A Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 10

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve
as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of research,
campaigns and advocacies.

B. Performance Standard
The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.

C. Learning Competencies
1. Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing techniques
2. Suggest ideas on how to eliminate all forms of violence against women.
3. Value the importance of equality among men and women.

II. Content
Persuasive Writing Techniques

III. Learning Resources

A. Reference
1. Learner’s Material
DepEd English 10 SLM

IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
2. Checking of Attendance
A. Review of the past lesson/Presentation of
new lesson
The teacher introduces the “Green-Red Flag”
activity to the learners. : Yes Ma’am!
1. An item that can erase lipstick mark
from one of your group mates.
2. An item that can put an exact hole for a
fastener in a paper.
3. An item that can be hung on the ear.
4. An item that can call a Globe/TM
(The teacher facilitates the game)
Good job everyone! That was a fun activity!

B. Establishing a Purpose
This time, may I know what kind of things do
you usually watch on TV?
Yes, Caithe? : Yes Ma’am!

That is good!
What about you, Kyle?

That is true. May we also know your

preference in watching the television Rey?

That is wonderful to hear!

You see class, the people who make these
programs have different reasons for making
them, right?
(The students play the game.)
Task 1
Now, before we proceed further let us fist do a
survey within your group about the challenges
that the world is facing based from what you
see or hear from a TV broadcast. Be sure to
elicit responses from all the members of the : Ma’am I usually watch movies when I turn
group and make a graph (line, bar or pie chart, on our TV.
etc) for your survey result. Elect a
: Ma’am I love to watch variety shows
representative to present you output.
because it really gives good vibes.
This task will be the basis of our character on
how to act in our story. : Ma’am for me I usually look for a news
You are given 5 minutes to do that activity. broadcast.
You may now start!
(The teacher gives the students 5 minutes to
finish their task.)
: Yes, Ma’am. They all serve different
Let us now start the presentation of your work. purposes.
We will start with group 1.

Good job group 1! Shall we now have group 2

for the work.

Nice job group 2! Let us now have the last

group for their output.

Very good everyone!

Being able to identify challenges that our world
is facing now is already our stepping stone
towards bigger steps for them to be resolved.

C. Discussion of Concept No.1 : (Students work on the task given to them.)

Now we are almost ready to have our short
selection for today. For us not to struggle when
we read it, let us first have some VOCAB : (Representative presents their work.)
BINGO game.
Task 2
Unlocking of difficulties : (Representative presents their work.)
I will be giving you cards and the first to form
any straight line from the combination will be
given a reward. : (Representative presents their work.)
I will be giving the clue for the words then we
will all together try to answer what word is
being defined.

Okay let us have the first word.

(The teacher gives the definition and clues to
the students)
Guide Questions:
Now before we read the selection, please be
guided by these questions:
1. What would history buffs be interested
in visiting Mongolia?
2. Why did Genghis Khan want to have :Below are the words to be defined and
one form of writing in Mongolia? identified by the students:
3. Why might some visitors be 1. buffs
uncomfortable with the accommodation 2. decreed
form the tour? 3. gers
(The teacher reads aloud the selection to the 4. tactician
class.) 5. prosperous

Now let us try to answer the questions that

we have earlier, what would history buffs be (The students guess the items.)
interested in visiting Mongolia? Yes, Micah?

That is correct!
Why did Genghis Khan want to have one form
of writing in Mongolia?
Yes, Drew?

Why might some visitors be uncomfortable
with the accommodation from the tour?
Yes, Mick?

: Ma’am there are a lot of interesting, ancient

places that they can see as they learn about
Very good! the life of Genghis Khan.
D. Discussion of Concept No. 2
Now, what could be the author’s reason of
writing this selection? : Ma’am because it would make it easier for
Yes, Nica? different tribes to communicate with one
That is correct!
One of the author’s purpose in the writing the
story/selection is to entertain the readers.
The purpose of the author can be determined : Ma’am, they do not sleep in hotels but in
through the tone, mood and the technique used gers/tents, so it might be cold at night,
in the story or selection. perhaps with toilets and bathrooms outside,
In this case the author’s purpose is to persuade and so not as comfortable.
with the use of advertisement—the author
advertised Mongolia.

Authors may write base on the following

: Ma’am I think the author wants to persuade
1. to persuade
the readers.
2. to inform
3. to argue
4. to narrate
5. to entertain
How to identify author’s purpose
Read the text carefully.
• Ask yourself, “Why did the author write
this text?”
Identify the type of text.
• Persuasive: advertisements, political
speeches, etc.
• Informative: news reports, textbook
entries, etc.
• Entertaining: stories, poems, etc.
Examine what the author is doing in the text.
• Persuading: providing an opinion;
asking the reader to do something
• Informing: providing facts about a
• Entertaining: providing humorous or
interesting writing, especially fiction

E. Developing Mastery
Task 3.
Now aside from giving entertainment, what
else are the possible purpose of the author in
writing the story? Give details to each of the
purpose. Use a table to show your answer.

Okay, let us have your answers, will you share

yours, Ben?

Brilliant! Author’s Purpose

What else, Ziah? To To To
________ ________ _________
Details Details Details
Very good!

F. Making Generalization/ Abstraction

Now class if we are to put this in real scenario,
is it necessary for us to have a purpose? Why : Ma’am I answered, to inform, since the
do say so? author used gave some information about the
Yes, Garie? history of Mongolia.

: For me I wrote to narrate Ma’am because

there are instances that the author tends to tell
story of Genghis Khan’s journey.
What about you Jyle, is having a purpose
important in one’s life?

That was excellent!

Thank you everyone for sharing your ideas. : Ma’am I think we need to live with a
purpose. That in everything we do, we must
G. Finding Practical Application think God put us in a certain situation because
Now with the same group that we have earlier, He has a reason.
we will be having another task. This time, each
group will be given a specific task to do.
Group 1- Identify the possible emotion,
thoughts and actions of Genghis Khan while
taking the journey through a comic strip. : Yes Ma’am it is because only when we have
Group 2- Search for one of Mongolia’s tourist a purpose then that is the only time we can be
spots and traditions. of help to others and of course to ourselves.
Group 3- Identify lines from the selection that
will show the mood, tone and technique of the
author in writing the story.
You are given 10 minutes to work and finish
your ouput.

H. Evaluating Learning
With the output that you have, each group is
given 3 minutes to present their works to the
You will be given scores according to this

Content-10 points
Presentation (stage presence, creativity)-5
points : (Students work on the assigned task to
Now let us have group 1 to present their

Let us give them a clap! Good job group 1.

It is present group 2.

Well done, group 2!

Let us have the last group now.

Very good everyone! Let us give everybody a

well-deserved applause!
: (The first group presents their work.)
I. Additional activity.
Secure a copy of the movie Les Miserables and
invite your parents to watch it. After watching : (Group 2 presents their work.)
it, make a list of the purposes of the author of
writing it. Give details to the identified
purposes. : (The last group presents their work.)
Are there still questions about our topic today?

If there is none already, let us call it a day!

Goodbye everyone!

J. Reflection: (To be filled out after class)

K. Remarks:(To be filled out after class)

: None Ma’am.

: Goodbye Ma’am!

A Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 10

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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