SolutionOverview CellBackhaulDialog123123

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Expand Your
Service Reach

Today, demand for mobile connectivity is exploding across every nation, industry and society. Across the developing
world, the market for remote and rural coverage is growing exponentially, and mobile subscription rates are projected
to surge and help bridge the digital divide. All around the world, mobile operators face the challenge of maintaining
service availability and quality — whether the challenge is caused by a sudden spike in network congestion, an
unforeseen natural disaster or a video streaming at ever-higher screen resolutions.

In these situations, satellite connectivity can be a difference maker, given its inherent capabilities and recent innovations.
By backhauling voice and data traffic over satellite networks, mobile operators can grow their subscribers in previously
unreachable areas, protect network availability and enable cost-effective media distribution.

A Multiservice Platform for

Every Network and Application Profile

When it comes to advancing their networks by leveraging satellite connectivity, mobile network operators are looking for efficiency,
performance, flexibility and scalability. They want a reliable service to easily extend connectivity to rural sites and inte­grate seam­-
lessly within their terrestrial network. Cost efficiencies are also key to connect the lower average revenue per user (ARPU) regions
that cannot afford costly build-outs. They need to meet the scale requirements of large point-to-multipoint networks and
support the throughput demands of high-speed trunking.

ST Engineering iDirect’s Dialog solution is a multiservice platform for mobile network operators and service providers to meet
the needs of a full range of markets and applications to increase their revenue across 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE and coming 5G networks.
They can cost-effectively manage a multitude of small, medium or large networks, including trunking and fiber backup. Further,
Dialog can match the network configuration for any customer application, spanning a vast choice of satellite bands and
transmission speeds while opti­mizing network efficiencies and offering high Quality of Experience (QoE).
Solution Overview
Dialog is a multiservice VSAT platform that allows mobile network operators and service providers to
build and adapt their infrastructure and satellite network according to their business model at hand.

• Highest bandwidth efficiencies with award-winning Mx-DMA

• Low- to very-high-speed connectivity options
• Advanced QoS and QoE performance
• Efficient utilization with embedded acceleration and compression
• Modular design for scalability

Highest Efficiency Available

The Dialog backhaul solution combines multiple technology features to provide the industry’s highest efficiency — at both an
operational and a technological level with its innovative outbound and return links.

On the satellite outbound link level, service providers can select the best transmission technology for their particular
application. All applications share a highly efficient DVB-S2 or DVB-S2X technology. Dialog provides major perfor­mance gains
when combined with other advanced transmission technologies such as our Equalink®, a revolutionary linear and nonlinear
pre­distortion tech­­nology designed to enable clean satellite channels by compensating for transmission imperfections.
Combined, the efficiency gains can exceed 40% while maintaining the same OPEX or can substantially reduce OPEX for the same
amount of capacity.

On the satellite return link, Dialog features its award-winning Mx-DMA technology, a highly efficient yet flexible patented
waveform, as well as SCPC for high-efficiency trunking links and MF-TDMA for very scalable networks. Dialog’s return technology
is ideal for scalable throughput modes for low- to high-rate traffic and avoids latency over satellite by using the latest trans­
mission and efficiency technics such as short block codes and highly efficient modcods, combined with reduced roll-off factors,
FlexACM and cross-layer optimization.

Mx-DMA® is the best fit for mobile backhaul traffic because it can constantly provide the highest quality of service while enabling
spectral efficiency based on real-time traffic and fading conditions. Mx-DMA’s seamless dynamic adaptation ensures the mobile
voice, signaling and data traffic, including video, are always preserved. Mx-DMA‘s flexibility also ensures low-throughput 2G
networks with symmetrical traffic patterns are accommodated as well as demanding 3G/4G networks with higher asymmetry.
With support up to 68 Msps carriers, Mx-DMA’s high efficiency enables higher throughput, better network availability and
substantial bandwidth savings. The implementation of Mx-DMA can result in the doubling of the transponder throughput while
using the same bandwidth — alternatively, it can reduce the required space segment capacity by 50%.

We are introducing an innovative expansion of our Mx-DMA capabilities through a new technology called Mx-DMA MRC.
This coming Dialog feature combines the benefits of MF-TDMA (ideal for large-scale networks with bursty traffic and higher
contention services) and the spectrum efficiency of Mx-DMA into a single return technology suited to a greatly expanded set of
applications, minimizing operational complexity and maximizing statistic multiplexing. Mx-DMA MRC delivers these benefits by
maintaining the industry-leading spectral efficiency of Mx-DMA while drastically improving the agility, scalability and fill
efficiency of this patented waveform technology.




High Speed 2G/3G Cells 4G Cells PicoCells
Backhaul Site FemtoCells


MDM5010 MDM3310 MDM5010 MDM2510

The Dialog Backhaul Solution

Superior Quality of Service Traffic Optimization and Security

Providing the highest Quality of Service (QoS) for voice Traffic optimization is enabled through an advanced set of
and data services and managing expenditures are two key embedded tools focused on compression, acceleration and
challenges for mobile operators that are typically in direct intelligent delivery of 2G, 3G and 4G/LTE/VoLTE traffic over
opposition. A satellite cellular backhaul solution must the links. The latest standards and techniques in acceleration
ensure the preservation of the voice traffic and signaling and compression are available to achieve maximum
with guaranteed performance and an optimized QoE. throughput and efficiencies using header and payload
At the same time, the solution must be efficient by acceler- compression, packet coalescing and GTP acceleration.
ating and optimizing data traffic over satellite links to
guarantee low OPEX and leverage cost-effective solutions. Seamless Network Integration

Our bandwidth-allocation algorithm allows for utmost Mobile network operators can run an ST Engineering
flexibility by enabling countless possibilities of QoS levels, iDirect network in a Layer 2 bridging mode with high
bandwidth management and traffic prioritization. Mobile efficiency as an alternative to traditional Layer 3 mode
network operators can map their core networks to satellite architecture. By doing so, they can implement a variety of
networks to prioritize traffic and maintain distinct QoS modern, converged network architectures; pass any Layer
settings by remotes, bandwidth and applications to satisfy 3 protocols; and more easily integrate into hybrid network
service-level agreements. scenarios. Further, a combination of any of these modes
can be used in parallel on the same Dialog system. Even
Through cross-layer optimization, satellite modulation more, IPv6 networks along with dual stacks IPv4/IPv6 are
equipment is continually interacting with acceleration, natively supported in Dialog.
compression, bandwidth management and IP shaping
technology. As a satellite link condition changes, the link
is auto-optimized using preconfigured QoS and priority
settings — ensuring neither the link nor data are lost.
Cross-layer optimization shapes both the IP and the RF
part of the network as well as the QoS and over­-
booking functionalities. This allows flexible service-level
agreements to be formed depending on the different SPEED ENHANCEMENT 15s
customer require­ments, even when they share the
same network or satellite link. 57m
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51s 3m

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Improved user experience SLA: 10 Mbps FWD / 1 Mbps RET

Platform and Hub Scalability

The Dialog platform scales to every type of satellite network: Dialog can serve many different business models, from
from very small networks to the largest networks, having offering managed services to enabling business models
hundreds of thousands of remotes, from single-coverage with multiple VNOs. This produces a multitude of possibili-
to multispot HTS networks. Satellite service providers can ties for optimizing the usage of infrastructure and satellite
invest as the business grows with additional Dialog hub capacity for different markets.
module equipment and platform software licenses.
Dialog hubs are designed to process a very high number of
The Dialog hubs provide a high degree of modularity: packets per second (PPS), which is key for the mobile voice
the 1IF Hub for small-scale, dedicated networks; the 4IF traffic, and designed to accommodate a very high number
Hub for medium-size gateway deployments; and the XIF of TCP sessions (this becomes important when accelerating
Hub for large gateway deployments. Furthermore, service the 4G LTE data traffic).
providers can start with a small Dialog platform configur­
ation to address the customer’s initial needs. As the Dialog hubs can be deployed remotely in different teleports
business evolves and grows, the platform can be easily while being managed centrally via a single Dialog network
extended by adding licenses and modulator and multi­ management system (NMS). The Dialog NMS comes with a
carrier demodulator units. The hub modularity facilitates full set of APIs. This enables service providers to easily
a unique pay-as-you-grow investment, unmatched ease integrate OSS and BSS tools as well as reservation systems,
of installation and instant service deployment. such as the SatLink Manager or other third-party tools,
with the Dialog platform.

ST Engineering iDirect is a leader in satellite ground infrastructure and solutions for the cellular
backhaul and trunking market. We have deployed more than 80 mobile backhaul networks.
We hold the largest network with 1,500 cellular sites, and 12 of the top 25 telcos are
ST Engineering iDirect customers.
Robust Modem Portfolio

The versatile modem portfolio provides the right performance, the right
cellular backhaul characteristics and ease of use for a wide range of
targeted applications.

• MDM2510 is a compact, low-power-consumption modem, perfectly

suited to service 2G and 3G network deployments. The modem features
wideband, high-throughput DVB-S2X and Mx-DMA along with SCPC
while guaranteeing the highest efficiency and availability.

• MDM3310 is a high-throughput VSAT modem supporting a wide range

of IP services, including backhauling, internet/intranet access, Voice over IP
(VoIP) and enterprise connectivity. Its ease of installation and high-perfor­
mance modulation techniques of Mx-DMA and SCPC and high number of
PPS and TCP session support enable network operators to offer various
bandwidth-intensive services in a cost-effective way.

• MDM5010 is a modem featuring very high throughput and performance

enabling more than 500 Mbps of traffic so service providers can set up
almost any type and size of network on any available type of satellite —
from FSS to HTS. This modem supports a wide range of IP services, including
backhauling, trunking for fiber restoral/backup service, first responder,
internet/intranet access and VoIP. High spectral efficiency, high packet and
bit rate capability make it a perfect fit for bandwidth-intensive services.

Meet Every Need

The Dialog platform is built for today’s diverse backhaul applications and tomorrow’s intensifying demands.
It delivers the efficiency, performance and service capabilities service providers need to win today’s oppor­tun­
ities, multiplied by the scale and innovation required to expand into tomorrow’s markets. It equips service
providers to win every market opportunity, from price-sensitive to premium applications, with a future-proof
growth strategy.

ST Engineering iDirect | 04/20

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