Ep 4

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education and Social Sciences
Department of Secondary and Elementary Education
Naawan, Misamis Oriental

Name: Voks Agustin O. Balo Date: November 1, 2022

Cooperating Teacher: Marife Y Bongcayao Cooperating School: Lugait National


 Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a
teacher. This scenario might  also be similar to the class you have
observed and noticed.  
Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary
school. She has forty  learners in her class. One half of them cannot
classify animals into vertebrates and  invertebrates. She has been
repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no progress 
was observed. This situation has been bothering Miss Fely. 

Can you identify Miss Fely’s problem? 

*Yes, of course. I determined Miss Fely's issue to be that her children

do not understand the distinctions between invertebrates and
vertebrates. Her students are unable to classify creatures using the
aforementioned taxonomy of animals, as seen by the previous
Can you find a solution to solve her problem? 

Of course, yes. 

Give your two suggestions. 

* I may advise Miss Fely to employ charts, with the animal

classification listed as the header at the top of the chart. The
definitions of the two categories are then given, along with some
illustrations of vertebrate and invertebrate species, to aid all students
in understanding the differences between the two. To help her
children understand how concepts are arranged visually, she can
utilize charts and pictures. Her kids' ability to learn and develop
connections may also be facilitated by this method. In conclusion,
Miss Fely can use a chart to help her children understand the
distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates. 
*I may also recommend to her the use of a video presentation on the
topic of vertebrates and invertebrates. Miss Fely must remember that
students learn a lot from what they see and hear. Additionally, she
will find it easier to offer lessons on the subject. If she uses videos, I
believe her fourth grade students will pay more attention to the
lesson because they will take in, understand, and remember it. It's
crucial to remember that merely talking about vertebrates and
invertebrates wouldn't help the students understand; instead, it
would be fantastic if she used a video presentation, as students at this
grade level require presentations to aid in their learning.

What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? 

 * Out of the two options I gave Miss Fely, I believe that using video
presentations that are substantive on the subject is most likely to be
helpful. She teaches fourth graders, so I believe the students at that
grade level will find it amusing to watch videos. I am confident that
this strategy will help Miss Fely solve her problem.

*Well, by applying the remedy. She must first select films appropriate
for fourth graders. The next step is for her to review the content to
make sure there are no violent films that shouldn't be shown to
pupils. She must also present the videos to the students and go into
great depth about the issue. Therefore, in the end of the
presentation, she will need to summarize and emphasize the key
points of the lesson.
Are they matched with the problem?  
*In my opinion, sure. The alternatives I mentioned in the previous
sentence take care of Miss Fely's problem. The solutions provided
address Miss Fely's problem, which is that her students don't fully
comprehend their lesson on vertebrates and invertebrates. Charts
and educational films, among other visual and aural components, are
included in the recommended strategy, which would assist the
instructor communicate the subject to her students. Additionally, by
doing this, her pupils would be able to swiftly pick up information
about their topic and make connections from the provided items.

Scenario B:  

Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of h is

learners come from families  that are disrupted, either with single
parents or with their guardians who stand only as parents.  They are
deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter. 
Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in
the class of Sir Ryan?  

* A teaching-learning issue in Sir Ryan's class would most likely result

from the fact that the majority of his students come from broken
households with little parental participation and free time.
* Due to the fact that children in urban neighborhoods with
disadvantages occasionally lack access to basic essentials like food,
clothes, and shelter, which has a negative impact on their interest in
learning, poor attendance and low student motivation may also be an
Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you
have identified?  

* One of the greatest methods to deal with the problems of poor

attendance and low student motivation, in my opinion, is to hold
students and parents accountable for frequent and unjustified
absences. He must also put in place a strict attendance policy that
deals with the issue of repeated absences. Every day, Sir Ryan must
present uplifting quotes, stories, or videos prior to the
commencement of the class discussion. These elements will
encourage his kids to value education and understand that their
current situation is fleeting. He must demonstrate to his students that
many people have overcome hardship to become well-known and
wealthy, and that if they are motivated to learn, they too may


After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying
problematic  situations and finding solutions to these problems help
you become a better teacher? Explain:  
* As a potential teacher, you must be watchful to detect difficult
situations. How? By allowing oneself to pay attention to the specifics
that occur in one's environment. I may become a better teacher by
developing my ability to look and watch carefully, identify challenging
situations in the classroom, and come up with workable answers. It
also aids in my development and comprehension of the issues that
crop up in classrooms on a regular basis. 

Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR

prompts that follow:  OBSERVE 
What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?  
Connectivity, involvement, personal circumstances, and social
standing are all troubling situations that might arise in the classroom
and could impair instructors' and students' ability to teach and learn.
The majority of Sir Ryan's students also came from households that
had gone through upheaval, according to scenario two. They also
originated from a low-income urban neighborhood. It's probable that
they are disinterested in the classes, there are more absences and
drop-outs, and they lack the attention span required to pay attention
to every subject that Ryan teaches.

What changes do you want to achieve?  

Giving pupils a focused teaching-learning experience while also

connecting socially with them is the first change I wish to make.
Second, I want them to participate in all activities and recognize the
aid and hope that are accessible to them. Thirdly, I want them to be
aware of and confident in my commitment to helping them develop
into better versions of themselves. They should also be aware that I
will collaborate with them to promote more cooperation and a more
rewarding educational experience. Last but not least, I want them to
embrace a new outlook and have faith in their capacity to make
positive changes. 

What strategies will you use to improve the situation?  

To improve the current situation, I want to often visit them at home

to get to know them personally and develop a positive relationship
with their parents. In my role as a teacher, I'll be adaptable and
considerate. It should be possible for parents and students to express
their concerns, so I will set up a meeting with the parents and
establish a group called the "Parents-Teacher Association." I'll act as a
role model for them to gain their trust because I firmly believe that
creating a positive learning environment begins with me. And because
encouraging students for their excellent behavior is a simple yet
powerful technique to encourage them to do their best, I will
reinforce and reward positive acts. These methods will help students
satisfy all of their needs and arrive at class prepared. Although I am
aware that it is challenging, if the parents and the teacher are working
toward the same objectives and moving in the same direction, it will
all be worthwhile in the end.

What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct
the study?  

The title would be "Strategic Intervention and Effectiveness Towards

Social Status of Grade 1  Students." 
Add: Solutions / actions 
I'll undertake this study as a teacher since I'm confident that both
parents and students will find it useful. I will prepare the necessary
materials and ask the principal for permission to conduct this study.
As part of the research process, I will look for an in-kind donation that
will allow me to meet some of the needs of the students and parents.

Works On My Artifacts 

Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed Action Research. 

I. Title of the Action Research 

II. Author/s 
Pede I. Casing 
III. Abstract  
 The purpose of this action research was to raise the arithmetic
proficiency of 56 Buug National High School students in Grade 11. 31
participants, or 55%, received an average and subpar result on the
diagnostic test for their arithmetic abilities. The Jigsaw approach was
discussed in relation to enhancing mathematical performance. The
study's findings demonstrated that fewer pupils performed at a bad
level on the evaluation test. The findings of the Mathematics
Performance Evaluation Test show a significant difference (p = 0.030)
between the lecture approach and the Jigsaw method. The findings
emphasized the considerable discrepancies between the control and
treatment groups' Evaluation Test outcomes. It is suggested that
teachers create Jigsaw-style exercises to help students practice, solve,
manipulate, reason, and perform as they gain a better knowledge of
mathematics. Students may benefit from using the jigsaw approach to
integrate ideas and abilities from different mathematical areas.
Students should take time to reflect on their performance after the
Jigsaw method practice before discussing further mathematical tasks.
The majority of kids can complete mathematical exercises successfully
with careful preparation, execution, and evaluation. 
IV. Identify the Problem in the Study 
The study's problem is that the students are having difficulties in
solving math  problems. 
V. Identify the action taken in the Study 

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