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Research topic: Effects of classroom environment

Title: Effects of classroom environment to academic performance of students in grade 9-10 students in

A Research Presented to

Don Agustin F. Escaño National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject


January 2023

Althea Angel Capecenio

Irish Abarca

Sofia Bianca Layo

Chapter 1


1. Background of the study

In today's society, schools are being held accountable for every aspect of students achievement
"effective classroom management which begins with efficient lesson planning preparation, helps
teacher to teach and students to learn "(Brannon, 2010). As the teachers manage the classroom it
should be prepared through lesson planning to organize well the environment. Ever since the face
to face classes started students performance are getting inferior; they get used of doing modular
learning back then and the classroom environment are more focusing on written performance.
Classroom environment is a critical part of effective instruction”. “Students thrive in a positive class
climate and an environment in which they feel safe, cared for and involved”. “From a student
perspective, effective Classroom environment provides students with opportunities to socialize while
learning interesting content”. “From a teacher perspective, effective classroom management involves
preventive discipline and interesting instruction”(Suleman & Hussain, 2014). “Similarly, Classroom
environment is important because it keeps students motivated to continue their work, provides
appropriate instruction and feedback, and managing student work and it can keep disruptive behaviors
down to a minimum”(Clunies‐Ross, Little, & Kienhuis, 2008).

Although effective classroom environment produces a variety of positive outcomes for students,
according to a survey of pre-k through grade 12 teachers conducted by APA (2006), teachers
report a lack of support in implementing classroom environments strategies. Chaotic classroom
environments are large issue for teachers and can contribute to high teacher stress and burnout
rates. Therefore it is important to use effective classroom environment strategies at universal level
in a tiered model, as they serve as both prevention and intervention methods that promote
positive outcomes for students. The purpose of education is to provide a safe and friendly
environment in order for learning to take place”. “Therefore teachers should know how to use
and apply strategies that will allow and also help students to learn” (Suleman, Hussain, & Akhtar,

1.1 Statement of the problem

This study generally aims to the effects of the classroom environment to academic performance
of grade 9-10 stdents in dafenhs. Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:
•Is there any significant relationship between teaching strategy and effects of classroom

environment to academic performance of the students?

•What is the the effects of the classroom environment to academic performance of grade

9-10 students?

•What are the strategies applied by the teacher during teaching sessions?

•What are the effects of the teaching strategy to the student’s in classroom environment?

1.3. Significance of the study

The relevance of this study would contribute to the following variables:

•Teachers: This study contains some cited things that is needed such as how to enhance

the skills of the students, how do teachers handle her class and how does teaching

strategy be a reason of the effects on classroom environment to academic performance of

the students.

•Other researcher: This study will help other researcher to know that somehow the range

of rate of the skills of every students.

•Students: In addition to the students who’s planning to conduct a research study, this

will also help them to be used as their related study if they perform about classroom

environment in academic performance issue of the students.

Chapter 2

This chapter will explore the significance of teacher’s teaching strategy in education

system, factors affecting the performance of the students regarding to the use of the

strategies and how does the teacher and student could effect of each other’s

performance. This chapter also will show the theoretical and conceptual framework of

the study, the hypothesis and the definition of terms.

The system of education in this year 2020-2021 has brought a big impact to the

students, especially to the young ones. Teacher is the pivot of education system. Their

knowledge and understanding of one’s capability and average level of learning are the

basic of making decisions about and using appropriate instructional strategies and

techniques. According to Vavral (2013, p.5) the competent teacher is “one who

effectively and efficiently accomplishes a task (instructs) in a given context (in

classroom) using appropriate knowledge, skills attitudes and abilities that have adjusted

and developed with time and needs.” When it comes to elementary students’ teacher

must possess such ideal attitude to deal with them, they were only young one and just

needed to learn yet. Teaching is not an easy task but then it is a should and they ought

to show their best to teach the students very well.

Students, on the other hand, they come to school and get inside to their respective


Teacher develops teacher-student interaction in respectful, appreciative,

encouraging, disciplined, approachable, and comprehensive environment. Teachers use

variety of methods motivational techniques, models, pedagogical skills by considering

resources, individual differences, etc. Teachers provide opportunity to experience

things, challenging tasks, self-learning visits to educational trips, and guide to develop

notes, interpretations, observation and experiments. Teachers plays a cooperative role

for students i.e. as a guide, facilitator, helper who tries her best to communicate

curriculum objectives and promote students cognitive; affective and psychomotor skills

in their existence.

2.2 Hypothesis

There is significant relationship between teaching strategy and reading competency to the

2.3 Definition of terms

Competency: An ability or skill. In this study competency is used to be the basis of how much
learnings does the student gets in their classroom environment

Effects: A change that results when something is done or happens. Effects was used to
determine the factors that making the students lost their focus in their studying and what is the causes
of it.

Strategy: A careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a

long period of time. Strategy was used in this study to be the main cause of how does the reading
competency of the students gets its rate.

Rate: The speed at which something happens over a particular period of time. This was used to be the
basis of how does the effect of classroom environment of the students going while conducting the

Range: A series of numbers that includes the highest and lowest possible amounts. In this study range
was used to be the measurement of the result of the conducted study.

Chapter 3

This chapter contains the method and procedure in this study. These includes the research
design, research environment, research respondents and sampling technique, research instrument, data
collection procedure and statistical analysis procedure.

3.1 Research Design

This study will utilize mixed-method of research. This research will use the mixed-method
research design, it is appropriate to the study in collecting necessary information about the present
existing status, issues and concerns in effects of classroom environment in grade 9-10 students and how
does teachers teaching strategy effects on it. The design will help the study how to provide evidences of
the conclusion that have been made about the issue and to discover the effects of a specific problem.

Mixed-Method serve in a studies is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. It is

advantageous in the sense that the strengths of one method can be used to fulfill the weakness of
another. Since it deals with statistical data and insights it provides sufficient evidences to support a

3.2 Research environment

This study was conducted in the Don Augustine F. Escaño. Which is located in rural area that contains a
countable students and teachers.

3.3 Research Respondents and Sampling technique

The respondents of this study is the Don Augustine F. Escaño students , specifically those
students who belongs to grade 9-10 level. The researcher needs the cooperation of the students, in
order to identify the what effects that the researcher looked for.

3.4 Research Instrument

The researcher used an interview guide questions for the chosen respondents. The first
questionnaire contains the personal information of the respondents. The second questionnaire contains
the questions that the researcher made for the respondents to support the prediction of the study that
there is significant relationship between the teachers teaching strategy and the reading competency of
the students. The third is that there is excerpt that the researcher prepared for the further elaboration
of the study.

3.5 Data Collection Procedure

The researcher did roam every classroom of the respondents of nine -ten grade students and
picked random samples of 10 to each population in different year level.

3.6 Statistical Analysis Procedure

The researcher determined the range rate of effects of classroom environment of the students
by using time and minutes, observation and elaboration by providing sheets to the respondents and
uses the simple random technique to choose a respondent.

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