Gross Motor Development Milestone

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Gross motor development milestone

Age Developmental milestones

0-6 months  Rolls over front to back and back to front
 Sits with support and then independently
6-12 months  Crawls forwards on belly
 Assumes a seated position unaided
 Creeps on hands and knees
 Transitions into different positions: sitting, all fours, lying on tummy
 Pulls self to stand
 Walks while holding onto furniture
 Takes 2-3 steps without support
 Rolls a ball in imitation of an adult
18 months  Sits, crawls, walks
 Still has wide gait but walking/running is less clumsy
 Pushes against a ball (does not actually kick it
2 years  Walks smoothly and turns corners
 Begins running
 Is able to pull or carry a toy while walking
 Climbs onto/down from furniture without assistance
 Walks up and down steps with support
 Picks up toys from the floor without falling over
3 years  Imitates standing on one foot
 Imitates simple bilateral movements of limbs (e.g., arms up together)
 Climbs jungle gym and ladders
 Pedals a tricycle
 Walks up/down stairs alternating feet
 Jumps in place with two feet together
 Able to walk on tip toes
 Catches using body
4 years  Stands on one foot for up to 5 seconds
 Kicks a ball forward
 Throws a ball overarm
 Catches a ball that has been bounced
 Runs around obstacles
 Able to walk on a line
 Able to hop on one foot
 Jumps over an object and lands with both feet together
5 years old  Able to walk upstairs while holding an object
 Walks backward toe-heel
 Jumps forward 10 times without falling
 Skips forwards after demonstration
 Hangs from a bar for at least 5 seconds
 Steps forward with leg on same side as throwing arm when throwing a
 Catches a small ball using hands only
6 years  Runs lightly on toes
 Able to walk on a balance beam
 Able to skip using a skipping rope
 Can cover 2 meters when hopping
 Demonstrates mature throwing and catching patterns
 Mature (refined) jumping skills

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