The Influence of Manufacturing Variations On A Crash Energy Management System

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Proceedings of RTDF2008

2008 ASME Rail Transportation Division Fall Technical Conference

September 24-25, 2008 Chicago, Illinois, USA




Philip Mallon
Benjamin Perlman
David Tyrell
US Department of Transportation
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

ABSTRACT modified independently while holding all other car ends

Crash Energy Management (CEM) systems protect The model used in this study was designed to be
passengers in the event of a train collision. A CEM system comparable with a 30 mph, full-scale, train-to-train CEM test.
distributes crush throughout designated unoccupied crush Using crush distribution and secondary impact velocity as
zones of a passenger rail consist. This paper examines the measures of crashworthiness, the standard CEM consist
influence of manufacturing variations in the CEM system on performance has a maximum crashworthiness speed limit of 40
the crashworthiness of CEM passenger rail equipment. mph. Percent total energy absorbed was used as a means of
To perform effectively, a CEM system must have certain comparison between cars for each consist configuration.
features. A coupling mechanism allows coupled cars to come When energy absorption levels are decreased at any
together in a controlled fashion and absorb energy. A load particular car end, crush tends to be drawn towards this car end.
transfer mechanism ensures that the car ends mate and maintain Correspondingly, when available energy levels are increased at
contact. A principal energy absorber mechanism is responsible a car end, crush is drawn away from this car end. For both
for absorbing the vast majority of crash energy. These cases, the overall distribution of crush has more of an effect
components function by providing an increasing force-crush locally and less of an effect at other coupled interfaces. This
characteristic when they are overloaded. The force-crush paper shows that moderate variations in crush behavior may
behavior can vary due to manufacturing tolerances. occur due to manufacturing tolerances and have little influence
For the purposes of this research, the pushback coupler, the on the crashworthiness performance of CEM systems.
deformable anticlimber, and the primary energy absorber were
the devices that performed these functions. It was confirmed in INTRODUCTION
this study that the force-crush characteristic of the pushback
coupler and the primary energy absorber have the greatest CEM protects occupant space during a collision through
influence on crashworthiness performance. transfer of collision energy. Load at the impacting car end of a
To represent the influence of these parameters, the average consist is conveyed to sacrificial structures in unoccupied
force of the pushback coupler and the average force of the regions of a car. Recent research has demonstrated that both a
primary energy absorber were examined. A cab-led passenger CEM system [1] and a mixed CEM and conventional consist
train impacting a standing freight consist was represented as a [2] will improve crashworthiness performance of passenger
one-dimensional lumped-mass model. The force-crush trains.
characteristic for each coach car end was adjusted to examine To work well, a CEM system must allow crush to be
the effects of variation in manufacturing. Each car end was shared among car ends. A conventional car leading a consist
absorbs most of the energy in a collision. [2,3] Crush is not

This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Approved for
public release; distribution is unlimited.
passed through the consist to the trailing cars. Each car end Force-Crush Characteristic
with CEM equipment must function properly to distribute crush
energy throughout the length of a train. Manufacture of a CEM
system will inevitably introduce fabrication deviations and
variation in material properties in CEM components. The
purpose of this research is to understand the consequences of 2x106

Force (lbf)
deviations in the behavior of components on CEM system
The investigation uses computer simulation to investigate
the influence of modifications to key elements of a CEM 1x106
system. Adjustments made to the force-crush characteristic
represent these modifications. Behavior exhibited by the
consist as well as by the individual cars determine the effect of
the variations. The overall crush at each car end and kinematic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
time history for each carbody can be translated into loss of
occupied volume and secondary impact velocity (SIV) to assess Crush (ft)
Figure 1. Conventional Force-Crush Characteristic
Trailing cars in a conventional consist absorb very little
To evaluate how well a CEM system performs, a reference energy during an in-line collision with no override. After the
must be established. Crush behavior of a conventional draft gear is compressed, there is little structural crush.
passenger train in a 30 mph collision with a freight consist is However, the car ends will tend to misalign as a result of the
used as the reference for this study. The improvement in stiff link between cars. When a high longitudinal load is
crashworthiness provided by CEM systems has been applied at the couplers, a small perturbation can make the cars
established for this case. This study investigates practical move laterally away from each other. This phenomenon is
limits necessary to insure good performance. known as saw-tooth buckling and is described in reference [1].
A CEM system inhibits this behavior.
Conventional Design When the draft sill buckles, as seen in the force-crush
Historically, passenger railroad cars have been constructed characteristic in Figure 1, the first car in the consist crushes and
with a stiff underframe and a relatively weak superstructure. absorbs most of the collision energy. Little crush is passed on
Most passenger cars currently in service have similar to trailing cars in the consist. Figure 2 illustrates the
construction. The force-crush characteristic of this design distribution for a 30 mph collision.
focuses crush on the colliding car.
The components making up the underframe of a Car End Crush
conventional car are the center sill, the draft sill, the side sills, 40
the draft gear, and the end beam. In a collision, the underframe
of a cab-led conventional car is loaded until its draft gear is
fully compressed. The draft sill is then loaded until it buckles, 30
drastically reducing the load capacity. Once this happens, the
Crush (ft)

colliding car is allowed to crush in an uncontrolled fashion. 20

This behavior is characterized by the force-crush behavior
depicted in Figure 1, derived from full-scale tests. The initial
portion preceding the peak takes both the draft gear and 10
coupler into account. Crush behavior beyond 5 feet can be
extrapolated from test measurements to approximately half the 0
length of the car [1].
Ca ont

Co h 4 t
Co 3 t


5 t
Co 2 t


ac ron

ac ron
ac ron

ac Re

ac Re

ac Re
ac Re

Co 4 F

Co 5 F
Co 2 F

Co 3 F
Co b




Car End

Figure 2. 30 mph Crush Distribution for a Conventional


The shaded areas represent the energy associated with each
component. These components are the draft gear, the pushback
Crash Energy Management Design coupler, the primary energy absorber, and the occupied
The essence of the CEM rail car lies in the crush of carbody. More force is required as each section is crushed, and
unoccupied areas and the prevention of crush in the occupied crushing continues until the system is exhausted and the
volume. To produce a controlled crush situation, a sacrificial occupied volume is entered.
crush zone, similar to those found in modern-day passenger Figure 4 is adapted from the characteristic detailed in
automobiles, can be placed at the ends of each car. A specific reference [5]. Other CEM design concepts with increasing
design based on these concepts was developed for the Federal levels of force are possible. The values in the FRA/Volpe
Railroad Administration (FRA) by the Volpe National design are used here as the standard for all adjustments.
Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) [4]. A schematic The sliding sill is allowed to begin crushing the primary
of this design is presented in Figure 3. energy absorbers after the associated shear bolts fail at 1.3 x
106 lbf. The primary energy absorbers (PEA) begin crushing at
Roof Absorber 7.45 x 105 lbf and rise to 1.32 x 106 lbf over a stroke of 30
inches, yielding an average force of 1 x 106 lbf. Once the
primary energy absorbers are exhausted, the carbody is loaded.
Since no full-scale tests have been performed at a speed
Primary Energy Absorber exceeding the maximum crashworthiness speed for this CEM
design, not much is known about the structural crush exhibited
by the passenger compartment at this time.
The pushback coupler (PBC) is designed to behave like a
conventional coupler and thus be compatible with other
Sliding Sill couplers. It must behave well under normal use, but also must
Pushback Coupler serve to initiate the crash energy management system. It will
Draft Gear
push back when the bolts holding it in place fail in shear at a
Figure 3. Finite Element Model of CEM System Design force greater than 6 x 105 lbf. The coupler will then push back
Figure 4 shows a conceptual CEM force-crush into an aluminum honeycomb energy absorber under a force of
characteristic of the schematic presented in Figure 3. It features 5 x 105 lbf with a stroke of about 6 inches for the coach car.
distinct divisions symbolizing the individual parts that Detailed force-crush characteristic curves for the
comprise this design. conventional car, CEM coach car, and CEM cab car are
compared in Figure 5.

CEM Coach
Force (lbf)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Crush (ft)
Primary Energy Absorber Car body
Figure 5. CEM and Conventional Force-Crush
Pushback Coupler
Draft Gear
Note the increasing load required to compress the CEM cab
and coach car ends. The differences in pushback coupler length
Figure 4. CEM Coach Car Force-Crush Characteristic for the coach and cab car can also be seen.

Figure 6 compares the energy absorbed by the crush of understand how to insure that the CEM design will meet the
conventional and CEM railcars. The vertical dotted line denotes performance targets.
the limit of the unoccupied car end. At this level of crush, each
CEM car end can absorb 4.2 MJ (3.10 x 106 ft-lbf) of energy, Car End Crush
while the conventional car end can absorb 3.07 MJ (2.26 x 106


Crush (ft)
CEM Coach 3
3x106 2
Energy (ft-lbf)


Ca ont

Co 2 t

Co h 3 t


Co 4 t

5 t


ac ron

ac ron
ac Re

ac Re

ac Re

ac Re

Co 2 F

Co 3 F

Co 4 F

Co 5 F
Co b



Car End
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 7. 30 mph Crush Distribution for a CEM Consist
Crush (ft)
Along with this change in crush distribution comes a
Figure 6. Energy Absorption of a CEM and Conventional change in car behavior. During a CEM collision, each car
Car experiences its own collision until the cars have stopped.
Where the conventional consist takes over 2 seconds to come to
The points where energy absorption rate (slope) changes a stop, the CEM consist stops in less than 1 second. The
correspond to notable features on the associated force-crush process takes roughly half the time that the conventional train
curves. The conventional curve initially absorbs energy at a requires.
high rate that is significantly reduced once the peak load in the These larger decelerations lead to a harsher occupant
force-crush characteristic is reached, at approximately 6 inches. environment [2]. In the passenger CEM train-to-train test, a
In contrast, the CEM coach has a successively increasing rate secondary impact velocity of just under 20 mph was measured
that will absorb more energy in increasingly severe collision for the 30 mph collision. Although SIV is a determining factor
conditions. The increase in slope at 1 foot of crush represents in human safety during a collision, there are ways to protect
the exhaustion of the PBC and the triggering of the primary against it already in use in other modes of transportation. Rear-
energy absorber (PEA). At this point, the conventional car has facing seats in the cab car is one appropriate remedy to address
absorbed much more energy, but its performance degrades this situation. [2]
while the CEM system is resisting additional crush. The
increase in slope at 3.55 feet of crush represents the exhaustion RESEARCH APPROACH
of the PEA. Both the conventional and CEM curves begin at 3
inches since the draft gear crushes elastically up to this point. The progression of this research began with the
In this investigation, the energy capacity of a car end is development of a collision scenario and continued with the
used to evaluate efficiency. Comparison in terms of energy setting of baseline values. From this reference, the change in
allows an evaluation of car ends whose force-crush crush distribution was determined for modifications in the
characteristics are not the same. It is evident from Figure 6 that force-crush characteristic of each car end.
for car end crush of 2 feet or more, the CEM coach car end will
absorb energy at a higher rate than the conventional car. Collision Scenario
Figure 7 shows the crush distribution in the passenger cars A collision between a freight train and a passenger consist
for the 30 mph test case for a CEM train. While the front end of was chosen as the standard for this research. This type of
the cab car absorbs the most energy, the trailing CEM car ends collision is more severe than passenger consist to passenger
all share in the energy absorption process. Each coach car end consist collisions in which both trains will absorb energy. The
crushes between 2 and 2.5 feet. It is a goal of this research to impacting train model used in this research is a five passenger
car, cab-led consist. The speed used in the reference case is 30

mph. This passenger train is made to crash with an initially The end of each railcar, for both conventional and CEM
resting freight train. cars, is assumed to be unoccupied and can suffer 3.55 feet of
crush without incurring fatalities. This distance accounts for the
Model Details shortening of the car and accumulation of crushed carbody
The simulations during the course of this research were run structure. Simulations, as well as full-scale test results, show
with MSC.ADAMS. The characteristics of the passenger one car end at the coupled interface crushing more than its
consist are based on those of the cars used in the Volpe Center’s counterpart. This observation is true even though each car end
testing. [6] The cars are represented by a lumped mass model is nominally identical. The timing of the crash pulse is often the
developed at the Volpe Center [2]. The coupling between them cause for this behavior.
is characterized by nonlinear springs, including the
locomotives. The trains are restricted to move only in the METHODOLOGY
longitudinal direction on tangent track.
The freight consist used in this study is a 68-car freight This research looks into effects on CEM performance due
train led by a locomotive weighing 263 kips. The first four cars to modifications in energy absorbing capabilities of the
each weigh 181 kips. The fifth car weighs 11,403 kips to pushback coupler and the primary energy absorber.
represent the last 63 freight cars [7]. The passenger consist is Comparisons were made based on the distribution of energy
made up of single-level cars, with each car weighing 75 kips capacity throughout the train. Percent CEM utility is calculated
and the locomotive weighing 263 kips. The test cars [6] were by dividing the absorbed energy by the available energy. Figure
lighter than the weight of an empty passenger vehicle. 8 shows the distribution in the reference case. It is the
A side view of the model is shown in Figure 9. The masses translation of Figure 7 from crush in feet into crush in terms of
on the freight train, represented as boxes, are connected to one percent energy utility.
another by stiff springs (1.2 x 107 lb/ft). Each passenger car end
has a nonlinear spring characteristic force-crush curve defined Car End Crush
in an external file. This file is imported through a FORTRAN
subroutine within ADAMS. The coach characteristic was
Crush (% Energy Utility)

applied to all passenger car ends with the exception of the front
of the cab and the rear of the fifth coach car. Cab car 60
characteristics were applied at these ends. Table 1 contains a
listing of parameters.
Table 1. Consist Details
Coach Consist Freight Consist
Car Weight 75 kips 181 kips 0
Consist Weight 638 kips 12,390 kips
Ca ont

Co 3 t

Co h 4 t

5 t
Co 2 t



ac ron


ac ron

ac Re

ac Re

ac Re
ac Re

Co 4 F
Co 2 F

Co 3 F

Co 5 F
Locomotive Weight 263 kips 263 kips
Co b




Locomotive Stiffness 12,000 kips/ft 12,000 kips/ft
Simulated Braking μ 0.2 0.2
Car End
Representations of the draft gear were included in the Figure 8. 30 mph Crush Distribution for a CEM Consist in
force-crush behavior of the ends of the locomotives since terms of Percent Energy Utility
previous research has identified an influence on the distribution
of crush [8]. Cab car characteristics were used at the colliding interface
of the passenger consist and for the rear end of the fifth coach
Measures of Crashworthiness at the interface with the trailing locomotive. All three cars
Loss of occupied volume and secondary impact velocity between these two are coach cars. The associated force-crush
have been used to estimate the fatality rate during a collision curves for these cars can be found in Figure 5. From this point
event. [2] This study aims at preserving the entire occupied of reference, a single part of the curve was modified at a time
volume. Secondary impact velocity will be examined in a with all the other features at their reference values.
subsequent investigation.

Freight 1 Loco. Cab Coach 2

Stiff Springs Non-linear

Draft Gear Characteristic Rigid Connections

Figure 9. ADAMS Model of the Train-to-Train Collision

The ADAMS model has a range of adjustable items, which are Some of these parameters have more influence than
listed in Table 2. others. For example, neither the slope nor the length of the
draft gear was shown to have any significant effect on
Table 2. Components Available for Modification crashworthiness [8]. The carbody is required by the FRA to
have a static buff strength of 800 kips. Measurements in
Component Parameter Modified dynamic tests suggest a much higher dynamic capacity. In this
Stroke Length investigation, 3,700 kips was assumed for the activation force
Draft Gear of the carbody. This activation force influences the maximum
Slope of Operating Force
crashworthiness speed, which is the highest speed at which no
Activation Force (1) occupant volume is lost. In this study, intrusion into the
Average Operating Force (2) occupant volume was assumed when the dynamic load
Pushback Coupler
Slope of Operating Force reached the peak activation force. The maximum
Stroke Length crashworthiness speed depends on this value.
Activation Force (3) The average pushback coupler force is more important to
Average Operating Force (4) its performance than its other characteristic parameters. The
Primary Energy average force of the primary energy absorber has also been
Slope of Operating Force
Absorber shown to produce significant effects. However, the ratio of
Stroke Length these two values has the greatest effect [3]. In that study,
PEA Average to PBC Average Ratio changes in these parameters were applied to every passenger
Activation Force (5) car in the consist. In this research, effects of modifications to
Occupied Volume
Average Carbody Strength individual car ends were examined.
For the reasons described above, the pushback coupler
The numbers in the table refer to the arrows in Figure 10 that operating strength was varied first. It was kept within a
identify the feature of the force-crush characteristic associated realistic range for the ratio of pushback coupler strength to
with the parameter. primary energy absorber strength ratio. For this reason,
modifications to the pushback coupler strength were kept at
50 percent of the original value. The peak activation force was
adjusted by the same amount of force as the pushback coupler
5 average force.
4 Adjustments made to the primary energy absorber, since it
is the component with the highest energy capacity, tend to
have the greatest impact on collision behavior. Once again, the
3 relationship between average strengths of pushback coupler
and primary absorber is critical. Consequently, these
adjustments were held at 20 percent of the reference strength.
Maximum crashworthiness speed was determined for
each adjustment in the pushback coupler or primary energy
absorber capacity. Behavior was examined between 20 and 50
mph at a resolution of 5 mph and between 35 and 40 mph, a 1
mph resolution was used.
In summary, the selected component variations described
above were applied successively to each car end, and the
performance of each is measured in terms of crush distribution
Figure 10. Parameter Modification Locations and maximum crashworthiness speed. The percentages by
which each component was modified reflect the greatest

changes that could reasonably be made to the components and Table 3 summarizes the changes made to each coach car. The
do not necessarily represent products of variations in total energy capacity of the CEM system and the loading (but
manufacturing. not failure) of the carbody is also included for each case, as
the available energy differs for each.
Table 3. Primary Energy Absorber Adjustment
Primary Energy Absorber
The PEA is the last to deform before the carbody itself is Total
Trigger Average Slope
loaded. After the draft gear and pushback coupler have been Energy
(lbf) (lbf) (lbf/ft)
exhausted, the primary energy absorber triggers at 1.20 x 106 (ft-lbf)
lbf and operates at a slope of 2.36 x 105 lbf/ft, with an average Reference 1.20(10)6 1.03(10)6 2.36(10)5 3.10(10)6
value of 1.03 x 106 lbf. Strength levels were offset above and 20 %
below the reference value by 20 percent. Behavior for an 1.41(10)6 1.24(10)6 2.36(10)5 3.63(10)6
increased PEA level at each car end independently was 20 %
examined first. The slope for the PEA was held constant. 9.94(10)5 8.26(10)5 2.36(10)5 2.58(10)6
Figure 11 provides a visualization of the changes made.
Though the primary energy absorption slopes are identical to For a given adjustment to each car end, there is an
those used in the coach car design, the trigger load for the associated reaction in the car end with which it is coupled. For
reference case is 7.13 x 105 lbf and the average operating load instance, if the rear end of the leading cab car has a primary
is 1.03 x 106 lbf for the cab car. energy absorber strength 20 percent lower than usual, the front
end of the first coach car experiences less crush than in the
Coach Car Characteristic reference configuration. Furthermore, the PEA at the rear of
2.5x106 the cab car begins to load before the one on the coupled car
2.0x106 20% Increase Running the model for each case produces a series of
20% Decrease graphs like Figure 8, with crush in terms of percent CEM
Force (lbf)

1.5x106 utility for each car end. These plots were concatenated to
produce the three-dimensional plot shown in Figure 12. Crush
1.0x106 is plotted on the vertical axis and car end is on one horizontal
axis. The crush distribution plot, or “slice,” for each run made
500.0x103 is along the “Car End Modified” axis. The assembly of crush
distribution plots reveals patterns that depend on the variations
0.0 in component behavior. Slices for each car end show how
0 1 2 3 4 5 performance is changed as the PEA on car ends are weakened.
In general, the only substantial change is at the coupled
Crush (ft) interface where the component has been adjusted. Reducing
the PEA strength by 20 percent produces a 50 to 60 percent
Cab Car Characteristic
increase in percent utility since the end has a lower energy
2.5x106 capacity. The distinct peaks form a diagonal ridge in the plot,
Reference highlighting the local effect of the weak component.
2.0x106 20% Increase
20% Decrease
Force (lbf)




0 1 2 3 4 5

Crush (ft)

Figure 11. Primary Energy Absorber Adjustment

level adjustments of 20 percent upward and downward, there
is no entry into the occupied volume.
0 - 10 The results due to the addition of the draft gear on the
100% 11 - 20 ends of the locomotives were observed. Previous research
21 - 30
31 - 40
details the effects the draft gear has on the behavior of the
41 - 50 consist during a collision. However, it was found that the
51 - 60 addition of draft gear to the ends of the locomotives had only

61 - 70
50% 71 - 80
a small effect on CEM performance.
40% 81 - 90
30% 91 - 100
Pushback Coupler
10% After compression of the draft gear, the pushback coupler
n t
C C5
CC C4 R Fron is designed to engage at an activation force of 6 x 105 lbf and
ro ar C 4 e t
b F Re nt
Ca Cab 2 Fro Rear nt
C C3 Fro ar
CC C3 F Rear nt
operate at a force of 5 x 105 lbf. Variations of an operating
h 2 o r
F r ea t C 2 ro nd load raised 50 percent of the original value were made to each
ac h C C2 F Rear nt rE
Co Coac ach 3 h 3 R Fron ear R ab ro Ca
Co Coac ach 4 h 4 R Front ar efer Rear nt if i ed car end. Table 4 summarizes these adjustments. The results
e enc d
Co Coac ch 5 5 R e Mo
En d
Co Coac
h qualitatively are similar to those for adjustments made to the
Table 4. Pushback Coupler Adjustment
Figure 12. 30 MPH Car-end crush results of sequentially
tested PEA ratings lowered 20 percent Trigger (lbf) Operating (lbf)
Reference 6(10)5 5(10)5
Figure 13 shows the results when PEA strength is raised
sequentially at each car end. A valley is formed in the plot to 50 % Increase 8.5(10)5 7.5(10)5
indicate where the modification was made. Also note that the 50 % Decrease 3.5(10)5 2.5(10)5
front end of the cab car maintains a steady 80 percent utility of
the CEM system for any change from the reference
Figure 14 displays the changes applied to the pushback
Coach Car Characteristic
0 - 10 2.5x106
100% 11 - 20 Reference
90% 21 - 30
31 - 40
2.0x106 50% Increase
41 - 50 50% Decrease
Force (lbf)

51 - 60 1.5x106

61 - 70
50% 71 - 80
40% 81 - 90 1.0x106
30% 91 - 100
10% 500.0x103
0% C C5
n t CC C4 R Fron
ro ar C 4 e t
b F Re nt C C3 Fro ar
Ca Cab 2 Fro Rear nt CC C3 F Rear nt
h 2 ro r C 2 ro nd 0 1 2 3
ac h F ea t C C2 F Rear nt E
Co Coac ach 3 h 3 R Fron ear R ab
t ro dC
Co Coac ach 4 h 4 R Fron ar efer Rear nt d if ie
e enc
Co Coac ch 5 5 R e Mo Crush (ft)
Car a h
En d Co Coac
Figure 14. Pushback Coupler Adjustment

Figure 13. 30 MPH Car-end crush results of sequentially The draft gear has little effect on CEM performance at the
tested PEA ratings raised 20 percent speeds considered.

In both of the above three-dimensional graphs, it is of Maximum Crashworthiness Speed

note that the cab car ends at both the colliding interface and at The maximum speed at which there is no occupant
the rear of the fifth coach car exhibit relatively constant crush volume loss for the reference model was 40 mph. It is
percentages. Although the crush distribution changes with important to note that not every absorber has been completely
each slice, the “weak spot” is always the lowered force car exhausted at this speed.
end at the adjusted interface. For the 30 mph cases with PEA The maximum crashworthy speed was determined for
each modification to the baseline configuration. The results of

this research are in Figure 15. This speed was unchanged for modification had on the crashworthiness of the consist during
all adjustments in the PBC. Most PEA configurations were a collision event. This research has shown that even if the
also safe up to 40 mph. The few that fell below this mark only CEM force-crush characteristic is modified from the
decrease by about 10 percent in maximum crashworthiness reference, the overall consist behavior will still be more
speed. Nearly all of the cases with reduced safe speed occur desirable with respect to the conventional consist. Crush is
for changes of the interface between the 4th and 5th coaches. drawn away from the lead car, and is focused on unoccupied
These reductions occur whether the strength is raised or space.

The work described in this paper was part of a Tufts

Raised PEA
Lowered PEA University Department of Mechanical Engineering
Max. Crashworthy Speed (mph)

40 Undergraduate Thesis. Some of this work was done as part of

the Federal Railroad Administration’s Equipment Safety
35 Research Program. The authors thank Professor Behrouz
Abedian, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tufts
30 University, for his discussions, questions, and
recommendations as a member of the thesis committee. The
25 authors would also like to thank Eloy Martinez, Program
Manager, Federal Railroad Administration, for his helpful
comments and flexibility in allowing access to information
0 from the Equipment Safety Research Program.
Ca n t


5 r


3 r

4 r
ac ron

ac ron
ac on

ac ron




Co 4 R
Co 2 R

Co 3 R
Co b R











1. Tyrell, D., “Passenger Rail Train-to-Train Impact Test

Car End Volume I: Overview and Selected Results,” DOT/FRA/ORD-
Figure 15. Maximum Crashworthiness Speed for 03/17.1, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC,
Adjustment in PEA Strength July 2003.
2. Severson, K., Tyrell, D., Perlman, B., "Analysis of Collision
In general, the colliding cab car end limits the maximum Safety Associated with Conventional and Crash Energy
crashworthy speed. When the occupant volume is intruded in Management Cars Mixed Within a Consist," American Society
the trailing cars [9], it is associated with the interaction at the of Mechanical Engineers, Paper No. IMECE2003-44122,
rear end locomotive-coach interface. November 2003.
3. Priante, M. "Influence of Train Parameters on
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Crashworthiness Performance of Passenger Trains." Tufts
University Undergraduate Honors Thesis, May 2004.
The CEM system has been shown to be robust. Large 4. Mayville, R, Stringfellow, R., R., Johnson, K., Tyrell, D.,
changes in energy absorption at one car end have little effect "The Development of a Rail Passenger Coach Car Crush
on the overall crashworthiness of the train. Zone," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Paper No.
Adjustment of the pushback coupler operating strength by JRC2003-1653, April 2003.
as much as 50 percent of the reference value makes little 5. Jacobsen, K., Tyrell, D., Perlman, A.B., "Impact Test of a
difference in the crush of the colliding interface and of the Crash-Energy-Management Passenger Rail Car," American
rear of the last coach car. There are local changes in the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Paper No. RTD2004-66045,
amount of crush at the location of coach car modifications. April 2004.
20 percent adjustments of the primary energy absorber 6. Tyrell, D., Jacobsen, K., Martinez, E., “A Train-to-Train
mechanism have more of an effect on overall consist behavior. Impact Test of Crash Energy Management Passenger Rail
Local variations result in energy utility differences from 30 to Equipment: Structural Results,” American Society of
40 percent for decreased PEA levels. For increased PEA Mechanical Engineers, Paper No. IMECE2006-13597,
levels, a difference of 20 to 30 percent is observed. November 2006.
This research examined the effects of modifications to 7. Parent, D., Tyrell, D., Perlman, A.B., "Crashworthiness
individual portions of the reference force-crush characteristic Analysis of the Placentia, CA Rail Collision," Proceedings of
when applied to a single car end. This represents the effect of ICrash 2004, International Crashworthiness Conference, San
variations in the manufacture of the CEM components. This Francisco, California, July 14-16, 2004.
research also aided in the determination of the influence each

8. Carolan, M. "Performance Efficiency of Crash Energy
Management Systems." Tufts University Undergraduate
Thesis, May 2006.
9. Mallon, P. "Influence of Manufacturing Variations on a
Crash Energy Management System." Tufts University
Undergraduate Honors Thesis, May 2007.


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