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EECE 173: Electrical and Electronics
Transfer of resistor
are solid state devices used for amplifying,
controlling and generating electrical signals.
Widely used in calculators, radio, satellite
communication etc
BJT : Bipolar Junction Transistor
A bipolar junction transistor is a type of transistor that uses both hole and electron
charge carriers. It is a current controlled device. Can amplify or magnify a signal.
 The BJT has a large gain bandwidth.
 It shows better performance at high frequency.
 It has a better voltage gain.
 It can be operated in low or high power applications.
 It has high current density.
 There is a low forward voltage drop.
3 layers semiconductor diode: Emitter, base and collector.
 2junctions

 Emitter (E): Heavily doped, moderate in size

 Collector ( C ) : Moderately doped. Large in size
 Base (B) : Lightly doped and thin.
the arrow direction will
represent the current flow
because of the charge
Electron flows opposite the
current direction.
The principle of operation of the two transistor types PNP and NPN,
is exactly the same the only difference being in their biasing and the
polarity of the power supply for each type.
Emitter base must be in forward bias.
Collector base must be in reverse bias.
The forward bias of emitter bias junction causes current to flow.
The emitter current entirely flows in the collector circuit. Therefore,
circuit current depends on emitter current.

VEE = input applied voltage

Vcc = output applied voltage
IE : The forward bias causes the electron in n type emitter to flow
towards base. This constitutes emitter current IE.
IB : when electron flows through p type base they tend to combine
with hole. As base is lightly doped and thin therefore only a few (5%)
combine with holes to constitute IB.
Ic : The remainder (more than 95%) electron cross over to the
collector region to create Ic . Thus almost entire emitter current flows
into collector.
4 operating region
Active region : works as an amplifier
Cutoff: works as an open switch. no current flow.
Saturation: works as an closed switch.
Common Base Configuration:
Input Characteristics: Output Characteristics:
Common Emitter Config:
Common Emitter Config:
Input Characteristics: Output Characteristics:
Common Collector Config:
Fixed Bias Config:
Base Emitter Circuit: Collector Emitter Circuit:
Emitter Bias Config:
Base–Emitter Loop : Collector–Emitter Loop

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