Tenses Rules

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Past simple

1. I worked
2. You worked
3. He/she it worked
4. We worked
5. You worked
6. They worked

1. Did I work?
2. Did you work?
3. Did he/she/it work?
4. Did we work?
5. Did you work?
6. Did they work?

1. I didn’t work.
2. You didn’t work.
3. He/she/it didn’t work
4. We didn’t work
5. You didn’t work
6. They didn’t work

+ Signal words – AGO, YESTERDAY, LAST WEEK/MONTH/YEAR, IN 2010….


Ex. I sold my car last year.

Past Continuous

1. I was working
2. You were working
3. He/she it was working
4. We were working
5. You were working
6. They were working

1. Was I working?
2. Were you working?
3. Was he/she/it working?
4. Were we working?
5. Were you working?
6. Were they working?

1. I wasn’t working.
2. You weren’t working.
3. He/she/it wasn’t working
4. We weren’t working
5. You weren’t working
6. They weren’t working

+ Signal words: WHEN, WHILE (tada je najcesce u kombinaciji sa past simple) I tacno vreme
(ex. At 7 o’clock last night)
+ Koristimo da opisemo radnju u proslosti koja je duže trajala i koju je prekinula neka kraća
Ex. She was reading a book when he came in.
Past Perfect Simple
1. I had worked
2. You had worked
3. He/she it had worked
4. We had worked
5. You had worked
6. They had worked

1. Had I worked?
2. Had you worked?
3. Had he/she/it worked?
4. Had we worked?
5. Had you worked?
6. Had they worked?

1. I hadn’t worked.
2. You hadn’t worked.
3. He/she/it hadn’t worked
4. We hadn’t worked
5. You hadn’t worked
6. They hadn’t worked

+ signal words – By the time, After, Before, Because

+ koristimo ga da označimo radnju u prošlosti koja se desila pre neke druge radnje (past
simple). Najčešće se nalazi u rečenici zajedno sa običnim perfektom (past simple)

Ex. After I had finished my homework, I went to bed.

Past Perfect Continuous
1. I had been working
2. You had been working
3. He/she it had been working
4. We had been working
5. You had been working
6. They had been working

1. Had I been working?

2. Had you been working?
3. had he/she/it been working?
4. Had we been working?
5. Had you been working?
6. Had they been working?

1. I hadn’t been working.

2. You hadn’t been working.
3. He/she/it hadn’t been working
4. We hadn’t been working
5. You hadn’t been working
6. They hadn’t been working

+signal words: all night, for hours, before, after

+ Koristimo ga da označimo radnju u prošlosti koja se ponavljala ili duže trajala, a desila se pre
neke druge radnje (past simple).
Ex. Before she arrived, I had been waiting for hours.

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