Task 6 - Case

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Task 6 - Case Studies

Angie Lorena Guevara Trillos

Rosa Angélica Ortiz Quintero
Daniela Esther Bandera
María Fernanda Solano

Course: English V
Code: 518010 Group: 34

María Alejandra Mideros

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación (ECEDU)
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Ingles
May 9th, 2021
 Step 2: Angie Lorena Guevara Trillos

1. Answer to questions

If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

In the video, situations of low self-esteem, negative thoughts and feelings of inferiority
are presented. As we see, teachers have a great influence on the attitudes and self-esteem of their
students. Taking this point as a reference, I as a teacher if I had to face this situation like the ones
in the video, I would do many things to improve the self-esteem of my students: I would help
them, for example, to highlight their achievements and qualities; giving those experiences of
success, helping them to know and accept themselves.

If you could have the chance to re-choose a solution, what kind would you choose?

If I had the opportunity to choose a solution again, I would choose a type of evaluation in
a social and economic context, I would inquire about the situations in which the student is
immersed, for example: the lived experiences and the experiences he/she experiences. Then, as a
teacher, I would avoid creating situations that lead the student to build negative feelings and low
self-esteem, because in the future it would have consequences for the student's learning and

If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?

If I were one of those students, I would not face the situation in the same way. Because
we all face different negative situations in our lives, for this reason I believe that how we handle
them is what determines whether we grow and become strong or let ourselves be defeated by
them. I would face this situation with determination, I would not allow the situation to affect me,
on the contrary, I would make of this situation a learning experience, an experience, an incentive
to change and improve.

If you could help somebody in the situations described in the case study what solution
would you choose and why?

If I could help, someone in the situations described, for example, someone who thinks
that nothing is going to work out or who struggles with self-esteem problems and that is not
considered important. The first solution I would choose would be to help them find the root of
the conflicts and difficult situations that prevent them from developing and living a wonderful
life. Following that, I would help them train their minds to stop and reflect on the good things
that are going well in their lives. This because it allows them to self-evaluate and be self-
reflective, which in the end will make them very strong people.

What if one of your students have to suffer a similar situation, what would you do?

My goal is to be able to help, therefore, if one of my students had a similar situation, I

would look at my student as a whole, analyze the context in which he is, show interest in him
and what affects him and I would give you unconditional support. In addition, I would
implement strategies or projects, such as those mentioned in the video, for example, I would use
project 365, an application in which students take photos for which they are grateful every day.
They post them on the bulletin board to share with other students. The reason is because as the
video mentions, guys have a tendency to look at the negatives and find it more difficult to
analyze the positives. This project allows them to stop and reflect on the good things that are
going well in their lives. I would also implement the wish tree with my students, which allows
them to write wishes for the future, this in order to work on positive emotions, this strategy
would allow them to be more critical of themselves in a safe environment.

If you were allowed to do something related to your learning process again, what kind of
thing would you do differently?

If I were allowed to do something related to my learning process, I would use my time in

a different way. I would create self-regulation and deep motivation strategies in my learning
process. I think I let time pass and I did not develop good autonomous study skills, I did not
regulate the motivations and actions by myself in each estimated time.

2. Case studies, questions, answers and solutions

Fernando case study

Fernando is a fourth grade student at the Guillermo Valencia school, his parents decided
to enroll him in this school because it is the best in the municipality, its students stand out for
getting good grades and for their good behavior. When he reached the fourth academic period, in
the subject of Spanish, one of his assignments was to write an essay on the topic "climate change
and everyone's responsibility". Before sending his work, he receives a message from his best
classmate, who desperately asks for his support, allowing him to copy some ideas from his paper,
since he was unable to complete it due to a family problem.

From Fernando's case:

 If Fernando's classmate copies ideas from his essay, do you think that doing so is
 If Fernando lends his work, will the teacher punish him for plagiarism?
 If you could help Fernando, what solution would you choose and why?
 If you were faced with this situation, what decision would you have made?
 If you had to teach Fernando's friend a lesson, what lesson would you give him?


It is not easy to be faced with a situation like this, especially when it is a very close friend
who asks us for help, but if I had faced this situation. I would have made the decision not to lend
my essay, because making the decision to lend my work would have implications in my training
as a teacher, because I want to be an ethical person with a moral sense and I want to be an
example for my future students.

If I had to give a lesson to Fernando's friend, I would give him a lesson in honesty, I
would teach him daily that it is a deception to copy himself from the work of his classmates that
he would be wasting his opportunity to learn and grow as a person.

3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to your Case

 Technical educational institute "Nuestra Señora del Carmen"

If the student had not received bullying from his peers, then would his academic
performance have been better?

If the student had not received harassment from his classmates, his academic
performance would have been better, he would have had a normal school life and good relations
with his colleagues.
If the student had an idea of how to handle bullying, then everything would be different.
Yes or no, why?

If the student had known how to deal with harassment, I think everything would be
different, since he as a victim can talk with his parents and teachers to guide him and if the case
gets out of hand, notify the authorities.

How teacher would you have done in this situation to reduce this problem? What actions
would you take in this regard?

If at school people gave talks about bullying regularly, I think that it did decrease
bullying, for example the teacher during classes, could explain what bullying is and what
repercussions it has. In addition, it would be good for him to monitor the behavior of young
people, in order to detect negative attitudes.

If the institution took drastic measures in this situation, then things would be different?

I believe that if the institution took drastic measures things would be different, however I
believe that before taking drastic measures the institution should act quickly, coordinate with the
Department of Psychology to reduce or avoid more cases of bullying in the school.

 Rosa Angelica Ortiz Quintero

1. Answer to questions

If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

I think teachers are key figures in the learning process for students. Their influence is
fundamental to the students' process. It is also necessary to take into account crucial factors such
as classroom environment, classroom management, tolerance, patience and passion. It is for this
reason that teaching attitudes also influence student success, a positive attitude is essential. So if
I am presented with a situation where the student has a negative attitude as a teacher I must
understand that the relationship between teacher and student is a potentially inspiring bond that
can guide, reinforce and bring out the best in each student, only in this way I can look for the
necessary tools to help students and change that negative attitude they have.

If you could have the chance to re-choose a solution, what kind would you choose?

I believe that it would not change the solution, as evidenced in the video a positive
education helps not only the teacher but the students, to know themselves, to know what they are
capable of and can do, to discover what they are good at and that they can reflect on their
behavior in such a way that they can have a stable mental health.

If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?

I think not, if a person suffers the same as another, this does not mean that they should
react the same, on the contrary, each student is a different world and each one of us faces things
in a different way. There are people who are very sensitive and, therefore, they are particularly
affected by the events that happen to them, no matter how insignificant they may be.

If you could help somebody in the situations described in the case study what solution
would you choose and why?

I think I first try to understand what is causing that negativity. Sometimes negativity can
have its origins in the fear of being despised by others, the fear of not being loved by others and
the apprehension that negative consequences may befall you. For this reason I would highlight
your strengths, your skills and abilities, we all have something we are very good at.

What if one of your students have to suffer a similar situation, what would you do?

If any of my students suffer a similar case, first I would have an approach with my
students to know what is the cause of their negative attitude, then I would implement the solution
of the wishing tree along with the thank you letters, and if they ask me why I choose these two, I
would answer the following, The wishing tree is so that every day the student knows what he is
fighting for, what he wants to accomplish and that this desire can come true as long as we do our
part, that is to say that he acquires that sense of belonging. I would implement the letter of thanks
because many of us are not very good at expressing our feelings when we speak or we are
embarrassed that someone else hears what we want to say, it is a way to bring out what we carry
inside by putting it into letters.
If you were allowed to do something related to your learning process again, what kind of
thing would you do differently?

To stop filling myself with negative thoughts and fear for thinking that I will not be able
to make it, that I will not be able to fulfill my dreams. I do not know if it happens to everyone at
some point, but for me in particular there was a time when fear did not allow me to advance in
my learning process, I was not able to pronounce words in the speech meetings scheduled by my
university, I listened as other people spoke English very well and I was not able, every time the
teacher asked me something, even without having him near I was afraid, my voice trembled and I
was not able to produce a sentence, my mind at that time did not think of anything, I just wanted
the class to end quickly. That is why I think that if I could do again something related to my
learning process is not to let the mind dominate me, not to believe in those negative thoughts.

2. Case studies, questions, answers and solutions

Maria's case.

In the institution Rayos De Vida in Monteria - Colombia there is a case that is occurring
and it is the following: Maria is a 12 year old girl who is in fourth grade. She attends school with
difficulty, since her mother did not want to enroll her due to lack of economic resources and that
is why she has abandoned her studies for many years. In class and recess Maria is not very
active, discouraged, she socializes very little with her classmates and her academic performance
is below the average of the class, she does not understand the topics that are addressed during the
classes and shows little interest in learning.

 If you had the opportunity to talk to Maria, what would you tell her?
 If you had to talk to the school board, what would you tell them?
 If you had the opportunity to be Maria's teacher, would you help her?
 If you had the opportunity to choose a solution for Maria, which solution would you


In Maria's case, it is valid to think that she is unmotivated and with low academic
performance due to nutrition problems, since good nutrition is the fundamental basis for the
development of her central nervous system and therefore this influences her learning, without
good nutrition the student is exposed to have a low performance in her learning process, to this is
added that she is very unmotivated and little interacts with her classmates, for this reason the
solution that I propose is that this case is passed with the academic coordinator, coexistence
coordinator, course director and orientation, so that they evaluate the situation of Maria and so
the school committee takes a decision on the matter without skipping any of the parameters
established under the law of Colombia, respecting the rights of the student Maria.

3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to your Case

 Case of the José Mejia institute

If the student does not adapt to the school, does he/she stay out of school?

If he does not adapt to the school, he may not be able to continue the school year, since
he does not feel he belongs there.

If the teacher ignores this problem, will it solve itself?

If the teacher ignores this problem, nothing would be solved; on the contrary, this may
affect the student's learning acquisition, motivation and therefore academic performance.

If you were the teacher of that child, what would you do?

If I were the teacher of this child, I think that the first thing I should do is to pass this case
with the school's directives, that is, seek the help of the psychologist, because the child despises
his new school, and create a strategy of follow-up and accompaniment with the affected student.

If you had gone through the same thing, what would you have done?

If I had gone through the same thing, I think I would react the same as the child, when we
move to a place sometimes our parents force us to move and it is very difficult to leave behind
friendships, people we did not want to be away from, this affects our identity a little, we wonder
where we really belong?

If you could go back to your childhood, how would you treat your new companions?
If I could go back to my childhood, I would treat them with a lot of respect and affection,
offering them friendship.

 Fernando's case.

If Fernando's classmate copies ideas from his essay, do you think that doing so is

If he copies his classmate's ideas, it would be very dishonest on the part of the classmate.
It is one thing to ask the classmate for help in finding his way around, and quite another to take
ideas and present them as his own.

If Fernando lends his work, will the teacher punish him for plagiarism?

If the teacher notices, both papers could be penalized for plagiarism and if so, it affects
the grade of both papers.

If you could help Fernando, what solution would you choose and why?

If I could help Fernando, I would tell him to find a way to help his friend without passing
the paper to him, the reason I choose this option is because lending him the paper to copy affects
both of them.

If you were faced with this situation, what decision would you have made?

If I were faced with this situation, I would give the person ideas on how they should do it,
what points they should read, and what YouTube videos can help them build an essay so that no
one gets hurt.

If you had to teach Fernando's friend a lesson, what lesson would you give him?

If I had to teach Fernando's friend a lesson, I would tell him that sometimes we think that
the easiest solution is the one that can help us, but in reality it's not like that.

 Daniela Esther Bandera

1. Answer to questions
If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

If I had to face this problem as a teacher, I would take my own experience as an aid to the
students, I believe that we must reflect on our experiences and learn from each one of them so
that we can understand what each student is experiencing and help them overcome your

If you could have the chance to re-choose a solution, what kind would you choose?

If I had the opportunity, the solution would be similar to the view because I believe that
positive education is very important in the life of a student, adolescents often go through many
emotional stages and school should be a help rather than a burden. Positive education courses are
fine with me.

If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?

Clearly, we all see situations in a very different way, speaking my experience I looked for
a solution on my part reading self-help books and listening to motivational audios, I think this is
one of the experiences that will help me to understand and help any student who passes for the
same situation.

If you could help somebody in the situations described in the case study what solution
would you choose and why?

One of the solutions I would do would be to start a class where I teach how to overcome
certain challenges in life, thus motivating each student, since perhaps more than one is going
through a difficult situation, and positive education is an excellent idea.

What if one of your students have to suffer a similar situation, what would you do?

One of the main steps to take would be to get to know the student and his environment, to
get into his life in order to develop a self-help strategy, to teach him the importance of his being,
how great he is and what he can be if he proposes it.

If you were allowed to do something related to your learning process again, what kind of
thing would you do differently?
One of the things that I would change would be the way I see life, to get frustrated when I
cannot achieve a goal and feel much more sure of myself, I would face many more challenges
than those I experienced since I learned that these are the that make me grow.

2. Case studies, questions, answers and solutions

José Mejía institution

In the José Mejía institution, a case is being experienced that is very common, a new
student has arrived, apparently, because his mother was transferred from work, this student is
having a hard time integrating into the course, and his classmates do not help much, Well, they
keep him isolated, and he is not very sociable either, apparently the whole moving process he is
experiencing has affected him and he despises his new institution.

 If the student does not adapt to school, does he stay without studying?
 If the teacher ignores this problem, will it solve itself?
 If you were the teacher of that child, what would you do?
 If you had gone through the same thing, what would you have done?
 If you could go back to your childhood, how would you treat your new companions?


In this case, it is necessary for teachers to take into account that what is happening and
hold a meeting to support the child, that the counselor personalizes the case so that the child
adapts to the new school, it would also be good for them to do a talk with the group of students
so that they have a little camaraderie with their new partner, and as teachers it is necessary to
take action on the matter, organizing activities in which they integrate the new student and thus
he feels like in his school of a lifetime.

3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to your Case


 Case of the Maria

If you had the opportunity to talk to Maria, what would you say to her?
I would motivate her to make an effort a little more, that there is a world to discover and

If you had to talk to the school board, what would you tell them?

She would tell them that they have to be much more attentive to the situations of the
students, that a soup kitchen project can be carried out in the school so that all the children who
have low resources can eat well.

If you had the opportunity to be María's teacher, would you help her?

Of course, starting by motivating her to continue regardless of socioeconomic level, it has

been seen that many people emerge regardless of money, they only need support.

If you had the opportunity to choose a solution for Maria, what solution would she choose?

She would personally establish a meeting with the mother and the school directors to
analyze the points of this problem and thus obtain help for the girl and she can access the
education that she deserves.

 Maria Fernanda Solano

1. Answer to questions

If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

I would seek help from people who have the good intention of helping us, but not letting
myself be defeated

If you could have the opportunity to choose a solution again, of what type do you choose?

I do not consider a solution to be chosen again as you are making a positive plan for
education and having strengths and taking those skills out of the students

If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?

I think not, I think that now education has changed a lot and you can look for new
strategies and not continue on the same path
If I could help someone in the situations described in the case study what solution would
you choose and why?

I believe that commenting on the situations to the teachers or psychologists of the school
because, in the hands of professionals, a solution can be found

What if one of your students has to suffer a similar situation, what would you do?

I would look for a way to help that student since as teachers it is also important to be
human in the situations that each student can go through and have empathy

If they were allowed to do something related to their learning process again, what kinds of
things would you do differently?

I believe that there is no need to do something different since the whole learning process
is adequate.

2. Case studies, questions, answers and solutions

Technical educational institute "Nuestra Señora del Carmen"

In the technical educational institute "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" one of the most
common cases is experienced and it is about bullying at school or popularly calling Bullying, in
this case, it is about a 6th-grade student who is new to the institution and since who started his
classes has received mistreatment and beatings by his classmates, and the student has no idea
how to defend himself against his classmates, and this has affected his academic performance
and the student wants to withdraw from the institution, but his teachers do not want that for him
and they motivate him to stay in school.


To reduce this problem that has affected many young people and every day the cases of
bullying in schools increase. One of the solutions is to give talks with psychologists or people
who are experts and have a relationship on the subject, and give them tips or ways so that
students know how to handle this situation and not continue to allow bullying, but it would also
be good to do sports days and recreational activities so that students can better integrate with
their peers and through sports develop motor skills and maintain a more positive attitude.
 If the student had not received bullying from his peers, then would his academic
performance have been better?
 If the student had known how to deal with bullying? Do you think everything would be
different if so why?
 If in the school people give talks about bullying regularly. Do you think that it would
 Do you think if the institution take drastic measures things would be different?

3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to your Case

 Camila's case
If you were in Camila's situation, what can you do to solve the problem?
Seek help from a teacher or the school counselor and find a way to stop that situation

If Camila's parents intervene, will they be able to solve the problem?

Yes, of course, because Camila's parents can speak with the director and teachers of the house to
solve this situation
If the teacher reported the situation to the principal, would the problem have been solved
from the beginning?
Yes, of course, because the director would have taken measures so that this situation does not
If Camila had reported her situation again, would the problem have been solved?
I think it is not necessarily that she would have to report, but take other decisions so that this
does not happen again.
Bibliographic References

 Australian Learning Lecture. (2016). ALL case study: Positive Education. [Video file].
Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/XGNLyJSiSBc

 British, C. (2019). Conditionals. [online] Learn English | British

Council.  http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar/intermediate-grammar/
 British, C. (2019). Conditionals First part. [online] Learn English | British
Council.  https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/intermediate-grammar/conditionals-1
 [British Council | LearnEnglish].  (2011, August 3). Zero conditional for rules and facts |
Johnny Grammar | Learn English | British Council. [Video
File].  https://youtu.be/tSjteVOdEWg
 [British Council | LearnEnglish].  (2011, August 3). First or second conditional? |
Johnny Grammar | Learn English | British Council. [Video
File]. https://youtu.be/U0oNY9YWhts
 British, C. (2019). Conditionals Second part. [online] Learn English | British
Council.  https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/intermediate-grammar/conditionals-2
 [British Council | LearnEnglish].  (2011, August 3). Third conditional | Johnny Grammar
| Learn English | British Council. [Video File].  https://youtu.be/eO1ahOV66o0

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