Combined Bounce, Pitch, and Roll Dynamics of Vehicles Negotiating Single Speed Bump Events

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Combined bounce, pitch, and roll dynamics of

vehicles negotiating single speed bump events
M Azman, P D King, and H Rahnejat∗
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough,
Leichestershire, UK

The manuscript was received on 9 February 2006 and was accepted after revision for publication on 1 November 2006.
DOI: 10.1243/1464419JMBD55

Abstract: This paper investigates vehicle dynamic response for the increasingly common
manoeuvre over single speed bumps, which is a non-trivial complex motion. One major aim
of the study is to investigate the effect of the anti-roll bar upon vehicle body dynamics, while
negotiating such traffic calming features. Numerical predictions are made with an intermediate
vehicle model, whose results conform well to the actual vehicle tests. These results seem to suggest
that events caused by truncated speed bumps can have implications for design of anti-roll bars
from a ride comfort viewpoint, over and above the usual requirements dictated by safe vehicle

Keywords: vehicle dynamics, virtual work, intermediate vehicle modelling, pitch–plane and roll
dynamics, anti-roll bar

1 INTRODUCTION and antisquat arms to counter the arising undesired

transient effects. They showed that the effectiveness
The general effects of driving and braking torques on of these mechanisms is much reduced with any sig-
vehicle pitch–plane dynamics are quite well known, nificant bounce motion of the vehicle and reduced
but as Sharp [1] has pointed out even pitch–plane time of manoeuvre. Their study included the use
dynamics of a standard road car on a flat road due of a six-degree-of-freedom vehicle model, instead of
to transient effects is a non-trivial problem. However, the usual fairly detailed multi-body approach, but
the transient effect of braking and driving torques with realistic suspension kinematics and a non-linear
on a flat road has limited applications. With increas- load-dependent tyre model. This approach, termed
ing use of traffic calming features, such as speed intermediate modelling showed good conformance
bumps both transient torque inputs and vertical with vehicle tests [2]. The study, highlighted in refer-
road surface geometry play significant roles that are ence [2], can be regarded as largely one of transient
rather typical of intermittent driving conditions in ride analysis. A natural extension of it is the inclu-
an urban area. Intermittent throttle and braking is sion of vehicle roll, for example, in negotiating single
combined with discrete event road inputs, which speed bumps. This brings about combined ride and
significantly affect pitch–plane dynamics, including handling under transient conditions, where the effect
transient longitudinal load transfer, and dynamic ver- of anti-roll bar on the stability of the vehicle can be
tical and longitudinal tyre force inputs to the front and ascertained. This paper highlights such an approach,
rear suspensions. Azman et al. [2] studied the com- and ascertains the effectiveness of the intermediate
bined pitch–plane and vertical dynamics (bounce) modelling method by the degree of conformance
of a vehicle, and in particular, the effect of antidive of its predictions with actual vehicle tests under
same manoeuvres.


∗ Corresponding author: Wolfson School of Mechanical and MODEL
Manufacturing Engineering, University of Loughborough,
Loughborough, Leichestershire LE11 3TU, UK. email: The model is based on a six-degree-of-freedom rigid
[email protected] body model [2] with simplified generic representation

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34 M Azman, P D King, and H Rahnejat

of suspension kinematics. The model is developed so Mass centre translational and body angular velocities
that it can assist in the study of vehicle dynamics on are used in body-fixed SAE axes. Other inputs include
non-flat roads (e.g. with speed bumps). In this ini- the aerodynamic force. However, due to relatively low
tial form, it excludes certain features of a real vehicle, speeds, the effect of aerodynamic forces has been
which should be borne in mind. These are: neglected. The vehicle weight is an important input
to the system, as
(a) structural flexibility, such as the torsional stiffness
of the body/chassis; Fweight = Mgk (3)
(b) suspension compliance in camber, steer, caster,
where k is the unit vector of the global z-direction,
and in longitudinal and lateral directions;
relative to the vehicle coordinates. The anti-roll
(c) unsprung mass dynamics (such as that experi-
bar affects the vehicle body roll. However, if the
enced in wheel-hop);
road profile is to be included in the model, the
(d) capability to deal with short-wavelength road
roll moment in equation (4) is no longer valid
profile features;
and must include the effect of suspension vertical
(e) transience due to engine and transmission
(assumes an infinitely variable transmission with
only a maximum limit on power).
Roll moment due to the stabilizer bar = Kroll_coeff (φ)
The vehicle model is divided into several main fea- (4)
tures: body dynamic, vehicle kinematics, suspension
and steering system, and driveline and tyre. It also Additional roll deflections due to road profile for both
incorporates a basic driver model. front and rear can be represented in a general form
as (Fig. 2)
2.1 Rigid body dynamics −1 Zrp
dφ = tan (5)
The model uses body-fixed coordinates (Fig. 1). The
inputs are the 12 force components applied to the where Zrp is the height difference between the left
tyres and the right tyre contact patches. Thus, the moments
generated by the anti-roll bar are obtained by adding
FT = [Fx1 , . . . , Fx4 , Fy1 , . . . , Fy4 , Fz1 , . . . , Fz4 ]T (1) to the body roll angle as

Kroll_coeff [φ − dφ] (6)

These forces are directly applied to the vehicle body.
Because the unsprung mass is neglected, the resultant Equations of motion are based on the standard
forces are directly ‘transmitted’ to the vehicle body Newton–Euler form as
structure. The state variables are

x = [U , V , W , p, q, r]T (2) G + ω × vG ) = Ftyres + Fweight + Fstabilizer

m(v̇rel (7)

Fig. 1 Vehicle representation based on body-fixed coordinates

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Combined bounce, pitch, and roll dynamics of vehicles 35

The translational dynamics (F = maG ) can be divided In order to establish the derivative equations, it is
into three translational elements necessary to rearrange the equations of motion as
Longitudinal dynamics: m · (U̇ − V · r + W · q)
Longitudinal dynamics: mU̇ = Fx − m(Wq − rV)
= Fx (8)
Lateral dynamics: m · (V̇ − W · p + U · r) = Fy (9)
Lateral dynamics: mV̇ = Fy − m(rU − pW) (17)
Vertical dynamics: m · (Ẇ − U · q + V · p) = Fz
Vertical dynamics: mẆ = Fz − m(pV − qU) (18)
Roll moment: Ixx ṗ − Izx ṙ = Mx + (Iyy − Izz ) qr
For rotational dynamics, the general equation is + Izx pq (19)
IG ω̇rel + ω × (IG ω) = Mtyres (11) Pitch moment: Iyy q̇ = My + (Izz − Ixx ) pr − Ixz p2
+ Ixz r 2 (20)
where, the inertial matrix assumes lateral symmetry
Yaw moment: Izz ṙ − Ixz ṗ = Mz + (Ixx − Iyy ) pq
⎛ ⎞
Ixx 0 −Ixz − Ixz rq (21)
⎜ ⎟
IG = ⎝ 0 Iyy 0 ⎠ (12)
−Ixz 0 Izz 2.2 Vehicle kinematics

The equations can also be divided into three rota- The main purpose is to turn the local (vehicle-based)
tional elements (L, M , N ). These are angular velocities into Euler angle derivatives and
then integrate to find roll, pitch, and yaw angles. Euler
Roll moment: Ixx ṗ − Izx ṙ − Iyy qr + Izz qr angle derivatives are found in references [3, 4] as
− Izx pq = L (13) θ̇1 = ω1 + (ω2 sin θ1 + ω3 cos θ1 ) tan θ2
Pitch moment: Iyy q̇ − Izz pr + Ixx pr + Ixz p 2
θ̇2 = ω2 cos θ1 − ω3 sin θ1
− Ixz r = M
(14) θ̇3 = (ω2 sin θ1 + ω3 cos θ1 )/cos θ2 (22)
Yaw moment: Izz ṙ − Ixz ṗ − Ixx pq + Iyy pq
Euler angles are used to rotate the local mass centre
+ Ixz rq = N (15) velocity into globals, which are then integrated to find
the global x, y, z coordinates of centre of mass. Vehicle
There are several ways of modelling dynamics of accelerations are also found in both local and global
a vehicle. For a basic vehicle model, state-space coordinates, but only for postprocessing purposes.
approach can be used. However, for a higher level
of complexity, which includes non-linear elements,
the approach is no longer suitable. A combina- 2.3 Suspension and steering
tion of MATLAB and SIMULINK software are used,
Suspension calculation is based on the principle of
where [U , V , W , p, q, r] are the states for the vehicle
virtual work, which includes the influence of suspen-
sion geometry, such as antidive characteristics and
The input consists of the outputs from the tyre
scrub effects. Consider the active forces and moments
forces, the aerodynamic force, the vehicle weight, and
acting on the wheel/hub assembly, when the body is
also the vertical reaction of the suspension system.
fixed, then virtual work can be written in the form

Fx δx + Fy δy + Fz δz + Fs (−δz) + Td δν = 0 (23)

Here, all the forces are acting on the wheel/hub

assembly and the link reaction forces (ball-joints
at the body connections) make no contribution. Fz
increases with tyre extension, but carries a large neg-
ative component due to the static load. Overall, this
is negative, tending to zero as the tyre lifts off the
road surface. Similarly, Fs would usually be nega-
tive, but increases as the suspension is expanded.
The virtual work equation (23) is based on the body-
Fig. 2 Road profile effect on body roll fixed coordinates and z is the suspension deflection

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36 M Azman, P D King, and H Rahnejat

(vertical height change of the contact patch centre). and F4 is described as

This is considered as an independent variable. As
the suspension is deflected, δx and δy (contact patch F4 = Fd · Ta − Fb · ω (26)
forward progression and lateral scrub, respectively)
follow from mapping the suspension geometry as where, Fd is the drive force, Ta the fixed torque appor-
tionment, Fb the braking force, and ω is the wheel
dx dy angular velocity. By setting the maximum limit to
δx = δz, δy = δz (24) wheel acceleration, then
dz dz
(0.25 + 0.5 · Sx )
Fs is the net suspension force based on the vertical δωmax = (27)
wheel travel. If the spring or damper is not directly
aligned with the wheel vertical motion (as is typically This can limit the excessive wheel-spin and at
the case), then the ‘principle of virtual work’ can be the same time improve upon numerical stability.
used again to obtain Fs (z) (e.g. if s is the spring deflec- Optional simplified antilock braking or traction con-
tion and F̃s (s) is the variation of component of spring trol system functionality is also included to reduce the
with deflection), then Fs (z) = F̃s (s)ds/dz. brake and drive-torque demands, when a preset slip
In equation (23), Td is the drive torque (assumed to limit is exceeded.
be generated from an inboard differential) and δν is Basic magic formula tyre model [5] was used for
the change in the caster angle. Brake torques do not the current study for rather long wavelength speed
contribute, because they are considered as internal bumps (i.e. >1 m). However, for shorter wavelength
to the wheel–hub assembly (refer to reference [2] for speed bumps, SWIFT tyre model [6] (>0.2 m) or FTire
further explanation on suspension modelling). model [7] would be more appropriate.

2.4 Driveline and tyre 2.5 The driver model

All the computation is contained within the S- There is a choice of closed-loop [8] or open-loop
function in MATLAB. These deal with the wheel spin driver models. The closed-loop driver depends on a
dynamics (four states) and a series of first-order lags reference vector field of target directions and speeds,
(with fixed time constants) for the build-up of engine which couples to simple proportional – integral (PI)
torque (one state), braking torques (four states), and controllers for both steering and speed control. It
in-plane tyre forces (eight states). Hence, overall there gives reasonably good results without any sophis-
are 17 states. The x and y components of velocity of ticated ‘driver skills’ or special ‘knowledge’ of vehi-
vehicle body, at the contact patches, including roll cle dynamics. The vector field ‘solves’ the path and
and pitch are used to find the longitudinal and lat- speed planning aspect of the driving task. A sim-
eral slip ratios. These are fed into the tyre model to ple Ackerman steer provides a simple ‘model’ input
obtain ‘prefiltered’ tyre forces Fp , which are lagged in for steering control, and the remainder of the steer-
the generation of the actual tyre forces Fa (Fig. 3). ing control is via PI feedback compensation. Track-
Force/torque balance across the wheels deter- ing to the reference speed control is entirely via PI
mines the wheel acceleration and velocities. To pre- feedback.
vent excessive wheel-spin and subsequent numerical An open-loop driver is specified by a desired steer
integration problems, some additional non-linear is angle and a desired vehicle speed time-history. Thus,
added to limit the maximum wheel accelerations as once again the speed control is feedback-based. How-
described in equation (25) ever, because the desired speed is precomputed, a
desired acceleration time-history is derived to again
Rwheel provide an approximate input into the vehicle (an
δω = (F4 − Fx ) · (25)
Iwheel equivalent torque demand), which is corrected by the
PI feedback.
where δω is wheel acceleration, Rwheel tyre radius, Iwheel
is the wheel inertia, Fx is the longitudinal tyre forces, 3 ON ROAD VEHICLE TESTING

The test car was equipped with a data logging system

and several sensors, including the use of standard rate
gyros for measurement of vehicle pitch, yaw, and roll
motions. The test conducted corresponds to a vehicle
Fig. 3 Lag in the actual tyre force negotiating a split speed bump as shown in Fig. 4.

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Combined bounce, pitch, and roll dynamics of vehicles 37

Fig. 4 The split speed bump

However, for this test, additional sensors are Fig. 6 Measurement of suspension travel
required, which are to measure suspension
displacement on all four wheels. Owing to limited
space around the suspension system, the tasks of displacement had to be established for calibration
installing all the sensors were found to be quite ardu- purposes as shown in Fig. 6.
ous (Fig. 5). The best position would have been to A fixed location, vertically above the wheel centre
either install these parallel to the suspension strut on the vehicle chassis is selected and marked. This
or purely in a vertical orientation. However, this was point away from the wheel centre was set as the datum
difficult to achieve as one end of the sensor needed and the voltage output at this location was taken to be
to be attached to the vehicle chassis and the other the base reference voltage.
end should be attached to the suspension compo- Measurements were taken as the chassis lifted and
nent. Because the suspension can move in vertical, the suspension is allowed to gradually fall downwards,
lateral, longitudinal, or caster directions, to obtain a or alternatively more weight is applied directly on the
purely parallel motion to the strut or a pure vertical suspension. Correlation between output voltage and
alignment is almost impossible to achieve. Figure 5 suspension displacement was then made.
shows the exact installation location and alignment
of the suspension displacement sensors.
Owing to the final installation positions of the sen- 4 COMPARISON OF SIMULATION AND VEHICLE
sors, a different approach in measuring suspension TEST

The speed of the vehicle was set at 15 km/h, before

it arrived at the speed bump. No brake was applied
throughout the test. For this analysis, there are three
characteristics of interest to be monitored. These
are wheel/suspension travel, roll rate, and roll angle.
When the vehicle negotiates the split speed bump,
this manoeuvre translates into a single event input,
deflecting the left suspension, while extending the
right one.
The movements of the front suspension can be
observed from Fig. 7. Without an anti-roll bar fit-
ted, the front left suspension deflects more, when the
vehicle negotiates this split speed bump, compared
to the vehicle equipped with an anti-roll bar. How-
ever, the right suspension extends less with no anti
rollbar. This is an expected finding due to the resis-
tance introduced by the anti-roll bar. More impor-
tantly, the predictions made by the analytic model
through simulation of exactly the same conditions
show overall good agreement with the test data, as
shown in the figure. A slight time delay (phase shift) is
Fig. 5 Installed front suspension displacement sensors noted between the actual test data and the analytical

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38 M Azman, P D King, and H Rahnejat

Fig. 7 Front suspension deflection

predictions. The lead in the test data is due to the vehi- more noticeable in the graph of front right suspension
cle having a slightly higher longitudinal acceleration, travel.
as well as the fact that during the actual manoeuvre The results for roll rate and the roll angle for vehicle
it was noted that the right front wheel experienced a configurations with and without an anti-roll bar indi-
slight impact with the right-hand split (i.e. right speed cate differences, as would be expected (Fig. 8). Even
bump), which cannot be quantified sufficient accu- though the suspension deflection is reduced in ana-
rately to be included in the model simulation (which is lytical predictions with anti-roll bar, it still produces a
essentially set-up as a single event). This difference is higher roll angle and roll rate, which is not desired for

Fig. 8 Variations in the roll rate and the roll angle

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Combined bounce, pitch, and roll dynamics of vehicles 39

vehicle ride comfort. Thus, it is clear that the bump REFERENCES

event is sufficient in its severity to properly activate
the torsional response of the anti-roll bar. 1 Sharp, R. S. Influences of suspension kinematics on
Another important observation is the good con- pitching dynamics of cars in longitudinal maneuvering.
formity of the analytical prediction to experimental Vehicle Syst. Dyn. Suppl., 1999, 33, 23–36.
findings, except that the models do not include all 2 Azman, M., Rahnejat, H., King, P. D., and Gordon, T.
sources of damping present in vehicle chassis. These J. Influence of anti-dive and anti-squat geometry in
combined vehicle bounce and pitch dynamics. Proc.
include dissipation due to elastic distortions (elasto-
Instn Mech. Engrs, Part K: J. Multi-body Dynamics, 2004,
kinematics) and source of dry friction in joints, which 218(K4), 231–242.
are very difficult to quantify for inclusion in the 3 Katz, A. Computational rigid vehicle dynamics, 1997
models. (Krieger, Florida, USA).
4 Rahnejat, H. Multi-body dynamics: vehicles, machines,
and mechanisms, 1998 (Professional Engineering Pub-
lishing, Bury St Edmunds and London, and Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) co-publishers).
5 Pacejka, H. B. Tyre and vehicle dynamics, 2002
The results of this preliminary study point to two (Butterworth-Heinemann Publications, Oxford, UK).
main conclusions. The first concerns the importance 6 Van Oosten, J. J. M. and Pacejka, H. B. SWIFT-Tyre:
of vehicle roll dynamics in ride comfort, which has an accurate tyre model for ride and handling studies
not received the same attention as that in transient also at higher frequencies and short road wavelengths.
handling and vehicle stability. As in previous studies Proceeding of ADAMS World Users’ Conference, 2000,
in vehicle handling, the study shows that an anti-roll Orlando.
bar is one of the major factors, that contributes to the 7 Gipser, M. FTire: a physically based application-oriented
overall vehicle roll stiffness. However, it also shows tyre model for use with detailed MBS and finite-element
suspension models. Vehicle system dynamics, 2005, 43,
that for a single speed bump analysis, when the vehi-
cle is fitted with an anti-roll bar, it demonstrates a 8 Gordon, T. J., Best, M. C., and Dixon, P. J. An auto-
larger body roll rate during transient conditions, com- mated driver based on convergent vector fields. Proc.
pared to the vehicle model without an anti-roll bar Instn Mech. Engrs, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering,
negotiating the same speed bump. This is an unde- 2002, 216, 329–347.
sired feature from a ride comfort viewpoint. As such
manoeuvres can strictly be considered as combined
ride and handling, a compromise may need to be
found for development of anti-roll bar systems, which Notation
improve roll stability, while maintaining a good level
a front wheelbase
of ride comfort. Hitherto, the approach in anti-roll
b rear wheelbase
bar design and installation has been based on han-
CG centre of gravity
dling analysis only, but with increasing single event
Faero aerodynamic force
traffic calming features on roads and greater propor-
Fweight vehicle weight
tion of time of drivers spent in urban areas, the issue
Fstabilizer anti-roll bar resistance
highlighted here may become a perceived quality
Fp prefiltered tyre forces
Fx1 , . . . , Fx4 longitudinal tyre forces
The second conclusion that results from this study
Fy1 , . . . , Fy4 lateral tyre forces
is the affirmation of the use of simple, but suffi-
Fz1 , . . . , Fz4 vertical tyre forces
ciently detailed, intermediate models for the study of
Fa actual tyre forces
seemingly complex ride and handling manoeuvres.
g gravitational acceleration
Traditionally, such studies have required much more
hg initial position of CG from the
complex multi-body models, but the concordance
of analytical predictions with experimental findings
IG inertia matrix
here point to a much less arduous approach, at least
Ixx,yy,zz roll, pitch, and yaw mass moments
in the first instance.
of inertia about the vehicle centre
of mass
Ixz products of inertia
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I3 n × n identity matrix
k unit vector of the global z-
Authors would like to express their gratitude to Ford direction, relative to the vehicle
Motor Company for collaborating in this study, as well coordinates
as to Sirim Berhad, Malaysia for financial support. kaero coefficient of drag

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40 M Azman, P D King, and H Rahnejat

Kroll_coeff coefficient of roll stiffness vG components of translational velocity

Mtyres moment about CG due to the z̃ suspension deflections
tyre forces Zrp height of speed bump
M vehicle mass
p, q, r angular velocity along x, y, δν change in caster angle
and z axes, respectively δx, δy contact patch forward progression
rG distances of the contact and lateral scrub
patches from CG δz suspension vertical travel
r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 contact patch distance from θ1 , θ2 , θ3 roll, pitch, and yaw angles
CG θ̇1 , θ̇2 , θ̇3 derivative of roll, pitch, and yaw
rA (zsus ) kinematics term, accounting angles
for steering torque ϕ, θ , ψ roll, pitch, and yaw angles
trr , trf rear and front wheel tracks ω1 , ω2 , ω3 body angular velocity in roll, pitch,
U, V , W longitudinal, lateral, and and yaw
vertical velocities ω components of angular velocity

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