Known Issues Bulletin - MAXPRO VMS
Known Issues Bulletin - MAXPRO VMS
Known Issues Bulletin - MAXPRO VMS
May, 2019
Date Description
June, 2018 Updated for R500 Release
September, 2018 Updated for R500 T Patch Build 523
October, 2018 Updated for R500 SP1 Release
February 2019 Updated for R550 Release
May, 2019 Updated for R560 Release 3
MAXPRO® Video Management System R560
This document lists and summarizes issues/ limitations that you may encounter while using MAXPRO® VMS
Known Issues for MAXPRO® VMS
The following sections explains the known issues/limitations/recommendation to use MAXPRO® VMS. Occur-
rence of the issue and Workarounds are provided wherever possible.
General Issues
1. Time line colors are not reflecting the actual state of Failover recording. If the recorder is in failover state then
all the recordings are displayed in pink color.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
2. H.265 codec camera is not streaming on specific machines with new GPU rendering/Old GPU rendering
Occurence: Always
3. Following issues are noticed with Fusion and Rapid Eye recorder cameras:
• Sync playback feature with Fusion recorder is not responding in VMS build R560.
• During playback and clip export operations with Rapid Eye camera, TrinityRendering service restarts
• For Rapid Eye camera in live and playback operations, Fail to connect and Refresh Display Service messages are
Occurence: Always
Workaround: Fusion and Rapideye users are not recommended to upgrade to R560. It is recommended to
contact Honeywell Tech Support and use the recommended MAXPRO VMS build
4. Equip S Series cameras - Latency up to 1 second without Annotations feature enabled and 3 to 4 seconds
with Annotation feature is noticed.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: Remove the camera model for RTSP XML in NVR to resolve this issue.
It is recommended to use the compatible firmware which is tested and approved. Refer to the MAXPRO VMS
R560 Software Release Notes for compatible Firmware details.
5. Multicast cameras are streaming in new GPU rendering with out setting GPU limit registry. However, all other
cameras are streaming in older GPU mode.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: Need to configure the rendering setting to solve this issue. Refer to the MAXPRO NVR 5.6 Instal-
lation and Configuration guide on how to configure th rendering settings to stream Multicast cameras.
6. If the Recorder is in Failover state, then sync playback feature is not responding for primary recordings. If the
Recorder is in Failback state, then sync playback is not responding for Redundant recording.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: Go to the switch over time for the camera and then perform sync playback. 5
Occurence: Randomly
Workaround: Close and drag and drop the camera once again.
9. Annotation feature is not responding in forward playback direction for MJPEG stream with NVR 5.6.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
10. Video freezes, if the MAXPRO NVR recorder is disconnected and re connected.
Occurence: Always
Occurence: Rare
12. For a Multistream enabled camera if you configure 3 streams and delete one stream then Connecting to cam-
era message is displayed or image flickers during switching salvo.
Occurence: Always
13. Sometimes MAXPRO Viewer stops responding during regular video operations.
Occurence: Rare
Occurence: Randomly
Workaround: None
15. In Annotation enabled cameras, repeated & improper playback video is displayed. (with 30FPS/30GOP set-
Occurence: Always
16. Live rendering camera frames are dropped at 5fps in 2*2 salvo panel during continuous video operations or
while performing some operations in live rendering panels.
Occurence: Rare
17. If user selects the redundant recording and performs reverse playback, after the redundant recording ends
the control skips the immediate primary recording and start playing the next available redundant recording in
both Fail-over & Fail-back state.
Occurence: Always
18. In VMS R560, only video of panel size is rendering for all the MAXPRO NVR recorder cameras.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
19. Momentary black video is displayed when user switches a salvo and performs refresh.
Occurence: Frequent
20. Rendering service stops responding in R560 due to regular video operations.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
21. Similar registry entries are there in two different places in all the VMS client workstations.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
22. Sync playback is not support for the Multicast enabled Cameras in R560.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
23. If playback is performed on the disabled cameras which has recording, then “Connecting to camera” mes-
sage is displayed for long time.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: User need to wait for 3 minutes to perform playback or enable the camera in NVR and then per-
form playback.
24. Sync Failed message is displayed in multi monitor system if user enables sync option in second monitor.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
25. In Sync playback mode, if any of the camera skips a frame then the rest of the cameras also skips the video
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
26. In sync playback mode, videos are not in time sync while performing fast forward or reverse playback with
more than 2x speed. It displays 2 seconds of time difference.
Occurence: Always 7
Workaround:Reduce speed to 1x, video will sync again.
27. In Sync mode, Video will pause for every 10 seconds, if offline cameras are available for older version of NVR.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
28. Speed video movement is noticed in MAXPRO VMS Clients with NVR 5.6 recorder
Occurence: Random
Workaround: No Workaround
1. Smart Motion search feature takes more time to load images in backward compatibility scenarios.
Scenario: Installing VMS R550 and NVR 5.6 takes more than 15 minutes to search 30 minutes duration clips.
However, installing VMS R550 and NVR 5.5 takes less than 3 seconds to search 30 minutes duration clips.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: For Smart motion to work effectively, VMS and NVR should be upgraded together.
Workaround: To resolve this issue, after uninstalling the R560 build, user need to remove the Settings key 313
value from the Workstation Settings table for all the workstation ids manually.
Workaround: Recommendation is to set the GOP values to 5-10 to experience smoothness in reverse play-
2. Sync playback feature takes 4 to 6 seconds in Skylake 16 GB machine for 3x3 salvo.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
Workaround: None
2. Input alarm/ all Alarms are not displayed in MAXPRO VMS from ADPRO XO Recorder versions 4.2 and 4.3.
Occurence: Always
3. All the existing ADPRO XO recorders are not listing in the VMS server after uninstalling R560.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
4. In VMS in VMS scenarios, Show video option is disabled for ADPRO XO recorder IO events.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
Note:All new features are supported only on MAXPRO VMS client. In MAXPRO NVR client only spot test is per-
• To configure HVA for ADPRO XO cameras, Analytics service startup type property should be set to Automatic
• To avoid performance limitations in Smooth reverse playback user need to use i7-8700 system with 16GB
RAM System.
• Annotation feature is not supported for MJPEG streams.
Limitations in R560
Note:All new features are supported only on MAXPRO VMS client. In MAXPRO NVR client only spot test is per-
• 32 bit Operating Systems may have limitations and performance issues on most of the features of R560. Rec-
ommended to use 64 bit OS.
• In Sync Playback mode, it takes more than 10 seconds to sync all the cameras from ADPRO XO recorder
• Sync playback/ Playback will not work as expected during Failover transition.
• Smooth reverse playback is supported till 2X speed.
• Rendering performance reduces from 16 to 11 cameras in sky-lake client machine with new GPU rendering
• Sync playback is not supported for the Multicast enabled Cameras in R560.
General Issues
1. Saved configuration changes in client are not reflecting in same client but the same is updated and respond-
ing in other remote clients.
Occurence: Random 9
2. Hybrid NVR alarm inputs will not get discovered in to VMS.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
3. A small variation in motion is noticed on Live Video for Equip Series camera when motion is perpendicular to
the camera view
Workaround: None
4. Playback speed is not in sync with actual time and it is little faster.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
Workaround: None
Workaround: None
7. Live video is taking more than 2 seconds to load after user drag & drops few cameras from XO recorder
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
8. Modified camera name in XO recorder is not fully displayed in the device tree after re-discovery.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
9. After configuring the user privileges in XO client for specific user, in MAXPRO® VMS user is able to add and
discover all the cameras.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
10. Camera name and REC text overlay information is not displaying in XO clip player while playing the exported
Occurence: Always
11. Black video could be seen for a couple of seconds while performing the below:
• During salvo refresh and switching between configuration and Viewer tabs
• Timeline jump operations when Sync playback in enabled
Occurence: Frequently
Workaround: None
12. Dual stream needs to be configured when Camera resolution is greater than 640x480P.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
13. In case of camera disconnections when camera stream is tried to play in VMS, it will display "NO VIDEO" with
time stamp moving.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
14. Focus far and near options are not working properly. After a single click on focus far/near, video is disturbed
and it moves into zoom state with blur video.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
15. ADPRO XO camera with less than 1X speed is not working. Despite setting the speed less that 1x (for exam-
ple 0.1x, 0.2x and 0.5x) the video is still played with 1X speed.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
16. Video is not playing smoothly in forward playback for speed 8x or more. Sometimes it stops playing video
after few minutes though recording is available and some time it will repeat few min again
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
17. Loiter Alarm count number is displayed in a very small font size inside the analytics bounding box and its not
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
18. Unable to export clips for ADPRO XO cameras that are associated to Anonymization feature.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
19. Black video is displayed momentarily for 4-6 seconds while doing Timeline jump operations when Sync play-
back in enabled.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None 11
20. Event description name is different in Report tab and Results tab. For example alarm name is displaying in
report tab as Camera Motion started but in the Results pane it is displaying as MOTION1 start. Also camera
events are not listed in Events search tab.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: Events are fetched from XO recorder and displayed with different naming conventions.
21. Video pauses for a few seconds after switching from single salvo to any other salvo.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
Limitations in R550
In Annotation
• Annotation feature is not supported in:
• Dewarped Mode
• Digital Zoom
• Different Playback speeds
• Sub Stream 2 for all the Equip-S series cameras
• If Stream 3 is set for Live recording
• New GPU rendering
• When registry setting is set to 1, an additional latency of 500 Milli seconds is introduced in live video if anno-
tation is enabled.
• Annotations are supported on PTZ camera with defined Presets only.
• Annotations are best supported with 5FPS/5GOP and will be slightly offset for other FPS/GOP settings. They
are not supported for 1FPS/1GOP.
In XO Recorder Integration
• ADPRO XO Recorder integration does not support the following:
• Reverse playback operation.
• Diagonal PTZ
• 16x Playback speed
• Step Reverse from Live
• Loop Playback
• SYNC playback
• VMS in VMS
• Annonymization
R500 SP1 Known Issues
1. MAXPRO® VMS R500 SP1/ MAXPRO® NVR 5.0 SP1 installation fails in some systems.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: No Workaround
2. Unable to play already archived clip in VMS after changing unique number in NVR. Only newly archived clips
after changing unique number are playing in VMS viewer.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: No Workaround
3. Unable to play archived clip in VMS client viewer with Archived search option, if NVR and VMS client creden-
tials are different.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: This issues occurs if VMS Server administrator user password is different, from NVR Server
password. Refer Troubleshooting guide to solve this issue.
4. In CPU rendering mode Grand eye camera displays reverse image in R500 SP1, but the same camera is dis-
playing correct image position in R500 release.
Occurence: Always
5. Camera Event association is taking more time to associate all events after applying R500 SP1 B532. For 30
cameras it takes more than 6 minutes and for 128 Channel it is taking ore than 45 minutes to associate all
Occurence: Always
Workaround: No Workaround
6. If user performs the below steps, then the video for other cameras is not rendering and Failed to connect to
rendering server error message is displayed.
a. First drag and drop MPVC clip in VMS viewer and play
b. Subsequently drag and drop other cameras in viewer to play. Failed to connect to rendering server error
message is displayed
Occurence: Rare
7. For the newly created windows users, selected options are not getting saved from preferences tab.
Occurence: Always
8. H265 configured cameras are not streaming on CPU rendering mode with Intel 4600 on board display-card.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: Enable GPU rendering option in Preference tab to see the video from H265 codec supported
cameras. 13
Limitations in SP1
• In VMS, Archival search feature will work only with unique number.
• To get the exact Archived clip count in the Search > Result window ensure that VMS and NVR server is
upgraded to R500 SP1.
• Include archived clip feature displays only auto archived clips in the result window. It will not display the man-
ually archived clips.
Workaround: None
2. De-warping enabled Honeywell Fish eye cameras are not streaming in new GPU rendering mode and it
always streaming in old GPU flow only.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
3. After applying R500T patch in client machines, GPU camera limit number in registry file is displaying as 35
instead of 20.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: Manually user need change the registry value Refer R500 Installation and Configuration Guide
for more information on how to configure.
4. Live video is not loading smoothly in 4k monitor and it takes more time to load the camera. Until the cameras
load it displays a empty screen.
Occurence: Frequently
5. In 4K monitor, exiting from full screen to normal screen is not smooth. Process for switching to normal screen
is taking more time.
Occurence: Always
6. If a exported (WMV format) clip of a 4K camera is played in any other monitor then unable to view the time
stamp clearly. The font size displayed is very small.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
7. In any monitor, exported clips of 4K resolution cameras are playing very slow video in MPVC format.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
8. Step forward and step reverse is not working and it is displaying black image always with CPU rendering.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
9. Step forward and step reverse features will not respond in 32 bit machine.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
10. Text overlay patch merge is not working after applying R500 T patch.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
11. Unable to render more cameras in the latest Intel I7-7700 processor machine. For 18 cameras its takes more
than 80% of rendering server CPU. Total machine CPU size is also displayed as110%.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
12. All the MAXPRO® NVR cameras stopped streaming in one of the machine with new GPU Rendering.
13. Following features and settings are not responding with new GPU Rendering technique.
Workaround: No workaround
14. New GPU rendering behavior is different in different machines based on the installed OS / Intel HD graphics
driver versions & External Card driver / Monitor connection [on-board & External card] / Processor / selected
salvo layout.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
15. Rendering performance will reduce in latest Intel I7-7700 / I7 8600 processor machine.
Workaround: None 15
16. After closing all the camera also rendering server memory is not released.Issue observed with 4K camera and
without 4K camera also.
Occurence: Rare
17. Few cameras are streaming in older GPU after camera is recovered from failover/failback scenarios.
Occurence: Rare
18. H.265 codec camera will not stream if primary monitor is connected to External Card if GPU rendering is
enabled on 32-bit OS.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
19. H.265 codec camera will not stream if GPU is disabled in 64-bit system when monitor is connected to on-
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
20. Sometime NEO Engine restarts because of NAS issue. When user restarts MMShell then NEO memory usage
up to around 1.4 GB
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
21. Sometime NEO CPU shoot-up & NEO restarts because of multiple pass folder issue.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
1. 3 to 5 seconds latency is observed in the live video for 4K camera model after enabling Anonymization fea-
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
2. Zoom in/Zoom out feature is working for Anonymization enabled cameras from Ultrakey keyboard.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
3. Unable to change the Anonymization Environment type in master VMS server and it is displaying Duplicate
Global ID miss-match error message.
Occurence: Frequently
Workaround: Error message will appear, but the configuration will be saved.
4. In the Video input tab Anonymization Environment selection options are not clear in MAXPRO® NVR and
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
Workaround: None
Workaround: None
2. If camera name contains more character then it is not displayed properly. It is confusing to the user when
playing alarms.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: No workaround
3. MMShell is moving to unresponsive state, during continuous search operation for clips and it is recovering
Occurence: Rare
4. Trinity system services crashed during long run in server machine which has 620 cameras.
Occurence: Always
5. Trinity system services memory increasing and connecting to clients will fail. Overall system operation
becomes slow a
Occurence: Always
Workaround: Need to restart the Trinity Server Service restart to bring the system to normal condition.
6. Speed Playback with 8x and 16x is not consistent and sometimes does not respond.
Occurence: Always
Workaround: None
7. Load Next option is not loading all the cameras all the time and its taking up to 10 sec to load cameras.
Occurence: Rare 17
8. Camera preview window, recorder name and other data is not loading in video inputs tab, after logging on as
new user for first time.
Occurence: Rare
9. In preference tab "Show Time stamp for live" option is not responding with New GPU rendering mode. But it
works with older GPU and CPU rendering modes.
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
Occurence: Rare
Workaround: None
Workaround: No workaround
Contact Information
Honeywell Security and Fire Americas (Head Office) Honeywell Security and Fire Northern Europe
2700 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Suite 150 Ampèrestraat 41
Louisville, KY 40299, USA 1446 TR Purmerend, The Netherlands
+1 800 323 4576 +31 (0) 299 410 200
Honeywell Security and Fire Europe/South Africa Honeywell Security and Fire Deutschland
Aston Fields Road, Whitehouse Industrial Estate Johannes-Mauthe-Straße 14
Runcorn, WA7 3DL, United Kingdom D-72458 Albstadt, Germany
+44 (0) 1928 754 028 +49 (0) 7431 801-0
Honeywell Security and Fire Americas Honeywell Security and Fire France
Caribbean/Latin America Immeuble Lavoisier
9315 NW 112th Ave. Parc de Haute Technologie
Miami, FL 33178, USA 3-7 rue Georges Besse 92160 Antony, France
+1 305 805 8188
+33 (0) 1 40 96 20 50
Honeywell Security and Fire Italia SpA
Honeywell Security and Fire Pacific
Via della Resistenza 53/59
Level 3, 2 Richardson Place
20090 Buccinasco
North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia
Milan, Italy
+61 2 9353 7000
+39 (0) 2 4888 051
Honeywell Security and Fire Asia Honeywell Security and Fire España
35F Tower A, City Center, 100 Zun Yi Road Avenida de Italia, n° 7, 2a planta
Shanghai 200051, China C.T. Coslada 28821 Coslada, Madrid, Spain
+86 21 5257 4568
+34 902 667 800
Honeywell Security and Fire Middle East/N. Africa Honeywell Security & Fire Pacific
Emaar Business Park, Sheikh Zayed Road Unit 5, 24-28 River Rd West,
Building No. 2, Office No. 30 Parramatta NSW - 2150, Australia
Post Office Box 232362
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+971 (0) 4 450 5800 Ph: 1800 220 345
+1 800 323 4576 (North America only) +44 (0) 1928 754 028 (Europe only)
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