Finding Multiple Roots of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations Using S-System Methodology

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Finding Multiple Roots of Nonlinear

Algebraic Equations Using S-System Methodology

Michael A. Savageau

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

The University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-0620

Transmitted by Robert Rosen


The solution of nonlinear algebraic equations is a well-known problem in many

fields of science and engineering. Several types of numerical methods exist, each with
their advantages and disadvantages. S-system methodology provides a novel approach
to this problem. The result, as judged by extensive numerical tests, is an effective
method for finding the positive real roots of nonlinear algebraic equations. The
motivation for this method begins with the observation that any system of nonlinear
equations composed of elementary functions can be recast in a canonical nonlinear
form known as an S-system. When the derivatives of these ordinary first-order
nonlinear differential equations are zero, the resulting nonlinear algebraic equations
can be represented as an underdetermined set of linear algebraic equations in the
logarithms of the variables. These linear equations, together with a set of simple
nonlinear constraints, determine the multiple steady-state solutions of the original
system that are positive real. The numerical solution is obtained by approximating the
constraints as S-system equations in steady state to yield a determined set of linear
algebraic equations, which then can be solved iteratively. This method has been
implemented and the experience to date suggests that the method is robust and
efficient, The rate of convergence to the solutions is quadratic. A combinatorial
method for selecting initial conditions has led to the identification of several, and in
many cases all, of the positive real solutions for the set of problems tested. It does so
without resorting to analysis in the complex domain, and without having to make
random or problem-specific provisions for initializing the procedure. There is an
obvious parallel implementation of the algorithm, and there are additional generaliza-
tions and efficiencies yet to be realized.


0 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1993

655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 0096-3003/93/$6.00


In this paper I describe a new algorithm for finding multiple roots to

equations of the following form

fi(xl, x2 )..., a?,,)= 0 i= 1,2 )..., 72.


This is a difficult but commonly encountered problem. Some typical apphca-

tions include finding roots of polynomials, roots of rational functions, roots of
nonlinear algebraic equations, solution of steady-states for dynamic systems,
solution of optimization problems, solution of chemical equilibrium equations
(multinomial systems), solution of generalized mass-action equations. There
are several well-known approaches to this problem; bisection, Newton, and
continuation may be considered representative. Each approach has its advan-
tages and disadvantages. A number of reviews can be found in the literature
(e.g., [l, 3, 81).
In exploring methods to solve for the steady states of nonlinear equations
that have been recast in a canonical form (see below), I have discovered a
simple algorithm for finding the positive real roots of nonlinear algebraic
equations. The purpose of this communication is to provide motivation for
this approach, to describe the method, and to present a sampling of numeri-
caI results. The method has a number of desirable properties. Most notabIe
are (i) it provides an upper bound on the number of positive real solutions,
(ii) empirical evidence suggests that it finds several, and in many cases all, of
the positive real solutions, (iii) it converges rapidly to these solutions, (iv) it
allows solutions to be obtained in parallel, and (v) it can be extended to deal
with a broad class of nonlinearities (although the generalized-mass-action
form will be the focus of this report).


Rather arbitrary systems of nonlinear functions can be recast in the

following canonical nonlinear form known as an S-system (for a recent
review, see Voit [14]):

dX,/dt = ai fi x/h - pi fi x,3, Xi(O) = x,, i = 1,. .,n (2)

j=I j=I

where n is the number of dependent variables, the variables Xi and the

multiplicative parameters (Y~ and pi are nonnegative real, and the exponen-
tial parameters gij and h,, are real. The existence of such a canonical form
Roots of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations 189

suggests that methods developed to deal with S-systems will apply to a broad
class of nonlinear problems. For example, a method based on this canonical
form has been developed to solve initial value problems, and a diverse set of
benchmark tests have shown that it is fast, accurate, predictable and robust
[4]. The structural regularity of this canonical form suggests that it might also
yield methods for finding the roots of rather general nonlinear algebraic
Furthermore, the steady-state solution of an S-system reduces to a linear
algebraic problem in a logarithmic coordinate system [ll]. The result is given

Y] = [Al-‘bl (3)


aij = gij - hij

yk = In X,

b, = ln( &/a~).

When the linear system is underdetermined, the solution is obtained from the
set of linear equations with maximum rank together with a set of nonlinear
constraints that are generated in the recasting procedure.


The final step in recasting a set of nonlinear equations into S-system form
involves reducing multiple sums and differences of terms that involve prod-
ucts of power-law functions to a single difference of terms that involve
products of power-law functions [12].

3.1. One Sign with Multiple Terms

Consider the following simple example for which the variable X, is
assumed to approach a steady-state value with time.

This equation can be recast to S-system form by letting X, = X,X, and

differentiating the product.

The reductive step involves associating appropriate terms to yield two equa-
tions in S-system form.

dX,/dt = aI2 Xj112-~Xf112 Xb(0) = 1 (7)

From this result, it is immediately apparent that X, and X, will not exhibit a
steady state even though the original variable X, does. The variable X,
increases continually with time because the right-hand side of its equation is
positive definite. The variable X, decreases continually with time in such a
manner that the product X,X, approaches the steady state of X,.
This awkwardness is due to the manner in which the negative term was
distributed entirely to the equation for X,. Since the manner of distribution is
arbitrary, one can choose the distribution that will produce a true steady state
for each of the new variables X, and X,. For example,


x, + x, = 1. (10)

Equation (10) can be approximated by a product of power-law functions as

ylxzfpx,f?= 1 (11)

fi = xz f3 = x,
x2 + x3
+ x3

ln(l/d = x

3( X2
X2 + X3 I+
X2 + X3
X2 + X3 I (13)

and in steady state the set of equations (S), (9), and (11) can be w&ten in
Roots of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations 191

linear form as


The variable elements in the matrix [ A] and the vector b] of (14) can be
determined from an arbitrary distribution over the auxiliary variables X, and
X,. This allows a solution of the linear system, including new estimates for
the auxiliary variables, and the procedure is repeated. This iterative algorithm
converges rapidly to a distribution over the auxiliary variables that yields a
true steady state for the S-system equations produced in the reductive step of
recasting. It also yields a steady-state solution for the original variable X,.

3.2. Both Signs with Multiple Terms

Consider the following equation for X,, which is assumed to approach a
steady-state value with time.

This equation can be recast to S-system form again by letting the original
variable be replaced by the product of new variables, the minimum number
being two. However, four new variables are needed to ensure that the
resulting S-system equations have a true steady state. Let x, = x,xb x,x,!,
differentiate the product, and associate appropriate terms to yield four
equations in S-system form.


x2 + x3 = 1 (20)

x, + x, = 1. (21)

Equations (20) and (21) can be approximated by a product of power-law

functions as indicated above

y1x,f2xp = 1 (22)

yzxfix5fs = 1 (23)


f2 = x2 j-3 = x3
x2 + x3 x2 + x3

x, X,
ln( l/rl) = x :, In + In
x2”;,:, (25)
2 3 i x2 + x3 I x2 + x3 i I

f4 = x4 f5 = x5 (26)
X‘I+ x5 x4 + x5

X5 x5
ln(l/r2> = x

“:, ln i 5
x* + xs 1 +
x4 + x5
i x4 + x5 1 (27)

and in steady state, the set of equations (16)-(181, (22)~(23) can be written in

linear form as

(&h-h) -1 0 1 0 yI - 14 h/c~~>

(glllA12) - 1 0 0. 1 yz 14 k42/all)
(g,,2&,,) 0 -1 1 0 Y3 = ln( &/Q) (28)

0 fi f3 0 0 y4 14 l/x)
0 0 0 f4 f5 y5 - ln(l/y2)

Note that (19) is a linear combination of (16)~(18) in steady state, and so has
been eliminated.
Roots of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations 193

The variable elements in the matrix [A] and the vector b] of (28) can be
determined from an arbitrary distribution over the auxiliary variables X, and
X,, and X4 and X5. This allows a solution of the linear system, including new
estimates for the auxiliary variables, and the procedure is repeated. This
iterative algorithm converges rapidly to a distribution over the auxiliary
variables that yields a true steady state for the S-system equations produced
in the reductive step of recasting. It also yields a steady-state solution for the
original variable X,.

3.3. Generalization
The algorithm described above in the context of two simple examples is
readily generalized to treat systems of nonlinear algebraic equations having an
arbitrary number of equations (variables) with an arbitrary number of positive
and negative terms in each equation. The auxiliary variables exist as disjoint
sets numbering at most two for each of the original equations. The number of
auxiliary variables in each of these sets is determined by the number of terms
of a given sign in each of the original equations.
If one assigns an initial value of unity to one of the auxiliary variables in
each set and zero to all the others in each set, then the number of different
initial assignments is


jrj NAV(k) (29)


NAS = Number of Auxiliary Sets

NAV(k) = N urn b er of Auxiliary Variables in the k th set.

This product also provides an upper bound on the number of positive real
roots. This bound is less than Bezout’s number [l, 81 in the case of
multinomial equations with a high order but few terms per equation; it is
greater than Bezout’s number in the case of multinomial equations with low
order but many terms per equation. Yet another upper bound is less than
either of these in some instances. It is calculated as follows. First, determine
the minimum number of terms of a given sign for each equation. Second,
double these numbers and subtract one from each doubled number that is
greater than two. Finally, take the product of the resulting numbers to give
an upper bound on the number of positive real roots. The search for
additional roots can be terminated once any of these bounds is reached.
The algorithm as currently implemented has found several, and in many
cases all, of the positive real roots for the problems tested when one chooses

the initial values for the auxiliary variables according to the combinatorial
scheme described above. The method can be generalized in a number of
ways, as will be described below.


The following examples are representative of the test problems that have
been examined. In each case a tolerance parameter has been set at l.Oe-8.

EXAMPLE 1. The stationary points of Himmelblau’s function [9] are given

by the roots of the following system of equations, which exhibit both positive
and negative real roots.

2x; + 2X,X, + X2”- 21X, - 7 = 0 (30)

Xf + 2X,X, + 2x23 - 13x, - 11 = 0 (31)

The three positive real roots are found as in Table 1. These require five to
eight iterations and the rate of convergence is approximately quadratic. The


Rate of Convergence+

Roots* Iterations Average$ Final”

(3.000e + 00,2.000e + OO} 2.33 2.04

(3.385e + 00,7.385e - OZ} 1.97 1.91
(8.668e - 02,2.884e + OO} 2.19 1.98
(- 2.805e + 00,3.13le + OO} 3.08 2.21
(3.584e + 00, - 1.848e + OO} 2.68 2.01
(- 1.280e - 01, - 1.954e + OO} 2.29 1.97
{ -2.708e - 01, -9.230e - 011 3.26 2.08
{ - 3.073e + 00, - 8.135e - 02) 2.04 1.92
{ - 3.779e + 00, - 3.283e + 00) 3.16 2.31

* The tolerance was set at e - 8, but the data are reported with four significant
’ Rate of convergence between two iterations is calculated as ri = log(ei/ei_r).
*Average is the geometric mean calculated from the iteration that first produces
an error less than 1.
’ Rate of convergence between the last two iterations before the tolerance
condition is met.
Roots of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations 195

method also finds roots with a negative real component. These are obtained
by replacing xi by -xi, which leads to a reversal of sign for odd functions of
xi, and solving for the positive real roots of the resulting equations. This
yields the six roots with a negative real component (Table 1). A similar
number of iterations and a similar rate of convergence are observed for these
solutions. Thus, the method finds nine real solutions, which is the total for
this set of equations [6].

EXAMPLE 2. The following system of equations was constructed to test

the ability of the method to identify roots with one or more components
having a value of zero.

1 2 + x3x6
1 2
+ x3 - 1ox2xP
1 2
- x4 = 0 (32)

1ox~~03x, + x:x,“.’ + x3 - 30x,4x; - x‘$ = 0 (33)

0.02x3 - 0.01x; = 0 (34)
0.02x, - 0.01x; = 0 (3,5)

The four positive real roots are found as in Table 2. In this example, three to
six iterations are required, and the rate of convergence is again approximately
quadratic. The method also finds all the roots with one or more components
equal to zero (Table 2). I n some of these cases, the equations reduce exactly
to S-systems and the solution is obtained directly without iteration. Otherwise
three to seven iterations are required, and the rate of convergence is nearly
quadratic. The method finds all of the nonnegative real roots.

EXAMPLE 3. The following is a well-known problem that is often used to

test methods of solving systems of nonlinear equations [7]. It is a chemical
equilibrium problem, and therefore all components of the solution must be
positive real. Furthermore, it is known from thermodynamic principles that
there can be only one such solution [5].

x1x2 + x1 - 3x, = 0 (361

2x,x, + x1 + 1.923e-6 xz + x2x: + 5.45177e-4 xgx3

+ 3.40735e-5 x2x4 + 4.4975e-7x, - 10x, = 0 (37)

2~~x32 + 5.45177e-4 x2x3 + 3.86e-1 xi + 4.10622e-4x,-8x5 = 0


3.40735e-5 x2x4 + 2x,2-40 xs = 0 (39)



Rate of
Roots* IterationsAverage* Final'

{6.803e-01,6.526e -01,2.000e +00,2,00Oe +OO} 6 2.02 1.95

+ 01,4.150e- 01,2,00Oe+ 00,2.000e+ OO} 3 2.52 2.27
(2.856e+02,3.997e-02,2,00Oe +00,2,00Oe +00} 4 2.04 2.03
{1582e -01,7.834e+00,2.000e +00,2,00Oe +00} 5 1.94 1.96
{O.OOOe+ OO,O.OOOe+ 00,2.000e+ 00,2.000e+ OO} -
{5.540e+ 01,4.158e- Ol,O.OOOe+ 00,2.000e+ 00) 3 2.49 2.26
{5.555e+ 01,4.142e- 01,2,00Oe+ OO,O.OOOe+ OO} 3 2.49 2.25
(2.547e-01,6.163e+00,2.000e+00,0.000e+00} 4 4.79 2.23
(6.855e-01,9.673e-01,2,00Oe +OO,O.OOOe +00} 4 2.63 2.32
{2.176e+02,5.892e-02,2.000e +00,0,000e+00) 5 2.28 2.09
{6.803e- 01,6.526e- Ol,O.OOOe+OO,O.OOOe + OO} 3 2.70 2.31
{1.582e- 01,7.834e+ OO,O.OOOe+ OO,O.OOOe+ 00) 3 2.75 2.32
(2.856e+ 02,3.997e- 02,O.OOOe+ OO,O.OOOe+ 00) 3 2.50 2.26
{5.547e+01,4.150e -Ol,O.OOOe +OO,O.OOOe +OO} 3 2.50 2.26
{O.OOOe+ OO,O.OOOe+OO,O.OOOe + OO,O.OOOe+ 001 1 - -

*The tolerance was setat e - 8, but the data are reportedwith foursignificant
'Rate of convergence between two iterations iscalculated as T<= logfe,/e,>.
*Averageisthegeometricmean calculated from the iteration that first produces an
errorlessthan 1.
"Rate of convergence between the lasttwo iterations beforethe tolerance condi-

x1x2 + x1 + 9.615e-7x: + x2x: + 5.45177e-4 x2x3

+ 3.40735e-5 xZxq + 4.4975e-7 x2 + 1.930e-1 x3”

+ 4.10622e-4 xg + xi-1 = 0 (40)

The one physically realizable solution in this case is {3.114102e - 03,

3.459792e + 01, 6.504177e - 02, 8.593780e - 01, 3.695185e - OZ}. This is
the only solution obtained; it is obtained repeatedly with an average of nine
iterations. The averages for these repeated solutions are the following: the
average rate of convergence is 1.85, and the final rate of convergence is 1.92.
This problem exhibits the major drawback of the current implementation;
namely, the same solution is obtained repeatedly. Of course, when one knows
Roots of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations 197

that for physical reasons there can only be a single solution, as in the case of
chemical equilibrium, one could stop the procedure after obtaining the first


The method, as currently implemented, finds nonnegative real roots for

systems of generalized-mass-action equations (generalized polynomials)

5 (Yik fi xp - 5 Pik fJ xp =0 i = 1,2,...,n (41)

k=l j=l k=l j=l

where n is the number of equations and variables, p is the maximum number

of terms of a given sign in each equation, gijk and hijk are real, crYikand Pik
are nonnegative real, and Xj are nonnegative real.
In the special case (multinomial systems) where gi .k and hijk are integers,
the method also finds negative real roots (Example 1 3. Complex roots can be
obtained by allowing the multiplicative parameters and variables to have real
and imaginary parts, expanding the resulting equations, collecting real and
imaginary parts, setting each part equal to zero, and then applying the
method to this expanded set of equations as before. I have found the complex
roots for a few simple test problems by performing the expansion manually
and applying the method. Thus, this method also can be used to find complex
The current implementation has two principal limitations. In some cases, it
misses specific roots and in others it finds some roots repeatedly. To date, the
method has found all of the positive real roots for approximately 100 test
problems. However, there also are a few (and perhaps many more) problems
for which it finds several but not all of the positive real roots. It remains to be
determined whether or not the method can be modified so as to guarantee
that it will find all of the positive real roots. On the other hand, the method
typically finds some solutions repeatedly. The method provides information
that can be used to suppress this redundancy, although at present it does not
completely eliminate it. This also is a key area for further development.
The current implementation also exhibits a number of desirable proper-
ties. The rate of convergence is typically quadratic, even when far from a
solution. We are exploring methods to accelerate this rate. The speed of
solution also is dependent on the size of the system. The method tends to
generate arrays that become increasingly sparse as the number of variables
increases, e.g., compare (14) and (28). Thus, a new implementation that deals
efficiently with these sparse arrays will improve efficiency of both memory
management and speed. Increased speed also could be obtained by means of

an obvious parallel implementation based on the combinatorial selection of

initial values. Each of M machines can be initialized to seek a different
solution, and then they can be run independently. Finally, the method can be
applied to systems of more general nonlinear functions than those described
in this report. Recasting such equations as S-systems and setting the deriva-
tives to zero leads in general to a set of underdetermined linear equations in
logarithmic coordinates. In order to solve these equations one must add the
nonlinear equations that define the recast variables [12]. Decomposing these
nonlinear constraints into disjoint sets of convex constraint relationships, as in
the case of the auxiliary variables above, will reduce these problems to a form
that the method already can solve efficiently.
Generalized-mass-action equations in addition to being recast exactly as
S-systems, as described above, also can be represented locally by S-system
equations [IS]. This is true of other nonlinear equations as well. Voit and
Irvine [15] have solved iteratively for the steady states of such equations by
using Newton’s method in a logarithmic space although only tentative imple-
mentations of this approach were developed. Bums and Locascio [2] have
recently developed a method that involves the same principles; namely,
aggregating terms with the same sign, locally approximating each aggregate
about the current values by a product of power-law functions, converting to a
linear system, and solving the system iteratively. These authors have charac-
terized the basins of attraction for the various roots and have shown that the
method is often more robust than is the conventional Newton method.
Indeed, they have shown that this method has a number of desirable
properties, including invariance to various features of problem representa-
tion. Their method is different but obviously related to the method described
in this paper. Comparisons of these methods are now in progress.


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