GS Paper CSS 2021

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CSS-2021 Gender Studies Paper

1. Feminist Research aims at:
A: Study of women’s education
B: Addressing women’s issues with women’s perspective
C: Promotion of women research scholars
D: To study women as an object
2. Among the following persons identify the male feminist:
A: Harriet Taylor
B: Betty Friedan
C: Iris Young
D: J.S. Mill
3. Feminist Research is:
A: Interdisciplinary
B: Multidisciplinary
C: Cross-disciplinaryd
D: All the above
4. Transformation of grass root women into mere beneficiaries to active participants is coined
A: Socialism
B: Dualism
C: Feminism
D: Clientelism
5. Who have coined the terminology ‘Interactive Methodology’ for feminist research?
A: Joan Huber and Killy
B: Nancy Kleiber and Linda Light
C: David Morgan and Keohane
D: Bernard Helen Roberts
6. Feminist Research aims to
A: Research on women, by men and for women
B: Research on women, about women, and of women
C: Research of women by women and for women
D: Research for women, by women and on women
7. Androgynous persons show _____ traits?
A: Negative masculine
B: Positive masculine and feminine
C: Positive masculine
D: Positive feminine
8. Masculinity is not synonymous with?
A: Strength
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B: Power
C: Aggression
D: Emotions
9. Which is incorrect statement regarding Masculinities and Femininities?
A: Gendered rather than non-gendered
B: Based on Biological determinism
C: Changing across time and space
D: Socially constructed
10. Which of the following is incorrect about Queer Studies?
A: Studies of non-normative and homosexuality
B: It is new term for gays and lesbians
C: These are post-modern studies
D: These are studies with gender perspective
11. Which of the following statements is correct about Women’s Studies as an academic
A: It studies the social reality from feminist perspective, placing women’s experiences at the
B: It accepts the existing theories for analysis
C: It covers all studies conducted on women’s issues and their solutions
D: It applies existing social science research methodology for further research.
12. Among the following statements which is not an objective of Gender Sensitization Program:
A: Promoting societal awareness to gender issues
B: Review of curriculum and educational materials to remove gender bias
C: Removal of all derogatory, references to the dignity of women
D: Removal of caste hierarchy from the society
13. In Pakistan, the first Psychology department to offer a course of Gender Studies in their
programs was?
A: Shaheed Benazir Bhutto City University
C: Beacon house National University
D: Muhammad Ali Jinnah University
14. Women’s studies became an academic discipline during?
A: First wave feminism
B: Second wave feminism
C: Third wave feminism
D: Fourth wave feminism
15. Which is not related to Women’s Studies?
A: Interdisciplinary study of women
B: Subjugation of men
C: Gender equity
D: Consciousness rising
16. Gender as an area of research, teaching and action has emerged only after?
A: 1975
B: 1860
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C: 1910
D: 1947
17. Mark the correct answer about Gender’s Studies from the following
A: It is a Social Science
B: It is an academic discipline
C: Both a and b
D: It is narratives of women by women
18. What percentage of black and Hispanic women
A: 61%
B: 73%
C: 24%
D: 56%
19. Which journalism field remains one of the biggest offenders as a white male-dominated field
according to the Women's Media Center Report in 2014?
A: Beauty Journalism
B: Crime Journalism
C: Sports Journalism
20. The theory that men and women should be treated equally also sometimes called as
A: Core Feminism
B: Core Feminist Theory
C: Core Feminism or Core Feminist Theory
D: All


Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead
of at different places.
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(iv) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in
the Q. Paper.
(v) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of
Answer Book must be crossed
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not
be considered

Q#2. How do you differentiate the discipline of Gender Studies from that of Women
Studies? Historically trace the need for the establishment of Gender Studies as a distinct
discipline and its scope and significance with especial reference to Pakistan.(20)

Q#3. Outline salient features of Liberal Feminism and Socialist Feminists thought.
Discuss the influence of these thoughts’ feminist movements in Pakistan. (20)

Q#4. Outline and explain the three major waves of feminist movements in the West.
Discuss the influence of these waves on feminist movements in Pakistan. (20)

Q#5. Explain various patterns violence against women in the Pakistani society by
highlighting the various case studies.(20)

Q#6. Explain the Queer Theory with special reference to its relevance in modern

Q#7. Increased Women participation in Politics can ensure a comprehensive legislation

to protect women’s rights in Pakistan, discuss in detail. (20)

Q#8. Write a short note on any of these two: (10+10)

1. Social Constructivism
2. Role NGOs in women empowerment
3. Feminist movements in Pakistan
4. Suffragist Movement

Exam Conducted by Study River Education Services (Pvt) Ltd. | 0300 12 12345

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