Organizational Renewal: The Challenge of Change

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Organizational Renewal: The Challenge of Change

Chapter 2

Recognize the factors contributing to the accelerating rate of change Identify the ways an organization uses renewing processes to adapt to change Determine the individual and group methods of coping with change Understand and apply the sociotechnical approach to OD

The Challenges of Change

Organizations Downsizing Reengineering Flattening structures Going global Initiating more sophisticated technologies

Organizational renewal requires that top managers make adaptive changes to the environment. Manager must analyze the organization, its departmental system interrelationships, and the possible effects on the internal environment.
This approach, termed the system approach provides a way of observing, analyzing, and solving problems in organizations.

Constant Change
Organizations exist in constant changing environment and therefore must have the capacity to adopt. Managers must do more than react; they must be able to anticipate the changing patterns of people, markets, product, and technology.

Six areas of Organizational Development

1. Organizational renewal 2. The system approach 3. The sociotechnical system 4. Future shock 5. Organizational transformation and development 6. Organizational development and planned change.

Organizational Renewal: Adapting to Change

Organizational renewal may be defined as an ongoing process of building innovation and adaptation into the organization. Entropy is principle of physics stating that everything that is organized will break down unless it is maintained.

Approach to Change
A hyperturbulent environment is characterized by rapid changing product lines, and increasing and changing set of competitors, rapid and continual technological innovation, and rapid market growth.

A Model of Adaptive Orientation

Renewing Transformational (Hyperturbulent Environment, High Adaptation) Satisificing (Stable Environment, High Adaptation) Reactive (Hyperturulent Environment)

Sluggish Thermostat (Stable Environment, Low Adaptation)

The System Approach: Finding New Ways to Work Together The system approach to managing change views the organization as a unified system composed of interrelated units. Managers look at the organization as a part of a larger external environment.

The Organizational as an Open System

Resource Inputs
Information Equipment Facilities Materials Money People Technology

Transformation Outputs Process

Organization Human Resources Workplace Actions Physical Resources Products Goods Services


Feedback from Environment Employees Departments and Managers Customers Investors Government Regulations


The Sociotechnical System

Sociotechnical Systems- organization is viewed as an open system which coordinate human and technical activities. The sociotechnical system uses the following approaches:
Organized around process not tasks Flatten the hierarchy Use of teams to manage everything Let customers drive performance Reward team performance

The Sociotechnical System

1. 2.




Goals and Values The Technical Subsystem The Structure Subsystem The psychosocial Subsystem (Culture) The Managerial Subsystem






Basic Mission and Vision of the organization. Activities; operations; techniques and equipment Formal design; policies; procedures; organizational chart; division of work; patterns of authorities Social relationship; behavioral patterns of members; norms; roles; communications Directing; organizing and coordinating

Future Shock of Change

Alvin Toffler, in Future Shock suggested
Most people are utterly unprepared to cope with accelerated rate of change. Future shock is a time phenomenon, a product of a greatly accelerated rate of change in society. Too much change in too short a time affects managers and organizations as well. When change occurs rapidly, the capacity of management to react is strained, creating the danger of future shock.

Organization Transformation and Development

Organization transformation and organizational development are both approaches to managing change in organization. Organization transformation may be defined as the action of changing an organizations form, shape, or appearance, or changing the organizations energy from one to another.

OD: The Planned Change Process

OD, or planned organizational change, is deliberate attempt to modify the functioning of the total organization or one of its major parts in order to bring about improved effectiveness.

Individual Effectiveness
Organization is made of of individual members, and each members has unique values, belief, and motivation.

Team Effectiveness
Change efforts may also focus on the fundamental unit of an organization, team or work group, as means for improving the organization's effectiveness. These activities are designed to improve work teams

Team Effectiveness
One technique that is used is process observation. Two separate dimensions of groups are 1. Content- the task of the group 2. Process the way the group functions Group process includes such factors as leadership, decision making, communication, and conflict.

Team Effectiveness
OD practitioners need to develop skills and observation to learn to be a participant-observer, that is to actively participate and at the same time be aware of group process.

Organization Effectiveness
OD change efforts is the organizational system. The total organization may be examined by use of climate survey. Planned change programs are then designed to deal with the specific problems areas identified in the survey.


Brown, D.R. & Harvey, D. (2006). An

experiential approach to Organizational development, (7th

ed.). ,Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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