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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Review Article


Ashish Shivadikar
Research Officer (H), S-2, Regional Research Institute (H), Gudivada, Dr.GGH Medical College Campus, Eluru
road, Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh.
It is a challenging time for the entire medical world to manage Coronavirus diseases 2019
(COVID-19). The past few decades there is increase of epidemic diseases, with increase loss of
lives due to rapidly spreading devastating epidemics; there is a need for protective
immunization and prevention. The great hope in the control of infectious diseases is always
vaccine. Vaccines have played an important part in the reduction of communicable diseases.
However, Vaccines are continually monitored for safety, and like any medication, vaccine can
cause side effects. Homoeopathy has been reportedly used with variable degree of success in
influenza, cholera and other epidemics for 200 years. Homoeopathy has been used both
therapeutically and /or prophylactic with success in past, using different approaches like Genus
epidemicus, nosodes, and homoeopathic formulations.
KEYWORDS: Homoeopathy, Epidemic, Nosodes, Genus epidemicus, COVID-19.
During December 2019, a novel available for COVID‑19.[4] Development of any
Betacoronavirus provisionally named 2019 novel vaccine for immunization is the end result of years of
coronavirus (2019-nCoV), and subsequently officially discovery and development. Only a tiny percentage of
renamed severe acute respiratory syndrome candidate vaccines progress to licensing, making the
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by the International costs of vaccine research and development extremely
Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), causing high. The vaccine development and testing follow a
coronavirus disease 2019 (or COVID-19), was standard set of steps beginning with exploratory
associated with a cluster of respiratory tract stage which includes the basic laboratory research
infections in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and has and often lasts for 2–4 years.[5] Vaccination is one of
rapidly spread across continents.[1] On 30th January the great public health achievements of human
2020, the WHO declared the Chinese outbreak of history. Vaccines used in national immunization
COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of programmes (NIPs) are considered safe and effective
International Concern posing a high risk to countries when used correctly. Vaccines are, however, not risk-
with vulnerable health systems.[2] In India, the first free and adverse events will occasionally occur
case was detected on 30th January 2020, thereafter following vaccination.[6]
day by day the number of cases of COVID-19 infection The preventive aspect of Homoeopathy is
are increasing. With the spread over more than 28 well known, and historically, Homoeopathy has
states isolation and social distancing is the general reportedly been used for prevention during the
measures taken up by the public promoted by the epidemics of Cholera, Spanish Influenza, Yellow fever,
government in the form of lock down since 24th Scarlet fever, Diphtheria, Typhoid etc. The approach
March 2020.[3] The treatment of the patients with to prevention in Homoeopathy is two-pronged.
COVID‑19 is the major challenge as mortality ranges Homoeoprophylaxis or, prevention through
from 3% to 4% as compared to seasonal influenza Homoeopathy, can either be met through Genus
(0.1%). Many potential drugs including ribavirin, Epidemicus (GE), which means a remedy which is
interferon, lopinavir–ritonavir, corticosteroids, found to be curative in the majority of cases of the
penciclovir, nitazoxanide, nafamostat, remdesivir, same disease is also the most likely preventive for
favipiravir, oseltamivir, azithromycin, baricitinib, and that disease; or through nosodes (medicine prepared
traditional Chinese medicine are being explored. from biological material of a disease). The former is
However, as of now, there is no United States Food identified through observation of several cases of an
and Drug Administration approved drug or vaccine epidemic disease, and analysing the symptomatology
IJAPR | August 2020 | Vol 8 | Issue 8 51
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2020;8(8):51-57
of those cases for the most indicated medicine. This Nosodes
medicine is considered to be the preventive medicine Nosodes are used in different settings,
for the ongoing epidemic of that disease. The latter, practice as therapeutic remedy and public health as
on the other hand, once prepared through homoeoprophylaxis during epidemic outbreak of
homoeopathic procedure, is considered a preventive diseases. During an outbreak of meningococcal
for the disease it is prepared from, regardless of the meningitis in 1974 at Guaratingueta, Sao Paulo,
overall presentation of that disease, which happens Brazil, homoeoprophylaxis with Meningococcinum
to change from time to time.[7] Also patients treated nosode was administered to 18,640 people. This
for influenza like illness with homeopathic study showed 95% effectiveness over 6 months.[19] A
medications are more satisfied with their treatment similar study during an outbreak of this condition in
than other patients.[8] the city of Blumenau, Brazil, in 1998, saw the nosode
History of Homoeopathic prophylactic administered voluntarily to 65,826 people aged
Preventive use of Homoeopathy was first between 0 and 20 over 3 days at the public health
applied in 1801 during an epidemic of scarlet fever in clinics. The programme provided 95% protection
Konigslutter, Germany, when Hahnemann prescribed from the severe bacterial infection after 6 months
a single dose of Belladonna, as the GE to susceptible and 91% after 12 months, and the results were
children in the town with 100% success.[9] Camphora, statistically significant.[20] In 1987, Fox concluded
Cuprum metallicum and Veratrum album proved that Pertussin 30c as a prophylactic for whooping
successful in different stages of the Cholera epidemic cough was 82% effective. However, the results
(1831–1832) and it was reported that mortality rate reported by English though have tendency to prevent
in European homoeopathic hospitals was 7%–10%, whooping cough were statistically insignificant. Both
whereas with conventional treatment, it varied studies suggested for large sample trials.[21,22] During
between 40 and 80%. Camphora saved another epidemic in France from 1984-1987, Oscillococcinum
epidemic of Cholera (1846), where mortality rate 200C taken twice daily for 5 days significantly
amongst patients treated with Homoeopathy was increased the rate of cure within two days (n=478,
5%–16% as compared to 54%–90% amongst 237 treated by medicine and 241 on placebo),
patients treated conventionally.[10-14] 2806 patients absence of symptoms at 48 hours, relative risk
were treated prophylactically with Variolinum 30 (a estimate significantly favours homeopathy (p=0.048),
nosode) for prevention of smallpox in Iowa. Of the no pain and no fever (p=0.048), recovery rate
547 patients definitely exposed, only 14 developed (headache, stiffness, articular pain, shivering
the disease. Efficacy rate was 97.5%.[15] reduction) at 48 hours better in homeopathy group
Genus Epidemicus (p=0.032).[23] A randomised double-blind prospective
study of thirty participants compared standard
In epidemics the medicine which covers most
vaccination to Influenzinum homoeopathic medicine
of the symptoms is declared as Genus Epidemicus
for 13 weeks. This study found equal efficacy of the
and is recommended for use as prophylaxis, as well
two methods in the prevention of influenza; however,
as treatment. There is anecdotal evidence that
the vaccination cohort experienced greater adverse
homeopathy was successful during the Spanish flu
reactions.[24] In another blinded randomised
epidemic of 1918 to 1919, in which at least 20 million
controlled trial in children in Brazil, wherein the
people died worldwide, more than 500,000 in the
homoeopathic medications used were either a
United States alone. According to the historian Julian
homoeopathic nosode prepared from intact influenza
Winston, the death rates for patients treated with
A virus, or a homoeopathic complex frequently used
Homeopathy were 1 to 2% compared with 30 to 60%
in that region for influenza. This study showed a
mortality for those treated by conventional
statistically significant reduction of influenza
physicians. The genus epidemicus for the Spanish flu,
episodes in children receiving either of the two
according to Winston, was Gelsemium.[16] For a series
homoeopathic treatments versus placebo.[25]
of dengue fever outbreaks over the years in Brazil
(2001–2012), identified GE Eupatorium perfoliatum The study, conducted in 2007, used homoeo
or a combination of remedies based on the epidemic prophylactic interventions against the condition in
picture could significantly control the occurrence by three provinces of Cuba. They prepared a homoeo
80%–90%.[17] A study by Rejikumar et al. in 2006 on prophylactic formulation from dilutions of four
1061 people living in parts of Kerala badly affected circulating strains of leptospirosis and administered
by Chikungunya epidemic showed prevention in orally to 2.3 million persons at high risk in an
82.19% people after administration of homoeopathic epidemic in a region affected by natural disasters.
medicine Eupatorium perfoliatum 200C (three doses After the homoeo prophylactic intervention, a
daily for 5 consecutive days).[18] significant decrease of the disease incidence was

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Ashish Shivadikar. A review on the role of Homoeopathy in epidemics amidst COVID-19 crisis
observed in the intervention regions compared to the Japanese encephalitis.[34-35] There are several other
non‑intervention regions. The results were re- studies published which shows the
evaluated, and the findings were consistent with immunomodulatory potential of homoeopathic
those of the earlier results.[26] During a dengue medicines in preclinical studies.[36-41]
outbreak in Delhi in 1996, the Central Council for Homoeopathic Formulations
Research in Homoeopathy distributed Dengueinum There are several reports, where
30 (prepared from the serum of person suffering combinations of homoeopathic remedies that are
from dengue fever) to 39,200 people who were not commonly prescribed for a specific disease were
affected and residing in the adversely affected areas used to treat people during an epidemic. In Cuba,
for preventing the dengue. Follow‑up after 10 days 25,000 patients who tested positive for dengue were
revealed appearance of fever, headache and body treated with homoeopathic complex containing
ache in five persons only.[27] A homoeopathic drug medicines Bryonia Alba, Eupatorium p., Gelsemium s.
Malaria officinalis 200 was used for the mass and dengue nosode with significant improvement in
prophylaxis for malaria in high malaria transmission clinical condition and reduction in days of stay at
season in selected 28 villages of district Shahdol of hospital.[42] In Pakistan, a homoeopathic complex of
Madhya Pradesh state. Of the 28 villages, seven 10 medicines including Bryonia alba, Rhus
(25%) reported malaria case incidence ≤2 in toxicodendron, Gelsemium sempervirens, Aconitum
6‑month period (July–December 2016). In the napellus, Eupatorium perfoliatum, China boliviana,
previous year, 23 (82%) villages reported the Hamamelis, Citrullus colocynthis, Crotalus horridus
incidence of malaria as more than 2 in the same time and Phosphorus was given to 25 patients of dengue
period. Hence, the number of villages with ‘bi-annual fever and the mean values of each of the criteria of
malaria case incidence rate’ was reduced by 57%.[28] both homoeopathic and standard treatment groups
Homoeopathic Medicines and Immuno- were compared. Better results were seen in the blood
modulation values within a week of prescription, as opposed to
There are several homoeopathy preclinical the standard maintenance therapy.[43] In early 2007,
studies which shows the immunomodulatory action facing the challenge of controlling an outbreak of
of homoeopathic medicines. In a study, for the acute dengue, the Secretary of Health of the county of
and subacute toxicity of dengue nosodes, changes in Macae, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, carried out a
behaviour or mortality were observed in Wistar rats, “Homeopathy Campaign against Dengue.” 156,000
with increased serum levels of tumour necrosis doses of homoeopathic remedy were freely
factor‑α, interleukin (IL) IL‑1β, IL‑6, IL‑12 and IgM, distributed in April and May 2007 to asymptomatic
although there were no signs of toxicity.[29] A study patients, according to the notion of “epidemic genus.
with Trypanosoma cruzi nosode on mice of different The remedy used was a homoeopathic complex
ages, infected with the concerned protozoa, against dengue containing Phosphorus 30cH, Crotalus
modulated the inflammatory response with increased horridus 30cH and Eupatorium perfoliatum 30cH. The
apoptosis and decreased serum levels of incidence of the disease in the first 3 months of 2008
transforming growth factor‑beta (TGF‑β).[30] fell by 93% in comparison to the corresponding
Psorinum, when tested in 6x potency on cancer cell period in 2007, whereas in the rest of the state of Rio
lines, showed greater anticancer effects in A549 cells de Janeiro there was an increase of 128%.[44] In India,
than in others. It triggered apoptosis in A549 cells via homoeoprophylaxis is also being used in the
both up and down regulations of relevant signal management of the Japanese Encephalitis epidemic in
proteins, including p53, caspase‑3, Bax and Bcl‑2.[31] during the year 1999-2003, the government of
A nosode prepared from the infectious influenza A Andhra Pradesh adopted Belladonna-Calcarea
virus (H3N2) on cell lines altered the cellular and carbonica-Tuberculinum bovinum (BCT) regimen as
biochemical features of MDCK and J774G8 cells.[32] preventive and the response was encouraging. The
Arsenic album has shown to affect HT29 cells and death rate was nil in the BCT distributed areas.[45]
human macrophages. Also, it showed ↓NF-κB Homoeopathic research in epidemics
hyperactivity (reduced expression of reporter gene In 2007, CCRH conducted preventive trial,
GFP in transfect HT29 cells), ↓TNF-α release in where homoeopathic medicine Bryonia 30C was
macrophages.[33] Preclinical studies conducted by distributed as a preventive to 19, 750 people in
CCRH in collaboration with School of Tropical Kerala and Bryonia alba 30C was found to be better
Medicine, Kolkata, and in molecular studies than placebo in decreasing the incidence of
conducted in collaboration with King’s George Chikungunya in Kerala.[46] Multicenter, single blind,
Medical University, Lucknow, observed protective randomized, placebo controlled study was conducted
effects through antiviral properties of Belladonna in by CCRH to evaluate the effect of homoeopathic
IJAPR | August 2020 | Vol 8 | Issue 8 53
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2020;8(8):51-57
medicines in the treatment of Influenza like illness outbreak in an endemic place of India, all the sheep
and to compare the efficacy of LM (50 millesimal) and goats were protected from Anthrax with a single
potency vis-à-vis centesimal (C) potency. In LM group dose of Anthracinum CH 200 both in non\endemic
(n=152), C group (n=147) or placebo (n=148) group. villages.[53] In a review article published by Zeise and
The study revealed the significant effect of Fritz, observed that the selected studies showed a
individualized homoeopathic treatment in the positive treatment outcome of homeopathy and
patients suffering from ILI with no marked difference possibility to reduce antibiotic use by 75% in bovine
between LM and Centesimal groups. The medicines mastitis[54] In another study conducted by Coelho C.
which were commonly prescribed were: Arsenic et al to assess homoeopathic treatment as preventive
album, Bryonia alba, Rhustox., Belladonna, Nux against colibacillosis in newborn piglets concluded
vomica, Sepia, Phosphorus, Gelsemium, Sulphur, that homeopathic and biotherapic treatment were
Natrum mur. and Aconitum napellus.[47] Central more effective than antibiotics in the control of
Council for Research in Homoeopathy carried out diarrhoea in newborn piglets.[55]
research studies for prevention and treatment of JE Agro-Homoeopathy
during its epidemics in eastern parts of U.P. in 1989, There are studies to support the premise that
1991 and 1993. Belladonna 200, single dose was homeopathic and high dilution preparations have the
distributed as preventive to 3,22,812 persons in 96 potential to be effective on replacing pesticides that
villages in three districts of U.P. In a follow up of are used on crops and that “Similia Principle” is very
39,250 persons, none of them reported any signs and useful to overcome abiotic stresses of plants.[56-57]
symptoms of Japanese encephalitis.[48] Robert T Another randomised study conducted on Mangifera
Mathie, et al. observed that during, the 2009 A/H1N1 indica (Mango), by using selected homeopathic
influenza pandemic in India, several prominent medicines of different potencies and concentrations,
symptoms and symptom/medicine associations, inferred that all of the selected homeopathic
particularly temperature >38_C + cough + runny medicines exhibited significant (p<0.0001) antifungal
nose, were associated with Arsenicum album.[49] effect against C. gloeosporioides at 3000 ppm on OMA
In the recent years, successes of adjunct contained Petri-plates. Among the tested medicines
homoeopathic treatment in epidemics of dengue and Arsenicum album showed significant (p<0.0001)
acute encephalitis syndrome have been reported in inhibition against C. gloeosporioides in controlling the
studies conducted by CCRH. Adjuvant homoeopathic disease [58].
treatment given to dengue haemorrhagic cases at a CONCLUSION
tertiary care hospital during the dengue outbreak in
One of the most important challenges of the
2015 in Delhi showed that patients who received
public health is to control these epidemic outbreaks,
Homoeopathy had rapid rise in platelet count and
which are diseases that spread rapidly and widely,
less number of days of hospital stay compared to
affecting many individuals in the population at the
those who received standard care alone. Similarly, in
same time. The recent COVID-19 outbreak has been
acute encephalitis syndrome/Japanese encephalitis,
deemed a global health emergency. The
Homoeopathy as an adjuvant to the Institutional
homoeopathic intervention has played a significant
Management protocol (IMP) could decrease death
role in epidemics, not only by treating, but also by
rate by 15% in comparison to those who received
reducing the mortality. Administration of the specific
only IMP.[50-51] Another prospective observational
Genus Epidemicus, derived after careful assessment
study was conducted on 126 patients of Chikungunya
of the characteristic picture of the disease across
in Chikungunya Fever (CF) and in Post-Chikungunya
regions, and treatment of symptomatic cases with
Chronic Arthritis (PCCA) in a Delhi Government
adjuvant individualised Homoeopathy, can be the
Homeopathic Dispensary for a period of 6 months. A
most viable, safe, inexpensive and effective approach
single homeopathic medicine was prescribed for each
to manage COVID‑19 disease outbreak globally. In
patient after case taking with the help of Materia
India, after the Ministry of AYUSH issued an advisory
Medica and/or Repertory. The study resulted in
early in January 2020, for prophylactic application of
complete recovery was seen in 84.5% CF cases in a
Arsenicum album 30, many institutions started
mean time of 6.8 days. 90% cases of PCCA recovered
distributing it to the masses. Cuba has also issued
completely in a mean time of 32.5 days.[52]
directions for distribution of a combination
Veterinary Homoeopathy homoeopathic remedy to the unaffected population,
Few animal studies were conducted to assess while physicians in Hong Kong and Italy have been
the prophylactic effect of Homoeopathic medicines in treating a few patients of COVID‑19 with
diseases like Anthrax, Colibacillosis, Bovine mastitis Homoeopathy.59 Homoeopathy could play important
etc. A study by Dabbir BR. found during an Anthrax role both therapeutically and /or prophylactic with

Available online at: http://ijapr.in 54

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Cite this article as: *Address for correspondence

Ashish Shivadikar. A review on the role of Homoeopathy in epidemics Dr. Ashish Shivadikar
amidst COVID-19 crisis. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Officer (H), S-2
Research. 2020;8(8):51-57. Regional Research Institute (H),
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Gudivada, Dr. GGH medical
college campus, Eluru road,
Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh.
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IJAPR | August 2020 | Vol 8 | Issue 8 57

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