Articles Different-Exercises

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I. “A” ODER “THE”?

- Choose the correct answer:

1. Did you see ________ boy I had told you about?

a) the b) a
2. Did you get ________ email we sent you?
a) the b) an
3. He is ________ very good friend of mine.
a) the b) a
4. We had ________ wonderful dinner yesterday.
a) the b) a
5. ________ meal that we had yesterday was really delicious.
a) The b) A
6. I am writing ________ test tomorrow.
a) the b) a
7. Which team do you like best? ________ one of Newcastle?
a) The b) A
8. I had always wanted to have ________ black car.
a) the b) a
9. It seems as if he never tells ________ truth!
a) the b) a
10. I cannot understand how ________ person like her does not marry.
a) the b) a
11. It is ________ biggest building in town.
a) a b) the
12. She has ________ very nice voice.
a) a b) the
13. My boy-friend is ________ only person I know in that town.
a) a b) the
14. My partner is ________ painter.
a) a b) the
15. She is ________ prettiest woman in our department.
a) a b) the
16. There is ________ party at __________ new Italian restaurant tonight.
a) a b) the
17. Are you really going to have ________ party again?
a) a b) the
18. Yesterday I watched ________ really interesting documentary series on TV.
a) a b) the
19. Let’s go! ________ movie starts in only ten minutes!
a) a b) the
20. We need to buy ________ new printer.
a) a b) the
Fill in the blanks with either “a”, “an”, or “the”.

We went to ________ station at 6:00 a. m. yesterday. We actually had to catch

________ train to Newcastle, but the queue in front of ________ ticket counter was
very long. The lines in front of ________ platform were also very long, so we had to
wait quite ________ long time.

Finally we got on ________ train and we left. We tried to get some sleep during
__________ trip, but I didn’t manage.

Later on we had ________ pretty good meal, ________ rare occurrence (= Vorkommnis/

Gelegenheit) on trains! Afterwards we talked to one of ________ conductors for

________ while. He told me that ________ pilot of ________ train was English, that’s
probably why I managed to fall asleep for about ________ hour. _______ short time
before arrival, we ordered ________ drink. Generally, it was ________ pretty
comfortable trip.


Fill in the blanks with either “a”, “an”, or “the”.

Steven, ________ old friend of mine, used to work on Paradise Island, on ________
Bahamas. He had ________ well-paid job with one of ________ biggest banks in
town. He was ________ honest, hard-working banker, but as he actually hated his job
he decided to leave the company, and to become ________ surfer instead. Now
Steven spends his days surfing ________ waves of ________ ocean. It isn't always
________ easy life, but he now feels happy.

Soon after he had quit his position at ________ bank, Steven met ________ beautiful
girl called Claudia. After they had gone out for ________ couple of months, they
Fill in the blanks with either “a”, “an”, or “the”.

At ________ beginning of ________ 20th century, East Los Angeles became ________
popular immigrant destination (= Ziel). In ________ early 1900s, Russians, Jews,
Japanese, and Mexicans all had ________ significant presence in ________ area
(= Gebiet). Living east of ________ river and working in factories nearby, or travelling by
electric rail into downtown Los Angeles, immigrants and their children helped fuel
(= antreiben) ________ prosperity (= Reichtum) of ________ growing metropolis (= Metropole).

By ________ onset (= Ausbruch) of World War II, East Los Angeles had almost become
________ exclusive Latino community (= Gemeinschaft), soon reinforced (= gestützt) by
________ influx (= Zufluss) of Mexican workers who arrived to man (= bemannen/

hier: bedienen) the machines in ________ area's burgeoning (= aufkeimend) war industries.
Source: learning-english-feel-good 2007


Fill in the blank with either “a”, “an”, “the”, or “no article”.

1. ________ Japanese is a difficult language to learn.

2. ________ terrorist group attacked ________ city centre at night.
3. I like to learn how to play ________ piano.
4. I got ________ guitar as ________ birthday present.
5. She is ________ busiest woman in our department.
6. I have got ________ idea!
7. He has borrowed ________ money for his studies from his parents.
8. My first apartment was in ________ Main Street.
9. ________ uniform they are wearing is quite nice.
10. He is known to be ________ real gentleman.
11. ________ Canberra is ________ capital of Australia.
12. I have been playing ________ violine for three years.
13. We had ________ really good time at the weekend.
14. She is ________ only person I know who speaks Chinese.
15. Look at ________ time! We will be late for the movies!
16. ________ most people who live in ________ Eifel are Catholic.
17. She has got ________ new job.
18. Have you ever been to ________ Rocky Mountains?
Choose the correct answer:

1. How much is that shirt? – It’s ________ 20 dollars.

a) --- b) the
2. I gave him ________ money that I owed him.
a) --- b) the
3. She is ________ only person in that department who speaks Russian.
a) --- b) the

4. He lives in ________ New York.

a) --- b) the
5. This kind of ________ weather makes me going mad.
a) --- b) a
6. He bought himself ________ new motorbike.
a) --- b) a
7. What does he do? He sells ________ luxury cars.
a) --- b) the
8. I live at ________ 25th Madison Avenue.
a) --- b) the
9. Yesterday we had ________ whole bottle of wine.
a) --- b) a
10. Two of my colleagues come from ________ U. S.
a) --- b) the


1. I like spending my holidays in __________ North of England.

2. In general, _______ boys are physically stronger than _______ girls.
3. He enjoys listening to __________ rock music.
4. __________ new colleague I told you about is over there.
5. Last night we had ________ dinner at ________ new restaurant that you
6. He is __________ really good lawyer.
7. My partner is __________ expert at renovating old houses.
8. __________ Bahamas are really beautiful at this time of __________ year.
9. __________ Bakers have moved to Norway as I heard.
10. We got ourselves __________ special holiday for Christmas.
11. Vegetarians eat __________ lot of __________ chocolate.
12. __________ meal we had yesterday was extremely good!
13. __________ cigarettes often cause __________ cancer.
14. He has always been __________ very successful salesman.
15. Shall we go to __________ beach?
16. Lots of __________ people spend their holidays at __________ seaside.
17. What would you like to have for __________ lunch?
18. A gentleman knows how to treat __________ lady.
19. __________ time on __________ plane was really interesting.
20. __________ only person I don’t like within our department is Mrs Pearson.
21. We spent some days in __________ mountains.
22. They very often have _________ bad weather in Seattle.
23. This is __________ best restaurant in _________ town.
24. I can’t live on __________ USD 500 _________ month.
25. Someone should call __________ police!
26. We went to __________ cinema last night.
27. To me he is __________ real hero.
28. This cat doesn’t like _____ dogs, but actually it likes ______ one of my brother.
29. I haven’t met him since __________ fair in Monaco.
30. Bruce Willis is quite __________ famous actor.
31. Pool is located in __________ South of __________ England and Durban is located
in __________ South Africa.
32. We went to __________ Central Park on Sunday.
33. San Diego is located near __________ Mexican border.
34. Let’s go to __________ movies tonight.
35. __________ Nile is __________ longest river in __________ world.
36. Last summer we spent our holiday on __________ Canaries.
37. I don’t prefer ________ Mexican to _________ Chinese food.
38. I need to buy __________ bottle of water.
39. Vancouver is one of __________ biggest cities in Canada.
40. I can speak English as well as __________ most of ________ other students in my
41. Please, hurry up. We don’t have __________ lot of time.
42. I live around here. = I live in __________ neighbourhood.
43. I don’t have any idea. = I haven’t got __________ clue.
44. __________ British Prime Minister lives in __________ Downing Street No. 10.
45. __________ President of __________ US lives in __________ White House.

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