Angioedema and It's Homoeopathic Therapeutics

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Angioedema and it’s homoeopathic

Depper swelling of the skin or submucosa are termed
angioedema.¹ It may be acute and chronic in nature. It
may be a manifestation of allergy or non-allergic
degranulation of mast cells in response to drug and
toxins.² Urticaria and angioedema may occur together or
separately. ³ In the following article, it is intended to
provide knowledge about the probable reason's for this
condition to arise and the homoeopathic therapeutics.
Angioedema, Allergy, Homoeopathic Therapeutics etc.
Angioedema define as an episodic, localised, non-pitting
swelling of submucous or subcutaneous tissues.²
Recurrent episodes of angioedema of < 6 weeks duration
are considered acute, whereas attacks persisting beyond
this period are chronic.³ They are usually in the mouth,
on the eyelids or on the genitals, but may occur
anywhere on the skin. Involvement of the larynx or
tongue may cause life-threatening respiratory tract
obstruction, and oedema of the intestinal mucosa may
cause abdominal pain and distension.²
Provoking causes¹
Drugs: Penicillin, sulphonamides, aspirin, phenytoin,
salicylates, indomethacin, foreign sera, insulin, ACEIs.
Foods: Milk, moong dal, masoor dal, eggs, peas, fish.
Physical causes – Dermographism, pressure urticaria,
cold or heat or solar urticaria, cholinergic due to
decrease in core body temperature, exercise-induced.
Contact urticaria – Contact with, e.g. onion, nitrogen,
Inhalants: Pollens, fungi, insecticides, house dust.
Infections and infestations: Chronic septic focus, UTI,
virus infection, candida infection, protozoal and
helminthic infections.
Food additives: Yeasts, citric acid, azo dyes, benzoic
Emotional stress especially in cholinergic urticaria.
General medical disease. Lupus erythematosus,
reticuloses, polycythemia, macroglobulinemia, endocrine
disorders such as thyrotoxicosis. Premenstrual
aggravation of urticaria as a result of progesterone

The well known effects of a bee sting; burning, stinging,
smarting, prickling, lancinating pain, with excessive
swelling; are the leading symptoms for the selection of
this remedy. It acts on CELLULAR TISSUE esp. of eyes,
face, throat, ovaries, causing oedema of skin and mucus
membranes. Various parts are swollen, PUFFED UP;
become oedematous and of shiny, red-rosy colour.
Lids swollen, red, śdematous, everted, inflamed; burn
and sting. Conjunctiva bright red, puffy. Bag like swelling
under eyes. Nose Swollen, red and oedematous. Face
red, hot, swollen and oedematous with piercing pains; or
waxy pale and oedematous. lips; bluish, oedematous,
upper. Tongue; red or vesicles on edge; swelled, raw,
feels, as if burnt as if wooden; sore; stiff. Uvula swollen,
sac-like. Throat swollen, inside and out. Oedema of labia;
relieved by cold water. Knee swollen, shiny, sensitive,
sore, with stinging pain. Feet swollen and stiff.
oedematous swellings of extremities. Oedema of hands.
Oedematous swellings if skin. Large urticaria  Sudden
puffing up of whole body. Worse;HEAT of room; of
weather; of fire; hot drinks, bath, bed. Touch, even of
hair. Pressure. Lying down.Better; COOL AIR; cool
bathing; uncovering. Motion. Sitting erect.

Angioneurotic edema. Ill effects of bee-sting, eating
shellfish, urticaria. Urticaria associated or alternating
with rheumatism. Itching, burning of genitals keeps him
awake. Itching and stinging of scrotum. Pruritus vulvae;
itching, stinging; edema of the parts. Itching, raised red
blotches. Nettle rash every year same season. Hives
elevated with rheumatism after shellfish with pin worms.
Antidotes ill effects of eating shellfish. Worse; Cold moist
air, Cool bath, Touch, Lying on arm.
Burning, swelling, and lividity. Ear lobules swollen. Red
spots on left cheek. Stiff swollen face. Red, puffy itching
fauces. Scrotum thick, swollen, oedematous. Prepuce
oedematous. Intense itching of genitals. Swelling; with
intense itching of vulva. Itching of legs and feet. Baker’s
itch. Urticaria; from getting wet; with rheumatism or
during chills and fever. Skin is red, swollen; itching
OF MOTION. REST.SPRAINS. Better;Continued motion.
HEAT. Hot bath; if heated. Warm wrapping. Rubbing.
Warm dry, weather.

Dropsy; pale, puffy, baggy, SWELLING. Ill effects of eating
ices; poor diet, fruits esp watery, tobacco, quinine, sea
bathing and travelling, mountain climbing. Care, grief,
fright, ptomaine poisoning, dissecting wounds. Oedema
around eyes. Eye lids oedematous. Oedematous swelling
of face. Swelling about the root of the tongue. Throat is
swollen, oedematous, constricted, burning, unable to
swallow. Scrotum oedematous. Feet; weak, weary and
numb, oedematous. Swelling of feet. Limbs heavy. Hives
worse eating shell fish. Itching, burning, swellings;
oedema, eruption, papular, dry, rough, scaly; worse
cold and scratching. Worse, wet weather, after midnight;
from cold, cold drinks, or food. Seashore. Right
side. Better from heat; warm drinks.
Antipyrine is one of the drugs that induce leucocytosis,
similar to ergotin, salicylates, and tuberculin. Acts
especially on the vaso-motor centers, causing dilation of
capillaries of skin and consequent circumscribed patches
of hyperćmia and swelling. Puffiness of lids. Conjunctiva
red and śdematous, with lachrymation. Red spots.
Oedema and puffiness of face. Red and swollen. Swelling
of lips. Intense pruritus. Urticaria, appearing and
disappearing suddenly, with internal coldness.
Angioneurotic-śdema. Dark blotches on skin of penis,
sometimes with oedema.
Face, itches and burns. Face, blue and puffed. Legs feel
heavy. Feels as if her limbs did not belong to her.
BURNING, ITCHING; redness and swelling As IF FROZEN.
Itching changing place on scratching. Skin pains, when
cold. Angio-neurotic oedema. Miliary eruptions with
intolerable itching and burning. Itching over affected
part. Margins of lids red; itch and burn and
agglutinate. Itching and tearing, pressive pains of genitals
and back. Worse;COLD air. FREEZING air. Before
thunderstorms. Mental exhaustion. Coition. Debauchery.
Alcohol Pressure on spine. Touch. Morning. During
menses. Sun. Fright.Better;Gentle motion.

Face is pale; oedematous; red hot; or cold. Oedema of
legs. Angio-neurotic oedema. Sudden, watery, swelling of
skin. Skin is pale, dropsical, itching. Livid spots on skin.
Worse; Cold air. Puberty. Suppressions. Exertion.
Evening, 4 to 8 p.m. Touch. Better;When thinking of it or
when mind is diverted.


Angio- neurotic oedema. Chilliness, hypersensitiveness,
splinter-like pains, craving for sour and strong things are
very characteristic. Longing for acids, wine, and strong-
tasting food. Cannot bear to be uncovered; wants to be
wrapped up warmly. Unhealthy skin. Ill effects of injury;
suppressed eruptions; mercury. Worse;COLD dry AIR.

Angioedema though makes a difficult situation for most
of the patients in these days but it can be dealt with by
taking proper precautions and individualised
homoeopathic treatment for the case. Various
homoeopathic medicines are indicated therapeutically
also in such cases according to the peculiar female
symptoms and modalities but overall matching the
symptom totality of the patient can provide major relief.
1.Aspi F Golwalla, Sharukh A Golwalla, Golwalla's
medicine for students, 25th edition, New Delhi, Jaypee
brothers medical publishers, 2016, 1161.
2.Sir Stanley Davidson, Davidson’s principles and practice
of medicine, 23rd edition, London, Elsevier, 2018, 1140.
3.Tinsley R. Harrison, Harrison’s manual of medicine, 19 th
edition, New Delhi, Harrison house publisher, 2017,
4.Dr. S.R. Phatak, Materia medica of homoeopathic
medicines, 2nd edition, India, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.,
1999, 751.
5.Dr. William Boericke, Pocket manual of homoeopathic
materia medica and repertory, 9th edition, New Delhi, B.
Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., 2015, 1116.

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