar can be stored in the refrigerator up to two weeks. An

opened jar or tin of caviar can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for no longer than two or

three days. Most varieties of caviar should be kept refrigerated in the coldest part of the

refrigerator, never frozen, with the exception of Salmon caviar, as it best preserved frozen.

1.2 Consumer Handling and Storing Fresh Seafood

The storage life of seafood depends on how well you take care of it, whether it is a whole fish or

a live oyster. When your seafood purchase arrives home, store it in the coldest part of your

refrigerator at a temperature as close to 32 °F as possible. Many home refrigerators operate at

40 °F; therefore, fish will lose quality faster.

Fish. Fish bruises easily, so lift a whole fish with both hands and avoid holding it by the tail.

Pack dressed fish on ice in the refrigerator. Seal fillets or steaks in plastic bags or containers;

then cover them with ice in trays or pans. Empty the melt water regularly and add more ice as

necessary. Fish that is not prepackaged should be washed under cold, running water and

patted dry with an absorbent paper towel. The fish should then be wrapped in moisture-proof

paper or plastic wrap, placed in a heavy plastic bag, or stored in an air-tight, rigid container until

ready for cooking. The shelf life of fish depends on the variety and its quality at time of

purchase. In general, you should use fish quickly—within one to two days.

Shellfish. Handling and storage guidelines vary according to the variety of shellfish you

purchase.Store live shellfish in a shallow dish covered with damp towels or moistened paper

towels. Never put live shellfish in water or in an air-tight container where they could suffocate

and die.Scrub live oysters, clams, and mussels with a stiff brush such as a vegetable brush just

prior to shucking or cooking.Mussels and clams in the shell (live) should be used within two to

three days; oysters in the shell, from seven to 10 days. Some shells may open during storage. If

so, tap them. They will close if alive; if not, discard them.Store shrimp, squid, and shucked

shellfish in a leak-proof bag, plastic container, or covered jar. Squid and freshly shucked clams

have a shelf life of one to two days. Shrimp and scallops have a shelf life of about two to three

days. And freshly shucked oysters have a shelf life of five to seven days.

Live lobsters and crabs should be cooked the same day they are purchased. Store cooked

whole lobsters or crabs in rigid air-tight containers and use them within two to three days.

Cooked, picked lobster or crabmeat may be stored in a sealed moisture- proof plastic bag or air-

tight plastic container for three to four days. Pasteurized crabmeat can be refrigerated for up to

six months before opening; use it within three to five days after opening.

Leftovers. Taking care of leftovers is a critical food handling step and is often where errors can

occur, sometimes resulting in food-borne illness. To prevent a problem at this step, wash hands

before handling leftovers and use clean utensils and surfaces. Refrigerate or freeze leftovers in

covered, shallow (less than 2 inches deep) containers within two hours after cooking. Leave air

space around containers to allow circulation of cold air and to help ensure rapid, even cooling.

When preparing seafood for later use, refrigerate or freeze it immediately after cooking in

covered, shallow containers. Refrigerators and freezers are designed to compensate for the

addition of a few temporarily hot foods without allowing other foods to warm up. Refrigerate

leftovers within two hours when the temperature in the food serving area is below 90 °F and

within one hour when the temperature of the air is 90 °F or above. Date leftovers so they can be

used within a safe time. Before serving, cover and reheat leftovers to 160 °F. Soups, sauces,

and other “wet” foods should be reheated to a rolling boil. If in doubt, throw it out. Discard

outdated, obviously spoiled, or possibly unsafe leftovers in a garbage disposal or in tightly

wrapped packages (42)

3. Buying Frozen Seafood

Commercially frozen fish is quickly frozen at its peak freshness and the consumer can now find

a wide choice of top-quality and wholesome seafood in the freezer case. When properly thawed,

frozen fish is comparable to fish that was never frozen. Both exhibit the qualities of freshness

described previously. Frozen fish and shellfish should be packaged in a close-fitting, moisture-

proof package. Select packages from below the load line of the freezer case. Look for packages

that still have their original shape and the wrapping intact with little or no visible ice. Seafood

should be frozen solid with no signs of freezer burn, such as discoloration or drying on the

surface, and have no objectionable odor. The same guidelines apply for frozen prepared

seafood, such as crab cakes, breaded shrimp, or fish sticks. Do not allow the package to defrost

during transportation.

3. Storing Frozen Fish

After shopping, immediately store commercially wrapped frozen seafood in your freezer. Put it in

the coldest part of the freezer, at a temperature as close to −20 °F as possible. As with other

frozen foods, avoid prolonged storage by planning your purchases, keeping in mind “first in, first

out” Commercially frozen seafood can be stored in the freezer for six to 12 months depending

on the type of fish and the amount of fat it contains. Freezing fish at home should be reserved

for those times when you end up with more than you can immediately eat, such as after a

fishing trip or if someone cancels for dinner. Freezing fish or shellfish in the home or commercial

freezer will not improve quality; it only maintains the quality of the food at the time it is frozen.

To freeze seafood at home, start with a high-quality and carefully handled product. Fish should

be cleaned first under cold water and then patted dry. Wrap with plastic wrap, excluding as

much air as possible. Then overwrap your fish with freezer paper or aluminum foil. There are

also specially designed plastic bags for use in the freezer. These may also be used for fish.

Carefully seal all packages and label with contents, amount, and date. Place the packages in

the coldest part of the freezer where the cold air can circulate around them, freezing them

quickly. Shellfish such as shucked clams, oysters, or mussels can be frozen in rigid air-tight

plastic containers. Be sure the meats are covered with their liquor and there is a 1/2-inch space

between the liquid and the container lid to allow for expansion. Scallops may be frozen in plastic

freezer bags. Be sure to exclude air and seal tightly or pack scallops tightly in covered freezer

containers. Frozen, shucked shellfish can be stored for three to four months. Most shrimp

available in the market has been previously frozen. Be sure shrimp has not been frozen if you
plan to freeze it. Refreezing shrimp under non- commercial conditions can significantly affect the

flavor and texture, and, in some cases, may make the shrimp unsafe to eat when thawed.

The National Fisheries Institute has developed a seafood storage guide for fresh and frozen

products. This guide indicates optimal shelf life for seafood products held under proper

refrigeration or freezing conditions. Temperature fluctuations in home refrigerators will affect

optimal shelf life, as will opening and closing refrigerators and freezers often. Although these

storage times ensure a fresh product for maximum refrigeration storage life at 32 °F, the

consumer should plan on using seafood within 36 to 48 h for optimal quality. To determine the

approximate storage time for species not listed, ask your retailer which category (lean, fat,

shellfish, breaded, or smoked) the seafood falls within and refer to the guide.

4. Thawing

It is not always necessary to thaw seafood before cooking, depending on how it will be

prepared. If thawing is not necessary, simply double the cooking time. But if your recipe calls for

coating, rolling, or stuffing, or if the fish is in a block, you will need to defrost it to facilitate

handling. Plan ahead; defrost the fish overnight in the refrigerator. This is the best way to thaw

fish to minimize loss of moisture. A one-pound package will defrost within 24 h. Never defrost

seafood at room temperature or with hot or warm water. Bacteria on the surface will begin to

multiply and cause spoilage. If you forget to take your seafood out of the freezer ahead of time,

place it in the sink under cold, running water. A one-pound package will defrost in approximately

one hour. You may also use your microwave oven to partially thaw your fish. Use the lowest

defrost setting, which is usually 30 percent of normal power levels, and follow the

manufacturer’s instructions for time based on amount of fish. (A pound of fillets defrosts in five

to six minutes.) The fish should feel cool, pliable, and slightly icy. Be careful not to overheat it

and begin the cooking process. Foods defrosted in the microwave oven should be cooked

immediately after thawing. When thawing frozen fish that comes in a vacuum-sealed package,
remove it from the package, cover, or wrap, and thaw it under refrigeration immediately before

use. Do not thaw product while it is still inside the vacuum-sealed package.

5. Preparation—Keeping It Clean

Finally, it’s time to prepare your seafood! But before you begin, remind yourself of these

important sanitary guidelines developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and

Inspection Service. Be sure the food preparation area and all surfaces and utensils that will

touch food are clean. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 s

before beginning food preparation, before working with new food or new utensils, after finishing

food preparation, before serving food, and after going to the bathroom. Do not let juices from

raw finfish, shellfish, meat, or poultry come into contact with other foods. Wash cutting board,

utensils, counter, sink, and hands with hot, soapy water immediately after preparing raw

seafood, meats, or poultry. Also, use a fingernail brush to clean under nails and cuticles. Keep

dishwashing sponges and cloths clean. Use cutting boards that are easy to clean—plastic,

acrylic, or rubber composition are good choices. Wooden boards may look pretty, but they

should only be used for cutting breads because they are porous and difficult to clean thoroughly.

Don’t taste any food of animal origin (meat, poultry, eggs, fish, or shellfish) when it’s raw or

during cooking. Serve your cooked seafood on clean plates. Never put it back on the plate that

held the raw product.

6. Cooking—General Rules

Cook fish and shellfish thoroughly. Fish is cooked when it begins to flake and/or loses its

translucent (raw) appearance and turns opaque. Cook fish until it reaches an internal

temperature of 140–145 °F for 15 s. Follow processor’s directions when preparing frozen,

packaged seafood products such as frozen, breaded fish portions. Seafood is usually baked in a

moderate to high oven temperature (425 °F). Do not use recipes that call for cooking without a

reliable and continuous heat source. Avoid interrupted cooking—completely cook fish and

shellfish at one time. Partial or interrupted cooking often produces conditions that encourage

bacterial growth. Cooking Shellfish. Be careful not to overcook shellfish. So often shellfish are in

small pieces and can easily be overcooked, becoming tough, dry, and flavorless. Some

shellfish, such as canned clams or cooked, picked crabmeat and surimi products (imitation

shellfish), are already cooked when purchased. In this case, heat the precooked shellfish or

surimi product to the desired temperature without cooking further. Scallops and shrimp turn firm

and opaque when cooked. It takes from three—five minutes to boil or steam one pound of

medium-sized shrimp and three-four minutes to cook scallops. Shucked shellfish, such as

clams, mussels, and oysters, become plump and opaque when cooked. The FDA recommends

that shucked oysters be boiled or simmered for at least three minutes, fried in oil for at least

three minutes at 375 °F, or baked at 450 °F for at least 10 min. Steam clams, mussels, and

oysters in the shell for four-nine minutes from the start of steaming. Use small pots to steam

shellfish. If too many shells are cooking at once, it’s possible the centers won’t cook thoroughly.

Discard any clams, mussels, or oysters that do not open during cooking. Closed shells indicate

they may not have received adequate heating. Boiled lobsters or steamed crabs turn bright red.

Allow 10–12 min per pound of lobster, starting to time when the water returns to a boil. Steam

crabs 25 min when two to three dozen, depending on size, have been placed in a large crab


a) Microwave Cooking

Microwave ovens heat food surfaces rapidly. However, time must be allowed for the heat to

penetrate to the center of the food. Take the following steps to ensure that food cooks

thoroughly and evenly in the microwave oven. Cover the food to hold in moisture and facilitate

even cooking. Glass cookware, glass ceramic cookware, and waxed paper are safe for

microwave cooking. Plastic wrap may be used to cover containers, but should not touch the

food. Before using other types of containers or wraps, check to be sure that they are approved

for use in the microwave oven. Unapproved materials may melt, burn, or contain chemicals that

can migrate into food during cooking. When following microwave oven cooking instructions on

product labels, remember that ovens vary in power and operating efficiency. If you’re unsure of

your oven’s capability, try the following test.

b) Time to Boil Test. From a container of half ice and half water, measure exactly one cup of

water (no ice) into a glass measuring cup. Place the cup in the center of the microwave oven.

Heat on high for five minutes until the water begins to boil. If the water begins to boil in less than

three and a half minutes, consider your oven “high power;” if longer, the oven is “low power.”

When using a recipe that states a heating time of six to eight minutes, the “high-power” oven will

microwave in the shorter time (or six minutes) while the “low-power” oven will take the longer

time (or eight minutes).

If the microwave oven doesn’t have a turntable, turn the entire dish several times during

cooking. Be sure to stir recipes such as casseroles or soups. Allow seafood cooked in the

microwave oven to stand for the recommended time. This is necessary to complete the cooking

process. Check for doneness before serving.

7. Serving Seafood

Seafood can be a delicious addition to your daily meal routine and for special occasions such as

buffets, picnics, and bag lunches. To ensure the safety of your seafood, follow the sanitary

guidelines listed in the Preparation section of this guide.

Buffets. When serving for a buffet, serve hot food from chafing dishes or warming trays that

maintain the internal temperature of the food at 140 °F or above. For cold foods, nestle the

serving dish into a bed of crushed ice. Small platters for replenishing the serving table should be

prepared ahead and stored in the refrigerator (at 40 °F or below) or kept warm in the oven (at a

setting of 200–225 °F). Discard any foods that have been held at room temperature for more

than two hours. Fresh food should not be added to a serving dish or platter containing foods that

have already been out for serving.

Picnics and Lunches. When going on a picnic or traveling with food, keep all perishables in a

cooler with ice or freeze-pack inserts until serving time. Make sure the food is cold or frozen to

the touch before placing it in a cooler or cold thermos. When packing a “bag lunch” that will be

eaten within several hours, placing ice cubes in a re-sealable bag or a small freeze-pack insert

in an insulated bag should be all that is necessary to keep the food cold. Be sure to put the

cooler or lunch bag in the coolest place possible. Don’t leave it in the direct sun or in a warm


Extra Care for Special Seafood

Seafood is highly perishable and in many cases requires certain precautions when handling for

home use. Some seafood products require extra care either because they are more vulnerable

to bacteria that can cause food-borne illness or they have unusual characteristics because of

the way they are processed. This section provides additional information on handling some

“extra care” products.

Smoked Seafood. Most of today’s smoked seafood products are lightly smoked to enhance

flavor and not to prolong shelf life. Smoked seafood should be refrigerated at all times and

stored no longer than four or five days. In the store, smoked seafood should be displayed in a

refrigerator case, but not directly on ice. It should not be in direct contact with fresh seafood.

Some other things to look for when buying smoked seafood include a firm, springy texture,

glossy surface, smoky odor, no traces of dried blood or viscera, and no traces of salt crystals.

For longer storage, smoked seafood can be frozen for two to three months.

Surimi Seafood. Surimi is the raw material with which imitation seafood is made. Surimi is

prepared under strict controls at sea or onshore. Freshly caught Alaskan pollock is filleted,

minced, washed, and strained to yield a concentrated fish paste. Small quantities of salt, sugar,

and/or sorbitol are added to stabilize the protein during frozen storage. Next, the surimi is

processed into food products by blending it with binders such as starch or egg white. Real

shellfish, a shellfish extract, or artificial shellfish flavoring is added to make it taste like shellfish.

Then it is formed into the desired shape and texture and cooked. Surimi products should look

like the cooked form of the fish and shellfish they are meant to resemble. Since they are fully

cooked, add these products to your recipe in the last minutes of cooking, leaving just enough

time to heat through. When buying imitation seafood, look for opaque off-white body meat and

red, cooked-shellfish color on the surface. If the surimi product is frozen, there shouldn’t be

crystals in the package—they indicate freeze-thaw problems. When thawed, these products

should be moist and firm, not wet and soft. Do not buy products with off odors (sour, fermented,

or sulfur smells). This indicates spoilage. It is wise to read the ingredient statement on the label

if you are allergic to any fish or shellfish. Surimi seafood should be stored in the refrigerator for

no longer than 14 days (follow the manufacturers “use by date” if present on unopened

package), or frozen for 9–12 months. (See the seafood storage guide.) Remember, this product

is fully cooked. Use sanitary handling techniques to prevent cross-contamination with raw

seafood and meat.

Value-Added Seafood. Value-added seafood includes battered and breaded seafood, smoked

seafood, dried fish, precooked seafood entrees, fresh minced clams, pre-seasoned fish fillets

(such as farm-raised catfish), and others. All these products are semi-prepared and refrigerated

or frozen to save you steps when preparing meals at home. Keep in mind the safe handling

guidelines, cleanliness, and proper storage and cooking temperatures, and always read the

label and follow the manufacturer’s directions, especially as new products are developed and

reach the marketplace.

To use refrigerated, prepared seafood safely, when purchasing it, make sure the seafood is

cold. Also check the “sell by” or “use by” date on the package. Read the label and follow storage

and cooking or heating instructions carefully. Use these products within the recommended

length of time. When freezing these products, do so as soon as possible after purchase.

Marinades. Follow these guidelines when you use marinades to flavor fish and shellfish. If your

recipe calls for basting cooked fish or shellfish with marinade, reserve a portion of it for this

before combining the marinade with the raw seafood. Marinate seafood in the refrigerator in a

glass or plastic container. Marinades often contain acidic liquids such as wine, lemon juice, or

vinegar, which react with metal. Avoid cross-contaminating other foods by thoroughly cleaning

any utensils, bowls, or surfaces the marinade comes in contact with after it is combined with raw

seafood. Do not save marinades that have been combined with raw seafood, unless they will be

immediately cooked in a sauce. Bring the marinade to a rolling boil before adding any other

ingredients. Then cook the sauce to at least 160 °F.

The Final Edge of the Safety Net

The most important considerations in safe handling of seafood at home are cleanliness,

temperature, and time. Keep your hands, preparation area, and utensils clean. Avoid cross-

contamination. Never let raw seafood come in contact with cooked seafood or other raw or

cooked foods. Be aware of temperatures—of the air, of your refrigerator and freezer, of cooking,

too. Use the temperature guide in this publication. And be aware of time—the clock starts when

fish and shellfish leave the water. Finally, to keep your seafood safe, buy high-quality products

and just like they say in the industry, keep it clean, keep it cool, and keep it moving! By following

these rules, you can feel confident in holding up your edge of the seafood safety net.

3. Case Study for Unpasteurized eggs

Fresh eggs, even those with clean, uncracked shells, may contain bacteria called Salmonella

that can cause foodborne illness, often called “food poisoning.” FDA has put regulations in place

to help prevent contamination of eggs on the farm and during shipping and storage, but

consumers also play a key role in preventing illness linked to eggs. Protect yourself and your

family by following these safe handling tips when buying, storing, preparing, and serving eggs—

or foods that contain them.

What is Salmonella?

Salmonella, the name of a group of bacteria, is a common cause of food poisoning in the United

States. Most people infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, and

vomiting 12 to 72 hours after infection. Symptoms usually last 4 to 7 days and most people get

better without treatment. However, in some people, the diarrhea may be so severe that they

need to be hospitalized. In these patients, the Salmonella infection may spread from the

intestines to the blood stream, and then to other body sites and can cause death unless the

person is treated quickly with antibiotics. Certain people are at greater risk for severe illness and

include children, older adults, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems

(such as transplant patients and individuals with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and diabetes).

1) Buying

You can help keep eggs safe by making wise buying decisions at the grocery store.

 Buy eggs only if sold from a refrigerator or refrigerated case.

 Open the carton and make sure that the eggs are clean and the shells are not cracked.

 Store promptly in a clean refrigerator at a temperature of 5°C or below. Use a refrigerator

thermometer to check.

 Store eggs in their original carton and use them within 3 weeks for best quality.

2) Storing

Proper storage of eggs can affect both quality and safety.

 Use hard-cooked eggs (in the shell or peeled) within 1 week after cooking.

 Use frozen eggs within 1 year. Eggs should not be frozen in their shells. To freeze whole

eggs, beat yolks and whites together. Egg whites can also be frozen by themselves.

 Refrigerate leftover cooked egg dishes and use within 3 to 4 days. When refrigerating a

large amount of a hot egg-containing leftover, divide it into several shallow containers so

it will cool quickly.

3) Preparing

Wash hands, utensils, equipment, and work surfaces with hot, soapy water before and after

they come in contact with raw eggs and raw egg-containing foods.

 Cook eggs until both the yolk and the white are firm. Scrambled eggs should not be


 Casseroles and other dishes containing eggs should be cooked to 160° F. Use a food

thermometer to be sure.

 For recipes that call for eggs that are raw or undercooked when the dish is served — like

Caesar salad dressing and homemade ice cream — use either shell eggs that have

been treated to destroy Salmonella, by pasteurization or another approved method, or

pasteurized egg products.

4) Serving

Follow these serving guidelines for eggs and egg dishes.

 Serve cooked eggs (such as hard-boiled eggs and fried eggs) and egg-containing foods

(such as such as quiches and soufflés) immediately after cooking. Cooked eggs and egg

dishes may be refrigerated for serving later but should be thoroughly reheated to 165° F

before serving.

 Never leave cooked eggs or egg dishes out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours or

for more than 1 hour when temperatures are above 90° F. Bacteria that can cause

illness grow quickly at warm temperatures (between 40° F and 140° F).

 For party planning, keep hot egg dishes hot and cold egg dishes cold:

 Keep egg dishes refrigerated until time to serve.

 Serve small platters of reheated egg dishes at a time to ensure the food stays at the

proper temperature. Replenish as needed, or at least every 2 hours.

 Keep cold egg dishes on ice if they are going to stay out longer than 2 hours.

5) Transporting

For picnics, pack cooked eggs and egg dishes in an insulated cooler with enough ice or frozen

gel packs to keep them cold. Transport the cooler in the passenger compartment of the car, not

in the much warmer trunk. At the picnic area, put the cooler in the shade if possible and keep

the lid closed as much as you can.

For school or work, pack cooked eggs with a small frozen gel pack or a frozen juice box.

4. Case Study of Dairy Products


Grade A milk is carefully produced, processed and packaged in order to protect the safety of the

consumer. Grade A milk must be pasteurized to be sold by retailers in interstate commerce.

Raw milk is usually pasteurized either by low temperature pasteurization in which the milk is

heated to 145 °F or higher for at least 30 minutes, or by high temperature pasteurization in

which the milk is heated to 161 °F or higher for at least 15 seconds and then quickly cooled.

Pasteurization destroys disease-causing bacteria and extends the shelf life of milk. However,

pasteurized milk can readily spoil and could cause foodborne illness if not properly protected

and handled.

Maintaining the Safety of Milk: Refrigeration is the single most important factor in maintaining

the safety of milk. By law, Grade A milk must be maintained at a temperature of 45 °F or below.

Bacteria in milk will grow minimally below 45 °F. However, temperatures well below 40 °F are

necessary to protect the milk’s quality. It is critical that these temperatures be maintained

through warehousing, distribution, delivery and storage.The cooler refrigerated milk is kept, the

longer it lasts and the safer it is. As the product is allowed to warm, the bacteria grow more

rapidly. Properly refrigerated, milk can withstand about two weeks’ storage.Infants, pregnant

women, the elderly and the chronically ill (such as those undergoing cancer treatments and

individuals with AIDS, diabetes or kidney disease) are most at risk from serious illness due to

eating any unsafe food. These individuals and those who care for them must be especially

careful to handle milk safely.

Fresh Fluid Milk: Fresh milk is categorized mainly by the amount of butterfat it contains. In

November 1997, the FDA announced a new rule for milk labeling that helps consumers clarify

the difference between 1- and 2-percent milk and reinforces the fact that skim milk is fat-free.

Under the new rule, 2-percent milk is renamed reduced fat; 1-percent milk is renamed low-fat;

and skim milk is called fat-free or nonfat, although it may contain up to 0.5 grams of fat in a one

cup serving.

Buying Fresh Fluid Milk: When selecting milk at the store, make sure it is properly displayed

and pay close attention to the date on the label. All fresh fluid milks should be stored at

temperatures below 40 °F and should not be stacked high in the display cases. If stored above

40 °F, milk will begin to develop signs of spoilage, including sour odor, off-flavor and curdled

consistency. Remember that milk should be taken from the store and quickly placed in your

refrigerator at home so that the temperature does not rise above 40 °F. Once you have

purchased milk and refrigerated it promptly, it should retain its fresh taste for one to five days

beyond the “sell-by” date if kept at the proper temperature. If it spoils before the date expires,

this indicates it was not handled properly, and it should be returned to the store for a refund.

Storing Fresh Fluid Milk: Milk should not be left out at room temperature. Pour milk to be used

into a serving container and return the original container to the refrigerator. Do not return

unused milk that has been sitting out to its original container where it could contaminate the

remaining milk. Milk can be stored frozen at 0 °F for up to three months and will be safe to drink

if it is thawed in the refrigerator, although it does not retain its smooth texture.

Concentrated or Dried Milks

Evaporated & Evaporated Skimmed Milk: This type of milk has about 60 percent of the water

removed. It may be fortified with vitamins A and/ or D. Store cans of evaporated milk in a cool,

dry place. It is shelf-stable, but once opened it should be treated as fresh fluid milk, kept

refrigerated and used within several days.

Sweetened Condensed Milk: This is the milk that results from the evaporation of half the water

and the addition of sugar in amounts sufficient for preservation. It is stored like evaporated milk.

UHT Milk: Ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk is regular fluid milk that is packed in an airtight,

sterilized, cardboard container. The product is treated by flash sterilization at 290 °F (twice the

temperature of normal pasteurization). This high temperature kills all bacteria or

microorganisms. The milk is then packed into sterilized containers and is shelf-stable for six

months. After six months, the flavor and color begin to change and the product thickens. It is still

safe, but may not produce the desired effect in a recipe. Once the package of UHT milk is

opened, it is treated like fresh fluid milk and used within several days.


Cream has a very high fat content of between 18 and 40 percent butterfat compared to around

3.25 percent in whole milk. The rich, yellow color associated with cream comes from the

carotene in the fat. The type of cream is determined by its fat content.

Half-and-half is a combination of milk and cream with a butterfat content of about 11 percent.

Light cream has between 18 and 30 percent butterfat and may be called coffee or table cream.

Light whipping cream has between 30 and 36 percent butterfat and can be whipped into solid

form, although it tends to be less stable than heavy whipping cream.

Heavy cream or whipping cream contains 36 to 40 percent butterfat.

Pressurized whipped cream is sold in aerosol cans and is made from a mixture of cream, sugar

and chemical stabilizers.

Sour cream is made by adding a lactic acid culture to sweet cream. Sour cream usually contains

between 18 and 20 percent butterfat.

Reduced-fat sour cream has skim milk added to lower the fat content.

Storage: Store cream at 40 °F or below in its original container in the refrigerator. Do not leave

cream at room temperature, and do not mix warm cream with cream that has been kept

refrigerated. Use fresh, pasteurized cream within one to five days of the “sell-by” date.


Butter is made from the sweet or soured cream of cow’s milk by agitation or “churning.” After

churning, the mass of butter is washed and salted. It is worked to distribute the salt and remove

extra water. To be sold in stores, butter must contain at least 80 percent milk fat. Water and milk

solids make up the other 20 percent. Salt and coloring may be added if desired. Some unsalted

butter is sold as sweet butter, but most people prefer the salted product.The USDA grade label

on the butter carton or wrapper means the butter has been tested for quality by a government

grader and has been produced under sanitary conditions. The highest possible grade is AA.

Grade AA butter is delicate and sweet-flavored with a creamy texture and good spreadability.

Most butter sold is grade AA or A. Because of its high fat content, butter contains many calories

and therefore should be used sparingly in the diet.

Storage: Storing butter properly, lengthens the shelf life so it can be used over a longer period

of time. To prevent a type of spoilage called rancidity, protect butter from heat, light and air by

storing it covered in the refrigerator. Rancid butter has an unpleasant taste and smell.

Butter absorbs odors from other foods rapidly. To prevent flavor changes, keep butter wrapped

in moisture- and vapor-proof material or in tightly covered containers. For refrigerator storage,
leave butter in its original wrapper. Opened portions of butter should be refrigerated in a

covered dish. Butter can be stored for up to two weeks at refrigerator temperatures (below 40

°F). Higher temperatures cause off-flavors and unpleasant odors to develop. Butter should not

be stored in the butter keeper (set at warmer temperatures) on the refrigerator door longer than

two days. For ease in spreading, remove butter from the refrigerator 10 to 15 minutes before

using it for holding longer than two weeks, butter should be frozen. To store butter in the

freezer, wrap it in moisture- and vapor-proof freezer packaging material to keep the butter from

absorbing odors from other foods and to prevent freezer burn. Butter in its original carton can be

overwrapped. Butter in one-pound blocks can be cut into smaller portions, repackaged and

frozen for future use. If properly wrapped and held at 0 °F or lower, butter will keep well in the

freezer for six to nine months. Thaw butter in the refrigerator.


The natural sugar in milk is converted to lactic acid by means of a bacterial culture producing

the creamy, pleasantly tart yogurt. Yogurt is pasteurized to destroy disease-causing

microorganisms. Fat and calorie content will differ depending on whether whole, low-fat or fat-

free milk is used and whether fruit or sweeteners are added. The label will give the specific

information for each yogurt.

Storage: Yogurt may be kept well covered in the refrigerator for seven to 10 days past the “sell-

by” date. If it is kept longer, it will develop a stronger taste. Freezing yogurt is not recommended

because of the variable results in texture.

Hazards identified in the milk and cheese processing steps andCorrective measures

Processing step Hazard Control measures

Microbial Physical Chemical

Receiving of Milk Unhygienic Extraneous matter Starch Implementation of

contacts, GMP, OPRP, Effective

Salmonella, filtering


Cooling (OPRP) Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Effective cleaning of

contacts cooling tanks,

implementation of GMP

R.O treatment Faecal, Coliforms Heavy metals, Not usually Filter changing and

calcium, Hardness effective cleaning of

of water membrane filtration

Standardization Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Effective cleaning


Pasteurization Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Implementation of

contacts, GMP, proper

Salmonella, pasteurization


Poly packing (UV) NON working of Extraneous matter Not usually Monitoring of UV light

UV light

Cold Storage Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Effective cleaning, pest

contacts control

Crate washing (OPRP) Not properly Extraneous matter Not usually Effective crate washing

washed with tested water

Dispatch Not usually Extraneous matter Not usually Effective cleaning and

maintenance of

hygienic conditions

Table: Hazard Analysis of Milk Processing

Processing step Hazard Control measures

Microbial Physical Chemical

Receiving of Milk Unhygienic Extraneous matter None Implementation of

contacts GMP

Standardization Unhygienic Extraneous matter None Implementation of

contacts GMP

Pasteurization Unhygienic Not usually None Proper pasteurization




Cooling Unhygienic None None Implementation of

contacts GMP

Coagulation by 1% Unhygienic None Adulterants Proper verification of

citric acid contacts citric acid quality from a

certified buyer

Draining of whey Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Effective cleaning

Implementation of


Milk solids filled in Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Implementation of

blocks and pressed by contacts GMP


Cutting into pieces Not usually Metal Dust Not usually Implementation of

GMP and use of metal


Dipped in chilled water Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Implementation of

at 4°C contacts GMP

Draining of water Unhygienic Not usually Not usually Implementation of

contacts GMP

Packed into desired Unhygienic Pests Not usually Implementation of

weight and stored at contacts GMP

Packing under UV light

Dispatched in chilled Unhygienic Extraneous matter Not usually Strict control of

condition (OPRP) contacts conditions during


Table: Hazard Analysis of Cheese Processing

It can be concluded that that application of HACCP system can improve the quality of

pasteurized Milk and cheese by control of critical points The pre-requisites programs (GMPs)

and the operational pre-conditional programs that form the sturdy pillars of a stout and sturdy

HACCP plan must be made mandatory to ensure good quality and hygiene in the plant as well

as product the direct application of HACCP is difficult in industries that are not producing food

products. But for industries that are associated with the food production industry the

implementation of HACCP provides familiar value. The lessening of identified CCP number is

necessary since it will ensure the safety of food products for consumption and safety of the

consumer (48).

Chapter 6


Food safety is integral to the Sustainable Development Goals.

When food is not safe, human development simply cannot take place. In its plan of action for

people, planet and prosperity, the 2030 Agenda calls for everyone, in particular the poor and the

vulnerable, to have access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round. It pledges to

ensure healthy lives and promote well-being, which are essential to sustainable development.

Unsafe food takes a huge toll on human health and the economy. Every year more than

600 million people fall ill and 420 000 die from eating food contaminated with bacteria, viruses,

parasites, toxins or chemicals. Unsafe food accounted for 33 million disability-adjusted life years

in 2010. As for the economic price tag, unsafe food costs low- and middle-income economies

alone about US$ 95 billion in lost productivity annually and can curtail trade.

Food safety is everyone’s responsibility.. Widespread collaboration and contributions of all

actors across the food supply chain, underpinned by robust governance, agreed international

standards and harmonized regulations, are essential to food safety. Good nutrition requires safe

food. Unsafe food prevents the suitable uptake of nutrients and renders it unsuitable for human

consumption and can lead to long-term growth delays in children. Poor nutrition makes people

more susceptible to diseases. It is a vicious cycle that must be broken. Sustainable

Development Goal 2, which is about ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition

and promoting sustainable agriculture, can only be achieved when food is safe for people to eat.

Food standards help to safeguard public health at large. Harmonized international food

standards ensure that food is safe, healthy and of good quality, and can be safely traded

between countries or passed on along a food value chain, enabling all players to comply with

requirements elsewhere. International standards shield countries and companies from

discretionary national trade barriers. We need to keep pace with the rapidly changing food

systems. Production and processing methods and technologies continue to transform trade,

changing the way food moves from farm to fork. It is essential to ensure that the many

economic, social and environmental factors driving these changes contribute to our ability to

achieve Zero Hunger for a global population that is projected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050.

Food Safety Is Science-Centered

The availability of agreed decision-making tools facilitates an inclusive and transparent process

for food safety decisions, based on a broad set of factors rather than a single consideration.

Making sound strategic decisions is the primary responsibility of food safety risk managers, who

must weigh multiple criteria and sometimes complex risk interactions. Decisions often require

balancing food safety priorities with resources, following multiple policy recommendations and

selecting the most appropriate intervention to minimize risks. To be effective in building strong

food safety programmes, food safety risk managers need to influence high-level decisions

Strengthening controls of food safety threats, plant and animal pests and diseases for

agricultural productivity and trade. Also in determining appropriate action, decision-makers often

need to consider the consequences relating to more than one risk factor, for example, the

multiple impacts on public health, trade, food access and security. Science is central to the work

of quality along the supply chain. In close collaboration with WHO, FAO provides neutral and

independent scientific advice as the essential basis for the international food safety standards,

guidelines and codes of practice established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, and for

supporting the development of modern food control systems by national authorities such as

whole genome sequencing for epidemiological surveillance for foodborne pathogens. In

developing high quality globally relevant scientific advice, consideration is given to the entire

food production chain as appropriate as well as all relevant and accessible data. Regular

updates are made to the methods and approaches used to ensure consistency with the most

recent developments.

Chapter 7


HACCP is a proactive plan developed to prevent and reduce the incidents of food safety

hazards. By monitoring and detecting potential problems throughout an entire process,

identification of hazards and application of corrective measures can be implemented

immediately. HACCP enables companies to apply prevention and detection methods to their

specific application(s), giving them the freedom to adopt new techniques and technologies more

rapidly. A successful HACCP plan is built upon a firm commitment from upper management with

well-trained and motivated employees actively involved in the process. Under HACCP,

responsibility for ensuring food safety is now appropriately placed on the food manufacturer or

distributor. Adoption of this plan will result in the reduced likelihood of hazards and assure

consumers that the products they consume are as safe as science and technology allow.

Overall tools for use in an integrated approach to the management of food safety are described

in this report. They comprise the use of elements of Good manufacturing Practice (GMP) that

are specifically concerned with the general design and operation of hygienic premises and

equipment and with the hygiene of personnel, GMP requirements associated with hygiene form

the basis for the operation of a hygienic food operation. Food Safety, HACCP and other Quality


System looks for hazards or anything that could go wrong regarding product safety and

implements controls subsequently to ensure that the product will not cause harm to the

consumer. Food products go through every stage of the supply chain (production, storage and

sales). The document gives the interrelationship between risk analysis (i.e., risk assessment,

risk management and risk communication) and HACCP.

The advantages of HACCP are not limited. It can be implemented at any part of the globe due

to its compatibility and suitability as the food production is proportional to the population. The

surging population demands the better food products which ensure decreased susceptibility of

people to food borne diseases and better health. The effective plan of HACCP is given by WHO

and it should be followed by every food processing unit for manufacturing of clean foods.

However, HACCP will only become effective when its principles are correctly and broadly

applied in all stages of the food production chain from farm to fork. Food borne diseases only

occur when there are failures in implementation or limited application of HACCP, mainly in small

companies. Curbing certain loopholes in the implementation of the HACCP principles assure the

clean food production.

HACCP is a tool that guides food safety personnel to ensure the quality of the food is safe and

what needs to be done for that is done. Its successful implementation requires an understanding

of its principles and a commitment to its implementation.

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A1 Goods Receiving And Rejection Monitoring Record

A2 Daily Fruits And Vegetables Sanitization Record
A3 Thawing Temperature Monitoring Record
A4 Chiller Temperature Monitoring Record
A5 Freezer Temperature Monitoring Record
A6 Dry Storage Temperature - Humidity Monitoring Record
A7 Cooling Temperature Monitoring Record
A8 Internal Coking – Baking Temperature Monitoring Record
A9 Daily Hot- Holding Temperature Monitoring Record
A10 Cold Holding Temperature Monitoring Record
A11 Good Transportation- Distribution Temperature Monitoring Record
A12 Receiving And Service Holding Temperature Monitoring Record
A13 Delivery Vehicle Cleaning And Temperature Monitoring Record
A14 Personal Hygiene Checklist
A15 Traceability And Recall Record
A16 Training Attendance Record
A17 Food Sampling Monitoring Record
A18 Waste Oil Disposal Record
A19 HACCP Internal Audit Checklist
A20 Weekly Calibration Log

Issue date:
Sample Goods Receiving/Rejection Monitoring Record Rev. No:
Written by:
Hygiene Officer

The temperature controls of receiving high risk foods - Chilled items 1- 5 ºC and Frozen items, ≤ -18 ºC
Dry Items- Ambient Tempt

Temp oC Temp oC Production Expiry Accept/ action taken
Date Invoice Supplier Product
number food Vehicle date date Reject for rejected

( critical limits- chilled items above 8 ºC Frozen items – less than -15 ºC)

Verified By Hygiene officer:

Rev date:
Daily Fruits and Vegetable Sanitization HACCP/OC/RE-
Sample Form Rev-No.
Written by: Hygiene Officer

Chlorine Level
Date Food item Monitoring/ Reading Checked by

Concentration of the disinfecting chemicals as per below;

Contact time: 3 Minutes ( for all skin types)
Milsan Dilution Ratio 1:100 (1L of Chemical in 100L of Water)

Verified by Hygiene Officer:

Sample Form Thawing Temperature Monitoring Record Rev. No:
Written by: Hygiene Officer

Temp: ≤5 0C
Duration: 72 hrs. Max

Items Temp. Date In Temp. Date Out Expiry Remarks

Verified By Hygiene Officer:

Issue date:
Chiller Temperature Monitoring HACCP/OC/RE-
Sample form
Record Rev. No.

(critical limit 7°C and more for more than 2 hours) Written by: Hygiene Officer
Temp. Limit ≤ 5 ºC

Month: Area: Chiller No: Type: __________

Dates 02:00-03:00 06:00-07:00 10:00-11:00 14:00-15:00 19:00-20:00 23:00-00:00 Remarks
d By
01 °C °C °C °C °C °C
02 °C °C °C °C °C °C
03 °C °C °C °C °C °C
04 °C °C °C °C °C °C
05 °C °C °C °C °C °C
06 °C °C °C °C °C °C
07 °C °C °C °C °C °C
08 °C °C °C °C °C °C
09 °C °C °C °C °C °C
10 °C °C °C °C °C °C
11 °C °C °C °C °C °C
12 °C °C °C °C °C °C
13 °C °C °C °C °C °C
14 °C °C °C °C °C °C
15 °C °C °C °C °C °C
16 °C °C °C °C °C °C
17 °C °C °C °C °C °C
18 °C °C °C °C °C °C
19 °C °C °C °C °C °C
20 °C °C °C °C °C °C
21 °C °C °C °C °C °C
22 °C °C °C °C °C °C
23 °C °C °C °C °C °C
24 °C °C °C °C °C °C
25 °C °C °C °C °C °C
26 °C °C °C °C °C °C
27 °C °C °C °C °C °C
28 °C °C °C °C °C °C
29 °C °C °C °C °C °C
30 °C °C °C °C °C °C
31 °C °C °C °C °C °C

Verified By Hygiene Officer:

Issue date:
Freezer Temperature Monitoring OPRP/OC/RE-
Record Rev. No:

(critical limit -15°C and less for more than 30 hours) Written by: Hygiene officer
Temp. Limit ≤18.0 ºC

Month: Area: Deep Freezer No: Type: __________

Dates 02:00-03:00 06:00-07:00 10:00-11:00 14:00-15:00 19:00-20:00 23:00-00:00 Remarks
d By
01 °C °C °C °C °C °C
02 °C °C °C °C °C °C
03 °C °C °C °C °C °C
04 °C °C °C °C °C °C
05 °C °C °C °C °C °C
06 °C °C °C °C °C °C
07 °C °C °C °C °C °C
08 °C °C °C °C °C °C
09 °C °C °C °C °C °C
10 °C °C °C °C °C °C
11 °C °C °C °C °C °C
12 °C °C °C °C °C °C
13 °C °C °C °C °C °C
14 °C °C °C °C °C °C
15 °C °C °C °C °C °C
16 °C °C °C °C °C °C
17 °C °C °C °C °C °C
18 °C °C °C °C °C °C
19 °C °C °C °C °C °C
20 °C °C °C °C °C °C
21 °C °C °C °C °C °C
22 °C °C °C °C °C °C
23 °C °C °C °C °C °C
24 °C °C °C °C °C °C
25 °C °C °C °C °C °C
26 °C °C °C °C °C °C
27 °C °C °C °C °C °C
28 °C °C °C °C °C °C
29 °C °C °C °C °C °C
30 °C °C °C °C °C °C
31 °C °C °C °C °C °C

Verified By Hygiene Officer:

Issue date:
Sample Dry Storage Temperature & Humidity PRPS/OC/RE-
Rev. No:
form Monitoring Record Written by: hygiene officer

Month & Year:

Temperature Remarks
Temperature (9am) Humidity (9am) Humidity (6pm)
(6pm) Checked by Store
20-25 o C 60 to 65 % 20-25 o C 60 to 65 %


Verified By Hygiene Officer:

Issue date:
Cooling Temperature Monitoring Record Rev. No:
Sample Form
Written by: Hygiene

Location:…………………… Section:……………………

Key: Ice bath- Decrease temp. from above 60 °C to 21 °C in a maximum of 2 hours & from 21 °C to 5 °C in a
maximum of 4 hours. Use sanitized probe thermometer to check the temperatures.

Cooling Start Cooling End

Ice Bath/Room temperature Chiller Checked Corrective
Date Food Item
Initial After 2 hour After 4 hour by(PIC) Action/Remarks
Time Temp. Time Temp. Time Temp.

Verified by Hygiene Officer

Issue date:
Internal Cooking/Baking Temperature HACCP/OC/RE-
Sample Form Rev. No:
Monitoring Record Written by: hygiene officer

Date: _____________ Section: _____________

Final cooking - core temp >75°C / Final Baking – core temp >90 oC


Time Expiry
Prod. Date of
Internal Date of Corrective
Start End Item >30 the item
tempt the item actions if any
Time Time sec. used

Verified By Hygiene officer:

Rev date:
Daily Hot Holding Temperature Monitoring HACCP/OC/RE
Form Record Rev. No.
Written by: Hygiene

Date: ____________________ Section: _____________________

Temperature/Time Requirement = Hot Holding Temp. > 60 OC, maximum 4 hours for
food service
Checked by
Receiving Closing/Dispatching
(Section Corrective Action
Hot Items Temp Time Temp Cook)
(oC) (oC)

Verified By Hygiene Officer

Issue date:
Sample Form Cold Holding Temperature Monitoring HACCP/OC/RE-
Rev. No.
Record Written by: hygiene

Date: ____________ Section: ___________ Type of Food: Cold

Required Temperature Checked by

Cold Food / Less than 5 (Section Action
Holding Time: 4 hours maximum Cook)

Items Temp. Start Time Temp. End Time

Verified By Hygiene Officer

Issue date:
Good Transportation / Distribution Practices
Sample Form OPRP/TC/RE-
Temperature Report Rev. No:
Written by: Hygiene Officer

Date: _______________ Time: ______________ Van Type: ______________

Departure Arrival
SN Food Type
Temperature Temperature



Supervisor Signature: _______________ Departure Time: _________________________

Arrival Time: ____________________________ Location In charge Sign: ____________________

Verified by Hygiene Officer: _______________________

Issue date:
Delivery Vehicle Temperature & Cleaning PRPS/TC/RE-
Sample Form
Monitoring Record Rev. No.
Written by: Hygiene Officer

*The Transportation Supervisor has to verify the delivery vehicle chiller temperature and cleanliness are satisfactory.
**The delivery vehicle temperature shall be maintained below 5 oC.
***The delivery driver should indicate the vehicle cleaning date & put signature next to the vehicle cleaning date.

Verified by Hygiene Officer:

Issue date:
Sample form Cedar Tree Hospitality PRPS/PH/RE-,
Rev. No.
Personal Hygiene Inspection Checklist

Written by:
Hygiene Officer

Key: Non compliances shall be represented by entering the reason (select the corresponding letter from below):
H: Hands not clean. N: Nails dirty & not short. V: Visible cut, boils or septic spots.
I: Infections like severe cold, diarrhoea etc.
J: Wearing jewellery. P: Strong perfume smelling. L: Long hair or not covered or not shaved. S: Smoking. C: Untidy
Month & Year:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Remark
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 s


Remarks if any:

Verified by Hygiene Officer:

Issue date:

Traceability & Recall Record PRPS/TB/RE-

Rev. No:
Sample Form Written by:
Hygiene Officer

Recall Description: Actual Mock

Name Designation Recall Team
Starting Closing
Recall Team



Date: …………………………………….. Starting Time: ……………………….……. Closing Time: ……………………….……………

Product Name:

Dispatch /Serving Station: Hot Cold

Problem in the Product:

Outlet where product was on display: 1) 2)

Dispatch / Serving Temperature found satisfactory: Yes No

The same product was in hot cabinet for refilling: Yes No NA

Hot cabinet temperature was ok (if above answer is yes): Yes No NA

The same product was in chilling unit for refilling: Yes No NA

Chilling unit temperature was ok (if above answer is yes): Yes No NA

Did product passed through cooking process: Yes No

Cooking Temperature was ok (if above answer is yes): Yes No NA

Did product passed through chilling process: Yes No
Chilling Temperature was ok (if above answer is yes): Yes No NA

Did product passed through reheating process: Yes No

Reheating Temperature was ok (if above answer is yes): Yes No NA

Did product passed through defrosting process: Yes No

Defrosting process was controlled (if above answer is yes): Yes No NA

Shelf life of major ingredients used in the product was ok: Yes No

Major ingredients (used in the product) were received in acceptable condition: Yes No

Major ingredients (used in the product) were received from nominated suppliers: Yes No

Temperature of major ingredients (used in the product) at the time of receiving was according to
food safety standards: Yes No

Root cause of problem in the Product:

Corrective action taken for problem rectification:

Preventive action taken to avoid recurrence of problem rectification:

Recall Team leader

Issue date:
Sample Form PRPS/HR/RE-
Training Attendance Record Rev- No.
Written by: Hygiene Officer

External:  Internal:  Date:

Trainer: Training Topic:
SN Participant's Name Designation Signature Results
Effective Not Effective

Trainer signature:……………………..

Note: after reviewed on floor level, the effectiveness will be judged and marked accordingly into the given
column. If it was found not effective, the same participant will attend the upcoming session on the same

Assessment: _________________________________________________________________________

Assessed By: _____________ Date: _______________

Reviewed by Verified by

Hygiene Officer Team leader

Issue date:
Sample Form Internal Audit Checklist Rev. No:
Written by: Hygiene Officer
Audit Date: Time: Audited by:
No Standard/Requirement SCORE Auditor Action Taken Closed Responsible
C NC Comments or Required Out Date Person
(if any)
1 Has a food safety
management system been
2 Does the food safety
management system cover
all food operations
3 Does the organization have a
food safety policy?
4 Are food safety objectives
been set and are
5 Has a multidisciplinary Food
Safety team been formed?
6 Have the organization
appointed a Food Safety
team leader and defined the
responsibilities and
7 Does the organization define
the responsibility and
authority of the Food safety
8 Is the knowledge of the food
safety team suitable and
appropriate? (Check training,
qualifications, experience
9 Is the internal and external
communication controlled
and has responsibility
defined? Is the
communication effective?
10 Does the company have
emergency preparedness and
response procedures in
11 Is a Management Review
meeting carried out yearly or
when required? Is it
12 Are walls and floors in good

13 Is drainage adequate?
14 Is ventilation adequate?
15 Are processes (e.g. raw &
ready to eat) properly
separated with date labelling
to avoid cross
16 Is the layout of equipment,
facilities and processes
suitable and appropriate?
17 Are storage conditions are
clean and adequate for
keeping goods? (E.g.
packaging materials, food,
cleaning chemicals etc.)
18 Do the cleaning and
disinfection programs ensure
that the all parts of the
equipment are sufficiently
cleaned do they ensure the
cleaning equipment is also
kept cleaned and

19 Employees wear proper
clothing – clean uniform,
hairnet, shoes etc.
20 Fingernails are short,
unpolished, and clean
21 Jewellery is limited to small
ear ring and plain ring.
22 The ready to eat food
preparation staff wear
disposable gloves
23 Fresh cuts or bandages on
hands are completely
covered while handling food
24 Adequate hand washing,
sanitizing and drying facilities
are available – warm water,
anti-bacterial soap,
disposable paper towels etc.
25 Hands are washed routinely
and thoroughly using proper
hand-washing procedures
26 Does the organization have
adequate toilet facilities and
is the condition acceptable
27 Does the organization have
changing room facility and is
the condition acceptable,
clean and provided with
28 Smoking is observed only in
designated areas away from
food handling areas
29 Eating, drinking, or chewing
gum are observed only in
designated areas away from
work areas
30 Personnel with infections
such as infected/septic cuts
or wounds, skin infections,
communicable diseases are
31 Employee illnesses are
32 Does the organization have a
pest control plan/system?
33 Does the organization have a
pest control contract with
approved pest control
34 Are rodent, bird and insect
prevention facilities suitable
and appropriate?
35 Are doors, windows and
other facilities in good
36 Does the organization
maintain the pest control
records such as contract
copy, service report and bait
37 Are packaging materials
stored in good condition -
clean, arranged, covered?
38 Are the packaging materials
being protected from
39 Are lights adequately
protected? (Glass)
40 Are these toxic compounds
stored separate to raw
materials, ingredients and
packaging materials?
41 Are these toxic compounds
clearly labelled for
42 Are there handling/usage
instructions available?
43 Does the condition of food
contact surfaces meet the
requirement of hygiene?
(Equipment, facilities etc.)
44 Does the organization have
cleaning plans?
45 Have the results of cleaning
been monitored using
cleaning monitoring record?
46 Have the results of cleaning
been monitored and
verified for effectiveness?
(E.g. microbiological swab
47 Does the organization have
a procedure to deal with all
consumer and customer
complaints, product recalls?
48 Have the responsibility and
authority for handling
customer complaints and
recalls been defined?
49 Have these complaints been
50 Have these complaints
analysis been utilized for
verification of the system?
51 Has the organization a clear
system for product
identification of product to
ensure traceability?
52 Does the organization have
maintenance plans for the
critical equipment’s chillers,
freezer, ovens, delivery
vehicle chillers, freezer, hot
holding unit etc.?
53 Are the equipment’s such
as chillers, freezer, oven,
probe thermometers,
delivery vehicle chillers,
freezer, hot holding unit
etc. are calibrated by the
manufacturer or during
54 Is the equipment’s
maintenance such as filter
replacement for water
filters are doing as
manufacturer instructions?
55 Have they developed a
training procedure for
identifying training needs
and training personnel?
56 Does the organization have
training plans?
57 Does the organization verify
the effectiveness of


58 Does the organization
follow procedure to
manage system
59 Have documents been
properly approved by
authorized personnel
before issue?
60 Is the documentation
61 Has the organization
obtained related codes,
standards, legislation and
regulation to the food
62 Does the organization
control document changes?
Are all documents current?
63 Are the records accessible?
64 Are the HACCP records
clearly identified?
65 Are the records retained in
the proper conditions to
prevent damage,
deterioration or loss during
retention period?
66 Is contingency plan
67 Does the organisation have
the documentation with
context to ISO 22000-2018?
68 Has the organisation done
risk assessment?
69 Does the organisation
understand the needs and
expectations of its
70 Is the food safety policy and
objectives available?

71 Is the food safety policy and
objectives been
communicated across the
72 Is the internal and external
73 Has all steps been verified?
74 Is the emergency team,
recall team and FSMS team
75 Has the responsibilities
been communicated?

Auditor’s Signature and stamp

Sample Form
Food Sampling Monitoring Record Rev/Iss.No:
Written By: Hygiene Officer

Location/Area:…………………… Date:…………………..

Key: Food sample should be kept in the freezer (-18C) for 48 hours then discarded.
Sample Deposition
Food Item Meal Signature Corrective Action
Date Date

Checked by Verified by Hygiene Officer


Sample Form Receiving and Service Holding Record Rev/Iss.No:

Written By: Hygiene Officer

Location:_______ Date:________________

Temp Temp Temp Temp

HOT FOOD Receiving Receiving Checked
SR after after after after Remarks
(>60°C) Temp Time By
1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours


Temp Temp Temp Temp

COLD FOOD Receiving Receiving Checked
after after after after Remarks
(<5°C) Temp Time By
SR 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

Verified by Hygiene Officer:


Sample Form
Waste Oil Disposal Record Rev/Iss.No:

Written By: Hygiene Officer

Waste Oil Received Quantity Received as

Date Checked by Remarks
(Location Name) Waste Oil

Verified by Hygiene Officer:


Sample Form Weekly Calibration Log

Written By: Hygiene Officer


Temperature reading in Temperature reading in

Boiling water (100°C) Ice (0°C)
Tolerance -/+ 2 Tolerance -/+ 2 Verified
SN Thermometer Action (if
Master Daily Used Master Daily Used
Thermometer Thermometer Thermometer Thermometer
Reading Reading Reading Reading
2 100°C 0.0°C PIC
3 100°C 0.0°C PIC
4 100°C 0.0°C PIC
5 100°C 0.0°C PIC


Temperature reading in Temperature reading in

Boiling water (100°C) Ice (0°C)
Tolerance -/+ 2 Tolerance -/+ 2 Verified
SN Thermometer Action (if
Master Daily Used Master Daily Used
Thermometer Thermometer Thermometer Thermometer
Reading Reading Reading Reading
2 100°C 0.0°C PIC
3 100°C 0.0°C PIC
4 100°C 0.0°C PIC
5 100°C 0.0°C PIC


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