Final Coverage
Final Coverage
Final Coverage
Some people may drink alcohol to the point that it causes problems, but
they’re not physically dependent on alcohol. This used to be referred to
as alcohol abuse.
In layman term, alcoholism is often referred to as the condition that
results to habitual consumption of alcohol beverages despite its danger
to health and several negative consequences to the society. In its modern
definition, alcoholism is described as addiction and disease.
For pregnant, it can result to birth defects such as small head, heart
defects, short eyelids and various abnormalities on the child. Alcohol
consumption has been linked to various cancers like mouth , pharynx
(throat), esophagus , larynx, liver and colon, rectum and breast.
1.Proper guidance from parents- parents play vital role in keeping away
their children from alcoholism. It is important that parents should
constantly monitor their children’s activities their companion. It is
necessary to educate children about alcoholism and its ill effect.
Prostitution defined
In the Philippines, there are six types of prostitution and these are;
1.Street prostitution- the client looks for sex worker along the road,
park, avenue, vehicles park on the street and other public places
3.Escort prostitution- it is the most secret form of sex work. The client
calls sex worker by phone or through hotel personnel.
4.Private prostitution- the client calls sex worker using phone. The
activity usually take place to the client’s house.
5.Club/pub/ktv bar and bar prostitution- the client goes to
establishment that offers liquor and entertainment through females
dancing wearing sexy dresses.