Preview Runarcana 0.94 - Public

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Preview Runercana 0.

Translated by Mizuhiro and Neolakia

Welcome to the Runercana RPG Update 0.94 Preview!

Celebrating 4 years of Runercana RPG, we are releasing this preview of Update 0.94, which will be published later as a
downloadable PDF once edits have been made. Why preview? This time, the update is being made publicly available
beforehand in order to receive the opinions and impressions of the community before being officially implemented in the

With the launch of the preview on December 6, 2022, there will be a time period of 2 weeks where the community can test
and give their suggestions. On the 19th, this period will close, and the suggestions that are well considered will be applied
to the system and the Runercana Wiki for the launch that is scheduled on the 23rd of December.

There are over 100 pages of content, so summarizing is important. The content of this update was based on the following

● -General changes to Heritage, Attribute, and Enhancement mechanics

● -Complete rework of Crafts, tools, and crafting items
● -Balancing of Origins
● -Complete rework of Runes
● -Reworked short and long rests
● -Shaman: Update on accuracy of lore
● -Removal of the Pilgrim class

Below are a few paragraphs about each of these updates, so if you are interested in understanding the changes and the
thought process behind them, you have access to the ideas that are in accordance with the principles and goals of the

After these Principles, the content of 0.94 is arranged in a similar way to the structure of the Wiki and the Book, following
the order of the two as to where each piece of information is.

The most attentive will notice that some things are incomplete, such as the amount of Runes and Formulas. The main
reason for this is to receive your opinions, criticisms and suggestions, not only about the new system, but also what content
you would like to see made available.

Remember that errors exist, and if you find any errors, do not be afraid to bring them to our attention; it might have slipped
by our eyes. Read, test, comment, and bring your insights, questions and suggestions to us on Discord, where we will take
them into account when implementing this huge change to Runercana.

I hope you like it and have fun; until December 23rd.

- Arddhu

Origins and Heritages
Since the creation of Runercana RPG, origins have gone through several updates, often aiming for a generalized balance
between them instead of having it completely balanced. Some things are stronger than others, and that's how the system
should be.
Still, even without seeking complete balance, some things were really off the curve. When you compare 1 and 2, the
difference is only 1, right? But when you keep adding based on the last thing produced, things quickly go out of scope. The 1
compared to the 5 for example is much smaller and weaker.

If in Runercana the 1 was the Human or even the Minotaur, the 5 could be the Vastaya, with an accumulation of basic
characteristics that made other origins not interesting or even bad choices for those who value only the numbers. I know
what I preach is detachment from numbers, but I also understand the feeling when you build a character purely for roleplay
and end up feeling weak at the table.

Balance updates in the past sought to remove the necessity of picking certain races, causing attributes to be tied to the
concept of abilities granted by the origin. Even so, the excess that has been accumulating needs to be equalized so that one
more step towards 1.0 is taken. Therefore, the Origins below have been modified, with many origin characteristics being
removed, thus enabling each origin to maintain a more solid core and transforming these removed traits into new Heritages.

The way Heritages work has also been overhauled. Before, they granted benefits in addition to attribute points, causing the
attribute points to be unlinked from the origin. Because of this, a specific Heritage was required to be picked, taking away
some possible versatility. Instead, Heritages now no longer give attribute points, either when they are obtained, or at level 4,
which is what caused people to choose unwanted Heritages.

Heritages are now divided into General Heritages, Origin Heritages, and Regional Heritages, allowing the choices made
during character creation to reflect the desired direction of the character. There is no need to take a craft in a given Origin,
nor force a specific Heritage to access it. The same goes for skills; the freedom to build characters should reflect many
player's desires and for that to happen, this overhaul is necessary.

In addition to changing Heritages, Origin Heritage points have been added throughout character evolution, giving more
room for customization while simultaneously removing excess right at the start of each adventurer's journey.

At first glance, characters will be slightly weaker, with fewer resources at their disposal, but they gain access to even more
resources as they level up, which can let them to broaden their horizons or narrow their focus on something the character
must do.

Goodbye Pilgrim
I know some people might be shocked by this, but the "Pilgrim" class is being removed from Runercana. Before you get
scared and complain, read the following lines that explain the reason why we made this decision.

The Pilgrim was created in the recent history of Runercana, where the idea was to bring an equivalent of each class from the
game on which the system was based at the time, Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, with the Pilgrim being an equivalent to
the Bard of that other system.

During the iterations of the Pilgrim, there was always a lack of consistency for it to exist thematically in Runeterra. Initially
a class that was totally connected to the “Bard” of that world, the following iterations removed this direct connection and
added the connection to the Celestials as a whole. The main reason for this decision was to maintain a "balance" between
the 3 forms of magic in Runercana and Runeterra.

The Acolyte is linked to spiritual magic, the Arcane, to magic as a whole, but mainly to elemental magic, and finally, the
Pilgrim was the great “carrier” of Celestial magic. This was found both in its subclasses and in the patrons. This perception,
although functional to some extent, created some interaction problems for other classes and traits with these celestial

After several (super sensible) reviews, the Pilgrim got an update, taking back that exclusive relationship with the Celestials
once again and turning into an artist not limited to just music, but also to dance and even painting. These arts were the way
the Pilgrim channeled their magic and this ended up bumping into a very important problem with Runercana: redundancy.

The Pilgrim was becoming a different Arcane with a different spellcasting focus, creating even more complications and
complexities that were deemed unnecessary. Instead of remaking Pilgrim with this base, a new update began, similar to how
it happened with the Arcane.
This update can be called a “re-creation” since instead of modifying each characteristic, a new work is started from scratch,
so that the entire creation has a foundation and follows a central principle faithful to its theme. When this step was taken,
the first thoughts that occurred were about what the theme is that the class must address, what is unique about it, and how
it differs from other classes.

The answers to these questions were not adequate, even after months of thinking and trying to create this new class. The
Pilgrim lacked something unique, as using art to cast magic could already be done both by the Conjuration Focus (including
the improved one) and in a fully narrative way, not requiring new rules for that.

The second trait that made the Pilgrim something unique was its versatility, being able to do several different things
without being completely focused on any of them. As Runercana RPG already has enough rules and layers to allow for this
versatility, this point also fell apart.

Finally, the third unique trait left for the Pilgrim was their relationship with the Celestials, which was a core component of
something that should be removed as something unique and made into something viable for all classes. One last item that
made the Pilgrim still have some identity was the inspiration they could provide for allies.

During conversations with team members, the last card for it to exist was laid on the table; the Pilgrim is the only spellcaster
that uses Charisma as a base attribute for Casting. Again after debate, no reason was found for this to be enough to sustain a
separate class.

When the decision was finally made to remove the Pilgrim, it was time to select what from it was necessary to remain in the
system somehow. Inspiration became a trait of the Human Origin, with the availability of that same trait being acquired by
other origins through Enhancements or even through the new Crafts system.

Its relationship with the Celestials has transformed into new Runessences within the reformulated Rune system that is both
simpler and more objective, further expanding its range. If this relationship was only through the narrative, then there is no
need to create a new characteristic, but if it is a devotional aspect, then this is easily inserted through Heritages in the
updated system.

Finally, the characters that were considered “Pilgrims” such as Rakan, Sylas, and Sona, among others, were carefully
evaluated following a criterion of possibility of being created within other classes. Since Runercana has enormous versatility
within each class (and its subclasses), the time has come to say goodbye to this confused, clumsy class that remained much
more for nostalgia than for necessity.

The main point for removing the Pilgrim is that even a Bard in Runeterra does not necessarily need a class, with much of
this theme (which ties into characters that exist in Runeterra) possible through other traits. While it was a difficult decision,
it does open up new opportunities for characters, since if all you want is a character who can play a few tunes, the new
Crafts are there for you.

Faithful Shaman
Around April 23 of 2021, some leaks pointed to concept arts for the champion update of Udyr from League of Legends, with
some interesting information about which paths were being considered for that champion update.

For the first time on June 29 of 2021, Riot published more information about the Visual and Gameplay Update (VGU) of
Udyr, giving some more accurate information regarding the possibilities of these paths. With that, I looked at the Runercana
classes and realized that a lot of the creation of the Spirit Walker within the Bodhisatta class had been a great adaptation to
facilitate the functioning of the champion, even if the theme did not fully work within the Bodhisatta theme.

During that time, after analyzing the information about Udyr and its application to Runercana, I realized that there was a
gap; something was present in the system but it was scattered, a space waiting to be filled. This gap that I would very much
like to fill in was made up in part of the former Feral Acolyte, the Feral-featured Brute, and the Spiritwalker Bodhisatta.

Around July 10 of 2021, I started the creation of a document for a new class for Runercana, the Shaman class. The beginning
of this work was done by removing these subclasses and features from the classes that they were in, organizing them
thematically, and relocating them within a new class with new features. At that time, the only character representing this
class was Udyr, the Freljordan Shaman capable of incorporating several animal spirits, although we had a Legends of
Runeterra card or two demonstrating that there were more. On August 28 of 2021, I published the initial idea for Shaman
through the Magitek Repository.

The Shaman base already existed in Spiritwalker, where, using the champion's core concepts at the time, the various animal
forms and channeling Great Spirits already existed, in part by revelations made in the tale Silence of the Damned where
Udyr alternates between forms, even of those Great Spirits.

Thus, the Shaman was constructed as if Udyr were the rule, as if all Shamans in Runeterra alternated between poses and
embodiments of animal spirits. The mechanics of this construction were inspired by some concepts of the Warlock and the
Paladin from D&D 5th edition, two classes that have no direct counterpart in Runercana due to the thematic choices of each

On September 26 of 2022, we had new information about Udyr's update, in which the forms were more defined. It was clear
that he would channel the forces of the Freljord demigods, and this opened up possibilities for the direction of this class
that was being created.

As you can imagine, creating a class, even more so alone and in my free time, is not a very quick task. For this reason, each
of these updates meant that the work already created and tested had to be revised and reformulated.

On January 7 of 2022, we had a new update on a /dev demonstrating the path that the Udyr launch would take and
confirming most of the points that were already present in the Shaman class. Because of this, we entered the final stretch
and started applying the finishing touches.

The publication of the class was made on February 19 of 2022, together with the Runercana RPG update 0.93, which brought
with it a resumption of the project's initial vision. As you can imagine, this creation was ready a few months prior, with just
a few tweaks made for publication.

In the week before the release of 0.93 and the Shaman, Riot started releasing spoilers for the Curious Journey expansion,
where we came to have new Freljord cards with new Shamans and some very important information that could modify
essential aspects about the Shaman so that they would remain as faithful as possible to the lore of Runeterra.

Three days before, we had the release of not only Udyr's card, but also other cards featuring the Freljord shamans. This
showed me that the Shaman would need an update, but the Udyr Rework had not yet been released and the structure of the
class could be modified fully; for this reason this update was postponed and the Shaman was published as-is.

The Udyr update was only released on the 24th of August 2022, more than 6 months later. On that update, as expected, the
fundamentals of how Shamans work in Runeterra were reintroduced and in them it was clear that Udyr was not the rule, but
the exception, which meant that this update for the Shaman could finally begin.

The basic premise of this update is to restructure animal forms, the relationship with Great Spirits, and bring something
more faithful to what was presented throughout this development of Udyr as not just a Shaman, but the most powerful and
unique Shaman that Runeterra has ever seen.

It may seem like a lot of history to create just one class for a RPG system, but as the initial premise of Runercana has always
been to be as faithful as possible to the canonical history of Runeterra, these changes are necessary. They create the
conditions that enable Udyr to be unique, but still possible to reproduce during the creation of a character. The difference is
that previously, everyone was similar to Udyr; now only those who want exactly this line of customization will follow this
premise, with Shamans being directly linked to a Great Spirit and receiving powers linked to that spirit.

Real Crafts
Runercana RPG is a system that, since its conception, seeks to enable players to create unique characters in the most diverse
senses. While greater complexity can be a barrier for new players, that same complexity allows those looking for more than
just a momentary adventure to delve deeper into the system through meaningful choices.
The Crafts system present up to version 0.93 of Runercana RPG was a small modification of the tools system of Dungeons &
Dragons 5th edition, which by design choice seeks simplicity in all aspects, whether through action economy or through a
smaller range of choices that simplify and speed up character creation.

Thanks to these premises, the Crafts system also operated with that simplicity and speed which, although has its worth and
those who prefer it, is not the path chosen for Runercana.

Each modification made to Runercana aimed for the much-dreamed-of 1.0 update and the system in total is made with care
and thought, with space for analysis, tests and reconstruction when needed. This means that some ideas that arise in some
versions are being worked on internally many times in much earlier editions, with part of the modifications being presented
as a path towards the final goal.

Crafts are no different - the gradual changes made to the basic Tools system that has existed since the system had another
name paved the way for these changes to be carried out in pursuit of this more elaborate goal with more room for
meaningful choices.

Two classes in particular are affected by this rebuild, with the Techmaturge being the most affected, a class that has gone
through several revisions and at times ended up proving to be much more of an item creator for third parties than a class for
adventurers. Part of this issue has already been solved in the last update of the class, but it is still necessary to make some
minor changes related to the Crafts.

The second class affected by the reconstruction of Crafts is the Marksman. The construction of the class is done around the
use of firearms, which, in turn, ends up having better synergy with this class due to the fact that it has a more intimate
connection with it, whether in the creation of weapons, their maintenance, or in a more focused training.

With these two classes having a greater connection with the Crafts (each in its due proportion), these classes also need to
have some modified characteristics to maintain greater synergy while allowing other classes to also be able to dedicate
themselves to the Crafts.

The concept presented here is that, although anyone is capable of dedicating themselves to one or more trades, the highest
levels of these experiences are reserved for the classes with the greatest synergy with it. The Gunsmith Craft, although open
to any class, is a field where the Marksman can achieve the best results due to the entire structure of its development being
linked to weapons.

In turn, the Techmaturge, being a class with the function of having this greater interaction with items, techmaturgy
(technology + magic) manages to stand out in all Crafts, with the clear exception of the Gunsmith, where the Marksman
stands out as explained previously.

The Mercurial is another class that has greater interaction with Crafts, but while Techmaturge is built around that concept
and Marksman excels in one area, Mercurial has a wider breadth of prominence and can, similarly to Techmaturge, achieve
more advanced results.

Finally, the last class (or subclass) that has a great interaction with item construction is the Forge Acolyte, which also has
better synergy with items and their construction; for this reason, it should also receive a small modification.

These small modifications in the classes are made so that the fantasy of each one of them is respected in its limits and in its
areas of greater prominence. If any class is capable of producing the best swords or items, what sets Techmaturge apart from
them in terms of crafting? If anyone is able to easily create firearms and improve them, what is the highlight of Marksman

The answer to these questions is exactly in this reconstruction of the Crafts:

The Proposal
Rebuilding the way Crafts work allows all the factors mentioned above to be properly addressed, expanding the rules for
building items and for maintaining them, and expanding their importance in terms of Exploration and Roleplaying.

Expanding the usefulness of Crafts is something that is part of the system's planning, especially because they are in greater
synergy with Exploration and Interpretation, although many of their results are aligned with Combat.
Transforming Crafts into more complete mechanics that require better planning or development paths makes each choice
linked to them even more meaningful, thus enriching the system with its possibilities.

Obviously this adds an extra layer of complexity, which, at the GM’s discretion, can be moved to a less important place. This
reconstruction aims to give more options both for building items, using Crafts, and a significant improvement for those who
are dedicated to further exploring this possibility of the system.

Sets and Supplies

By default, all Crafts have a grouping of items that make up the default “tools” for that Craft. As the terminology for these
groupings is varied, ranging from kits, sets, cases, supplies, equipment, among other options, for cohesion of rules these
groupings will be called “Sets”.

Thus, "Potter's Tools" becomes "Potter's Set", as "Painter's Supplies" becomes "Painter's Set", "Forger's Kit" becomes
"Forger's Set", and even "Cook's Utensils" becomes “Cook Set”.

This terminology was chosen to facilitate both the transcription of the rules and the cataloging of similar subjects, placing
them in equipment lists together with the others.

When a grouping of items is called a Set, it will always mean that it is a basic Set to exercise a Craft, the items that make up
each of these Sets will be written in a general way, giving freedom to the master and even to the players to decide details.

The term "Supplies" will now designate consumable items that need to be replaced within "Sets", thus, a "Painter's Set" will
now designate brushes, paint, easel, spatula, palette and canvas, while "Painter Supplies” comes to designate something like
“brushes, paint and canvas”.

Other groups that exist, but are not linked to a Craft, will be named “Equipment”, as in the example “Fishing Equipment” or
even “Firearms Equipment”, which are respectively a set of equipment that allow the activity of fishing and another set that
allows the maintenance of Firearms.

By default, in Runercana, we seek to have greater clarity and one of these focuses of clarity is the creation and use of “key
terms”, which are marked by having their initial letter capitalized, as with humans and Humans, with the first referring to to
people in general, while the second term refers to the Origin of the same name.

Case and Sets

The term Case was used for a long time in Runercana and, although many of the Sets can be allocated in a Case, the same
does not apply to all Crafts, with many times a single Craft being able to have several cases composing its Set or even as
additional supplies. .

Restructured Runes
Ever since Runercana RPG was created (still as Runeterra RPG) Runes have been one of the most prominent features.
Initially they were created so that some skills and powers of League of Legends champions could be created independent of

They became an additional customization layer, giving players more control over their character’s creation.

Originally they were based on League of Legends, mainly because there was only that game as a base and this unfortunately
made them extremely numerous, poorly made, and terrible for adjustments and balances.

The concern was to create noticeable aspects that would give players the identification of what was happening in League of
Legends, but the price of this were mechanical complications that arose during the attempt to bring a reality of a MOBA to
a tabletop RPG.

However, this has changed in recent years. Legends of Runeterra, Wild Rift and even Ruined King have been released,
showing breadth and versatility in the presentation of champions and their powers. Each of these games sought its own
individuality, respecting its own medium of media; they sought to express certain iconic characteristics of these champions
without being limited to their initial presentation in League of Legends, which was liberating.
The new runes were completely redesigned, taking into account this freedom given by Riot to use this universe, with clear
mechanics that exist in one of the games, not existing in the others, as it is something unnecessary. With that in mind, runes
have been reworked with the following goals in mind:

1. Individuality: so that each of them has its unique characteristics, is different from the others, and represents a
significant decision when building a character.
2. Clarity: so that not only their choice is easier, but also their understanding and application, breaking complications
of rules and complicated cases.
3. Simplicity: so that they can decrease in number, not presenting dozens of possibilities that fundamentally break
their individuality.

Many previously existing runes, particularly runic pulses, added excessive complexity to character creation and created
complications for tabletop application. Not to mention that many of the pulses were so similar that they ended up being
redundant or useless.

The simplification of the rune system aims to bring even more identity to Runercana, moving away from the need to reflect
League of Legends mechanics to represent all the possibilities of each champion and character.

The first step was to reduce the amount of Runes, they no longer need to reflect the “Passive, Q, W, E and R” logic of each
champion, many of these abilities are already covered by class characteristics or action interpretation, with those that do not
fit within this approach being unnecessary for a tabletop RPG. This way, instead of Rune Pulses, Sparks, Flows, Vortexes
and Explosions, with improvement and mastery points, we only have 3 runes with less improvements.

The second step was to remove all Runic Pulses, revamping what they should bring to the character and how they evolve,
bringing a clearer direction to each choice as well as removing useless excesses created only to fill content tied to certain

The next step in this revamp was the removal of Rune Powers, making all Runes have a progressive function (based on
proficiency) during their revamp, with their “power” not becoming minimized against higher level runes. That way, there are
no more powers, only Runes that can be chosen when meeting their prerequisite criteria. Through this criterion, it is
possible to create new Rune trees as a possibility.

Next, it was necessary to realize that Runessences are often an important part of the character's composition, with the
characteristic of being accessible only at the 2nd level disturbing this composition. In this way, all Runessences were also
reformulated within the new established pattern.

The "lone use" was removed from Runes, especially as it is a weaker form of these Runes, virtually unused and only adding
more complication.

Rest Reformulation
A quality of life change proposed for this version is the rework of the Rest mechanic, modifying how Short and Long Rest
works and adding the Full Rest.

The reason for these changes is due to a core concept of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, the so-called “adventure day” - in
the words of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons Guide:

“Assuming typical adventuring conditions and average luck, most adventuring parties can handle about six to eight
medium or hard encounters in a day. If the adventure has more easy encounters, the adventurers can get through more.
It if has more deadly encounters, they can handle fewer.

Short Rests
In general, over the course of a full adventuring day, the party will likely need to take two short rests, about one-third
and two-thirds of the way through the day.”

Dungeon Master’s Guide, Chapter 3 - Creating Adventures

Structurally, the Dungeon Master's Guide has the premise of Adventuring Day as a basis for balancing all the resources that
players can obtain, from resources of their Race (Origin in Runercana), Class, Enhancements, among many others. This
balance takes into account that there are 6-8 encounters in an adventure day, so these 6-8 encounters should be responsible
for exhausting the players' resources towards the "Final Battle", so that it can be truly exciting without the players having
every resource at hand to use against the ultimate threat.

Any Master or player who has experience with roleplaying, especially D&D 5th edition, knows that taking those six to eight
encounters per adventuring day into account would force a game session to be purely combat from start to finish,
exhausting resources of the players, losing space for roleplaying and exploration.

Masters with less experience often find themselves frustrated when creating an adventure with encounters with two short
rests and one long rest; their players usually have plenty of resources for threats, because from personal experience, tables
that follow this premise of six to eight encounters are rare.

To ease the burden on Masters, the Rest system has been reworked to match Runercana principles, not just focusing on
combat, but on the three pillars of Combat, Roleplay and Exploration. With the reduction of Rests' effectiveness, the
proposed adventure day for Runercana involves 0 to 3 combat encounters per day.

Yes, from 0, because not every adventuring day needs to revolve around combat; an adventure can oftenly take place over
several sessions without a single encounter being fought. Furthermore, within the story, it is extremely common for days or
even weeks to pass between encounters.

With these proposed changes, the Master is discouraged from making extreme plans while the Players are invited to use
their resources more wisely, knowing that they are not completely renewed at the end of the day.

One D&D
If you follow what happens in the RPG community, you must be aware that Wizards of the Coast announced the arrival of a
new version of D&D, called One D&D, for 2024. This new version promises to be compatible with the current 5th edition,
bringing improvements and news, especially after years of the product on the market and several expressive feedbacks from
the community.

Some of these changes are extremely interesting and healthy for the system and for that reason some of them were used as a
basis for some changes presented in this new version of Runercana. Although the system has been disconnected from 5th
edition D&D, these changes affect still-existing features, so they were carefully considered to further improve how
Runercana should work.

The new Exhaustion rules are vastly more useful and versatile, posing a new threat to players as the use of Exhaustion can
become more recurring without being as punishing. For this reason, the rule for this condition was rewritten for Runercana,
taking these ideas from One D&D as a basis.

The Exhaustion rule changes haven't yet been applied to the rest of the traits, like spells for example, that deal with it
directly, so expect changes to those too for the 0.94 release.


Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 3 Origin Heritage points, see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. Humans reach adulthood at the end of their adolescence and live less than a century.
Size. Humans vary a lot in height and weight, from 1.5 meters to more than 1.8 meters. You can choose to be Small or
Medium sized.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Skill. You have proficiency with a Skill of your choice.
Craft. You have proficiency with a Craft of your choice.
Region. You have 2 Region Heritage points and 1 language from that region; you must choose
your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can
see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Inspiration. Humans can extract more from their willpower to surpass their limits. You have half
your Proficiency bonus as inspiration dice per long rest, unused dice do not remain. An
Inspiration dice can be used as a reaction when making an ability check, saving throw or attack.
You must roll the dice corresponding to your Proficiency bonus and add the rolled value to that
roll. You can roll the Inspiration dice after rolling the d20 and seeing the result, but you must decide this before the Master
says whether the roll was successful or not. You can only use one Inspiration dice at a time.

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points, see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at levels 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. The life of Antroplantæ is something strange, while arboreals reach maturity between 8 and 15 years, Florals can reach
maturity in 1 or 2 years. However, they can live for millennia depending on their lifestyle.
Size. An adult Antroplantæ Floral tends to have an average size between 1.5 to 2.1 meters, while an Arboreal can vary from
2.1 to 2.9 meters. You can choose between the sizes Small, Medium and Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Region. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define
where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Languages. Antroplantæ can speak Sylvan. They can communicate with any tree of their own kind as if using the speak with
plants spell.
Vegetation. Due to their nature, Antroplantæ have a Weakness to fire-related effects and have no need to eat, but must spend
at least 4 hours a day in the sun and drink 5 liters of water a day, otherwise they gain 1 level of Exhaustion. Although they
don't need to sleep, they must root themselves for at least 8 hours every night. While rooted they become immobile, though
they can take light actions if necessary and are aware of their surroundings. Antroplantæ can only take root in sand, earth,
mud, and gravel; they cannot take root in solid rock or a ground of worked stone. An Antroplantæ that fails to root for one
night gains 1 level of Exhaustion and does not benefit from a long rest. During rooting, Arboreals have advantage on
Deception checks to disguise themselves as a tree, as do Florals for vegetation.
Non-Humanoids. Antroplantæ cannot be targeted by spells that affect Humanoids, such as charm person. However,
they count as plants for spells that target plants, such as blight.
Lineages. You must choose one of the following strains:

Barkskin. An Arboreal cannot wear armor, however its bark provides natural defense. An Arboreal's AC equals 10 +
their Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier.
Fibers. Some Arboreals may have special properties because of the wood they are made of or the leaves they
produce. These variations are not mandatory, but you can select one of the following:

Branch. A Floral can create a number of flower branches measuring up to 10x their proficiency bonus in feet per
long rest. This branch can be used in many ways, as a rope or even as a whip of thorns. Using a bonus action, you
can create the branch and detach it from your body or even keep it still connected to your body while using it as a
whip. The created branch disintegrates after 24 hours and is vulnerable to fire spells.
Whip. This whip deals 1d4 + your proficiency bonus in piercing damage, it's a weapon with the finesse
property (you can't add Strength to this whip's damage) that you have proficiency with.
Florescence. A Floral has unique ways of defending itself due to its nature. Choose one of the following:
Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points, see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at levels 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. The lifespan of a Construct is indeterminate, as long as it has a source of energy and remains whole, it can last forever.
Size. Constructs can be of different sizes, from 1.5 to 2 meters tall. With the exception of the Brutal model that can reach up
to 2.9 meters in height. You can choose between the sizes Small , Medium e Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Region. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define
where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Living Construct. When you take a rest you don't recover hit points like other origins normally do, instead you need to repair
yourself or get someone else to do it. It takes 6 hours of careful work to do this. However, constructs are built to last, so they
receive the following traits:

● Resistance to poison and poison damage

● Immunity to non-magical diseases
● Does not need to eat, drink or breathe
● Does not need sleep, does not suffer from Exhaustion from lack of rest and does not suffer effects from sleep magic
● Heals only half the hit point with healing spells and effects. The repair damage spell heals normally.
● Disadvantage on saving throws from hostile climates, such as cold or desert, if you don't have proper equipment.

Adjustable Protection. Your body has layers of defense that define your Armor Class. You do not benefit from wearing armor,
but you can add a shield 's AC normally. Each model has its own limitations. You can, during a long rest, adjust your body to
different armor modes. If you have the Defense without Armor class feature, you will always have Null mode.
Lineages. You must choose one of the following models:

Surpass the Limits. Using your internal energy, you can increase the speed of your moving pistons temporarily,
increasing your speed but overheating your circuit. As an action, you increase your speed for the next 3 turns and
your base speed becomes 40 feet, but at the end of the 3rd turn you become overheated, reducing your base speed to
15 for 2 turns. You can take this action a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per long rest.
Resistant. You have resistance to one of the following types of damage, chosen during creation: acid, lightning, force,
fire, cold, necrotic, psychic or radiant.

Geolocation. Your model is equipped with a secondary perception system. Using an action, you gain 60 feet of Blind
Sense until the end of your next turn. Besides that, for that duration, this system gives you advantage on checks to
perceive illusions. You can activate this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws for hostile climates, such as the heat of the desert or the frigid
climate of the Freljord. You also ignore difficult terrain made of mud, ice or sand.
Functional. You were built for a purpose. Gain proficiency with a Skill, Craft, or Martial Weapon.

Kinetic Energy. When using the Dash action, you do not cause attacks of opportunity. Additionally, you can power up
one unarmed or melee weapon attack (the weapon must be made of metal) while moving. Using a bonus action, you
can make this energized attack, dealing an additional damage of 1 for every 5 feet you moved while using Dash. You
can use this ability a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per long rest.
Duelist. When you are wielding a finesse weapon with which you are proficient and another creature hits you with a
melee attack, you can use your reaction to make an attack with advantage on the attacker.

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points, see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at levels 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. Half-Dragons have a high longevity due to their direct connection with elemental dragons., reaching up to more than
1000 years old. Half-Dragons reach maturity earlier than Humans, being considered adults at 9 years old.
Size. The size of a Half-Dragon can change due to its forms. Their Humanoid form is usually between 1.5 to 2.1 meters. You
can choose between the sizes Medium and Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Region. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define
where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Language. Half-Dragons can speak Draconic, a language that comes to them naturally like a call from their blood.
Elemental Nature. A Half-Dragon has a damage resistance and a weakness based on its draconic essence. At level 15, when
your breath weapon becomes magic, you also gain resistance to that magic damage.
Draconic Form. At level 8, the Half-Dragon becomes more aware of its own nature, learning to assume its Dragon Form, thus
being able to transform a number of times equal to half its proficiency bonus per full rest. This form lasts for up to 3 hours
or until you untransform using a bonus action. When you transform, you gain the following traits:

● Your physical Attributes are replaced by the Elemental of your essence described at the end of this origin. If you
have a physical attribute that is higher than your draconic form, you keep the highest value.
● You can perform the Actions of your form according to the Elemental of your essence described at the end of that
● While in this form, your hit points are counted separately.

When you revert to your original form, your hit points return to the same value as before transforming. If this happens as a
result of dropping to 0 hit points, all excess damage is carried over to your original form. For example, if you take 10 points
of damage in draconic form and have only 1 hit point left, you revert to your original form and take 9 damage. As long as the
excess damage doesn't reduce you to 0 hit points, you don't fall Unconscious.

● You retain the benefits of all features from Class, Origin, or other sources and can use them if the new form is
physically capable of doing so. However, you cannot use any of your special senses, such as darkvision, unless your
new form also has that sense.
● You can choose whether your equipment drops to the ground at your feet, is assimilated into your new form or is
used by it. Worn and carried equipment works as normal, but the Master decides which equipment is viable for the
new form to wear or use, based on the creature's shape and size. Your equipment does not change shape or size to
adapt to the new form and any equipment the new form cannot wear must either fall to the ground or merge with
the form. Merged equipment will have no effect until you leave the form.
Lineages. You must choose one of the following Essences:

Glacial Elemental
Elemental Weakness. Glacial Elemental Half-Dragons have Weakness to fire damage, simple and magical.
Cold Breath Weapon. Starting at level 2, the Glacial Elemental Half-Dragon has a cold breath weapon. As an Attack
action, you can use this weapon in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 8 +
your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, an affected creature takes 3d6 cold damage, or
half as much on a success. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
At 10th level the damage increases to 4d6, at 15th level the damage increases to 5d6 and the breath weapon's
damage becomes magical, and at 19th level the damage increases to 7d6.
Draconic Form
Upon entering its draconic form, the Half-Dragon receives a difference in its appearance, size (becoming
Huge) and in its physical Attributes.
Attribute Increase. Your Strength and Dexterity increase by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus,
your Constitution increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus (increasing the form's hit points);
Additionally, you can communicate verbally and telepathically.
Flying Speed. Your flying speed is 60 feet and at level 16 it becomes 90 feet.
Actions. When you enter your draconic form, you can attack a number of times equal to your Humanoid
form, being able to attack with your natural weapons or breath weapon.
Bite: 2d10 + Strength modifier Piercing damage plus 1d10 Cold damage, 10 feet of reach
Claws: 2d6 + Strength modifier Slashing damage, 5 feet of reach;
Tail: 2d8 + Strength modifier Bludgeoning damage within a reach of 15 feet.
Breath Weapon: In addition to the uses you already have, in this form you can use your breath
weapon a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. The breath weapon's damage is
increased by 1 step and deals 2 additional dice of damage in that form.

Infernal Elemental
Elemental Weakness. Infernal Elemental Half-Dragons have Weakness to cold damage, simple and magical.
Fire Breath Weapon. Starting at level 2, the Infernal Elemental Half-Dragon has a fire breath weapon. As an Attack
action, you can use this weapon in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 8 +
your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, an affected creature takes 4d6 fire damage, or
half as much on a success. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
At 10th level the damage increases to 5d6, at 15th level the damage increases to 6d6 and the breath weapon's
damage becomes magical, and at 19th level the damage increases to 8d6.

Draconic Form
Upon entering its draconic form, the Half-Dragon receives a difference in its appearance, size (becoming
Huge) and in its physical Attributes.
Attribute Increase. Your Dexterity and Constitution increase by an amount equal to half your proficiency
bonus (increasing the form's hit points), your Strength increases by an amount equal to your proficiency
bonus; Additionally, you can communicate verbally and telepathically.
Flying Speed. Your flying speed is 60 feet and at level 16 it becomes 90 feet.
Actions. When you enter your draconic form, you can attack a number of times equal to your Humanoid
form, being able to attack with your natural weapons or breath weapon.
Bite: 2d10 + Strength modifier Piercing damage plus 1d10 fire damage, 10 feet of reach
Claws: 2d6 + Strength modifier of Slashing damage, 5 feet of reach;
Tail: 2d8 + Strength modifier of Bludgeoning damage within a reach of 15 feet.
Breath Weapon: In addition to the uses you already have, in this form you can use your breath
weapon a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. The breath weapon's damage is
increased by 1 step and deals 2 additional dice of damage in that form.

Mountain Elemental
Elemental Weakness. Mountain Elemental Half-Dragons have Weakness to acid damage, simple and magical..
Thunder Breath Weapon. Starting at level 2, the Mountain Elemental Half-Dragon has a thunder breath weapon. As
an Attack action, you can use this weapon in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving
throw DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, an affected creature takes 3d6
thunder damage, or half as much on a success. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus per full rest. At 10th level the damage increases to 4d6, at 15th level the damage increases to 5d6 and the
breath weapon's damage becomes magical, and at 19th level the damage increases to 7d6.
Draconic Form
Upon entering its draconic form, the Half-Dragon receives a difference in its appearance, size (becoming
Huge) and in its physical Attributes.
Attribute Increase. Your Strength and Constitution increase by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus
(increasing the form's hit points), your Dexterity increases by an amount equal to half your proficiency
bonus; Additionally, you can communicate verbally and telepathically.
Flying Speed. Your flying speed is 60 feet and at level 16 it becomes 90 feet.
Actions. When you enter your draconic form, you can attack a number of times equal to your Humanoid
form, being able to attack with your natural weapons or breath weapon.
Bite: 2d10 + Strength modifier Piercing damage plus 1d10 thunder damage, 10 feet of reach
Claws: 2d6 + Strength modifier Slashing damage, 5 feet of reach;
Tail: 2d8 + Strength modifier Bludgeoning damage within a reach of 15 feet.
Breath Weapon: In addition to the uses you already have, in this form you can use your breath
weapon a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. The breath weapon's damage is
increased by 1 step and deals 2 additional dice of damage in that form.

Cloud Elemental
Elemental Weakness. Cloud Elemental Half-Dragons have Weakness to cold damage, simple and magical.
Lightning Breath Weapon. Starting at level 2, the Cloud Elemental Half-Dragon has an electric breath weapon. As an
Attack action, you can use this weapon in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw
DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, an affected creature takes 3d6 lightning
damage, or half as much on a success. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per
full rest. At 10th level the damage increases to 4d6, at 15th level the damage increases to 5d6 and the breath
weapon's damage becomes magical, and at 19th level the damage increases to 7d6.
Draconic Form
Upon entering its draconic form, the Half-Dragon receives a difference in its appearance, size (becoming
Huge) and in its physical Attributes.
Attribute Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution increase by an amount equal to half your
proficiency bonus (increasing the form's hit points); Additionally, you can communicate verbally and
Flying Speed. Your flying speed is 70 feet and at level 16 it becomes 100 feet.
Actions. When you enter your draconic form, you can attack a number of times equal to your Humanoid
form, being able to attack with your natural weapons or breath weapon.
Bite: 2d10 + Strength modifier Piercing damage plus 1d10 lightning damage, 10 feet of reach
Claws: 2d6 + Strength modifier Slashing damage, 5 feet of reach;
Tail: 2d8 + Strength modifier Bludgeoning damage within a reach of 15 feet.
Breath Weapon: In addition to the uses you already have, in this form you can use your breath
weapon a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. The breath weapon's damage is
increased by 1 step and deals 2 additional dice of damage in that form.

Ocean Elemental
Elemental Weakness. Ocean Elemental Half-Dragons have Weakness to fire damage, simple and magical.
Acid Breath Weapon. Starting at level 2, the Ocean Elemental Half-Dragon has an acid breath weapon. As an Attack
action, you can use this weapon in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 8 +
your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, an affected creature takes 3d6 acid damage, or
half as much on a success. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
At 10th level the damage increases to 4d6, at 15th level the damage increases to 5d6 and the breath weapon's
damage becomes magical, and at 19th level the damage increases to 7d6.
Draconic Form
Upon entering its draconic form, the Half-Dragon receives a difference in its appearance, size (becoming
Huge) and in its physical Attributes.
Attribute Increase. Your Strength and Constitution increase by an amount equal to half your proficiency
bonus (increasing the form's hit points), your Dexterity increases by an amount equal to your proficiency
bonus; Additionally, you can communicate verbally and telepathically.
Flying Speed. Your flying speed is 60 feet and at level 16 it becomes 90 feet
Actions. When you enter your draconic form, you can attack a number of times equal to your Humanoid
form, being able to attack with your natural weapons or breath weapon.
Bite: 2d10 + Strength modifier Piercing damage plus 1d10 acid damage, 10 feet of reach
Claws: 2d6 + Strength modifier Slashing damage, 5 feet of reach;
Tail: 2d8 + Strength modifier Bludgeoning damage within a reach of 15 feet.
Breath Weapon: In addition to the uses you already have, in this form you can use your breath
weapon a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. The breath weapon's damage is
increased by 1 step and deals 2 additional dice of damage in that form.
Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points,see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. Minotaurs reach adulthood at around 17 years old and can normally live up to 150 years.
Size. Minotaurs are between 1.6 and 2.9 meters while their weight is proportional to that of a Human. You can choose
between the sizes Medium and Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Region. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define
where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Language. You can speak, read and write Minotaur. Minotaurs are more concentrated in Noxus, but they are common in
other regions of Valuean..
Horns. The terrifying horns of the Minotaurs are their main weapon and all Minotaurs are proficient with them. The horns
deal 1d8 damage + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier in piercing damage, and their crit is 19-20 x3, they can
also be used to make an attack with a bonus action when another melee attack is made..
Powerful Constitution. Minotaurs have additional stamina, adding half their proficiency bonus to their permanent hit points
each level, at level 1 they will have +1 life, already at level 10 they will have +12 and so on.
Lineages. You must choose one Minotaur clan among the following:

Armor of Perception. Aelus are hardly surprised, having advantage on Initiative rolls and on Perception checks
against surprise.
Reactive. Aelus can take an additional reaction during a round. They can do this a number of times equal to half
their proficiency bonus per full rest.

Muscle Armor. Alnuk have advantage on saving throws against Extreme Cold and subtract their Strength modifier
from all damage taken (except true damage).
Words of Comfort. The Alnuk are able to comfort other living beings thanks to the tone of their voice. Using an
action, you can speak to a creature that is Frightened or Charmed within 30 feet of you, ending one of those
conditions on the creature, the creature must be able to hear you for this trait to take effect. You can do this a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Natural Armor. Due to their thick hide, Aurochs naturally have +1 AC as long as they are not wearing armor.
Triumphant Roar. The Aurochs are the most combative of the Minotaurs and have the ability to release a wild roar,
capable of cheering up their allies and simultaneously scaring away their enemies. Using a bonus action, you can
cause allies within 15 feet of you to gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Constitution
modifier. Besides that, all enemies within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw with DC 10 + your
proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. On a failure, an affected creature is Frightened of you for the next
minute and it can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end this effect. On a success, the
creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Constitution
modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest.

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points,see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. Os Trolls chegam à maturidade por volta dos 15 anos mas podem chegar a viver por mais de 300 anos.
Size. Trolls vary greatly in height and weight, ranging from 2 meters to over 5 meters and reaching up to 300 kg. You decide
if your size is Medium or Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Region. Each region of Runeterra has a different culture, while Ice Trolls are only found in Freljord, Sand Trolls are only
found in Shurima and Jungle Trolls are only found in Kumungu. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that
region, you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see
more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Languages. You can speak Troll but cannot read or write, when given a language from your region you cannot read or write it
either, this does not prevent you from learning these skills.
Bite. Trolls have a natural weapon in their jaws which they are proficient with and can use an attack action or a bonus action
to bite a target within 5 feet of you and deal 1d6 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier of piercing damage.
Upon reaching 6th level, your Bite is so powerful that it is considered magical for purposes of overcoming resistance, and
the dice becomes 1d8 instead of 1d6.
Regeneration. In battle, Trolls' adrenaline gives them amazing recovery. Trolls regain their proficiency bonus in hit points
every 10 - proficiency bonus turns. Out of battle, this healing restores your Constitution modifier every 1 hour. Wounds
caused by acid damage or fire do not regenerate in the same way, requiring medical or magical treatment. You die or are
knocked unconscious only if you start your turn with 0 hit points and cannot regenerate.
Lineages. You must choose one of the following broods:

Sand Troll
Desertborn. Sand Trolls are immune to any extreme heat effects from locations and ignore difficult terrain caused by
Elusive Masters. Despite their size, Sand Trolls are extremely agile and hide easily due to their sandy skin tone. You
have proficiency in Stealth and gain advantage on these checks if you are in a sandy region.

Ice Troll
Tundraborn. Ice Trolls are immune to any extreme cold effects from locations and ignore difficult terrain caused by
ice. In addition to being able to choose the Variant Heritage: Glacinata.
On the Hunt. Using a bonus action, an Ice Troll can mark a pursuit target. While having a marked enemy, the Troll
gains an additional speed of 15 feet when moving towards its marked target. You can only have one enemy marked
at a time and each mark lasts for 1 minute. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus
per full rest.

Jungle Troll
Jungleborn. Jungle Trolls are immune to poison and poison damage, and ignore difficult terrain caused by vegetation.
Darkvision. Due to their familiarity with the darkness, they can see up to 120 feet in dim light as if it were bright
light and in the darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points,see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. OVastaya live much longer than Humans, with some claiming to be over five hundred years old and others reaching
over a thousand. Rumor has it that they are immortal.
Language. Each Vastaya can speak the language of their own tribe.
Size. In general, Vastaya have a similar height and weight to Humans, with notable exceptions. You can choose between the
sizes Small, Medium and Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Region. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define
where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Shapeshifters. Although Vastaya are generally shapeshifters, control of this form is not the same for all of them. A Vastaya
can change aspects of its form such as eye color, whether it has hair or feathers, and other minor aspects using a bonus
action and making a DC 15 Transformation roll.
Transformation = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Magic Connection. Vastaya are naturally attuned to the magic flowing in a region, receiving effects based on the location's
magic level:

Magic Connection

Level of Magic Effect

Null Vastaya feel every second in those places like a stab to their soul. In addition to the zone effects of Weak Magic, they are
unable to change their form, and each hour they remain in a Null Magic region, Vastaya must make a DC 5 Constitution
saving throw, for each hour they remain in that region and for on each failure, the DC increases by +5 to a maximum of 20.
With each failure, the Vastaya gains 1 level of exhaustion. Mana users can channel mana to a Vastaya to recover these levels of
exhaustion, requiring the expense of 5 mana points to remove a level of exhaustion, however, while in this area the Vastaya
must make the saving throw every hour.

Weak The Vastaya feel uncomfortable in these regions, not being able to obtain or use Inspiration and making Transformation rolls
at a disadvantage.

Average These are the most common places where Vastaya are found, in these places Vastaya do not receive any positive or negative

Strong Usually these places are sacred, where the Vastaya feel much more motivated. While in a region of Strong Mana, Vastaya can,
once per round, reroll a roll choosing between the two outcomes. This reroll can be made a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus per full rest.

High These places have magic flowing so intensely that Vastayas feel intoxicated by magic, which can bring out very different
aspects of their personality. While in a High Magic region, in addition to Strong Magic Zone effects, Vastaya heal 1 hit point
per minute and make any Transformation rolls with advantage.

Lineages. You must choose one of the following tribes:

Master of Sho’ma. Oovi-Kat have a special way of communicating, they sense the spiritual essence of a being, the
Sho'ma. They can use their Metamorphosis to transform into a different being, feel their emotions and glimpse part
of their recent memories. Transforming into another creature requires 1 minute of observation, to feel its emotions
and have a glimpse of its recent memories requires observation for at least 5 minutes. These recent memories are
sensations and images about what happened in the last 2 hours, before the Oovi-kat tried to understand your
memories. When in another form, the Oovi'Kat retains all of their characteristics.
Clone of Sho’ma. An Oovi-Kat can use its Sho'ma as a bonus action to create a duplicate of itself or a creature that is
disguised. This clone lasts until the end of your next turn and moves as far as it can in a direction you choose. An
enemy must make a Perception or Arcana check of DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier to
know which one is the real one. If attacked, the clone disappears. You can do this a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus per full rest.

Amphibian. Marai can breathe both on land and in water and naturally have tails to improve and facilitate their
movement in water, having a swimming speed of 50 feet in water. While on land, they adapt their lower body to legs
to move more easily. Besides that, combat underwater does not inflict movement penalties or disadvantages on you.
While underwater they also see in dim light up to 60 feet as if it were bright light and in the dark as if it were dim
light, not discerning colors in the dark, only shades of gray.
Sonar. The Marai communicate below great depths through sonar. Those same sonars can be used as a weapon on
land. Using an action, you can deliver a 15-foot cone a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
All creatures within range must make a Constitution saving throw with DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Constitution modifier. On a failure, an affected creature takes 1d4 + proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier
thunder damage. Deaf creatures have advantage on this saving throw.

Unbounded. Shimon are always outdoing themselves. You can reroll a failed Strength, Dexterity or Constitution
check a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest, and you gain proficiency with one Skill and
one Craft of your choice.
Simian Fury. Your unarmed attacks have their damage increased by one category, in addition, you can double your
melee attack's damage modifier a total of times equal to twice your proficiency bonus per full rest.
Natural Protectors. Fauhwoon are closely linked to protecting something or someone and end up holding back when
in combat to prioritize protection. Therefore, whenever you heal or otherwise protect an ally using an action or a
bonus action, your next attack's damage increases by one on the scale and deals your proficiency bonus as
additional damage, since you know that ally will be safe for a while.
Horns. Fauhwoon have large, sturdy horns, capable of easily breaking wood (sometimes even the bones of their
enemies). The damage dealt by the horns is 1d8 + your Strength modifier of bludgeoning damage.

Selfsacrifice. The Ottrani see the need to help other creatures, even if it costs part of their physical integrity. Using
an action, you can heal a creature within 30 feet of you by spending a Hit Dice, in doing so you take half the amount
healed as damage to yourself (this damage cannot be reduced or mitigated). You can spend an amount of dice equal
to half your character level per Full Rest. That is, if you are level 9, you can use 4 Hit Dice for this trait per full rest.
Rescue. Because of their strong connection to the spirits of living beings, the Ottrani have natural healing abilities.
Using an action, you can touch a creature within 5 feet of you to heal it for an amount equal to your proficiency
bonus + half your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your Wisdom modifier
per full rest.

Natural Predator. You have powerful claws and fangs, being proficient with both. Your claws deal 1d6 + your
proficiency bonus + your Dexterity or Strength modifier of slashing damage, and your Bite deals 2d4 + your
proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier of piercing damage.
Born Hunter. Your sense of smell and hearing are exceptionally good at any time of the day. You have advantage on
Perception rolls that involve these two senses. Additionally, you see in dim light up to 60 feet as if it were bright
light and in the dark as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.

Vastaya Leap. When you make a ranged jump, the range becomes 3 times your Strength score and you don't need to
move beforehand. Besides that, when performing high jumps, you can jump up to 3 + twice your Strength modifier
(minimum 1) feet high.
Plumdaggers. You can use a bonus action to create 2 sharp feathers and use them as daggers, dealing your
Proficiency bonus as extra damage to attacks you make with them. You can do this a number of times equal to up to
3 + your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest. You may keep a number of Plumdaggers equal to twice your Proficiency

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points,see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1
Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.
Age. The lifespan of Yordles is extremely long compared to that of Humans, in part due to their magical nature. However,
they almost always maintain a jovial aspect and a humor close to that of children. Therefore, it is practically impossible to
determine the age of any of them.
Size. Most Yordles are less than 1 meter tall and weigh around 30 kilograms. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet
Past. Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.
Region. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define
where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.
Need for Cover. For some reason, every yordle feels the need to have something on his head like glasses, a hat, cap, earring,
and so on.
Languages. You can speak, read and write the Yordle language. Yordles are very efficient in communication and easily learn
other languages, taking half the normal time to learn a new language.
Darkvision. Due to the special eyes they have, Yordles have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You see in dim light
up to 60 feet as if it were bright light and in the dark as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only
shades of gray.
Mask of Nature. Yordles may attempt to hide even when only slightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow or other
natural phenomena. Furthermore, they can try to hide even behind a creature, as long as it is at least one size category larger
than them.

Seafarers. You have 35 feet of swimming speed. Additionally, underwater combat does not inflict speed or attack
penalties on you. While underwater, your Darkvision is doubled and you can communicate normally with sea
creatures, you also have advantage on Persuasion checks to convince a sea creature not to attack you or your allies,
as long as you haven't attacked the creature yet.
Slippery. You can add your proficiency bonus to your AC and gain resistance to Bludgeoning damage. Additionally,
you become unable to use armor that is not tailored to you.

Faerie Ancestry. You don't need to sleep. Instead, you meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious, for 4 hours a day.
While meditating you can dream, such dreams are a mental exercise that have become second nature through years
of practice. After resting this way, you gain the same benefit as a long rest. Additionally, you have advantage on
saving throws to resist the Charmed condition and you cannot be put to sleep by spells.
Faerie Essence. You touch a target and understand the target's current emotional state. If that creature fails a
Charisma saving throw with DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier, you also know the creature's
intentions. Additionally, you have small wings on your back, granting you 30 feet of flying speed.

Extraordinary Ability. Despite your size, you can carry and use heavy weapons made for medium creatures normally.
Additionally, if you are not wielding a heavy weapon, you have 40 feet of walking speed instead of 30 feet.
Glamour Masters. Glamor causes yordles to go unnoticed or have their presence
minimized in people's perceptions, confusing them with other people or simply
focusing attention on others. The Yordle has a number of points of Glamor
equal to half its proficiency bonus per full rest, whenever a Yordle is attacked,
as a reaction, they can spend a point of Glamor to roll a dice and reduce the
value of that dice roll from the attack roll or add to their saving throw roll.

The following classes receive the following modifications

All the Classes

Spellcasting Classes
You regain half your Class level (minimum of 1) + your Spellcasting modifier in Mana points when you complete a long rest,
and all your Mana points when you complete a full rest.

Spellcasting Subclasses
You regain your Spellcasting modifier in mana points when you complete a long rest and all your mana points when you
complete a full rest.


At 2nd level, you become able to channel effluvia directly from its mystical source, using it as fuel for magical and spiritual
effects. You start with two effects: Preserve Life and an effect determined by your Rite. Some Rites grant additional effects
as you level up, as noted in each Rite's description. When you use your Effluvium, you choose which effect you want to
create. You can use its effluvium a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Sacred Calling
Not all acolytes act the same regarding their faith. Some seek to study spirituality by knowing and delving deeper into it,
while others propagate their faith through miracles and works, some dedicate themselves to protecting the faith, fighting
when necessary. Upon reaching 2nd level in this class, you must choose between:

● Protector. You dedicated yourself to protecting the word. You have Proficiency with Martial Weapons and Heavy
Armor. You can use your Effluvium to infuse your body with your faith. By expending an Effluvium, for a number of
rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, your weapon attacks deal your base Pulse dice as additional force damage.
● Scholar. You dedicate yourself to studying the word. You have proficiency with two skills of your choice from:
Arcana, History, Nature, Persuasion and Religion. When you make a roll for this skill, you gain a bonus equal to
your Wisdom modifier. You can use your Effluvium to cast an unprepared spell with its mana cost reduced by 1, or
reduce the mana cost of an already prepared spell by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus (the cost
cannot be reduced to less than 1). You can do this for a number of rounds equal to the base Pulse dice per use of
● Preacher. You are dedicated to spreading the word. You gain one cantrip of one Spiritual Mystery of your choice,
and you gain an additional use of your effluvium per Long Rest. You can use your Effluvium to imbue your magic
with your faith. Expending an Effluvium, for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, your spell attacks
deal your base Pulse dice as additional force damage.
Stars Rite
Disciple of Life

You promote continuity of life through your hands, using a bonus action or action, with a touch, you can heal a target for
1d6 + your proficiency bonus hit points. You can use this ability a number of times equal to twice your proficiency bonus per
long rest. Your healing spells are also more effective, whenever you use a spell to restore a target's hit points, that target
heals an additional of 2 + the spell's level in hit points.

Additionally, you gain access to spell list of the Mystery of Ethermancy.

Forje Rite
Additional Proficiency
By choosing this Rite at 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and the Cutler and Armorer crafts.

The Voice of the Forge

Also at the 2nd level, you become deeply adept to the Forge, learning with each hammer blow how to forge your items and
your soul. As you gain levels as an Acolyte of the Forge Rite, The Voice of the Forge gives you the following traits::

● Wearing the Apron. You have proficiency with the Collector's Craft in the Cutler, Armorer and Tanner disciplines.
Additionally, you gain Specialty with the Cutler's or Armorer's Craft.
● Blacksmith. At 5th level, when crafting items, as described in the Crafting Items rule in Chapter 8: Adventuring,
you add 1gp/Day to your Crafting limit. You add 1 GP/day once again upon reaching 10th, 15th, and 20th levels of
this subclass. Items you create through Cutler's or Armorer's Crafts have their market value reduced by 10% for the
purposes of crafting costs and time required. Thus, a Plate Armor that costs 1500 GP and would only cost 750 GP to
build now has a build value of 675 GP. Additionally, you gain Specialty with the Craft not chosen from Wearing the
● Enhanced Forge. At level 10, you get the 3rd level in the Cutler and Armorer crafts. Your evolution in these Crafts
happens again at Acolyte levels 15 and 18, when you respectively receive the 5th and 6th levels in those Crafts.
● Expert Coppersmith. At level 15, you learned to use your knowledge to take weapon and armor creation one step
further. Armor and Weapons created by you gain an additional bonus, once per long rest, the wielder of an armor or
weapon created by you can use his bonus action to activate the special effect of your creation for the next minute.
○ Weapons. When using this trait, the wielder gains a bonus to his damage rolls equal to half your Wisdom
modifier at the time the weapon was created.
○ Armors. When using this trait, the wearer gains a DR bonus equal to half your Wisdom modifier at the time
the armor was created.
● Forge Master. Upon reaching 20th level, you have become a renowned master of weapons and armor, your creations
are legendary and in demand, all weapons you create now deal magic damage. In addition, all armor you create has
resistance to simple physical damage.

The Marksman's Gunsmith and Gunsmith Craftsman traits are modified to:

Starting at 1st level, when you become a Marksman, you also become someone who not only wields a weapon and knows
how to use it, but an expert who instinctively understands the capabilities and possibilities of Firearms.

The amount of formulas you receive per Craft level is based on your Wisdom modifier rather than your Intelligence
modifier. You can use your Craft and Gunsmith tools to build firearms, ammo and also to repair them. Additionally, any
Technology roll is made using Wisdom instead of Intelligence.

Gunsmith Craftsman
At the 3rd level of Marksman, you get Specialization with the Craft of Gunsmith and also the second level in this Craft,
surpassing the standard limit of Crafts levels. Your evolution in this Craft happens again at the 7th level of the Marksman,
when you receive the 3rd level of the Craft, again at the 11th, 15th and 18th levels of the Marksman, when you respectively
receive the 4th, 5th and 6th level of the Craft.


The Bodhisatta is always studying and improving his combat method through study, contemplation and training. At level 2
you can adopt two fighting styles from the following styles, you can choose a style again at level 11. You cannot choose the
same style more than once and only one of the styles can be active at a time, you can switch between Fighting styles as a
bonus action or as a reaction when hitting an attack.


You have improved your aim and your ability to use thrown weapons. When using this style, you gain the following benefits
using thrown weapons:

● Your attacks with thrown weapons ignore half cover.

● You gain a +1 to your attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons, this bonus increases by +1 at Bodhisattva levels
9 and 16.
● You can use Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher) as an attribute for attack and damage rolls with thrown


Your focus on your archery skills is exceptional, you constantly find yourself practicing shots trying to hit one arrow on the
other. When using this style you gain the following benefits using bow and arrow:

● You gain half your proficiency bonus on attack rolls made with a simple or martial ranged weapon.
● When you fire an arrow that misses the target, you can retrieve it later.
● Once per turn, you can make a ranged attack of opportunity.
Two-Handed Weapon Fighting

Two hands propel a weapon better, two hands allow a weapon of greater range to be utilized. You are comfortable with these
perks. By using this style you receive the following benefits:

● When you wield a two-handed (or versatile, two-handed) weapon, you can add twice your Strength modifier to the
weapon's damage rolls instead of just once.
● You gain a +1 to your attack and damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Bodhisattva levels 8
and 16.

Two Weapon Fighting

Symmetry can be a huge factor for you, so two hands, two weapons. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You gain one degree of Two-Weapon Fighting

● When you gain the Extra Attack feature, once per turn, you can make an additional attack with your secondary


Using only one weapon in one hand gives you more freedom to use your skill. When using this style, when you wield a melee
weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain the following benefits:

● You gain a +1 to your attack rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Bodhisattva levels 8 and 16.
● You gain a +2 to your damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +2 at Bodhisattva levels 8 and 16.

Minor update to Hunter:

Fighting Style
At 3rd level, you can adopt a specific fighting style as your specialty. If you can choose a new Fighting Style, you cannot
choose the same style once again. Choose one of the following options:


Your focus on your archery skills is exceptional, you constantly find yourself practicing shots trying to hit one arrow on the
other. When using this style you gain the following benefits using bow and arrow:

● You gain half your proficiency bonus on attack rolls made with a simple or martial ranged weapon.
● When you fire an arrow that misses the target, you can retrieve it later.
● Once per turn, you can make a ranged attack of opportunity.

Two Weapon Fighting

Symmetry can be a huge factor for you, so two hands, two weapons. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You gain one degree of Two-Weapon Fighting.

● When you gain the Extra Attack feature, you can also make an additional attack with your secondary weapon.


Wearing armor gives you more security so you can enter combat. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● While wearing armor, you gain half your proficiency bonus to DR/true damage and a +1 bonus to your AC.
● You can put on and take off armor in half the time required.


Using only one weapon in one hand gives you more freedom to use your skill. When using this style, when you wield a melee
weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain the following benefits:
● You gain a +1 to your attack rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Hunter levels 8 and 16.
● You gain a +2 to your damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +2 at Hunter levels 8 and 16.

Hunter’s Prey
At 1st level, you learn that there are certain formulas and ways to combat each type of Threat. You have the Alchemist Craft
and now prioritizes a type of threat, shaping the way you hunt. Choose one of the following options:

● Giants’ Killer. When a Large or larger creature that you can see within 5 feet of you targets you with an attack, you
can use your reaction to attack that creature immediately after that attack, you can only do this once per round.
● Wraith Exterminator. You are able to see ethereal creatures even if they are invisible. You learn to speak a
language between: demonic, spiritual or faerie. Additionally, your first attack of the turn deals an additional 1d8
damage against fiends, spirits or faeries.
● Colossus Slayer. Your tenacity can take down many of the strongest enemies. When you hit a creature with a
weapon, the creature takes an additional 1d8 damage if it is below its maximum hit points. You can deal this extra
damage only once per round.
● Horde Breaker. Once on each of your turns, when you make a weapon attack, you can make another attack with the
same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within your weapon's range.

Upon reaching level 12, you can choose a new option.

Improved Hunting
At the 13th level, you gain Specialization with the Alchemist Craft and the following formulas: Alchemical Synthesis: Gold,
Silver, Glacial, Reliquary and Poisonous. You learn these formulas and can use them as if you had the necessary Craft level.

Additionally, you can coat your weapons with this formula as a bonus action.

Fighting Style
The Combatant is the great expert on the Battlefield. At level 1, you can adopt a fighting style from the following styles. You
can choose a new style at levels 7, 13 and 19. You cannot choose the same style more than once and only one style can be
active at a time, you can switch between Fighting styles as a bonus action or as a reaction to hitting or receiving an attack.


Your focus on your archery skills is exceptional, you constantly find yourself practicing shots trying to hit one arrow on the
other. When using this style you gain the following benefits using bow and arrow:

● You gain half your proficiency bonus on attack rolls made with a simple or martial ranged weapon.
● When you fire an arrow that misses the target, you can retrieve it later.
● Once per turn, you can make a ranged attack of opportunity.

Two-Handed Weapon Fighting

Two hands propel a weapon better, two hands allow a weapon of greater range to be utilized. You are comfortable with these
perks. By using this style you receive the following benefits:

● When you wield a two-handed (or versatile, with two hands) weapon, you can add twice your Strength modifier to
the weapon's damage rolls instead of just once.
● You gain a +1 to your attack and damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Combatant levels 8
and 16.

Great Weapon Fighting

Striving to use a big weapon with all of its properties is the focus of your study. By using this style you receive the following
● When you roll a 1 or a 2 on a damage dice for a melee weapon attack you are wielding with two hands, you may
reroll the dice and use the new roll, even if it comes up as a 1 or 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or
versatile property to gain this benefit.
● You gain a +1 to your attack and damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Combatant levels 8
and 16.

Two Weapon Fighting

Symmetry can be a huge factor for you, so two hands, two weapons. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You gain one degree of Two-Weapon Fighting

● When you gain the Extra Attack feature, once per turn, you can make an additional attack with your secondary

Shield Fighting

While it is a defensive tool, using it as a weapon is not only possible, it can also be opportune. When using this style you
receive the following benefits:

● You can use your shield as a weapon dealing bludgeoning damage. A buckler and light shield deal 1d4, a heavy
shield and tower shield deal 1d6. You add your Strength modifier to the damage.
● You can make one attack with your shield using your bonus action.

Unarmed Combat

Improve your body for combat, as weapons are not always available. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You can roll a d4 + your Strength modifier in place of the normal damage from your unarmed strikes.
● You gain a +1 to your unarmed attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 at Combatant levels 8 and 16.


Wearing armor gives you more security so you can enter combat. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● While wearing armor, you gain half your proficiency bonus to DR/true damage and a +1 bonus to your AC.
● You can put on and take off armor in half the time required.


Using only one weapon in one hand gives you more freedom to use your skill. When using this style, when you wield a melee
weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain the following benefits:

● You gain a +1 to your attack rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Combatant levels 8 and 16.
● You gain a +2 to your damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +2 at Combatant levels 8 and 16.


The Phalanx style allows you to wield a polearm while wielding a shield with superior efficiency. When using this style you
receive the following benefits:

● You can attack normally with a ranged weapon, if you are using a heavy or turret shield, you become unable to gain
advantage on your attack.
● You can relinquish your shield protection until the end of your turn, gaining a +1 to attack rolls with this weapon.
This bonus increases by +1 at Combatant levels 8 and 16.


Defending your allies is your highest priority and your greatest specialty. By using this style you receive the following
● When a creature you can see attacks a target within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage
on the creature's attack rolls. You must be wielding a shield.
● You can use your bonus action to give an ally within 5 feet of you your shield's AC bonus as long as the ally remains
in the same location.

Defense without Armor

You know how to benefit from not wearing armor. By using this style you receive the following benefits:

● When you are not wearing any armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class is 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your
Constitution modifier.


You learned to get the best out of the combat style by wielding a slashing weapon and a firearm in your off hand. When
using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with light firearms.

● When attacked, you can use your reaction to fire your firearm at the attacker. The gun needs to be loaded.
● You can make one attack with your firearm as a bonus action.
● You can reload a light firearm as a bonus action.

Hard Weapon
Also at 1st level, the Shield starts to count as a martial weapon for you, depending on the size of the shield you are using it
will cause a different amount of bludgeoning damage: 1d4 for a buckler, 1d6 for a light shield, 1d8 for a heavy shield and a
tower shield. In all cases, your Strength modifier is added to the damage. If you choose the Shield Fighting fighting style,
this damage is increased by 1 category.

Thrown Weapon Fighting

You have improved your aim and your ability to use thrown weapons. When using this style, you gain the following benefits
using thrown weapons:

● Your attacks with thrown weapons ignore half cover.

● You gain a +1 to your attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons, this bonus increases by +1 at Combatant levels
9 and 16.
● You can use Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher) as an attribute for attack and damage rolls with thrown

The class feature "Specialty", the Assassin's and Spy's Cabal subclasses "Extra Proficiency" features, the and Explorer's
"Life Experience" feature receive the following modifications:

At 1st level, you choose one of your skills that you are proficient with or a Craft. Thus gaining specialty in that Skill or Craft,
the specialty causes your proficiency bonus to be doubled on any attribute check you make with that skill or craft.

At 3rd level, you can choose one more of your proficiencies (in Skills or Crafts) to gain this benefit.

At 6th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies (in skills or Locksmith Craft) to gain this benefit.

Assassin's Cabal
Additional Proficiency
By choosing this Cabal at 1st level, you gain proficiency with the Makeup Artist Craft and the Poisonist Craft. In addition,
this Cabal specializes in the use of Assassin Weapons, which are daggers, small chakrans, darts, short swords and katars,
which have demonstrated greater performance in assassinations through the ages.
Spy’s Cabal
Additional Proficiency
Also at 1st level, you gain proficiency with the Forger Craft and the Makeup Artist Craft.

Explorer's Cabal
Life Experience
Upon reaching 20th level, you've seen it all and experienced everything, you've been to almost every place imaginable, and
maybe even other Realms of Existence, including... you have a story about that. When you make an Attribute check or a
Craft check (except item crafting), even if you don't have proficiency with it, you can choose to automatically succeed as long
as that's possible. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Additionally, when you use a Complex Mechanism weapon or a charge from a magic item to deal damage, you must roll 1d4,
if the result is 4, the damage is doubled. Besides that, you can't be surprised.

The Pilgrim class has been removed, more explanation in the text at the beginning of this document.

Techmaturge's Specialty trait is modified to:

As a Techmaturge, you have a natural synergy with Crafts, making it easier for you to become an expert in them and getting
more out of them as you evolve as a Techmaturge. At 1st level, you can choose a Craft you already have proficiency with to
gain Specialization with it and you can choose an additional formula for that Craft. Upon reaching Techmaturge levels 5, 9,
14, 17 and 20, you can add a new level to any Craft you have (respecting the maximum) and you also get a new formula for the
Craft that received a level. At Techmaturge levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, you can choose a Craft you are proficient with to gain
Specialization in it.

Fighting Style
Upon reaching 2nd level in this class, you must choose a Style from the Fighting Styles below, you adopt a particular
fighting style that will become your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You cannot choose the same Fighting
Style more than once, even if you gain this trait again from another class.:


Your focus on your archery skills is exceptional, you constantly find yourself practicing shots trying to hit one arrow on the
other. When using this style you gain the following benefits using bow and arrow:

● You gain half your proficiency bonus on attack rolls made with a simple or martial ranged weapon.
● When you fire an arrow that misses the target, you can retrieve it later.
● Once per turn, you can make a ranged attack of opportunity.

Short Range Shooter

You are trained in making ranged attacks at close range. When using this style, you gain the following benefits using

● When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you have no disadvantage on the
attack roll.
● The damage from your firearms attacks made against creatures within 5 feet of you ignores your Proficiency bonus
from the creature's DR.

Great Weapon Fighting

Striving to use a big weapon with all of its properties is the focus of your study. By using this style you receive the following
● When you roll a 1 or a 2 on a damage dice for a melee weapon attack you are wielding with two hands, you may
reroll the dice and use the new roll, even if it comes up as a 1 or 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or
versatile property to gain this benefit.
● You gain a +1 to your attack and damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Techmaturge levels 8
and 16.

Two Weapon Fighting

You find balance in your energy when fighting with two weapons. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You gain one degree of Two-Weapon Fighting

● When you gain the Extra Attack feature, once per turn, you can make an additional attack with your secondary


Using only one weapon in one hand gives you more freedom to use your skill. When using this style, when you wield a melee
weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain the following benefits:

● You gain a +1 to your attack rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at Techmaturge levels 8 and 16.
● You gain a +2 to your damage rolls with this weapon. This bonus increases by +2 at Techmaturgelevels 8 and 16.

Defense Specialist

Keeping yourself safe is important, armor is an excellent piece of technology to ensure that, you gain the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with medium and heavy armor.

● While wearing medium or heavy armor, you gain one-third of your Proficiency bonus as DR/true damage.


Studying the secrets of gunpowder has a deeper meaning to you. When using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You gain half your Proficiency bonus as a bonus to attack rolls made with firearms.
● When performing modifications on firearms or creating new firearms, you save half of your Proficiency bonus from
the daily cost of production.


You learned to get the best out of the combat style by wielding a slashing weapon and a firearm in your off hand. When
using this style you receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with light firearms.

● When attacked, you can use your reaction to fire your firearm at the attacker. The gun needs to be loaded.
● You can make one attack with your firearm as a bonus action.
● You can reload a light firearm as a bonus action.

A Shaman is an anchor between the material and spiritual realms, being given the gift of connecting to animal spirits and
finding their Great Spirit guide. There are no rules for the relationship of each Great Spirit with their Shamans, some guide
them through visions and words, others challenge them to prove themselves at every moment while a few just wait for the
Shaman's mind to falter so they can walk in the flesh.

At the 1st level you connect to a Great Spirit, your connection with this Great Spirit can exist since your childhood, perhaps
it started with a transcendental experience or even accompanied you even before your birth. This Great Spirit is represented
by a Totem you carry with you, and it grants you a benefit while it is with you. The totem is usually a small object, perhaps
an animal's claw that you carry on a string, a drum with that animal's skin that you carry on your back, or even a skull that
you wear as a shoulder pad.
Your eyes are able to see beyond, seeing the spiritual realm, allowing you to channel its emanations. You become able to see
and communicate with spirits, being able to see up to 60 feet in the Spirit realm while in the Material realm.

Additionally, you receive a Spirit Invocation and receive it again at levels 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, and 20. All Spirit Invocations
are described in Chapter 5: Customization - Invocations and Great Spirits. If you have a teacher, you can learn general
Sutras that you meet the prerequisites for in place of Spirit Invocations.

Spiritual Allies
At level 2, you connect with an animal spirit ally who will teach you how to channel spirit energy through a posture. Your
melee attacks are imbued with spiritual energy, dealing an additional 1d6 damage. This damage increases to 1d8 at 8th level,
1d10 at 12th, and 1d12 at 17th. Using a bonus action and 1 Ki point, you can enter a stance. Once you enter a stance, you
gain its benefits until you decide to leave that stance or switch to another one.

Each posture when activated generates a persistent effect that lasts for 1 minute and cannot stack with itself if the posture
is activated again for the duration of the persistent effect. At the end of that minute, you can spend 1 Ki point to reactivate
the persistent effect. Choose a stance from the following:

● Abidance. The Abidance stance increases your AC by +2. When activating the Permanence stance, you gain
temporary hit points equal to your Shaman level + your proficiency bonus. In addition, you gain resistance to
elemental damage as a persistent effect. Related animals: Turtle, Boar.
● Agility. The Agility stance increases your speed by half your proficiency bonus times 5 feet. By activating the Agility
stance you gain advantage on your next attack. In addition, you gain proficiency in Dexterity Saving Throws as a
persistent effect. Related animals: Cheetah, Bear
● Dominance. The Dominion Stance gives you proficiency in Intimidation (if you already have proficiency, you have
advantage on checks with that skill). When you activate Dominance Stance, you emit a fearsome roar (enemies
within 60 feet of you who can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw with DC equal to your Ki resistance DC,
on a failure, targets are Frightened for 1 minute). In addition, allies who can see or hear you gain a +1 to their attack
rolls. Related animals: Lion, Tiger
● Impact. The Impact Stance gives you resistance to one type of non-magical physical damage (choose from Slashing,
Bludgeoning or Piercing when entering the stance). When activating Impact Stance, your next attack has advantage
and the target must make a Constitution saving throw with DC equal to your Ki resistance DC, on a failure the
target is Stunned until the start of your next turn. In addition, your speed increases by 10 feet as a persistent effect.
Related animals: Bear
● Ferocity. Ferocity stance gives him slashing claws that increase the damage of your unarmed strikes. When
activating the Ferocity Stance, you can make 1 extra attack this turn. In addition, your attacks using your claws take
an additional 1d4 of slashing damage as a persistent effect. Related animals: Tiger
● Resourcefulness. The stance of Resourcefulness gives you proficiency in Athletics (if you already have proficiency,
you have advantage on checks with that skill). When activating the posture of Resourcefulness, your next unarmed
attack, if it hits, has its damage dice increased by 1 category. In addition, your climbing speed becomes 30 feet for 1
minute as a persistent effect. Related animals: Monkey, Spider

Spirit Channeling
Starting at 7th level, you become able to channel the power of the Great Spirit you've connected to. You know some of those
great spirits are as powerful as they are dangerous. Simply channeling them is a risk for the Shaman, as the amount of
spiritual energy coursing through his body can permanently nullify his identity.

Using an action, you can attempt to channel the energy of a Great Spirit you are connected to for up to 1 hour, which can
result in great deeds or the destruction of your mind or body.

When you channel a Great Spirit, you must choose between trying to convince it, via a Charisma check, or forcing the
channel, spending 9 Ki points and a bonus action. When forcing the channel, you must make a saving throw according to
the Great Spirits Difficulty table. For more details, see the description of Great Spirits in Chapter 5: Customization -
Invocation and Great Spirits. Some effects may reduce the Ki cost of Channeling, but this cost cannot be less than 2 Ki
Additionally, while in possession of your totem, you ignore any material components of a spell, invocation, or sutra, as long
as they are not consumables.

Spiritual Fullness
Starting at 14th level, when you assume a stance of a spirit ally, you can bestow its benefits on your allies. When you assume
a stance, a number of allies equal to half your Proficiency bonus who are within 30 feet of you gain that stance's persistent
effect for a number of rounds equal to your Proficiency bonus.

Channeler’s Calling
Spirit Allies Enhancement
At 6th level, drawing on the strength of your spirit allies causes you to gain some additional traits. Choose one of your Spirit
Allies to have it receive an enhancement:

● Abidance. When activating the Abidance stance, the temporary hit points gained are doubled.
● Agility. When activating the Agility stance, you remove 1 level of Exhaustion from yourself.
● Dominance. When activating the Dominance Stance, creatures have disadvantage against your Roar.
● Impact. When activating the Impact stance, your first strike has the damage dice increased by one category.
● Ferocity. When activating the Ferocity Stance, your claw damage becomes 1d8.
● Resourcefulness. When activating the Resourcefulness stance, your proficiency bonus using the Athletics skill is

Upon reaching levels 15 and 17 in this class, you can choose an additional enhancement for another of your Spirit Allies.

Spirits' Favorite
Starting at 15th level, you have created a bond with the spirits, they know you and are more willing to help. You have
advantage on Charisma checks to convince a Great Spirit to help you. Additionally, when successfully dealing with a Great
Spirit, your next interaction with it has its DC reduced by an amount equal to half your Wisdom or Charisma modifier,
whichever is higher.

Summoner's Calling
Spirit Allies Enhancement
At 6th level, drawing on the strength of your animal spirits causes you to gain some additional traits. Choose one of your
Animal Spirits to give it an upgrade:

● Abidance. When activating the Abidance stance, you regain hit points equal to twice your Wisdom modifier.
● Agility. When activating the Agility stance, the next spell you cast ignores up to half cover.
● Dominance. When activating the Dominance Stance, creatures that fail the saving throw must use their actions to
get away from you as best they can.
● Impact. When activating the Impact stance, your next attack has the damage dice increased by one category.
● Ferocity. When activating the Ferocity Stance, you can cast a cantrip as part of your next attack action.
● Resourcefulness. When activating the Resourcefulness stance, creatures have disadvantage on the Saving Throw of
your next spell.

Spiritual Domain
At level 15, your self-awareness and your knowledge of the spirit world are matched with your understanding, broadening
even to dealing with Great Spirits making forcing the channeling of a Great Spirit less costly for you. On a failed Charisma
check, you don't need to use a bonus action, add half your Proficiency bonus to the saving throw to channel this Great
Spirit, and reduce the required Ki cost by the same amount.

Shapeshifter's Calling
Spirit Allies Enhancement
At 6th level, drawing on the strength of your animal spirits causes you to gain some additional traits. Choose one of your
Animal Spirits to give it an upgrade:

● Abidance. When activating the stance of Abidance, for the duration, you can breathe air and water.
● Agility. When activating the Agility stance, for the duration, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
● Dominance. When activating the Dominance Stance, for the duration, you have advantage on attack rolls against a
target if at least one of its allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
● Impact. When activating the Impact stance, for the duration, your size category increases by 1 under the effect of
the enlarge/reduce spell without concentration;.
● Ferocity. When activating the Ferocity stance, for the duration, your attacks that deal slashing damage deal 1 point
of Bleeding.
● Resourcefulness. When activating the Resourcefulness stance, for the duration, you gain 20 feet of climbing speed
and your Dexterity modifier as Damage Reduction.

In addition, while in Wild Shape, you can cast spells normally, ignoring any verbal and somatic components.

Morale Points
Morale Points are received when a character is faithful to his Essence, Expression or Exaltation, according to his roleplaying
and his choices made within the game, this score is awarded by the Master at his discretion, based on the following rules:

● 1 point - Being true to your Exaltation

● 3 points - Being true to your Expression
● 5 points - Being true to your Essence

These Morale points are cumulative and are received during an adventure and can even be used at the same time they are
received for rolls. Half of unspent Morale points are automatically consumed during a full rest.

Likewise, these points can be reduced if the character acts against those same aspects of their Morale, representing how
much betraying their own values can affect the Morale of that character for that reason.

Spending these morale points is done as a free action before a roll.

● 1 point - Gain a +1 modifier on a roll

● 3 points - Gain advantage on a roll
● 5 points - Request disadvantage on an opposed roll
● 10 points - Instantly recover 1/10 health
● 15 points - Regain 1 point of exhaustion
● 20 points - Remove a Character's Condition

Each of the ways to consume these morale points is at the Master's discretion, for example, the Master can deny an
advantage or a modifier from being added to a roll for an act that goes against a character's Essence.

Another example of refusal is the removal of a Condition such as Petrified, which may not make any sense within the
context of the adventure presented.

All the pasts stop granting attribute points.

Crafts are similar to professions, they are occupations, skills or knowledge that a character has in various aspects of life and
that are usually practiced as a way to earn livelihood. Even adventurers in their frantic race to save the world, slay monsters
or just make a profit usually develop some skills that aren't directly related to adventure. Especially for the adventures and
life similar to that of wanderers, adventurers hardly dedicate themselves to Crafts to the point of becoming recognized in
the area. However, a professional can become an adventurer too, this can be part of your past.

Usually Crafts are a set of practical skills linked to some activity, such as cutler, jeweler, cook, among many others. A
character who chooses a Craft can also use that Craft's Set.
In adventures, this knowledge and skills are oftenly useful and can have synergy with skills, for instance, a Cutler's Craft can
very well analyze a blade found on the ground and say if it was part of a weapon, if it was used recently, among other
possibilities. Another example is a character with Craft in Jewelry, if he is a spellcaster, he can analyze a gem or gemstone
and find out if there is any enchantment on it without even having to use magic.

Proficiency in Crafts is given to a character by several characteristics, be it their origin, region, class, past or even
enhancements. Proficiency with a Craft allows you to add half your proficiency bonus to any skill that interacts with that
Craft. The use of Crafts is usually not tied to a single skill, as proficiency in them represents a broader knowledge of their
use and there are many ways to use them.

For item creation, however, an attribute is always tied to the formula that will be used for such creation, however, the Master
may ask you to make a Dexterity check to carve a fine detail into a bow using your Archer Craft and in possession of your
tools, or an Intelligence check to analyze whether the arch created has any structural flaws.

Owning a Craft Set does not give you proficiency with that Craft. Any check made with a Set or Craft without proficiency is
made at disadvantage.

Major and Minor Crafts

Among the Crafts there are two types of Craft, the major and the minor, both receive benefits from the level progression
linked to the Crafts and even Heritage and Improvements that interact with the two.

The Greater Crafts have progressive levels, reflecting abilities to create more complex formulas, in addition to
reflecting an evolution of the necessary skills within it.

Minor Crafts have only the first level, not having an internal progression of higher levels, instead they have several
disciplines within them, reflecting various branches of that Craft.

Craft Level
Anyone who is interested in a Craft can learn it, but only those who dedicate themselves to it can reach the highest levels.

When learning a Craft, you receive a level in that Craft equal to 1, for every 4 character levels you evolve, its level increases
by +1. In this way, a character who has the Blacksmith Craft at the 1st level will have Blacksmith 1, upon reaching the 5th
level he will have Blacksmith 2, at the 9th level Blacksmith 3, at the 13th level Blacksmith 4 and at the 17th Blacksmith 5.
The same character, learning a Carver Craft at level 4, will have Carver 1, coming to Carver 2 only at level 8 and so on every
4 levels.

Usually the maximum level of a Craft is 5 during character development, this goes for normal evolution with most classes
that do not have great synergy with it. However, some specific traits can increase this like Enhancements or even Class
features. By default, the maximum level of a Craft is 1 point less than the character's proficiency bonus until reaching the
20th level, when it becomes possible to reach the 6th level in the Craft, some Class features and Enhancements can remove
this limit.

If you get an additional level of Craft and can't use it, you can choose to learn new formulas.

Smaller Crafts, which do not have internal levels, have disciplines in their place, when a character reaches a new level in
that Craft, he can choose a new discipline with new formulas or new formulas of a discipline he already has (with a bonus of
1 additional formula). Obtaining a Minor Craft again is equivalent to receiving a new level in it.

By default, all Crafts have certain tools and items that are necessary for that Craft to be exercised, this grouping of items is
called a Set, normally this Set initially has all the tools and supplies necessary to exercise that Craft.

A Set has a default value during character creation, but like all items, these values can change during an adventure or
campaign, even with the possibility of them not being easily available for sale.
Some Sets have certain equipment that are not viable to be carried on trips or adventures, in cases like this, the final word of
the Master is what validates what can or cannot be performed without the Set being complete.

Establishing the Set in a certain location to create items establishes aWorkshop, as will be seen later.

Exercising a Craft requires not only tools, but also supplies. A glassmaker needs silica and sand, cutlers, armorers and even
gunsmiths need metal, whether in ingots or other forms of commercialization, while an herbalist needs plants, roots,
flowers, among others.

The Supplies of each Craft bring some ingredients by default, being a complement to the set. Although the items belonging
to a Supply are standardized, this does not mean that it is a universal rule. In certain regions some items may not exist or
even be replaced by others.

This can lead to differences in the value of the same supply between two different regions, in addition to the chance of
different values due to fluctuations in the market, supply and demand.

Craft Titles
Each Craft has its own terminology, with different titles that are linked to that particular Craft, however, there is a common
title linked to the recognition of a craftsman, this title may be public knowledge but can only be used for mechanical

1. Aspirant. The Aspirant is someone who has taken their first steps in a Craft, usually being able to reproduce a few
simple formulas.
2. Apprentice. The Apprentice already has his first achievements in Craft, being able to reproduce slightly more
complex formulas.
3. Adept. An Adept has already trodden a path in his Craft and has a reputation to uphold, he is someone that people
normally turn to in search of the items produced or in search of repair for those.
4. Professional. A Professional is a reference in his Craft, having the ability to reproduce complex formulas, adapt
formulas and even create new ones. Usually a Professional has some Adepts, Apprentices or even Aspirants who
seek to learn from their experience.
5. Specialist. A Specialist has reached the highest productions in his Craft, being a reference for other professionals
and often being an extremely experienced voice.
6. Master. The Master is usually the highest reference in a Craft, few reach this degree of development in a Craft, but
their work is easily distinguishable from the work of other craftsmen.
7. Grandmaster. There have been few Grandmasters known around the world, but their work has shaped trends and
often stands the test of time as what craftsmen aspire to achieve.
8. Mythical Craftsman. A Mythical Craftsman has feats that are intertwined with the legends and traditions of a
people, rare were those who reached this level of feats.
9. Divine Craftsman. There are only rumors of an existence that reached this level of Craft, it has many names by
which it is known by almost everyone in the world but many refer to it as the Soul of the Forge.

Creating Items
Adventuring isn't just about getting into combat, defeating enemies, and accumulating treasure. To achieve some objectives,
it is sometimes necessary to conquer certain resources, either by searching, buying or even creating. To create these
resources, characters have Crafts, with which they can craft normally non-magical objects, including adventuring gear and

You must be proficient with the Craft related to the object you are trying to craft. In some cases, the basic tools of Craft are
enough for you to create objects, but in some cases it may be necessary to access special materials or indispensable places
for creating the object. For example, someone proficient with the Cutler's Craft needs a forge in order to craft a sword or an
Creation Calculation
For each day of free time spent creating an object, you can create one or more items with a total market value equal to your
GP/day value with the Craft required to create that object. Creating items requires spending raw materials equal to half the
total market value of the object, so an object that costs 1000 GP has a cost of 500 GP to create.

When calculating the creation of an object, the total market value of that object should be taken into account to get a
general expectation of how long it will take to make. This value is called GP/day.

Item crafting is calculated based on the logic of GP/day, which is the total amount of effort a person can achieve by adding
the base value, which starts at 5 GP/day in a Craft with which the person is proficient. To this value, other values are added
or deducted that may derive from different factors, such as a high level in Craft among other bonuses explained below.

When calculating the GP/day, only the factors related to that day must be taken into account, if any factor undergoes any
modification, the new GP/day calculation must be taken into account as to the value still remaining for the completion of
the item that is being created.

Creating items with a market value above a character's GP/day requires doing so progressively, with daily progress being
represented by the GP/day value until the item's full market value is reached. For example, crafting plate armor (market value
1,500 GP) with an Armorer Craft of 1, without any bonuses, takes 300 days to craft this way.

If this plate armor is being created, the GP/day is the basis of the calculation that determines the time needed to complete
this creation. If the initial value of GP/day is 10, at the end of the first day, the evolution of the creation of this armor (which
has a market value equal to 1500 GP) will have been 10 GP, which will leave 1490 GP left to be completed, or even 149 days
maintaining the same GP/day value. If any factor modifies this value in the next few days, whether increasing or decreasing,
the remaining days must be calculated based on this new value.

Working Set
Multiple characters can combine their efforts towards the goal of building a single item, as long as they have proficiency
with the required Craft and are working together in the same place.

Each character contributes their GP/day worth of effort for each day they spent helping craft the item. For example, three
characters with Armor Craft 1 and adequate facilities can create plate armor in 100 days, for that it is necessary to spend
half of the value in GP/day used as production cost. In this case, a total of 7.5 GP is spent per day so that, at the end of these
100 days, having spent 750 GP, the armor will be created.

During crafting, you can maintain a modest lifestyle without having to pay 1 GP per day, or a comfortable lifestyle at half the
normal cost.

Craft Bonus
Higher Crafting levels help crafting items, increasing the base value of 5 GP per day crafted by 1 GP for each Crafting level
above 1st. A Cutler with Craft level 1, who creates a Great Sword, having access to the tools and a suitable place, makes only
6 GP per day, needing 10 days to complete the work. A Cutler who has the Craft at level 5, in turn, makes 10 GP per day,
managing to create the same sword in just 5 days.

Help from artisans with Craft levels is added to this contribution. In this way, a cutler with Craft at level 5, being assisted by
two helpers (apprentices) with Craft at level 3, can produce a total of 24 GP per day of the cost of an item, 10 GP from the
main cutler, 7 GP from each auxiliary, making it so a plate armor can be built in just 62 days.

When a character is assisted by others in creating items, the roll is made by the main craftsman, with assistants being able
to add or reduce bonuses to this roll.

Circumstance Bonus
Crafting objects always requires the material cost to craft them, costing half the market value to craft these items, but
certain circumstances can both reduce the material cost and increase the effective value of GP/day, speeding up the creation
of items.
Receiving the help of other people with the same Craft, even if at a lower level than the main craftsman, can help in
the creation of the item, both accelerating the GP/day value through the sum of those involved and a bonus
provided by these people. Each helper makes a Crafting roll to create the item, based on the DC of the formula, this
roll is made with the main Craftsman's Crafting level and in case of success grants the main Craftsman a +1 bonus
on his roll. On a failure, nothing happens, if a natural 1 is rolled, the helper causes some trouble in the process (at
the GM's discretion) and grants a -1 penalty to the main craftsman's roll.

Instructions from someone with a higher level of Craft, even if not directly involved with the creation of the item,
speeds up its production by 1 GP/day for every 2 extra levels that the instructor has in the Craft.

Knowing a formula is a need for creating an item, but when it is recorded in the form of schemes, diagrams or
notes, the ease of reproducing it increases. Having an item's crafting blueprints speeds up the crafting process by

Each item to be built requires certain tools and in many cases specific locations, such as a furnace, a submersion
tank, among others. Workshops are places where these conditions are found, making it easier to create items. The
ease added is proportional to theWorkshop level, with each level adding 1GP/day to the item crafting process.

● Workshop level 1: An unoccupied location with enough space for one person to work on creating the item
● Workshop level 2: In addition to level 1, these workshops have space for two people to work in addition to
proper tools for the job, whether it be a better capacity forge or even an environment with the right
● Workshop level 3: In addition to level 2, these workshops have space for three people to work and
excellent tools for the job, such as an automated forge, ready-made molds, specialized lens sets, among
others. Item creation rolls made at a workshop of that level receive a +1 bonus.
● Workshop level 4: In addition to level 3, these workshops have space for 5 people to work and advanced
tools for work, such as a temperature-controlled forge, process automation and even environments ready
for specific tasks, such as sharpening a sword, climate control, among others.
● Workshop level 5: In addition to level 4, these workshops have space for up to 10 people to work, while
also having magical or extremely advanced tools that transform certain routines into extremely simple
tasks, such as auxiliary automatons, magical chambers that can force certain weather conditions, among
others. Item creation rolls made at a workshop of that level receive a +2 bonus.

To create an object (or formula) it is necessary to meet its cost, which is the expense of half of the object's market value
(when below 5 GP of market value) or half of its GP/day value, accounting for one day of work.

It is possible that certain circumstances decrease the amount of gold needed, such as direct access to raw materials reducing
this required value or even having access to all the necessary resources. These situations must be evaluated by the Master
taking into account all the factors present.

A character who has the Collector Craft, with discipline in the Craft of executing a formula (or in the Crafts, when there are
more than one) can reduce the amount needed to create the object by 10% of the market value. This reduction reflects more
knowledge and experience in using these resources to create objects, knowing how to make better use of them without

Once a character has all the resources to create an object, he must use the necessary time for that formula. As will be
explained later, when this time does not exceed one hour, it is possible to create the object during a long rest.
All Crafts develop various operational activities, with some of these activities being the construction of results, whether
through weapons, armor, items, sculptures, paintings and practically any object that can be used in everyday life or in

This construction of items is represented by formulas, each of which has information about what is needed to carry it out,
often having requirements linked to a specific Craft or even to more than one Craft for more complex or advanced items.

When you gain proficiency with a Craft or level up in it, you can learn a number of formulas for that Craft equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). These formulas represent what you are able to create with Crafts in a concrete way.

When reproducing these formulas, you must meet the formula requirements.

Below, an example of the information contained in a formula, which brings the necessary requirements for it to be carried

Name of the Formula

Craft: The Craft or Crafts necessary to carry out this formula.
DC: The target DC of the roll to perform the formula.
Time: The time required to carry out the formula.
Component: The component, or components needed to carry out the formula.
Value: The market value to carry out the formula
Detail: Additional details linked to the formula, such as the possibility of poison

General description of the formula with some information about it, which may
contain some specific trace of history or location when referring to something
that has this information.
General mechanics of the final product of the formula with its operation
and characteristics to be used in an adventure.
Natural 20. When a natural 20 is rolled on the item's creation, it receives an
additional bonus for being a masterwork.

Executing Formulas
To create an object, it is necessary to execute the formula for it, each formula has a preparation time, when this time does
not exceed 1 hour, it can be executed during a long or full rest without interfering with the rest's benefits. You can prepare
only one formula per long rest, so if you prepare more than one, you don't gain the benefits of that rest.

Formulas that require more than 1 hour of work follow the Item Creation rules presented in this chapter.

The formulas have levels, starting from level 0, which are common knowledge formulas for anyone who owns the Craft,
these formulas do not count towards the character's known formulas.

Level 1 and higher formulas can only be executed by those who know them, however, if a craftsman has access to an object
resulting from a formula, has enough time and resources to study it, he can try to reproduce the formula without knowing it,
for that he uses the Rules of Reproduction of Items without Formula.

Craft tools usually contain what is needed to prepare formulas of level 0 and 1, discounting half of the market value for this
representing the consumption of resources. At higher levels, ingredients must be collected or purchased in order for
formulas to be made.

When preparing a formula, you must make a roll using your preparation modifier against the specific formula's DC. If you
succeed, the formula is executed within the given time using the resources directed to it when the formula fits the necessary
requirements to be made in less than 1 day.
For formulas that have a cost above 5GP/day or Time above 1 hour, the day's work yields the amount of GP/day needed to
complete that day's work, this amount achieved is then deducted from the total needed to create the item .

In case of failure by a margin of up to 5 points, only half of the invested value and time is lost. A margin above 5 means that
the formula has failed, the value and time invested is lost.

A result of a natural 1 rolled on the dice is always a failure. In some cases the result can be catastrophic, based on the
complexity (level) and dangerousness of the formula. Each formula has its problems in this case, consult the Master for more
details regarding this failure.

A natural result of 20 rolled on the dice does not mean the formula was successful. If the DC is not reached, another half of
the time and resources can be spent to make a new roll with a +5 bonus to try to execute the formula, if it is still not
possible, the invested resources are lost. On a success, formulas with up to 1 hour of base duration can be executed or, in
case of formulas with more than 1 hour of execution or more than 5GP/day, that working day produces the result of GP/day

When the natural 20 occurs and the DC of the formula is reached, it means that the formula has been successfully executed
and has become a masterpiece, receiving additional benefits that are indicated in the formula.

Preparation Modifier = your Craft level + ½ proficiency bonus + attribute modifier

When crafting an item involves more than one day's work, each day's work requires a Craft roll to determine the success of
that day's work. Over the several days required for some formulas, failures just delay time and consume resources, as
specified above. Success advances the creation of the item, and the natural result of 20 obtained in each of the days is
counted. During the last roll to create an item, the roll is made normally and, if it has a natural 20, it produces a Masterwork.
If it is a success, but without a natural 20, the item is created, and if the amount of natural 20s accumulated in the process of
creating the item consists of 1/4 or more of the total rolls, the item is also a masterwork. Getting a natural 1 during daily
rolls is always a failure of that day's work, with the loss of material and time invested.

Reproducing Items Without Formula

If you want to reproduce a formula whose required Craft you have proficiency with and the formula is not one of those you
know, but you have access to the result of that formula, you must invest time and resources to analyze and study it.

When this happens, you can try to run the formula using half of the formula’s time in addition to what is already needed.
The roll is made at disadvantage, and for every Crafting level you are below the Crafting level required for the formula, you
take a cumulative -2 penalty.

If you try to reproduce an item without knowing the formula, but have a Blueprint of it, the cumulative penalty is reduced to
just -1.

Learning Formulas
You may have access to a formula that you haven't learned yet, either from a teacher, from notes, or even blueprints like a
book, scroll or something similar. When that happens, you can invest your time to learn this formula, which requires
dedication and resources.

Learning a formula requires as much dedication (or maybe even more) as it takes to create an item. When you dedicate
yourself for 8 hours a day to learning a formula, you start learning on a basis of 5 GP/day, adding your Craft level -1 to the
value of GP/day. To this value, multiplied by 2, is also added your Intelligence modifier, resulting in your value of GP/day of

For a formula to be learned, it needs to reach one-tenth of its market value in working days based on its value of GP/day
learned. The expense required to learn a formula is one-tenth of its learning value, which is spent dividing that value by the
total days of learning.

Example. A formula that has a market value of 500 GP has a learning value of 50 GP (one tenth of its value) and has a total
learning cost of 5 GP (one tenth of its learning value). An apprentice who has Craft 1 and wants to learn this formula (having
access to a Blueprint) has his base learning of 5 GP/day multiplied by 2, totaling 10 GP/day of learning. This way, he needs 5
days of learning, in which this apprentice will have to spend 1 GP/day, to learn this formula.

Learning a formula requires the necessary conditions for that, as described above. For each day of learning invested in
learning, you must make a roll against the learning DC which equals the formula DC - your Intelligence modifier. A success
means that learning day has been completed normally and the GP/day value is deducted from the required total.

Learning Modifier = your Craft level + ½ proficiency bonus + attribute modifier

In case of failure by a margin of up to 5 points, only half of the invested value and time is lost. A margin above 5 means that
the learning day was not productive, the value and time invested is lost.

A natural 1 rolled on the dice is always a failure, while a natural 20 rolled on the dice does not mean the day was a success. If
the DC is not reached, this formula is too complex to be learned. When the natural 20 occurs and the learning DC is
reached, it means that the learning day was extremely productive reducing 1 extra learning day (and its value in GP/day),
without the need to spend additional GP.

Facilitating the Learning

Some factors can accelerate the learning process, such as having access to an Instructor who has the formula in question or
even having access to a Workshop where learning experiments can be done.

Instructor. If you have an instructor, this value can be increased, an instructor who knows the formula and dedicates
at least 2 hours/day to your assistance, adds 2 GP/day, per Craft level that has more than yours, to your learning. Ex.
An instructor who has Cutler 5 and teaches a formula to someone who has Cutler 2 adds 6 GP/day of learning while
dedicating at least 2 hours each day to teaching.

Workshop. Having a Workshop also speeds up learning, for each level of the Workshop you add 2 GP/day to your
learning as long as you have access to that Workshop for at least 2 hours each day.

Complex Formulas
Most Formulas are linked to just one Craft, with the required level being described in the formulas. Other formulas can be
performed by more than one Craft, usually at different levels, representing the greatest synergy of the Craft with the specific

Some specific Formulas may require more than one Craft to complete. When this happens, it is necessary that all the
requirements are fulfilled, this can happen with only one person having all the Crafts or a larger number of people who can
have the necessary levels in each Craft.

When a complex formula is performed by more than one person, the item creation rules define the item creation speed and
separate rolls for each Craft must be performed. For narrative simplification, the Master can require that everyone involved
is dedicated to the creation, facilitating the administration of time and results. Another option is that each Formula
participant develops their part individually following the item creation rule and a last Craft roll is made to finalize the

Each of the complex formulas has its own characteristics, such as a specific armor that may require Armorer 4 and Cutler 2,
making it so either the craftsman who will create it have both Crafts at the required levels and follow the pace of work alone
or having help that can accelerate this process or even make it viable in case you don't have all the necessary Crafts.

Additionally, it is possible that, to carry out a complex formula, a craftsman pays for the services of another craftsman, in
such cases, negotiations and mechanical modifications are at the discretion of the Master based on what is presented in the
rules for creating items.

Creating Formulas
In some cases, an item's creation is not tied to a formula, perhaps because a formula does not exist yet, or perhaps because
the item is an entirely new creation. When you want to create a new formula, talk to your Master to know the time needed to
develop it. While you are developing this formula, you spend 25 GP/level of the formula per working day. For each day of
work you must make a test with your Craft with DC defined by the Master, on a success you advance in your formula
normally, while on a failure you regress 1 day of work.

List of Crafts
Below are the Crafts:

Major Crafts
The Major Crafts are so called because they have a wide range of use, managing to have different formulas in each of them
in addition to several applications.

The Alchemist's Craft works based on two principles called “Solve et Coagula” or even, dissolve and coagulate. These two
principles seek to understand the principle behind matter and even energy, making it possible, through development within
this Craft, to learn to create and use various substances for the manufacture of elixirs, rare materials and even simulacra of
rare materials.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Alchemist Craft is Wisdom.

Synergies: In conjunction with your Alchemist Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana. Proficiency with the Alchemist's Craft allows you to gain more information by analyzing potions and
foreign materials with the Arcana skill.
● Investigation. When inspecting an area for clues, proficiency with the Alchemist's Craft grants you insights into
chemicals and other materials that may have been used in the area.

Alchemist Set
The Alchemist Set allows a character to produce useful mixtures such as acid, pyrofluid, and many others. (these tools cost
50 GP and weight 4 Kg)

Content: An Alchemist's Set includes two glass beakers, a metal frame for holding a beaker over a flame, a glass mixing rod,
a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch containing alchemical ingredients such as salt, powdered iron, purified water, etc.

Gunsmith Craft lets you design, craft, repair, and even improvise firearms and gunpowder-based weapons like bombs and
grenades. In addition to this, you become able to unsnap a weapon with a greater degree of success as well as having a better
knowledge of how to use firearms more accurately and effectively.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to Gunsmith Craft is Wisdom.

Synergies: Using the Gunsmith Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana, History, Investigation. Your mastery with firearms grants you additional information, such as the
possibility of a firearm's origin, techniques used to make it, and even deductions regarding its arcane capabilities.

Gunsmith Set
With the Gunsmith Set you can create firearms and ammunition of the most different types, including flintlock pistols,
revolvers, among others. For this you need to have a space to heat the metal, melt it to create pipes and a press to
encapsulete ammunition.

Content: A Gunsmith's Set includes molds, tweezers, charcoal, metal scraps, gunpowder and ammo press.

The Armorer's Craft gives the ability to design, create and repair armor, being able to work with metal, leather, among other
types of materials that can create ways to protect a person's body. Your knowledge allows you to know when an armor is
weakened, in addition to the ability to make quick repairs when necessary.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Craft of Armorer is Strength.

Synergies: Using the Armorer Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:
● Arcana, History, Investigation. Your mastery of armor grants you additional information, clues or deductions as
long as they relate to those armors. You can gain additional information about these areas when examining armor.

Armorer Set
With the Armorer's Set you can perform various actions, such as creating armor made of metal, leather and other materials,
as long as you have a space to heat the metal, work ingots and even an anvil to shape them.

Content: An Armorer's Set includes hammers, tweezers, charcoal, wood for shields, scrap metal, and leather.

The Archer Craft makes it possible to create bows, arrows, crossbows and bolts, as well as other battle instruments based on
the principle of a flexible string and rod, creating propulsion for projectile fire. This knowledge also allows him to
understand when a shelter is protected from arrows and even assess how much armor is capable of protecting against

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Archer Craft is Dexterity.

Synergies: Using an Archer Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana, History. Because of your specialization, you may receive additional information related to any bow or
● Nature. You can determine the quality of a tree's wood and its properties for making bows, arrows, crossbows and
bolts using Archer tools.

Archer Set
With the Archer Set you can sculpt weapons with tension, whether from wood or other materials, creating bows, crossbows,
arrows and bolts.

Content: An Archer Set includes a knife, a chisel, different thin ropes and a small saw.

The Locksmith's Craft makes you capable of designing, creating, repairing and studying keys and locks, in addition to
understanding security functions and having knowledge of burglary and even sophisticated traps, containing delicate and
precise mechanisms.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Locksmith Craft is Dexterity.

Synergies: Utilizando um Set de Locksmith, você pode utilizar esse Craft com as seguintes perícias, possibilitando alguns

● History. Your knowledge of history includes traps and lock types common to certain regions and peoples. This
gives you information that can help you find or disarm it.
● Investigation, Perception. Your knowledge and experience seem to give you a keen instinct when looking for
traps, as you've learned a variety of common signs that reveal their presence and can see signs of traps that have
already been triggered.

Locksmith Set
A Locksmith Set, although they can be used by them to create keys and unlock doors and chests, can also be used by
adventurers who know that it is necessary from time to time to open dungeon locks or disarm traps. Proficiency with this
tool also grants you a general understanding of locks and traps.

Content: A Locksmith Set usually includes a small sandpaper, a set of picks, a small mirror in a metal holder, a set of
narrow-blade scissors, a pair of pliers, some wire and string, among other objects.

The Conductor Craft makes you able to drive, create and repair vehicles such as wagons, carts, berlins or even higher
technology vehicles such as self-propelled vehicles, with these being exclusive to certain regions. A driver's knowledge is
also capable of giving him important information about a trip, analyzing maps and being able to predict adverse situations
based on the paths chosen.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to Conductor Craft is Dexterity.

Synergies: You can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects.

● Arcana. When you study a magical vehicle, your proficiency in this tool helps you unlock information, determine
how the vehicle works, or even pilot it.
● Investigation, Perception. When inspecting a vehicle for clues or hidden information, your proficiency helps you
to notice things that others would miss, in addition you can obtain information about where this vehicle was
previously or even if it carried a heavy load recently.

Conductor Set
The Conductor Set is based on the vehicle in question, but usually consists of tools that allow you to build a vehicle or
maintain it.

Content: A Conductor Set usually includes saws for wood, sandpaper, wood for wheel rims, square and compasses plus
metal parts and nails.

The Cook's Craft makes you able to prepare not only food, but tasty meals that help your companions to recover their
strength, in addition to knowing how to find ingredients or even understanding the principle behind them to be able to
replace them when necessary. A common knowledge for cooks is how to find these ingredients and even understand when a
new ingredient is capable of making a food tastier or dangerous.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Cook Craft is Charisma.

Synergies: Using a Cook Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● History. You are aware of customs and eating habits of other peoples and other times.
● Medicine. You know the healing property of regular food, besides that you can, by administering a treatment,
transform a bitter or sour medicine into a pleasant-tasting concoction.
● Survival. When searching for food, you can find alternative ingredients, in addition to being able to analyze the
meat of venomous and/or poisonous creatures and allow you to consume them without risk.

Cook Set
Any adventurer knows that life often takes them to stay days in places far from any civilization, sometimes unforeseen
events happen and food becomes scarce. With a cook along the way, your meals will be much better than the typical mix of
dried meat and dried fruit, as well as better distributed and avoiding waste.

Content: A Cooking Set can contain at least one versatile metal pot that doubles as a pan, some kitchen knives, some
cutlery, at least one mixing spoon and at least one ladle.

The Cutler's Craft gives you the ability to design, craft and fix weapons and cutting tools, as well as being able to work with
metal and wood to produce bludgeoning or even piercing weapons. A Cutler's knowledge allows him to extract information
from a weapon regarding its durability or need for maintenance..

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Cutler Craft is Strength.

Synergies: Using a Cutler Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana, History, Investigation. Your mastery of metalwork grants you additional information, clues or deductions
as long as they relate to metalwork. Specialization grants you additional information about these areas when
examining metal objects such as weapons.
Cutler Set
With a Cutler Set you can create weapons made of metal of the most different types, including swords, daggers, axes, among
many others. For this you need to have a space to heat the metal, work ingots and even an anvil to model them.

Content: A Cutler's Set includes hammers, tweezers, charcoal, metal scraps, whetstone and a tube for tempering.

The Enchanter Craft makes you able to enchant the most varied items making them magical, either through the infusion of
magic or through the combination of unique ingredients that produce magical effects. An Enchanter is usually also a
spellcaster to make it easier to enchant items, however this is not a mandatory requirement, since knowing minerals and
parts of magical creatures, it is possible for magical effects to be achieved.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Enchanter Craft is the Spellcasting attribute or Intelligence or Wisdom

Synergies: Using an Enchanter Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana. When you study a magic item, your proficiency in this Craft helps you unlock information, determine
possibilities for how the item works or how to activate it..
● History, Investigation, Perception. When inspecting a magic item, you are able to notice stylistic traits linked to
where and when the item was made, in addition to being able to study the language of glyphs that may be on that

Enchanter Set
With the Enchanter Set you can create magic items linked to your maximum spellcasting level or your Crafting level,
whichever is higher.

Content: An Enchanter Set includes regional ingredients that can range from assorted crystals and stones, preserved animal
pieces, various types of powder, fragments of the most diverse materials, as well as sandpaper and chisels to carve and
embed parts in already-made items.

The Forger Craft allows you to be able to create copies of the most diverse types of items, often replicas equal in appearance
to unique and even complex items, however counterfeits usually do not have the same functionality or durability. Having
proficiency with other Crafts can help your counterfeits become more and more realistic. For example, you can use your
Forger Craft in conjunction with your Jeweler Craft to create an ornament with a fake gemstone.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Forger Craft is Intelligence.

Synergies: Using a Forgery Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana. Assists in identifying the veracity of a magic item

● Deception. By creating a well-crafted forgery, it can help you with deception tests to be credible in a lie.
● History. Utilizing your knowledge of history can help you identify and create false historical documents..
● Investigation. The Forgery Set has some items that can help you identify genuine documents and objects.

Forgery Set
This small box contains an assortment of papers and parchment, quills and inks, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver foil,
and other supplies needed to create convincing forgeries of physical documents. Proficiency with this set allows you to add
your proficiency bonus to any attribute check to create a physical forgery of a document. This Set gives you tools so you can
forge official signatures, duplicate documents and wax seals.

Content: A Forgery Set includes assorted ink, parchment, and paper, as well as seal wax, metal tools for forging seals, a
magnifying glass, some feathers, and gold and silver foil.

The Fermenter Craft allows you to be able to produce alcoholic beverages, be it beer, wine, among other possibilities. The
same art is also used to produce distillates through different processes such as distillation, decanting, filtering, among
others. A fermenter has the facility to detect known ingredients in a drink and can even detect the presence of some simpler
poisons by simply analyzing how cloudy a drink is.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Fermenter Craft is Wisdom.

Synergies: Using a Fermenter Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● History. You can build information about the drink by knowing where certain ingredients come from.
● Medicine. You are able to more effectively treat someone with alcohol-related intoxication and are able to
administer alcohol as a sedative.
● Persuasion. You get a sense of when people are most susceptible to an invitation for a nice mug and pouring out
their hearts.

Fermenter Set
The Fermenter Set is for you to create fermented or distilled beverages, analyze their composition, decant them among
other processes.

Content: A Fermenter Set includes a 6 liter copper still which is made up of a larger vessel, a siphon, funnel and a vessel.
Plus, it includes 5 empty 1 liter glass bottles.

The Herbalist's Craft allows you to more easily identify plants, medicinal and poisonous herbs by their appearance,
comparing it with other samples and by smell, either through directly applied reagents or through some infusion, burning or
other processes. Additionally it makes you able to create medicines, potions, ointments and other forms of recipes that
extract the principles of a plant.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to Herbalist Craft is Wisdom.

Synergies: Using a Herbalism Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana. Allows you to magically study plants and helps with potion identification.
● Investigation. You can collect clues and details in areas of vegetation with this Set.
● Medicine. Helps in the making of medicines made from medicinal plants to treat diseases and heal injuries.
● Nature and Survival. Some plants can be used as food after going through some purification or filtering processes.

Herbalism Set
This Set contains a variety of instruments such as scissors, mortar and pestle, and pouches used by herbalists to create
medicines and potions. You can create antitoxins and healing potions, as well as identify plants and poisons.

Content: A Herbalism Set includes small pouches for holding herbs, scissors and clippers, and leather gloves for gathering
plants. It is common to have a mortar in addition to several glass vials of different sizes.

Inventor's Craft allows you to design, create, repair, and even reload Apparatus, using base Inventor technology to reproduce
some common inventions and even invent new ones. An Inventor can combine different technologies to create new effects
and possibilities with their Apparatus.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to Inventor's Craft is Intelligence.

Synergies: Using an Inventor Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana, History. In conjunction with your knowledge, you can analyze an item or technological artifact to
determine its origin and workings, as well as whether it is a magic item or not.
● Tecnologia. You can use these tools as part of a long rest to repair a damaged construct, it can heal 2d10 + your
Technology skill modifier.
Inventor Set
With the Inventor Set you can perform various actions, such as creating small trinkets made from scrap metal, dismantling
and reassembling any invention, removing parts from an unusable object and you can even repair a Construct that has been

Content: The Inventor's Set is made up of various tools, such as 5 spanners, screwdrivers, a small hammer, and an
assortment of screws, nails, nuts, bolts, springs, and gears, as well as a portable torch with fuel.

Jeweler's Craft allows you to design and create jewelry, as well as repair it, identify fake gems and determine their sale and
purchase value. In addition, the jeweler is also able to cut gems and increase their market value through a better
presentation or manufacture of some jewel that is favored to the tastes of a region.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to Fermenter's Craft is Intelligence.

Synergies: In conjunction with jeweler's tools, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana. By using Jeweler's tools along with this skill, you can find information about enchantments on gems, assess
the possibility of a gem receiving an enchantment, and more.
● Investigation. You can inspect gems and gem-encrusted objects, find clues about what happened to them, assess
whether they came into contact with a specific substance, and more.
● Technology, Arcana. You can evaluate a hextech crystal and know if it is synthetic or real, and you can also
estimate its energy capacity.

Jeweler Set
A Jeweler's Set allows you techniques for cutting, polishing, cleaning and all other processes necessary to beautify a gem
and enhance it. With those techniques you can evaluate them and even identify them.

Content: A Jeweler's Set includes a magnifying glass and lenses, a small saw, sandpaper, polishing ointments plus a
hammer, pliers, tweezers and a series of color films.

The Fashionista Craft allows you to design, create and repair clothing and footwear of the most different types, being able
to meet the most diverse demands related to professions, styles and social strata. Com esse conhecimento, você é capaz de
utilizar os mais diversos materiais para confeccionar vestuário desde puramente estéticos or mesmo funcionais, ligados a
determinadas necessidades e regiões.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Fashionista Craft is Dexterity.

Synergies: Using a Fashionista Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana, History. Your knowledge of fads gives you additional information when examining fabrics, shoes and
boots, as well as cloaks, robes and clothing allowing you to identify exotic components that may be the focus of
magic, can recognize legendary and ancient clothing as well as which nation and time they belonged to.
● Investigation. Your knowledge of the garment creation process can be used to find clues and make inferences
others miss when examining tapestries, upholstery, clothing, other fabric items, and even tell you what terrain a
boot or shoe has been in, what material it appears to be, the height and weight of the wearer, whether they have
been used recently and if damaged, what caused the damage.

Fashionista Set
With the Fashionista Set you are able to use fabrics, threads, leather and other materials to create, adapt, repair and even
recycle garments.

Content: A Fashionista's Set includes a thimble, various types of thread, various needle sizes, fabric scraps, buttons, small
hammer, awl, knife, shoe holder, cutter, spare leather and more. You also know how to work on a loom and other weaving
machines, but these machines are too big to transport.
The Navigator Craft allows you to ensure safer and more accurate navigation through tools and maps, in addition to making
these same navigation and guidance instruments. With this knowledge you can also study routes and look for ways to speed
them up, to intercept other vehicles and vessels.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Navigator Craft is Intelligence.

Synergies: Using a Navigator Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana, History. Your knowledge of Navigation allows you to understand and find ancient routes and determine
their function, as well as giving you a slight advantage when having sensory changes caused by magic.
● Nature. Your familiarity with physical geography makes it easier for you to answer questions or resolve issues
related to the terrain around you.
● Survival.Your understanding of geography makes it easier to find paths to civilization, predict areas where villages
or cities might be found, and avoid getting lost. You've studied so many maps that common patterns, such as how
trade routes evolve and where settlements arise in relation to geographic locations, are familiar to you.

Navigator Set
With the Navigator Set you are able to study, copy and create accurate maps that can make traveling easier for you or others.
You can also create travel estimates with dates and travel time, in addition to forecasting necessary rations for the same.

Content: A Navigator Set includes Maps, scales, map writing paper, compass, compass, sextant, rulers, inks, quills and route

The Mason Craft allows you to build the most diverse types of buildings of the most diverse complexities, from houses,
through palaces, castles, dungeons and even temporary shelters, such as improvising such shelter and protection in a cave. A
mason is capable of reinforcing and repairing buildings, as well as having knowledge of how to find flaws and vulnerabilities
in one.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Mason Craft is Intelligence.

Synergies: Using a Mason Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

● Arcana, History. Your knowledge of the Mason's Craft allows you to explain the origin of a construction from the
components used in it, as well as to make inferences about the era and the construction techniques used.
● Perception. You can identify irregularities in walls, floors or room dimensions, making it easier to find trapdoors
and secret passageways.
● Investigation. Your knowledge about the Mason Craft allows you to study a construction, finding its strong and
weak points as well as points of support.

Mason Set
With the Mason Set you are able to build buildings, improvise shelters and even increase their security.

Content: A Masonry Set includes trowel, hammer, chisel, brushes, saw, nails, axe, square, ruler, adze and chisel.

The Poisonist Craft allows you to create and identify the most varied types of poisons and antidotes, from simple and even
magical poisons and antidotes to complex and extremely dangerous formulas. Armed with this knowledge, you are able to
detect traces of poisoning more quickly and effectively, as well as being able to find unknown natural poisons almost

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Poisonist Craft is Intelligence.

Synergies: Using a Poisonist Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:
● History. Your knowledge of poisons can help you when trying to remember historical facts about infamous
● Investigation, Perception. Your knowledge of poisons allows you to handle these substances with due care, giving
you an advantage when inspecting poisoned objects or trying to extract clues from situations involving poison.
● Medicine. When you treat a poison victim, your knowledge gives you special insight into how best to care for a
● Nature, Survival. Working with poisons allows you to gain knowledge about which plants and animals are

Poisonist Set
With the Poisonist Set you are able to create, apply and study poisons of the most different types.

Content: Conteúdo: A Poisonist's Set includes glass vials, a mortar and pestle, chemicals, plants, roots and leaves, animal
materials, a glass rod and some bases for poison.

Minor Crafts
The Minor Crafts are called that because they have a smaller range of use, having few formulas in each of them.

Artist Craft allows you to design or create artistic works of all kinds. Cada vez que você escolhe esse Craft, você deve
escolher um entre os seguintes campos:

● Makeup Artist: You are able to do makeup and body painting of the most diverse types.
○ Set: Hair dyes, makeup, brushes, wigs and fillers.
● Painter: Allows you to create paintings on canvas or even murals and even stained glass.
○ Set: Paints, brushes, easel, canvas, solvent, charcoal, a palette and chemicals connected with
● Musician: With this field you know how to play an instrument, sing or compose music.
○ Set: A musical instrument, or music sheets, or ink and quill as well as paper.
● Tattoo Artist: Using your utensils, you are able to make tattoos.
○ Set: Paints, needle and a delicate hammer.
● Calligrapher: You are able to write beautiful texts, analyze writings and forgeries.
○ Set: A few bottles of ink, a dozen sheets of parchment, three quills.

The Craftworks Craft allows you to design or create handicrafts of the most varied types. Each time you choose this Craft,
you must choose one of the following fields:

● Carpenter: You are able to make the most diverse constructions in wood, from furniture, passing through
wagons and even houses.
○ Set: A saw, a hammer, nails, an ax, a square, a ruler, an adze, a plane and a chisel.
● Sculptor: Using the most different types of materials and sizes you are able to create reproductions of
things you have seen or imagined.
○ Set: Craft picks of various sizes, mortice chisel, spatulas, a dozen wooden and metal pegs, chisel.
● Scribe: You can write reports and copy texts from books, parchments and others.
○ Set: Ink, a dozen parchment sheets, three quills, leather binding and wood.
● Musical Instrumentator: You can create musical instruments.
○ Set: Planers, mortice chisel, half a dozen files, saw, ruler, a small hammer and rope.
● Potter: With this Craft you are able to create ceramic pots of the most diverse types.
○ Set: Some potter's needles, palettes, scrapers, a knife and tweezers.
● Glassmaker: Having access to raw materials and a heat source, you can create glasses, bottles, glass panels
and other glassware.
○ Set: A blow pipe, a small piece of marble, blocks and tweezers. You need a heat source to work the
The Player Craft gives you knowledge of the rules and regional variations of the most different types of games. Each time
you choose this Craft, you must choose one of the following fields:

● Tellstone: The game of Tellstone is known in all regions, although there are variations in the rules and in
the name assigned to the stones.
● Cards: There are numerous games that use cards from a deck, each time you choose this field, you can
choose up to two types of game.
● Chess: The game of Chess is an extremely strategic and patience-demanding game, comparable to a
battlefield by strategists of all kingdoms.

Player Set
Each Player Craft field's Set contains all the parts needed to play that specific game or game type, such as a full deck of
cards or a board and tokens.

The Collector's Craft allows you to collect material from the most different types of sources, also giving you knowledge of
how to process this material and even evaluate it. Each time you choose this Craft, you must choose one of the following

● Biologist: Do you know how to collect, catalog and process parts and organs of animals properly, allowing
them to be used for the most different purposes.
○ Set: Six small knives for different purposes, tweezers, a small hammer, a small pickaxe and two
glass jars with lids.
● Leatherworker: You know how to extract and process the leather of the most different types of animals, as
well as feathers so that they can be used later.
○ Set: A set of sharp knives with a sensitive edge, a small hammer, a sharpener, an awl, thread and
pieces of leather.
● Lumberjack: Your knowledge allows you to cut and process wood from the most different types of trees, in
addition to providing you with knowledge of their conditions.
○ Set: Three axes of different sizes, whetstone, rope and a saw.
● Miner: With the Miner Craft, you are able to extract the most different types of ores, going through
precious stones, among other possibilities.
○ Set: Three pickaxes of different sizes, sieves, case with chemicals for ore validation, two pans and
two shovels of different sizes.

By default, Heritages no longer grant attribute points, however some had characteristics linked to the attribute that was
chosen by it, so below are those Heritages already with their changes.

General heritages can be chosen with either Origin Heritage points or Region Heritage points.

Altered Heritages
The following Heritages were modified.

All Heritages: Heritages no longer grant attribute points.

You are efficient with both hands, without dominance between them. You receive the following benefits:

● You can draw two weapons at once.

● You gain one degree of Two-Weapon Fighting
● All of your hands are considered skilled, so you have no disadvantage to perform any kind of action that is related to
using a different hand.
Fluid Soul
Prerequisite: Ocean Half-Dragon

You have a natural harmony with spiritual fluids. You receive the following benefits:

● You receive 1 Ki point for every 5 character levels you have.

● Using a bonus action and spending 1 Ki point, you can increase your AC by +1 or add your Wisdom modifier to the
damage of your melee attacks. The chosen bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Antroplantae

An elder of an ancient species, you have wandered the world for centuries or seen many living souls pass you by, with time
you have become tougher, both mentally and physically. You receive the following benefits:

● You can use the druidcraft cantrip without using any verbal, somatic or material components. You can use this
cantrip this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You can use the resistance cantrip on yourself without using any verbal, somatic or material components. You can
use this cantrip this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Flora.

Fruit Shrub
Prerequisite: Antroplantae

Como as mais diversas plantas frutíferas você pode prover um doce sabor aos seus aliados. You receive the following

● You can use the goodberry spell without spending mana points nor using any verbal, somatic or material
components. You can use this spell this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest..
● You gain access to the Mystery of Flora.

Frost Weaponry
Prerequisite: Glacial Half-Dragon

You are able to solidify air into the form of a weapon that, while in contact with you, remains as solid as a regular weapon.
You receive the following benefits:

● Using a bonus action, you can create an ice weapon in your hands, the weapon created has the appearance of a
weapon you have proficiency with, which also defines the weapon's damage type. This weapon deals 1d6 damage,
increasing to 1d8 at level 6, 1d10 at level 12, and 2d6 at level 18. If you let go of the weapon, it melts instantly. You
can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.

Floral Arsenal
Prerequisite: Antroplantae

Some plants have their thorns, but you have them all. You receive the following benefits:

● You can produce tough spikes capable of being used as a weapon. You have proficiency with these spikes, they deal
1d4 piercing damage and have the properties: light, finesse and thrown (10-20 feet). You can create a number of
spikes equal to twice your Proficiency bonus per full rest. Creatures other than you have disadvantage on attack
rolls with these spikes. Spikes created this way become dry and brittle after 24 hours, becoming unusable..
● You gain access to the Mystery of Flora.

Alpha Authority
Prerequisite: Noxian

You are imbued with the Noxian values, with them closely tied to your being. You receive the following benefits:
● You gain proficiency in either Intimidation or Persuasion, if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you
gain expertise with the chosen skill..
● If a creature makes a successful attack against you, you have advantage on melee weapon attack rolls against that
creature until the end of your next turn. You can use this ability in this way a number of times equal to your
Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Fair Authority
Prerequisite: Piltovan

You have the necessary tools for law enforcement. You receive the following benefits:

● As long as you are wearing fine clothing, you have advantage on Persuasion and Intimidation checks.
● You learn the thaumaturgy cantrip without using any verbal, somatic or material components. You can use this
cantrip this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.

Fortune’s Blessing
Prerequisite: Bilgewater

Your people have extraordinary luck, which you have learned to mystically lend to your companions when you see them
falter. You're not sure how to do it; you just wish, and it happens. Surely a sign of fortune's favor!

● When you or an ally you can see within 30 feet of you roll a natural 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, attribute check or
saving throw, you can use your reaction to allow the target to reroll the dice. The target must use the new result. You
can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Rakkor Blessing
Prerequisite: Targonian

Your inner fury burns relentlessly. You receive the following benefits:

● When you hit with an attack using a simple or martial melee weapon, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice
an additional time and add the result to the roll. The damage type is the same as the weapon's original type. You can
use this ability a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● Immediately after using this Heritage's ability, you can use your reaction to make an additional melee weapon

Prerequisite: Fuzzy Yordle

You have a little more fur than other Yordles, whether it's pretty and showy or shaggy depends on your care, but it manages
to get you out of a lot of trouble, you get the following benefits:

● While Grappled, you can use your reaction to take 1 point of damage and escape. You can do this a number of times
equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● When hit by a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to make the attack count as a miss. You can do this a
number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Sand Castle
Prerequisite: Sand Troll

You may not be as big as your icy cousins, but you've got a few tricks up your sleeve, you receive the following benefits:

● You learn the enlarge/reduce spell, being able to cast it in its “Enlarge” version without spending mana points. You
can cast this spell this way a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● While under the Enlarge effect from an Enlarge/Reduce spell cast by you through this Heritage, when you are hit by
an attack, you can use your reaction to undo the spell and cause the attack to be considered a miss.
Magic Spark
Prerequisite: Spellcasting

Magic bloomed in you at a young age, and it's up to you whether to explore that ability or not. You receive the following

● You gain access to two Mysteries of your choice. Choose one from a Celestial, Primary Elemental or Spiritual
● You gain a 1st-level spell of your choice from one of the two chosen mysteries. This spell can be used without
expending mana a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Ionian Magical TalentIonian Magic Spark

Prerequisite: Spellcasting

You gain a greater sense of the natural magic that runs throughout Ionia through the flow of spirits, learning to partially
control the spirit magic of the place to your advantage. You receive the following benefits:

● You can cast the druidcraft and guidance cantrips. You can cast each of these cantrips a number of times equal to
your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to one Spiritual Mystery of your choice.

marai Spellcaster Marai Magic Spark

Prerequisite: Marai

You have learned to adapt both on the surface and in the depths. You receive the following benefits:

● You learn the create or destroy water spell, which you can cast with no mana points. You can cast this spell a number
of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Water.


Your strategic vision is privileged and this can be taken advantage of by you and your allies. You receive the following

● You gain proficiency in Intimidation or Persuasion, and if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain
expertise with it.
● You can use your Strength modifier instead of Charisma when using the Intimidation skill.
● Using your bonus action, you can grant allies who can see or hear you a Morale bonus on their attack rolls equal to
your Proficiency bonus for the next minute. The bonus on attack rolls does not stack. You can use this ability a
number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Poisonous Knowledge
Prerequisite: Jungle Troll

Jungle Trolls excel when dedicating themselves to Poisons, you receive the following benefits:

● You gain access to the Elemental Mystery of Poison.

● You gain access to the poison spray cantrip, this cantrip is cast using your spellcasting or Constitution attribute,
whichever is higher. Você pode conjurar este truque a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You receive the Poisonist Craft.

Support Caster
Prerequisite: Marai and spellcasting ability

You always prepare for the next danger you might encounter. You receive the following benefits:

● When you choose this Heritage, it allows you to cast two spells at once with a single action, with the maximum spell
levels that can be used. Both spells must have a casting time of 1 Action, have a duration of Instant and at least one
spell must hit an allied creature dealing no damage to it. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half
your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Ethermancy.

Summon Aid
Prerequisite: Sepllcasting ability

For some reason you probably don't even know, a creature takes a liking to you, coming to your aid when needed. You
receive the following benefits:

● You learn the find familiar spell, which you can cast as a Cantrip a number of times equal to half your Proficiency
bonus per full rest.
● If you are able to cast spells of higher levels, that spell's mana cost is reduced by an amount equal to half your
Proficiency bonus (this cost cannot be reduced to 0).

Lightweight Body
Prerequisite: Nimble Construct

The materials employed in your body have a particular resonance that allows you supernatural agility, you receive the
following benefits:

● When hit by a melee attack, after knowing the damage dealt by it, you can choose to use your reaction to have the
attack count as a miss instead of a hit. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full

Blessed Healer

In your blood runs an innate talent for healing the illnesses that afflict the world. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency in Medicine, if you already have it you gain specialty.
● You learn the healing word spell you can cast it without expending mana points a number of times equal to half your
Proficiency bonus per full rest. This spell's healing value is 1d4 + your Proficiency bonus.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Water

Combat Distraction

Whether it's because you have a very dirty mouth or because you're a real provocateur, you know how to act to distract your
opponents. You receive the following benefits:

● When a creature that can see or hear you makes an attack, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that
creature's attack. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Prerequisite: Clouds Half-Dragon

The winds seem to recover your inner energy, as if each renewed breath provided you additional strength. You receive the
following benefits:

● When targeted by a spell or effect that restores hit points equal to or greater than your maximum Hit Dice, you can
use your reaction to regain half your Proficiency bonus in mana points. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to twice your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You can use the wind fan cantrip without using any verbal, somatic, or material components. You can use this
cantrip a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest. Your spellcasting attribute for this
cantrip is Constitution.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Wind.

Prerequisite: Envoy Construct
Your energy source generates an electrical pulse every round that quickly dissipates, you are able to use this pulse for some

● Attack Pulse. Using this pulse, you can add 1d4 lightning damage to one of your unarmed or melee weapon attacks
per turn, as long as the weapon is made of metal. This bonus increases to 1d8 at level 5, 1d10 at level 13, and 2d6 at
level 17.
● Defense Pulse. You can use this pulse as a bonus action to create a shield of temporary hit points that lasts until the
start of your next turn. You roll the damage dice and add the value as temporary hit points that last until the start of
your next turn or until they are consumed, whichever comes first.

Sulfur, Saltpeter and Charcoal

Perhaps you were born in Bilgewater and touched your first firearm as a child or perhaps you are from Zaun and using them
was necessary for your survival, no matter the reason, you were exposed to firearms at an early age. and this gave you a better
understanding of these “fire-spitters”. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with one firearm of your choice.

● You are able to unjam a firearm you are proficient with using a bonus action.
● You are able to prevent your weapon from jamming a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Spirit of Steel
Prerequisite: Minotaur or Construct

Your resistance is much higher than others, interestingly, when you’re wearing glasses, your friends have a hard time
recognizing you. You receive the following benefits:

● When an attack roll made against you scores a critical hit, you can use your reaction to negate the critical hit,
causing the attack to be treated as a normal hit. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your
Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Intoxicating Spores
Prerequisite: Antroplantae

You can create a pheromone in your body able to stun the senses of creatures near you. You receive the following benefits:

● Using your action, you spread these spores throughout your body, creatures within 5 feet of you must make a
Constitution saving throw DC 8 + proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. On a failure, the creature is Stunned
for the next minute, being able to repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns at disadvantage, while on a
success it is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half
your proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Poison.

Ethyl Essence

The ability to ingest alcohol is common to most creatures. What divides them is their tolerance for this intake. Perhaps
because it's a common trait in your family or a developed habit, you not only have a great capacity to ingest alcoholic
beverages, but they also cause little or no intoxication in you, leaving only a pleasant and energizing effect. You gain the
following benefits:

● Resistance: Immunity to the Intoxicated condition from drinking alcohol and advantage on saving throws to resist
the Intoxicated condition.
● Living Water: You can regain hit points equal to your Hit Dice + your Proficiency bonus per short rest by consuming
a liter of an alcoholic drink.
● Sip: Using a bonus action you can down a sip (approximately 200 ml) of your drink, you add half your Proficiency
bonus to the damage of your unarmed strikes until the start of your next turn.
● Fuel: You can carry a container with an amount of liters equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of 0) without it
affecting your carrying capacity limit.
Weapon Scholar Exotic

You are interested in the most diverse types of weapons, having known some type of weapon not common in your region
and becoming skilled with it. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency in one regional weapon of your choice.

● You know the formula for this weapon, it doesn't count towards the maximum formulas you have.
● Add half of your Proficiency bonus to the required Craft levels when crafting this weapon.

Successful Experiment
Prerequisite: Zaunite

Not all of Zaun’s experiments are unsuccessful, you are an example of that, you receive the following benefits:

● You choose one perk from the Variant Heritage Technological Progression.
● If you take damage, you can use your action or reaction to recover one Hit Dice. You can do this a number of times
equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Prerequisite: Yordle

You are a curious Yordle interested in the cultures of the material realm. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency in History if you already have it, you gain expertise with that skill.
● You learn one additional language of your choice from the Common Languages table in Chapter 4: Detailing.
● You learn the repair cantrip. You can cast this cantrip a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full

Son of the Darkness

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? But you merely adopted the dark, I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light
until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!". You receive the following benefits:

● When you miss an attack within a dim or dark area, you can use your reaction to take the Hide action.
● You learn the darkness spell, which you can cast without spending mana points. You can cast this spell a number of
times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest. You can see normally in the area of darkness cast by this feature
or by you.
● Choose one from of these Mysteries to gain access: Darkness or Umbramancy

Feline's Grace
Prerequisite: Kiilash

Your incredible reflexes and stealth agility have improved. You receive the following benefits:

● You don't take the first 10 + (5 X your proficiency bonus) feet of fall damage unless you're incapacitated.
● If you are stealthy, you can move from one cover to another without losing your stealth, as long as you end your
move inside another cover.
● The damage of your natural weapons increases by one category.


Your movements and gait have a unique and natural grace. You receive the following benefits:

● You can take the Dodge action using a bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You have proficiency in Charisma Saving Throws, if you already have proficiency you gain specialty with this saving

Primal Warrior
Your instincts are extremely outcropped, either by your aggressiveness in combat that is similar to that of a predator or by
the familiarity you have with mindless creatures. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Intimidation, Animal Handling, Nature or Survival, if you already
have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain specialty with it.
● As long as you are not wearing armor, your AC becomes 10 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). If you
receive the unarmored defense trait from any source, you ignore this Heritage’s ability.
● When you hit a creature that hasn't already taken damage this round with a melee attack, you deal 1d4 + your
proficiency bonus extra damage.


Do you know how to do a little of everything, but are bad at everything? Your problems are over! You gain the following

● You gain proficiency in up to 3 skills and Crafts of your choice.

Runic Hyperactivity

Natural runic energy runs through your body more easily than other people. You receive the following benefits:

● You have a number of Hyperactivity charges equal to half your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest. You can use one of
these charges to use one of your Runes without expending a use of it.
● You may reroll your Runic Pulse during a Full Rest. You must keep the new result.
● Whenever you are wearing light or no armor, you take 1 DR/true damage.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Runomancy


Prerequisite: Alnuk Minotaur

Anyone who is sheltered by an Alnuk can categorically state that they are the most hospitable creatures in all of Runeterra.,
You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with the Cook's Craft

● When using your Cook Craft to prepare a meal, the natural “20” result is also achieved with a 19.
● You gain the goodberry spell and can use it without expending mana points a number of times equal to your
Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Secret’s Thief
Prerequisite: Zaunite

Your genius mind is superior to others. You receive the following benefits:

● You learn the message and vicious mockery cantrips and can use them without verbal, somatic or material
components. You can use these cantrips in this manner a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full
rest. Your spellcasting attribute for these spells is your normal spellcasting attribute or Charisma, whichever is


“Violence is elegance”. You receive the following benefits:

● When you score a critical hit with a weapon of slashing damage, you can make a new attack against the same target,
this effect can only be used once per round.

Evasive Fighter

You are adept at the most advanced and refined art of combat: Cut and run! You receive the following benefits:
● When a creature comes within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to move 10 feet in any direction. Moving in
this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
● When you fail a Dexterity or Wisdom saving throw, you may reroll the roll. You can use this ability a number of
times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Forest Magic

You can tune into the energies of nature and forests. You receive the following benefits:

● You learn the constrict spell, and you can cast it without spending mana points.. You can cast this spell a number of
times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Flora element and the spell list of that Elemental Mystery.

Natural Medicine
Prerequisite: Ionian

Everything has its rhythm, harmony and flow, you have learned to read the vital signs of creatures and are able to help their
afflictions. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain the cure wounds spell, which you can cast without expending mana points at a level equal to your
proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain proficiency in Medicine, if you already have it, you gain specialty.

Deep Meditation

You are used to keeping your mind calm and your body relaxed. You receive the following benefits:

● During a Short Rest, you can expend a number of additional Hit Dice equal to half your Proficiency bonus.
● Choose one of the Mysteries to gain access: Enchantment, Illusion or Oneiromancy

Master Artisan

"I made this hammer. It was so good I named it... Hammer.” You gain the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with a Craft of your choice and you also gain Specialty with it.
● You receive 1GP/day bonus for item creating using the Craft chosen by this Heritage.

Rigid Skin

Your thick skin is capable of unbelievable feats. This Heritage can be chosen only once. You receive the following benefits:

● Choose a damage type from Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning, you become resistant to it. If you already have
resistance, or receives it, you becomes immune to this damage.

Prerequisite: Vastaya or Human

Your ability to perceive the world around you is beyond what most can imagine. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain half your Proficiency bonus to your Passive Perception.

● When making a Perception check, you can choose to reroll the roll, accepting the new result. You can use this
Heritage after viewing the result, but before the Master determines whether or not the roll in question was
successful. You can perform this a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You have blindvision with a 10 feet of reach. Within this range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind
full cover, even if you're Blinded or in darkness. In addition, you can notice Invisible creatures within this range,
unless the creature is stealthed.

Adaptive Persistence

Your physical and mental toughness can be irritating to those around you. You receive the following benefits:
● When you perform Death Saving Throws, you have one guaranteed success.
● With a reaction, you can choose to gain resistance to the first attack you receive in combat (except for true damage).
You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Power from Healing

Prerequisite: Ottrani

You have learned to better control your Sho'ma so that, when it is induced by external sources to speed up your healing
process, you will receive a temporary improvement in your physique. You receive the following benefits:

● While in combat, upon receiving healing from any source, you can cause your next melee attack to have advantage
and if you hit you can add your proficiency bonus to the damage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to
your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● Choose one of these Mysteries to gain access to: Ethermancy or Water

Incandescent Gift
Prerequisite: Infernal Half-Dragon

The flames within you are manifested through your hands, you receive the following benefits:

● You gain access to one of the following elements: Fire, Infernal or Magma. You gain access to the spell list of the
chosen Elemental Mystery.
● When you deal fire or incinerating damage to a target, you heal 1 hit point for each dice rolled.


Agility has never been an issue for you, your ability to deflect attacks with your bare hands and your speed of reaction is
something to impress even a Noxian general. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with Sleight of Hand. If you already have it, you gain specialization.
● When you receive a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against the creature that hit you
or take the Disarm action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Dream Proficiency
Prerequisite: Fauhwoon

With a deep connection to the magic of dreams, you've learned to... force them on others. You receive the following benefits:

● You learn the sleep spell, which you can cast without expending mana points a number of times equal to half your
Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Oneiromancy

Ice Breaker
Prerequisite: Freljordan

You were born in an inhospitable region with no adaptive advantage, but you managed to find ways to compensate for that
fact, you receive the following benefits:

● When taking cold or glacial damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to
twice your Proficiency bonus. You can only use this ability once per round, a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain proficiency in Survival, if you already have it, you gain specialty.
● You gain advantage on saving throws and checks related to an arctic environment.

Adaptive Resilience

Used to the most diverse situations, you were forced to create versatility to protect yourself. When you choose this Heritage
you must choose between swiftness or stiffness, receiving one of the two benefits:
● Swiftness. Instead of adding your Constitution modifier to your Hit Points, you can use half your Dexterity modifier.
● Stiffness. Instead of adding your Dexterity modifier to your AC (within the established limits) add half of your
Constitution modifier.

Rough Rock
Prerequisite: Mountain Half-Dragon

Your appearance is even more rocky, causing you to carry even more Attributes from your draconic Heritage. You receive
the following benefits:

● Your unarmed or natural weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage, this damage increases to 1d6 at level 6, 1d8
at level 12, and 1d10 at level 18.
● When attacking a target with an unarmed strike or a natural weapon, you can force it to make a Constitution saving
throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. On a failure, the target is Feeble until the start
of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Prerequisite: Fauhwoon

"Now I just have to wait for my confidence to regrow". You receive the following benefits:

● You learn the bless spell, which you can cast without expending spell slots. You can cast this spell a number of times
equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Arcane Blood
Prerequisite: Spellcasting

The blood of mages from the past runs through your veins, creating a special bond with magic. You receive the following

● You can add double your Proficiency bonus to the damage of your spells that hit only one target once.
● You can add your Proficiency bonus to the damage of your spells that hit a target more than once or that hit
multiple targets.
● You gain access to one Mystery of your choice which you have access to.

Buhru Blood
Prerequisite: Bilgewater

You are not a Buhru, but you are not a Paylangi either. Perhaps your mother is Buhru, perhaps your father or perhaps even a
distant grandfather. This connection brings you some curious things, you receive the following benefits:

● You get the sacred flame cantrip, you can cast this cantrip without any components a number of times equal to your
Proficiency bonus per full rest using your spellcasting attribute or Wisdom, whichever is greater.
● You can sense the presence of creatures that interrupt the flow of life within 5 times half your Proficiency bonus
feet of you. Your Proficiency bonus is added to calculate whether you are surprised by undead and spirits.

Prerequisite: Minotaur

Your horns are stronger than those of other Minotaurs. You receive the following benefits:

● When you use the Dash action and make a melee attack against a creature after moving at least 20 feet, if the
creature is hit, it must make a Strength saving throw of DC 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On
a failure, the creature becomes prone. Creatures that are two size categories larger than you automatically succeed
at this saving throw.
● Attacks with your horn have their damage increased by one category.

Leaf’s Shadow
Prerequisite: Floral

You learn the magic of the primitive forests, which are revered and protected by your people. You receive the following

● You learn the pass without a trace spell, and you can cast it without expending spell slots a number of times equal to
half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Mystery of Umbramancy.

Precocious Breath
Prerequisite: Half-Dragon

Possessing a growth rate even greater than that of many dragons, your body ended up developing prematurely. You receive
the following benefits:

● While you don't gain access to your breath weapon, you are able to wield a smaller version of your origin at an early
age. It deals 2d4 damage and can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
● Upon gaining access to your breath weapon, it gains a +2 bonus to its DC, its number of uses becomes one and a
half times your Proficiency bonus, and it deals an additional 1d6 damage, upon reaching level 10 this bonus
becomes 2d6, at the 15th level it increases to 3d6, and again increases to 4d6 at the 19th level.


You are too focused on your ideas, hardly changing your mind. You receive the following benefits:

● You have advantage on saving throws to resist the Frightened or Charmed conditions.
● When a creature tries to read your mind through magical means, you immediately know what's going on and you
have advantage on Saving Throws to resist the spell, though you have no clue who is doing it if you can't see the
person. On a successful Saving Throw, you can show a false thought or memory to the creature trying to read your

Fey Teleport
Prerequisite: Yordle

Your study of combat has unlocked a fey power that only a few yordles possess. You receive the following benefits:

● You learn to speak Silvan.

● You learn the misty step spell and can cast it a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest using
your spellcasting attribute or Charisma, whichever is greater.

Prerequisite: Ixtali

Being born and living in a region with a deep connection to mana gives you a greater understanding of it, you receive the
following benefits:

● You gain proficiency in Arcana, if you already have it, you gain specialty.
● By choosing this Heritage you become able to use mana more accurately. You can reduce a spell's mana cost by an
amount equal to your Spellcasting attribute modifier (not reduced to 0) a number of times equal to your Proficiency
bonus per full rest.
● When using any resource that recovers mana, you can recover 1 Hit Dice.

Tide’s Trick
Prerequisite: Aquatic Yordle

You know how to benefit from the teachings of the tide, you receive the following benefits:

● You gain access to the water jet spell, which you can cast as a 2nd-level spell without expending mana points. You
can cast this spell a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
● You gain access to the Water element and the spell list of that Elemental Mystery.

Value of the Protector

Prerequisite: Demacian

You have an extremely powerful sense of justice that shapes your actions no matter who it hurts, justice must always prevail,
you receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency in Investigation, if you already have it, you gain specialty.
● You have advantage on checks to detect lies.
● Your first attack against a target who has committed injustice has advantage. The critical range of all your attacks
against this creature is reduced by 1 as long as it has not settled with justice.
● When you knowingly do something wrong or when you discover that your act was wrong, you must make a Wisdom
saving throw whose DC is set by the Master. On a failure, you gain disadvantage on all your rolls for 24 hours.

Stellar Contemplation
Prerequisite: Aelus Minotaur

You have a special fondness for gazing at the stars through the wisdom of your ancestors., you receive the following

● You gain access to a Mystery, choose between Divination and Oneiromancy.

● You gain a 1st-level spell from the Mystery of Divination or Oneiromancy, you can cast this spell as a 1st-level spell
without expending mana points a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest using your
conjuration attribute or Wisdom, whichever is greater.

Removed Heritages
The Heritages below have been removed:

● Warmog’s Bless: Became part of the origin features.

● Enhanced Form: Sho'ma was off the curve.
● Exotic Fighter: The old Exotic Heritage was remodeled causing this one to be removed.
● Regional Weapon Master: The old Exotic Heritage was remodeled causing this one to be removed.
● Sun and Moon: Heritage removed.

New Origin Heritages

New Origin-based Heritages

Inspire Allies
Prerequisite: Human

You have great deeds in your mind, being able to broaden your inspiration and even extend it to allies. You receive the
following benefits:

● Your amount of Inspiration dice becomes your Proficiency bonus instead of just half.
● As a bonus action, you can use your Inspiration to inspire an ally who is within 30 feet of you and can hear you. For
the next 10 minutes, that ally can use this dice once. The ally can roll this dice and add the result to any attribute
check, saving throw or attack roll it makes for the duration. He can roll the d20 before deciding whether to use the
Inspiration dice, but must decide before the Master says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Inspiration
dice has been rolled, it has been spent. A creature can gain only one Inspiration dice at a time.

Prerequisite: Antroplantae

The density of your body is greater than normal, causing you to have different characteristics. You receive the following

● You gain resistance to bludgeoning attacks.

● All of your unarmed attacks or those made by natural weapons have their damage category increased by 1.
● Using an action, you can root yourself in the heat of battle, if the ground allows it. When you do, your speed drops
to 0, but you become immune to knockdowns and forced movement. You can uproot yourself as a bonus action.

Accelerated Flowering
Prerequisite: Antroplantae

The floral power of your body is extremely active, allowing impressive feats with your body. You receive the following

● During sunlight, you regain 1 hit point every 10 - your Proficiency bonus minutes inutes.
● During a full rest, you are able to regrow a lost limb.

Pneumatic Force
Prerequisite: Construct

Your body has reinforced gears that can be leveraged for more powerful moves. You receive the following benefits:

● Using your movement action, you forego moving during your turn to amplify your first melee attack. The damage of
your first attack this turn has your Strength modifier doubled (minimum of 0). You can use this ability a number of
times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest. Upon reaching 7th level, instead of giving up your movement, it
is just halved, and upon reaching 10th level, the Strength modifier is doubled for all melee attacks made that turn.
● Your Strength modifier added to your melee attack damage is affected by your critical strike multiplier.

Escape Voltage
Prerequisite: Construct

Your core emits more energy than your body needs to function, with this residual energy being expelled in your attacks.
You receive the following benefits:

● A number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest, you can add 1d4 lightning damage to one of your
unarmed or melee weapon attacks, as long as they are made of metal. This bonus increases to 1d8 at level 6, 1d10 at
level 12 and 2d8 at level 18.

Elemental Essence
Prerequisite: Half-Dragon

Your elemental heritage emanates with greater power linking you to your draconic
heritage. You receive the following benefits:

● A number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest, when you deal
damage of the same type as your breath weapon, you may cause that damage to
increase by one category.
● You gain the element based on your half-dragon elemental type.
● You gain a cantrip from a mystery based on your half-dragon elemental type. Your
Spellcasting attribute for this spell is Constitution or your Spellcasting attribute, if you are a spellcaster (whichever
is higher). You can use this cantrip a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Glacial Constitution
Prerequisite: Glacial Half-Dragon

Your elemental constitution is similar to that of the so-called Iceborn, you are able to touch true ice having greater
resistance to its harmful effects. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain resistance to freezing weather and ignore levels of exhaustion caused by prolonged exposure to freezing
● When taking damage from an attack made by a True Ice weapon, you make your Saving throw with Advantage and
use double your Proficiency bonus instead of the simple bonus.
● When touching True Ice while wielding an object made of this material, you must make a DC 25 Constitution Save,
on a success, you can ignore the freezing property for a number of rounds equal to twice your Proficiency bonus. At
the end of these turns, you must make a new saving throw. On a failure, you take 1d4 unsoakable damage and
automatically drop the item.

Vengeful Attack
Prerequisite: Infernal Half-Dragon

The essence of the flames that burn within you is channeled into your actions. You receive the following benefits:

● When you take damage from a creature within 10 times your proficiency bonus in feet from you, you can use your
reaction to make a melee or ranged attack against that creature. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus per full rest.
● When you inflict the Scorched condition on a target, you add your proficiency bonus to the damage dealt.

Mountainous Constitution
Prerequisite: Mountain Half-Dragon

Your solidity is a clear manifestation of your mountainous elemental essence. You receive the following benefits:

● You permanently add half your proficiency bonus to your hit points for each character level you have. At level 1 you
will have +1 life, at level 10 you will have +12 and so on. Additionally, when transforming into your Draconic Form
you add your Proficiency bonus instead of just half per level.

Amphibious Constitution
Prerequisite: Ocean Half-Dragon

The elemental essence of the Ocean grants you adaptation to the waters, as well as providing you with a healing force. You
receive the following benefits:

● You gain 35 feet of swimming speed and can breathe both air and water. Additionally, you are unaffected by difficult
terrain related to water.
● You can use a bonus action to regain your Pulse dice + your character level in hit points a number of times equal to
half your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Cloud's Lightness
Prerequisite: Clouds Half-Dragon

Your body has the lightness of the clouds. You receive the following benefits:

● As long as you are not Incapacitated, you can hold your breath indefinitely.
● You have advantages in Saving throws against poisons and substances that act through breathing.
● You are always under the effect of the feather fall spell.

Combat Brutality
Prerequisite: Minotaur

You can channel the most primal brutality of the Minotaurs. You receive the following benefits:

● When making a melee attack, you can make one attack with your Horns using your bonus action, you can demand
that the target of this attack, who must be within 5 feet of you and at most one size category above you, make a
Strength saving throw of DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failed save, the target is
knocked prone and pushed 5 feet from you. If the creature is a size category above yours, it has advantage on the
saving throw. You can perform this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.
● When using a Dash action, you can move four times your speed instead of two, and you can additionally make one
attack with your Horns as a bonus action. If you move at least 30 feet in a straight line before hitting a target, your
Horns' damage dice are doubled.
Superior Savagery
Prerequisite: Troll

Trolls are usually savage and dumb, but you have extra an cunning, and you can use it to become even more savage. You
receive the following benefits:

● If an enemy you damaged dies in the same round, you can use your bonus action to move 20 feet toward the next
enemy and make a melee attack against that target. If there are no more enemies, you will not be able to use this

● You can add your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher) to the damage of your melee attacks. When
you score a critical hit with a melee attack, you can increase your damage dice multiplier by 1. You can do this a
number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Savage Adaptation
Prerequisite: Troll

The regenerative ability of Trolls is legendary in itself, in you it creates additional effects on your skin scarred by so many
blows. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain DR equal to your Proficiency bonus/acid and fire damage.

● Your skin acquires a more efficient tone to hide in your environment. When in your region, you gain proficiency
with Stealth, if you already have it, you gain expertise, and if you already have expertise, you make those rolls with

Predatory Force
Prerequisite: Troll

Your body's ability to adapt to the environment grants you the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency in Survival, if you already have it, you gain specialty. You can find food in nearly impossible
places (although that food might not suit non-Trolls).
● His eyes adapted amazingly to the dark. You see in dim light up to 60 feet as if it were bright light and in the dark as
if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.

Sho’Ma Form
Prerequisite: Vastaya

Exploring your spiritual capabilities, you became able to change your form
into some forms connected to your tribe. You receive the following benefits:

● You can choose a form of Sho'Ma linked to your tribe, you can
transform into that form a number of times equal to your Proficiency
bonus per Full Rest.

This Heritage can be acquired more than once, choosing a new tribe form
each time.


Although the Vastaya are shapeshifting in nature, not all develop this ability. When acquiring Heritage Forms of Sho'Ma,
you can choose one of the forms linked to your tribe.

Human. The Human form hides most of the Vastaya traits, allowing a Vastaya to pass for a Human normally.

Feral. In feral form, the Vastaya approaches the animals bound to its tribe as an anthropomorphic hybrid, usually wielding
natural weapons or abilities of that beast but still being able to use spells and wield weapons.
Animal. Animal form, on the other hand, is a form that to the common eye is indistinguishable from other animals of the
same species (some tribes have more than one animal form), not being able to cast spells or hold weapons (except Shimon's
Kong form who is capable of using weapons normally).

Regions of Magic. As Vastaya are deeply connected to magic, the region's magic level affects the difficulty of a Vastaya
changing its form.

Transformation. You can use your Transformation origin feature to assume a form that you obtained through Heritage
Forms of Sho'Ma. These forms require you to use an action and make a Transformation roll. On a success, you assume that
form. Keeping the form active in combat can be difficult, each time you take damage you must make a Constitution saving
throw whose DC is 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is greater, on a success you retain the form normally, if it fails,
you must expend a use of Transformation or revert to your original form.

Forms of Sho’Ma

Tribe Form Characteristics FOR DES

Fauhwoon Ibex You become a four-legged, ibex-like creature, increasing your size by one category; Your walking +2 +4
speed becomes 50 feet; Your Horned attack now deals 2d8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength modifier instead of 1d8.

Fauhwoon Feral Ibex Its horns become even more curved, fur spreads across your body, and the musculature of your
legs is strengthened. Its horns now deal 2d8 instead of 1d8. Additionally, your walking speed
increases to 40 feet and your long jump has double the range.

Kiilash Saber Toothed You increase your size by 30 cm; Your base speed becomes 50 feet.; Your Bite attack now deals +4 +4
3d4 instead of 2d4 and your Claws attack now deals 2d6 instead of 1d6 and both attacks deal 1d4

Kiilash Feral Saber Your claws become more protruding. Your Claws attack now deals 2d6 instead of 1d6 and your
Bite and Claws deal 1d4 Bleeding

Lhotlan Rapine You have a flying speed of 40 feet; You gain a Beak attack that deals 2d4 + your Strength +2 +4
modifier of piercing damage and an attack with Claws that deal 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier of
slashing damage.

Lhotlan Vulpine Your base speed becomes 60 feet; You gain an attack with Claws that deals 3d6 + your Dexterity +3 +3
modifier of slashing damage and a Bite attack that deals 3d4 + your Strength modifier of
piercing damage.

Lhotlan Feral Rapine Your feet have powerful claws that can be used to increase the damage of your kick. You have
proficiency in unarmed attacks using your claws. They are considered light weapons and deal
1d6 of slashing damage in addition to the kick's damage. In addition, you have a pointed beak
that deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier of piercing damage and you gain a feather-covered
patagia in the space between your arms and your waist that gives you a glide speed for 15 feet.

Lhotlan Feral Vulpine Your hands come to have claws and your hearing becomes better than normal. You have
advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing, and you can't be surprised in combat
(unless someone has used the silence spell). Its claws deal 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier of
slashing damage.

Marai Selachian You now have shark-like fangs, your bite now deals 2d6 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength +4 +2

Marai Siren Your size is equal to that of your natural form; Your speed on water becomes 60 feet; Your Sonar +2 +4
can be used as an attack, dealing 1d6 thunder damage in a 20-foot cone.

Marai Feral Selachian You gain shark-like fangs. Using an action, you can bite an opponent up to 5 feet from you,
dealing 1d8 piercing damage.

Marai Feral Siren You gain fangs similar to a moray eel. Using an action, you can bite an opponent up to 5 feet
away for 1d4 piercing damage. Additionally, your Sonar can be used as an attack, dealing 1d6
thunder damage in a 20-foot cone.

Oovi’Kat Chameleon You can make tail attacks at creatures within 10 feet of you, dealing 1d8 + your Strength (or +2 +4
Dexterity) modifier bludgeoning damage, and you can use your action to hide your own presence
by the invisibility spell for a number of turns equal to half your proficiency bonus.

Oovi’Kat Feral Chameleon While in this form, you can use your action to conceal your own presence by the invisibility spell
for a number of turns equal to your proficiency bonus.

Ottrani Goat You become a four-legged, ram-like creature, increasing your size by one category; Your +3 +3
climbing speed becomes 50 feet; Your Horned attack now deals 1d8 instead of 1d4.

Ottrani Feral Goat You can assume a war form that gives you an appearance with more fur and a muzzle, having
even more powerful legs and horns. Your horns now deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4.
Additionally, your climbing speed increases to 40 feet, and your high and long jump have double
the range.

Shimon Kong Your size increases by 30 cm; You gain a Bite attack that deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier +4 +2
piercing damage.

Shimon Feral Simian You can assume a war form that gives you +1 Strength for the duration and allows you to use
your tail to carry objects that weigh no more than 20 kg and you can use a bonus action to have
your tail try to trip a creature. It must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, the target is knocked Prone.

Sea Style
Prerequisite: Vastaya - Marai

The Marai's form of combat involves an extraordinary use of agility and their slippery skin. You receive the following

● You gain proficiency in using the net, spear and trident.

● Spear and trident critical range decreases by 1 and critical multiplier increases by 1.
● You make saving throws against Grappled or Restrained conditions with advantage.

Simian Skill
Prerequisite: Vastaya - Shimon

The Shimon's agility is already noteworthy, but you managed to develop it even further. You receive the following benefits:

● You gain proficiency with the Athletics skill. If you already have it, you receive a specialty with it. When climbing,
you can use your full walking speed instead of half and, when you make an Athletics check to climb, you add twice
your proficiency bonus.
● When you take damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d6 + your Proficiency bonus. You can
use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per Full Rest. That dice increases to 1d8 at level 7, 1d10
at level 13, and 1d12 at level 19.

Dream Affinity
Prerequisite: Vastaya - Ottrani

Ottrani possuem grande relação com os sonhos e a magia Onírica, você conseguiu ampliar sua conexão com isso. You
receive the following benefits:

● When you are the target of a magical effect that causes Sleep, you become aware of it and can choose to take the
effect or not.
● Your Saving throws against non-magical effects that cause sleep are made with advantage.
● When Unconscious from being asleep, if targeted by an attack, the same continues to be done with advantage but
the damage dealt is normal instead of being considered a critical hit.

Natural Protector
Prerequisite: Vastaya - Fauhwon

Fauhwoon take the function of protecting as one of the main goals of their lives. You receive the following benefits:

● Whenever you heal or otherwise protect an ally using an action or a bonus action, your next attack has its damage
increased by one on the damage scale and gains your proficiency as bonus damage.
● You can invoke the power of nature to deal additional damage to your attacks. Using your bonus action, you can add
1d6 + your proficiency bonus force damage to your attacks until the end of your turn. You can do this a number of
times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Innate Magic
Prerequisite: Vastaya Fauhwoon or Ottrani, Yordle

Your spiritual essence is powerful enough that you can innately cast spells. You receive the following benefits:
● You can cast a number of cantrips and spells based on your character level as per the Innate Magic table without
expending mana and without requiring material components. The spell list is based on your Origin and can be
found in Chapter 10. Your Spellcasting attribute for these spells must be chosen at the time you choose this
Heritage from Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma or Constitution.

DC for your Innate Spells = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Spellcasting attribute modifier
Innate Magic Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Spellcasting attribute modifier

Yordle Inate Magic

Yordle Innate Magic reflects the relationship they have with their own spiritual and magical essence, functioning
differently in narrative terms from the magic of spellcasting classes. Whenever a Yordle casts a Yordle Innate Spell, it
necessarily has a narrative component that can sound absurd, for example, when using the 3rd level spell Daylight, the
Yordle can say that your character is blowing away the darkness. As the Yordle levels up and has access to new spells,
they must have some narrative explanation to be "learned".

Ottrani Force
Prerequisite: Vastaya Ottrani

Your horns are larger and more powerful than most Ottrani. You receive the following benefits:

● You have proficiency in attacks using your horns, being considered natural weapons, the damage your horns deal is
1d6 + your Strength modifier of bludgeoning damage.
● Using your bonus action, until the start of your next turn, you make your attacks that deal bludgeoning damage have
their damage increased by 1 on the damage scale, the range and critical hit multiplier increased by 1. Você pode
fazer isso um número de vezes igual ao your Proficiency bonus por Descanso Pleno.

Ottrani Healing
Prerequisite: Vastaya Ottrani

You received precious teachings on how to promote healing, being an expert at it. You receive the following benefits:

● When using abilities, spells or runes that heal a creature, you can add your proficiency bonus to the healing. In
addition, you gain proficiency in Medicine, if you already have it, you gain specialty.
● If you are a Stars Rite Acolyte, you gain an additional use of your Effluvium.

Predator's Ferocity
Prerequisite: Vastaya Kiilash

Your predator instincts are extremely keen. You receive the following benefits:

● You can try to hide even when there is light cover of foliage, heavy rain, snow, fog or other natural phenomena.
While hidden, you can use a bonus action to leap at an enemy within 20 feet of you.
● When in combat, your instinct has peaks that empower your attacks. During combat, each successful attack
generates a stack of ferocity. Upon reaching maximum ferocity, you can use a bonus action to cause all of your
attacks to have margin and crit multiplier increased by 1 until the start of your next turn. Out of combat, the stack
are reset to zero.

Plumdaggers’ Control
Prerequisite: Vastaya Lhotlan

Your metamorphic characteristics allow you to have greater attunement and even more control of your plumdaggers. You
receive the following benefits:

● The number of Plumdaggers you create increases to 3 + double your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest. Additionally,
the number of Plumdaggers you can maintain increases by one more time your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest,
making it three times that amount.
● You can use a bonus action to pull your flung feathers back to you, causing creatures between you and the feathers
to have to either succeed at a DC 8 Dexterity Save + your Proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier or take 1d4 +
your Dexterity modifier as piercing damage for each dagger that passes through them. Surprised creatures have
disadvantage on this Saving throw. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

New General Heritages

Spiritual Fluency
Prerequisite: Shaman

The mark of the spirit world is stronger on you, making your connection with the Great Spirits even broader. You link to
another Great Spirit and gain the following benefits:

● Choose another Great Spirit, you can craft a Totem from that spirit and receive its benefits in addition to those you
already receive.
● When you gain the "Spirit Channeling" Class Feature, you can choose to channel that Great Spirit.
● When you fail to channel this Great Spirit, you ignore the Fail effect. This can only happen once per full rest.

The enhancements below have been modified.

Vitriolic Artisan

You've learned how to increase the toxicity of a poison to fortify it, causing the doses you concoct to become lethal. You
gain the following benefits:

● All poison damage you deal ignores a level of resistance.

● You can use your bonus action to apply poison to a weapon or piece of ammunition.
● You receive the Poisonist Craft. With one hour of work using a Poisonist Set and 50 GP of material, you can modify
the composition of a dose of poison, making it more potent. The modified poison increases the saving throw's DC
and damage dice category by 1. In addition, if a creature fails a saving throw to resist the poison, it becomes
Poisoned, taking 1d4 poison damage per turn. If the original dose of poison already leaves the creature Poisoned,
the modified poison doesn't apply the condition again.

Dramatist Artist

Expert in mimicry and dramaturgy, you receive the following benefits:

● Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

● You have advantage on Performance and Deception checks when you are trying to impersonate a different person.
● You can imitate someone else's articulation or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person
speaking or heard the creature making the sound for at least 1 minute. A successful Insight check contested by your
Deception check allows a listener to determine that the effect is false.

Dual Wielding
Your hard training has made you master two-weapon combat, gaining the following benefits:

● While wielding a melee weapon in each hand, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
● You gain a degree of Two-Weapon Fighting
● When making an attack of opportunity, you can roll a second attack with your other hand at disadvantage.

Medium Armor Specialist

Prerequisite: Proficiency with medium armor

You are used to using medium armor, which gave you some benefits:

● You don’t have disadvantage on Stealth checks while wearing medium armor.
● When you are wearing medium armor, you have no limit to your Dexterity modifier
● You add +1 to your medium armor's Damage Reduction.

Heavy Armor Specialist

Prerequisite: Proficiency with heavy armor

You become almost unbeatable... while in armor. You receive the following benefits:

● Increase your Strength score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.

● When you are wearing heavy armor, you reduce all physical damage taken by 3.
● You add +1 to your heavy armor's Damage Reduction.


This Enhancement can be chosen more than once, each time you receive it, you can choose 3 from the items below:

● Gain proficiency with a Skill

● Gain proficiency with a Craft
● Increase the level of a Major Craft (respecting its limits)
● Learn formulas of a Major Craft
● Gain a new Discipline from a Minor Craft

Firearms Specialist
Prerequisite: Proficiency with a firearm category

Thanks to your extensive practice with firearms, you gain the following benefits:

● You receive the Collector Craft in the Gunsmith Discipline

● You are able to repair a firearm for half the time and cost required.
● Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature does not impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls with firearms.
● When you use the Attack action with a light firearm, you can use your bonus action to attack with another loaded
light firearm you are wielding.
● Your firearms attacks ignore half the DR of your targets within your maximum range.

New Enhancements

Spiritual Alliances
Prerequisite: Shaman

You nurture your relationships with spirits in such a way that you are protected and favored by them. You can learn a new
stance from your spirit ally or even get in touch with a new spirit ally. You gain the following benefits:

● Choose a new Stance. This stance receives your calling's enhancement at level 6. If you choose this enhancement
after level 6, the posture already receives this enhancement.
● You gain half your Proficiency bonus in Ki points and regain that same amount during a long rest in addition to the
amount you normally recover.

Natural Channeler
Prerequisite: Shaman level 8

You can keep your mind much more focused while channeling. You gain the following benefits:

● You reduce the Ki expent for Spirit Channeling by 1.

● The first saving throw to force channeling is done with advantage. This can only happen once per full rest.
● When you fail to channel a Great Spirit, you ignore the Fail effect. This can only happen once per full rest (stacks
with Heritage - Spiritual Fluency).

Prerequisite: Craft 5, level 18
This Enhancement can be chosen more than once, each time you choose this Enhancement, you can choose 1 Major Craft.

● You get the 6th level in this Craft.

● You learn a number of 6th-level formulas from this Craft equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1)
● You learn a number of formulas equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) from each level from 1st to
5th of this Craft.
● You get Specialty with this Craft

Dedicated Practitioner

This Enhancement can be chosen more than once. Dedicating yourself to the Craft strengthens the body and mind. You
develop further in a Craft or learn a new one. You receive the following benefits:

● Your value of an attribute of your choice increases by +1, to a maximum of 20.

● You gain proficiency in a Craft of your choice or a level in a Craft you already possess.
● You get 5 additional formulas for any Craft you already own.

One of the greatest powers of Runeterra are the Global Runes which can
modify nations and have capabilities that the beings of Runeterra have not
fully understood yet in all their contacts with them, which almost always
ended up creating global catastrophes bringing the world close to destruction.

In Runercana, those Global Runes play a huge role for characters, as per the
League of Legends story, but they also introduce a new layer by adapting
in-game powers for your adventure table.

Global Runes do not have concepts of good and evil, they are not intelligences
but powers that can be used for any purpose. Although the contact with the
Global Runes is not the target of this chapter, here we will talk about a
characteristic provoked by them.

When starting an adventurous life, or even simply at some very important

moment such as defending your life, defending loved ones or facing a
dangerous threat, the Runic Pulse manifests itself innately even without the
person having any connection with these Runes, proximity or even awareness
of their existence.

This means that the power of the Global Runes affects every living thing on
Runeterra, whether through the air they breathe, the nutrients they receive in their food or just for being out in the sunlight.

The reverberation of Runic Pulses travels across the entire planet and affects all living creatures, even creatures without any
intelligence or artificially created beings.

About the Runes

Mechanically, Runes are divided into two categories, Rune Pulses and Runes. A Runic Pulse is an awakening of innate
ability that acts persistently and oftenly without control, adding effects to actions. Runes, on the other hand, are usually
controllable manifestations that have a limited use described in the Runes themselves.

The Runes, in turn, have a second division, while the Runes are powers that develop naturally in any creature, the
Runessences are capabilities linked to oftenly external powers but, in some cases, to some unique characteristics of a
Choosing Runes
During the creation of a character, you must choose a Runic Nature, which is formed through a Runic Pulse and an initial
Rune, be it a Rune or a Runessence. With each new character level, you can receive upgrades to a Rune or access to new
Runes, as described in the Runes table.

In addition to the Rune powers, each one of them receives two masteries that express the development chosen by the
character regarding the control of his runic nature. When you receive a Mastery, you can choose between the two options
presented in the Rune. When you receive the second Mastery, you can again choose between the two options.

Most Runessences require some narrative situation to be chosen, such as pacts, access to Global Runes, connection to
powers beyond magic and mundane, among other possibilities. Unlike Runes, a Runessence can only be chosen at character
creation under the Master's approval.

Through storytelling and discovering the world and Runic abilities, players are often exposed to new powers, entities and
even patrons. A truly powerful patron can refine someone's Runic Nature into Runessence.

Rune Interaction
There are class features, Enhancements, Heritages and even powerful magic items and artifacts that can enhance and
modify the use of Runes. Other ways to awaken new paths and powers may exist, but as a rule, all the knowledge that exists
on this subject is very rare and in many places the simple mention of it is enough to put your life at risk or just make those
who mention them the target of complete ridicule.

Unless specified on the rune itself, Runic Powers are unaffected by critical hits.

Rune Activation
Each Rune has its own activation rules, this activation is in most cases a conjugate effect, as described below. If there is no
information in the Rune itself, only one can be activated per round, regardless if more than one condition arises for this,
except for passive effects and lasting effects, as described below:

Joint Activation: Every activation of a rune is not defined in the Rune itself, this means that it must be used along with
some type of action described in the Rune, such as an attack, action, bonus action, reaction, etc.

Passive Effect: Some Runes have passive components, they happen regardless of your will, after the description of the
conditions specified in the rune itself, starting in conjunction with your skills or those of third parties.

Lasting Effect: Some rune effects may have a persistent effect. For example, when activating the rune for the next 2 rounds
a creature hit will be Blinded.

When a Rune declares an attack, you must use the Rune Attack Modifier to use it, rolling 1d20 and adding that modifier to
the result, which must exceed the AC of the target in question. Since the Runes are a natural ability of each essence, both
their Modifier and DC are defined based on the character level, which means that what must be considered is the character
level and not the level of a class. Example: A Combatant 6, Arcane 4, has 10 character levels, so 10 is the number used for
calculating the Runes DC and Attack Modifier.

Runes DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + half your character level (minimum 1)
Runes Attack Modifier: your proficiency bonus + half your character level (minimum 1)
Runic Pulses
The Runic Pulse is a natural tune that reverberates in every adventurer. This pulse
is a manifestation that develops in each being, being shaped by their actions,
decisions and way of acting. Each of the Pulses is like a pillar that structures a
foundation of personality far beyond magic.

During character creation, choose one of the 5 runic pulses below:

1. Emerald: Also called Sentinel's Pulse, to preserve, provides damage

2. Ruby: Also called Conqueror's Pulse, to fight, provides damage amplification
3. Diamond: Also called Protector's Pulse, to heal, provides healing amplification
4. Amethyst: Also called Vampiric Pulse, to sustain, provides resource recovery
5. Sapphire: Also called Twilight Pulse, for versatility, provides adaptive usage

Emerald Pulse
When choosing the Emerald Pulse, you must choose one of the damage types on the Damage Types
table. After a long rest, you can roll your Pulse dice. Until your next long rest, the result of these dice
is your damage reduction of the type chosen when you chose this Pulse. After reaching level 11, this
reduction also applies to magic damage of the same type.

Example: At 1st level, you choose fire damage reduction, as your proficiency is 2, you have 1d4 Pulse.
After taking a long rest, you roll 1d4, getting a 3. Until your next long rest, whenever you take fire
damage, you remove 3 from the total damage taken. That way, when you receive an attack that does 7
fire damage, you only take 4 fire damage.

Ruby Pulse
When choosing the Ruby Pulse, you must choose one of the damage types on the Damage Types
table. After a long rest, you can roll your Pulse dice. Until your next long rest, the result of these dice
will be added to your damage when you deal the same type of damage. The critical hits multiplier is
applied to this additional value. Upon reaching level 11, this amplification also applies to magic
damage of the same type.

Example: At 1st level, you choose amplification of slashing damage, as your proficiency is 2, you have
1d4 Pulse. After taking a long rest, you roll 1d4, getting a 3. Until your next long rest, whenever you
deal slashing damage, you add 3 to the total damage dealt. If it's a critical hit, the critical damage multiplier is also applied
to the boost, so at a crit multiplier of X2, the damage dealt becomes 6 for that attack.

Diamond Pulse
After a long rest, you can roll your Pulse dice, until you take another long rest, the value gained on your Pulse dice is added
to all healing you do or receive.

Example: No 1º level, você escolhe amplificação de cura, as your proficiency is 2, you have 1d4 Pulse. After taking a long rest,
you roll 1d4, getting a 3. Until your next long rest, whenever you receive healing or heal someone else, you add that amount
to your total healing. When you use the healing word spell on a target, getting 6 as the amount of life points to heal on that
target, this cure receives your Pulse as a bonus, totaling 9 hit points. If the target also has Healing Amplification, it adds the
value of its own Pulse to the total healed, so if that target has a Pulse of 3 as well, the total healing done will be 12.

Amethyst Pulse
When choosing this pulse, you must choose between Life, Mana or Ki. When you kill a target, you recover points from the
chosen resource:

● Life: Pulse Dice + your Proficiency bonus as Hit Points

● Mana: Pulse Dice + half of your Proficiency bonus as Mana Points
● Ki: Half of your Pulse Dice + half of your Proficiency bonus as Ki points
Example: At 1st level, you choose the Amethyst Pulse of Life. When you kill a target in combat, you regain your Pulse dice +
your Proficiency bonus in Hit Points. If you had chosen Amethyst Pulse of Mana, you would regain your Pulse Dice + half of
your Proficiency bonus in Mana Points or, if you chose Ki, half of your Pulse Dice + half of your Proficiency bonus in Ki

Sapphire Pulse
After a long rest, you can roll your Pulse dice, until you take another long rest, the value rolled on your Pulse dice becomes
your Pulse points. You can deduct any number of Pulse points at any time to add that same amount to your dice roll result or
decrease an enemy’s dice roll. You can use these points to amplify your damage or reduce damage taken, each Pulse point
spent amplifies or decreases damage by an amount equal to your Proficiency bonus. You cannot use these points for rolls
made if you are surprised, but you can use them to reduce the amount of damage done.

Example: At 1st level, you choose Versatility, as your proficiency is 2, you have 1d4 Pulse. After taking a long rest, you roll
1d4, getting a 3, thus having 3 Pulse points. During combat, you roll a 1d20 to attack a target by rolling a 9 on the dice.
Before knowing whether or not the attack succeeds, you can choose to spend 2 Pulse points to turn that 9 into an 11.
Alternatively, when being attacked by a creature, you can declare that you are spending 2 points of Pulse, to reduce that
value from the creature's hit roll or even, when receiving the attack, use those 2 points to reduce the damage received by 4
points .

List of Runes

During character creation, after choosing your Runic Pulse, you must choose a Rune. Each Rune has its own rules and
mechanisms that are described in it. As each Rune is a manifestation of a Runic Pulse, possessing a Rune's Runic Pulse
grants Synergy benefits. A character can choose Runes that are not from their Runic Pulse, however, these Runes do not
receive Synergy bonuses, as will be explained later.

The description of the Runes follows a pattern, with only the Prerequisite being optional, below are the explanations of the
characteristics of the Runes:

Rune’s Name: This is the name by which the Rune is mechanically referred to.

Prerequisites: The information on this line must be met in order for this Rune to be chosen. If any temporary effect
causes these Prerequisites not to be met, rolls made using Runes are made at disadvantage, while Runes that require
DC rolls from a target grant advantage to the target. Additionally, synergy, if it exists, is not applied. If conditions
that interfere with Prerequisite are canceled, the Rune will behave normally again.

Pulse: All Runes are manifestations of one of the Runic Pulses, being linked to it.

Synergy: When a character chooses a Rune that is the same pulse as him, the Rune receives a specified bonus to

Use: Refers to the number of times the active part of a Rune can be used per full rest.

Descriptive Text: The descriptive text gives some illustrative information or brief explanation about the Rune.

Mechanic: The particular mechanics of each Rune is explained in this paragraph.

Mastery: When a character reaches new levels, following the Runes' table, in some levels he must choose one of the
Masteries for his Rune. This feature becomes permanent..

Elemental Attack
Pulse: Ruby
Synergy: Add Proficiency to damage and half Proficiency to Pulse Dice result
Use: Half Proficiency
The global runes granted you an ability to control an element and channel it through your body, increasing the power of
your attacks.
When choosing this Rune, you must choose one of the simple elements from the Elements and Damage Types table
in Chapter 10. Upon activating this rune, your next attack deals your Pulse dice as additional damage of the type based on
the chosen element. Additionally, you gain resistance to damage of the chosen element's type until the start of your next

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Run Over
Pulse: Emerald
Synergy: Add Proficiency to damage and half Proficiency to Pulse Dice result
Use: Half your Proficiency

The runes that strengthen your body make your enemies regret getting in your way.
By moving at least half your speed in a straight line, you can activate this rune so that your next attack is
empowered. Until the start of your next turn, your next melee attack deals your Pulse dice as extra damage and, if the attack
is against a creature up to one size category larger than you, you force it to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the
creature becomes Prone. In addition, you can move through the space occupied by that creature this turn.

● Damage: +1 in damage category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Runic Barrier
Pulse: Emerald
Synergy: Add double Proficiency to hit points and half Proficiency to Pulse Dice result
Use: Half your Proficiency

Your runic essence is externalized creating additional protection.

When targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to temporarily activate a shield. By doing so, you gain your
Pulse dice as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last until removed or after 1 minute, while these temporary
hit points are active, you gain resistance to simple damage.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: Add the Proficiency bonus to damage and half the Proficiency to the Pulse Dice result
Use: Half your Proficiency

When making a ranged attack with a weapon or spell, you can use this rune to inflict Blindness on the enemy hit.
Esse inimigo deve realizar uma saving throw de constituição, se falhar ele ficará Cego até o final de seu próximo
turno e receberá seu dado de Pulse em dano psíquico.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Energized Shot
Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: Add the Proficiency bonus to damage and half the Proficiency to the Pulse Dice result
Use: Half your Proficiency
You learn to externalize the runic energy present in your body to empower your shots.
Upon activating this rune, your next ranged attack deals your Pulse dice in additional damage.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Pulse: Emerald or Diamond
Synergy: Add half your Proficiency bonus to the duration and to the Pulse Dice result
Use: Half your Proficiency

You learn to call upon runic energy to act as a shield that protects your body and mind.
When you are targeted by an attack or if you make a saving throw to avoid taking damage, you can use your reaction
to gain a bonus equal to half your Proficiency bonus to your AC or saving throw to resist the damage, you also gain 10 feet
speed and resistance to the damage type of the attack or effect taken (except true damage). These bonuses last for a number
of rounds equal to your Proficiency bonus, if it is already active, the bonus to your AC or saving throw is not increased.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Pulse: Diamond
Synergy: Surplus turns into temporary hit points until a long rest and half of the Proficiency is added to the Pulse Dice
Use: Half your Proficiency

The runes you possess emanate healing energy that can be directed to heal a target or intensify some other healing effect.
You can touch a creature to heal it. When touching a creature or when using a healing spell, you can activate this
rune to add your Pulse dice to the creature's recovered hit points.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Steal Life
Pulse: Amethyst
Synergy: Add the Proficiency bonus to damage and half to healing and to the Pulse Dice result
Use: Half your Proficiency

You know how to steal a creature's life energy for yourself.

When making a melee attack, you can activate this rune to deal your Pulse dice in additional necrotic damage. If it
hits, you recover half of the damage done by Pulse Dice in hit points.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Fear Particle
Pulse: Amethyst
Synergy: Add Proficiency bonus to damage and half to DC and Pulse Dice
Use: Half your Proficiency

You are able to use your runic energy to create fear in a target.
Using a bonus action, you can direct this wave at one target that can see you and is within 5 times your Proficiency
bonus feet of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, if it fails, the target is Frightened by you for a number of
rounds equal to your Proficiency bonus and takes your Pulse dice of psychic damage. An affected target can repeat the
saving throw at the start of each of its turns.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Energize Attack
Pulse: Ruby
Synergy: Half proficiency in additional turns and Pulse Dice
Use: Half your Proficiency

You invoke the energy that flows through you to empower your attacks.
When activating this rune, your melee attacks deal additional damage equal to your Pulse dice until the start of your
next turn.

● Damage: +1 in damage dice category per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

As stated earlier, Global Runes reverberate their creative energy into all existences on Runeterra, from the inanimate to the
living and thinking ones.

The power of the Runes has not been greatly developed over the ages due to the great oscillation of the powers from the
Global Runes being used for the most diverse purposes, making the Rune Nature of all beings not stable enough for this.

By themselves, the Global Runes have the possibility of rewriting the rules of reality, which is why their study has never
been a tradition maintained anywhere (at least as far as we know).

However, some great powers, such as Deities, really powerful Arcanes and other creatures of immense power ended up
developing some understanding of this principle of the Runic Nature, managing to model this inherent strength of all
beings, thereby achieving harmony between these powers, managing to extract even more of them, these are the

In addition to the Runes that are natural manifestations and can be channeled, the runic nature sometimes manifests itself
through resonant patterns, in some structures that align with particular runic essences, these patterns are the Runessences.

List of Runessences
Each of the Runessences has a story component.

The aquavitist not only enjoys alcoholic beverages, he has learned to use them as part of his runic essence, enhancing his
attacks and resistances.

Aquavitist’s Technique
Prerequisites: Ethyl Essence Heritage and Constitution 13 or higher
Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: Add half of the Proficiency bonus to Pulse Dice
Use: Half of the Proficiency Bonus

You learn the drunken kung fu, to use it you must always have a bottle or container containing alcohol in your hands, or be
under the influence of a sip.
Sip: A sip now lasts for 2 rounds and, while under the effect of a sip, your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4

Drunk Resistance. You become capable of performing the drunken madness. When performing drunken madness,
you consume one use of this Rune and one sip of your drink, in addition to the effects of one sip, until the start of your next
turn, you gain resistance to all simple physical damage.

● Extension: Choose between simple spiritual or elemental damage, adding that resistance to your Drunk Resistance
● Duration: +1 turn of Drunk Resistance duration per mastery

Taste of the Moment

Prerequisites: Rune - Aquativist’s Technique and Constitution 15 or higher
Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: Add the Proficiency bonus to Breath's damage
Use: Half of the Proficiency Bonus

Each drink has its own characteristic, its own spirit, your constant experimentation has made you know how to recover the
sensations of other drinking experiences, reviving your vital energy.

Sip. A sip now has a duration of 3 rounds and the damage done by Heritage - Ethyl Essence becomes your
Proficiency bonus, and while under the effect of a sip, your unarmed attacks deal an additional 2d4 damage instead of 1d4.

When consuming a use of this Rune you can choose between:

● Taste of the Moment. When taking a sip, you

can activate the Taste of the Moment, roll 1d8,
you gain the respective effect from the Taste of
the Moment table, this effect lasts for the
duration of the sip. When taking a new sip, if
you are under the effect of Taste of the
Moment, you can decide to reroll the d8 or keep
the previous effect. If you receive the same
effect a second time, you must roll again on the
table, as they are not cumulative.
● Dragon's Breath. When choosing this Rune,
choose between acid, cold, fire or poison. As an
action, after taking a sip, you can breathe a
20-foot cone of that element. Each creature in
the area must make a Dexterity saving throw
against your Runes DC. A target takes your Proficiency bonus to Pulse's Base Dice in elemental damage of
the chosen type on a failure or half the damage on a success.


● Use: +1 use of this Rune per mastery

● Reroll: You can reroll 1 time if you don't like the effect or damage done by Breath. You must stick with the new

Prerequisites: Rune - Taste of the Moment and Constitution 17 or higher
Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: You receive half of your Proficiency bonus as uses of Runes which can be used for the other Runes of this
Use: Half of the Proficiency Bonus
Probably an ancient spirit or a deity, also adept at drinking, was enchanted by you, causing your body to react in a
supernatural way when you take a sip.

Sip. Your unarmed strikes deal an additional 3d4 damage instead of 2d4.

Breathing. When carrying out the Dragon's Breath skill, your DC increases by 2 and the range increases to 30 feet.

When consuming a use of this Rune you can choose between:

● Deflect. Under the effect of a sip, you can, as a reaction, when a hostile creature misses you with a melee
attack, expend one use of this rune and cause that attack to hit another creature you can see within 5 feet
from you, as long as it's not the attacker himself.
● Crooked Blow. When performing the Attack action, if you are under the effect of a sip, you can consume
one use of this rune to make up to three additional unarmed attacks, each one must be against a different
target and if you miss, you lose the following attacks.


● Use: +1 use of this Rune per mastery

● Improve: You add your unarmed strike damage to Deflect, and you can make an additional attack with Crooked

Vastaya Awakening
This Runessence involves learning about your Vastaya Heritage, allowing you to gain better control of your Vastayashai'rei
ancestry, increasing your connection to the Spiritual Realm and the Sho'ma that inhabits all things.

Vastayan Ancestor
Prerequisites: Vastaya Origin or one of the Heritages: Vastaya Lineage or Vastaya Blood
Pulse: Emerald
Synergy: Add half of the Proficiency bonus to Pulse Dice

When choosing this Rune, you must choose one of the Primal Beasts from the Vastaya Awakening - Primal Beast table, with
that, if the creature has any special senses such as blind perception, seismic sense, darkvision or advantage in any
Perception check related to any a sense, you receive these traits as if they were natural to you. Once you choose a beast you
cannot change it.

Use: Using a bonus action, you can transform into or out of the form of the chosen beast. If you're in combat, you can
remain in this animal form for up to 20 rounds. In combat, upon entering animal form, you consume 1 round of
transformation, at the end of your subsequent turns, if you are still transformed, you consume 1 more round. Out of combat,
every 3 minutes transformed, you consume 1 round of transformation (totaling 1 hour with 20 turns), when you run out of
transformation turns you revert to your original form.

When you transform, the following rules apply:

● Your game stats are replaced by the beast's stats, but you retain your morale, personality, and Constitution,
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma values. You also retain your proficiencies in all your skills and saving throws,
in addition to gaining the creature's proficiencies. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and its stat block
bonus is greater than yours, you use the creature's bonus instead of yours.
● When you transform, you keep your hit points and hit dice. If you drop to 0 hit points you will have to make death
saving throws as you normally would, dying in beast form means death for your character.
● You cannot cast spells, and your ability to speak or perform any action that requires hands is limited by the
capabilities of the beast form you have assumed. Transforming doesn't interrupt your concentration on a spell
you've already cast however, nor does it prevent you from taking actions that are part of the spellcasting, such as
summoning lightning you've already cast.
● You retain the benefits of any class features, Origin or other sources and can use them if the new form is physically
capable of doing so. You can choose whether your belongings magically disappear by blending into your form,
whether they fall to the ground or whether they are left intact.
● While you are in your native environment, you have an additional 15 feet to your primary movement speed, walking
for land creatures, swimming for sea creatures or flying for winged creatures. Additionally, your travel pace is
considered fast, but it does not inflict a stealth disadvantage.
● You retain all of your runes, not receiving any runes that the transformed creature receives.

● Duration: +10 rounds per mastery
● Protection: Upon assuming feral form, you gain twice your Pulse value as temporary Hit Points.

Hunter’s Eyes
Prerequisites: Rune - Vastayan Ancestor
Pulse: Emerald
Synergy: Add your Pulse value to the number of Rounds
Use: Half of the Proficiency Bonus

You've improved the connection you have with your Vastayan ancestor, granting you 30 feet of darkvision (or increasing it by
30 feet if you already have it) and the Shape Control and Mark Prey traits.

Shape Control: While out of combat, your Vastayan Ancestor Rune's animal form does not spend any transformation turns.

Mark Prey: Consuming one use of this Rune, upon hitting an enemy you can mark them with Mark Prey. For a number of
Rounds equal to twice your Proficiency bonus, you know the exact position of a marked creature and, additionally, attacks
made against a marked creature deal your Pulse Dice in additional force damage. If the target is invisible, you will continue
to see it normally until the end of the mark's duration. If the creature drops to 0 hit points before the duration ends, this
effect ends. You can end this effect at any time.

● Duration: Mark Prey causes 1 more Base dice per mastery
● Visão: +10 feet of darkvision per mastery

Vastaya Ascension
Prerequisites: Rune - Hunter’s Eyes
Pulse: Emerald
Synergy: Add your Proficiency bonus to the damage done by your attacks in your Feral or Hybrid form.
Use: Half of your Proficiency Bonus

Your connection to your ancestor reaches its peak, you become able to maintain your Humanoid form and acquire traits of
your Primal Beast.

By consuming one use of this Rune, you can change your form for one minute and gain your beast's traits in the
Hybrid Form and its Attributes column.

Your Feral form receives the following changes:

● While in this form, your hit points are counted separately.

● Upon reverting to your original form, your hit points return to the same value as before transforming. If this
happens as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, all excess damage is carried over to your original form. For example,
if you take 10 points of damage in feral form and have only 1 hit point left, you revert to your original form and take
9 damage. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce you to 0 hit points, you don't fall unconscious.

● Use: +2 Uses of Hybrid Form per mastery
● Duration: +10 rounds per mastery

The Trickster’s Runessence is a unique manifestation that breaks the rules of magic. It is linked to the Celestial known as
the Trickster and is extremely unusual. Usually, people who manifest it are skilful and slippery people who embrace change
and disruption of the status quo as a necessity for the dynamism of the universe.
Antimagic Pulse
Prerequisites: Heritage - Mageseeker or Heritage - Runic Hiperactivity
Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: Add half of the Proficiency bonus to Pulse Dice
Use: Half of your Proficiency Bonus

You are capable of nullifying magic, being able to cancel a single-target spell directed at you.

When being the target of a spell, you can use your reaction and consume one use of this Rune to force the target
that cast the spell to perform a saving throw with its Spellcasting attribute, if it fails, the resource is consumed but the spell
is not conjured.
● Use: +1 use of Rune per mastery
● Strength: +2 on DC per mastery

Spell Steal
Prerequisites: Rune - Antimagic Pulse
Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: Antimagic Pulse's saving throw DC is increased by 2
Use: Half of your Proficiency Bonus

Você pode desviar a habilidade mágica do seu atacante e usá-la para si mesmo.

Using a bonus action, you can spend one use of this Rune to attempt to steal a spell from a target within 5 feet of
you, when touching a target, it must make a saving throw of its spellcasting attribute against your Rune DC. If the target
fails and has a spell, the Master must then prepare a list of stealable spells with a total number of spells equal to 2 less than
the maximum of your base Pulse dice. You must roll that dice and, if you roll 1, you do not consume the use of this rune but
you also cannot steal a spell, if the result is the maximum value of that dice, you can choose the spell among all the spells
listed. If the target has no spells, you do not consume a use of this Rune when doing this.

When you steal a spell from a target, you also steal the amount of mana needed to cast that spell. This spell's
spellcasting attribute is Charisma and the maximum spell level you can steal and cast this way is equal to your Proficiency

The target of this trait loses the ability to cast this spell for 1 hour. For the duration, you can cast this spell as an
action equal to the action required to cast the spell. Once the spell is cast or at the end of the duration, the target regains
the ability to cast the spell.

Example: At 8th level you can attempt to steal 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spells. When you touch an Arcane and he makes the
saving throw and fails, the master chooses four spells of up to 3rd level that that Arcane has (2 less than the base Pulse dice,
d6). You roll 1d6 and it comes to 4, the number 4 spell on this list is elemental sphere. For the next hour, you are able to cast
this spell once and during that time the Arcane is unable to cast it.

● Level: +1 to the maximum spell level per mastery
● Use: +1 use per mastery

Absorb Sepll
Prerequisites: Rune - Spell Steal
Pulse: Sapphire
Synergy: You receive half of your Proficiency bonus as use of Runes which can be used for the other Runes of this
Use: Half of your Proficiency Bonus

You can use your reaction when you are the target of a spell or are in its area of effect to absorb the spell just like the
Antimagic Pulse. Doing so negates all of the spell's effects, and if it's a spell whose level you can cast with the Spell Steal
Rune, you can cast it following the same rules as a spell stolen by the Spell Steal feature.
● Use: +1 use of Rune per mastery
● Strength: +2 on DC per mastery

Great Spirits
Channeling the power of a Great Spirit is a complex task in which the Shaman allows the influence and energy of that entity
to merge with his being. When you use your action to perform this channel, you come into contact with a spirit
manifestation of that entity in a spiritual space where time passes differently. Your relationship to that spirit and why you're
channeling it are the basis of the Charisma check's DC, to be determined by the Master.

When the channeling check is made successfully, the Great Spirit in question may grant you the Channeling Success bonus,
however, if the Great Spirit deems that you still don't deserve access to the full power, some of the bonuses may not be
given. Likewise, a Great Spirit that you have a great relationship with, that deems you worthy and to whom your situation is
important enough, can provide even more power. In such cases, at the end of the channel you receive a value of Exhaustion
points based on the amount of additional power you received.

On a failure on the Charisma check, you can use a bonus action to force the channel, manipulating spirit energies to do your
will. You must spend the necessary Ki points for this and make the necessary channeling check. Alternatively, you can use
just your action to force the channel, ignoring the Charisma check and making only the channeling check.

When failing the channeling test, your character suffers an effect indicated on each of the Great Spirits, in some cases this
means only a slight personality change, in other cases it means the complete loss of control of actions, thoughts and
decisions. In some cases, you temporarily lose some control of your character, becoming an embodied manifestation of the
Great Spirit and being under its control. Some of these cases may turn out to be permanent.

Channeling = Proficiency bonus + specified attribute modifier

The Spider of Gears

The Spider of Gears is a kind spirit although prim and extremely arrogant. A collector of knowledge and the way things
work, she doesn't do anything for free and always wants to get more than she gives. Those who are recognized by her receive
special treatment that may very well be left aside in cases of lack of courtesy, education or respect for hierarchies and

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Spider of Gears Totem you can spend 2 Ki points as if they were 1 Energy
point, and you have advantage on Technology rolls.

Region: Piltover
Dificuldade: Wisdom 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
When failing to channel the spirit of the Spider, you are gripped by an excessive sense of arrogance and superiority,
perceiving everyone around you as subordinates who must do your bidding by provoking even the smallest of fights. For the
next 7 days, you automatically fail any social interaction that doesn't go along with your plans, goals or private and selfish

Channeling Success
By successfully channeling the great spirit of the Spider of Gears, you become an expert in all skills. If you already have a
specialty, you get +1 on rolls with that skill. You can use Techmaturge inventions as a Techmaturge of a level equal to half
your Shaman Level, with Energy and Energy Range equivalent to that of a Techmaturge of that level. Additionally, all of your
melee, ranged and thrown weapon attacks ignore half of your targets' Damage Reduction.
The Dreaming Tree
The Dreaming Tree is a spirit of serenity and tranquility, representing the eternal contemplative state and the
understanding of the harmony between everything that exists and respects the cycles. She can be communicative, but always
seems to be extremely vague and confusing by using primarily dreamlike metaphors and through complex concepts.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Dreaming Tree Totem, you don't suffer magical Sleep effects and have
advantage on saving throws against mind control and manipulation spells.

Region: Ionia
Channeling: Wisdom, DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Tree, you are Stunned until the start of your next turn and, for the next 7 days, you
will be in an extremely contemplative and often distant altered state of consciousness, unable to focus on anything other
than spiritual matters.

Channeling Success
Upon successfully channeling the great spirit of the Dreaming Tree, all of your spells have their Ki cost reduced by 1 (a
spell's cost cannot be reduced to 0 this way), all of your attacks and spells deal additional damage equal to half of your
proficiency bonus in runic damage (spells with more than one damage roll deal this extra damage on every roll) and all your
spells that require saving throws have their DC increased by half your proficiency bonus.

The Avatar of the Tides

The Avatar of the Tides, also known as Lao’Lei among the Marai, is the Great Spirit of change, representing with the
movement of her graceful wings how everything is in motion and change, influencing the course of the tides of life.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Avatar of the Tides Totem, you are able to hold your breath for twice as
long, and you gain resistance to bludgeoning damage.

Region: Targon/Marai
Channeling: Wisdom, DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
When you fail to channel the spirit of the Tides, you lose half your speed for the next 7 days, moving is tiring for you, and
your body seems to ache intensely. All damage dealt by you is reduced by 7 on the first day, 6 on the second, and so on until
the failure's effect wears off.

Channeling Success
Upon successfully channeling the great spirit of the Avatar of the Tides, you become able to breathe underwater normally,
gain swim and flight speed equal to your movement speed, Damage Reduction equal to your Wisdom modifier and this value
is doubled within Water. Additionally, you become immune to attacks of opportunity, and your AC gains a bonus equal to
half your Proficiency bonus.

The Amethyst Rabbit

A cheerful and curious entity, the Amethyst Rabbit is exceptionally attracted to large populations, with her kits spreading
out through the spiritual reflections of human constructs within the spirit realm. It is not difficult to find one of her
children in large cities, usually with their form mixed with the most common forms of these cities. Probably one of the
easiest spirits to channel and friendliest to those who try to.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Amethyst Rabbit Totem you add your Proficiency bonus to friendly
Charisma checks.

Region: Any
Channeling: Wisdom, DC = 30 - Shaman Level
Channeling Failure. Upon failing to channel the Rabbit's spirit, for the next 7 days, you have immense difficulty
performing any task that is not extremely necessary or important. You take advantage of any situation to sleep.

Channeling Success. When channeling the spirit of the Amethyst Rabbit, your organism becomes more accelerated and you
become completely restless. You gain the Regeneration feature, regaining your Proficiency bonus as d4 + half your
Proficiency bonus in hit points at the start of each of your turns. Additionally, the distance in feet you can jump is
multiplied by half your Proficiency bonus, requiring no movement beforehand and dealing no damage if you fall from a
height equal to your maximum jump.

The Cryophoenix
The Chryophoenix is a benevolent winged spirit that endures endless cycles of life, death and rebirth to protect the Freljord.
A demigoddess born of merciless winds and brutal cold, she wields these elemental powers to pursue anyone who dares to
disturb her homeland. She guides and protects the hostile north's tribes, who revere her as a symbol of hope and a bringer of
great change. She fights with every fiber of her being, knowing that through sacrifice, her memory will live on and she will
be reborn into a new tomorrow.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Cryophoenix Totem, if you are reduced to 0 hit points or die, after 3
rounds you return with your Proficiency bonus times 5 in maximum hit points. This can only happen once per full rest.

Region: Freljord
Channeling: Wisdom, DC = 35 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure. When you fail to channel the spirit of the Chryophoenix, for the next 7 days, whenever you take cold
damage, simple or magical, you have disadvantage on any attack roll for a number of rounds equal to 10 - your proficiency
bonus and you feel unimaginably cold, as if you were being frozen from the inside out, you have disadvantage on all
Constitution saving throws against Extreme Cold.

Channeling Success. By channeling the spirit of the Chryophoenix, you begin to emit an icy aura around you, as if the air
around you were under the grimmest of winters. Creatures within 5 feet of you must make saving throws against Extreme
Cold whenever they start their turns in that area.

All of your attacks and spells now deal your Pulse dice in additional cold damage. In addition, you can use the elemental ray
(ice) cantrip as a bonus action. Upon reaching 11th level, you can cast the freezing sphere spell as a 6th-level spell by spending
4 Ki points.

The Phoenix
The fiery spirit of rebirth and the continuity of things, known as the phoenix, is perhaps a spirit that makes the bridge
between the spiritual world and the celestial world. Through its wings, everything will one day be set ablaze, only to be
reborn into an enhanced form of itself.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Phoenix Totem, with each attack you hit on a target, you gain one-third
of your proficiency bonus in hit points.

Region: Any
Channeling: Constitution, DC = 45 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure. When you fail to channel the spirit of the Phoenix, for the next 7 days, you gain vulnerability to fire
damage and you feel that all your organs are charred, you have disadvantage on all Constitution saving throws against
Extreme Heat and are always under the effects of 3 levels of Exhaustion.

Channeling Success. When channeling the spirit of the Phoenix, the air around you emanates waves of heat that distort
vision. Creatures within 5 feet of you must make saving throws against Extreme Heat whenever they start their turns in that
area and, if they fail, they take your Pulse dice in fire damage.

You gain immunity to incinerating damage and can emanate a 15-foot cone of flames that starts at you using your bonus
action and 1 point of Ki. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw with DC equal to your spell DC. On a
failure, an affected creature takes your Proficiency bonus as d8 of incinerating damage or only half as much on a success.
Additionally, if you are reduced to 0 hit points or die while channeling the Phoenix spirit, you return with half your
maximum hit points. This only occurs once per channeling.

The Obsidian Basilisk

The Obsidian Basilisk is tied to Noxus' past in its tribal days. An intimidating spirit of strength, usually seen as a little
arrogant and who tests everyone who reaches him to demonstrate their true strength and worth.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Obsidian Basilisk Totem you add your Proficiency bonus to your
Initiative and gain resistance to poison.

Region: Noxus
Channeling: Constitution DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
Upon failing to channel the Basilisk's spirit, for the next few days you feel your strength completely drained away, all your
attacks are made with disadvantage and all damage you deal is reduced by 7 on the first day, 6 on the second, and so on until
the Basilisk's failure effect wears off. For the duration, you become extremely inquisitive about yourself, your values, and
your achievements.

Channeling Success
By successfully channeling the great spirit of the Obsidian Basilisk, you become a fighting machine. Whenever you deal
damage to a target, you deal your Wisdom modifier as additional disruptive damage. You gain the Extra Attack feature,
increasing the number of attacks you can make in one attack action by 1 and, once per round, you can use one of your
attacks to charge, moving up to 10 feet in a straight line, dealing one attack's damage and your proficiency bonus as d8
crushing damage against the target. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be
pushed 20 feet away and knocked Prone.

The Volcanic Ram

The Ram is the Freljordan demigod of the forge and the craftsmen. He works in isolation in a massive forge, a lava cave
carved beneath the Hearth-Home volcano. There, he feeds bubbling cauldrons of molten rock to purify ores and craft items
of insuperable quality. When other deities - above all The Bear - descend to earth to meddle in mortal affairs, he appears to
put those impetuous beings in their rightful place; be it with his faithful hammer, be it with the burning power of the
mountains themselves.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Volcanic Ram Totem you gain your Proficiency bonus in DR.

Region: Noxus and Freljord

Channeling: Constitution, 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure. Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Ram, you are Stunned until the end of your next turn and for
the next 7 days, you become extremely irritable about anything and everything, not going to extremes of violence but being
particularly irritating.

Channeling Success. When channeling the spirit of the Ram, your skin turns red and your eyes seem to reflect the flames of
Hearth-Home's forge. You now have advantage on saving throws to resist mind control, all of your attacks now deal your
Pulse dice in additional incinerating damage and your AC becomes 25 (or stays the same if higher) for the duration.

The Lightning Horse

The Lightning Horse is the Great Spirit of nobility and cordiality, extremely polite and attentive to the smallest protocols.
He is the ultimate representation of Demacian noble ideals but shrouded in enormous anguish and grief over the way these
people have developed in terms of prejudice. Though noble, it reflects great anguish and suffering as with each Demacian
mage killed in a reckless pursuit part of his sanity is lost.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Lightning Horse Totem you make any saving throw against effects that
cause the Grappled, Frightened, Stunned, Prone, Restrained, Feebled, Incapacitated, Paralyzed and Petrified conditions
with advantage.
Region: Demacia
Channeling: Wisdom, DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Horse, you fall into an immensely depressed state, with no motivation to do
anything but whine. For the next few days any non-defense roll is made at disadvantage and you are unable to initiate any
activities on your own.

Channeling Success
Upon successfully channeling the great spirit of the Lightning Horse, you gain a boost in resistance against physical and
elemental damage, you become immune to the Grappled, Frightened, Stunned, Prone, Restrained, Feebled, Incapacitated,
Paralyzed and Petrified conditions, your speed increases by 30 feet and you can't take attacks of opportunity. Additionally,
all of your melee attacks gain half your Proficiency bonus in d6 vibrational damage.

The Silver Deer

The Silver Deer is a Great Spirit of Targon, representative of the moon, he is only known and respected among the lunari
and their descendants. A spirit that seeks to protect those who seek it from relentless hunting and persecution. His code of
conduct is unbreakable and a betrayal of these principles will never be forgiven unless something of greater value is done.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Silver Deer Totem, your first attack each turn, if it hits, deals your base
Pulse dice in additional radiant damage. If it does not hit, this bonus is not granted tothe second attack.

Region: Targon
Channeling: Constitution, DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Deer, you become extremely paranoid and reclusive, talking to yourself in a normal
voice most of the time and running away from any potential confrontation, especially the ones created by your paranoia. For
the next 7 days, you have disadvantage in any social interactions, and you try to do as much as possible to isolate yourself.

Channeling Success
Upon successfully channeling the great spirit of the Silver Deer, you gain immunity to all spiritual damage and resistance to
all magical elemental damage, you gain advantage on any interaction roll with spirits (except great spirits) and your spells
deal your Wisdom modifier as bonus Lunar damage. Additionally, all of your melee attacks can deal Lunar damage instead of
normal damage.

The Shimmering Rat

The Shimmering Rat is one of the kindest spirits in existence, sheltering the people of Zaun, through him knowledge of
chemtech can be achieved so that he can benefit Zaunite lives, thus allowing his offspring to prosper. His most important
values are community spirit, devotion to family and friends. He cannot stand betrayal and treacherous people, his
knowledge is accessible to everyone, but as much as is offered is demanded in return through good deeds for the Zaunites.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Shimmering Rat Totem you make any Technology roll with advantage,
and you gain resistance to poison damage and Poisoning.

Region: Zaun
Channeling: Constitution, DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Rat, for the next 7 days, your organism does not respond in the best way. Any
healing done to you has its effect halved.

Channeling Success
Upon successfully channeling the great spirit of the Shimmering Rat you become a more sociable person, having advantage
on any social roll that uses Charisma. Additionally, all substances used by you have their effect enhanced based on their
effects, healing effects heal 50% more while lasting effects can be maximized or given an additional 50% duration. You gain
advantage on any rolls against adverse effects such as poisons, toxins or even side effects. You gain a reduction in poison
damage equal to your Shaman Level.

The Stellar Octopus

The Stellar Octopus is a Great Spirit with an extremely strange mind and close to alien. His personality rarely stays the
same, as do his goals. Dealing with this spirit is extremely complicated and usually those who do appeal only as a last saving
or catastrophic resort.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Stellar Octopus Totem you gain a random benefit (chosen by the GM)
each long rest.

Region: Bilgewater
Channeling: Wisdom, DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
When failing to channel the spirit of the Octopus, roll once on the Long Duration Madness table, you gain that effect for 1
day. Each day for the next 6 days (totalling 7 days) you must roll a new time on the table, replacing this madness for the rest
of the day.

Channeling Success
Upon successfully channeling the great spirit of the Star Octopus, you can, as a bonus action or one of your attacks, use the
void blink spell without expending ki, or, expending ki points, cast it at higher levels at the rate of 1 ki point per higher level,
up to the maximum spellcasting level you have access to. When you cast the spell as an attack action, you can recast the spell
that same round using your bonus action, but you can't cast the same spell a third time. By spending 1 Ki point and one
action, you can cast the greater invisibility spell.

The Jade Dragon

In the past Dragons were persecuted and some species became extinct. The Jade Dragon is said to represent the souls of
these magnificent creatures that once flew free through the skies of Runeterra. Extremely aggressive towards humans, he
rarely interacts with them, having immense displeasure in helping them when forced to do so, and immense satisfaction in
dissolving them into his spiritual mass. The Jade Dragon is an extremely aggressive spirit.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Jade Dragon Totem you add half your Proficiency bonus in force damage
to your unarmed strikes. That value is doubled against humans.

Region: Demacia and Ionia

Channeling: Wisdom, 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure. Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Dragon, if you are human, it takes possession of your body
causing greenish wings to appear from your back, giving you 30 feet of flying speed. While it is in possession of your body,
the Jade Dragon will make you attack all living creatures around you until everyone dies or until you are incapacitated or
killed. At the end of 1 hour you can repeat the channel to regain control of your body.

If you are not human, you fall unconscious to the ground, gaining vulnerability to all elemental damage for the next hour.
Additionally, for the next 7 days you harbor a deep hatred towards any and all humans, using any chance you get to kill them
without suffering consequences for doing so.

If during a 1 year period, you fail to channel the Jade Dragon a second time, your third attempt within that period is made at
disadvantage. If you fail for the third time in that period, the dragon is free for its revenge, you lose control of your

Channeling Success. Upon channeling the spirit of the Dragon, your skin becomes hard as a jewel, taking on a greenish
hue. Wings sprout from your back, causing you to gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you can use
an Attack action to make one of the following breath weapons:
Acid Breath. By spending 1 Ki point and an action, you can expel an acidic cloud in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the
area must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking your Proficiency bonus in d10 of antimony damage on a
failed saving throw, or half that damage on a successful one.

Sleep Breath. By spending 3 Ki point and an action, você pode expelir uma nuvem em um cone de 90 feet. Cada criatura na
área deve realizar uma saving throw de Constitution DC 22. On a failure, the creature is rendered Unconscious for 10
minutes. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success.

The Storm Bear

For those who still worship him, the Bear is the manifested form of the storm. Destructive, savage and relentlessly willful, he
existed before mortals walked the tundra of the Freljord, protecting the lands he and his demigod brethren created. With a
deep hatred for civilization and the vulnerability it carries, the Bear fights to reclaim the old ways of when the land was wild
and blood flowed freely. He faces all those who dare stand in his way with teeth, claws and the domination of thunder.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Storm Bear Totem your unarmed strikes deal half your Proficiency bonus
in lightning damage.

Region: Freljord
Channeling: Wisdom, 45 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure. Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Bear, his consciousness becomes clouded, having his body
temporarily taken over by the spirit of the Bear. For the next hour, you'll act as feral as possible, attacking anyone who
bothers you and doing your best to destroy any buildings.

If you fail 2 times, the 3rd time you will have disadvantage in channeling the Great Spirit and when you fail the 3rd time in a
period of 1 year, your body is warped into that of a hideous creature, your mind is dismantled and you lose control of
yourself. You are now part of the Ursine, a group of Spirit Walkers who could not resist the Volibear’s Spirits.

Channeling Success. Upon channeling the spirit of the Bear, you take the form of a great white bear, your size category
increases by 1, you have advantage on all Strength and Constitution checks and saving throws and all your melee attacks
now deal your Proficiency bonus times d10 of additional damage.

Additionally, your Strength and Constitution scores increase by an amount equal to your Proficiency bonus and your speed
increases by 5 times your Proficiency bonus. At the end of 1 hour you must repeat the channeling, but this time with
advantage, if you fail you activate the effects of a Channeling Failure.

The Spectral Wurm

The Spectral Wurm is a Great Spirit that enjoys the nomadic, no-strings-attached life. A sworn enemy of the Xer'Sai, he will
do anything in his power to aid those who seek to fight them.

Totem Bonus: While you are in possession of your Spectral Wurm Totem, you gain half your proficiency bonus as a bonus
to any Saving throw against the following Conditions: Grappled, Prone, Restrained, Incapacitated, Unconscious, Slowed,
Paralyzed and Petrified

Region: Shurima
Channeling: Constitution, DC = 40 - Shaman Level

Channeling Failure
Upon failing to channel the spirit of the Wurm, you become extremely sensitive to all vibrations and sounds. For the next
few days, any sound louder than normal speech requires you to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, on a failure, you
are Deafened, Silenced and Paralyzed until the start of your next turn or for 2 minutes out of combat. If the failure is by
more than 10 points, you fall Unconscious.

Channeling Success
When you successfully channel the Spectral Wurm's great spirit, you can use your reaction to make yourself intangible until
the start of your next turn. For the duration, any attack or spell directed at you automatically misses. You gain digging speed
equal to twice your speed and, using your bonus action and 1 Ki point, you can emit a vibrational pulse in a 15-foot radius
around you, target creatures in that area must make a Constitution saving throw or take your proficiency bonus on d8
vibrational damage. The pulse can be emitted while you are intangible.

Adventurer's Gear
Capsule Case (20 capsules) - 10 GP - 1 Kg

Damage Reduction
An armor's Damage Reduction reflects the natural damage reduction granted with variation in the armor's composition.
This reduction reflects the damage absorption provided by this armor that acts passively.

In addition to armors, Constructs also have inherent damage reduction to their Adjustable Protection even when using light
protection. Damage Reduction is a feature of all armors, however, light armor normally does not receive this benefit, except
when made from certain specific materials that can provide this benefit.

The damage reduction provided by armor works by reducing the base damage taken by the final value of that DR, for
example, a Plate Armor has 5 base DR. If that user has the “Heavy Armor Expert” Enhancement, he adds +1 to that damage
reduction, effectively becoming 6. Therefore, he will reduce the damage taken by that amount.

When a target takes damage that it has resistance or vulnerability to, the DR value is applied first. Example: A target that
has DR 5, if it has resistance to bludgeoning damage, upon receiving 20 points of this type of damage, it first reduces
damage from 20 to 15 due to its armor and, afterwards, to 8, due to its resistance. The same target, possessing weakness to
bludgeoning damage, receiving 20 points of damage, first reduces to 15 due to its armor and then increases to 30 due to its
weakness. Magic Items and Armor can add bonuses to a character's DR, when this happens, coming from more than one
source, this bonus is cumulative.

Techmaturge Inventions
Elixir Pistol

Your capsules used for this weapon must be crafted beforehand. Their base can be purchased at a glassware shop, costing 1
GP for a total of 5 capsules. You can also produce these capsules using tools and the Glassmaker craft to produce 10
capsules for 1 GP.

As these capsules are fragile, they need to be safely enclosed in a capsule case. Capsules that are not allocated break easily
in incoming attacks, falls and other similar adverse situations.

For these capsules to be functional, a Techmaturge must spend 1 hour during their long rest, being able to prepare a number
of capsules equal to 5 times his proficiency bonus per long rest, during that time Techmaturge adds ingredients to them (1
SP per capsule) that activate these charges. By doing so these capsules have one of the effects below:

Brava Capsule. You can create a mixture in a capsule so that it has a restorative liquid. If it hits a willing creature, it regains
hit points equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier.

Items and Values Table

Items and Values Ratio

Rarity Value Craft Bonus Make Use Notes

Mundane 1 - 50 1 - 1 1

Common 51 - 100 2 - 5 1 Initial

Uncommo 101 - 500 3 +1 9 1

Rare 501 - 5.000 4 +2 13 5 Adventurer
Very Rare 5.001 - 50.000 5 +3 17 11 Champion
Epic 50.001 - 100.000 6 - 20 17 Hero
Legendary Tiers

Legendary 100.001 a 500.000 7 +4 23 21

Mythical 500.001 a 1.000.000 8 +5 26 23 Legendary

Divine 1.001.000 + 8 +6 29 26

Table Description
● Rarity: The item's rarity class, see below in the Rarities Description for more information.
● Value: The item's market value range. This is a standard value, and can fluctuate wildly depending on scarcity,
supply and demand, and even regional complications such as magic items in Demacia.
● Craft: The minimum Craft level required for this item to be crafted.
● Bonus: The maximum bonus this item can have.
● Make: The character level that is normally able to make this item. Class Features or even Non-Player Character
Classes may be above this limit.
● Use: This level represents what is the character level in which this item represents an advance but is still within the
proposed balance.
● Notes: The general category of adventurers capable of utilizing these items.

Rarities Description:
Below are the descriptions of the Rarities found in the List of Items and Values table, jewelry and art are not covered in this
table, jewelry because it has its own value table (they are more efficient ways of transporting values) and art because its value
is linked to a given society and its intrinsic values.

● Mundane: Mundane Items are everyday items with a market value below 50 GP, while there may be magic items in
this category, they are usually charge items, which cease to "work" when that charge is consumed.
● Common: Common Items are similar to Mundane Items, but with a value between 51 and 100 GP, representing
items that need greater attention in their manufacture. Magic items in this category also have charges but can be
"recharged" through characteristic processes.
● Uncommon: Uncommon items are masterworks or even magic items, and can be exactly the same as both
Mundane and Common items, but possessing some minor magical property. Magic items with charges that fall into
this category fall into two smaller categories, self-recharging, with a lower number of charges, or items that can be
charged through characteristic processes, but have a higher number of charges.
● Rare: All Rare items are Magic Items, either because they have been enchanted or even because they have
ingredients in their composition that, in synergy, give it magical characteristics.
● Very Rare: Very Rare items are just like Rares, but their powers and properties are usually even more powerful.
● Epic: An epic item is a somewhat unique item, usually having several rumors about it, when the item is publicly
● Legendary: Legendary Items alone are capable of changing the course of battles and wars, oftenly shaping a society.
● Mythical: A Mythical item usually has properties far beyond magic, being able to shape nations.
● Divine: A Divine item has properties beyond imagination and can shape the world.
Below are several formulas that follow the description pattern.

Name of the Formula

Craft: The Craft or Crafts necessary to carry out this formula.
DC: The target DC of the roll to perform the formula.
Time: The time required to carry out the formula.
Component: The component, or components needed to carry out the formula.
Value: The market value to carry out the formula
Detail: Additional details linked to the formula, such as the possibility of poison

General description of the formula with some information about it, which may
contain some specific trace of history or location when referring to something
that has this information.
General mechanics of the final product of the formula with its operation
and characteristics to be used in an adventure.
Natural 20. When a natural 20 is rolled on the item's creation, it receives an
additional bonus for being a masterwork.

Natural 20 tables
Below are tables of results obtained when a natural 20 is the result when creating an item. In several cases some options may
not make sense with what is being made, in these cases the master must decide which logical result is obtained

General Masterpieces

d4 Result

1 Final value +50% of market value

2 Execution time reduction by 50%

3 Cost reduction by 50%

4 Choose a result from 1 to 3

Used for general items below 5 GP

Weapons - 1

d6 Result

1 Final value +50% of market value

2 Choose: 50% execution time Reduction or 50% cost

value Reduction

3 +1 damage and hit (does not add to magic)

4 Choice: Edge 19 or Edge x3

5 Choose a result from 1 to 4

6 Roll 2x

Used for simple and martial weapons

Firearms - 1

d6 Result

1 Error and Strength reduced by 2

2 Increase of 1 in Capacity

3 Improved Damage

4 +1 damage and hit (does not add to magic)

5 Aumento do Alcance em 15/30

6 Choice: Edge 19 or Edge x3

7 Choose a result from 1 to6

8 Roll 2x

Used for firearms


d4 Result

1 You produce 5 extra ammunitions

2 Execution time reduction by 50%

3 Cost reduction by 50%

4 Choose a result from 1 to3

Used for general ammo below 5 GP

List of Formulas

Craft: Locksmith, Jeweler, Craftworks (carpenter, sculptor, potter, glassmaker), Collector.
DC: 10
Component: Structure, thin rods and beads, Craft Set.
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

The abacus is a calculation instrument that consists of a base structure on which a few rods with beads that can be moved are arranged,
the material can be the most diverse, from wood, through metal and even jewelry, modifying the value of the product. .
The abacus serves to assist and make calculations quickly, although it is a simple instrument, it is capable of greatly accelerating most
mathematical calculations.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Acid (flask)
Craft: Alchemist
DC: 10
Component: Chemical or alchemical bases, Craft Set
Value: 25 GP

Through chemical combinations or alchemical transmutation, various substances can be combined to create a vial of weak acid.
As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of your reach or throw the vial up to 20 feet,
shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a
hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
Natural 20. The acid's damage becomes 3d8 and it becomes a medium acid.
Holy water (flask)
Craft: Enchanter, Acolyte
DC: -
Component: Container, water, sacred symbol.
Value: 25 GP
Time: 1 hour

For the creation of holy water, a 1-hour ritual with components linked to the enchanter's faith or magic is required.
As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of your reach or throw the vial up to 20 feet,
shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon.
If the target is an Infern or Undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.
Natural 20. Holy water damage becomes 3d8.

Alchemical Holy water (flask)

Craft: Alchemist
DC: 15
Component: Glass flask, water, components, Craft Set
Value: 30 GP
Detail: The vial of water is transmuted to emanate spiritual energy.

The creation of alchemical holy water requires ingredients that resonate with spiritual magic or light magic, through this time-consuming
transmutation, it is possible to transmute normal water into water that functions as holy water.
The use of alchemical holy water follows the same rules as the use of holy water.
Natural 20. Holy water damage becomes 3d8.

Craft: Armorer, Cutler
DC: 13
Component: Metal, Craft Set.
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours
Detail: The lock made on a handcuff is a simple lock.

Through the forge, hammering the metal, it is possible to create a pair of handcuffs, with a padlock or lock, as well as two keys for it.
These metal restraints can trap a Small or Medium creature. Escaping from handcuffs requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check.
Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check. Without the key, a creature proficient with Locksmith's Set can pick the lock
on the handcuffs with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Handcuffs have 15 hit points.
Natural 20. Roll 1d6, this value is added to the market value and double this value is added to the DC needed to break them.

Craft: Collector (leatherworker), Fashionista
DC: 10
Component: Leather or fabric, Craft Set.
Value: 5 SP
Time: 1 hour
Detail: A fashionista or a Jeweler, in possession of a Set of his Craft, can increase the market value of the pouch. For each additional day of work and 5
SP spent, its market value increases by 1 GP.

Made of leather or fabric, a pouch can be just a small bag for storing things. Through artistic talents and components, it is possible to
create a pouch with greater market value.
A fabric or leather pouch can hold up to 20 slingshots or 50 blowgun needles, among other things.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Archer, Collector (leatherworker)
DC: 10
Component: Leather, thread, needle, Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

A quiver is a kind of case, usually rigid, which can contain arrows inside, thus facilitating its use, in addition to ensuring its integrity.
A quiver can hold up to 20 arrows.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and roll 1d10, the value equals the number of additional arrows that can be placed in the quiver.

Craft: Inventor, Craftworks (glassmaker)
DC: 15
Component: Glass, wood, sand, Craft Set.
Value: 25 GP
When used, an hourglass is able to mark a certain passage of time determined during its creation.
When creating an Hourglass, the fixed time it marks must be established.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Signet Ring
Craft: Jeweler
DC: 12
Component: Metal, Craft Set.
Value: 5 GP

A Signet Ring is a ring that can be used to leave a low relief imprint on a soft material such as hot candle wax. By default, a signet ring
bears a unique mark to characterize its owner.
A Jeweler, in possession of a Set of his Craft, can increase the market value of the ring, using precious metals and also transforming it
into a jewel. For each additional day of work and 25 SP spent, its market value increases by 5 GP.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Antitoxin (Flask)
Craft: Alchemist, Herbalist, Poisonist
DC: 15
Component: Flask, herbs, chemical or alchemical substances, Craft Set
Value: 25 GP

One vial of antitoxin can only be drunk by one person. The process for creating it can be done through the Crafts of Alchemist,
transmuting the material present; Herbalist, through combination of herbs and processes; Poisonist, through the use of chemical
A creature that drinks the liquid from this vial gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. This offers no benefit to
undead or constructs.
Natural 20. The Antitoxin is capable of neutralizing the Intoxicated or Poisoned condition of a weak poison.

Signal Whistle
Craft: Craftworks (any), Inventor, Artist (musician)
DC: 10
Component: Raw material and Craft Set
Value: 5 CP
Time: 1 hour

A signal whistle is capable of emitting a distinctive sound that can be heard for up to 300 feet.
The creature in possession of the whistle must be able to blow the whistle to produce the sound.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Portable Ram
Craft: Cutler, Inventor, Mason, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Wood, metallic reinforcements, Craft Set
Value: 4 GP
Time: 2 hours

The battering ram is a siege weapon consisting of a strong central part, usually of some kind of sturdy wood, and an iron or bronze head
of variable shape. It is used to break doors and can be used by more than one person.
You can use a portable ram to break down doors. When you do so, you gain a +4 bonus to your Strength check. Another character can
help you use the ram, giving you advantage on this check.
Natural 20. Add 1d4 to the bonus on the Strength check to use the ram.

Hunting Trap
Craft: Cutler, Inventor, Collector (biologist, leatherworker)
DC: 12
Component: Wood, metallic reinforcements, Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

A Hunting trap consists of a piece that, when opened, forms a ring with steel teeth that close when a creature steps on a pressure plate in
its center. The trap is usually attached by a heavy chain to an immovable object, such as a tree or picket driven into the ground.
When you use your action to set it, this trap opens and must be placed. The creature that steps onto the plate must succeed on a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 points of piercing damage and stop moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks free of the trap, its
movement is limited by the length of the chain (normally 3 feet long). A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check,
freeing itself or another creature within range on a success. Each failure on the check deals 1 point of piercing damage to the trapped
Natural 20. The damage increases to 1d6 and adds 1d4 to the bonus on the Strength check to break free.

Grappling Hook
Craft: Cutler, Inventor
DC: 12
Component: Wood, metallic reinforcements, Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

The Grappling Hook is a tool used to aid in climbing, made up of several hooks that ensure positioning. When tied to the end of a rope, a
grappling hook can secure the rope to a battlement, windowsill, tree branch, or other protrusion.
Use um arpéu requer um teste de Dexterity (DC 10, +2 for every 10 feet of distance the grappling hook is thrown, to a maximum DC of
20 at 50 feet). Failure by 4 or less indicates that the hook fails to catch and falls, allowing you to try again. Failure by 5 or more indicates
that the grappling hook initially holds, but comes loose after 1d4 rounds of supporting weight. This check is made secretly, so that you
don’t know whether the rope will hold your weight.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Merchant’s Scale
Craft: Locksmith, Inventor
DC: 15
Component: Wood or metal, Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

A merchant's scale includes a small balance, pans, and a suitable assortment of weights up to 2 pounds.
With it, you can measure the exact weight of small objects, such as raw precious metals or trade goods, to help determine their worth.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Alchemist, Armorer, Cook, Cutler, Fermenter, Herbalist, Inventor, Craftworks (carpenter, potter) Collector (lumberjack, miner)
DC: 10
Component: Wood or metal, Craft Set
Value: 5 CP
Time: 1 hour

A bucket can be made of wood, metal, or other available materials that can serve the desired purpose. Thus, for a bucket that will contain
liquids, it must be a material capable of containing the liquid without spilling it, but a bucket to keep burning coals has different needs.
A bucket can hold 3 gallons of liquid, or 1/2 cubic foot of solid material.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Alchemist, Cook, Fermenter, Herbalist, Inventor, Craftworks (carpenter, potter) Collector (lumberjack, miner)
DC: 12
Component: Wood and metal, Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

A barrel is usually made of wooden sticks attached to one or more wooden and metal hoops. There are barrels made of metal and other
materials, but these usually require specific tools and large amounts of material.
A barrel can hold 40 gallons of liquid, or 4 cubic feet of solid material.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces
Craft: Inventor, Craftworks (carpenter) Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 15
Component: Wood and metal, Craft Set
Value: 5 GP
Time: 2 hours

Typically made of wood, a chest is usually made of wood with some type of hinge to make it easy to open and close it. It may have a lock.
There are chests made of metal and other materials, but these usually require specific tools and large amounts of material to make.
A standar chest can hold up to 12 cubic feet of solid material totaling 300 pounds of gear.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Component Pouch
Craft: Enchanter, Fashionista, Collector (leatherworker)
DC: 15
Component: Leather or fabric, Craft Set
Value: 25 GP
Detail: A fashionista or a Jeweler, in possession of a Set of his Craft, can increase the market value of the pouch. For each additional day of work and 5
SP spent, its market value increases by 1 GP.

A component pouch is a small waterproof leather pouch attached to the belt that has compartments to hold all the material components
and other special items you need to cast your spells, except for those components that have a specific cost (as indicated in a spell's
Unlike the regular Pouch, a component pouch has greater care to its interior, to isolate the components and prevent them from
interacting with each other.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Alchemist, Gunsmith, Locksmith, Inventor, Collector (miner)
DC: 10
Component: Set de pedras, Craft Set
Value: 5 SP
Time: 1 hour

This small container holds flint, fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire
Using the tinderbox to light a torch -- or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel -- takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Fountain Pen
Craft: Inventor, Artist (calligrapher)
DC: 12
Component: Wood, metal or bones, Craft Set
Value: 2 CP
Time: 2 hours

A fountain pen is a stick of wood, metal, bone, or other materials, with a special metal tip and a nib that absorbs ink when dipped into
glass and leaves a trail when it slides across a surface.
A fountain pen needs an ink bottle to be used.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Sealing Wax
Craft: Alchemist, Cook, Herbalist, Inventor, Collector (biologist)
DC: 10
Component: Base material, Craft Set
Value: 5 SP
Time: 1 hour

Sealing Wax is a general term for several substances that can perform the same function, which may be the result of alchemy through
transmutation, or even the collection of beeswax.
Sealing Wax is used to keep correspondence and documents closed, normally using a Signet Ring in conjunction.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces
Craft: Herbalist, Craftworks (carpenter, sculptor, potter), Collector (biologist, leatherworker, lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Base material, Craft Set
Value: 4 SP
Time: 1 hour

A basket can be made of the most diverse materials, from wicker, through wood, even metal, bones and leather, among other possibilities.
A basket can hold 2 cubic feet with up to 40 pounds of weight.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Fashionista, Collector (biologist e leatherworker)
DC: 10
Component: Base material, Craft Set
Value: 5 SP
Time: 1 hour

A blanket can be made from yarn, fabric or even leather, being used to protect from heat and, if the material allows it, even from rain.
By default, using a blanket allows saving throws against Extreme Cold to be made with advantage.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Hempen Rope (50 feet)

Craft: Fashionista, Collector (biologist and leatherworker)
DC: 10
Component: Base material, Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

Rope can be made from different types of fibers braided and wound together, increasing the tensile strength of the material in question.
Described here are hemp, jute and sisal ropes.
A rope, whether made of hemp, silk or other materials, has 2 hit points and can be destroyed with a DC 17 Strength check.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and roll 1d4, adding the value to life points and double that value to the DC to be destroyed.

Silk Rope (50 feet)

Craft: Fashionista, Collector (biologist and leatherworker)
DC: 12
Component: Base material, Craft Set
Value: 10 GP

Rope can be made from different types of fibers braided and wound together, increasing the tensile strength of the material in question.
Described here are cotton, linen and silk ropes.
A rope, whether made of hemp, silk or other materials, has 2 hit points and can be destroyed with a DC 17 Strength check.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and roll 1d4, adding the value to life points and double that value to the DC to be destroyed.

Chain (10 feet)

Craft: Armorer, Cutler
DC: 12
Component: Base material, Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

The chain is made of metal links that are connected through different techniques that can be from bent metal, even up to molten metal
already in the proper shape.
A chain has 10 hit points It can be broken with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and roll 1d6, adding the value to life points and double that value to the DC to be destroyed

Ladder (10 feet)

Craft: Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Wood, Craft Set
Value: 1 SP

The ladder is made of quality wood to balance the lowest possible weight with the highest resistance, making it easier to transport.
Climbing with a ladder makes every 10 feet of movement cost an extra 5 feet.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Metal Spheres (bag with 1.000)

Craft: Alchemist, Gunsmith, Armorer, Locksmith, Conductor, Cutler, Inventor, Jeweler, Collector (miner)
DC: 10
Component: Metal, Craft Set
Value: 1 GP

The metal spheres are less than 1 cm each and made of any type of metal available. Once used and scattered, it is unfeasible to collect
them again.
As an action, you can spread these tiny metal balls from the pouch that contains them to cover a flat, square area that is 10 feet on a
side. A creature that moves through the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. A creature
moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make a saving throw.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Steel Mirror
Craft: Alchemist, Armorer, Cutler, Collector (miner)
DC: 12
Component: Metal, Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

The steel mirror is approximately 12 cm high, 8 cm wide and 5 mm thick and is polished to reflect.
A steel mirror is handy when you want to look around corners, signal friends with reflected sunlight, keep an eye on a medusa, make
sure that you look good enough to present yourself to the queen, or examine wounds that you’ve received on hard-to-see parts of your
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Iron Stakes (10)

Craft: Armorer, Cutler, Collector (miner)
DC: 12
Component: Metal, Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 2 hours

Iron stakes are normally used to secure the reins of mounts in a certain location, but can be used in different ways such as being attached
to a wall to hang something.
Stakes can be used as an improvised weapon for bludgeoning or piercing damage (1d4), but once used in this way, they cannot be used
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Map or Parchment Case

Craft: Inventor, Archer, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (leatherworker)
DC: 10
Component: Wood, Leather and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 2 hours

A map or parchment case is made of wood and covered in leather, or just thick leather.
This case can hold up to ten rolled sheets of paper or up to five rolled sheets of parchment, protected from water and weather
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Meal Box
Craft: Gunsmith, Armorer, Cutler, Collector (miner)
DC: 10
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 2 SP
Time: 1 hour

This tin box contains a simple mug and cutlery. The box and lid snap together, one side can be used as a cooking pot and the other as a
plate or shallow bowl.
It is possible to use this case to prepare a simple meal with access to ingredients and a constant heat source, such as a campfire.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Bolt Case
Craft: Archer, Cutler, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Wood and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

This case is made of wood to store bolts that can be used in crossbows. The main function of the case is to protect the bolts in addition to
facilitating the draw for reloading in combat.
By default, a bolt case can contain up to twenty crossbow bolts.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and roll 1d10, the value equals the number of additional bolts that can be placed in the case.

Caltrops (bag with 20)

Craft: Gunsmith, Armorer, Cutler, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

Caltrops are made of metal spikes, it is an anti-personnel weapon that can be used to hinder the movement of people and animals.
As an action, you spread a bag of caltrops to cover an area 5 feet square. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw or it ends its movement this turn and takes 1 point of piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature's
speed by 10 feet until it regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed does not make a saving throw.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Locksmith, Inventor
DC: 10
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 10 GP

Made of metal, both a lock and a padlock are made to be opened only using a specific key made for that purpose.
Two keys are made with the lock/padlock. Without the key, a creature with locksmith tools can pick this lock with a successful DC 15
Dexterity check.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and roll 1d4, the value is added to the DC to pick the lock.

Arcane Focus: Baton

Craft: Alchemist, Enchanter, Herbalist, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 15
Component: Wood, metal, arcane components and Craft Set
Value: 10 GP

In order for a baton to be used as an Arcane Focus, it needs not only some specific type of wood, but also coatings that facilitate the
conduction of arcane energy. The treatment given to the baton's wood is even more complex than the treatment given if it were just a
weapon. Its size is the same as a Mace and, through different processes, be it alchemical transmutation of the core of this staff, or even
the inscription of runes, among other possibilities, this object can be used as an arcane focus.
O Arcane Focus: Baton can be used as a spellcasting focus, the rules for which can be found in the classes themselves and in Chapter
10: Magic. Additionally, it can be used as a melee weapon, using the characteristics of the Club weapon.
Natural 20. Weapons - I.

Arcane Focus: Staff

Craft: Alchemist, Enchanter, Herbalist, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Wood and Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

A staff to be used as an Arcane Focus can be produced using some types of wood found everywhere in addition to specific coatings,
however, the treatment given to the wood is more complex than the treatment given if it were just a weapon. Through different processes,
be it alchemical transmutation of the core of this staff, or even the inscription of runes, among other possibilities, the staff can be used as
an arcane focus.
O Arcane Focus: Staff can be used as a spellcasting focus, the rules for which can be found in the classes themselves and in Chapter
10: Magic. Additionally, it can be used as a melee weapon, using the characteristics of the Quarterstaff weapon.
Natural 20. Weapons - I.

Arcane Focus: Crystal

Craft: Alchemist, Enchanter, Herbalist, Jeweler, Craftworks (sculptor), Collector (miner)
DC: 15
Component: Crystal and Craft Set
Value: 10 GP

A crystal can be used as an Arcane Focus, for this it is necessary to find certain crystals, polished or not, and give them certain specific
treatments that make it capable of transferring arcane energies.
O Arcane Focus: Crystal can be used as a spellcasting focus, the rules for which can be found in the classes themselves and in Chapter
10: Magic.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Arcane Focus: Orb

Craft: Alchemist, Armorer, Cutler, Enchanter, Herbalist, Jeweler, Craftworks (carpenter, sculptor, potter, glassmaker), Collector (todos)
DC: 15
Component: Metal, Wood, Cristais, Components Mágicos and Craft Set
Value: 20 GP

Creating an Orb that works as an Arcane Focus requires planning from the techniques of its construction, with several possibilities
existing for that. The orb can be made with bent metals inscribed with runes, with mixtures of magical ingredients on a solidified base,
with wooden pieces as an arcane puzzle, among other possibilities that have different needs.
O Arcane Focus: Orb can be used as a spellcasting focus, the rules for which can be found in the classes themselves and in Chapter 10:
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Arcane Focus: Wand

Craft: Alchemist, Enchanter, Herbalist, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 12
Component: Metal, Wood, Cristais, Components Mágicos and Craft Set
Value: 10 GP

An Arcane Focus: Wand is more than just a piece of a tree, in addition to the usual wooden body, the Wand has several processes that
make this object an excellent arcane conduit. The processes for this can be of an alchemical nature by transmuting it, of enchantment
through the attachment of magical components or even through the inscription of runes.
O Arcane Focus: Wand can be used as a spellcasting focus, the rules for which can be found in the classes themselves and in Chapter
10: Magic.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Glass Flask
Craft: Alchemist, Craftworks (glassmaker)
DC: 12
Component: Sand, silica and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

A standard glass flask that can hold up to 250ml, its glass is fragile against impacts and even heat, not having a special treatment to
become more resistant. They are usually used to store potions, poisons or other ingredients.
A glass flask has 1 hit point and AC 13.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Flask or Mug
Craft: Todos
DC: 10
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 2 CP
Time: 1 hour
A flask or mug can be made from almost any material, as long as there are raw materials for it and tools to make it. Additionally, flasks and
mugs can be improvised.
The hit points and AC of a flask or mug are based on the base material used to create them, as seen in Chapter 13: Running the Game
- Objects.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Glass Bottle
Craft: Alchemist, Artist (makeup artist, painter, tattoo artist, calligrapher), Craftworks (sculptor, scribe, potter), Collector (miner)
DC: 10
Component: Calcium Sulfate Base and Craft Set
Value: 1 CP
Time: 1 hour

Heating sand or silica to create a glass bottle is a process that requires the use of a constant heat source in addition to the Craft set in
order to be able to blow the glass into the desired shape.
A glass bottle has 2d4 hit points and AC 13.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Craftworks (glassmaker)
DC: 12
Component: Sand or silica and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 1 hour

Chalk is an object usually in the shape of an elongated cylinder that, when rubbed on a surface, leaves a trail as it wears away.
Chalk is made from specific rocks, but can be improvised with other rocks that wear away leaving pigments when rubbed on a surface.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Jug or Pitcher
Craft: Armorer, Cutler, Craftworks (carpenter, sculptor, potter, glassmaker)
DC: 10
Component: Metal, wood, clay, sand or silica and Craft Set
Value: 2 CP
Time: 2 hours

Being able to be constructed from different materials, the pitcher is normally used to store and pour liquids in a controlled manner.
By default a pitcher is capable of holding up to 4 liters of liquid content.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Armorer, Cutler, Inventor
DC: 12
Component: Metal, wood, clay, sand or silica and Craft Set
Value: 2 SP
Time: 2 hours

A lantern is an object with a handle so it can be held and space for oil placed in it to burn, producing light. This lantern does not work on
rainy and windy days.
A lantern casts full light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours in a flask (0.5 liter) of
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Hooded Lantern
Craft: Armorer, Cutler, Inventor
DC: 12
Component: Metal, wood, clay, sand or silica and Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

A hooded lantern is similar to a common lantern, however it has a cover that makes it possible to use it on rainy days in addition to
controlling the intensity of the light produced, even so it still cannot be used on days with strong wind.
A hooded lantern casts full light in an area of 30 feet radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours in a
flask (0.5 liter) of oil. As an action, you can lower the lantern's cloak, reducing the light to dim light in a 5-foot radius.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Bullseye Lantern
Craft: Armorer, Cutler, Inventor
DC: 14
Component: Metal, wood, clay, sand or silica and Craft Set
Value: 10 GP

A bullseye lantern is an evolution of a hooded lantern, it has a glass that protects its interior and allows the light to be better focused.
A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask
(0.5 liter) of oil.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Artist (Calligrapher), Craftworks (Scribe)
DC: 15
Component: Paper, leather and Craft Set
Value: 25 GP

In each region Books differ in their value based on how common they are and how easily they are produced.
A book may contain poetry, historical accounts, information pertaining to a particular field of knowledge, diagrams and notes on
inventions, or just about anything else that can be represented using text or images. A book that contains spells is a spellbook
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Spellbook/ Grimoire
Craft: Enchanter, Artist (Calligrapher), Craftworks (Scribe)
DC: 15
Component: Paper, leather and Craft Set
Value: 25 GP

Although it appears to be an ordinary book, the pages and even the cover of a Grimoire are specially made so that they can receive special
inks that interact with magic.
Essential for arcanes, a spellbook is a leather-bound tome with 100 blank vellum pages suitable for inscribing spells.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Inventor, Craftworks (glassmaker)
DC: 15
Component: Wood, or metal, or Leather and Sand, or silica and Craft Set
Value: 1.000 GP

To make a Spyglass it is necessary to create lenses and know how to arrange them in order to achieve the desired effect. Depending on the
region, the value of a spyglass can be extremely high.
Objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their original size.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Magnifying Glass
Craft: Inventor, Craftworks (glassmaker)
DC: 15
Component: Wood, or metal, or Leather and Sand, or silica and Craft Set
Value: 100 GP

To make a magnifying glass, it is necessary to create a converging lens that displays an enlarged virtual image of something.
It is also useful as a substitute for flint and lighter when setting fire. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass requires bright light such
as sunlight to focus, a flammable material to burn, and about 5 minutes for the fire to catch. A magnifying glass grants advantage on any
attribute check made to evaluate or inspect an item that is small or highly detailed.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Gunsmith, Armorer, Locksmith, Cutler, Inventor, Mason, Collector (miner)
DC: 12
Component: Wood, metal and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

A sledgehammer is a large hammer used primarily for breaking rocks.

If used as an improvised weapon by someone proficient with Mallet, a sledgehammer deals 2d4 of bludgeoning damage but has less
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Gunsmith, Armorer, Locksmith, Cutler, Inventor, Mason, Collector (miner)
DC: 12
Component: Wood, metal and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 2 hours

A hammer is usually made of metal (but not limited to it), for striking objects or hammering nails.
If used as an improvised weapon by someone proficient with Light Hammer, a hammer has the same characteristics but less
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Fashionista, Collector (leatherworker)
DC: 15
Component: Leather, fabric, threads and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

A backpack can be made using leather or even fabrics and even combinations between these two.
The standard capacity of a backpack is 30 liters or up to 15 kg of equipment.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Ammunition: Sling Bullets

Craft: Alchemist, Gunsmith, Archer, Cutler, Inventor, Mason, Craftworks (carpenter, sculptor, potter, glassmaker), Collector (miner)
DC: 10
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 4 CP
Time: 1 hours

A sling bullet can be made of different materials, the important thing is that it is crafted to become as smooth as possible, thus
increasing its accuracy during shooting.
20 sling bullets are produced for the presented market value.
Natural 20. General Ammunition Table.

Ammunition: Blowgun Needles

Craft: Gunsmith, Archer, Cutler, Inventor, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

Blowgun Needles are efficient for applying poison to targets from a distance and in a stealthy way, they can be made of wood, metal,
bones, among other possibilities.
50 blowgun needles are produced for the presented market value.
Natural 20. General Ammunition Table.

Ammunition: Arrows
Craft: Archer, Cutler, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (biologist, lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour
Arrows are, by default, made of wood with a tip made of metal or sharp stone.
20 arrows are produced for the presented market value.
Natural 20. General Ammunition Table.

Ammunition: Crossbow Bolts

Craft: Archer, Cutler, Inventor, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (biologist)
DC: 10
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

Crossbow bolts are similar to arrows, but are usually smaller while having the same weight.
20 crossbow bolts are produced for the presented market value.
Natural 20. General Ammunition Table.

Oil (flask)
Craft: Alchemist, Gunsmith, Cook, Cutler, Fermenter, Herbalist, Inventor, Collector (biologist, leatherworker, miner)
DC: 12
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 1 SP
Time: 1 hour

Oil is a generic name for substances that are flammable and can come from various sources, from animals, vegetables and even minerals.
The value of the clay flask is included in its value.
The oil usually comes in a clay flask that holds 0.5 liters. As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5
feet of your reach or throw the flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the
oil as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries up (after 1
minute), it takes 5 points of fire damage from the boiling oil. You can also pour a vial of oil onto the floor to cover an area of 5 square feet,
provided the surface is level. If ignited, the oil burns for 2 turns and deals 5 points of fire damage to any creature that enters the area or
ends its turn there. A creature can take this damage only once during its turn.
Natural 20. General Ammunition Table.

Craft: Cutler, Herbalist, Inventor, Collector (biologist, leatherworker, miner)
DC: 12
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 1 hour

A Shovel is made using a flattened and slightly flat metal or stone object, in addition to a handle usually made of wood.
A shovel is used for digging holes in general, see the rules for digging in Chapter X: Digging.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Iron Pot
Craft: Cutler, Collector (miner)
DC: 12
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hour

An iron pot can be used to prepare food on stoves and even campfires.
Using an Iron Pot to prepare the recipes (formulas) of your foods, allows them to be prepared in half the time required.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Paper (1 sheet)
Craft: Alchemist, Enchanter, Forger, Herbalist, Inventor, Artist (calligrapher), Craftworks (scribe), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: 2 SP
Time: 2 hour
Paper is made up of fine fibers of normally vegetable origin, arranged in a sheet format, being useful for various purposes, but mainly for
A paper can be used for writing or drawing, but if it gets wet it becomes fragile and can be easily torn.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Armorer, Cutler
DC: 12
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hour

The crowbar is a metal instrument that serves to make the lever movement.
Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength checks where the crowbar's leverage can be applied.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Alchemist, Gunsmith, Armorer, Cutler, Mason, Collector (miner)
DC: 10
Component: Rock and Craft Set
Value: 2 CP
Time: 2 hour

A whetstone can either be produced by hardening a solution made for this purpose or by using an ore that already has the necessary
Using a whetstone for 10 minutes causes a piercing or slashing weapon to have its critical range increased by 1 for a number of attacks
equal to half your proficiency bonus. When that number of attacks are made, that bonus is lost. After 5 uses of a whetstone, it no longer
provides this benefit.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Perfume (flask)
Craft: Alchemist, Enchanter, Herbalist, Inventor, Poisonist
DC: 10
Component: Rock and Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

A perfume traditionally is a mixture of oils, water and alcohol that produces an aroma based on the ingredients.
A local perfume gives advantages in social interactions.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Parchment (1 sheet)
Craft: Enchanter, Forger, Inventor, Artist (calligrapher), Craftworks (scribe), Collector (biologist, leatherworker)
DC: 12
Component: Leather and Craft Set
Value: 1 SP
Time: 2 hours

Parchment is animal skin stretched and prepared to receive writing. When made from delicate skins, it is called vellum.
These parchments are only used for writing, for them to be used for magic it is necessary to do other processes.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Magic Scroll (parchment)

Craft: Enchanter, Forger, Collector (biologist, leatherworker)
DC: 15
Component: Leather and Craft Set
Value: 5 SP
Time: 4 hours

Unlike parchment, which is only used for writing, the base parchment for writing magic is given special care to allow for the placement of
the spell written on it.
Creating a magic scroll requires the hide of an animal or even ordinary parchment that has been specially treated. In this case, the
creation value is deducted.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Ore Pickaxe
Craft: Cutler, Collector (miner)
DC: 15
Component: Metal, wood and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

An ore pickaxe is made for breaking down stone and extracting specific ore veins.
If used as an improvised weapon by someone with proficiency with a War Pick, an ore pickaxe deals 1d6 piercing damage but has less
Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Craft: Alchemist
DC: 17
Component: Metal, wood and Craft Set
Value: 50 GP

The formula for creating the pyrofluid, although known in several regions, remains a secret for the general public that is not passed on to
just anyone.
This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact.
Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the pyrofluid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire
damage and is Scorched for the same amount of damage per turn.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and the damage dealt becomes 1d6.

Craft: Armorer, Cutler
DC: 17
Component: Metal, wood and Craft Set
Value: 5 CP
Time: 1 hour

The piton is a metallic piece used mainly for mountaineering, being hammered on the surface where you intend to climb.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Healing Potion
Craft: Alchemist, Herbalist, Poisonist
DC: 17
Component: Herbs, alchemical components and Craft Set
Value: 50 GP

Several formulas exist through alchemy, herbal combinations and even poisons.
A character who drinks the fluid from this vial regains 2d4+2 hit points. Drinking or administering a potion requires an action.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and heals 2d6+2.

Craft: Gunsmith, Armorer, Locksmith, Conductor, Cutler, Inventor
DC: 12
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 1 CP

A set of pulleys with a cable running through them and a hook for attaching to objects, a system of sheaves and pulleys.
O sistema de roldana e polia, quando posicionado, permite você içar até quatro vezes o peso que normalmente poderia levantar.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Clothes (Common)
Craft: Fashionista
DC: 10
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 5 SP
Time: 1 hour

Common clothes often include tops, bottoms, regional underwear and footwear.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Clothes (Costume)
Craft: Fashionista
DC: 12
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

Costumes vary in value, starting at 5 GP and increasing in value with complexity and luxury.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Clothes (Fine)
Craft: Fashionista
DC: 15
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 15 GP

Fine Clothes are similar to ordinary clothes, but have a better cut and are made of nobler materials.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Clothes (Traveler's)
Craft: Fashionista
DC: 12
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

Traveller's clothes are reinforced clothing for travel, usually with reinforced joints or even clothing linked to a specific climate.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Alchemist, Cook, Fermenter, Herbalist, Inventor, Artist (makeup artist)
DC: 10
Component: Fat and ashes, Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

Soap is usually sold in bars and together with water it is used for cleaning of intense nature.
The source of fat to make soap is usually animal, but there are formulas to use vegetable fat for this purpose.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Fashionista
DC: 10
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 1 CP
Time: 1 hour

A sack is made of some fabric and is normally used to transport objects, especially grains.
A sack can hold 1 cubic foot or 30 pounds of equipment.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Sleeping Bag
Craft: Fashionista
DC: 12
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 2 hours
Made from specific fabrics to create thermal insulation, a sleeping bag usually comes with a waterproof fabric that also serves as a
thermal insulator.
A sleeping bag is for an average-sized person to sleep comfortably.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Holy Symbol (amulet, Emblem or Reliquary)

Craft: Armorer, Cutler, Craftworks (carpenter, sculptor)
DC: 12
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 5 GP

A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. It may be an amulet representing a symbol of a deity, the same symbol carefully
engraved or carved as an emblem on a shield, or a small box containing a fragment of a holy relic.
An acolyte can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in the hand, wear it
visibly, or carry it on a shield.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Armorer, Cutler, Craftworks (musical instrumentator)
DC: 12
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 2 hours

The bell can have a variety of final shapes, but is usually a hollow metal cone that resonates when struck.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Tent (two-people)
Craft: Fashionista
DC: 12
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

A tent is usually a simple, portable sailcloth shelter that can be set up easily in most terrain.
By default, normally up to two people can sleep comfortably in a tent.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and one more person can sleep comfortably in the tent.

Ink (flask with 30 ml)

Craft: Alchemist, Cook, Enchanter, Forger, Fermenter, Herbalist, Inventor, Jeweler, Fashionista, Artist (makeup artist, painter, tattoo artist,
calligrapher) Craftworks (scribe) Collector (miner)
DC: 12
Component: Pigmentos, veículo líquido and Craft Set
Value: 10 GP
Time: 2 hours

A 30 ml bottle of ink can be made through the most diverse processes, using mineral, animal, vegetable and even magical pigments.
The ink bottle is usually 30 ml capacity, normally not completely filling the bottle.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and 1d4 times 5 ml more ink is produced.

Craft: Alchemist, Gunsmith, Archer, Cook, Inventor, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (all)
DC: 12
Component: Wood, fuel, fabric and Craft Set
Value: 10 GP
Time: 2 hours

Although practically anyone, even without Craft, can improvise a torch, not everyone knows how to make a functional one that can be
extinguished easily and remains intact during its use.
A torch burns for 1 hour, providing full light within 20 feet and dim light for an additional 20 feet. If you make a melee attack with a lit
torch and hit, it deals 1 point of fire damage.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces and the torch lasts for 1d4 times 10 minutes longer.
Craft: Alchemist, Gunsmith, Archer, Cook, Inventor, Craftworks (carpenter), Collector (all)
DC: 12
Component: Fabric and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 2 hours

Depending on the region, tunics are comfortable garments used in more intimate and non-public places.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Archer, Conductor, Craftworks (carpenter) Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 10
Component: Wood or Bamboo and Craft Set
Value: 5 CP
Time: 1 hour

A rod can be used to reach heights greater than the person using it.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Craft: Alchemist, Enchanter, Forger, Herbalist, Inventor, Jeweler, Poisonist
DC: 10
Component: Cera, pavio and Craft Set
Value: 1 CP
Time: 1 hour

A candle is usually made with wax and a central wick, with the material being of animal, vegetable and even mineral origin.
When lit, the candle lasts for 1 hour, during which time it sheds full light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

Basic Poison (flask)

Craft: Alchemist, Herbalist, Poisonist, Collector (biologist)
DC: 15
Component: Poisonous base and Craft Set
Value: 100 GP

Basic poison is a term that refers to weak poisons that are easily counteracted by organisms in general.
You can use the poison in this vial to coat a slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. Applying the poison
requires an action. A creature hit by a poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison
damage. Once applied, the poison maintains its effect for 1 minute before drying.
Natural 20. General Masterpieces

New Formulas

Alchemical Synthesis: Gold

Craft: Alchemist 5
DC: 20
Component: Gold-dust, Craft Set
Value: 50 GP

The Alchemical Synthesis: Gold formula allows a weapon to be given a temporary coating that emulates the property of the gold material
without affecting its properties or durability. A weapon can only have one alchemical synthesis at a time.
You can use this formula to coat a slashing, piercing or blunt weapon, or up to six pieces of ammunition or thrown weapons. Applying
the formula requires an action, and the duration of this formula once applied is 24 hours if the weapon is not used. On ammunition or
thrown weapons, this formula loses its effect after being used, while on other weapons, after the first attack with it, the formula lasts for
10 rounds.
For the duration of the formula, the weapon now deals double damage against Demons and Celestials.
Natural 20. The formula can coat twice as many weapons.
Alchemical Synthesis: Silver
Craft: Alchemist 5
DC: 20
Component: Silver dust, Craft Set
Value: 25 GP

The Alchemical Synthesis: Silver formula allows a weapon to be given a temporary coating that emulates the material property of silver
without affecting its properties or durability. A weapon can only have one alchemical synthesis at a time.
You can use this formula to coat a slashing, piercing or blunt weapon, or up to six pieces of ammunition or thrown weapons. Applying
the formula requires an action, and the duration of this formula once applied is 24 hours if the weapon is not used. On ammunition or
thrown weapons, this formula loses its effect after being used, while on other weapons, after the first attack with it, the formula lasts for
10 rounds.
For the duration of the formula, the weapon now deals double damage against Voidborns
Natural 20. The formula can coat twice as many weapons.

Alchemical Synthesis: Glacial

Craft: Alchemist 5
DC: 20
Component: Graphite, Craft Set
Value: 25 GP

The Alchemical Synthesis: Glacial formula allows a weapon to take on a temporary coating that deals cold elemental damage when used
without affecting its properties or durability. A weapon can only have one alchemical synthesis at a time.
You can use this formula to coat a slashing, piercing or blunt weapon, or up to six pieces of ammunition or thrown weapons. Applying
the formula requires an action, and the duration of this formula once applied is 24 hours if the weapon is not used. On ammunition or
thrown weapons, this formula loses its effect after being used, while on other weapons, after the first attack with it, the formula lasts for
10 rounds.
For the duration of the formula the weapon has its damage increased by 1 on the damage scale and starts to cause cold damage.
Natural 20. The formula can coat twice as many weapons.

Alchemical Synthesis: Reliquary

Craft: Alchemist 5
DC: 20
Component: Remains of Spiritual world Creatures, Craft Set
Value: 25 GP

The Alchemical Synthesis: Relicário Formula allows a weapon to be given a temporary coating that emulates the property of the
relic-stone material without affecting its properties or durability. A weapon can only have one alchemical synthesis at a time.
You can use this formula to coat a slashing, piercing or blunt weapon, or up to six pieces of ammunition or thrown weapons. Applying
the formula requires an action, and the duration of this formula once applied is 24 hours if the weapon is not used. On ammunition or
thrown weapons, this formula loses its effect after being used, while on other weapons, after the first attack with it, the formula lasts for
10 rounds.
For the duration of the formula, the weapon now deals double damage against Undead.
Natural 20. The formula can coat twice as many weapons.

Alchemical Synthesis: Poisonous

Craft: Alchemist 5
DC: 20
Component: Poison, Craft Set
Value: 50 GP

The Alchemical Synthesis: Poisonous allows a weapon to receive a temporary coating of a toxin that acts like poison, bypassing poison
resistances, without affecting its properties or durability. A weapon can only have one alchemical synthesis at a time.
You can use this formula to coat a slashing, piercing or blunt weapon, or up to six pieces of ammunition or thrown weapons. Applying
the formula requires an action, and the duration of this formula once applied is 24 hours if the weapon is not used. On ammunition or
thrown weapons, this formula loses its effect after being used, while on other weapons, after the first attack with it, the formula lasts for
10 rounds.
For the duration of the formula, the weapon deals your Proficiency bonus as additional poison damage. The creature must make a
Constitution saving throw DC 6 + your proficiency bonus + Craft level. On a faiure, the creature is alchemically Intoxicated until it
finishes a long rest or receives an alchemical antidote.
Natural 20. The formula can coat twice as many weapons.

Whatever be the reason, you may find yourself in a
situation where digging is necessary, whether it's to bury
something or to try to create an escape tunnel or even a
trench for an inevitable battle.

To dig holes an Athletics roll is made with DC based on

the type of terrain in question, a success means 5 cubic
feet are dug in one time also based on the type of soil.

Failure means the time to dig 5 feet is doubled and a critical failure takes an additional 1d4 roll, if it lands on 1, the tool

For every 5 points above the required DC obtained on the roll, the time needed to dig the 5 feet is reduced by 1 minute.

A person can make a number of checks equal to half his Constitution modifier before he risks suffering from exhaustion. A
person who has exceeded this amount must rest for at least 1 hour. For each new roll made above this value, the DC is
increased by 2 and if it is a failure, the person suffers 1 level of Exhaustion that can be recovered by resting for at least 8

Digging a hole without proper tools imposes a penalty:

● Absence of shovel triples the time

● Absence of pickaxe doubles the time
● Absence of hammer and iron stakes quadruples the time

Proficiency with Miner's Craft causes the roll to be made by adding twice the Craft level to the rolls.

No matter how much you want to, adventurers usually need to rest, temporarily putting aside their activities of exploration,
social interaction and combat. It's the time needed to take care of your wounds, feed yourself and catch your breath so that
an adventure can be completed or new ones can happen.

There are 3 types of Rest, the Short Rest, the Long Rest and the Full Rest, each explained below.:

Short Rest
A short rest is a period of inactivity ranging in length from 15 minutes to 1 hour, in which a character can eat, drink and
tend to wounds. During a short rest, a character can spend 1 Hit Dice from their class to recover hit points, the player rolls
the dice and adds the character's Constitution modifier to the dice result, recovering that value in hit points.

Also, during a Short Rest, a character can use a First Aid Kit to tend to his wounds, consumption of a Kit restores your
Proficiency bonus in Hit Dice.

Only one Hit Dice and First Aid Kit can be used before taking a Long Rest.

Long Rest
A long rest is an at least 8 hours long period of near-inactivity in which a character does nothing more strenuous than eat,
drink, read and tend to wounds, and sleep for at least 6 hours. A long rest can only be taken every 16 hours, for a total of 24
hours in a day.

During the long rest, a character has his level in each class in Hit Dice, so a 10th-level Combatant has 10d10 Hit Dice, while
a multiclass character who has 3rd Combatant level and 7th Marksman level has 3d10 and 7d8 Hit Dice.
For each Hit Dice spent this way, the player rolls the dice and adds the character's Constitution modifier to the dice result,
recovering that value in hit points. The player can choose to spend an additional Hit Dice after each turn. A character
regains some expended Hit Dice after finishing a full rest, as explained later.

During a long rest, a character also reduces his level of exhaustion by an amount equal to his Constitution modifier.

Full Rest
A full rest works similarly to a long rest, also being a period of prolonged inactivity, lasting at least 8 hours, with the need to
sleep for at least 6 hours. However, you can only take a Full Rest after completing 2 long rests. That way, after completing 2
long rests, the third will be a full rest.

At the end of a full rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also recovers spent Hit Dice, up to a number of
dice equal to half the character's total number of Hit Dice (minimum of one dice), multiclass characters recover one Hit Dice
from each class at a time. For example, if a character has eight Hit Dice from a single class, he can regain four expended Hit
Dice after finishing a full rest, but if he is a multiclass character, such as a character who has 3rd level Combatant and 7th
level Marksman, can recover 5 hit dice, being 3 Hit Dice from Marksman and 2 Hit Dice from Combatant or 3 Hit Dice from
Combatant and 2 Hit Dice from Marksman.

Also, during a full rest, a character reduces his level of exhaustion to 0, provided that, in both the short rest and the long
rest, he has also ingested food and water.

A character must have at least 1 hit point at the start of a full rest to gain its benefits.

You can help another creature complete a task. When you perform a Help action, the creature you are helping gains
advantage on the next attribute check it makes to perform the task you are helping with, as long as it makes the check
before the start of her next turn.

Alternatively, you can help a friendly creature attack another creature within 5 feet of your reach. You feint, distract the
target, or otherwise link up with your ally to make their attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next
turn, the first attack roll is made with advantage.

Absorption, Immunity, Resistance and Vulnerability


The interaction of resistances with poison works differently than other damage types:

● Poisoning Resistance: When the poisonous formula is of a level equal to or less than your proficiency bonus, you
make the saving throw roll with advantage. If you already have advantage, add +1 to the roll.
● Poisoning Immunity: You are immune to poisonous formulas of a level equal to or less than your proficiency bonus.
● Resistance to poison damage. Grants your proficiency bonus to saving throws from poisonous formulas
● Immunity to poison damage. Grants twice your proficiency bonus to saving throws from poisonous formulas.

Completing a Full Rest restores all spent Mana points.

Some special abilities and environmental hazards, such as hunger and prolonged exposure to freezing or scorching
temperatures, can lead to a special condition called Exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in ten levels, for each level of
Exhaustion, all of your rolls involving a d20, such as saving throws, attack rolls and skills, in addition to the DC of your
spells, Sutras and Summons, take a penalty equal to your exhaustion level.
If a creature that is already exhausted is subjected to another effect that causes exhaustion, its current exhaustion level
increases by the amount specified in the effect's description.

An effect that removes exhaustion reduces your level, as specified in the effect's description. All exhaustion effects
disappear if the creature's exhaustion is reduced below 1.

The maximum exhaustion a creature can have is 10, any level above that value means the creature dies.

Removing Exhaustion
Finishing a long rest reduces a creature's exhaustion level by an amount equal to its Constitution modifier, finishing a full
rest reduces a creature's exhaustion level to 0, provided that on both the long and full rests, the creature also ingested food
and water.

Receiving a Lesser Restoration spell removes 1 level of exhaustion, while receiving a Greater Restoration spell removes 1d6
+ Spellcasting modifier levels of exhaustion.

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