Cosmetic Productand Self Confidence

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Cosmetic Product Usage and Self-Confidence among HUMSS Students of


Research · March 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16356.83842

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5 authors, including:

Joshua Odon Caguioa

Bayambang National High School- Senior High School


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Cosmetic Product Usage and Self-Confidence among HUMSS Students of

A Quantitative Research Paper

For the completion on the subject Practical Research II
Academic Year 2018-2019

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements under the Academic Strand
Humanities and Social Sciences

Juvilyn G. Lanzuela
Lalyn J. Lovendino
James Edward Munoz
Jenny Mae C. Odon

Research Adviser
Joshua Joye O. Caguioa

March 2019


I. Abstract

II. Chapter 1
A. Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Hypothesis
D. Significance of the Study
E. Scope of Delimitation
F. Definition of Terms
III. Chapter 2
A. Review Related Literature
B. Review Related Study
C. Conceptual Framework
IV. Chapter 4
A. Research Design
B. Data Gathering Instrument
C. Data Gathering Procedure
D. Statistical Treatment Data
V. Chapter 5
A. Summary of Findings
B. Conclusion
C. Recommendation

VI. Appendices
VII. Bibliography
VIII. Curriculum Vitae


In today‟s generation most of the teenagers are users of cosmetic products

especially women, some are using cosmetic products to boost their self-confidence
while others used cosmetic products to hide or cover their flaws. The aim of this study
was to look for the significant relationship between cosmetic product usage and level of
self-confidence among HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) students of
Bayambang National High School. The researchers used checklist questionnaire as the
main data gathering tool for this study. Frequency scale was used in order to determine
how often the students use cosmetic products in different situations. Value scale was
also used to measure the level of self-confidence of the students when they are using
cosmetic products. Descriptive statistics and correlation was used with the help of
Pearson R and Spearman Rho Correlation to determine the significant relationship
between cosmetic product usage and the level of self-confidence of the students.

The results found that the frequency of using cosmetic products and level of self-
confidence has a moderately strong correlation having a Pearson R value of 0.68. This
only supports the study of Davis (2013) and Silverio's (2010) that women tend to
become more confident when they are using cosmetic products. However, for reasons
of using cosmetic products and level of self-confidence the results shows that there is a
weak correlation between the variables, it also supports the claims of Aquino J.,
Balanyos L., Botardo M., Mandanas K., Monte L. and Ordas E. (2017) that personal
reasons of choosing what cosmetics to wear lies on their own decision, based from the
results, it doesn‟t correlate with the given reasons as stated in the study of Aquino, J. (2017). Women have a capacity to wear cosmetics to gain self-confidence,
however, choosing when and why to wear cosmetics doesn‟t dictate if it can give self-
confidence to its users. Therefore the researchers conclude that cosmetic products can
increase self-confidence when using it without considering the reasons of why it was
used because it depends on their own decision and cannot be dictated by other factors.
Ultimately, this study can help minority students to gain self-confidence by using
cosmetic products appropriate on their age and situations.



Background of the study

Every teenager girl wants to have a natural and glamorous look in terms of their
physical appearance. They want to be more confident facing different people. But many
women suffer from breakouts, and low self-confidence. One reason why women would
be motivated to promote their attractiveness is to increase their self-confidence. Many
women reason that if they look good they will also feel good. The Renfrew Center
Foundation (2007), “Surveyed 1,292 women ages 18 and older and found that 44% of
women experienced „negative feelings‟ when they weren't wearing makeup: 16%
reported that they felt unattractive; 14%responded that they felt self-conscious; and
14% admitted they felt naked or as though something was missing without makeup”.

Self-confidence is important to every student, so they can take the courage to

face and to entertain other people in their most comfortable way. Ellis (2012) states
“From acne as a teenager to fine lines in middle age, skin problems can affect your
confidence and self-esteem”. Students hard to gain confidence because they are the
most conscious when it comes to their appearance.

Having insecurity in their skin, face, and other parts of their body make them shy
to interact with other people. Many students whose main problem is how to have self-
confidence so they cannot avoid using or buying cosmetic products. Teenagers are
often obsessed with makeup because they are influenced by videos they watched on
social media. By doing this it hid blemishes or whatever they do not want to see on
their face. They have the confidence to deal with other people because of the help of
make-up keeping their face problems. The makeup is a lot of use just like lipstick, it
maintains lip life so it does not look like a pale, concealer and foundation that is both
used to whiten or scrape acne marks and blemishes, blushes, pressed powder and
many other cosmetic products that keep the face looks perfect. According to McEvoy

and Loberg (2017) "Make-up can be life-changing because its confidence changing"."
Such use of facial cosmetics may help to boost a women‟s sense of confidence in her
appearance thus making her more self-assured idea that confidence is achieved when
physical appearance matches the situation". Rajajeyakumar (2016)

Examples of cosmetic products are whitening cream, lipstick, mascara, and

makeup. Students can't avoid trying cosmetic products because their fellow students
are criticizing them when they have an acne and flawed skin. So no matter how
expensive it is to buy or use cosmetic products, students are choosing to try just to
achieve their dream beauty. In this situation most of student eager to achieve what
they want to be. Some say that you need to endure the pain to be beautiful “Tiis
Ganda”. According to Shapouri (2017) "Young folks are still spending money on making
sure their face is a glow-y, Instagram-worthy dream".

Students in today‟s generation think that beauty is a huge factor in our society.
Student especially the girls think that feeling and looking beautiful allows them to
communicate more effectively with others. Rajajeyakumar (2016) states" They are
often seen as a way to enhance feminine beauty ideals and serve to help woman to
conform to our society's beauty expectations"

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to determine the significant relationship between
Cosmetic Products and Self-confidence among HUMMS Senior High School Students in
Bayambang National High School.

To answer this problem, the following questions were established:

1. How often HUMSS students used the following cosmetic products?

a. Foundation f. Lipstick
b. Face powder g. Lip Tint
c. Blush on h. Mascara
d. Concealer i. Eyeliner

e. Whitening cream
2. How often HUMSS students used cosmetic products in the different
a. In class
b. Going out with friends
c. Attend occasions

3. What are the reasons why HUMSS students used cosmetic products?

4. What is the level of self-confidence of HUMMS students when they used

cosmetic products?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the frequency of cosmetic products

usage and the level of self-confidence when using cosmetic products?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the reasons of using cosmetic

products and the level of self-confidence when using it?


This study will be tested at 0.05 level of significance and will be stated in null form;

H0- There is NO significant relationship between the frequency of cosmetic products

usage and the level of self-confidence when using cosmetic products

H0- There is NO significant relationship between the reasons of using cosmetic products
and the level of self-confidence when using it.

Scope and Delimitation

The goal of this study is to find out if there is any significant relationship
between cosmetic products on the self-confidence among Grade 11 HUMSS Senior High
School Students specifically in Bayambang National High School.

The researcher used 40 women ages 16-17 among Grade 11 HUMSS Strand to
be the respondents of this research study. The focus of self-confidence is based on the
cosmetic product usage.

Significance of the study

The outcomes of this study have a great importance on helping the students,
teacher, employees and other people who are conducting research.

To the students, it would serve as a basis on beauty products if it can boost

their self-confidence to help them perform well or interact to other people and if it can
also improve their physical appearance.

To the teachers, this study could give them additional information on how
beauty products works and on how they can use it in their daily lives, much more in
teaching and facing professionals.

This study could help employees by improving their look to be more decent in
sight of their co-workers. It helps them also to socialize well in their work.

To the future researchers, this study would serve as another source of

literature which gives them additional knowledge about this topic.

Definition of Terms

Cosmetic products- are the subject of the study being conducted. Through this study,
the researchers will have insights if cosmetic products are effective in the presence of
student‟s self-confidence.

Grade 11 Senior High School students- will serve as respondents for the study
because they are the most problematic when it comes to their looks and they are also
frequent to use of beauty products.

Relationship- it is the one that needs an answer in the study. The researchers will
know the relationship of cosmetic products on the self-confidence among grade 11
Senior High School.

Self-confidence- it is the main problem of students especially women. It will be

noted in their movements or how they interact with other people. It should also be
improved for them especially they are students who need to have confidence in all their
activities. This study also discusses whether the student's confidence level increases
with the use of cosmetic products.



This chapter provides an overview of previous research and concept that

relevant in study of self-confidence. The researcher presents literature and studies to
the current research to achieve more knowledge and understanding of the issue in this


As cited by Cash, et al., (2006) argued that more women appeared to believe in
the beautifying effect of cosmetics, the more makeup they tended to apply on a daily
basis. Makeup truly has a big impact on women‟s lifestyle and has an important role in
women‟s life.

On the other hand Renfrew, (2012) stated that most of the women had negative
feelings when they were not wearing makeup, which made them feel unattractive. It
proves that, not wearing cosmetic products make them feel self-conscious. Cosmetic
products are not only seen as methods of enhancement, but also as a source of
projecting an image of power and status. (Berry, 2007 “Beauty Bias”)

Furthermore, Whittenton (2011) the significance of Physical appearance in

America is vital to men and women. An examination by Thomas F. Money demonstrated
that 82% of men and 93% of ladies are effectively centered on creating and preserving
up an alluring appearance. In fact, physical look is very necessary in image conscious
culture, ranging from facial elements and pores and skin health to weight and muscle
groups tone to fashion. Looks are assumed, to a large extent, to divulge who an
individual is. beauty can dominate the ideas of young humans who are
consciously figuring out themselves as a human and creating as sexual beings (Trupe,
2006, pp.37).

Grogan (2016) claims that attractive individuals are considered more intelligent
and persuasive. Beautiful women, as expected, have high chances of attracting mates
because their appearances signify their youth, health, and reproductive fitness. And
then, physical appearance has turned into a relatively overall standard with regards to
work, love and whatever remains of the general public. At all ages and in all kinds of
different backgrounds, excellent individuals are – pretty much – supported and treated
better contrasted with those what the network frequently see as less appealing (Eagle
News 2017).

Moreover, Gordon (2013) stated that appealing youth will have more prominent
human capital results in youthful adulthood, including more advanced educations and
higher wages, and higher social capital in youthful adulthood, including more relational
ties and psychosocial assets. Physical attractiveness is truly important in people lives
especially in women‟s perception.

Being appealing gives the world measures for seat stamping wellbeing, attractive
qualities, insight, and achievement, stated by (Dakanalis et al., 2015). In American
culture, being physically appealing is to a great extent thought about a solid resource
and, in this manner, a great many people want to seem wonderful. In addition, society
regularly features the perfect excellence depicted in promotions, which proposes that it
draws in consideration because of its relationship with distinction, achievement, and
knowledge (Müller, 2017; Dakanalis et al., 2015).

Moreover, Wilson and Eckel (2006) based on the measure of their study, the
amount of trust people have for attractive people. They found that those people who do
have higher attractiveness ratings were perceived to be more trustworthy upon first

Indeed, physical appearance has a tendency to be a prevailing worry for females

more than for men. Appearance keeps on being more imperative to females since
females are associated to center on their physical appearance to accomplish the social
perfect of magnificence (Bornstein, 2018).

According to Ray (2015), displaying admired pictures, excellence item and mold
sponsors seek to influence consumers that they will turn out to be as good as ever.
Therefore, consumers easily attract to buy beauty products. Moreover, regards to
Pakistan, it is seen that magnificence items promotions positively affect the students. In
this time, the media is developing quickly and consequently individuals are reacting and
changing their way of life, demeanor, conduct, culture and religious qualities. Media
channels are loaded with excellence advertisements like brightening cleansers, hair
cleanser, hair and facial salves and so forth, yet for the most part items advertisements
are deceiving or beguiling. At college level, students need to change their way of life to
wind up proficient. They strive to embrace the western culture and utilize the
magnificence items to change their identity and physical appearance. (Raza, 2011,

In modern advertisement with the commonality of Photoshop and the popularity

of retouching, women are portrayed as flawless and anatomically impossible. (Grogan,
2016). Ads for beauty-enhancing products seem to make consumers feel that their
current attractiveness levels are different from what they would ideally be. In addition,
advertisements typically motivate people to make consumer alternatives about a
product, the merchandise emerge as applicable to the consumer‟s self and may also
cause them to suppose about that self. In fact, many students have suggested that
products provide sure insights about their shoppers and that, this extended self means
products can sometimes be regarded part of a consumer‟s self-concept (Greenfield,
2018, p. 12).
Additional exploration of her subject reveals that advertising and mass media
have modified society‟s perception of beauty by making a desire in girls to fill the
fantastic gaps between themselves and therefore the ideals delineated by the media
(Greenfield, 2018). Moreover, Chiodo (2015) discuss the perfect for female
attractiveness, is an idea that has been socially made by portraying that physical appeal
includes the most essential characteristics for a lady and that all ladies must do
anything conceivable to get and keep up those allure. He also included that by making

and upholding the conviction that magnificence can be accomplished when a lady
coordinates the perfect idea depicted by the media, these commercials are creating and
sustaining a solid need in female customers to acquire this excellence. Since there are
numerous points of interest to being appealing in the public, it is common and
legitimate that ladies would need to fill this need.

Nonetheless, the models set by society change with time and are for the most
part very unlikely, so ladies are continually endeavoring to achieve these unthinkable
beliefs, and will keep on doing as such as long as society keeps upholding for such


Foreign Studies

Britton (2012) investigated the influence of beauty industry on women in society.

The study attempt to gather general information about college women and their use of
cosmetics. A study found that cosmetics industry have significant impact on college
women. When respondents asked how they were to wear makeup in different
situations, class, works, job interview, out with friends, running errands and on a date.
The most popular answers for the 6 situations was somewhat likely, likely and very
likely. It showed that make up is indeed important to every situation in a college
women's life.

Davis (2013) conducted a study on African American women's attitude towards

cosmetics and how to use the products is related to African American women's self-
identity and self-perception of appearance. Many of the women-respondent stated that
using cosmetic products gave them extra confidence. However, psychological tension
revealed within women saying they are pretty without wearing cosmetics but, still wear
it to feel positive about their appearance. A study also found that some of the women
developed self-confidence when they received compliments from others on their

Silverio's (2010) study on make-up effects on self-perception of the women
students' in Old Dominion University. She argued that wearing make-up makes women
feel more confident.. The study divide into 3 section to generates findings, first section
utilized closed-ended questions to gain background knowledge pertaining to the
students‟ average use of make, second section was developed using forced choice
responses. The response options included strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree,
and strongly disagree. This section was used to further understand the students
„personal feelings about themselves and its relationship to their use of makeup, the last
section provided one open-ended question to gain a more personal insight on the topic.
The survey recognized that most women agreed to the fact that they felt good when
their make-up looks good. Women also indicated that wearing make-up provide a
certain amount of self-confidence to the wearer.

Meanwhile, Palumbo et al. (2017) study on possibility of make-up effect on

academic performance. He stated that previous study shown that higher levels of self-
esteem are associated with better academic performance. The research work by asking
186 female undergraduate students who take a simulated university examination.
Participants was randomly assigned to three groups which consist of wearing make-up,
listening to positive music and face coloring. The study revealed that female students
who wear make-up received higher grades compared to those who did not. The result
of the study proposed that make-up can increased the participants' level of self-beauty
perceived, consequently enhancing self-esteem, that results on improvement of
cognitive performance compared to the other groups.

Local Study

The study conducted by Aquino J., Balanyos L., Botardo M., Mandanas K., Monte
L. and Ordas E. (2017) on the influence of Cosmetics on the Confidence of Senior High
School women in Ateneo de Naga University, discussed the influence or effects of
cosmetics on the self –confidence level of the students. In order to determine the
study, researchers interview 5 random Senior High School students and distributed a

survey with a total of 14. Twelve of the surveys was completed and use in the study.
The study revealed that the commonly use cosmetic products of SHS students is facial
cleanser. However, the cosmetics use also depends on what physical feature that
stands out on their body or it alter their flaws. According to the respondents they‟re
personal reason lies on their own decision of wanting to use it and acceptance of the
people around them that also one of the reasons why they are following arising trends.
Furthermore, students admitted that they are self-conscious in a way they‟re wearing
cosmetic products they do not worry how they look for having the assumption that
wearing beauty products makes them presentable. Moreover, they agreed that they
improved in terms of social skills and attitude in dealing with other people. They also
stated that they can walk in front of other people with confidence and without any
mixed feeling of awkwardness.


To a specific degree, the literature presented and the studies conducted by the
foreign and local researchers, are relevant to the present study.

The study of Britton, A. (2012) is very important. Similar to this research, the
current study also looking for influence of beauty industry on women in order to
determine whether a beauty product has a impact on their self-attractiveness and self-

Moreover, Davis, L. (2013) discussed the women‟s attitude towards cosmetic and
how use of cosmetics related to self-perception of appearance of the African American
students. This research provides answer on the present study that looking for effects of
cosmetics that users are commonly encountered. The result of the previous study being
cited was significant to inform women that cosmetics have positive effects on their

Similar to the study of Silverio, L. (2010), expound the make-up effects on self-
perception of the women. The study emphasized the effects of make-up. The research

argue that women who wear make-up was indeed look good and felt good with their
appearance and make up also provide a certain amount of self-confidence

Meanwhile, Palumbo et al. (2017) study is very significant. Parallel to the present
study, the purpose of this research is similar to the study. The focus of research was
the study of possibility effect of make-up on academic performances of the students
which is also one of the concerns of the present study.

Among the studies reviewed the local study of Aquino et al. (2017) is very
relevant. Parallel to the present study, the research purpose and descriptive method of
research used a face to face interview type of survey that will serve as one of the
research instrument to work the impact of beauty products in self-confidence of the
students. Both studies, give detail on the impact of beauty products specifically on
objective of the study, investigating main idea, pattern, constructing presumption and
drawing conclusion.


INPUT Relationship of

cosmetic product
Frequency and
QUESTIONAIRE usage and level
reasons of
using cosmetic of self

product confidence


Figure I describe the conceptual frame work of the study where in the input is
consist of frequency of using cosmetic product and the reasons for using it.

On the other side, the process being used is through checklist questionnaire to
know the percentage mean and to come up with an output of cosmetic product and
self-confidence relationship.



This chapter includes information on population, instrument design, methods of

data collection and statistical analysis.

Research Design

The research method employed on this study was descriptive-correlational

design. Descriptive research design according to Gay (2000), involves the collection of
data in order to test the hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current
status of the subject of the study. Correlational research design was used to measure
the relationship between cosmetic product usage and the level of self-confidence
among grade 11 Senior High School women.

Subject of the study

The subjects of the study were 40 women of Grade 11 Humanities and Social
Sciences students of Bayambang National High School. The researchers used purposive
sampling method to gather the respondents. They were chosen because of the factor
that they used cosmetic products.

Gathering data Instruments

A checklist questionnaire in a 5 point Likert scale was the main tool in gathering the
needed data. This questionnaire was based on the relationship between cosmetic
products and self-confidence among Grade 11 HUMSS Senior High School women. The
researchers use Frequency scale in order to determine how students often use cosmetic
products and how often they use it in different situations. The first table was the list of
kinds of cosmetic products being used by the respondents namely;
a. Foundation f. Lipstick
b. Face powder g. Lip Tint
c. Blush on h. Mascara

d. Concealer i. Eyeliner
e. Whitening cream

The second table was the different situations where cosmetic products are
frequently used; the third table was the reason for using cosmetic product, the
following reasons are;
a. To gain Self Confidence e. Want hide/ cover unnecessary flaws
b. Influenced by Social Media f. In Standards of the Society
c. Want to follow what is trends g. Afraid to be bullied
d. To seek attention h. To received praise from other people

Lastly, the level of self-confidence on using cosmetics products. The researchers

used Value scale to measure the level of self-confidence of the students when they are
using cosmetic products.

Data gathering procedure

The researchers used the questionnaire to gather information. The researchers

seek an advice to 3 research teachers to validate the questionnaire. After the
questionnaire was validated, the researchers asked permission from the school to
administer the questionnaire by sending a communication letter to the principal of
Bayambang National High School- Senior High School Department to conduct the study.
After the researchers got an approval from the principal, the researchers administered
the questionnaire to the respondents.

After the completing the target respondents, the researchers will collect the data
using frequency counts in Microsoft excel.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used Pearson R and Spearman Rho statistic to determine the
significant relationship between frequency of cosmetic products usage; reasons for
using cosmetic product and the level of self-confidence among grade 11 HUMSS
students in Bayambang National High School. Weighted Mean was used to measure the

level of self-confidence and the frequency of using cosmetic products in different
situations, for kinds of cosmetic products and reasons for using it, ranking and
percentage was used to interpret the data. Also, the following scales were used to
interpret and evaluate the data gathered.

For Frequency of Cosmetic Products Usage and its Kinds the following scales were used,

Rate Descriptive Equivalent Range

1 Never 1.0- 1.5

2 Rarely 1.6- 2.5

3 Sometimes 2.6- 3.5

4 Often 3.6- 4.5

5 Always 4.6- 5.0

For the level of self-confidence when using cosmetic products, the following
scales were used to interpret the data.

Rate Descriptive Equivalent Range

1 Not Confident 1.0- 1.5

2 Slightly Confident 1.6- 2.5

3 Moderately Confident 2.6- 3.5

4 Confident 3.6- 4.5

5 Very Confident 4.6- 5.0


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data gathered, the details of the analysis made and
the interpretation of the findings on the basis of the stated problem more specifically it
presents of the relationship of cosmetic products of the self confidence among Grade 11

Table 1

Kinds of Cosmetic Product Being Used Frequently

According to Rank
Cosmetic Product Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Foundation 3.67 Often
Face powder 4.64 Always
Blush on 3.17 Sometimes
Concealer 1.62 Rarely
Whitening cream 3.70 Often

Lipstick 3.45 Sometimes

Lip tint 4.61 Always
Eyeliner 2.07 Rarely
Mascara 1.97 Rarely
Weighted Mean 3.26 Often

The table shows the kinds cosmetic products frequently used by the grade 11
HUMSS Senior High School students. The most frequent cosmetic products used by
grade 11 HUMSS women was face powder with a 4.64 mean while the less frequent
cosmetic products used was concealer with a 1.62 mean and mascara with a mean
of 1.97. The result supports the study conducted by Chan, J. (2015) in Hanoi Vietnam
that majority of the student respondent‟s uses budget friendly, trendy and easy to use
cosmetic products like face powder, lip tint and blush-on, also based from the study,

the researchers can infer that majority of the respondents chooses cosmetic products
that has whitening effect like face powder, foundation and whitening cream aside from
being budget friendly and easy to use, a study conducted by Ethnic Groups of the
Philippines in 2017, Filipinos loved white skin, they tend to spend their money just to
make their skin white, this is because of the stereotype that white skin symbolizes high
level in the society and also in terms of beauty standards, this attitude was adopted in
the Spanish Era, wherein “Meztizo” or mixed blood Filipino where given much
importance in the society compared to a tanned pure Filipino.

Table 2

Frequency of Cosmetic Product Usage in Different Situations

Situations Mean Descriptive Equivalent
In School 2.92 Sometimes
Going out with Friends 3.64 Often
Occasions 3.96 Often
Weighted Mean 3.50 Sometimes

The table 2 shows the weighted mean for Cosmetic Product Usage in Different
Situations. Going out with friends and Occasions garnered the highest mean of 3.64 and
3.96 respectively, which have a descriptive equivalent of often, however, for in school,
though it has the same descriptive equivalent it got a mean of 2.92, it disproves the
study conducted by Britton (2012) wherein he investigates the general information of
college women and their use of cosmetics. Based from his study most women answered
likely and very likely when asked to wear make-up on different situation, it showed that
make-up is indeed important to every situation, however, based on this study they are
not likely to use cosmetics on different situations as they are labeled sometimes, it can
inferred that HUMMS students are not relying solely on cosmetic products in different
situations on their lives, this can be supported by the study of Davis (2013) that

psychological tension revealed within women saying they are pretty even without
wearing any cosmetics.

Table 3

Reasons for Using Cosmetic Products According to Rank

Statement of the Problem 3 Number of Responses
To gain Self Confidence 35
Want hide/ cover unnecessary flaws 27

Influenced by Social Media 15

In Standards of the Society 16
Want to follow what is trends 1
Afraid to be bullied 13
To seek attention 11
To received praise from other people 5

The table shows that the most chosen reason of Grade 11 HUMSS Senior High
School students in using cosmetic products with the total of 35 out of 40 respondents
choose to gain self-confidence while 27 out of 40 respondents choose to reasoned that
they want to hide/cover unnecessary flaws, last in rank having 5 out of 40 respondents
choose the reason, want to be praised by other people. This study supports the of
Aquino, J. (2017) that women‟s personal reason lies on their own decision of
wanting to use cosmetics, also it was revealed that wearing beauty products makes
them presentable by hiding their insecurities and making them more confident .

Table 4

Level of Self-Confidence When Using Cosmetic Products

Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

1. When I use cosmetic products I feel good. 3.60 Confident
2. Wearing cosmetic products makes me feel Confident
more confident. 3.62
3. When I wear cosmetic products I feel more Moderately Confident
professional. 3.15
4. I feel comfortable when I wear cosmetic Confident
products. 3.67
5. When I wear cosmetics it makes me feel more Moderately Confident
attractive. 3.42
WEIGHTED MEAN 3.49 Moderately Confident

The overall result on determining the level of self-confidence of using cosmetic

products of 40 respondents on grade 11 HUMSS Senior High School women was 3.49%
meaning they are moderate confident in different statements. This result has similar
claims with the study of Silverio (2010) that women tend to wear make-up because
they believed that they indeed look good and felt good with their appearance and that
make up provides certain amount of self-confidence.

Table 5

Correlation between Frequency, Reasons and Level of Self Confidence when

using Cosmetic product
Variables Level of Self Confidence
Frequency of using cosmetics 0.683163 Moderately Strong
Positive Correlation
Reasons for using cosmetics 0.28567347 Weak Correlation

For Frequency of using cosmetics and level of self-confidence, Pearson R

Moment Correlation was used and there is a Moderate Strong Positive Correlation
between the two variables. This only supports the study of Davis (2013) and Silverio's
(2010) that women tend to become more confident when they are using cosmetic
products. However, for reasons of using cosmetics and level of self-confidence,
Spearman-Rho Correlation was used because ranking was considered and there is a
weak correlation between the variables.

It also supports the claims of Aquino J., Balanyos L., Botardo M., Mandanas K.,
Monte L. and Ordas E. (2017) that personal reasons of choosing what cosmetics to
wear lies on their own decision, based from the results, it doesn‟t correlate with the
given reasons, as stated in the study of Aquino, J. (2017). Women have a capacity
to wear cosmetics to gain self-confidence, however, choosing when and why to wear
cosmetics doesn‟t dictate if it can give self-confidence to its users. Therefore the
researchers conclude that cosmetic products can increase self-confidence when using it
without considering the reasons of why it was used.


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the study, the conclusions describes from
the findings and pertinent recommendations.


This research was conducted for the purpose of determining the Relationship of
Cosmetic Product and Self-confidence among Grade 11 HUMSS students in Bayambang
National Senior High School, descriptive-correlational design was used for this research.
The questionnaire served as the instrument for collecting data. A total of 40 grade 11
HUMSS students‟ women were the respondents. The inquiry was conducted during
school year 2018-2019.

The result found that frequency of using cosmetic products and level of self-
confidence has a Moderately Strong Correlation. For reasons of using cosmetic products
and level of self-confidence there is a weak correlation between the variables.
Concluding that cosmetic product can increase the level of self-confidence of its user
and the reason of choosing it were based from the respondents own decision, however,
majority of the respondents claimed that they use cosmetics to gained self-confidence.
When respondents ask what product they frequently used “face powder and lip tint”
was the most chosen this is because of the claim that students tend to choose budget
friendly, trendy and easy to use cosmetic products, while in different situations, “In
school”, “going out with friends” and “occasions”, the most popular answer for all
situations were “sometimes” with an overall mean of 3.50, representing that cosmetic
product was being used in the different situations but not solely relying on it. When
respondents rate their self-confidence level on using cosmetic products in different
statement, it was found out that they are “moderately confident” in all statements with

an overall mean of 3.49%. The study found that cosmetic product usage and self-
confidence has a significant relationship.


After all the necessary data and inputs were gathered, processed, and
interpreted following conclusions were drawn:

Respondents tend to choose a budget friendly and easy to use kind of cosmetic
products like face powder and lip tint for it has a descriptive equivalent of always and a
weighted mean of 4.64 and 4.61 respectively, this is because of the following reasons;

a. The respondents were senior high school students, heavy use of

cosmetics is not allowed thus, limiting them to use only light cosmetics.

b. Budget was considered since students depend on their family income

and not solely on themselves. it can also inferred that students often used cosmetic
products that has a whiting effect for it was an influence and a stereotyped left by us
during the Spanish regime, they believed that white skin or mestizo symbolizes higher
position in the society (Ethnic Groups of the Philippines, 2017).

Also, it can be conclude that the respondents uses cosmetic products sometimes
based from the given situations in their lives like going to school, going out with friends
and attending to occasions, they do not solely rely to the effects of cosmetics to their
appearance based on different situations even though they use it as a reason to
increase self-confidence, this results disproves a lot of statements like by the study
conducted by Britton (2012)

This study also found out that there is a significant relationship between
cosmetic product usage and self-confidence, it can be concluded that wearing or using
cosmetic products can boost self-confidence among users of it, however, based from
the results, the reasons of using cosmetics and level of self-confidence did not correlate

even though majority of respondents answered it gains them self-confidence when
using it.

Women have a capacity to wear cosmetics to gain self-confidence, however,

choosing when and why to wear cosmetics doesn‟t dictate if it can give self-confidence
to its users. It can be inferred that reasons of using cosmetics depends on the own
decision of students and cannot be dictated by other factors.

Overall, the researchers concluded that cosmetic products can increase self-
confidence when using it without considering the reasons of why it was used.
Ultimately, this study can help minority students to gain self-confidence by using
cosmetic products appropriate on their age and situations.


Based on the findings and conclusions made the following recommendations

are given:

1. Conduct a relevant study but in different gender.

2. Conduct a study that specifies on the perception of the students on using
cosmetic products.
3. Disproving a lot of statements and past studies, find the reason why there
are inconsistencies in cosmetic product usage based on different situations on
their lives.
4. Since the study focused only on grade 11 HUMSS student on Bayambang
National Bayambang School, future researchers should be conduct on a
broader scale possibly using multiple universities.



Dr. Terisita J Doria, Ed.D February 27, 2019

Principal II (SHS)
Bayambang National High School
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Dear Madam;

Greetings of peace!

In partial fulfillment of our requirements for Practical Research 2, we senior high

students of Bayambang National High School Senior High School would like to ask your
permission to conduct a research study entitled: “Cosmetic Products and Self-
confidence among HUMSS students of Bayambang National High School”.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your good office by allowing us to
conduct out survey to our beloved school. Rest assured that the data we will gather will
be a way to inform the students especially the girls by using cosmetic products.

We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this requirement as
compliance to our graduation and to develop our well-being. We hope for your positive
response on this humble matter.

Your approval will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers

Juvilyn G. Lanzuela
Lalyn J. Lovendino
James Edward Munoz
Jenny Mae C. Odon



Respondents February 27, 2019

Grade 11 HUMSS student

Bayambang Senior High School

Bayambang, Pangasinan

Dear Respondents;

We, the Grade 12 HUMSS students, enrolled at Bayambang National High School
Senior High School Bayambang, Pangasinan, and writing our research. We are
conducting a research entitled: “Relationship of Cosmetic Products and Self-confidence
among HUMSS students of Bayambang National High School".

In this regard, we would like to solicit your cooperation by answering the

questionnaire attached herewith.

We hope that you allow of your quality time in answering the questions.

Thank you and God bless!

Sincerely yours,

The Researchers
Juvilyn G. Lanzuela
Lalyn J. Lovendino
James Edward Munoz
Jenny Mae C. Odon


Researcher Mode of Questionnaire on the Cosmetic Product Usage and Self-

confidence among HUMSS students in Bayambang National High School

Directions: Please follow the directions in every parts of the questionnaire. Answer it
honestly based on your experience and opinion.

Name: Date:

Section: Age:

Part I. Different Cosmetic products that are frequently use by the students.

Mark check on how you frequently use the following cosmetic products.

1-Never 2- Rarely 3-Sometimes 4-Often 5-Always

Cosmetic 1 2 3 4 5
Face powder
Blush on
Whitening cream
Lip tint


Part II. Different situations that student frequently use cosmetics.

Mark check on how you frequently use cosmetic in different situations.

1-Never 2- Rarely 3-Sometimes 4-Often 5-Always

Situations 1 2 3 4 5
In Class
1. I wear cosmetic products when there are performance
tasks in class.
2.I wear cosmetic products when I go to school.
3. I wear cosmetic products when there is event in my
(Js prom,Grad Ball, Graduation and etc.)

Going out with Friends

1. I wear cosmetic products when I/we go to mall.
2.I wear cosmetic products when I/we travel.
3. I wear cosmetic products when I go to date.

1. I wear cosmetic products when I‟m in family reunion.
2. I wear cosmetic product when I attend birthday party.
3. I wear cosmetics when I attend weddings, christening and

Part III. Reasons why students are using cosmetic products

Put a check (/) mark on the different reasons why you use cosmetics.

Personal Reasons Social Reason

[ ] Want to hide/cover unnecessary flaws. [ ] Standards of the


(Pimples, blemishes, scar etc.) [ ] Influenced by Social


[ ] To gain self-confidence [ ] Want to follow what is


[ ] To seek attention [ ] To received praise from

other people

[ ] Afraid to be bullied

Part IV. Self-confidence level of student when they use cosmetics.

Put check (/) mark on the different statement to determine the level of your self-
confidence on using cosmetics.

1-Low Confident 2-Slightly Confident 3-Moderate Confident

4- Confident 5- Very Confident

Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1. When I use
cosmetic products I
feel good.
2. Wearing
cosmetic products
makes me feel

more confident.
3. When I wear
cosmetic products I
feel more
4. I feel
comfortable when I
wear cosmetic
5. When I wear
cosmetics it makes
me feel more

“No beauty shines brighter than a good heart.”


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