Neelathotha Coppersulphate Animportantdrugof Unanimedicineusedinmanagementofvariousailments

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Neela Thotha (Copper sulphate): An important mineral drug of Unani

medicine to be used in the management of various ailments

Article  in  Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics · April 2021

DOI: 10.22270/jddt.v11i2-s.4819


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4 authors, including:

Kaleem Ahmad Haqeeq Ahmad

National Institute of Unani Medicine University College of Unani,Tonk (Rajasthan)


Khadija Abdul Hafiz

National Institute of Unani Medicine


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Ahmad et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2021; 11(2-s):179-184

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Open Access Full Text Article Review Paper

Neela Thotha (Copper sulphate): An important mineral drug of Unani

medicine to be used in the management of various ailments
*Kaleem Ahmad1, Haqeeq Ahmad2, Khadija Abdul Hafiz3
1 Ph.D scholar of Moalejat (Medicine), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengalore-560091
2, 3 Ph.D scholar of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengalore-560091

Article Info: Abstract

_________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Article History: Neela Thotha (Copper sulphate) is a mineral origin drug in Unani system of medicine
Received 12 Feb 2021 (USM). Chemically, it is known as copper sulphate that formulated as CuSO4. It is used by
Review Completed 23 March 2021 various Unani scholars to manage different ailments in effective and safe manner as Mufrad
Accepted 30 March 2021 (single) and Murakkab (compound) form viz. Amrad Jild (skin disease), Amrad Chashm
Available online 15 April 2021 (eyes diseases), Amrad Nizam Hadm (GIT diseases), Amrad Tansuliya (sexually transmit
___________________________________________________________ diseases), Amrad Dimag (brain diseases), Amrad Tanffus (respiratory disease) and
Cite this article as: Poisoning of certain substances. A review was done by bibliographic database from
Ahmad K, Ahmad H, Hafiz KA, Neela Thotha (Copper ScienceDirect, Medline, PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Ebsco Publishing's Electronic Databases,
sulphate): An important mineral drug of Unani and Scirus. Search was done by using key words viz. ‘Neela Thotha’, ‘Copper sulphate ’,
medicine to be used in the management of various ‘Tootiya’, and ‘CuSO4’, literature of Neela Thotha was also collected from the renowned
ailments, Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. Unani text book viz. Khazain-ul-Advia, Mohit-e-Aazam, Makhzan-ul-Mufradat, and Mufradat-
2021; 11(2-s):179-184 e-Azizi and also from standard conventional books viz. Indian Medicinal Plants, and
DOI: Parikh’s Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. In
______________________________________________________________ conventional medicine Neela Thotha considered as poisonous substance characterized by
*Address for Correspondence: colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, severe headache, albuminuria, dyspnoea,
circulatory failure, coma and death and avoids its use in human being. While in USM after
Kaleem Ahmad, Ph.D scholar of Moalejat (Medicine), proper detoxification of Neela Thotha is used in various ailments. Neela Thotha and its
National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, formulations have been claimed by Unani scholars to be useful in the management of
Magadi Main Road, Bengalore-560091
various ailments. In this article authors have an attempt to explore properties and used of
Neela Thotha in several ailments.
Keywords: Neela Thotha; Tootiya; CuSO4; Copper sulphate; Copper

1. Introduction principle of Ilaj bi’l-Zid (Hetrotherapy). Ilaj Bil Dawa is one of

the most popular and acceptable method of treatment that
The traditional system of medicines viz. Unani, Ayurvedic, includes drugs of Nabatat (Plants), Haiwanat (Animals), and
Siddha and Chinese medicine exist since antiquity. The Jamadat (Minerals) origin 3, 5, 7. Mineral origin substances
principles of all alternative system of medicine are based on used in pharmacy or medicine since long time by all existing
history and philosophical relationship between nature, life, system of medicine including USM. These substances
health, and disease 1. Unani system of medicine originally (chemical entity or drug) may contain their therapeutic uses
derived from Greek based on seven natural factors that either intrinsic or extrinsic form but may causes toxicity in
contributes to build up living body including Human viz. higher dose 8. Chemical substances is either work as a drug
Arkan (element), Mizaj (Temperament), Akhlat (Humours), or poison (depends on dose), world health organization
A’aza (Organs), Arwah (Sprit), Quwa (Power) and Af’al (WHO) define as “Drug is any substance or product that is
(functions) 2, 3, 4, 5. Hippocrates (Buqrat) purpose most used or is intended to be used to modify or explore
acceptable theory that “the disease and health of individual physiological system or pathological states for the benefit of
mainly depend on equilibrium between Akhlat-i-Arba viz. the recipient” 9. Any substances that produce toxic effect in
Dam (Blood), Balgham (Phlegm), Safra (Yellow bile) and human body after administration are called poison.
Sauda (Black bile) with respect to Kaifiyat (Quality) and Therefore, a medicine in their toxic dose is a poison and a
Kimiyat (Quantity) 6, 5. If imbalance occurs in between them poison in low dose is may be a drug 10.
either in Kaifiyat or in Kimiyat leads to varieties of Amrad
(diseases) based on culprit Akhlat (humours) viz. Amrad Neela Thotha is mineral origin drug that widely described in
Damwi, Amrad Balghami, Amrad Safrawi, and Amrad USM with respect to their uses, toxicity and antidote in
Saudawi 2, 5. In USM, Amrad successfully treated through numerous conditions 11. It has several pharmacological
different modalities viz. Ilaj bi’l-Ghiza (Dietotherapy), Ilaj actions like Qabid (Constipative), Muqi (emetic), Habis al-
bi’l-Tadbir (Regimental therapy), Ilaj bi’l-Dawa dam (Coagulant), Muqawwi Dam (erythropoietic), Musaffi
(Pharmacotherapy) and Ilaj bi’l-Yad (Surgery) based on Khoon (Blood Purifier), Daf-i-Tasannuj (Antispasmodic),
ISSN: 2250-1177 [179] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO
Ahmad et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2021; 11(2-s):179-184

Aakal (Corrosive), Muhallil (resolvent), Mujafif (Desiccant), In USM, Neela Thotha after detoxification used to treat
Muqawwi A’sab (Nervine tonic), Mukhrij Balgham several adverse condition of body. Emesis process is induced
(expectorant), Daf-i-Ta’affun (anti-infective). Neela Thotha by Neela Thotha (in 5-10 grain dose, 1grain=15.58mg) in
with therapeutic dose used in various diseases like Qarooh cases of poisoning due to Afeem (Papaver somniferum),
(Ulcer), Qarooh-i-Atishak (syphilitic ulcer), Qula (stomatitis), Jojmathil (Datura stramonium) and Tambaku (Nicotiana
Ishal (diarrhoea), Zujam (leprosy), Atishak (syphilis), and tobacum) 11. Neela Thotha is also used in poisoning of
Zeequn Nafas (Asthma). 11, 12, 13. In high or non-therapeutic Samiyat Mukhaddira for induction of emesis 13, 15, 20.
dose of Neela Thotha is associated with toxic effect, Diarrhoea and dysentery is managed by mixture of Afeem
characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, (0.5-1 grain) and Neela Thotha (0.25-2 grain) to reduced the
diarrhoea, jaundice, muscle cramps, circulatory collapse, frequency of defecation 11. Due to astringent properties of
convulsion, coma, and even may death occurs 10, 14, 13. Neela Thotha our renowned physician Hakim Kabeeruddin is
mentioned it’s used in diarrhoea and dysentery in low dose
Since literature available on this important drug is very
but act as emetic agent in high doses 13, 14. Neela Thotha
scant therefore, in the present paper authors have an
(0.25grain) along with Qunain (Cinchona officinalis) also
attempt to compile the available information on Neela
used in treatment of Sara (Epilepsy) 11. Pichkari (Irrigation)
Thotha and its different formulations so as to bring to light
of Neela Thotha is beneficial in the treatment of acute or
the therapeutic potential of this lesser known drug of Unani
chronic Aatshak (Syphilis), Juzam (Leprosy), and white
system of medicine.
discharge from uterus viz. leucorrhoea 11, 13, 15. Application of
2. Methodology Neela Thotha (2-3 ratti, 1ratti=124.62mg) on weak ulcer,
oral ulcer, and throat ulcer due to Syphilis is beneficial 11.
A review of literature on Neela Thotha was done based on Marham of Neela Thotha is apply on Kharab Goast (Morbid
bibliographic database viz. Science Direct, Scopus, Pub Med, meat), chronic ulcer and ulcers caused by syphilis. Its
and Google Scholar. Important informative data were also solution also used to wash surfaces of ulcers 13, 15, 14. Akal
collected from classical and conventional textbook like (Corrosive) property of Neela Thotha is claim to be used in
Muhit-i-Azam, Qarabadin-i-A‘zam, Khazain-Al-Advia, Kikrow (Trachoma) and Sulaaq (Tarsitis / Blepheritis) and
Qarabadin Najm-Al-Ghani, Bustan-al-Mufradat, Makhzan-Al- ulcer of Aatshak 13, 15. Batti (A long strip) is prepared by
Mufradat, Kitab-ul-Taklees, Almukhtarat Fi’l-tib, Mufta-ul- using Neela Thotha and Phitkari (alum), or Shora (potassium
Khazain, Bayaz-e-Khas Al Maruf Ilaj-ul-Amraz, National nitrate) and apply it slowly and softly on inner surface of
Formulary of Unani Medicine, Al-Jamiul Mufradat al-Advia eyelids in case of Kikrow and Sulaaq 14. In several text books
wa al-aghzia, Ilmul Advia Nafisi, Kitab Al-fath fi Al-Tadawi, of Unani Medicine also indicate that Neela Thotha is used to
Advia Ma’dania, India Medicinal Palnt, Essentials of Medical resolve Waram (swelling), Bad (axillary lymphodenopathy),
Pharmacology, Parikh’s Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence eliminate intestinal worm, removed morbid Balgham, to
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, and Casarett and Doull’s clean eyes and remove redness and to reduced pain.
Toxicology and the Basic Science of Poisons. Roasted Neela Thotha and half roasted Suhaga (Boric acid)
in equal quantity are taken to prepare tablets of pearl millet
3. Result and Discussion size and 1-3 tablets are used in children with Zabha
3.1 Description of Neela Thotha in ancient literature (Pneumonia), vomiting and diarrhoea. Prepared mustard
grain size tablet by using Magaj-i-Karanjwa (one piece) and
Neela Thotha is a crystallized blue color salt that soluble in Neela Thotha Sabj Kham or Neela Thotha (1gm) along with
water 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. It is odourless, bitter, salty or Jiggery prepared and used asthma. Sahab Majma al-jawame
astringent in taste and changes the color water into blue. 11. claims that Neela Thotha used in Aatshak (syphilis), Juzam
Roughage of Copper surfaces is produces Neela Thotha on (Leprosy) and Phoda (abscess). Neela Thotha is also used in
heating while without heated roughage called as Moor purification of water in 1:40, 00, 000 respectively by some
Thotha 17. Moor Thotha or Moor Tuth resembles with feather Unani scholar like Ibn-i-Zohar 11. Neela Thotha used
color of Peacock and also prepared from Taijab-i-Gandhak. internally in syphilis, Juzam and Amrad Damwi due its
Metallic Copper is non-poisonous substances but certain Musaffi Khoon (Blood Purification). Mukhrij Balgham
compound viz. Nila Tutia (Blue Vitriol or copper sulphate), (Expectorant) property is used in several respiratory
Zangal (Verdigris), Arsenite and Aceto arsenite 10,11. Moor disorders viz. Khunaq (Diphtheria), Zabha (pneumonia),
Thotha is more toxic than Neela Thotha in respect to toxicity Waram Hanjra (Laryngitis) and Waram sa’ab (Bronchitis)
11, 14. Neela Thotha may produce their toxic effect on its 13, 14, 15. Hakim Kabeeruddin in his book Kitab al-taklees and
internal administration and precaution should be taken Ilmul Advia Nafeeshi claims that Kushta of Neela Thotha is
before and after use 14. In low doses it acts as Qabid used in Bawaseer (Pile), Aatshak (syphilis), Nasur (fistula),
(Constipative) and Muqi (emetic) in high dose 13, 14. It is two Dama (asthma), chronic fever, Ulcer, and Amrad Jild (Skin
types namely Neela Thotha and Tootiya sabj 17. One of the disorders) 12, 15. The Sanoon (Tooth powder) of Neela Thotha
chemical compounds of copper is Copper sulphate (CuSO4) is used in teeth disorders viz. ulcer on gingiva, and unstable
10. In Unani System of Medicine, Copper sulphate is
teeth. It combines with other drugs for treatment of Qula
described under name of Neela Thotha 11. General (stomatitis) and Akal-i-Dahen (Oral ulcer) 15. Hakim Karim
population are exposed from copper that largely present in Bakhs state in his book Muftah-ul-Khazain that Neela Thotha
nature in the form of food, beverages and drinking water. and its compound formulation claimed to be used in Asthma,
The Oral intake of copper sulphate rapidly release copper Daba atfal (Pneumonia), Suzak (gonorrhoea), Nasur (fistula),
that produces varieties of toxic effect viz. Metallic taste, Bawaseer (Piles), Aatshak (Syphilis), non-healing ulcer,
Salivation, Thirst, Nausea, Vomiting, Burning Stomach, Amrad-e-Chasm (eyes disease), Taun (Plague), Amrad Ishal
Abdominal Pain, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatic necrosis, (Diarrheal disease), and Waram litha (gingivitis), 14, 15, 17
haemolysis, methaemoglobinaemia, acute kidney injury,
urine with albumin and casts, circulatory collapse, Muscles 3.3 Unique preparations of Neela Thotha for various
cramps, convulsion, Coma and death 10, 18, 19. ailments:

3.2 Ethnomedicinal Uses of Neela Thotha Unique preparations of Neela Thotha for various ailments
mentioned below in table No. 1 12, 17.

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Table 1: Showing different dosage form and composition of Neela Thotha (copper sulphate)
S.No. Dosage form Composition Quantity Diseases
1 Qurs Neela Thotha (7gm) and Qand Shiya 1 with warm water Asthma
for 7 days
2 Hab (Tablet) of Tutiya Sabj (1 part) and Suhaga (0.5 part) 1-3 with mother Childhood
millt size milk pneumonia
3 Safoof (Powder) Tutiya Sabj (1tola) and Dhoop safaid (1tola) 1 Chutki with Gonorrhoea and
Rogan-i-zard Fistula
4 Zumad (Paste) Neela Tutiya (1gm), Murdar sang (1gm), Khar Local application Pile
Mohra zard and Chikni supari (1 adad)
5 Sanoon (Tooth Neela Tutiya, Phitkari, Sang Zarahat, and Local application Loosen Teeth
Powder) Supari Sokhta in equal quantity
6 Safoof Tutiya Sabj (4gm), Sangraf Biryan (8gm) and 0.5-1 ratti, Orally Sujak, Aatshak, Quruh
Murdar sang (8gm), Phitkari Zard Sokhta (8 Khabisha, Nasur
no), Supari Sokhta (8 no), Zangar (8gm) and Mujmin
Raal (8gm)
7 Hab of Gram size Tutiya Sabj (1tola), Kamaila (1tola), Kath 1 tablet with fresh Aatshak and Suzak
Safaid (1tola), Supari mujmin (1tola), water
Raskapoor (1tola), Ilaichi (1tola)
8 Safoof Neela Tutiya and Nishasta in equal quantity One Pinch Margajida
9 Kushta Titiya Sabj (1tola) and Sang Zarahat (1tola), Local application Bawaseer
10 Kushta Neela Tutiya (2 tola), and Post Reetha (250gm) Orally, 1 ratti with Aatshak
11 Kushta Neela Tutiya (1tola) and Sheera Zaqum Orally, 0.5 ratti Aatshak, Suzak,
with Butter Bawaseer and Nasoor
12 Kushta Tutiya Sabj (2 tola), Tambaku (250gm) 1 ratti with Balayi Asthma
13 Kushta Tutiya Sabj (6gm), Kaphor (2 tola), 2-4 Chawal with Aatshak, Suzak and
butte Bawaseer
14 Kushta Tutiya Sabj(2 tola), Sankh(2 tola), and Hadtal 1 ratti with malayi Chronic fever,
darqiya(2 tola) Humma Arba’
15 Kushta Neela Tutiya (2tola) and Barg Neem 0.5 ratti Aatshak Mujmin and
Amrad Jild

3.4 Properties of Neela Thotha in Unani Medicine d. Therapeutic Uses

a. Vernacular Name Neela Thotha is used after making it Mudabbar (detoxified).
It is used in Humma (Fever), Amrad Jild (Skin disease),
Verdigris, Crude Copper sulphate, Blue Copper, Blue Stone,
unplegent smell, Quruh Khabisha, Juzam (Leprosy), Kikrow
Zajul-akhzar, Totia akhzar, Zake-Sab, Totia sabz, Neela
(Trachoma) and Sulaaq (Tarsitis / Blepheritis), Dabba Atfa’l,
Thotha, kabood, Nila Thotha, Totia hindi, Blue Vitriol, Tutne,
Zeequn Nafas, Khunaq wabayee (Diphtheria), Jabha, Waram
Tuntiya, Tutia, Neela Thotha 11, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Khanjra, Sa’ab Ria / Waram Sa’b (Bronchitis). Neela Thotha
b. Mizaj (Temperament) is especially used in Suzak Mujmin (Chronic Gonorrhoea) and
Sailan al-Rherm Mujmin (Chronic leucorrhoea), Aatshak
Temperament of Neela Thotha has been described to be Har (Syphilis), Amrad Fasad-i-Khoon, Sara (Epilepsy), Ra’asa
and Yabis (Hot & Dry) in third degree 11. According to (Tremor) , Ahetenaq al-rhem (Hysteria). It is also used in
another statement, the temperament of Neela Thotha has Qula (Stomatitis), Listha Damwia (Pyorrhoea), Bhagandar
been described to be Har and Yabis (Hot and Dry in 4th (Fistula), Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Bawaseer Khooni, Gum Ulcer,
degree) 13,14, 15, 20. Qula Dahen, and Akala Dahen. Emesis induces by Neela
c. Pharmacological Actions Thotha in poisoning of Afeem (Opium), Dhatura (Dhatura
stramonium), Tobacco, Samiyat Mukhadira and Snake bite 11,
Muqi (Emetics), Qabid (Astringent), Habis al-dam 12, 14, 15, 17, 20.
(Coagulant), Muqawwi Khoon (Blood tonic), Muassfi Khoon
(Blood Purifier), Daf-i-Tasannuj (Antispasmodic), Daf-i- e. Substitute
Taffun (Anti-infective), Akkal (Corrosive), Tiryaq Abdal-e-Advia (interchange of drugs) is one of the important
(Antidotes), Muqawwi A’sab (Nervine tonic), Mujafif principles that govern the rules pertaining to interchange of
(Desiccative), Mukhrij Balgham (Phlegmagogue), Munaffis drugs. In case of non-availability of a drug like Neela Thotha,
(Expectorant) 11,12,13,14,15,20,26

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Unani scholars have suggested substitutes of this drug A well-prepared Kushta (calcined) form or other dosage form
namely Zangar (Copper disulphide). (like Hab, Qurs and Marham) of Neela Thotha offers many
advantages over plant medicines due to its longer shelf life,
f. Nafah Khas (Main action)
lesser dose, easy storability and better palatability 27. A lot of
Neela Thotha is used in the treatment of Ulcer, kidney compound formulation of Neela Thotha (copper sulphate) is
diseases and also in the treatment of poison 13, 14, 20. mentioned in Unani system of medicine viz. Akseer-i-Deedan,
Barood Hasram, Barood Kafoori, Kahal al-jawahar, Kahal
g. Musleh (Corrective) chikni dawa, Shiyaf Akseer Chasm, Shiyaf Naranji, Shiyaf
Neela Thotha has been described as being harmful to zarab, Zumad jabar, Kahel Chikni Dawa, Kushta Tootia,
gastrointestinal tract. Roghan and Butter are used as Marham Aatshak, Habbe-e-Dad, Marham Nasoor, Marham
corrective agents to reduce its harmful effect on Jangar, Marham Khanazeer, Habb-e-Daba atfal, Manjan
gastrointestinal tract. The corrective agents are supposed to Mufeed, Marham Sa’afa Kushta Tootia, Zaroor Parsi Zaroor
modify the Mizaj of Neela Thotha to reduce its untoward ramadi, Zaroor sabal and Zaroor Mamiran 11,12,20, 28, 29,30.
effects on gastrointestinal tract. Since it possesses hot and m. Mudabbar of Neela Thotha (Detoxification of copper
dry temperament in third degree, therefore its desiccative sulphate)
property is reduced by combining it with Roghan or Butter 13,
14, 20. It is clearly mentioned in classical literature of Unani system
of medicine and also in other traditional system of medicine
h. Adverse Effects that Neela Thotha in raw form is very toxic drug. Before
The adverse effects of Neela Thotha are mentioned in various administration of Neela Thotha in human beings it should be
classical books of Unani system of medicine like nausea, detoxify. Impurity of Neela Thotha removed through
vomiting, gastritis, Dysuria, and corrosive to body organs recrystallising process in aqueous solution and toxicity
and death. Its adverse effects minimized up to some extent reduces by heating it after rubbing with honey and ghee in a
by using of Milk, Ghee or Lua’biyat 11. Poisoning of Neela crucible then dry in sunlight after mixing in whey (Mattha)
Thotha is treated by gastric lavage of stomach content and or water for 3 days. 16
use of egg white along with milk is also neutralized the toxic 3.5 Commonly used formulations of Neela Thotha in
effect of Neela Thotha 13, 14 Unani medicine
Poisoning of Neela Thotha is also managed through stomach Kushta (solid), Hab (solid), and Marham (semi solid) are
washing with 1% solution of Potassium ferrocyanide to form three important formulations of Neela Thotha. Since Neela
insoluble cupric ferrocyanide, Albumiate copper by using Thotha is a metalloid origin drug, therefore it is preferred to
albumin, use of demulcent fluids, and antidotes viz. be used in calcined form. The Kushta (calx) is prepared by
Penicillamine, British Anti-Lewisites (BAL), and heating Neela Thotha at a high temperature to oxidize it. The
Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) 10. crude drug is however pretreated with some catalytic agents
i. Dosage (particular herbal juice) to make it more efficacious. Kushta
Neela Thotha possesses Muqi (Emetics), Qabid (Astringent),
In powder form of Neela Thotha or in Kushta (calx) form, it is Habis al-dam (Coagulant), Muqawwi Khoon (Blood tonic),
used in the dose of 2-4 Chawal (30-60mg) 11,13,20. Muassfi Khoon (Blood Purifier) and Daf-i-Tasannuj
j. Fatal Dose (Antispasmodic) properties. It is used for the treatment of
various ailments 11, 12, 13.
The fatal dose of Neela Thotha is mentioned 30 gm in
different classical books of Unani as well as book of a. Hab-i-Dad 31
conventional medicine 10. Hab (pills) is defined as “any medicine having one or more
k. Fatal Period drugs and mix together with water or a liquid in sufficient
quantity to form into pills called Hab”. The pleural of Hab is
The fatal period of Neela Thotha is mentioned 12-24 hours in called as Habub. The detailed ingredients, scientific name and
classical books of Unani as well as modern books 10. their quantity are mentioned in table 2.
l. Advantages of Compound Formulation of Neela Thotha

Table 2: Showing ingredients, scientific name and quantity of Hab-i-Dad

S.No Unani Name Scientific name Family Part use Quantity
1 Neela Thotha Copper Sulphate 25 gm
2 Sohaga Sodium Borate 25 gm
3 Gandhak Amla Sar Processed sulphur 25 gm
4 Para Mercury 25 gm
5 Ab-e-Limun Citrus lemon Rutaceae Fruits 40 ml

Method of preparation of Hab-i-Dad; Initially, Para and b. Kushta Tutiya (Calcined copper sulphate):
Gandhak Amla Sar mix together and triturate till powder is
The word Kushta derived from Kushtan in Persian meaning
formed. After that powder of Neela Thotha and Sohaga is
to kill or conquered. In Unani Kushta define as “a medicine
added and sieved with mesh number 100 and kneaded with
that is used in small quantity and effective immediately”. It is
Ab-e-Limun. Hab (Pills) of size number six is prepared, dried
a mixture of metals, metallic oxide, non-metals and their
and preserved in a bottle. One pill converts into paste by
compounds 31. The contents of Kushta are oxidized by
using water or Lemon juice and applied on the dry lesion of
process of heating 32. The detailed ingredients, scientific
Herpes and Taeniasis.
name and their quantity are mentioned in table 3.

ISSN: 2250-1177 [182] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO

Ahmad et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2021; 11(2-s):179-184

Table 3: Showing ingredients, scientific name and quantity of Kushta Tutiya

S.No Unani name Scientific name Family Part use Quantity (gm)
1 Neela Thotha Copper sulphate 60gm
2 Ritha Sapindus trifoliatus Sapindaceae peals 125gm
3 Camphor Cinnamomum camphora Lauraceae Terpenes 25

Method of preparation of Neela Thotha; initially pieces of c. Marham Aatshak

Neela Thotha were spread out between the powders of Ritha
Marham is a semisolid mixture of more than one ingredient
(Sapindus trifoliatus) peel in earthenware. This mixture was
with wax and oil. It is usually indicate by Unani scholar in
dried by heating in an airtight Pyrex flask of Gil-e-Hikmat. It
the treatment of external inflammation, swelling, abrasions,
also burned again in a pit filled with 5kg cow-dung cakes.
wounds, cuts, boils, and pustules. The detailed ingredients,
After that this mixture place between equal layer of camphor
scientific name and their quantity are mentioned in table 4
in a cup and heated after Gil-e-Hikmat with 5 kg of cow-dung. 31.
The light greenish-white Kushta of Neela Thotha is prepared,
sieved and store in air tight bottle 31.
Table 4: Showing ingredients, scientific name and quantity of Marham Aatshak
S.No Unani name Scientific name Family Part use Quantity (gm)
1 Neela Thotha Copper Sulphate 12gm
2 Chobchini Smilax china Smiliacaceae Bark 25gm
3 Murdar sang Lead Oxide 25gm
4 Arandi Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae Oil 260ml
5 Mom wax 25gm

Method of Preparation of Marham Aatshak; initially oil of Pullar et al., was concluded that treatment group (Copper
Arandi (Ricinus communis) along with Lead oxide was placed sulphate 20 mg/day capsules with D-penicillamine 1000
in pan and heated it till color changed into black. Then wax mg/day) and placebo group (placebo 20 mg/day with D-
was melt and mixed with this black color substances. After penicillamine 1000 mg/day). Urinary copper was increased
that discontinue heat and copper sulphate then Chobchini in the copper treated patients but no statistically significant
(Smilax china) was added and stirred, sieved with mesh difference occurred in Plasma viscosity, Haemoglobin, C-
number 100. After washing of affected area with Azadirectha reactive protein, Caeruloplasmin, Articular index, Grip
indica decoction poultice of Marham Aatshak is applied. It is strength, Morning stiffness and Visual analogue pain scale
mainly used in syphilitic wound and chronic wound 31. (mm) in either group 36
3.6 Morphological, Physicochemical and Clinical Studies Tariq et al., (2014) were conducted a study on Preliminary
on Neela Thotha (copper sulphate): physicochemical evaluation of Kushta tutia (KT); a Unani
Formulation. Finished product was evaluated for
In this study Javed et al., was concluded that mixed powder
physicochemical characteristics including preliminary tests
of Sheetraj Hindi (Plumbago zeylanicum) in 100gm and Neela
mentioned in classical literature. Floating and finger test
Thotha (Copper sulphate) 25 gm was used for duration of
were positive. Curd test showed no discoloration after 48 h.
three month and observe as achieved cured in 6.37%, very
These findings indicate correct preparation of KT according
good response in 7.00%, good response 26.33%, fair
to classical literature. Bulk density (0.96 ± 0.00 g/ml);
response in 25%, poor response in 16.47%, slow response in
tapped density (1.53 ± 0.00 g/ml); Hausner ratio (0.62 ±
15.5%, and no response in 3.33% of patients 33
0.00), compressibility index (37.52 ± 0.19%); loss of weight
Haque et al., was stated that Zimad-e-Jarb composed of Neela on drying (0.08 ± 0.00%); pH of 1 and 10% (5.20 ± 0.00) and
Thotha (Copper sulphate); (Gandhak Aamla Saar (sulphur); 5.62 ± 0.00, respectively); total ash, acid insoluble ash, and
Kameela (Mallotus philipensis); Murdar-e-Sang (litharge), water soluble ash values 95.75 ± 0.09, 6.57 ± 0.02, and 45.02
and Roghan-e-Zard (Ghee). Zimad-e-Jarb and 5% Permethrin ± 0.20%, respectively; and extractive values 0.85 ± 0.02%
lotion was given to the Group A (n=20) and group B (10) for were reported in KT. Since this work has not been reported
7 days locally with the follow-up at 7th, 14th , and 21st days earlier, the results obtained could be considered as the
from onset of the treatment respectively. Assessments were standard for KT for future studies 37
carried out on subjective (erythema and papules) &
3.7 Pharmacological Studies on Neela Thotha
objective viz. VAS (pruritus) parameters weekly three times.
On Statistical analysis both the intervention had significant Kotrannavar and Badgar was done a study and concluded
effect on objective parameters (p<0.01). However control that Tuttha Drava (Copper sulphate solution) produced a
drug has shown more pronounced effect than test drug and. significant antibacterial activity viz. Tuttha Drava exhibits
The study revealed that Zimad-e-Jarb is effective in Jarb good Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) affect on
(Scabies) in terms of itching, erythema, papules and number Streptococcus pyogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 38.
of lesions without any side effect. 34
Vaishagh et al., were stated Tuttha Bhasma (copper Sulphate
Wang and Borison were concluded a study that copper [CuSO4.7H2O]) is showed more antifungal properties than
sulphate has emetic property 35. anti-bacterial properties 39.

ISSN: 2250-1177 [183] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO

Ahmad et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2021; 11(2-s):179-184

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ISSN: 2250-1177 [184] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO

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