Coop Instrument

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Revision No. 1
March 5, 2021


Registration Number
Name of Cooperative

No. of Bldg,/Block/Lot No.
Street Name
Main Business Activity
Other Services, Please Specify


Instruction: "Tick or put "/" in the circle besides Yes if the following are present/available in your Standard
cooperative, No, if none and NA, if not applicable." Points

A. Governance Report
A.1 General Assembly

1. Presence of approved development plan/strategic plan Yes No

2. Presence of approved annual plans and budget Yes No
3. Acceptance/approval/confirmation/ratification of the
following reports of the Board (including BR) and
3.1 Board Report Yes No
3.2 Committee Reports Yes No
3.3 Management Report Yes No
4. Documents showing the Engagement of the external
Yes No
5. Conduct of Election of officers Yes No
6. Presentation and Acceptance of Required Reports to
Yes No
be prepared and/or submitted/to be submitted to CDA
For Primary Cooperatives Yes No
a. Copy of electronically encoded CAPR Yes No
b. Audited Financial Statements Yes No
c. List of Officers and Mandatory Trainings
Yes No
d. Performance Audit Report
Semi-annual Report on Mediation and Yes No
e. Conciliation Yes No
f. Social Audit Report Yes No
For Secondary and Tertiary Cooperatives
a. Copy of electronically encoded CAPR Yes No
b. Audited Financial Statement (with encoded
Yes No
c. List of Officers and Mandatory Trainings
Yes No
d. Performance Audit Report, including copies
of the semi annual Report on mediation and Yes No
e. Social Audit Report Yes No
f. List of affiliates and cooperatives which have Yes No
remitted their CETF
g. Business Consultancy Assistance including
Yes No
the nature, cost and the use of CETF
h. Other training activities undertaken
specifying therein the nature, participants Yes No
and cost of each activity.
7. Writtten policies/rules and procedures in conducting the
Yes No
General Assembly meeting
8. Other Resolutions/Policies requiring approval of the
Yes No
GA, including amendments of ACBL, if any

A.2 Board of Directors (BODs)

1. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
2. Compilation of the minutes of the Board of Director's Yes No
3. Copies of the followings documents submitted at least
5 days before the meeting or as provided in the policy Yes No

3.1 Management Report Yes No

3.2 Committee Reports Yes No
3.3 Chairperson's Report Yes No
3.4 Treasurer's Report Yes No
3.5 Proposals Yes No
3.6 Reference materials or attachments Yes No
3.7 CDA Assessment/Examination/Investigation
Reports Yes No
3.8 Risk Review or Assessment Report Yes No
4. Copies of minutes of meeting with discussions on the
Yes No
4.1 Management Reports including the periodic
Yes No
financial statement
4.2 Budget Yes No
4.3 Policy formulation Yes No
4.4 Policy review and monitoring Yes No
4.5 Product/Service Review Yes No
4.6 Discussion of audit findings or
Yes No
recommendations (internal and external)
4.7 All unresolved issues identified in the
examination/audit/assessment/ investigation
reports are resolved by the Board of Directors Yes No
within the prescribed period.
5. Copies of Board Resolutions embodying all major
Yes No
decisions of the BOD
6. BR specifying the regular schedule of meetings of the
Yes No
Board and the Committees
7. Presence of an independent advisors or resource
persons to assist in its deliberations, when deemed
appropriate. (This would be dependent on the profile,
Yes No
knowledge, skills or expertise of existing BOD. For
example, if no BOD has expertise on IT, then invite an
IT expert.)
Written Policies/ Rules and Procedures on the
8.1 Conduct of meeting Yes No
8.2 BOD attendance including sanctions for
Yes No
absences, tardiness and proper decorum
8.3 Membership acceptance, termination,
Yes No
determination of members entitled to vote
8.4 Orientation of New Board Members and Other Yes No
8.5 Commmunication Protocols Yes No
8.6 Submission and Handling of Audit/ Inspection/
Risk Review/ Examination Reports to the BOD Yes No

8.7 Investments Yes No

8.8 Borrowings
Product/Service Review, Evaluation and Yes No
8.9 Assessment Yes No
8.10 Performance Assessment of the BOD, Officers,
Yes No
Management and Staff
8.11 Promotions, Incentives and Rewards Yes No
8.12 Survey, Feedback Mechanisms Yes No
9. Succession Program of Officers and Management Yes No
10. The Disciplinary Actions on Late/Absences of the BOD
and proper decorum are implemented Yes No
11. The board does not interfere in the day-to-day
Yes No
operations of the cooperative
12. The new BOD members and other officers have
undergone Orientation on ACBL and other regulations, Yes No
coop policies and programs.
13. The board has acted on the result of feedbacks which
Yes No
require prompt action.
14. The Board implements and imposes sanctions in
violation of the Confidentiality Agreement Policy. Yes No

15. The election related protest or complaint filed with the

cooperative are appropriately acted upon. (Rule 7 Yes No
Revised IRR of 9520)
16. Awareness through policies and training/orientation of
the members of the Board of Director’s are aware of
their duties & responsibilities under the following:
16.1 RA9520 Yes No
16.2 Truth in Lending Act (for cooperatives with
credit operations only) Yes No
16.3 Philippine Competition Law Yes No
16.4 Taxation Yes No
16.5 Trade Practices Act Yes No
16.6 Environmental Protection Yes No
16.7 Workplace Health and Safety Act Yes No
16.8 Labor Law - Minimum Wage Yes No
16.9 Banking laws (for cooperative banks only) Yes No
16.10 AMLA Yes No
16.11 Credit Information System Act (for cooperatives
with credit operations only) Yes No
16.12 Data Privacy Act Yes No
16.13 Magna Carta on Women, Solo Parent Act,
Magna Carta for Senior Citizens, Magna Carta Yes No
for PWD
A.3 Election Committee
1. Compilation of the Minutes and Committee Reports and
Yes No
2. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
3. Duly approved election rules and guidelines Yes No
4. Certified List of Members entitled to vote as determined
Yes No
by the BOD
5. Results of Election Yes No

A.4 Audit Committee

1. Compilation of the Minutes and Committee Reports and
Yes No
2. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
3. Audit Manual Yes No
4. Audit Program Yes No
5. Internal Audit Report/Audit Committee Report Yes No
6. Monitoring report on the compliance of internal and
Yes No
audit recommendations

A.5 Education Committee

1. Compilation of the Minutes and Committee Reports and
Yes No
2. Board Resolution appointing the members of the
Yes No
Education Committee
3. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
4. Capacity Building Program/Training Plan/Program with
Yes No
5. Training Report Yes No
6. Training modules conducted by the coop e.g. PMES,
Yes No
Ownership Serminar, Audio visual presentations
7. Compilation of Training materials/ paraphernalia Yes No
8. List of pool of trainers Yes No
9. Feedback/evaluation tool Yes No

A.6 GAD Committee

1. Compilation of the Minutes and Committee Reports and
Yes No
2. Written duties and responsibilities Yes No
3. Board Resolution appointing the members of the GAD
Yes No
4. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
5. GAD Plan with Budget Yes No
6. Sex disaggregated data of members, officers and staff Yes No
7. GAD Assessment Report Yes No

A.7 Mediation and Conciliation Committee (Medcon)

1. Compilation of the Minutes and Committee Reports and
Yes No
2. Written duties and responsibilities Yes No
3. Board Resolution appointing the members of the
Yes No
Mediation and Conciliation Committee
4. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
5. Conflict resolution policies and procedures Yes No
6. Medcon Plan/program Yes No
7. Pool of Mediators/Conciliators, if any Yes No
8. Medcon Semi-annual Report submitted to CDA Yes No

A.8 Ethics Committee

1. Compilation of the Minutes and Committee Reports and
Yes No
2. Board Resolution appointing the members of the Ethics
Yes No
3. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
4. Code of Governance and Ethical Standards (CGES) Yes No
5. Policies and Procedures in the conduct of
Yes No
investigation/inquiry involving violations of CGES
6. Ethics Committee Plans and Programs Yes No

A.9 Other Committees, specify:

Yes No
1. Compilation of the Minutes and Committee Reports and
Yes No
2. Written duties and responsibilities Yes No
3. Board Resolution creating the committee/s as
Yes No
prescribed in its by-laws
4. Board Resolution appointing the members of the other
Yes No
5. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
6. Program of Work Yes No
7. Accomplishment Report Yes No

A.10 Secretary
1. Book of Minutes of meetings of GA and the BOD Yes No
2. Appointment Paper/Renewal of Appointment supported
Yes No
by Board Resolution
3. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
4. Registry of Members Yes No
5. Share and transfer book Yes No
6. Cooperative copy of Certificate of Registration, Articles
Yes No
of Cooperation and By-Laws, Certificate of Compliance
7. Compilation of Board Resolutions Yes No
8. Treasurer's and Other Periodic Report Yes No
9. Certified List of Members entitled to vote as determined
Yes No
by the BOD
10. Cooperative Seal Yes No
11. The BOD's decisions are disseminated in written form
within 7 days or as stated in the policy. Yes No
12. Contracts, MOA, other docs (specify) ______ Yes No

A.11 Treasurer
1. Appointment Paper/Renewal of Appointment supported Yes No
by Board Resolution
2. Duly signed Oath of Office Yes No
3. Cash Book Yes No
4. Bank Books Yes No
5. Cooperative securities (investment, titles, and other
Yes No
negotiable instruments)
6. Cash Position Report Yes No
7. Petty Cash Book Yes No

A.12 General Manager / C.E.O. / or its equivalent

1. Appointment paper Yes No
2. Policy Implementation Files Yes No
3. Monthly and Annual Management report Yes No
4. Implementation of the following:
a. Board's Decisions Yes No
b. Risk Management Plan Yes No
c. Communication Protocol Yes No

B. Management Reports/Record
B.1 Organizational/Operational Structure
1. Organizational Chart Yes No
2. Management Structure Yes No
Functional Statement of each unit/
3. Yes No
B.2 Systems and Procedures
1. Complete BIR registered books of accounts or loose
leaf or computerized accounting system and Copy of
Yes No
Certificate of Registration from BIR, if using
Computerized Recording System
2. Internal Control Systems
Codified Approving and Signing Authority
2.1 Yes No
2.2 Imprest System Yes No
2.3 Bond of accountable officers Yes No
2.4 Record preservation (maintenance and
Yes No
disposal/archiving plan
2.5 Risk Assessment System Yes No
3. Manual of Operation and Policies, which included
among others, the following:
3.1 Business Operation Manual Yes No
3.2 Accounting Manual Yes No
3.3 Human Resource Policy Manual Yes No
Access of documents/books/records as
required under Art. 52 and 83 of RA9520 by Yes No
the members
3.5 Business Continuity/Contingency Manual Yes No
4. Copies of Guidelines implementing the approved
Yes No
5. Business Continuity/contingency Plan Yes No
6. Communication and Feedback Mechanism Yes No

B.3 Human Resource Records

1. Contract/Certificate of employment Yes No
2. Job Description Yes No
3. Qualification Standards Yes No
4. Personnel File Yes No

B.4 Performance Evaluation

1. Standards of measurement Yes No
2. Rating of all officers and management staff Yes No

B.5 Compensation and Benefits

1. Salary scaling program Yes No
2. Incentive and Reward Program Yes No
3. Leave Incentives Program Yes No
4. Retirement Plan/Program/Package Yes No

B.6 Compliance to Government Requirements

1. Certificate of Compliance (CDA) Yes No
2. Certificate of Tax Exemption (BIR) Yes No
3. Annual Registration with BIR Yes No
4. Registration (SSS) Yes No
5. Registration (PHILHEALTH) Yes No
6. Registration (PAG-IBIG) Yes No
7. Business Permit (LGU) Yes No
8. Annual Tax Incentive Report (CDA) Yes No
Other agencies, specify the document, if applicable
9. Yes No

C.Partnership, Networking and Linkaging

1. The cooperative is a member of the following:
a. Cooperative federation/union Yes No
b. Local special bodies (Not applicable if there are
Yes No
no Local Special Bodies in the locality)
c. Cooperative Development Councils Yes No
2. The board participates and supports the activities of
the cooperative federation/union/local special bodies Yes No
(LGU) and Civic Organizations or Peoples

D.Membership Participation
1. Presence of at least 10% in new set of officers yearly. Yes No
2. At least 50% of the total membership
attended/participated in at least one activity of the
cooperative, such as seminars/ trainings, community Yes No
programs and activities, etc. except GA Meetings.


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