Surveys New Vars Reliability Validity and Factor Analysis Using IBM SPSS

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Surveys- New Variables, Reliability and

Validity and Factor Analysis -Using IBM

Discuss the concepts of reliability and validity. Create an index variable. Use factor analysis to determine
the validity of a new scale variable, then reliability analysis to assess the scale’s reliability. Consider
different methods to create the scale, including how to handle missing data.

As exemplified in this summary flowchart of survey analysis

one of the first potential tasks in survey analysis is to create new variables. We do so for two reasons. First,
the measurement of some concept may require that two or more variables be combined. For example, if a
survey asks separate questions about the number of visits to the dentist, eye doctor, and other health care

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
providers, to obtain a measure of the total number of visits to all providers we need to sum these individual
responses. Second, we create new variables to increase the reliability and validity of our measures over that
for single questions. In this chapter we construct new variables of both types.

Another common procedure is to modify existing variables by doing recoding (binning) or using
mathematical transformations (e.g., square root or log). We do not provide an illustration of these
procedures here (covered in other training courses- the trainer will guide you).

Before using SPSS to accomplish these tasks, we require a firm foundation in the concepts of reliability and

We begin with what might seem rather complex topics, rather than simple reports and graphics to display
survey responses. This is because it is best to have all new variables created and to have studied the
bivariate relationships of interest before creating any final reports and graphics to be used in a survey
report. If the report is written too early, it may have to be redone because of subsequent findings.

Measurement And Error

When we write questions and elicit responses, we are interested in obtaining the most accurate and precise
answers possible. We never expect perfect accuracy, however, even for demographic questions, and the
problems of accuracy become more severe for questions about attitudes or past behavior. It is helpful to
have a framework to consider error in more depth, so we turn now to the issues underlying measurement
error. A simple measurement equation to use in our examination is listed next, taken from classical test

X =t +e
Here, X is the observed response to a question, t is the true value of the variable in question, and e is a
random error component. In other words, every observed response is composed of two parts: a true score
and error.

The true score is unobserved and is what we are trying to measure with the question and its responses. The
random errors occur for a variety of reasons (fatigue, poor question wording, social desirability effects, and
so on), but their existence causes the observed responses to deviate from the true score.

We will use this simple equation in our discussion of reliability and validity.

Reliability in survey research has the same basic meaning as it does in everyday life. It concerns
consistency, or the extent to which a measuring procedure yields identical results on repeated trials. If we
ask employees about their job satisfaction at time 1, and then ask them again at time 2 using the same
question, the consistency of the two sets of answers is a direct measure of the reliability of the question and
its response categories.

While there are several methods to measure consistency, two basic methods of estimating reliability are
commonly used in surveys: the test-retest method and the internal consistency method. The retest method is
the simplest and is the standard technique to measure the reliability of a single question. It requires that the
same measure be collected at two points in time. In other words, we ask the same question of the same
group of respondents at two times (typically in separate surveys). This is illustrated in Figure 1. The
correlation between these two measurements can be interpreted as a reliability coefficient.

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If there is no error, then each question will measure the true score, as can be seen from the equation above.
In that case, the correlation would be a maximum (1.0), and the reliability would be perfect. Of course, we
know this is never true, and the existence of random error, also depicted in Figure 1, will reduce the
reliability of the question since a response will not necessarily be equivalent to its true score for a particular
respondent, even if the question is ideal.

Figure 1 The Relationship Between Reliability, Validity And Question Responses

While intuitively appealing, the retest method is difficult and expensive to use in a survey setting, as it
requires a second survey, which very few investigators in an applied setting ever complete. Furthermore, a
low reliability coefficient might indicate several conditions other than an unreliable measure. Thus, for a
study of employee attitudes, if there is a sufficient time lag between the two surveys, individual attitudes
may change. If so, a lack of correlation indicates fundamental variation, not unreliability. Of course, the
greater the time interval between surveys, the greater the likelihood of a problem of this type. Memory can
also be a problem in the test-retest approach. The respondent's memory of previous answers could serve to
artificially inflate the reliability coefficient.

Although it can’t be used to assess the reliability of a single question, the internal consistency approach is
more workable for most survey researchers. It focuses on measuring several indicators of a phenomenon
and evaluating their joint consistency or homogeneity. For example, we might ask three questions about
various aspects of job satisfaction, and we reason that if someone is dissatisfied with his or her job, she will
score low on all three items. Under this method, all the questions are asked at the same time, so it can be
used in any survey. However, note that this approach requires the use of two (and preferably more)
questions to measure reliability, which may be undesirable in many circumstances.

A stylized depiction of internal consistency reliability is shown in Figure 2. Here, we are using five
questions about the respondent’s satisfaction with various aspects of her job to measure overall job
satisfaction. However, theoretically, the relationship runs in reverse: we assume there is an underlying latent
variable, which we cannot measure (here called general job satisfaction). It directly influences the responses
to the five questions on specific aspects of satisfaction. The stronger the effect of the latent variable on the
questions, the higher is the internal consistency reliability.

Relating this to Figure 1, the latent variable is the underlying reality we wish to measure. The random errors
of measurement mean that we can never measure it exactly with our individual questions. And, just as with
the test-retest method, we need more than one measure of a concept to determine the reliability of a
question. For the internal consistency method, we determine the reliability of a composite measure by using
two or more questions.

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A further benefit of using more than one question to measure some concept is that, almost invariably, the
questions as a whole will be more reliable than any one question.

Figure 2 Internal Consistency Reliability

A question must be more than reliable if it is to accurately measure some underlying concept. Thus,
reliability by itself tells us nothing about whether we are truly measuring an underlying reality, even if the
reliability is 1.0. A scale that always reads ten pounds too low but otherwise is error-free is thus perfectly
reliable: every time I weigh myself on it, it reads ten pounds under my true weight. But each measurement is
in error.

A question that measures what we intend it to is a valid question. Validity is a deep subject and obviously is
the central concern of any measurement process.

In terms of the measurement equation, validity relates to whether the true score component is the true score
of the concept we wish to measure, or something else. For example, we may use a question asking about the
frequency of visits to the doctors in the past two years. If this question is not defined adequately so that
some people include practitioners of alternative medicine or other health professionals in their answer, but
other people exclude these categories, the question will have less than perfect validity because it will not
measure precisely what we targeted.

With regard to the error term in the equation, validity is affected by non-random, or systematic error, which
leads to bias. The scale that always weighs ten pounds too low exemplifies this; the scale does measure
weight (instead of height or eye color), but the problem is the systematic error in that measurement. In
survey research, though, it is more probable that validity will be reduced by not measuring exactly what we
intend to.

Validity in Figure 1 is exemplified by the dotted lines connecting the job satisfaction latent variable with the
questions. The dotted lines indicate that we are attempting to measure something called job satisfaction but
are never completely certain of our success in doing so. Note how the error is not related to the underlying
reality but instead directly influences the responses to the questions. Consequently, a question with no
random errors would have a reliability of 1.0, but this would tell us nothing about its validity (reliability is a
necessary, but not sufficient condition, for validity).

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There is no straightforward way to measure validity as there is for reliability, though like reliability, validity
is a matter of degree. Validity is not absolute since not every question can be used in every situation, as it
depends on the context, population, and other factors in which a question is used. Since validity is not
absolute, we do not assess the validity of an indicator but instead the validity of the use to which it is being
put. A measure of job satisfaction for American workers may not be valid for workers in Asia, for example.

Since validity is troublesome to measure, several different types of validity have been developed. We
review them briefly here.

Face Validity. This is the extent to which a question seems to measure what it claims to measure, just based
on a close reading and study of the question. Every question should be assessed for face validity, and we
normally do this without using this label to describe our review. There is no way to quantify this type of

Content Validity. This is the extent to which a question, or set of questions, reflects a specific domain of
content, body of knowledge, or specific set of tasks. It is used extensively in test construction by
psychologists and educators, but less so by survey researchers, and is best used for a group of questions
rather than one item. Thus, a scale composed of a group of items has content validity if it adequately
represents the universe of potential questions that could be used to measure a specific concept. In our
example in Figure 2, these five questions would have content validity if they were judged to be a
representative sample that covers the potential components of job satisfaction. If, instead, an area were not
represented (say, how interesting or challenging the work is), then the overall measure would have lower
content validity. There is no direct method to quantify content validity, but it should always be assessed
when creating multi-item scales by thinking carefully about the concept to be measured, or consulting with
experts on the topic.

Criterion Validity. This type of validity is the most practical and the most straightforward to measure, at
least in some surveys. Criterion validity concerns how well a question or scale is associated with an external
criterion. Thus, an external measure is used to validate a question on a survey. If a written exam in a
physical education class accurately predicts one's ability to play volleyball, then the exam has criterion
validity. The magnitude of the correlation between the two things is a measure of the level of validity. Or, if
we believe that a measure of overall customer satisfaction is valid, then it should predict future buying
behavior. So if we find a high, positive correlation between the two, we would consider the overall
satisfaction question to be reasonably valid for its intended job (predicting future purchases).

Criterion validity is rather atheoretical in that it is determined by the empirical association between a
question and a criterion. However, in practice, the criterion is always chosen so that it makes both
theoretical and practical sense to use it for validation. Thus, to validate a question about income, we could
use tax returns. To validate a question about voting, we would use election records. We attempt to find a
criterion that is measured at least as accurately as the question being studied; otherwise, a lower association
may be caused by measurement error in the criterion.

There are two types of criterion validity. Concurrent validity is assessed by measuring the criterion and the
behavior or attitude at the same point in time. Predictive validity is assessed by measuring the criterion at a
later time, as for future buying of a product.

Construct Validity. This type is the most sophisticated form of validity, and it assesses the extent to which
a particular question or questions relate to other questions, given a theoretically specified set of hypotheses
relating the underlying constructs being measured. The hypotheses specify the relationship we should find
between the questions. Criterion validity is concerned with how well a measure performed; now we are
concerned with why a measure works well. Here’s an example. Let’s say we expect that people who are
more conservative will predictably favor certain types of laissez-faire economic policies and a strong

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
military. We develop a question to measure conservatism, and then correlate it with measures of economic
policy and military support. If those respondents who score high on our conservatism measure are, indeed,
more likely to favor a strong military and prefer less government intervention in the economy, then our
conservatism measure has construct validity.

A variant of construct validity uses factor analysis to examine a group of items that constitute a scale to
determine whether they form one construct. This is the approach we take in this chapter.

You should consider the face and content validity for any question, even if only crudely. It is difficult in
most practical applications to estimate construct validity, but it may be possible to assess the criterion
validity of several questions on many surveys, given an appropriate criterion.

To conclude our review of reliability and validity, try to identify potential problems of reliability and
validity with these questions.

1. What is your age? ____________

2. What is your income?

___ Under €20,000

___ €20,000 to €29,999
___ €30,000 to €39,999
and so forth ...

3. What is your overall job satisfaction?

(Measured on a seven point scale from “Extremely satisfied” to “Extremely dissatisfied.”)

4. Do you plan to buy another laptop for your home office?

___ Yes
___ No

Indices and Scales

The nomenclature in survey research can be confusing. For example, the word “scale” is used to refer to two
very different concepts. A Likert scale question uses an ordered set of response alternatives ranging from
strongly disagree to strongly agree. On the other hand, a group of items combined to create a composite
measure of some concept is also referred to as a scale.

To be precise, it would be best to label the responses for a single question a response scale, where the word
“response” indicates that the scale refers to an individual question. The word “scale” by itself should be
reserved for items constructed from two or more questions.

Then, to further complicate matters, there are two types of variables that can be constructed from two or
more existing questions. Both are commonly used in survey research. One is called an index, the other, a
scale, and the difference between them is theoretical, not in how they are constructed.

1) An index is a composite measure that sums together a set of question responses to determine the level
of some theoretical construct. It is not caused by a latent variable, as depicted for general job

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satisfaction in Figure 2. Instead, the individual items directly influence the composite measure (the
arrow of causation goes in the opposite direction). Sometimes the creation of an index is clear-cut. For
example, if we have two questions asking about the number of PCs and iPads purchased, we can sum
them together to get an index of the total number of computers bought. However, other times, there is a
less direct relationship between the individual questions and the composite measure. Social scientists
have developed the concept of socioeconomic status (SES) to measure a person’s overall status in
society. It is an index composed of education, income, and a measure of the status of one’s occupation.
These measures are combined in a sophisticated method to construct SES. But, again, these three
measures determine SES, rather than SES somehow determining one’s education, etc.

2) A scale uses two or more questions to form a composite measure of a unitary theoretical concept (see
Spector, 1992 for a comprehensive introduction). Underlying this is the theoretical relationship
depicted in Figure 2. Here, the individual items are determined or caused by the latent underlying
concept: they are imperfect measures of it. Scales have been developed to measure just about
everything, it would seem, including job satisfaction, self-esteem, organizational commitment, and so
forth. Similarly, verbal and maths scores are, in a real sense, two scales composed of hundreds of items
to measure those two types of abilities. (The argument over such tests is not about only about
reliability but also about validity: does it measure what the test developers and users claim it does.)
Scales are developed because it is hoped that they will do a better job of measurement than any one
question. In other words, a scale will be a more reliable and valid measure of a concept than a single
question. It can then be used in place of the individual items in further analyses. PSYCHOMETRICS is
a good example.

Many questionnaires lend themselves naturally to scale development because they contain several questions
about one underlying concept. (Scales are typically developed to measure attitudes, but there is no
theoretical reason why they cannot measure behavior.) Many surveys ask several questions about a single
concept. For example, a survey of hospital patients might ask several questions about satisfaction with
medical care. The observed responses to the items can be conceptualized as being caused by an underlying,
unmeasured construct of satisfaction with the medical care.
As we saw in Figure 2, the five questions are all concerned with job satisfaction. If the responses to these
questions are all related to or caused by some underlying, unmeasured concept of general job satisfaction,
then we should be able to create a valid scale from them. The five items should also not be influenced by
any other constructs (such as overall satisfaction with one’s life or spouse).

It turns out that measuring the reliability, and to a lesser extent, the validity, of a group of items forming a
scale is more readily accomplished than measuring these properties for the individual items.

Measuring the validity of an index is unnecessary because, by definition, the set of items defines or
determines the composite variable. Still, assessing the validity of the individual questions used in the index
can be a worthwhile task. And, it is possible to disagree over whether a particular group of questions is the
best set to create an index. The reliability of an index can be measured since random measurement error will
still affect it.

We turn next to the construction of an index.

Constructing an Index
We will create an index that measures how much a respondent uses the Internet for political purposes. To
do so, we utilize five individual questions that ask about specific types of Internet usage. This will be an
example of an index that is unproblematic to create because it is clear that the individual items relate
directly to the theoretical concept we are trying to measure.

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To accomplish the task, we use an old survey conducted by the Survey Research Center of the University
of Maryland in 1996 Although it is probably not critical for this example, note that the data were collected
via a telephone interview. Mode of data collection should always be kept in mind when doing analyses.
The five questions, and the variable names used in the data file, are listed next.

1. People use the Internet for many purposes. One purpose can be to learn about government and politics.
During the last year, have you used the Internet to find out what the government or a particular official
is doing? (intgovt)
2. During the last year, have you used the Internet to contact a public official or candidate for office?
3. During the last year, have you used the Internet to express your views about politics or government to
others? (e.g. by sending e-mail or posting a message to a newsgroup) (intpol)
4. During the last year, have you used it (the Internet) to learn about political issues (such as gun control,
taxes, etc)? (intlearn)
5. (During the last year,) have you used it (the Internet) just to browse for political information with no
specific use in mind? (intbrows)

The response scale for each question was a yes/no dichotomy (yes=1, no=2). It seems reasonable to add
these items together to create a summary measure of how much a respondent uses the Internet for political
purposes. The index will not be a measure of frequency of use since the questions don’t ask about that.

We now open SPSS and the data file.

A Note Concerning Data Files, Variable Names and Labels in SPSS

In this course, we want the variables to appear in dialog boxes in their file (questionnaire) order, not
alphabetical order. This will make them easier to match up with the questionnaire. Second, for the same
reason, we want the variable names, not labels, to be displayed. We also want to display numbers in
standard format, not scientific notation.

Click the Start button, then Programs, then SPSS for Windows
Click Edit...Options, then click the General tab (not shown)
Click the Display names option button in the Variable Lists section
Click the File option button in the Variable Lists section
Click the No scientific notation for small numbers in tables checkbox

In addition, when working with survey data, it is best to see both the labels and the actual values in the data
for responses in tables. This makes it easier to understand how to sum or recode variables.

Click on the Output Labels tab

In the dropdown list for Variable values in labels, change it to Values and Labels
Click OK

Course files are assumed to be located in the c:\Train\ directory. containing this guide). If you are running
SPSS Server (you can check by clicking File…Switch Server from within SPSS), then files used with SPSS
should be copied to a directory that can be accessed (mapped) from the server.

To access the data from SPSS:

Click on File…Open…Data
Move to the c:\Train\SurveyAnalysis directory
Double-click on the MARYLAND_1271.SAV file to open it

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
The data file contains 1013 cases. However, the data must be weighted to match population distributions for
analysis, and the resulting weighted file has 1000 cases. (Although ideally the weighted data file should be
the same size as the unweighted file, small differences like this occur in practice.)

To weight the data:

Click Data…Weight Cases

In the Weight Cases dialog box, click the Weight cases by option button
Move weight (the last variable listed) into the Frequency Variable box

Figure 3 Weight Cases Dialog Box

Click on OK

When the file is weighted, the words “Weight On” appear in the right corner of the Status Bar of the Data
Editor window.

Now we can request frequency distributions for each variable.

Click Analyze…Descriptive Statistics…Frequencies

Move intgovt, intcand, intpol, intlearn, and intbrows into the Variables list box (not
Click on OK

First, from the summary table (not shown) we see that there is a great deal of missing data (795 cases). This
is because not every respondent was asked these questions, so this type of missing data is not a concern
(although it does greatly reduce statistical power).

Figure 4 displays two of the five frequency tables. The percentage of respondents engaging in various
political related activities on the Internet varies from 31.6% (browsing for political information) to a low of
10% (contacting a public official). We use the valid percent column in the Frequencies table for these

Figure 4 Frequency Distributions for Intgovt and Intcand


Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
An index created from these five variables may not represent all the ways in which the Internet can be used
for political purposes, but it certainly would appear to be a reasonable measure of this concept, since five
different types of uses will be included in the index. When creating an index, you need to think carefully
about exactly what it will measure (in truth, you should be thinking about this when writing the

Normally, an index is created by summing together the individual variables. We can’t immediately do so,
though, for two reasons. The current coding of the variables, with a “no” response coded as a 2, would
create a summed score where lower scores indicate more Internet use. This would be awkward to use in
reports and tables, so we need to recode the variables so that a “no” response is given a value of 0.

The second reason concerns missing data, caused by a don’t know response or a refusal to answer the
question. In this set of five questions, there is only one don’t know response (the “DK” for intgovt).
(Normally these values are defined as user-missing, but if they are not, they will be included in the summed

When variables are summed, a missing value on one or more of them will cause the new index to be coded
as system-missing by default in SPSS. This may be appropriate in many instances, especially when several
of the variables have a missing response. But if an index is composed of several items, but only one variable
has missing data for many respondents, then many cases will be lost when creating the index. Two common
methods to retain these cases are:

1) Replace the missing data with the mean, or median, value for that variable.
2) Sum the variables with valid values for each respondent, and then multiply by a correction factor to
take into account the one missing variable (if there are five items, and one is missing, multiply by 5/4).

Again, these methods are normally used when only one or two of the variables have missing values. There is
no point in using them when creating the Internet index because there is so little missing data.

To reduce the time involved in creating the index, we have supplied a syntax file with the appropriate

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Click File…Open…Syntax
In the directory c:\Train\, double-click on the file SURVANAL2.SPS

Figure 5 Syntax to Create Index Variable

The commands in this file change the value of 2 to 0 for the five variables, compute the new index, and then
use the List command to view the variables used to create the index and the index itself for the first 20 cases
in the file. This last step is absolutely necessary to insure that the index was constructed correctly. All of this
can be done from the dialog boxes, but it saves time to have the commands already created.

Note that we wrote a mathematical expression to add the variables together rather than make use of the Sum
function. This is because that function by default will sum together whatever valid values exist for a list of
variables, so a respondent with most data missing will still obtain a valid sum for the index.

Now we run the commands.

Highlight all three commands

Click on the Run button or Run…Selection from the menus


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Figure 6 Output from List Showing Index Variable Intpoldx

We observe that the index variable intpoldx has been successfully created. The first respondent answered
yes to the questions intgov, intlearn, and intbrows, and so has an index score of 3.

As with any variable, we would next examine its distribution and univariate statistics. We will briefly do
this for intpoldx.

Click Analyze…Descriptive Statistics…Frequencies

Click the Reset button
Place intpoldx in the Variables box
Click the Statistics button, then on the Mean, Median, and Std. deviation checkboxes
(not shown)
Click on Continue, then on OK

We see that there are 204 valid cases, as expected. The mean is rather low, 1.11, which means that the
Internet is not used much for political purposes. Over 50% of the respondents have an index score of 0,
which indicates that they don’t use the Internet for any of these activities. Conversely, only seven people
answered yes to all five questions.


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Figure 7 Frequency Distribution and Univariate Statistics for Intpoldx

With the index created, it can now be used for reporting and analysis.

Constructing a Scale
We next construct a scale variable using a customer satisfaction survey completed for SPSS. Specifically,
we use several questions that asked about various aspects of the performance and quality of work of the
respondent’s sales representative at SPSS. The items about the sales rep are Questions 18 through 24. They
are answered on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Strongly Agree and 5=Strongly Disagree, so this is a classic
Likert (response) scale. The SPSS data file (SPSS_CUST.SAV) contains 955 cases and the data were
collected via a mail survey.

With several questions about the same topic (sales rep performance), we hypothesize that there is one latent
variable that is determining the observed responses to these seven questions. If this is true, we can create a
scale to increase the reliability and validity of our measure of sales rep performance.

To do this we use factor analysis, which is a method to determine whether clusters of variables exist in a
file. However, we must be careful in our understanding of what factor analysis can and cannot do. Factor
analysis by itself cannot answer the question of whether these seven items are truly a valid measure of job
performance. It can only tell us, as per Figure 2, whether there is an underlying factor—whatever it is—that
influences the responses. To put it another way, factor analysis finds clusters of interrelated variables that, if
strongly associated, are probably all measuring various aspects of the same concept, whatever that concept
is. You, the survey researcher, must determine what that concept is.

Admittedly, in many instances, that decision is not difficult, as is very likely true that Questions 18 through
24 are truly measuring some aspect of the sales rep’s job performance. Determining this is a matter of
content validity. And, if factor analysis shows that the variables are valid measures of an underlying
concept, that is a type of construct validity.

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
Principles of Factor Analysis
Factor analysis operates on the correlation matrix of the variables to be factored. The basic rationale is that
the variables are correlated because they share one or more common components, and if they didn’t
correlate there would be no need of or use in performing factor analysis.

Employing correlations implies that we are using variables measured on an interval/ratio scale, one of the
assumptions of factor analysis. However, the use of factor analysis with five, six, or seven point response
scales is very common with survey research data, and experience has shown that the true ordinal nature of
these response scales has little detrimental effect on the factor results (one should be very cautious using
factor analysis for response scales with fewer than five points). It is possible to use nonlinear principal
components to investigate the data structure for ordinal variables, but this topic goes beyond the scope of
this course.

Since factor analysis is a multivariate statistical method, the rule of thumb for sample size is that there
should be at least 10 to 25 times as many observations as there are variables used in the analysis. This is
because factor is based on correlations, and for p variables there are p*(p-1)/2 pairwise correlations. Think
of this as a desirable goal and not a formal requirement. Given the sample size of most surveys, it should be
no problem meeting this requirement.

Let’s open the SPSS data file and check the correlations among the variables.

Click File...Open…Data
Click on SPSS_CUST.SAV to select it, then click the Open button (don’t save the current
data file when asked)
After the file is open, click on Analyze...Correlate...Bivariate
Place the variables repanal to reptime in the Variables list box

Figure 8 Bivariate Correlations Dialog Box

Click OK to create the correlations

The resulting table of correlations has been edited to display only the Pearson correlation coefficient and the
number of valid cases for that statistic. Looking at either the upper or lower triangle (since the table is
symmetric), we note that all the correlations are positive and fairly large, ranging from .290 to .719, with
most in the .40 to .50 range. This is reassuring and indicates that factor analysis is a reasonable technique to

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Figure 9 Correlations Among The Sales Rep Items

There are two steps in a factor analysis.

First, factors must be extracted from the variables. With most survey data, researchers use either
principal components extraction or principal axis factoring. The former attempts to account for the
maximum amount of variation in a set of variables. The latter attempts to account for correlations between
the variables. There is much overlap between these two extraction methods and they usually yield similar
results. However, since we are interested in understanding the relationships between the variables (do they
form one factor?), we recommend using principal axis factoring. This is especially true if the items were not
written expressly to be part of a scale.

On the other hand, much customer satisfaction data can have high correlations between the various
questions (say .80 or above), which means there is likely to be multicollinearity in the data. In that
case, most factor methods can’t be used, but principal components can.

The number of factors extracted is determined, by default, by all those factors that explain more variance
than a single item (technically, this implies an eigenvalue greater than 1.0). Other criteria are possible as
you become more skilled in the use of factor analysis.

Second, after determination of the number of factors, the factors are rotated, though often kept
orthogonal, to maximize the size of the coefficients—called loadings— that relate the factors to the
variables. This is done for ease of interpretation, as the ideal situation is one in which a variable loads
highly on one factor and very low on all other factors. Principal components solutions don’t have to be
rotated, for technical reasons beyond the scope of this discussion, although they often are.
The most popular rotation choice is varimax, which attempts to simplify interpretation by maximizing the
variances of the variable loadings on each factor (i.e., it tries to simplify the factors). When studying scales
it is strongly recommended that this rotation be used.

Running Factor Analysis

We are now ready to run a factor analysis on these seven questions. Other technical issues about factor
analysis will be mentioned as we run the procedure.

Click on Analyze...Data Reduction...Factor

Move repanal to reptime into the Variables list box

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
Figure 10 Factor Analysis Main Dialog Box

We need to specify at least the Extraction and Rotation methods to complete the analysis.

Click the Extraction pushbutton

In the drop-down list for Method, choose Principal axis factoring, then click Continue
(not shown)
Click the Rotation pushbutton, then click the Varimax option button
Click the Loading plots checkbox; this will display a plot of the factor loadings

Figure 11 Rotation Subdialog Box

Click Continue, then click the Options pushbutton

By default, Factor Analysis uses listwise deletion to handle missing data. This means that if a case has
missing data for one or more variables, it will be removed from the analysis. Looking again at the
correlations in Figure 9, we see that there is a substantial amount of missing data for these seven questions.
However, only those respondents who spoke to an SPSS sales rep in the last year answered these questions,
and by running Frequencies on Question 16 we can learn that this includes 645 respondents. Nevertheless,
the number of valid responses to the individual items varies from 625 to 530, with the greatest amount of
missing data for the question about understanding business needs.

The safest approach is to use the default listwise deletion, but this will reduce the number of cases in the
analysis to 530 or less (the actual value will be 490 and will be reported if you request Univariate

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
descriptives). This is a substantial drop from 645 (about 24%). Even if you find this acceptable, it implies
that any scale we create from these questions will have a valid value for only 490 of the respondents, and
this could seriously limit any further analysis you do with the scale. You can investigate whether the
respondents dropped from the analysis are different on important variables from the ones remaining in the

Using the two other options isn’t recommended except when the amount of missing data is small (but in that
case, listwise deletion won’t reduce the file size significantly, so you could use that default option anyway).
When data are missing at random (see the chapter on missing data), you could substitute the mean, although
that has the somewhat undesirable property of reducing the variance of the items, which can modify the
factor structure.

We return to this topic when creating the scale.

Click the Sorted by size checkbox in the Coefficient Display Format area

The Sorted by Size option will have SPSS list the variables in descending order by their loading coefficients
on the factor for which they load highest. This makes it very easy to see which variables relate to which

Figure 12 Options Subdialog Box

Click on Continue, then OK to run the analysis

In the output from the procedure, we ignore the Communalities table and turn to the Total Variance
Explained table. The variables are not represented in this table, only the factors. The Initial Eigenvalues
section contains all seven eigenvalues for the seven possible factors (there can be as many factors as
variables). Only two of these factors have eigenvalues above 1 (the second just barely). These two factors
will be extracted in the first part of the analysis. The third factor’s eigenvalue was not close to 1, so it
appears that a two-factor solution is reasonable.

Figure 13 Total Variance Explained Table


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Of course, we’ve already run into a potential dilemma. We hypothesized that the seven questions form one
common scale, and the factor analysis indicates that this might not be true, as two factors were extracted.

In the Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings section—which uses only the extracted factors—we see that
the first factor explains over 57% of the variance, which is quite large. The second doesn’t explain that
much, less than 10%. Together they account for 67% of the variance, which is quite good.

After the two factors are rotated, the Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings shows that they account for the
same amount of variance together, but the amount of explained variance for each has been almost equalized.
Factor analysis techniques have no unique orientation of their axes, so the rotated solution is as viable as the
unrotated solution. The equality of variances for the factors is further evidence that we are not dealing with
a unidimensional scale measuring sales rep performance.

Scroll by the Factor Matrix table and examine the Rotated Factor Matrix output. The numbers in the table
are the loadings of each variable on the two factors, after a varimax rotation has been applied. The loading
is the correlation between a variable and the (unobserved) factor. In the context of Figure 2, loadings are a
measure of the strength of the effect of the theoretical concept on the observed indicators.

Figure 14 Rotated Factor Matrix


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Technical Note
It is important to check the footnotes for the Factor Matrix table and the Rotated Factor Matrix table that
discuss whether, respectively, the extraction was successful and the rotation converged. If more than the
default number of iterations is required for either or both, additional iterations should be requested until a
solution is obtained.

The questions most associated with factor 1 are the first four listed in descending order by loading. They are
Questions 18 through 21. All have high loadings above .50 (which is roughly the lower limit that we use for
determining whether a variable loads on a factor), with “Understands your business/organization” having
the highest loading. All these four have lower loadings on the second factor, although Question 19 about
sales rep understanding the computing environment has a loading of .471 on factor 2.

The second factor (again, we expected not to see a second factor if the scale is unidimensional) has
questions 22 through 24 loading highly. All the loadings are above .70 and very similar. When creating a
scale, one looks to see whether the individual items measure the concept equally, which is the case for
factor 2.

The factor structure is graphically depicted in Figure 15, the Factor Plot. The graph has been modified to
zoom in on the upper right quadrant where the variables are plotted according to their loading on the two
factors. The ovals have been added to emphasize how two distinct factors have been extracted. If there were
only one dominant factor it would not be possible to separate the variables in this two dimensional space,
but we can see that the questions are reasonably separated into two distinct factors with no overlap.

Figure 15 Factor Loading Plot

Factor Interpretation
The next task is to interpret the factors, which is somewhat of an art. For factor 1, given that the word
“understanding” is used in three of the items, and that all the questions relate explicitly or implicitly to an
SPSS user’s various “needs,” we might describe the factor as measuring the sales representative’s ability to
understand a customer’s needs and organization.

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
Two items on the second factor are concerned with giving the customer information, the third with courtesy.
All ask about actions taken by the sales representative rather than an abstract concept of understanding. We
might label this factor a measure of the sales representative’s quality of customer interaction and service.

In this light, it becomes less surprising that factor analysis extracted two factors. One deals with the sales
rep’s ability to understand the customer (three of the questions on factor 1 begin with that word), the other
with service. This implies that the seven questions together do not form a unidimensional scale that
measures the sales rep’s performance. You can now understand why we assess validity before reliability.
Although factor analysis has made it very probable that the seven items do not measure one unitary
theoretical concept, it has not truly assessed the validity of each factor. What each factor measures, and,
more to the point, how well it does this, remains an open question. For example, there are different
wordings we could have used for these seven items, and the wordings might be better or worse measures of
the underlying concept. And there is no guarantee that the items ask about all aspects of the performance of
a sales rep.

Still, the factor analysis has prevented us from making an error by using all seven items together. Put
another way, finding that items load together on a factor is a necessary, but not sufficient, indication that the
scale constructed with them will be valid.

Next we turn to assessing the reliability of the scale.#

Reliability of Scales
We found two potential scales to measure the performance of the SPSS sales representatives. Now we want
to calculate each scale’s reliability.

Since we only have measurements at one point in time, we will assess reliability with an internal
consistency statistic, Cronbach’s alpha. Internal consistency is based on the idea that items comprising a
scale should show high levels of internal consistency, which for alpha reduces to high inter-item
correlations. The higher the correlations among the items, the greater the alpha. High correlations imply that
high (or low) scores on one question are associated with high (or low) scores on other questions. In the
context of our example, respondents who strongly agree that the sales rep understands their business are
also likely to agree that the sales rep understands their computing environment, if reliability is high (because
both are affected in a similar manner by the underlying latent variable).

Cronbach’s alpha varies from 0 to 1. It has a number of possible interpretations. One is related to the
variance of the items. The variability of the responses to a set of questions is due to actual (true score)
variation, plus random errors (recall the measurement equation). Alpha divides the total variance into these
two components, so that

Alpha = 1 – error variance

Thus, alpha can be viewed as the true variance in the scale.

Perhaps the most theoretically meaningful interpretation is to consider alpha the correlation between the
actual scale and a hypothetical alternative scale of the same length, drawn from the universe of all possible
questions about the underlying construct. This version makes plain the idea that the scale we have is only
one of many possible alternative scales.
Alpha can be calculated from either the covariance or correlation matrix. Although the covariance formula
is more fundamental, given the interpretation above, we present the correlational formula since most people
are more familiar with correlations.

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
(Number of items)(average correlation among items)
1 + (average correlation among items)(Number of items - 1)

If the average correlation among the items is held constant, then alpha increases as the number of items
increases. In other words, a scale with more items, all things being equal, should have a higher reliability.

Since alpha is related to scale length, rules of thumb for what constitutes an acceptable level of reliability
should consider length. For short scales of five items or less, a minimum recommended level of alpha is
often .70. Since a correlation between two scores squared is a measure of shared variance, an alpha of .70
means that the scale shares about half of its variance with a hypothetical alternative scale (refer to the
second interpretation of alpha). As scale length increases, or as the reliability of a scale becomes critical,
alpha should probably be .80 or above.

Running a Reliability Analysis

The SPSS Reliability procedure calculates alpha plus other helpful statistics. First we test the variables on
the first factor.

Click Analyze...Scale...Reliability Analysis

Move the variables repanal to repneeds into the Items list box
Click on the List item labels checkbox

Figure 16 Reliability Analysis Dialog Box

The default model is alpha, the one we want. Only one scale can be tested at a time using the dialog boxes.

Click the Statistics pushbutton

Click on Item, Scale, and Scale if item deleted checkboxes
Click on the Means and Variances checkboxes in the Summaries area (not shown)
Click on Continue, then OK

The output from reliability is in text, not pivot table, format. The first section, shown in Figure 17, lists
summary measures for the items and the overall scale.
The four items all have about the same mean and standard deviation. These are desirable qualities for the
items comprising a scale. Actually, ideal items would have a mean near the midpoint of the response scale
(5, in this case), and reasonably large standard deviations. The Max/Min ratios for the item means and
variances are quite acceptable.

Notice that only 500 respondents are included in the analysis because not everyone who talked to a sales rep
answered all four questions, as we noted above when doing the factor analysis.

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
Figure 17 Item and Scale Summary Statistics

If we construct the scale by adding all four items together, the scale will have a mean of 9.83 with a
standard deviation of 3.51. Next we turn to the reliability statistics.

Moving to the bottom of the output (Figure18), we see that alpha is quite large, .885, especially for a four-
item scale. This is strong evidence that these items form a reliable measure of the sales rep’s ability to
understand a customer’s business needs, which is quite encouraging.

Two additional statistics can be helpful. The “Alpha if Item Deleted” column tells us what the reliability
would be of a (three-item) scale if this item were deleted from the current scale. If alpha increases when an
item is deleted, that is one indication that the item may not be necessary for scale construction. However,
theoretical and practical considerations should also influence the decision to drop an item. In this case,
alpha gets smaller, not larger, as items are dropped.

Figure 18 Item-total Statistics and Cronbach’s Alpha


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The “Corrected Item-Total Correlation” is essentially the correlation between the item in each row and the
other three items in the scale. A rule of thumb is that it should be greater than .50 to retain an item, and all
four items easily meet this criterion.

Overall, we have solid indications that questions 18 through 21 form a reliable scale that measures one
aspect of a sales rep’s performance. In combination with the factor analysis that determined the validity of
using these items as a scale, we can now proceed to create the scale. It can be used as a substitute for these
four questions for reporting and analysis.

In a reliability analysis not shown, the reliability of the scale measuring the sales rep’s customer service is
.79, also quite acceptable.

As a final point, what would happen if we included all seven questions in the reliability analysis

Click on the Dialog Recall tool , then on Reliability Analysis

Add the variables repinfrm, repcourt, and reptime in the Items list box
Click on OK

After the procedure runs, scroll to the bottom of the output. We see that, perhaps surprisingly, alpha is even
higher, .895. Does this mean that we could place all seven questions in one scale, no matter the evidence
from the factor analysis? The answer is a resounding maybe. First, recall our discussion of reliability and
validity at the beginning of this chapter. Reliability is not somehow affected by validity, although it is a
necessary condition for validity. Therefore, a high alpha for all seven items does not negate the factor

Figure 19 Cronbach’s Alpha For All Seven Questions


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But…it does suggest that the seven items could be placed in one scale, if that is theoretically justified and
the scale was valid. Of course, we already know the items are measuring two broad constructs, so using
them together on one scale would only be appropriate if these two constructs were complete indicators of a
sales reps performance, as noted above. Then we would have a scale that would be quite useful. But if this
isn’t true, then there is really no compelling reason to use all seven together.

We finish this chapter by creating the four-item scale.

Methods of Scale Creation

A scale is created by adding together the responses on the individual questions. There are three common
methods to complete this task.

1) The more technically correct approach is to use scores that factor analysis can create for each
respondent on each factor. These factor scores are calculated by multiplying the original variables by a
set of weighting coefficients derived from the loadings. They are normed to have a mean of zero and a
standard deviation of one. Although this method has its technical advantages, it has the disadvantage of
using information from all the variables that have a non-zero loading, which defeats the purpose of
creating a scale composed of a distinct set of questions.
2) A second approach is to pick only those items with the highest loadings on a factor—e.g., the four
items on the first factor—and compute a new variable which is the sum or mean of that set of variables.
This method keeps (if means are used), the new scores on the same scale as the original variables,
which can make interpretation and presentation more straightforward.
3) A variant of this is to use the items with the highest loadings, but standardize them (create z scores)
before adding them together. This technique should be used when the items have widely different

Creating the Scale

We will use the simpler method of creating a scale rather than employing factor scores. We add the
responses and then divide by 4 to create a mean because it creates scores on the same scale (1 through 5) as
the original responses.

The SPSS Compute procedure can be used to create the scale with the Mean function. First, though, we
have another decision to make. As mentioned, a sizable proportion of respondents didn’t answer all four

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
questions. Should the scale be created without their responses, or should we base the mean on either three or
four valid responses? The Mean function has the capability to make this distinction and correctly calculate a
mean for three instead of four items.

If we knew the data were missing at random, then we could substitute the mean value for a variable when a
response is missing (just as with the factor analysis). But since we don’t know the pattern of the missing
data, we must take a different route. The most conservative approach is to use listwise deletion and only
create a scale score when all four variables have valid values, but we lose over one-quarter of the
respondents with this method. The alternative is to be more flexible and calculate a scale score if only three
values are valid.

It is clear what this gains us: many more valid cases. What is the trade-off? First, is it even correct to use
three rather than four items? After all, factor 1 has high loadings from all four questions. And, second,
assuming this is acceptable, is the three-item scale reliable?

We can answer the second question with the output at hand. If we look at the output from Reliability (Figure
18), we observe that the alpha of all possible three-item scales is still quite satisfactory (look at the Alpha If
Item Deleted column). So reliability won’t be a problem.

To determine whether the scale would be valid, we need to do two things. First, we consider each three-item
scale theoretically and ask ourselves whether it has content validity. And second, we could rerun the factor
analysis four times, dropping one variable on each run. If we continue to get two factors, with the same
items loading on factor 1, then we have strong support for using a three-item scale.

In practice, researchers rarely rerun the factor analysis, chiefly because factor analysis is an exploratory
procedure with some imprecision. We are already using somewhat arbitrary cut-points to determine which
variables load highly on a factor. And, we are using the less technically correct solution of using only
variables with high loadings to create the scale score (by summing these variables), rather than using factor
scores. Thus, most researchers simply assume that a scale missing one item is still valid.

A more telling criticism of this approach is that the scale will not be composed of the same items for all
respondents. That is certainly true, and if this makes you uncomfortable, you need to compare the two
versions of the scale—complete and incomplete—to determine which to use.

To remedy this problem, methodological variants are to 1) drop the item with the lowest loading (in this
instance, repenv) or 2) drop the item with the most missing data (in this instance, repbus). Both these
methods insure that the scale has the same items for all respondents.

We don’t have the time to try all these methods, so we create scales with only valid values and then with
valid values for at least three of the variables. With this data, dropping the variable with the lowest loading
only gains 5 cases. And the problem with dropping repbus, the variable with the most missing data, is that it
has the highest loading on factor 1.

The SPSS Compute procedure is found under the Transformation menu

Switch to the Data Editor window

Click on Transform...Compute
Click in the Target Variable box and type need4 for the first scale
Place the Mean function in the Numeric Expression box
Add the variables repanal, repenv, repbus, and repneeds within the parentheses,
with commas between them
Type .4 after the word Mean but before the left parenthesis

Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
Your dialog box should look like Figure 20. By default, the mean function calculates a mean if any of the
variables is valid for a case. This is not how we want to create the scale. The “.4” after the function name
tells SPSS to calculate the mean only if all four values are valid.

Figure 20 Completed Compute Variable Dialog Box

Click on OK to create the new scale

The variable is added to the end of the Data Editor. Before examining it, let’s create the second version of
the scale.

Click on the Dialog Recall tool , then on Compute Variable (not shown)
Change the Target Variable name to need3 (not shown)
Click in the Numeric Expression text box and change Mean.4 to Mean.3
Click OK to create the second scale

We now compare the two versions of the scale with the Descriptives procedure.

Click on Analyze...Descriptive Statistics...Descriptives

Place need4 and need3 in the Variables list box
Click on OK


Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
Figure 21 Summary Statistics for Need4 and Need3

The mean and standard deviation for the two scales are essentially identical. This is very reassuring. There
are 45 more valid cases for need3 since only three valid responses were required to create it. Need3 thus
increases the sample size by almost 10% over need4, a substantial increase. Moreover, the reliability
analysis showed that all three-item scales have alphas above .80, so a three-item scale is reliable.

Thus, if we are concerned about the amount of missing data and want to maximize the number of valid cases
for future analyses, we might use need3 (if we are not bothered by the objections outlined above).
Conversely, a more conservative approach is to use need4. Other considerations can affect the decision as
well, such as how each scale relates to the important dependent variables or to demographic characteristics.

There is no need to save the file changes at the end of this session.

We reviewed the concepts of reliability and validity in depth. We created an index, then used factor analysis
and reliability analysis to determine what scales could be created from a set of questions. We concluded the
by reviewing various methods to create the scale score.


Surveys using IBM-SPSS Notes -New Variables, Reliability, Validity, Factor Analysis
Survey Analysis Using SPSS

Creating New Variables: Reliability and Validity 2 - 1

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