Guide To STEM Majors

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Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


This guide is meant to be an introduction to the diverse STEM courses possible, and introduces both new and traditional
majors within the STEM fields. Given the rapid changes in the field, many interdisciplinary courses are now possible, and
beyond university, a degree in a STEM field also opens a diverse range of career options, given the wide applicability of
the sciences and transferability of skills learnt.

In this guide, references to universities and their courses are made, to introduce students to some of the real options out
there. It should be noted that most US universities will offer coursework in all these majors, however they will be on a
liberal arts basis, which means that students largely specialize from their 2nd year onwards only. For universities with a
core curriculum, it also means that approximately 1/3 of what is studied is in the major, with the rest being core and
elective modules. What is mentioned in this guide is of course, non-exhaustive, and is meant to give a snapshot as to just
some of the real possibilities out there.

There are also fellow guides to the arts and business-relaed majors available in IVY HEO. Take time to check them out!

If you are keen on…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jump right ahead to page

1. Biology………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
2. Chemistry……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
3. Physics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
4. Mathematics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
5. Computer Science………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
6. Engineering………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
7. Geosciences…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15
8. Pharmaceutical Science……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Biology encompasses a broad and diverse area of specialist subjects
linked to the study of living organisms and the science behind ‘life’. What
is life? How do organisms survive at the molecular, cellular and
anatomical levels? What is the ecological inter-relationship between each
organism? Studying Biology helps to understand the answers to these

A degree in a biology course helps you develop general laboratory skills

and organisational skills, and the ability to confidently analyse and draw
conclusions from complex data sets. You will also gain an understanding of scientific literature and how to use it, and
how to present findings in written and spoken form, to an acceptable academic standard.

This degree allows you to pursue career paths such as teaching and research, and new interdisciplinary careers in up-
and-coming areas such as bioinformatics and biomedical engineering. Transferable skills taught are also applicable in a
broad range of generalist career fields, such as in the management & financial sectors and human resources.


Most biology courses will have common core modules in the first year focusing on topics such as cell and gene theory,
molecular biology, physiology. After establishing some basic understanding of the core principles of biology, you will be
able to choose an area to specialise in. Possible areas include anatomy, cell and molecular biology, computational biology,
ecology and evolution, environmental biology, genetics, marine biology, microbiology, physiology and zoology.

As a biology student, you should expect to attend lectures with accompanying practical work and report write-ups. For
areas like cellular biology and genetics, practical work is likely to be lab-based, while ecology or environmental biology
might involve more outdoor field work. Towards the end of your degree, you could have the option to undertake an
individual final-year research project under the guidance of university professors. Expect to gain lots of direct research
and field experience.


Biology is offered both at local and overseas universities and it can be taken as a major or minor, with different
specialisations. Examples of some degree courses are as follows:

Singapore Overseas
4-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) with Major in Life 3-year courses (Hons) at Imperial College London include:
Sciences at the National University of Singapore • BSc Biological Sciences, which focuses on the
study of living things and how they react to each
There is the option to pursue a specialisation in: other. In the second year, students study applied
• Biomedical Science, which focuses on human biology and genetics, and begin to specialise
health and diseases, and its goal of clinical through optional modules. This allows students
solutions. Students can choose to take modules the opportunity to select areas of interest.
such as Toxicology, Infection and Immunity,
Cancer Pharmacology.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021

• Molecular and Cell Biology, which focuses on • BSc Biotechnology, which focuses on
the fundamental physical, chemical and understanding how biochemical knowledge and
biological mechanisms of living organisms. processes can be applied to real-world situations.
Modules include Protein Engineering, Plant • BSc Biological Sciences/Biochemistry/
Growth and Development, Functional Biotechnology with Management
Genomics. In this course, the third year will be spent at Imperial
• Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity, which College Business School taking modules such as
focuses on their relevance and applications accounting, entrepreneurship and marketing, giving
towards evolutionary understanding and students the capacity to enter the business world.
environmental conservation. Modules include
Marine Biology, Urban Ecology, Freshwater All Biotechnology and Biochemistry students follow the
Biology. Many of these have field work same core modules for the first two years, including
components. biological chemistry, molecular biology, integrative cell
biology and genes and genomics.
There is also a 4-year Joint Degree Programme, the NUS
BSc (Hons) in Life Sciences with University of Dundee
(UoD) in Scotland, to be taught in NUS and UoD.

Life Sciences is also offered as a primary Major by Faculty

of Science for students enrolled in the College of
Humanities and Sciences (CHS), NUS.

4-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biological Sciences at 3-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) at University of College
Nanyang Technological University London

All students experience a compulsory bio-related From Year 2, students can either continue towards a
internship in Year 3, which prepares students for the degree in general Biological Sciences or choose from
working world and equips them with practical industry specialised degree routes such as Cell Biology, Biodiversity
knowledge. and Conservation, Genetics, and Zoology. This offers
students who are interested in Biology, but undecided at
There is also the option to pursue Biological Sciences with the start, the opportunity to explore in the first year before
a second major in: choosing their desired route of generalisation or
• Biomedical Structural Biology specialisation.
• Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology
• Food Science and Technology
• Psychology

4-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences 4-year courses are available at US universities such as:
and Biobusiness (Double Major) at Nanyang • Bachelor of Arts at University of Pennsylvania where
Technological University students can major in Biology while having the option
to specialise in Computational and Mathematical
This is conducted in collaboration with Copenhagen Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Molecular
Business School (CBS), Denmark and Nanyang Business and Cell Biology
School, NTU. Students will spend their Year 4, Semester 1 • Bachelor of Arts at University of California, Berkeley
in CBS, gaining valuable cross-country experience in this where students can major in Molecular and Cell
study-abroad opportunity. Biology
• Bachelor of Science at University of California,
5-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences Berkeley where students can major in Microbial
and Bachelor of Medicine in Chinese Medicine (Double Biology, Genetics and Plant Biology
Degree). In this niche specialization course, students will
spend 3 years in NTU and 2 years at the Beijing University
of Chinese Medicine.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Chemistry can be defined as the study of matter – what it is
composed of and its structure, properties, and how it reacts and
changes when exposed to different environments and conditions.
Chemistry is at the root of many cutting-edge scientific discoveries,
new processes and products.

A degree in a chemistry course helps you develop general laboratory

skills, problem solving and organisational skills, and the ability to
confidently analyse and draw conclusions from complex data sets.
You will also gain an understanding of scientific literature and how
to use it, and how to present findings in written and spoken form, to
an acceptable academic standard.

Besides a career in teaching or research, studying chemistry allows you to work in the chemical, manufacturing and
pharmaceutical industries, and related areas such as forensics, environmental protection and healthcare. The skills
acquired from a chemistry degree are also transferable for many other areas such as law and finance: for instance, a
student who obtains a chemistry Bachelors’ degree may go on to a post-graduate degree in Law, which opens up unique
career specialisations, such as in legal advisory for pharmaceutical MNCs. Careers in business management and public
policy are also possible beyond the first Chemistry-related job, due to the large impact this STEM major has on many
aspects of society and our lives, from food & water safety, to petroleum and other key chemicals, to environmental issues
and beyond, making the degree relevant to governmental policy-makers and businesses in the industry.


Most chemistry courses will have core modules in the first year focusing on the basic understanding of the fundamentals
of chemistry. Subsequently, you will be able to choose an area to specialise in which includes analytical chemistry,
physical chemistry, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.

As a chemistry major, you should expect to attend lectures with accompanying practical work and report write-ups. You
will spend a substantial amount of time on lab work, especially after your first year. Towards the end of your degree, you
could have the option to undertake a final research project, in which you gain valuable research or industry experience.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Chemistry is offered both at local and overseas universities and it can be taken as a major or minor, with different
specialisations. Examples of some degree courses are as follows:

Singapore Overseas
• 4-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) with Major in 3-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) with Major in Chemistry
Chemistry at National University of Singapore at Imperial College London

In Year 3 and 4, there is the option to pursue a

specialisation in various multidisciplinary subjects 4-year courses at Imperial College London include:
including up-and-coming areas such as nanotechnology, • Master in Science in Chemistry
medicinal chemistry, materials chemistry as well as • Master in Science in Chemistry with Medicinal
energy and environmental sciences. Chemistry
• 4-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) with double • Master in Science in Chemistry with Management
major in Chemistry and Food Science at National (final year will be spent in Imperial College
University of Singapore Business School taking modules such as
accounting, entrepreneurship and marketing).
• There is also a 4-year Joint Degree Programme, This opportunity opens the business route for
between NUS and the Australian National students, particularly for those who may not be
University (ANU) which leads to a BSc (Hons) in interested in a research career, but who like the
Chemistry from NUS and Bachelor of Philosophy subject itself.
(Hons) from ANU. Students will spend their
Semesters 4-6 at ANU.

• Chemistry is also offered as a primary Major by

Faculty of Science for students enrolled in the
College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS), NUS.

4-year courses at Nanyang Technological University 3-year courses (Hons), or 4-year direct Masters at
include: University of College London include:
• BSc (Hons) in Chemistry and Biological
Chemistry (with an option to specialise in • BSc Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry or Food Science and • BSc Medicinal Chemistry
Technology) • BSc or MSci Chemistry with Mathematics
• BSc (Hons) in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry • BSc or MSci Chemistry with Management Studies
with second major in Business (International
Trading) / Environmental Science / Food Science
and Technology With the last two options, students will broaden their
career possibilities. In Chemistry with Management
All students need to complete a chemistry-related Studies, optional modules offered include topics such as
Internship Programme in Year 3. Law for Managers, Corporate Finance and Mastering
Entrepreneurship—all of which give students an
understanding of the business world. For Chemistry with
Mathematics, modules taken will grant the capacity for
mathematical specialization, particularly in computational
chemistry, and also link to the interdisciplinary field of
physical chemistry. For instance, one of the MSci options
includes the module of Frontiers of Experimental Physical

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Physics is often described as the study of matter and energy, how they
relate and affect each other over time and through space. It is essentially
the study of the entire universe – from studying stars far beyond earth, to
explaining the shape of a water droplet.

A degree in a physics course helps you develop general research and

practical experimental skills, high advanced numeracy and the ability to
communicate complex ideas. You will also gain computer expertise,
advanced reasoning skills and an analytical approach to problem solving.
Besides a career in teaching or research, a physics degree allows you to pursue incredibly diverse jobs in a number of
other industries such as engineering, manufacturing, software development, finance, business and even media,
particularly new media.


Most physics courses will include a substantial amount of theoretical learning, complex mathematics and formulae,
alongside practical work and experimentation. First year studies will focus on the introductions to various essential
principles and laws, and fundamentals of classic and modern physics. Key topics include electricity and magnetism, space
and time, thermodynamics, quantum physics, relativity, geophysics, astronomy and fluid dynamics. Towards the latter
part of your degree, you will be able to choose an area to specialise in and may have the option to complete a research
project, where you can further your interest in a specific field of study.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Physics is offered both at local and overseas universities and it can be taken as a major or minor, with different
specialisations. Examples of some degree courses:

Singapore Overseas
• 4-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) with Major in 3-year (Hons) or 4-year Masters courses at Imperial
Physics at National University of Singapore College London include:
• BSc or MSci in Physics
In Year 4, students can choose to specialise in one of the • BSc or MSci in Physics and Theoretical Physics
following up-and-coming areas: Astrophysics (focuses on
Celestial Physics and Cosmology), Nanophysics (focuses All of Imperial’s Physics courses follow the same core
on materials with advanced functionalities) and Quantum curriculum for the first two years, giving students in-depth
Technologies (focuses on quantum mechanics). knowledge of the fields of Physics, Mathematics and
Experimental Methods. They are also professionally
• There is also a 4-year Joint Degree Programme, accredited, with the BSc courses partially satisfying the
between NUS and the Australian National academic requirement for professional registration as a
University (ANU) which leads to a BSc (Honours) Chartered Physicist (CPhys), whilst the MSci courses fully
in Physics from NUS and Bachelor of Philosophy satisfy the academic requirement for this professional
(Honours) from ANU. Students will spend their certification. In addition, students who complete the
Semesters 4-6 at ANU, giving students the Physics major at Imperial will receive the award of
opportunity for cross-country experience in this Associateship of the Royal College of Science (ARCS) upon
study-abroad programme. graduation.

• Physics is also offered as a primary Major by

Faculty of Science for students enrolled in the
College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS), NUS.

4-year courses at Nanyang Technological University 3-year courses (BSc) and 4-year MSci courses at University
include: of College London include:
• BSc (Hons) in Physics (with the option to
specialise in Nanotechnology) • BSc or MSci Physics
• BSc (Hons) in Applied Physics (with the option to • BSc or MSci Theoretical Physics
specialise in Nanotechnology, Optical • BSc or MSci Astrophysics
Technology, Semiconductor Technology or • BSc or MSci Medical Physics—a unique
Biophysics/ Medical Physics) specialization enabling students to enter a career
as a medical physicist, specializing in essential
Students in the Applied Physics programme start with medical areas such as diagnostics, MRI
fundamental courses in physics, and continue into radiography and physiological monitoring.
applied topics such as spintronics, nanotechnology and
laser physics.
For all the courses, the main distinction between the 3 and
• BSc (Hons) in Applied Physics with Second Major 4 year programmes are the additional, advanced modules
in Microelectronic Engineering studied in the 4th Masters year, all of which are optional
• BSc (Hons) in Physics and Mathematical Sciences choices, allowing students the opportunity to specialize
(Double Major) even further in their areas of interest. As well, the research
project is undertaken in the 4th year, which gives students
All students will complete the Internship Programme, the chance to work directly with their university professors
giving them industry exposure on top of academic on a select area of research.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Mathematics is the use of abstraction and logic to understand
systems, find patterns and explain phenomena in the real
world. It covers a broad spectrum of fields including traditional
areas of pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics,
and computer science.

A degree in a mathematics course helps you develop skills in

problem solving, conceptual thinking, dealing with abstract
concepts, modeling and quantitative reasoning.

Given the wide applicability of mathematics to our daily lives and industry, these skills learnt are applicable in a wide
range of fields and industries, from actuarial sciences, to finance and business, computing and beyond.


A typical undergraduate degree programme in Mathematics offers a wide range of modules, some of which are
multidisciplinary in nature. It usually consists of fundamental mathematical concepts in areas like algebra, differential
equations, geometry and topology, logic, calculus, number theory and combinatorics. Applied mathematics can include
areas like operation research and analytics, applied probability and fluid mechanics. Some courses also include history of
mathematics, financial modelling and computation, artificial intelligence and computer algorithms. You will be doing
problem-solving of mathematical problems, constructing theorems and proofs, and communicating or doing
presentations on mathematical ideas. It can be noted that due to the wide applicability of mathematics, many STEM and
even arts degrees often offer combined majors with Mathematics. For instance, double majors such as Physics and
Mathematics, or Economics with Mathematics, are possible degree options to be considered, apart from pure

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Mathematics is offered as an undergraduate degree both at local and overseas universities. It can be taken as a major or
minor, with different specialisations, such as in Quantitative Finance, or as a combination, for instance, Mathematics and
Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics. Examples of some degree courses are as follows:

Singapore Overseas
• 4-year BSc (Hons) with Major in Mathematics (MA) • 3-year BSc Mathematics & Economics at London
at National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Economics and Political Science (LSE):
There is the option to pursue specialisations in data This is a joint degree programme where you will
analytics and modelling, operations research and study roughly equal amounts of both subjects over
analytics, and pure mathematics. three years.
H2 F Math is highly recommended, given the
• 4-year BSc (Hons) with a Major in Statistics at NUS requirement for top mathematical skill.
Students have the option to pursue specialisations in
data science or/and finance and business statistics.

These options, particularly in analytics, data science and

modelling, are in demand globally, as the skills are
valuable to a wide range of companies and governments
in a diverse spectrum of businesses and policy-making,
being useful beyond academia.

Some of the 4-year undergraduate degree programmes • 3-year BSc and 4-year MSci Mathematics at
offered at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) are Imperial College London:
• BSc (Hons) in Mathematical Sciences Degrees are built around 4 core areas of study
There is the option to choose one of 4 tracks of study (Pure Math/ Applied Math & Mathematical
(Pure Math/ Applied Math/ Statistics Track/ Business Physics/ Mathematical Finance/ Statistics).
Analytics Track).
• BSc (Hons) in Mathematical Sciences with Minor in In the third year, students can choose from over 50
Finance different optional modules, allowing a unique chance
• BSc (Hons) in Mathematical and Computer Science to go deeply into specialization, or more broadly into
(Double Major) different areas in the Mathematics domain. The main
• BSc (Hons) in Physics and Mathematical Sciences difference between the 3-year BSc programme and the
(Double Major) 4-year MSci programme is the final year research
project which the latter offers.

• 4-year BSc (Hons) programme at College of 3-year BSc or 4-year MSci degree programmes offered
Humanities & Sciences (CHS) at National University by the Mathematics Department at University College
of Singapore (NUS) London (UCL) include:
You will do a common curriculum comprising 13
modules, and can choose Mathematics, or Statistics, • BSc/MSci Mathematics
or Data Literacy and Analytics as a minor. This liberal • BSc/MSci Mathematics with Economics
arts-based curriculum offers students the • BSc/MSci Mathematics with Management Studies
opportunity to specialize deeply into Mathematics, • BSc/MSci Mathematics with Modern Languages
or to be more versatile by combining it with a range • BSc/MSci Mathematics with Mathematical Physics
of other majors offered in the CHS. • BSc/MSci Mathematics and Physics
• BSc/MSci Mathematics and Statistical Science.

It can be seen that UCL specializes in interdisciplinary

courses, which helps their graduates gain industry-
readiness with 2 specializations. New majors such as
Mathematics with Modern Languages will appeal to
students with the capacity to do well in both arts and
sciences, and opens career possibilities in fields like
linguistics and ethnography.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Computer science covers the theory and application of information
and computation. The study of computer science involves working
with algorithms, databases, networks, or artificial intelligence to aid
the acquisition, processing, storage, communication of, and access
to information.

Common skills gained with a computer science degree include

specialist knowledge of computer science theories, an
understanding and application of a range of programming
languages, fundamentals of computer hardware as well as an understanding of computing software and design.

A degree in computer science offers rewarding possibilities in highly specialised areas such as IT consultancy, research,
database management, games development, and multimedia programming. You could also pursue careers in IT training,
teaching, journalism, or entrepreneurship. This is currently a degree that is in high demand, as the skills learnt are
applicable to a wide range of companies and even the work of governments.


The course typically focuses on creating links between theory and practice, and it covers a wide variety of software and
hardware technologies and their applications. There is a lot of emphasis on mathematics, in areas such as linear algebra,
probability, so a strong mathematical foundation is required. Other common topics may include an introduction to
computer systems and computer architecture, algorithm design and analysis, principles of functional programming, and
compilers. Some courses have an added component of project or design work or even an industrial attachment.


Computer Science is offered as an undergraduate degree both at local and overseas universities. There is the choice of
single, joint or double degree, and the possibility of doing a second major in diverse areas like Business Analytics,
Information Security or Entrepreneurship. Examples of some degree courses are as follows:

Singapore Overseas
• 4-year Direct Hons Degree B.Eng (Computer • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at Carnegie
Engineering) or B.Eng (Computer Science) at Mellon University (CMU):
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Students will only declare their majors at the middle of
In Year 3-4, you can specialise in one of the following the second semester. The School of Computer Science
tracks: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Data at CMU also offers bachelor’s degrees in artificial
Science & Analytics. intelligence, computational biology and human-
computer interaction. Interdisciplinary majors in
These are all majors which are in high demand currently, computer science and the arts, and music and
and are exciting sunrise industries to look into if you are technology are also available. These diverse options
keen on a Computer Science course. allow computing majors to design their own university
experience, marrying an interest in computing with a
different specialization.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021

• Bachelor of Engineering (Information Systems • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or Bachelor

Technology and Design) at Singapore University of of Science in Computational Media at Georgia
Technology & Design (SUTD) Institute of Technology College of Computing
Common freshmore subjects are taken in the first 3 The CS curriculum at Georgia Tech allows students to
terms. You can do a major in Information Systems combine regular computer science instruction with
Technology and Design (ISTD) after Term 3. ISTD classes related to particular areas of application (e.g.
integrates the traditional disciplines of Computer Intelligence, modeling and simulation, media) which is
Science and Information Systems. tailored to students’ interest and real-world
SUTD’s curriculum is designed to be more hands-on, and
often involves projects and industry experience, as the
focus of the syllabus is on practical applicability. It thus
suits students who wish to break away from the
traditional exam-centric mould.

4-year courses at Singapore Management University • 3-year B.Eng or 4-year M.Eng Computing at Imperial
(SMU) include: College London:

• BSc (Computer Science) at SMU, with a primary In the first 2 years, the focus is on laboratory work to
major in IT Solution Development, and a 2nd major solve problems on aspects of computing, which
option in IT Solution Management - increases in complexity as the course progresses. In
Internship is a mandatory degree requirement. the 3rd year, there is a full-time, paid industrial
• BSc (Information Systems) at SMU, with 1st major in placement, where students gain the opportunity for
Smart-City Management and Technology, and a 2nd industry exposure.
major option in Computing Studies (Artificial
Intelligence, Cybersecurity, or Cyber-Physical Apart from the degrees that students are awarded
Systems track) with, upon graduation, they will also be awarded with
• BSc (Computing and Law) the Associateship of the City and Guilds of London
Students can fast-track to Juris Doctor Programme Institution (ACGI).
(subject to students meeting the eligibility criteria
for enrolment in the SMU Juris Doctor programmed
offered by the SMU School of Law)

• 4-year Direct Hons Degree Bachelor of Science

(Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game
Development) at Singapore Institute of Technology

This degree programme is jointly offered by SIT and

the acclaimed DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Students will focus on areas of study that include
artificial intelligence, game design, UI/UX design.
There is also a mandatory Overseas Immersion
Programme at DigiPen Institute of Technology’s U.S
campus in Redmond, Washington.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Engineering is about the designing, testing and making of engines, machines,
structures and systems, to solve real-world problems using a combination of
science and math principles. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines
including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical & computer,
environmental, materials, mechanical, and even in nuclear science.

Skills acquired include knowledge in both the broad foundations of

engineering as well as in the specific discipline, specialized technical know-
how such as the ability to apply innovative technologies to novel situations,
or to come up with useful products and soft skills such as in project
management and communications.

An engineering degree allows you to pursue wide and varied professions in management, business, consultancy, urban
planning, apart from the career most relevant to your engineering specialization and related skills.


There is a lot of emphasis on hands-on exploration and experimentation in engineering courses. Given the applied nature
of engineering, some courses require the completion of an industrial experience or internship as part of fulfilling the
requirements of the programme. Topics in most engineering courses include mathematics, physics, machine learning,
structures and mechanics, design, and systems thinking. Many courses also include an enterprise and business angle,
with considerations of ethics, sustainability and the law.


Engineering is offered as an undergraduate degree both at local and overseas universities with a rich array of
multidisciplinary programmes and specialisations. For local universities, the focus is on specialization and industry
readiness: students invariably study a common curriculum for the first few years, before going deep into their chosen
specialisations in later years. Joint and concurrent degree programmes are also available. Examples of some degree
courses are as follows:

Singapore Overseas
• There are ten 4-year undergraduate Bachelor of • 4-year Masters of Engineering (M.Eng) courses are
Engineering (BEng) programmes leading directly to possible at Imperial College London. There is a broad
an honours degree at National University of spectrum of specialisations possible, ranging from
Singapore (NUS) Engineering. Aeronautical Engineering, to Electrical and Electronic
In Years 1-2, common modules are taken, while Year Engineering, to Biomedical Engineering and even
3 is an Internship or overseas exchange, and Year 4 Design Engineering
is a Final Year Project. There are also some University
General Education modules or unrestricted elective All of Imperial’s Engineering courses are accredited by
modules to fulfil. their relevant professional bodies, and graduates
• Double degree programmes are available too, with automatically gain exemption on the first stage of the
popular pairings that include Engineering & Business professional accreditation process of being recognized as
Administration, Engineering & Economics.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021

• Concurrent degree programme, where you can a full Chartered Engineer by the Engineering Council of
pursue a BEng degree and MSc (Management) from the UK.
NUS Business School. You can graduate in 4-and-a-
half to 5 years once you are enrolled in this

• There are twelve single degree programmes at • Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing & Design
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) College of Engineering from Northwestern University’s
Engineering (CoE), leading to a Bachelor of McCormick School of Engineering
Engineering, or Bachelor of Science (Maritime The concept of whole-brain engineering – thinking
Studies) or Bachelor of Science (Data Science and and working across disciplines runs through all of
Artificial Intelligence). McCormick’s degree programmes. 3 key areas are
At CoE, research forms an integral part of students’ integrated, namely design, entrepreneurship and
education. In team projects or formal programmes leadership. Through this, students develop technical
like Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus skills and complementary creative thinking,
(URECA), students gain hands-on research preparing them to work across fields and think
experience into designing and managing projects. across disciplines. Across the 4 years, there are core
• The flagship Renaissance Engineering Programme modules, course requirements specific to the
(REP): a highly selective 4 and a half years dual- discipline, a capstone design project, technical
degree programme leading to a Bachelor of electives, and social-sciences/humanities courses to
Engineering Science & Master of Science in take, giving students breadth and depth of exposure.
Technology Management at NTU
Students get to choose their specialization in Year 2,
and do Year 3 overseas at an overseas partner

• 4-year Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Product • At University of Toronto (U of T) Engineering, there

Development) at Singapore University of are two pathways to choose from (either Core
Technology & Design (SUTD) Programs or Engineering Science) with students in
At SUTD, the emphasis is on applying design theories the former graduating with a Bachelor of Applied
and principles to addressing societal needs. Science, and those in the latter with Bachelor of
Common Freshmore subjects will be taken in the Applied Science in Engineering Science.
first three terms, with majors selected after Term 3. As part of the U of T Engineering experience,
The EPD pillar allows you to do specialisations in students will gain a minimum of 600 hours of
areas like mechanical engineering, robotics, and practical experience, giving students valuable
healthcare engineering design. In your graduating practical and industry experience even before
year, you will do a capstone project, collaborating graduation.
with students from different majors to solve real-
world challenges from industry partners.
• 4-year Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Systems
& Design) at SUTD
The ESD pillar allows you to choose one of five tracks
(Business Analytics and Operation Research/
Financial Services/ Supply Chain & Logistics/ Urban
Infrastructure Systems/ Aviation)

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Geosciences or Earth Science includes all fields of natural science related
to planet Earth. It focuses on understanding the fundamental processes
that occur on the Earth’s surface down to the planet’s deep interior. It is
an interdisciplinary subject that spans areas such as geophysics,
environmental geology, natural resources geoscience and engineering.

You will learn to answer fundamental questions about the origin,

development and future of the Earth. Throughout the programme, you will
develop observable, quantitative and analytical skills to think critically
about questions involving Earth and other planets. You will also be trained
in the skills required for the interpretation of geological phenomena, as well as applying theory from other disciplines to
the study of the Earth and the environment.

This will prepare you well for a diverse range of careers, from immediately relevant professions in geological and
environmental consulting, to related fields of urban planning, law, research, teaching and other professions in which an
understanding of the Earth and a background in Science are important.


You can expect a balance between theory and practice, including a variety of learning opportunities such as laboratory
sessions, internships and field trips. Typical courses will cover fundamentals of geology, geophysics, geochemistry,
geobiology, and specific areas like oceanography, volcanology, palaeobiology, climate, earth structure and materials. In
your final year for some courses, you might need to complete an independent field course/study and research project in
an area of your choice.


Geosciences is offered as an undergraduate degree both at local and overseas universities with a broad array of
multidisciplinary programmes and specialisations. Examples of some degree courses are as follows:

Singapore Overseas
• 4-year Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Hons) There are three 3-year courses offered at Imperial College
Cross-Disciplinary Degree Programme (XDP) at London:
National University of Singapore • BSc Geology, which focuses on the study of the Earth
The programme adopts an interdisciplinary and and how its interior, surface and atmosphere
broad-based approach to effectively address interact. Students on Geology courses will have the
national, regional and global environmental opportunity to spend six weeks mapping the geology
challenges. These include over-exploitation, of areas unique to the region, such as the Greek
pollution, climate change, land and water use, Cyclades, Pyrenees and French Alps.
habitat degradation, and the building of liveable • BSc Geophysics, which is about applying
high-density cities. mathematical and physical laws to the study of the
Earth. You can choose modules from specialist areas
such as marine geophysics, volcanism and tectonics.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021

Students in the College of Humanities and Sciences • BSc Earth and Planetary Science, which focuses on
(CHS) can also opt to read a second major in Life geological and geophysical processes in the Solar
Sciences or Geography. System. You will specialize in your third year, in
modules that include astrobiology, planetary physics,
collisions and craters.

• Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Environmental Earth • BSc (Hons) in Geography and Environmental Science
Systems Science at The Asian School of the at King’s College London
Environment, Nanyang Technological University This course covers Physical Geography, the
Within the major, there are three specialisations: Environment, Geocomputation and Spatial Data
Geosciences (focuses mainly on the solid Earth), Science as well as interactions with Development,
Society and the Earth System (focuses on how Urban and Cultural Geography. In the first year, there
humans interact with the environment), Ecology & is a field trip to Spain, and in the second year, to other
Ecosystems (focuses on the biological and countries like USA and Cape Town, offering students
environmental aspects of life on Earth). the chance for real, immersive learning beyond the
Students participate in a 2 weeks introductory field geography of Europe. This programme has been
course in Bali after their first year of study. Advanced accredited by the Royal Geographical Society (with
students have opportunities to participate in longer IBG). Accredited degree programmes contain a solid
field courses abroad in places like Malaysia, Taiwan, academic foundation in geographical knowledge and
Sri Lanka or California. skills, and prepare graduates to address the needs of
• Double Major Programme – Environmental Earth the world beyond higher education.
System Science and Public Policy and Global Affairs:
Students admitted to this multidisciplinary course
will develop a strong background in quantitative
environmental earth systems science and
communication, public affairs, and international

• The College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA)

at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor awards three
basic degrees: the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of
Science, and the Bachelor of General Studies. The
type of degree you graduate with is dependent on
your choice of courses, and subject to you meeting
the specific degree requirements.

You can choose to do a Major in Earth and Environmental

Sciences (where you will receive a broad foundation in
natural and physical sciences related to environmental
and Earth sciences). There are prerequisites, and students
choosing this will take core courses on the physical,
chemical and biologic processes relevant to the present
form, and evolution of the Earth.
Students will choose four courses from core course
options, which includes Earth Surface and Sediments,
Geobiology, Climate and Climate Change, Earth Structure,
Environmental Geochemistry.
The Earth and Environmental Sciences major requires
students to complete a field-based course at Camp Davis,
Wyoming, where students learn how to collect and
interpret Earth and Environmental science data.

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021


Pharmaceutical science belongs to a branch of science that consists of a
range of scientific subjects such as Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics,
Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmaceutical Technology. These subjects
involve various aspects of pharmaceutical substances that are used to
manufacture medicinal products. Pharmaceutical science forms the
foundational scientific basis of the physical, chemical, biological and the
biomedical aspects of drug properties and actions.

A degree in pharmaceutical science helps you develop laboratory and general research skills, and the ability to analyse
complex sets of data. You will also learn how to confidently present and communicate findings in written and spoken
form, and gain an in-depth understanding of drug discovery and development, as well as a mastery of the regulatory and
commercial environment in the pharmaceutical industry.

A degree which is in perennial industry demand, this course allows you to pursue career paths such as research and
development, manufacturing, sales and marketing, regulatory affairs, quality management and clinical trial management.
Transferable skills acquired are also applicable outside the pharmaceutical industry such as biotechnology, consumer
healthcare, patenting and licensing. This course also opens the possibility of an MD in Medicine in future.


The first few years of the course typically focus on foundation studies in bioorganic and medicinal chemistry and human
medical sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology), which will underpin studies in pharmaceutical
science. Pharmaceutical science covering key aspects of the drug discovery and development process will be taught with
core topics in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis and formulation science. You will also acquire
quantitative and computational science knowledge in biostatistics and bioinformatics. Towards the latter part of your
degree, you may have the opportunity to undertake a research project and participate in industry internships so that you
get to integrate your learning with the real world.


Pharmaceutical science is offered both at local and overseas universities. Most UK universities offer a degree in
Pharmacology (the study of how drugs can affect the body) instead. Examples of some degree courses:

Singapore Overseas
• 4-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) with Major in • 3-year BSc or 4-year MSci in Pharmacology at
Pharmaceutical Science at National University of University of College London
Singapore (offered under the College of Humanities
and Sciences (CHS)) Students will study modules that cover areas of physiology,
chemistry, neuroscience, biochemistry, and genetics that
Students will be equipped to address complex eventually enable them to work in the pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical problems through integrated knowledge industry involving drug safety, research, sales and patent
of pharmaceutical chemistry, biology, formulation law.
science, technology and regulatory sciences. There are
wide-ranging experiential learning opportunities that In the final year, students will have the opportunity to join
enhance readiness for the real world, such as industry a world-leading research team to carry out their own
internships, research attachments and overseas research project, and work side-by-side with scientists in
exchange programmes. the field. These opportunities provide invaluable learning

Higher Education Office, Raffles Institution, April 2021

In the 3rd and 4th years, students are free to choose experiences which will be useful when students embark on
elective modules in more specialised areas of study (e.g. their careers.
special drug delivery, applied pharmacokinetics and For students who want to pursue careers or further study
toxicokinetics) which address challenging and emerging in pharmacology or related disciplines, they have the
areas in the pharmaceutical industry today. option of applying to transfer to the 4-year MSci
Pharmacology course at the end of year two. The MSci
Students can also undertake a final year research project course offers the opportunity to read more advanced
under supervision by the department faculty members or modules such as Molecular Basis of Neuropsychiatric
industry partners. This will allow students to explore Disorders, Cancer Biology and Stem Cells and Regenerative
interesting and novel scientific or real-world issues and Medicine.
gain invaluable research experience. Students may have
the opportunity to showcase and present their research
work in local or even international conferences.
Note: The NUS Pharmaceutical Science programme will
not delve into clinical practice and does not lead to
licensing as a pharmacist.

• 4-year Bachelor of Engineering with a Second Major • 3-year BSc (Hons) or 4-year MSci in Pharmacology
in Pharmaceutical Engineering at Nanyang at University of Manchester
Technological University
Both courses follow the same core curriculum for the first
There are 2 programmes to choose from, namely, two years, giving students in-depth knowledge of
• Bioengineering with a Second Major in molecular biology, chemistry, physiology and
Pharmaceutical Engineering where students in neuroscience. Students will also examine both the actions
this unique programme will receive in-depth of current drugs and the development of new drugs
training in the development and manufacturing throughout the course.
of pharmaceutical drugs to produce high-value
and high-quality biological-based therapeutics. The MSci course gives students a significant research
• Materials Engineering with a Second Major in experience that will be invaluable for a PhD and a career
Pharmaceutical Engineering which trains in research. It also has Advanced Accreditation from
students in biomaterials, drug delivery, tissue the Royal Society of Biology, which recognises academic
engineering and other pharmaceutical-related excellence in the biosciences. In recognition of this, a
subjects. Graduates of the programme can look graduate of an advanced accredited course can apply for
forward to working at the nexus of membership of the Royal Society of Biology at Member
pharmaceutical engineering and materials (MRSB) level after just two years of practice, rather than
engineering to create innovative new the usual three. These graduates can attain the
therapeutics and formulations. qualifications of Chartered Biologist or Chartered Scientist
one year sooner than graduates from other courses.

• 4-year BSc in Pharmacology at University of


In years 1 and 2, the main theme of study is biomedical

sciences. In year 3, students will take a combination of
compulsory and optional courses that broaden their
understanding of their chosen subject. In the final year,
students will have the option to complete a major research
project with individual support from a supervisor. This
allows students to further their interest in a specific field
of study and gain valuable research experience and skills.


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